■'iuihsTlaiij I- h.1,1 • ■iulii T llvxt uii 'V’iluiirh J‘!. r.sur.' i„ vi.-u^ I'l-riuii '■‘■'i t' Umkf und Hit} t. juiil,. ►liV pn-M thi r ( uinjt.^ »■ r ;»,! I • ‘ U . f 1? • 't HI -' > 111 ■ ■ *fl. , '■ Ili. vt Ui; Hf'. ll.-t: , i It II ■t th. ti ll Ik I •‘‘P ■ C :nij X? !■; "I'a ■■ ■- ■ » r _\ ■ ■ - . Ns : i -t .ui l! I I.rT . r ll.ev wu\ ^ I'^.L t:. ■li !i •II f- r I lie |.re- i av >• t'> A ! K, N ' , I * \ N ■ Kl., ■' '•-V, 1 . IN. ;Ll AN, \N. Kv- ■j : river- *- ••ITfi. r! •-•• *■ 'ht- n’. 1 site* .. r..., .. ;N' 'N V/.V* f i ti iJic ice* ‘ tut ror-.', 'i'-'; 1 ■; -'i .•■ !■ -.t'i.':; 'i: It-, IS c' ■! =■ i r '- rr-1 t..' Ti,.-' l.’.S f” ■v.itll- C . 1 - ' 1 i-jo In . fl - :: .• •; •! ti.e t’. ,. 1 ‘ ti =' i' r 1 T L ' ‘-T *•’ [ • ih n. ‘ : ij k/‘ « ' f 1 : a. to u ^ ...c'. nro 1 .■ h , ) ; ‘.ft t ' ■ : : ti(‘ i i:V D" .*4 ^ T « A a.’lv r if : • •• - . u ' - ^ - w::li !:.i .. I ,■'( in • '-IK I! ■ h- ■ at'k^lonr. 1:1: lilO j Vlll of . , ■ \' 'K.-l, in*‘r:t. a; V V -‘-S H( Lan, . ..f All c«, Ht- 1, •; 1 For turther Ht LittU' LI \1, K I SN' 'N >4i* -,'i i}it>rp , , F’r?- . ; CuUn* r-j-ne SEMI-WEEKLY. i . i\.l FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., OCTOBER ‘20, ISfif). [NO. SoO.] ' M>iM>\VS \M* TUl'KSUAVS r \KI> .f. H\LE & vSOX, I m:s wr rii'TUiKToHs :■ Wi-ck’^ OusKK\KR $8 (H.» if paiil in : ilnriiir the veiir of subscrip- tl:.' yoar ): i' ‘SpiriHl. I r.VK»; IX* ]>or :iuiiuiu, if paid in ^ ’t jiMiil iluriti^ the year of subscrip- I'v fho vt'sir ti I-* oxpiroil. ,ri^' \1I'.N'TS iiisi'vtod fyi CO cents per - tor i'm> tiv-if. iiuil :?0 oeiit« for eiich ' > I'i.iii. Vi'arly ;i'lvcrtiseiiients> by spe- ;(l r-VHIfS. All VtJI't istTS UVe . . :' !• imiiilior ot' iii-^iTiilesireil. or i- l t'1l ! .ihi.l. cliargoil accoril- • t ■ 1>e iiioi'ti'd charged Otl per -i-Ki ! W NoTK'l il iif. II : li iiue 1 'i "I* ]i.iy!tii'iii in t’ a iu“W siil'-^i'i iber :i'lv:inco. nor will • fiT a lointer time :ii ilo'iie til take the pa- ■ iM- iiMiil’y us wlien making IIft. , UcL,. • ?fr A'.f \\ I Attorney at Law, j 1'\' K.TrKx n.i.F. N. (V j .1 'I;,- (%-nity :uil Su].i>rior ('ourts of ' I.. I, ll:iriiiM:, Mr.cro .iiid I’.obe'on ('oiin-j ; n criven to tiie collection of all | ' 1 lii.' haiiil^. o8-tf (il-IMKTXEUMllP. liuBiiuon *%'##!iT/#, ;ie l\vitl. luys.-lf.Mr, MICIIAKL , ! .Hi fXj'Ci il'iiL'e of tive year-; in • . ; I.- fi;y "! New Y'>rk, and - ■ ' vi:'.. ■•V'-;y dei’artiiient ihere- I . iii' Vea.'t d iaoility in piir- iU' gOO^ls will bo ’ . . ■ v'ln enabled to !>ell v.m I the ci’inmunity nt ~ :i i':v . i;i ^>e b*iu>rln in the A. McKiM.MlKN. 1 NUlllMMUN Mlc'H\K.L 'MITH. ii\il FILL M’OILOl'Tl 1859. II. i;i i:. J. KIVEU. MLLV a lurire and desirable ! 1 ^ . Clr> llat«i. Itootv X: k‘a«lv-iii:i(U‘ ( lotliiii^, &:c., 'cb ’od wiih iiiiiclt care by laie of : ' Ilf otrer*”! at b>w jirices. at wholesale wiii 'C lilL‘d wiili care. SECOJVn STOCK. STARR & WILLIAMS. 1MPUUTEK8 & JOBBERS OF FIIREIGV ;\.\|) UOMESTIt' DRV GOODS, Hatw, €'a|>w, Boot;(, ^lioes., I'mbrel- l:iK and Keacly-^'^ade V\ Esr Esi> Fayktteville Hotel Bcildino. VllK now receiving their SE(}OND PURCHASE of (ioods for this season. Thin .stock is large, and well worthy the atteutiou of buyers, who are invited to call and examine for themselves. •I. H. STARK. J, M. WILLIAMS. Kayeiteville. Oct'rl-'>, I8i>9 o7- R«»BFKT H. C'OWA.^, Gettertti Cotmuission ^IMerrhant, WlLMLNirroN, N. (’. (hfioe South Corner Market and Water streets, iip-Rtairs. Oct. l;{, ’i8r>H. 57-1V .\olicf—.lie^roes Waiifed. ^pO the fartners and citizens of the Counties cf Duplin, ’ I Wayne. Johnston. Harnett. Moore, (’uuiberland, Kiibeson. Bladen, ('olumbtis. Brunswick. New Hanover, | and .'anipson: j Tlie subscriber being desirous of purcha.«ing a num ber c'f Likely Young NECiROES, of all classes and des criptions, avails himself of this method of informing tlnwe who may have such property to dispose of, that they would «io well to visit me at home, or address me at Clinton, N. C. — for which they shall receive a visit. Negroes wanted from this time till the 1st of March ISiiU, for the Mobile and New Orleans markets, for whom the highest prices will be paid. EVERETT PETEK.‘ON. Oct’r 13, 1859. oT-om ]>lore Xew Oood!$! {AM just receiving my Spring Stock of Goods in iny line. They were selected in the Northern cities by myself, with great care, and bought on the most reason able terms, by which 1 am enabled to oti'er the largest slock 1 ever before ottered to the public, and to offer them generally At Greally Kediiced Prices. FRUITS—Raisins. Figs, Prunes, .\pples. Lemons, Or anges, ('herries. ('urrants, &c. PICKLES, JELLIES AND PRESERVES—a great va riety: PEKFI'>!ER1ES AND EXTRACTS of various kinds; FANCY SOAPS AND PO.MADES: Ml’Slt’AL INSTRUMENTS—Fiddles, L)rums, Fife.s, Flutes, Banjos, Guitars, Ac.; \V.\LKING C.VNE.''—of everv kind; BASKETS AND WlLLoW WARE; HUBBY HORSES, .ic.; NUTS; FINE ANl‘ ''OM MoN CANDIES: SARDINES; FINE ('IGARS; SMOKING .V CHEWING TOBACCO; CRACKERS; FINE POCKET KNIVES; large assortment of P0RT-MON.\lES, some very nice; FANCY ENVELOPES, and FANCY GOODS, ToYS and YANKEE NOTIONS; An assoriment of INDI.V RUBBER GOODS: COMBS, WHIPS, FISHING TACKLE. The public are respecifully invited to call and ex amine uiy slock. I have a great many hanilsome things that cannot fail to please. JAS. R. LEE, Hotel Building. March 31, 1850 1- €loiliins*S Clothing:!! A Fresh Supply for the Trade of 1859. H. W. HORNE, .f TT4P !• .# T M ay be found ai ilie Ottiee il’ Wm. B. Wright, Ebi.. near the ('diirf House. ‘J8-1Y I JOSEPH r.AKKll, Jk„ XT 1' \ K 1 1 r I. A W , H as taken an otlice next iLiovin Wiu. B. Wright’s Law Office on (ireen Street, lie will attend and practice in the ('ounty and SiijH-rior Courts of Ciimberlaml, Bladen, Robeson and S impson. in ■ml!,: r9tf I*. .1. AUoriiey and Coiiiisellor at Law, FA^ ETTEVILI.K. N. C., ll'^ILL practice in the Courts of Robeson, ('’umberhtnd, \y Harnett ami Richmond 6"-^ Prompt attention given to all business entrusted lo hin. Feb’y 5, 185'i 8t»- .ioii\ p. 11 i.li:k, Attorney and roiiiisellor at Law, WIT.r. I‘l! ACTK'f IX TttK roTHTS OF Kobosoii, riiiiibcrlaiid, Columbus and Kladeii. Otbee at Lumltertoii. Rolieson (’o., N. C. DlIATAf. \OTI4'E. R. S(’OTT offers his professional sei-vioes lo the community, and may tie seen nt his oliice, two doors East of the .Market. Sept. 5, 1859. 4>tf R. J. DAVIS htiviug decided on pevnia nenily locating in tlieTown ol Fayette ville, respectfully offers his services to the citizens of this place and surr mnding country. In all the various branches of his Profession, including tiie manufacture of Mineral T eili, he i- satisfied, after an extensive experience, to which is added a t!ii>rongh Den tal education, that lie can give eniire saiisfaction as far as is in the power of Dentistry. All irregularities of the Teeth treatvd in a jiroper and can-fiil manner, as well as diseases of the mouth. None but the proper mct.-ils are made use of in the various operaiions. V'liarges will l>e moilerate. that tiie benetiisof ilie Profession may be jilaced within the reach of :ill who may feel an interest in the preservation of llie Teeth. Office over Houston's .lewelry Store, where he inav be found at all times. May 10, 1858. 9tf R. Hr. FKA>K WILLI\MS*S HVE WHISKEY. MITCH F.LL has tiiad.- riiTaiigementv with Dr. July 5. Ih'i'.i -»9tf WtlKTil cV I Tl.l^:v, Forwarding and ienerai Commission Merchants, FatfcUerUle^ .V. i\ (Tlitt*) J. A. WORTH. JOS. I TLEY. Frank Williams, to be consi.iiitly sii|>]>lied with his celebrated RYE WHISKEY, which can be had .it his Store at all times, by whole.':ile or retail. Ocfr 11.1 8.'i8. ."j.T-tf PAI ATS OIL!^, Arc. Refined, Lard. Linseel and Tanners' OIL, Fluid; Putty: Winilow (Jlass and Sash of all sizes. —also— A fresh supply of POND S PAIN DESTROYER. For sale by JAMES MARTINE. Nov'r 24, 185.‘. tli'.tf SPERM. White Lead; Biirninij K. 11. OKKRI.L, TURPENTINE INSPECTOR. I^HO.'sK sending iheir .'^piriis Tiifpeniine to me may | rely ujion ii to have jirompt and i-areful :itleniiou. My Warehouse'.in- fVinit iinr i he wharves and near the river, Sept’r l:’>, ls’i>'. 45tf W. H. ALLEN.] [J. .M. CLARK.- ALLKX ^ (LAKK, Tl i‘4‘lia II t j w^.^^^■GT^)N. N. I DEAIKKS IN MMK. IM.VSTKK, ( KMEM, H\IK, Ac. j 06^'Agents tor RusI ,v Orrell's Line of .Sieamers.“"i^;^ I I^Ro.MPT per>.:ii;il .iiii'iiiir>n given to consignments 1 '' sale or 'hipmciii XI- iSiiierair Came T H R I'K STYLES or First rremiuin 2 and :t Kollor Sn^ar ( an‘ Mills, M.iniifactured by S(. esovi>i:\ a ^o\. \l.i' nr i: V. N. C. .\llg. 9 •I9(N1 Wlii«ki‘y and nraiid\. Pure Corn \Vtiiskey: ,\p]ile Brandy: ■Jn •• N. E. Rum: •Jii '• .\merican Brandy; 1> “ Old r.ye Wlii-,key. For sale by E. F. MOORE. Sept 1 li JS- nooTS siiOM:s: OF K V H K V ST V L K A X !> \ A 111 KT V . 'PIIE AtlTK’E. Mrs. BROOKSBANK has returned from the North, and is now opening a Si* Li:.VUHP »tSSOit T,nEJVT! and Great Variety of FINE MiLi,i>\i]iu \m m{\ mm\ To which she invites the attention of her friends and the public. fir-^FLCTING AND CRIMPING done to onler. Oct’r 1:'. 57-bt >»l€*r«‘o«c*o|*e» and Views. VV.\R1ETY of Appleton's popular Stereoscopes, with views of .\iiierican. l^nglish and French Scenery. .'VIC.: just received. Oct. 12. E. J. HALE S SON. Hardware^ Cutlery, T.VMES M.\RTINE is now receiving a large and gene ral assortment of every thing in the above line. —A LSO— \ ])riiiie article of I’io. Laguira and .Java (')FFEF Cnisheil and Brow'n SUG.\R; Sugar House SIRUP and .MOLA.SSES. .Ml of which is offered on as good terms as can he had in this market. Nov'r 24, 1858. fi6lf I \OW IA .MARKET. VLL persons having NE(JROES for sale, will do well lo address the subscriber at Clinton, Sampson I county, as he is 'ieterniined to buy and pay as liberal I prices for them as the state of the market will permit. 1 By addressing him he will call immediately, and make liberal offer^i, as all will find who will try him. CHARLES T. STEVENS, ('lintoii. Sampson (’o., Sept 10, 1859 4S-lyjid \KW GOODS. IUST received per ‘•Steamer”, the largest and best selected stock of 58- Iw IfissolNtioH of f’tppariHership. ^ ' . ■ !• .' f M'-, Leon Brandt, who died on ■ ; .!iil_\ bi'i. the firm of G. .V L. ISrandl is . i,--..'iVijd. The bioinesH will be continued , :i':' it- !>■ nK'iii" under the Firm of III ! \ I.. Brandt will idt immediately, as ?eitled up. BRANDT, ‘•ondiicted by Geo. %. Ki:iTii, ! - a in til i s s i o tt • ffe rrhftHt^ I , : I \p \ iT |\, N. r. |,, pi-iiiMT.s Its Factor or Agent ' • i 1*1 itiN: will irive his personal at- , . I .• i.U'iiie-*. 11 is Commission for selling '» . per bile, no additional charge .!; -u lorw.'vrded to New \ ork at 11) 5fi-l in w. w. ii\i;i:iss. A. J. iiowelll. HARRISS & HOWELL, :=Mui'^ion and Forwarding .>Ierchants, WTh.MIXdTnV. X. r. . .',s-lY *AK!! •i; ' iiF VDO lo Hirive ]>er Brig t ' '! 1-1 : li'iiii Havana. Selected for i 1 wiM I'i ' 'M on a-i-omiiiodating terms, j HVRIMSS .V HOWELL. j .. _ II. N. . I >•; 1.‘). 5f-lm. ; i. \ Ru B: TKi>*Ts\Iji: ! Ut'al aiul IVr>onal l*ro(M‘rtj at Hljfh . ' I ' ;!i!!i(r(l (t»„ on the lltiiaiid l*2th , i \ t V utb(‘r i:v‘\t. i i:; ; "i iiaiu’f of two Deeds of Trust j i 1.. h . .1( ri ini:i!i Pig^ott. to secure the .■ iiei i - iherein named and sri forth. ■ ] ublic sale, at Higil Point, on Fri- | ; . ’i;i- ll;ii and 12lli days of November j ' . 'hfiip. IIo'js. raiiiiiiig Uien^il.s, ' W . _ - ,',1 Gc.ii '. .1 Buggy and Har- • I'.i'd' :in i Fmnitiire, and a . 1. i i.dii lid kiicIien^Furniiuru. per .iial jiroperty, convey- THE public are aware that 1 have been [ engagel in the manufacturing and ■ selling of Gentlemen's Garments for 17 or j 18 years, and with this long experience j believe that I am as well calculated to ' make good selections, as any person or persons in this business. ily stock is all entirely new and adapt- [ ed to the trade. My stuck consists of No. 1 Dress Cloth Coats, Frock Coats (single and double breasted i: Business Suits, con- ; sistiug of Silk .Mixtures, Harrison t'ass., j Rib Cass, and Union Cass., Fine Beaver, Felt Beaver; .Seal Skin and Union Cass. Over-Coats; Felt Beaver Talmas—anew garment, never introduced before this sea son: Pants of all grades, ranging in price from j2 50 to S9 «M»; an extra lot of Vel vet, Silk. Grenadine .Silk. Cloth and simere Vests; a large assortment of Youths’ and Children’s Clothing; Gentlemen’s Shawls: Morning Gowns, Gentlemen's all- wool Under-Shirts; Railroad Rugs; Blan kets: Hosiery: Suspenders; Napoleon-Ties; ('ravats; Stocks; Glove*; Bindings; i’urses. Saatr Persons desirous of havlnt: their suits made abroad, can call and leave their measures with me. and 1 will have them attended to immediately. Call at the “OAE pric:k CLOTHING EMPORIIM.” A. J. WOODWARD, Market Siiuare, 2 Doors below 8. J. Hinsdale. .Sept. 14 49-tf A uKni The \ew Stjie, Small. (OI.OKEU PHOTOtiKAPnS, AT VHiiorsdoll’'* €«all«i*y. '1'; I i">W I,\N1> 1 t'.O .'ll’-- ’ ^ :' \i;m .\nd pl.vnt.vtion of • r. ''..' ,11'! creek, near High I’oint. le r’ .ii'v ll'i.id. c.Jiitaining vuluable 1 FAbMING LAND, well t '•■.ni, ti]'i:in-o and wheat, with : V dv.^'liu;.; li u-.e iliereon, a good ; ji, I ' .i"‘ liMiisi'. lilticksiiiiih shop, ■ •III Ii;p! Mu' li iif the land is ]ii ' lui nvi-, and 1 lie land i generally I i ir'Tt liKiLls. 1 i* *'!'K ij iiciir t'ne N. ( ' V _ . 1 *' ■ * 111. ; ' I ■: 'b‘ - we>l (i i‘(‘eiis- - - i.,:h ea~l from Salem, luu-ly ,,e- ; i’l .itl, deci‘a«c l. ’l'hi> is one of ! Idle Carolina, sitiisni-d ■hiurv. in a new and rapidly- | i'i ili l!ii:id from Fayetteville . i' !'l -.-I an t where thei-e is now ; • ■ i'.iii [red pupils. ! ill about one mile of ;:icJ-:!idu ll .-^aiiiueHMwards and I i . .state tiiat tiii^ BRICK HOTEL is , :ii, i . till -!ie l biiildiiig.s in tl»e till voMf, four 'lories high, and con- I r|. (■.,iiit..rt:ibb- rooms. • i>y L'Hinir |ii-i''iii*- desiring lo pur- ■' I 1 • x iiiiiiu I lie farm and the hotel, i,f ' ll and oti till- land, il is proposed ;.ii S .n d ty I he I •Ji h of November . ! I r ii: I'll- ■_ ‘)'l i.j liie purchaser. ... u .11 n I V -rtl’-. SI.'‘'KL F.VULoW, Trustee. JoHN A. (jlLMEK, Trustee. 58-ts si E *3 ART. i NEW STYLE of Colored Photo- I I l\ grajihs that will last for ages— j i more lieautiful that* Oil Paintings— | ! has been gotten up nt Vaiiorsdell’s I (iallery, expressly to suit tlie wants ; of those w iio desire a small colored ! fiictiire and who object to the oil por- ' trail on account of its cost. It isi offered to the public with eniire con fidence in its permanency, and at n price that will suit all. Having just returned from the North with a new and comjdele set of instrument.^, where 1 speni five weeks in getting thenewesi improve- iiienis. 1 am able to say to the citi zens ot Fayetteville and surr.iunding country, that 1 can give them nil the different sizes and styles of Pictures that are gotten up North or South. .Among my instruments is a Wood ward's Solar Camera, which enables me to enlarge a life-size Pliolograj)h from the smallest DagueiTeotypi? or .\mbrotype. Persons having a small picture of a deceased friend, can have it retaken of any desired size, and colored in oil, Indiii ink or water color, by send ing to Jiie, staling the color of hair and eyes. Prices for Colored Photo graphs, from small size to life, range ,• j from 0 to s'oO. i~ p I I have removed and enlarged my I Gallery, (opposite the Marlile Y.-ird.) “ I and D»y Ciistoiiier* w ill find a plea- ^ i sant reception room and an Oper;iioi- C S \ determined to give taiisfaci ion. i^l“. 19, 1859 Blanks I'or sale at this Office. W ILLIWI .1. 1*KICK, inspect nr of Stores^ j \vii.Mi.\;T(>y. y. c. .Solicit' tlie p • l oii.ige of iii- coiiutrj- friends and j all others engaged in the Tur)>eniine business. j Olfii‘1* I Nov'r 2'2, l>''i''. t>4-Iypd | JOSI3PH R. BLOSSOM. V n n 1o \ A \ I) Forwarding .Merchant, .V. C, imp! personal aiieniioii given to all Consign ments. and (':i>h advance-, made on Pnxluce to be shipped to other }>oil' nr M»ld in liii^ luaiki’i. Feb. 12. 07tf JAS. r. .SMITH. J [milks rttSTIN JAS. C. SMITH & CO., Fartot's^ f'ommission ami For-- irartliiis' • fterrhants WILMINC. I’oN, N. «’. PROMPT aiieiitioii given lo sale of TIMBER. LUM BER, N.\V.\L .'^Tonrs and all kinds of Produce. Liberal advancement' mide on Consignments. Refer to E. P Ham,. Prt'’f Brntich Bank of State. H. R. S^v\.;e. Casli r P.mik CatK? Fear. Jolts D\ws«n, ■ Es^. ; July li", IS.'i ' ;.;.-(imo« 11. ;kaiia3i, co*fi»nissi0P,v .?##;«€ If.f.iT, \VlLMIX(n'()X. X. (\ ! liylLL give proin]it and personal attention to all con- j \\ signments of Sjiirils Turpentine. Rosin. Tar and Turpentine, and all counlry [irodiice lor sale. i Otbce up stairs, over the vt,>re of Mr. Vonglahn, I ^ and joining Luiierloh’s h.arf. Norih \\ater »^treet. j June ‘J:?. ’- >tf T.V.X B. WOllTIl, i Coniniission and Forwarding Merchants, WIL.MIXCTOX, N. (\ I Jan'ylS”>Vi Sltf j \V >I. II. Tl IUJM;T0.\, i' o III III i N i o II .^1 e r c ll a 11 f , WILMINGTON. N. C., | [flLL give prompt and jiersoii.il aiteution to all con- | signments of .''I'lItri'S Tl Rl’PiNriNE. ROSlN, j T.\R. ('OTTON, FLOl'R. and other country produce, I either for sale or sliijmi ‘nt. Mv wharf and warehousi's being convenienily located I for the reception of produce, either by Railroad or River, I enables me to make chaiges light. | Nov’r S f i F. M. BIZZELL. (J R 0 r K15 \ \ I) r inn! 1 s s i fl \ >i e r r in \ Xu. 'J'.» XoKTU W'.Mhll Sl'KKKT, WIL.MINGTON, N. C. 1)RO.MPT and personal aiieiition given to the recejition of all kimls of country produce, either for sale or shipment. Orders for groceric'^ tVom fiii'h customers will receive immediate attention, free of commissions. Nov. P.t, 1H;-,K. fid-ly yvySl'ovsll Wiiiited. Gentlemen, your old customer is yet in market for Likely Negroi'S, for which I am determined to {lay the liiijhes? (ash Prices. Persons h.aving such for sale would do well to give ■ me a call, or addre.ss me at t linton. N. C. ! .All orders pronifitly allendi d to. IL. I-!* .411 Su>)scri'ier has returned from .New ^'ork. :itid i' receiving his Fall and Win ter Stock of Bools an I .'siioes. consisting in part a' follows; Kinds of Water-Proof Boots and Shoes, fine and coarse; all kinds of fine Dre-;' ISoots. from the finest Slilch Boot to the finest i’um]i; all kinds of Patent Leather Boots, ^hoes and (iaitei ', and a irood su pply of Boys’ Boo's and Siioes. fine and coarse; also, a large supply of Broguns—of the bc'i that the city of New ' York can afford. .Ill Kinds of Lady's Boot's, with heels and h Ithout: La’' s' Slippers. Gaiters; Missos’ Slipper-: L.adies' W).Iking Slioes; Mis'^es' Freueh .klso. t’hildren’s I’atent .Metalic Tip, with co]>pcr on the too to prevent the toe from wearing out; l>oy > G.iitcrs and Siioes and Boots; all kinds of ('.ilf .'skin .hoes, ihe be't siyb‘ aiul ' well made, and che!i]ior than 1 ev‘-r had: a l.irge lot of Over-Shoes; High t^'narter Over-Shnes of •'assiinere, also of the old style; Misses' G:(iiers of all kinds, with and without heels: Men's tiaiters of all styles, light and heavy; \\ aier-proof of a new style. .A1m», a lot of Car pet Bags, .'Satchels, and Trunk'. A large lot of Sole Leather kept on hand and for sale.—cut to suit cusiomers. The above work will be 'ol l a' low as any person can sell the s.ime kind of work. Tiiis work 1 warrant not to rip ln-fore llie sole wc.irs through I will mend them without any charee. 1 try to keep the best i|uality, !ind I think 1 am a good jinige, as I have worked at the trade lor the last IS years. I only ask you lo call f^id look, and I know you will buy from me. All you want is to get that is gnod and at a low juice, and when you see my stock, 1 kimw you will be sati'fied. I am thank ful for the favors heiowed on me for the last five years jiiist,—I hope they will be increa'cd lor the time to come. If any jierson wislies home-m.'ide work, 1 would say to them, if they will le:ive their oniers with me. 1 will ensure as good a fit as -.in be iiiaile in the State, and the workmanship I will conijiare with any in tiie .'state or out of tiie Stale. Repairing done in tiie best style .and at the shortest notice. 1 think 1 have given you a small .-sketch of niy goods ('’all; 1 want to see you all. and i tell you we will have a great town before long, ('all and 'ce me, opposite the Cape Fear Bank. M. FAULK. Fayetteville. N. C.; Sept 'J.', ISo'* ol-i^m ISTOVES SHEET lUOA, Xv, N HAN1>. a large assortment of Box and (’’ooking Stoves; Tin-ware; Sheei-lmn; Lead Pipe. .\l.'0 The Uotninioit For sale b\' .1 M LS .M.ARl'lNL. Nov’r ‘J4. l>rv (Ioods, Flats atid (':ips, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, (Iroceries, Provisions anti Liquors, Truss Hoops and (.ilue, Turpentine, Cooptrs’ and Fanners’ Tools. —ALSO— Herring and ^iaekerel, / in kits and bbla.) .^lo^s I’ork and Moss lioef’. (’offee, Siiirar, Molasses and Candles. Powder, Shot and Lead. Se;.rars. Chewinjr and Smokin;^ Tobacco. In fact a large assortment of articles usually kept in a general stock. These (iooils are from the Manufacturer, Importer and Producer, and conseijuently will be sold Cheap for (.'ash or exchanged for good short lime paper, or Country Produce. C'. E. LEETE. Seyit. 2*’>. IH’iO. o2-lin THi: AEW EDiriOA^ OF THE 2^ii|)i'eiiie Court Reports. '■pilK Publishers, conceiving that their New Editions. 1 with Judge I’attle's Notes, of some of the volumes of Report:- whicli had gone out of print, have not suffi ciently attracted tiie attention of the Profes-sion. have >>een hap)iy to receive the following voluntary tribute to their merits, from a distingui'iied Lawyer: — ll.^LKKjH. July 27. 1859. Aikssbs. E. j. H vt.K 4: Son:—tJi:NTLKMEN:—I confess, I did not have an ojiportunity, until a week or tw^o since, to examine your re-publication of the first Vol. )f Dev. iV Bat. Eip Rep., and also the first Vol. of the ^anll* Reportei>' of tiie Law decisions of the Supreme Court. It is no comiiliiiient, either to you or Judyt Jitiffh, to 'ay, as an liiimble member of the [irofesaioa, I tliank you for tliis most valuable addition to the Ju dicial trea'^ure of the State. To Ihe tnenibers of the legal profession the Notes of .Judge B. are of great value, and I do naist sincerely hope you will receive from the profe-isj.,n generally that encouragement and patronage which you deserve. I am. genib'tiien. yours. m ist truly and resp’f lly, H. W.' MILLER. ^ The Piildishers have now in pre-'s. about two-thirds ‘ printed, the 2d Vol. of Devereux i: Battle's Equity, with Judge r.attle's valu.ible Notes, and with many tyyiogntphicalVrrors corrected. Orders solicited. A TREATISK ON THE LAW OP EVIDENCB, TKNTH ENULISH EDITION, WITH CONSlUEIL^IiLE ALTKRATIoSS AM* .M)PITiOS8 By the Right Hon. S. MARCH PHILLU’S aud THO-: J.\MES ARNOLD, Esq.. one of llie Policij Mugistrates for the Aletrojioli' FOURTH AMKRK AN EDITION, BY ISAAC EDWAKDS, COUXSELI.OR AT LaW. In three large volumes. With COWEN & HILL’S Notes, and with addiitoual Notes and References to the F.ngli-^b and .VinerTcan cases to the present time, including those ;v«Med t.i ihe last edition by J. Marmlen \ an Cott. The uiieijualled work of .Mr. Phillips on the Law ot Evidence has long been acknowledged. Ttii.s edition has undergone a thorough revision 'ly Mr. Edwards, and has received an immeii'e aiiimnii of labor, and is now as nearly perfect ms can be in i lp. The .\.uiericau labor and talent bestowed upon the work are not less than that derived from tiie Kiigb-ib source. The immortal notes of .Me.i.'is. Cowfii Hill, together with those of Mr. Van Colt, liavc been c:i)f fullj’ preserveil; and instead of being put in ;i volunu- >i> themselves, as formerly, they are now ]>la''c! below (iic text—a disposition of them which wiil very loucli fac litate reference. The entire note and lo.\i- ai e ari aiigi-1 ill three compact volumes, with a table ot casc.s. niiii'ar. extremely full index 10 each. Mr. Edwards has c.ii e- fully noted any distinctions that n ,iv exi>i lietwcfii itie English and American law, and has ad'leil all the Inie American decisions. Several copies of this valuable work jiisi received and for sale by E. J. HALE \ SON. Fayetteville. North Carolina Readers* NUMBERS 1 AND 1. PREPARED WITH SPECIAL UEFKHKVrK Tf» TIIK WANTS ANP INTKUKSTS >F ^*orth €'aroUna. U.S'DKR THK AISIMCES Of THK .sLi’KU I .M KM>KM ok lU'l- MOS SCHOOLS, UY Rev. F. .Tl. Hiihlmrd, rKOFKSSOK or J HE LATI.\ LANlil AUK AXI> I.ITt.H ATUBK I'■ THU UNiyKKSITV or NOl’.TH CARoMNA E. J. HALE & SON. .\ltg. s, I.''-')'-'. 1 11 it f ^C'llOOI. BOOKM. S'MlTir.”s English Grammar; N. Carolina Readers, three parts; Oliiey’s Geography—revised edition; .Motiteith's (Geographies; Pike's .Vriihmetic; Murray’s English Reader; N. York Reailers: Mason's Farrier; Mattison’s .\stronomy: .'tc. Sept 11 E. J. H.\LE it S(»N. IA VHiOiSAiOii! iM;i-;r\K''i> iii uk >a.\k »ki>, ; ejitirelj froai t i.\ ' ..»■ HKS'i l*rrti;\TIVK A\|> J.iVKR VK t »!• ! \ Ii ’.v ill*' 'itiMii', ;hRt »cii* n- » t'ttf/Hn'r r,n\ thnn IrlOftlj NUMBER a, CO.NTAINI.NG A FAMILIAR HISTORY A.VM l*l-:sCRri' TIO.N OF NORTH rARoT.lNA. Selections in Prose and Verse; niaii\ nt' tlifjii l \ eiuinent eitizcns ol tin- State. HISTORICAL AND CHRONOLOGU AL TABl.LS. And a variety of Miscellaneous Informatioti ami Stii tistics, by e. ii. ■yr UMBF^R 3 is H new and revised edition ot the \oiili Carolina Reader, first luiblisheil in ]S.'»1. Numtjci- 1 and 2 just issuetl, complete the series, which is. a« a whole, cheaper than any other series of Renders in The United States, and as complete. The Editor i^Prof. Hubbard) iii his Pref.ice to Nan ber 1 deems it proper to allude to a few of the pecalkn advantages aimed at by the SuiKTinteiideiit of Comiiinu ScliiKilfi while making efforts to have this work ciin- pleted. These are. 1. The enroura^enutit of a fetling of xef i'-it «ti I the enlistment of popular seutimeiit in behaif of the Staio and its insiitmioiiB. It w>.s noj thought iuiporlaut. how ever, to have more than one number of the Pieader ot merely a local interest. 'i. To remedy Ihe evil evtryicherf “f i7i moll tchooU, of a perpetual change in t*xi /."v/i-y: an .-xpen- sive habit, and one which injures the .SciiooU by pn' venting the children from being classified. \ fciies t ' home Readers, it was sujtposed, would be certainly and this great evil thiij nvoiled. ii. Economy, the popular system of Readers l>ein_' to., long and being made so often merely to add to ihe j rofil of autliors and publishers. This series is to consist of fewer numliers than tho-e generally used, and it is believeil that these numbers aiv sufficient, while if the system were uiiivcvtvally UsC’* in the State, the sum saved to parents and ohildicii would amount to several thousand dollars annuall\. 4. To put in tJie hand* of ehihlrt-H leitrrmx/ in rfH'1 '•«n* potilions tujHdently familiar but not of thr chtira-'ler cliildish composilioM, containing, in lessoii.s e.isy enou^i for all ages, correct specimens of style, iiileic.slLu(!, iu matter, and inculcating proper morals, and relitjioi's in 81 ruction. The jirices are. for No. 1, 25 cents: No. 2. "7’. feiil’'- and No. ;J, 75 cents. K liberal de'lucti.>n from the^c prices to Merchants anti School Teachers. E. J. HALE \ SON. ~ BKMTtSii niRiOUMC.lM^S. L. SCOTT & CO.. NEW VOl!K, continue lo j ublish tlie following leading British Periodi(-:il , vi?: 1. THE LONDON (QUARTERLY (•''onservaitve.'^ THE EDINBUllGH REVIEW ^Whig. i Free Church. > THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW 4. THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW .Lil.eral. W Cliiitor. .. March 'i, \oTic’i: McARTHUR. ‘.i.'>-lyrpd 1 ' "S oOtf Ra:A AS there may be some persons iu Fayetteville and vicinity who may not be aware that n*heeler ami n'ilsoH's Setring ,Uarlii»te is the best for family sewing, and who intend purchas ing a Sewing Machiiu'. tiiis is to advi.«e them (fiyr thnr own intrreatf } to call upon the subscriber and see one of “WHEELER it WILSONS’ before purchasing. It will prevent their purchasing one ot the manj interior j Sewing Machines, w iiicli tire ottered lor nale through the country. There are THllM'Y .1 the Wheeler K V.’ilson .Ma- ' chines in successlul use in this place and vicinity. S. J. HINSDALE, Agt. i Aug. 22 42- STATE ( AR AND MA( II1.M: HOKKS. '■pHE undersigned having located in the town of F iy- l eiteville, N. ('.. atid erect.'d buildings siiiialde for Car and Machine Works, would give notice that they are prejj ired to execute all orders for •'.irs of every de scription. alsi> all kinds ot Machine work, such as le- pairs of .'steam Engines. Coit.in. Mill and Mining -Ma- cliinery. heavy forging, '^uch a- Mill Spiiid'es, f •rinks. &c., at short notice. By an arraiigemeni made with the l!oi..ii Belting Company, we sire prepared to ri'ceive orders tor all kinds of Imlia lluViber Belting aiul Hose at then- prices. Having ,'larted our l^tigine. an I W.. . 1 .vnvtli’s Pl iner. we are prepared lo jdane all de-'' i['i ins of Liiiiiber and Scantlinvr. which will lie kejit on hand, for s tie either in the rough or ilres.'ed, as ii.inics uiay de'ire. Contr.-icts taken for the erection ot liiuidings, mate rials furtiislied, and jobbin;.;- of ail kinds executed wiiii neatness in 1 despatc;;. Counters and Desks nia.i,- to ordor. Stores fitted. Sa.sh. Doors and Blinds manntnfi'ire I. i pial to any thing of the kind to be foiin i in me Nortiierii market. U.\LT«)N c. U.VUKV. j Cai- r.iiilders an 1 Mai-liini'ts. j Fflvettcvine, Oct lS->‘* •>! i( t’I.OTIII.Vti and (u-iUlemeu's Furuishiiiy; t ‘M)ds. E have now in store a vi r\ ^ood and well .^elected lock of RE.U»Y-M ADi: ^LOTMiN .. t.. wi.ich we would call particular attciti.in. Our I'1..I!iin_' con-^ists . I of fine (’loth and ('assimere Coat'', togethe;’ wiMt n.ll ‘ gr.'iiles and *|UJilities. .ANo p;uitsrMid \ ***^i:-'ot all i\ind', i and t'ussimere Suits; there is iioihiii;; betiei tor .rentle- i men's business suits than tluise ('a."iiiid ce. \ouths. j i and Bovs' ClotliitiR. Boots and ."slioes. Hats and I tobrcl- . las, and every thing usually kept in a Clothing lloii'e. Persons w inting gowls in our line would do well to call and examine our stock of Goods, as we are deter- i mined to sell at small protit ;. Be sure to cull at NE^^ - BEURY’S CLOTHING S TORE. North-east J.im, Mar ket Snuare. No. 12. next door to the (’arolinian Otlice. Oct. IHV.t. til. lilttt: . Ibns tif ♦»>»• pj^i-t^;! f'-rlit'K na 'lo It 'Kiteiigib • "t ; Hiitl when tnketi dai! !;.o pjs p • • ■ ih«- lila i k; wh* th. : til. ' -.If 'N fiiiin I i: ''if f. .I|:|« ;i t'tHl irtillt, • - ilTr^ 'iIl....,M-..t». •• • ■. u. la G I \\% tlnty -3 . • : r - ,» .n>'e tliHIl ! w tfHt' . -will. t'» r. tli' . I* •> ] o thS icmeil> i>* Mi».j |j|v«‘r '«nn- Viih ’ uwi.Hi Ilk !'ii ( jmm j iiiiy itt'v ibe jut rh«*i Mi| pl\ -,lr. A.Mt, h11 nit* I W'.j-ilr ni;»i hiif i ttircf 11-' -i rikaliOil (•-.:«. • | HiMoiw ks Hn i br l»rr, iu'«^ t . I 1jIv4 r In.1 « iittf r ib siiT-1 * H'l.t • ih* fioiiij t )iti V O' to tHkbefore > ; ii.'T .>r hHf* it Jii. K.u.i; , 5«. *. t. li|*d aiHiiN lo w \jf M Um faittid, iiii> pinliit. in ail} -f in* t.-i I • fs CC-IMIII. nJOrM«i or l.n'l Tuntt. . ’ piiu-e M liealth\ Hou ol Av t«* '%•»!. lonr ititil h««Pb tui!.r ih* fHiistf i»f the nrii, Itiif the o«*en>n)ijuJ u**e i*r •>.; t» relieve ’he tiiurh ri’tiiig ai.ii Kouni ^ retjrit.jr. BL.\CKW(«tDS EDINBIRC.H MAGA/INE 'Tory The.-e Periodicals ably repivseut ihe i.hrt*e greui (MtJi- tica! parties of iJre.at Britain—Wiiig, Tory an.I l!a.Jii jl, —but yiolitics forms only ono fi'atiire .if iheir'char.icter. As Organ.s of the most profonn.l writers o-ii Sri^nr-e. Lrter;itiire, .Morality and‘Religion, they -■'•tnd. -hpr ever have stood, uurlv.ailed in the wurld • : l"it. " iog considered imiispensaMe to the sch'-tar snd sional man, while to the iulelligeni re luer ot ovei-y l»sB ' they furuisli a more correct and ;.itj.'I.u tur_) leeo^d ol the current literature of the day. th; .nigiiout tt;i w I'l. than can be possililv ohi.sine.1 fr.jin :i:iy nthe;' EARLV ('OPIKS. The receijx of .VDV.\N E SHEETS tr im lUe I'.riti'b publishers gives additional value lt liie.-.** tins, in asmuch as iliey c.in aow lie placed in lh> haau-> I scribers about as soon as the origiual ^ diti..)i: . 1 TERMS tli. w nitrht. t tl VCII«A». dichI will c»i»* will h4'v > r.-r**' » fntttc ^KKTrncftnn leiii'M " tS* v’»f. A Mire ruce I«»t 1 of •■led e nfte hei'» th: I hu 1 ti.. i*».e mketi at tl Coii- (>'ii t iVeri tiftt-r e>u‘h »1ovc of Iwo l«n SIrU I oi^e bottle taken for f« en'.-» of tiie and 4 Hily 1'HT dcrt^e miniediHtrly ' i.tifii rept'Ht*-d i», PH And n prp\eiitive' e bottle ia, J\e i»f niedi b c.tie foi ^ ■ ''*i takei. H Ithort ^ ^2 tf»: t* tlii H:pethe. andniMk***- Ol r I'rteti rrprnr. ti rl)%VA »«' If wi.rm toi am. Itovv. l I'.ir . 'Hil'l* ^ • >nr 01 t \«> citrcii iit-|^^ •Mlll.jre:, the e i- ►tlf^r, I ^ Ji* il r'nUs. ' .\ bo’tle^ raf«Hi W--j U'Hxire in recom . ♦ •fitnt (ot Kev*‘r niil ^ d nil Pevt-ri* of a HU- “ A cr* niui.v, Mtm thoUIMMidh •vtmde' ‘ .il virf’iwH. A!l lu» tiM«* It urc* tlirir v tf'stiinonv l*t It^ nn (»0 mil g ■ f*K>d I r^ue^ 4 yvh'iW. S 11 til III Hlr.i(*st t(* ’-h» I;: • • • iHCk'* rHIItrii 1 ) V\ IfcllJ lou-4 J'yfM . 1 {lU-e WlliipR ;• !tf iv vatkw. THE subscriber wishes to buy FiFT 1 • Mj fMlFJL 1 • . ttOFS, for which he will p iv The Highesut Cash Prices. Per.sons having such property to sel: •.vill iiud it to their interest to address me at Cliiii Waiei' III the- mouti« witli |li« aiiMl h«'i’. THE LIVER INVIGOR ATOP A SriK.VXlKIt; AlKiHi'AL niSruVKKV. I'ttrev. ii'Tno't tn ■ ifrent to ’ -\e. ]i • titn giriitft wnd :.i i M • ' -Mh- ?'• t«. riM»* K!.y Wm.iI »t I>l^«-i' • ■ ’ . h ht »r t^' li l ornnn-n //• i'' • • «’ .’!• Mre rlir te^iil; ot >1 1 l-l \ vr. cNr 1*0! I.rKH ii"TTI‘ 1)1 'Ki». P July 26, 1859 N. ('. A. S. C. POWELL. 35-6mpd JAS. -N. SMITH »nd S. Nov’r 11. J. HINSDALE, Fayetl«Till«, C. 62-lj F.ir any one of ihe four i\eviews For any two of the four llevie'*> For .any three of the Four Review* F'lr all four of the Reviews For Bhiiikwootl's Magazine For Kl.ickw'MKl and tliree Reviews Four Ulaclvwoixi and the four Ri-\ie"s Ills In />' iiiiiili' III all jl'iiiri/ rnrn ut in thr Sfnlr /'•/»- if' n >tt > ' rii rli t il nt y«r/’. CLUBBING. j discount of t wenly-five per cent. fi "!n I he all..V.- ■ i- will be alloiVed lo Cllhs or.lcntig lour . i amre c pje- any one or more of the a>iove work 1 .in-; 1 >iu i«i!in.ij 1 of Blaekvrood. or of one Review, will i" 'IK’ .‘■; dress for .S'.*; four copies of the four Review-; and wood for and so jii. POSl’At.E. In !iH the ])rincipal Cities and iowiis, these wuiks will bedelivere l. FREE (tF POST \GE. Wiien -i i. . • mail, the Postage to any part of the I’niled .Si.ite>- v>il‘ be but TWE.NTV-FOril CENTS nyear for ••Bl.icUv.' i. and but porHTEEN CFATS a year for eai-li of ;'.i ■ views. X. H. Tlif‘ jtrire ill (iri'iit lirihiin •■■i' th‘- ' i'erio^liciiln uhnee-iintnfil is S;-{1 y„ ,• mu. ReDiittaiices for any of tiie above piiblicaiioii' -I; luld always be addre98‘d, post-paid, to tiie l'til'is!u i '. LEO.N.VKD .'i.tri 1 .t GO., No. ol Gold 'tie. ■. N w- Yo-‘ , \Vcb«ter’« Elemeiitary I Book, for 8«le by HALE & SON.