iFAir r s e: M1-w e: e: K L. Y. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., OCTOBER 24, 1859. [NO. 860.] w |\n;i) MOM>AVS AN1» THruSDAYS KDHAKU .1. HALE & SON, Kl>lT(»i;s AND rilOlMllETOUS 1 til.- Si'iiii-Weekly Ob!:kkver So 00 if paid in , ■ :.ii if jiiviil iliiving ihe year of subsciip- ■v > 1 Mrii'V tlie yoai' has espirod. Observuji 5^'J 00 per tiunuin, if paid in : i I..; .'j ',0 if paitl during the year of subscrip-i ■■ ’ " * after tlie year has expired. \ ii rIS 1’, MKNl S in-^eried foi 00 ceius per ‘ 'iiies for the tirst. and 30 cents for each V . :ui.iu. V>;!i'y ll•l\^^rli^enlents by s]>e- , .it roii-ii'niil U' rates. Advertisers are ] ' ; V I’lc number of insertions tlesired, or ■ .•itiu-.d till t!>rbid. and charged accfrd- I I I ri n:- I" !'e inserted ■/i.tiilr, charged 50 per w- ' :l. .'ri:' lAi. .NoTiri;. nii'l at’i i' tlii- 'lati-. ni- n.inie of a new subscriber .'ii' l without p.iyiiient in iidvance, nor will : : '■■■ to >ufh s\ibM-ifl>ers for a longer time : -d f..r, . ; -ir >ld siOwi-rit'iM's .is desire t > take tlie pa- will p’.c.ise iituity us when making 1. 1' I*, Attorney at Law, I'WKTTKX ILLK, N. ,1. a:!tn! the f^Hinty and Superior Courts of . iitifiiand. Harnett, Moore and Kobeson ('oun- r. 'II I : attentiou given to the collection of all i iiiiu^t.-d !o his hands. I'.V;.. 58-tf St^COJYD STOCK. STARR & WILLIAMS, IMPOHTERS A JOBIIKRS OF FOREIGN AM) IIOIIESTII’ DRV GOODS, H. W. HORNE, .fT li^, May 1)6 found at tlie Oftice of Wni. B. Wright, Esq., near the t’ourt House. June :-{0. 18ij9. 28-1V A' ( 0-PAKT\EK5SHlP. •lirHiiiiMon 4V . . \ ; thi~ day ass.ciafed with myself Mr. M U'H.VKL \vl lia- tiad an experience of tive years in r. I i'a] busine>is in the city of New York, and _;;..y '■ouversaiit witli ever}- department there- . - f of thi> increased facility in pur- ■ , : w'^li the far! that our goods will be _ , - :-ivclv for . ,i'h. We will be enabled to sell ■1 . -. f • > t’''e trade an 1 the community at a-* thev t an be bought in the A. McUl.MMON. _e. at a-i low tisrnres lluTii market'. ’I"'-. MITH, le Firm will t»e in tuture MclUM.M>N ' i\!M .N. [mI(H\KL 'MITH. ■ •. . N, (K't'r 1. 1S-V.>. oS- Miiiwii'iLLXTocL mm. H. A. i:. J. LILI.V n\\ I] J! S I' llKi'ElVtD, a large and desirable S:.rkoI lh’> 4«oo(i«. Ilat> Boot« Sc y-iiiade 4 iotliiii^, See.., ■ uiiii ii were selected with much care by one of • * . and will be otlered at low prices, at wholesale del' will be filled with care. llatM, Capii, Boot«, lliiibrel- and Keady-.l^lade West Ekd F.\yettevili,e Hotel Hciluino. RE now receiving their SECOND PURCHASE of (.loods for this season. Tliis stock is large, and well worthy the attention of buyers, who are invited to call and examine for themselves. J. H. STARR. J. M. WILLIAMS. Fayetteville, Oct'r 13, iS'iO 57- KOBKKT H. C'0\VA\, Oeneral Commission •JlerchuHt^ WILMLXdTOX, X. C. Office South Corner Market and Water streets, up-stairs. Oct. l;{. 18-j'.t. 57-lY ]\otice—Wanted. 1^0 the farmers and citizens of the Counties of Duplin, Wayne. Johnston, Harnett, Moore, Cumberland, Robeson, Hladen, Columbus. Brunswick, New Hanover, and Sampson; The subscriber being liesirous of purchasing a num ber of Likely Young NEGR(>KS, of all classes and des criptions. avails himself of this method of informing those who may have such property to dispose of. that they would do well to visit me at home, or address me at Clinton, N. C.—for which they shall receive a visit. Negroes wanted from this lime till the 1st of March IStiO, for the Mobile and New Orleans markets, for whom the highest prices will be paid. EVERETT PETERSON. Oct’r 13. 1859. ftT-'mi illore \ew Goods! 1.\M just receiving my Spring Stock of Goods in my line. They were selected in the Northern cities by myself, wiili great care, and bought on the most reason able terms, by which 1 am enabled to offer the largest stock 1 ever before offered to the public, and to otfer them generally At Greaily Reduced Prices. FRUITS—Raisins, Figs, Prunes. Aj)ples, Lemons, Or anges, Cherries, Currants, ,,'tc. PICKLES. JELLIES and PRESERVES—a great va riety: PERFUSlERlES AND EXTRACTS of various kinds; FANCY SO.VPS and POMADES; MLSIt’AL INSTRUMENTS—Fiddles, Drums, Fifes. Flutes, Hanjo'i, (tuitar-i, \c.; WALKlNti C.VNES—of every kind; BASKETS AND WlLLoW WARE; Ilt>HBY Horses, .vc.; M TS; FINE AND COMMON CANDIES: SARDINES; FINE CIGARS; SMoKINtl .S: CHEWING TOBACCO; CRACKERS: FINE POCKET KNIVES; large aisortment of PORT-MON.\IES, some ve’’v nice: FANCY ENVELOPES, and FANCY GOODS, TOYS and YANKEE NOTIONS: An assortment of INDI.\ RUBBER GOODS: COMBS, WHIPS, FISHING TACKLE. The public are respectfully invited to call and ex amine my stock. 1 have a great nuiny handsome things that cannot fail to please. JAS. R. LEE, Hotel Building. March 81, 1859 1- Clolhills’! Clotliiiisr!! A Fresh Supply for the Trade of 1859. T 58-4 w DissohtlioH of CotiartNership. t i ' ■ ; Mr. I,t >n P.randt. who died »ju ’ ^ . ■ .-t. !; ■- firm of (i. \ L. Brandt is ' ' lr\ I' . Ivcd Tlie bu'iness will be oontinueil ■ ii' >inini'.f' under the Firm of ■i; i’.ll 'M'T. ; iii i. '.lo 1 t. the Firm of G. \ L. Brandt will ' 1 V itji (ico. I'.raiidt immediately, as ' . - • t' I'l ’';’ n : -r be »ettleil tip. tlEoRGE BRANDT, lo husine-s will be in ’iiturc* conducted by (ieo. . S. f A'U vrti.'uun.nts. r ] 7 ')S- A. KCITil, (’o m m i s s ion •?#€' r r h ant, WlLMlNC.ToN. N. C. j I' ; 1;^ ill' services to Pl.-inters as Factor or Agent ’ ' ■ - lii- ..1 I I ( r'L'O.N; will give his per.'onal at- ■ ' usinc'^. Hi.'Commission for sellifig ■ wi'.': be o" ct'. per bale, no additional charge ...l ie. t'ot' 'U torwardeJ to New York at 10 . ''.-lb*. 1. 5*1-1 m W. W. IIAKKIS'. A. J. HOWELLL. . HARRISS & HOWELL, (omniKsioii and Forwarding Merrhaiits, W‘hMIN(iT()X, X. V. 7. i'..'. -'.S-IY SI ;AK!! iF M I i\A I'O Id arrive per Brig • i' y. !i ■: llivatia. Selected for' i .\i,i - .'d ou accon;;iiodating terms, j , - , 11 Vlll’.lSS HOWELL. I N. ' .. I o r. .1. 5^-l m. | I. J Ki>iTi:i:>i I •'I llt-ai and IVrsoiir.l l’ro|M‘rty at Hisrii I*'iiit, (iniltoi’d (>.. V. (on tiu‘ 11th and l*2th i (la>N of \ot«'mbtT n»‘\t. | 1) o- .ind ii, .p'.' ■■■in of tw.i Deed' of Trust j ) .cull d to us liy Jeremiah Piggott, to secure tlie III ■!' i i i'tuiii 'l bl tliorciii named and set forth. | • .p..-.- 1.1 pulili'- -ale. at High Point, on Fri- ; I .'atuiday tlie lltli and llith days of November J 1 •I 'I 'Slo cp. Hoi:>. Farming Utensils. '!’i. .1-. W:ij:nii' .itid Gears, a Buggy and Har- . 1: -e number of Bed- aihl Furniture, and a ••its .t iioU'ib >'id. tavern and kitclien Furniture, ■ . i; ' i- otlier artic les of per'onal projierty, convey- .11- a; i D-' .f Trust. \ - .. a very v.,l,i:,l,le FARM AND PLANT.VTION of ■ .11 .;•)'( acre-, nil Hielilatid ereek. near High Point. >)i.th si'b'- . ! tile 1’' III';, i;.iid. containing' valuable \ir.\1)0W l.AMt and 1 FAUMINt; L.\ND, well ni, tobaeeo and wheat, witli hoii'c thereon, a good bbiek'tiiilli sill)]), the lanil is “ generally public are aware that I have been 1 eng.'iged in the manufacturing and 'elling of Gentlemen's Gannents for 17 or 18 years, and with this long experience believe that I am as well calculated to make good selectii)ns, as anj' person or jpersons in this business. j My stock is all entirely new and adapt ed to the trade. My stock consists of No. 1 Dress Cloth Coats. Frock Coats i single and double brea'teil ■: Business Suits, con sisting of Silk Mixtures. Harrison Cass., Rib Cass, and L'liion Cass., Fine Beaver, Felt I’eaver; Seal Skin and Union Cass. Over-’oats; Felt Beaver Talmas—a new garment, never introduced before this sea son: Pants of all grades, ranging in price from 50 to S'.) im»: an extra lot of Vel vet, .Silk, Grenadine .Silk, (.'loth and Cas- simere Vests; alarge assortment of Youths’ and Children's Clothing; Gentlemen' .Shawls; Morning Gowns, Gentlemen's all- woijl Under-.Shirts; Riilroail Rugs: Blan kets; Hosiery; Susjienders; Napoleon-Ties: Oavats: Stocks; Gloves: liindings; I’urtes .»s Persons desirous of hu\ing their suits made abroad, can call .ind leave their measures with me, and I will have them atteti'led to immeliately. Call at tlie “OAi: PRITE CLOTHING I'MPORIIM.” A. J. WOODWARD, Market Square, . 1 *2 Doors below S. J. Hinsdale. Sept. 14 4.'-tf JOSEPH I?AKI:R, Jr., ATTO K i\ K V A T I. A W , Has taken an office next door to Wm. B. Weight’s Law Office on Green Street. He will attend and practice in the County and .SujH>rior Courts of Ctiniberland, Bladen, Robeson and Sampson. March li3, 1859. 79tf ■». J. ^lAl'LAIR, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, FAYETTEVILLE, N. J'lI.L practice in the t.'ourts of Robeson, I'umberland, Harnett and Richmond Prompt attention given to all business eiurusted to liin. Feb'y 5, 1859 80- JOIIA p7fI LLKR, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, WILL PR.M,'TtCK IS THE COURTS OF Kobeson. I'umberland, Columbus and Bladen. office at Lumberton. Robeson Co., N. C. July 5, 1859 29lf WORTH A: I TI.EY, Forwarding and General Commission Merchants, Fatft'tleriUe, .V. J. WORTH. (~-tf) JOS. t'TLET. R. VI. ORRKLL, TURPENTINE INSPECTOR. [IHOSE sending their .S|.irits Turj)entine to me may rely upon it to have prompt and careful :ittention. My warehou-'Cs are fronting the wharves and near the river. Sept'r 18, 1S58. 45tf W. H. ALLEN.] [J. M. CLARK- ALLE\ & CLARK, Coinnii«!«ion .VIerclian WILMINGTON. N. ('. UKALKKS 1> LIMK. PI,\STKR, ( EMKM. HAIR, Ac. rseir- Ag ents for Rush \ Orrell's Line of Steamers. |)ROMPT ]>ernnal attention given to consignments o I Naval Store';. Cotton or otlier Country Produce, for ?ale or shipment. .lan'y 1'.*. ls>.'i‘.i. Sl- WiLlJ.Wl J. PRICK, Mnspertor of •'Wtral Stores^ M II. MI.Vh'ToX, C. s olicits the patronage of his country friends and all others engaged in the Turpentine l)Usiness. ^orlli \Vul«*r Nov’r ‘J‘J. iH.'iH. r»4-lypd JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. 4' o n n I N s 14» \ A .V I> Forwarding Merchant, .V. C. j^F-Prompt personal Mttentioii given to all Consign ments. and ('ash advnnees made on Prxluce to be shipped to other port' or sold in this market. Feb. 1-J. Is55. 07tf .IAS. c. SMITH.] [miles roSTlV JAS. O. SMITH & CO., Fartors, f'ontmission anti For- irnrtfinis' •lierchnnts. WILMINGTON, N. C. PROMPT attention given to sale of TIMBER, LUM BER. N.VV.XL STORE.S and all kinds of Produce. Liberal advancements made on ('onsignments. Refer to E. P. Hall, Pres't Braiicli l>ank of Slate. H. R. Savack. Cash'r I’.ank Cape Fear. John Dawson. Esq. July '20, 185'.t :'>:’.-r)mos II. GKAIIA.n, CO.?f.IMMSSiO>\' ERr;#f.f.^’T, WIIiMlN;T()N. N. ITTILL give promj't and personal attention to all con- signments of Sjiirits Turpentine, Rosin, Tar and Turpentine, and all country produce for sale. (ffitre up stairs, over the store of Mr. Vonglahn. and joining Lutterloh's Wharf, North Water street, .lune lio. 'J5tf DEi\TAL i\OTI('E. Dr. R. SCOTT offers his professional services to the community, and may be seen at his office, two doors East of the Market. Sept. 5, 1859. 40tf l>EIVTI«TRY. Dr. j. DAVIS having decided on perma nently locating in the Town of Fav'ette- ville, respectfully otfers his services to the citizens of this place and surrounding country. In all the various branches of his Profession, including the manufacture of Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an extensive experience, to which is added a thorough Den tal education, that he can give entire satisfaction as far as is in the power of Dentistry. All irregularities of the Teeth treated in a proper and careful manner, as well as diseases of the month. None but the proper metals are made use of in the various operations. Charges will be moderate, that the benefits of the Profession may be placed within the reach of all who may feel an interest in the preservation of the Teeth. 9^*' Office over Houston’s Jewelry Store, where he maj’ be found at all times. May 10, 1858. 9tf Hr. FRAXK WILLIAMS’S RYE WHISKEY. R MITCHELL has made arrangements with Dr. , Frank Williams, to be constantly supplied with his celebrated RYE WHLSKEV, which can be had at his Store at all times, by wholesale or retail. Oct’r 11. 1858. 5.3-tf SPEI W1 PAI.\TS OILS A:c\ I%OTI€E. RS. BROOKSBaNK has returned from the North, and ia now opening a and Great Variety of FINE mUMM ,lNn FANCY (iOODS! To which she invites the attention of her friends and the public. fe^FLUTING AND CRIMPING done to order. Oct'r 13 57-6t NIereoscopes and Views. 4 VARIETY of Appleton's popular Stereoscopes, with rV views of American. English and French Scenery. Aic.: just receiveil. Oct. 12. E. J. HALE & SON. Hardware, Cutlery, $«AUDLF.RY, See. JAMES M.\RTINE is now receiving a large and gene ral assortment of every thing in the above line. —A LSO— A prime article of Rio, Laguira and Java COFFEE Crushed and Brown SUGAR; Sugar Hou«e SIRUP and .MOLASSES. All of which is offered on as good terms as can be had in this market. Nov'r 24. 1858. 86tf lute Lead; Burning Fluid; Putty; Window Glass and Sash of all sizes. —ALSO— Afresh supply of POND'S PAIN DESTROYER. For sale by JAMES MARTINE. Nov’r ‘24. 1858. OOtf Sii^ar Cane ^Iill«. T H R E E S T Y L E S or First Premium 2 and i Holier Sugar Cane Mills. Manufactured bv ;V. icovi>l::% ac ^o:%. Samshlrt, N. C. ■\ug. 9 lil'tNl AOW lA HARKKT. 4 LL persons having NEGROES for sale, will do well to address the subscriber at Clinton, Sampson county, as he is determined to buy and pay as liberal prices for them as the state of the market will permit. By addressing him he Mill call immediately, and make liberal ofler*, as all will find who will try him. CHARLES T. STEVENS. Clinton, Sampson (''o.. Sept 10, 1859 48-lypd A TREATISE ON THE LAW OP EVIDENCE, TKXTH ENGLISH EDITIUX, WITH CONSIDEBABLC ALTERATION’S AM) ADDITIONS. By the Right Hon. S. MARCH PHILLIPS and THOS JAMES ARNOLD, Esq., one of the FoUch Magistrates for the Metropolis. FOURTH AMERICAN EDITION, liY ISAAC EDWARDS, Cul'NSKLLOE AT LaW. In three large volumes. With COWEN & HILL’S Notes, and with additional Notes and References to the English and American eases to the present time, including those added to tin- last edition by J. Marsden Van Cott. The unequalled work of Mr. Phillips on the Law of Evidence has long been acknowledgetl. This edition has undergone a tliorough revision l>y Mr. Edwards, and has received an immense amount of labor, and is now as nearly perfect as can tie mad‘. The American labor and talent bestowed upon the work are not less than that derived from the Eiiglisli source. The immortal notes of Messrs. (,’owen \ Hill, together with those of Mr. Van (’ott, have been i-are- fully preserved; and instead of being put in a voIuiik- by themselves, as formerly, they are now placed beh>w the text—a disposition of them which will very much faci litate reference. Tlie entire note and text are atranged in three compact volumes, with a table of ca.«es, and an extremely full index to each. Mr. Edwards has care fully noted any distinctions that n .ly exist between the English and American law, and has added all the late American decisions. Several copies of this valuable work just received and for sale by E. J. HALE & SON, Fayetteville. 110 \VliiMkc‘y and ISraiidy. BBLS. Pure Corn Whiskey; 'J5 •• Apple Brandy; 20 “ N. E. Rum: 20 “ .\merican Brandy: 15 “ Old Rye Whiskey. For sale by E. F. MOORE. Sept 12 48- I T. A: K. U. WORTH, A UKn: 1 Tiie New Style. Small. lOLORKD PIIOTO;ilAPIIS, AT VasiorMlell’^i ;all4^ry. w Mill'd to the ciiluin- ol va'ii.ii !i' !wo st..ry dwi-ll I . I- (Vaiiu- Iku ii, a good • her convciiifiit i iiiil.i-i od, very jii d '(lialiiy. I. ! i;c '..t Mini l.arg buiMiiifrs. MiK-b of dll. live, and ilie land BRICK Ho I'LL ncnr :iie N. C. ' d -Iritioii. at Iligli I’oint. 15 miles w.-si of GveiMi'i- ii. :f; 1 liiili-' 'outli east fl'oiii .''alciii, bilely oc- I b. .Ki>'!uiah Piggott, deccascil. 1 his i> one of -• d'-'ii'.iMf o'tates in middle Carolina, situated h - V n-Lnoii ol couiiiry, in a new and rapidly- vn. where th‘ Plank Road from Fayetteville !ii ^ the ll.iilroad, and where there is now i.i' miliary ot .itioui one huii'lred pupils. - ’IAS 11 oF L.VND in about one mile of ' ..t. ^djoiiiin^ the lands of Samuel Ed wards and ii’oper t' ^tate that thi' BIUCK HOTEL is bifgi-'t and l)fst fnii'li.‘d liuiMings in the li .1 gooij tin roof, four storiex higli, and con- i'liir large i-oiiit'ortable rooms. ■ ]'Ui)i i-e of giving |iersotis desiring to pur- ill fhriiii-e to e.xaiiiine the farm and the hotel, i.j- -.11 the lot .anil on tlic land, it is jiroposed ■ ' e-taie on S.ilurd iy the 12th of .N'ovemlier !. will lie made good to the {)urchiiser. l ie known on ilay of sale. SEWEL FARLOW, Trustee. JOHN A. GILMER, Trustee. 1859, 58-tB \r. ■I. ^ 5. g s ^ 2® .fi C SS = £ ART. \NEW STYLE of Colored Photo graphs tha" will last for ages— I more beautiful th.an Oil Paintings— I has been gotten up at Vaiiorsdell's tlallery. e.xi>res>*ly to suit the wants of those who desire a small colored jiicture and who object to tlie oil por trait on .account of its cost. It is offered to the public witli entire con- tiileiice in its perm.anency, and at a price that will suit all. Having just returned from the North with anew and complete set of instruments, where 1 spent five weeks in getting the newest imjirove- ments, 1 am able to say to the citi zens of Fayetteville and surrounding country, that I can give them all the ilifferent sizes and styles of Pictures that arc gotten up North or South. .\niong my instruments is a Wood ward's Solar Camera, which enables me to enlarge a life-size Photograph from the smallest Daguerreotype or .Vmlirotype. Persons having a small picture of a deeeased friend, can have it retaken of any desired size, and colored in oil, India ink or water color, by send ing to me, staling the color of hair and eyes. Prices for Colored Plioto- graplis. from smull si/.e to life, range from ^>10 to ^^50. 1 have removed and enlargel my Gallery, (opposite the Mart.le Ynrl,) and my customers will find a plea sant reception room and an Operator deterniined to give satisfaction. roHiHiissioH and Foruardin^ Merchants, WILMIXCTON, N. C. Jan'y 2^^, lH.')'.i 84tf \V>I. II. TrilLIX«;TON, €' o III III i w M i o II .Tl V r c li a ii t, WII-MINGTON, N. (’.. ILL give pri.mj't and personal attention to all con- ignments of SPIRITS TURPENTINE, ROSIN, T.\R. COTToN. Fi.oUH. and other country jirodiice, eitiier for sale or shiiinient. i My wharf and warehouses being conveniently located ■ for tiie reception of produce, either by Railroad or River, : enable^ me to make charges light. Nov'r 8 F. M. BIZZFLL I li R fl r E R \ \ I) r (I >ni I s s 10 \ E R c ii n t, '5 No. 2!) XoRTii Watkr Strkkt, J WILMINiT(*N, N. (’. — ¥)K0MPT and personal attention given to the reception 5 X »>f kiuds of country ]>roduce, either for sale or - shipment. Orders for groceries fr«m customers will receive S' immediate attention, free of commissions, b Nov. 19. 1S58. BOOTS SMMOFl!^: (,) F H K K Y S T V i. K A N I) \’ A li I K T Y . n'^HE Subscrilter has returned from New 1 York, and is receiving his Fall and Win ter Stock of Boots and Siioes. consisting in ' part as follows: ' All kinds or Water-Proor Ho»ts and Slioes, '' fine and coarse: all kind-j of fine Dress Boot', from the I finest ,'^titch Boot to llie finest Pump: all kinds of Patent ! Leather Boots, Shoes and tiaiters, and a good sujiply of : Boys' Boots and Shoes, fine and coarse; also, a large | supply of Brogans—of the best tiiat the city of New j York can afford. .ill kinds uf Lady's Boots, with heels and without; ^ Ladies' Slippers, tjaiters; Mi-ises' Slippers: Ladies' j Walking Shoes; Misses' French ISoots. .\lso, ’'hildren’s Patent Metalic Tip. with copyier on the toe to prevent the toe from wearing out; Boy's Gaiters arid Shoes and Boots; all kinds of (’alf Skin Shoes, the best style and ! well made, and cheaper than 1 ever had: a large lot of , Over-Shoes; High (Quarter ()ver-Slioes of Cassimere, also of the old style; Misses' Gailors of al- kinds, with and without heeN: Men's tJniters of all «tyles, light and heavy; Water-proof of a new style. .\lso. ii lot oft’ar- pet Bags. Satchels, and Trunks. A large lot of Sole : Leather kepton hand and for sale,—cut to 'uit customers. Tlie above work will be sold a-; low as any person can sell the same kind of work. This work 1 warrant not to rip before the sole wears through—I will mend them without any charjre. 1 try to keep the best quality, and 1 think I am a good judge, tts 1 have worked at the trade for the last 18 years. 1 only ask you to call and look, and I know you will buy from me. All you want is to get that i« good and at a low price, and when you see my stock. 1 know you will be satisfied. 1 am thank ful for the favors bestowed on me for the last five years past,—I hope they will be increa>ed for the time to come. If any ]iersoti wislies home-made work, I would say to them, if tiu'y will leave their orders with me. 1 , will ensure as good a tit as can be made in the State, and the workmanship I will compare with any in the State or out of the .''tate. Repairing done in the best style and at the sliortest notice. I think I have given you a small sketch of my goods Call; I want to see you all. and I tell j'ou we will have a great town before long, (''all and see me, opposite the Cape Fear iiank. M. FAULK. Fayetteville, N. C.; Sept 29. ]8-*>9 54-om STOXES, «IIEET IKO:V, TIA-WARK, A:c. ON HAND, a large assortment of Box and Cooking Stoves; Tin-ware; Sheet-Iron; Lead Pipe. Also Itie Itomtniott VotTef For sale by JAML.S M.VRriNI/. Nov'r 24. OOtf STATE ( All AXD MAC HI^E WORKS. ^PHE undersigned having located in the town of Fay- I etteville, N. ’.. and erected buildings suitable for Car ami .Machine Works, would give notice that they are jirep.ared to execute all orders for ('.ars of every de- «criptiou. also all kinds of Machine work, siicli as re pairs of Steam Engines. Colton. Mill and Mining Ma- ciiinery. heavy forging, such as Mill Spindles, Cranks, otc.. at short notice. By an arrangement made with the Boston Belling Companv. we are prepared to receive orders lor all kinds of India’Hubber Belting and Hose at their jnices. Having started our Engine, and Wi^od'vorth's Planer, we are prepared to platie all descri]>iions of Lumber and Scantling, which will be kept on hand, for sale eitiier in the rough or dresseil, as parties may desire. C'ontracts taken for the erection of Buildings, mate rials furnished, and jobbing of all kinds executed with neatness and despatch. Counters and Desks made to order. Stores fitted. Sash, Doors and Blinds manufactured, equal to any thing of the kind to be found in tlie Northern market. WALTON \ M.VltHY, Car Builders and Miichinisis. Fayetteville. Oct lS;>‘.t ;>4 tf JUST received per ‘•Steamer”, the largest and best selected stock of Dry riood.s, Hats and Cups, Boots and Shoes, ilurdware, (irocerie.s, Provisioii,s and Liquors, Truss Hoops and Glue, Turpentine, Coopers’ and Fanners’ Tools. —ALSO— Herrin" and Macicerel, (in kits and bbla.) M ess I’ork and Mess Jieef. Cofi’ee, Sui^ar, Molasses and Candles. I'owder, Shot and L>ad. Sej^ars, Chewing and Smokinji Tobacco. In fact a large assortment of articles usually kept in a general stuck. These Goods are from the Manufacturer, Importer and Producer, and consequently will be sold Cheap for Cash or exchanged for good short time paper, or Country Produce. C. E. LEETE. Sept. 2»j, 1851*. 52-1 m THK AEW EDITIOA^ i»F THE ISupreiiie Court Reports. The Publishers, conceiving that their New Editions, with Judge Battle's Notes, of some of the volumes of Reports which had gone out of print, have not suffi ciently attracted the attention of the Profession, have been happy to receive the following voluntary tribute to their merits, from a distinguished Lawyen— Raleioh, July 27, 1859. Mkssrs. E. J. H.vlk & Sos:—GtNTLE.MtN:— I confess, I did not have an opportunity, until a week or two since, to examine your re-publication of the fir.^t Vol. )f Dev. iS: Bat. Eq. Rep., and also the first Vol. of the satue Reporters' of the Law decisions of the Supreme Court. It is no compliment, either to you or Judgt ]!nttle. to saj', as an humble member of the profession, I thank you for this most valuable addition to the Ju dicial treasure of the State. To the members of the legal profession the Notes of Judge B. are of great value, anil I do most sincerely hope you will receive from the profession generally that encouragement and patronage whicii you deserve. I am. gentlemen, yours. most truly and resp’f’llv, H. W.‘ MILLER. The Publishers have now in press, about two-thirds printeil, the 2d Vol. of Devereux A: Battle's Equity, with Judge Battle s valuable Notes, and with many typographical errors corrected. Orders solicited. E. J. HALE & SON. .\ug. 1850. IVorth Carolina Reader^i. NUMBERS 1 AND J PREPARED WITH SPECIAL REFEUKNCE TO THk; W'ANTS AND INTERESTS OK •AV»rfli Carolina. UND*R THK AU8PICKS OF THK SUPKRl-NTE.NDKNT COM MON SCHOOLS, BY Rei'. ifl. Hubbard, PROrKSSOR or THK LATIN LANOUAGK AXD LITKR.»TrRK IN THB UJflVBRSITY OF NORTH C.\R01.INA. K€H(»OI^ BOOK^i». ^Minus English Grammar; N. Carolina Readers, ^ three parts; Olney's Geography—revised edition; Monteith's Geographies; Pike's ' Arithmetic; Murray’s English Reader; N. York Readers; Mason's Farrier; ^lattison's Astronomv; &c. Sept U ' E. J. HALE & SON. i csi: i U IVOKATOiS! I’|;KI'U{K1) liv DK SWFJKII, (o:apoiiii(l‘d fiitirei} frojii ! - (IN '-: l:K I 111 NUMBER 3, CONTAINING A FAMILIAR HISTORY A.ND DESCRII'- TION OF NORTH CAROLINA. Selections in Prose and Terse; many of them by eminent citizens of tlie State. HISTORICAL AND CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. And a variety of Miscellaneous Information and Sta tistics. by €. Mt. n*ML,E\\ "Vy UMBER 3 is a new and revised edition of the North Carolina Reader, first published in 1851. Num’ners 1 and 2 just issued, complete the series, which is, as u whole, cheaper than any other series of Readers in the United States, and as complete. The Editor (Prof. Hubbard) in his Preface to Num ber 1 deems it proper to allude to a few of the peculiar advantages aimed at by the Superintendent ot Common Schools while making eli'orts to have this work com pleted. These are, 1. The encouragement of a feeling of xelf-dependenre. Jind the enlistment «f popular sentiment in behalf of the State and its institutions. It was not thought important, how ever, to have more than one number of the Reader of merely a local interest. 2. To remedy the evil everywhere complaintJ of in com mon tchooht, of a perpttval change in trxt bookf, an expen sive habit, and one which injures the Schools bj’ pre venting the children from being classified. A series of home Readers, it was supposed, would be certainly used, and this great evil thus avoided. 3. Economy, the popular system of Readers being loo long and being made so often merely to add to the profits of authors and publisher.^. This series is to consist of fewer numbers than those generally used, and it is believed that these numlrtjrs are sufficient, while if the system were univer.sally usel in the State, the sum saved to parents and children would amount to several thwisand dollars annnalh-. 4. To put in the hands of children learning to read rom- positiont tu^cienily famiUar but not of (he character calhd childish compotitiom, containing, in lessons ea.sy enough for all ages, correct specimens of style, interesting iii matter, and inculcating proper morals, and religious in struction. The prices are. for No. 1. 25 cents: No. 2. cents an.i No. 3, 75 cents. A liberal deduction from tiiese prices to Merchants and School Teachers. E. J. H.VLE .5. SON. i.irilif 1U.ST riKiJATIVK AM) t.tVKR M! ihr pulilir. tlmt »ij* a Hixi niMn.' etlecuml ihati Any other medicine I r.ithftrtir. but H Lit»^ rtrnfdy. aclltip firwl «»n t! !h mo* ?>il mauer. Jhen on vh« MomKi-b j\t»J bo» c t niH'ier a«‘Comi'li«hiujf two uvoMh** iminful te^linRs exMriei.re*! in the • "itfhai'i"*. It •‘treniriheit^ the i«>Hteni tVe «- mt-n it , •n.l when t»keu dailr in o-.-* I nnd btiild ft iij* with rtipiditj. PERfODiC^MEjS. L. SCOTT & CO., NEW YORK, continue to publish the following leading British Periodical's, vi?: 1. THE LONDON QUARTERLY ((^nservaiive.) THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig.) •3. THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free Church.) 4. THE WEST.MINSTER REVIEW (Lilwral.) 5. BL.\CKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (Tory.) I he J-!v€*r in on** ot the 1»h1> ; himI when it ■]■■■ p. vrtr ol the nre ' Mi. ; 'I »*nlirely 4W;»riiilei:t Ii”-t t!»e prof*^ m • Mil i(-h :) til rMiilt.theboweU . V «• 'Ter" l»i ci>ii-^juonoe IV in:; ■ lo lio its Uut> c n- o *e of the p»-f*|>r’ietor»« . It of more tliHU iWCTity to roniiterurt tfu* It i-> 1 •» prove thnt ihi« rom«*«!T\» with t’om- ii.i.s IrtJt to *ry H I heHe i«mov«! mU thf *y*tcm «i’;i plyinK Ir. their i{C(H ittini; the •t«*mach. pMiifyli*tt the blood, whole hjiicry, removing • tfectun: H vKtiicMl cme. Bliloil’4 nttarkM Hre l>rfl« r, by ijlver 111vl«;oi‘Ator. t)iie tl s»* nHer emiriK i* Huf- •Ti>i pr prinoipHi reirtiUtor* of tif pt'rtorm^ ilM t'lioctiniif T*(>t fully developed. The ott the heallb) AcTioit ot t!> of it« fnt»nion8: are At tauit, hi i ih«* of one '.rirHii—the |j|v r Kur U)f ot tliAt Ml hait mndf it h>« Ntndy. it: ye«rii, lo find some lenieu xniiny derrtiijreim-ntfl to whie; At tA«t fonnd, any pei*o!; tr***: plaint , in AiiT of iiH form». conviction fH certnin. morbid or Imd irmter fn»tT. pUoe a hedlthy flow of bili-. cHnsitifr t(x>d to difce«>t wcU. gtvinK henhh tu the the CAaM of the These Periodicals ably represent the three gn-at jioli- tical parties of Great Britain—Whig, Tory and Radiral, —but politics forms only one feature of their character. As Organs of the nnj.st profound writers on Science. Literature. Morality and Religion, tliey stand, us they ever have stood, unrivalled in the world of letters, being considered imlisptMisable to the scholar and the profes sional man, while to the intelligent render of every class they furnish a more correct and ■sai isfaciory reconl of : the current literature of the day. througiiout the world, i than can be possibly obtained from any other source. EAHLY COPIES. The receipt of ADV.VN E SHEETS froin tbe British ^ publishers gives atiditional value to these Heprinf", in- . a.»much as they can now be placel in the h iiids of siili ; scribers a'lout as soon as the original editions. ! TERMS. ficient to risHevf the ntoiuAch .riainfir And »onrin|(. , retiring, prevents !V 9, C *-s 50tf’^ Sept. I'^, 1859 Blanks I'or (itale at tlii« Office, .^'esfroo*!! Wauled. QEXTLE.MEN, your ohl customer is yet in market for Likely Negroes, for which I am deterniined to pay the Hig^hest Cash Prices* Persons h.aving such for sale would do well to give me a call, or addre.ss me at (,'linton, N. C. All orders promptly attended to. J. A. McARTHUR. Clintor., N. C., March ti, 1S5V*. t5-lyrpd .YOTI€E. \S there may be some persons in Fayetteville and ^ vicinity who may not be aware that ^ Wheeler and lf#7«oii’« Setring tfiarhine I is the best for family sewing, and who intend purchas- ; I inga Sewing Machine, this is to advise them (for their ' own inlere/il,) to call upon the subscriber and see one of “WHEELER WILSON'S’ before purchasing. It will prevent their purchasing one of the many inferior Sewing Machines, which are otlered lor sale through i the country. There are THIRTY of the Wheeler & Wilson Ma- j chines in successful use in this place and vicinity, j S. J. HINSDALE, Agt. 1 Aug. 22 42- ( LOT!il\(i and Ueiitle.neii's Fiirnishins (ioods. ' W’^E have now in store a very good and well selected ' }\ stock of READV-MADE ('LOTH ING, to which we i wonhl call ))-irticular attention. Our Clothiii: consists ! ! of fine Cloth and (.’assimere t’oat';, togethev witli all I grades and f|iialities. .\lso P;ints .and \ ests ot all kinds, and Cassimere Suits: there is nothing better for gentle- | men's busine-s suits than those ('as-iuieres. Youths' and Boys' Clothing, Bools and Shoes. Hats and I'mbrel- ' las. and every thing usually kept in a Clothing Hou«e. ' Persons w;inting goods in our line would do well to ■ call and examine our stock of Gootls. as we are deter mined to sell at small profits. Be sure to call at NEW- BEURY'S CLOTHING STORE, North-east Jam. Mar ket Square, No. I'J, next door to the Carolinian Ofhce. | Oct. 8, is5‘». _ : .\KiiROK>^ WA.'VTKO. THE subscriber wislie-' to buy FMFT^* EMUEJLY* J%*EUROES, for which he will pay The Highest Cash Prices. Persons having such property to sell will find it to their interest to address roe at Clinton, N. C. A. S, C. POWELL. July 26, 1869 85-Cmpd ,ni|rht« loonent the boweU WtlvniesA. Qie«l will cure J. npoonful0 mill relieve male ohi«tmction retwove* lh« A perfect cure, relieves I’hollr. while % H«re cure for 1 Ikolri’n of Cliolera. 'needed to throw ont ot thr cine After m long »ickn«k». •Tatindlce removes ai: shI from the xkin. 'time before efttinf; food diKe^t well, rnvee l>l»i— while Suiuiiit*!* m d AlmciKt U> the Rist d>>« tAcks CHUiied by^VoifiiH jn sAfer, or iipeedier rei?>»*t.' \u tlie fcKKi from [ taken before i innr«-. ’{ oiilv otie d taken At; I jtently, and cure* Co*» taken aft««r each j One done of two lea- lloalaclie. { (hie bottle taken for fe- canr(« of the And ()nly one done immediately ! «>r.e done ol^en repeaiwl i« t lIorbuA, and a preventive ; flL^Only one l»ottle la the etfecii «>f medi^ W^Otie bottle taken for' i *\Mien’« or iinnatural color h e done taken a «hort' K'-J lo ihe Hi-i>etite, nnd make* . r «hir doiw* often repeated I'lidfti in it« worst fornix, j |{ow«*l corrplaint. yield' • >iit‘ or two do'>e?i cure* at- • 'hihiien there !■ no «urpr. the world, as it nerrr fniU. 0^' A few ImttleA curew, Hbsoi )>enti>. \Vetnkepl«a>>nre in recom I i*tentive lor F«ver and u'.-\ all Kev«*r^ of a Illl- ith ceitfiinty, and tbontAnda j «onderl»l virtuea. All who It ar^ ^l'«'ln|i( tlirir tinanlin«»iia i(‘HtIiuoiiy III tin favor. 0^ \Vnt«‘r III file month '%%Jth tlie Invl- aiifl nwallow HotK to|ce-tlirr« THE LIVER INVIOORATOR IS V SrTKNTIFir MKDIfAI. DISCoVKRY, hi.iI i> il.kij W'tkirp cuien. Almo»«t too frreat to V*eliere. It rure»* if >>> fit^t yivihif And j*ehloni m«.e thaii • »ne )*otfle in rw^uired to cure Any kind ot I.lv^r i'omp’ni’it ihe woiKt Jnumiife or to a coQunun i!) >t wliich are the reonit of a lMiic*a»el fKlCK ONE DOLLAR TRR BOTTLK. Dr. S.\NKORl), Proprietor. .H45 It twiilwHy, New York Retailed b? all r>ru(r?i»>*rt. JAS. N. SMITH and S. J. HINSDALE, T'er aim. no i> nu 7 no h iMi (HI !• iin in iHi mirnvr,. 7^ , A m s r>roi>iiy, l).v Miitiinr -.In ' mvTidtiiic tbU me.liriiie » Ajfne, Clilll K»-%rr, loit* Type, li '(.♦•iKiri' |ar« williiiK h* teKtifv tn tin NoVr 11. FayetteTille, N. C. 62-17 P’or any one of the four Keview^ For any two of the four Reviews For any three of the Four Reviews For all four of the Reviews For Rlackwood's Magazine For Blackwoc.d and three Reviews Four Uliurkwood and the four Keview-* utit (o h*'. mmle in all fs> Slunet/ current in the ,St(itt irh re is^vc/ trii/ !> received at par. CLUBRlNt;. A discount of twenty-five per cent, from the above price will be allo-ved to Cli bs ordei inir lour or more copies of any one or more of the above works. Thus; Four cojiies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will b.» sent to one ad dress for $9: four copies of the four Reviews and Black wood for and so on. I’OST.VGE. In all the principal Cities and Towns, these works will be delivered. FREE OF I’t)ST AGl'. When ‘^ent I>y mail, the I*osta>re to any ymrt of the I’nited Stnte-- will be but TWENTV-FOU R cj^NTS a year for “Blaekwiidd. ’ and but FtjL’RTEEN CENTS a year for *'acli ot’ the Hi- views. ^V. H. The jrrire in (ireat /iritam >J 0" I"'*’ Periodical)^ (ilnn'c-na (tied /.■s 8->l pi r niuiuin. Remittances for any of the above piil>Ii-ations should always be addressed, post-paid, to the l’iit>lishers. LEONARD SfOTT CO., No. 54 Gold street. New Vo*V ~iVeS^tcr’s Elenientarv Book, for sale by E. J. iIaLE ft SO. .

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