h.\ f a. Thu •t \ h,- IK r-t t;.k. ■ is II, )' ■•III ir { }. 1: el '■I "«v '■ '‘■‘j -"h'.-r ''.r „l :■' iv ’ fi, Ill ' ''■-I.:.,: " ‘V- ^-lun llliu 11,l^., ""UI-.-, il, '‘aviii. ■ ■ '* t iLt- ap ‘ ' - 'Hit- auj ■ ''a ! - UV t,. jr-'. • ’ - -h.v ■ ri‘. wh., 1,' ,k t, k in v wn •rr..ui; ,, '»> t..r J r, •'lii fn-JjHV.T t. •K. •NM AI.i . K\ ' M I'ANIKI,, tl llAWLtY. *‘r;: H. LbKirv an, ‘IRAN M'-I-as. Ivi:-V k ;. Lkan. iiiiiittfc o\^ OF Is.V.i. :■ ).■■ ; tia?..- lii' >. kiv- »-\Vare, S' ltf* Findins^. V HAi:D-WARh la;: IV- ^ ouud iu \orth 1!.: I \M' . vais. AT I !,'.l i;: I. i; ■ . r . ■ aj ; :■ ' H I U TK-'V VMre. UK ml .. i ■- . ''•> . bui ;■ ■. Rifle, j’iiE- T - « CO. 23-lf IFAlrlEWWlllMLIE T [VOL. IX.1 FAYETTEVILLE, N. C„ NOVEMBER 3. 1859. [NO. 863.] 1 IMNTKD MONDAY.^ ANI> THURSDAYS KUWARD J. HALE X SOX, KI'ITOKS AND I'UOl’UlETORS . ,ir ill- Soiui-'Vci*kl_v Ohserver §3 W if pai'l iu .,|',u’loe: *’ paiJ during tlie year of subscrip- •;..ti: '>r ?• I rtf'ter tlie year has expired. ,v tl-.-^Wekly (*U!*i:rver $'J (.M) per unntim. if paiJ in .dvnm i': :S- if paid during tlie yeur of subscrip- T .'*■•'■ H> after the year has expired. pc^fT' M'VKHTlSh.M I'.NTS inserted foT (10 cents per (if l'> liiit‘3 for the firt, and 30 cents for each , publication. Yearly ailvertisements by ape-, i. at rotisonable rate«. Advertisers are . i.'-ied to state the number of insertions desired, or ; ,-v will be ciintinui-il till forl>id. and charged accord- i Henry Nt. Joliii, by John I'.^’ten Cooke; Adam Hode, by Geo. Klioi; ilonie .Memo ries, by Mrs. Care}’ lirock; Miss iSlimmens' Window, illustrated: Handy Hook on IVopevty Law; Chronicles of the Hastile; Horses aud Hounds, by Scrutator: Ameri can Klot|uence; Appleton’s ('yclo. of Biography: Cyclo. of Wit and Humor. I’tc., iSc. Oct. -Jl. K. J. hale & SUN. Jiiwt Keceiveil. LHS. No. 1 MOUNTAIN RUTTER, for sale U. MITCHELL. t>-Jtf KoceivtMl, -\ lartro lut NFi(!RO SHOK^' and KERSKYS, osxAHi’mis, iwrroKV shektinus and YARNS,—at Factory I’rices. I’EMBERTON & SLOAN. Oct'rlH. 18')'.,* CUtl.lv Attorney at Law, Fayettkville, X. C. Al'lLL attend tlie County and Supurior Courts of y\ Cumbwrland, Harnett, Moore and Robeiion Coun ties. Prompt attention givun to th« collection of all clainiK entrusted to hiv hand^. Oct. 17, 18.=.y. ^ 58-tf A. KI^ITH, Commission ^llerchant^ i WIL.MINGTON, N. C. OFFERS his services to Planters as Factor or Agent for the sale of COTTON: will give his personal at tendance to the business. His commission for selling ! Cotton will be 50 cts. |>er Vmle. no additional charge ; will be made. Cotton forwarded to New York at 10 I cts. per bale. Oct. 4. - 58-1 m SECOJVD STOCK. STARR & WILLIAMS, IMPOHTKRS A JOBBERS OF FORE!i;.\ A.\l) DOMESTir DRV GOObS, Hats, C'ap^ Boot», Umbrel las and Ready-Hade Clothing. West Ekd Fayetteville Hotel Buildixo. Are now receiving their SECOND PURCHASE of Goods for this season. This stock is large, and well worthy the attention of buyers, who are invited to uall and examine for themselves. J. 15. STARR. J. M. WILLIAMS. Fayetteville, Oct’r 13. IHiSy 57- -einents to Vie inserted inside, charged 50 per :;’ra. .^l*i; lAl. NOTICE. . ! id after thi;- dH:c. no name of a new subscriber ,r ' t'lii' /. d withi'Ut p.iyiiient in ^idvuiice. nor will >er sent to such sub?crR>ers fi>r a longer tiiue • > ] :li'l tor. : ; : • ! ’lir old subcriber? :is dc'ire to take the pa- ■; . r )u tiii- 'V^tem will ]ilease iiotily us when making rv:. "STUe-. .Ihuv 1. 1 FKES!^I1 goods. IAM now receiving u»y Fall Supply of Goods, con sisting in part of l.iur •' lidisina, in \\ fiolr, IJn/j utnl i^r. liu.ica; I' rraiits, I’itnni, IVuiim, ^Vy.s, Dates, Aiin' uiln, liai^ina, I*rtscrittl (iin- •/tr, Itrii'il (jiiK/ir, t'Sitrduies, hcith and ritfh-mt hunts,) CiHoa (ind other Xuts ■ f all kinds; /\i/cles, tSancts and Catsups, Jams ami Jtllits, and Sjjif td Oysters. Al'u. a large and well selected stock of Toyi and Fancy Cioodti,, w H Variety of other articles not enumerated. KHESll i'ANUlES of all kinds kept constantly on iiand. at wholesale or retail. i irders from the country, with the cash, promptly at- tended t^i. Mrs. .M. UANKS, No. 0 Green Street. :vt31 02-Im C'i;^arM! C'i^ar«!! i Lot ot choice Brand--. .\lso. PoWH.\T.VN SMO- A KING TollAt't’O—a fine article. Just received. ?IK^. IIAKT reiurnedfrom the North, and is now opening and receiving a fashionable assortmetu of MILLINERY GOODS, including a variety of F.VN'CY .VRTK’LES: also, a choice selection of ¥V/r«»f and Silk Honnets. The jiublic are resjiecifully leiiuosted to call. Jijt^Orders from the country will meet with prompt attention. Store in the McRae Building, joining the Fayetteville Hotel. Oct 28 0‘J-3m CO-I»AKTx\EK!5JII|P. •lEcRinimon Smithn I HAVE this day asiiociaied with myself .Mr. M1CH.\EL SMITH, who has had an experience of tive years in the Hat and ('ap Vuisiness in the city of .New York, and is thoroughly conversant with every dejiartment there of. In conse'iuence of this increased facility in pur chasing. coupled with the fact that our goods will be liought exclmively for cash, we will be enabled to sell all goods in our line, to the trade and the community at large, at a^ low figure* a- they can be bought in the Northern markets. A. McRlMMON. UKll. HARRIS-,. W. W, IIARRISS. A. J. HOWKLLL. HARRIS3 & HOWELL, roiuDiissioii and Forwarding Merchant§, \VIL.ML\(jTON, X. C. Oct. 17, I8')'.i. 58-1 Ypd robi^:kt h. i'OAVA:v, Ocneral i'omtnission ^IMerchant^ wil.ml\(;t()X, X. c. (Jtlice South Corner Market and Water streets, up-stairg. Oct. 13. 18;V,t. 57-1Y H. W. HORNB, TTO R.y'E V .fT \Y be found at the Office of Wm. R. Wright, E>ii)., STATE rAR AND MACHINE WORKS. The undersigned having located in the town of Fay etteville, N. C., and erected buildings suitable for I Car and Machine Works, would give notice that they j are prepared to execute all orders for Cars of every de- I scription. also all kinds of Machine work, such as re- I pairs of Steam Engines. Cotion. .Mill and Mining Ma- ' chinery, heavy forging, such as Mill Spindles, Cranks, I &c., at short notice. I By an arrangement made with the Boston Belting Company’, we are prepared to receive orders for all kinds of India Rubber Belting and Hose at their prices. Having started our Engine, and Woodworth’s Planer, we are prepared to plane all descriptions of Lumber and Scantling, which will be kept on hand, for sale either in the rough or dressed, as parties may desire. Contracts taken for the erection of Buildings, mate rials furnished, and jobbing of all kinds executed with neatness and despatch. Counters and Desks made to order, Stores fitted. Sash, Doors and Blinds manufactured, equal to any thing of the kind to be found in the Northern market. WALTON ii BARRY, Car Builders and Machinists. Fayetteville, Oct 3, 1859 54-tf M near the Court House. June 30. 1859. 28-1Y H Mrs :;l ?li«« I’ M. B\NKS. 1)2-1 w ^pHE 'tvle of the Firm will be iu future .MclllMMO.N 1 \ .^.MITH. \. .MC Kl.M.MON'. ] [MICHAEL SMITH. Fayetteville. N. Oct'r 1. 18.'i9. .»8- SE('0.\DFlliL ST0(K.01TR1851 H H. JUST X K. J. LILLV RECEIVED, a large and desirable S prepared to teach the art of Cutting Ladies' Dresses, by one of the best ^ysteuis now in use. Ladies de- -aous to be taught will pieu^e call at Mrs. Han s Mil- unery I’n-'ins, three doors West of the Fayetteville | H 'Sfl. Hours of te.-ichiug from lU M. until 1 1’. .M I’et'-ions wishing to avail themselves of this oppor- tnui;y. .b well to cull e.irly. a- my ■'tay here it un- cei’;jii. ’ Oct'jy—02tf At .\o. lO. Hotel Riiildin;;. OVSTERM UVSTEKSl! OVSTEHS!!! t'^KE.'tl Noi'l'olkOystei s. received severnl times a week, uii'l kept cou'tautly .ill iinuJ and -upplied to cu.s- ■ iiier^ ' y the Gallon. I’lute or .''Ujij er. FHiiiilii-';iiid : rht-r- in w:int of Oyster^ will please -eii'i on and >".• -'.ipplied. .1. R. LEE, N '. 40. Hotel Building. Oct. 31. »)2-tf Hu! EVERY ONE WHO IS HUNGRY! t ome to 0% erbaii;;li*M and Eat. 'PHK sub-Jcriber would inl'orm she inhabitants of Fay- i etieville. and the traveling public iu general, tliat i f il l' returned from New York, and is at his old stand !i I’.i.w .'Street, anil has lentfd the adjoining house and ^;’!ed it up in a neat and convenient manner for a gentle- ■ i-c:. ' Dining and Oyster .''uloon. where he will be pre- p-’ed to give all who will Javor liim with a call, a good V. ;rm meal at all hours for 10 cents, or on the European plmi. ;i will best suit liis gue.-ts: and where will be tound i ^ 1 Oy~ter' in fvery style. He would refer to his tor- j iiier rv]'Utaiiun as regards keepitig a house of the kind. BILL OF FAKE: -V- 'r Fried Trij'C, Boiled H:tm, Broiled t.’hicken. Roast Beef, Roast I’ork, Oysters stewed. Oysters fried. • )y>ters raw. Oysters scolloped. Black Tea, 40 25 2.J 25 40 25 4U r'ri’-! S;;u»age. cts. Fried Trii'C, cts li. ci 25 r'fk do.. 25 and Eggs, ‘2'> Mui' III (’hops, 'S> V. ('utlets, 25 F:,h B.hII.-. 2-'. 'l'-'-'Um, 4't t I’C'li Fish, 25 iicen Tea. •'> 5 “ firjr'Ffttnilies supplied witli Oysters by the quart or giiinn. G. (i\ERB.\LGH. Oct -il 02-3ni The ^ub«eril»er», 111 addiiioii to their former Stock, have just rec'd— •Jnn > \I'T. • bbl' Mullets, in oak and pine barrels, lu firkins (io'hen Butti'r. 1'! iiiids new crop .Nlnci-se--. English Dairy and New \ ork .''tale Cheese. I'E.MBEUKJN .V SLo.\N. 1 ti t ;’, 1 i)2t IJy •/nst ilecciveii: i ND ; r .il- bv D. ANDKKSON;— A 2-. (;ri'Fi;i;—i:i AVE Stock of Dry Oood, llat«, ltoot» Mlioev, iSeady-niade ( lotliin;?, ,\ll of which were solected with much care by one of the firm, and will be otFerijd at low pricws. at wholesale K.XCLl SIVKLY. ,\ll orders will be tilled with earn. Uct'r 17. 5S-4w BOOTS tV SHOKS! I K 1-; V K r. Y S 1' Y I. K MI \ A 111 K T V. ■'HE .Siib'ciiber P i'* reiurned from New York, and is receiving bis Fall and Win ter Stock of I’oots and Shoes, consisting in ] jiHrt as loHiiWs: All KliuN of Watt'T-I’roor Boots aud Shoes, i fine and coarse: all kind of line Dres' Boots, from the I tinest Stitch Boot to the finest I’ump: all kinds of I’ateiit | ‘ Leather Boots. Shoes and tiaiiers. and a good 'Upply ot i i Boys' Boots and Shoes, tine and coar?e: also, a large I j 'Uftply of Brogans—if the best iliar tlie city nt .New } : York can atford. .ill kinds of Lady's Boots, h itli heels and without; Ladie'' Slippers, Gaiters; Misse*' Slippers; Ladies’ Walking .•'hoes; Misses' French I’oots. .\lso. Children’s Patent .Metalic Tip. with copjier on the toe to prevent the toe from wearing out: Boy s Gaiters and SIkh's and Fioots: all kinds of Calf .''kin Siioe-. the best style and well made, and cheaper than 1 ever had; a large lot of Over-ShKP-^: Higii Quarter Over-Shoes of Cassiniere. also of tb«‘ old style: Misses’ (iaitor-- of all kinds, with and without heels: Men s Gaiters of all styles, light and heav}’: W ater-pn of of a new style. Also, a lot of Car pet Bags. Satchels, and Trunk-. .\ large lot of Sole Leather kept on hiind aud for sale.—cut to suit customers. TJie above work will be sold ii- low us any jierson can sell the same kind of work. This work 1 varrant I not to ri[> before the sole weur-^ through—1 wil' mend them wjthout any charge. I try to keep the best quality, i and i think 1 am a good Judge, sis 1 have worked at the trade for the last 18 years. 1 only ask you to call and look, and I know you will buy from me. All you want is to get that is good and at a low price, and when you see my stock. 1 know you will be s.itisfied. lam thank ful for the favors bestowed on me for the last fi\eyears | pnst,—1 hope they will be increased for the time to I come. If any jiersoii wishes home-made work, 1 would ; sav to them, if they will leave their orders with me. 1 | wi'll ensure as good a tit as can be made in the State. i and the workman^hiji I will coui]>.ire with any in the • State or out of the State. Rei'airing done in the best ! style and at the shortest notice. j I think 1 liave given you a small sketch of my goods. Call; I want to see you all. and 1 tell you we will have ■ a great town before long. Call and see me, opjiosite the Cape Fear Bank. M. FAULK. Fayetteville, N. C.: Sept 2'.*. 18.)'.» ;)4-’m JOSKIMI HAKKK, Jr., ATTOK\K%^ AT I. AW, A.^ taken an office next door to Wm. B. Wright’s Law j Office on (Jreeti .Street. He will attend and practice j the County and .'Superior ('ourts of Cumberland. [ Bladen. Robeson and Saiupson. ' March 2a. is.V.t. 7‘ttf JOH\ l». FILLER, .Ittorney and Counsellor at Law^ Wll.L I’HACTICE IS THE COURTS OF Kobeson, ('umberland, Columbus and Bladen. | Office at Lumberton, Robeson Co.. N. C. 1 July 5. 18.->'.t 2ytf WORTH A: 1 TLKV, | Forwarding and 4>enerai Commission ' Merchants, t'iiifetteville^ .V. J. A. WilRTH. i72tf. JOS. LTLKT. R. n. ORRKLL, TURPENTINE INSPECTOR. rllOSE -ending their Spirits Tur{>entine to me may rely upon it to have prompt and careful attentiou. tire fronting the wharves and near the WM. CARTER & SON, Wholesale Ketail Dealers and .Manuracturers OF ALL K!M)H OF Ei€ather, Saddles and Miarness, Of every description. Collars, Whips, i!tc. AnD we also particularly call the attention of the whole surrounding country to give us a call, as we are de termined that none shall surpass us in quality or low prices; and we will give the highest cash price at all times for Raw Hides and Tallow, in exchange for our articles. Country Merchants would do well to call and examine our Stock, as we can sell them Shoes of a much better quality than they usually get. on very accommodating terms. Southern IManters would do well to send us ail their orders as we are making a No. 1 article of NEGRO SHOES, that are warranted to give entire satisfaction. N. B. All Orders from a distance shall have prompt attentiou. S. S. CARTER. WM. CARTER. Goldston 1*. O., ('hatham (Jo., N. ('., ( l,,. .March 15, lH.^9. / .\LE\.\.\DRIA llllill SniOUL, VIKIIIMV” A Select Boarding School for Young Men aud Youths. A My warehousi river. .'>ept'r IX. 1 W. H M 45tf CLARK. A white and (’ coli’oe; i—extra tine; 15 BbU. ''L(j.\R ('rushed in Hbl-. IKl.-ll POT Viol in •• Ne« Fut \lt J.LLlS; 25 Kit, and 4r. liM-. No. 1 MACKEREL: in Boxes SOAP: innn LV.s. N..W Wt.ite L.MID; .■>nn Choice titJ.'iHEN BUTTER; ■J.-) 14oxe« » 11 KK.-^K; A few lil.i-. ClbKn VlNEli.VR—good: Fine and Comiiiou CUKWlNii T()l}^('CO- .MOLASSES, SALT, ALc. Everything the laarket utioids bought and sold at small profit. all and leuve vour orders the i'amily Urorery^ -\o. llay street. i.ict 2'j, Ibo'J til-2w AI.>I A\A€!l!) FOU 18C0. •>.)/1 FARMERS AND IM.ANTERS ALMANAC tor iMin, jii.st received. Turner'^ Carolina Almanac. I he su]iply was comjiletely exhausted last year, and luaiiy aj.plicants were disappointed, it will be well tu applv ~oon for the above. "t r2n, E. J. HALE h SON. lloie» f^nj;li«ili Uairy Cheese, us: reueive-l. .Mrs. Al. BANKS. '' •! ol G2-lw j«*toli:a, ' ' ■: Jub^criber at the Fiiyetteville Hotel, about the 111. in-t., a black and white sj>otted HOLND 1 I I’l’V. witii '-jiecks in the wliite spots. He is afiout | Uji utlis old. ,\ny inforiiiHtion concerning him will liiinktiilly received and liberally rewarded by his JOHN WADDILL, Jr. I Hardware, C utlery, !!«A»l>Llvi: V, ^c. J.VMES M.VRTINE is now receiving a large and gene ral assortment of every thing in tlie above line. —ALSO— .\ prime article of |{io. Laguira p.tid .lava ('OFFEl'^ Cru.shcd and Brown SUGAR: Sugar House SI RUl’and .MOLASSES. All of which is offered on as good terms as can be liad in this market. Nov’r24, 18.58. r,C,tf Ai:iatoi> w AATi^:i>. THE subscriber wi>lies to buy FiFTV .VIMROt:S, for which he will i>ay The Highest Cash Prices. l*er«ons having sucii jiroperty to sell will tind it to their interest to address me at Clinto! ALLEN.] [J ALLEN k (LARK, Co III in ii on ^ercliant«, WILMINGTON. N. C. UKALKKS l.V LIMK, l*L\STEK, lEMEXT, HAIR, Ac. Agents for Rti'h .V Orrell's Line of Steamers. i^RoMl'T personal attention given to consignments o Naval Stores. Cot ion or other t’ountry Produce, for sale or shipment. Jan'y 1'.'. 1>'5‘.'. 81- W ILLl.Wl J. l‘KICK, insperlor of .Vaval Stores^ wii.Mixams, s. c. Solicits the jiatronage of his country friendii and all others engaged in the Turpentine business. OffiiM! ^ortli \V5il«T Nov’r 22. 1S5>. >)4-lypd JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. V « :?i I « « I o \ A .\ I) Forwarding Merchant, .V. f.’. Prompt ])er>oiiul attention given to all Consign ments. and Cash advances made on I’roduce to be shippel to other ports or ";o!d in this market. Feb. 12. 1S55. bTtf JA.S. C. SMITH.J [milks COSTIN JAS. C. SMITH & CO., Factors^ t'ommission and f'or~ irardin^ »lMerchants. WILMINGTON, N. C. t)ROM1’T altention given to sale of TIMBER. LUM- BEl'i. N.\V.\L STORES and all kinds of l’roiuce. Liberal advancements made on (’onsigntnents. Refer to E. 1’. H ai.l. I’res t Branch Bank of Slate. H. R. Sw.vcK, (.’ash'r Bank Cape F’ear. Joii.s Dawson, Es,,. .July 2n. 1S5(' :i‘?-Cmos II. C;KAllAill, co.if. liissio^y .?!#;/« WILMIXdTOX, X. C. I IT" ILL give jirompt and personal attention to all con- W signiiients of Spirits 'i'urpentine. Rosin, Tar and Turpentine, and all country produce for .sale. Oflice ui> stairs, over the store of Mr. Vonglahn, and joining Tjitterbdi's Wharf. North Water street. ■Mine 2'k 2-»tf A. S. . N. C. ('. FOWELL. ;;.')-i;mpd VLL per to ad j'vrif-r. Ucl'r 61-8t July 2*;, lf5!) .AOW IA TIARkl^rr. LL persons having NEGl’Oi'.S for sale, will do well blress the suf>scriber at Clinton. Sampson county, as he is determined to buy and ]'ay as liberal jirices for them as the stute t)l'lhe market will jiermit. By aildressing him he will call immediately, and make liberal offers, as all will tind w ho will try him. CHAItLES T. STEVENS. ’linton. Sampson Co., Sept in. 1S5‘.» 4X-lypd i\'ej!^roe»! iVeffrot'jx!! WaiittMl. GENTLEMF.N. your old customer is yet in market for Likely Negroes, for which 1 am determined to pay the iiigliesl Cash Prices. Persons having such for S'lle would do well to give me a call, or udilre-s me at Clinton, N. C. All orders promptly attended to. J. A. McAHTHUR. Clinton, N. C., .Marcli !^5'.t. 'J5-lyrpd 5*^ Hlid»». Ciood Bacon, and SHOULDERS, just recw ved an i lor siile by U. & W. McLAURIN. July 2, 1859. 28tf T. C . A: II. U. AVORTH, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, WlL.MlXdKjX, X. V. Jan’y 2S, lH5'.t 84tf WM. II. TlIRLINiiTON, o III III ii o n .11 e I* c 11 a n t, W ILMINtiToN, N. II^ILL give prompt and personal attentiou to all con- W signments of SI’IHITS TIRPEN'IINE, ROSIN. T.VR, C(>T'rON. FLoUK. and other country produce, either for sale or shipment. My wharf and warehouses being conveniently located for the reception of produce, either by Railroader River, enables rne to make charges light. Nov’r S tf F. M. BIZZELL, (J R 0 C K R AND CII IMl I S S f 0 N M E R (' II A Si T, No. 25) X'oiiTii Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. 1)R0:\IPT and personal attention given to the reception of all kinds of country jiroduce. either for sale or sliifiment. Orders for groceries from cash customers will receive immediate attention, free of commissions. Nov. 10. is.-,,^. 64-1 y ami Hoog* Iron. 3,000 VUS. (iunny Bagging. N experience of more than twenty years, and a large inuasuru of success, give iissurance that the time of the student at this institution will be both pleasantly and profitably spent. —A'(i/. luttll. The patrons of this School make up a rare list for high social and public standing.—A'. U. Picayunt. We feel warranted, from what we know of this gen tleman, and of his associations, iu commending his School to the attention of parents and guardians.— Anienfan Furmtr. As a seminary of solid instruction, this reputable and w«ll established institution stands deservedly high in the oj)iuion of all who know the estimable I’rincipal. —liiiltimort Am«rxCiin. The arrangements of his house include that neces sary luxury—warm and cold baths.— Warr«nton Flag. This Institution is one of no ordinary character.— DoyUttuuii Ihmocrat. Favorably known throughout the country.— HVn- ehttttr Vtrgimah. The great prosperity which has attended this School is but the public acknowledgiuent of its merit, and has enabled the enterprising Principal so to beautify and enlarge his establishment a» to make it an ornament to our citj", while at a still more rapid pace he has added rare aud costly instruments to his Philosophical appa ratus.—Alexiindriii Sttitintl. Within the past teu years the .School has been large ly patronized from North Carolina, and reference can be had. if desired, to gentlemen residing in nearly-every part of the Stale. The following, however, are deemed sufficient, viz; Hon. J. G. Shejiherd, Hon. W. Winslow, H. L. My- rover, A. J. Woodward and J. A. Worth, Fayetteville; Hon. B. Craige and John t .shaver, Salisbury; Solouion Pope, W'ayne county; Iraiicis Nixon, Perijuimons co.; Lewis Thompson. Bertie co.: -V. G. Carter, Davie Co.; James C. Turner, Ch. Eug. W. N. C. R. R. .^11 of whom either have been, or now are. patrons of the School. Circulars may be obtained at the office of the Obser ver, or by api)lioation to the ■subscriber. C.VLEB S. H.VLLOW FLL. Principal. Oct 7 5fj*Ji3sw AOTICK. 2i. vicinity wno may not be aware that n*heeler and H*ilson^s Seteing Machine is the best for f.imily sewing, and who intend purchas ing a Sewing Machine, this is to advise them { fur their own inleres!,} to call upon the subscriber aud see one of ‘‘WHEELER ..'i WILSON S ’ before purchasing. It will prevent their purchasing one of the many inferior Sewing .Machines, which are otiered for sale through the country. There are THIRTY of the Wheeler >S: Wilson Ma chines in successful use in this place and vicinity. S. J. HINSDALE, Agt. Aug. 22 ■42- LARI>il: TRl>»TKK’}»i !«iALE or Valuable Koal and I'ersoiial I’roportj at High Puint, iiuiltord (u., >. 1'., on the lltb and l‘ith days of >overaber next. By virtue and in pursuance of two Deeds of Trust executed to us by Jeremiah Piggott. to secure the paymetit of certain debts therein named and set forth, we shall expose to public sale, at High Point, on Fri day and Saturday the 11th and 12tli days of November 185it, Horses, ('attle. Sheep. Hoys. Farmins Utensils Blacksmith Tools. Wagon« and Gears, a Buggy and Har ness. a large number of Iseds aud Furniture, and a (piantity of househohl, tavern and kitchen Furniture, and various other articles ol personal property, convey ed in said Deeds of Trust. \lso. a very valuable FARM .VND PL.VNT.VTlON of near :{50 acres, on Richland creek, near High t’oint. on both sides of the Plank Road, coniaining valuable ME.VDOW L.VND and good F.Vll.MLNti L.\ND, well suited to the culture of corn, tobacco and wheal, with a valuable two-story dwelling house thereon, a gooil large frame barn, a good store house, blacksmith shoj». and other ci>nTenient t)uiblings. Much of the land is well timbered, very productive, and tlie land is generally of good nUiility. .Uso, the lot and large BlllCK HOTEL near tiie N. C. Railroad station. :it Hi^h Point. I5mileswest oftireens- boroutrli. and l .'^ miles south east from Salem, lately oc cupied bv .leremiah Piggott. deceased. This is one of the most' desirable estates iu middle 'arolina. situated in a healthy region of countly. in a new ami rn]>idly- growing town, where the Plank Boad from Fayetteville to Salem crosses the R.iilroid. mid where tiiere is now a Female Seminary of about one hundri'd pupils. .\lso. TWt) .\CUES OF L.\ND in about one mile of High Point, adjoining the lamls of Saniuel Edwards and others. It may be proper to state that this RRK'K HOTEL is among the largest and best finished buildings in the State, with a good tin roof, four stories high, and con tains forty-four large comfortable rooms. For the jmrpose of giving ])ersons. desiring to pur- cliase, a full chance to examine the farm and the hotel, and buildings on the lot and on the land, it is proposed to sell the real estate on Saturday the 12th of November 1859. The titles will be made good to the purchaser. Terms made known on day of sale. SEWEL FAKLOW, Trustee. JOHN A. GILMER, Trustee. Oct. 4, 1859. FAYETTKVILLE MUTUAL INSURAXCE COMPAXY. ASSETS $254,618.62. This Company has been in operation more than six years, and has paid its fire losses, amounting to $23,524.87 without any assessment; insuraiMie averag ing its members about ^ per cent. Amount of property now insured, $1,563,490.01 Amount premium notes now on hand, 247,738.08 Dikectgrs. Geo. McNeill. S. T. Hawley, D. \. Ray, W. N. Tillinghast, H. L. Myrover, A. A. McKethan, S. W. Tillinghast, J. D. W’illianis, Henry Lilly, Jas. G. Cook, N. A. Stedman, A. W. Steel, S. J. Hinsdale, Jas. Kyle, T. S. Lutterloh, Hon. J. 0. Shepherd, Wm. McLaurin, R. F. Brown, Wilmiugton. .A.. E. Hall, Wilmington. Officeks: GEO. McNEILL. President. D. A. R.\Y, Vice President. C. A. McMlLL.\N. Secretary John Collins and C. C. McCrummen. Travelling Agents ft>^The Company invite applications. May 1'.*. Ih5'.*. lOY' iU)()K-HIM)lXG IN all its kinds, executed with neatness and despatch. Small jobs when done must be paid before delivered. THOS. H. TILL1NGH.\ST, Opposite the Female High School, Hay Street. May 14, 1850. 14-ly HyniiiM and Dl!iicipline«) the .M 'thodist FI. Church,—assorted qualities. 0 Just received. Aug 10 E. J. HALE & SON. A TREATISE ON THE LAW OF EVIDENCE, TENTH EXGLISH EDITIOX, WITH COSSIKER.^BLK .^LTERATFOXS A>'U ADDITIONS. By the Right Hon. S. M.-VRCH PHILLIPS aud THOS. J.-VMES ARNOLD, Fjsq., one of the Police -Magistrates for the Metropolis. FOIKTH AMERRAX EDITION, BY ISAAC HOWARDS, (’ofSSKLLOR AT LaW. In three large volumes. With COW'EN X HILL’S Notes, aud with additional Notes and References to the English and American cases to the present lime, including those added to the last edition by J. Marsden Van Cott. The unejualled work of Mr. Phillips on the Law of Evidence has long been acknowledged. This edition has undergone a thorough revision by Mr. Edwards, and has received an immense amount of labor, aud is now as nearly perfect as can be made. The .\merican labor and talent bestowed upon the work are not less than that derived from the English source. The immortal notes of Messrs. Cowen & Hill, together with those of Mr. Van ('ott, have been care fully preserved; and instead of being put in a volume by thetuselves, as formerly, they are now placed below the text—a disposition of them which will very much faci litate reference. The entire note and text are arranged iu three compact volume.s. with a tal>le of cases, and an extremely full index to each. Mr. Edwards has care fully noted any distinctions that nr^y exist between the English and American law, and has added all the late American decisions. Several copies of this valuable work just received and for sale by E. J. H.\LE vS: SON, Fayetteville. 1%'orth Carolina Readers. XI MHERS 1 AXl) 2. PREPARED WITH .'SPECIAL HEFERK.NCE TU THK WANT.S AND IXTEUESXS Of »V9rfA Carolina. UNDER THK AVSPICKS OF THE .SCl'KRtSTE.NDKXT OF COM MON SCHOOLS, BT Rev. F. n. Hubbard, PROFKSSOR or THK I.ATIX LASGCAGE AXD LITERATURE IN THK INIVKRSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. J. K. KYLE TS NOW RECEIVING A LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL 1 STOCK OF STAPLE AND UM\ DM (lOODS. —ALSO— Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes. All of which will be disposed of at low prices, «ither by wholesale or retail. Call and examine. No. 34, Corner Hay and Donaldson Streets Fayetteville, N. C., Sept. 22, 1859. 51 tf JAMES KTLE. rs now receiving his usual supply of Goods, among [ which are— Rich Silks, CoPd and Black; French Merinos and Delaines: English Do. Do.; Kid and Net Gloves, assorted: Bed and Negro Blankets; Bolting Cloths, No. 1 to 10; Ready-Made Clothing; Boots and Shoes; W'ith a very large assortment of other Go#d«. All o. which were purchased by the package at the lowest price. Those purchasing will please call and look at the Goods and prices. Sept. 13, 1859. 49tf €ra«i Fixtures. The subscribers have now at Mr. W. N. Tillinghast’s Crockery Store, SAMPLES of Gas Fixtures. They would be glad if persons intending to use the Gas would call and select, so that their orders may be filled by the time of lighting up—early in November next WATERHOUSE & BOWES FayettcTille, Sept 24, 1859 o2- Tlfotlce—]\iegroe» Wanted. r' the farmers and citizens of the Counties of l>uplin, Wayne, Johnston, Harnett, Moore, (.'uuiberlunu, Robeson. Bladen, Columbus, Brunswick, New Hanover, and Sampson: The subscriber being desirous of purchasing a num ber of Likely Young NEGROES, of all classes and des criptions, avails himself of this method of informing those who may have such property to dispose of, that they would do well to vi.sit me at hotue. or address me at Clinton, N. C.—for which they shall receive a visit. Negroes wanted from this time till the 1st of March 1860, for the Mobile and New Orleans markets, for whom the highest prices will be paid. EVERETT PETERSON. Oct'r 13, 1859^ 57-5m GAS FITTINIiS AND FIXTURES. The subscribers will be prepared by the middle of August, to supply every description of Buildings,— Dwellings, Stores, Factories, &c.—with all the neces sary FIXTURES, for the introduction of G.\S. ,\s we are constantly engaged in the business of build ing Gas W'orks in this and other States, we of course can afford to bring on a large stock and sell on more reasonable terms than others. Our stock will include Chandeliers, Pendents, Brackets, Glass, Sic. As we have leased the works for five years, it will be to the advantage of those requiring such fixtures to get them of us, since upon us will fall the care of them, keeping them in repair, &c. For this purpose it is both our interest and pleasure to emply none but the best Gas Fitters. In our absence for a few weeks, all who wish to have the Pipes introduced into their buildings, will please leave their names with Mr. W'. N. Tillinghast, who will give all necessary information on the subject. It is desirable to know.as early as possiMe, so that the Fix tures may be introduced at the samk lime with the con struction of the works, and thus all 6tiy light up simul taneously. WATERHOUSE & BOWES. Fayetteville, June 10. 22-tf BOOTS ^ SHO^S^ AT WHOLESAI.E. JNO. M. WALKER, of WORTH CAROLINA, WITH P. P. SHAW Ac rO., 31 AND 33 Dey Street, Xew' York, WILL be happy to I'ee his Southern friemls at the above establishment, where, either personally or by order, they may be supplied from an extensive and well assorted Stock of Goods in that line, gotten up expressly for the Southern trade. Nov. 29, 1858. H-ly. Sept 12 Hoop Iron and Rope, for .^ale by E. F. MOORE. 48- XUMHEK 3, CONTAl.NlNtl A FAMILIAR HISTORY A.Sl) DESCRIP TION OF NORTH CAROLINA. Selections in I’rose and Ver.se; luany of them by eminent citizens ot‘the State. HISTORICAL AND CHRONOLOtJICAL TABLES. And a variety of Miscellaneou.-J Information and Sta- ti.«tic.s, bv C. MM. n^MMjEW V! I'MBER •> is a new and revised edition of the North Carolina Reader, first jiubliiJhcd in 1851. Nuiabers 1 aud 2 jiii>t issued, complete the series, which is, as a whole, cheaper than any other series of Readers in the United States, aud as complete. The FMitor (Prof. Hubbard) in hit; Preface to Num ber 1 deeuis it proper to allude to a few of the peculiar advantages aimed at by the Superintendent of Common Schools while making efforts to have this work com pleted. These are. 1. Thf eurnuragnment of a feeling of telf-dependcnce, and the enlistineiit 'if popular sentiriieiit in behalf of the State and its itistitutions. It wa- not tiiought important, how ever, to have mure than one numf>er of the Reader of tuerely a local interest. 2. To remi'ifi/ the evi' ereri/iefiere complained of in com mon schools, of a perpetual change in text hooks; an expen sive habit, aud one which injures the Schools by pre venting the cliildren from being classified. A series of home Readers, it was supposed, would be certainly used, aud this great evil thus avoided. I Fjcortumy, the popular system of Readers being too long and being made »o of\en merely to adl to the profits of authors and publishers. This series is to consist of fewer numbers than those generally used, and it is believed that these numbers are sufficient, while if the system were universally used id the State, the sum saved to parents and children wouln amount to several thousand dollars annually. ■4. To put in the hands of childreyt learning to read com positions xujKcieutly familiar but not tf th- fUanicter railed chil^lifh compoKitinin, containing, iu less'dis ea.sy enough for all ages, correct sjiecimens of style, interesting in matter, and inculcating proper morals, and religious in- sfruction. The jvrices are. for No. 1. 2-5 cent-': No. 2. 3.', cents and No. 3, 73 cent A liberal deduction from riiese Webiiter’tt Elementary iSpellin^ Book, for sale by E. J. I1AL£ & SON. prices to '.terohants and School Teachers. E. J. HALE & SON. D. & VI. HeLAl’KIN, IITOULD invite attention to their large and desirable Stock of GROCERIES, (Consisting iu part of— 150 Bags Ilio, Laguira and Java ('oilee; 100 IJbls. and Hhds. Sugar (assorted;) 25 Hhds. Moladses; 30 “ Bacon—Sides and Shoulders; 500 Sacks Salt; 150 Boxes good Tobacco; 125 “ Sperm, Adamantine & Tallow (,'andles; 50 “ Soap (a.s8orted;) 50 “ Candy “ 100 Bags Shot “ 1000 lbs. Bar Lead; 30 i Bbls. Snuff—Eagle Mills; 25 Kegs Soda; 250 “ Nails. —ALSO— A large and general assortment of Hardware and Cutlery: Farming Utensils, of all det^crijttinns; American, English, Swedes and I’eruvian Iron; Blister, German and ('ant Steel; Blacksmiths’ Tools; Coopers’ Po.; Corn Shellerj and Straw (’utters; Tiuckets, Brooms and Pails; Cotton, Manilla and .Jute Hope, (all kinds a^i'i iiuality;) Plow Lines and Bed Cords; J Hollow Ware; Cotton Yarns and Sheetings at i'actory pric’us. .\11 of which will be sold low fou c.^sit. it on u Jt! time to prompt paying customers. CofSTKY Mehch.^nts arc respectfully re.piested to call and examine our utock before purcJia-unK else where. D. Ac . McLALKIN. March 3, 18;>9 _ ‘'"'j; Herring:! Herr lug*!! BBLS. No. 1 Split and Bulk Herring: 100 Bales EXTRA HAV: r,0 “ RI('ESTR\W: 20 Boxes ADAMANTINE CANDLES; 40 “ BAR SOAP; 25 Barrels .M. VA.SSAR & CO'S ALE; 20 “ WHISKEY, some very fine, vir: Old “Dew Drop’’ (5 years old. ) Family, Mag nolia, Reserve, Excelsior; H Packages FRENCH BRANDY: 1 Cask CATWABA BRANDY, on Consign ment from a gentleman connecte'i with n Bank in the city of N. Y.: will be soiil on account of consignee. B@*The above are just rec'd and will be -old low b% J. H. ROBKKTS CO. July 11, 1859 k New and Complete Xorth taroUna Form Book. A further supply just rec’d. Aug. 27 100 E, J. HALE & SON.

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