mm m HU 'S j ; . r . -;o -■'‘tT I' Is:,9 * ’h; -Ware ■"" ■■-!ll;;x, ^ ^ i 'ilt ouud in North Mr- i'.'i i:k ;torv. ill A Ml\>' NTilKi . i . it - / .Kin-* . I" : li. , (; >1* .1 -.0 i’ - . -I. :'iV ILIE (DIB SEMI-WEEKL, Y. fvof.. IX.1 FAYETTEVILLE, N. C.. NOVEMBER 7, 1859. [NO. 861.] JM’KI' \U>N1>AVS \ND TIirKSOAVS EDWARD J. HALE & SOX, rUlTuUS AM) rRoriUKToKS .. thi SfTiii-Wi'cklv i)nsKRVEK (K.> if paid ia - ■«». if I'niil during the ycnr of subscrijt- V 5 I utK'r the year 1ms expired. ,• w.'eklv ^lu-^KRVKR iji; t»0 per iinnum, if paid in ■ it paid during llie yenr of subscriji- tM» iiftor the voar ln\s expired. , \ »-. \ n\'KllTl>Sl.MKNTS inserted for (jO cents per i i; I'i linos for ihe fir?t, iind centi? for eacli . •, i-.iiiic publication. Ve.-irly advertisements by spo il lirHOts. Ht reiisoiiat)le rates. .\(h-'rtisers are .i -Ti'.l t>’ slate the number of insertions desired, or | ■•V t'l' i.‘"utiiuie! till forbiil, and charged accord- j i \ h> ni^'i-'iioius to be inserted irtside, charged 50 per , \ini SL'EriAL NOTK'K. i I , i: !vn l alter ihi.s dale, uo name of a new subscriber '■ fiiien'ii with-nu piymeiu in advance, nor will ■,] ■ ' V sent lo such iubscvUmrs for u longer time - i ; ■ 'T. ar l id suLsoribera as desire to take the pa- - :i-iii wi';, plv'Hso notify us when making FKi^:sii Goous. ; V ,1 1 A'Ov'iviut n.} L dll 'apply of Goods, con- ' ^1' iiii: in par; cf ■ /iKisiuii, til , IJii/j' anil (Jr. /inxts; ; Citrnn, i'ruH's, Jhitis, iShillxi | Aoit'iitiin, Riiisitis, J'rtseritii (rtn- \ /•, />ritif ijiuij'r, Surdiiitg, (with anti j ■' ■’/totif b"ii(S,i C'"-Oii iiiid otlur Xuti • til L'lnilii; 'Snucts ami 'ifsajjti. Jams iiud JtHits, ami ,Sj>i tif ^ '! i i: _i. uU'i well selected stock of To>^ mid l-'aiic> a00d«, il : :icr an ieii'.i nut euuiuerated. 1 •>{■ ali ki:i Is kepi constatuly on , 1 .1; . ■ tr , ,.v wi:li ih.- cash, prompilyat- u I ; ' Mrs. M. bANKS. No. 0 Green Street. . i,M OU-lni 1 i^ai>I 1 isar-«»!! ..'iT ••! cliouf Kninds. Also. I’tAVlIAX.VX SMt.)- KiN'i '1'lij.Vt't'* > a tine article. Just received. .Mr. M. i;*NKS. ! Ir! ;'l 1 W llciiry Joliii, Gent., by John K-leii t.ooke; Adam Bede, b^ tieo. Kliot; Home .Menio- 1 ies, by Mrs. t'arey Brock; Miss 8111111110113' Window, illustrated; Handy l^ook on 1‘ropertv Law; (’hrouicles of the Hastile; Horses and Hound.^, bv Scrutator: .Ameri can Kloquence; Appleton’s (.’yclo. of Biograpliy; C’yclo ol Wit and Humor, I'tc., \c. Oct -J1 irioo Oct 28 LBS. No. 1 M(H NTAIN by H. J. FLVLE & SON. lU TTKK, for sale K. MITCHKLL. i;i!tf n\JM. Attorney at Law, Fayktthville, N. C. \i’'ILL attiiuil the County and Suporior Courts of TT (,’umb«rlaT>d. Harnett. Moor« and Robe«on Coun ties. 1‘roiupt attention givwn to tbo collection of all claims entrusted to his haud^. Oct. 17. 58-tf KCITII, f'oMi mission •ller chanty WILMINGTON, X. C. OFFKUS his services to iMantors as Factor or Agent for tlie sale of COTT(>N; will give his personal at- \ largo lot S1I()1‘'S :iinl KEKSKYS, i tendance to the business. His commission for selling per bale, no additional charge JiimI KeceiviMl, OSXAlU RdS, FAC’TORV SUKF/riNdS uml VAK.VS,—at Factory 1‘ricet!. I'KMBEIITON & SLOAN. Oct'r 81, lS('iy blltlJv 11 Cotton will be 50 cts. will be made. Cotton cts. per bale. Uct. 4. forwarded to New York at lU UKO. II.\UU1SS. IIART VS returned from the Nortii. ;ind is now opening and receiving a fashionable assortment of MILLINERY GOODS, including a variety of F.VN('V ARTICLES; also, a choice selection of W'lvel and SHk Komiets. The pul'lic are respectfully rejuestel to call. jprjY' t)rders from the country will meet with proinjit attention. Store in the McRae IMiilding, joining the Fayetteville Hotel. Oct 28 (>2-:?m CO-PA KT\ IV. •IMcHiinmon I HAVE this day associated with myself Mr. .M1CH.\EL I SMITH, who has had an exj>erience of five years in the Hat and Cap business in the city of New York, and is Uioroughly coinersant with every depariment there of. In oonseijueuce of this iucicased facility in ]>ur- chasing. coupled with the fact that our goods will be bought e.^clusivulv for cash, we will be enabled to sell 1 in the Co Bladen. [{> March J W. W. II.\KK1SS. A. J. HOWKLLL. HARRISS & HOWELL, Coiiiniisatiou and Forwarding Merchants, WILMINOTOX, X.^ C. Oct. 17, is.i'.t. 58-1 Ypd koiii^:kt II. c o\VA.\, General €'ommission •JMerchaut^ WlLMlNOTO.v X. C. Ollice South (’ornor Market and \'i ater streets, up-stalrs. Oct. 18. lS.V,t. 57-lY H. W. HORNB, .f T TO 1* .# T W% M.\Y t>e found ut the Otfice of Wm. B. Wright, Esq., near the (,'ourt House. .hino ct'i. 2S-1Y JOSKIMI HAKEK, Jk., ATTO II \ K V AT L A \\ , .vs taken an office next door Io Wiu. B. Wright's Law SECOJVIt S'TOCA’. j STARR & WILLIAMS, IMVORTKRS & JOTJBSHti OF FOREIG.\ ,\\D UOIIESTIC UIIY COdUS, Hatw, Caps, Hoots., Mlioew. I iiibrcl- la«> and Keady-.Ha«le I'lotliin^. West Ekd Fatktteville Hotki, Building. AKE now rece.'ving their SECOND VURCHASE of Goods for this eeasou. This stock is large, and well worthy the attention of buyers, who are invited to oall and examine for themselves. J. B. STAUR. J. M. WILLIAMS. Fayetteville, Oct’r 13, 1K50 57- STATE CAR AND MACHINE WORKS. The undersigned having located in the town ol Fay etteville, N. C.. and erected buildings suitable for Car and Machine Works, would give notice that they are preparel to execute all orders for Cars of every de scription. also all kinds of Machine work, such as re pairs of Steaiu Engines. Cotton, Mill and Mining Ma- ctiinery, heavy forging, such as Mill Spindles, Cranks, iStc., at short notice. By an arrangement made with the Boston Belting Company, we are prepared to receive orders for all kinds of India Rubber Belting and Hose at their prices. Having started our Engine, and Woodworth’s Planer, we are prepared to plane all def«criptions of Lumber and Scantling, which will be kept on hand, for sale either in the rough or dressed, as parties may desire. Coniracts taken for the erection of Buildings, mate rials furnished, and jobbing of all kinds executed with ueatneiis and despatch. Counters and Desks made to order. Stores fitted. Sash, l>oors and Blinds manufactured, equal to any thing of the kind to be found in the Northern market. WALTON & BARRY, Car Builders aud Machinists. Fayetteville, Oct 3, 1859 54-tf H all goods in our line, to the trade and tlie conimunitj at large, at as luw figure* as they caii be bought in the Northern markets. V. McRl.MMON. Office on Green Street. He will attend and practice and Suporior ('ourts of Cumberland, ilieson and Sampson. lK5;t. WM. CARTER & SON, Wholesale Ketail Dealers and .Manufacturers Of .^LL KINDS 01 Mjnather, Saddles and Harness^ tjf every dencription. Collars, Whips, &c. VN D we also particularly call the attention of the whole surrounding country to give us a call, as we are de- turmiuwd that none shall surpass us iu quality or low pricen, and we will givo the highest cash price at all liuier for Haw Hides and Tallow, iu exchange for our articles. I Country Merchants would do well to call anil examine i our Slock, as we can sell them Slioe^ of a much better i quality than they usually get. on very accommodating ; terms. Southern Planters would do well to xend us all I their orders as we are making a No. 1 article of NEGRtJ SHOES, that are warranted to give entire satisfaction. N. B. All Orders from a distance shall have prompt atteution. S. S. CARTER. WM. CARTER. Croldston I*. O., Chatham Co., N. C., | rytf '■pilE stvie of the Firm will be iu future McRlM.NKjN 1 & S.MITH. V. .Ml'IIIMMON. ] [.MIl'H ^ K!. HMlTH. Fayetteville. N. C-. Oct r 1, l.s.'i'J. SE(0.\DF1LL STOli.OlTTiie. H's II. JUST Ai fr:. J. l.ll.LV RECKIVEU, a large and desirable ,\ jr. j urcd t' ■ nc ol tJi. A. U ILKlA>OA li the art of Cutting Ladies' Hresses, tea hfst sv»em now lu use. Ladies de 1- :i.i l.- taught will plea.-^e call at Mrs. Hart's Mii- • 1.. -y l;..iiin.'. three doors West of the Fayetteville !l 'l i. H’ ur-i of teaching from 10 A. M. until 1 1*. ^i. Pel' '!i> wisliing to avail themselves of this oppor- ■ iniiy. will 'lu well to call early, as my stay here is un- ^1 (,)Ct ‘J'J '''..Itf At Ao. 10. Hotel ISiiildin;;. n\STEKS! OYSTERS!! OVSTERS!!! I’: L>11 N >rtulk lysters. received several timesaweek, vi i K- t •■oii'tanily on hand and supplied to ciis- 1: i'v iieti ili'-n. IMate or Supj'cr. t I- and others in want ot oysters will please ■ n and be supplied. J. R. LEE, No. 40, Hotel Building, f • .,i. ♦i:i-if ! EVERY u.NE WHO IS HUNGRY! 4 to Overbaush's ««d Kal. 'I’ IK -uh-oribor would iiiloiui ilie inhabitauts of Fay- 1 • r'cville. aid the traveling public iu general, that i;;i' returned Irom New York, and is ut tiis old stand . ;'—w Street, and has renied the adjoining house and ••• '■ it up in a neat and convenient mauner fur a gentle- , - Inning and 'U-ter Saloun, where he will be pre- • I ^'ive ail wtio will tavor him with a call, a giKid at all hours lor 40 cents, oronthe Eurojiean , :i- will Viest suit his guojis; and wtiere will be found 1 I i\>ter' in everv style. He would refer to his for- AVE Slock of Ili*y Inootls, Hatw, Boot« A; Mliot‘«. ICeadj-inade i lotliin;^, Act*., All of which were sulccte I w ith much oare l>y one of the tirm, and will be otTerw 1 at 1"W pricwa. ut whole»ale k-XlLLatVKLY. All orders will be tilled with earn. Oci'r 17. HOOTS .V suoas: OF KVKKY STYI.I'. X|i V.MUKTV PHE Sub?eii')er Iik!- returned from New York, and i receiving his Fall and Win- -t; ■r r- J iitati"!! a- regards keeping a liouse BILL »F FARE: >f the kiud. ; e.l .''au^age, cts. Fried Tripe, r..-: >'.-:ik. 2.'> *• P.oiled ilam. 2-5 ■ dll.. 2-'> ** iJroiled ('hicken, 40 I ll', and Egirs. 2'i “ Roast B«ef, 2”) \1 . . .n I ill .ps. 25 “ Roast Pork. 25 ' ' i. Cuilets, 2.I “ Oysters stewed, 2.'> > IWllr., 2-’> “ Oysters fried. 4U .-^-IlII., 40 •• • (ysters raw. 25 r'.-!, r:-:h. 2-’) •• >y.jters scolloped. 40 . Tea. '• Black Tea, 5 ’ I'.imilie- n. t -;i ^tlj.f d witii Oysters bv the quart or UVERBAl'GH. (i2-;^m 10 Tl»e III addi.ioii to their former Stock, have jusl rec d— •>1 U k S.Vi KS S.VLT, • "ill bbls .Mullets, in oak and pine barrels, 10 firkins tioshen Butter, HJ liluls new crop Molasses, English D.iirv and New Y’ork State Cheese. pe:\i]m;rton .v sloan. • '• ;'r ''1,1 tJlJt IJy Jusi ReceireiU - .. L. ANDLIISUN; — CoKKEI.; — Rio, Laguira and Java; ■ ; . i -i.M!,—(.rushed, A wiiite and C cotfeo; r ;• IKi.-il Potatoes—extra fine: N.-w Fat MI LLETS; ■2,'y K,:- and Lbi:,. N.j. i MACKEREL; lo Boxes .'iO.V P: looii Lli>. Ni-w I,.MU); :>oo • fhoice GOSHEN BUTTER; 2.-) Boxe.. CIIELSE; A fi w I'.iil-. » lliLil V1NE(;AR—good; l ine :ind t'ointiion t'lIEWlNti TOBACCO; .Moi,.\.'-;i;.. SAi.r. x,t., ,ve. L\fi\tiiing the iiiiiiket utiords bought aud buiall profit. Call uud leave yuur orders •il the i'aniilff iHt'oeevy^ A*>. ^^8 Hay ^itreet. Oct‘Jfj, lb5y t)l-i2w Al.llAi\AC'!S FOK I8«;0. 1 .AN!) pi..\Nri:iis^ almanac 'I ter Stock of I5oots and Shoes. eonsisiiUir iti part as follows; .\11 Kinds ol Water-l’roof Hoot^ and SIkh"., ;ine and ooar-e: all kiiid> ol tine iM'css Bouts, from the finest Stitch Boot to the finest Pump: all kinds of Pnieiit Leather Boots. Shoes and t.iailers, and a good siij>]iiy ol Boys' Bool.- and Sli-'es. fine and Coarse; also. .» large supply of Brogans -of the V'est that the city of New York can atford. All Kinds Of Lady’s Boots, witb heels and without; Ladic Slippers. laiters; Misse.' Slippers; Ladies’ Walking Shoes; Misse-^' French Bools. Also, Children's Patent Metalic Tip. with copj^er on the toe to iirevent the toe from wearing otU; Boy's Gaiters and Shoes and Booii; all kind- of ’alf Skin Shoes, the best style and well made, and cheaper than 1 ever had; a large lot of Over-Shot's; High Quarter Over-Shoes of Cassimere, also of iKo old style; Misses' Caiters of all kinds, with and withoiu heel'; .Men's Gaiters of all styles, light and heavy; Water-proof of a new ,'tyle. Also, a lot oft 'ar- pet Bags. Saicliels. atid Trunk-. A large lot of Sole Leather kept on bun 1 and ftpr sale.—cut to suit cU“touters. The above w-irk wi'’ be sold b)W as any jifrsou can sell the same kind of work. This work I warr.inl not to ri[i before the sole wears tiirough — 1 will m-nd them without any charge. I tr\ to keeji the l>est i)uality, ;ind I think I am a good judge, 1 have worked at the trade for the last l*^ years. I only a-k you t. call and look, and 1 know you will buy trom me. All you want i.-i to get that i- g0ol and at a low i.rifc. an 1 when you see my stock. I kuiw you will be - itifu'd. lanithiink- ful for the favors bestowed on me tor the last five years I hope iiiey will be iiuTea-cd for the time to come. If anv person wishes home made work. I would -ay to thi.-m, if they will leave their ord-rs with me. will ensure as good a fit as can be made in the and the workmanship 1 will compare with any •■^tate or out of the Slate. Rejiairing done inti tvle and at the shortest notice. 1 think I have given you a Miiall sketch of my t'all; I want to see you all, and 1 tell you we will have a great town before long, (.all and “^ee me, opposite the Cape Fear Bank JOHA fl*. FVI.LKK, i Attoriiey aud Counsellor at Law, ' WILI. I'U.Vl'riCE IN TI1KCOI RT8 0»' j Kobeson. umherPand, Columbus and Bladen. > .>ttic«! at Lumberton. Robeson Co., N. C. | ■Uily 6. In’)'.* ‘iytf i WilKTII A: 1 TLKA% Fornardiu^ and (leueral Conimisi^iou Merdiants, Paffettcville^ .V. i\ J. \. WiiKTll. 7'_’tf- JOS. UTI.KT. K. n. OKIlKll^l., TURPENTINE INSPECTOR. ^pllOSE ■endine their Sjiirits Turpentine to me may I rely u]>on it to have prompt and careful attention. My warehouses are fronting the wharvet" and neax the ri\t>r. Si-pt'r l:’.. 1"'.‘. 4.')tf W, H ALLEN, j [J. M. CLARE. ALLEN X CLARK, C'oiiiiiii«iMion .Tlt'rclianfM, WILMINCTON, N. C. DK VLkKS l.V LIME. I'LASTEK, ( EMKNT, HAIR, Ac. .Vpenti for Ru-h \ Orroll's Lino of Steamers.‘XtaiH IjRoMPT fier-iiihI atientinn given to consignments o Naval Stores, t'otton or other ,'ouniry Produce, for sale *>r shipment. •lan'v I'.*. l''-'»'J. A FAYKTTEVILLE MITIAL INSURANCE COxMPAXT. ASSETS $264,618.62. This Company has been in operation more than six years, and has paid its fire Iossoh, amounting to S23,-‘i24.87 without any assessment; insurauce av«rag- iug its members about ^ per cent. Amount of property now insured, $I,5C3,4W.01 Amount premium notes now on hand, 247,788.08 Dirkctors. Geo. McNeill, J. K. KVI.E TS NOW RECEIVING A LARGE AND BE VUTIFUl I STOCK OF STAPLE m FiNfV DRV CflftBS. —.\LSO— Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots and Sho«*s. All of which will be disposed of at low prices, eith*'. by wholesale or retail. Call and examine. No. 34, Corntjr Ila} and DouaUson Streets. Fayetteville, N. C., Sept. 2'2, ISo'J. ^>ltl F.1L.L,, 1839: JAMES KYLE, IS now receiving his usual supply of tioodn. among which are— Rich Silks, Col’d and Black: French Merinos and Delaines: English Do. Do.; Kid and Net Gloves, assorteu; Bed and Negro Blankets; Bolting Cloths, No. 1 to 10; Ready-Made Clothing; Boots and Shoes; With a very largo assortment of other Goeds. All o. which were purchased by the pac'liagc at the Iow«.'-i price. Those purchasing will please call and look at tin; Goods and prices. Sept. 13, ihoy. D. A. Ray, H. L. Myrover, S. W'. Tillinghast, Henry Lilly, N. A. Stedmau, 8. J. Hinsdale, T. S. Lutterloh, Wm. McLaurin. S. T. Hawley, W. N. Tillinghast, A. A. McKethan, J. D. Williams, Jas. G. Couk, A. W. Steol, Jas. Kyle, Hon. J. O. Shepherd, R. F. Brown, Wilmington. 1 Slate, in the ic best M. FA I LK. •'> l-'lm lid at FayettevUle, N. C.; Sej>t 20, I8-j'.t Hardware, Cutlery, 1 Scv. JAMES MART IN E is no w recoiviii'j a large and gt^nc- ral assonmeut of every tiling in liie abov* linw. —ALSU— A prime article of Rio, Laguira and Java COFFEE Crushed and Brown SUGAR; Sugar Houne SIRI P and MOLASSES. All of which is otfored on as good terms as can bo had in this market. Nov’r 24, lSr,8. «'’tf i:i ito IV .1 \ 1' i: i>. THE subscrilier wishi.-.'^ to buj' for which he will pay The Highest Cash Prices. Por.sons having such projierty to sell will find il to their interest to address me at ( linton. 1'.'. l".^'J. 81- WILI.IAM .1. I’KICK, inspector of Ai'atal Stores^ W ILMLSGTOX, A'. C. i fgtxf" Solicits thf patronage of his counLry friends and all -hers eii;::aic'd in the Turpentine business. '^ortU \Vat«*r mreel. N'ov r l-.'^i'^. f,4-lypd JOSEPH H. BLOSSOM. V « 11 n I ssi o i\ A N I» Forwarding Merehant, Ill’ll mi n;^!on^ •>*. C. Proiiipt pcr;'>iiiil attention given to all Consign ment-. and Ca-ii advances made on Produce to bo shipped to other poll- or si>ld in this market. Feb. \1. 1NV>. i7tf ,TAS. C. SMITH.] [milks COiiTIN JAS. C. SMITH & CO., I Factors^ Vommission and Vor^ I trardinsf •lierchantu I wilmin;ton. n. c. 1)ROMPT aitention given to sale of TIM P>ER. LTM- BEI;. N.VV.VL S1'')RES ami all kinds of Produce. I Liliera; advancements made on (!onsignments ! Refer to E. P. H.xt.t,. Pres't Branch Bank of State. 1 11. R. S.wack, Cash r l>ank ('ape Fear. John D.wtsox. i Es'i. July 2'I. 3o-t'.mos II. (liKAlIAi^l, WILMlXdTON, N. C. il’’lLL give ]irompt ami jiersonal attention to all con- \\ slgiimcnts of Spirits Turpeniine, Rosin, Tar and Turpentine, and all country j-v jgpjy-Otlice up stairs, and joinin March 1'). lH/-iy. j .\LE\.\\U1IH llKill Sl'llUUL, VlR(il\l.\. i Select Buurdliig Schuul for Vuunj; Men aud Youths. N experience of more than twenty years, and a large measure of success, give assurance that the time of the student at this inatimtion will be both pleasantly aud profilaUly sj>ent.—-Va(. The patrons of this School make up a rare list for high Social and public !-tauding.—X. >J. J'lCityun*. We feel warranted, from what we know of this gen tleman, and of his associations, iu commending his School to the allent'oii ol' parculs and guardians.— .4rotr»furi t'luvirr. As a seminary of solid instruction, this reputable and w«*ll established insiiiulioii stands deservedly high in the opiuiou of all who know the «-itimable I’riucijial. —liiiilnnort Am»rtcun. The arrangement* ol his house include that noces- sary luxury—warm aud cold baths.— itrrofitun Fliij. This Institution is one of no ordinary character.— DoyUtlovn l>finocrat. Favorably known throughout the country.— \\\n- chrlttr Virymian. The great prusperiiy which has at:undud this School is but the public acknowledgment of its merit, and has enabled tlie etiterprisiug Principal so to beautify aud enlarge liis establishmeut a» to make it an ornauient to ' our city, while at a -till more rapid pace he has added rare aud cusily instruuiunis to his Philosophical appa ratus.—AUxandtyi Stntiud. Within tiie past leu years the Scliuol ha- been large ly palruniiwd from Nortli Caroliu>i, and reterence can be liad, if desired, to geutlemOu residing iu nearly every part of the State. The lollow ing, however, are dwemod sullicieni, viz: Hon. J. G. Shepherd. Hon. W. Winslow, H. L. My rover, A. J. Woodward and J. A. Worth, Fayetteville; i Hon. B. Craige and John t Shaver, Salisbury; Solomon j Pope, Wayne county; Francis Nixon, Perquimous co.; Lewis Thompson, Bertie Co.; .V. (j. Carter, Davie Co.; James C. Turner, Ch. Eng. W. N. C. R. R. All of whom either have beeu, or now are, patrons of the School. Circulars may be obta.nod at the othce of the Obser ver, or by application lu ilie subacriber. i'.VLEB S. liALLO'VKLL. Principal. Oot 7 •‘>f5*;>t3sw A. E. Uall, Wiluiington Otf icKHs: GEO. McNEILL, President. D. A. RAY, Vice President. C. A. McMlLLAN. Secretary John Collins and C. C. Mct^niuunen, Travelling Agents j;^y-Tho C omjianv invite applications. May I'.t. IS.')V*. ' DJY IU)()K-IUN1)IXG IN all its kinds, executed with neatness and despatch. Small jobs when done must be paiil before delivered. THOS. H. TILLINGHAST. Opposite the Female High School, Hay Street. May 14. IH.VJ. 14-ly iiynin*^ ami lli^ci|iline« Op' the .M 'thodist E. Church,—assorted qualities. Just receivoil. Aug lu E. J. HALE Ac SON. ^ A TRKATISE ON THE LAW OF EVIDENCE, AOTICE. A S there may be t«ome persons i jTV vicinity wlio may not be aware that heeler and \\*Hson's Faveiteville and Setvin^^ tfMaehine is the fur lamily oewing. an.I who intend purchas ing a Sewing Machine, this i# to a'lviso them (/or their own nuerttt,) lo call ujion the subscriber and see one of “WHEELER X WILSON S" before purchasing. It will prevent tlieir i)urchae-ing one of the many inferior Sewiug .Machines, which arc oii'ercd for sale through the country. There are THIRTY ^'f ihe Wiucler Wilson Ma chines in buccc:>lul use in this place and vicinity. S. J. HINSDALE. Agt. Aug. 22 *2- B' July 2»;, I Hoy \ow N. C. A. S. C. POWEid.. oo-'impd :tiakki:t. ale, will d 4;!''0 'I'lirinT .-I JVL-fiVi' i. Carolina Almanac. ' i.i . ;'‘V . as comjiletely exhausted last year, : 1 niii!iy -i plii i;!. i.eie di^aj‘j"!iuted, it will be well ap|ily -.Mill fui- the above. o.;t r 20. E. J. HALE & SON. llolo i^n^lifKli Dairv C'liecse, n . . ivc i. Mrs M. B.VNKS. "'■tai g2-1w \LL persons having NEG ROI'.S fo'. to address the subscriber at (,’linton, S.i'i I’iiO-M the Hub^criber at the Fayetteville Hotel, about ili>‘ 4th inst.. a biack and white spotted HOUND I . i'P\, with specks in the white spots. He is about ■'' i lu'juths old. Any information concerning him will bj thiiiiicfullV received and liberally rewarded by his JOHN WADDILL, Jr. U.t'r 25, 61^t well I'Son county, as he is determined to luiy ainl I'ay as lib.Tal ' prices for them as the stale of the market will ]iermit. Bv addressing him he will cull ininiediately, and make liberal otfers, as all will fmil who w'ill try him. CHARLES T. STEVENS. Clinton, Sampson Co., Sejit 10. KS.')'. 4^-lyjwl \ ^>;jroe»! i^ejfro**«!! WantMl. ('(ENTLEMEN, your old customer is yet in market for I Likely Negroes, for which 1 am determine'l to pay the Highest Cash Prices. Persons havinpf such for sale would do well lo give me a call, or address me at Clinton, N. C. All orders promptly attended to. J. A. McARTHTR. Clinton. N. C., March tl, 185'.i. y.'j-lyrpil SH iood llac'on, SIDf^^ and SHOULDERS, just re-iaivud and for sale bv D. & W. Me LA UR IN. July 2, 1859. 28tf uce for Mtilo. r the store of Mr. Vonglahn. Lutterloh's Wluirf, .North Water meet. 2otf T. A. K. .;. WOltTli, Commission and Forwardinjj^ Merchants, Wl!..MIXn’()N, N. C. •lan'y 2S, i8.')',l Sltf WM. H. Tl RLINCiTON, €' o III 111 i K M i o n .Tl e r c li a n t, WILMINGTON, N. C., 11’’ILL »ive prompt and personal aitention lo all con- W signments of SPIRITS Tl'RPENTINE. ROSIN, T.\R. CoTTON, i'I.orU. and other country produce, eitliev for sale or shij.ment. Mv wharf and waiehouses being conveniently located , for the reception of produce, either by Railroad or River, ! enables lut* to make charges light. ] Nov'r 8 tf j j F. M. HIZ/FILL. I ' G R 0 (' !• R A S I) C fnni 1 S S I 0 iN 11 V: II I' H \ \ T, I No. *J0 Nuiirii Watkr Stheict, ! WILMINGTON, N. C. 1)R0MPT and personal attention given to the reception j of all kinds of country produce, cither for sale or j , shipment. | Or.lers for groceries from ctish customers will receive | immediate attention, free of commissions. i Nov. 19, iH.-iH. 64-1 y Ba;;^;iny;' and Hoop Iron. V1)S. (Iiinny Bagging. Hoop Iron and Rope, for sale by E. F. MOORE. Sept 12 48- i^AK4-i: Titr.sTKirJsi ?!»ai^i: or Valuable Keal and IVrsoiial I’roiHTtj at Hi}:h i'oliil, 4.uilford lo., >. i., on llie Itlli and lilh dajs November iie.M. V virtue an.l in pursuance of two Deeds of Trust executed to us t'v Jeremiah Piggoft. to secure the payment of certain debts theivin named and set forth, we shall expose to public -ialc. at lligti Point, on Fri dav and Sattmlay the llth ami 12th days of November iSo'J. Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Hons. Far:,iing Uteii.-ils. P.lacksmith Tools, Wag.m-^ an l Gcar.^. a Buggy and Har- n«->s. a l irge number of Bed- and Furuiuire. and a (luantitv .)f household, tavern an.I kitchen Furniture, and various other articles of personal i>ropeny. convey ed in sai.l Heeds of Trust. Also, a very valu:ibb- FARM AND PLANTATION of luar ooO acres, on Richland ei-,.ek, near High Point, on both sides of the 11 md i-.tiu.iininjr valuable ME.VOOW L.VND and goo.l FARMl.NtJ L.VND, well suited to the culture of corn, tobacco an.l wheat, with a valuable two-story ilwelling hoa.^o theieon. a good large frame V>arn, a good >tore liou.-e. blaek.^mitli shop, and other convetdotit buildings. Much of the land is well timbered, very j>roducti\e. and the land is generally of good i|uality. Also, the lot aud large PiUH'K Hof EL near ti.e N. C. Railroad station, at Hi;?h Point, lomile^ wc-t ofGreen^- borough. and IS miles south east from Salem, lately oc- ' cupied by .leremiali Pigg.>tl, deet-ascd. Ihia is oth‘ ol the most desirable p.^tate.' in !ai l.lle Carolina, situated ! in a healthy region of coutitry. iu a new and r.i]ii lly- ! growing town, where tin* i’lank Ro;id from I'ayetteville '■ to Salem cros«e- th ■ Kailr .-i.l. and where iheve is now ; a Female Seminary of about one huudrc.l pupils. Also, TWO ACRES OF LVND in about one mile of j High Point, i.ljoining the lantls of Samuel Edwards and : others. ' It may be prop«*r lo state that this BRICK HOTEL is i among the largest and best tinishei buildings ii j Stale, with a goo.l tin roof, four stories high, and tains forty-four large comlortable roonn. j For the purpose of giving per-ons. desiring to pur- i chase, a full chance to examine the farm and the hotel, 1 and buildings on the lot and on the land, it is propo.sed to sell the real estate on Saturday the 12th of November IS-VJ. Th.' titles will be made gooil to the purchaser. Terms juade known oti day ot .-ale. SEV' El. F.VRLOW, Trustee. JOHN A. CILMER, Trustee. Oct. 4, 18VJ. TENTH EXiiLlSn EDITION, W ITH COSIKEK.MJLE ALTERATIONS ASU AUniTIOXS. By the Right Hon. S. MARCH PHILLIPS and THOS J.\.MES ARNOLD, Esq., one of the Police Magistrates for the Metropolis, KOIKTH AMEKICAV EDITION, BY IS A C K L> A 111> S, C0VXSKLI.OU AT Law. In three large volumes. With COWEN \ HILL'S Notes, and with additional Notes and References to the FInglish and American cases to the present time, including those added to the last eiiition by J. Marsden Van Colt. The unequalled work of Mr. Phillips on the Law of Evidence has long beeu acknowledged. This edition has undergone a thorough revision by Mr. Edwards, and has received an immense amount of labor, aud is now as nearly perfect as can be made. The American labor and talent bestowed upon the work are not less thau that derived from the English Source. The immortal notes of Messrs. Cowen At Hill, together with those of Mr. Van Cott, have been care fully preserved; and instead of being put in a volume by themselves, as formerly, they are now placed below the text—a disposition of them which will very much faci litate reference. The entire note and text are arranged in three compact volumes, with a table of cases, and an extremely full index to each. Mr. Edwards has care fully noted any distinctions that n ty exist between the English and American law, and lias added all the late American decisions. Several copies of this valuable work just rceeivcd and for sale by E. J. H.VLE & SON, Fayetteville. Nortli Caroliua Headers. NUMBERS 1 AND 2. PREPARED WITH SPECIAL HEFERKNCE TO TIIE WANTS ANl> INTKUEHTS OF »'%^rth Carolina. LM.cii rni. Ausi-icKs »ii- tuk si pkbintlndknt or com MOX SOIJOOLS, BY Rc%'. F. li. iliib1>art, PKOIBSSOU 'F TUK LATtS LANP.rAOE AKl) tlTEKATCKB IS THU LSIVKKSITY OF NORTH OAKOLI.NA. Oas Fixtures. The subscribers have now at Mr. W. N. Tillinghast k Crockery Store, SAMPLES of Gas Fixtnr*«. They would be glad if persons intending to use the jas would call and select, so that their orders may be tilled by tlo. time of liirhtini; up—early in November nest ■WATERHOUSE if BOWFS Fayetteville, Sept 24, ISo'J J¥otice—Riejifroes Wanted. TO the farmers and citizens of the Counties >t Dnp’in. Wayne, Johnston, Harnett, Moore, Cumberland, Robeson, Bladen, Columbus, Brunswick, New Hauovci , and Sampson: The subscriber being desirous of purchasing h num ber of Likely Young NEGROES, of all cbisips and dcs criptions, avails himself of this methoil of intormin.r those who may have such property to lispose ol, ttiai they would do well to visit me at liome, or addiess m. at Clinton, N. C.—for which they shall rcccivc a vi-it Negroes warned from this time till the 1st of Mai cK I860, for the Mobile and New Orleans markets, for whom the highest prices will be paid. EVERETT PETERSON Oct’r 13, 18iiy. . 57-Om liis FlTTINliS AI^D FIXTUUES. The subscribers will be prepared by the Tniddb.' o! August, to supply every description of Building> bwellings. Stores, Factories, \.c.—with all the ncuer sary FIXTURES, for the introduction ol tiAS. As we are constantly engaged in ihe busiuess of buiM ing Gas Works in this and other States, wi- of oour-^*' can atford to bring on a large stock and sell on moii^ reasonable terms than others. Our stock will incluilf Chandeliers, Pendents, Brackets, Glass, litc. As we have leased the works for live years, ii Wiii be to the advantage of those requiring such fixtures to got them of us, since upon us will fall the care of them, keeping them in repair, &c. For this puri'ose it is both our interest and pleasure to enijdy none but the best Gas Fitters. In our absence for a few weeks, all who wish to have the Pipes introduced into their buildings, will pl‘a>t: leave their names with Mr. W'. X. Tillinghast. who will give all necessary information on the sul.ject. It is desirable to know as early as posni'Vle. so th«t the I- tures may be introduced at the samt. time with the c. ^ struction of the works, and thus all »tj.y I'gbt up sauul taneously. WATERHOUSE i: BOWE.S. Nl MHEll 3, CONTAININU A FA.MILIAH HISTORY A.ND DESCHIl'- TiuN or NORTH CAROLINA. Selections in I’ruse tintl Verse; many of them by euiiiient citizotis ol’the State. HISTORICAL AND CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. ,\nd a variety of MiBcelbitioous Information and Sta- w I tliO oon* Webttter’irt Elementary Spelling Book, for 8«d« by E. J. IIALE & SON. ti.^tics. bv €\ MM. WMIjKW V* UMBER y is a new and revi.-^cd edition of the North Carolina Reader, first published in 1H51. Numbers 1 and 2 just issued, ctunplcte the scries, which is, as a whole, clicapcr than any other series of Readers in the L’nitel Slates, and as complete. The Editor ^i’rof. Hubbard) in his Preface to Num ber 1 deems it proper to allude tu a few of the peculiar advantnge.s aimed at by the Superintendent of Common Schools while making efl’orts lo have this work com pleted. These are, 1. The cncournj*meitt of a fctlin;/ of nclf-iicptndcnct, and the enlistment of fiopular sentinieni in behall ol the State and its institutions. It was not thought impoi'ant, how ever, to have more than one number of the Reader of merely a local interest. '1. To remedy the evil I eeryu-hirc complained of in com mon xehooh, ’■r' It chanyr in text hooks; an expen sive habit, an 1 one which injures the Schools by pre venting the chiMr.-n from being classified. A series of home Readers, it was supposed, would be certainly used, and this great evil thus avoided. 8. Ki'OfHriiiy, the popular system of Readers being too long ami being made so often merely to add to the profits of authors and publishers. This series is to consist of fewer numbers thau those generally used, and it is believed that these numbers are sufficient, while if the system were universally used id the State, the sum savel to parents and chiMren wouln \ amount to several thousand dollar> annually. I 4. To pul in the hands of children Lcaruiny to read com- ■- jiosiiiuT,..' suJicienLly familiar hut not of the. character called childi-th compoxitiunt, containing, in lessons enough for all ages, correct specimens of style, interesting iu matter, and inculciiting proper morals, and religious in struction. The prices arc, for No. 1. 'Ih cents; No. '1, Hii cents and No. 3, 7-j cents. A liberal deduction from these Drices to Merchants and School Teachers. E. J. HALE & SOS. Fayetteville, June 10. jm^TSlSr SHOKS^ AT WHOLESALE JWO. W. WALKER, of WORTH CAROLINA, W I T II P. P. SHAW & co al AND 33 Dey Strket, New York, ILL be happy to see his Southern friends ut the above establishment, where, either personally or'.y order, thev may be supplied from an extensive and w. il assorted s'tock of Goods in that line, gotten up expressly for the Southern trade. Nov. 29, 185S. _ d7 & W. McLURlX, iiroULD invite attention to their large and 'Icsim i. VV Stock of GKOCEKIE)^, Consisting in part of— 150 Bags liio, Ltijruira and Java t'olli e,- lUU Bbls. r^nd Ilhd.s. Su;;ar (iiss irteJ;,) 25 Ilhds. Molu.sbC6; 30 “ Bacon—Sidet an l Sh utMer^; 50U Sacks Salt; 150 Boxes good Tobacco; 125 “ Speriu,Adan)antiiie\'I .iiiow ('audit's; 50 “ Soap (a.ssorted;) 50 “ Candy “ 100 Jjagfl Shot “ 1000 lbs. Bar Leatl; 30 i libls. Suutf—Eafrle Mill.s; 25 Kegs Soda; 250 “ Nails. —ALSO— A large and general assortment o! Ilarduare and l'iiller>; Farming Utensils, ol’till dt!r-riid;oii-; Americtin, Englisli, Swialvs and l’ntviau lri>n; lilister, (lerinan and (,’a»^t Steel; Blacksmiths’ Tools; Coopers’ Do.; Corn Shi;l!ers aixl Straw (’utters, flueketsi, Brooms and Pails; Cotton, Manilla aud Jute Ht>p ■, fall kind.1 and quality;) Plow Lines and Bed (%jrls; Hollow Ware; Cotton Yarns and Slieetings :it fa.-tnry prii.t -\11 of which will be wold i.ow h>k (.'\-n. ; on u ".i time to promju paying ctistomc.s. Col.N'TRY Mf.UCIIANTS are ieS[»'Ct‘u;l> re i ■' ■*'■ i to call and examine our stock bel'vire pjr. iiM-ii where. !*■ "■ 'I' L \ ' March 3, 1«50 _ _ . i:tn ■'.tf 1001',:; BBLS. No. 1 Split and Bnik n EXTRA II \V: >0 “ RICE STR.VU; CANDLE., .vrr.. 20 Boxes .\I>A.M.VN I iM 40 “ BAR SO.VP; 25 Barrels M. ^ .VSS.VR • O S 20 “ WHISKEY, some very fine, vjrt (i’ I “l>ew Drop’’ (!> years old. Fatnt v. M nclia, Reserve, Excelsior: 0 Packages FRENCH P.R.VNDV ; 1 Cask CATW'AliA RRANDY. on ment from a gentleman connt*('tr'l v. j? -; .. Ikink in the city of N. V.: will l*e s'*!-! "n account of consignee. J6@“The above are just rec’d and wiil )>•■ -old iow J. H. Rt.»BERTS -'o. July 11, 1859 A New andCompl(?U‘ >ortli Carolina Form IJooh. A further supply just rec’d. Aug. 27 E. J. HALE A SON. ay ..M .il6| nAhSi mm

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