STATE OF AORTH €AROLl?l A ROBESoy COUNTY. Fall Term, ISo'J.—In Equitj. Elijah Hynl and wife Mary Ann, and John A. Hill, an infant, by his next friend Elijah Byrd, vs. Moses Gardener and wife Myrania Ann, Solomon Hill, (’aiharine Hill, lliehard Brewer and wife Elizabeth, James Hill, Nancy Hill, Annis Hill, Edward Hill. Andrew Hill, Davidson Flynn and wife Milly, George Grinijiloy and wife Sarah, and Elias J. Horne. IT apjicuring to the satisfaction of the Court that Ed ward Hill, .Vudrew Hill and Oeorge Grimsley and wife Sarah, are non-residents of this State, it id order ed, that laiblication be made for six weeks in the Fay etteville Observer, a newspaper published in the town of Fayetteville, notifying the said Edward and Andrew Hill and ile^rfre Grimsley and wife, to appear at the next term of the (’curt of Eimity, to be held for the (’ounty (if Kobeson at the Court House in Lumberton, on I he 4th Monday in March next, and plead, answer or demur, or a decree will be rendered pro confesso a.“ to them ^^itTlC'«. K. S. French, Clerk and Master in Eijuity. in and for the County of Robeson, the -1th .Monday in September, A. 1). 1859. B. S. FRE*V’H, C. vt M. E. Oct'r 18 '>0*t3w }»»TATi: OF .\OKTII C'A ROMA A, ( I'.MllKKLAND Ci)UNT\. Court of I’leas and (Quarter Sessions, SepteiulHjr lerm, !(>•>;>. .^largaret So-'-soms vs. llt-ir.s at Law of Amos Seeisoms. I’etition for Dower. IT :i}'}>earing to the satisfaction of the Court, that .V'.fxandtr Si s'oins, one of the defendants in this case, ro'ido' bcyoii.l tlic limits of tltc State, It is or dered tli:it pulilu-atioti lie ui.ade for six weeks in the F.tveitevilk' (ib.'vrvtr for tlie said .Alexander Ses.«oms to fic'aii'l a;»i>ear at • ur next Court of I’leas and (Quarter to I'o held for the County of ('uiiiherlatid. ai tlie ’.iurt House in Fayetteville, on the first .Monday of l)iM eiiil>er. -\. I). and then and there plead or aiiwcr to said petition, or it will be heard cx parte, and a lecree entered accordingly. Witness. Jesse T. Warden, Clerk of our said Court, the first MuiiJ.av of Septciiiber, A. D. 05--,1] ■ J. T. WARDEN, Clerk. STATFOF AORTH I’ iROLIAA, \! )NTG( >-M EIt V C >CNTY. C.iurt lif rieas ;ind (Quarter .'Sessions, ()ct’r Term James C. ( lark vs. Daniel 1’. Clark. .Vrchibald C. Clark. Calvin Buie and wife Ellen Buie. Petition for Dower. IN ihi' case, it ajipearing to the satisfaction of the ('• :;rt that Aivhi>iald C. 'lark. one of the defendants in thi case, noi an inhabitant of this State. It i? tlierefire 'rdere'l by the t’uurt, that publication be ni .de in Fayetteville '^>server. a newspaper published in said town of Fayetteville, for .«ix succe-sive week', notifying tlie said defendant to be and appear before the justice' of our -aid eourt, to be held I'or the cotinty of .^^lntg■'lll.‘ry. at the Court Uo;,se in thi town of Troy, on the tir-t M«nd:iy in .lanuary next, then and there to plead, aii-wer or demur, ot the same will be held pro Confe-'V as to him. Witnc". J 'tin M. Lennar., ('’lerk of nr said court, at "ttice. thi- the fir't .^londw^• of (.)ct-'}>er A. I>. li''-j'J. 6^-fit*] .JOHN McLennan, r. c. c. .^oiit;;oiu(‘ry Superior I'ourt oi fall term ;.;uel 11. Christian "s. .John T. Andrews. • •ri^inal Attachment. IT apj)earing t- th. -ati-friction of the Cowrt that the ■viV-n Jt o. T. Andrews, i- not an inhabitant of •iii .'^rate. D lieref.->re ordered by the Court, that p .'■11 '■ =’ n adi in the Fayetteville Observer, for 'ix Wfiks. for tiie said Jno. T. .\ndreW' !.■ appear at ' .le ne -r Term >f t/uurt, t-: be held fur the »'lunty f M 'ti’tT' iiiery -t ; jie Court House in Troy, on tlie last .NI 'd:iy in F«'’'tuary I"''.'*, and answer. re)>levy or i ■ 11 T-. the saniv, otlierwise judgment pro confessO will ■ c • -k. n ag -in-! him. WiiTies'. .lames B. Ballard, Clerk of our said C 'irt. • t ofiii e. the la-t M .nday in .\ugu't ,\. l>. Is.j'j. and in the "Itn year of .\meric.4n In lei>eudence. I-' .. 1 the l.’*)t:- dttv of October iJ'-Sl*. J'AME.- B. BALLAKD. C. S. C. ^oiil;;oiiier% Mii|K‘rior Court ol FALL TEKM. E. r. L. Barringer vs. John T. .\ndrews, Original Attachment. I T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the ■ det'eii iant, John T. .\ndrew', is not an inh.aliitant of this State, It is ordered by the Court, that publication be made iti the Fayetteville >hserver for six weeks, fjr the s.ii.l .Ino. T. Andr- w to appear at the next Term of this i'ourt. to V»e held for the County of Montgoioery. at the t'ourt House in Troy, on the Monday in Fe>i- ruary I'';'*, .md .iiiswtr, replevy or plead to the .same, otherwi'e jiid^menf pro confesso will f>e taken again't him. ^^itne". .Tames B. Ballard, ('lerk of our sai'l Court, at office, the last Monday in .August A. D. !>•'>'., tind in tiie >'4th year of .American Independence. This, :i.jth day of October IH,")'.*. 1 ‘ JAMES B. BALLARD, C. S. C. Southern Plows, Corn Shelters, &e. A. F. MAVHEK A CO.^ Ao. •> I V(**ey street, NEW-YORK (TTY. \F. M. .V Co.. would r -j.ectfully inform Southern . -Merchant-and Dealers in .\gricultural Implements, that they are still tiiariuf;;eturing all kind-, if b .'.h Steel and Iron Southf'rn IMow.-. I’low Ca-ting^. Corn Sheller-. (irain Cradle-. H.iy and Stalk Cutters. Fan Mill-. Store Fruek'. (i‘-ird*‘n and ( .iiiul Barr^*ws. fjitj Gear Segment Casting'. ,vc., -Vf . exfiressly for the Southern iVide. \1.- ; -in h:tnd, all kinds of .A _'ricultural and Hortii.-ultu- ral Iniplement>.. .Machinery, ,‘'eed«. Fi-rtilizi^rs, \r., Acc., which we •■11 at L'>WEK prices than any other hou'e in the Lnited W i- have a Descriptive Wliolesale I’l dfut which we will furnish on aj.plication by ri. i,l or otiierwise. .\11 fioods warrante'i to be a« r- oie-.:n.«,l. A. F, MAYHER & CO., .''end f'lr our I’rice No. :,l Vk-kv .St.. N. Y. Suec-s'or, to John Mayher & C.,. \'h" established the busine--^ in IHjo.i Sept .J. Ix.y 4*; .;mi]ir RK'IIARO.MKVS llilNlI LI\F.\S, imilSiiS, """ / (oN."I .\Ihll.'' ot !li:har'l'jn'~ Linens, and those ' clc'ii iiu- of ■■'■taining the genuine good«. «ee that the article- they pure|ia«P are se.nied with the full name of the firm. RICH.VRDSGN, SJNS .vOWDE.V a guarantee of the s„iiri(|ness an'l durability of the Thi caution i'^ rendere.l c««entially nece'Sary as lar;;.- iiantiti. - of inferior and defective Linens are lTef,.;re.l, hca-..n after season, and sealed with the nano, of IMCH,\KDSON. by Iri'h H.oise-. who, re gard:.of the injury tliu« itiflicie'l alike on the Ame rican e,;!..iMiiier ani t lie itianiifaciiirers of the genuine go ids. will iMit leaijily ahatidon a business lio profit able. \shib* puTi.'h'.i^ei ' can lie imjiosed on with goods d'a Worthle-^ eliaracK-r. J. BLLL(>cke J. B. LJCKE. .Agents (Jhurch .St., New York. June 11, (jni*pd Tin* ol* Hai'iietl are rc*- ■ jue'ted I., meet at the Court House in Summerville, on Ab.iiday the 12th December, to appoint Commissioners t'! lay ofi lots. \c.. in the newly estafilished county seat, I.illington. an«l fvr the transaction of such other busi ness as may come before the Court. R- c. BELDEN, Ch’m. Nov 1'.* . ' arolmian cojty twice. ADMINISTRATORS SALE. Il’^ILL BE SOLD, at the late residence of James Tt \ouug. Sr., deceased. Bulloch cotmty, Ga., on the first Tuesday in December next, the following property, belotging to the estate of the said Jatties Young, to wit; 2*2,135 acres of I’ine. Oak, Hickory, and rich Bay Land, on the (Central Rail Hoad, in Scriven .and lUtlloeh eoviti- ties, on the great Ogeechee rive’’, and trom 55 miles from the city of Savannah; five large and well im proved IMantations, in a high >late ot cuUiv:ition. wit 1 cotninodioiis L>welling Hou.'-es, Negro, tiin. and all ot itr out Mouses commonly on tarius. On the H«uiiestea pl.ace. is a splendid mansioti. .all the huihlings niw. 1 fine saw. grist, smut and flowering mill, in lull Fifteen tracts of these, are heavy and i- bered. on which are several Hne t and improvements. The timbers are and verv valuable—convenient to >nvann.ih. one of tfie best lumber and timl'cr markets in the w or , *•''' ing the advantage of the great Ogeechee rn cr. , one of the best rive-s south for rafting.) an.l the great (. U. R. of (Jeorgia p.issing through it-this road alone, buy millions of feet of .-^mall f..r rej.air' along the line; besides, there are thousands o: large trees on tliese lands that will bring from Slo to ]ier slick or tree, in Savannah market. These Luids are also valuable for purposes—over bushels ] er acre arefbe- quently produced on the bay lan'l. .\] ple> peaches, pears, cherries, an^l grapes. gi"W well—t"o hours on the rail road will land this tvuit in .''avattnah, where it commanils a good price, und.-ixiy lioure horet' New York, one of the best fruit tnarketb in the world. Sea Island atid L'plati'l Cotton, do well. la.lhJS acres of Land, lying in Bulloeh county, con sisting of sixteen tracts, t hirteen oi -.■.lid tracts in one body, and bounded as follows: n.>rthwardly by lands of E. Beasly. D. Hendricks. T. Hcn lricks, J. Hendricks. T. Evans,and-Mrs. Fend.; westwardly by J. Hendricks. (;. D. Mallard. .M. Moore, and J Dixon: South by L. Lanier. E. Wells. lL>dges 1*. Brower, and M. Donald son; easiwardly by the O.gecehee river. Another tract, 54Ki acres, boiiudcl uortliward atid weaiwaril by M. Doualdson; south by Dr. t'oleman, and east by the great t)geechee river, .\nother of >aid tracts. acre'', bounded west by E. -\Ucn; south by .\kius; east by H. Lanier, an 1 north by H. Lanier, .iiiother tract of *2h5 acres, eas: Iiy vacant land; >outhwest liy va- catit, and northwest by land of .John Miller; als'- ••nc tract in Scriven county, containing ,»>.» acres, bi iindc 1 iiorth- wanlly by lands of S. Burk, Mrs. ll)irl>er. Dix.ui. and Burk: easiwardly by Burk and Thoma.-; Burii'; south and west hy Thimias Burns ui'i tlie great Ogeechee river; oue-half mile frotii .Nil 1'. 1!. 11. .\noiher tract. 425 acre', bounded southwardly and westw.udly by Thomas Barber, and northwardly and e.a-twa^-illy by (,’oopcr's laii'l. Another tract of 2,3’2’2 at re.', b'.iun'le'l north by Leeand wc't wardl}’by Holliii'i'Wo; tii. 'I'iiomp- Sijuanil J. (':imeron: east an^l n >rthwar'lly by Evati'. Cameron, M. ore atel W.!-,.tl, .Another tract, 2’iO acre', bounded southward ami ea-tward by Uni. S. ,M*">re; we.>t by Lee, and nurtli Ky U. ni.'. .V'l thee land.' are well watered. About f.iur .ir five hundred head >f fine h^'gs will be sid^l a'.sii: about thirty he d .jf muK s ati 1 Imrsc^. w -.^oc'. carts, titnber carriaL’c'. two -..r r ' .i c set.' ’t ' ’i, ■ k.'Uii;;; ' ti:-I-;, one y"ke ■ f xeii. f.nir t fiv.. c.ii^'ii :_;ii>. and other ] t.>oU .ni l implcinen:'. ui; ■ i-t ir^n cane mill, au'l hou'ehoM ,in'1 kitchen furniture. Terms. — .\11 -ums un ler five'I'lll.irs. c I'h .111 .lelivery: per-'inal property will be sold on twelve ni mths crc'iit. small note', iniere't from .i.itc. with t v..■ api r"v, i-ecu- riiifs; the real C'tate will be ''^M. on> -t' ;irin payaMeii. three month*, the >' i'ance in one un^l t w year- u n-iteJ to be;»r iiiterc't fri'in 'laic, and ! e '■•■■’;;■: ■! i mortg.affe ■•ti the land, and at ’iea-t . lo- r iw ■= 1 cii- dor'er'. I’urcha-er' inying f^r title'. I’ersons wishing information by letter, will piea-ieaii- dress Jno. Camlron, at O-.i-echee O., r^criven "o., Georgia. I’ersons wishing r 1 x.amine the itivited to call on J i.n ( ainer .n. wii.i will take j^b a'Urc in uivin;; a quiit^l, I’er'ons wi'hing to purchs'e can hti.i a map of the- Ian 1-i at the e^litors' othce. Additional time will fie given ?■ heivv jio.relii-.T'. J AMKS VoLN(;. JNO. CVMl IlttN. .\1! the heirs beinsr of a"«». lii’e- u’l l.iol re-l .'^ale t ‘ c-'titinue from lay d .y 'ill ; t»ct. 1'7, I''.',;). M II :in' j‘t* ■’ t ull V :»r N (*'. n. i I ii-- ai ‘ 'n rt*- A in Dr. Bronson h.avinjrlieen «■• t'lr ry bi.-. l t.\ n-un.i- tion, as ti- l>e cnsi lere^l ^-ev 'ti'l all i ■]■>• ■•f rec">>'\ bv tlie most eminent of the medical }ir'^;'. -i..n, aiel ,i%-' by himself—a regular phy>^ician nf twenty years practice —a*i a la't resort. conc-ivel the i^lea of .\N \1,\ 7.INi THE BLo()D, and applying the -ubject of [ihy-d..l-ly to the more imrncliute connection, an'l elf'ect of the state of the blood up'in the health uiel \vsrem. Tin- t^sult has been the production of this •Bl.'Xil) F*>1>.' from the ii'e of which Dr. IJroti'on was re'tore 1 to per fect health. Within six tii'inil.; after it' intrn .... ; i^iti. ■ iver two thou'an'l cori'uniptives were efFectua'.’v ctir-d by it. If yi.iu have any complaints of a consumptive ten'lency. Cough, Cold. Head-ache. I’alpitati'-n of the Heart. L"-5s of Aj'petite or I’ain in the .''i'le. lo'c no time in procuring a bottle of the -‘BLiM)!) FO'»D." If you are suHeritig from Nerv ;us I> bilitv. or V'Oir si*-ep is br'iken ati'l di-turbed. if y^mr .''jiirii' are I'ep:t -sci. ■r your Or^an- iielaxe'l. you will fin-l in thi' an un- fiiling reme'ly. by -)mriiericing with ten 'irop-, if your Liver is t"rj>i'l or 'li-ea-'- l in any m.i’itier what ever, one or two >. .tt'c- will V.e -ure t-' invig .rate, ati'l hring it into lively and healthv a ti'ti. In the m .'t J inveterate ca>e, ,f'Dy-p.-j , t'l,.. p.t;.-i,! .-an lore find : the ni'.'t efiicient an'l il rdief. l.cnefir Is , ways experience.! after ? . .n:; .ji v .ne f. .itle. In Male ' or Feniale C imi.l.-iir;'. .-.1 \V . the 'ifb-rer. i after trying ■■ther retaeiie- ir. v in re-t a'-^urcl, that a cen.ain cure will ret-ot- f, •■;. t'-io u.:p -.f tw-o or three bottles. The‘-BI.o»D Fi'dji i. elle,^ .in jill case- 'f Krupti'.n-. Salt [theum. .ci ,- :’:i ;,nd .ther like complaint . I’ale ari'l eiij.ici.ateil chi].Iren and a'lnlts j are imme'liately benefitte.l f)y it.^ u»e. It gives strength I tii the b'-'ly. and color and liP.-iuty to the k-n. I’hv- j '^ici-'ifisof Jill sch>fds are using it with wori'ler^'.il .iiiece-s. For full directions, see circular'. I’rice-'r-l perfn.ttle. •(I^WOlJoj '■.lliltJl- Jill'II ainoil H n;.5 |lU!l^.Jt( [i.mI.IhJVI auoiu ,JI|i 11« ui .J.>u-.',111 i)i, ,,i I'olu ..1(1 m -'iio.> 11 'uixKrij :)iinj> .11(1 j(,| 7tuii.iij.Mpi: m ui!i H'j.Hii ,Tuo )ouu«. a'n Jo Muoii>:it;>j.«jil uHm »jna Hjtmi .tlliRT ’jt Suuiij'iiit u| ;riiii oil .(,"1 oj I).,; (lu.iiiiiii'i.i.u .*« sjy JO ^uot^iinuo.) )o i|i; UI jiiH.Mi.wl. .,u., |iiij.i«,hI M auidu |MIW : ijii.iji;|U'ij 1 ijn « U'>|>^i(.>j .>•) uk.. ji )> T»'« i^nKj ikom mfj j" ( -jdinj .uns *;'ki |i (hmk 3141 UI pIo.( J,, I )i.ll|t!llli;((iii HI II 3^1 3UU':|t:." J J" ( uiwl 1U!.\J||^J (lUH kiiiiul .Tuoi.djii' J"J J'|o.) -.U >1U.» in «w ujiis I'lviii.i. iH.i.'i\ni\>.i.\iv'i,iiv).) i iv ho.j Z|A UOIlWJwl^Jll J,,I(||| ,\J.H I J.IAII lU.HII I liq.) Ml .1 l(.HII « ilUl MO||o( .,H) ||l; U| |IUI: dJIIj I:n;)J.,j 1! (.1 [,Ul: lUKI •Uj .'IIUJI |.^{) 1,11111 .M)| rtJnT II loUIIH.I |IUH k'.IOIIJI'll X|lJ.I|J III SI II .{|i(ljno4 K(iutii(uvto «;t( .\|| 111.11)1 I'l .U!MI| Ii.'iiri Ji| i'. iiiiu.,.u !(| .qi jspuu si*jjo( ai|i moj) ,liip nui.x, |i.)||i,«ip w'l ,, ((.mj,, i„.,j ►I'JOJ ijS.\ ; «OI(.i III « illllU|l||||llJ ,.|lim.(ll1 Jo| .>|,C)J>! J.tUlO ,||H Ml’" 1! J" UilSIJKlllIlilJ « m -.(Jl!.! IIMJS IJII.H ill) lllil ^:| )J -.\|pji|| I •'. l|l|i(lvua« HI auiiirfpi .jp |ii |ii:.ii-(i| piin.i jii(i.\ |o jlu|j.j|rl> ;»Hl iluiAoiir;>j Af| k;»a.«||^j .(|iu.»nt>.*wuo;i nui; *pui>( Xiiv |o iiiiiKto io :iijo3jji;i1 iiioji vi jj—.||>utj,*.»yj iii,»i|i jo| ;m|ij.k JJ't 1)1 SlUIV|illllnJ .l|l|UM|U| UI .) lU MJ.i'ix.1 H.)I11M Uloj) |l.lji|i:|lll (jaw »! oq H ‘ut.j jiv.\qd jv|ii;t.ij n 10 ii'iuiijKtl.ijfl .nii >i 11 'isji ,j iio.t »JII|'>1.J 11) SKII )i.i'v:ut> JO jvjnu mm luiijuou j;mo .irjoij,«ln>^ ■di .il.ix 01 .iji«.,,i ■'IVUMIO.J H'llJ.VV.t.VI '11(1 (l!« no' flaimaiiajil uj l.aiid for Kale. ^Pll 1. Buh^criber oflers for sale two Tracts of Land; one 1 111 the upper end of Marion District, S. C., (on which fie now resi.les. ■ lying on both sides of Little Tee Dee tiivcr, at Mclnnis’ Bridge, containing 600 acres, with a com oitaMe Dwelling and all out-houses, nearly all new^ If other near Alfordsville, in Robeson county, further information, Dist S 'c Mclnnis’ Bridge, Marion .1 PAISLEY' ALFORD. AliiK.\T WA.^TKD rro Solicit Orders for our $1.^, §•>„, ’^05 p^^enf I .Sewtng .Sahiry ^;4(. per month, with ex penses paid. It IS a practical machine for everv fami ly: o .imple in its construction that a chihl can learn to run It, an'] half an hour’s experience will enable a lady to operate with it well. Warranted equal to any f'l/h [.rice'l machines. Addres.s ^ 1. HALE Jr. & (’(>., Newburyport, Mass. .V. J'). C8*vt Sohl by CHURCH ,Sc DL^PONT, Druggists, No. ■j*> Mai'len Lane, New York, And liy all respectable Druggists throughout the country. Nov 11, 1850 Oii-ly FOR MAI.ft). 4 A A CASKS fresh Lime; 4UU “ White do.; 10(( Bbls. ('ement; 500 ISags Corn; 500 Sacks Liverpool Salt; 10 do. Blown do. T. S. LUTTERLOH. ' 05-3W Herrins:? Herrin^!! ry r HALF and whole BdIs. Herring, for sale by O GOLDSTON & FCLi.ER. Nov 14 .Iiiwl Rec'ei%e«i. 1500 by ^ for Oct 2H R. MITCHELL. (jJtf WAATKD. VL.MIGE quantify of «’OTTON and LINEN RAGS, for which fair prices will be paid. ’ DAVID MUKl'HY. Aug. 17 41. VI*.71. •WcJK:*!I*, Attorney at Law, Fayettkvillk, N. C. liriLL attend the County and Superior Courts of Cumberland. Harueti. Moore and Robesou Coun ties. Prompt attention giv*»n to th« collection of all claims oiitrusteil to hii* hauila. Oct. 17. lS.-)0. H. W. HORNE, .f TT00 .!•#; !• .f T Mj*a II*, ■VY be found at the Dtlice of Wni. B. WrigJit. Esq.. near the (’ourt House. June J^O. is.'i'.i. i!8-n .JOSKPII H \KKK, .Ik., A r r o K ^ i: v \ t r a \v , taken an office tiext diKirto Win. IV ^\ right s OtTice on Green Street. He will attend and praetiv'e in the ('ountv ati'l .''ujHTior Courts I'f Cnmberlan 1. Blt'leti. Robeson and .''amp*"n. March •-’3. iSoM. T'-'if RORV llfAAIR, fiiif/ f'oitnsrHor at gjtur, Ll MBEUTON. N i’ 14"1I.L ai.eud and practice in the County and Superior }} Cour s of Robeson. Richnion'.l and Cuinl>erlaud. .Ml business intruste'l to him will receive promjit at tention and c'dlections jiunctually remitted. Oct. t). i8.')>>. ' r>'>tf .lOHA P. FI I.I.KR. Attorney and foiinsellor at Law, WILl. t'KVCTll K I.N TIIK ('DVKTS Of Kobcsoti, (.'umberlaiiil, ('ulunibus and Bluden. office at Lumberton, Robe»>on Co., N. C. July 5. P. .1. fl\t'i.AIR, Attorney and founsellor at Law, Vayetteville. N ll^'ILL ]>ractice in the ('ourts of Robeson. Cumbcrl.ati'l. \) Harnett ami Bichmond Pfonijit attention given to all busine's entrusted to hin. Feb'v IS.')',* S'l- WORTII A: 1 Ti.FV, Forwarding and General (’onimission Merchants, rutfrrfrrtllp^ .V. i\ J. A. wonrii. i7:.‘tf J>s. i ti.ey. R. n. orri:ll. TURPENTINE INSPECTOR. '■pllosr, ' -tiding their Spil■i^^ Turis'ntine to me may I relv u]-'n it to have jaompt atwl careful attentiuu. NIv w;-rehoiiM- ai.- fronting the wh.arvj-s an'l near the river. .■^ept'r I-;. I-'-". 4.^)tf o\vi:\ VARitRoi cai. ^VE thi:- l.iy •■.•-•;-re'l ini' ('''pa;tner»hip for the pi.rp '-t ;i:iii':i' ting the ; roniiuis>ion and Forwarding Business, in all its liranidie'. in Wili.iingtoti, an>i will give j'roinpt JKT' iial attention to all fui'itiC'S ent rusted to theircare. I.-oi-ral ca'li advaticc-j will be ma'le on C'>l-signmeiil'of ■ uiitry Prc.iiiee. --r iMiice on N-u h Water St , over H. Vonglahan's Store. .John w «*wen o. s. YARBKoUtiH. '"'ilining' -n. o ’ ’J". l^-^'. '•!- U III. II. TI RLI \I;T0\. Coiiiiiiis^i4»ii .llercJiaiiit^ \\ il.MlNfiToX, N, (’ \l’’l!.I. giv.- 'pe.-l il HUeiit; in to the -.ale i.r shipment Tf 'if .iil -Na\al .''t'lre'. (' tt.m. Flour. Timlier. an.l •'ihcr Country |.r'dure Uctei' t"; il. U .''avaire, ('■I'ihier B-uik of Ca]»e Fear. Wi’,!iiirn_:..n; .In -. Daw'..n. I’res't Wilmingt >11 P.raiich ot ,\ !:h t'ari'litia: W . H. .I"ne'. (_’;ishier Raleigh Branch B.-iiik "f Cape Fear. N..V 1>.V* t’..')-tf II Mini-— ‘ W IIMIKI'J’* A. J. lloWELI.L. HARRISS & HOWELL, ('ommission and Forwarding Merchants. wilml\;tmn, X. (’. t»'-t. 17. 1>'" .'i>'-lYiHl ROKFRT II. COW A A, Ucnera! t’ommission •IMerchattt^ WIL.MINCTON, \. (’. ()I'ice South Corner Market and Water utrwets, up-stairs. t»' t. 1.;. l ''‘. 57-1 Y T. t . A: II. ii. WORTH, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, WlL.MiNdTON, N. .lan y l‘o'.t .‘'Itf W, H .\LLENZ' [J. M. CLARE- ALLE\ fLAKK, Com III i««»i»ii .TI e relia II W lLMlNiT‘*N. N. IIE\LKKS IV IJME. I'LISTEK, ( KMKVT, HAIK, Ar. .Vgeiit-i for Ru>h .SC *rreU's Line of Steaniers.-v^^ MR(>MPT per-onal attention given to con-iignments o I .\av.-il .'^t'.res. I'otton or other Country I'rixlucc, for .tale or shipment. .(any 1'.', 1^■V.•. Ki ll. GKAllA.^l/ WIlj.MINflTON, N. il l'i;''ILL give jirompt and iiers>nal attention to all con- T| 'ignments of Sjiirits Turjientine. Rosin, Tar and Turp-ntine. and all country produce for sale. >fTice UJ) stairs, over the store of Mr. Vonglahn, anil joining Lutterloh's Wharf, .North Water street. .June '2'',. L’otf JOSEPH R BLOSSOM, r o ?i n 1o A N I) Forwarding Merchant, ll''iliuins£ton, *V. Jf^iy^Tfc-ipt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and ('ash advances made on Produce to be shipped to other ports or soM in this market. Feb. 12, 1H55. 67tf .IAS. r. SMITH.] [.MILKS CO.STI.\ JAS. C. SMITH & CO., fV#r/«r«, f'oMtHission and M'or~ tvardiH^i' • lierrhant^. WIL.MINGTON, N. C. I)RoMPT attention given to .sale of TI.MBER. LUM- BEK. N.W.VL .STollE.S ami all kinds of Produce. Liberal adv.ancements made on Consignments. Refer to E. P. Hall, Pres’t Branch Bank of State. H. R. S.w.MiK, ('ash'r Bank Caj)e Fear. John D.\wso\, Esq. July ■-'((, I80O 33-f5mos A CARO. A WORD TO MY OLD FRIENDS— ^pilOSE persons for whom I have been .attending to 1 P.anking business for years;—I am still willing to serve you with the same promptness that I have always done; and to others that may want discounts, Pension business, &c., &c I ofi'ermy services, with a promise of strict attention. JAS. G. COOK. June 27, 1859. 2Gtf B()( )K-HLN DI \G IN all its kinds, executed with neatness and despatch. Small jobs when done must be paid before delivered' THOS. H. TILLINGHAST. Opposite the Female High School, Hay Street Ma^I4, 18^». i4_iy Roofini^ and Guttering', Done at short notice, by €. W. /% ADREWI§I, , market SqUARE. Oot’r 4 ^ 55. faai:ttevii-i-.e hotei>, T. Proi’hiktor. i « rpHIS, the most comutodious Hotel in Noith J. Carolina, fronting 800 feet on Tlay and JifJifl,. Donaldson Sirt'cts. located in the centre of the bus;neps portion of the town, and stirrounded by all the Banking Hotise.'^. Wholesale .Mercltants and princi pal Proiluce Ik'alcrs. Business men will find the Hotel a convenient and comfortable house. All the Stages arrive and depart from this Hotel. Fayetteville. Oct. 1. 1S.'»S. 51- siii-:>nvfOLL iiosFsio. !>( i'r> ,ii stritt, II ft u' /uo/-,s \orth aj thr Marh,-':. > rpHH Sulwcriber desires through this tnedium 1 lo .-J.'kowlo'lge the liluo-il patronage tx'stow- * *cl upoii lii> HoU'e the l ist year- and as he has just erected Ni-w Stables ami Carriage Shed conven ient to ihe Hou'e ami to water lie takes jileasure in say ing to liis pati'ons au«l the public generally, tiiat he ss still propaie'l to accoi'iniodate them with transient and pcriiMiiciit lio.iid. ;imi resp»‘ctfully sidicits a continuance of the li'ieral patronage In'retotbre received. Every ex- erii"ii oil part shall be used to render them comforta ble during their sojourn with him. His table is always supplied with the best the market atl’ords. P. SH EM WELL. March 24, 1S.58. SG-tf W 4 1 E H O V S I GOLDSBORO, N. C. n^pHE under'igiied atmounces to the public 1 that he ha“ taken charge of the above Es- t abiisiimetit, and i'prepared to accommodate l>')aiib r', liy the 'lay, week or month. .Vnd he assuies all who may favor him with their iiatronag-, that he will eii'leavor to give perfect satisfaction. Tal le stijijilicd with the best ilie market afl'ords. J.AS. G. SMITH, (ioldsboro'. V IS'i'.t Nl-lyr laliorer*« Wanted. ^|'’HE Western R. R. Co. wish to employ I I'l to .'1') l,.VB*HtER.S. lo work 011 .Section No. 1 (. 2 4 miles from Fayette ville. to whom tlu-y will pay ?1 25 per 'lay. Bv order of the I’resiilent and Directors. JAMES F. MARSH. .Siip't of Section 14. Nov r 2 ft8tf Ni:AJtK.T AM> QI K’KK.^T ROl Ti: TO TIIE RAII.ROAll! HOLMKS & IJOBINSOX’S FOIK H(»kSE STH.E L1\E TO KKWNSVILLE, VII WUiSAW, Is the h"rto't ami m"'t oxpe litiou-' f'lr travelers going North or .South. I.-aving Fayetteville everv day at 2 ..' P. M. THRoCCH IN TEN HOCUS. The traveling ]'ul>lic wh" wouM stinly their comfort ati'l coiivenienc. will take the W .r«aw .Stage. fli-t: THltoi (ill TICKETS TO W ELDON may be ha'l at the .Slatre Office. Fayetteville. .\ug 5, Is.V.i. ;lfs-ly Lr'l"rKKl. >H*S LINK. ^TE.\.\IEK ••F.VNN\" leave' Fayetteville every Mon day ami Thur''i iy morning, at 15 minute'after Sun- rixe; aji'l \N ilmington Tue- lay and Fri'lay. at o’clock, —carrying ]>»'senger ati'i freight. .sit‘aiii(-r --.soC 1 11 ERN ER." with a full complement ol' Flats, makes one or more trip' per week, as circum stances may require. teamer --RoW.XN" will be re- he will then take her place in T ,s I,lTTKHI,OH 5]-If The acci'lent to the paireil in a few day-^. the line Oct r 4. 1 ''.'1'*. WAV LI\E. f H.WE associated with me. in this line. Mr. John K, Dailey, and will style thr firm ORRELL \ D.\1I.EV. W e have purchased the .Steamer .Soi TiiEnNER. and in a few days, will have a New Fl-it eniployeil with her. Those favoring u^ with their {>atronage may rely upon prompt despatch, by aj'plying to .Mr. Dailey on board, or to me at my office. R. M. ORRELL. . .M. 0KKKI.L. •March 2''«. 1^5^* JunX K. IIAII.KT. 8(H,»-tf IIEATAI. AOTII'E. I iR, R. SCo rr offer* his i-rofessioiial services to Uie 1 f Community, ati'l may be seen at his office, two doors East of the Market. Sejit. 5, 1H5U. 4titf DEATIJ^TRV. I kR. J. iJ.Wl.s having decided on j>erma- 1 ' nently locating in the Town of Fayette ville. respectfully offers his services to the citizen." of this (I'.ace and surrounding country. In all the vat lous branches of his Profe-^sion, including the manufacture of .Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an extensive exjierience. to whicli is added a thorough Den tal education, that he can give entire sutisfaction as far as is iti the power of Dentistry. All irregularities of the Teeth treated in a pro]>-r tind careful manner, as well as di'easps of the mouth. None but the proper metals are male use of in the variou-* ojierations. V.'hfci‘ges will be moderate, that the benefits of the Profession may be [ilaced within the reach of :»11 who may feel an interest ill the preservation of the Teeth. Office over Houston's Jewelry Store, where he may be fotunl at all times. .May Kt. 1858. 9tf TIIE AORTH C'AROL.IAA MITI AL LIFE IXSliRAi\€E COMPAXl, VrOW in the tenth year of successful operation, with growing capital and firmer hold upon public con fidence, continue.s to insure the lives of all heahhy per sons from 14 to tjo years of :ige, for one year, for seven years, and for life—all life members sharing in the profits. -Vll slaves from KMo ’>(• years of age are insured for one year or for five years for two-thirds their value. All losses are iiunctually jiaid within UO days after satisfactor}' proof is presented. For further information the public is referred to Agents of the Company in all parts of the State, and to R. II. B.VTTLE, Secretary, Raleigh. E. J. H.XLE, .Agent at Jan’y 185i». Fayettev'lle, N. C. ~ FA YKTT E VI I. LE MlTlAL L\SIRAXCE COMPAXY. ASSETS $254,618.62. This Compnnj* has been in operation more than six years, and has its fire losses, amounting to §23,524.87 witliout any assessment; insurtuikce averag ing its members about J percent. Amount of property now in.sured, $1,5(13,490.01 Amount premium notes now on hand, 247,738.08 Directoks. Geo. McNeill, S. T. Hawley, D. A. Hay, W. N. Tillinghast, H. L. Myrover. A. A. McKefhan, S. W. Tillinghast, J. D. SVilliams, Henry Lilly, Jas. G. Cook, N, A. Stedman, A. W. Steel, S. J. Hinsdale, Jas. Kyle, T. S. Lutferloh, Hon. J. G. Shepherd, Wui. McLaurin, H. F. Brown, Wilmington. A. E, Hall, Wilmington. OFFicKas: GEO. McNEILL, President. D. A. RAY, Vice President. C. A. McMILLAN, Secretary John Collins and C. C. McCnimmen, Travelling Agents. B^°The Company invite applications. May 19, 1869. 16Y 1 MPORTATlOA^i FOR THE FALL OF 1859. The subscribers have received most of their purchases for the approaching Fall Tr»le, embracing a large and general assortment of Groceries, Hollow-Ware, By the Ton or less; Sole Iveather, l.'aif Skins, Shoe Findings, With articles genorally wanted for manufacture of Shoes! In great rarietv. and S.ADDLERY HARD-WABE. They have also added largely by l>irect Import«tion from tlie Manufacturers in Europe to their MM^§RD~ If Vf t* Department, by which tliey are enabled to save to their customers the Northern Jobbers’ Profits, and they are disposed to sell at a small advance on cost on their usual terms. They solicit an examination of their goods by the Trade generally. In addition to the above variety of Goods, which in the aggregate constitute one of the largest if not The Largest Stork to be Found in North Caroliua, the undersigned are Sole -Agents in this place for Mess. Wm. Carter !: Son, of Chatham Co., for the sale of their «l PERIOR BRO€,iAAl§. Messrs. C. \ Son are manufacturing Shoes from Leather taniieil by themsi-lves—except tiie outer sole; the^' have jilliherocent inifirovements in machinery, and are making A S!km‘ Tliat I’lanttTs Will Find Superior in ever\ respeot to any ever offered for sale in this sec tion. ati'l at a reasonable ]iricf*. Call and see 11 GEO. W. WILLIAMS .V CO .August X, 1 S5l' 38- D. k W. McLAlRL\, II'^OCLD iinite attention to their large and 'lesirable W Stock of OKOtEKIES, Consisting in part of— 15H Basrs Rio, Laruira and Java Coffee; lUO Hbis. and iihds. Su>jur (assorted;) 25 Hhd.s. Molasses; 30 “ Hacon—Side« and Shoulders; 500 Sa^^ks J^alt: 15(> Hoxeti irood Tobacco; 125 “ Sperui, Adamantine & Tallow Candles; 50 “ Soap ' a.sriorted;) 50 “ (’andy “ TOO Bai:.' Shot “ lOOO Ihs. Har I^ead; 30 i Hbl.s. Snuff—Easrle Mills; 25 Keir.s Soda; 250 “ Nails. —ALSO— .V large and general as.sortment of ilari««’are and Cutlery; Fariuinir I 'tensils, of all depcriptions; American, Kntrliiih, Swedes and Peruvian Iron; Blister, German and (,'aj>t Steel; Blacksmith.s’ TihiI.-^; f’oopers’ l>o.; Corn Sheller.* and Straw (’utter»: Tiucketj;, IJrooniB and Pails; ('otton, Manilla and Jute Rupe. ail kind;* and 4Uality;) Plow Lines and Hed Cords; Hollow Ware; ('otton \ arns and Sheetings at factory prices. All of whicti will be sold i.ow for nr on u»ual time to prompt paying customers. ('ot'.NTKY Mkk«’h.\xts are respectfully requested to call and exatiiine our i«tock before purchasing else- wl'cre. D. & W. McLAURIN. March 3, 185'.» 93tf ;R0('ERIE^ at lAHOI.Ef^ALE. I.A.M now receiving my Stock of Groceries for the Fall Trade, consisting in part a« follows.— 11.5 Bags Coffee; i»o Rblsj-Coffee Sugar; ‘Jo Hhds. Molasses: .*>0 Roxea Tobacco—factory pricos; 75 “ Adamantine Candles: do } Hbl.-^; Snuff—Eagle Mill*: 50 Boxes Candy: 2(.K>t(t Hjs. Iron—assorted; oO boxes No. 1 Soup: -■> M Cigar: 5oii Bags Corn; 7-3 Bales Eastern Hay; 15 Firkins Butter: 20 Bbls. Leaf Lard: 35 J Bbls. No. 1 Mackerel; 5iK) Lbs. Cod Fish, Xc., ic. E. F. MOORE. Sept 12, 18o9 4S- lA. r. TROY H as just receivel thi# morning, from Stsamer North ('arolina. ♦» bills. No. 1 Mack«r*l, new. 10 “ “ S 20 i and J bbls. No. 1 do. 25 boxes Cheese. 5 keg selected Goshen Butter. 10 bbls. Leaf Lard. 15 “ New Mullets in oak and pine bbls. He has on hand a general assortment of GROCERIES, which will be sold choap for Cash or exchanged foi Country Produce. Oct. 18-59. 55tf The !$iil>Mcril>erM, In addition to their former Stock, have just rec’d SAt'KS SALT, OUU 'jO bbls Mullets, in oak and pine barrels, 10 firkins Goshen But4er, ll* hhds new crop Molasses, English Dairy and New Vork State Cheese. PEMBERTON & SLOAN. Oct'r 31, 18o'.». 62tlJy Jiixl Received, A large lot NKGUO SHOES and KERSEYS, OSXAIirRC.S, FACTORV SHEETINGS and \ AKNS,—at Factory Prices. PEMBERTON & SLOAN. Oct'r 31, IB'V.* 62tl,Jy HO! EVERY ONE WHO IS HUNGRIi Coiiiu to Overbaii^li’N and Eat. 1^11 E subscriber would inform the inhabitants of Fay etteville, and the traveling public in general, that he has returned from New Vork, and is at his old stand on Bow Street, and has rented the adjoining house and fitted it up in a neat and convenient manner for a gentle man's Dining and Oyster Saloon, where he will be pre pared to give all who will favor him with a call, a good warm meal at all hours for 40 cents, or on the European l»lan, as will best suit his guests: and where will be found good Oysters in every style. He would refer to his for mer reputation as regards keeping a house of the kind. Fried Sausage, Beef Steak, Pork do., Ham and Eggs, Mutton Chops, Veal Cutlets, Fish Balls, Opossum, Fresh Fish, Green Tea, Coffee, ®®“Familics supplied with Oysters bv the quart or gallon- G. OVER BAUGH. Oct^ 62-3m At xAo. 40, Hotel IBTuiidii^. OYSTERS! OYSTERS!! OYSTERS!!! Fresh Norfolk Oysters, received several times a week and kept constantly on hand and supplied to cus tomers by the Gallon, Plate or Supper. Families and others in want of Oysters will please send on and be supplied. j. LEE No. 40, Hotel Building. Oct. 31, 62-tf To Rail Road, Contractor»l JUST RECEIVED 100 WHEELBARROWS, light and strong, for the Rail Road. For sale by D. & W. McLAURIN. Maroh 29,1869. aOOtf BILL OF FARE: 40 cts. Fried Tripte, 40 cts. 25 “ Boiled Ham. 25 “ 25 » Broiled Chicken, 40 “ 40 “ Roast Beef, 25 “ 25 “ Roast Pork, 25 “ 25 “ Oysters stewed, 25 “ 25 “ Oysters fried, 40 “ 40 “ Oysters raw. 26 “ 25 “ Oysters scolloped. 40 “ 5 “ Black Tea, 5 “ SE^OJYO^STOi:!^ STARR & WILLIAM? ' IMPORTERS 4 JOBBER^ or ' ' FOREIG.\ ,i\l) iKIllESTir imy i,,.. HaU, Caps, Bool*, ” ■ las and Ready-nadf^ t l«n “Vl. Wist End Fatettevillk Hotei. Hca ****** Are now receiving their SEC()\h i„.,' Goods for this season. Thi* stock well worthy the attention of buver« oall and examine for themselves ' ®’‘*‘,V J. B. STARR. J » Fayetteville, Oct’r 13, 18,')'J CO.P^AKT\ER!SH|p. •VtcRimmon »• T HAVE this day associated with\i , I SMITH, who has had an the Hat and Cap business in tin- tin y, is thoroughly conversant with cvurv iei, l' * " of. In consequence of this incvfh,i.,i f !' chasing, coupled with the fact that «.mi L,!, f ' ' bought exclusively for cuah. we w ill ... ^ " i all goods in our line, to the tm lu an.l t' ' large, at as low figures as they can 1„. V, Northern markets. \ \i H'^HE style of the Firm will be in t„iu,v \| 1 .SMITH. ' "M. \ A. MCRIM.MflN.] I Fayetteville, N. C.. (Jct'r 1. I'-.V.t. “'t! EDWix ;i.ovi:k HAS KHCEIVKD HL FALL STo. k ok Watf hes, Jewelry, Silver Ware and Mil i(ary (roods, [VOLJ which h«* iijvites till customer.' and thf 'lihlic uii.i .1 them he will sell anvthini-in v'''"' . y7*A eiiheVv or .‘'oiull. |»^Particular attention paid to the Watches and Jewelry. Sept 3, 1859 ^R^ hart Has returned from the North, un i i- n.iw .,t, and receiving a fa-hionable asinnnient i,f ' MILLINERY GOODS. including a variety of FANCY AKTICLKS. a. choice selection of ^'•elver and Silk BoHtuis, The public are respectfully re.^uested to call. fe^Orders from the country will mset wiili pruair attention. Store in the McRae Building, joining the Faye’tevi'’ Hotel. ' J ' •« _ ^ct 28 _ ^ ^ n2-3ni H.A.\ ing engaged the services of Mrs. TKl.\, ,f New York, an experienced Milliner an l v.;,. ker. ; who will be assi.sted by the best help t.. pr .. cured in the place.) I have fitted up Kooni- ■ ver . Store, where I shall carry on the above busiiie^« in it- branches. All who require anything in thi- will do well to call and examine for themselve«. ALEX. JOHNSON..- Sept. 2f'j. Bonnets! BonnetK!! 4 FINE assortment of B(.)NNETS, trimmed or r\- triDim«d. always on hand and sidd low at ALEX, J(.)HNS(.»N'.. Jr Sept 20 ,5j. Bonnets! Bonnets!! Bonnets!!! OF ANY MATERIAL OR STYLE, ma.le ai ,r notice, at ALEX. JOHNSON S, Jr Sept 26 .yj. Drevsi ^akiu^:. I A DIES can be served in this line, and work Jon.- J promptly, by calling at ALEX. JOHNSON’.'^. Jr Sept 2C ji>- f^eshTsoodSP I AM now receiving my Fall Supply of Guod*. c n- sisting in part of Laj/er Raisins, in \VhiAe, Half and (^>r. BuUf: Currants, Citron, Prunes, Fiya, Dates, Sh'lh^l Almonds, S*'elleas Raisins, I*reser>'ei1 Gln- yer, Dried Ginger, Sardinex, {irith ami urlthout bftnes,) Cocoa ami u//(tr Xutf oJ all hinds; Pickl>>s, Siincts an'l Catsups, Jams and Jell its, and Spiced Oysters. Also, a large and well selected stock of Toys and Fancy liJooiN, with a variety of other articles not enunieran-il. FRESH CANDIES of all kinds kep.t constanih- ’ hand, at or retail. Oiniers from the country, with the cash, prompilys tended to. Mrs. M. b.ANK.'^. No. t> Green Street Oct 31 62-1 til BOOTS » SIHOES: OF liVKKY STYI.K .\.V1) V.\HIKTV fT'HE Subscriber has returned from If; X York, and is receiving his Fall and ":ii- •^^^■^■iter Stock of Boots and Shoes, consisting: in 1^ part as follows: AH Kinds of Water-Proof Boots and Shot's fine and coarse: all kinds of fine Dress Boots, from the finest Stitch Boot to the finest Pump: all kinds of r'litn' Leather Boots. Shoes and Gaiters, and a good supph’ '• Boys’ Boots and Shoes, fine and coarse; also, a supply of Brogans—of the best that the city of Ke* York can affoi^. .411 Kinds of Ladj's Boots, with lieelsand wiihoui: Ladies' Slippers, Gaiters; Misses’ Slipper: Lalie^ Walking Shoes; Misses’ French Boous. Also, Children ■ Patent Metalic Tip, with copper on the toe ‘o prevent the toe from wearing out; Boy's Gaiters and Sli'^'e- an l Boots; all kinds of Calf Skin Shoes, the best style ami well made, .and cheaper than I ever hail: a l.irjre h't ()ver-Shoes; High (Quarter Over-Shoes of (':i'>iui''-’'‘- also of the old style; Misses' Gaiters of all kind^. and without heels; Men’s Gaiters of all styles, lijili! ^“'1 heavy: Water-proof of a new style. Also, a lot ofiV- pet Bags, Satchels, and Trunks. A large lot of Leather kept on hand and for sale,—cut to suitcus!oiuer«. The above work will be sold as low as any can sell the same kind of work. This work I warrant not to rip before the sole wears through—I will them without any charge. I fry to keep the best qunl :.'- and I think I am a good judge, as I have worked at the trade for the last 18 years. I only ask you to call and look, and I know you will buy from me. -All you is to get that is good and at a low price, and when y“U see my stock, I know you will be satisfied, lam thank ful for the favors bestowed on me for the last fiveyeHr- past,—I hope they will be increased for the come. If any person wishes home-made work, I wo'*' * say to them, if they will leave their orders with nie. i will ensure as good a fit as can be made in the Stnte. and the workmanship I will compare with any in •I'*’ State or out of the State. Repairing done in the be-i style and at the shortest notice. I think I have given you a small sketch of niv good>. Call; I want to see you all, and I tell you we will have a great town before long. Call and see me, oppos>'*^ the Cape Fear Bank. M. FACLK. Fayetteville, N. C.; Sept 29, 1859 51-‘’tu XLMAWACSToiTlS^ iQQA FAR.MERS’ AND PLANTERS’ ALMANA' ‘xO/wU for 1860, just received. Turner’s Carolina As the supply was completely exhausted last yoajj and many applicants were disappointed, it will be we to apply soon for the above. OctV20. E. J. HALE & printed Mf EDWAl EDITORl Pric* fof Semi-j advance; $3 50 il lion; or$4affeTj For the Weekly ObI advance; $2 50 i| tion; or $3 (X) af Jiar ADVERTI^ ■quare of 1*> lines Bucceeding publicatj oial contracts, at requested to state they will be contini ingly- I Advert isemenT% t| cent extra. Sl From and after ti will be entered witj the paper be sent than is paid for. Such of our old per on this systeinl remittances. Jan’y 1, 1858. Att( F.\| WILL attend tij Cumberland, [ ti»s. Prompt attc| claims entrusted to Oct. 17, 1859. H. .MTTO May be found atj near the Cou JunP 3(1, 185y JOSE] ATTO Has taken an ofl Oiioe on Gree^ in the County Bladen, Robeson March 23, 1859. | R Jittorney a\ n WILL attend an^ Courts of He All business intruj tention and collect Oct. 6, 1859. ” JOl Attorney WILL pi Bobeson, Cumlt Offica at l{ July 5, 1859 The i!»iibti»criber had a taken from his Stable last night. He is a Gray, ‘‘buu 14 years old, large size, flat footed and lazy. Anv formation so that I get him again will be thank^“ received and liberally rewarded. ELIAS GAINED East side Cape Fear River, 3 miles from Fayettevi e. Oct’r 8, 1869 54tf Baggings and Hoop Iron. ariAA Bagging, JUl/v Hoop Iron and Bope, for sale by^^^^^ fl«pt la ' ■ 48. P. Attorney FA| WILL practice Harnett and given to all busing Fcb'y 5, 1859 WO] Forwarding I Fan J. A. WOBTIt. Rj TURPI Those sending rely upon it t^ My warehouses river. Sept’r 13, 1H>? ~~OWEI H.WE this dal purpose of t| Cemmissioii in all its branch^ personal attentitJ Liberal cash adv Country Producd |lQr*Office on I Store. W’ilmington, 1%' ni. Commil WILL give siil of all Navi other country p| Refers to: H Wilmington; Ji Bank of North Branch Bank of Nov 9, 1859 QKO. ;!AKRI8S. HAH] Commissionl Oct. 1”, 1H.'>9J ROl General \ Office South ('oi Oct. 13, IH53 ' ' T. Cl CommisNioi Jan’y 28, 18| W. H, ALLEii 4 Com DEiXEKS IS\ Agents f^ PROMPT Naval Stol tale or shipmJ Jan’y 19, ll WebKtj Book, for sklel

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