rorji LIAMs, ["’(.11(11)^ I |„K ’ '"tUinJ;'- ‘ HA>r f ' '« 'Y.i ■Ksiinr ^ I,, ''„'"'!iu:, , I. ^ I ■ • * ' l^i\:'V . '■' ■ ‘-K^ -V- KR M' "are and >fjj. -r.,: VI .,. ^^■ T * I' w . : -ni ,t' •OODS. -'twl= LK-^, RoHHrfs. klfSteil e; ; 1= pr„M TrMIlRl'\G. ‘ ^Ir ^ i;LLi H ■■ r ■ 1-..S M ^je-1 !. f b. pr-.- •. H, "’ 'Vf ij).- > :-■ V ’ ill this, ir. ■■:ei -! -es. X. J UN - N. 0. •'):2i!‘ iik'Ih!! rt i-;; ‘d >r . - ^ Ht •HNsir;. - .,r Bonnets!!! 1-^ m le ■ r = HNS. N j, iiitf. iiue. niiU ;v..rk il- Hi Jr. ►ODN. “ of .j'-: i-i, c ^ V'- / /V ■ fV- - r;,_ ‘ V «oo(N. D€i liANK-, ret-n >-‘r:“et uot:s: \ VAh •:tv ,, w . M mil VViu- Ct i loots and Shoes, r . - ; ■ ■i '■■ i ; . ; .. •' iart-- c.' y :.f -New Ik «! and Hitliout: [• : Kii'lie- \ .. . n Nil • - :u il .. . ■ v"-' ■ ■ (’ , - ,i; f. ' 'I ■-’» ^ := gl'f nil l..t ■ .- 'le A , 1 ! any fM : v' 1 ; I \ . . • - ^ ,-;:il;:y, — . V ..^. .1 Mt itii- j . ■ • c: ! nil'’ A : . .,11 ;. !int . f . . :.d when ■■•■•'I ,f;= .i. -rii tll-‘.llk e ^ ; tiv year I = *' fiin= .. .W, 1 - -M . f > nie. I tr= I ‘n ’m'= S!'i' ■• ill the tr =n l.'ii- bf ■•icJi if -y g'K '1^- ' y. . ;.'li hav=- - Tie, ipp --ti r ka- ' K. r:i-y,n It I8«0.. fii^- \L>iANA^ II Aliiiaiiat* ti.i ■;] larii y;£tr, le i. i' ‘ i'Wi>= FIAf.F*/.: HOS. d a fior>* :i iirav, about II l“zv. Ally in- „ ' thankfully I ^ -AINEV. : . I'ayetteville. 64tf l» Iron. fcT f '^MOORE= 48. iFAirnTOiETiiiyLffi IKIBT SEMI-WEEKIi Y. [VOL. IX.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., DECEMBER 1, 1859. [NO. 871.] PRIN’TEP MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS EDWARD J. HALE & SON, KUITORS AND PROPRIETORS Price for the Semi-Weekly Ob9kbvcr $3 00 if paid in advance; $3 50 if paid during the year of subscrip- tion: or $4 after the year has expired. For the Weekly Obsibvir $2 00 per annum, if paid in adrance; $2 50 if paid during the year of subscrip tion; or $3 00 after the year has expired, jpa^ ADVERTISEMENTS inserted for 60 cents per »,|uare of 1*> lines for the first, and 30 cents for each fucceeding publication. Yearly advertisements by spe- ei(I contracts, at reasonable rate?. Advertisers are requeyted to state the number of insertions desired, or they will be continued till forbid, and charged accord- ingly. Advertisement to be inserted inside, charged 50 per cent extra. SPECIAL NOTICE. From and after this date, no name of a new subscriber will be entered without payment in advance, nor will thr paper be sent to such subscribers for a longer time than is paid for. Such of our old subscribers as desire to take the pa per on this system will please notify us when making remittances. Jany 1, 1858. irvw. •.Ttcx. .T!rcJK:wf 1% Attorney at Law, Fayetteville, N. C. WILL attend the County and Superior Courts of Cumbsrland, Harnett. Moore and Robeson Coun- ti»!>. Proinpt attention given to the collection of all claim entrusted to his hands. Oct. 17. 1859. 58-tf H. W. HORNE, .fTTOJf.V^l* .fT if, May be found at the Office of Wm. B. Wright, Esq., near the Court House. June 311, 1859. 28-lY JOSEPH BAKER,^R., ATTORNEY AT LAW, Has taken an office next door to Wm. B. Wright’s Law Ofice on Green Street. He will attend and practice in the County and Superior Courts of Cumberland. Bladen, Robeson and Sampson. .March 23, 1859. 79tf RORY .nc:%Al Jittorney and Counsellor at MjUW^ LUMBERTON, N. C. WILL attend and practice in the County and Superior Courts of Robeson, Richmond and Cumberland. All business intrusted to him will receive prompt at tention and collections punctually remitted. Oct. 6, 1859. 55tf ~ JOH^^ P. FiLLER, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, WILL PRACTICE IS THE COITRTS OF Bobeson, CambcrUnd, Columbus and Bladen. Office at Lumberton, Robeson Co., N. C. July 5, 1859 29tf IVE W STOCK OF BOORS AND^ATIONERY. We are just receiving our new stock of Law, Medical and Illliscellaneoas Booksj School Books; Blank Books; Writing Papers; Envelopes, &c. E. J. HALE & SON. Oct’r 6, 1859 56- H. GRAHAM, WILMINGTON, N. C. TI7ILL give prompt and personal attention to all con- Vy signmcnts of Spirits Turpentine, Rosin, Tar and Turpentine, and all country produce for sale. Office up stairs, over the store of Mr. Vonglahn, and joining Lutterloh’s Wharf, North Water street. June 23. 25tf JOSSFH R. BLOSSOM. € o .n ni $$ $111 o ]\ AND Forwarding Merchant, W*ilminston.t JY, €, Jl^^Proiupt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and Cash advances made on Produce to be shipped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1855. 67tf JAS. C. S.MITH.J [miles COJtfTIN JAS. C. SMITH & CO., Factors^ Commission anti For- trarding •llerchants. WILMINGTON, N. C. I)ROMPT intention given to I BEK, NAVAL ST P. J. $$I]¥€1.AIR, Attorney and fonnsellor at Law, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., ■tTJlLL practice in the Courts of Robeson, Cumberland, ' I Harnett and Richmond fUsff' Prompt attention given to all business entrusted to hin. Feb’y 5, 1859 8G- WO^RTH & UTLEY^ Forwarding and General Commission HerchantSy Fayetteville^ .V. C. J. A. WOBTH. (72tf) JOS. UTL*T. TURPENTINE INSPECTOR. Those sending their Spirits Turpeptine to n»e may rely upon it to have prompt and careful attention. My warehouses are fronting the wharves and near the river. Sept’r 13, 1858. 45tf OWEIV & YARBROlfwH. H.VVE this day entered into Copartnership for the purpose of transacting the Commission and Forwarding Business, in all its branches, in Wilmington, and will give prompt personal attention to all business entruste*! to their care. Liberal cash advances will be made on ('onsignnients of Country Produce. IfirOffice on North Water St., over H. Vonglahan's Store. JOHN W. OWEN. O. S. YARBROUGH. Wilmington, Oct 20, 185& ti4- ~ Wni. H. TlJRLi^TO:¥, Commiss^ion Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. WILL give special attention to the sale or shipment of all Naval Stores, Cotton, Flour, Timber, and other country proJuce. Refers to: H. R. Savage, Cashier Bank of Cape Fear, Wilmington; Jno. Dawson, Pres’t Wilmington Branch Bank of North Carolina; W. H. Jones, Cashier Raleigh Branch Bank of Cape Fear. Not 9, 1859 65-tf ;ale of TIMBER, LUM- STi)KliS and all kinds of Produce. Liberal a‘lv;inoeiiients nimle on Consignments. Refer to E. P. H.\ll, Pres't Brunch Bank of State. H. R. S.WAGE, Cash'r Bank Cape Fear. John Dawson, Esq. July 20, 1859 33-Gnios A CARD. A WORD TO MY OLD FRIENDS— HOSE person.** for whom I have been attending to Banking business for years:—I am still willing to serve you with the same promptness that I have always done; and to others that may want discounts. Pension business, A:c.. I offer my services, with a promise of strict attention. JAS. G. COOK. June 27, 1859. 26tf BOOTH Sr HHOIEH^ AT WHOLESALE. JNO. M. WALKER, of NORTH CAROLINA, WITH P. P. !^HAW Ac CO., 31 AND 83 1>EY Stkeet, New York, flLLbe happy to see his Southern friends at the above estaMishniont, where, either personally or by order, they may be supplied from an extensive and wily assorted Slock of Goods in that line, gotten up expresale for the Southern trade. Nov. 29, 1858. 67-ly. w SiECOJ^n SiTOCK. STARR & WILLIAMS, IMPUIITKKS A JOBBERS OF FOBEiGX .\\D DOUESTKl DRY GOODS, Hat», Ca|)|^ Root^Nboej^, Umbrel las and Ready-!flade Clothini^. W*ST JInu Fatkttkville Hotkl Building. Are now receiving their SECOND PURCHASE of Goods for this season. This stock is large, and well worthy the attention of buyers, who are invited to call and examine for themselves. J. B. STARR. J. M. WILLIAMS. Fayetteville, Oct’r 13, 1859 57- C0-PARTI¥EKSHIP7" •iflcRiintnon I HAVE this day associated with myself Mr. MICHAEL SMITH, who has had an experience of five years in the Hat and Cap business in the city of Now York, and is thoroughly conversant with every department there of. In consequence of this increased facility in pur chasing, coupled with the fact that our goods will be bought exclusively for cash, we will be enabled to sell all goods in our line, to the trade and the community at large, at as low figures as they can be bought in the Northern markets. A. McRIMMON. The style of the Firm will be in future McRIMMON & SMITH. A. .MC IIIMMON.] [mICIIAKL SMITH. Fayetteville, N. C., Ocfr 1, 1859. 58- >;i.OVER HAS RECEIVED HIS FALL STOCK OF Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware and Mil itary Goods, TO which he invites the attention of his customers and the public, and assures them he will sell anything in his Line as ciioap as can be purchased either North or South. paid to the repairing of 4tJ-3m H BOOK-BI.VDING IN all its kinds, executed with neatness and despatch. Small jobs when done must be paid before delivered. THOS. H. TILLINGHAST. Opposite the Female High School, Hay Street. May 14, 1859. 14-ly Roofing and Gatterlngr^ Done at siiurt notice, by C. W. AirDREWS, Particular .•utention Watches and Jewelry. Sept 3, 1859 ^R>t«. HART AS returned from the North, and is now opening and receiving a fashionable assortment of MILLINERY GOODS, including a variety of FANCY ARTICLES; also, choice selection of \*eli'et and Silk Bonnets. The public are respectfully re«}uested to call. Itg^'Orders from the country will meet with prompt attention. Store in the McRae Building, joining the Fayetteville Hotel. Oct 28 62-3m MlLll.ViillV m Having engaged the services of Mrs. TELLER, of New York, an experienced Milliner and Dress Ma ker. (who will be assisted by the best help to be pro cured in the place,) I have fitted up Rooms over my Store, where I shall carry on the above business in all its branches. .-Vll who require anything in this line will do well to call and examine for themselves. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. Sept. 26. 52if Bonnets! Bonnetv!! A FINE assortment of BONNET.S, trimmed or un trimmed, always on hand anl suld low at ALEX. JOHNSON’S, Jr. Sept 26 52- Bonnets! Bonnets!! Bonnets!!! F ANY M.\TERIAL OR STYLE, made at short notice, at ALEX. JOHNSON’S, Jr. Sept 26 52- Oot’r 4 MARKET SQUARE. 55- Wj w. hakriss. A. J. howrlll. OKO. HARRI88. HARRISS & HOWELL, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 17, 1859. .^8-1 Ypd ROBERT H. COWA."¥, General Commission •JfTercltant^ WILMINGTON, N. (J. Office South Corner Market and Water streets, up stairs Oct. 13, 1859. r,7-lY T. C. & B. WORTH, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan’y 28, 1859 B4»f W. H. ALLEN.J [J. M. CLARK. ALLEN & CLARK, CommlMsion IVIercliants, WILMINGTON, N. C. DEiLEBS IN LIME, PLA8TE&, CEMEXT, H.4IR, Jkc. tey* Agents for Hush & Orrell’s Line of Steamers. PROMPT personal attention given to consignments o Naval Stores, Cotton or other Country Produce, for •ale or shipment. _J»n> 19, 1859. 81- Webster’* Elementary impelling Book, for sale by S. J. HALE & SON. Dr. Bronson having been so far reduced by consump tion, as to be considered beyond all hope of recovery by the most eminent of the medical profession, and also by himself—a regular physician of twenty years practice —as a last resort, conceived the idea of ANALYZING THE BLOOD, and applying the subject of physiology to the more immediate connection, and effect of the state of the blood upon the health and system. The result has been the production of this ‘BLOOD FOOD,’ from the use of which Dr. Bronson was restored to per fect health. Within six months after its introduction, over two thotisand consumptives were effectually cured by it. If you have any complaints of a consumptive tendency. Cough, Cold, Head-ache, Palpitation of the Heart, Loss of Appetite or Pain in the Side, lose no time in procuring a bottle of the “BLOOD FOOD.” If you are suffering from Nervous Debility, or your sleep is broken and disturbed, if your Spirits are Depressed, or your Organs Relaxed, you will find in this an un failing remedy, by comment.-ing with ten drops. If your Liver is torpid or diseased in any manner what ever, one or two bottles will be sure to invigorate, and bring it into lively and healthy action, in the most inveterate cases of Dyspepsia, the patient can here find tlie most efficient and grateful relief. A benefit is .1I- ways experienced after taking only one bottle. In Male or Female Complaints and Weaknesses, the sufferer, after trying other remedies in vain, may rest assured, that a certain cure will result from the use of two or three bottles. The “BLOOD FOOD” is effectual in all cases of Eruptions, Salt Rheum, Scrofula and other like complaints. Pale and emaciated children and adults are immediately benefitted by its use. It gives strength to the body, and color and beauty to the skin. Phy sicians of all schools a.^e using it with wonderful success. For full directions, see circulars. Price .SI per bottle. ■anioq S1U3J 5f,‘3DUj l> i\Mi|iii( /,|i3ujs aq isiiui apion (|,nia |iuui>jh tiuo||.>;)j|p jqj -mtiVj llB III -sjaqjixil ||w >l spuaiii -iiHij II -uosvrfj 3iun« aqi i»J tauisiuaApu Jiaqi yi »>ualxa s|uqM .Koq.u UVJ 8K K)uaiii )S!liaA,uv suo) qjiis louuua aM IMqi liiiin .*111 JO kiiiiiiBJH'lJiil jjqii) uiMH njDiii qjiiiii i>« sjkio j| — II 3uijii.)i>j(l ui 3IIII1 ou 9sii| oj iu>\ |iU3UliU0jaj .^iiKAiijua My Jii .UCI~|M.\U1)J J.I UK U| (Hjja.wuil I! itui.Ki |»'Ht j.iajjad qii-w uc> aq u«a 'saMBavip |ii Sui.SJi pUK |«i«j i>«iii aqj Jil'iH.) ^".1 )i l>«a|( .♦qi lit |i|ii. I j'i,j pa||Hiibauil I! aqt 3u!l«|niaJ Joj -uiwl 3u;&ai|.ij puH ‘Kuiiuf aqi 3uiuaij«n> JO) ‘okiw I Diy 'J!|uO ‘.JJluaii.t(i »« qaiik sxs;!v'lJivo.) 'I'lv aoj ;7.iA iioiiKjmlajil jaqi> -\iaA3 jaAi iiJam J iiqs Ml s| q3|qM Hill %\(>||i| aqj ||k ui tana-' (’'*'* aJii'J uixUJJ pu«'luuj ■UI aicJil^P lui'Ui aqi ajiirui lou^iu.) pUB vsaiuijuq .lia.)Jjiail si jj— .^iqiJlio.l npunq uaxo tiiq xq iii.»i|) |ii Au«m ‘uii|w;^ .)•> uol)3aJ )p .tqi japiiii ^isajoj aqi iiinjj 3iip 3ui.i| pa||!is|p ii| )i qjjq.M uiui sjiMij \jaA ai|i t IP. ai siiiiu|i|iiiii3 .||)uu)U! joj a| JilJV jaqio Xus qii.w II Jii iiiistiHdiuiij V kH 'ajiij jwaj* qiiM (111 liiil K| J|—.ilpJlMX 1 k Mii.iliU''^-*'' ’'I! 3u|uap>.ap jo p»a|!>U! PHM^ Jiio. ju 3uuaj)tiii I aqi SiiiAoi.iai Aq laAaiiaJ .^|liiaiiti.sui3 puu 'puti| Auv Jo aiujilo I JO .>ijii3 ijHil iiioji aaj.l .tjajiiua VI j|—Xipuo.idpi uiaqi iuj I .Uil oi v)uih|iIiiiu3 aiiiuwjui UI a.iuauailxa qjiiui lUoJj payil’'^^ I VI oq u ‘uujj|Aql jv]ti3aj R ju uoiiujuilajd aqi s{ )i •iio.t pajajjo ajojoiAiaq'gvq ifawnb I JO aunu luqi iiinjisou XjaAa JaAo AiiJouadiis m)i alias o) ajisap IVniMO.) 8..\()XVM aa mi* 3uijua«ajd ui 0 J^ADIES can be served in this line, and work done DreHit .Hakin^. be served i promptly, by calling at Sept 2G BOOTS ^ SHOE^^ ALEX. JOHNSON’S, Jr. 52- OF I FAYETTEVII.LE HOTEL, T. WADDILL, Proprietor. This, the most commodious Hotel in Noith Carolina, fronting 300 feet on Hay and Donaldson Streets, located in the centre of the business portion of the town, and surrounded by all the Banking Houses, Wholesale Merchants and princi pal Produce Dealers. Business men will find the Hotel a convenient and comfortable house. All the Stages arrive and depart from this Hotel. Fayetteville, Oct. 1, 1858. 51- SHEMWKT7li HOiJSE, r,%YKTTEVIM,K, i>l. C. East side of Green Street, a jew doors North oj the Market. rpFIE Subscriber desires through this medium ^ to ackowledge the liberal patronage bestow **'1*1. ed upon his House the past year—and as he has just erected New Stables ind Can ia^e Shed conven ient to the House and to water he takes pleasure in say ing to his patrons and the public generally, that he is still prepared to accommodate them with transient and permanent board, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the liberal patronage heretofore received. Every ex ertion on his part shall be used to render them comforta ble during their sojourn with him. His table is always supplied with the best the market affords. P. SHEMWELL. March 24, 1858. 86-tf T W A Y]VE HOUfSE, GOLDSBORO’, N. C. The undersigned announces to the public that he has taken charge of the above Es tablishment, and is prepared to accommodate Boarders, by the day, week or month. And he assures all who may favor him with their patronage, that he will endeavor to give perfect satisfaction. Table supplied with the best the market affords. JAS. G. S.MITH. Goldsboro’, Jan’y 28, 1859 84-lyr mpoRTATionrs FOR THE FALL OF 1859. HE Bubsoribers have received most of their purchases for the approaching Fall Trade, embracing a large and general aasortment of Groceries, Hollow-Ware, By the Ton or less; Sole Leather, Calf Skins, Shoe Findings, With articles generally wanted for manufaotureof Shoes; SS vm. K» TU MS JK. W9 In great variety, and SADDLERY HARD-WARE. They have also added largely by Direct Importation from the Manufacturers in Europe to their HJiRn-n\tRE /r cutlery* Department, by which they are enabled to save to their customers the Northern Jobbers’ Profits, and they are disposed to sell at a small advance on cost on their usual terms. They solicit an examination of their goods by the Trade generally. In addition to the above variety of Goods, which in the aggregate constitute one of the largest if not The Largest Stock to be Found in North Carolina, the undersigned are Sole Agents in this place for Mesa. Wm. Carter & Son, of Chatham Co., for the sale of their SUPERIOR BROGAIVIS. Messrs. C. & Son are manufacturing Shoes from Leather tanned by themselves—except the outer sole; they have all the recent improvements in machinery, and are making i Shoe That Planters Will Find Superior in every respect to any ever offered for sale in this sec tion, and at a reasonable price. Call and see!! GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO August 8, 1859 38- Laborers Wanted. 1IHE Western R. R. Co. wish to employ 40 to 50 LABORERS, to work on Section No. 14, 24 miles from Fayette ville, to whom they will pay $1 25 per By order of the President and Directors. JAMES F. MARSH, Sup’t of Section 14. Nov’r 2 68tf NEAREST AND QUICKEST ROUTE TO THE RAILROAD! HOLMES & ROBINSON’S FOLK HOKSE ST.4GE L1\E TO kRN.\ySVILLE, VIA WARSAW, IS the shortest and most expeditious for travelers going North or South. Leaving Fayetteville every day at 2 o’clock P. M. THROUGH IN TEN HOURS. The traveling public who would study their comfort and convenience will take the Warsaw Stage. THROUGH TICKETS TO WELDON may be bad at the Stage Othce, Fayetteville. Aug 5, 1859. 38-ly ~ LOTTERU>hV T JNhl ^ s EVERY STYLE AND VARIETY ^piIE Subscriber has returned from New 1. York, and is receiving his Fall and Win ter Stock of Boots and Shoes, consisting iu part as follows: All kinds of Water-Proof Boots and Shoes, fine and coarse: all kinds of fine Dress Boots, from the finest Stitch Boot to the finest Pump; all kinds of Patent Leather Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, and a good supply of Boys’ Boots and Shoes, fine and coarne; also, a large supply of Brogans—of the best that the city of New York can afford. All Kinds of Lady’s Boots, with heels and without; Ladies’ Slippers, Gaiters; Misses' Slipper.«; Ladies’ Walking Shoes; .Misses' French Boots. Also, Children's Patent Metalic Tip, with copjier on the toe to prevent the toe from wearing out; Boy's Gaiters and Shoes and ISoots: all kinds of Calf Skin Shoes, the best style and well made, and cheaper than I ever had: a large lot of Over-Shoes; High (.Quarter Over-Shoes of Cassimere, also of the old style; Misses’ Gaiters of^all kinds, with and without heels: Men’s Gaiters of all styles, light and heavy; Water-pruof of a new style. Also, a lot of Car pet Bags, Satchels, and Trunks. A large lot of Sole Leather kept on hand and for sale,—cut to suit customers. The above work will be sold as low as any person can sell the same kind of work. This work I warrant not to rip before the sole wears through—I will mend them without any charge. I try to keep the best quality, and I think I am a good judge, as 1 have worked at the trade for the last IH years. I only ask you to call and look, and I know j’ou will buy from me. All you want is to get that is good and at a low price, and when you see my stock, I know you will be satisfied. lam thank ful for the favors bestowed on me for the last five years past,—I hope they will be increased for the time to come. If any perscm wishes home-made work, I would say to them, if they will leave their orders with me. 1 will ensure as good a fit as can be made in the State, and the workmanship I will compare with any in the State or out of the State. Repairing done in the best style and at the shortest notice. I think 1 have given you a small sketch of iny poods. Call; I want to see you all, and I tell you we will have a great town before long, (.’all and see me, opposite the Cape Fear Bank. M. FAULK. Fayetteville, N. C.; Sept 29, 1859 54-3m ReceiveiL LBS. No. 1 MOUNTAIN BUTTER, for sale by R. MITCHELL. TE.\MER ‘-F.ANNY” leaves Fayetteville every Mon day and Thur-x-lay morning, at 1.5 minutes after Sun rise; and Wilmington Tuobday and Friday, at o’clock, —carrying passengers and freight. Steamer “SOUTHERNER,” with a full eomplement of Flats, makes one or more trips per week, aa circum stances may require. The accident to the Steamer “ROWAN” will be re paired in a few days. She will then take her place in the line. T. S. LUTTERLOH. Oct’r 4, 1858. 51-tf 1500 Oct 2« 51'tf WA.lfTED. Sold by CHURCH & DUPONT, Druggists, No. 36 Maiden Lane, New York, And by all respectable Druggists throughout the country. Not 11, 1859 66-ly A LARGE quantify of COTTON and LINEN RAGS, for which fair prices will be paid. DAVID MURPHY. Aug. 17 The i^nbscriber had a Hor«$e taken from his Stable last night. He is a Gray, about 14 years old, large size, flat footed and lazy. Any in formation so that I get him again will be thankfully received and liberally rewarded. ELIAS GAINEY. East side Cape Fear River, 3 miles from Fayetteville. Oct’r 3, 186V Ba;;;^in^ and Hoop Iron. 3C\iU\ (jiuony Bagging. jUUl/HoopIr HAVE associated with me, in this line, Mr. John K Dailey, and will style the firm ORllELL & D.\ILEY We have purchased the Steamer S(»uthkbner, and in few days, will have a New Flat employed with her Tliose favoring us with their patronage may’rely upon prompt despatch, by applying to Mr. Dailey on board or to me at my office. R. M. ORRELL B. M. OKKKI.L. March 2(!, 1859 JOHN K. DAILEY. 800-tf RtLEIGH \\mm\. Raleigh, !¥. C. The SPRING TERM OF 18G0, WILL BEGIN THE SECOND THURSDAY IN JANUARY, and con tinue 21 weeks. FACULTY. T. H. BRAME, A. M., President and Prof. of Latin, Mathematics and Experimental Science. REV. R. T. HEFLIN, Prof. of Moral Philosophy. MISS A. J. SEARLE, Teacher of French, German and Oil Painting. MISS S. E. ClK)K, Teacher of Music, Grecian and Oriental Painting:, Painting in Water-colors, Drawing. Leather-work, &c. MISS , Teacher of Music and English. MRS. M. A. BRAME, Matron. EXPENSES PER 21 WEEKS. English Branches, $15,00 Latin, Greek, French and German, each, 10,00 Music, with use of Instrument, 22,0> Grecian and Oriental Painting. Painting in Water- colors, Drawing, each, 10,00 Oil Painting, 1.5,00 Embroidery, Wax-fruit, Leather-work, each, 5,tHt Lectures and use of Apparatus, 1,50 Contingent Expenses, Board, including servants’ attention and fuel, 50,0) Washing and lights, from SI,50 to $2 per month. Pupils received at any time, and charged Irom time of entrance till end of term. Deductions made only for protracted sickness. 8^ All bills payable half at the beginning and half at the end of term. Persons desiring further infurmatiou will please ap ply to T. H. Braaie, or Rev. R. T. lletlin. M. A. BLEDSOE, Pres t. Board Trustees. A. M. Gorman, Sec’y. Nov. 18. G9-3m D. & W. McLAURIIS, | WOULD invite attention to their large and desirable Stock of GROCERIES, Consisting in part of— ISO Bags Rio, Laguira and Java Coffee; 100 Bbls. and Hhds. Sugar (assorted;) 25 Ilhds. Molasses; 30 “ Bacon—Sides and Shoulders; 500 Sacks Salt; 150 Boxes good Tobacco; 125 “ Sperm,Adaniaritine A Tallow Candles; 50 “ Soap (assorted;) 50 “ Candy “ 100 Bags Shot “ 1000 lbs. Bar Lead; 30 i Bbls. Snuff—Eagle Mills; 25 Kegs Soda; 250 Nails. —ALSO— A large and general assortment of Hard««are and Cutlery; Farming Utensils, of all descriptions; American, English, Swedes and Peruvian Iron; Blister, German and Ca«t Steel; Blacksmiths’ Tools; Coopers’ Do.; Corn Shellers and Straw (^utters; Buckets, Brooms and Pails; Cotton, Manilla and Jute Rope, (all kinds and quality;) Plow Lines and Bed Cords; Hollow Ware; Cotton Yarns and Sheetings at factory prices. All of which will be sold low pgr cash, or on usual time to prompt paying customers. 8^“ CousTRT Mkrohants are respectfully requested to call and examine our stock before purchasing else where. D. & W. McLAURIN. March 3, 1859 93tf To Farmers and Planters of X. Carolina! Particularly Those Who Trade at Fayetteville. A LL know the want and feel the necessity of having A. a reliable, home-made Fertilizer, carefully prepared and sohi at moderate cost, vitality to Plant and durability in Soil, should make it a tit substitute for the expensive Guanos. This desideratum is now attained, in the “NATION.\L FERTILIZER.” discovered and patented by Dr. Louis Harper, lately State Chemist and Geologist of Missis sippi. The “National Fertilizer” is made of all the rich and vigorous elements necessary to the composition of a Manure. Its virtues being derived from Dissolved Bone Dust, .Marine Fish, King Crabs, kc.. Potash, Soda, mixed Phosphates, with Carb. and Sulph. Lime. Soluble Silica, Sic. The “National Fertilizer is put up in strong bags of 200 lbs. each, stamped with Company’s mark, sold here at $1 75 per 100,—or at the Company’s Office in New York at SI 50 per 100 lbs. The undersigned, the sole Agent for this part of the State of North Carolina, has a small supply on hand, and at short notice, will tie pleased to furnish to thost* who may wi.'ih to try it. any required (jtiantitv. BKVEKLY ROSE. Faj’etteville, N. C., Nov. 21 ti9-:ni i^R WALE. i/i/'v C.VSKS fre.'-h Lime; 4-V/U L'iO “ “ (Vment; 400 Sacks Salt; 3(»( “ Corn; 40 Bbls. New Jersey Whisk^^v. T. S. LUTTERLOH. Nov 28 70-3w rVe^ro .^an for Male. By order of the Court of Equity for Cumberland coun ty, upon the petition of Frances Evans and others, I will sell at the Court House door in Fayetteville, on Wednesday of County Court, 7th December, one Negro Slave namel IS.\A(’, aged about 4»j years. Bond and security required from the purchaser. Terms made known at sale. AV. A. HUSKE, C. & M. E. Nov 25 TOts (GROCERIES AT WHOLEisiALE. I AM now receiving my Stock of Groceries for the Fall Trade, consisting in part as follows,— 115 Bags Coffee; 50 Bbls. Coffee Sugar; 20 Hhds. Molasses; 60 Boxes Tobacco—factory prices; 75 “ Adamantine Candles; 30 ^ Bbls; Snuff—Eagle Mills: • 50 Boxes Candy; 20000 Lbs. Iron—assorted; 50 boxes No. 1 Soap; 25 M Cigars; 502 Bags Corn; 75 Bales Eastern Hay; 15 Firkins Butter; 20 Bbls. Leaf Lard; 35 ^ libls. No. 1 .Mackerel; 500 Lbs. Cod Fish, &c., &c. E. Sept 12, 1859 F. MOORE. 48- FAYETTEVILI.E MITIAL INSURANCE COMPANY. ASSF.TS $254,618.62. THIS Company has been in operati(u\ more than six years, and has pail its fire losses, amounting to $23,524.87 without any assessment; insuraixce averag ing its members about I j>er cent. Amount of property now insured, 51,5‘o,490.01 Amount premium notes now ou hand, 247,7.'58.08 Directors. Geo. McNeill, D. A. Ray, II. L. My rover, S. W. Tillinghast, Henry Lilly, N. Stedman, S. J. Hinsdale, T. S. Lutierloh, Wm. McLauriii, S. T. Hawley. W. N. Tillinghast, A. McKethan, J. D. Williams, Jas. G. Cook, A. W. Steel, Jas. Kyle, Hon. J. G. Shepherd, U. F. Brown, Wilmington. W. €. TROV Has just received this morning, from Steamer North Carolina, 6 bbls. No. 1 Mackerel, new. 10 “ “ 3 20 J and \ bbls. No. 1 do. 25 boxes Cheese. 5 kegs selected Goshen Butter. 10 bbls. Leaf Lard. 15 “ New Mullets in oak and pine bbls. He has on hand a general assortment of GROCERIES, which will be sold cheap for Cash or exchanged foi Country Produce. Oct. (5, 1859. .55tf The Subscribers, In addition to their former Stock, have just rec’d— S.\CKS S.ALT, 50 bbls Mullets, in oak and pine barrels, 10 firkins Goshen Butter, 10 hhds new crop Molasses, English Dairv and New York State Cheese. PE.MBERTON & SLOAN. Oct’r 31, 1K59. ( 300 Sept 12 Iron and Rope, for sale by E. F. MOORE. 46. A. E. Hall, Wilmington. Offickrs: GEO. McNEILL, President. D. A. RAY, Vice President. C. A. Mc.MILLAN, Secretary John Collins and C. C. McCrummen, Travelling Agents- aHf" The Company invite applications. May 19, 1859. ' Ki-Y THE xWRTH €AROL.l]¥A MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY) Now in the tenth year of successful operation, with growing capital and firmer hold upon public con fidence, continttes to insure the lives of all healthy per sons from 14 to 60 years of age, for one year, for seven years, and for life—all life members sharing in the profits. All slaves from 10 to tiO years of age are insured for one year or for five years for two-thirds their value. All losses are punctually paid within 90 days afler satisfactory proof is presented. For further information the public is referred to Agents of the Company in all paiis of the State, and to R. H. BATTLE, Secretary, Raleigh. E. J. HALE, Agent at Jan’y 1859 FayettevUle, N. C. Bank Checks for sale at this Office. Jw«f Received, A large lot NEGRO SHOES and KEKSEVS, OSNABLRGS, FACTORY SlIKETlNtiS and YARNS,—at Factory Prices. PEMBERTON & SLOAN. Oct’r .‘II, 18.')9 «2tl.»y J^PECIAt. €OrRT. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, CUMBERLAND CO. Superior Court of Law, Fall Term A. D. 1859 Present, The Hon. David F. CAtnwr.LL, Judge Presiding. IT is ordered by the Court that a Special Term of the Superior Court of Law and Equity for the County and State aforesaid, is to be held at the Court House in the town of Fayetteville, ou the fifth Monday in Janu ary, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun dred and sixty. Jurors, Suitors and Witnesses in Civil Causes are hereby notified to be in attendance. Witness, Tohn W. Baker, Jr., Clerk of our said Court, at Office in Fayetteville, the seventh Monday after the 4th Monday in September. A. D. 1859. From the Minutes. JOHN W. BAKER. Jr., Clerk. Nov 21 G8tC 1>EA TA f/ .\OTM' E. Dll. R. S(X)TT offers his professioiinl services to the community, and may be seen at his ottice, two door* East of the .Market. Sept. 5, 1859. 4>tf no Whiskey and Brandy. BBLS. Pure (’orn Whiskey; Apple Brandy; N. E. Ruin: American Brandy; Old Rye Whiskey. 25 “ 20 “ 20 “ 15 “ For sale by Sept 12 • DK^TISTRV. Dr. J. D.VVIS iiaving decided on perma nently locating in the Town of Kayptte- ville. respectfully offers his service- to the citizens of this place and suiToundinjr country. In all the various branches of iiis Prof.'-ision. includincr the manufacture of Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after .tii extensive expyerience, to which is added a ilmronjrh Den tal education, that he can irive entire satisfsction fi-s far as is in the power of Dentistry. All irreg-iilarities of the Teeth treated in a proper and careful iiiatiner, as well as of the mouth. None but the prop»r nietnis are made use of in the various o]>erafioiis. 'Karges will be modemte, that the benefits of the Prof.'s«ion may be placed within the reach of all who may feel an interest in the preservation of the Teeth. {(•■^(►ffice over Houston's .Icwelry .Store, where he niav be found at all tinu*,-!. May 10, 1H,iH. Olf Ilii! HVKKY M.NE WHO iS Hl'N'ilU! 1,'oiiie to Overbau;;h^s and Ea. 'pHK .'^lO'scriber would inform the inh:ibit;uif'- »f Faj’- I etteville. and the traveling public in (Xf>n-r:i1. that lie lias returned from New York, and nt his (.Id -Iriiid on r.ow Street, and has rented the adjoininjr hnii''- mii'I tilted it up in a neat and convenieni I'n'nTii r to;-i jini'lc- man's Dining and ly*ter Sal(!or. wh”re he will b ’ ]ire- jmred to trive alt who will favor him with a csill. i ;:(n>d warm meal nt all hours for 40 cent«. fir on the Kuropean jilan. as will best suit hisgnests; and where will he found good Oysters in every style. He would refer to hi« for mer reputation as reganlw keeping a house of the kind. BILL OF F.\RE: 40 cts. 1 Fried Tripe. E. F. MOOKE. 48- At IVo. 40, Hotel Builflin^. OYSTERS! OYSTBRS!! OVSTBHS!!! Fresh Norfolk oysters, received several times a week, and kept constantly ou hand and supplied to cus tomers by the Gallon, Plat« or Siip}>«r. Families and others in want of Oysters will please send on and be supplied. J. R. LEK, No. 40. Hotel Building. Oct. 31. (i2-lf IVEW HOOK«. A 'VARIETY' of School Books, &c., just received. E. J. HALE & SON. Not. 21 40 cts Fried Sausage, Beefsteak, 2-') “ | Boiled Ham. '1-j •• Pork do., 25 “ ] Broiled Chicken, 40 “ Ham and Egjjs, 4f> “ | Uo*.'*t Beef, 2;. “ Mutton (.'’hops, 25 “ Roa.'t Pork, 2-» •* Veal Cutlets. 2-'. “ Oysters stewed. 25 •• Fish Balls, -o “ Oysters fried, 4) Opossum, 1" “ Oysters raw. or, Fresh Fish, “ Oysters scoUoped. 4o •• Green Tea. 5 “ Black Tea, 5 •• ('offee, 5 “ jpj^Families supplied with Oysters by the quart or gallon. G. (JVi'IUB.VlGH. Oct 31 f.U-’Im To Rail Road Contrartorsl .lUST RECEIVED lOO WHEEI.BARROWS, light and stronsc, for the Rail Hoad, for sale by D. & W, McLAURIN. March 29, 1869. ^OOtf