iFAir (DIB S E m I-W E} IB K L. T. 1-BOORS, t BimE, REET, tK. ^^P^^hluations i . ■''tuM*. I»‘>llle, X. " '■ ^ ''Utttfi .- AVuca! 1*» ^PHY. •uiula^ -j 15 '4 2o . 30 ; 40 V rto ^ 25 ^ ill G-ramiriar. iUn.U v^ 6 Nos, “JKi:cu,i..n. I: ^ -I'-rvolT6 , fiS W‘i Ifriit’iiiiai- 8ii M 50 ■■ ■a 2 - and .{. 3 Books. ^ 1^., :io.4.'.475 . #1 --‘5 i 50 * 1 --"i. 1 rK) A };2 S iry 1 I ol f 2 -Sc., 37^. II •SO fi ^ ^ 3 lilosopbj 60 2 ’t ^ciencf. 1 00 ® 1 00 . !o»ophy, 4 Toli. 1 60 wdg. JK kPHIES, AVI NO* eo^raphj '1 >f G«og. 40 •* *0 * raphj 60 I 00 )RIES, SRAVI.\r,s. r tiie U. Slated 60 le U. .''tales 76 1 60 My;:iulogy 76 1 'X) jrope 1 60 OGIC, he. 75 ■iiicibm 1 U5 1 50 hy 1 00 e 60 Ol. $1 per vol. i 3." eta. hfi :he Cnitfd on. ■ J .''.j*. tf.e Series. D*lK.\C-. iV Hi RB'8 . ,>ur. t.w K1 hiJiu r. , T.': t‘t*. fieauti- 1 2h 7"^ ct-». Joe.:, la r .4c*arteniy. I : J of r .1. '■ ’ f iiif State Military B ^;.Htt '.f instruction }■ jt- u Circular. »d- > “ Ii8w4t* »ed. fr one to three >f ’-‘j large Gl»»s. R. ‘ ' ^-'ve me a call. lids of Oval • ALLKRY. RtFORT?^. J S (} 1' Kqiiity, Vol# I* Hod a Ul Edition of of ‘ ne Beries*) >r ii I. ii n.*;;!e; and with r. ■. ano with •lish bOon. II,c 'f L>ev. & Battle 9 B ryct ’; d : le appro- tion f ferereux’s 1st id, '• ,11 ' these, are hr ' f 7 jot' of Iredall • ny 'oi'irnet ex'»nt of 'nr at they can now 8- V. ’ will atallt-'met «# -'nlv their cut ^ }l.\LE & soy. 'aroliua R»ad*ri. revised *0»tio^ iiwienc: Murray* ,\i .on'* Fam«r; , J. il vL ■ ' SOS. icl Views. ll;.; L r^OOCOpe^ With anijL i’ tench Sccnerj, .1. H.VI,K & 80N.^ lac'oo, Hu i for Bale by & W SIcL.\rRlN. 28tf rt£f If j., ' received, whioh t >M,AT’RIN. 10 tf tWlN'- MACHINSSi IJi: DAliK, Agt. 4*2- aruiiOa Form BooEt J HALE * 80J^* [VOL. TX.] FAYETTEVII.LE, N. C., DECEMBER 8, 1859. [NO. 873.] PHINTKD MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS EDWARD J. HALE & SON, KDlTOR.«5 AND PUOrRIF.TORS Pricc fiT the Semi-Weekly ()usiLRvtii S3 (X> if paid in advances S-> 60 if paid during the year of subscrip tion; or $4 after the year has expired. For the Weekly Obseuver S- 00 per annum, if paid in advance: $2 50 if paid during the year of subscrip tion; or $3 00 after the year has expired. .\DVERT1SFMENTS inserfel for fiO cents per iquare of 16 lines for the first, and 30 cents for e.ich euooeeding publication. Yearly advertisements hy spe cial contracts, at reasonable rates. Advertisers are reque.sted to state the nutiiber of insertions desired, or thev will be continued till forbid, anil charged accord ingly. .advertisements to be inserted inside, charged 50 per cent extra. SPECIAL NOTICE. From and after this date, no name of a new subscriber will be entered without payment iu advance, nor will the paper be sent to such nubscrfbers for a longer time than is paid for. Such of our old subscribers as desire to take the pa per on this system will please notify us when making remittances. Jan’y 1. 1868. IKIli.I.10NS i^OLD OF THE ix a STANDARD StHOOL-BOORS, PUBLISHED BY A. S. BABNES & BUBS, 51 & 53 .lOHN STREET, .A'G'W VORK. Peferiplite Catalogues of their rublication$ tent postpaid to any part of the U. States. ^ .\Sl) SOLI' BY 1 K. J. H.VLE A S0>, Fa)eitevllle, \. C. m^Scfiool Ttdclurg, ('ijiHtii Truitees, ® Cummissiuntrs and J-'rituJa of K'luca- I tion, art invltnl to examine the r\>Uua- H j‘«y laluabk Text-Buuki, for ,'^choow A aiitynirs ami — ON ORTHOGRAPHY. Page’s Normal (''hart of Elementary Sounds. ‘J 50 Parker and Watson’s Primer, 16 Parker and Watson’s S[>eners. '2 Nos. 15 A 25 .'Wraith's Juvenile Deliner, 30 Smith’s Grammar-School Speller; 40 It Smith’s Detiner's Manual, tio C VVright's Analytical Othography, 25 \ On Reading and English Grammar. 5 Parker and AVatson's Natioual Headers, 5 Nos. Parker's Rhetorical Reader, ~i m Parker and Zachos' Reading and Elocution, 37 5 The English Poets, with Boyd’s Notes, per vol 75 H Northend's Little Orator, S) JJ Clark's First Lessons in English Grammar 30 f' Clark's Eugliiih Gramuiar, 50 Welch's English Sentence 75 2 North Carolina Reader.-*. No. 1, 2 and 3. ^ I. t; ^ c. fe t- — 3 S Sept. A HKni The New Style, Small. COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS, AT Vaiior«i>d4‘ir« C>all«^ry. ART. 4 NEW STYLE of Colored Photo- iV graphs that will last for ages— more beautiful than Oil Paintings— has been gotten up at Vanorsdell's Gallery, expressly to suit the wants of those who desire a small colored c ^ l>icture and who object to the oil por trait on account of its cost. It is offered to the public with entire cou- tidence in its permanency, and at a price that will suit all. Having just returned from the North with a new and complete set of instruments, wheie I spent five weeks in getting the newest improve ments. I am able to say to the citi zens of Fa^'etteville and surrounding country, that I can give them all the ditferent sites and styles of Pictures that are gotten up North or South. Among my instruments is a Wood ward's Solar Camera, which enables me to enlarge a life-size Photograph from the smallest Daguerreotype or Ambroiype. Persons having a small picture of a tleceased friend, can have it retaken of any desired size, and colored in oil. India ink or water color, by send ing to me, slating the color of hair and eyes. Prices for Coloreil Plioto- graphs. from small size to life, range froui $10 to 5^-jO. I have removed and enlarged mj’ Gallery, ^opposite the Marble Yard,) and my customers will find a jilea- sant reception room anti an Operator determiued to give satisfaction. I't. 18o^ 50tf' Clolhiii^! Clothing-!! A Fresh Supply for fhe Trade of 1859. Scientific Text Books. Davies’ Series of .Vrithmetics, 15c.. 25, 46 & 75 Davies’ Series of Algebras, 75c., .'fl 25 &. SI 60 Davies' Series of Geometries. $1, 1 25. 1 50 ?2 Parker's Nat'1 Philosophy, 3 vols. 25c., 37J, $1 Porter's First Book of Clieniistry, 60 Porter's Principles of Chemistry. 1 00 Norton’s First liook of Natural I’hilosophy 50 Norton and Porter’s First BSok of Science, 1 0> Molntyre’s Astroiioniv and tilobes, 1 >0 Bartlett’s System of Natural tMiilosophy, 4 vols. Lardner on the Steam Kngine, 1 Peck's Elements of Mechanics, 1 Gillespie on Roads and Railroads, 1 Darby's Southern Botany, 1 SCHOOL GEOGRAPHIES, WITH .MATS A.ND KNtiRAVlNtiS. Monteith's First Lessons in Gcogratdiy Monteith's Intrtxluction to Manual of (Jeug. Monteith's New Manual of Geography McNally's School Geography 1 SCHOOL HISTORIES, WITH MAPS AM) ENtJRAVINOS. Monteith’s Youth's History of the L. Stattts 50 Willard’s School History of the L’. Stales 75 Willard’s Universal History 1 60 Dwight's Grecian and Roman Mythology 75 Ricord'a Roman History 1 «> Gould's Alison's History of Europe 1 50 1''HE public are aware that I have been . engagel in the manufacturing and selling of Gentlemen's Garments for 17 or 18 y ears, and witli ihis long experience believe that I am as well calculated lo make good selections, as any person or persons in this business. My stock is all entirely new and adapt ed to the trade. My stock consists of No. 1 DreoS Cloth Coats. Frock Coats (single and tlouble breasted i: Business Suits, con- .«isfing of Silk Mixtures. Harrist>n Cass., Rib Cass, and Union Cass., Fine Beaver, Felt Beaver: Seal Skin and Union Cass. Over-Coats; Felt Beaver Talmas—a new garment, never introduced before this sea- >iin; Pants of all grades, ranging in price fr'im ?2 50 to 'lO; an extra lot of Vel vet, Silk. Grenailine Silk, Cloth ami Cas- siniere Vests; a large assortment of Youths’ and Children's (,'lothing; Gentlemen's Shawls: Morning Gowns. Genilemen's all- wooi Under-Shirts; Railroad Rugs: Blan- j kets; Hosiery; Susperiders; Napoleon-Ties; j (?ravats: Stocks; Gloves: Bindings; Purses. i To TiRnd RiiyerM. The undersigned offers for sale, in the Coal region, ! and within eight miles of the terminus of the Fay etteville & Western Rail Road on Deep River, EKailT HUXUKEl) .U'RKS OF lAMD, adjoining the land belonging to the estate of George Wilcox, dec’d, and lying three miles South from Car- j bonton, on Little Pocket Creek, Moore county. These Lands are well adapted to the growth of corn, cotton, wheat, oats, rye, iScc. There are on the prem ises a comfortable Dwelling, and all necessary Out houses, with about one hundred and fifty acres under fence, including forty or fifty acres of never-failing bottom land. This is a rare chance for pei-sons wish ing to make investments, a? lands are undoubtedly ad vancing in price in this section. For further information apply to Mr. *NL McRae, Crane’s Creek, P. O., .Moore county, or address me at Fayetteville, N. C. • DANIEL McRAE, For the Heirs of Gilbert .McRae, dec’d. Carbonton, Moore co., N. C., .\ug. 24 48tf Cotton Plantation for Male. 1 OFFER for sale a Plantation iu Marlboro’ District, situated nine miles from Bennettsville. two and a half from Pee Dee River, seven from Railroad, and iwo j from the Mineral Springs. The Tract contains THREE Hl'XDRED AND TIIIRTY-SEVEX ACRES. with 150 under cultivation. The Building! are all good. ; A NEW DWELLING HOL'SE, with six rooms—fire place in each room, passage fhrotigh the house, two piazzas, one in front and one in the rear. M}* Land ■ will com]>are favorably with any in the District, 1 have j sixty acres of Bog land cleared, that will make thirty : bushels corn per acre. The place is cultivated this year by James Peterkin. He will show any one who ' wishes to look over the land. My only object for sell ing is I have moved \\ est. Terms easy. Address me at Bennettsville, S. C., until 1st September, after that time at Selma, .Via. GEORGE PETERKIN. Aug. 4 40tf Li\D FOn SAIils. T OFFER for sale Acres of LANI>, lying on the AVest side of Cape Fear River, two mile.s below Vof- etteville. and extending from the river into the sand- i hills. This tract is about equally dividetl into river- ridge, «*wamp and sand-hill Land. About 80 acres, adjoining the river, are under cultivation and are well suited to the growth of Corn and (trass: none of the Swamp has been cleared. There are several good sites for a dwelling house on the sand-hills. .\ny person wishing to purchase will do well to make early appli cation, as I have determined to sell. THOMAS J. ROBINSON. Sept. 8, 1858. 44tf The W^ars,^M Ctirria^e Factor tf in the South! Kl'-THAN RESPECTI'ULLY informs his friends and the public, that lie h-is l>nili up large substantial Brick Build ings at his Old ;Siiiiid, expre.'^sly for manufacturing Car riages. Thankful for i.ie very liberal patronage he has received for the last 21 years, he hopes by strict atten tion to business, with a desire to gi'^e satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants his work to be made of the best material and by experienced workmen in eacli br.anch of the business. His work will compare favorably with any made in the United States, for neatness and durability. He is determined to sell and do any work in his line on as pood terms as any work done elsewhere that is as well done. He now has on hand, finished. THE LARGEST STOCK (JF Carriages, Barouches, Rockaways and Buggies, ever offered in this jilace, and a very large stock of work ; nearly finished, which will be finished daily. All of which will be sold very low for cash, or on short time to I punctual customers. ]®^f“He has on hand more than ' ()NI:;HUNDKKI> and fifty vehicles finished and in course of constructiou. fti^All work made by him is wairr.nted 12 months ; with'fair usage, and should it fail by bad workmanship ; or material, will be repaired free of charge. I Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and ex amine for themselves, j Orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. I Repairing executed at .sl; >rt notice and on Tery reason- ' able terms. ; May 28. 18.=i9. 89-tf STATE CAR AND MACHINE WORKS. The undersigned having located in the town of Fay etteville, N. C.. and erected buildings suitable for Car and Machine Works, would give notice that they are prepared to execute all orders for Cars of every de scription. alao all kinds of Machine work, such as re pairs of Steam Engines, Cotton, Mill and Mining Ma- i chinery, heavy forging, such as Mill Spindles, Cranks, I iic., at short notice. I By an arrangement made with the Boston Belting 1 Company, we are prepared to receive orders for all kinds ! of India Rubber Belting and Hose at their prices. Having started our Engine, and Woodworth’s Planer, we are and Scantling, which will be kept on hand, for sale either in tl>e rough or dressed, as parties may desire. Contracts taken for the erection of Buildings, mate rials furnished, and jobbing of all kinds executed with neatness and despatch. Counters and Desks made to order. Stores fitted. Sash, Doors and Blinds manufactured, equal to any thing of the kind to be found in the Northern market. WALTON & BARRY, Car Builders and Machinists. Fayetteville, Oct 3, 185(* 54-tf Western Railroad. IVotice to Contractors. PROPOSAL.S will be received at the Office of the Company for the Graduation, Bridging, Masonry, and Track-Laying, on the Fourth Division of thisP^oad, until the 20th December. After the 13th of December, Profiles and Specifications can be seen at the Office of agstarieaourrmgine ana»>oouworm^sria..er , Fayetteville, or at the Office of Moore county. C. B. MALLETT, President, W. A. KUPER, Ch. Eng. Nov 30 71-tD18 TO t Wi HeS" Persur.s desiruu*» of having their suits made aliroad, can call and leave their measures with me, and 1 will have them attended to immediately. Call at the ‘^0.\E PRICE CLOTHIXC; E.MPORIIM.” A. J. WOODWARD, Market Stjuare, 2 Doors below S. J. llinndalr. ^ Sept. 14 4',t-tf \T THE EllhlRllM IIF FASIIIO.V FOR LADIES! .'Vuniber 11. 50 . 50 50 50 ■c 25 40 10 00 5 0* South Side Hay St., Fayetteville. X. C. iY last Steamer. 1 have ree d a very fine and general | assortment of Dry (tood-'. Mantles. Dress Trimmings. ! Embriiideiy Cioods. Hosiery of all kinds, and a very j , extcn'^ive assortment of Hoop Skirts. i Ladies will ji’ease call without delay, ami get good and chea]) goods. GEORGE BR.\NDT. VALlAliLE \E(ill()ES FOR SALE. By virtue of a Decree of the (,'ourt of Equity, upon the Petition of .Murdoch McKinnon, el al. 1 will sell at the Court House Door in Fayetteville, mi Tuesday the 3d day of January next, the following Negroes, to wit: Kate, aged 8() years; Old Sam. 8it, Lyilia. 45 to 50; Bei'k. about 45, >Htchell, 25. Renty, 15, Kelly. 12, and One (Jirl child. Bond and approved security will be required from the purchasers. Terms 0 months. W A. HUSKE. C. & M. Dec’r 3. 72-ts ]\otice---rVt*s:roes Wanted. 0 the farmers and citizens of the Counties of Duplin, i ayne, Johnston, Harnett, Moore, Cumberland, I Robeson, Bladen, Columbus. Brunswick, New Hanover. | I and Sampson: i [ The subscriber being desirous of purchasing a num- 1 I ber of Likely Young NEGROES, of all classes and des- | : criptions. avails himself of this method of iuforming ! those who may have such property to dispose of. that ithey would do well to visit me at home, or address me at Clinton. N. C.—for which they shall re-., ve a visit. Negroes wanted from ti.is time till the 1st of March i 18G0. for the Mobile and New (Jrleans markets, for ^ whom the highest prices will be paid. i EVERETT PETERSON. Oct'r 13, 1850. 57-5m j i\'egrroes! !\t*ffroej*!! Wanted. j ('^ENTLEMEN. j'our oM customer is yet in market for j J Likely Negroes, for which I am determined to pay the i ! Highest Cash Priees. ^ Persons having such for sale wouM ilo well to give i me a call, or addre.ss me at Clinton. N. (?. I All orders promptly attendei to. I * J. A. McARTHUR. Clinton, N. C., March C, 185^^. '.*5-lyrj>d I To M. the lnlere«t or Turpentine lliMtillerN. A. B.VKER would re-pectfully inform Turpentine Distillers anil otiiers that he is fully jrt*epared to Manufacture or Repair Turpentiue, Brandy and Whis key Stills, Worm-i. S.C., iu fact, anything in the line of Sheet-Copper or Iron work. Particular attention given to the making of Steam Pipes from a sujierior kind of t’opper, for Boats, Mills A:c. All work entrusted to my care shall be properly done and warranted, and on the most favorable terms as re gards price. Give me a call and see for yourself, and I knew I shall have your patronage. Being a practical workman, 1 atte;id to all the work myself, which I find is lo the advantage of both my customers and myself. Old Copj>«:r tjiiueht for cah or taken in exchange for new work. M. BAKER, Hay .Street, Fayetteville, N. C. July 27 35-6mo3 GAS FITTIX;S AND FIXTURES. HE subscribers will be prepared l>y the middle of August, to supply every description of Buildings,— Dwellings, Stores, Factories, &c.—with all the neces sary FIXTURES, for the introduction of GAS. As we are constantly engaged in the business of build ing Gas Works in this and other States, we of course can afford to bring on a large stock and sell on more reasonable terms than others. Our slock will include Chandeliers, Pendents, Brackets, Glass, &c. As we have leased the works for five years, it will be to the advantage of those requiring such fixtures to get them of us, since upon us will fall the care of them, keeping them in repair, &c. For this purpose it is both our interest and pleasure to emply none but the best Gas Fitters. In our absence for a few weeks, all who wish to have the Pipes introduced into their buil«li;igs, will please leave their names with Mr. W. N. Tilliughast, who will give all necessary information on ilie subject. It is desirable to know as early as possible, so that the Fix tures may he introduced at the sams time with the con struction of the works, and thus all kiy light up simul taneously. WATERHOUSE & BOWES. Fayetteville, June 10. 22-tf waM FiTitureai. The subscribers have now at .Mr. W. N. Tillinghast’s Crockery Store, SAMPLES of Gas Fixtures. They would be glad if persons iai ending to use the Gas would call and select, so that their orders may be filled by the time of lighting up—early in November next WATERHOL.'-E 6/ Bt)WES. Fayetteville, Sept 24, 1859 52- VERY VARIETY OF HARNESS, J Saddles. Bridles, Collar.s, Whips and Trunks; all kinds of Leather, Calf Skins and Oil; Condition Powders, for diseased Horses and Cattle; Coach Trimmings, Carpet Bags. Valises, Saddlery, Hardware, &c. The largest stock in the State, sold wholesale or retail, at the lowest New York prices. Harness and Saddles repaired. JAMES WILSON, No. 5 Market st. Wilmington, N. C., near the Wharf. Oct. 19, 1859. 59-lypd. LARGE $^TO€K! NEW GOODS!! T H.WE just received my Winter Stock of Goods in 1 my line. They were selected in the Northern cities by myself, with great care, and bought on the most rea sonable terms, by which 1 am enabled to offer the larg est stock 1 ever before offered to the public, and to offer them At Greatly Reduced Prices! FRUITS; Raisins, Figs. Prunes, Apples. l emons, Oranges, Cher ries, Currants, Pie Fruits, Stuff Dates. Citron. &C. PICKLES, JELLIES &PRi:SEUVESi —A great variety.— Perliinieries and Extracts, Of various kinds; Fancy Soaps and Pomades. MUSICAL IXSTRUMEXTS; Fiddles, Drums, Fifes, Flutes. Banjos, Guitars, &c. W'ALKING CANES, of every kind; Basket and Willow Ware, Hobby Horse-. He. PINE AND COMMON CANDIRS; Sardines; Fine Cigars; Smoking and Chewing Tobacco; Crackers; Fine Pocket Knives; a large assortment of Port-lMonaies. some very nice; Fancy Envelopes and Fancy Goods; Toys and Yankee Notions: an assortment of India Rubber T00ds, Whips, Combs: Fishing Tackle; Cocoa and Other IVuti^. FANCY GOODS: Palerramen, Reticules, Cabs, Rubber Round Comb#, Warch Guards—Mohair, Silk and Leather. Fancy Boxes, Pistols, Powder Flasks, Shot Belts, Brandy Peaches—in gallon or half gallon jars. Mace, Cloves, Cinnamon, Large Lot of Fire Works, &c., &c., &c., &c., &c., &c., &c. Spiced and \orfolk Oysters constantly on hand. Country dealers and the public are respectfully in vited to call and examine my stock, as it is impossible to enumerate but a few of the leading articles. I have a great many handsome things which cannot fail to please. ag^30 Bushels up-coontry APPLES, for sale at 90 cents per bushel. J. R. L.EE, No. 40, Hotel Biildino. Dec 3, 1859 ;2 I Dt ON RHETORIC, LOGIC, &o. Day’s Art of Rhetoric Boyd's Kames’ Elements of Criticism Mahan’s Science of Logic Mahan’s Intellectual Philosophy Willard’s Morals for the Young U5 50 00 50 Brooks’ Latin and Greek Classics. School Teachers’ Library, G vol. $1.^5 per vol. School Teachers' Register 50 cts. Brooks’ School Manual of Devotion 38 ots. iVo School-Book* ever published in the Vuxtfd State* hare been more hiykly reeovtmended than the National School Series. Detcriptive Cataloyuea of A, s. Raknks & Be he's Publications, sent, post paid, to any pari of the United States. Just published Prof Davies’ new Elementary Algebra. 75 cts. Prof Brooks’ Ciesar’s Commentaries. Beauti fully illustrated ] 25 A'New System of Book-keeping, /or Schools. By Martin & Smith 7'i cts. The Normal Methods of Teaching the^Common Branches 1 Oi Nov 11 1859 G7-0w At Aiiinber 10, South Side Hay St., Fayetteville, X. C. For tiientienien. most complete stock of Over-t.’oats, fine Frock Dress ami Business Coats. Punts. Vests, Uniler- tiarmenls. Shiri.s. Collars, Cravats, Gloves. Socks, Uni- hrellas. Trunks. Carpet I’.ag.s an>l Valise.s, P.oots ami Shoes. Hal> and Caps. Clotli. ('ussimeres and Vestings ever brought to this market, and will he sold cheap and no mistake. GEORtiE BRANDT. Oct 2H 62- 1859! ~ JAMES KYLE, IS now receiving his usual siupply of Goods, among which are— Rich Silks, Col'd and Black: French Merinos and Deliiinos: English Do. Do.: Kid and Net Gloves, assorted; Bed and Negro Blankets; Bolling Cloths. No. 1 to 10; Ready-Made Clothing; Boots and Shoes; With a very large assortment of other Go«ds. All o* which were purchased by the package at the lowest price. Those jiurchasing will please call and look at the 1 Goods and ]>rices. j Sept. 13. IH.V.t. 491 f J. M. KYLE ' fS NOW RECEIVING A LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL I STOCK OF ST\PM'] 1\D nm IIR^ (iOODS. —ALSO— Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes* .\11 of wliich will be disjioseil of at low price .\E€.iROES WAATEO. THE subscriber wishes to biij- for which he will pay The Highest Cash Prices. Persons having such property to sell will find it to > their interest to address me at Clinton. N. C. A. S. C. POWELL. July 26, 1859 35-Ompd A .\OW IA .MARKET. LL persons having NE(jROES for sale, will do well to address the subscriber ut Clinton, Sampson county, as he is determined to buy and pay :is liberal prices for them as the state of the market will permit. By addressing him he will call immediately, and make liberal offers, as all will find who will try him. CHARLES T. STEVENS. Clinton, Sampson Co.. Sept 10, 1859 48-lypd Lal>orer Wanted. \VM. CARTER & Wholesale A Rt fall Dealers and Manufacturers nF ALL KIMt.S OF Mjcather^ Saddles and Miarneas^ : Ol every description. Collars, Whips, i!tc. \N1> we also i>ariii ularly call ihe atiention of the whole surrounding counirj' to give us a call, as we are de- ! termineil that none >hall surpass us in juality or low jirices; ami wc will give tho highest casii price at all times for Raw Hides and T.'illow. iu exchange for our articles. (.’ountry Merolianfs wuuld do well to call and examine our .Stock, as wc cau sell them S’uiie» of a much better quality than '’n'y u.sa;illy get. on very accommodating term^ Swutlierii Pbmters would do well to senl us all their orders as we are making a No. 1 article of NE(tR0 SHOE.'', that arc w rr.inied lo give entire satisfaction. N. B. All Orders from a di'taiice sliaU have prompt attention. S. S. (’ARTER. W.M. Goldston P. O., Chatham Co.. N. C., | March 1-'.. IH.V.t. / KElCO!!iE.\E Oil... ;TI1E .\E\V VORK KEBOSE.\E (III t’t». (Established 1854.) Announce that, having made great improvements in the manufacture of Kerosene, they are now en abled to offer it to the Trade at A Reduced Price. The attention of consumers is respectfully called to the subjoined table, the result of a photometrical exami nation. by Ed'd N. Kent, Esq., of New York. (Jliemist, by either wholesale or retail. Call and examine. No. 34. Corner Hay anl Donald.son Streets. Fayetteville, N. C., Sejit. 22, 1859. 51tf The Western Rail Road Co. wish to employ 4 able- bodied Slaves for the balance of the year, to work on track repairs between Fayetteville and Little River Depot. • A. KUPER, Ch. Eng. li Supt. July 6 29tf ]?loney Wanted. Tflfj subscr.ber having suffered a heavy Ios-j by the fire of last night, earnestly requests all persons in debted to him to make immediate jiaymeiit. M. McKlNNON. Fayetteville, Oct’r C, 1859 55-3m Ntate Bondw tOr ^ale. ork. on the 1st April and 1st Octobcr.) in quanti- [ ties to suit. Apply at the Branch of the (.'ape Fear Bank. A. McLEAN. June 1 I'J'f • CARTER. 90- and dated Feb. M.4TIRIAL. Kerosene, Camj>hene, Whale Oil, Lard Oil, Sperm Oil, Burning Fluid. 1850. FRENCH STRANGE, Attorney at Law, Fayetteville, N. C. Office that recently occupied by C. G. Wright, Esq., over the one now occupied by him iu Dr. building. Green Street. Dec’r 2. 1859, Robinson’s DEATAL AOTICE. Dr. R. SCOTT, having been absent for several days past, oilers his profession- BR.ISS STK.it^VER II A GOOD supply of various No’s just received, which we can furniBh low. .May 2. D. & W. McLAURlN. 10 tf \\7HEELER A I T for sale by Aug. 22 WILSON’S SEWIXG MACHINB8. S. J. HINSDALE, Agt. 42- AIi.nAIVACS FOR 1860. FARMERS’ AND PLANTERS ALMAN.VC for iStiO, just received. TiirnerN :V. Carolina Almanac. ■Vs the supply was completely exhausted last year, nnd many applicants were disappointed, it will be well to apply soon for the above. Ocfr 20. E. J. HALE & SON. Hiid«. t;ood Bacon, SHOULDERS, just recoived and for sale by D. i: W. McLAURlN. July 2, 1859. 28tf Jii»«t Received. A NICE lot of Gilt Moulding, from one to three inches wide; also, one box of very large Glass. Those in want of Frames will do well to give me a call. Frames of any size made to order. All kinds of Oval Frames for sale at VANORSDELL’S GALLERY. Nov 16 67- J. W. RAKER Is now receiving from the Xorth the iargv'Si. finest, and most carefully selected stock of Fim.\iTiTnt: ever offered in this market; which added to liis own maiiiifactun', make.-; his assortment complete;— all of which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash or on time to punctual customers. Fashionable painted cottage bed-room Furniture in setts; curled li.-iir and shuck, and cotton Mattresses; Looking (Jlasses; Willow Wagons and (^'adles; Side Boards; Bureaus; Secreiarie'* and P>ook-Cases; What- Nots; Tables, all sorts; Wash St.'inds; Candle Stands; Wardrobes: Picture Frames and Glass; Window Shades; (?oupon Bonds, (Cou)ions payable in New j C’ornice"- ('iirtain Bands: Sofas in Mahogony and Wal- »ut: Tele a Tetep; Ottomans: Divans and Stools: Chairs *vf every variety. J'iiu- lut.sewood I’innos, one with .Eolian at tachment: Rosewood Melodiuns. from the best manufac tories in New York and Bo.ston. warranted as good as any made in the oountrv. and will l.f- sold at New York pri«!s—freight only added September 2. 45tf Kerosene Camphene , Solar I Solar Solar I Large wick 13.('.89 5.(’>25 1.892 1.640 2.025 553 2.4:;-') 1.299 h:;3 Tim; 3iM) 1 O'I c::; l.(M)| 1.25| 2 ‘’-'i 87l 4.10 4.»5 12.(H> 17.70 20.47 29.(KI al services to the community, and may be seen now regularly in his Office on Person Street, two Doors East of the Market, during the hours From y to 1 P. M., 2 to 5 P. M. Dec’r 5. 1859 72-tf JDEATISTRV. Dr. j. D.^VIS having decided on perma nently locating in the Town of f’ayette- ville, respectfully offers his services to the citizens of this place and siirroun>liug country. In all the various bruiiches of his Profi-ssion. including the manufacture of Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, atier an extensive experience, to which is added a thorough Den tal educaiion, that he can give entire saiisfaction as far as is in the power of Dentistry. All irregularities of the Teeth treated in a ]>roper and careful i'i:iiiin'r. as well'*s diseases of the mouth. None but the prop**'' nietal-^ are made use of in liie various operations, '.'l.-.iges will be moderate, that the beiiefiisof the Profession may be placed within the reach of all who may feel an interest in the preservjition of the Teeth. Office over Houston's Jewelry Store, where he mav be found at all times. Slav 10, 1858. -'tf Reliable orders from the Trade, by Mail or Telegraph tillad on application to AUSTENS, Agents, 93 Pearl St., >. Y. KEROSENE is also to be obtained at the .Manu facturers’ Prices, of all the New \ ork Wholesale Drug gists, Grocers, Camphene and Burning Fluid Manufac turers and Dealers in Lamps. N. B. KEROSENE is the trade-mark of the Kero- «ene Oil Co.. and all persons are cautioned against using the said trade-mark for other oils. Oct’r 7 56 3m8pd aotice. Vs there may be some persons in Fayetteville and vicinity who mav not be aware that Wheeier atid JfUsotrs Sewing ^Jlftchine is the best for family sewing, and who intend purchas ing a Sewing Machine, this is to advise them {for their own inlcrcst,) to call upon the subscriber and see one of “WHEELER & WILSON'S’ before purchasing. It will prevent their purchasing one of the many inferior Sewing Machines, which are offeretl for sale through the countrj'. There arc THIRTY of the Wheeler it Vt ilson .Ma chines in .successful use in this place .iml vicinity. S. J. HINSDALE, Agt. 10 Bacon, Corn and Hay. HHDS. well smoked B.A(N)N. 100 Sacks ('ORN. 75 Bales Eastern HAY. Just received. E. F. MtlORE Dec. 1, 1859. , 'I - 15 Fre!>*li Arrival**. Firkins GOSHEN BUTTER. 75 Bbls. White WHISKEY. .'»0 Boxes Manf. TOB.VCCO. 25 Tons PERUVIAN GUANO, No. 1. Just received bv E. F. MOORE. Dec. 1, 1859. Aew Carriage and HarnewK lor Male. A SECOND-HAND large Carriage, (seats for six,) McKetlian’s make, in gooil condition. And a double set of Carriage Harness, Overby's make, nearly new. For sale together or separately. Nov. 10. E. J. HALE. Aug. 22 42- Book M, by Harriet B. Tlc- Keever. l^DITirS Mini-«iry; Sunshine, or K ite \ inion; 'i'he yj Flounced llobe, and What it C(>^t. .Iu-i rec'd. I».c E. J. HALL .'ON. A Ci^ar^! Cigars!! Cigars!!! CHOK3E lot of various 'brands .ju.->t received MRS. M. BANK' Dec 5 i2-lw Hlarble Factory, I%otic€ in hereby given, That at the expiration of ninety days, application will be made for tlie re-issue of Certificate No. 130, lor one thousand shares of Stock in the Western Rail Road Conijiany, belonging to Cumberland County, the original one. dated March 18-58, having been lost. | DAN'L McDIARMlD. G. DEMING, Commigsioners. October 24, 1859. «Otf ^CHOOI. BOOKJJi. fMlTH’S English Grammar; N. Carolina Readers, .Monteith's Geographies; Pike's Arithmetic; Murray’s English Reader; N. York Readers; Mason’s Farrier; Mattison’s Astronomy; &c. Sept 14 £. J. HALE & SON. A'otice to Jiioldiers’ IVidows. The Widows of Mexican Soldiers, and the Widows of Soldiers who i»iki> in servick in the war of 1812, can have their pensions continued b^ calling on the undei- signed. Congress having made additional provision for them. Give me the management of your claims, and the money shall come at once, or no charge, i ' JNO. M. ROSE, I .\gent for Pensions. Fayetteville, June 12, 1858. 1?>- Mereo«co|ie« and View«. V VARIETY of Appleton’s popular Stcrec.^copes. with views of American. English and French Scenery, I &c.: just received. I Oct. 12. E. J. fHLJ-^- tiiiiano! Iwuano!! LBS No. 1 Peruvian Gu.ino. For sale by E F MOORE. ^linioking Tobacco A: Fancy Pipes. IUST receiveil. MliS. M. B.VNKS. Dec'r 5 ‘—* A Second S^iipi»ly RAISINS to hand. MRS BANKS. Dec r2-i w Dr. FRANK WILLIAMS'S KVK WUlSkKY. R ,MITCHELL ha- ma«le arrangements with Dr Frank Williams, to bo cuiislantly supplied with his celebrated BYE WHISKEY, which can be had at his Store at all times, by wholesale or retail. Ocfr 11, 1H59. 56-tf Just Received. LBS. No. I MOUNTAIN BI'TTEK. tor -ale by R .\iin'M!;M- LAIJHER, TWO DOORS .A150VK (. T. II AlliH & SO.>IS’ STORE Eayettevilic, IV. C. Jm’y 20, 1859. 64-jpd 40,000 Sept 12 Bagging and 48- Hoo|> Iron. 3 AAA YDS. Gunny Bagging. ,UUU Hoop Iron and Rope, for Sept 12 ^ 1500 Oct 28 (121 f WAATEB. A LARGE quantity of COTTON and LINEN KAGS, for which fair prices will be paid. A^ig. 17 DAVID MURPHY. 41- Bank Checks for sale at this Office.

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