POST. KngraFiQoro Javing also :m sc ly Evening Pom M the pie.,, B. that thev have * ' Author whose pow*,/ , ?•:•« attention- ani H TF'Hs •the 'THF ->,1-;ht Farm. 'KL1.‘ Stnrie.j, ....„, for The ,1. -ull scope aflor.i^j «^n«of,hemorpo^- publisli.*d ^ The IV,„ j ( geij*rt»l oonteuts from the pens of lY H;tVVlTT huk uf ..-ti,. R.J urt rnrui H(»R vr •'tarui "I- Aores ‘ oKkknwouu ' f'AKDot;. iiknck rKiicv, ;L1A B. KbWARbS JA ALI« K irOR OF -The Ebony 'I A. UKNNls,,v M. Raymond’ 'A 1‘KRRV, ’RA1(.. s MARTINkaU f. h..w«Ter,towork,i,f kheu now do. U ts ample spac« :o the UoMKSTic. to Letters J». j>ariinem. to Bank 'Veklv an.i Accurate irk. ,ve . \i- lAVI\«s. NIAGARA Fall* ? «i2 ■ ^teel KniiraTing, ii\K Dollar;;-we It on tlie following r«- [is .wn MoniLlv Maga- aiid Godev’s' Lady * ake your choice of t Eugrav- ' Anhur'i* t Goder'ii i- W a y#nr 'd HJ S 00 50 S - '>J a y»ar rfcvingj 5 00 “ fc, or both of Club. 10 00 *• ». or both 'Of Club, !6 oo •' a. or b«>i’n of Club, :J(! 00 *• and both of Club. 130 00 ‘‘ IIlR^i are «harged onJy iblem Department rsn- l»ble to the latter class. remiuin* |Uj( on steul. 17 by £ LIKENESS,’' will b« E POST ’ for 1860, who Ibscription. the *um of >ens« of postage, Yliail- ' thii engraving is four re-paid on all the En- PETEU!!>0.\. St.. Philadelphia, t sent graiiii when re- who give the ab«'ve one >rial { irtions of it for in’i’.led ; r an exchange keneiis,' by sendinfr us itaiuiiig tlie advertise- 7!**2tpd TiiGicTiv (IW\ BOOK; Conjurins. of Parlor Magic, con- A.VL> • >ptical. Cfaemi- Magical Experiments; ihiiig .'^'..rights anil Sub- B, I npt-nif>u?> Tricks and ing Pi,7,’!. s—Together r-. Thf whole ILLL'S- )OD I I T."'. And in- ror --VE THoU.ciaND , cli "h. 4iO pagei, gilt NE Dollar, t FITZGERALD. .\nn .'Street, N. Y. s in tia.' place, by mail, on receipt of [e. ,u- -..r “THE M.VGI- • p'ipular works: send Df-scripiive Cafa- y address free. .}>eis giving the above n'Priioni, calling af- iiil I'l.lumn, and send- to ti .• I’ublibhcr, will 11' i:. ■ per return of 7‘J"i;w-pd (pointed, at December , ( xmmissiouer to sell ■\nderron 8 I'reck in yii irv of Gilbert Mc- ve named Land to the 3e door in Tooraer. on L'ARY 1H(,'», . it being Jf.ipf“i‘'r i'ourt.) il't' red bccurity. AW, iJommi.'-iioner. 76*0t K». r on the I'Jth of N'or’r 1 RACHEL, age about ut 5 feel G or tt inchei r right foot a little de- inclineii inward. She ai d will be g;v»-n to o me, or for confine- r aguii;. Any infor- mville P. O., Harnett recfiiviiL EILL ■ AMERON. 77*4tpd ^ JOH.S M' LALRIJ*- I'orwardinjp In X'.TON. N. C. r.Hi .^to—Flour and L*r -nle or !itt- iiti 11 Mayor; K. P. y. c. I SEMI-WEBItL,Y. rvor,. IX.I FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., JANUARY 12, 1860. [XO. 882.] j UlM KI* M0NI)\V& and fHl RSDAYS KI)U4KD J.|hALE & SON, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS f,,r tho Semi-Weekly Odskrver S3 00 if paid in ,„lvnnce; ?-5 ^>0 if paid during Uie year of subscrip- lioii; or at'ier the year has expired. the Weekly (»bskrver 1?2 00 per annum, if paid in Advance: 5'> if paid during the year of subscrip- li .n: or 53 after the year has expired. ADVERTISEMENTS inserted for 60 cents per j |uart‘ of 1*’> lines for the fii'st, and 30 cents for tfich succeeding publication. YeaVly advertisements by spe cial i'..utrncts. at reasonable rates. Advertisers are reuue-tod to state the number of insertions desired, or the\ will be continued tHl forbid, and charged accord- inj: y. V ivertijienients to be inserted insuU, charged 50 per v'iiit extra. SPECIAL NOTK'E. Fi ,iin and after this date, no name of a new subscriber will be enten-d without payment in advance, nor will the l aper be sent to such -iubsorRjers for a longer time thnii is I'aid for. Sill'll Ilf our old bubscribers ai> desire to take the pa- 1,t*r on this system will please notify us when making lemittancfs. Jan'y 1. 1858. raziiiiZONs SOLD OF THE mmm sfHoei-BooKs, PUBLISHED BY A. S. BARNES & BURR, 51 & 53 JOHN STREET, :VEW VORK. Dmcrij/tire Catalogues of their Publieation* sent postpaid to any part of the U. State*. AXD SOLD Bt® E. J. HALE Jc se\, FaiettevHle, N. C. Schuol Teachers, Conimlttees, Trusttei, Coinintssioners and Fritnih of Ediica- tioHj urt uic!t(^d to examine the Jolloa- luj valnahle Text-Books, for Schooic Acadeinies and (^oUeges:— ON ORTHOGRAPHY. Page's Normal Chart of Elementary Sound*, 2 50 Parker and Watson’s Primer, Parker and Watson's Spellers. 2 No#, la & ■Smith's .Fuvenile Detiner, Smith's Grammar-School Speller: t. Smith's Detiner's Manual, *ji> ^ Wrijrht'.*! .Analytical Olhography, -■> § On Reading and English Grammar. ^ JJ Parker and Watson's National Readers, 5 Nos. ^ Parker s Rhetorical Reader, — Parker and Zachos' Reading and Elocution, 37 2 T^ie English Poets, with Boyd's Notes, ]>er vol 75 ^ 2 Norihend's Little Orator. 30 ■ T Clark's Fir?t Le*.sons in English (irammar 30 FRENCH STRANGE, Attorney at Law, Fayetteville, W. C. Office that recently occupied by C. O. Wright, Esq., over the one now occupied by him in Dr, Robinson’u building. Green Street. Dec'r '2. 1859. 7‘j- Attorney at Law, Fayetteville, N. C. Y\^ILL attend the County and Superior Courts of T T Cumberland, Harnett. Moore and Robeson Coun ties. Prompt attention given to the eollection of all claima entrusted to his hands. Oct. 17, 1«59. 58-if II. Ci^KAlf AM, WILMINGTON, N. C. ^^TILL give prompt and personal attention to all con- FAYETTEVIl>fiK HOTEI., T. W^VDDTliL, Proprietor ^niS, the most commodiouji Hotel in Nolth Carolina, fronting 300 feet on Hay ajid Donaldson Streets, located in the centre of ihe PRO«PECTl!» OF THE CHURCH INTELLIGENCER. ^PHE undersigned proposes to publish in the city of 1 Raleigh, in North C.irolina, a weekly newspaper de signed to advance tlie interests oi' the Episcopal Church signments of Spirits Tin pentine, Rosin, Tar and business portion of the town, and surrounded by all ‘‘t South, and to diffuse intelligenee concerning its , u. W. HORNE, V •fT JL.f If, ^J.Wibe toind at the Office of Wm. B. W'right, Esq., Turpentine, and all country produce for sale Office up stairs, over the store of Mr. Vouglahn. ami joining Lutterloh’s Wharf. North^Vnter street. June i!5tf ^'SEPH R. BLOSSOM i' O n .TI I ^ K I 41 ]\ A N I> Forwarding Merchant, .V. C. jS^Prompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and Cash advances made on Produce to be shippeil to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12. 1855. 67tf Ii1([RI.\'RilRr.H HIGH SrpOTi. The 14th Session of this Institution will open on the lUth of JULY 1859, under the chargc of Dan’i. Stkwakt, Jr., A. B., a* Principal. Board can be h&d either at the Steward’s Hall or in the Banking Houses, Wholesale Merchants and princi pal Produce Dealers. jSe^ Business men will find the Hotel a eonreuiunt and conrt'ortable house. All the Stages arrive and depart from this Hotel. Fayetteville, Oct. 1, 1858. 61- labors and its progress. In this enterprise, he has ' the aeighborhood at $8 per month, eiolusiva of lights reason to hope for the ujiprobation, and to some extent and washing. the aid of the Bishops of Tennesspe, Louisiana, Georgia, ; For further information apply to the undersigned at Alabama, Mi.->>issippi, Flofida, South Carolina, North I Laurinburgh, N. C. SIIEMVVKLh HOUSK, l-'AVKTTin'IH.R. m. O. £^ant side of Oreen Street, a jew doors North of the Market. Carolina, Texas and the Missionary District of the South-West. In each of these dioceses he expects to i have a resident contributor to the columns of his jour- | nal, who shall gKe information to its readers of any ; event of interest occurring in the diocese to which the | writer belongs. The benefits of such a papeTj if well conducted, will Laurinburgh, June 18. R. D. DICKSON, Sec’y. ^ 26-tf RiLEiGH mm mmm. Raleii^h, I¥. €. be acknowleilged to be great, frhen it is recollected that ■ 1860, WlfcL BEGIN THJk in all these dioceses just enumerated, constituting in , ^ D THURSDA'i IN JANUAR5T, •a*- themselves a luighty and rapiJIv growing empire—there , " ^®eks. _ near the C«urt House. June 30, 1859. 28-1Y JOSrpfl B.^KER. Jr.. vttor:\ev .*t I.4W. Has taken an office next door to Wm. B. Wright’s taw Office on Greea Street. He will attend and practice in the County and Superior Courts of Cumberland, Bladen, Robeson and Sampson. March 23, 1859. 79tf P. J. >^i:\tLAIR, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C.. IIJ^ILL practice in the Courts of Robeson, Cumberland, 'y Harnett and Richmond Prompt attention 86- W. ALLEN.] [J. -M. CLARK. ALLEN & CLAKIi, Comiiiiakion .Tic'rrhant«, WILMINGTON, N. C. DEAIEKS IN LIME, PLASTEIJ, (EMEM. IIAIB, Ac. JBSjir Agents for Rush & Orrell's Line of Steamers.'-'ysja PROMPT personal attention given to coiisignments o Naval Stores, Cotton or other Counfty i’roduce, for sale or shipment. Jan’y 19, 185U. Hl- ^iven to all business entrusted to hin. Feb’y 5. 1859 A. D. .^IcLEA]^, Attorney and Coun*'^llor at Law, SUMMKiiVlU.E, N. C., Al^lLL attend the Courts of ('umberland. Moore, John- yy ston .ind Harnett Counties. WOMPT attention given to the collection of all claims entrusted to his care. Dec'r 2'.i, 18-j"J. 7b-ly- RORl JlcrVAIR, •Mttomey anti Counsellor at JLau", LUMBERTON, N. C. \l^H»L attend and practice in the County and Superior Tf Courts of Robeson, Richmond and Cumberland. All business intrusted to him will receivu prompt at tention and collections punctually remitted. Oct. fi, 1859. f).5tf JOU.\ p. FiLL.ER, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, WILL PKACriCK IS TU£ OOCHIi Of BolMMon, C'umi>erland, Columbus and Blad«n. office »t Lumbenon. Robeson Co.. N. C. July 5, 1859 -jytf DE.\T\L *\OTItE. 1 \R. R. SCOTT, having b6en abtent for 1 ' several days past, oftei ('lark'.-* English Grammar, Welch's English Sentence .''iorth Carolina Readers, No. 1, ‘2 and 3. 50 :£ Scientific Text Books. ^ Davies’ Series of Arithmetics, 15c., 25, 45 it 75 y Davies' Series of Algebras. 7^c., #1 25 & Si 50 ^ Davies' Series of Gti#)jiotries.1 25, 1 5i» v'« ?2 ^ Parker's Nat l Philo.-iophy, 3 vols. 25c., 37i, SI P'jrter'.« Fir( Book of Clietnisf.'y, 50 Porter'.s Principles of Cliemistry. 1 00 Norton's First Book of Natural Philosophy 50 -Norton and Porter's First Book of Science, 1 00 McIntyre’s .Astronomy and Globes, 1 (MJ Bartlett’s System of Natural iMiilosophy, 4 vols. Lardner on the Steam Engine. 1 50 Pci-k's Elements of Mechanics. 1 50 (iille!>pie on Roads and Railroads, 1 50 Darby's Southern Botany. 1 50 SCHOOL GEOGRAPHIES, WITH MAPS AND ENGRAVINtiS. .^^'nteith's First Lesions in Geography 25 Miiiiieitli's Introdiictifin to Manual of Geog. 40 Monteith's New Manual of Geograj)hy 60 McN:illy 's School Geography 1 0(* SCHOOL HISTORIES, WITH MAP.S AND KNGRA VI NGS. Monteith's Youth’s History of the U* States 50 Willard's School History of the U. States Willanl's Universal History 1 Dwight's (irecian and Roman ."Mythology Ricnrd's Romiiu History 1 Gould’s Alison's History of Europe 1 ON RHETORIC, LOGIC, kc. Dajf’s .\rt of Rhetoric Boyd's Kames’ Elements of Oiticism 1 Mahan's Science of Logic 1 M ihan's Intellectual Pliilosophj- 1 Willard's Morals for the Voung jfters his profession al services to the community, and may be seen now regularly in his Office on Person Street, two Doors East of the Market, during the hours From 9 to 1 P. M., 2 to 5 P. M. Dec’r 5. 1859 72-tf DE*\TlJ«iTRV. \R. J. D.W I.'' having decided on fierma- / nently locating in the Town of Fayette ville. respectfully offers his services to the citizens of this ]>lace and surroun'ling country. In all the various branches of his Profession, including the D-anufacture of Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an extensive experience, to which is added a thorough Den tal education, that he can give eJJtire satisfaction as far as is in the power of Dentistry, All in-egularities of the Teeth treafed in a proper and careful manner, as well as diseases of the mouth. None but the prop«t metals are I made use of in the various operations. Charges will be jr moderate, that the benefits of the Profession may be placed within the reach of all who may feel an interest in the preservation of the Teeth, . SHaf^ Office over Houston's Jewelry Store, where he may be found .at all times. May 10, 1858. gjf WORTH A: I TI.KV, Forwarding and General Commission Merrhants, K-'affettprHlc, .V. C. J. A. WORTH. (72tf; Jo.s, UTLKY. JAls. C. .SMITH.J [.M1LE.S CUtiTIN JAS, C. SMITH & CO., Factors^ Commission and For- icarding ^JMerchants WIL.MINGTON, N. C. ’T attention given to sale of TI.MBER, LL^I- BEli, NAV.\L STORES and all kinds of Pro«luce. Liberal advancemeiits made on Consignments. Refer to E. P. Hai.i.. Pres't Branch Bank of State. H. R. i>AVA(iK, Cash'r Bank t.’ape Fear. .lon.\ Daw»un, Esq. July 20. l659 -j.j-timos A CARD. A WORD TO MY OLD FRIENDS— Those persons for whom I have been attemling to Banking hti«iness for ye!ir>-:—I am still willing to serve you with the sama. promptness that 1 have ; done;.and to others that may want discounts. Pension ; business, Xc., Xo I oti'er my x-rvices. witli a promisv I of strict attention. .lAS. (j. (.'0(>K. June 27, 1859. 20tf BOOK-IUNDING IN all its kinds, executed with neatne-ss and despatch, Small jobs when done must be paid before delivered THUS. H. TILLINGHAST. Opposite the Female High School, Hay Street May 14, 1859. 14-ly FAVKTTK%'ILLK MUTUAL L\SURA\CE C031PAM. ASSETS $264,618.62. '■pHIS Company has been in operation more'than six years, and has paid its tire losses. amoiBiting to 1.87 without any assessment; insuraiR-e averag ing its members about | per cent. ■\mount of jiropeny now insured. Sl,.5*i»,49(J.01 Amount premium notes now on hand. 247.738.OH DiKKOTOns. i>. T. Hawley, f'pHF; Subscriber desires through this medium ; is not a single newspaper expressing the sentiments and to ackowledge the liberal patronage bestow- ; recording the cotemporau»ou» history of tho Episcopal ed upon his House the past year—and as he ■ Chufch—that what is known by its clergy and people has Just erected New Stables and Carriage Shed conven- 1 living in tliis extensive and prosperous region on these ient to^the House and to water he takes pleasure io say ing to his patrons and the public generally, that he is fftill prepared to accommodate them with transient and periimuem board, atid respectfully solicits a continuance of the liberal patronage heretofore received. Every ex ertion on his part shall be used to render them comforta ble during tiieir sojourn with him. His table is always sui)i)lied with the best the market afl'ords. P. SH EM WELL, March 24, 1858. 80-tf W A II o i; GOLDSBORO’, N. ('■. ri'^HE undersipued announces to the public 1^ that he has taken charge of tlie above Es tablishment. ^nd is prepared to accommodate Boarders, by the day, week or month. And he assures all who maj’ favor him with their patronage, that he will emk-avor to give perfect satisfaction. Tal le supplied with the best the market att'ords. JAS. G. SMITH. Goldsboro’, Jan’y 28, 1.859 84-lyr NEAKHST AND QCU’KKST ROI Ti: TO THE RAIEROAD! (ieo. .McNeill, D. A. Ray, \\ . N. Tillinghast, H. L. -Myrover. .V. A. McKcihan. S. W. J. D. Willjftim. Henry IjJly, -la-^. •. Conk, N. .\. Stedman, A. \\ . Steel. iS. J. Hinsdale, Jas. Kyle, T. S,. Lutterloh, Hon. J. (J. Shepherd, Wm. McLauriii, R. P'. Brown, Wilmington. A. E. Hill. Wihiiinirton. (iEO. McNElLL. Pre-Jidont. D. A. R VV. Vico Presicleiit. C. A .Mc.MILL.\N, Secretary John Collins and Mc(,’rummen, Travelling .\gents. I'he (.’ornpany invite aiiplications. .May 19, 1859. ‘ Dl-V THE \ORTII (A ROM A A MUTUAL LIFE l\SURA\CE (OMPA^V, OW in the ti'nth year of -ucce'fiil ojierulioii. will owing cnpital and firmer hold iijioii pulilic con yo"’ 50 Brooks' Latin aifrl Greek Classics. School Teachers'Library, G vol. $1.25pervol. School Teachers’ Piegistor 50 cts. * Brooks’ .School Manual of Devotion 38 cts. A'o School-IJi.'jkn ei'fr jiuhlUhed in the f’niUd States have hven more kvjhlti recomineiided than the Nation?*! School Series. J/etcriplire Cataloyuef of A. 8. Barnes & Bl'rr’s I’uhliratioJis. seitf, pos' paul, to any pari of the I'nited Staten. .lust jiublished Prof. Davi(^' new Elementary Algebra. 75 cts. Pr(d'. Brook.s' Ciesar's Commentaries. Beauti fully illustrat'd 1 A New System of Book-keeping, for Scliols. By Martin & Smith 75 cts. The Normal Methods ol' Teaching the Common Branches 1 00 Nov 11 18.')9 f,7- NPEI'IAE VOVHT. ?TATE OF NORTft CAROLINA, CL'MBERL.\ND CO. Superior Court of Law, Fall Terra D. 1859 I’resent, Tlie Hon. David F. Caldweli,, JudgePresidiffg. IT ia ordered by the Court that a Special Term of the Superior Court of Law and Equity for the County and State aforesaid, is to be held at the Court House in the town of Fayetteville, on the fifth Monday in Janu- !iry, in the year of our Loril one thousand eight hun- Jreil and «;ixty. Jurors, Suitors and Witnesses in Civil * auses are lierehy iiotifietl to be in attendance. itness, John . Baker. .Ir., Clerk of our said Court, at Office in Fayetteville, the seventh Monday after the 4il» Monday in September. D. 1859. From the Minutes. JOHN W. BAKER, Jr., Clerk. 21 68tC R. n. ORREEE, TURPENTINE INSPECTOR. Those sending their Spirits Turpentine to me may rely upo^ it to have prompt and careful attention. My warehotises are fronting the wharves and near the ri ver. Sept’r 13, 1858. 45tf OWE A A: A ARBROiCiH. Have this day entered into Copartnership for th« purposo of transacting the , Commission and Forwarding Business, in ult its branches, in ^^ilmington. and will give prompt personal attention to all business entristed to their care. Liberal cash advanues wfll be made on Consignments of Country Produce. ftsj^Ofbce ou North Water St., over U. Vonglahan’i Store. JOHN W. OWEN. O S. YARBROUGH. Wilmington. Oct 20, 185» »i4- Wm. U. TLREIA«TOI¥, Commission Hlerciiaiit, \viLMLvrrox, c. \yiLL give special attention to the sale or shipment If of all Naval Stores, L^ttoii, Flour, Timber, and other country produce. Refers to: H. R. Savage, Cashier Bank of Cape Fear, Wilmington; Jno. Dawson, Pres’t Wilmington Branch Bank of North Carolina; W. H. Jones, Cashier Raleigh Branch Bank of Cape Fear. Nov 9, 1859 t)6-tf rtdence. continues to in-iuie the lives of all healthy per sons from I I, to tiO ye;»ir»; ot' atre. for one yeur. for seven years, and forlife—nil life members !iarit«g in the profits All .slaves from 10 to til) years of age are insured for one year or for five ye irs for two-thirds their value. , -Ml losses are punctually j'aid witliin 90 days alter satisfactory pro'if is jiresented. For further infortiiation the [lubiic is referred to Agents of the Company in all ]iarfs of the Slate, anil to R. If: B.ATTLE. Sccrerarv. lialeigli. E. J. U.\LE, .\gent at Jan'y 1H59. Fayettev'lle, N. C, HOLMES & ROBINSON’S FOIK HOKSK STA(;K LIVK TO KEYA.VSTIllE, VIA WARSAW, [.S the shortest and most expe^litious for travelers going North or South. Leaving Faj'etteville every day at 2 o'clock P. M, TnRGCGll IN TEN HOCRS. The traveling public who would study t^eir comfort and coHvenience will take the Warsaw .Stage. 5fcirTHROrGH TICKETS TO WELD(JN may be had at th(» Stage Ottice, Fayetteville. Aug 5, 1859. .S8-ly lAT’r rmiLOH’s i.imI QMO. HAKHISS. W. W. UAURISM. A. J. nOWKLL. HARRISS & HO'WELL, Commission and FornariliHg ’Herchants, STEAMER “FANNV’leaves Fayetteville every Mon day and Tliursday morning, at 15 minutes after Sun rise; and Wilmingtoi^ Tuesday and Friday, at o'clock, —carrying passengers and freight. .‘Steamer •■.SOCrHERNEll," with a fuH «omjilement of Flats, makes one or more trips per week, as cfi-cum- stunces may require. The accident to tlie Steamer ‘‘ROW.?N " will be re paired in a few da^*?. Slie will then take her jilace in the line. T. S. LCTTERI.OH. Gct'r 4, 1^58. 51-tf STATE CAK AXD MACHINE WORKS. ^pHE undersigt^ed having located in the town of Fay- I etteville, N. t'., and erectej buildings suitable far • 'ar and Machine Works, would give notice that they are prepared to execute all orders for Cars of everj' de scription. also all kinds of Machine work, such as re pairs of Steam Engines, Cotton, .Mill and Mining Ma chinery, heavy Isprging, such a» Will Spindles, Cranks, .'sC.. at short notice. By an arrangement nmde with the Boston Belting t'ompany. we are prepared to receive orders for all kindjs of India Rubber Belting and Hose at their prices. Having staited our Engine, and Woodworth's Planer, we are prejiared to plane all descriptions of Lutnber ind Scantling, which will be kej't ou hand, for sale either iti lbt‘ rough or dressed, as parties may de«ire. Cotitracts taken for the erection ot Buildings, mate rials furnished, and jobtjing of all kinds executed with neatness and despatch. Counters and I>esks matle to order, Stores fitted, '^.tsh. Doors and Blinds manufactured, diua^ to atiy- ihing oi'the kind to be found in the Northern market. WALTON vV BARRV, t.’ar Guililers and .Machinists. Fayetteville, Oct 3, ]S59 54-tf GAS FITTI\(;S AND FIXTURES. FACULTY T. H. BRAME. A. M., President and Prof. of Lfttta, Mathematics and Experimeoial Science. , R. J'. HEFLIN. Prof. of Moral Philosophy, MISS A. J. SEAHLE, Teacher of French, QernMui and Oil Painting. MISS .S. E. COOK, Teacher of Music, Grecian and Oriental Painting, Painting iu Water-oolors, Drawing, Leather-work, &c. MISS , Teacher of Mutic lixd EnglUh MRS. M. A. BRAME, Mairoji. £XPENSUii PKR 21 WC£K.ri Englisli Branches, 816,03 Latin, Greek, French and German, eseh, 10,00 Music, with use of Instrument, 22,00 Grecian and Oriental Painting, Painting in Waier- colors. Drawing, each, 10,0J ' Oil Painting, 16,00 Embroidery, Wax-fruit, Leather-work, e*c^, 6^00 Lectures and use of Apparatus, l.’SO I Contingent Expenses, 1,00 I Board, including servants’ attention and fuel, 60,00 Washing lind lights, from $1,60 to $2 per month. Pupils received at any time, and charged from time of entrance till end of term. Deductions made only for |>rotracted sickness. All bills payable half at the beginning and half at the end of term. Persons desiring further information will please ap ply to T. H. Brame, or Rev. R. T. Heflin. M. A. BLEDSOE, Pres’t. Board Trustees. A. iL Gokmaj», Seo’y. Not. 18. 6&-3m subjects is gathered mainly from newspapers published at remote points at the North in which the interests of these dioceses and the especial duties of the churchmen therein are comparatively obscure and neglected sub jects. In the meantime the principles, the past history and present condition of the church are often misrep resented in that region of country and still more fre quently misunderstood, and Uiere i= no organ and no opportunity by which, publicly and effectually to refute such misrepresentations and correct such mistakes. By means too of a newspaper in these dioceses con ducted in a religious spirit and on religious principles, the meitibers of the church miglit be assisted not only in the general improvement of their spiritual state, but esj)ecially in the peit'ormance of the peculiar duties im posed on them by the constitution of society in the Sonthern country—duties which lie very near the hearts of many of them. It is furthermore intended to enrich the colunms of the j>nper with as many as. possible of those treasures of thought anil learning which the Periodical religious literature of-our mother church is now so abundantly pouring forth—and to give occasional views of the state of religion and learning on the continent otf Europe. But there is one subject closely connected with the highest welfare of the Soutli to which it is designed that this paper shall give solicitous attention. It is the re alization of the magnificent idea o!' tlie University of the South at 8ewannee, and iu order thereto the dis semination of intelligence concerning it, and the issue of appeals in its behalf. Designed then as the contem plated paper i» to effect objects so important and so beneficent, the unlersigned confidently hopes to receive the active aid of his brethren of the clergy and laity in the Southern country. It is intended to give the paper the name of the Church iNTELLniEXi'EU, and to hsue I the first number, if possii.’f*, early iu March, 1800. I Its terms will be two dollars and a half per annum, j payable in advance. .\dvertisemeni.« will be inserted I at the usual rates, and a liberal discount made for^ standing advertisements. ; The paper will be sent free to any clergyman who I will forward the names and the subscription price of ten sitbseribers. HENRY F. GREEN, | Presbj-ter of the Diocese of N. C. i ' r>HOTOGRAPHS can be had at Vanorsdell’s Skyligh* We approve of the i)ublication and circulation of a | Gallery, Hay street, opposite Marble Yard, Fay- newspaper for the purposes and ou the principles set i etteville, N. C.: plain, retouched, colored, in water forth in the Prospectus of the Chi kch I.sTKLLiGEMCtR, j colors, oil and pastile; from small to life stze. Atnbro- aiid we cordially recommend it to the clergy and laity i types. Melaneotypes, and all other styles of Pictures of our dioceses, designing ourselves to make use of its j pertaining to the Art. Also, Gilt Frames, Gilt Mould- columns lor the communicatioii of intelligence to them, j ing, Glass for very large pictures—as large as 26 by 36 A OEU! The New Style, SmalL COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS, AT Vaiior»d‘ll’« Oallery. I ART. \VoHlH ard’» Solar Camera. J.^s. 11. Utey, Bishop of Tennessee Leomi).\s Poi,k, Bishop of Louisiana. Stei'Hex Ei.liot, Bishop of Georgia. N. H. Cobbs, Bishop of Alabama. Wii.Li.\M M. Gp.kex. Bishop of Mississippi. Jas. H. Ri Ti[.Ei>f;E. Florida. Tho.m.v^ F. D.vvis, Bishop of South Carolina, Thomas Atkinson, Bishop of North Carolina. .\i.ex, Geego, Bishop of Texas, Hevry (’. L.xy, Miss, iiishop of the South-West. fi^“Tlie clergy and other friends of this enterprise are earne.stly requested to interest tliemselves in pro curing subscribers, au»l forwarding their lists to the Editor at Raleigh. Raleigh, Dec'r 1. 1>^.')9 7>-6t MIE subscribers will bo prepared by the midlle of igust, tosupj)ly every descriiition of Buildings,— WILMINGTON, N C. Oct. 17, 18.-.9. .^8-1 Ypd RORERT H. COWA.\, €ien€ral Commission ^IWerchant^ WILMINGTON, N. C. Office South (Jorner Market and Water streets, up-stairs. Oct. 13, 18o'J. 57-lY T.€. A n.U, WORTH, CommissioD aud Forwarding Merchauts, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan’y 28, 1859 84tf Hyiiiiiti and Disciiilines F the M ‘thodist E. Church,—assorted qualities. 0 J. u. raki:r I.s now rect‘ivinr from the \ort1i tho largest, finest, and most carefully elected stock of piTK^iTinen ever offerwl in this market; which added to his own manufacture, makes liis .assortment complete;— all of which heVill sell on the lowest ])ossible terms for cash or on tinio to punctual cust^ners. Fashionable j)ainted cottage >)0(i-room F’lirnitm'e in setts; curled hair and shuck, and cotton Mattresses; Looking Glasses; Willow Wagons .‘iiul Cradles; Siile Boards: Bureaus; Secretaries and Book-Cases; What- Nots; Tables, iil! sorts; Wasli Stands; Candle Stamls; Wardrobes; Picture Frames and Glass; Window Shades; Cornices; Curtain Bands; Sofa." in Maliogony and Wal nut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans atul Stools; Chaitii of every variety. Fine Kosewood INano.s, one with /Kolian ttt- tachment; Rosewood Melodians, from the best manufac tories in New York and Pioston, warranted as good as any made in the ^ountry, and will be sold at New York prices—freight only iidded. September 2, ' 4-')tf Ll\lt fOIUlLIL I OFFER for sale GIO Acres of UAND, lying on the West side of Cape Fear River, two miles below Fay etteville, and extending from the river into the sand hills. This tract is about equally divided into river- ridge, swamp and sand-hill Land, .\hoiit 80 acres, adjoining the river, are uiuler cultivation and are well suited to the growth of (,'orn aud Grass; .jione of the Swamp has been cleared. There .are several good sites for a dwelling house on the sanl-hills. Any person wishing to purchase will do well to make early appli cation, as I have determined to sell. THOM.VS J. ROBINSON. Sept. 8, 1858. 44tf .STJR*ir*VEtf n*fRF. ^ GOOD supply of various No's just received, which T'":. Dwellinirs. J^tores. Factories. iS;c.—witli all the neces sary FlXTrRr,.S.-'for the introduclioii ofG.\S. .\s we are constantly engaged in the bttbitips? of build ing Gas Works in this and,., other States, we of course cati afford lq.^ng on a large stock a'id sell on more reasonable terms than others. (Mir stock will include Chandeliei-s. Pendents. Brackets. (Jlass. ,vc. As we have leased tiie works for five years, it will be to the advantage requiring sui h fixtures to gel them of us. since upon tts will fall the care of them, keeping them in repair. &c. For this purpose if is both our interest ami pleasure to emply none but the best fia.s Fitter.s. In our absence for a few weeks, all who wish to have the Pipes introduced into their buildings, will please leave their names with Mr. W. N. Tillinghast, wlio will give all necessary information on the subject. It is (lesirable to know as early as possible, so that the Fix- ture.s may be introduced at the .sann time with the con struction of the works, and thus all it ay light up simul taneously. W.VTERHOUSE & BOWES. Fayetteville. June 10. 22-tf Fixfiiri'w. nillE subscribers iiuve now at .Mr. W, N. Tillinghast’s i ’'""j I Crockery Store, S.VMPLES cf Gas Fixtures. They ; )pur, wouU' be glad if persons intending to use the (3as would Dr. Bronson having been so far reduced by consump tion, as to bo considered beyond all hope of recovery by the ini.«f eminent of the medical profession, and also by himself—a regular physician of twenty years practice —as a las>t resort, conceived the idea of ANALYZING THE BLOttD, and applying the subject of physiology to tho more immeliate connection, and effect of tho state of the blood upon the health and system. The result has been the production of this 'BLllOD FOt>l>,’ from the use of which Dr. Bronson was restoreil to ]>er- fect health. Within six months after its ititroduction. over two thousand consumptives were effectually cured by it. If you have any complaints of a consumptive tendency. Cougli. Cold. Head-ache. Palpitation of the Heart, Loss of Appetite or Pain in the .'^ide, lose no time in procuritig ^ li«itle of the ••BLOl)D FOOD." If you !ire sufl'ering from Nervous Debility, or your sleep is broken and disturbed, if your Spirits are Depressed, or your Organs Reta.veil. you will find in tliis an un failing remedy, by commencing with ten drops. If your Liver is torjiid or diseased in any manner what ever. one or two bottles will lie sure to invigorate, and bring it into lively and healthy action. In the most inveterate cases of Dys]>epsia, the patient c.-in here find the most efficient and grateful relk'f. ^'eneftt is al ways experienced after taking only one bottle. In 'Male or Female (’omplaints and Weaknesses, the sufiVrer. after trying otiier remedies in vain, may rest assured, that a certain cur(^ will result from tiie use of two or three bottles. The ‘•BLOOD l-'OOD" is elfeetual in all cases of Eruptions. Salt Rheum. fiiToi'ul.n and ofht+like complaini.s. Pflle and emaciated children and adults are immediately benefit ted by ite use. It gives strength to the fiody, :ind color and beauty to the skin. Phy sicians of all schools are using it with wonderful success. For full directions, see circulars. Price $1 ]>er bottle. -9|)IO>l J>«1 »1U33 33IJJ ■l)a«o||.i) .Cpjijis 0q isnuj qjiM (luuiijv pjililcj.M ■uo!)}jj(|) oqi \(B u] (.iduioiii ||« oi ainiMi.-ij lioiii aqi wi! ijasii -IIKIJ It uowu IJ .lIUHii di|i J|>> :auisiii).\pu 3|ciq.w UWJ s« ajol HJim Juuuij.) ,«« 181(1 ‘P«I5( 3I|1 JO suoii«j«ilJid i^Mio uwiji qjma os suwu i|— t| siiijnjiud III 3IIII1 ou 3->o| (II niiv pu^uiino.Mj .(|is.uj>io JW •$1U J'i SUII!'IU.\UOJ to sa «J ||K Ul •jlth.UIUWls-IJUW |I1UJ.UUI 1! 3uui| :a.Mi.»i>yu.)a qii.w uo (uq ^J aq in:J j| •«f3iw..ii|(i lo aui.ui |1UK im'U l-o.M aqi ‘J.IijH.) '.(■'lO-' «>! 1! jqi IM ■’"J St JI aqi nuiirjnB.ij joj iin^l puK aqi Duiuaipjii joj 'us|v ‘.'iit -x.l*’.) SH qjns ;j\|i|\;i.i,|,V ss.LMV'l.llvt/.i I IV }lid ' :7.i\ • jaqv ja.\i> iij »'i! i iiqj >li ••! iptq « j 3IIII »o||oj jqi ||«'II 1>UK jjiij M »! puii-iumj III ,iqi iJjafiM ICIII IR.I PUH ssrf|iiijwq .vlia^M >il 6i i| — wo siq Ai| iiiJMi j'.i .vuHiu ‘umwa i(| jo uoiijrfj p aqi i >pur. vis-onj ^qj 3up 3.ri.>n pj||!is!l' >•! »! moj^ lii'U \i..\ Jqi '■ |ir« »!' .iiiinwiiii J'M M-' lJV jaqvi .vur call ilnd select, so th.t their orders may be filled by the | time ;of lighting up—early in November next ; aqi .q njtsii.u \iin.*uh suna puh -puiii lo bii irti. WATERHOUSE 6' BOWES j J.I .HJ.III >jh.I tnoj.l jjjj m.uduj J| —MI'U‘' Ws! Joj I m •i|ii!Kl'liiiii3‘.»|!iUHpU! ajUMjjilio qjiuii iii.ij) prfyi|»nb 81 oq«'‘u..tJi!>.\qil J»|U3SJ « .)* uou«jB.iairi jqi si ii ■Jl,Jt^^ nov paj lyo pj.ij lajjq snq if.i^iib JO ssjnu i«qi iiiiuisou jsah .iuouo1ni> ini .mms. oi s»p •'ivmao.> aTix.vv &'..\Oj,va '>>a 3u(ju»naji ui Ju« received. E. J. HALE & SON. we can furnish low. Maj 2. 1). & W. McLAURlN. 10 tf Fayetteville, hept 2L ISo'.t 52- | Uoofiu^f and Outteriiig', Done at short notice, by C. W. A.\WREWS, MA RKKT^ SQ T.lRK. Oct'r ♦ 55- To Rail^Hoad Contractorsl .JUST RECEJVED BOO WHCEI.BARROWili, light and strong, for the Rail Road. For sale by D. & W. McLAURIN. March 29, 1859. 800tf Hhdi^. Iiiood Racoii, mill SHOULDERS, jusf received and for sale bv D. & W, McLAURIN. luly 2, 1859. 28tf inches. Cord »nd Tassels hanging pictures; Instru ments. Stock anti Chemicals for sale low for cash. Life siie colored Photographs made from small pictures. Having permanently located here I hope to merit your patronage. I would also return my sincere thanks for tho liberal patronage bestowed on me heretofore by the good people of Fayetteville and vicinity. C. M. VANORSDELL, Photographist and Proprietor. Bec’r 20, 185y 77- Harnett Tounty. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. PROPOSALS for the building of $ Court Hoti|e and Jail at Lillington. will be received, until tho l3th of March, at Summerville. Plans and specifications will be exhibited during the week of Haruett Superior Court, commencing on the 18th of Feb’y next. For informa tion j|.ddress R. C. Belden, at Johnsonville, Harnett co. FARQUHARD SMITH, C. C. BARBEE, WM. A. JOHNSON, SION HARRINGTON, R. C. BELDEN, Building Committee. I>ec’r 20 77tF6 i\dice is hereby ^iven. TH.VT at the expiration of ninety days, application will be made for the re-issue of Certificat; No. 180. for one thousand shares of Stock in the We item Rail Road ('ompan}’, belonging lo Cumberland County, tho original one, dated March 1858. having been lost. DAN’L McDIAR.MlD, G. DE.MING. Commissioners. October 24. 1859, b()tf Hardware, Cutlery, J.\MES MARTINE is now receiving a larg^ aud gene ral assortment of every thing ia the above line. —ALSO— A prime article of Rio, Laj^uira and .Tava COFFEE tjriished and Brown SUG.VR; Sugar House SIRUP ami MOL.\SSES. All of which is ofiereJ ou as good terms as can be lia^ in this marKet. Nov’r 24, 185S. _ STOVES SHEET IKOi\, TI,>-W.\Ki:, ON HAND, a large assortment of Box aud Cooking Stoves; Tin-ware; Sheet-Iron: Lead Pipe. Also The ^^Old UomUtion Cofrer Pot.'' For sale by JAMES MARTINE. Nov’r 24 (»btf rxiyiTs, oii^s, SPER.M. ReGucd. Lard, Linseed and Tanners’ OIL, White Lead; Burning Fluid; Putij; Window Glass and Sash of all sizes, —ALSO— \ fresh supply of POND’S PAIN DESTROYER. For sale by JAMES MARTINE. Nov’r 24. 1858. * tjbtf Sold b> CHURCH & DUPONT, Druggists, No. 30 Maiden Lane. .New York, by JAS. N. S:SlTTH, Fayetteville. N. C. .And by all respectable Druggists throughout the country Nov 11, 185W 66-1 y 10 15 !%ew ^ork fieilger lor Jan’y M. HARPER’S WEEKLY, for Jan’y 7th, to-morrow, Jan’y 5. E. J. HALE & SON. Bacon, Corn and Ua%. HHDS.- well smoked B.\C()N. 100 Sacks CORN. 75 Bales Eastern HAY. Just received. E. F. MOORE. D(«c. 1, 18.VJ. ^ 71- _ Fresh Arri%als. Firkins GOSHEN BUTTER. 75 Bbls. White WHISKEY. 50 Boxes Manf TOBACCO. 25 Tons PERUVIAN GUANO, -Xo. 1. Just received by » E. F. MOOHH. j)ec. 1, 1859. 71- Whiwkey and Rrandy. BBLS. Pure Corn Whiskey; 25 •• .Apple Brand^'; •iJO “ N. E. Rum: 20 “ American Brandy; 15 *• Old Rye WUiiikey. For sale 'by Sept 12 110 E. F. MOORE 48- Rai«ins! Rai»in«!! IN Whole, Half and Quarter Boxes, for sale low by D. & W. McLAURIN. i -Duc’t 22, 1869 77tf