w ■ .'I yo'!L ■ ■ .'• “ SE- ‘ ’ jicirial ' "^‘e ana '■’■u -i of ' j .!■ r- tae Uu- U. -sua; Sv “ -Tl 'i iii't Hiiv, 1 P B 0 Ml l> ; i:krodi . rr.'iN ■ . i^k \i SO. r i'A MASKS, ■^-1 : ■ ■■ * S:;, an J I 'M. >S A OWIILX, u! ’hs i \ A^ fA ■ -. n .- ■ iih^^rine ■i;:, . M' \!-.. ’ (airolina^ V’- f]. ‘1. ’ “ j “ 'J, : T - C' ■ I.: i .. 1 i ■ I ' - • : !.,Ul h , - i.f lii> :1. i: i M X‘ ’ ! (aroliiia, 1 i I, .. ^ I, ..r T nu. ... \k Ka^, ■ , • ..> lN;tiii"H , . ■ ■; if the .'ii-. ,,1 ..... ..•.•■ ir.ti-l-' -i- I .;irt tiiat . . • jr ,...■ : 1.1 III .i >" r »-iia 1;. ■, • :. irl UOU!»« ::. ! pi I .nry next. , i, ij ■ •■' ;i,. i ■:. VlilOIlt , . ..veiij- \ ,-rtil K 'hu i.\N, cik tbit Office. IPATOW (DIB S £ in I-W £ e: K L, Y. im fvor,. IX.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., JANUARY 26, 1860. [NO. 886.] PRIMED MONDAYS VXD THURSDAYS KDWIKD J. HALE & SON, KDITORS AND PROVRIETORS Price for the Semi-Weekly Owkrver $3 00 if paid in iiilvance; ?8 50 if paid durinj^ the year of subscrip tion: or S4 after the year has expired. For tlie >Veekly Observer S2 (H5 per annum, if paid in aiiviince; $2 50 if paid during the year of subscrip tion: or 00 after the year has expired. ADVKRTISKMENTS inserted for 60 cents per ni|U;ire of 1*5 lines for the first, and 80 cents for each Bucceeding publication. Yearly advertisements by spe cial contracts, at reasonable rates, .\dvertisers are reiiut'sted to state the number of insertions desired, or ther irill be continued till forbid, and charged accord- inply. Adrertisemenfs to he inserted intide, charged 50 per cent extra. FAYKTTEVII.I^E HOTEL, T. WADDITjL, Propriktor. ^HIS. the most commodious Hotel in Noith Carolina, fronting IJOO feet on Hay and l>onaldson Streets, located in the centre of tlie business portion of the town. ;ind surrounded by all tlie Banking Houses, Wholesale Merchants and princi pal I’roduce Dealers. Business men will find the Hotel a convenient and comfortable house. All the Stages arrive and depart from tiiis Hotel. Fayetteville, Oct. 1. 18'>8. r,l- “^ SHEMWKLL HOrSC, A FEW DOOKS XORTIl OF THE MAKKET HOUSE. SPECIAL NOTICE. From and after this date, no name of a new subscriber will be entered without payment in advance, nor will the paper be sent to such subscribers for a longer time than is paid for. Such of our old subscribers as desire to fake the pa per on this system will please notify ua when making remittances. .lan’v 1. 18.58. BI1I.1.IONS $$OL.D OF THE ^ -»-4 V/ to t tended TNG to the extensive increase of i)atronape this House, during the yenr, I have ex tended iny facilities by the addition of a num ber of comfortable sleeping rooms, with other import ant improvements, which will add materially to the comfort and convenieuce of those favoring me witli their patronage. To those whj have been my kind friends and cus- , tomers for the past six years. 1 tender my most sincere i thanks, at the same time respectfully soliciting a con tinuance of iheir patronage, and also tlie patronage if' a large number of new patrons. I hare good Stables and a No. 1 Ostler. P. SHE.MWELL. Jan'y 10, 1860 84- W A y\ E HOtKE, G0LDS1501U)’. N. C. The undersigned announces to the jmblic that he has taken charge of the above Es tablishment. and is prepareil to accommodate Boarders, by the day. week or month. .-Vnd he assures all who may favor him with their }>atronage. that he will end^-avor to give perfect sati-faction. Tal le supplied with the best tlie market affords. ,1AS. G. .‘SMITH, Goldsboro', Jan'y 28, 1850 8-1-lyr NE.VUKST ANI> QrU’KKST ROITE TO THE RAIEItOAD! FRENCH STRANGE, Attorney at Law, Fayetteville, N. C. Office that recently occtipietl by C. G. Wright, Est|.. over the one now occupied by him in Dr. Kobiiison')* building. Green Street. Dec’r2. 1850. 12- II VTf. !•, Attorney at Law, FAYETTEVli,LK, N. C. I IT ILL attend tlie County and Superior Courts of M Cumberland, Harnett.. Moore and Robeson Coun ties. Prompt attuntion given to tlie collection of all claims entrusted to his handy. Oct. 17. 1859. 58-tf I.AW ]^OI ICE. rpHE Subscriber havitrg removed from Summerville to I Fayetteville. wMl attend the County and Superior Courts of Cuiiiberlaud, Harnett and Moore. His office will be at his residence, on Green Street, opposite the Episcopal Cliurch. Hi'S correspondents will please address him hereafter at Fayetteville, instead of Sumniervilio. NEILL McKAY. Jan'y 21, 18(i0. 8o-tf H. W. HORNE, TTO«.V^l* .IT J/.f If*, M ay be fixind at the Office of Wm. B. Wright, Esq., nc The M^argett Carriage Factory in the fiouth! .\icK r/riiAi\ near the t'ourt House. June oO, ly.j'.). 28-1Y JOSHIMl HAKKK, Jr.. ATT«K>EV \T I. AW, AS taken an office next door to Wm. B. Wright’s Law Office on Green Street. He will attend and practice in the County and Siij>erior Court* of Cumberland, Bladen. Robeson and Sampson. March 2-'!. 79tf H STANDARD SCHOOL-BOOKS, PUBLISHED BY A. S. BABNES & BUEB, .=)! & 53 JOHN STREET, XEW YORK. Deteriptire Catalcguet of their Publication$ Mht pottpaid to any part of the U. Stat^. AN'n SOLD BY E. J. HALE k SOX, Fayetteville, X. C. ^chi>ol Teachers^ Committees, Trustees, Commissioners and Frii nih o/ i^luca- tion, are incited to examine the fo/lva- iny vnlnahle Ttxt-Books, for iScfi*Ajtr Acaifemies tnd CoJUijes:— ON 0RTH06RAPH7. page's Normal Chart of Elementary Sounds, 2 50 Parker and Watson’.s Primer, 15 P-.rker and Watson's Spellers. 2 Nos. 15 & 25 Smith's Juvenile Definer, .'^initli's Gramm.ir-School Speller: 4i> ^ Smith's Definer's Manual, 60 ■ Wright's Analytical Othographj*. 25 ” On Reading and English Grammar. ^ Parker and Watson's National Headers, ■') Nos. ^ Parker's Rhetorical Reader, Parker and Zachos' Reading and Elocution. 87 The English Poets, with Boyd's Notes, per vol 75 ^ Northend's Little Orator, 30 Clark’s First Lessons in English Grammar 3U (?lark’s English Grammar, 50 ^ Welch's English Sentence 75 m North Carolina Readers, No. 1. 2 and 3. " Scientific Text Books. ^ Davies’ Series of .Arithmetics, 15c., 25, 45 & 75 y Davies' Series of Algebras, 75c., ^1 25 i ;>1 50 Davies’ Series of Geometries. SI, 1 25, 1 50 & S2 — Parker’s Nat’l Philosophy, 3 vols. 25c., 37*. Si ^ Porter's First Book of ('iiemist.-y, 50 9S Porter's Principles of Chemistry, 1 00 ^ Norton’s F'irst Book of Natural Philosophy 50 •• Norton and Porter's First Book of Science, 1 00 McIntyre’s .A.stronomy and Globes, 1 00 • Bartlett's .‘System of .Natural I’hilosophy, 4 vols. * Lardner on the Steam Engine, 1 50 . Peck's Elements of Mechanics, 1 50 ^ Gillespie on Roads and Railroads, I 50 Darby's Southern Botany, 1 oU SCHOOL GZ06RAPHIES, . WITH MAPS AM) ENGRAVI.NiKS. Monteith's First Lessons in Geography 25 -g -Monteiih's Introduction to .Manual of (Jeog. 40 Miiiiteitli s New Manual of Geography 60 £ McNally's School (geography 1 00 S SCHOOL HISTORIES, WITU MAPS A.VD E-VGK.WI.VGS. Monteith's Youth's History of tiie U. States 50 Willard's t'cliool History of the U. States 75 Willard's Cniversal History 1 50 Dwight'n Grecian and Roman Mythology 75 Ricord's Roman History 1 0J Gould's Alison s Hi.story of Europe 1 50 ON RHETORIC, LOGICj &c. Day’s .\rt of Rhetoric Boyd’s Kames’ Elements of Criticism M.'ihan’s Science of Logic Mahan's Intellectual Philosophy Willard's .Morals for the Young Brooks’ Latin and Greek Classics. HOLMES & HOBINSON’S FOIR HORSE STAGE LIVE TO KEVANSVIILE, VIA WARSAW, IS the shortest atid most expeditious for travelers going North or South. Leaving Favetteville every dav at 2oclockP. M. THROUGH IN TEN HOUR.s. The traveling public who would study their comlbrt and convenience will take the Warsaw Stage. *^THR(.>UGH TICKETS TO WELDttN m.ay be had at the Stnge Office, Fayetteville. -\ug 5, 185'.». -J^^-ly LI TTKIiLOirS LLNK. P. J. ^i.\ri.AiR, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., 117 ILL practice in the Courts of Robeson, Cumberland, \\ H.'irnelt and Riciiiiiond Prompt attention given to all business entrusted to hin. Feb'v 5. 185!* 86- RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, that he has built up large substantial Brick Build ings at his Old Stand, expressly for manufacturing Car riages. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he has received for the last 21 years, he hopes by strict atten tion to business, with a desire to gi®e satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants his work to be made of the best material and by experienced workmen in each branch of the business. His work will compare favorably with any made in the United States, for neatness and diu-ability. He is determined to sell and do any work in his line on as good terms as any work done elsewhere that is as well done. He now has on hand, finished, THE LARGEST STOCK OF Carriages, Barouches, Rockaways and Buggies, ever offered in this place, and a very large stock of work nearly finishel, which will be finished daily. .411 of which will be sold very low for cash, or on short time to punctual customers. Ji^“He has on hand more than ONE* HUNDRED AND FIFTY VEHICLES finished and in course of construction. 8i^.\ll work made by him is warranted 12 months with'fair usage, and should it fail by bad workmanship or material, will be repaired free of charge. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and ex amine for themselves. Orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. Repairing e.xecuted at short notice and on very reason able terms. May 28, 1850. 89-tf !«/lDDl4E AIVD HARIVESS FACTORY. The subscriber begs leave to return his thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, and in will continue to have an increased force of experienced Saddle and Har ness Makers, whose work he will war rant: and that he is prepared to offer to the public a large and varied assovt- ! ment of every tiling kept in his line. His assortment of I Saddles, Harness, Bridles, Trunks, Travel’ing Bags. ! Valices, &c., is unsurpassed for workm-.nsMp and r a- i terial. and will cotrpare favorably fo’" ne ttne.is ’ ith ; any other Manufaciory. eitiier North or Souih. Pe ons wanting any thing in his line will do him ii favor to call ' and examine his stock before p irchasing, as he is satis- : fied it will not fail to please them. His establishment I will be found five doors East of Cape Fear Bank, on I Person Street. i Repairing done with neatness and despatch. I W. OVERBY. I Fayetteville, N. C., Jan’y 9, 1860. 81-6m I Persons indebted are earnestly requested to call and settle, as I must have money. iVORTH C AROLli%A EOlMiDRr I AND i>IACHIi\E works: Valuable Property at Auction. INTENDING to remove from the State, 1 offer for sale my House and Lot on Rowan street. The House is very comfortable and in excellent re pair, containing a parlor and dining-room handsomely , 1 , papered, with coal grates and gas fixtures in each, a forms the public that he { commodious bed room with fire place, a bed room with out, a convenient store room, pantry, and back gallery, a kitchen and servant’s room attached—with fire-place; two servants’ rooms with fire-places, all lathed and plastered; a com house and smoke house, a large stable with feed room, carriage and cow houses and other out buildings—all new and in good repair. There is also I a spring of water suitable for domestic purposes. I On thi' east of the House is a flower garden contain- ; ing a la . ge co\lection of choice roses and other rare and ! bt'autiful flowers, a splendid Magnolia tree, and an arbor 1 upon which are three line scuppemong grape vines, j On the west is a kitchen garden in which are a choice j variety of fruits—.Apricots, Nec'arines, Peaches, blue i and Greengage Plums, Strawbenies, Raspberries, and 1 an arbor of delicious Grapes of three varieties. Below i the stable and garden is a well-drained and productire meadow. As for health, thjs Lot will compare >. :*h any in the ■ town of Fnyetteville. AI.hough occ'tpied by umny fam- I ilies, as far as can be ascertained, • ht-rt has nat been a I death from disease upon if in more than fifty years. I At the same time and place, will be sold a Lot front- ; ing on Fiamsey and Moore streets, containing nearly I three acres, well fenced, well drained and enclosed by ; a cedar hedge. Also, fifty aci'es of Land in Cyprnss Swamp, Harnett j County—(having never seen this piece of land I canlKit I recommend it.) I The sale will take place at the Market House, at 12 j o’clock, on Tuesday, the 31st inst., it being the week of i Special Court. Terms at sale, i JOHN WINSLOW, j C. E. LEETE, Auct’r. ' Jan’y 21. 85's A. J. HALE, ATTOHXKV AT LAW, A»lieb>roii;;:li, .\. C'., if)FFlCE IN THE COURT HOUSE.) \\'^ILL practice his profession in Randolph and the yy adjoining Comities. Prompt attention given to all business entrusted to his care. Jail'V b5l f w S’ 1 25 1 50 1 0J 50 School Teachers’ Library, t! vol. SI.25 per vol. School Teachers’ Register Brooks' School Manual of Devotion 50 cts. 38 cts. .V« School-Booku ever publix'ttd in the Unitfd State* have been more highh/ recommendf'd than the National School Series. Itexcriptive tjalalogucs of A. S. B.^rxes & Bcrr’h 1‘ublieationt, »ent, poft paid, to any part of the t'nited Shi ten. | Just published Prof. Davies’ new Elementary Algebra, 75 cts. Prof. Brooks’ Caesar’s Commentaries. Beauti fully illustrated 1 25 ' ■A New System of Book-keeping, for Schols. By Martin & Smith 75 cts. The Normal Methods of Teaching the Common Brandies 1 00 Nov 11 1850 fi7- WA.\TKD. ^ LARGE quantity of COTTON and LINEN RAGS, for which fair prices will be paid. DAVID MURPHY. Aug. 17 41- t'arria^e and HarneM^ for Kale. i SECOND-H.AND large Carriage, (seats for six,) McKethan’s make, in good condition. And a double of Carriage Harness. Overby’s make, nearly new. •■or sale tugetlier or ^>eparalely. 1" E. J. HALE, \f:w ROOKS.~ \ \ARLETY of School Books, &c,, just received. B. J. HALE & SON. TE.AMER “FANNY” !‘nves Fnypttf'ville every'1i>n _ _ _ .at 1niinutc« Sun rise; Jind Wilniinjri'iti Tuesday and Friday, at o'clm K, —carrying ]iasseiif;er' and trcijrin. Stcatnev ••.'SOUTHERNER." with a full coni].Ii..;!ient of Flat®, makes one or imre trips per week, as iMrL-iim- stances may requi’^e. The accident to the Steamer “R(»WAN" will be re paired in a few days. She will then take her pla.-e in the line. T. S. LU TTEULOH. Ott’r 4, 1858. 51 -tf STATE CAR AND MACHINE WORkS. ^pHE undersigned having located in the town of Fay- J. etteville. N. C.. and erected buildings suitable for ('ar and Machine Works, would give notice t!i-»t they ^ are prepared to execute all orders for ’ars of everj- de scription, also all kinds of .Macliine work, sueh as re pairs of Steam Engines, t'otton. Mill and Mining .Ma- ■ chinery. heavy forging, such as Mill .Spindles, Cranks, j ii'c., at short notice. By an arrangement made with the Boston !?elting Company, we are prei>ared to receive orders for all kinds of India Rubber Belting and Hose at their prici's. Having started our Engine, and Woodwurtii's Planer, we are prepared to ji'.ane all descrijiiions of I.umber and Scantling, wiiich will be kept on hand, for shIo . either in the rough or dres-cd. parties may df'ire. Contracts taken for the erection of IJdildiiigs. mate- ! rials fuvnislied, and jobbing of all kinds executeil wiiii neatness and despatch. Counters and Desks miide to order, Stores fitted. ' Sash, Doors and Blinds nianufaetui-ed, equal to any thing of the kind to be found in the Nortliern luarket. WALTON \ BARRY, Car Builders and Machinists. ! Faj'etteville, Oct 1S5M *51 tf GAS FITTINGS AND FIXTl RES. The subscribers >vill be jirepared by the middle of A'.igust, to supply every description of ISiiildings,— Dwellings, Stores, Factories. \c.—with all tlie neces sary FIXTURES, for the introduction of(;.\S. -Vs we are constantly engaged in the business of build ing Gas Works in this and other States, we of course can afford to bring on a large stock and sell on more reasonable terms than otliei's. Our stock will include Chandeliers. Pendents, lirackets. Glass, \c. As we have leased the works for five years, it will be to the advantage of those requiring siicti fi,\tiires to get them of us, since upon us will fall tiie care of them, keeping them in repair, &c. For this purpose it is both our interest and pleasure to etnply none but the best Gas Fitters. I In our absence for a few weeks, all who wish to have the Pipes introduced into their buildings, will please I leave their names with .Mr. W. N. Tiiiingh.-ist, who will I give all necessary information on tiie suliject. It i? I desirable to know as early as possi'^le. so that tlie Fix tures may be introduced at the saiiu. time with tlie con struction of the works, and thus all My light up simul taneously. WATERHOUSE & BOWES. Fayetteville, Juno 10. 22-tf i"i.\turew. ^PHE subscribers have now at .Mr. W. N. Tillingliast's 1 Crockery Store, .S.AMPLES of Gas Fixtures. They A. D. McI.EA\, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, SI’.MMEIIVIIJ.K, N. C., [’’11.1, attend the '.>iirt- of t’umber'ind. M.iore. John- 'I'ln .and llarnelt (^ouiitie'. PlK.lMPT attention given *o the collectii.n of all cbiiins entrusted to his care. l»ec'f'.’i*. I7>'-ly RORV 1lc\\AIU, •iHorttey am! f'onnsellor at Mjate^ h;mbf,rt»n. n r. II’ ILL atteiid and jiractice in the County and Superior yy (’ourts (if Rob.'son. Richmond .auil Cumberland. .All business intrusted to him will receive prompt at- :tiuns punctually remitted. Made heretofore. Plows. Corn-Shellers, Horse-Powers, Threshers, Thresher and Separators WM. CARTER & SOX, Wholesale d; Retail Dealers and ManaHacturers OF all kinds of Eieather, SadfUes and Harness, Of every description. Collars, Whips, &c. 4 ND we also particularly call the attention of the whole j\ surrounding country to give us a call, as we are de termined that none shall surpass us in quality or low prices: and we will give the highest cash price at all times for Raw Hides !ind Tallow, in exchange for o ir articles. Country Merchants would do well to call and examine our Stock, as we can sell them Shoes of a much better quality than they usually get, on very accommodating terms. Southern Planters would do well to send usall their orders as we are making a No. 1 article of NEGRO ; SHOES, that are warranted to give entire satisfaction, i N B. .All Orders from a distance shall have prompt ! attention. ; S. S. CARTER. WM. CARTER. Goldston P. O., Chatham Co., N. C., 1 March 1-^, 1859. ( FRERCK^ & RAEOER, SUCCESSORS TO N. BOY DEN & SON, 'I'lTILL CONTINUE to manufacture and keep IT hand all AGRICI LTIRIL nil'LEJIE\TS A full assortment of Cultivators, Straw and Feed-Cutters, Seed-Sowers, Cider and Sugar Mills, The}- alxo manufacture SHAFTING AND 3IACHINKRY For Grist Mills, Circular and Vertical Saw Mills, Gold, Copper and Silver Mines, Tobacco Presses and Fixtures, &c., &c., IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. FORGINGS and FINISHED WORK of every descrip tion made to order, and warranted in every respect. Repairs of every description of Machinery done at short notice. Salisbury, N. C., .Tan’y 2, 18fiO. 83-3m 96- tenii.) Oct iti'l l .'^ i.'.tf J01l.\ p. Fl Ll.ER, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, WILL I'K.VITICE IN TIlKCofRlS i)f Robeson, Cumberland. (olunibiis and Bladen. Office at Lumborton, Robeson Co., N. C. July 5,185-.) •_>9tf R. n. €»RREI>I.. TURPENTIWE INSPECTOR. ^PlI)SE sending their .'Spirits Turpentine to mo may I rely upon it to have jirompt and careful attention. .My warehouses are fronting the wharves and near the river. Sept'r i:;. It 45tf VARKROI .ntcrcd into C'.)]iartaernliip for the OlVEA HWK tiiis day jiui'pose uf Iraii'.ic:ing llie Commission and Forwarding Business, in all its braiiclios. in Wilniiiigtoii, and will give prompt person.il atteniion to all liusinessenirusted to tiieircare. Liberal ctish advances will be m.ade on Consignments of Country Produce. >tlice on North Water St.. over II. Vont;!ahan’-: Store. JOHN W. OWKNT O. S. YAP.BROLGH. Wilmington, Oct 'Ju, tl4- W ut. 11. T^RLlAl.iT01^, Commission iMerehant, I Wli^.MINCTON, N. V. A I'’’ILL give special attention to the sale or shipment • tV of .all Naval Stores, (.’otton. Flour, Timber, and I otlier country produce. ! llcfers to: 11. R. Savage, Cashier Bank of Cape Fear, j Wilmington; Jno. Dawson, Pres't Wiliiiingt(ni Branch ■ Bank of North (,'arolina; W. H. Jones, Casiiier Raleigli ! Branch l!ank of Cape Fear. I Nov 0, 1850 05-tf I ’ I I GEO. H.MiltlSS. W. W. H.VKlllSS. A. .1. UOWELL. I HARRISS & HOWELL, (ommission and Forwarding x>Ierchants, I WII.MINGTON, N. C. i Oct. 17, 1859. 58-1 Ypd j RORERT H. IOWA A, ' General Commission •Iterchant^ Wfli.MlNUTON, N. C. Constantly Manuracturing at my Establisbment, Every variety of harness,! Saddles, Bridles. Collars. 'Whips and Trunks; all kinds of Leather, Calf Skins and Oil; Condition Powders, for diseased Horses and Cattle: Coach Trimmings, Carpet Bags, Valises, Saddlery, Hardware, &c. The largest stock in the State, sold wholesale or retail, at the lowest New York prices. Harness and Saddles repaired. JAMES WILSON, No. 5 Market st. Wilmington, N. C., near the Wharf. Oct. 19, 1859. 59-lypd. To the Interest of* Turpentine Distillers. A. B.AKER would resjiectfully inform Turpentine Distillers and others that he is fully prepared to Manufacture or Repair Turpentine, Bramly anti Whis key Stills, Worms, \c., in fact, anything in the line of Sheet-Copper or Iron work. Particular attention given (o the making of Steam Pipes from a superior kind of (,'opper, for Boats, Mills, &c. .All work entrusted to iiiy care shall be properly done, and warranted, and on the most f.'ivorable terms as re gards price. (live me a call and see for yourself, and I know 1 shall have your patronage. Being a practical workman, 1 attend to all the work myself, which 1 tind is to the advantage of both my customers and myself. Old Copper bought for cash or taken in exchange for new work. M. A. BAKER, Hay Street, Fayetteville, N. C. July 27 .'lo-'litios Marble Factory, lereu oe^ouu an nope oi Contingent Expenses, r the medical profession, and also by , including servants’ attention a physician of twenty years praet'ce , ashing and lights, from $1,60 to f2 ■onceived the idea of .AN .A 1.1/-I «nir Mme nnd r r-iY Oct. l:{. 1859. T. V. Ac R. ii. WORTH, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan’y 28, 1850 84tf H. ALLEN.] [J. M. CLARE. would be elad if persons intetiding to use the (las would o .i r- m • . i w...... o.> ,, , *■, ^ . .1 • 1 1 1 1. I Oilice .South ( orner MarKot and W ater streets, uji-stairs. call and select, so that their orders may be nlled by the j ‘ time of lighting up—earlv in November next i W.ATERHOUSE BOWES- | Fayetteville, Sept 24, 1850 52- JOSBPBC R. BLOSSOM «' o :vi I M M I o ;v I AND ' I Forwarding Merchant, 1 W*ilminston, .V. c. ■ ^JSrPrompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and Cash advances made on Proluce to be shipped , to other ports or sold in this market. '• Feb. 12, 1855. (jyjf H. GRAHAM, WILMINGTON, N. C. WILL give prompt and personal attention to all con signments of Spirits Turpentine. Rosin, Tar and ' Turpentine, and nil country produce for sale. (»ffice up stairs, over the store of Mr. Vonglahn, and joining Lutterloh’a Wharf, North Water street. . 1 June 28. 25tf 1 Dec 3. |{y CJi'O. LAUDI'^K, Twn Di'iiiRS IBOVB I'. T. niieii 4 SUSS' store Eayelteville, Jan’v 20,1S50 A'. V, tj4-ypd jr. W. RAKER Is now receiving from the North the largest, finest, and most carefully selected stock of Fr KVIT|T|l i: ever offered in this market; which added to his own manufacture, makes his assortment complete;— all of which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash or on time to punctual customers. Fashionable painted cottage bed-room Furniture in setts; curled hair and shuck, and cotton Mattresses; Looking Glasses; Willow AVagons and Cradles; Side Boards; Bureaus; Secretaries and Book-Cases: What- 1 Nots; Tables, all sorts; Wash Stands: Candle Stands; ! Wardrobes; Picture Frames and Glass; W indow Shades; i Cornices; Curtain Bands; Sofas in Maliogony and Wal- I nut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools; Chairs I of every variety. ~ j Fine Rosewood Pianos, one with .^Tlolian ut- Ae%v Rooks, by Harriet R. .He- tachment; Rosewood Melodians, from the best manufac- K*ever. ' tories in New York and Boston, warranted as good as JUDITH'S Ministry; Sunshine, or Kate Vinton: The any made in the country, and will be sold at New York ALLEN & CLARK, CouimiiiKion .Tlerchantiii, WILMINGTON, N. C. UEALEKS I.\ LIME. PLASTER, CEMEM, HAIR, Ac. Agents for Rush & t>rreirs Line of Steamers. Dr. Bronson having been so far reduced by consump tion, a.s to be considered beyond all hope of recovery by the most eminent of himself—a regular —as a last resort, conceiv THE BLOt)D. and applying the siilycct of p'nysiology | to the more inimeiliate connection, and effect ot the j state of the blool upon the health and system. The. result has been the proluciion of this ‘BLOOD K)OD, from the use of which Dr. Bronson was restored to per fect health. Wiihin six months after its introduction, over two thousand consumptives were elfectually ciire'l j by it. If you have any com;.I.tints o‘ a con“'’rapiive j temiencv. (?'ougli. Cold*, Heiid-acli ’ Ipi iti 'U of iie ' Heart. Loss ot Appeiite o;- Pa n in lue .■'idc. lo-e n time in procuring a ''ottle of. le ••B .,0(Mi I )0D ’ * vou are sufferindT fro'ii N*’rvoi,d De^ -ity or rou si p is broken and disturbed, if vour S] rits ire L»e^ ..-es d. or vour ()rgans Remixed, yo i w d f-nd n this in un failing remedy, by comiiiei .vith ten di.»p.s. If your Liver is torpitl or disefned in any manner wh.it- ever, one or two bottles will i>e sure to irvicoraM', and bring it into lively and healihy action. ni the'most inveterate cases of DyspepMu. the patient can here tind the ni.ost efficient and grateful reliel'. .A b. nefit is al ways experienced after taking only one bottle, in M.ale or Female Complaints and W’eaknesse®. the sufferer, after trying other remedies in vain, may rest assured, that a certain cure will result from the use of two or three bottles. The “BLOOD FOOD” is effectual in all cases of F'ruptions, Salt Rheum. Scrofula and other like ^ complaints. Pale and emaciated children and adults } are immediately benefitted by its use. It gives strength to the body, and color and beauty to the skin. Phy sicians of all schools are using it with wonderful success. For full directions, see circulars. Price $1 per bottle. * -aijtoq jjd siuai ifasuj •p.a.vkO(i'J an 'I-'"'’* I'uniun p^ddaiM tuoiiJJJip aiii -satiHD |i« iij •sjjujoiii i|« ‘*1 s«.uaMl spiijiit -III03 n UOSWSJ 3IUVS JOJ tauisjiJdApH Jidifl *1 a*u*.Ua a|oq.« asoq.M asoqi u«D sh « Jfuo) ipiis juiiukj mqi -pum aip iiuoU«J«'t»Jtl jjqjo uwqi #juiii q.inui «« «i*u l|— 1 .^ll-^K'! 1' Jtuunaojcl ui aiuii ou iij no\ puaiuiiio.Mi .\||s4ujkj I ■>« ‘»ig J« su«>is)nAUoD JO sa-«D i|n ui •3!|)..iu>ml-iju« |iiiJa.uo;l i it Suiaq pu« :aiu.«pyuio i.iaji.xl qii« uo a«I u«o >| 1 |o pu« IHJHJ l-iOm 3t|l ^'*.4 J.’n-'J *'“! '! P**"* I aqi ui PI" ) 1! ■•M' i iliiiA;ii|jj 'pu«'-«uin* aq» auiujijos joj -osiu : i s« qJiis nH.I,.I.V S.LMV'I.IIVU.I 'I IV aoj j ;ziA •inniHjAJa.v# jjao jiijm fcli •'* HJPi" 3(1!mo||OJ aqi 1|b u) laiyi pu« jjiu uiuijaj « puu'Kihj -UI siujiiap j.oiii ai(i ajnfuj lou i».i p«K ssai'iUMq »i i| .iiiiunoj spa«q u.«o tiq ■tu’iu' i">l«'.4 Jy J" uu'lJ tp 3111 jspiui aqi 3ii|i ^ i|Ji| pj|||i(i' »i 11 q.>iq w luojj ! fionj V4SA ,»qi ;.«..q-i HIM n lupliii .a .*1!Juhju. iuj d|j »i« jaqio .tu.. i unw II JO IK.SlJUllUluJ « 9JX3 tl!« ‘U* 'O. ' -sjni|iiii*uas '»! iuiuap>;»p io pir.*!.*!!! ppin JifiA io ajijsjju* . aq, iluiAOWai .4q saAaji'J .vi»»«ub »j.ij i.u.: puiit iuMj..plo I j«( mull aa'J .tiajijua ni 11—.Slpuo..as •na(l J'.j »qi^3. : stuii'l'iiuo} a.|iUH|U| UI atj.iiiad(a qaiiiu iu..jj p.>ui|»>>> I ii»« «! OU'* u. i«Jll3-»J w u.-UBiuiJiil aqj >1 Iwijj j ' uo. *>iq n iHub i lo auna inqi luantuu .OaAS j»au .i)|ju)iadu« kii aii4« m ai!s.»p a.u ' 'ivKiaui aiix.'cvj.'ii s..NOXva aa ‘“'.i uuu»8*mi uj JOESVILIE HIGH SCHOOLS, Iflale and Female. Rev. WM. L. VAN EATON, A. xM., Principal. DANIEL L. CLAY, Assistant. Miss LUCY J. ARMFIELD, in charge of the Female Department. Miss ROCINDA J. DOUGHERTY, in charge of the Music Department. Miss SARAH DOUGHERTY, in charge of the Painting Class. ' The 31st Session of these prosperous and growing Schools opened the 1st Wednesday in January, with all the departments of instruction filled with efficient and experienced teachers. Our buildings are large, commodious and well fur nished with Apparatus, Globes, Maps, &c., situated in a beautiful grove, at a suitable distance apart. COST, PER SESSION OF TWENTY-ONE WEEKS. Board, including every thing except candles, $6 and $7 English branches, $10 and $12 Latin, Greek and advanced Mathematics, $15 Music, $20 Painting, in oil, $10 Contingent fee. $1 For further particulars address the Principal, (and Catalogues will be sent,) at Jonesville, Yadkin Co., N. 0. Jany 20. 1860. 85-ifm liiMiFi'iiLK m\m\. Raleigh, rv. €. The SPRING TERM OF 1860. WILL BEGIN THE SECOND THURSDAY IN JANUARY, and con tinue 21 weeks. FACULTY. T. H. BRAME, A. M., President and Prof. of Latin, Mathematics and Experimental Science. REV. R. T. HEFLIN, Prof. of Moral Philosophy. MISS A. J. SE.ARLE, Teacher of French, German and Oil Painting. MISS S. E. COOK, Teacher of Music, Grecian and i Oriental Painting, Painting in Water-oolors, Drawing, I Leather-work, Ac. I MISS , Teacher of Music and English. I MRS. M. A. BRAME, Matron. EXPENSES PER 21 WEEKS. ' English Branches. $15,00 ! Latin. Greek. French and German, eah, 10,00 ' Music, with use of Instrument, 22,00 ; Grecian and Oriental Painting, Painting in Water- colors. Drawing, each, 10,00 I Oil Painting, 16,00 1 Embroidery, Wax-fruit, Leathcr-work, each, 5,00 j Lectures and use of Apparatus, 1,50 Contingent Expenses, 1,00 and fuel, 50,00 per month. Pupils received at any time, and charged from time of entrance till end of term. Deductions made only for protracted sickness. jJSjr .A^ll bills payable half at the beginning and half at the end of term. Persons desTring further information will please ap ply to T. H. Brume, or Rev. R. T. Heflin. M. A. BLEDSOE. Pres’t. Board Trustees. M. Gorman, Sec’y. Nov. 1ft 69-8m H Prompt personal attention given to consignments o Naval Stores, Cotton or other Country Produce, for sale or shipment. Jan’y 10, 1859. 81- Sold by CHURCH & DUPONT. Drugpsts. No. 36 Maiden Lane. New York, by JAS. N. SMITH, Fayetteville. N. C. And by all respectable Druggists throughout the country. Xov 11, 18-59 6fi-ly Flounced Kobe, and What it Cost. Just rec’d. prices—freight only added. E. J. HALE & SON. September 2, 46tf 0 Hymns and Disciplines F the*Mnhodist E. Church,—assorted qualiti«« Jvuit received. E. J. HALE & BON, :irn, F. E I VSUE .AS a fine lot of RARE 1 JSi S. EVERGREENS and DECIDUOUS SHRUB? fi ■ sale cheap. Persons wisii'njr to purchase will pleas apply at once. Also, a t -w Green House Plants. .Asparagus Roots, and Straw- beiry Vines by the qtiantity. 50 Black Hamburg Grape Vincr. J..n’y24. 85-4t “A Place for Evcrylbrng” IN THE WAY OF Building Materials! LIML, Cement, Cr-loint-d and Land Plaster, Lath and Lath Nails, Plastering Hair, . .Marble Dust, Fire Brick, SiC &c. -Also, Laundry, Family, Chemical, Pale, No. 1, and all kinds of Fancy SOAPS. Freights procured at the best rates, and every effort made to please all who may favor us with their patron age. All orders thankfully received, and attended to with care ainl de.spatch. LOVELAND & WELCH, 381 West street. New York. Jan’y 20, 1860. 85-3m » REinOVAlu ISH ^M SW'ETT, Barber and Hair Dresser, has re moved to No. 10 Green Street, opposite the Shem- well House, where he would b« pleased to see his cus tomers. Jan’y 21 86 3tpd A Fine Hor;«e for 8ale. AS I am about to leave this place, I am desirous of selling my MARE. Any one wishing to purchase A young and fine blooded Buggy animal can get a good bareain bv applying to me early at Beaver Creek. ® J^g MURPHY. Jan’y 15. B4-2w To~the levers of Fine HORSElS. \\TE notice in Wilkes's Spirit of the Times the arrival V\ of four full blood Black Hawk Stallions, viz: Art less, Gold Seeker, Fly-by-Night, and RoTer, One of these Colts will be in this place on Tuesday the 24th inst. and will remain for two days. He is called Gold I Seeker—he by Gold Finder—and he by Old Vermont ! Black Hawk. Dam Black Hawk. For style, action, i and speed, the world cannot beat this Colt. All stock ! breeders call and see this Colt before his departure for the Charleston Races, next week. He may be seen at I the Fayetteville Hotel Stables. To all the lovers ot Trotting Stock; call and sec him, for he *Is the otdy pure Blood Black Hawk Coll that ever has be« n in this 1 place. The breeder of all this fine stock will >xs in I company with this U>lt. T. B. DEKRICK. ‘ Jwx’y 23. 86-2iiKi

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