wmim mu SEMI.WBBKL,Y. rv OT.. TX.l FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., FEBRUARY 6. 1860. [NO. 889.] TIIIV, •ui lo Kiioh: Tin; ri .>1*1,1; ' ‘ '■ ‘ble ami •■'t ;.= o l ' . ,J,0 A- .■ . ' ■ 'h '>rs ■ wil' H„., j„, Wi-i n" iv. !tii J vci i: i-,.).. tin.'l is « I' M 'U!. il I, ■ . kiii U ,t : ai: ■ \1 - d We i) i\ 1; ,• V it- - ; Ma, M,, . N\ ■III ty. IH A. ; . )Il>, •t a ‘ ( 11 : eivf HUJ in.l -.1, ,„c ,7||i »n.. ; ri.. i i;: i, ! • Tt K ir -i.v IlHriw:' I-.. B \HnhK. 1. [I AKi.iN-r T‘)N. ’.KI.I L N. : ■ J 1 : . ;i ; ■ :7ih>. SON’S DAMASKS. K ■ ' ' iSr’NS, «i,J c I : N h T l(JUS. JTi , n , I iIbJ A 0\V»E\, , - a . r.-J «: :i :n:^ y nec«fs*ry. u i - sr*^ prK- 1 V . kii n*iiiie of : t be ■ A iieri- -.ri cntumiuar ■ •: M'Js. will Bl‘i . vhile ]'iir- ' a wortlil*-* S w Vork. 7' -Iv € A ltOI.I \At »• ■ 11 uii*. .. ci 'ler Term. . ■ ■ McLeitd. IIel‘'n ;.ir ; M .1 (.'atharine M.- \ ‘!»tr 'ir I *' Neill ‘ i. t laii M Leod. 1 ■ > '1 A!*-xnni(cr ' 1. - I. nnl John i lei Si .].> jd. jf Uic •■urt, that t.ie it -,ii McLeo'J. Rode- 1 A '’XHii'ier McLeod. McLeod, minor :■ he> yiid the limits r I. hat piihlication ■ . - ■ I >;.>erver. for ! Mil l /.fipear at . to he 1. , I ■! irt House lay in Mnrcll, A. I*., Mil• .. t-r lid petit' »n, k ' r said Court, H [-»KN. Clerk. (aroiiiia^ TV. I:-, N iveiFiber Term, r.^rtf McKay, jtli-'r-* •il .1 ! !he I’etitiou i'fsu! ; >n of the .McKny. and other*, laui', are non-resi by the I'ourt, tliat tf’ville Ol>-erv«r for liil n..u-rfident d«- f\t Term -‘f our said ity, Mt the court house lu_y ill Ful ruary next. • ■li iii'ir *0 -aid i>eti- pur'e, aii'l judgiii«nt rk f.f ■ur .xaid .’ourt. Monday in Noveni- ii I’.di'peu^ence the HARTMAN, Clk X if .li-welry, which *•. on I hi IKlh itist.. iiiiijf line Breant-l’in, ..ne Of Cuff I t.i- jTOven. . J5KNSO.N. P M, 8o-8w a^axiiie lor xth. • I HALE & SON. PUINTKO M0NI>AVS AND THURSDAYS EU^VARD J. HALE & SON, KDITOKS and PROIMUETORS tVir tlio Seiui-Weekly Ubservkr S3 (Ml if paid in :i,|vmu’e; S3 >f paid during the year of subscrip- tiiiti: .'V after the year lias expired. |.'.,r ill'? " pokly Obskuvkr (X* ]>er annum, if paid in ;i.lv iiii’f: •’•U if paid during tlie year of subscrip tion: or after the year has expired. F»tE,E., 1859! JAMES KYLE. IS now receiving his usual supply of Ooods, among which are— Rich Silks. Col'd and IMack: French Merinos and Delaines; English Do. Do,; Kid and Net (iloves, .“li^sorted; Bed anil Negro Rlankets: Bolting (?l(i»Ji5i. No 1 t(. 10; Ready-Made Clothing; Boots and Shoes: ■ HVl’HTlSKM KNTS inserted for fiO cents per ; ith a very large assortment of other Go*ds. .All o. of ]'’> lines for the first, and .SO cents for each ' were purchased by the package at the lowest ling publication. Yearly advertisements by spe-| ^ Goods .snd prices. Sept. 13. 18.jy. iM'utracts. at reasonable rates. Alvertisers are rt>i(:u ^tod lo state the number of insertions dvsired, or I'v 'viU bo ciitinued till forbid, and charged accord- Advertisouients to be inserted iufiJt, charged 50 per .,'iit extra. SPF.ri \h NOTICE. F- ■!;! ■Hid after this date, no name of a new subscriber . 1m-I'ntered without payment in advance, nor will •111' j'-iPiM- be sent to such siibscrH>ers for a longer time •h -n i'^ t' lid f>'r. Si’.i’h of tiur old subscribers as desire to take the pa- I or "11 this system will please notify us when making roiiiiitaiices.- Viu'v 1. lS-')8. 11.I.IOHS SOLU OF the: 40tf J. K. K1 LE IS Now RECEIVING A LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL 1 STOCK OF STIPLE m Fl\n DRV GOODS. -ALSO- Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes. All of which will be disposed of at low prices, cither by wholesale or retail. Call and examine. No. 34, Comer Hay and Doiialdsuu Str««ts. Fayetteville, N. C., Sept. illi. ’S'ly. o!tf S!E€0,VD STOCK. STAUR k \VILLI.\.MS, IMPuUTKlIS .1 JOliBKKS 01 PlIilEifA \.\ll IKIIIESTIC IIIIV ST1.\D1RD SfllOOL-BOORS, PCDLISHED DY A. S. BARNES & BURR, M & .-3 JOHN STREET, XKW VORK. I'.^rriptite Catalogue* of their Publications ‘ ' po»tpaid to any part of the U. States. •\X1> SULl) BY H. .1. HALE Jt S0> KajettevHIe, X. C. S'huol Tinchtrs, Cojttmitt'rs, 7'rusttes, C>»imin.ioni rs and Fricmh of Ediica- ti'.'ii, tire iiifited to cxumtne the folloa- imj mlunhle Ttxt- Books, for ^chootc Ariii/tiiiiti tind i'ollfijes: — ON ORTHOGRAPHY. 1’a^v‘s Normal Chart of Elementary Sounds. - 50 I’ u'ker and Watson's I’rimer. 15 I'.ivker and Watson's .'spellers. 2 Non. 15 & 25 .'^miih's Juvenile Detiiier, 30 .''uiith's Grammar-School Speller: 40 S .•'tuiih's Detiner's Manual. fiU ^ 'M'ight's .Analytical Otho'graphy, 25 On Reading and English Grammar. Parker and Watson's National Readers, .5 Nos. ^ Parker's Rhetorical Reader, 75 ^ Parker and Zachos’ Reading and Elocution, 37 The Etiglish I’oets, with Boyd's Notes, pervol 75 ^ Northend's Little Jrator, 30 m» Clark's First Lesson? in Englibh Grammar 30 Clark's English Grammar, 50 Welch'.' English Sentence 75 m Iii'urth (..'arolina Headers, No. 1. 2 and 3. " Scientific Text Books. Davies' Series of Arithmetics, 15c., 25, 45 & 75 ^ Davies' Series of Algebras, 75c.. SI 25 & §1 50 rj> Davies' Series of Geometries, !?1, 1 25. 1 50 & S2 ^ Parker s Nat l Philosophy, 3 vols. 25c., 37i, ;tl ^ i’urter .'i First Book of Chemistry', 50 ■■ Porter's Principles of Chemistry. 1 00 0^ Norton’s First Book of Natural Philosophy 50 gj Norton and Porter's First Book of Science, i 00 McIntyre’s Astronomy and Globes, 1 fMJ • Bartlett's System of Natural t’hilosophy, 4 vols. Lardner on the .Steam Engine, 1 50 . Peck’s Elements of Mechanics. 1 50 ^ Gillespie on Roads and Railroads, 1 50' Darby's f?outhern Botany, 1 50 *». SCHOOL GEOGRAPHIES, I WITH MAI'.S AND EXtiRAVIN'cJS. V Monteith's First Lessons in Geography 25 jr Monteith's Introduction to .Manual of Geog. 40 * Moiucith's New Manual of Geography 60 £i McNally's Scliool Geography 1 00 5 SCHOOL HISTORIES, ^ WITH .MAI'S A.VI> KXORAVIXGS. Monteith's Youth's Historj’ of the U. States 50 Will.iid's School History of the U. States 75 Willard's Universal History 1 51 l)wight’»i Grecian and Roman Mythology 75 Ricord's Roman History 1 00 Gould's Alison's History of Europe 1 50 ON RHETORIC, LOGICj &c. Day's Art ot Rhetoric 75 H'lyd's Karnes' Elements of Criticism 1 25 Mahan’s Science of Logic 1 50 .Mahan's Intellectual Philosophy 1 M) Williinrs Morals for the Young 50 llrook'' Latin and Greek Classics. .'^'.•hool Teaciiers’Library, •» vol. .$1.25 per vol. School Teachers' Register 50 cts. I’roitks' School Manual of Devotion 38 cts. .V llafsC'apw. BowI!«, I iiilirel In^ aii«i Keacly-.Tlade C'lotliiii^. | Wkst End FAVtrpkvili-k Hotci. Bi ii.i>ino. 1 \ RE now receiving their SECoNH PUIi.CH.VSE of' Goods for this season. Thi-* stock is large, and ! v.ell worthy the attention of buyers, who are invited to j call and examine for themselves. B. STARR. J. M. WILLIAMS. Fayetteville. Oct'rl3. 1S50 .‘i7- j CO-PAKT.XEKSHII*. | tJflclliiitiHOii I 1HAVE this day ass(K‘iated with myself Mr. .MIi'll.AoL I S.MITH, who has had an experience of five years in | the Hat and Cap business in t!ie city of New York, and is thoroughly conversant with every de}>artmeiU tliere- ot. In conseipK'iice of this increas'd taoiliiy in pur chasing. coupled with the fact that our goods will bo bought exclusively for cash, we will ln> en.-ibh j to sell all goods in our litie, to the trade and the cotumunity at large, at as low tigures as they can be bought in the Northern markets. McRlMMON. D. & W. McLAllim, \\T^1ULD invite attontion to their large and d«sirable }} Stock of I GROCERIES, j Consisting in part of— 150 Kio, l.agtiira and Java Coffe«; { 100 Hl)ls. and Hhds. Sugar (as.sortod;') j -5 HJkIs. Moht.sses; I BO “ Hiteon—Sides ami Shoulders; I 500 Sacks Salt; I 150 lioxes (rood Tobacoo; I 125 “ Spenn, .\dainantine (Sc Tallow Candles; 50 ‘‘ Soap (assorted;) 50 “ Candy “ lOO Bairs Sliot “ lOOO n.s'. liar Lea.l; 30 J libls. Snuff—Kriglc Millu; 25 Kcu's Soda; 2i0 “ Nails. — ALSO— \ large and general assortment of Ilarduare and C utlery; Farniiii!; Cti'iisils, of till descriptions; Aiueriean. Knirlish, Swedes and I’eruvian Iron; iilisUr, (Icnnan and Cast Steel; Blacksinitlis’ 'I'ools; Coiiper.s’ Do.; Corn S}ioller. and Straw (’utters; Rackets, Hruunis and l^ails; Cotton, ]VI:iiulla and Jute Hope, (all kimU and ([Uiilitv; i Plow Ijines and lied Curds; Hollow Ware: ('‘ittun V.irns and Slieetinirs at factory prices. All of which will be snld low kou o.\sn, or on usual time to prouipt paying customers. Cfc;^Ci>rxTKV Mkkchams are rospectfully requeuted to call and examine our st.ick before purchasing else- wliere. 0. i>j W. McL.\URIN. March3. 1S59 'J3tf MEW STOCK OF BOOKS AND STATIONERY. We are just receiving our new- ^tuck of Law, Medical and IVIiBcellaneons Books; School Books,' Blank Books; Writing Papers; Envelopes, &c. E. J. HALE & SON Oct’r G, 1850 A iiwin: The New Style, Small, COLORED PUOmRAPHS, AT Vnuor»dell^tf Oall«ry. ART. Woodward’K ^olar Camera. Srhonl-/{ookx erer puhlinhed in thi- ('nited Sr'tf. y hai r l/r^n more highly rrromintrtdfi/ thun Ihe Nation?il School Series. pr^i-rlptire Cithiluyaff o/A. S. Bar.nks & Blkh’s tint, po.it jxtiil, to any part of tht I lilt’d Sillies. .Tust pulilished Prof. Davies’ new Elementary Algebra. 75 cts. Prof. Brooks’ Cipsar's Commentaries. Beauti fully illustrated 1 25 A New System of Book-keeping, for Schols. liy .M.trtin & fim'Uii 75 cts. The Normal .Methods of Teaching the Common I’.ranches 1 00 Nov 11 185 t)7- \VA.\TKD. 4 L.VRGf; ipiantity of COTTON and LINEN R.AGS, for which fair prices will be paid. DAVID .MURPHY. Aug. 17 41- t'arriai;'e and HariieKM for Kale. VS1'.( OND-HANH large Carriage, (seats for six.) .McKetlian s iiKike. in gomi ciii'iition. And a double -I't of Carriage Hiiriiess, Overby's make, nearly new. I''!!' .-ale togf^ther or .leparalely. Nov. 10. E. .1. HALE. x\E%V BOOK!^. i "VARIETY of School Books, &c., just TFCeived. A E. J. HALE & SON. 1^11 E St vie of the Firm will be in future McRlM.MON X b.MITH. A. -VO Kt.MMu.N. ] [.MICHAEL SMITH. Fayetteville, N. C., Oct'i 1. 185y. 5S- LARGE 8TOCK! NEW (iOODS!! IH.WEjust received rjiy Winter .'^tock of Goods in my line. They were selected in the Northern citic-: by myself, with great care, and bought ou the most rea- son.able terms, by which 1 am eii.-ibled to ijtf'er the larg est stock I ever before oti'ered to the public, and to otli i- them At iireatlv Kediiced Price**! FRUITS; Raisins, Figs. Prunes. Apples. Lemons, Oranges, Cher ries. Currants. I’ie Fruits. Stuff Dates, ('itron. Xc. PIl'kLKS,JHLLlH:SA:Pl(ESEUVES: —A great variety.— PeriiimerieK anl i:\traet*«,, Jf various kinds: Fancy Soaps and Pomades. MUSICAL L\STllU3IE\TS: Fiddles. Drums, Files. Flutes. Banjos. (Juitars. kc. W.\LKING CANES, of every kind; Basket and Willow I Ware, Hobbv Horses, &c. FIXE -\ND t'O.Vl.MO.\ I'.WDIKS; Sardines; Fine Cigars; Smoking and Chewing Tobacco; Crackers; Fine Pocket Knives: a large a.ssortmcnt of Port-.\Iouaics. some very nice: Fancy Envolnpos and Fancy Goods; To3’s and Yankee Notinns; an assortment of India Rubti^r (ioods, Whip-i. Combs; Fishing 'facKle; Cocoa and Other .^iitw. FA.\('V GOOUS: Palerramers. Reticules. ’ab«. Itubht-r Pound Combs, Watch Guarils—Moh.iir, Silk jinJ Leatiier, Fancy Boxes. Pistols, Powder Flasks, Shot lielts. Brandy Peaches—in gallon or iialf gallon j irs. Mace. Cloves, Cinnamon. Large Lot of Fire Works, i5CC., icc., iic.. He., .icc., Jcc , i^CC. Spiced and Xorfolk Oysters cnnstuntly on hand. Country dealers an 1 thi- pu>ilic .ire resjicctfully in vited to call and examine my sti- 'k, as it i> ini|.i.is>ible to enumerate b;;t .i few of the leading articb-s. 1 have a great many handsome things which cannot fail to please. J. R. I.F.i:, No. -tf'y-HoTr.L ill iLoi.sii. Dec 3, 1850 72- ClothingrS Clothins'!! A Fresh Supply for Ihe Trade of rpilE public .ire aware iliat 1 have been 1 engaged in the maniitacturing and .selling ot Gfii.'leoicn’s {ianiients for 17 or \1H years, and wiih this lung exjierieuce ^ Ibelieve that I am as well cali-ulated to I .make good selections, as any person or , jpersons in this bu-iness. ' j -My stock is all entirely now and adapt- i j ed to the t -ade. My stock consists of No. ! 1 Dress (Ilotli Com s. Frock Co.ats (single j / and double Vireasii-il i; Husines'i .■'uits. con- I \ sisting of Silk Mixiuves, Harrisfiu Cass., .'i Rib Cuss, and I'nioii Cass., F'ine Heaver, Felt Beaver; Seal .''kin and I'nion Cass. Over-Coats; Felt Bchv.t 'raliims—a new garment, never inti oduced before this sea son; I'ants of all grades, ranging in prii,-e from ?!2 5o tn .S’J nt); an extra lot of Vel vet, Silk, (irenadine Silk, ('inth and »'as- simere Vests; a large assort meiit of Ynutlis' and riiiliiren's Clotliing; tientletiK'n's .''iiawls; Morning (Jowns. (lentlernen s all- wool L'nder-Shiiis; Railroad ilugs; Blan kets; Hosiery: Suspenders: Najioleon-Ties: Cravats; Stocks; ilove»i; Bindings; Purses. To Farmers and Planters of X. Carolina! Partkularly Those Who 'I’rade at Fayetteville. VLL know the want and i'eel the uecessity of having a reliable, homemade Fertilizer, carefully prepared and sold at moderate cost, wlmso vitality to Plant and durability in .'^oil. should make it a fit substiti.te fur the expensive Gua’ios. This desideratum is now attained, in the ‘ N.VTD'N.AL FKIJTl I.IZKR." discovered atid patented by Dr. J>ouis Harpi‘r. lately Stjvte Chemist and Geologist of Missis- sipi'i. Th«» “Naiional Fertilizer” is made of all the rich and vigorous elements necessary to the composition of a Manure. Its virtues beini; derived from Dissolved Boue Oust. Marine Fish. King t’rabs, \c.. Potash. Soda, mixed Phosphates, with t'arb. and Sulph. Lime. Soluble Silica. \ ' The •'> ational Fertilirer ia put up in strong bags of 2'.KJ lbs. each, stamped with Company's mark, sold here at $! 75 per lOO.—or at the Company's Othce in Nww York at .'fl .*')• per Dm* lbs. The undersigned, the sole .\gent for this part of the State of Ni'rth Carolina, has a small supply on hand, and at short notice, will be pleased to furnish to those who may wish to trv it. anj- retpiired )uantitv. BEVERLY* ROSE. Fayetteville. N. (^.. Nov. 21 rty-Sm \\. V. TROV Has just rijceived I'lis morning, from .'Steamer North Carolina, *) bbls. No. I Mackorul. new. lo •• •• ;} 2i i and I bbls. No. 1 do. 25 boxes Cheese. 5 kegs selected Goshen Butter. 10 hbls. Lenf Lard. 15 “ New Mullets in oak and pine bbls. He has on hand a general assortment of 4m ieof'i:RiKS, which will be soi l cheap fur Cash or exchanged for (’ountry Prf'duce. Oct. If5y. 5-'>tf (mRoc i:rii> at u iioi.i^?sai.e. y .\M now receiving my Stock of Groceries for the Fall Trade, consisting in part as follows.— 115 Bags ('ofl'ee; 50 Bills. Cotl'ee Sugar: 21) Hhds. Molasses'; 50 Boxe- I'oliacco—factory prices; 75 *• .^dai’iiantine Candles: :iO h Bbls; Snntr—Eagle Mills; 50 Boxes (,'andy; 2o0(io I.tis. Iron—a-isorted; •50 boxes No. 1 .''’oap: 25 .M Cigars; 502 Bags ('’orn: 75 Bales Eastern Hay; 15 Firkins Hutter; 2o Bbls. Leaf Lard; :^5 J I'.bls. No. 1 .Mackerel; 500 Lbs. (^od Fish, &c., &c. FAYETTEVILLE MUTUAL INSURAi\€E €OMPA\Y. ASSETS $254,618.62. This Company has been in operation more than six years, aud has paid its tire losses, amounting to S23,524.87 without any assessment; insura»u;e averag ing its members about ^ percent. Amount of property now iusurel, SI .5tj‘l.4'J0.01 Amount .premium notes now on hand, 247,738.08 Dibectous. Geo, McNeill, D. A. Ray, H. L. Mvrover, S. W. Tillinghast, Henry Lilly, N. .\. Stedman, S. J. Hinsdale, T. S. Lutterloh, Wm. .McLaurin, A. I^HOToGRAPHS can be had at VanorsdeU's Skj’light I Gallery. Hay street, opposite Marble Yard, Fajr- etteville, N. C’.; plain, retouched, colored, in water colors, oil and pastile; from small to life size. Ambro- typea, Melaueotypes. and all other styles of Pictures jtertaining to the Art. Also, Gilt Frames, Gill Mould ing. Glass for very large pictures—as large as 20 by inches. Cord and Tassels for hanging picturoa; Instru ments. Stock and Chemicals for sale low for cash. Life size colored Photographs made from small piutures. Having pcrmaiifcntly located liere 1 hope to merit your patronage. 1 would also return my sincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on me heretofore by the gooil people of Fayetteville and vicinity. C. M. vanor'sdell, Photographist and Proprietor. Dttc’r 20, 185‘J 77- !»»11»RE1IE COl RT REPORTS. NKW EDITION UK UEVEREUX AND BATTLE’S EQUITY, Vo III me *2. ^pilE subscribers have just printed a 2d Edition of this 1. volume, (one of the most valuable of the series,) with Notes and References to other adjudged Cases and to the Revised Code, by Hon. Wm. H. Battle; and with many corrections of typographical errors. Their 2d Editions of the 1st volume of Dev. i Battle's E quity, and 1st Dev. i Battle's Law Reports, have re ceived the ap}irobation of the Profession. They also republished a 2d Edition of Devereux's 1st Eiputy, (without Notes.) .\nd in addition to these, are the proprietors of the entire editions of most of Iredell's Law and Enuity, and can supply any volumes extant of the Reports, or complete sets, so far as they can now be liad. They propose to put to press a 2d Edition of Dev. & Battle's 2d Law Reports. They deal largely iu Law Books, and will at all times order wi rks not on their shelves, to supply their cus tomers. E. J. HALE & S()N. gjf^In the binder's hands, ready this week, JONE.^^'S L.\W REINJRTS, Vol. »i. and Equity Vol. 4. For .sale, or exchange with the Profession tor unbound Nos. when iu good order. Fayetteville, Jan'y 10, 1800. Siiive iHtcresf. A. PP’MBERTON has his bills made out and is now- ready to settle uf>. lie earnestly requests hi? friends who owe him old accounts to call early, as he if> in need of money. Interest will be charged on all accounts after 1st Jan uary of every year. Those who do not like lo pay in terest shouhl settle annually. J. A. PEMBERTON. Jan’y 2, 18'W. 7‘Jif DEATAL AOTICE. OR. R. SCOTT, having been absent for several days past, offers his profession al services to the community, and maj' be seen now regularly in his Ottice on Person Street, two Doors East of the Market, during the hoars From O to 1 P. M., 2 to 5 P. M. Dec'r 5. 1850 72-tf J. E. Sept 12, 1«50 F. MOORE. 4S- and Hoop Iron. Gunny B.igging. O. WVV Hniip Iron and Rope, for saU- by E. F.’MOORE. Sept 12 48- UJ Racoil, ('orn and Hay. HllUS. well smoked B.VCON. pill Sacks CORN. 75 Bales Eastern H AV. .lust received. K. r Dec. 1. 1 ^5'.t. II nvH. F. E. Ill>iKE AS a fine lot of RARE ROSES, EVERGREENS aud DECIDUOUS SHRUBS for s.ale cheap. Person? wishing to ]>urchase will please apply at once. Also, a I'ewtin'on House Plants. Asparagus Roots, and Straw berry Vines by the quantity. 5(> Black Hamburg Grape Vines. Jati'y 24. 85-4t M(»t)RE. 71- i: l'5M**»li .\rrivalw. ) 7-'. nWs. Wi.ite WHISKEY. fii> Boxes .Manf. TOB.\CC>. 25 Tons PERUVIAN (JliANO. No. I. Just receivod by E, F. MOORE. Dec. 1. 18-Vj. 71- Wliii«key and Rrandy. 11 /V P.rj.S. I’urei'i'rii Wiiiskey; 1 U 25 .Appli- Brandy; 2> JO “ 15 •• For sale bv Sept 12 N E. Rum: -\m(‘ricrt!i Brandy: Old Rye Whiskey. K. F. MOORE. 48- 40,000 Sept 12 Persons desirous of having their suits made uluoad. can call and leave their measures with me, ami 1 will have’them attended to immediatuly. Call at the ‘^0\E FRIl E CLOTHLNG EMPORiU tl A. J. W(>OHW.\Rl), Market Square, 2 Doors below S. J. Hinsdale. ^ Sept. 14 4'J-tf 4)iua»o! iiiian(»II LBS. No. 1 Pcmviau (jiuauo. For sale E. F MOORE. “A Place for Everything” IN TIIF way of Biiildiii^ IIMi;. Cement, ('alcined and Land Plaster, Lath and J Lath Nails, Plastering Hair. .Marble Dust, Fire Brick, iScc Scr. ■Also. Laundry, Family. Chemical, Pale, No. 1, and all kinds of F'ancy SO.M*."^. Freights procured at the best rates, and every effort made to please all who may favor I’.s with their patron age. .\11 orders ‘hankfully received, and attended to with care and despatch. LOVELAND X WELCH. .‘5M West street. New York. Jan’y 20, lS*‘iO. .S5 oiii Roofing and Ciriillei'iugr, Done at short notice, by V. w. A A JJREWJ^, : MARKET SQUARE. 1 Oct’r 4 66- EAAU FOR «!iAL.F:. The subscriber having removed West, offers for sale his LANDS in Harnett County, lying immediately ou each side of Cape Fear River, containing 12W acres in each tract. These Lands are situated in a healthy country, pleasant neighborhood, and within a half a mile of the village of Summerville, with good Dwellings on each place and all necessary Out-Houses, and clear ed Land enough to work 25 or 30 hands to advantage. There are on these lands some six hundred acres of fine Bottom, most of which is uncleared, and well set with wiiite oak and other tine Timber. A large j>ortion of ihc balance is oak and hickory Ridge Lands: the bal- an ;e is pine Land ot a good quality, having been work ed in Turpentine three years. These Lands will be sold low for Cash or Y'oiing Negroes, or on time to suit purchasers, with, approved bonds. Jan'y 13. N. G. JONES. iWncE. 1^''XPE('T1NG to be .•ibsent trom the State until the J middle of next Summer, say till -luly, 18t'’ii), I have authorized Archibald .McLean, of Harnett county, to transact business for me during my abseuce, to sell m^- Lands in Harnett county, and generally to attend to all niv business. X. G. JOXKS. Harnett County. N. O., -Tan'y 13, 1800. 83- Aotice—Aej;roes IVanled. n^O the farmers and citizens of the Counties of Duplin, I Wayne, .lohnston. Harnett. .Moore. Cumberland, Robeson. Bladen, (,'olumbus. Brunswick. New Hanover, and .Siinipson: '!’he snliscriber being desirous of purchasing a num- biT of Likely Y oung NEt.JROES. of all classes and des criptions. iiv.iils himself of this method of informing those v.lio tii-ij- have such property to dispose of, tiiat they woiilil do well to visit me at home, or rtiUrea.s me at I'^linton. N. f.—1‘or whieli they shall receive a visit. Xei.roes wanted from this time till the 1st of .March I8fi0. for the Mobile and New Orleans markets, for whom the iiighest prices will be paid. EVEUETT PETERSON. Ort’r 13. 185'.'. 57-5m >ejfr»e!«i! Ae^jrocw!! Wanted. ^ENTLE.MEN, your old customer is yet in market for VJ Likely Negroes, for which I am determined to pay t he Highef^t Ca^h Prices* I’erBons having such for sale would do well to give me a call, or address me at ('linton. N. C. All orders promptly atteniied to. J. A. Me ARTHUR. Clintor.. N. C., March 6, 1850. 'J5-lyrpd S. T. Hawley, W. N. Tillinghast, -A. A. McKetlian. J. L>. Uiiliams, •Jas. G. Cook. A. W. Steel, Jas. Kyle. Hon. J. G. Shepherd, R. F. Brown. Wilmington. E; Hall, Wilmington. Officers: GEO. McNElLL, President. D. A. R.AY, Vice President. C. A. Mc.MILLAN, Secretary John Collins and C. C. McCnunmen, Travelling Agents- The Company invite applications. May 10, 1859. DJ-Y THE AORTH C'AROLIAA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE (OMPANY, Now in the tenth year of successful ojieration, with growing capital and tirmer hold upon public con fidence, continues to insure the lives of all healthy j>er- sons from 14 to tiO years of age. tor one year, for seven years, aud for life—all life members sharing intlie profits. All slaves from 10 to tU) years of age are insured for one year or for five years for two-thirds their value. All loH.ies are punctually paid within days after satisfactory proof is presented. For further information the public is refi'vr d to Agents of the Company in all jiarts of the State, and to R. H. BATTLE, Secretary. Raleigh. E. J. HALE, .\gent at Jan’j’ 1850. Fayetteville. N. C. DEATINTRY. Dr. J. DAVIS having decided on perma nently locating in t*''Town of f’a\’ette- ville. resi>ectfulh' offers his services to the citizens of this place aud suiToumling couiitr3'. In all the various branches of his I’rot'ession. including the manufacture of Miueral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an extensive experience, to which is added a thorough Den tal education, that he can give entire satisfaction as far as is in the power of Dentistry. All irregularities of the Teeth treated in a proper and careful manner, as well as diseases of the mouth. N'niie but the proper metals are made use of in the various operations. V'hurges will be moderate, that the benefits of the Prufessiou may be placed within the reach of all who may feel an itiferesl iu the preservation of the Teeth. Office over Houston's Jewelry Store, where he may be found at all times. May 10. 1858. 9tf A CARD. A WORD TO MY OLD FRIENDS— I^HOSE persons for whom I have been attending to I’anking business for years;—I am still willing to serve you with the same promptness tiiat I have always done; and to others that may want discounts. Pension business, \.c., «Xc I otl'er my services, with a promise of strict attention. JAS. G. COOK. June 27. 1850. 20tf lU)OK-BLM)lNG IN all its kinds, executed with neatness and despatch, Sniall jobs when done must be paid before delivered TllOS. H. TILLINGHAST. Opposite the Female High School, Hay Street. May 14, 1850. 14-ly Hardware^ Cutlery, !!AIIDLEKY, A:c. J.VME.S MARTINE is now receiving a large and gene ral assortment of every thing in the above line. —ALSO— A prime article of Rio, Laguira and Java COFFEE Crushed and Brown SUGAR; Sugar House SIRUP and MOLASSES. All of which is offered on as good terms as can be had in this market. Nov'r 24, 18.58. 66tf STOVES, SHEET IKOIT, TIi^.WAKE, ON HAND, a large assortment of Box and Cooking Stove.s; Tin-ware; Sheet-Iron; Lead Pipe. Also 7fie “O/cf iloniitiioti Voffee For sale by JAMES MARTINE. €APT. WILKE^’^ REPORT nX THE DEEP RIVER MINERAI, REGION. The undersigned have caused lo be published from the Congressional plates, an edition of the Report of Capt. Wilkes, U. S. Navy, and his Associates on the Board appoiiitf'd by the Secretary of the Navy to ex amine the Deep River Region of North Carolina. This is the most important and scientific statement of the great wealth of that section of the State, and the Maps the most perfect and valuable, of any yet published. The .Maps are worth the price of the work, which is 50 cents, neatly bound in cloth. Copies seut by mail, free of postage, on the receipt of 50 cents. A liberal dis- I'ount to wholesale buyers. Orders solicited. Jan'y 20. E. J. HALE & SON. T ROAA VIHTA FOR SALE. That pleasant and healthy residence occupied by the subscriber, on Harrington Hill, is ofl'ered for saU. The dwelling has five rooms below, with four fire places, a pantry and closet, and a room up atair.9 un- tinished, capable of making two sleeping apartments. .A good kitchen with two rooms, a smoke-house, wood- house. barn twenty feet square, with a good capaci-ttts loft; (Jow shed, and chicken house. A well of good WHier with a brick curb. With the house is between five and six acres of land, and a lot adjoining of be tween three and four, whicli can be had if wanted. Any person wanting a healthy residence, in a good neighbor hood, and not far from several schools, an opportunity now presents to secure one, and on accommodating terms, by applying to the subscriber. GURDON DEMING. Fayettovillo, Jan’y 24, 1800. 80tf TO LET\ H.AT neat and comfortable DWELLING on Adam street. Haymount, adjoining the Southern boundary of the U. S. Arsenal, with a large and fertile Garden attached. There are the usual Outhouses on the lot, and a Well of superb water. Apply at the Arsenal. Jan'y 20, 1800. 80-3t FOR SALE. ^piIE House at present occupied by myself is offered 1 for sale. The house contains six rooms and a large p.'iiitry. There are attached a kitchen, 4 rooms for ser vants. stables, carriage house, &c. There are also 50 acres of land attached. The houses will be sold with or wiiliout the land. Terms liberal. E. J. LILLY. Jan. 30. 87- 3t FAR:n FOR SALE. ACRES Valuable Swamp LAND, about GO -Acres of which are cleared, well drained, and in tine state of cultivation. A good dwelling and all ne cessary out-houses, are on this Land. It is situated about 4 miles North of the Clarendon Bridge, on East side of Cape Fear River, and five miles from the town of Fayetteville; will be sold on favorable terms. O. W. LAWRENCE. Mary’s Garden, N. C., Dec. 15, 1859. 70-tf msSOLUTlOA. rpHE Copartnership of AVORTH & UTLEY is this day L dissolved by mutual consent. Either of us will sign and make seitlements when necessary, but the bu.sine** will be settled princiiially by -fos. Utley. JOS. A. WORTH. JOS. UTLEY. Fayetteville, Jan’y 24, 1800. Stitf AOTICE^ ! '^FHE undersigned will continue to do business at the ' L same store that was occupiedby Worth & Utley. He expects to keep a general stock of Grocerie« and Heavy Hardware. Will attend to any Commission business that he may bo favored with, and solicits the patronage of his friends, aci|uaintances and the public generally. JOS. UTLEY. Fayetteville, Jan’y 24, 1800. 8t5if AOTICE. The undersigned will continue to do the FORWARD ING BUSINESS, and solicits the business of all Shippers through this place. JOS. A. WORTH. Fayetteville, Jan’y 24, 1860. 86tf Rutter! Butter!! That superior GOSHEN butter has arrived, and for sale by D. Jan’y 28. ANDERSON, b7-2w Nov'r 24. OOif iPERM. Refined. Lard. Linseed and Tanners' OIL- White Lead; Burning Fluiil; Putty; Window Glass PAIATS, OILS, A:c. O 'VI and Sash of all sizes. —ALSO— A fresh supply of POND'S PAIN DESTROYER. For sale by JAMES MARTINE. Nov'r 24. 1858. *>(itf Jii»t Arrived! 1 LBS. WHITE LEAF LARD; XUUv -0 boxes New York State Cheese; * 15 bags Rio Cotfee; 10 bbls. A. & C. Coffee Sugar; 25 bbls. Pure White W'hiskey; 5 bbls. N. E. Rum; A few bbls. N. C. Corn AVhiskey. ■Uso. Tobacco, Snuff, Soap, Candles, Starch, and all articles n-'ually kept in the Grocery and Provision line, which I otfer low for cash. D. ANDERSON, No. 22, Hay St. ' Jan'y 28. 87-2w A gin.MSS h'iiim:. GOOD supply of various No s just received, which we can furuish low. D. li W. McLAURlN. May 2. 10 tf Ur. FRANk WILLIiMS'S KYE WHISKEY. MirCHKLL iias made arraugeme.nt.s with Dr. I w i;ii il!.'- i;id at Ills COFFEE! (WFEE!! COFFEE!!! 11 A Frank William.s, to be coiisi.iiitly suj'}i. ce-lcbrated RYE WHISKEY', which can bv Store at all times, by wholesale or retail. Oct'r 11, 18511. A AOW IA .IIARKET. T.L persons having NEGROES for sale, will do well to nddrosp the subscriber at Clinton, Sampson county, as he is determined to buy and pay as liberal prices for them as the state of the market will permit. By addressing him 1;p will call iuimeuintely, and make liberal offer*, as all will find who will try him. CHARLES T. STEVENS. Clinton, Sampson Co., Sept 10,1859 48-lypd L tMl I Oil S lLi.. I OFFER for sale 040 Acres of LAND, lying on the West side of C;ipe Fear Kiver. two mile® b. low Fay etteville, and extending from the river into the sand hills. This tract is about equally divided into river- ridge, swamp and saud-hill Land. .About ^0 .acres, adjoining the river. av« uuli'; ciiltivat .nn and are well suited to the growth of i orn an l (iras^: ni'tie of the Swamp has l>eon cleared. There, are several good sites for a dwelling house on the sand-hills. Any ]>erson wishing to purchase will do well to make early appli cation, as 1 have determined to sell. THOMAS J. RMiilVSOV. .Sept. 8. 185K. 41tf To Land Buyers. 1111K undersigned offers for ^ale. in the Coal region, and within eight miles of the terminus of the F:iy- ettcville Western f'«il Iloa l on Dcei> Riv.-r, EIUllT nVMlKEU HUES OF lAMI, adjoining the land belonging to the estate of George Wilcox, dec’ll, nnd lying three miles South from Car- bonton. on Little Pocket ('reek. Moore county. These Lands are well adapted to the growth of cjrn. cotton, wheat, oats, rye, &C. There are on the prem ises a comfortable DwelUng, and all necessary Out houses, with about one hundred and fifty acres unih-r fence, including forty or fifty acres of tu ver-failing bottom land. This is a rare chance for pi-ru^.n« wish ing to make investment*, as lands are iinilnubte lly ad vancing in price in this section. For further infonnatiou apply to Mr. '*1 M. McRae, Crane's l!reek. 1*. U.. Moore county, or aii-fe^- n-e at Faveffeville, N. DANIEL M/-;;a;:. • For the Heirs of GilV)ert Mi'Ka*'. il'c 1. Car'tionton, Moore co., N. C-, .Aug. 24 l-itf 40 lioies Clieese just received and for sale by D. ^V . McLAURIN. 1 Dec’r 22, 1^9 Direct Importation in a Southern Bottom. 1 i!RlG “UNION ST.VTE,'’ Luilt and vicne.d in the Sutilh. now on her way dir,:rt fntm liio Janeiro, with J.iiiiO ilags well selected grades of Rio Coffee. For sale, upon arrival, (about first March,) at prices competing with Northern m.arkets. O. O. PARSLEY iS: CO. Wilmington, Jan'y 20, 1800. 87-lni Cot mis. (^ILtlS. llOAltSK.NKSS alld Is- Ft.t KNM. Irkitation. Siii:KVKss, or any iiiection oftiie 'i'hroat Cl'LE i), tlie Hack ..m; Cui ;i'i in Co.vsi .'li-t !oN, iJiin.NcuiTis, U'UKMi i.si; ^)t (ill, .Kstii.ma, Caiarrk. RELIEVED by BROWN'S i’.RONCHIAL TROi.jii S, or Coi Gii Lozkncf.s. .1^4 itrid elfi/it/it coTnhttut/iofi f>r Coiroiis, &c. Dr. G. F. Hi(u;L(tw, Boston. ^*■1 rei'owiii*'ttil thrir tn Pi'Bi.H'' Spe.^kkrs.” Rev. E. H. CiiAPi.N, New Y’ork. rilii i in Bk(»x'Hitis.'’ Rev. S. SKtuFutKii. Morristown. Ohio. rj,ii when cinptllfd to ^prak, .suffering from ('oi.ii" Rev. S. J. P. Anderson. St. Louis. . •■/!:}'■ ‘-iniil I/i ri inoi .itf/ ILmrKrtifxf and Irritation of the Thrun!. !!■ ram’ll,m with Sfkaki;i;s oud .Sinokks. ’ I'rof. M. .‘^T.Vt'V J)ll.\SON. LaGrange. t>a. Teacher of .Music, Southern Fem.ile College. '■'■tlrm' heti' iit chcn taken lifforf and n/'-r i>rnich>nff. ax thf-1/ pri rrn' linar.'tcnfSf. From their vmt fffi-rl, I think the)/ nil! hr !•/perrnanent advantnye to me." Rev. E. Howlkv. A. M.. President Atiiens ('’ollege, Tenn. S by ail Druggi-ts. at cents per box. Alio, P.kown’s Laxxtivk Thoches, or Cathartic J,oz- for Dn-y-pna. Indiyes'tion, Constipation, Hradarhr, Hi>i(inx AfTfCtiunf. Jan'v 25, 1K0O. HO-Sm •H' \Va;;on TIakinjr and Mniiftiin^. Black- ^I^IIE business nf Wagon .Making will be conducted by I the nndei“igiieJ. who will always have sntticient force ami the best of material for doing speedily and well all work entrusted to him. J. W. WELSH. Dec'r-Jl. 185!f. 7!^-Stn To ttail mload Von1raetornl .TUST RECEIVED 100 WHEELBARROWS, light and strong, for the Rail Road. For sale by 77tf March 29,1859. D. & W. McLAURIN. SOOtf