SEMI-WEBKL, Y. fVOf.. IX.] FAYETTEVILLE, C.. FEBRUARY 9, 1860. [I ll^\. [m to hnoH! T I r 1.. . ^ . - V ...,i " 'ed : t \ .■ ■ u.i Ni 1* Of. a * ■ ’ ‘li't. a ’> 1'. •• I .1 M . M 1 . r/'.K;. \ I.,;. N.v* \ L-, inly. rii ^ : »HS If * - fi Ti' - H = = : .• [II A ii; SM ; H. L\ : ! I [. J( IN. \H iN'-T-- IK LEN, ' - ■ ■ 80. iON’S (AMASKtS, li*N > MNLNi. luiJ h ;i. M'[ VK ( idoDS. pr ia». :.e iualttd is A; OH.;E\, ah' ;.-.i t iliiv v!’ li e iHt d y, fi* lfe .. -in. : pre- bn 1 r/*' "..= nsine ot 1 " tilC h kn ■ li. will not \V ■ while pur I it f a irthles* L 1; ii - ; Y .rk. O' € IKOI^IXA, h‘ N - V :‘ecv : er’s'erm. I) NK F.eod. Helen • ‘’I'harine v.-n Mo- N . : S .. V linier i, r n i John ■ ■: T^.. i f • T. tliat the N- I., -d. H' te- A I t Me Lei 1, !: Nii Lt ;d, ruiii'ir .. ’ . \ -.iid th- Hiui's 1 t , j.uhiic;i; ' • -= r-. c-r. for ••III-, .jij)--'.!’ I' - I-tu be I . : . ; JJou«e M A. D., .■ : p.-titiiin, : ''111. ,■ -.'ourt, I ,N. I =Tk. C'aroliiiaf t.N • |i, . N I'erm. I McK^.y, Il ^.t 1 1)1 r - )' ■ r ■ I’eUtion he - .. ,11 *f the r M and withers. Ln • ti' n-rcsi- Ld ■■ ri iirt. tliat , f.r ri - . -r».=i -eni ii«?- E IieX ’ 1 - - il ;.j oiir said [uin "lief ■■ -1 h iis® klld: . h: ,i,.‘. y 1.- xt. f 01 ii- ' to iid =-ti- 6X1' le, HII i idi ■iifeUt Jlei; f f ■ , *B.iil (^oiirt. rih M l.iv ^ N'i.veiu- lc» I. .;]ii'nd>'iii^e ill® M. H UTMAN. ’lk . I N , ^ = > irHt., .e B . i jitf aiiJ ,vl\. . w%. r. M. ior i. J. HALE & SON. [NO. 890.] (‘KINTKh MONDAVS AM) THURSDAYS KDW4RI) J. HALE & SON, | khitous and proprietors Price for ilie Semi Wpekly Orskuver ?8 00 if paid in | ■iilvHiice; f>() if paid during -lie yenr of suhscri|i- I timi: or iiflter the year has expired. P.n- flu* \Neekly )BSF.nvEK .?’J 00 per nnniiin, if pnid in | •i.lviiTifo; r>0 if paiil di'rinir fho year of subscrip- ' ll.iii: or S;{ (M) after tlic year has expired. \1*VKUTISIMKNTS insertetl foi 00 cents per - jiviri' of 1ti lines! for the first, and "0 cents for eacli (iiii i .'i'dinfiT publication. Yearly advertisements by spe- L'iiil coiitracts. at r«*nsonable rates. .Advertisers are rfi)uesied to state the nninlter of insertions deaired, or j they will lu‘ continued till forliid. ancl charged accord- ! iiiirly. \dverliseiiients to be inserted iusidt'. charged 50 per I'cni extra. ! SPECIAL NOTlt’K. i Fi'Mii .nnil after tliis date, no name of a new subscriber will >>e entenvl without payment in advance, nor will till' f iper be sent to such s)tbscrW>ers for a longer time th ui is paiil f(ir. .'^iicli of our old subscribers as desire to take the jia- ) or I'H this system will jilease notify u« when making ii’mittances. .I:in'y 1, lSr,8. I'\V irr ri:v11.1.1: hote i., T. \VA I>1>ILL, 1’kuimiietor- » spills, the most cominodiouit Hotel in Noitb I [ CarolitiH, frominj; 300 iVei on Hay and Lkfci l>i>uaMsou Streets, located in the centre of the portion of the town, and surrounded by all ■111- Hanking Housps. Wholesale .Merchants and princi- ;-tl Produce Uealers. I'Usiness men will find the Hotel a eonveaient uid comfortable house. .\11 the Stages arrive anil depart from this Hotel. Fayetteville. Oct. 1. iM.'iS. -'il- SHK.MWKLL HOI8I:, i FEW ilOOKS \OKTU UF THE MARKET UOISE. lWINO to the extensive increase of patronage to this House, during the year. I have ex- tended niy facilitiet* by tlie addition of a nuni- ' i‘V of comfortable sleeping rooms, with other import- riiii iniiirovements. which will add materially to the •mi"rt and convenience of those favoring me with • ir j' ltronage. I tli.r^e who have been my kind friends and cus- . r fur the past six years, I tender my most Hincere . nik. at the s.anic fiine respectfully soJicifinp it con- 'iniiance of tlieir patronage, and also the patronage of 1 ir^e number of new patrons. I ^:ive good .Stables and a No. 1 Ostler. P. .sHEMWKLf. .1 .n'v ]•;. iStJo Hl- .NKAllKST AND griCKKt^T KOI Tl^: TO THK RAILROAD! ADDLE AUD HARIVE!« FACTORY. The subscriber begs leave to return his thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore cxlentled lo him, and in forms the pu>)lic that he has now and will continue to have an increased force of exjierienced Saddle and Har ness .MHkt'rs. whose work lie will war rant: and that he is prepared lo offer to tlie jiublic a large ami varied assort- nient of every thing kept in his line. His assortmeui of .Saddles, Harness, Bridles, Trunks, Travelling Hags. \ alices, iVc., is unsurpassed for workmanship and ma terial, and will compare favorably for neatness with anj‘ other Manufactory, either North or South. Persons wanting any thing in his line will do him a favor to call and examine his stock before [lurchasiiig. us he is satis fied it will not fail to please them. His establishnn'ut will be toHnd five doors F^ist of ('ape Fear liank, on Person Street. Repairing done with neatness and despatch. W. OVKRP.V Fayetteville, N. .lan’y l^tfiO. Hl-Om Persons indebted are earnestly retjuesfed to call and settle, as 1 must have nionev. The Wj0trs^*! Pftrtorif Hit' Sum Us'. To llie liit(‘i*c‘«( ol* Tiirpoiifiiic Di!«lillrr^. M A. HAKKll would respecit'ully inform Turpentine ! . Distillers and others that he is now manufacturini.r Tlic‘ liiiproveil Tiir|»«‘iifiiir All orders promply atteuded lo. Copper work done on . the most favorable terms. ■ Old I’opper bouglit for cash or taken in exchange for 1 new Work, ('all and see for yourselves at .M X HAKKHS ('ojiper Shnp. F'ayeiteville. N Feb’y 1. 18tl0. hhtf Tiirpeiilino for Malt'. 10 barrel, one lo barrel, one l20 barrel, one -J1 bar- r')ESPI''(.’TFUI,IA' informs his friends ,and the public. I) tlial he has built up large substantial IJrick Uuild- )iiirs at his Old Stand, expies.sly fur manufacturing (.'ar- riages. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he has received tor the last 21 years, he hojics by strict atleii- tion to business, with a desii-e lo gi'^’e tatisfaction, !o merit a continuance of the same. He warrants his woik to he made of the be^t material atid by experienced workmen in each branch of the business. His work will compare favorably «ith any made in the Fnited Staies. for neatness and durability. He is determined to sell and do any work in his line on as gn.i.l terms as aii^ work done elsewhere that is as well done. H(‘ now h i'- on hand, tinislied. THK LAI’.tJKSI' STOt'K OF Carria^e^, Uarouches, Kockaways and ever offered in this place, and a V(‘ry lar'.re slock of woi k nearly finished, which will be finished daily. All ol wliicli will be sold very low for ea'h. or nn short tiiin,' lo puiii'tnal cusiiiuiers. jf,' y-Ile ha^ on haiiil mhhi“ than ON!-; IICNUI’.KI) AN1> FIFTY VFUK'M.S finished and in eimrse of oonsiruciion. Bs*i>“'.V]l w.iik ni.-ide tiy him is wari:;iited ll! months with fair usage, and should it fail by bad workmaushij or material, will be repaiied free ol ciiarge. Persons wishinjr lo Imy wmihl do well lo call and ex amine tor themselves. Orders thankfully received and iiromplly attended to- Repairing executed :it short notice and on very reason able terms. .May -JS. 1)S;V.>. V rel; the above Stills all in good order, on the most favorable lerins, by M. A Fayetteville, N. Feb \ 1. Will be sold RAKKR. h.'^tf liiiiiiM! Ciiliiiw!! IiJiiiim!!! M. A. BAKER, Gun St Rifle Manufacturer. (11’NS repaired at the shortest notice and for a small J cliarge. MM) douldt aTil single barrel shot (iuns for sale low llMiO Kepeiting Pistols of all the difl'.-rent m.'ikei s now in the Tnited Stales, for sale low. Call at M. .V. I’.AKKR'S .iiid see for yourselves, Fayetteville, N. (' , Feb’y 1. '^8tf IfOLMES & ROBINSON’S FOIR HORSE STAGE LIXE TO KEVAVSVILLE, VIA >VARSAW, 1*^ *he shortest and most expeditious for travelers going N.'rth or Souf’i. I.,eaving Fayetteville every day at : clock P. M. THRorCH IN' TEN HOURS. The traveling public who would study their comfort ind convenience will t".ke the Warsaw Stage. 8ry“THR()UGH TICKET.S TO WELDON may be lisd at the Stage Office, Fayetteville. Aug 1859. T.rTTEin.oirs ijnk. STE.V.MKR “FANNY" leaves Fayetteville every Mon day and Thursday morning, at l-‘> minutes after Sun- 1 i-e: and Wilmington Tuesday and Friday, at o’clock, —carrying ]iassengers and freight. Stcunier ••SOUTHERNER.’’ with a fullcomplemeiit ■if Flats, makes one or nioi’e trips per week, as circuni- i-iances may require. The accident to the Steamer ••ROW.VN" will be re- |':iired in a few days. She will then take her place in the line. ■ T. S. LUTTERL(»H. ! Ocfr 4. IK.jK. ,')l-tf STATE ( All ASO MAClilSE WORK^ 'pUK undersigned having located in the town of Fay- ; I etteville, N. and erected buildings suitable for | ' :ir and Mafbine W’orks. would give notice that they j ■I prepared to execute all orders for ('arsof every de- ! ■■'•ri[ition, also all kinds of Machine work, such as re- ; jiivirs of Steam Kngines, (’otton. Mill and Alining Ma- ' iiinery, heuvj’ forging, such as .Mill Spindles, (Jranks. ^ ... at short notice. ! I'y an arrangement made with the Boston Belting ! I 'utizpaiiy, we are prepared to receive orders for all kinds i’ India Rubber Belting and Hose at their prices. Having started onr Engine, and Woodworth’s Planer, wf are prepareil to plane all descriptions of Lumber .''rHiitling, which will be kept on hand, for sale citiii-r ill ilte rough or dressed, as parties may desire. • 'iiitrai-ts taken for the erection of Buildings, mate- 1 il- furnished, aii'l jwTibing of ull kinds executed with Ml :itness and despatch. Counters and Hesks made to order, Stores fitted, ■' I'll. Iidor.s and Blinds inaniifaclured, equal to any- iliiiig of the kind to be found in the Northern market. WALTON .S; BABRY, Car P>uilders and Machinisfs. F.iyetteville, Oct ", 18')'* .')4 tf U\S IITTIX«;S \M) FIXTIIRKS. 'plIL sub.scribors will be ]>re)iared by the middle ot I ,\iigusl, to siip|dy every dest-ripi ion of iSiiildiiigs,— liwelliiigi. Stores. Factories. iVc.—with all the neces- • iry FlX'l'UBLS. for the introduciion ofd.V.S. .\s we are constanil) engaged in tiie business of build in^ Gas W'orks in this and other Stales, we of course '-an all'ord to bring on a large stock and sell on more 1 i-a'.iiialile terms than others. Our stock will include ' h ndfliei-i, Pendetds. Brackets. (Hass, &c. .\s wi- h:ne leased the works for five years, it will be ' ' the advaniage of those requiring sucli fixtures to get I l)i‘iii of )is, since upon us will fail the care of them, ‘' ' |'ing them in repair, ^c. For this purpose it is b'ill OU1-interest and pleasure to einply none but the ■>it li.|. Fitters. In oiir absence for a few weeks, all who wish to have 'h(.' I’i|,c., introduced into their buildings, will please 1*'i\e ilieir names with .Mr. W. N. Tillinghast, who will all necessary information on the subject. H is ii.'sirable to know as early as ]>ossi''le, so that the Fix- iuie> may be introduced at the saiiii time with the con- -iniciion of the works, and thus all ivt}'light up simul- Muieously. WATERHOUSE & BOWES. Fuyelt'ville, .Iiine 10. 2;2-tf UookM, l»y Harriet B. .llc- Keever. t^lHTH'S Ministry; Sunshine, or Kate Vinton; The J Flounced Robe, and What it Cost. Just rec’d. l>ec 3. E. J. HALE & SON. WM. (ARTEK & SO.N, Wholesale l Retail Dealers and Manufacturers OF Al.t. KINDS or Leather^ Saddlea and Mitirnessj (Jf every description. Collars, Whips. vVc. 1 ND we also particularly cull the attention of the whole ^ surrounding country to give us a call, as we are de termined that none shall surpass us in quality or low {•rices: and we will give the highest cash price at all times lor Raw Hides and Tallow, in exchange for our articles. Country Merchants wBuld do well to call and examine our Stock, as we can seU them Shoes of a much better quality than they usually get, on very accommodating terms. Southern Planters would do well to send us all their orders as we are making a No. 1 article of NE(iRO SHOES, that are warranted to give entire satisfaction. N B. All (Jnlers from a distance shall have prompt attention. S. S. CARTER. WM. CARTER. Goldston P. (J., Chatham Co.. N. ('., ) . i March lu, IX.yj. ; .1. \V. RAKER Is now roccivititr fVom tlie North the largest, finest, and most carcfully selected stock of ri'ioiiTi 1C i: ever offered in this market; which added to his own iii.'inufaellire, makes his assort.ueiit complete: — all of whicli lie will sell .m tlie lowest pos^ilde terms for cash or on time to punciiial cusiomcrs. Fashionable painted roilage bed-rooni Fiiiiiiliire in setts; curled hair and >hiuk, and cotton .Mattiesses; Looking Glasse:; Willow Wagons and Cradle.s; Side Boards; Btireau.s; .'Secretaries and Bnok-'as.«; M hai- Notr; Fable*, al’. Sorts; Wash .Si.mds; C;indl«‘ .Stands; Wardrobes; Picture Frames aiitl Clas; W ndow .'^hades; Cornices; ('urtain Bands: Sofas in .Mahogony and Wal nut; Tele a Tetes: Otiomans; Uivans and -Stools; Chairs of every variety. HiH* Ros(‘W(>(m1 l’i;mos. ont“ witli ..Kulian at tachment; Rosewood Melodinns, from the best manufac tories in New \ ork and Buston, warranted as good as any made iti the country. :ind will lie x.ild at New York prices—freight only added. Sejiteniber "J. 4r>lf illarbic* Faii'lory^ I harness . — I Constantly Manufacturing at my Establislinient, 7VERY VARIETY OF HARNESS.£^A Saddles, Bridles, (,'ollars. Whijts^.-^^^b •*nJ Trunks; all kinils of I.eather, ('iilf Skins and Oil; ('ondition Powders, for diseased Horses and ('aiile; (’oach Trimmings, (''arjiet Bags. Valises, Saddlery. Hardware, &c. The largest stock in the .State, sold wholesale or retail, at the lowest New York prices. Harness and Saddles repaired. .lA'IES WILSON, No. i> Market St. Wilmington, N. (\, near the Wharf. Oct. 19, 18o!l. 50-Ivpd. \ORTH ( AROLI A A EOl ADRV A N By ^2’ TWO jnoRS iBOi'R r. t. iiuiiii k sow STimi' 'X'. i'. Jan’v 20. IPr.d, Sl- FAVETTEVILLE MUTIAL i:VSrRi\fE COMPAW. ASSF.TS $254,618.62. THI.S Companj- has been in operation more than six years, and has paid its fire losses, nmounting to S-''?,r>l24.87 without any assessment; insur‘>.»M;e averag ing its members about ^ |iercent. -Amount of property now insiired. ?1 .■'idf?. )‘.)0.01 -Amount preniium notes now on hand, *J17,T3S.08 I'lKKCTKltS. Geo. McNeill, 1>. A. Ray. H. L. M v rover, ,S. W. Tiillagiiast, Henry Lilly, N. .A. .Stedman, S. T. Hawh'v. W. N. Tillinghast. \. Mi'Ketiian. •I. 1). Williams, •la-^. li. ('*iok, .\. W. St. .-1, •las. Kyle, lion. ,1. t;. Shepherd, R. F. Bmwn, Wilmington. FRENCH STRANGE, Attorney at Law, Fayetteville, N. C. (,)ffice that recently occupied by (^. G. Wright, Esq., over the one now occupied by him in Ur. HobinsonV building. Green Street. L>ecr2, 1859. 72- .WcMj. *T!rrJk.f K, Attorney at Law, Fayetteville, N. 0. \\riLL attend the County and Superior Courts of Tt (Cumberland, Harnett, Moore and Robeson Coun ties. Prompt attention given to the collection of all claims entrusted to his hands. Oct. 17. IbG'.t. 58-1 f I-AW NOTICE. THIO Subscriber having removed from Summerville to Fayetteville, will attend the County and Superior (Joiirts of (’umberland, Harnett and Moore. His office will be at his residence, on (Jreen Street, opjtosite the Episcopal (,’hurch. His correspondents will please address him hereafter Ht Fayetteville, instead of Summerville. NEILL McKAY. Jan'y 21, IHOi). 85 If H. W. HORNH, .IT TO ie.V£ 1* .t T #>.f If, M.AY be fiMind at the (>flice of Wm. B. Wright, Esq., near the ('oiirt House. June ;!0. 18-V.t. -J8-1Y .lOSKIMf liAKKIi, .Ik.. ATTOIi\FV AT I. A W , Has taken an office n»xt door to W'm. B. Wright’s Law Office on Green .‘Street. He will attend and practicc in the County and Sufterior (7ourts of Cumberland, Bladen, Robeson and .Sampson. March '24. lS;V.t. 79tf l». .1. Kl.XiT.AIR, Attorney and fouusenor at Law, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C.. XV^n.I, practice in the f'ourts of Robeson, Cumberland. W Harnett and Richmond Prompt attention given to all business entrusted to hin. Fcb’y .j, 1K5'.» 80- A. J. .\TTOH.\KV AT LAW, AMliel)oroii;;li, C'., (OFFICE IN THE COURT HOU.^E.) AA’^ILL practice his ]irofesbion in Randol{ih and the Tt ad joining 'omit ipH. I’rompt attention given to all business entrusted to his care. .lan v 20. ISC.O. S'>if A. I>. .McLEA.\, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, SITMMKHVILLH, N. (’., ■^ILL attend the Courts of (,'umberland. Moore. .lohn- w rKKRi'KM A: rai:di:r, srucKssoRs TO -V. 1{() V I) HN ,V SON, J'lLL ('ONTIN'UK to maniifai'tiirc and keep on hand all .\(lllin LTIliU nil'LE.llE\TS A full assortment of Cultivators. Straw and Feed (’utters. Seed-Sowers. ('ider and Sugar Mills, They also maiiiifactiiro SIIAITINMJ AM) MACniNKUV For Grist Mill.s, ('ireular and Vertical Saw Mills, (!old. Copper and Silver .Mines, Tobacco Presses and Fixtures, &c., IROX AND JiKASS CASTINGS. FORGINGS and FINISHED WORK of every descrip tion made to order, and warranted in every respect. Repairs of every description of Machinery done at short notica. Salisbury, N. C., .Tan’y 2, I8’i0. 83-3m Made heretofore. Plows, Corn-Sliellers, Horse-Powers, Threshers, Thresher and Sejiaralors. The Eclectic iHag^azine tor Feb’v. Just received. E. J. HAUI & SON.* S. .1. H insdale, T. .S. Liitterloh, Wm. McLaiirin, .A. E. Hall, Wilmington. Offickks: GEO. McNEILI,, Pivsid,nt. b. .A. R.\A'. Vice President. C. A. McMl LI,AN. Secretary John Collins arid (’’. C. .McCnitnmen, Travelling ,\genis The (’oini.any invite ajipiicaiions. May i!t, IS.V.i, li;-V Tin: AORTII 4 AI«4»M A A MFTl AL LIFE IXSI RAM K ( OWJMW, N ow in the tenth year of successful oper.-iiioti, willi growing ciijiiliil and firmcv holil iijioii public coii- tidciu'c. coiniuues to insure ihf liv, s of .ill Iicaliiiy per sons IVotii 1 I lo 111) y-ars of aj'-e. for one year, for sevoii years, .andforlife -‘ill life members s|i>uing in I he profii s. ■Ml slaves from 111 lo t'lO years oi' ;!v:e are insured for one year or for live years for i w o-tliird.s iln‘ir value. .All lo^«i(‘s ari' ])nncliialiy paid wiiliin '.HI days after satisfactory proof is I'restnled. For furiin'r information tlie public isreferred lo .Agents of the (’ompnny in :ill parts of the State, and to B. H. BATTLE. Secrei.irj-, Raleigh. Jan'y F], .). HALE, .Agent at Faveitev'lle, N. C. Di:.\TI^TRV. I ) nently locating in the Town of Fayette ville. respectfully oH'ors his services to the citizens of thi.« place and surrounding country. In all tlie various branehes of his I’rofessjon, including the manufacture of Mineral Ti*eth, he is satisfied, after an extensive ex|>eriencr, to which is added a thorough Den tal education, that he can give entire satisfaction as far as is in the power of Dentistry. -All irregularities of the Teeth treated in a proper and careful mantier, as well as diseases of the mouth. None but the proper metals are inaili* use of in the various operations. Charges will be moderate, that the benefits of the Profession may be pUced within the reach of all who may feel an interest in the preservation of the Teeth. jPay* Office over Houston’* Jewelry Store, where he nay be found at all times. May 10, 1858. 9tf ston and Harnett ('ounties. PRO.MPT attention given to the collection of all claims entrusted tohis care. Dec'r 20. 185'J. 76-ly RORV -TIcAAIR, .ittorney nntl f'ounsellor at M^air^ LUMBERTON, N. C. ILL attend and practice in the County and Superior TT Courts of Robeson, Richmond and ('umberland .Ml business intrusited to him will receive prompt at tention and collections punctually remitted. Oct. IH.V.». ■ f,r,if JOH-\ I*. FILLER, \ttorney and Counsellor at Law, WILL PR.VCTICE IX THECOVKTS OF Kobcson. ('umberland, Columbus and Bladen. (Jffice at Liimberton, Robeson Co., N. C. July 5, lH;')lt 20tf R. Tl. ORRFLL. ~ TURPENTINE INSPECTOR. ^pHO.'^E sending their .Spirits Turpentine to me may I rely upon it to have jironipt and careful attentiou. My warehouses are fronting the wharves and near the river. Sept'r 13, 18')H. 45tf 0%VFA A: A ARBROI ;H. H.VVE this day entered into Copartnership for the purpose of transacting the Commission and Fornarding Business^ in all its branches, in Wilmington, and will give prompt j>ersonal attention to all business entrustel to their care iiiherul cash adv:iiices will be made on Consignments of Country Produce. jg>r3V“Ot^ice on North W.ater St., over H. Vonglahan s Store. JOHN W. OWEN. 0. S. YARBROUGH. Wilmington, Oct 20, 1850 04- U III. II. Tl RLI \, €oiiiiiili§i^ioii illcrcliani, \VIl.MlN(iTON, N. 0. \XTILL give special attention to the sale or shipment tV of all Naval Stores, (’otton. Flour, Timber, and other country }>rodnce. Refers to; H. R. Savage, Cashier Bank of ('ape Fear, Wilmington: .Ino. Dawson. Pres't Wilmington Branch Bank of Norih (’arolina: W. H. .lones. ('ashier RaleigI Bram-h I’.ank of Cajie Fear. Nov ^*, 1S.")',> Oo-tf CF.O. tl.VRHISS. \y. W. It.MIKIss. A. .1. IlOWKt.I.. l^AHRISS & HOWELI., (onimission and Forwarding Merehanls. WlL.MlN;’roX, N. ('. Oct. 17, IS.V.t. r.S-lYpd ROKFRT H. 4'OU A .\, fnvtieval i'otnmission •Herrhant^ WIL.MINCTO.V, N. (’. :'outh Corner Market and Water sireeis, up-slairs Oi'i. 1-’., IS''.I. o7-IY T. C\ A: B. ii. WORTH, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, Wll.MINGTON, N. (\ Jan’y 28. 185‘i 84tf W H. ALLEN.] [J. M. CLARK ALLEW & CLARK, Comiiiiwwion lYIrrcliaiils, WILMINGTON. N. C. DK VLKKS IX lilMK, Fl.tSTEH, OKMKXT, IIUK. Ac. Agents for Rush & Orrell's Line of Si earners, 1)R0MPT personal attention given to coiisignnMsnts o Nuval Stores, ('otton or oilier Country Produce, for sale or shipment. Jan’y 19, 18o'J. 81- Raisin«$! Raisinifi^!! IN Whole. Half and Quarter Boxes, for sale low by D. §i W. McLAURlN. Dec’r 22, 1859 77tf Triistee’s 8a le. ' By virtue of a Deed in Trust executed to me by .lobn | H. ('ook and Jesse W. Powers, partners under the style of J. Vi . Powers & ('«., for the purposes therein mentioned. I will expose U> Public Sale, at the Market House in Fayetteville, on THUUSD.AY the 8th day of March ism'll), the following Property, vi/: Two Store on Hay street, joinin" tlie ] Store of Thos. Lutterloh. at present occupied by W. ! Troy and J. W'. Powers, formerly belonging to Z | Burroughs. { 1 Hrick House, 2d Tenement west of Dobbin ' House, foot of Haynior:it. joining .John (’ulbreth. I 1 Himse and L«it west side Winslow street, joining lots of Robert. Mitchell, af present occupied V>y J. W. Powers. 1 Warehouse and Lot south of IJrick Row. 1 Ilotitie and Lot corner of Winslow and Muin- ford streets. 70 shares Capital Stock in Dobbin House Co. .J()SEPH B. STARR, Trustee. Tany .31, 18(10 88ts LA AD AT AICTIOA. 43,' wo miles from Fayetteville, joining the lands of Mrs. Ochiltree. W. H. Carver, and others; known as tlio (’0()K L.VND; about 12 acr«s are cleared and produce's fine crops. There is .a very pretty building sjiot on this Land. 1-) Acres near the above on both sides of the Plank* Road, joining the lands of J. D. Starr, A. W. Steel, and others: there is a small clearing on this tract and a number of grape vines. A beautiful building lot. The above Lands will be oft'ered at public sale, at the Market House, in the Town of Fayetteville, on Tuesday of March (’’ourt. being the 'ith .March IXliti. Terms made known on day of sale. G. W. L.VWRENCE, Agent for owners. J. H. COOK, Aucfr. Feb'r r>. 80-ts I'OR MALK. 1W1LL sell at the Market House, on Tiiesilay the 14th day of Feb'y, at 12 o'clock, two HOl'Sr.S and LOT.'', each containing about I acre of Land more or less. One situated on Moore Street, known as the Bebee Lot, the other on a street about tjO yds North of said street. Terms made known at sale. 1> ^McLAURIN, Ex'r of Mrs. ^L Carmon. A. M. CAMPBELL, Auct r. .Jan'y .00, I860. 8/t» 1 j'^HF] Subscriber, desirous of going South, offers for sale the following property, viz; 8H .Acres of sand-hill l.and on the Northern P. R. [7] seven miles from Fayetie\ilks on which is a fine Dwell ing House and all necessary out houses, (my present residence). There is also on this tract, a TURPEN TINE STILL of l’> bbls. capacity; a WHISKEY DIS TILLERY; two iSiills all complete. .Also, a STORE HOrSE and COOPER SHOP; FOUR DWELLING.S for working men. All the above named buildings arc new. This is a good ]>lace to purchase Turi>entine. 200 .Acres Swamji l..and 2 miles from the above and nearer Fayetteville, on which is a good DWELLIN'! containing three rooms and all necessary out-buildings, about lio .Acres of wliich are cleared »nd drained and in a fine slate of cultivation. —Al.SO— A team of Fine MULES; Wagons and (^arts; 10 head of Cattle, 40 to ;')0 heail of Hogs, and other articles, provided 1 sell the Land. None of the above is offered for sale unless I sell n 3- Lands. AVhen the Land is sold then the above, besides other property, is for sale. / I will give the refusal of all the other property to the purchaser of my lands. Terms;—I will lake young Negroes in exchange, or give favorable time on the above property, if sold soon. G. W. LAWRENCE. Mary's Garden. Jan'y 2H. S'.l-St A' ]\ofice. L.L persons having chiims against the subscriber, as Guardian or olherwise, .are requested to pr«sent ttiem on or before the 2oth iust. Persons indebted must s>ettle either by cash or note, or they will find their accounts in the hands of a collecting othcer. The Real Estate owned by me in the Town of Fay etteville is still in market and for sale on reasonable terms. Persons wishing to buy may apply to A. -NL Camjibell or myself. M. W. JESSUP. Feb'y (i, ISDO. 8'.t-lf liOWftlLL & BROTHI:R«, MAXl'FACTURERS OK PAPKll IIAl^GI.XOS, ;lrtaia I»AI»KRN, Jtc., 260 KAI/n.tlOKI^ sr. H.Vl/riMORK, Mu. (^ur Goods are expressly adaptod to the Home and Southern .Market. Feb'y 4, I8G0. S'.t-8mpd .TiR!^. 1V1A>»L0W % N ei|>erien('ed urse and reiiialc IMiyslcinn. presentii to the Ht- iJw leniion o!'iiioUicr:$ h r SOOTHIXG SYRUP, I'OR rUILDREA TICETHI\4w, which Kreatly tKcilimies the pruros of teethin!!. hy sotieniim the L’Uins, rrtlucine all inrl:iniinaluni—will nlhtv all j>;nn an«l spHsnnMlic ju tion, and ia sure l» r njMMi It, »i«>lhers, it will i*ive rt*i to and lelef hihI he;t lih to yoiir in Inn is Wc have put up aiid ih.? uri.cle t' r over ten years, au*! cun say. in ronfitienro and , ^ triiih.**! it. w h;it we have never been able' TVT'fa | to say nt any othcer ineiiiciiie—J^'eter fia* it fatltd in a sin^ie instance to rffect a eurc, WINSLOW’S whrri liirellist (I. Never itiit we know nn a nnrptlTnrr ' fart.cii liy iiiiy oiii- « lio oUU 1 UiiV ll I U'Cil il. On itie n.ii irary. all are ileliphto.l S'VHITP " iinil spfitk ill UTiii* ol tJX«UX| I r.i|iiiiii;;nlal.o:i of its ina(>tral Hint * ' i»i« 'Iirul v.rlu.- ; — \v' in tliis iiriUiT 'utrit wo kn.n\.'' iilK-r ifii yp ir...’ex|H*n- fiicr, unit ple.ifie iMir niml 110:1 lor ihi- I nitiliiio.i! ol «Imt we non- (tri'Irirf. In itliiio^l ‘v«'ry wi'taii »• vvIiiti- iIk- iiitor if .iii.'frriiii; Iroiii |nin aii.l c.iliau^tii-ii. rciifl lie ii.iimt lilieoii or tweiiiy iioiMiics ;iiuT ilif 'yriiii I- iliiiii;i-I'Tril. Till.-, valii.iliii- iiri-p inilinn i- ilio | r. rripti. 11 I'f « xiK^rient e«l atiil kililiil .Niir^f- in .\o« ii-x-il w.lii iii'M-r Irti IM" -III i C>' ill ‘s Oi THE NEW YORK HERALD The New York Herald is lulscliievous in pro portion to its iuiuiense circulation. From Bos ton to New Orleans, from Charleston to San Francisco, it i« scattered broadcast all over the land, poisoning the very air. There is nothing about the paper to justify its apparent popularity. When we read its leaders, we arc al a loss to de- 1 eide whether to be most astounded at its preten- I sion and effrontery, or to be most disgusted with ' its vulgarity. There is no aflFectation of refine- I nietit, no attempt at dignity, no evidence of j thought or research,—but a general “sloshing around” after the fashion of Saltonstall. It I publishes the fX)lish and wicked tirades of such j men as Garrison and Wendell Phillips, even when I their deliverances are too disgusting for the Tribune—thus flinging firebrands all over the South, and ?arrying the impression that these mi.'-erable mountebanks are representative men of the North. In turn it reproduces the hot-headed nonsense of some pitiful country editor in Lou isiana or .Vrkaiisas, whose sectional wrath ex plodes only' once a week, to the admiration of a liundred and fifty subscribers; thus giving noto riety and importjincc to tr:Htorous exhalations that would otherwise be confined to their native swamps. If a mad assemblage of black men and loose women make themselves ridiculous in some fa*" oft' village of Western New Yovk,—their say ings and doings are duly reported in the Herald, and sent South, as specimens of the sentiments ol decent peojile of the free States H’ some un lucky peripatetic abolitionist is caught and tarred and feathered by a vigilance committee in Mis sissippi, half a dozen strong,—the Herald is sure to contain a thrilling account of the procedure, probably with editorial comment. The plain object of all this is to inflame the bad passions of men North and South. Instead ot doing all that is possible to rebuke the sectional feeling that di.^graces the country, it is fostered and exasperated by the conductors of this bad pa per. No doubt the Herald finds it profitable to do this dirty work, beeaiuse men seek with avidity after a jieppery sheet that does not hesitate to say anything to keep up its unenviable notmety. In all its career, it is not able to point to one good deed—to one earnest effort in the cause of its country or of humanity. We call upon our brethren of the Press North, South, East, and West, to do something to coun teract the evil which this unscrupulous paper at tempts to do in the land.—Balt. American. Wliaf Suhiry Does.he (Jet?—“Will you please tell me who that is? Excuse me for asking; I am a stranger here.” We were thus interrogated a few days since, by a plain looking man, of middle age, who pointed out tiie subject of his inquiry, an elegantly dress ed young man, standing on the steps of a well known hotel, picking his teeth and looking around him with an air of unconcern. We gave the name a.s retjuested. “Handsome fellow,” said the plain gentleman: “very wealthy, 1 suppose.” “No, only a clerk in a dry goods store.” “Is it possible?” exclaimed the plain gentleman. “.Judging from appearance, I took him to be one of the F. F. V^.’s, with the spending of an enor mous income. He surely gets a large salary.” And the inference was a very natural one. Here was a young man holding the position of clerk (more properly salesman) in a third rate dry goods house. He had been there perhaps not more than a year or two, and when we first knew him, dressed plainly, and had little, very little, money to spend. But what a contrast does his present appearance and mode of living present to that of a year or two ago. He now dresses not only handsomely but richly, and follows every whim of fashion; he now wears a splendid gold watch, by which he ostentatiously declares the hour; he boards at a first-class hotel, and can show a woll-filltid pocket-book when occasion requires. He now makes costly presents to the lady with whom we sometimes see him taking a drive bchiq^I a team, and thinks nothing of inviting a score of friends up to the fashionable bar to “take some thing.” The expenditure necessarily involved in such a manner of living cannot be less than $1000. Is this the average salary of salesmen? If .so, employers are much more liberal than we supposed. We once heard a story of a fellow who applied for a situation in a store. Hav ing shown that he could be useful if he would, the proprietor asked him what salary he expected to get, he replied, “None at all, sir; I have a knack of pmlinij thinja!"—Richmond Whig. «» nl' the Mn*it nd II" hofji It n >t and Ih: sV'.t.ii • nly r« -ieve' tijcrliild froui ptjin. l ui the s!oni u h woK ciH'rect.'i nridtiy. and uivt si tunc nndi^nt rs:y iotli‘ wht*U* I U >\iil mllv rvWfW iii flit* aati ^Vitirl :II|I ..viTi nmr iin\ ui- » p e e .1 i I y renitilifil l.i lieve il III.- Iii -I anil witrld, in :ill s 11 rliei III (Ml I I il re n. t'riiiii lecHiin/ or ;iny wniilit wiy u> every rhild siilterin" from FOK CHILbRBN TEETHING. 11, ell ill. II y - ri I rt lnr Iv ill 11..- I V'riiuTy Mini IJi ir •\ iK’ilit r It a r i : >' k r a II sp. We ' mill, t-r who tiM.f a I Ihf I’freeiiin" riini|(l >inls—ili> nut lei tatm lieiween yMir it a Xnr Orfeaus Hotel.—Night before la.'t sotue rascal of a fellow dropped a lot ot torpe does on the floor in the hotel, where the crowdi ^ were In the habit of walking and standing a- I round. One man trod upon one of the conibus- j tibles; it popped, and he jumped. His jumping i created a stir, and some one else stopped on an^ j ther torpedo. A panic followed, (rentlemen i s(|uattol around, atid liodged behind jiillars, and : got out of the way generally- The special officer i brouirht out|rroiii New York by the lessees, to stay about the hot I and keep thiit£8 straight, had i fh:it ilav. in CviMs‘(|iu‘nce ot the superlbiity ol rtvin>.r biiliots on the previous days, ]>aeked up , roid started back to the North via the .J.jckson Haiiroai], He being absent, some 0111* .eii{ I'or the city police, and special otticera Isard .••.ml lioylnn went there Hying. 'I’hey fotitid 110 dead, they lomid no wounded; thev found out iiothinLT just tiien. 'I’he yieople who had .''fampe- ded h.iit !>e;ruii to smell the sell, and knew nofit- iiiL'- Hut ill ;j;ood time the joke le.iked out. N. O. ('re.'-Tilf, .iiiii 11(1 ri/ IT. A .«olid Dutchman standing at a certain yiMir |tr**jndire. i»or itie iirijn-lire-i ot o(her siill»-r nif rtiilil auit ihr reliel itiHtwiil tie sure—>es, .tbsolutel) Hiire . nn last election laV inuuirinST for **de rejxular -to li.llou iliiMii.aine. it limelv ii'Pa. Kii'I lir. ctiims for nsing pi-M-t, on lasi tieLUOimay. iin^ uiiiii„ ^ . will arconi|ianv encli lioHt' .None ueiinine nnle>^ tlie fHC-nimile ol'»'I‘U'flS &, I'l'.KKI.NS. .New Vurk, is on Itie oiil>iite v\r;ip|i«T Solil l y l)rn2Ji«t« thr meh nil th- worM. I’rfiiclpal Office, >o. M C«dar St., Sew York. PKK^E ONLY 45 CKNTS I'KK 150TTLE. I’eli’y 3. laei) 8SHV $100 Keward. M.\N AW.VV froai .Me.«sis. J. iV ]N. A. t’uineron, of J.\) Cuinherlainl CoiiiJtv. lirst of last June, ii;y negm iiitiii SOUT H W Kl,L, or i'OL'THEY, (:is ii-'ially called, j Said negro is iliick set, nbnul •') feet iti 'hes liijrli. of i (hirk brown ci'lor. has smnU eyes, nnil .-i ilowni-ast l.iok. i He ha,'* been hired for several voii's in (’iimliertnnii ! ('oitn'y, n« a Tuvpentiiie hand. 1 wiii jrive tlie ;i!»-ve ■ reward, if taki n out of the iStnte—5>->0 for his iMiprisi'in- uieiit in any jail in thi.-' State, or >-•> I'-r int iriii;iiiuii that ruav lead to his reeoYery. : ' J. B. LITTLK.IOIIN. Louisbnrfr. N. C.. Feti’y 4. HUtf Webster’s Elementary )^|>elliiig^ Book, for ul« by E. J. HALE & SON. democratic dicket,” when a shrewd .fellow in stantly stepped tip, and supplied him with the genuine thing. “Veil, now,” says Hans, “vot now villl do mit ’ini?’’ “Put it in that box,” pointing to the ballot box, exclaimed several voices, liut the cunning chap who had acconiinodated him with the “dicket” whispered in his ‘•Don't let them fool you; don’t put it in the box; keep it; jiut it in your po«-ket; it’s yours; don’t let them cheat you out (>f your vote. ’ And so he did, ramming the ticket away down to the bottom of a deep pocket in hb; cuat, and walk ing off as mad as he could be at the roj;ues who wanted to cheat him out of his vote by putting it in the ballot box. I Lightning AccideHtn.—In 1859 seventy-six deaths were ' iMorded and forty-one persona were injured by lightning.