mm ■fipp^wri w ui mr*:7~' ‘ KKPOR ^^■ or flK’S KQlliv ^4. » Jd Kdiiiyn o-this u I . of (Le sei i„j \ •T i.iliudg*d an I »■ " >u.d wi.i. Mervoiw **' l), y HhIIU', Law Uei.TU, j,«ve re iii->n ■' I'PverpuT M ]«. i ! ution to th. s.. ,, oil- .f n ,.vi .,f H..V Tolnn.o. '“ '■*' ■'*' ciii, -'1 ^ ^l.lioh 1, V ^ .». II I W !l !i- •h.: siiinll, M,M4VJIS. Hi ir I'aiiiera. » «■>"■ Auilir M .,. .1 In- ■.., . l.if.!* • lil Uirilll,, \ \N-■>;'iM;!.i.. ’•" ■ i t’r. 1 .i,,r V V/. nu I.. I Tl > r. U \ !' , . (■•. . : • . 1... .- • f . i- « I: •■' . : SV li- U- -V [ui'sK .V I’.uu rs :.0RS01vr I O ' rfliaiit, f. r"' l*i.- el •;7if \^t. 3:R4 H.i.XT. N • il i.Ill til lU C'.n iiif'.-. i’ I, T ir a!‘ ' ■ 1 \' j’ iiin. »• 5 FRIENDS— - I - ' williii)# !•:■ • . I \-lve !:'v. i_\ ^ !, - ■ , • • r'.-ii“i"ii ■ - ' ■ I a I'l "iiii'W ' 1 t («>K. L'l.lf Di li ■in-T. U-v Street i iy duller V, % Xv. ,i ■ '.nd gone- ' .f line. ! . . uFFi;!’ ar II .-I KL'I’ and (- can f»e hftti •ii’.t f t’l l|{0.\, A.- ol I'. r:i,d 1 ..kinjT i af/'ef #*«/•” AMK ■■ \I \K ! INK. A c. •in i T • 1 !icf> • 11'- [>,,! • W; I..-A • [jl.'TK'iM II. * MAKTINK c.ntf ^te !••##/#>. jiiw! ii'-iv«d. which t W . Mrl. \l lUN U> rf • VK MIIISkKV. ii;.''">i--iit- wilh !*>■ [itlv -'ij f "ilh lii* h lii-i ret >i i 1. 11 I.ANIt l,vin;r -n th** iiiilf* i.fiow Ka>-- rivi'r into the “nud- y i; . ‘lt d iiiio river- 1. Ml ut acres, ivat; -n mid are well ll >. .ne ..f the I s -.,.ral •'■'•"Hites 1 Any person to u. ike Kiii ly api)H- 1). S J. K'.iBLNSON. 44tf IPAlTIETOWltMalE n SB MI-WEBKL, Y. rvOT.. 1X.1 FAYKTTEVILLE. C.. FEBRUARY 13« 1S60. [NO. 891.] 1‘KINTKI) MONDAYS A\I) THURSDAYS EUWAKD J. HALE & SON, KDITORS AND PltOPKlETORS )>,• tor the Semi-Weekly Obskrvkr S3 00 if paid in i.lNHiice; .’t'Jl if paid during the year of subscrip- li.iii? ov SI affer the year' lias expired. [■' r tiu' Weekly (>H!EiiVEii f'J (H> j>er annum, if pnil in ii.lvnnce: Sii '»0 if paid duvine the year of subscrip- ^■n: or 00 after the year has expired. A1>V I’RTISI.MENTS inserted fo> 60 cents per ...uire of lt> line? for tlie first, and .SO eentx for each ^ i diii^ publication. Yearly ailvertisements by spe- iiiiHi-t.s. at reasonable rate*'. Ailvertisers an* rcjUO'ied to ‘itaie the mtmber of insertions desiretl. or , w dl be ci'titinued till forbid, and charged accord- :._'.y. \.lveriisement:s to be inserted ijisiJe. charged 50 per CKiii extra. S1*K('IA1, NOTICK. Fr Ml anil after this dale, no name of a new subscriber « 1 tie entered without payment in advance, nor will ■ ; be sent to such subscr^ters for a longer time (11 i' !':iid for. .'■M'li 'if.iur i)ld subscribers as dt'sire to take the pa- |.. v .III thi >jystem will please notify U)i when making ^ n-ii I’tanceai. ■ my 1. IS'iS. I'A V i:tti: v i i. i.e hote i., T. WADDILL, Proprietor. 1 » ^plIIS, tlte most commodiouii Hotel in Noith I 1 ('arolina, fronting 3(M> feet on Hay and -LI=Jl I'onaldson Streets, located in the centre of the -iiit-S' portion of the town, and surrounded by all 1!.inking Houses. Wholesale Merchant* and princi- i' l*i'"diice Healers. I’lisiness men will find the Hotel a eonTeiiient m i i. oiuforl.'ible liouse. All the Stages arrive and depart from this Hotel, i-.'iyetteville, Oct. 1, lBo8. 51- SIll'MWELL HOISI-:, A KtH DOUKS .\OKTH OF TUK 31AKKET UOISE. j«4DDI.E A!%D HAR.\E$S FACTORY. 11HE subscriber begs leave to return his thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him. and in- ; forms the ]>ublic that he has now ani j will continue to have an increased j force of experienced Saddle and Hnr- ' ness Makers, whose work he will war- j runt: anil that he is prepared to otler ] to the public a large and varied assort- I ment of every thing kept in his line. His assortment of Saildles. Harness, Briilles, Trunks, Travelling Hags, \ alices, &c.. is unsurpassed for workmanship and ma terial, and will comjiare favorably for neatnc»s with any other Manufactory, either North or South. 1‘ersons warning any thing iu his line will do him a favor to call and examitte his stock betbre purchasing, a* he is satis fied it will not fail. to ple:ise them. His establishment will be found five doors East of Cape Fear Hank, on I’ersou Street. Repairing done with neatness and despatch. W. OVERRY. Fayetieville, N. C.. Jaii’y *., I860. 81-biu I’ersotis indebted are earnestly requested to call anl settle, as 1 must have luonev. 'V'h*' t'frrfiffirf’ 1Ti$rfn'rtti>i the South! -k 0' tei kWlNG to tlie extensive ircreaseof patronage to this House, during the year, I have ex tended my facilities by the addition of a num- •T i>f comfortable sleeping rooms, with other import- i;it iiiitiruvements, which will add materially to the ri.i'.irt and conveuieuce of those favoring me with i‘ir patronage. T tli"?»‘ w ho have been my kind friends and cus- • -iiTs for the past six years. 1 tender my most sincere ^ iUiH'. at the same time respectfully soliciting a con- ■ .•.i'l iti i‘of their patronage, and also the patronage of 1 number of new patrons. ! h'lvu tijod Stables and a No. 1 Ostler. P. SHE.MWELIi. J.m v I'., ISCO 84- NEAKEST AND griCKEST KOITK TO THE RAILROAD! To llie lnt{‘re«>t of' Tiir|K‘iifiiic* M.\. RAKER would respectfully iuform Turpentine ' , Distillers and others that he is now manufacturing , The liiiproviMl TiiriK'iitiiic' Mill.; .\ll orders promply uit«H'ied to. t'opper work done on ! the most terms. Old Copper bought for cash or taken in exchange for new Work, (’all and see for vourselves at M A RAKERS Copper Shop. Favetteville. N C. Feb’y 1, iJ^tiO. ‘ 88tf Tnrpriiliiie stills for ^aie. 10 barrel, one 15 barrel, one liO barrel, one 4;'» bar- rel: the above Stills all in gool order. Will be sold on the most favorable terms, by M. A. RAKER. Fayetteville, N. Feb'y 1. 8>tf (-iiiiw!! fiiiiiis!!! ra. A. BAKER, Gun & Rifle Manufactarer. ^'IL'NS repairel at the shortest notice ami for a small VI charge. • 8(J0 double and single barrel shot duns for sale low lOOO Repeating Pistols of all the different makers iiow in the L’nitevl St:ites, for sale low. Call at M. A. II.VKER'S and see for \’ourselves. Fayetteville, N. C.. Feb'y 1. f^Mf Respectfully informs his friends .md the publi‘, that he has built iiji large- siib'iianti:il r.rick Ruild- ings at his Old Stand, expressly for maniilHCturing riages. Thankful for the very liberal patronage lie lias received for the last ‘Jl years, he hopes by strict atti'ii- tion to business, wilh a desire to gi^'e satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the .'ame. He warrants his work to be made of the best material aud by esperienceJ workmen in each braiiHi of the busiiu-ss. His work will compare favorably with any made in the I’nited States, for ne.atness and ilurability. He is dctermiued to seU and do any work iu his line ou as good teiiiis as auy Work done elsewhere that is as well done. He now has ou hand, finished. THE LAR(iKST STtJCK OF Carriages, Barouches, Rorkanays aud Bug^s^ies, ever oflered in this place, and a very large slock of work nearly finished, which will be fini.-ihed liailj’. .\11 which will be sold very low for cash, or on short time to punctual customers. g'/iV He ha* •in hainl more than ONE HINDREH AND FIFTY VEHICLES tinisiiel and in course of construction. 8fc;^"All work made by him is warranted 12 months with fair usage, and should il fail by bad workmanship or material, w ill be repaireil f ree of charge. Persons wishing to buy wouM do well to call anil ex amine for themselves. (.b'liers thankfully received and promptly attended to- Repairing executed at siiort notice aud on very reason able terms. May L'M. 8H-tf HOLMES & ROBINSON’S KOIK HOKSE STAGE LINE TO KEXAXSVILLE, VIA WAICj.iW, I’ii.‘ -shortest and most expeditious for travelers going I N rth or South. Leaving Favetteville every day at ■ lock P. M. THROUC.if IN TEN HOl'RS. The traveling jiublic who would study their comfort ti'l cunvenieiice will t"ke the Warsaw Stage. Til ROUGH TICKETS TO WELDON may be I'l at the Stage Office. Fayetteville. .Vug 5. 185i*. 38-ly 1,1 rTKKi.oil s I.INK. A y^TK xSlER “FANNY” le.ives Fayetteville every Mon- lay anil Thursday morning, at 15 minutes after Sttn- ii'f: and Wilmington Tuesday and Friday, at o'clock, ; ■uiying passengers and freight. I 'N-iiiier “SOUTHERNER,’' with a full'complement ; i'l;it-. makes one or more trips per week, as circum- - r incH- may reijuire. Till- accident to the Steamer “ROW.VX" will be re- j ) .ir>'d in a few days. She will then take her place in I ■ iH line. ' T. S. LUTTERLOH. } I I' t r 4. 1858. 61-tf STATE (AR AND MACHINE WORKS. ; I^HE undersjgneil having located in the town of Fay- j ‘ tipville. C . and erected bttildings suitable for ^ '' ' and Mai'hine Works, would give notice that they ':■! ]irt‘parcd to execute all orders for ('arsof every de- j '"riptiiiii. also all kinds of Machine work, such as re- i • of Steam Engines, Cotton. .Mill and Mining Ma- j ry. heavy forging, such as Mill Spindles. Cranks. | • . It short notice. j i' an arrangement made with the Roaton Reltiiig ; ■ll)my, we are prepared to receive orders for all kinds ; f Iti lia I’lUbber Rclting and Hose at their prices. I II'.ving started our Engine, and Woo'lworth’s Planer. , . H.iv prejiarod to plane all descriptions of LumV>er ' iuitling. which will be kept on hand, for sale '■"iier ill the rough or dresse«l, as parties may desire. '■ ■iiti-icrs taken for the erection of I5uiMings, mato- fi t'- funiislipd. and jobbing of all kinds executed with and desjiatch. I ■ntiter‘‘ and Desks made to order, Stores fitted, | '.-II, no.ira and I’limls manufactured, equal to any- '' It ■ 'it the kiml to be found in the Northern market. WALTON RAURY. ('ar RuiMers and Machinists, t ly.'iteville. Oct 3. IH-O'.* 51-tf (iAS FITTINGS AND FIXTURES. 'I’ll II subscribers will be prejiared by the midille of I \;ipust. to supply every description of RuiMings.— .'n. jiing'*. Stores. Factories. \c.—with all the neces- oy l-'IXTL KES. for the introduction ofG.\S. As we are constantly engaged in the business of build- iiiii (las Works in this and other States, we of course c.;ii :,tfr>i-il to bring on a large stock and sell on more !■ I- 'liable t»“rms than others. Our stock will include ' ll iiiitfliers, Pemlents, P.rackets, Glass, &c. we have leased the works for five years, it will be io- advantage of those re^^uiring such fixtures to get them of us. since upon tis will fall the care of them, k',eping theiu in repair, &c. For this purpose it is ' >tli fiiir interest and pleasure to emply none but the b*‘st Gas Fitters. In oiir absence for a few weeks, all who wish to have “ Pipe- infroduced into their buildings, will please '■ •’••their name- wilh Mr. W'. N. Tillinghast, who will -ive all neces-iary information on the subject. It ie ■l*‘''irt!ilp to know as early as possible, jo that the Fix- ii‘-' iiiiiy be introduced at the sam^ t>me with the con- ^'l uetion of the works, and thus all m,%j light up simul- ’ ini-oiislv. WATERHOUSE & BOWES. (■ ayetteville, June 10. 2iJ-tf N(‘U Book^ii, by Harriet B. Keever. t'L»ITH'S Ministry; Sunshine, or Kate Vinton; The i Houuced Robe, aad What it Coat. Just rec’d. 3. E. J. HALE & SON. WM, CARTKK & SO.N, Wholesale Ketail Dealers and Manufacturers I OF ALL KINDS OF Ijeather, Stuidles and iiartienu^ Jf every description. Collars, Whips, &c. | ND we also particularly call the attention of the whole ; surrounding country to give us a call, as we are de- '■ termiued that none shall uurpaiis us in quality or low prices; ami we will give the highest cash price at all times for Raw Hides and Tallow, in exchange for our articles. Country Merchants would do well to call and examine our Stock, as we can sell them Shoes of a much better quality thati they usually get, on very accommodating term.H. Southern Planters would do well to *end us *11 their orders as we are making a No. 1 article of NEGRO SH».)ES. that are warranteil to give entire satisfaction. All Orders from a distance shall have prompt J. W. BAKER Is now receiviiiir fnnii the North the largest, finest, and most carefully selecte'l block of FI K\ITI lei: ever oflered in this market; which added to his own mamifactitre. makes lii^ assortment comjilcte; — all of which he will sell on the lowest jiossible terms for cash or on time to piinotUHl customers. Fashionable jiainted cottage bed-room Furnitt;re in setts: curled hair and shuck, and cotton Mattresses: Looking Glasses: Willow Wagons and t'radios; Side Hoards; Rureaus; Se ieturies atid Rook-Cases; Nots; Table", all sort'; Wash .Stands: Candle .''land®: Wardrot)e«: Picture Frames and Glas-;; WiniUiw .“Sli.'ides: ("'ornices; ('uriain R:\nd-;: Sofa« in Mahogony and Wal nut: Tete a Tetes: Ottoman'-: Divans and Stools: Chairs of every variety. Fine Ro.sewood I'iaims, one with ..Kolian at tachment; Ro-'ewood Melodians, from the best manufac tories in New York and P.o-ton, warranted as good a^ any made in the country, and will be sold at New York prices—freight only added. September ‘J. 45tf Illarble Fai*torv, FRENCK STRANGE, Attorney at Law, Fayetteville, N. C. office that recently occupied by C. G. W'right, Esq.. over the one uow occupied by him in Dr, Robinson’s building. Green Street. Dec’r L', 185H. 72- Attorney at Law, Favetteville, N. 0. VlJIIiL attend thu Countj' and Stiperior Courts of TT Cumberland, Harnett. Moore and Robeson Coun ties. Prompt attention given to the collection of all claims entrusted to his hands. Oct. 17, 185i*. 58-tf I.AW I^OTICE. rpHE Subscriber having removed from Summerville to I Fayetteville, will attend the County aud Superior (.'ourta of Cumberland. Harnett and Moore. Ilis office will be at his residence, on Green Street, opposite the E[iisco])al 'hurch. His correspondents will please address him hereafter at Fayetteville, instead of Summerville. NEILL McKAY. .Tan'y‘21, 18110. 85-tf H W HORN^J, .1 TTO J?.V^ I* T If, May be found at the Office of Wm. IJ. Wright, Esq.. n( near the Court House. June no, is.'iy. 28-1Y JOSKl>n P.AKEH, Jr., ATTO K i\ E V A T I. A W , H.'VS taken an office next door to W'm. B. W'right’s Law Office on Greon Street. He will attend and practice in the (’’oiinty and Superior Courts of Cumberland, Blailen. Robeson and Sampson. March 18.')9. rotf N R attention S. S. CARTER. Goldston P. O. WM. CARTER. Chatham Co.. N. C.. i March l-:i. IH.VJ. j ^ r vFn»:H ^r>KS KA»i\t:ss rt;^ Constantly Manufacturing at my Establishment, very VARIETY OF HARNESS. Saildles, Rridles, Collars. Whips^^p and Trunks; all kinds of Leather, ('alf Skins and Oil; Comlition Powders, for iliseased Horses and Cattle; Coach Trimmings, ('arpet Rags. Vali«es. Saldlery. Hardware, itc. The largest stock in the State, sold wholesale or retail, nt the lowest New York prices. Harness and SadIles repaireil. JAMES WILSON, No. 5 Market st. Wilmington, N. C., near the Wharf. Oct. 19, 185;. .5U-lypd. AORTH f'AROI.IAA EOl ADRV A 1> WOHK^! TWO DOORS ^BOVP, P. T. llAKill i SONS’ STOBF Fayetf«‘ville, i\ Jan’v 20, IPt'.O 8t- EAl ETTE% II.LE MITIAL INSIRAVfE fOMPAM. ASSETS $254,618.62. This Company has been in ojieration more than six years, and ha® paid its fire losses, amountitig to S‘23,524.87 without any assessment: insurance averag ing its members about A per cent. Amount of property now insured, ^ 1 ,r.*>-3,41H).01 Amount premium notes now ou hand. 247,738.08 DiRKiTons. F. J. ?«ilAC'I.AIR, AUoriiey and Toim.sellor at Law, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., Il'^'II.L practice in the Courts of Robeson, Cumberlanil, W Harnett and Richmond Prompt attent •'iven to all business entrusted to hin. Feb’y 5, IHoO 8*1- A. .1. 1IAI.E, ATTORN KV AT LAW, AMlieboroii^fli, A. €\, (OFFICE IN THE COURT HOU?E.) 11’’I LL ]>ractice his profession in Randolph and the \\ adjoining Counties. Prompt attention given to all business entrusted to his care. Jan’y 2i. 18fi0. 8')tf A. I>. McLEAi\, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, .'^rMMKKVri.LK, N. ILL attend the Courts of (Jumberland. Moore, John- Trustee’s Sale. ' mpxy»e UVwe.—The New York Courier By virtue of a D«ed in Trust executed to me by John Knquirer of Friday has a very curious article H. Cook and Jesse W. Powers, partners under the i in relation to champagne wine. In the jiaraerraph tyle of J. W. Powers & Co.. for the purposes therein tin (juestion, the people of the United tStatea are mentioned I will expose to Public Sale, at the Market ! repre.sented to be the largest consumers of cbam- ir. TII P l> C F» A V . V. „ v.l. .1.,,. ' pagne in the world, and the consumption per an- I ntitn is e.stiuiated to be one million baskets. The House in Fayetteville, on THURi^DAY the 8th day of March 1860, the following Property, viz: I WO Store Houses on Hav street, loinina: the ; • , i i- • i t.. *. ,n ^ 1 .. 1 u . * . • 1 u u I whole champagne district is about twenty tnou- .^tore ot Tho«. h. Lutterloh. at present occupied by VV. 1 " i ^ • /• * i C. Troy aud J. W. Powers, formerly belonging to Z ! acres, aud the amount ol wine manutacture Burroughs. j I'or exportation is ten million bottles, or about 1 IJrick House, 2d Tenement west of' Oobbiti j eight hundred thousand baskets. Of this Russia House, foot of Haymount, joining John Culbreth. [ consumes one hundred and sixty thousand, Great 1 House and IjOt west side Winslow street, j Britain and her possessions jne hundred arid sixty joining lots of Robert Mitchell, at present occupied by ' ‘ ' J. W'. Powers. 1 Warehouse and Lot south of lirick Row. 1 House and Lot corner of Winslow and Mum- ford streets. 70 shares Capital Stock in Dobbin House Co. JOSEPH R. STARR, Trustee. Jan'y 31. 18G0 88ts li A A D A T AI €TIO A. i Q .\CPiES on the P'ay. .“t Western Plank Road, about TtO two miles from P’ayetteville, joining the lands of Mrs. Ochiltree. W'. H. Carver, and others: kimwn as the COOK L.VND; about 12 acres are cleared and produces fine crops. There is a very pretty building spot onthis Land. 15 .\cres near the above on both sides of the Plank Road, joining the lands of J. D. Starr. W. Steel, and others; there is a small clearing on this tract and a number of grape vines. .V beautiful building lot. The above Lands will lie oflered at public sale, at the Market House, in the Town of Fayetteville, on Tues'lay of March Court, being the 0th March 18ii0. Terms made known on day of sale. G. W. LAWRENCE, Agent for owners. J. H. COOK, .Xucfr. Feb’y 0. 89-ts FOR »iAI.E. 1WILL sell at the Market House, on Tm sday the 14tli day of Feb'y. at 12o’clock, two IIOl'SES and LOTS, each containing about 1 acre of Land niore or less. One situated on .Moore Street, known as the Rebee Lot, the other on a street about 00 yds North of said street. Terms made known at sale. D. McLAURIN. Ex'r of ■'li-s. M. Carmon. A. .M. CAMPRELL, Auct’r. Jan'y .30. 18C0. 87t«i five thousand, France hundred and sixty-two thou.canJ, Germany one hundred and forty-six thousand, and the United States two hundred and twenty thousand. The Custom House in New York, through which pa.sscs a large amount of the champagne imported into this country, reports only one hundred and seventy-five thousand and twenty eight baskets per annum. Seven hundred and eighty thousand baskets, therefore, of the wine drank in this country for imported cham pagne is counterfeit—an amount equal to the whole supply of the champagne district for the world. We may add, that both in New England and New Jersey, there are many very productive so called ‘‘vineyards," though to the common eye the trees look like apple trees, and the “vinej'ards” like orchards. Is it not po.ssible that these planta tions are the producing resources ot the cham pagne consumed in this country, over and above the amount of that wine iiuported through the Custom House? W given to the collection of all claims entrusted to his care. Dec'r 20. 185'J. 78-ly RORV Tic A AIR, •Ittorney finit Counsellor at LL MBERTON. N. C. \\’'ILL attend and practice in the County and Superior IT Courts of Robeson. Richmond and (’'umberland. Vll business intrusted to him will receive prompt at tention and collections punctually remitted. ttct. C. 185i. ' 55tf johaI*. ~ Attorney and Counsellor at Law, WILt. PlUCTtCIC IX THK Cot'RTS OF Kobeson, Cumberland, Columbns and Bladen. Ortice al Luinberton, llobehon Co., N. C. July .j, 185H 29tf R. n. ORREEE. TURPENTINE INSPECTOR. HOSE sending their Spirits Turjientine to me may T Geo. McNeill, D. A. Ray. H. L. .Myrover, S. W\ Tillinghast, Henry Lilly. N. Stfdnmn. S. J. Hinsdale. T. .S. Lutterloh, W’m. McLfltirin, S. T. Hawlev. W. N. Tillinghast, ,\. A. McKfthan, J. D. Williams, Jas. G., \. W. Ste.-l, .las. Kyle. Hon. J. (J. Shepherd, R. F. Rrown, Wihnington. FKERC'KM Ac RAERER, SI (.'CESSOK.S TO N. HO V I) KN k SON, liriLL (;ONTlNUE to manufacture and keep on Tt hand all AfiiliCILTlilAL llll'LEMEXTS Made heretofore. A full assortment of Plows. Cultivators, Corn-Shellers. .Straw and Feed-(^itterf>. Horse-Powers, Seed-Sowers, Threshers, (,’ider and Sugar Mills, Thresher and Separators. They also manufacture SHAFTLVG AND iMACHJNERV For (Jrist .Mills, Circular and Vertical Saw .^Iills, Gold, Copper and Silver Mines, Tobacco Presses aud Fixtures, &c., &.C., IRON AND HKASS CASTINGS. FtJIlGINGS and FINISHED W'ORK of every descrip tion made to order, and warranted iu every respect. Repairs of every description of Machinery done al short notic*. Salisbury, N. C., .Tan’y 2, 1860. 83-3m The Eclectic iflas'azine Ibr Feb’y. Just rec«iv«d. £• J. HAL£ & ISON, A. E. Hall. Wilmington. ')FFirK.t!S; GEO. McNEILL. President. I). A. R.\Y, Vice President. C. .\. Mc.MILL.\N. Secretary Johtt Collins and C. \ Mcl'rutnmen. Travelling Agents The (’ompany invite applications. May 1'.', 18.')'.i. 1 i-’i-Y THE AORTH ( IROEIAA MITI AL LIFE I^SIIRAX( E OW in the tenth year of successful operation, with rely upoii it to have prompt and careful attention. •My warehouses are fronting the wharves and near the river. f^ept'r 13, 18.')8. 45tf OWEA X VARRROli;il. H ave this day entersd into ('opartner.ship for the purpose of transacting the Comniission and Forwarding Business, in all its branches, in Wilmitigton. and will give prompt personal attention to all business entrusted to their care. Liberal cash advances will be made on Consignments of Coiintrv Produce. mice on North Water St., over H. Vonglahan's Store. JOHN W. OWEN. O. S. YARRROI'GH. Wilmington, Oct 20, ti4- Wiii. II. Tt REIAfiiTOA, Coiiiiiiis^ioii iflerehaiit, WIL.MINGTOX, N. C. \\^ILL give special attention to the sale or .shipment Vt of all Naval Stores, Colton. Flour, Timoer, and other country produce. Refers to: H. R. Savage, ('ashier Rank of Cape Fear. Wilmington; .Ino. Dai^son. Pres’t Wilmington Rranch Rank of North Carolina: W. II. .Tones. Cashier Raleigh Rranch ISank of Cape Fear. Nov 18.59 G5-tf \OTlCE. 1'^HE Subscriber, desirous of going South, offers for sale the following property, viz: 88 -\cres of sand-hill Land on the NorTbcrn P. R. [7] seven miles from Fayetteville, on which is a fine Dwell ing House and all necessary out houses, (my present residence). There is also on this tract, a TURPEN TINE STILL of D") bbls. cafiacity; a WHISKEY DIS TILLERY; two Stills all complete. Al'O. a STORE HOUSE and COOPER SHOP; F(.)UR DWELLINGS for working men. .Ml the above named buildings are new. This is a good place to purchase Turpentine. 20K .\cres Swamp Laud 2 miles from the above and nearer Fayetteville, ou whicb. is a good DWELLl.Nd containing three rooms aud all necessary oiit-buildings, aliout fit) .•\cre'i of which are cleared atid drained and in a fine -^tatp of cultivation. —ALSO— A team of Fine MULES; Wagons ami Carts: 10 hea 1 of Cattle. 40 to .'«(l head of Hogs, and other articles, provided I sell the Land. None of the above is ottered for sale unless 1 sell try Lauds. When the Land is sold then the above, besides other property, is for sale. I will' give the refusal of all the other property to the purchaser of my landn. Terms;—I will take young Negroes in exchange, or give favorable time on the above firoperty, if sold soon. G. W. LAWRENCE. Mary's Garden. Jan'y 2'^. 8‘.'-;t Aotice. All persons having claims against the subscriber, as Guardian or otherwise, are reijuested to present tlieiu oiv or before the 2oth inst. Persons indebted must settle either by cash or note, or they will tiud thoir accounts in the iiawJs of a collecting oflicer. The Real Estate owned by me in the Town of Fay etteville is still in market and for ?ale on reasonable terms. Persons wishing to buy may apply to A. M Campbell or myself. M. W. JESSUP. Feb'y 0, 1800. 8'J-4t IIOIVELE & ilROTHERS, M.\XUFArTURKH. OK PAPER CIRTAIA PAPER!l», &c., B\L.TinoRE: st. BALTIMORE, Md. giggrOtir Goods are i-xpressly adapted to the Homo and Southern Market. Feb'y 4, I860. 8H-:?mpd W. II.^URtS^ A. J. HOWKI.L. N growing capital and firiiii'r hold upon public coii- tidenci*. continues to injure the livo'J of all IkmIiIiv ]>(“r sons from 14 to 10 years of air‘. for uue year, for seven years, and for liI'e —all life iiiembers sharing iiitlic profits. .Ml slaveM iroiii lO to HU years of Mge arc insured lor one year or for five years fur t wo-tliiiils their value. All losses are jiiinctually jiaid witiiiti 00 days atler satisfactory proof is pre.sented. For further information t he Jiublic is rcA’rred to .Agents of the Company iti all parts of the State, aud to R. H. RATTLE, Secretary. Raleigh. E. I. HALE, Agent at Jan'y 1850. Fayettev'lle, N. C. DEATISTRA. R. J. D.WIS having decided on |ierma- nently locating in the Town of Fayette ville, respectfully offers his services to the citizens of this place and sutTounding country. In all the various branches of his Profession, incbiding the manufacture of .Mint'i-al Teeili, he is satisfied, after in extensive experience, to which is added a thorough Den tal education, that he can give entire satisfaction as far as is in the power of Dentistry. .Ml irregtiliirities of fhe Teeth treated in a proper and careful manner, as well as diseases of the mouth. None but the proper metals are made use of in the various operations. Charges will be moderate, that the benefits of the Profession may be placed within the reach of all who may feel an interest ip the preservation of the Teeth. Office over Houston’s Jewelry Store, where he may be found at all times. May 10, 1858. 9tf c;KO. lt.\HKlSS HARRISS & HOWELL, ( oiumission and Forwarding Merchants, wilmin(;ton, n. c. Oct. 17. 18o‘.». ;'»8-lYpd RtHIERT II. IOWA A, fiietterffl Commission .ffrrr/#/###/, W'lLMlNfiTON, N. OtBce Sotitli Corner Market and Water stroetg. up-sfairs Oil. l.'i. 18-'.'.t. .:)7-lY T. €. A: R. €i. WORTH, fommission and Forwarding Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. (.’. .Jan'y 28, 1859 84 tf W. H. ALLEN.] L'*- t:LARK ALLEN & CLARK, CoiiiiiiiKKioii jflerchaiils, WILMINGTON, N. C. DKAIiKKH I\ lilMK, PLASTER, IKMKXT, HAIK, &t. Agents for Hush i Orrell's Line of St earners.'tjJS PROMPT personal attention given to consignments o Na' ■ “ ' ..--J--- TIR}!>. WIASEOW, An exi»erien ed ' ure anil Keniale I’liysiciHn. preheats tii the ut- IciiliiiD of uiollirri her !>«OOTIII\Ci SYRLP, FUK ;UII>UKE.V Tl'lUTIII.Xli, which preiitly tHcilitHtes iht* process of teethint'. Iiy soCteiiinj! the •'iitns. reduriiip all inrttiiiiinaliun—will Hilay .»ll |»iin ami spasiiiiHlic Hfiion, Hfiil sure to r-fiiil;ae bowels. I>rj>en) npun il, mothers, it will eive rest i«i youf'i* lves, ainl relief ami h» Miili to your inlHnis We have put up mul scild this Hrl.cle 1' r tiver U'li >e;ir!, and can SHV, in mntidenrc and , — 'i trnih.ui ii, what we have never Iwen able ' ‘Mt'O I ‘*tht:r medicine—,\Vrrr Ais r/ iiArifi | jntled in a jfhii/’ie wJnslow-s I SOOXHIWG I it'Cil it. »n the cun a^OTTp with it'* O(ieri«(ions. { coiiiiiienilHl.on of ' iiieiliCHl virlUf — The JiJleyance o/ York Vity.—The London Times speaks of New York city as follows;—This city is certainly the most remarkable result of wealth and enterprise which the world has known. In an incredibly short space of time it has risen from the rank of a tenth-rate town to bo the third city in the world in population and riches. In the last ten years the larger part has been entire ly rebuilt; marble and free-stone edifices of ^reat size, beauty and costliness have been substituted for the old brick-hoases; Uroadway has been extend ed for miles; a vast park of nearly 800 acres is being laid out in what will be before long the centre of the city; dwelling houses have been built by thousands, far exceeding in elegance and comfort the average dwellings of Londoners; and New York, with its suburbs now reckoning more than a million of inhabitants, may look for ward t> being in the next generation not only the largest, but perhaps the most beautiful city in the world. All this has been done by private enter prise. and if the administration of the city had been in able and honest hands, the results would have been far more extraordinary. Siyuuturf: of the L'russ.—The mark .which per sons who are unable to write are required to make in.stead ol their signature, is in tlie form of a cross, and this practice, having formerly been followed by kings and nobles, is constantly referred to a.s ‘ an instance ol the deplorable ignorance of ancient times. This signature is not, however, invariably proof of such ignorance: anciently, the use of this mark was not confined to illiterate persons; for amongst the Saxons the mark of the cross, as an attestation of the good faith of the person signing, wa.s required to be attached to the signature of those who could write, as well as to stand in the place of signature of those who could not write. Ill those times, il a man could write, or even read, his knowledge was considered proof presumptive that he was in holy orders. The word dvricm or clerk was synon^'mous with penman; aud the laity or people who were not clerks, did not leel any urgent necessity for the use of letters. The an cient use of the cross was therefne universal, alike by those who could and those who could not write; it was indeed, the symbol of an oath, from its holy associations, and generallythe mark. On this account Mr. Charles Knight, in his notes to the Pictorial Shakespeare, explains the expres sion uf “(jod save the mark,” as a form of ejacula tion tipproaching to the character of an oath. This phrase occurs three or more times in the i plays ot Shakespeare; but hitherto it has been left by the commentators in its original obscurity. Lfiiqi Year.—On the evening of the 3d instant the youtig ladies of Forsyth, (la., gave a leap year party to the young gentlemen. The ladies en gaged the company of the gentlemen, went after them, and gallanted them to the chapel, took care of their hats, overcoats, and walking canes, gave them seats, and entertained them with sweet chat. When a lady wished to promenade she sought her own partner, engaged the company, gave him her arm, and paced the floor by his side as nimbly as a dancing nymph. After promenading with one awhile, tiiey would seat him, and take anoth er. The young ladies administt red a very sharp rebuke to the gentlemen, in showing them that all ought to be noticed without distinction. Quan'hiry.—We mean by it a dilemma, an agi tation or disturbance of mind. The old Saxon phrase was '■‘■(ihp wacnt/rre,” viz: distress iu fancy, imaginar}' mischief. (!h‘ icaeno is the past prm- ciple of xca> ntii, to fancy. Johnson derives this val Stores, (’otton or other Country Produce, for sale or shipment. Jan'y 19, 1859. 81- Raisins! Raisins!! rX Whole, Half and Quarter Boxes, for sale low by D. & Dec’r 22, 1659 W. McLAURIN. 77tf inilance to rffect a cure, Never ilil we know »n t'HCtion by anyone w ho trury, all are dPlielMcd :ind ^pt-ak in teriin of it.s iiKiiiir'il ell'ects ;iml VV*> spesk in this iiritter "w lKit w^now.” al'ter t^n ye^ir?'eippri- er.ce und pleilge mir ri'jiut tioii for the faltiliiient ot wtiat we iiere > word fro... H.. French phrase, wl.ichimpliesareal ininui.'s ufipr the ^yriiii aiiniinistt red. { (inenima. wliercas 1 take tiuandary to mean an im- This viilaalile iirppanition it the prei'cription of one ot the most . i ]• rviH-ricmeil anil >killful iNurse-. in .New tntjlionl. and »i.i> lieea I aglliarv or iuUICroUS one. liNed wilh Iifc\t'r-fai;i»i; >urcess in . ' — of It nut only relieves the child I'rom pain. Inn invi)>i:rater the stmn.u h ami Ixiweis (■..rrr(-ts ariiliiy. ami eivrs tone and fnt riry to tlie whole sy.-teiii ll «ill aliiio.l in«t:intly relieve iu iSoweK and W i^id I'oiic-, T/i. 1 h ch \V. and ovi rcoiiie i inivul s pr ■ (I i I y rcmPilii'il I FCR I i nil m iI' hi lievi- il lh‘h.-t :oid ) n„rr U t’*\T I ‘h ' wiirid. in.illcaS'S oil CHlLi>KLiV i \ ~.n ery «nl Itiar rliQ-ain Clilidren. TPPTHIWG teethin. or any i 1 | otiirr r a iM e W e wonUl »ay every* ^ inoUer who a child surterinjf frinn any of ihe foregoing complaints «lo not lei your pn'judire?*. nor the preju rire of other^i. '•u«nd l»eiween your sii(ferine rhild aud thu relief that wiil lie sure—yei. absolutely sure —to follow ilii-i niedi. ine. if liiiicly ii'Cd. Fu l ilirectlons loriisine will accompany each bottle. .None "ennine iinieo the fai -.,inii|p ofCI'RTIS & ^’^:RKI.^■S. .\ew York, is on the out-ide wrap{« r KillfII 1)1.' of Frmtcf (tir)ti-(f ./utirnd/tsf.— Till' (%)nesp()iiilont of the Ni;w York (’otntu. icial, writing oi the feeling bt'twoi'ii Eii^- latiil :iinl FraiiL-e. says that ‘-for tho jirosont, there e:i!i In.* no iloiibt, that the cue given to all persons nti liT r r- u' h iiifltionec. is “friendship with lOng- lattd.” !itiil it is known that the litiipernr has just purchased the “Morning Chronicle” for a sum eiu:il to 8ol,000 to act as his daily organ in l..on- don for promoting that loeling.” I .\11 the coffee grown in the West Indies has go-Sold I.V nn.2..Ht., thn..2h .m th- world. : sj.rung from two p!ant.« taken thither in ITl'O by Frincipai Offlce, >'o. 13 I'edar St., >’ew York.! a French naturalist. PKICi: ONl-V 25 CENTS 1*EK HOTTLK. ' . H9 ,Y I IMiiladolphia, like many of her sistttr cities ol I the f’nion, is at ]>resent suffering from the ex- $100 Reward. ! trenie of commercial prostration. The papers say ,\WAY from Messrs. J. & N. A Cameron, of | there is literally nothing doing. CumljerlHtid County, first of last .luno, i:iy nfgr.i mail SOUTllWKLL. or SOl'TIlEY, (as ii.iii.iily citlled.) Said negro is tiiiek set, iibout •■) feet 8 inches higii, of a dark browu color, has small eyes, and ;i it iwiica.-t l- 'k. He has been liired for severitl year« in ('timlierl iti'I ('ounty, as a Turpentine hand. 1 will jrive tiie atiovn reward, if tnken out of the .State—^^oO for his inipi i«um- inent in any jail in thi.s State, or 5>--> t'"r iutornuuion that tnav lead to his recovery. J. B. l.lTTLrJOIIN. Louisburg. N. C., Feb’y 4. ~Wei»«ter’7Eleiiientar%'spelling Book, for sale by E. J. liALL & SON. An infidel seeks to ntakr proselytes on the siime principle wiiicli causes little childriMi to cry at night for a bed-fellow—//c .'s nfmid of In iw/ left alone in thr (Jnrk. It is the opinion of the doctor that tiie lawyer gets his living by plunder, while the lawyer thinks that the doctor gets his by pill-uge. Military.—A Military company has been or- I ganiaed at Magnolia, in Duplin county.