ipip mm Rkpor N OK riK'S Kqvii^ 2. » •• ’ ‘ -'I I'iMion „| ,i,i^ ■ :; " 'ni,..,. > II Hmi'I, on.i *'• ,1 r. ..r. ■•HW Ke,,ur,^. 1,^,.^ Ml' "i..!!, ith.n . I It. ver^. ij,t f"' "'f' •» >r^.lell•. ^ -K IS tli.-V - r.iit; ' Hii , : . ■ .' 1.. ■ •' '1 M.F ,v \ I. . ma !j • M.-MPIb, «■>eiV. rsf. -h»> ’ f,- \ ,\ ■ r ‘ t ' n * ■ Til I.. i\ :P' ■ , ti lii‘ i -ny '■ : t • - ■\ .1 lOSSO’vT I > gi . ■ • h- I. A 31, KRf a, M.VT. s 1 -1 t r, ' Con- liii . 1 i. ar and iC" V . hn. viU ■J 1, 1 FRIEIVDS— • ■ 'iing t-: -I wiiinig !' IS tf, i .. :j1w ;V : It ^ pi I:-'.'n ■i ■ l\( • == iK. ;r"M ii ' -r • >- mi' ' i I = ’ II' ‘ r '■ 1 : , -:;reel 1 ly , Are. 1 - i'l g‘-n. rho H' ^ ■ >» FF r }[ ML I’ :.n ! t I - i« * ^ }>e had rf II IKO.V Xc if : ■^■■i (■• . . \ • UtiVf. Ml '.MHTINK >iy iV nlL, Ull i-ia^fj Kr-1 ' ■ ^ W- mi: MuniNK. .•■••tf Ml 11'##^#;. U't 1 which w M. i. \n;iN. If -* » K HHISKEV. Jgenieu'- witli I’f- ly - > . V. ilh liin can t»e ! ■‘■I at his BtHil. VMf 11/ • AM', lyinf >Jti the in - below Faj rivHi ;i.- the-iii'l- di' '! I int'. river- ilio it »■'( Hfrcn. vB)i'«ri I.-I are w‘H Ol:i'- Il 'lie ''f til*' re '■- . eral gnO'l nitus liill- Any porsnn 0 ni:.»e early appli- 1 J Ri.HINSON. 44i; iPAir .TOWHIHLIE (DIB SEMI-WBBKL,Y. [VOL. IX.] FAYETTEVILLE, N- C., FEBRUARY 16, 1860. [NO. 892.] PRTNTRl) MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS EDWARD J. IIILE & SON, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS I’lice for’tho Semi-Weekly Obskrvkr S3 00 if paid in :i'lvaiice; $3 5(t if paid during the year of subscrip tion: or ?4 after the year has expired. Far the Weekly Observkr $2 00 per annum, if paid in advance; 50 if paid during the year of subscrip tion: or $3 00 after the year has expired. ADVERTISEMENTS inserted for 60 cents per gijuare of IG lines for the first, and 30 cents for each pucceediug publication. Yearly advertisements by spe cial contracts, at reasonable rates. Advertisers are requested to state the number of insertions desired, or they will be continued till forbid, and chargcd accord ingly. .Advertisements to be inserted intide, charged 50 per cent extra. 1859: JAMES KYLE, IS now roceiving his usual supply of Ooodi, among whieli are— Rich Silks, Col’d and Black; French Merinos and Delain«s; English Do. Do.; Kid and Net Gloves, assorted; Bed and Negro Hlankets: Bolting Cloths, No 1 to 10; Keady-Made Clothing; Boots and Shoes: With a very large assortment of other Uo«ds. All o- which were purchased by the pmckage at the lowest j price. I Those purchasing will please call and look at the Goods and prices. Sept. 13, 1859. 49tf ' SPECIAL NOTICE. Fritm and after this date, no name of a new subscriber will be entered without payment in advance, nor will the paper be sent to such sub^crfcers for a longer time than is paid for. Such of our old subscribers as desire to take the pa per on this system will please notify us when making remittances. .lan'v 1, 1S.')8. 1)C F A V KTT K VIL li E B«T E L, T. WAD1>ILL, riioPKiEnnt. UlIS, the most commodious Hotel in Noith (,’arolina, fronting odO feel on Hay and Donaldson Streets, located in the centre of the busines.-* portion of the town, and surrounded by all the Blinking Houses, Wholesale Merchants and princi- p«l Produce De.ilers. Business men "will find the Hotel a convenient and comfortable house. All the Stages arrive and depart from this Hotel. Fayetteville, Oct. 1, 185S. 51- SHEMWELL HOUSE, A FEW DOUKS >ORTH OF THE MARKET IfUlSE. / \WING to the extensive increase of patronage "'-‘‘Si ^ House, during the year, 1 have ei- rjlSH. tended my facilities by the addition of a num ber of comfortable sleeping rooms, with other import ant improvements, which will add niateriallj’ to the C'lnfort and convenience of those favoring me with their patronage. To those who have been my kind frientls and cus- luniers for the past six years, 1 tender my most sincere thaiik.-. at the same time respectfully soliciting a con tinuance of their patronage, and also the patronage of a lavire number of new patrons. 1 liave good Stables and a No. 1 Ostler. P. SHE MW ELI,. J in y It), 1^60 81- NK.VRKST AND QriOKKST KOLTE TO THE RAILROAD! J. K. KYLE IS NOW RECEIVING A LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL 1 STOCK OF STIPLE i\D FAM DRV GOODS. — ALSO— Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes* All of which will be ilisposed of at low prices, either by wholesale or retail. Call and examine. Ncf. 34, Corner Hay and Donaldson otreets. Fayetteville, N. C., Sept. 2'2, 1859. 51tf ^JECO^^n STOCK. ST Aim & WILLIAMS, IMPOKTEIIS 3c. JOBREU!i» OF FOREIfi.V AMI IIOIIESTII' DI!V (iOdUS, CnpM, ItootN, Nlioe«, I’liibrel- Ready-.^atle Clothing. West End F.wettkvillk Hotel Buildino. VRE now receiving their SECOND PURCH.VSE of Goods for this season. This stock is larpe, and well worthy the attention of buyers, who are invited to call and examine for themselves. J. B. STARR. J. M. WILLIAMS. Favetteville, Ocfr 13, 1859 57- CO-PA KT\EKSII IP. •lIcRimmoH Smithy I HAVE this day associated with myself Mr. MICH .\EL SMITH, who has hud an vxperience of five years in tJie Hat and Cap bu.siness in the city of New York, and is thoroughly conversant with every department there of. In consequence of this increased facility in pur chasing, coujiled with the fact that our goods will be bought exclusively for cash, we will be en.abled to .sell all goods in our line, to the trade and the ct«mmunity at large, at as low figures as Northern markets. I D. & W. McLAURlN, WOULD invite attention to their large and dssimble Stock of GROCERIES, . (’onsisting in part of— 150 Bags Kio, Laguira and Java Coffo«; 100 Bbls. and Ilhds. Sugar (assorted;) 25 Hhds. Molasses; 30 “ Bacon—Sides and Shoulders; 500 Sacks Salt; 150 Boxes flood Tobacoo; 125 “ Sperm, Adamantine & Tallow Candles; 50 “ Soap (assorted;) 50 “ Candy ‘‘ 100 Bags Shot “ 1000 lbs. Bar Lead; 80 i Bbls. Snuff—Eagle MilU; 25 Kegs Soda; 250 “ Nails. —ALSO— A large and general assortment of Hardware and Cutlery; Farming Utensils, of all descriptions; American, English, Swedes and Peruvian Iron; Blister, (renaan and Cast Steel; Blacksmiths' Tools; Coopers’ Do.; Corn Sheller.5 and Straw (’utters; Rackets, Brooms and Pails; Cottoif, Manilla and Jute Rope, (all kinds and ijuality;) Plow Lines and lied (’ords; Hollow Ware; Cotton Yarns and Sheetings at lacti>ry prioes. .\11 of which will he sold i.ow row c.\8H. or on usual time to prompt paying customers. Coi NTRT Mkrch.wts are respectfully requestod i to call and examine our stock before purchasing else- j where. D. W. McLAURIN. I March 3, 1S5‘.) y3tf To Farmers and Planters of N. Carolina! Parllcularly Those Who Trade al Fayelteville. VLL know the want anil feel the necessity of having a reliable, home-made Fertiliier. c.irefully prepared and sold at moderate cost, whoso vitality to I’lani and durability in Soil, .should make it a tit substitute for the expensive Guanos. This de"iileratum is now nit.-iined, in the “N.\TI(>NAL I FEHTILlZEll,” iliscovered ami patented by Dr. Louis Harper, lately State 'hemist and Geologist of Missis- ; sippi. The “National Fertilizer" is made of all the rich and vigorous elements necessary to the composition of a ; Manure. Its virtues f«einp derived from Dissolved Bone Dust, Marine Fish, King Crabs, &c., I’otash. Soda, ; €APT. REPORT ON THE DEEP RIVER MINERAL REGION. The undersigned have caused to be published from the Congressional plates, an edition of the Report of Capt. Wilkes, U. S. Navy, and his Associates on the Board appointed by the Secretary of the Navy to ex atuiue the Deep River Region of North Carolina. This is the most important and scientific statement of the great wealth of that section of the State, and the Maps the most perfect and valuable, of any yet published. The Maps are worth the price of the work, which is 50 C(^ntH, neatly bound in cloth. Copies sent by mail, free of postage, on the receipt of 50 cents. A liberal dis count to wholesale buyers. Orders solicited. Janj 2G. E. J. HALE & SON. FRE.irCH J. MYROVEll, who has just returned from Eu rope, will give LessoJis at the house of any one who may wish. The time he will have at disposal will be from 4 o’clock in the afternoon to 11 o'clock at night. w. FAYETTEVILLE AND COALFIELD RAILROAD. This liailroad. we suppose, has hardly been heard of by a majority of the people in this sec tion of the State, yet it is one of the most impor- ,Mr. Myrover desires to give extracts from a couple of that ha.s e\er been projected in North Caro- letters'from Professors of French, both of whom are lina. ’t is now located and nearly Ct^mpleted from well known in France: the liead of navigation on the Cape ^Yar River at “It is just one year and 20 daj's since 1 letl Paris: at I’ayetteville to the heart of the Coal Fields upon that lime your pronunciation was veru and iti Deep River. Perhaps many of our readers never your practice of teaching the French, the Jh.glish Ian- shall some guage gave you many goou opportunities to judge ol, , . , rw,i • i • i • j x i ami acquire our best pronunciatioa- ^ intoriii them. Tliis lload is designed to bo Your friend. FELIX AUCAIGNE, extended from the Coal Fields to some point on A The New Style, Small, COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS, AT VHiior«dcll’s Oa.ll«rf. ART. Woodward’H ^olar Camera. PHOTOGRAPHS cau be had at Vanorsdell’s Skylight Gallery, Hay street, opposite Marble Yard, Fay etteville, N. C.: plain, retouched, colored, in water colors, oil and pastile; from small to life size. Ambro- types, Melaneotypes, and all other styles of Pictures pertaining to the .Vrt. Also, Gilt Frames, Gilt Mould ing. Glass for very large pictures—as large as 26 by ati inches. Cord and Tassels for hanging pictures; Instru ments. Stock and Chemicals for sale low for cash. Life size colored Photographs made frbm small pictures. Having permanently located here 1 hope to merit your patronage. I would also return my sinccre thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on me heretofore by the good people of Fayetteville and vicinity. C. M. VANOKSDELL, Photographist and Proprietor. Dec’r 20, 1859 77- i “Late regular contributor to the Revue de Paris, i “ “ “ “ Illustration. I Late Professor of Languages at Paris, and now Pro- ' fessor of French at Providence, Rhode Island.” I “I was pleased to learn that you have the intention of ' teaching our language in the United States, and 1 have ! no doubt of your success, from the fact that you have a ! fine knowledge of our Language and a good pronuncia- I tion. I hope you will be successful. I embrace the present opportunity of wishing you a pleasant voyage, I and safe arrival at home. I Your faithful friend, { H. HILDERBK.\ND. French Professor. I 72 quai de la Megisserie. Paris.’" I Those desirous of faking Lessons will please leave ! their address at the store of Messrs. Myrover & Wight- j man. I Fayetteville, Feb'y 13. 01-3t ! «OOK«. ' ^ FRESH swpply just received. I Feb’y 13. E. J. HALE & SON. Y thev can be bought in the I ^^Iph. Lime. Soluble A. McUlMMON. The St vie of the Firm will be in future McRIMM(.>N & Ji.MITH. A. MOni.MMOX.] [.MICHAEL SMITH. Fayetteville, N. C., Oct’r 1, 1»5'J. NEW HOLMES & ROBINSON’S OIK HOKSE ST.4GE LINE TO KEyA\SVILlE, VIA WARSAW, IS the shortest and most expeilitiotis for travelers going North or South. Leaving Favetteville every day at 2 o’clock P. M. THKOUGH IN TEN HOURS. The traveling public who would study their comfort and convenience will tike the Warsaw Stage. te^THROUGH TICKETS TO WELDON may be had at the Stage Office, Fayetteville. .Vug 5, 185'.. 3S-ly IX'TTKKLOirS ]ASK. nTE.VMER “F.VNNY” leaves Fayetteville every Mon- 0 'lay and Thur..j.lay morning, al 1.') minutes after Sun rise; and Wilmington Tuesday and Friday, al o’clock, —carrying passengers and freight. Steamer “SOUTHEKNER." with a full complement of Flats, makes one or more trips per week, as circum stances may require. The accident to tiie Steamer “ROWAN" will be re- pairt'd in a fe'v days. She will then take her place in the line. T. S. LUTTERLOII. Ocf r 4, 18.58. 51-tf STATE ( AR AXD MACHIXE WORKS. '^piIE undersigned having located in the town of Fay- 1 etteviUe. N. C.. and erected buildings suitable for ar and Machine Works, would give notice tliat they are prepared to execute all orders for Cars of every de scription, also ail kinds of Machine work, such as re pairs of Steam Engines, Cotton, Mill and Mining Ma chinery, heavy forging, such as Mill Spindles, Cranks, ic.. at short notice. I5\- an arrangement made with the Boston Belting • ’oiiipany, we are prepared to receive orders for all kinds "f India Rubber Relting and Hose at their prices. Having started our Engine, and Woodworth’s Planer, wf are prepared to plane all descriptions of Lumber and Scantling, which will be kept on hand, for sale either in lltc rough or dressed, as parties may desire. ’ontracts taken for the erection of Huildings, mate rials furnished, and jobbing of all kinds executed with neatness and despatch. Counters and Desks made to order. Stores fitted, Sash, Door,“ and Blinds manufactured, equal to any thing of the kind to be fotind in the Northern market. WALTON & BAKRY, Car P.uilders and Machinists. Fayetteville, C>ct 3. IKoO 54 tf Ci>t ;t!s, Coi.DS. Hoarsknkss and In- Ki.i'KNZA, luuiTATiiiN, SiiitKNEss, Or any atVc'Ction ofthe Throat CUKED, the II \rK i.Nj CofuH in CoNSL'.Mi'TioN, Hro.sciiitis, WllOOl’INO COVOJI, AsTU.MA, CAX.ARR1I, RELIEVED by BROWN S KRONCill.\L TKOCiitS, or CoioH Loze\oes. “-■1 simple and elegant combination for CoL ciis, (ac. Dr. G. F. Bioelow, Boston. “/ recommtnd their lue to Public Si’Eakkks.” Rev. E. H. Chapin, New York. 58- LAKOK stock: GOODS!! 1IIAVE just received my Winter Stock of Goo«I in my line. They were selected in the Northern cities by myself, with great care, and bought on the most rea sonable terms, by which I am enabled to offer the larg est stock I ever before offered to the public, and to offer them At Cireativ Reduced Price»! FKUITS; Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Apples. Lemons, Orangea, Cher- ries. Currants, I’ie Fruiis, Stuff Dates, Citron, iSe. PICKLES, JELLIES & PRESERVES; —-V great variety.— Perliiiiierie!>i and extracts, Of various kinds: Fancv Soaps and Pomades. MUSICAL INSTRLMEXTS: Fiddles, Drums, Fifes, Flutes. Banjos, Guitars, &c. WALKING CANES, of every kind; Basket and Willow Ware, Hobby Horse.-', icc. FINE AM) COMMON CANDIKS: Sardines: Fine (’igars; Smoking and Chewing Tobacco; Crackers: Fine Pocket Knives: a large a«sortnient of Port-Monaies, s>ime very nice: Fancy Knvelopos and Fancy Goods: Toys and Yankee Notions: an assortment of India Rubber Gooclg, Whips, Combs; Fishing Tackle: Cocoa and Oilier FANCY GOODS; Palerramers, Reticules, Cabs. Rubber Round C’ombs, Watch Guards—M'diair, Silk and Leather, .*''’ancy Boxes. Pistols, Powder Flasks, .Shot Belts, Brandy Peaches—in gallon or half gallon jars, .Mace, Cloves, (,'innamon. Large Lot of Fire Works, kc.., &c.. \c.. 6ic., \c., \c , if. Spiced and Xorrolk Oysters constantly on hand. Country dealers and the puldic are resjiectfully in vited to call and examine my stock, is it is impossible to eaumerate but a few of the leading articles. I have a great many handsome tilings which cannot fail to please. J. R. LKE, No. 40, Hotel Bt ildiso. Dec 3. 185f* 72- Cloihingr! Clothing!! A Fresh Supply for the Trade of 1859. Silica, iVc. The “Nation.al Fertilizer ii> put up in strong bags of ‘Joo lbs. each, stampfd with Comjiany's mark, sold here at SI 75 per 100,—or at the Company's Office in New Yiirk at 5>1 50 per liHi lbs. The undersigned, the sole Agent for this part of the State of North Carolina, has a small supply on hand, and at short notice, will be pleased to lurnlah to those who may wish to try it, any re'iuireil juauiity. BEVERLY ROSE. Fayetteville, N. C.. Nov. ‘J1 W. V. TROV H.VS just received this morning, from Steamer North Carolina, ti bbls. No. 1 Mackerel, new. 10 “ “ 3 20 i and J bbls. No. 1 do. 25 boxes Cheese. 6 V.egt selected Goshen Butter. 10 bbis. Leaf Lard. 15 New Mullets in oak and pine bbls. He has on hand a general assortment of a RifV E R i KS, which will be sold chea]i for Cash or exchanged for Country Produce. Oct. 0, 18.')',). 5-')tf C.}ROCKRIE!«i AT WIIOI.KKAI.K. I.\M now receiving my Stock of Groceries for the Fall Trade, consisting in part as follows,— 11-') B.ags Coffee: 50 Bbls. Coffee Sugar: 20 Mhds. M.dasses: 50 Boxes Tol)acc>' factory prices; 75 “ .\d.amantiiio Candles; 30 ^ Bbls: Snuff —Eagle .Mills; 50 Boxes (.’.nndy; 20000 Lbs. Iron—assorted; “A Place for Everjthing” IN THE WAY OF Bui Id in;; Material!^! 1 I ME. Cement, Calcined and Land Plaster, Lath and iJ Laih NailH, Plastering Hair, Marble Dust, Fire | Brick, ,tc ic. •\lso. Laundry, Family. Chemical, Pale, No. 1, and all kinds of P’ancy S(».-M’S. Freights procured at the best rates, and every effort made to please all who may favor us with their patron age. Ail orders thankfully received, and attended to with care and despatch. LOVELAND & WELCH. 381 West street. New York, .lan’j'‘Jit, 1800. 8.')-3mpd LA.\D I'tIR i^ ALK. 1^11 E subscriber having removed West, offers for sale his L.VNDS in Harnett County, lying immediately on each side of Cape Fear River, containing 1200 acres in each tract. These Lands are situated in a liealthy country, pleasant neighborhood, and within a half a mile of the villace of Summerville, with good Dwellings on each place and all necessary Out-Houses, and cler - ed Land enough to work 25 or 30 hands to advantage. There are on these lands some six hundred acres of fine Bottom, most of which is uncleared, and well set with white oak and other fine Timber. large portion of the balance is oak and hickory Hidgo Lands; the bal ance is pine Land of a good quality. ha\^ng been work ed in Turpentine three y«ars. These Lands will be sold low for Cash or Young Negroes, or on time to suit purchasers, with approved bonds. Jan'y 13. N. G. JONES. RIoiiut'M Creek Factory. ,\RNS, any No. desired; Sheetings; Ditto thin for Straining R(win; Osnaburgs; Drilling, white and colored; Plaids and Stripes, excellent article.' for women's wear. For sale by GEO. McNKILL, Pres't. AVool Card«« in fir»t rate order, and wool carded with dispatch. WARPS furnished of any No. and length required. G. .McN. Feb’vll. 'Jl-3m Received A A I5USHELS PRIME i t!U SACKS SALT. 10 TONS COAL. Feb’y 13. aiad ("*KN. Ibr «ale. JOS. A. WORTH. 01-.3 w. Potatoes! Pol;itot*!«I! Potatoes!!! Qr BBLS. MERCER POT.XTOES: 50 do. I'ink Eye “ For sale by C. E. LEKTE. Feb'y 13. !»1 -1 m 50 PIowm! PIohm!! PIoun!!! NO. 0 PLOWS: 50 No. lt> Plows; .->0 “II 50 “ 50 and t>0 Plows; Points. Bars and Mould Bii.irds to suit. —ALSO- \ large assortment of Turpentine and Cooper..^' Tools. For sole Ity C. E. LKETE. Feb'y 13. tlie North Carolina Railroad. 8oine of the peo ple of Salisbury think their place the best point for the connection and so far as we have examin ed into the matter we aj^ree with them. That is the route the North Carolina Railroad ought to have run to have deserved its present misnomer of the Central Railroad. The Editors of the Fayetteville Observer will ' remember that about the year l!S38 a survey ot a Route from Fayetteville to Salisbury was made , running up to Deep River and thence across the I country to Salisbury. The increase in value ot ; the common farming lands and the immense min- I eral depo.sits, which such a Road—through Moore, 1 Randolph and Davidson—would open to a means { of transportation, would more than pay the State ! for any means she might invest in it. We have not the space now to give any details of these re- ' sources; but when the proper time eoiucs we shall [ do our duty in endeavoring to advance that scheme i which we think will be for the greatest good of I North Carolina. The people of Fayetteville believing that there was an abundance of Coal upon l>ecp River, alact we regret to say which some persons in Noith Carolina are still disposed to doubt, undertook to build themselves a railroad. Failing again and again in getting appropriations from the State, , they still persevered and now by they own ener gies and by a small appropriation from the State, they have nearly completed their Road, as we learn froiil the Fayetteville papers that the last .six miles was contracted for about a month since. This Road will, if it docs nothing else, open an easy means of reaching the Coal Fields and thus cause many to visit them. They will thus become more known and even if but little coal is at pre- . sent carried off it may be the means of giving some ot our people information on a subject oi which they are now most profoundly ignorant or careless—the va."t resources of our State. We shall at some i'uture time here or elsewhere s])cak ot the imnn‘nse iron deposits of that section and the peculiar adaptability of the country for the erection ol‘ workshops and foundries. Asheville Alvo iite. 01-1 m E' AOTIC’E. 'XPECTING to be absent from the State until the micldle of next Summer, say till July, I8K0, I have | „ ^ authorized Archibald McLean, of Harnett county, to j Fi^li and Pork. Q BBLS. MESS PORK: -25 Bbls. Mess Beef; 2.5 “ No. 3 M.ackerel; !■> “ No. 1 Herring. —ALSO— Mackerel and Salmon in Kits. For sale by C. E. Feb'y 13. LEETE. 91-lm 1 S oap 50 boxes No. 25 M Cigars; 502 P-ags Corn: 75 Bales Eastern Hay; 15 Firkins Butter; 20 Bbls. Leaf Lard; 85 J r.bls. No. 1 M.ackerel; 500 Lbs. Cod Fish. &c., ,S:c. Sept 12. 1S.59 E. F. MOORE. 48- of Harnett county, to transact business for me during my absence, to sell my Lands in Harnett county, and generally to attend to all my businesu. N. G. JONES. Harnett County, N. C., Jan’y 13, 18fiO. 83- To l.and Buyers. The undersigned offers for sale, in the Coal region, and within eight miles of the terminus of the Fay etteville Western Rail Road on Deep River, EKiHT HlM)REn AIKES OF LA.\D, adjoining the land belonging to the estate of George | ^Vilcox, dec'd, .ind lying tliree miles South from I'lir- : bonton, on Little Pocket Creek, Moore county. ' These La'ids are well adapted to the growth of corn, | cotton, wheat, oats. rye. &c. There are on the prem- 1 ises a cot;'.i'ortable Dwelling, and all necessary Out- houses, with about one hundred and fifty acres under : fence, including ftirty or fifty acres of never-failing | bottom land. This is a rare chance for persons wish- : ing to make investments, as lands are undoubtedly ad- I vancing in price in this section. For further information apply to Mr. M. M. McRae, Crane's Creek, P. ()., Moore county, or address me at Fayetteville, N. C. DANIEL McRAE. For the Heirs of Gilbert McRae, dec’d. Carbonton, Moore Co., N. (’., Aug. 21 43tf and Hoo|» Iron. YDS. (iuniiy Bagging. Hoop Iron and Rojie, for sale by E. F. MOORE. Sept 12 48- 3,01)0 10 ‘ Mott salutary relief in Bronchitis.” | Rev. S. Seiofrikd, Morristown, Ohio. j Htneficial when compelled to speak, suffering from | CiiLii.” Rev. S. J. P. Anderson, St. Louis. Efftctualin removing Hoarseness and Irritation of the Thiuat. so common with Spkakkks ffnrf Singers.” Prof. M. ST.\CY JOHNSON, LaGrange, Ga. Teacher of .Music, Southern Female College. ''fJrtat beufjit when taken before and after preaching, at prevent Hoarseness. From thtir past effect, I think ihcy will be of permanent advantage to me." Rev. E. Rowlky, A. M., President Athens College, Tenn. Sold by all Druggists, at cents per box. Al.so, Brow.n’s Laxative Troches, or Cathartic Loz enges, for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constipation, Headache, Utti'ius Affections, ^c, * Jan’y 26, lb60. 86-3w ^piIE public are aware tiial I have been j i engaged in the manufacturing and selling of (ientleuien's Garments for 17 or I If* years, and with this long experience | bilieve that 1 am as well calculated to .i.ake good selections, as any person or ;)ersoiis in this business. .My stock is all entirely new and adapt ed to the trade. My stock consists of No. 1 Dres.s Cloth Coats. Frock (.’oats i single and double breasteil); Busine.ss Suits, con sisting of Silk .Mixtures, Harrison Cass., Rib Cass, and Union Cass., Fine Beaver, J Felt ISeaver; Se.'il Skin and I'nioii ('ai».s. Over-Coats; Fell Beaver Talmas—a new garment, never introduceil before tliis sea- si)n; Pants of nil grades, ranging in price from $2 50 to $0 00; an extra lot of Vel vet. Silk, Grenadine Silk, Cloth and Cas- simere Vests: a largo assortment of Youths’ and Children's Clothing; Gentlemen's Shawls; Morning Gowns, Gentlemen's all- wool Under-Shirts; Railroad Rugs; Blan kets; Hosiery; Suspenders; Napoleon-Ties; Cravats; Stocks: Gloves; Bindings; Purses. Bacon, Corn and Hay. HHDS. well smoked B.\CON. 1(M» Sacks l.'ORN. 75 Bales Eastern H.\Y. Just received. E. F. MOORE. Dec. 1, 18.'.9. 71- Fre^li Arrivals. I Firkins GOSHEN BUTTER. Ir) 75 Bbls. White WHISKEY. 50 F?oxes Manf. TOB.-\(’CO. 25 Tons PERUVIAN GUANO, No. 1. Just received by E. F. MOORE. Dec. 1, 1 H.">0. 71 - ^O the farmers and citizens of the (.'ounties of Duplin, I'uyne, Johnston, Harnett, Moore. Cumberland, 110 20 “ 20 “ 15 “ For sale by Sept 12 WIiiMkey and Brandy. BBLS. Pure (.Jorn Whinkey; 25 “ Applf Brandy; N. E. Rum: American Brandy; Old Rye Whiskey. ]%otic*e---.\’ej!rroi*s \Vante«l. T'V RoVeson, Bladen. (Columbus. Brunswick, New Hanover, and Sampson: 'fhe subscriber being desirous of purchasing a num ber of Likely Young NEGROES, of all classes and des criptions. avails himself of this method of informing those who may have such property to dispose of. that they would do well to visit me at liome. or address me ; at Clinton. N. C.—for which they shall receive a visit. I Negroes wanted from this time ti'l the 1st of March j 1860, fir the Mobile and New Orleans markets, for I whom the highest prices will be paiil. j EVERETT PETERSON. Oct'r 13, lH5y. 57-.jin j .^t'srot's! !>i€^5rroe!«i!! Wanted. GENTLEMEN, your old customer is yet in market for ; Likely Negroes, forwhich I am determined to p.iy the j Highest Cash Pricest I Persons having such for sale would do well t.f give i I me a call, or address me at C’linton, ^. C. All orders jiromjilly attended to. ! J. A. Mc.ARTHUR. ‘.•5-lyrpd M A DRIEN. Hhds. Western Sides and Shoulders: 100 Bbls. City Mess Pork: 225 '• Yellow Planting Potatoe®: DMtTonsNo. 1 Peruvian (iuano; •500 Kegs Nails, choice brands: 75 Cases and barrels Glue; 500 Sacks Liverpool Salt: 2000 Bushels .\lum Salt: 25 Tierce® Prime Rice: 25 Tons Hoo]> Iron: .Also. Sugar. Coffee, Molasses. Turpentine Tools. Strainer Wire, I'tc., I've. For sale at lowest market pri ces by E. MURR.W \ Co., Wilmington, N. C.. Feb'y 11. 01-Im nOOTS & SHOES, \T \V110LES.\LK. JNO. m. WALKER, of North Carolina, W I T H W K O \ A: t ' O X , 2 7 CHAMBERS .STREET. NKW YORK. ' 11"^ILL be hapjty to see his Southern frienils al tlie . TT above establishment, where, either persiinally or ! by order, they may be supplied from an extensive and ■ well assorted Stock of (toods in that line, gotten u{>ex pressly for the Southern trade. Feb'y 10, 18G0. 01-ly Bit ;is \ 0 opf^:, DKALKUS IN .MKT.VhS AND MAMFA€TIRERS OF COPPEIl, ^O. T5 U IIAZil', liAl/riMORE, Md. M.\NUFA"TURE at the GUNPOWDER COPl’FR WORKS, and keep in store. Copper Sheets. (IJta- zier's and .''heathiug.) Rods, Rivets, Nails. .\:c.; Pattern Siieets and Bottoms made to order. Dealers in Pig Iron, Sheet, Hoil and Hoop lion; Wrought Iron Tubes (Plain and Galvanized) for Gas, Water or Steam; Malleable Iron Fittings, Lead Pipe and Sheet Lead, Gas Fitters' Tools, Hooks, Cement, kc.-, (.’’opper Ingots, Tin, Lead, Spelter, Founders' Facings, Fire Bricks, .ic., iNcc. Feb'y 11. 01-2mpd Real K«fa(e at Auction. VT the Market House, on Tuesday the 0th of March next, I shall sell Tliree Hou*e« and l.otM. One situated on thw corner of Moore and Frink streets, contains three rooms, and kitchen attached, occupied by .Mr. C. W. McKay. Another near the above, on the East side of Frink Street; four rooms and all suit aide out-buildings, occupi.'d by Mr. T. B. Cowan. An excel lent well of water convenieiit to both Houses. The other House on the South side of Person street, and opposite the residence of W. Cade, Esq., contains parlor and three bed-chambers, dining-room and kitch en attached; on the second floor two rooms with fire places. This projicrty is in pood repair; convenient to the bu siness part of the town and in an excellent neighborhood. 4 beautiful BUILDING LOTS of one acre each on Adam Street, adjoining Mr. J. Davis and Col. Hawley. JOHN H. COOK, Auct’r. Feb'y 9, iSOt.t. 90-ts Voun^ A>^roe)« for $$ale. IN jiursuance of an order of the Court of Equity, at the Special Term, in the case of Jackson Johnson, Jr. et al. vs. .losiah Maultsby et al., I will sell at theCoutt House iloor, on the 1st >londay in March next, two young and likely Negro boys, viz: ALEi'K, aged about ten years, and FRANK about eight. Bond and approved security required. Teruis at “^ale. WALTER A. HUSKE. rierk .• Master. Faj-eitevillp, Feb'y 180) ltO-3w Turpentine i^tiil Tor .^ale. V15 bbl. Turpentine Si ill with fixtures, for sale low* Been usel since .lune last, made by James .Msrtine .\pi-ly to Geo. W. Williiiius !>: Co. DANIEL .McNATT. Fob-,-r. 00-4 w ■'iiiv B.\GS N.I. I PERUVIVN GU.VNO, jnst recei vcl 1 UU and f.ir sale bv C. T. llAKiH \ SONS. I'eb v 8. ISt.O ' 00-3t Salt. Barrels. F or Clintor.. March 0, 1859. E. F. MOORE. 48- 40,000 Sept 12 tiiuano! jiuanoI! LBS. No. by 1 Peruvian Guano. For sale E. F MOORE. 48- I WUA^O. p'A TONS No. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO, just received OU and for sale by JOS. UTLEY. Fayetteville, Jan’y 30, 18G0. S8tf i% K %V NT«CK OF BOOlvS AND STATIONERY. Persons desirous of having their suits made abroa>l, can call and leave their measures with me, and 1 will have them attended to immediately. Call at the ‘‘OIVK PRIt'i: €LOTIIli\ti EMPORIU)! ” A. J. WOODWARD, We are just receiving our new stock of 2 Doors below s.'y.‘lllnTdaie. j Medical and Miscellaneous Books,' ) Sept. 14 49-tf I School Books; Blank Books; 40 Boxes Clieese just received j Writing Papers; Envelopes, &c. and for sale by D. & W. McLAURIN. E. J. HALE & SON Deo’r 22, 1869 77tf | Oot’r 6, 1869 TiARKirr. All per.sons having NEtiROES for sale, will do well to address the subscriber al Clinton, Sampson county, as he is determined to buy and pay as liberal prices for them as the state of the market will permit. By addressing him he will call immediately, and make liberal offers, as all will find who will try him. CHARLES T. STEVENS. Clinton, Sampson Co., Sept 10,1850 48-1 ypd S^Tlie American Almanac fbr 18G0; Swords' Pocket Almanac: Brooke’s Fool of (juali ty; Prentice's Wit and Humor; Preachers and Preach ing, by the Author of ‘‘Kirwan's Letters"; The Socia ble, or U)01 Home .\museinents; Irving's Sketch Book; Ada Leigh: Seven Years, by Julia Kavanagh; kc. In terlinear Translations of Xenophon, Ca'sar, Cicero, \ ir- gil, Sallust; Rullion's Analj'tical Grammar; Davies Arithmetics and Keys, &c. &c. E. J. HALE & SON. Feb’y 2. - wA:%fiiiuK 4 LARGE quantify of COTTO.N and LINEN RAGS, for which fair prices will be paid. DAVID MURPHY. Aug. 17 41- $^LPRi:TlE COI RT Ri:PORI>i NEW EDITION OF DEVEIIEIX AND BATTLE’S EQIITV, Volume ^nilE subscribers havi-just prii.tel a iM IMiiiori of this I volume, (one of the most valuable of the series,) with Notes and References to oilier adjii lir'-1 Cases and I to the Rt‘vise'1 Cotie, by lion. Wm. 11. Baiile; and with many corrpctions of tyj ograpliii-al errors. Their 2d F^ditions of the Istvolumeof Dev. \ Battle's Equity, and 1st Dev. & Battle's Law Reports, have re- i ceived the approbation of the Profession, j Thev also republislied a 2d Edition of Itevereux’s 1st i Equity, (without Notes.) Anil in addition to these, are : the proprietors of the entire editions of most of Iredell's j Law and Equity, and can .supply any volumes extant i of the Reports, or complete sets, so far as they can now i be had. They propose to put to press a 2d Edition of Dev. Battle's 2il Law Reports. They deal largely in Law Books, and will at all times order works not on their shelves, to supply their cus tomers. E. J. HAI-i'’ ,v .'^ON. the binilcr’s hands, ready this we -k, JONES’S L.VW REPORTS, Vol. Ct, and F’quity Vol. 1. For sale, or exchange with the Profession for unbou’id Nos, when in good oriler. Fayetteville, Jan’y 10, 1800. To Rail Ronfl Contraftors! JUST RECEIVED lOO WHKEI.BARROU>i, liecht and strong, for the Rail Road. For sale by D. & W. McLAURIN. March 29, 1859v 800tf ?IOAi:i lVi.\TKO! lies and ni'cou:ils due the sub'criber, arc ready ■i!ie It: .ill who fail to pay by tin? Isl .Mar- h, will liii'l their in'tcs and accounts in the HAND.'^ of OFF’H’ER.'' for collection. .Molasses. Iron, a general assortment. Spirit . Sugar and (^ofi'ee. Irish Potatoes, kc. ale cheap for (’.VSH only. P. P. JOHNSON. Feb'y 7. 00-3t Jl»TATfi:«l' AORTH C AROLIN A, Ni;\V H.\NoVER COUNTY. Ill Ivjiiity—Fall Term, 18.’)9. Soioiiiun W. Na.sh, vs. .\I. N. Lear^-, Exr., and others. IN pursiiaiice of a decree ofthe Court of Equity of the county cf-New llauover, made in tliis caine at P’all Teriii. I shall expose ti> sa1“ by public auction, at the Market II .no in Wilmingtnn, on Slonday, the 12th day of Mar' ll next, tiie following des'-nbvd Lots in Wiliii'ngton —viz: “One Lot on (Irang" street. Iiet ween ,''ee.i!id :iud Third streets, adjoining the Lot of Benja min ll i'kin- oti the East. Mrs. Ciuthrie's on the South, and Mrs. St.iwe's, and Mrs. Sinlas's on the West >iile. -Msiv. tlie I,lit it.imediately Nurili of Dr. l>icl..-on's re sidence, meii-uriiij;' fifty six feet on Front Stieei. :ind ruiinii'g bark 'ev.-nty-nine feet five iiiclie', wiih the I’s-.. I,! a four f l alley on one side. »:id :i '•i.x feet alley on the other. .Mso. three lots l.ving lielweeo North Boundary or Water Street and the Wilmington i: Weldon Rail Road—bov.nde 1 on the East by Filth .'^treet, and on the West hy i’otirlli Street, said lots being de^iignat- el on the plat which forms a p.art of the deed from 1. D. Me.;- V. Clerk and .Master, to Wm S. Campbell, as lots ''Os 8'), 80 and H7. 1 shall aNo offer for s*le at I he t'ourt house oor in Finietlfiille, an Tuesday thr ^'tlhday of March, the HOUSE AND LOT in Fayetteville, on the west side of Winslow street, nearly opposite the foundry, now occupied by B K. Pearce, beii^g a jiart of the estate of Solomon W. Nash, deeeiwe 1. Tv.I’.ms;—One-third cash—one-third at 0, aud the other a! 12 iiionth.s from day of sale, with interest f' oiii that day. M. WADDELL. C’erk atid Master in K|uiiy. Feb'y 2. Ol-ts i\ew RookK, hy Harriet B. ,11c- Keever. EDITH’S Ministry; Sunshine, or Kate Vinton: The Flounced Robe, and What it Cost. Just rec'd. Dec a. E. J. riALE & SON. Webster’s Elementary {Spelling Book, for sale bj £• J. HALE & SON>

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