le. t. join;.:* the ''Cupied bv H’ ‘Pionging to 2 '‘f of l>obbi,, * ulbreth. ^ inslow ^reet •“' -uXd b; rick R„w* •' Hou.. . ,. »K. Tn.nee o\. mir S E II I-W E E K L, Y. r .,.lf : aii j ,1, . ^ 'h. PI,,,. 'H’-nK' l..t i>.i; . . ^ ■ ' ' at the t t..r . K. A e - lb, = pi’-;yiu '•>>■ ■: iliJ.jl i,.,J •• ' - - ' : J t jir :cer, >!1 ■•! t ,, ■ >T r. ; y so A, M •* Jrsi_i* ' li \c.. 1 t ' .. H kV, Kl l\ KrailMi; : ■ te^ tl * 'iDif = !i i • ll^lh*- VV'iv: ^ IViiirt olir. : ' - ^ h . h. ir n..! ; Mi. U. - :• rr . ■ . , •: ih. Wtl 111- - - .. D4>I ■ . ...=^n j St., \cw York. ;.. = 1 TLK !V d. A. ■ Pin. •! J L’iC, II. V n ^rr' - hi.ii. ■!' , li .VIIC: -I 1” 'K ■Q I’-: ' ' ■ . ' .V. • :r i ■ - ’ll- l -KJi !:IN. -'.‘if X ■::: -’^'1 i n-'W \y r*- juests !‘.i= ■- early, as lie ] -■ .S'U, T'.'U' [VOL. IX.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., FEBRUARY 23, 1860. [NO. 894.] I’KIM'KU MONDW.S ANI> THURSDAYS EDWiRD J. HALE & SON, inHTORS AND I’ROPKIETORS ri'iop fi>r tlio Senii-\Vi-ekl_v Ouskhvkr J3 (H> if paitl in •I'lvHiioe; S’? 51* if pai«l during the year of subscrip- tii'ii; or S4 after the year lias expired. K ir the Weekly Ouskrvku (R> per annum, if paid in •i.lv;inoe: S'J r)0 if paid during the year of subscrip tion: t>r (>> lifter the year has expired. P!t2»“ ADVERTISJKMKXTS inserted for 60 cents per itipiare of lt> lines ft)r the tirr?t, and '50 cents for each Fucceeding publication. Vearly .advertiseinents by spe cial contracts, at reasonable rates. Advertisers are t■^'(^uested to state iho nniiilier of insertions desired, or they will be continued till forbid, and cliargetl accord ingly. Advertisenients to t>e inserteil inside, charged 50 per c«nt extra. SPKC’I.VL NOTU'b:. From and after this date, nouauieof a new subscriber will be entered without payment in advance, nor will iin.' jiapor be sent to such subsorHiors for a longer time .!mu ir- paid for. Siicli of our old subscribers as desire to take the pa- |.or on tliis system will please notify us when making remittances. .I.in'y 1. 11111.1.10X8 OF TIIF FRENCH STRANQE, Attorney at Law, Fayetteville, N. C. Office that recently occupied by C. O. Wright, Esq., over the one now occupied by him in br. Robinaon's building. Green Street. Uec'r -2. 1859. 7'2- U\fi. ^ffcE,. .TfirA.f V, Attorney at Law, Fayetteville, N. C. IIT'ILL attend th« County and Superior Courls of tT Cumberland, Harnett, Moore and Robeson Coun ties. Prompt attention given to the collection of all claims entrusted to his hands. Oct. 17, 1859. 58-tf L.AW I^OTICE. The Subscriber having removed from Summerville to Fayetteville, will attend tlie County and Superior Courts of Cumberland, Harnett and Moore. His office will be at his residence, on Green Street, opposite the Episcopal Church. His correspondents will please address him liereafler at Fayetteville, instead of Summerville. NEILL McK.W Jan’y'il, i860. S5-tf H. W. HORNE, .f TTO Jf.ViE V .fT .\Y be found at the Office of Wm. B. Wright, Esij., near the Court House. June 3i>. 1859. 28-1Y STI\DIUU SniOOL-BOORS, PUBUSHKD BY A. S. BARNES & BURR, :.i & :*;’» john street, .\EW VOKK. I'tsfriptiKe Catalogues of tht ir Publicatiom 'if po»t}‘iiid to any jMirt of the U. State*. A.M) .SOLU BY K. .1. H.iLE A S«.\, KajeltevHIo, N. C. S'It no/ Ti iir/ii I’ll, ('"uimittns. Truttes, i ■iifDiits.'itoiitj'i and Frituda of' h'duca- t' III, arr iuvit(d to vxnmhn- the udini- hi'j ciilunhU Tt.it-liooks, fur Srhuow A ii'lt iiiits anf L'u/liyea: — ON ORTHOGRAPHY. i Normal Chart ot Elenientary Sounds. - 50 Parker and Watson's Primer, 15 l’..}'kt r Jaiid Watson's Si’cllers. '2 Nos. 15 & 25 >.ii:rli‘> Juvenile L*eHner, 30 .''Uiiih's (irammar-School Speller; 40 .''initii's Detiner's Manual, 60 Wright's .\nalytical Othography. 25 : On Reading and English Grammar. 22 l’:irker and Watson's National Readers. 5 Nos. Parker's Rhetorical Reailer, 75 " Parker and Zachos' lieailing and Elocution, -'^7 X I'he English Pnet. with IJoyd'o Notes, per vol 75 Z N'Tthend's Little (irator, 30 ^ I’l.irk's First Lesions in English Cirammar 30 I'lark's English tiramrnar, 50 Welch's En^ilish Sentence 75 " North Carolina Readers, No. 1. 2 and 3. .’n i- pi ife^^i''!' , ,.,;d may - Sr..ft, t- Klatt- . ,ndi:.-tea*y ^ e-ilU " 7^'i" ‘■LAkE. aiEWDS - . ,-a -nending lo -tili wUPng : ' mi , i\e always III. . Pension - t‘ ft jiromi'f* s; 26tf (ji . 1 and dHspaich. .iidivereJ .jngha^^t. . ,ul, l!:iy Street. 1 My r II'fK#- I received, which^ McLAURlN. 10 tf W IIISKKV. * .-ntii with ^ - ‘pplied with ui* ; n be had »t ai. 6Q*tf Scientific Text Books. U-ivies' .Scries of Arithmetics, 15c., 25, 45 75 l>:ivies' Serie-i of Algebras. 75c., il 25 i jl 5U Uiivies' Serie- of Geometries, ;?1, 1 25. 1 5J iV 52 pjirker'.s Nat'l Philosophy. 3 vol«. 2-)C., 37^, C^l Porter's First Book ol ('liemist/y, 50 Porter's Principles of I’ltemistry, 1 t.M» Norton's First Jjook of Natural Philosoiih}' 50 Norton and Porter's First P.ook of Science, 1 0*J Mrlntyre's .\stroiiomy and (ilobes, 1 00 , l‘>jirtle!t'« System of Natural Philosophy, 4 vols. ' Lardiier on the Steam Engine, 1 50 P. rk's Elements of .Meclianics. 1 50 ' iillespie on Roads and Railroaits, 1 oO l»arby's .Southern Botany, 1 50 SCHOOL GEOGRAPHIES, WITU MAPS A.VI) KNtiRAVI.\r,(i;. Monteith's First Le^=s')ns in Gcografdiy 25 \loiiteith's Introiliiction to .Manual of Geog. 40 '1 'Uteith's New Mainial of (ieography 60 Mi N.illy's School (ieograpliv 1 00 SCHOOL HISTORIES, WITH MAPS AND K.NUKAVIXdS. \I 'iiteith's Youth's lli.'tory of the U. States 50 lard'- School History of the U. States 75 Willard's Cniversul lli'tory 1 50 l)wight'ij Grecian and Roman Mythology 75 Ricord's Roman History 1 tM) (fould s .\lison'i* History of Europe 1 50 ON RHETORIC, LOGIC, &o. bay's .Art of Rhetoric lloyd's Kamea’ Elements of Criticism 'liiiian's Science of I.ogic 'I:ihan's Intellectual Philosopliy 'Nillard s Morals for the Young I'.r (•) 1 2') 1 50 1 00 50 ks' Latin and Greek Classics. .'^i liool Teacher.'' Library, 6 vol. $1.25 per vol. School Teachers' Register 50 Cts. lirooks' School Manual of Hevotion .IS cts. \ ,(•,/• putdiiUtd in ihe I'niUd Shih.^ Um hrtii more hijldfi rti iiiiiiuendel thuu the National School Series. Ihtrrifitive !•/\. S. P.arnks \ Hl kk's I’uhliiationt, ftnt. unat paid, h> auij uart of Ihr i'ni! d Statii. .lust published Prof. Havies' new Elementary Algelira. 75 cts. Prof. Brooks' Ca-sur's l^ommeutaries. Beauti- tully illustrated 1 25 \ New .System of Book-keejiing, for Schols. By Martin iS: Smith 75 cts. The Normal MethoIs of Teaching the Common Branches 1 00 Nov 11 1859 67- and llariieMw for Male. Kl't tNO-II A.N U large (.’arriage, iseats for six,) JOSKIMI B.\KEK, .Ik., ATTOR .^KV A T I. W , Has taken an office next cloorto Wm. IV Wright’s l.aw Office on Green Street. He will attend and practice in the County and Sujverior Court* of Cumberland. Bladen, Robeson and Sampson. March 23, 1859. 79i*' P. J. Mi:VCLAlR, Attorney aud Couusellor at Lau, FAYETTEVILLE. N. C., II^ILL practice in the•'ourts of Rolieson, (.'umberland, )V Harnett and Richmond I’rompt attention given to all business entrusted to hin. Feb’y 5, 1859 86- A. J. ATTORNEY .\T LAW, (OFFICE IN THE COCRT HOC.‘!E., 11''ILL practice his profession in Randolph aii'l the yy adjoining Counties. Prompt attention given to all business entrusted to his care. Jan'y 20, l8t>0. S5tf I>. Mc I.KAX, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, SUM.MEKVll.LH. X. , AIJ'ILI. attend the Courts of Ciuubcrland. Moyre, .loltn- \\ ston and Harnett Counties. PRO.MPT attention given to the collection of all claims entrusted to his care. iJec'r 20, 1859. 78-1 y RORV flcAAlR, •Mttorney and i'otntHeUor ai LUMBERTON. N. C. IITILL attend and practice in the County and Superior IT Courts of Robeson, Richmond and Cumberland. All busines* intrusted to him will reccive promja at tention and collections punctuallv remitted. Oct. 6, 1859. ' 55tf JOH-\ P. Fil.LKR, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, WILL PKACTIl.E IN THK CUUHTS 0>' Kobeson, Cumberland, Columbus and Bladen. Office at Lumberton, Robeson Co., N. C. July 5, 1859 29tf R. n. ORRi:i.i., TURPENTINE INSPECTOR. Those sending their Spirits Turjientine to me may rely upon it to have prompt and car;-ful attentiou. My warehouses are fronting the wharves and near the river. Sept'r 13, 1858.^^^ 45tf OWJB.\ A: VARBROK^H. Have tins day entered into Copartnership for the purpose of transacting the Commission and Forwarding Business, in all its branches, in Wilmington, and will give prompt personal attention to all business entrusted to their care. Liberal cash advances will be made on Consignments of (,'ountry ProIuce. i jJic^Office on North Water St., over H. Vonglahan's : Store. JOHN W. OWEN. ! 0. S. YARBRtJCGH. I Wilmington, Oct 20, 18-55 *>4- ! Will. H. Tl RI.l.^CWTOlf, Couiiiii§sioii illerehaiit, i WILMLN'(rrON, X. c. ' 'IITILL give special attention to the sale or shipment : ?V of ail Naval .Stores. Cotton, Flour, Timber, and ! other country produce, i Roferg to: H. R. Savage, Cashier Bank of Cape Fear, ■ Wilmington; Jno. Dawson. Pres't Wiltnington P.riinch 1 Bank of North Carolina: W. H. .fones. Cashier Raleigh Branch Bank of Cape Fear. Nov 9, 1859 65-tf Floral Collei^e. The ensuing Session in this Institution will oommeuce on the 2il Wednesday in Jan’y next. The luanaf^enient and instruction of the Institution will be under the Rev. Daniel Johnson and Mr. John C. Sutherland, with an able Corps of Assistants in all the departuients. The Princijxil and his lady will take en tire charge of the Boarding establishment, thus giving to the School more of the family element. Thia ar rangement, it is believed, will greatly advance the uue- fulness of the Institution. .M. C. McNAIR, Sec'y Board of Trustees. Dec'r 20 77- mmWM HIGH SlOOLS, ,^lal€‘ and Female. Rev. W.M. L. VAN EATON, A. M., Principal. D.\NIEL L. CL.\Y, .Assistant. Miss LUCY J. ARMFIELD, in charge of the Female Department. Miss ROCINDA J. DOCGHERTY, in charge of the Music Department. Miss S.AR.AH DOUGHERTY, in chargeof the Painting Class. HUE ;!1 St Session of these prosperous and growing _ Schools opened the la- Wednesday in January, with all the ilepartments of instruction filled with efficient and experienced teachers. Our buildings are large, eomnnuliotis and well fur nished with .Apparatus, (Jlobes, Maps. &.C.. situated in a beautiful grove, at a suitable dibtaiice apart. Oosr, PKK SKSSION OF TWKNTV-O.NK WLEKS. Itoard. including every thing except candlei, S'>and^7 English branches. SlO and $12 Latin. Greek and advanced Mathematics. SI5 Music. $20 Painting, in oil, SIO ('ontingent fee. $1 For further particulars adtlress the Principal, land Catalogues will be sent,; at Jotiesville, Yadkin Co., N. C. .Ihiiv ISfiiV 8*>-i'5ui IIOWFI.L A: KRITUI:RM, M.\M FArTl'RKKS OF fafi;r iiAx\gi\gju, €’ I R T A I P A P K R >«►, A: e., •JOO KAI.TI.nOKi: MT. HALTIMORK, Mo. fls^?~(*ur Goods are expressly adapted to the Home and .southern Market. Feb'y 4, 1S6U. S'.-3mpd ISADDT^E AI\» HARI%E!l»» FACTORY. The €'arria^e I'artory the S»uthl T rjiHE jubscriber begs leave to return his thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, and in forms the j)ublic that he has now and will continue to have an increased force of experienced Saddle atid Har ness Makers, whose work he will war- , rant; and that be is prepared to offer [ to the public a large and varied assort ment of every thing kept in his line. His assortment of Saddles, Harness, Bridles, Trunks. Travelling Bags. Valices, &c., is unsurpassed for workmanship and ma terial, and will compare favorably for neatness with any other Manufactory, either North or South. Persons wanting any thing in hig line will do him a favor to call and examine hi. stock before purchasing, as he is satis fied it will not fail to please them. His establishment will be fomnd five doors East of Cape Fear Bank, on Person Street. Ifisif" Repairing done with neatness and despatch. • W. OVERBY. Fayetteville, N. C., .Tan'y 9, 18»^». Kl-fim Persons indebted are earnestly requested to call and settle, as I must have money. THE ^a^i^frate^i ol Cumberland County are hereby notitied to meet at the Court House in Fayette ville, at 11 o’clock, on the Wednesday of Slarch Term, being the 7th day of the month, for the trans action of the public business. I). G. MacR.AE. Chm'n. Feb'y 15, 18fiO. 92-tC To the liilereKt ol* Tiir pen line Diwf illerw. MA. B.VKER would resjiectfully inform Turpentine . Distillers and others that he is now manufacturing The liii|M*o%etl Turpentine ^till. .All orders promply attended to. Copper work done on the most favorable terms. Old Copper bought for cash or taken in exchange for new Work. Call and see for yotu'selves at M. A BAKERS (.’oi>per Shop. Fayetteville, N. C. Feb’y 1, 1800. 88tf Tiirpeiiliiie .Stills lor Male. 10 b.'irrel, one 15 barrel, one 20 liarrel, one 4-') bar- rel; the above Stills all in good order. Will be sold on the most favorable terms, bv M. A. BAKER. Fayetteville, N. ’., Feb’y 1. ,sStf A i\IKETilAi\ F)ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, that he has built up large substantial Brick Build- j ings at his Old Stand, expressly for manufacturing Car- j riages. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he has j received for the last 21 years, he hojies by strict atten- | tion to business, with a desire to gi'^e satisfaction, to | merit a continuance of the same. He warrants his work | to be made of the best materi.al and by experienced j workmen in each liranch of the business. His work will | compare favorablj’ with any made in the United States. ; far neatness and durability. He is determiueil to sell ; ami do any work in his line on as good terms as any j work done elsewhere that is as well done. He now has ' on hand, fini.shed, THE LARGEST STOCK OF Carriages, Barouehes, Kockaways and Buggies, I ever offered in this jdace, and a very large stock of work i nearly finished, which will be finished daily. .All of i which will be sold very low for cash, or on short time to | punctual customers. Ilig^Hc has on hatid more than ' ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY VEHICLES finished i and in course of construction. i S^^^.All work made by him is watranted 12 mouths ! with fair usage, and should it fail by bad workmanship j or material, will be repaired free of charge. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and ex amine for themselves. Orders thankfullj" receiveil and promptly attended to- Repairing executed at short notice ainl on very reason able terms. 500 ACRES VALUIBLE FARMIMJ LAM) AT AIJCTIOir. ^Y^ILL be sold, on Tuesday the Ofh day of March, at iV the Market House in the town of Fayetteville, at 12 o'clock, a Valuable Tract of F.AR.MING LAND, two miles below town, on the West side of Cape Fear River, containing THREE HUNDRED ACRES, adjoining the lands of Robinson, Makepeace and Jessup, consisting of Swamp. Sand-hill and River Lands, a portion of which is cleared and dj^hed and has been nnler culti vation. The remainder is well Wooded anil makes it exceedingly valuable, as it is so near market For further particulars inquire of me, at my ,'^torc. C. E. LEETE. Auci'r. Feb’y 20. 9S-ts May 28, 1859. 89-tf OKU. H.\RRISS. W. W. IIAlUtlS'. A. J. UOW KLI,. HARRISS & HOWELL, Commission and Forwarding Merchants WrL.MIXdTOX, X. (V Oct. 17, 1859. .'.8 IYjmI ROBERT H. OWA.'^, fjieneral Commission •lirrrlmnt^ WILMINGTON, N. Ofiice South Corner Market and Water sireelti. up-stairs Oct. 13, 1H59. 57-IV T. V. X R. U. U ORTH, Commission and Forwarding Itlerfhants VVILMIXGTOX, N. V. Jan'y 28, 1859 ,\ 'IrKethan's make, in got-td condition. Andadouble •‘t ot ( arriage Harness, Overby's make, nearly new. 1 r -ulc together or separately. ■''"V. 10. E. J. HALE. BookM, bv Harriet B. .Hc- Keever. 1’1'i rir.S Ministry; Sunshine, or Kate .Vinton: The J Hounced Robe, and What it Cost. Just rec'd. E. J. HALE & SON. W 84tf CLARK Dr. P.ronson having lieen so far reduced by consump tion, as to be cciisideretl beyonil all hope of recoveiy by tlie most eminent of the medical profession, and also by himself—a regular physician of twenty years jiractice as a last resort, conceived the idea of .AN.ALYZING THE BL»J_>D. ami applying the subject of physiology to the more immediate connection, and effect of the State of the blood upon tlie health and system. The result has been the production of this ‘BLOOD FOOD,’ from the use of which Dr. Bron-^on was restored to per fect health. Withiu six months after its introduction, over two thousand consumptives wtre effectually cured by it. Ifyou have any complaints of a consumptive tendency, t'ough. Cold, llead-ache. Palpitation of the Heart, Loss of .V]>petite or Paiti in the Side, lose no time in procuring a bottle of the “BLOOD FOOD.” If you are suffering from Nervous Debility, or your sleep is broken and disturl)ed. if your Spirits are l)epres8ed, or your Organs Relaxed, }ou will find in this an un failing remedy, by coiumeucing with ten drops. If your Liver is torpi'l or diseased in any matiner what ever. one or two bottles will he sure to invigorate, and brine it into lively and healthy .iction. In the most inveterate ca>-es of Dyspepsia, the patient can here find the most etiicient and grateful relief. .A benefit is al ways experienced after taking only otte bottle. In .Male or Female (^omplaints and Weaknesses, the sufferer, after trying other remedies in vain, may rest assured, that a certain cure will result from the use of two or three bottles. The‘‘BLooD FOOD*’is effecttial in all cases of Eruptions, Salt Rheum, Scrofula and other like cotnplaints. Pale and oiuaciau-d children and adults are immediately benefitted by its use. It gives strength to the body, and color an'l beauty to the skin. Phy sicians of all schi>ols aretisingit with wonderful success. For full directions, see circulars. Price ?1 per bottle. '3|)1X| kiuaj '|i3\\o||^ .(jl'jiiic »(| isiiiu 3|ni>i| ipva punoiti pjdJui.w kuojijjiip aqi t.KUj ||V II| Sj.iqiiiu: ||u m )>»ii Jqi «« «|>u.iu luo.i )i 'uosu.tj niuiic ^t)l J".l si a|uq.\\ JV014U a*'iqi UK-T si: snu3iiijviij.»\>iw iiiio| luuatio w ivi(l ji(i ji> J.iqiu auqi qjiiui ot sisoj i| — 1' niiunjojil in )iut) ou o] 110 \ |iu jiuiiioj,>i aw ''111 ‘o kUUIS|ll.\UOJ (O IJM Ul ‘3U>>llItlllls-!1UH Aiii.Vii pill! i.i.ijj.hI qit.u uo |i>i|jj aq umj i| (axussip 10 auiAJl r>uw I'tiH.I j'OMi »qi -.i.iioj;) Jn.4 '.laHJJ aJtis v si u |>kJ|| aqi >■! J"..| >! .iqi ilu|t«|u3aj uiud aiii\ai|ii pun siuMi; .qi SiiiuJijds ji>i-uk|u ; jiy'.iirf)uak.V(j IB qjiu f)Mil\:i.l..I.V S.IAIV'I.IKO.• 'J'lV >KM :zi \ iioiiHJii'tajd jaqio ijAi' iiiaiii Jaiq J >1! si qj|q.u iliii.wuiioj aqi i|v ui pUK jjiij uiuijjj u vi piiv ']umj -Ul iiKJ!|ap i>oiii >qi ajiifu; iuuiih.i pun R«a|uijuq ,(|ij.ijj.iit «i i|— spuuq 11 uo Kiq .\q iiijqi ju .\uyui 'u(i|u;4 J|| J> uuiuji ip aqi japilll »qi IIHIJI itnp !)iii,)q pj||i)sip | )i qJiq.u iiioi) kjooi AJiA dqi:«oqs n; \i hju!«iIiiimj a||juK|U| io| .|.i{iiu jaqjo .4u» qii.u ti JO UDiiiiHiliiiiij V i>u 'aiuj jHdja qii.u iln luii si )|—.^IpJiqx >! auiiiapcap )■> p||q3 jno.t 10 aqi ;iiiiA(MUdJ .tq sjAJiiaj .(|iuant).suij puK puii) jn d|i:uln ii Dijiaij»! iiioji a.>j| .(|.«jiiu.) ! i|—(ipiio.ias iiiaqi jnj d(||jjs ajil 01 s]tiMi|(luo3 a|||UHiu| Ul a.iu qsiiiii iuuj| ||dU >1 uq » ut;|.i!>Aq(J jUjllMj H JO UoilUJVildJit )qi >i li ItJiJ MloA p.ii^Do ?jojii|dJaq suq >| iwiib lu aunu juqi uiiiijsou .OdAa iaAo .(luouwinii kii aimi i| 8Ji«jp a.u ivKiau.) L^'llx.^;\ e;..N()xva au 'im« no-' aunujsaja u| lifiiiis! 4ifiiii««I! Ihiiiih!!! Tfl. A. BAKER, Gun & Rifle Manufacturer. / ^UNS repaired ut the shortest notice and for a sni.^^ll ' I charge. 8(M( double and single barrel shot (Suns for sale low. UtOO Repeating Pistols of all the different makers lujw in the United States, for sale low. (’all at M. -A. 1!.AKER'.'^ and see for yourselves. Fayetteville, N. C., Feb y 1. 88tf WM. CARTER & SON. ^tholesale b Retail Dealers and .Manufacturers OK ALL KIMiS OK Mjcuther^ Saildles find Mittrness, Of every description, ('ollars. Whips. Ac. And we also particularly call the attention of the whole surrounding country to give us a call, as we are de termined that none shall surpass us in quality or low prices; and we will give the highest cash price at all times for Raw Hides and Tallow, in exchange for our articles. Country Merch.ants would do well to call and examine our Stock, as we can sell them Shoes of a mucli better quality than they usually get, on very accommodating ernis. Southern Planters would do well to send us all their orders as we arc making a No. 1 art icle of NEGR( > SHOES, that are warranted to give entire satisfaction. N B. All Orders from a distance shall have prompt attention. S. CARTER. WM. CARTER, floldston P. O., Chatham Co.. N. C., > March 15, 1859. | .1. W. BAKi^R Is now receiviiiir i'roni tlie Xortli the largest, finest, and most carefully selected stock of ri n'viTi'iei: ever ottered in this market: which added to his own manufacture, makes his assortment comjilete:— all of which he will sell on the lowest ]iosiblc terms for cash or on time to juinctual customers. F.'ishionable painted cottage bed-room Furniture in sett>^: curled hair and shuck, atid cotton Mattresses: Looking Classes: Willow Wiigons itnd Crailles: Side Bo.ards: Bureaus: Secretarii's and Book-('ases: What- Nots: Tables, all sons: Wash Stamls: ’andle Stand.s: Wardrobes: Picture P'rames and (Jlass: W indow Shades: Cornices; CiirtTiiu Bands: Sol'a« in .Mahogony and AVal- niit; Tcte a Tctes; Ottomans; l)ivans and Stools; (Jhairs ot every variety. Fine Kosi'wood IMatios, one with 3]olian at tachment; Rosewood Melodians, from the best manufac tories in New York and Bo-Jton. w;irranted as good as any made in the country, and will be sold at New York prices—freight only added. September 2. 45tf i>larble Factory, Land on Beaver Creek l*or ^>>ale. John (lould and wife, David Arnett and other.s ex parte, i’etition for the sale of Land. In Equity. (N pursuance of an order made in the above cause at January Special Term, I will sell at iheCouri House door, on Thursday of .March Court next, •'SO Acre!« ot Land, lying on the waters of BeaverCreek, adjoining the lands of Archibald McDufiie and others. Said Land is now, or was recently in the pos.session of Moses Britton, and is said to be valuable for Turpentine ]>uri>oses. Terms one-fourth cash, balance t> months. Bond and approved security required from the purchaser. W. A. HUSKE, Clerk & Master. Feb'y 17, 1800. 93-4t AT AICT10I%. i O ACRES on the Fay. & Western Plank Road, about '+0 two miles from Fayetteville, joining the lands of Mrs. Ochiltree, W. H. (’arver, and others: known tis the COOK L.VND; about 12 acres are cleared and produces fine crops. There is a very pretty building spot on tliin . Land. 15 Acres near the above on both sides of the Plank Road, joining the lands of J. D. Starr, A. W. Steel, and others; there is a email clearing on this tract and a number of grape vines. A beautiful building lot. The above Lands will be offered at public sale, at the Market House, in the Town of Fayetteville, on Tuesday of March Court, being the Oth March 18t!>. Terms made known on day of sale. (1. W. L.AWRENCE, -Agent for owners. J. H. (’OOK, .Anct’r. Feb'y ft. 89-ts x\i:u Booii^i. V'ARIETY of School Books, Ate., just received. E. J. HALE & SOI •i H. ALLEN.] [,). ALLEIV & CLARK, CoiiimiM«ion .^ercliaiitM, WILMINGTON, N. C. DEALKB8 I\ LIMK, PLASTER, CE.MKXT, HAIR, Ac. Agents for Rush & Orrell’s Line of Steamers. PROMPT personal attention given to consignments o Naval Stores, (’otton or other Country Produce, for sale or shipment. Jan’y 19, 1859. 81- Rai«iin«»! Kai»inM!! IN Whole, Half and Quarter Boxes, for sale low >>y D. & W. McLAURIN. Dec’r 22, 1859 77tf Sold b,\ CHURCH & DUPONT, Druggists, No. 8ti Maiden Lane, New York, by J.AS. N. SMITH, Fayetteville, N. C. .And by all respectable Druggists throughout the country. Nov 11, 1859 fiH-ly $^100 Kc'.waril. R.\N -AW.AV from .Messrs. J. .'t N. A. Cameron, of Cumberland County, first of last .lune, my tu*gro man SOU'fll\VELL, or SOUTHEY, (as ii.sually ;alled.) Saiil negro is thick set. ;il>out 5 feet 8 inches high, of a dark brown color, ha* small eyes, and a downcast look lie lias been hired for several years in Cumberland County, as a Turpentine hand. 1 will give the above reward, if taken out of the .State—S50 for liis imprison ment in any jail in this State, or S2-3 for information that mav lead to his recoverv. J. B. LITTLEJ(HIN. Louisburg. N. C., Feb'y 4. 89tf To Kail Road ('onlraclors! JUST RECEIVED 100 WHEEI.BARROAVN, light and strong, for the Rail Road. For sale bv 1>. & W. McLAURIN. March -29, 1859. 800tf •'It! HIkIm. >iood Bacon, MIUEIS wid SHOULDERS, just received and for sale by D. X W. McLAURIN. Iuly2, 1859. 28tf 96- Constantly Manut'aeturing at my Estabiisbnicnt, VERY VARIETY OF HARNESS. Saddles. Bridles. Collars. Whips Trunks; all kinds of Leather, Calf .''kins and Oil; Condition Powders, for diseased Horses and Cattle: Coach Trimmings, Carpet Rags, Valises, Saddlery, Hardware, &c. The largest stock in the State, sold wholesale or retail, at the lowest New York prices. Harness and Saddles repaired. JAMES WILSON. No. 5 Market st. Wilmington. N. C., near the Wharf. Oct. 19, 1859. 59-lypd. -liORTH C AROLINA I'Ol .\URV N I> i>IA€llli\E WOKKJ^! By Cif^O f.VUDER, Twn DOORS .\BOVR f. T. II.UGH & SONS’ STORE Fayetteville, 1%. C. ,Tftn’v 20. 1800 84- JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM, c o n .n I « « I o i\ A N D Forwarding Merchant, Wilmington^ .V. C. gfl^Prompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and Cash advances made 011 PriRluce to be shipped to other ports or sold 1h this market. Feb. 12. 18.55. *>7tf 11. GKAH CY/.lf.Tf fi Kf ff.f.l’T, WILMIXGTOX, X. (’. IITII.L give prompt and jtcrsonal i.ttentioii to all con- VV signments of Spirits Turpentine. Rosin. Tar and Turpentine, and all country producc for sale. jgis^ Office up stairs, over the store of Mr. Vonglahn. and joining Lutterloh's Wharf, North AVatcr street. June 23. ~ F A YKTTK V11.1.K MITIIAL INSIRAXCE fOMPAXY. ASSETS $254,618.62. This company has been in o))eration more than six years, and has jiaid its fire losses, amounting to j'2o,524.87 without any assesjsment: insurwwe averag ing its members about i percent. ■Amount of property now insured, :;sl .;)i;',,490.t>l .Vmount premium notes now ou hand. 17.i.'lM.08 Dl RI-.l'TilHS. Made heretofore Plows. ('orn-Shellers, Horse-Powers, Threshers, Thresher and Separators MiR.iSS STK,ii.^'ER WfHE. A GOOD supply of various No’s just received, which we can furnish low. D. k W. McLAURIN. May 2. lOtf The Eclectic I?lag:azine for Feb’v. Just received. j. HALE & SON.* FKKR4 KM A: RAI:I»I:R^ Sl'CCK.SSOKS Tti X. BU V l>KX SOX, AiriLL (''ONTINUE to manufacture and keep c > V hand all AliRH'ILTlKlL llilM.EHE\TS A full assortment of Cultivators. StraAv and Feed-Cutters. Seed-Sowers. Cider and Sugar Mills, They also manufacture SH.\FT1XG A.VI) MAOniXERV For (irist .Mills, (’ircular and A'ertical Saw Mills, (!old, t.’opper and Silver Mines, Tobacco I'ressesand Fixtures, i.'CC., &c., IROX AXl) IJIIASS CA.STlXtJS. FOROINGS and FINISHED WORK of every de.scrip- tion made to order, and warranted in every respect. Repairs of every description of Machinery done at short notice. Salisbury, N. C., .lan'y 2. 18C0. I¥ew York l.*e«Ijfer lor Feb. ^.Ith. HARPER'S WEEKLY for Feb’y 18lh. Feb’y 16 E. J. HALE & SON. Oeo. McNeill, D. A. Ray. 11. L. ilyrover. Is. W. Tillinghast. Henry Lilly, N. A. Stedman, S. J. Hinsdale. T. S. Lutterloh, Wm. McLaurin, S. T. Hawley, W. N. Tilliiiirhast, .A. \. .McKetlian. j .1. D. Williaiiis, Jas. (I. I'ook, A. W. St.-el, Ja“. Kyle, Hon. J. >. .'Shepherd. R. F. Brown, Wilmington. A. E. Hall. Wilmiugton. Ofkk’EKS: (JF.O. MeNEILL. President. 1*. A. RAY. Vice President. C. .\. McMI LL.KN. Secretary John C'dliiis and C. .Mct'riimmen. Travelling Agents. Company invite applications. May 19, 1S59. 10-Y THi: AORTH AROI.I AA MITIAL LIFE I\SlllA\(E (OMPANY, vyOW in the tenth year of successful operation, with growing capital .-ui.l liriiier hold ujx.ii public cou- tidence, continues it> itisurt* tlic lives of all iiejilihy per sons from 1 4 to ()0 years of age, for one year, for seven years, and for life—all life members sh;iring in the profits. .Ul slaves from 10 t-> 00 years of age are insured for one year or for five years for two-ihir«ls their value. All losses are I'unctnallj' paiil within 90 days after satisfactory proof is presenteil. I For further information the public is'eforr'‘d to .Agents 1 of the Company in all parts of the State, and to R II B.VTTLE, Secrefnrv. Raleigh, j E. J. HALE, .\geiit at Jan’y 1859. Fayettev^Ue, N. C. Trustee’s Sale. 1)Y virtue of a Deed in Trust executed to me by John ) H. Cook and Jesse W. Powers, partners under the style of J. W. Powers iS: Co., for the purposes therein mentioned. I will expose to Public .'^ale, at the Market House in Fayetteville, on TflURSD.AY the .'^th day of March IHC.O, the following Property, viz: Two 8tore Houses on Hay titreot, joining the .'^tore of Thos. S. Lutterloh, at jiresent occupie • by W. C. Troy and J. \V. Powers, formerly belonging to Z. Burroughs. 1 lirick House, 'Jd Tenement west oi‘ J>obbin House, foot of Haymount, joining John Culbreth. 1 House and Lot west side Win.slow street, joining lots of Robert Mitchell, at present occupied bj' J. W. Powers. 1 Warehouse and Lot south of liriok llow. 1 Houpc and Lot corner of Winslow and Mutn- fonl streets. 70 shares Capital Stock in Dobbin Hou.se Co. JOSEPH B. STARP.. Trustee, .lan'y 81, 1800 88ts IMPORTATION FOR 18(10. W. xllAC I.\'TV RE IS RECEIVING New Spring Dry (roods; Printed Lawns, in Robes and piece goods; Brilliantes. Oinghams. Calicoes: Ladies’ Emb'd Collars: Sleeves ami Collars: Cloaks: Linen Lustre and Plaid Dusters: i^hawls; Lawn Handkerchiefs, Cloves. Mitts, Hosiery. Fancy (/assitneres, Sattinets, Tweeds and Drillings. Ready-made Clothing. Shoes, Boots, Gaiters, See. Fayetteville, Fe>»'y 20, 1800. 9;i-;-;w l^i|iior»! I.iqiiorw! LiqiiorM! JW. HORNE being desirotip to close out his stock , of Liquors, will oft'er inducements in ]«rices. .As he intends to quit the trade, his stock will be sold low. ftirF or sale at cost and charges, “lajB 100 BARRISLS, of various kin«ls and qualities. ««3^ Persons indebted mUSt Call and SOttIP Feb 10 92-t f SKKD OxlTS! I I)E(’EIVING, 750 bushels Pennsylvjuiia WHITE Li. O.ATS, choice, j Receiving. 1?I14 bushels C.AN.\D.\ BL.VCK 0.\TS, I weighing o8 lbs. to the bushel, very choice. To arrive, 5*(( bushels C.AN.AD.A WHITE O.VTS. extra. To arrive per Rail Road, 400 bushels N. C. P>L.\CK oats, superior. STOKLEY & OLDHAM. Wilmington, N. C., FeV>’y 14, 18(50. 92-1 m CORA A\D .?! EA Coiistanth' on hand, a good su))ply of m !mr mm: ko of best iualitj', for our country friends. STOKLEY & OLDHAM. Wilmington, N. C., Feb'y 14, 1800. 92-1 m a:?ikrica\ hotki., — » PPO.'^I T K IXKHI'KXDKXCK H A LI., I’llE.'^TNUT STREET. BETWEEN FIFTH SI.XTll. f* BMM f>. f MP #; i. #* Mi #. f. WYATT & HEULINGS, Proprietors. f lYnih >*1.50 ftrr tlftff- Ffb’y ]•;. 9-’-‘Jm strayed or stolen. (EFT my Stable, on Thursday la.«t the 10th inst., a J SOiiREL .MARE, about si.\ years old, no marks recollected. This Mare was bought by me from Elea- 7er t’ox. of Randolfili County, I think, on the "Is' ult. \ liberal reward will he paiil for her delivery to me Anv information concerning her will be thankfully re- eeived. HOBT. MITCHELL. Feb. 211, Isiilil. 93-lf S T0' OF liOOKS AND^'ATIONERV. Wc are just receiving our n»jw stock of Law, medical and Miscellaneous Books; School Books; Blank Books; Writing Papers; Envelopes, &c. E. J. H.AI.i; Oct’r 5, 18.')fl Webster’s Elementary ^^|>ellin; Book, for sale l»y E. .1 H M I- SO.N Blanks lor sale at this Ofiice.

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