K1 iPAiriEwiBTiiiyL SEMI-WBEKL, Y. ^^ucteil tv »D,i klsh y-3m itr FAYETTEVILLE, N. C.. FEBRUARY 27, I860. [NO. 895.] u.fkkk I’ HIlJ .king ”w .j. Nt: DS- •II Ml! : . Wil.iuj; t ;!x» - 1,1 : - =• :K EV. NSi-N 44tf ■n ]‘-?riUH F.yeu. t: - to t!»e , in M iJiiig tlip "J' f-l aU Den- ■ III a." far ■fr :.f the w.;]!;l-, ;uet"': - ar-- ( s will be nuiV be -I) iiit« :\: : H - PKIXTFD MONUAVS ANU THURSDAYS EDW4RD J. HALE & SON, V:ulTORS AND FROI’RIETORS I'rii’e for the Semi-Weekly Obsekvkr $3 00 if paid in ;ii.Ivauci; 5U if paid during the year of subscrip- tinn: or S4 after the year lias expired. K.iv I lie Weekly Ohskrvkr Oi* per annum, if paid in iiiivaiice: S'J 50 if paid during the year of subscrip tion: or IK> after the year hus expired. ADVERTlSi;.MENTS inserted for GO cents per .-iquare of Itl lines for the fii’st. and 80 centii for eaoli Fueoeetling publication. Yearly advertisements by spe cial contracts, at ro».'onablc rates. Advertisers are ro(|uested to slate iho number of insertions desired, or tliey will be coiiiimied lill forbid, and charged accord- inirly. .AiJvoriisenients to be inserted insidg, charged 50 per cunt extra. Sl’KriAL NOTirE. From and after this date. iK'tiaineof a new subscriber will be entered without j>ayuient in advance, nor will i!i‘ ]iiii>er l>e sent to sticli subscrfliers for a longer time ih'iii paid for. Sui'ii of our old subscribers as desire to take the pa- j.or 'II thi-i >iy-lem will please notify vu when making lomiitances. •lan'v 1. IS.'jS. MIIiIilONS Mil.I) OF THE STUDIRI) SCllOOIi-BOORS, ri BLISHKD BY A. S. BARNES & BURR, :,1 & 5.'. .fOHN STREET, :%VA\ YORK. Descriptive Catalogue* of their Publication* ffnt postpaid to any part of the U. State*. AM> SOLD UY E. .1. H.iLE in b*0>, Fajeltevllle, >. C. S h“ul 'Ttucfurs, Coiumitttrs, TruMtei, "inoiisaionerx unii FritnJ» of Ediua- ti"‘i,(irt iiuital tu t'xainiiie th. fullua- inj raluahlt Text-liooki, fur S' hoow A' ii'ltniics and t'oU^yes:— ON ORTHOGRAPHY. I’sv'. 's NormalCliart of Elemeutary iSouuds. U 50 15 & l-’5 80 40 6» 15 Parker and Watson's I’ritner, l'.*rker jand Watson's Spellers. 2 No# .■'laiih's .Juvenile lH*hner. .■'iiii'-h's Urauiiuar-."'chool Speller: t .''iniih's Detiner's Manual, ^ Wright's Analytical (Jlhograpli}". 25 § Oq Reading and English Grammar. Parker and Watson's National Readers, 5 Nos. Parker's Rhetorical Reader, 75 ™ Parker and Zachos' Reading and Elocution, 37 J The English Poets, with Hoyd's Notes, per vol 75 Z Northend's Little Orator. 8f “ Clark's First Lessons in English Grammar 30 ^ ('lark - English Graiiiuiar, Welch's English Sentence “ Nortli Carolina Readers, No. 1. 2 and 3. FRENCH STRANGE, Attorney at Law, Fayetteville, N. C. Office that recently occupied by C. G. Wright, Esq., over the one now occupiel by him in Dr. Robinson's building. Green Street, Dec’r 2, 1859. 72- Attorney at Law, Yayittevillk, N. C. 1171LL attend the County ami Superior Courts of \\ Cumberland, Harnett. Moore .and Robeson Coun ties. Prompt attention given to the collection of all claims entrusted to his Lauds. Oct. 17, 186'.i. 58-tf LAW l^OTICE. The Subscriber having removed from Summerville to Fayetteville, will attend the County and Superior Courts of Cumberland, Harnett and Moore. His office will be at his residence, on Green Street, opposite the Episcopal Churoli. His correspondents will please aildress him hereafter at Faveiteville, instead of Summerville. NEILL McKAV. Jan’y 21, 1860. 85-tf H. W. HORNE, .f Tarojf.vA’V AT i/.f If, May be found at the Office of W'm. B. Wright, Esq., near the Court House. June 30, 1859. 28-1Y JOSEPH BAKER. .lu., ATTOK.\EY AT I. A W , H.\S taken an office next door to W’m. R. Wright's Law Office on Green Street. He will attend and practice in the County and Superior Courts of Cumberland, Bladeu, Robeson and .Sampson. March 2'.^. 185'J. 7hf P. J. KIAC I.AIK, Attorney and Coiiusellor at Lan, FAYETTEVILLE. N. r.. IITILL practice in the Courts of Robeson, Cumberlnnil, Vf Harnett and Richmond Prompt attention! given to all business entrusted to hiu. Feb'y 6, 1859 b'i- A. J. IIA I.E. ATTORN KY AT LAW. ANlieboroii^iii, A. 1'., (OFFICE IN THE CoL'RT HOUSE.) 'Il'^ILL practice his professiou in Randolph and the M adjoining Counties. Prompt attention given to all business entrusted lo his care. Jan'y 20. 18*'(). .H.-)tf A. D. :iliI.EA\, Attorney and CounMeilor at Law, I t^UMMKUVll.LE, X. C., ll'^TLL attend the Courts of Cumberland. Moore, Jolin- ! W ston and Harnett Counties. PROMPT attention given to the collection of all claims etitrusted to hi« care. Dec'r 2t), 18;">y. 78-ly RORY McAAIR, mMttorney anti i'ounseUor ut LUMBERTON. N. C. I'l'^ILL attend and practice in the County anil Superi'.r M Courts of Robeson. Richmond and f’nmberlaiid. All business intrusted toliimwill receive prompt at tention aii'i collections punctually rcmilled. Floral Colleg-e. The ensuing Session in this Institution will commence on the 2d Wednesday in Jan'y' next. The management aud instruction of the Institution will bo under the Rev. Daniel Juhusou and Mr. John 0. Sutherland, with an able Corps of .Assistants in all the departments. The Principal and his lady will take en tire ciiarge of the Boarding establisliment, thus giving to the School more of the k.amilt element. This ar- rangeuient. it is believed, will greatly advance tli* use fulness of the Institution. M. C. McNAIR, Sec’y Board of Trustees. Dec'r 20 77- llirill S^HOOU, .^lale and Female. Rev. WM. L. VAN EATON. A. M.. Principal. D.\N1EL L. CL.VY. .Assistant. Miss l.rCY J. .ARMFIELD, in charge of the Female l)e])!irtment. Miss ROCI.ND.A J. DOl'GllEIlTY, in charge of the Music Department. Miss SAIt.Vll DOC(iHERTY. in chargeofthc Painting (’lass. The 31 St Session of these prosperous and growing Schools opened the 1st Wednesday in January, with all the departmenls of instruction filled with efficient and exiKM'ienced teachers. Our buildings are large, commodious and well fiir- nis^ed with .Apparatus. (.Jlobe.s, Maps, &c., situated in a beautiful grove, at a suitable distance apart. I OStT 1>EU SKSSloN OK TWKNTV-OSE WKKKS. Hoard, including every thing except candles, and^S' I English branches. $10 and $12 Latin, Greek and advanced Mathematics, S15 i Music. 520 I Painting, in oil, $10 j Contingent fee, $1 | For further particulars address the Principal, (aud ("atalogues will be '»ent.) at Jonesville. ^ adkiu Co., N. C. •lany 2'*. Isc.ti, 85-3m 1IO\Vi:i.L BROTHERS M.\Nl KATTt RERS OK PAFEK IIAI^GI\GS, I R T A I A I* A VV.nS, A: i*., KAI.TinOKi: !»»T. 15.\i;ri.M()UE, Ml). *ur Goo'Is are expressly adapted lo the Honie !§addi.e: Aifv harae)!^!s» FACTOKY. The subscriber begs leave to return his thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, aud in forms the public that he has now and will continue to have an increased force of experienced Saddle aud Har ness .Makers, whose work he will war rant; and that he is prepared to ofler to the public a large and varied assort ment of every thing kept in his line. His assortment of Saddles, Harness. Bridles, Trunks. Travelling Bags. Valices, itc., is unsurpassed for workmanship and ma terial, aud will compare favorably for neatness with any other Manufactory, either North or South. Persons wanting any thing in his line will do him a favor to call and examine his stock before purchasing, as he is satis fied it will not fail lo please them. His establishment will be found five doors East of ('ape Fear Bank, on I'erson Street. SUs^T' Repairing done with neatness and despatch. W. OVERBY. Fayetteville, N. (.'., ,Iau'y ‘J, 1800. 81-Om Persona indebted are earnestly requested to call and settle, as I must have money. Tlir t^nrsitnl Carriage in the South I A. A. ,\!cKr/rilA.\ Respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he has built up large substantial Brick Build ings at his Old .Stand, expressly for manufacturing Car riages. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he has received for the last 21 years, he hopes by strict atten tion to businc.«s, with a desire to gi''e satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He wanatUs his work to be made of tiie best material and b}' experienced workmen in each branch of th'e business. His work will compare favorably witli any made in the United States, for neatness and durability. He is determined to sell and ilo any work in his line on as good terms as any work done elsewiiere that is as well dotie. He now has on hand, finished, THE L.\RGEST STOCK OF i'arriages. Barouches, Koekaways aud Buggies, ever offered in this place, and a very large stock of work nearly finisiied, which will be finished daily. All of which will bo sold very low for cash, or on short lime to punctual customers, He has on hand more than ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY VEHH’LES finished and in course of construction THK "Vla&^istrales of Cumberlan'l ('ountj’ are hereby notified to meet at the Ooiu-t House in Fayette- at 11 o'clock, on the Wednesday of March Term, lieing the 7th day of the month, for the iraiis- ncfion of the public business. D. G. MacR.AE. Chm'n. Feb'y 15. ISrtO. t2-tC iflO .U’RES VALUABLE FAR)1IXG LA.MI AT AUCTIOA. \\^ILL be sold, on Tuesday the 0>th day of March, at \y the Market House in the town of Fayetteville, at 12 o’clock, a Valuable Tract of F.VR.MING L.AND, two miles below town, on the 'NVest side of (''ape Fear River, containing THREE HUNDRED ACRES, adjoining the lantls of Robinson. Makepeace anil .lessup, consisting of Swamp, Sand-hill and River Lands, a portion of which is cleared aud ditched and has been under culti vation. The remainder is well Wooded and makes ii exceedingly valuable, as it is so near market For further particulars inquire of me, at my Store. C. E. LEETE, .Auct'r. Feb'y 20. 93-ts liaiid on Beaver Creek fi>r !'»alt*. John (Joiild and wife, David .Arnett and others es \>arte. Petition for the sale of Laml. In Equity. IN pursuance of an order made in the abt)vc^cause at •TanuariL Special Term, I will sell at iheCouri Hou«e door, on 'rhursday of March Court next, •lO AeroK of l.iand, lying on the waters of Beaver Creek, adjoining tlie lands of .\rchibald McDuffie and otliers. Saiil Land is now, or was recently in the possession of Moses Britton, and is said to be valuable for Turpentine purposes. Terms one-fourth cash, balance i> months. P>on«l and JBfe^.Vll work maile by him is warranted 12 mouths ]'.ip])roved security required from the purchaser. and Soultiern .Market. Feb y 4, iJ^liO. hy-3injxl To tlie liiteret of* Turpeiiliiie BiMliilerK. M.A. B.AKER would respectfully iuform Turpenli;>e , Distillers and others that he is now ma.nufucturing I The liii|>roved Tiirpeiitiiie Ktill. .All orders promply attended to. Copper work done on the most favorable term>*. Old Copper bought for cash or taken in exchange for new Work. Call and see for yourselves at M. A BAKER'S (^)pper Slioji, Fayetteville. N. (,'. Feb'y 1, IHGO. >*Mf Tiir|>eiiliiie lor Kale. 10 barrel, one 15 barrel, one 20 baiTel, one 45 bar- rel: the above .''tills all in good order. Will be sold on the most favorable terms. V>v M. A. BAKER. Fayetteville. N. C., Feb’y 1. H8tf with fair tisage. and should it fail }iy bad workmanship i or material, will be repaired I'l-ee of cliargi*. Persons wishing lo buy would do well to c:tll and ex amine for themselves. Orders thankfully received and ijromptly 'itiended to- Repairing executed at short notice and oii very reason able terms. -May 28. 185t^. 8W-tf V»'. A. HUSKE, Clerk Master. (,)ct. 1850. ■>5tf Scientific Text Books. Davies’ Series of Arithmetics, 15c,, 25, 45 & 75 Davies' Series of .Algebras, 75c., $1 25 & §1 50 Davies' Series of Geometries, ^1, 1 25, 1 50 & $2 ^ Parker's Nat'l Phih’-iophy, 3 vols. 25c., 87i, $1 ^ Porter's First Book ot 'hemist;-y, 50 mm Porter s Princijtles of t'hemistry, 1 00 N rtoil's First Book of Natural Philosophy 50 Ml Norton and Porter's First Book of Science, 1 00 .^Il.•Illtyre's Astronomy and Globes, 1 (M) • Bartlett’s System of Natural t’hilosophy, 4 vols. Lardner on the .''team Engine, 1 5(> . Peck’s Elements of Mechanics. 1 50 ^ *inics))ie on Roads and llailroads, 1 50 Darby s Southern Botany, 1 50 1^, SCHOOL GEOGRAPHIES, « • WITH MAPS A.ND KN(;RAVl.Nd.';. jj Monteith's First Lcs«ons iu Geography 25 " Monteith's Introduction to Manual of (jeog. 41) .\lonteith's New Manual of Geograjdiy 60 ^ .Mr.Nully's School (ieography 1 00 S SCHOOL HISTORIES, - WITH MAI’S .\M) ENiR.\ViN»lsi. Mi'iiti'ith's Youth's History of the U. States 5i> Willard's .School History of the U. States 75 Willurd's Lniversal History 1 5* Dwight’ii (irecian and Roman Mythology 75 Ricord's Roman History 1 OO t.iould s .Alison's History of Europe 1 50 ON RHETORIC, LOGIC, &c. I>ay's .Vrt of Rhetoric 75 Boyd s Karnes'Elements of Criticism 1 2'> Malian’s Science of Logic 1 oU \i:i!iuu s Intellectual Philosophy 1 00 Willaiil's .Morals for the Young 50 Brooks' Latin and Greek Classics. Sell’lol Teachers'Library, 0 vol. SI.25 per vol. •School Teiichers' Register 50 cts. Brooks' School Manual of Devotion cts. JOHA r. FlLLt:R, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, WILL PK.\CTICIi IS THt COURTS Of Kobeson, Cumberland, Culuinbii.s and Bladen. Office at Lumberton. Robe»on Co.. N, C. July 5. 1859 2'.*tf R. n. ORRi:i.i.. TURPENTINE INSPECTOR. Those sending their Spirits Turpentine to me may rely upon it to have promjit and careful attention. My warehouses are fronting the wharves and near the river. Sent’r 13. 1858.“" 45tf OWEA A: l ARBROKiiH. Have this day entered into Copartnersliip for the purpose of transacting the Commhsion aud Forwarding Business, in all its branches, in Wilmington, and will give prompt personal attention to all business entrusted to their care. ! Liberal cash advances will be made on Con«ignments of (’ounfry Produce. fllg^Office on North Water St., over H. Vonglahan's Stor«. JOHN W. OWLN. O. S. YAUBROLGH. Wilmington, Oct 20, 185?* t>4- Wiii. H. TlIRI.IA«TO.^, ComuiiHisloii ^lerchaiit, W1L.MIN(>T()N, X, C. 'll^ILL give special attention to the sale or shipment tV of all Naval Stores, Cotton, Flour, Timber, and other country produce. ; Refers to: H. R. Savage, Cashier Bank of Cajie Fear, Wilmington; Jno. Dawson, Pres't Wilmington Branch Bank of North Carolina: W. H. Jones, Cashier Raleigh Branch Bank of Cape Fear. Nov 9, 1859 05-tf Dr. Pm oiisoii having been so far reduced by oonsump- lion. a to be ci'U^idered beyond all hope of recovery by the most eminent of the medical profession, and also by himself—a regular phy«ician of twenty years practice —as a la«-t resort, conceived the idea of .ANALYZING THE l’.LO(,>D. and applying tho sul)ject of physiology to the more immediate connection, and effect of the state of the blood upon the health and system. The result h:i been the production of this ‘BLOOD F(JOD,’ from the use of which Dr. Bronson was restored to per fect health. Within six months after its introduction, over two thousand consumptives were eS'ectually cured by ii. Ifyou have any complaints of a consumptive tendency. Couglt. CoM. Head-ache. Paljiitation of the Heart. Loss of .\pjietite or Pain in the Side, lose no linie in procuring a hoitle of the “BLOOD F*jOD." If you are suffering from .Nervous Debility, or your sleep is broken and disturbed, if your Spirits are Depressed, or your Organs Relaxed, you will find iu this an un failing remedy, by comiiu-iicing with ten 'ii'ops. If j your Liver is torpid or ili-ieased in any matiner what ever. one or two >iottles will be sure to invigorate, and ! bring it into lively and healthy action. In the most j inveterate ca^es of Dyspepsia, the patient can here find | the most efficient and grateful relief. .A benefit is al- j ways experienceil after taking only one bottle. In Male | or Fetnale Complaints and Weaknesses, the sufferer, after trying oth»' remedies in vain, may rest assured, that a certain cure will result from the use of two or three bottles. The "BLOOD FOOD’’ is eftectual in all cases of F.ruptions. Salt Rheum, .Scrofula and other like complaint'^. Pale :ind emaciated chililren and adults are immedia'ely benefitled by its use. It gives strength to the body, and color and beauty to the skin. Phy sicians ot all schools are u--iiig it with wonderful success. For full direction', see circulars. Price.'r^l jier bottle. 'd|liuc| j.mI kludJ ■pdAMMl'U '^1 ISIOII puilipjw p.Mlll>!J.t\ l>Ucin;>.4J|p Ji|l 1|V U| ||W oi |»om Jqi tK ||airil npujiu iiKi.i II'iio>i.MJ aiiiiit .11)1 jc'l iSiiiM.lJ >.\p« J;.»ql «! J'UJilxa ,»|oq.« IIWJ »8 ilU.'ll >>llJ.t.\>m ,1llO| l|DII« pJOJJU 10UUKJ n;i|i •pu'5( >1)1 )|> *u.>ilMJHcl.»Jil J.>qn> u«m qjliiil os sisiij li — •ill*-!.'! 1' 3u;jn.«uii in ,»nm ou ,jmi| m iio\ pu.tiiiiiio.ijj .{|i>jujxa iO >UOl!.|Il\UoJ l-l 1|« Ul •JI(KjlU>i«U-l|UW 11 nui.m put! .I.iu.tpyuo.i i.i.i;j.«l qii« uo aq uuj |o 3u'i.\ij piiH l-oiii aqi J'U '.lailJJ JJiu v wi ji ps^n 3i|l Ul p|o.( Jo,H pdH«iil).>uii SI II i»qi 3u!iv.’|ua.>.i joj uiwl ,-|ui.\Qi|ji pii« •miinS .)Hi Buiuaijos juj -osiu : ajhiu *H qaiii LI.V S-XM1V'I.IIV».'» 'I'lV ZI.\ iiiiiitijKiljjil jjqio Jrf.iii liJdiu kt! SI qjiq u nuiuoiioj am |l« III pu« jjiu uooJas u si pu« 'ju»y -Ul ai'iJiiap i-.'iui am ajufui v>uu«J pui; ssaiuijwq *1 ij— sptivi) 11 \\o sig .\| Iiiai)] .)> .(uHdi 'ui>iu;4 J(l Ju ip jqi 'j.»pun ai(i iihui Hiip Suiai) p >|l!i«M' ’! l| 'l->\M.« K'oJJ tj.ioj .\jaA aqi ni.w kiiiiupliiioj .|!juhjui joj a|.iijju jaqio .iu» qii.w J! JO uosiiHiliiiDj H wu aj«j qii.vv dii iiij si J|— s.iiliU'll’^uas >11 SuiuopKap |> ptrainui pjiqa Jtio.f ji JuiJajjns aqi ,lH!.\oiuai .in sa.\.J!|.»i .iiiuaiib^suoj puw 'puiii .{u« j.i .ouiilo io aiji'i; jjwl iinui aaii .\iajiiu,> it —.i|puo.>a^ uiai|i joj ajil (I) Kiu!H|iliuo3 a|;iut:|U! u{ a.iu.tijaiiica i(jiiiii luof) paij!i'»I) I|av\ SI oq'n u.:|jis.\qil ju|u;>aj u Jo uoliujiulajil aqi cl li 'iwlij •no. paja^io ajo|ta.»Jaii snq i(.)Miib 10 akjnu iKqi iiinjisou ,Oa.\a Ja.\o .\)|Juijaine ki| anai ui ajisap a.u IVldSm.J y'IIX.N.V.l.Vl rf-.voxva au 4J!-« no.i aujjuanajU 111 ImIIIIk! hIiii«!! (iiuii«!!! M. A. BAKER, Gun h Rifle Manufacturer. i (I’NS repaired at the ■'liorte^t notice aud fur a small ' 1 charge. SIMI double and single barrel shot Gim for sale low. UK)0 Repeating I’istols of all the ditl'erent makers now in the L'nited .Stale-;, for sale 1 >w. Call al M. -A. B.AKER'S and see for yourselves. Fayetteville, N. C., Feb'y 1. SStf WM. CARTER & SON, Uhulesale il; Retail Dealers and Maiiuractiirers OK iLL KINDS OK Mjeathe»\ Sati*iles and Miarnetts, Of every description. Collars. Whips, A:c. 4 ND we also particularly call the attention of the whole surrounding country to give us a call, as we are de termined that none shall surpass ii« in quality or low prices; and we will give the higliest cash price at all times for Raw Hides and Tallow, in exchange for our articles. Country Merchants would do well to call and examine our .'>!tock, as we can >ell them Shoes of a much better qualify than they usually get. on very accommodating terms. Southern Planters wotild do well to send us all their orders as we are making a No. 1 article of NEGRO SHOES, that are warranteil to give entire satisfaction. N B. .All Ordeis from a distance shall have prompt attention. S. S. CARTER. WM. CARTER, (.ioldston P. ()., Chatham ('o., N. C., ) , - March 15, 1H5!*. i .1. w. raki:r Ts now r\^‘Ccivii\ir iVoiii the North the j largest, finest, ami most carefully selected | stock of i I i It\iTi'Ki: ever offered in this market: which ailded lo his own manufacture, makes his assortment complete;— all of which he will sell on the lowest jiossible terms for cash 01' on time to punctual customers. Fashionable painted cottage bcd-room Furniture in setts: curled hair and shuck, and cotton .Mattresses: Looking (ilasse; Willitw Wagon-; aud Cradles; Side Board?: lliirfMii-; Si-.-ictarie- and Book-Cases: What- Nots: I’ablcs. :ill sorts; Wash i^tands; (’andlc Stands; Wardrobf-j; Picture ^'rames and Glass; Window Shades: Cornice^: (’iiriain Band-: .‘^ofas in Mahogony and Wal nut: Tele a Tetes: Ottomans: Divans and Stools: ('hairs of every variety. Kino Ro.sewuod I’iaiio.s. one with 3]olian :it- tachment; Rosewood MeUidians. from the best manufac tories in Now York anl Boston, warranted as good as any made in the country, aiul will be sold at New York prices—freight only added. September 2. 4.5tf i^larble Factory, Feb'y 17, 18r,0. 1 I.AAD %T AU TIOA. i i .ACRES on the Fay. & We»l«rn Plank Road, about i -tO two miles from Fayetteville, joining tlie lands ot j Mrs. Ochiltree, W. H. Carver, anil others; known as the I COOK L.VND; about 12 acres are cleared and produces I fine crops. There is a very pretty building spot on this I Land. j 15 .Acres near the above on both sides of the Plank j Road, joining the lands of J. D. Starr, A. W. Steel, and others; there is a small clearing on tihis tract and a I number of grape vines. .A beautiful building lot. i The above Lands will be offered at jiublic sale, at the j Market House, in the Town of Fayetteville, on Tuesday ; of -March Court, being the 6th .March 18*10. Terms made known on day of sale. G. AV. LAWRENCE, .Agent for owners. J. H. COOK, .Auct’r. Feb'v «. 8'.t-ts A. J. IIOVVKLL. \>j Schoof Bookjs evtr publuhed in the t outed Statf s havf been mort ht^Uhf recotnmendvd than the National School Series. Descriptirt CiihdoyHi'S of S. l>.\K.\Es i Bi.'hr’s ruHii ait'iiis, Stilt. I’lut to any part of the ' ruited SliiUx. JiLst published Prof. Davies' new Elementary .\lgebra. 75 cts. Prof. Brooks’ Ci«sar's Commentaries. Beauti fully illustrated 1 25 \ .New System of Book-keeping, for Schols. By Martin Smith 75 cts. I'he Normal Methods of Teaching the Common I'lanches 1 '.ov 11 1^5'J ti7- Tari’ia;;*' .*iiid llariieM)« lor ^ale. i Kt'ON I) II.VD large Carriage, ^seals for six,) -V 'IcKfihan's make, in good condition. Andadouble ' I I'.-irriage Harness, Overby’s make, nearly new. 1' 1' -:ile together or separately. Nov. 1". K. J. HALE. Avw Book«, hy Harriet B. !?Ic- Keever. 1,’I'ITII .S Ministry: Sunshine, or Kate Vinton: The J Flounced Kobe, and What it Cost. Just rec’d. E. J. HALE & SON. AKW BOOKS. i V.ARIETY of School Books, &c., ju8t received. E. J. HALE & SON. HARRISS Sc HOWELL, ( omiaissiou and Forwarding Merchants, \vii..Mrx(;To\, \. ('. Oct. 17, 1859. 58-lVpd ROBiIRT H. I'OU AA, General t'ommission •IMerrhant^ WILMINGTON, N. | Otfice South Corner Market and Water street#, up-stairs ! Oct. l;. 1859. 57-lY | T. V. A: B. U. %% ORTH, | Commi§sion and Forwarding Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan'y 28, 1859 y4,f W'. H. ALLEN.] [J. M. CL.VRK. .ILLEN &. CI.AKH, I CoiiiiiiiM«ioii .^ereliaii WILMINGTON, N. (’. DEALERS I\ LIME, PLASTER, t’E.ME.M, HAIR, Ae. Agents for Rush & Orrell's Line of Steamers. PROMPT personal attention given to consignments o Naval Stores, (’otton or other Connlry Produce, for sale or shi]>ment. Jan’y 19, 1859. 81 ■ Raisins! Raisins!! IN Whole, Half and tjuarter Boxes, for sale low by D. A W. .McLAURlN. Sold by CHURCH S: DUPONT, Druggists, No. :!H Maiden Lane, New York, by J.\S. N. SMITH, Fayetteville, N. C. .\nd by all respectable Druggists throughout the country. Nov'n, 1850 fit)-ly Constantly Manufaotiiring at my KKtablisliniciit. ERY VARIETY OF H ARNESS, Saddles. Bridles, Collars, Whips^^S* and Trunks; all kinds of Leather, Calf Skins and ('il; Condition Powders, for diseased Horses and Cattle; Coach Trimmings. Carpet Bags, Valises, Saddlery, Hardware, iScc. The largest stock in the State, sold wholesale or retail, at the lowest New York prices. Harness and Saddles repaired. JAMES WILSON, No. 5 Market st. Wilmington, N. C., near the Wharf. Oct. 19, 1859. 5!'-lypd. .\ORTH C' AROI.I A A I'OI AORl AN 1) $100 Ketvard. R.\N AW.AV froiii Messrs. J. I't N. Cameron, of Cumberbiiid County, first of last June, my negro i man SoU’I'll VV ELL. or SOl'THKN , (as usually calleil.) i .'^aid negro ir ;hick set. about 5 feet H inches high, of a I dark brown color, has small eyes, and a downcast look. He has lieeii hired for several years in Cumberland I County, as a Turpentine hand. I will give the above j reward, if taken out of the State—S50 f'»r his iniprison- i ment in any jail in this .State, or ?25 for information I that may lead to his recovery. I J. B. LITTLEJOHN. Louisburg. N. C., Feb'y 1. 81ttf To Kail RoaU Contractors! lUST RECEIVED lOO BARROWS, I light and strong, for tlie Kail Road. For sale bv i D. .'c W. McLAURIN. March 20. 1859. 8(K)tf 54 Hiids. >rOO(i Baton, i*id SH(.)ULDEKS, just received and for sale by D. W. McLAURIN. Inly 2, 1850. 28tf By O f.AlJDER, Twii noDRS movR r. t. inicii & so\s’ stiirh- Fayetteville, A. C. •lan’v 20, 8t- ' JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. C O II I K N I O A A y u Forwarding Merchant, .V. f. gl!^Proiiii>i person:il atu'iuion given to all Consign- i meiit-i. and Cah advances made on Produce to be shipped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. lii. 185.'). ')7tf II. ORAllAxll, co^mfrMssMO,^' .11 WILMINGTON, N. (\ \IT1LL give prompt ainl personal attention to all con- \\ signmcnis of Spirits Turpentine. Rosin. Tar and Turpentine, aini all country produce lor sale. Office up stairs, over the store of Mr. 'V onglahn, and joining Lutterloh's Wharf, North Water street. June 23 25tf FiVETTEVILLK MITIAL IXSIRA\€E COMPAXY. ASSETS $254,618.62. rpHIS Company has been in oiieiaiion more than six I years, and has jiaid its fire losses, amounting to J S23.."i21.87 without any a-ses'meni: insui*v«ce averag- I iiig its menit'ers atiout ]ierceiit. J .Amount of projierty now iu-'iired. .•i''':^,4''i.>l .Viiiotint jpremiiim notes now on hand, 217.i;;m.I»S Dikkctiiks. Trustee’s Sale. HY virtue of a Deed in Trust executed to me by .lohn H. Cook anil Jesse W'. l^pwers, partners under the style of J. W. Powers i Co., for the purposes therein mentioned. I will e.xpose lo Public Sale, at the Market House in Fayetteville, on THURSD.AY the 8th day of March Ist'iO. the following Projieiiy, viz; Two Store Hou.ses on Hay street, joining the .Store of Thos. S. Lutterloh, at present oocujiied by W'. ('. Troy and J. W. Powers, formerly belonging to Z. liurroughs. 1 Brick House, 2d Teiieuient west of' DohUiii House, foot of Haymount, joinitig John ('ulbreth. 1 House and Lot west side Wiii.slow street, joining lots of Robert Mitchell, at iireaeni occupied by .1. W. Powers. 1 Warehouse and Lot south of Hrick How. 1 House and Ijot corner ot Winslow and .^Iunl- ford streets. 7U shares Capital Stock in Dobbin House (’o. JOSEPH B. STARK, T rustee. Jan’y 31, 18(30 88ts IMPORTATION FOR I8(i0. W. MACI.\TVRK IS RECEIVING New Spring Dry (roods; Printed Lawns, in Robes and piece goods; Brilliantes. (Jinghams. Calicoes; Ladies’ Enib'd ('ollars; .Sleeves and Collars; Cloaks; Linen Lustre and Plaid Dusters: Shawls: Lawn Handkerchiefs, Gloves. Mitts, Hosiery. Fancy Cassimeres. .Sattinets, Tweeds and Drillingh. Ready-made Clothing. Shoos, Boots, Gaiters. &c. Fayetteville. Feb'y 20, 18B0. 0:{-;jw U|iioi*5«! l.i4|iiorM! T W. HORNE being desirous to close out liis stock •J . of Liijuors, will offer inducements in prices. .\s he intends to quit the trade, his stock will be sold low. For sale at cost and charges, 100 BARRELS, of various kinds and .pialities. Persons indebted must oall and settle Feb 10 *.*2-tf OATS! PECEIVING. 750 bushels Pennsylvania WHITE IV 0.\TS, choice. Receiving. 2014 bushels C.AN.AD.V BL.VCK O.ATS, weighing 38 lbs. to the bushel, very choice. To arrive, 5>0 bushels C.AN.ADA WHITE O.VT»S, extra. To arrive per Rail Road, 400 bushels N. C. BL.\CK 0.\TS, superior. STOKLEY & OLDHAM. Wilmington, N. C., Feb'y 14, 18*50. '.•2-1 m CORA AAD .TIEA|T.~ Constantly on Iiaml, a gool supply of rKi:R€'KN rai:oi:r, .SI l'CK.SSOK.'^ I’O N. HOY I) K N .'I SO N, 'lATILL ('ONTl.NUE to manufacture and keep VV baud all .MiRlCllTIRU l)il'LEllE\TS Ueo. McNeill, 1). .\. Ray. II. L. Myrovcr. S. W. TiHiiighasl, Henry Lilly, N. A. Stediiian, S. J. Hinsdale. T. Lutterloh, Wm. McLaiirin, S. T. Haxvlev: ^\ . N. Tilliligliast, ■\. McKoth.'Ui, .1. D. Williams, Jas. C. Cook. A. U. Steel. .1.1.-^. Kyle. Iloii. .1. i. .'Shepherd, R. F. Brown, W'ilmington. Made heretofore. Plows. Corn-Shellers, Horse-Powers, Threshers, Thresher and Separators. A full assortment of Cultivators, Straw and Feed-Cutters, Seed-Sowers. Cider and .Sugar MilN. Thev aliso manufacture GOOD supply of va we can furnish low. May 2. ^ GOOD supply of various No’s just received, which D. k W. .McLAURIN. 10 If Dec’r 22, 1869 77tf The Hcleefic iTIagaxiiie Ibr Feb’y. Just received. E. J. HALE & SON. SHAFTING -\N1) M.\CHINERV For Grist Mills, Circular and Vortical Saw .Mills. C, old. .A. E. Hall. Wilmington. f>rFii‘KUs: Cl'O. McNEIiilj. I’resident. D. -V. R.\Y, Vice Presideni. (’. \. Mc\U LL.VN. Secretary John Collins and C. C. McCriimmen. Travelling .Agents. Tho Company invite applications. May 1X5*1. Di-Y THfr; AORTH t'AROI.IA A MUTUAL LIFE L\SIRAX(E (OMPA^l, NOW' in the teniii year of successful operation, with growing cajiital an>l firmer hold iiji'Oi public con fidence. continues to insure the lives of all healthy per sons from 11 to t'lO years of age, for one year, for seven years, and for life—all life members sharing in the profits. All slaves from 10 to C.O vears of age are insured for of best (jiiality, for our country friemls. STOKLEY & OLDHAM. Wilmington, N. C., Feb'y 14, 1860. 92-lin A n IC R ■ A A HOTF. I., — op I'OSITK I X !>KrKXI)KN(’E H .VLL. ( IIESTNI T STIM'.ET. Bl'.TWKEN FIFTH xSI.XTH i* o §:m. t* fJ #. f. WYATT & HEULIWGS, Proprietors. t'Temh 91.50 per Feb’.v li;. ^^^2m ^IraycMl or 1EFT my Stable, oji Thursday la.«t the 16lh in«t., a i SOHREL MARE, about six years old, no marks recollected. This Mare was bought by me from F^ea- '/er (’ox. of Randolph County. I think, on tlie -list iilt. A liberal reward will be paid for her delivery lo me. \iiv iiiforriaiion concerning her will be ihankfullv re cei’vea. ROBT. MITCHELL. Fell. ->>, L'^'iO, 98-tf \ K W S TO€'K OK Copper and .Silver Mines, Tobacco Presses and Fixtures, Jtc., &.C., IRON AND BRASS (\\STIN(iS. FORGINGS and FINISHED WoR K of every descrip- ^ tion made to order, and warranted in every respect, one year or for five years for two-ihirds their value. Repairs of every'description of Machinery done at short All losses are punctually paid witliin !••• days after notice. satisfactory proof is presented. Salisbury, N. C., Jan'y 2, 1800. 83-8m For further information the public is referred to .\gents 'of the Companv in all part« of the State, and to Aew A'ork Ledg'er lor Fel». ' r. h. battle, secretary. R.aieigh. HARPER’S WEEKLY for Feb’y 18th. I J- HALL, .Vgenljit Feb’j 18 E. J. HALE & SON. ' Jan’y \m. FayetlevUe, C. HOOKS .VNl) STATIONERY. We are just receiving fiiir new Hock of Law, Medical aud Miscellaneous Books; School Books; Blank Books; Writing Papers; Envelopes, &c E. J. HALE .'c SON Oct’r C. 185'.) WebKter’M Kleiiieiitary Npellini? Book, for sale by E. J. HALE & SON. Blanks for «ale at tliU Office.

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