EVII^I^K eOMPANf, 164,618.62. 7“on niore than lo8»e*. amounting ^ at; m.urwweave^ 51.568.490.01 hand. 247,738.08 t Hawley, N Tillinjrhait, « V M- Kethan, Willianis, u • ,tt_ '' Hteel, ♦ » Kyle. ®^*P^«ra, firt inient enr Hire on ttRS B. V, A. J. Ja t ii R ilniinp • as .. Vi iv . N. - rtm »itl:f “8 -'gents V U\fE (OMPivv, or h ='l ' »ith V. public con- Hll healthv ,>er, to. ! N.-ar. for'.^ven’ ‘ the profits ■ are ins.,r.;.d for » ^ 'heir vf,lue. *'* “ ■•" ^lay^^fter k*!'* - frnvai.Agent, • auii i,i '' Ai^.-ui at I ..y. iievUle, N. r. t’ntlerv, tv, *r. ' and gt'ue- »'..iV0 line. m 1 a-:; t uFFEE P and ■■■n:* a? can b« Ini •lOtf T IKO,\, ng . y~ fuir Si;, Ki: KF., «nt :>l' P on; >»i Coffr^ J \ 1K> MAKTIXK. ‘X and ’’ookinK . *Al>u |ll nsi' lid; V A:C‘. "1 Tanners’ TdL. .. . Window Glags . ' r ;-VKR. J\>:..S M.A.RT1NE oriif Rl>. )LD FRIENDS— L h. - -»-n ^ tending tu irs: ! willing to ipt: - ■' iiave always r w . it ^■• -••..ni8. Pension ’ ser ■ . with a promis# j.\' = :OOK L'Ctf \ SW.L ; A S i K lying on he Tf*r, IT70 Tii’es below Fajr- ihe ver into the sand- qnuil^. »ed into rirer- L>,nd. ’ hoi.: '0 acres. • ind are well iiul Urf- - none of the oeveral good sites - • Anv person i - It early appli- io\l J II BI.NSON. 44tf MH\(t th -le-s and despatch. t 1. let' ire delivered. H n-.ha.-t. h: ;, Hay Street. 14-ly n Rk. ha- ■. i •••d on pen la wn if Fayetie- y ot - ;rvices to th® T'.' c uijtry. In all Pr ■ n. including the h. :s -atisfied. af’er an l> i- “I ; . d a thorough Den- e .ti-=fuction as far r. ritie;- of the C;i ..nner, as we^ as hi ■ iier metw • are ei'.'. 'harges will be >f t 1 *'■ iion mfiV be I w: H_, feel a« interest (th. 1 J ’ y ; ror, where he' 9tf rs kVK WHISKKY. ;ient'' with Ur. . ij.lied with his V, iT; be .had at hii ; *'iil. -'iC-tf llac'oii, ^IDK^ ft- *■-; -tale by h >. M=,L.xrRlN. 28tf u j’eceived, whicu M. f.AURiN. 10 tf e jii'^t received .McLAURIN 77tf BLOSSOM. I \ Merchant. ► M, •>’. ’• lion .:'U ‘ull ':ou8ign- 5 on I'- , e t- bo shipped ft7tf HAH, □> ■301 rp‘ K" ihe i, ' .Meiitiuii to all con- ui.ue, Hohin, Tar aad ■■■.:•■ lor -=ile. of Mr. Vtegl»hn, V li Water Ktreet. 25tf t%%ard* f J ^ - I'auieron, o* ,t -.f . Jiinf, my negro ^Hl.i M-i.-sually called. .' f, 1 i s hii ht;s high, of » !V a; 1 :i jowncaBt looK- „ in . -.uu-■^•riand r/p the tibore at. • ’ ! ■-- c .Uaeaxine lor E J Saw « SE MI-WEEKLY. [VOT.. IX.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., MARCH 12, 1860. [NO. 899.] PRINTED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS EDWARD .1. HILE & SOX, KDITURS AND PROPRIETORS Price fur tlie Somi-AVcokly OusLiiviiR 00 if paid in advance; ^3 50 if j)nid during Uie vear of subscrip tion: or SI after the year ha? expired. Fv>r the ^^ct■kly Obslrvek $’J UO per annuui, if paid in :idvani;o. i'J 5u if paiil during the yvir of subscrip tion; or (H> after th« year lias expired. ©eg" ADVERTISLMENTS inscrti-d for 00 cents per square of 10 lines for the first, and 30 cents for each Bucceedinjr publicatifin. Yearly advertisements by s]te- cial contract?, at reasonnl»le rato-j. .Xdvertisers are requeste.l to state the number of insertions desired, or thev will be continued till forbiil, and charged accord ingly. Adverti.'iements to be inserted insidt’, charged oO per cent extra. The i.arftttt Varrka^e Fartory in the South I >I( iv Svrif A.\ R' SPECIAL NOTICE. From and after this d.ite. no name of a new subscriber will be entered without payment in advance, nor will the paper be sent to such sul>scrR>ers for a longer time than is paiJ for. Such of our old subscribers ;is desire to take the pa per on this system will please notify us when making rcmitiances. Jan'y 1, 1S08. STATE CAR AM) 1I\('III\F. WORkS. itow.\.\ FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. ^pHE undersigned, having erected buildings suitable 1 for CAR and M.\CHINE WORK—also General HOUSE CARPENTRY—would give notice that they are prepared to execute all orders in their line with neat ness and di3j>atch. We are preparcl to do all kinds of SCROLL SAW ING and PL.\NEING at short notice. Having a tirst class Woodworth Planeing Machine, wo arc prepared to Plane, Tongue and Groove all kinds of Flooring and Ceiling on reason.able terms. Coniracta taken for the erection of Buildings, and Jobbing of all kimls executed with neatness and dis patch. .Sashes. Doors and Ijlimls of all descriptions, manufactured equal to anything to be found in the Northern markets. Plans and specifications furnished and the erection of buildings superintended when desired. WALTON & BARRY, Car Builders, Carpenters X Draughtmen. Fayetteville, Oct 3, ls.')! 54-tf !«.4Dl>liK .%.\U H lK.VESS ~ FACTORY. The subscriber begs leave to return his tlianks fur the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, and in forms the public that he has now and will continue to have an increased force of experienced Saddle and Har ness Makers, whose work he will war rant: and that he is prepared to offer to the public a large and varied assort ment of every thing kept in his line. His assortment of saddles, Harness. Bridles. Trunks. Travelling Bags. Valices, icc., is uusurpassud for workmanship and ma- ESPECTFL'LLY inforius his friends and the public, that he 1ms built up large substantial Brick Build ings at his .)ld Stand, exprcsMy for manufacturing Car riages. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he has received for the last 'Jl years, lie hopes by strict atten tion to bu.ainess, with a desire to gi'c satisfaction, to merit a continuance of tlie same, lie warrants his work to be made of the best material and by experienced workmen in each branch of the business. His work will compare favorably with any made in the United States, for neatnesii and durability SOUTHERN Sl'HOOL BOORS. A. S. BAR]\E8 & BI KK, 51 and 53 JOHN STREET, NEW YORK, AXU K. J. II.ILK i m, F.WETTEVILLK, X. T. PUBLISHERS OF THE .\atioiial ot standard School Book«. ^piIESE works are prepared by the best educators in L the country, and designed with special reference to i the thorough Education of the Youth of our land. Great care lias been taken to exclude sectional or sec tarian matter, so that tlie scries is regarded as truly , the N.\tio.nal SCHoiii. Skkiks. The favor which these books liuve received from all parts of tlie United Stales, | warrants the Publisiiers in calling upon their friend.s to ; exiiniine each of the works coni])rising tliis .series (pro- j vidod they have not already done so,) with a view of | making them their St.^m>.\k1) Tkxf Books. The fol- 1 lowing is a part of the series; j The Aatlonul Series of .^rithmetiis and Mathe- i IliatiCN. By Prof. CiiAi’.LE.s Daviks, LL. D., formerly i oftheL'nited States Military Academy, and now of! Columbia College. ( The standard of N'l'w York, Haiti- 1 He is (leU^rmined to sell and do any work in his line on as good terms as any : , work done elsewhere that is as well done. He now has "I?’'*-'’ * 'cleans, Buffalo, Rochester, Milwaukee, and on hand, finished, THE LARGEST STOCK OF Carriages, Barouches, Roekaways aud Buggies, ever offered in this place, and a very large stock of work nearly finished, which will be finished daily. All of which will be sold very low for ca.sh. or on short time to punctual customers. 8fa'!f''He hai* on hand more than ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY VEHICLES finished and in course of construction. All work made by him is warrantod 12 months with fair usage, and shouM it fail by bad workmanship or material, will be re)iaired free of uharge. Persons wishing to buy would do well to cull and ex amine for themselves. Orders thankfully received and promptly attended to- Repairing executed at short uoiioe aud ou very reason able terms. May 28, 1859. 8!>-tf J. W. BAKER Is now roceiviiijr from the North the largest, finest, and most carefully selected stock of FI R^ ITL KK ever offered in this market: which added to his own manufacture, makes his assortment complete;— all of which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash or on time to punctual customers. Fashionable piinted cottage bed-room Furniture in setts: curled hair and shack, and cotton Mattresses: Looking Cilas.ses; Willow Wagons and Cradles; Side Boards, Bureaus: Secret.ii ics and Book-i'asos; What- Nots: Tables, all sorts: Wash Stands: Candle Stands: Wardrobes: Picture Frames aud Glass; Window Shades: Cornices; Curtain Bands; Sofas in .Maliogony and Wal nut: Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools; Chairs ol every variety. Fine Rosewood I*ianos, one with ^ilolian at tachment; Rosewood Melodians, from the best manufac tories in New York and Boston, wan anted as good as terial. and will compare favorably for neatness with | any made in the country, and will be soM at New York any other Manufactory, either North or South. Persons wanting any thing in hin line will do him a favor to call and examine his stock before purchasing, as he is satis fied it will not fail to please them. His establishment will be found five doors East of ('ape Fear Bank, on Person Street. Repairing done with neatness and despatch. W. (AERBY. Fayetteville, N. C., Jan'y W, 1800. 81-*')m Persons indebted are earnestly requested to call and settle, as I must have nionej'. prices—freight only added. September; 4r)tf HARNESS To the Interest of* Tiirpeiiliiie Oi*«tillerM. Af A. BAKER would respectfully inform Turpentine Jl. Distillers and others that lie is now manufacturing The Improved Turpentine ^>till. All orders promply attended to. Copper work done on the most favorable terms. Old Copper bought for cash or taken in excliange for new Work. Call and see for yourselves at M .\ BAKERS (.'opper Sliop, Fayetteville, N. C. Feb'y 1, 1800. S8tf I Constaiitlj Manufacturing at uiy Kstabiishuient, r:'VERY VARIETY OF HARNESS. _ Saddles. Bridli's. ('ollar-^. Whijis I and Trunks: all kinds of Leather. Calf Skins ami f(il; i I Condition Powders, for diseased Horses ami (’attle; j j Coach Trimmings. Carpet l>ag«. Valises, Saddlery, i ‘ Hardware, &c. The largest stock in the State, sohl j ; wholesale or retail, at the lowest New York prices. ; Harness and Saddles rcp.iired. I i . JAMES WILSON. ' j No. 5 .Market st. ^^ilmington. N. C., near the Wharf. I Oct. 10, 18.)'.*. 50-lypd. .\ORTH C IROI.I \A 1 Ol ADR Y AND inACIIIAE W OllKSl other large cities.) The \ational Series of Geo$;rapbies. By Ja.mes Mo.ntkith and Fkancis McNallv. (The standard of New Orle:ins, New York, Buffalo, .Milwaukee, Newark, Brooklyn, and other cities.) The National Series of School Histories. By E.m.ma WiLi.Aiui and Ja.mks .Moxtkith. (Daniel Web ster said of Mrs. Willard's History of the L’nited States: “1 keep it near me as a valuable book of reference, ac curate in facts and dates." It was also highly recom mended by Henry Clay, aud many other of our most illustrious Statesmen and Educators.) The National Series of School Readers and Spellers. By Richaki> ti. Paukkk and Ja.mes M. " atso.n. Recommended wherever they are known as the most beautiful iind the most practical Readers and Spellers ever published. The National Series of Kngiish iirammar. Illus trated with Diagrams. By S. W. Clakk. Clark’s method of teacliing tliis hitiierto dry subject makes it one of the most interesting studies in the language. Iliirh School J..itoraturc. By Monmonier & Mc- JiLToN, of Baltimore. Brookfield’s Fir.',! liook in Composition. For Be ginners. lOe. W. \V. Smith's Orthographical Books. 4 Nos. Northend’s Little Orator, National Orator, and Entertaining Dialogues. Prices, i?Oc., 75c. and 75c. Kame’s Elements of (.’riticism, with Additions By Buyd. 5>1 00. Day’s Art of Rhetoric. 75c. Boyd’s Klements of Loiric. 75c. Darby’s (of Alabama) Botany of the Southern State'i. §1 Brooks’ (of Baltimore) (ireek and Latin Classics, 8 volumes. Wiley li: Hubbard’s North Carolina Readers. 3 Nos. Parker’s School Compendium of Natural Philo sophy. SI OO. Porter’s Principles of Chemistry. Si 00. Norton .i: Porter's First Book of Science. Si OO. Brooks’ I of Baltimore I School Teacher's Roi'is- ter. 5Uc. Brooks’ (ol' Baltitnore) Manual of Devotion for Schools. 38c. McIntyre’s (uf Balt Hitrh School' Astronomy and Globes. 75c. j Pajre’s Klements of feolo>ry. 75c. Chambors’ Klements of Zoology. SI 0(1. j Smith Martin’s System of Book-keeping & j j Blank-. 75c. ea. | ! Bartlett's i ol West Point i ('ollere Course of i j Philosophy. I I Church's I of ^Vest Point) ('alculus and .Vnalyti- ; I cal (ieonietry. 1 j Courtenay’s (of \'irginia) Elements of Calculu.s. j 50 per copy. Ilackley's (of C'olumbia (^ollege) Trigonometry. I ■^■2 00. [ W. G. Peck’s (ot (’olumbia Col. ) Elements of i Mechanics. SI 50. I Hanna's Bible History Ibr Schools. ^1 Beers' Complete System of Penmansiiip. H Nos., j at loc. each. ; Dwiglit’s Muilern l‘hilok»gy. .?! 75. I And man\’ otlier valuable work®, among which might I be nientioned I The School Teachers’ Library, in Ten ! Volumes. Designed to aid the Teacher in his Profess ional iluties. Please send to S. Barnks a: Bt un, New York, for tlieir Dtx ttii'TivK CxTM.niit k of all their publicatiotis. wlilch shall be sent free ot' I'ostage. March ISOO. U7-4ui liivaluable to every Practitioner. AN EpFtOME of BRAITII WAITE’S RETROSPECT OF PRACTICAL .MEDICINE 4. SlRtiERV. B Y WALTER S. WELLS, M. D., To BK Completed in Five Parts at SI each: (PARTS ONE AND TWO NOW READY.) Bouni* in Two Volumes, in Sheep, SO 50. Froi't the Preface. “The design of the author, in presenting to the Pro fession an Epitome of “Braithwaite's Retrospect of Practical Medicine and Surgery," is to enable the Prac titioner to refer at ouce to the modern treatment of all varieties of disease—to refresh his memory in cases of emergency—and to speedily ac|uaint himself with such specific applications as would otherwise involve con siderable research to acquire from the original volumes. “Reference to the part and page of the original vol ume of which the article is an abstract is appended for the convenience of those who may wish to refer in detail.” Extracts from TtntimnninU. From Prof. WiLLARU Pakkeu, L'nUeye of Phyticiaiis and Surytonn, \. V. “W. S. Wei.ls, M. D.. has submitted to my inspec tion his Epitome of Braithwaite's Retrospect. I am very, very much pleased with the result of his labors. He has conferred a great favor upon the Profession. Braithwaite's Retrospect has become voluminous, and of itself makes ijuite a library. Dr. Wells' Book not only furnishes us with a summary of the whole, but enables us to refer, without loss of time, to any special sul)ject in the forty volumes.” From John AV. FiiAsris, M. 1)., LL D., \en- York. “Few Journals devoted to Medical Science have been j so eminently distinguished, for a series of years, as i Braithwaite’s Retrospect of Pratic.al Medicine and Sur- ' gery. It may well be deemed quite % library of the ; great modern improvements in the noble art of healing, i I cannot hesitate to say that your undertaking will be ^ an acceptable service to all readers, and widely diffuse , the most wholesonie knowledge for the benefit of Prac- . titioners in general, and the cultivators of profitable | ainl saving wisdom. Your labor deserves the patron- | age of the Profession.'’ j From Prof. Valkstink Mott. I'niremity Medical Col lege, \eir Vork. “You have rendered an essential ser^'ice to the Pro fession by your Epitome of the extensive Retrospect of: Braithwaite. The alphabetical arrangement of the sub- . jects, makes it more easily- available to Practitioners of ; the City and Country who have but little leisure for reading. 1 welcome it as a valuable present to the ' Physician and Surgeon.” From Prof. R. Ogden Dorkmls, Sew York Medical ColUje. \ “It afforils me great pleasure to offer my cordial com- mondation of your laborious undertaking, to present to the Profession an Epitome of Braithwaite's Retrospect. “You may feel as>;urcd that your Condensation and Tabulation of thi.s voluminous work will be appreciated." Fnnn Suryeoii B. F. Bai'uk, /~>iiled Shitfx Xai\i/, aiid lHr*rtnr of the Sarnl Lahorator;/. “I have read with great interest the volume of your Epitome of Braithwaite's Retrospect. “The value of the Retrospect to the Profession has long been settled, and you have, bj- condensing it into a portable form and arranging its subjects alphabeti cally so as to facilitate finding all :he information if contains on an^ ]>oint, largely augmented its worth.” Published for the author, l>y subscription. Bv Charles T. Evans, 114 Ft i.tos Stbf:kt, NkwYork. For sale al.so bv H. (i. LAWRENCE, Bookseller, &c., 1 Vesey Street: a'nd MILLER, MATHEWS and HASS- BROok, 775 Broadway. Physicians and others dc'»irous of subscribing to this W’ork, can receive the First Part at once i which will be tent prepaid.) on their remitting Sl.tH), aildressed to “CH.VRLES T. EV.VNS, Box 4553, New York P. O.” and the remaining four numbers monthly thereafter on the same conditions. The Second and concluding Parts will be issued Monthlj’, and every Su'jscriber will be notified when each Part is ready. PARTS ONE AND TWO NOW RE\DY. Feb'v 'J5. y7- PRENCH STRANGE, Attorney at Law, Fayetteville, N. C. office that recently occupied by C. G. W’right, Esq., over the one now occupied by him in Dr. Robinson’s building. Green Street. Dec’r 2, 1859. 72- W.W. Attorney at Law, Faykttkville, N. C. Hard on Judas Iscariot.—Artemas Ward, the “great American showman,” relates, in Lis pecu liar style, the following: Insidunt in Ltikt/.—In the Paul of 1856, I showed my show in L’^tiky, a trooly grate sitty in the State of New York. The people gave me a cordyal recepshuu. The pres was loud in her prases. 1 day as I was given a descripshun of my Beests and Snakes in my usual flowry stile, what was my skorn & disgust to see a big burly feller walk up to the cage containin’ my wax figgers of \\ P Superior Courts of j Lord’s Last Supper, and sease Judas Iscarrot T? ( umberland, Harnett, Moore aud Robeson Goun-! , .i ^ i i i - . . j ties. Prompt attention given to the coll«ction of all , J/ *“6 feet and drag him out on to the ground, claims entrusted to his hands. 1 then commenced to pound him as hard as he Oct. 17, 1859. 58-tf ' cood. _ * i under the son are you about?” cried I. liA\% J^O J. Sez he, “What did you bring this pussylanyer- THli Subscriber having removed from Summerville to mus CUSS her fur?” & he hit the wax figger ano- Fayetteville, will attend the County and Superior , ther tremenjis blow on the head. f’ourts of Cumberland, Harnett and Moore. His office will be at his residence, on Green Street, opposite the Episcopal Churcti. His correspondents will please address him hereafter at Fayetteville, instead of Summerville. NEILL McKAY. Jan'y 21, 1860. 85-tf H. W. HORNE, .f T TO jR.VJi V .fT i.f ir*, M.\Y be found at the Office of Wm. B. W’right, Esq., near the Court House. June 30, 1859. 28-lY JOSEPH BAKER, Ju., ATTORIVKV AT LAW, Has taken an office next d^orto Wm. B. Wright’s Law Office on Green Street. He will attend and practice in the County and Superior Courts of Cumberland, Bladen, Robeson and Sampson. March 23, 1859. 79tf P. J. SINCLAIR, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., 'liylLL practice in the Courts of Robeson, Cumberland, Harnett and Richmond Prompt attention given to all business entrusted to hiu. Feb’y 5, 1859 86- A. J. HALE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, A«hehorou;^h, C., (OFFICE IN THE COURT HOUSE,) YY^ILL practice his profession in Randolph and the M adjoining Counties. Prompt attention given to all busines.s entrusted to his care. Jan'y 2U, 18*)0. 8.5tf A. D. McLean, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, SCMMERYILLE, N. C., yijILL attend the Courts of Cumberland, Moore, John- VV ston and Harneit Counties. PRO.MPT attention given to the collection of all claims entrusted to his care. Dec r 20, 185'J. 78-ly RORY Tic A AIR, Attorney and Counsellor at Etawc^ LUMBERTON, N. C. AV’^ILL attend and practice in the County and Superior \ V Courts of Robeson, Richmond and Cumberland. All business intrusted to him will receive pronjpt at tention and collections punctually remitted. Oct. 6, 1859. 55tf Sez I, “you egrejus ass, that air’s a wax figger —a representashun of the false ’Postle.” Sez he, “That’s all very well fur you to say, but I tell you old man, that Judas Iscarrot can’t show hisself in I^tiky with impurnerty by a darn site!” with which obsarvashun he kaved in Ju- da.ssis head. The young man belonged to 1 of the fust families in Utiky. I sood him, dt the Joory brawt in a verdick of Arson in the 3d de gree.— Credat Judsem. LIEUTENANT LUFF. All you that are too fond of wine, * Or any other stuff. Take warning by the dismal fate Of one Lieutenant Luff. A sober man he might have been. Except in one regard; He did not like soft water. So he be took to drinking hard. Said he, “Let others fancy slops, And talk in praise of tea, But 1 am no Bohemian, So I do not like Bohea, If wine’s a poison, so is tea— But in another shape— What matter whether one is killed. By canister or yrapef” According to this kind of taste He still indulged his drouth, And being fond of port he made A port-hole of his mouth. A pint he easy could have sipped, And not been out of sorts; In geologic phrase the rock He split upon was quartz.—Hood. Turpentine ^itill^^ tor Nale. 10 barrel, one 15 barrel, one 20 barrel, one 4o bar- r«l; the above Stills all in gooi order. Will be sold in the most favorable terms, by • ‘ M. A. BAKER. Fayetteville, N. C., Feb’j 1. 8Stf C^uns! Ciinn>»!! (liiins!!! M. A. BAKER, Gan & Rifle Manufacturer. pUNS repaired at the shortest notice and for a .small * J cliarge. 800 double and single barrel shot Guns for sale low l()(f.! Repeating Pistols of all the different makers now in the L'nited Slates, for sale low. Call at M. A. BAKER'.S and see for yourselves. Fayetteville, N. C., Feb'y 1. ’ 88tf W FRKRC'KNi A: RAEDER, SUCOES.SOUS TO N. BO Y D EN SON, ILL CONTINUE to manufacture and keep hand all AGRiriLTlBU lliriE\IE.\TS Made heretofore. T’lows. Corn-Shellers. Horse-Powers. Tliresliers, Tliresher and Separators .A full assortment of Cultivators, Straw and Feed-Cutters, Seed-Sowers, Cider and Sugar Mills, They aUo manufacture SHAFTING AND MACHINERY For Gri.st .Mills, Circular and Vertical Saw .Mills, Gold, Copper and Silver Mines, Tobacco Presses and f’ixtures, &c., &c., IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. FORGINGS and FINISHED WORK of every descrip tion made to order, and warranted in every respect. Repairs of every description of Machinery done at short notice. Salisbury, N. C.. Jan’y 2, 1800. 88-3m i^larble Factory, Floral College. The ensuing Session in this Institution will cotumenco on the 2d Wednesday in Jan'j' next. Tlie management and instruction of the Institution will be ujuler the Rev. Daniel Johnson and .Mr. John C. Sutherland, with an able (’orps of .Assistants in all the departments. The Principal and his lady will take en tire charge of the Boarding establishtnent, thus giving to the School more of tlia family element. Thi.^ ar rangement, it is believed, will greatly advance the use fulness of tlio Institution. M. C. McNAlR, Sec’y i^oard of Trustees. Dec’r 20 77- JO.MiSVILLK lll(JirSi;ilOOLS, .Hale and Female. Rev. WM. CARTER & 80.\. Wholesale £ Betail Dealers and ManuCtcturers OF AI.L K1.ND8 OF ijcather^ Satltflett and MiarneffS, Of every description. Collars, W'hips, &c. 4 ND we al^o particularly call the attention of the whole surrounding country to give us a call, as we are de termined that noue shall surpass us in quality or low prices; and we will give the highest cash price at all times for Raw Hides and Tallow, in exchange for our articles. ‘■'ountry Merchants would do well to call and examine our Stock, as we can sell tiiein Shoes of a much better fjuality than they usually get, on very accommodating terms. Southern Planters would do well to send us all their orders as we are making a Jso. I article of NEGRO ^^llOES. that are warranted to give entire satisfaction. N B. All Orders from a distance sliall have prompt Hifention. '^ 3. CARTER. WM. CARTER. Qoldston P. (>., Chatham ('’o., N. C., I March 15, 1859. / W.M. L. VAN EATON, A. M., Principal. D.\N1EL L. CLAY, Assistant. Miss LUCY J. ARMFIELD, in charge of the Female Dei'artment. Miss ROCLNDA J. DOUGHERTY, in cliarge of the Music Department. Miss SARAH DOUGHERTY, in charge of the Painting Class. rpHE 31st Session of these prosperous and growing Schools opened the 1st Wednesday in January, with all the departments of instruction filled with efficient and experienced teachers. Our buildings are large, commodious and well fur nished with Apparatus, Globes, Maps, &c., situated in a beautiful grove, at a suitable distance apart. cost, per session of TWENTY-ONK WKkKS. Board, including every thing except candles, SO and .'>7 English branches, §10 and $12 Latin, Greek and advanced Mathematics, $15 Music, ?20 Painting, in oil, $10 Contingent fee. $1 For further particulars address tke Principal, (and Catalogues will be sent,) at Jonesville, Yadkin Co., N. C. Jany 20, 1860. 85-3m 96- Blanks lor wale at tkiw Office. By I.AUDRR, TWO oiioiis ABOl'E C. T. IHIIJII It mS’ STORB FaycftcTille, IV. /. Jan’v 20, IhOO {^4. To Rail lload Contractors: JUST RECEIVED 100 whc:elbarrowi§, light and strong, for the Rail Road. For sale by D. & W’. McLAURIN. March 29, 1859. 800tf 1% E W STOCK OF BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Dr. Bronson having been so far reduced by consump tion. as to be considered be.vond all hope of recovery by the most eminent of the medical profession, and also by himself—a regular physician of twenty years practice —as a last resort, conceived the idea of .\N.\LYZING THE BLOOD, and appl.ving the subject of jihysiology to the more imtnediatc connection, and effect of the state of the blood upon the health and system. The result has been the i)roduction of this ‘BLOOD FOOD,’ from the use of which Dr. Bronson was restored to per fect health. Within six months after its introduction, over two thousand consutnptives were effectually cured by it. If you have any complaints of a consumptive tendency. Cough. Cold, Head-ache. Palpitation of the Heart, Loss of Appetite or Pain in the Side, lose no time in procuring a bottle of the “BI>0^D FOOD.'’ If you are suffering from Nervous Debility, or your sleep is broken and disturbed, if your Spirits are Depressed, or your ()rgans Relaxed, you will find in this an un failing remedy, bj’ commencing with ten drops. Ii your Liver is torpid or diseased in any manner what ever, one or two bottles will be sure to invigorate, and bring it into lively and healthy action. In the most inveterate cases of Dyspepsia, the patient can here find the most efficient and grateful relief. A benefit is al ways experienced after taking only one bottle. In Male or Female Complaints and Weaknesses, the sufferer, after trying other remedies in vain, may rest assured, that a certain cure will result from the use of two or three bottles. The “BLOOD FOOD" is effectual in all cases of Eruptions, S.ilt Rheum, Scrofula aud other like complaints. Pale and emaciateil children and adults are immediately l)cnefit;ed by its use. It gives strength to the body, and color and beauty to the skin. Ph^-- siciansof all schools are using it with wonderful success. For full directions, see circulars. Price !fl per bottle. •ainoq jad siuss Ct. 'P3.\\0||I1| 3q tsiliil 3|niiq tpva punuJH pdtiliuj.u KUUIIJJJjp nqi 'a.iaivj ||u uj -sjsuioiii ||ii n a|i|Ki|aj jsoiu aqi tx hjikII S|iaaiii -iiio} I! '■osvjj aiuiis aqi io.i :3U!i>niaApH »! 3S»qi U«J SK li|U3lll.«!)i.•.^^V dUU| I(JII8 pjl'ilv 1UUUUJ )vi{l '|>U!M 3141 .10 suouii«>l3jd jjqio uvqi sioiii qjiiiu os sisoj i|— .||SB'| ]l U| 3iun ou II) no.t pU3IIIHI0.).)J A|1S3UJU3 j.tt ‘sjy JO kuu!s|n.\u03 jo sa-nD n« ui ‘jij^.uisHdii-iiUK injjs.uod U dU!3(| |)UH '..lJUdpi|U(>3 ).)3JJ3(I qil.M UO p3l|a4 aif UH3 J! ‘i>38Ras;p I jo puH 1W]«J ivoiii 3qi '.i.lfjH.") JOJ iSlI'*-' “*•! >! P»^M 3i|I UI p|o,'-) juj p3||>tiib3un i>! I! st3A\Hi) 3q) 9u{)u|n3ji juj uiuil I.UIA3II31 puH ‘sHiua aqj 3u|udl|0ii joj "osui : ‘Jl|o.) ‘.tjaiujs.iy IM qaiiii !;)\’|hX3:1.L y\'KIVH.i..l.V SJ.VIVMIVO.) 'I'lV MOJ :zi.\ ‘uu)iujml3jd jaqio .^J3.\3 J3.\i> iijaiii J >!q3 >)! si qjiq w 3UI.MOIIOJ aqt ||ti ui J3i|aj puti sjtia uivijas ii hi piiv ')uhj -ui oiHj||3p |>I)III aqi ajitfui )uuu«.'> puu ssaiiujuq .t|i3.njja s; ]|— spuuq ii.wi) niq .\ii num .io .4ukiii uiim;.! i(i jo IP »qi iapuu s)s3Ji>j aqi iiiojj ;tiip 3u|aq p3||i|i>{p s; i{ q3|q.u uiojj nuui Ai3A aqi t.uoqv ||IM s]u|«|iliiii>3 ai!iuv|ui joj 3|3iuv ioqiii .^uc qii.w ^ JO uosuvdiiio3 « tiw ‘aina jHaja qii.w dn iiid si 11—.^ipiiqj, •J Jlliqiruss til SuiuapKitp jo puaiiui 'p|iqj ju 3uuaj4a aqi 3lu|Aoui3J X(| sa.ia!|3J .{|iii3tiba8Uo3 puK ‘puii) .(uu ju aii.utii 10 siioilajutl uioJi 33JJ .|aj;tua «! l|—.|puojas uiaqi ioj aqijsi sjj o) HUIKI1I1U03 aiiiuviui ui a3U.(uailia qsiiiu lunjj pag||vnb uq.M ‘uii|3iii.\qd iv]iiil3i n jo uuiiuiHdajd aqi 11 'tio.l pajayo aiojuiajaq suq ifjuub 10 3BJIIU ivqi lunjisou Ajsas j3au .ti|io;i3tlns kii atwts ui ajisap a.u 'iviuaoj S.NOXVa HU auuuasjJd UI JOHA P. FFLI.ER, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, WILL FR.\CTtCE IX THE COUIITS OF Kob;son, I'umberiand, Columbus and Bladen. Office at Lumberton, Robeson Co., N. C. July 5, 1859 29tf R. Tl. ORRE1.L. TURPENTINE INSPECTOR. Those sending their Spirits Turpentine to me may rely upon it to have prompt and careful attention. My warehouses are fronting the wharves and near the river. Sept'r 13, 1858. 45tf W’e are just receiving our new stock of Law, Medical and Miscellaneons Books; School Books; Blank Books; Writing Papers; Envelopes, &c, E. J. HALE & SON Oot’r 6, 1859 Sold by CHURCH & DUPONT, Druggists, No. 36 Maiden Lane, New York, by JAS. N. SMITH, Fayetteville, N. C. And by all respectabl# Druggists throughout th* oountry. Noy 11, 1869 66.I7 A Feb’y 13. OWE A A: Y ARBROUtiiU. H.WE this daj- entered into Copartnership for the purpose of transacting the Commission and Forwarding Business, in all its branches, in Wilmington, and will give prompt personal attention to all business entrusted to their care. Liberal cash advances will be made on Consignments of Country Produce. te^Office on North Water St., over H. Vonglahan's Stor*. JOHN W. OWEN. O. S. YARBROUGH. Wilmington, Oct 20, 185S' 04- U ni. 11. Tl RLlAtwTOA, Commisstoii illerchaiit, WIL.MINGTON, N. C. \U’1LL give special attention to the sale or shipment Tf of all Naval Stores, Cotton, Flour, Timber, and other oountry produce. Refers to: H. R. Savage, Cashier Bank of Cape Fear, Wilmington; Jno. Dawson, Pres’t W'ilmington Branch Bank of North Carolina; W. H. Jones, Cashier Raleigh Branch Bank of Cape Fear. Nov 9, 1859 G5-tf GKO. H.\RR1SS. W. W. U.VKRISS. A. J. HOWKLL. HAHRISS & HOW£LL, CommissicHi and Forwarding Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 17, 1859. 58-lYpd ROBERT 11. COWAA, imeneral Commission •IMet^ehant^ WILMINGTON, N. C. Office South Corner Market and Water streeiu, up-stairs Oct. 13, 1859. 67-lY T. C. A: B. WORTH, Commission aud Forwarding Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan'y 28, 1859 84tf W. H. ALLEN.] [J. M. CLARK ALLEN & CLAKK, Coniniisision ]?IercliantM, WILMINGTON, N. C. DEALERS I\ LIME, PL.VSTER, CEMEM, HAIR, Ac. 8®” Agents for Rush & Orrell’s Line of Steamers.“^8 Prompt personal attention given to consignments o Naval Stores, Cotton or other Countiy Produce, for sale or shipment. Jan’y 19, 18-59. 81- BI^AiVK BOOKS. FRESH sapplyjust received. E. J. HALE & SON. A\ V. Ledg^er t‘or iMarcIi lOth. Southern Field and Fireside. HARPER’S WEEKLY for March 3d, to-morrow. For sale by E. J. HALE & SON. March 1. ” DEI\TaX «fOTitVE. Dr. H. SCOTT, having obtained assistance, can sup ply artificial substitutes on short notice. Office hours, from 9 to 1 P. M., and from 2 to 5 P. M. March 3. 97-tf -VIERCHAAtI^ILL#. ^PHE subscriber, proprietor of these newly erected X Mills, takes pleasure m announcing to the public, that one pair of Burrs is now in successful operation. He is aware that public confidence as pertaining to the Milling business in some places, is a very nickly sub ject, which requires skillful Doctors, proper treatment and good nursing to restore to desired health and strength, lie hopes his connection with the business, however, may by no means in the least contribute to the present enfeebled state in which he tinds it. Hoping this, he deems it not inexpedient in putting forth his Card to the Public to inscribe upon it the following MOTTOES, which, like the laws of the Medes and Per sians, are to be preserved inviolable and unchanged. First—That only out of Corn which never comes into his possession,^will more than an honest toll be taken. Second—That a just toll having been imposed on Corn coming into his possession, the remainder will be made into the best meal and hominy the quality of the corn will justify, subject to the order of the owner. The Flouring Mill is uxpeuted to be in operation by tiie first of June next, when he hopes to see farmers from all quarters bringing their loads of Wheat, either to dispose of at liberal prices, or to be converted into flour, designed not to be surpassed. P. S. A good article of Corn for bread wanted. R. McDANlEL. Fayetteville, March 3, 1800. 97tf 0^ TRl^ST SALE. N MONDA\ the 20th March iMtiO, hy virtue of a Deed of Trust made to me by James Huske, I will sell the llOL'SE AND LOTS on Ramsay street, known as his residence. Terms at sale. SAM L W. TILLLNGHAST, Trustee. March 5, 1800. 97ts IMPORTATION FOR l«(iO. W. MACI]\TVRE —HAS RECEIVED— Superfine Cloths; iiest Doe-skin Cassimere, (black;) Ff.ncy Cassimeres; All-wool Tweeds; Sattinets; Kentucky Jeans; Plain and Corded French Drap-d'ete; Silk Velvets; black Satin Vesting; White and colored Linen Drilling; Gauze Flannels; Canton Flannels. Juf^t to hand, \n invoice of BONNETS, RIBBONS, RUCHES. FRENCH ARTIFICIALS, WREAJHS, HEAD-DRESSES, kc: Fayetteville, .March 5, 1800. 97-5w f!>EED 0AT?!»! RECEn'ING, 750 bushels Pennsylvania WHITE OATS, choice. Receiving, 2014 bushels CANADA BL.ACK OATS, weighing oi( lbs. to the bushel, very choice. To arrive, 500 bushels CANAD.\ WHITE OATS, extra. To arrive per Rail Road, 400 bushels N. C. BL.A.CK OATS, superior. STOKLEY & OLDHA.M. Wilmington, N. C., Feb’y 14, 1860. U2-lm CORA IlAB^EAL." Constantly on hand, a good supply of of best (piality, for our country friends. STOKLEY OLDHAM. Wilmington, N. C., Feb'y 14, 1860. 92-1 m HOW ELf^ A: BROTUERl§, MA.NLFACTURKH.S OK PAPER CFRTAIA PAPERS, &c., 300 B.4L.TIJ10KE ST. BALTIMORE, Md. J^*0ur Goods are expressly adapted to the Home and Southern .Market. Feb’y 4,286(1 _ 89-3mpd _ Strayed or Stolen. Left my stable, on Thursday la!t the 16th inst., a SORREL MARE, about six years old, no marks recollected. This Mare was bought by me from Elea- zer Cox, of Randolph County, I think, on the 31st ult. A liberal reward will be paid for her delivery to me. Any information concerning her will be thankfully re ceived. ROBT. MITCHELL. Feb. 20, 1860, 93-tf