roMPiw,. 254,618.62. ‘ more iLhu . ^ •'• S1.56:^.4I^0] “ -■:i47.738.08 T HttW',y^ ^ A ’icKethan ■' '-^- *’ooV. A U ST,.el ' »■ Kv: , ■''= nt * 1 V \K0M V4 (OMPjm, : ''atiun, wiii^ ' ’^ ■ •'> r ; ■ •-■!h.v,,.r. ■ ar. tor seven , ' ’’'"'".'’'‘‘profits ftor T-tl ie a • , A iT(;nts 'Hih‘i*vr pv. .V,.. • ' •■ iva I'OPKKF - == ^eSIhUt^Hnd ' ‘ - '"' ° cau bi' h .,i Kl' IKO\, *», e. eiii =■?' 1‘,x umi (’ i.’ =d Pipe. AI^ »ii Votrer r*ot." JAMK." MartiN'K mg \:c. i i'annera' n;L, >. :.-. W iiMlow GUns N ^ -Vf- U J M.> MAgTINE. KD. )LD FRIENDS ■ ■'■ Tttcn'ling to 1 ■■ willing tii ■' ac : 'lave always iV'nr^ion ■ •’ •• { ■■' "lisd o rn.iK. i NtLL 1 A-' ’. iug on til. . ’ ■ n-■.lev h.*iow Faj- It* ^.vei ir- : the sand- .1,. ‘1 V, 1,-,1 into river- L :** - A’ lit -'!» acres, •if Ml iii'l are well nme of the M i ■ il g..-nl sites Any person ke ••arlv apjili- H: 4kf .M)| \(. ;h ... H. TKl ■ill J 'i»-)aich. ’ '- ! wvereil.^-T. ■ , Hay .Street. M 1V ' i perma of r u vette- ' I-. ti: the f" - ■ ■■ •t s. In all iH-' tdinz the : i. :sf' -r an i - i.^.n iiiTh I»en- ■ ■ .-tion a^ far j •' '‘iti* - of the ■ V, a> well as 1 •••• iiietal.s are ■: will be ■ i'-n rnuY be ... ‘ ! an int-*rest n.-, where he 9tf i:VK WHISKEV. n' with l>r ^ 'f' ! with his had ai hit Itac'on, I i.e by libtf ii'MKMu. l occived, which >I I.AURiN. tf .jiiof received ; I, \L hlN. 77tf BLOSSOM. S I 41 A rcbaiit, V. V. n / .1 to iiil ’onaign- I': _ llOC to l/U shipped rket. 07 tf [lA.n, .1 a’ •.•liii’jii to all cm- n-wie, H nil, Tar anJ Jl c/- fVyr^(J>. - ; 1 .Mr. V'onglahn, •r 11 Wsij^r Btreet. Ii6tf ^ai'd. • , - A. * uiieron, of f ‘ Ji lie, my negro \ ,1- =; i.ii.y called.) ^ >' inchc- high, of a :i; J a ioifticasl look. in i.'uiuberlaud j ‘ jrive the above !-: lii:- iiuprisBu- >r V ... lor inforiuation • L’TTLEJoHN. • «ytf Jla^azine lor ; UAUi i SON. IFAT r SEMI.WEEKL, Y. [\ OI . IX.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., MARCH 15, 1860. [NO. 900.1 rHlMKI* MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS j ED\V\RD J. HALE & SON, KDITORS AND PROPRIETORS ; I'r.,, tor the Seiui-Weekly Observsr $3 00 if paid in : .i lvnnce; ')•> if pail durinj? the year of subscrip- ' lu ii; 'IV $1 after the year has expired. K.>r till' Weekly (Juskuvkr CM) per annum, if paid in a>lvanee: S- 50 if paid during the year of subscrip- liiin; or 00 after the year has expired. 65^" ADVERTISKMENTS inserted for CO cent? per »iu;ire of li lines for the first, ami 30 cents for each ■ lu oeeding publicatioTi. Yearly advertisements by spe- i;il iMinriu'ts, at reasonable rates. Advertisers are roiiuested to state the iiuiiiber of insertions desired, or tliev will be continued till forbid, and charged accord ingly. .Vdveriiseiiienis to be inserted intide, charged 50 per cent extra. SPECIAL NOTICE. Fruiii .^nd after this date, no name of a new subscriber vrili be entered without p.iyiiu'ut in advance, nor will iiu paper be sent to such subscrttjers for a longer time is paid for. Such iif our old subscribers as desire to take the pa- |..T on this system will please notify u* when making riiiiittances. J;>ny 1, 1S')8. FAYiiTTKVILLR HOTEL, T. WADDILL, Fropriktor. m ■ rnHI;^, the most commodious Hotel in North i. ^ I Carolina, fronting 3(H) feet on Hay and .. *' 1~M'. Donaldson Streets, located in the centre of the business portion of the town, and surrounded by all the Banking Houses, Wholesale Merchants and princi- pd! Produce Dealers. Husiness men will find the Hotel a couTenient and eomtbrtable house. -\11 the Stages arrive and depart from this Hotel. Fayetteville, Oct. 1, 1858. 51- SHEMWELL HOUSE, A FEW DOORS \ORTII OF TUE M.iKKET HOUSE. iWING to the eitensire increase of patronage to this House, during the year, I have ex- j4fcS. tended my facilities by the addition of a num ber of comfortable sleeping rooms, with other import ant imnrovements, which will add materially to the comfort and convenience of those favoring me with their patronage. To those who have been my kind friends and cus tomers for the six years. I tender my most sincere thunks, at the same time respectfully soliciting a con tinuance of their patronage, and also the patronage of a large number of new patrons. I have good Stable* and » No. 1 Ostler. P. SHEMWELIu Jan'T IG. 1860 84- A.TIERICA3f HOTEL, —OPPOSITE— IN DEPENDENCE HALL, CflZSTNL’T STREET, BETWEEN FIFTH k SIXTH, WYATT &YeULINGs7 Proprietors. Tertntt 91.50 per day. Feb'y Irt. y2-2mpd NEAUEST AND QUICKEST KOITE TO THE RAILROAD! HOLMES & ROBINSON’S 01B UOBSE STAGE LI>E TO KENAXSTILLE, VIA WARSAW, IS the shortest and most expeditious for travelers going North or South. Leaving Fayetteville every day at 2 o'clock P. M. THROL’GH IN TEN HOURS. The traveling public who would study their corifort and convenience will tike the Warsaw Stage. Ifcsr THROUGH TICKETS TO WELDON may be had at the .'tage Office, Fayetteville. Aug 1859. 38-ly SPRING STOCK FOR 1860. The subscribers have in Store, and are now receiving a very large STOCK or e^oons^ m their line, direct from the Manufacturers in Europe and Importers and Agents in this Country. Among which may be found: 100 Tons of best Swedes Iron from H to 12 in. HOO Doi. Pocket Knives; GOO “ Table Knives and Forks; 300 “ Mill Saw and other Filen; 00 “ Fryinjr I’ans; 30 “ Hand Saws; 25 Tons Hoop Iron; 10 “ Hollow-Ware; 600 Keu;3 of Nails, assorted; 383 Baj;s of Coffee, “ 19 llhds. and 08 bhls. Su^ar; 30 J bbls. Eagle Mill Snuff; 125 Boxes Hose Hill “ 50 Kegs best Sup. (’arb. Soda. Together with a complete assortment of other articles solil in a Grocery and Hardware Store. All of which are offered to the Trade for Cash, or on the usual time to prompt dealers, at prices to compete with New York Jobbers. GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. Fayetteville, Feb’y 22, I8t>0. 94tf Ciiliie and Npirit^ Barrels. CtiNST.ANTLY on hand by E. F. MOORE. Feb'v 2'>. i4t-'J3tf To Turpentine Distillers. The highest Cash jirice paid for SPIRITS TURPEN TINE by Feb’v 20. F. MOORE. i4t-93tf 1859! JAMES KYLE, Is now receiving his usual supply of Goods, among whi«h are— Rich Silks. Col’d and Black; French Merinos and Delaines; English Do. Do.; Kid and Net Gloves, assorted; Bod and Negro Blankets: Bolting Cloths. No. 1 to 10; Roady-Made Clothing; Boots and Shoes; With a very large assortment of other Oo»ds. All o. which wore purchased by the package at the lowest price. Those purchasing will please call and Irtok at the Goods and prices. Sept. U, 186V. 49tf J. K. KYLE IS NOW RECEIVING A LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL 1 STOCK OF STIPLE 4\D Fl\cy DRY fiOODS. —ALSO— Clothing, flats, Caps, Boots and Shoes* All of which will be disposed of at low prices, either by wholesale or retail. Call and examine. No. 34, Corner Hay and Donaldson Streets. Faj-etteville, N. C., Sept. 22, 1859. 61tf iTaRGE STOCK! NEW GOODS!! I H.WE just received my Winter Stock of Goods in niy line. They were selected in the Northern cities by njyself, with great care, and bought on the most rea sonable terms, by which 1 am enabled to offer the larg est stock 1 ever before offered to the public, and to offer them At tireativ Reduced Prices! FRUITS; Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Apples, Lemons, Oranges, Cher ries, Currants, Pie Fruits, Stuff Dates, Citron, &c. ! Ciiu*ino* twuano’’ PICKLES, JELLIES & PRESERVES: xaa «ags no i guIno —A great variety.- , ' PertumerieM and Extracts, Of various kinds; Fancy Soaps and Pomades. MUSICAL LNSTRUMEXTS; Fiddles. Drums, Fifes, Flutes, Banjos, Guitars, &c. W.\LKING CANES, of every kind; Basket and Willow Ware, Hobby Horses, &.c. FINE AND COMMON CANDIKS: Sardines; Fine Cigars; Smoking and Chewing Tobacco: Crackers; Fine Pocket Knives; a large assortment of Port-Monaies. some very nice: Fancy Envelopes and Fancy Goods; Toys and Yankee Notions: an assortment of India Rubber Goods, Whips, Combs; Fishing Tackle; Cocoa and Other i^uts. FANCY GOODS: Palerramern, Reticules, Cabs, Rubber Round Combs, Watch Guards—Mohair, Silk and Leather. Fancy Boxes, Pistols, Powder Flasks, Shot Belts. Brandy Peaches—in gallon or half gallon jars, Mace, Cloves, Cinnamon, Large Lot of Fire Works, &c., die., &c., &.C., &c., &c., &c. Spiced and Norfolk Oysters constantly on hand. Country dealers and the public are respectfully in vited to call and examine my stock, as it i.s impossible to enumerate but a few of the leading articles. I have a great many handsome things which cannot fail to please. J. R. LEE, No. 40, Hotsl BiiLinso. Dec 3. 1869 72- JOHi\ H. COOK, Auctioneer. VALIABLE FARMINtt LAND FOR SALE. rpHE Plantation on Cape Fear River, known as the I Col. Aahe place. These lands are without doubt the most valuable on the Cape Fear. They are located nine FAYETTEVILLE mutual INSIRA.XCE COMPANY. ASSETS $254,618.62. This Company has been in operation more than six years, and has paid its fire losses, amounting to miles above Fayetteville, on the East side of the Cape | i^23,524.87 without any assessment; insurtUMse averag- Fear, contain 702 acres, most admirably adapted to the | ing its m Racon and Corn. OAAA bushels of (;ooD CORN: 1.5,000 U13. well-smoked BA('ON. For sale l>y E. F. MOORK. Feb'v 20. i4t-93tf E. F. MOOKE, COMMISSION MERCHANT, ^ND will keep constantly on hand every article in the Turpentine Distillers' Line. Feb’y 20. i4t-93tf admirably adapted cultivation of cotton, corn, oats and wheat. Men of acknowledged judgment say it will average 30 to 50 bushels of corn to the acre; about 200 acres are cleared, and it will produce 100 bales of cotton, besides provi sions for the force. The uncleared land cannot be surpassed any where, and will yield 50 to 80 bushels of corn to the acre, and as much Cotton as any in this country; situated within 9 miles of the best market in the State, with Steamboat navigation to either Fayetteville or Wilmington; with richness of soil seldom equalled—never surpassed, makes the most VALUABLE and DESIRABLE FARM in the State. In connection with the above, I offer 208 acres of L.\ND on West side of Cape Fear, known as the “White Lands,” just opposite the above. 1 will sell the above lands on the most favorable terms; a bargain may be had. If not disposed of sooner, they will be sold at .\UCTION, at the Market House in Fayetteville, on ■May 8th, 1800. As to quality of Land, 1 refer to Col. Waddill, Messrs. John Waddill. A. A. McKethan, David Murphy and Thomas S. Lutterloh. A. N. MCDONALD. Feh’y 27, 1860. 95-ts TRUSTEE’JJJ SALE. By virtue of a Deed in Trust executed to me by John H'. Cook and Jesse W. Powers, partners under the style of J. W. Powers & Co., for the purposes therein mentioned, I will expose to Public Sale, at the Market House in Fa3'etteville, on THURSDAY the 8th day of March IBtlO, the following Property, viz: Two Store Houses on Hay street, joining the Store of Thos. S. Lutterloh. at present occupied by W. C. Troy and J. W. Powers, formerly belonging to Z. Burroughs. 1 Brick House, 2d Tenement west of Dobbin House, foot of Haymount, joining John Culbreth. 1 House and Lot west side Winslow street, joining lots of Robert Mitchell, at present occupied by J. W. Powers. 1 Warehouse and Lot south of Brick Row. 1 House and Lot corner of Winslow and Mum- ford streets. 70 shares Capital Stock in Dobbin House Co. JOSEPH R STARR, Trustee. The above sale is postponed till Thursday the 22d inst. March 8. 1860. 99-ts mg Its members about ^ percent. Amount of property now insured, §1,.563,490.01 Amount premium notes now on hand, 247,738.08 Directors. Geo. McNeill, D. A. Ray, H. L. Myrover, S. W. Tillinghast, Henry Lilly, N. Stedinan, S. J. Hinsdale, T. S. Lutterloh, Wm. MsLaurin, S. T. Hawley, W\ N. Tillinghast, A. A. McKethan, J. D. Williams, Jas. G. Cook, A. W. Steel, Jas. Kyle, Hon. J. G. Shepherd, R. F. Brown, Wilmingtoa. A. E. Hall. W'ilmington. Officers: GEO. McNEILL, President. D. A. R.\Y, Vice President. C. A. Mc.MILLAN, Secretary John Collins and C. C. McCrummen, Travelling .\gents. The Company invite applications. May j9, 1859. 10-Y THE \ORTH CAROLINA MITUAL LIFE L\SIRANCE COMPANY^ V^OW in the tenth year of successful operation, with growing capital and firmer hold upon public con fidence, continues to insure the lives of all healthy per sons from 14 to 00 years of age, for one year, for seven years, and for life—all life members sharing in the profits. All slaves from 10 to GO j’ears of age are insured for one year or for five years for two-thirds their value. •All looses are punctually paid within 90 days after satisfactory proof is presented. A NEGRO WEDDING. Ohjection raised—Gn:iit liorc in a Church.—■ On last Sunday evening the African Church on St. I’aul street, First District, was tilled to over flowing with colored folks, who had congregated there to witness a marriage ceremony whith had been announced previously. In due time the bridal party arrived in a carriage, and the bride, dressed up in white muslin and white satin slip pers, sprang out upon the pavement and walked up the aisle, leaning upon the arm of an elderly col('rel “gcmman.” The bridegroom, in broad cloth, white kid gloves and patent leather boots, stepped up to the altar with rather a confused look, seeming as he glanced over the crowd, a-s if he was fearful of seeing persons present whom he did not wish invited to the ceremony. .\.t last the old black pastor adjusted his sjiectacles with the air of an executioner, and then looked to see that the couple and those in waiting were properly arranged, and commenced. The exhortation on the subject of matrimony was immense, and was listened to with marked attention by all except the bridegroom, who seem- i ed somewhat nervously inclined and looked as it he wished the affair was over. At last the old black patriarch commenced the ceremony of un- itinj^l them, and as a matter of form, nothing else, said in a clear voice which could be heard all over the building—“An if dere is any niggers what objects to this luerrige, let dem speak out now, or forever moor hold dere peace.” There was a mom.ent of breathless silence, the bride turned half around boldly, while tlie bridegroom twitched the muscles of his face nervously, and Liquors! Liquors! Liquors! JW. Horne bein^ desirous to close out his stock , , of Liquors, will offer inducements in prices As | he intends to quit the trade, his stock will be sold low. f o*" charges, 100 BARRELS, of various kinds and qualities. Persons indebted must Call and settle Feb 16 0 92-tf \ LlTTKUI.ollS LINK. STE.\MER “F.\NN V" leaves Fayetteville every Mon day and 'I'hursday morning, at 1.5 minutes after Sun rise: anl Wilmington Tuesrlay and Friday, at o'clock, carrying passoiigers and freight. .''teamer ••SOUTHERNER," with a full'comjJement of Flats, makes one or more trips per week, as orcum- stances may require. The accident to the Steamer “ROWAN’’ will be re paired in a few days. She will then take her place in tlie line. T. S. LUTTERLOH. ocfr 4, 1858. 51-tf A mE .TI! The Style, Small, COLORED puoto;raphs, AT Va!ioriid'HN €iali*ry. ART. Woodward^w ^^olar Camera. I^HOTOGRAPHS can be had at Vanorsdell’s Skylight I Gallery, II ly street, opposite Marble Yard, Fay etteville. N\ t'.: plain, retouched, colored, in water colors, oil and pustile; from small to life sue. ,\mbro- types, Melaneotypes, and all other styles of Pictures psrtaining to the .\rt. Also, Gilt Frames, Gilt Mould ing. Glas-* for very large pictures—as large as 26 by 36 inches, ('ord and Tassels f^r hanging pictures: Instru- rnentB, Stock and Chemicals for sale low for cash. Life ■'ize colorel Photographs made from small pictures. Having permanently located here I hope to merit your patronage. I would also return my sincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on me heretofore by the good people of Fayetteville and vicinity. C. M. V^ANORSDELL, Photographist and Proprietor. Dec'r 20, 1869 77- Koofiuj^ and Gutterinir^ Done at short notice, by C. W. AirUREWS, MARKET SQUARE. \\. C. TROY Has just recttived this morning, from Stsamer North Carolina, 6 bbls. No. 1 Mackerel, new 10 “ “ 3 20 ^ and ^ bbls. No. 1 do. 25 boxes Cheese. 5 kegs selected Goshen Butter. 10 bbls. Leaf Lard. 15 “ New Mullets in oak and pine bbls. He has on hand a general assortment of tiROCERMES, which will be sold cheap for Cash or exchanged foi ('ountry Produce. Oct. 6, 1859. 55tf D. & W. McLAURIX, llJ'OULD invite attention to their large and desirable tY Stock of OKOCEKIES, i.'onsisting in part of— 150 Bags Rio, Laguira and Java Coffee; lUO Bbls. and Hhds. Sugar (assorted;) -O Hhds. Molasses; 30 “ Bacon—Sides and Shoulders; 500 Sacks Salt; 150 Boxes good Tobacco; 125 “ Sperm, Adamantine & Tallow Candles; 50 “ Soap (as.sortei;) 50 “ Candy “ 100 Bags Shot “ 1000 lbs. Bar Lead; 30 i Bbls. Snuff—Eagle Mills; 25 Kegs Soda; 250 “ Nails. —ALSO— k large and general assortment of Hardware and Cutlery; Farming Utensils, of all descriptions; American, English, Swedes and Peruvian Iron; Blister, German and Cast Steel; Blacksmiths’ Tools; Coopers’ Do.; Corn Shellera and Straw Cutters; TJuckets, Brooms and Pails; Cotton, Manilla and Jute Rope, (all kinds and quality;) Plow Lines and Bed Cords; Hollow Ware; (Jotton Yarns and Sheetings at factory prices. All of which will be sold low for cash, or on usual time to prompt paying customers. tor* Coc.ntry Merchants are respectfully requested to call and examine our stock before purchasing else where. D. & W\ McLAURIN. .March 3, 1859 93tf TtARKEl^ RIount's Creek Factory. "^.ARNS, any No. desired; Sheetings: Ditto thin for Straining Rosin; Osnaburgs; Drilling, white and colored; Plaids and Stripes, excellent articles for women's wear. For sale by GEO. McNEILL, Pres t. Wool Cards in first rate order, and wool carded with dispatch. \\ARPS furnished ot anv No. and length required. Feb’y 11. Wagon .^lakin}; and Rlack- smithini?. I^HE business of Wagon .Making will be conducted by the undersigned, who will always have sufficient force and the beat of material for doing speedily and well all work entrusted to him. J. W. WELSH. Dec’r 31. 1859. 79-3m G. McN. 91-3m Uct'r 4 55- WA*\TED. \ LARGE quantity of COTTON and LINEN RAGS, A for which fair prices will be paid. Aug. 17 DAVID MURPHY. 41- boots & SHOES, AT WHOLESALE. JNO. M. WALKER, of North Carolina, W ITU W E N « O \ A: C O X , 2 7 CHAMBERS STREET, NEW YORK. A I’’ILL be happy to see his Southewi friends at the \\ above establishment, where, either personally or by order, they may be supplied from an extensive and well assorted Stock of Gootis in that line, gotten up ex pressly for the .'southern trade. Feby 1'*, 18'io. 91-ly ^ “A Place for Everything” IN THE WAY OF Building i^laterial^! IIME. Cement, (’alcined and Land Plaster. Lath and J Lath Nails. Plastering Hair, Marble Dust, Fire Brick. I’tc. &c. Also. Laundry, Family, Chemical, Pale, No. 1. and all kiiuls of Fancy SO.VPS. Freights procured at the best rates, and every effort made o please all who may favor us with their patron age. All orders thankfully received, and attended to with care and despatch. LOVELAND & WELCH, 381 West street. New York. Jan’y 20, I860. 85-3inpd RKAOE.\RAr>iH A: POI^K, DEALERS IN METALS AND MAXIFACTURERS OF COPPER, 'lO. '75 U II IRI\ BALTIMORE, Mur M.\NUFACTURE at the (JUNPOWDER COPPER WORKS, and keep in store, (’opper Sheets, (Bra zier’s and Sheathing.) Rods. Rivets, Nails, &c.; Pattern Sheets and Bottoms maile to order. Dealers in Pig Iron, Sheet. Rod and Hoop Iron; Wrought Iron Tubes (Plain and (ialvanized) for Gas, Water or Steam: Malleable Iron I'ittings, Lead Pipe and Sheet Lead, Gas Fitters’ Tools. Hooks. Cement, kc.\ Copper Ingots, Tin, Load. Spelter, Founders’ Facings. Fire Bricks, Ac.. \c. Feb’y 11. 91-2mpd CAPT. W ILKE^’J^ REPORT ON THE nEKP RIVKR MINERAL REIllflN. The undersigned have caused to he published from the Congressional plates, an edition of the Report of Capt. W’itkes, U. S. Navy, and his .Associates on the Hoard appointed by the Secretary of the Navy to ex amine the Deep River Region of North rarolina. This is the most important and scientific statement of the great wealth o.f that section of the State, and the Maps the most perfect and valuable, of any yet published, subscriber at Clinton, Sampson I The .Maps are worth the price of the work, which is 50 ■’ ' ’ -i-.i by mail, free liberal dis- TRI ST SAEE. N MONDAY the 20th March 18b0, by virtue of a Deed of Trust made to me by James lluske, I will sell the HOUSE AND LOTS on Ramsay street, known as his residence. Terms at sale. SA.M L W. TILLINGHAST, Trustee. March 5, 1860. 97ts LA.\D FOR «ALE. ~ fpHE subscriber having removed West, offers for sale 1 his L.ANDS in Harnett (bounty, lying immediately on each side of Cape Fear River, containing 1200 acres in each tract. .These Lands are situated in a healthy country, pleasant neighborhood, and within a half a mile of the village of Summerville, with good Dwellings on each place and all necessary Out-Houses, and clear ed Land enough to work 25 or 30 hands to advantage. There are on these lands some six hundred acres of fine Bottom, most of which is uncleared, and well set with white oak and other line Timber. .\ large portion of the balance is oak and hickory Ridge Lands; the bal ance is pine Land of a good quality, having been work ed in Turpentine three j'ears. These Lands will be sold low for Cash or Young Negroes, or on time to suit purchasers, with approved bonds. Jan’y 13. N. G. JONES. \OTI E.~ ’ECTING to be absent from the State until the iddle of next Summer, say till July, 1860, I have authorized .Archibald McLean, of Harnett county, to transact business for me during my absence, to sell my Lands in Harnett county, and generally to attend to all my business. N. G. JONES. Harnett County, N. C., Jan’y 13, 1860. 8S- For further information the public is referred to Agents looked toward the carpet of the chancel. The next moment the till then orderly congregation was in commotion. A noise was then heard at the duor. Some exclamations of anger, in a wo man’s voice, wtre plainly discernible above the buzz of the folks in church; and then, fairly sweeping along the aisle, with a baby in her arm;;, came a likely negro woman, fairly foaming over with excitement. Reaching the railing of the chancel, and holding her baV^y high up in her arms, she exclaimed, in a voice which frightened of the Company in all parts of the State, and to R. H. BATTLE, Secretary. Raleigh. E. J. H.\LE, Agent at Jan’y 1859. FuyettevUle, N. C. Hardware^ Cutlery, KA HOLER V, &c. JAMES MARTINE is now receiving a Ijirge and gene ral assortment of every thing in the above lin». —ALSO— A prime article of Rio, Laguira and Java COFFEE Crushed and Brown SUGAR; Sugar House SIRUP and tJjg would be bride almost into hysterics, and caus - J- J J 1. 1 J ' ed the bridegroom’s knees to quake,” “I object to .All of which IS offered on as good terms as can be had r m • ^ d j in this market marriage, .'lister Preecher. dat ar man am Nov’r 24, 1858. 66tf STOVES, SHEET lKO]\, Tl'X-WAKK, &c. ON HAND, a large assortment of Box and Cooking Stoves: Tin-ware; .'^heet-Iron; Lead Pipe. Also The ‘‘Oltf For sale by Nov’r 24. Uominion Coffee JAMES MARTINE. 66tf i;xPE( Li midc To Land Ruyers. n'^HE und«rsigne«l offers for sale, in the Coal region. 1 and within eight miles of the terminus of the Fay etteville & Western Rail Road on Deep River, EIGHT HtXDRKD .URES OF LiXD, adjoining the land belonging to the estate of George Wilcox, dec'd, and lying three miles South from Car- boiiton. on Little Pocket Creek, Moore county. These Lands are well adapted to the growth of corn, cotton, wheat, oats, rye, &c. There arc on the prem ises a comfort.Tble Dwelling, and .all necessary" Out houses, with about one hundred and fifty acres unler fence, including forty or fifty acres of never-failing bottom land. This is a rare chance for persons wish ing to make investments, as lands are undoubtedly ad vancing in price in this sectitm. For further information apply to Mr. .M. M. McRae, Crane’s Creek. P. O., Moore county, or address me at Fayetteville, N. C. DANIEL McRAE, For the Heirs of Gilbert McRae, dec’d. Carbonton, Moore co., N. (^. -Aug. 21 43tf DEXTAE I\OTlCE. Dr. R. SC(TT, iiaving olitaincd assistance, can sup ply artificial substitutes on short notice. hours, froiu 9 to 1 P. M., and from March 3. Office to 5 P. M. 97-tf my husbin afore GodI” The whole colored congregation, the majority of whom were women, here rose to their feet, anl the bridegroom, seeing that a storm was brewing, made a bold stroke to save himself. bar’s ae pruf?” he exclaimed, fearing to look at the wo man, and turning round appealingly to the excited audience The woman held up a small bundle, which oscillated somewhat at ihe top, in her ex- _ rtiVfci A- i handling of it, and the crowd was satisfied. ■ &C. 'J’he bridegroom dared not look back, but he CjPERM, Refined. Lard, Linseed and Tanners OIL. ■ juJtred from the countenances of the congregation «l*at the woman was doing, and seeing that the I game wa.s up in that quarter, grabbed hold of his bride and half bore her down the aisle towards the door. The Babel that followed can not be I described, and some of the excited old women , worked themselves into such a frenzy that they j caught up their “old men’s” sticks and pursued I the couple to the carriage door with evil intent Those persons for whom I have been attending to Fortunately for the bridal party, the Jehu of the Banking business for years:-I atn still willing to serve vou with the same promptness that I have always i , , , . f ® 1. ■ u done; ‘and to others that may want discounts. Pension j H'lJ dashed away just m time t^ save their bacon^ business, tic., &c I oUer my services, with a promise 1 Alter getting cleverly out of danger, a council of war was held in the carriage, and the occupants, deciding that they had been much aggrieved; con cluded to try another pre'dcher up town, who, we learned, tied the knot and sent them forth rejoic ing. “Two souls with but one single thought. Two hearts that beat as one.” A'. O. Delta. and Sash of all sizes. —ALSO— A fresh supply of POND S PAIN DESTROYER. For sale by JAMES MARTINE Nov’r 24. 1858. 66tf A CARD. A WORD TO MY OLD FRIENDS— of strict attention. June 27, 1859. JAS. G. COOK. 26tf L.i\U FOR mL I OFFER for sale 64(1 Acres of LAND, lying on the West side of Cape Fear River, two miles below Fay etteville, and extending from the river into the sand hills. This tract is about equally divided into river- ridge, swamp and sand-hill Land. About 80 acres, adjoining the river, are under cultivation and are well suited to the growth of Corn and Grass: none of the Swamp has been cleared. There are several good sites for a dwelling house on the sand-hills. Any person wishing to purchase will do well to make early appli cation, as I have determined to sell. THOMAS J. ROBINSON. Sept. 8, 1858. 44tf All persons having NEGROES for sale, will do well lo address the subscriber at Clinton, Sampson . county, as he is determined to buy and pay as liberal i fPIltS, neatly bound in cloth. Copies sent b prices for them as the state of the market will permit. ; of postage, on the receipt of 50 cents. A By addressing him he will call immediately, and i count to wholesale buyers. Orders solicited, make liberal offers, as all will find who will try him • ' Jan'y 26. E. J. HALE & CHARLES T. STEVENS. Clinton, Sampson Co., Sept 10, 1859 4b-lypd Raisins! Raisins!! JN Whole, Half and Quarter Box«s, for sale low by & SON. Dec’r 22, 1859 D. & Vf. McLAURIN. tf I JUDITH’S Ministry; Sunshine, or Kate Vinton; The J Flounccd Robe, aad What it Cost. Just rec’d. D«c 8. E. J. HALE & SON. «^TIie American Almanac Tor I860; Swords’ Pocket .Almanac; Brooke’s Fool of Quali- ; ty; Prentice’s Wit and Humor; Preachers and Preach- I ing, by the Author of “Kirwan’s Letters”: The Socia- ! ble, or 1001 Home .Amusement.s; Irving s Sketch Books { Ada Leigh: Seven Years, by Julia Kavanagh; &c. In- I terlinear Translations of Xenophon, Csesar, Cicero, Vir ; gil, Sallust; Bullion’s .Analytical Grammar; Davies' I Arithmetics and Keys, &c. &c. I E. J. HALE & SON. Colons, CoLUs. Ho^ and I.\- Fi.fENZA, Irritation, Sohenkss, or any affection ofthe Throat CURED, the 11 atk isoCoron in C(jnsi mi*tiox. Buunciiitis, WiKioiMNQ Cough. .Asthma, (’ataruh, _ RELIEVED by BROWN’S lUtONCHlAL TROLlltS, or Cough Lozknges. “.4 simple and tUyant combination for Coutiiis. &c. Dr. Ct. F._Bigelow. Boston. “I reeommftid th*ir use to Pt blic Spkakf;hs.” Rev. E. II. Chatin, New York. ‘ Mott salutary relief in Bro.nchitis.” Rev. S. SKiGruiKU, Morristown, Ohio. ! “Beneficial when compulled to speak, suffering from ! Cold.” Rev. S. J. P. Asdk.rson. St. Louis. I ^'Effectual in removing Hoarseness and Irritation of the I Throat, so common u ith Spkakers and Singers.” | Prof. M. ST.ACY lOHNSON. LaGrange. (ia. Teacher of Music, Southern Female College, j “Great benefit when taken before and afh.r preaching. a> ; they prevent Hoarseness. From their past effect, I think \ they will be of permanent advantage to me.” j Rev. E. Rowi.ey, A. M., i President Athens College, Tenn. Sold by all Druggists, at 25 cents per box. ; Also, Brown’s Laxative Troches, or Cathartic Loz- | enges, for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constipation, Headache, j Bilious Affections, j’c. j Jan’y 25, 1800. 86-3m ] HOW ELL & RROTHERS, MANUFACTURERS OF PAPER HAIVGIi\GS, CURTAIJV PAPERS, &c., 360 BALTITIOKK ST. BALTIMORE, Md. Oiir Goods are expressly adapted to the Home and Southern Market. i — Feb’y 4, 1860. 80 3npd ; Bl'ink Warrants for sale at this Office A B()()K-J51M)l\G IN all its kinds, executed with neatness ami despatch. Small jobs w^hen done must be paid before delivered THOS. II. TILLINGHAST. Opposite the Female High School, Hay Street. May 14, 1859. H-ly j i>e:%ti!!»trv. ! having decided on perma 1 * nently locating in the Tow n of Fayette- ^ ville. resi«ectfully otters his services to the citizens of this place and surrounding country. In all the various branches of his Profession, including the manufactu e of Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an extensive experience, to which is added a thorough Den tal education, that lie can give entire satisfaction as far us is in the j)i>wer of Dentistry. All irregularities of the Teeth treatecl in a proper and careful manner, as well a# diseases ofthe mouth. None but the prop«r metals are m.'ide use of in the various operations. V’hurges will be moderate, that the benefits of the Profe.ssion may be pl.ioetl within the reach of all who may feel an interest in the j>re.»ervation ofthe Teeth. Office over Houston's Jewelry Store, where he may be found at all times. May 10, 18.58. ?^tf Ur. FRiXK WILLIAMS'S RYE WHISKEY. R.MITtMIELL has made arrangements with Dr. Frank Williams, lo be constantly supjilied with his celebrated RYE WHISKEY, which can be had at his Store at all times, by wholesale or retail. Ocfr 1 1. IH.59. 56-tf Hlid««. (Wood Racon, SIDES ;nid SHOULDERS, just received and for sale by 1). & W'. McLAURIN July 2, 1859. 2^1 f KR.1SS fliTR.ii.^'M^R WMRE, VGOOI* supply of various No’s just received, which we can furnish low. D. & W. McLAURIN. May 2. • 10 Ro!ie« Cheese just received and for sale bv D. 5l . McL.ALRlN. Dec'r tl, 1859 77tf - . "anrgf: R^§IE RO.ID. The TR.AIN leaves the Depot at Fayettfville, on Mon day, Wednesday and Friday at 9 o'clock precisely. Return s.anie evening. Freight will not be received after half past 8 o’clock. March 12. 9!t-.'Jt Spring Gootts. STAKK & WILLIAMS, —Are now receiving their— SPK1]\G SLPPEY, embracing a very large stock of st.'ipie A: Fine OrcMM RntM, RonnetM, RioomerM, Rootw, Slioe5, Ready-TIade Clotli- in;;:, I iiibreiiaK, Parai^ois With a large variety of NOTIONS, to which the atten- tinn of wiiolesale liiiyers is re-'jiectfiilly solicited. SHEETINGS of various brands always on iiaud, ami for sale at Factory prices. J. B. STARR. J. M. WILLLAMS. March 0. 1800. ‘J8tf KE310VAE. UATl’H MAKER A.\!) JKUKLKR. AS removed two Dofirs West of In'* old stand, to the store adjoiniii;r 1). I't W. McLaurin’s. where he has re ceived a large addition lo his former Stock, and he in vites his old cu'tomers anil the public to call and ex- amiTio his NEW STORE and NEW GOODS, and ■•Mjauref tlifiii he win sell anything in his line as cheap as csiii be jiurchased at any other Store North or South. —.Among his Stock can be found— (lold and Silver Watches of all prices and |uali- ties; (lold and Silver ('bains. Seals and Keys; Bracelets, Breast Pins and Kar llings; (!old Lockets, (Jold I’ens and Pencils, ttc., &c.; Fine and Common Pistols, Silver and I’lated Ware of all kinds; a hand.«ome stock of (’locks; all kinds of Mili tary Gcvids, and every thing wanted in his line. Particular attention paid to Watch Repairing. March 7, 1800. OK-Hni H. RA.liAEY, ^100 Reward. Ran AW'.ay from Messrs. J. & N. A. Cameron, of j Cumberland County, first of last June, my negro i man SOUTHWELL, or SOUTHEY, (as usually called.) j Said negro is thick set, about 5 feet 8 inches high. »*f a j dark brown color, has small eyes, and a downcast look, j He has been hireil for several years in Cumberland | County, as a Turpentine hand. I will give the above 1 reward, if taken out of the State—§50 for Lis imprison- ^ , i ...... ^ _ c.,= * i„fnvnvitinn ' Advances will be made only on actual ConHignients. ment in any jail in this tetate, or tor intoim.uion , j General f'onimission etlMerehimt^ U South Wliarvps. bittween Market Ai ( liestniit Sis. PIIII.ADMI.Pii A. Consignments of Cotton, Naval Stores, Flour, Ric -. -^c will always receive his prompt personal attenrion. that may lead to his recovery. J. B. Louisburg, N. C., Feb’y 4. LITTLEJOHN. 89tf RI.Ai^K R»«KS. FRESH sHpply just received. E. J. H.ALE & SON. T. .“S t T. O. Budd, Chariest S Wt*tt & f' J«HEs Trrom, E-q. “ B ( . PRxsiLiT. E»q. tv. Y 1.BITCH F. q references: WiLKlR, P.VAvii t ('o rhfirlr'tnn F.I.I.l!! & '-'ITCHELL. VVilllll'iJP'-ia. IIesrv .Ni'TT. K-q I,»'V Jamk' B. Taylor ll'rlim’l. Rpv J -=HrrK, r>tlifnrni:i WiLUiM PtTTioRiw. V D “ I'KnnnicT. F>q N. Key vv K Carbom, Ed So. Bap.JoHM W. diiTOJi, E-q . IMhIji. .March #. W

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