OH ]■ l\TV » \ .1 = „1860. RE o ' A weeds. J Orsp-d I Vt->iUng; Flannels. hand, s. RIBROXS Ai..';. w — 3S(- s ''’S- RCCHps; HEAIH8. 97-ow I'HA *amine the e tie V-.v 250 Baltimors St »« -lii, c . intrv, >,n,l ;|,g ■' with 98-8uin. OOIt%. :iomens; Art Recreation^. ■*i:* t Jila, e: Fisher's River '-own: Wild Sports in I oi Misji >1. .V. liutt, \ ;vi • ; ‘ by Rob-; Sk. \ Jmiu-s; V.vfljn Mar f w.- L. > I ii li; K , 1C 1^:. Pictorial tn •'^pensfttory; Pres • -''L’h^.ol Books, tc H vt S. i\ Ll ttei ij .if Adminis- til ■e \ i ;;ine A. Brooks- 1). . berland County to .-i I'Tsoiis indel>!ed i„ d] 1 V {'■lynient. and those W. ' (.roatn! them witli w; ot;. \ • *' “C this notice will • \MPBELL. Adm’r. ^ry Practitioner OME OF II )lt II iN i Sl'RGKRL. VKl. I S, M p . IVE 1 \\KTS AT SI tXi'U: T W 1 Now RLADY. M! IN .'^UEEP, St) ,=)0 1 y ■ r. 'i rt -■•niing to the Pro Jr . • ■'s Re n'spect or i- |. -nalile the Prac- Ilip : - : u tri .itiiii iit r.f all Ve.-' '11 •iry in case^ fil 7 au ii. ’!• n: h.1. self wiih such (iiil'i 'tlierwi^e involve con- ■e ’• the nvigil^il volumes. Ild • !» ge of the orif;iflal vol- ail a' -T: -T i(- appended fcr wi ■ K-Jiv wish to refer ic n Tts' i.n. C of Phyneiant and u. A r. IR' ' r,mitte 1 to my inspec- th'v V. e's Retrospect. I am ri h tlie of his labors lnv- r apon the Profession li.i- V. c. !iie voluminous, ani rn ■ y. Dr. W.ll,’ Book n.i: Bumn ■try of the whole, but 1 1 till;,', to any special s." M. r , LL D. y ic York. to Me iicai >cience have been rl. t' :• H flies of years, as f I ■ Medicine and Snr- CM.: ■! ^ ;ite library of tbs t- M, ■ . " '). ■ -irt of heftling. -r • i rr king wiU be ill and widely diffuse l«r ^ .enetlr of Pmc- t.. T 1 -r- jf prufitabje r 'Hrve# the patron- ! : . -V Af.^Ju'2; ■ .:l'. -ervice to the Pro- f Retrf-^pect of e’ t;:;. ;:ient of the -.JO- y • ■ . Practitioners t' O 11 l'. T • ijitle leisure US ; ■- ie present to Uie k); ,, .V- . IWi MidiCJi iiT-'r my cordiSl 111' ■ ■-Vising, to present to e li« .li - R.jtn.:,pcct I ■ ■ '• ('..ndensation ani 10'. ; : i ■)> appreciated. 11 A t iit> volume of v"ur r --. • ; le Pi-^fesiion hai u V c‘ndensine it intu in. ■.,jpcs alphabeti- ll. liie inf'itniation it ,r. ,-T-itpd its worth. icrip’ion. W : ; T. Vf.W Y'IRK- L \ . ’ E. Book-.^ller. « • LK- \' T:ir;WS and ;. scribing to this inoe which will he (Hi, a'Mressed to New Vork F. 0. .lit lily thereafter on rtB will be issuH he n.«tifi‘-d when : .\V *F,\DY. ,, , ,n 10 m:\ |)ri, sv 1 . KtPf Mrs. INSLOW . )OTHING SYRUP oil li.- ■ 'v^ T* lift V. ■' i'l HIM.. • ■ Ih Ih- i.r ri| r f ■: I ■ .ll(l| of fr., :-.n Ml o%« (*l» Hlld roR~ IlLUREN :ETHiwa. u 'd t C^n \ew \ “fe Iv UjjI. • « fu. 13 (odar i I tM8 PK l,y « ih' ; tin mill -,.nd u|...n il. HU ..V. , ten i„ ,HV of -ny ' ' failtd lit “ q I ihrn li.relyu’^ • ' ,„edit '•'"h'';" ttilh itJ -'per""®"*^ : c*'fninendHt ,„ed„al v.rtu^-- Mfitr ten yf irs - ; .-nt of wbat we thf infMn' l» .,y i,id m lifieeD or „i.,„ .,( nne of the n.^‘ ;nglnn.1. »nd h»> th^ •tom-e j anden-~r.ytoth.wt.ol* C;oli«’ end in \ ,),• .ure,tr..ne.lV l'v%eniery hd>I ' wtirllirr It " ^ e iither R moiter who n .U.n.l '*'''"'rV re - y.;., Mb^ol»t*l> , direclH.n»fof unleM the f** *^^ • the cnt.tde « r«PI"' " ‘st., xew Tork. bottle TIHHL® (DIB SEMI-WEEKLY. [VOL. IX.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., MARCH 22, I860. [NO. 902.] PRIMED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS EDWARD J. HALE A SON, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS Price for the Semi Weekly Obskrvkr 53 00 if paid in •idvauce; $3 50 if paid during '.he year of subsorip- tioii; or ;if4 af>er the year has expired, t or the Weekly Obsrrvbr $2 00 per annum, if paid iu iJvance; $2 60 if paid during the year of subscrip tion; or iiJ 00 after the year has expired. §Cijr ADVERTISKMENTS inserted for «0 cents per square of lt» lines for the first, and 30 cents for each succeeding publication. Yearly advertisements by spe- L-ial contracts, at reasonable rates. Advertisers are requested to state the number of insertions desired, or they will be continued till forbid, and charged accord- ingly. Advorti.'ieiuents to be inserted mtide, charged 50 per c«nt extra. EDWl.ll H. Oenerai Commission *fterchanty n South Wharres, between Market i Chestnut Sts. PIIII.ADRI.PlIi A. Consignment* of Cotton, Navul Stores, Flour, Ric«, will always r«ceivo his prompt personal aitention AdvanotiS will bi* made only on aotual Consigments HlirKRE.NCES: T. S &. T. ii. Ki'dd, Cbarletton. S tL Co. Jamx* Ti'ppta, K(j B C. Prcshlkt. Esq W. Y LiiTcn. K'q William t’cmaniw. .M. 0 Kev. VV. B. CaRiox. Kd So. Hap JoHii VV Marth V. VValkir, Etavi & Co t'harlfiton Klli* »l Mitchcll. Wilmington Hckkt .N'ctt. Kmj. K«v Jamis B. Taylor . Rlchni'd Rev. J l.cwii Shcck,rullfornli Jkiik W. Bic;tDicT. Esq N. T !I=bxtui«. E>q., Phlla. i»-lV SPECIAL NOTICE. From and after thi: date, no name of a new subscriber will be entered without payment in advance, nor will tlie paper be sent to such subscribers for a longer lime than is paid for. Such of our old subscribers as desire to take the pa per on thi;« system will please notify us when making remittances. Jan’y 1. 1858. FRENCH STRANGi:, Attorney at Law, Fayetteville, N. C. Office that recently occupied by C. 0. Wright, Esq., uver the one now occupied by him in Dr. Robinton’t ; building. Green Street. Dec’r 2, 1869. 72- j ffvir. *ncij. Attorney at Law, Fayetteville, N. C. n'^ILL attend the County and Superior Courts of Cumberland, Harnett, Moore and Robeson Coun ties. Prompt attention given to the collection of all claims entrustei to his hands. Oct. 17, 185y. 58-tf LAW j^OTICE. THIi Subscriber having remold from Summerville to Fayetteville, will attend the County and Superior (.‘ourts of Cumberland. Harnett and Moore. His ofnoe will be at his residence, on Green Street, opp>osite the Episcopal Church. His correspondents will please address him hereafter at Fayetteville, instead of Summerville. NEILL McKAY. Jan'y’Jl, I860. 85-tf H. W. HORNE, ATTOR.^*E\* •fT .\Y be found at the Office of Wm. B. Wright, Esq., near the Court House. June 30, 1859. Will. H. TLRLl.l^€l}T01^, Commission ^lerelmut, WILMINGTON, N. C llflLL give special attention to the sale or shipnietij Tf of all Naval Stores, Cotton, Flour, Timber, and other country produce. Refers to: II. R. Savage, Cashier Bank of Cape Fear, Wilmington; Jno. Dawson, Pres’t Wilmington Branch Bank of North Carolina; W, H. Jones, Cashier Raleigh Branch Bank of Cape Fear. Nov It, 1859 65-tf T. C. & B. «. WORTH, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, WILMIN(iTON, N. C Jan’y 28, 1859 8kf W H ALLEN.] [J M CLAKK. ALLEN & CLARK, Coiiimission .TIercliants, WILMINGTON, N. C. DEALERS IN LIME, PLASTER, tEMEM, liAIE, Ac. Agents for Rush & Orrell's Line of Steamers. PROMPT personal attention given to consignments o Naval Stores, Cotton or other Country Produce, for sale or shipment. Jan'y 19, 1859. 81- JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM^ I c o .n n 1 s s I o I AND Forwarding Merchant, Wilminston^ .V. €. giijfPrnmpt personal attention given to .all Consign- I nients, and Cash advances made on Produce to be shipped to other port.i or sold iu this market, i Feb. 12, 1855. ti7tf I 11. GKAllA.n, i WILMINGTON, N. C. j AT'^ILL give prompt and personal attention to all con- I VV signments of .Spirits Turpentine. Rosin, Tar and j Turpentine, and all country produce for sale. tKir office up stairs, over the store of Mr. Vonglahn. and joining Lutterloh's Wharf, North W'ater street June 23. 25tf SOlfTHfiR^ SfHOOL BOORS. A. 8. BAR]\E$ & BLKK, 51 and 53 JOHN STREET, NEW YORK, A.HD E. J. HALE & SUN, PAVETTEVILLE. N. W PUBLISHERS OF THE !%atioiial Series ot Standard School Booktf. ^pHESE works are prepared by the best educators iu J. the country, and designed with special reference to the thorough Education of the Youth of our land. Great care has been taken to exclude sectional or sec tarian matter, so that the series is regarded as truly the Natioxal School Series. The favor which these ST.1TE m m M.\CB1.\E WORKS. ROWAiV STREET. FAYETTEVILLE, N C THE undersigned, havmg erected buildings suitable for CAR and MACHINE WORK—also Genei-al HOUSE CARPENTRY—would give notice that they are prepared to execute all orders in iheir line with neat ness and dispatch. W'e are prepared to do all kinds of SCROLL SAW ING and PLANEINO at short notice Having a first class W’oodworth Planeing Machine, we are prepared to Plane, Tongue and Groove all kiuds of Flooring and Ceiling on reasonable terms. Contracts taken for the erection wf Buildings, and Jobbing of all kinds executed with neatness and dis patch. Sashes, Doors and Blinds of all descriptions. BOOTS AND SHOES! FOR Spring and Summer 1860. s. T7iiAWtEV & soi\ ARE Receiving the largest and most desirable stock of Boots and Shoes ever offered by them, UONSISTING OF Dress BOOTS, all styles and qualities; The value of a Wife tu a Historian.—The late Sir William Napier’s “History of the War in the Peninsula,” has passed through several editions and is now a standard work. Of all the wars in which Great Britain has been engaged, that war of six years was the most important, difficult and expensive, and Sir William's History ia worthy of the transactions it records, and the skill and heroism it celebrates. Perhaps no military his tory of equal excellence has ever been written Dvjijio, ail sivies auu quamies; i r • » ■ . f a.' GAITERS, SHOES, PUMPS, SLIPPERS, i Itcost theauthorssixteenyearsofcontinuouslaDor He was himself a witness of several of the series books have received from all parts of the United States. | tntmufactured equal to anything to be found in the warrants the Publishers in calling upon their friends to Northern markets 28-lY JOSEPH BAKER, Jr., ATTOR.\EY AT A W , H .\S taken an office next door to Wm. B. Wright’s Law Office on Green Street. He will attend and practice in the County and Superior Courts of Cumberland. Bladen, Robeson and Sampson March 23, 1859. 79tf pTj. SINCLAIR, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C„ IITILL practice in the Courts of Robeson, Cumberland, TT Harnett and Richmond Prompt attention given to all business entrusted to hin. Feb’y 6, 1859 86- A. J. HALE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Aslieboroii^h, AT. C., (OFFICE IN THE COURT HOUSE,) AI''ILL practice his profession in Randolph and the TT adjoining i.'ouniies. Prompt attention given to all business entrusted to his care. Jan'y 20, 1800. 8otf A. D. lleLEA]^, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, SUMMERVIJJ.E, N. C., IIILL attend the Courts of Cumberland, Moore, John- Tt ston and Harnett Counties. PROMPT attention given to the collection of all claims entrusted to his care. Dee r 2J, 1859. 78-ly RORV He A AIR, *Jttotmey anti Counsellor at Ijaut^ \ LUMBERTON, N. C. 11’’ILL attend and practice in the County and Superior ] M Courts of Robeson, Richmond and (.'umberland. .\11 business intrusted to him will receive prompt at- | tention and collections punctually remitted. | Oct. 6, 1859. ' 55tf j JOHA P. FILLER, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, WILL PRACTICE IN THE COURTS OF | UobeHon, Cumberland, Columbus and Bladen. office ut Luniberton, Robeson Co., N. C. ! July 5, 1859 29tf R. fl. ORREL.L., TURPENTINE INSPECTOR. Those sending their Spirits Turpentine to me may rely upon it to have prompt and careful attention. My warehouses are fronting the wharves and near the river. Sept’r 13, 1858. 4,%tf OWE A A: YARBROlCiU. HA\ E this day entered into Copartnership for the purpose of transacting the Commission and Forwarding Business, in all its branches, in W'ilmington. and will give prompt I»ersonal attention to all business entrusted to their care. Liberal cash advances will be made on Consignments of •-'ountry Produce. flfe^Oftice on North Wafer St., over H. Vonglahan’s Store. JOHN W. OWEN. 0. S. YARBROUGH. Wilmington, tJct 20, 185t» 64- aiOOD FCo# examine each of the works comprising this series (pro vided they have not already done so,) with a view of making them their Stanuaru Text Books. The fol lowing is a part of the series; The \atioaal Series of Arithmetics and Mathe-1 matiOS. By Prof. Charles Davies, LL. D., formerly I I of the United States Military Academy, and now of | Columbia College. (The standard of New York, Balti- i more. New Orleans, Butfalo, Rochester, Milwaukee, and : other large cities.) _ ^ ■ The Xatiunai Series of Geographies. By James .Mo.stkith and Fb\.ncis McNally. (The standard of ' New Orleans, .New York, Butfalo, Milwaukee, Newark, ’ ; Brooklyn, and other cities.) j The Xationai Series of School Histories. By E.mma Willaru and J\.mes Momkith. (Daniel Web- \ ster said of Mrs. Willard's History of the United States: I “I keep it near me as a valuable book of reference, ac- I , curate in facts and dates.” It was also highly recoin- ■ mended by Henrj’ Clay, and many other of our most ' I illustrious Statesmen and Educators.) The .National Series or School Readers and : Spellers. By Richard G. Parker and Jamks M. | W.atson. Recommended wherever they are known a& I the most beautiful and the most practical Readers and ' Spellers ever published. The National Series of English (irammar, Illus- i trated with Diagrams. By S. W. Clark. Clark’s ' method of teaching this hitherto dry subject makes it I one of the most interesting studies in the language. \ High School Ijiterature. By Monmomer & Mc- JiLTo.s, of Baltimore, i Brookfield’s First Book in Composition. For Be ginners. 4Uc. W. W. Smith’s Orthographical Books. 4 Nos. Northend’s Little Orator, National Orator, and Entertaining Dialogues. Prices, 30c., 75c. and 75o. Kaiue’s Elements of Criticism, with Additions By Boyu. $1 OU. Day’s Art of Rhetoric. 75c. iv yd's Elements of Logic. 75c. Darby’s (of Alabama) Botany of the Southern States. $1 60. Brooks’ (of Baltimore) Greek and Latin Clasaics, 8 volumes. Wiley Jc Hubbard’s North Carolina Readers. 3 Nos. Parker’s .School Compendium of Natural Philo sophy. $1 u>. Porter’s Principles of Chemistry. $1 OU. Norton & Porter’s First Book of Science. $1 00. Brooks’ (of Baltimore) School Teacher’s Regis ter. 50c. Plans and specifications furnished and the erection of buildings superintended when desired. WALTON & BARRY, Car Builders, Carpenters & Draughtmen. Fayetteville, Oct 3, 1859 54-tf ~SADDIiE AAD HARAESS FACTORY. The subscriber begs leave to return ' his thanks for the liberal patronage I heretofore extended to him, and in- | forms the public that he has now and will continue to have an increased i force of experienced Saddle and Har- I ness Makers, whose work he will war- ! rant; and that he is prepared to offer j to the public a large and varied assort- 1 ment of every thing kept iu his lin#. His assortment of 1 Saddles, Harness, Bridles, Trunks, Travelling Bags, j Valices, &c., is unsurpassed for workmanship and ma- | terial, and will compare favorably for neatness with ; any other Manufactory, either North or South. Persons j wanting any thing in hiti line will do him a favor to call and examine bis stock before purchasing, as he is satis fied it will not fail to please them. His establishment | will be fovnd five doors East of ’ape Fear Bank, on j I’erson Street. Repairing done with neatness and despatch. W. OVERBY. Fayetteville, N. C., Jan'y 9, 1860. 81-6m Persons indebted are earnestly requested to call and settle, as I must have money. Boys’ ii Youths’ Boots, Gaiters, Shoes and Pumps, in great variety. Ladies’, Misses’, 4 Children’s Heeled Shoes, Gaiters and Slippers, of all kinds. Copper Toe’d Shoes, for children and youths Servants’ Shoes, uf all kinds. —ALSO— Trunks; Oak & Hemlock Sole Leather; Calf, Goat, Lining «S: Binding Skins; Lasts; Spara bles; Shoe Findings and Tools of all kinds. Our Stock being bought for cash at reduced prices, will be offered correspondingly low for cash, or to iirompt customers. March 16, 1860. 900-6w ]\"ew 8prin^ Goods. ALEX. JOHASOA, Jr. Has received in part, and is daily receiving, a large and desirable slock of NPRIxAO OOOD«, Embracing all the newest styles of Ladies’ Dress Goods, Shawls, Lace Points, Mantillas, Embroideries, &c. —ALSO— —A fine assortment of— Gentlemen’s Summer Goods, and Ready-Made Clothing, Bonnets and Millinery Goods of all kinds. March 15. 900tf 1860. SPRl\(i STVLlS. m MIKE SiniTII TS now receiving at the F.A YETTEVILLE HAT STORE, 1 No 3 Green Street, his Sprinff Stocky Consisting of all the latest and most approved styles of Silk, Fur, Wool, Leghorn and Braid Hats; Cloth, Cassimere and Seamless Caps, k.c. —Also, a very fine selection of— Youths’ and Children’s Fancy Hats and Caps. The attention of the trade and public generally is in vited to this Stock. I of operations, and was engaged in many of the j battles. His wide acquaintance with military I men enabled him to consult many distinguished j officers, English and French, and he was especially j supplied with materials and documents by the I Duke of Wellington and Marshal Soult. The or- j dinary sources of information were embarrassing I from their abundance. One mass of materials deserves especial mention. When Joseph Bonaparte fled from Vittoria he left behind him a very large collection of letters, which, however, were without ordev, in three languages, many almost illegible, 1 and the most important in cipher, of which there j was no key. It was the correspondence of Jo- , seph Bonaparte while nominally King ot Spain ; Sir William was in a state of perplexity, and I almost in despair of being able to make any use j oi these valuable materials, when his wife under- I took to arrange the letters according to dates and I subjects, to make a table of reference, and to translate and epitomize the contents of each, i Many of the most important documents were en tirely in cipher; of some letters about one-half was in cipher, and others had a few words so I written interspersed. All these documents and letters Lady Napier arranged, and with rare sa gacity and patience she deciphered the secret writing. The entire correspondence was then made available for the historian’s purpose. She also made out all Sir W'm. Napier’s rough in terlined manuscripts, which were almost illegible to himself, and wrote out the whole work fair for the printers—it may be said three times, so fre quent were the changes made. Sir William men tions these facts in the preface to the edition of 1851, and in paying this tribute to Lady Napier, ob serves that this amount of labor was accomplished without her having for a moment neglected the care and education of a large family. Brooks’ (of Baltimore) Manual of Devotion for ‘ the most favorable terms. - . . •' I r\i.i -u* . To the Interest or Turpentine DiMtiller«i. | Ma. baker would respectfully inform Turpentine j . Distillers and others that he is now manufacturing | The Improved Turpentine StilL All orders promply attended to. Copper work done on Schools. 38c. McIntyre’s (of Balt. High School) Astronomy and Globes. 75c. ! Page’s Elements of Geology. 75c. Chambers’ Elements of Zoology. 81 OU. | .Smith A Martin’s System of Book-keeping k Blanks. 75c. ea Bartlett ? i^of West Point) College Course of Philosophy. i Dr. Bronson having been so far reduced by con-iump- ' tion, as to be considered beyond all hope of recovery bj I the most eminent of the medical profession, anil also by i himself—a regular physician of twenty years practice ! —as a last resort, conceived the idea of .\NALYZING THE BLOOD, and applying the subject of physiology j (of West Point) Calculus and Analyti- ! to ihe more imraeumte connection, and etfeci of the 1 ^ ' j state of the blood upon the health and system. The jeoir.etry. . . f i i result ha3 been the production of this ‘BLOOD FOOD,’ i Courtenay s (of V irginia) Elements of Calculus, from the use of which Dr. Bronson was restored to per- j 5>2 50 per copy. feet health. Within six months after its introduction. Hackley’s (of Columbia College) Trigonometry, over two thousand consumptives were effectually cured $2 0J. by if. Ifyou have any complaints of a consumptive! W. (j. Peck’s (of Columbia Col.) Elements of tendency. Cough, Cold, Head-ache. Palpitation of the ' Mechanics. SI 50. Heart, Loss of Appetite or Pain in the Side, lose no | }{anna’« Bible History for .Schools. ?1 00. tiiiie in procuring a bottle of the “BLM.)U F»*.>D. ll i i> i.t i . o eu v ^ a- • V- » r. Beers (, otuplete System ot Penmanship, y -> you are suffering troni Nervous Debility, or your sleep ; , is broken and disturbed, if your Spirits are Depressed, I os.. or your Organs Relaxed, you will find in this .'in un failing remedy, by commencing with ten drops. If ' your Liver is torpid or diseased iu any manner what- i ever, one or two bottles will be sure to invigorate. anl bring it into lively and healthy action. In the most inveterate cases of Dyspepsia, the patient can here find the most efficient and grateful relief. .\ benefit is al ways experienceil after taking oiih- one bottle. In Male or Female t'omplaints ami Weaknesses, the sutierer. after trying otlior remedies in vain, may rest assured, that a certain cure will result from the use of two or three bottles. The “BLOOD FOOD" is effectual in all cases of Eruptions, Salt Rheum. .Scrofula and other like complaints. Pale and emaciated children and adults are immediately benefitted by its use. It gives strength to the body, and color and beauty to the skin. Phy sicians of all schools are u-ing it with wonderful success. For full directions, see circulars. Price 5>1 per bottle. Jlll'l'l J'Xl ilUDJ (X.'JJIJJ •pa,w>ll*>J .'.llJiJis aq imiui apiiHl ipw.* punnjH p.nliluj.» buuiujjip jqi 'nt-aj It" “1 ||« "I i.'Xii Ji(l kv; »|iu.iu -11103 II aou.»j aiiius rfiji joj J jqi .»»Ur»ixj Moq.M avxqi uvj «h kiu.ui -x 3ju| qjlu (ouuuj ivqi 'pu'M *qi Jo iUi>ij«j« t.«id J qio unqi »iuiii qjmii 'is j| — .\|1>K'| >' 3uuiijijt ui 3IUII uu ui ni>\ |iurfiiiiiKj.irij Aiis^iijwa jtt'»ji| JO »uoi»|ii.\ui.i jii o-iij MR UI jii>uUlsmlN ijjv |ii,jd.»oit V 3uiaq puH tdja.tpyutij qii-w uo aq ukj ii JO pu« |hjm; l.oiii aqi H.T)>I.) ^ I> »qi ui J"J ii.*||Wiibjiiii >! I! ;qi 3ui)ujii3.»J Juj uii:i1 .luiAJiiJJ pUM -Stuns .«qi auiiiaijiis jnj-iikiw . j-iy-..ii'-.) gK qjiiii :;).N.’IH.I,W I.I, DMdv'JX.I.V SJ,VIVI.Il\J.» 'I IV HUd ;zi.\ • 111)11 KJml.Jjil jjqi'> .\ja.\J jjau iiiJni j iiqa »Ji 1.1 qjiq « 3U!.«0||iij' aqi ||>! ui dJtiJ uu.iJOD u puK lawj -U| 3i«3!i*P l-iiiii aqi rfjiifui )ouj« > |)uii ss.>|iijwq .l|ijyiji1 i|— .iiquno..] ipusq iiMO »|q .\q iiiamjo .^ukui •uoik;^ Ji; jo uoiujj IP jqi jjpuii visrfjiij aqi lunjj ^iip iJuirfq pjniiwip kj || q.ijq.M tuujj sHMij aqi :,«iiq. ni « *i,i!«|liii' j jiijumiui joj jaqio .vu« qii.w >1 io uiikliMdiiioj V ku JiiiJ j«jj3 qii.w ilil Hid si IJ—-'Il’-iiqX •tiji1ilU(l»U'*s »M Suiiiapx.ip |0 pi:Ji»ii! pp.qa Jiin.i ju 3uuaj(u« aqi iiiiiAoiaji i|ji!wiib suoD iium -puin .uu jo a), ido 1(1 juo3Jiwil moJi aajj .\|.)ji)ua ki )|—.|puuja^ uiaqi joj aquj» iMit 01 kiuit:l IIU03 .||iuniui UI d.iUtiiijilid qjiiiii iu >Jj p.«y!|unb |l»w «i uqu 'ui:|jis.\qd jvjii3aJ v jo iiotiviuoajd 9i|i 11 iiu\ pjjjilu .ajoj'ii u.tq svq if.iKiib IU ajnu ivqi iiiiiJiiou Ajjaj JiAu .{iijuijMiiis mi jii:}m UI jjtuji) au 'ivii^ao.j H'iix.*vv.J.vi au 't>!« 3ui»u»wia uj at 10c. each. Dwight’s Modern Philology. SI 75. And many other valuable works, among which might be mentioned The School Teachers’ Library, in Ten Volumes. Designed to aid the Teacher in his Profess ional duties. Old Copper bought for cash or taken in exchange for new W'ork. Call and see for yourselves at M A BAKER’S Copper Shop, Fayetteville, N. C. Feb’y 1, 1860. 88tf Turpentine Stills for Sale. 10 barrel, one 15 barrel, one 20 barrel, one 45 bar- /C rel; the above Stills all in good order. Will be sold on the most favorable terms, by M. A. BAKER. Fayetteville. N. C., Feb’y 1. 88tf Ciuns! Ciun§!! Criins!!! M. A, BAKER, Oun Si Rifle Manufacturer. Guns repaired at the shortest notice and for a small charge. 800 double and single barrel shot Guns for sale low 1000 Repeating Pistols of all the different niakern now in the United States, for sale low. Call at .M. B.VKER'S and see for yourselves. Fayetteville, N. C., Feb'y 1. 88tf OKO. UARRISS. w. W. HARRISS. A. J. HOWELL. HARRIS3 & HOWCLL, Commission and Forwarding iHerchants, WILMlN(iTON, N. C. Oct. 17, 1H.'j9. 68-lYpd ROBERT U. COWAA, iienerul CommisHion mlMerehant^ WILMINOTON, N. C. Office South Corner Market and Water streets, up-stairs Oct. 13, 1869. 57-lY Sold bv CHUR(ni DUPONT, Druggists, No. 3') Maiden Lane, New York, by J.\S. N. S.MITH, Fayetteville, N. C. And by all respectable Druggists throughout the jountry. Nov 11, 1859 fi6-ly €APT. U ILKES^S REPORT ON THE DEEP RIVER FUNERAL RECIIIN. ^pilE undersigned have caused to be published from 1 the ’ongressionttl plates, an edition of the Report of Capt. Wilkes, U. S. Navy, and his Associates on the Board appointed by the Secretary of the Navy to ex amine the Deep River Region of North Carolina. This is the most important and scientific statement of the great wealth o.f that section of the State, and the Maps the most perfect and valuable, of any yet published. The Maps are worth the price of the work, which is 50 cents, neatly bound in cloth. Copies sent by mail, free of postage, on the receipt of 50 cents. A liberal dis count to wholesale buyers. Orders solicited. Jan'y 20. E. J. HALE & SON. a^The Eclectic xVa^^azine lor MARCH. For mU by £. J. UALK & SON. Please send to \ S. Bar.nes A Bi rr. New York, for their Desi rivtive C^tai.ooi e of all their publications, which shall he sent free of Postage. •March IbtiO. 97-4m Floral Collegre. ^pHE ensuing .Session in this Institution will commence 1 on the 2il Wednesday in Jan'y next. The management and instruction of the Institution will be under the Rev. Daniel Johnson and Mr. John Sulherland. with an able ’orps of .\s,>i,-*lants in all the departments. The Principal and his lady will take en tire charge of the Boarding establislinient, thus giving to the .School more of the>A.\iiLV element. This ar- rangettient, it is believed, will greatly advance the use fulness of the Institution. M. C. McNAIR, .Sec'y Board of Trustees. Dec’r 20 77- JO.M'lMILliK HIGH SfHIIOLN," .TIale and Female. Rev. WM. L. V,\N EATON, A. M., Principal, i DANIEL L. CL.VY, .\ssistant. : Miss LUCY J. ARMFIELD, in charge of the Female Department. Miss RO('IND.\ J. DOriHERTY, in charge of the Music Department, i iss HAR.AII DOL'GHERTY, in charge of the Painting Class. The 31.St .Session of these prosperou.s and growing Schools opened the 1st Weilnesday in January, with all the departments of instruction filled witii efficient ! and experienced teachers. j Our buildings are large, commodious and well fur- j nished with .\pparatus. Globes, Maps, &c., situated in a beautiful grove, at suitable distance apart. cost, I’Kt: SRSSION OF TWENTY-OSK WEEKS. Board, including every thing except candles, $tiand $7 j English branches, $10 and $12 Latin, Greek and advanced Mathematics, $15 Music, S20 I Painting, in oil, $10 , Contingent fee. $1 For further particulars address the Principal, (and Catalogues will be sent,) at Jonesville, Yadkin Co., N. C. Jany 20, 1800. 85-iim AVag^on .TIaking; and Black- wmlthing. The business of Wagon Making will be conducted by the undersigneil, who will always have sufficient force and the best of material for doing speedily and well all work entrusted to him. J. W. WELSH. Dec'r 31, 1859. 79-3m larg:e ^iupply or %Vool and Braid Hats for Servants always on hand. March 15. 900-6t IMPORTATION FOR 1860. W. l»IACIi\TYRE —HAS RECEIVED— Superfine Cloths; Best Doe-skin Cassimere, (black;) Fancy Cassimeres; All-wool Tweeds; Sattinets; Kentucky Jeans; Plain and Corded French Drap-d’ete; Si'k Velvets; black Satin Vesting; White and colored Linen Drilling; Gauze Flannels; Canton Flannels. Just to hand, 9^ An invoice of BONNETS, RIBBONS, RUCHES, FRENCH ARTIFICIALS, WREAlHS, HEAD-DRESSES, &c. Fayetteville, March 5, I860. 97-5w AO -^ERCHAAT Visiting Baltimore, should fail to examine the exten sive stock of Fancy Good«, Hosiery, Gloves^ ^c. offered for sale by FRED. FICKEY & SONS, 250 Baltimore St. It is one of the most extensive in this country, and the proprietors are determined to compete with similar stocks in Northern Cities. March 7. 98-8mos AOTI€E. Having procurel the services of a No. 1 Baker, di rect from New York, 1 am still prepared to supply my customers and the public generally, with Bread, Pies, and Cakes, Of every kind. .Also, PARTY C.VKES made to order, on the shortest notice. MRS. M. BANKS, No. ll. Green St. March 14. 900-2w The Chcstertown (Md.) News states that a gentleman formerly of tliat place, but now residing in the District of Columbia, has received a letter from a fugitive slave man who ran away from him some four years since, and escaped to Canada. He represents his condition as deplorable and re grets leaving his master. He says that seven others, most of whom ran away about the same time from Kent county are anxious to return to slavery. The bridal, the prison and the grave, were each represented on a train of cars which left Pontiac, Michigan, last week. There was a bridal party, four prisoners bound for Jackson, and a funeral I party with a corpse. WM. CARTER & SON, Wholesale Retail Dealers and Manufacturers OF ALL KINDS OF Mjeatlier, Satltlles and MMarness, Of every description, (’’olhirs, Whips, ic. AnD we also particularly call the attention of the whole surrounding country to give us a call, as we are de termined that none shall surjiass us in quality or low prices; and we will give the highe.st cash price at all times for Raw Hides and Tallow, in exchange for our articles. Country Merchants would do well to call and examine onr Stock, as we can Bell them Shoes of a much better (luality than they usually get, on very accommodating terms. Southern Planters would do well to send us all their orders as we are making a No. 1 article of NEGRO SHOE.S, that are warranteil to give entire satisfaction. N B. All Orders from a distance shall have prompt attention. S. S. CARTER. WM. CART^:R. Goldston P. O., Chatham Co., N. C., March 15. 1859. / 1 IMPORTAI^T !§ALE. By virtue of an Attachment levied, I will sell, at Auction, for Cash, at the Store lately occupied by George W. Sperling, all the STOCK OF GOODS, WARES, MERCHANDISE, I VR.VKTURtu, In sail) Store; also the GOODS, W'ABES AXD MEB* C11A\DISE in Warehouses lately occupied by said Sper ling, consisting probably of THE LAKGEST STOCK OF .DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, 1 Uard^l«'are, CUitlery, Saddlery, Fine Wines, Liquors, &:c. ever offered in this market. Country Merchants will do well to attend, as a large part of the Goods are in original packages. I The above Sale will commence on tlie 27th inst., at I 10 o’clock A. M., and continue from day to day until ! all are sold. • HECTOR McNEILL, Sheriff. March 10. 1-ta A ORTH CAROLIA A FOl A’DRV :>iAciii:\E Works: JOHN R. LOXnON, of Wilmington, N. C. JOHN H. BRYAN, JR., of Raleigh, X. C. I.OAOOA A: BRA AA, Comm isHion •?/erchants, No. 32 India Street, COKSIONMEXTS A.VD ORDERS SDLICITEI). j R E F E R T O R. P. BrxTON, Esq., II. C. Li'cas, Cash'r, Fayette- I ville; (jov. Ellis, Raleigh. De Rosset, Brown & Co., j Wilmington; Watsox & Meares, N. Y.; McPheetebs 1 & Ghiselis, Norfolk. I March 17, IStjO. l-3mpd FKERCKS & RAEDER, srccEs.soRs TO N. BO Y DEN & SON, 1\’’'ILL CONTINUE to manufacture and keep hand all .\r,im’HTrii\L ihpleiie.ms Made heretofore. Plows. Corn-Shellers, Iforse-Powers. Threshers, A full assortment of Cultivators, Straw and Feed-Cutters, .Seed-Sowers, Cider and Sugar Mills, The Th 96- AEW BOOKS. RIVAL.S, by Jere. Clemens; Art Recreations: he Right Word in the right place; Fisher's River (N. C.) by “Skitt;” Sword and Gown; Wild Sports in the South; Leisure Moments of Miss M. \. P.utt, A. M.; Footfalls on the Boundaries of another World, by Rob't Dale Owen; the Man in Black, by James; Evelyn .Mar- ston, &c.. &c. Also, further supplies of Webster's Pictorial Un abridged; W'ood’s Practicc; U. S. Dispensatory; Pres ton's Interest Tables; Inquire Within; School Books, ic. March 6. E. J. HALE & SON. Thresher and Separators. They aUo manufacture SHAFTING AND MACHINERY For Grist Mills, Circular and Vertical Saw Mills, Gold, Copper and Silver .Mines, Tobacco Presses and Fixtures, KC., &c., IRON AND BR.\SS CASTINGS. FORGINGS and FINISHED WORK of every descrip tion made to order, and warranted in every respect. Repairs of every description of Machinery done at short notice. Salisbury, N. C., Jan'y 2, 1860. 83-3m AEW STOCK OF BOOKS ANimATIONERY. W'e are just receiving our new stock of Law, Medical and Miscellaneons Books; School Books; Blank Books; Writing Papers; Envelopes, &o. £. J. HALE & SON 1 Oct’r 6, 1869 M.arch 10. 'A. M. CAMPBELL, Adm’i 99-8 w AOTICE. The subscriber having obtained Letters of Adminis tration on the Estate of the late .Adaline A. Brooks- bank, at March Te»*m 1860, of Cumberland County I Court, hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to ! said Estate to make immediate payment, and those I having claims against said Estate to present them with- C'onstantly Manufacturing at nij Establlsbinent, i in the time prescribed l>y law; otherwise this notice will » i be pleaded in bar of recovery VERY VARIETY OF HARNESS,^ ■ - Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Whips^^^® and Trunks; all kinds of Leather. Calf Skins and Oil; Crndifion Powders, for diseased Horses and Cattle; Coach Trimmings, Carpet Bags, Valises, Saddlery, Hardware, &c. The largest stock in the Slate, sold wiiolesale or retail, at the lowest New York prices. Harness and Saddles repaired. JAMES WILSON, No. 5 Market St. Wilmington, N. C., near the W'harf. Oct. 19, 1859. 59-lypd. GLAAO. TONS No. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO, just received and for sale by JOS. UTLEY. Fayettevill., Jan’y 80, I860. 88tf 50 Jk^The American Almanac Ibr : 18G0; Swords' Pocket Almanac; Brooke's Fool of Unali- ! ty; Prentice’s Wit and Humor; Preachers and Preach- I ing, by the Author of “Kirwan’s Letters ’: The Socia- ; ble, or 1001 Home Amusements; Irving's .'^ketch Books , Ada Leigh; Seven Years, by Julia Kavuiiagh; \c. In- • terlinear Translations of Xenophon, (.''ae-^ar. Cicero. Vir gil, Sallust; Bullion's Analytical Orummar; Davies' ' Arithmetics and Keys, Ac. \c. E. J. HALE S SON. I Web«ter’« Elementary Spelling 1 Book, for s&l. by K- J* HAX.K & SON. DEXTAL. XOTICE. Dr. R. .SCOTT, having obtained assistance, can sup ply artificial substitutes on short notice. Office hours, from 9 to 1 P. M., and trom 2 to 5 P. M. March 3. 'J"-tf .Strayed or Stolen. I EFT mv Stable, on Thursday last the 16th intt., a i SORHEL M.\RE, about six years old, no marks I recollected. This Mare was bought by me from Elea- ; zer Cox. of Randolph County. 1 think, on the 3lst ult, ' .V liberal rewar.l will be paid for her delivery to me. .\nv inforinaiion concerning her will be thankfully re- iceived. ROBT. MITCUELL. j Feb. 20, 18t>0. 93-tf Roofing and Guttering, Done at short notice, by C. W\ A A DREW S, MARKET SQl ARE. Oct r 4 55- bi.aVk books. FRESH supply just received £. J. HALE & SON.

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