wmm . *11' tinrieer. I."'.: !’«r v'tE. " nino :.r>e i >1 'Olhp , • M.n of 'o ;>() •■■v where, and • •wiiiiin ^ VvWh • V " ' ' -. irie lisle ’'ove .-.!e itelv in t 11'. a - - in\vr%. > ■ • r.ii. - h: I IL!’' iium. ■' 'NlHV jj loirs; i:ac- Ibi* , iJr.viet- lor ^ale. # " " "i' ler Ilf TUIHLJl (DIB SEMI-WEEKL.Y. IX.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., APRIL 9, I860. [NO. 907.] PRiyjKD MON'DAYS AND THURSDAYS EBWIHI) J, H4LE k S0\, EDITORS AND TROPRIETORS Pricc for tl.e Somi-W okly Odserver S3 00 if paid in aJvincc; So* ’>0 if p'iid during ‘.he year of subscrip- •. in. or Si after the yenr has expired. F ‘r t ue 'Vvickly OustuvER S2 OJ per annum, if paid in aJvan'-e: c- if piid during the yenr of subscrip tion: or s ‘ (,'> I after tho y jar has expired. C ^ ADVERTIPl-.MF-NTS in ^ ; »od for 60 cents per jqunre of llnof- f*-*' the tirft. :iih1 -^0 cents for each buccee'ling puhlicitiiin. ^ early advertisements by !pe- oi'il conirn('t«. at n-asonaWe rate*. Advertisers are reque>i>‘d t" :;te li-' nuni>'iir of in.sertions desired, or they will hi' oouiiu^.e I till forbid, and charged accord- inely. .A'Jvertisoraents to be iu'^erted infi/if, chargcd GO per cenr extrn. s;?EriAl. NOTU'i:. Ki om %nd nfler tliisdate. no name of a new subscriber will )C entered without p.tynient in advance, nor will .• j-aiH'r be sent to such sub-^cril'i'rv fov a 'onger time ;n ii paid for. ."'iicii .'foTU' old 'U>'-ori:ip' s de-;re to taiie the pa- •. •• 'n tli;. systeiii will ploa'-> notiiv us when making WILf.lA.n J. PRICE, inspector of Turpentine, WILMINGTON, N. C. Will attend promptly to all business entrusted to bis care. March 29. 4-ly C. U. ROBINSON. ri. H. ROEINPON. €. H. ROB13kSO:¥ ^ CO., Commission and Forwarding Merchants, WILMINGTOX, N. €. Consignments and country orders will reccive promjit personal attention. March 17, 1860. 2tf i;eo. h.^f.riss. W. W. H.ARRISS. A. J. now ELI.. V 1. .".s. JAS. C . MeKAE, ^ittorney at hau'^ Office West end of the lnur.ince I’uilding. Hay St., Fayetteville, N. C. M .r.'h 21'.. ISf.O. 3tf FRENCH STRANaE, Attorney at La>v, Fayett eville, W. C. Office that recently occupied by ('. G. Wright, Esq., over the one now cjupicl by him in Dr. Kobinson's buildinc. Green ■•'treet. Dec'r 2. ISo'J. 72- II*.7#. .?/•!.. ,ll€K.lY, Attorney at Law, Fayetteville, N. C. ILL attend the County and Superior Courts of I I'jerianil, Harnett, Moore and Robeson Coun- I'l .apt H;:HntS'n L,-iven to tb.- collection of all • ' .‘innisted to his bands. r 17. 1 .yi. o8-tf \V T M LAW XOTICE. :! .'u‘i -scriber having removed liom Summerville to F,^yl.•tTevil!e. wii: attend the r'ounty and Superior 'f • umLtL:ilan i, Harnett anu ?*Joore. His otfice .: ill' residence, on Green Street, opposite the - ■ ! * hurch. ; jrrespondents will please address him hereafter I . ‘eville, insiead of aummerville. NEILL McKAY. / y 21, b5-tf H. W. HORNE, ATTO R.XE r .IT I>.f if, AY be fo^ind at the Office of Wm. B. Wright. Esq.. near the Court Hoii'e. June 30. 1 S5'.J. H 28-1Y J()>F:PH PvAKHK. Jr.. AT TO R \ i: V A T \ \\ , ■\S taken an office next door to Wm. 15. Wright’s Lnw > (ffice in Green itrcet. He will attend and practice HARRIS3 & HOWELL, ronimission and Fornarding i^lerchauls, WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 17, l8o9. 58-1 Ypd ROltEKT li. t OAVAX, Oeneral Commission •.liercUant^ WILMINGTON, N. V. >ttice South Corn'.'r Market and Water streets, up-stairs Oct. 13. 1850. 57-1 Y T.T\ A: K.i.i. AVORTII, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, WILMLVGTOX, N. C. .I;iny 2S, 1850 ' Shf W'. H. .VLLFN.] [J. M. TLARK- ALLE\ CLARK, €'oiiiiiii»>ioii .TIerclia iits, WILMINGTON, N. DE VLEKS IN LIME, I’L VSTEU. ( FMEM, HUR, At. p^” .Vcrents for Rush i (Jr.-ell's Li:io of Steamers.'Xija. 1)RJMPT personal attention given to consignments o j Naval Stores, Cotton or other Country Produce, for sale or shipment. , Jan'y I'J. 1859. ; Will. II. TlRLI.\C;T03f, C'oiiiniissioii Merc'hant^ WILMLVGTOX. N. C. ^■'ILL give special attention t-- the sale or shipmenj of all Nav.il Stores, Cutton, I'lour, Timber, and | other country produce. ! Reters to: H. R. Savage. Cashier Bank of Cape Fear. ' Wilmington; Jno. Dawson. Pres t Wilmington Branch liank of North ('arolina; W. H. Jones. Casliier Raleigh Br.-inch Bank of Cape Fear. N >v 9, 1850 *55-tf OWE A A: 1 ARKROifiill. H.WE this day entered inio Copartnorsliip for the purpose of iransactin.; tlie Commission and Forwarding Business, in all its brandies, in Wilmington, and will give prompt personal attention to all business entrusted to thfir care. Liberal cash advances will be made on Consignments of Country Produce. )pOf“0ftice on North Water St.. ever H. Vonglahan's Store. JOHN W OWEN. 1 O. S VARBROLGH. ' Wilmington. Oct 20, 185i/ ‘'4- KUWIA II. RAA.VEA', General Commission •Jlerc/iant^ U South Wharves, between Market 4: Chestnut Nts. ; (''onsiinments of Co’ton. Nnval Stores. Flour. Rice. &c. will always receive his prompt personal attention. ' Ivancas will bi* ma.de only on actual Consigments. R E F E 11 E X C E S ; STATE C.\8 A\D M.lCniM WORKS. STKEET. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. The undersigned, having erccted buildings suitable for CAR and >LVCH1NE WORK—also General HOUSE C.\ RPENTRY—would give notice that they are prepared to execute all orders in their line with neat ness and dispatch. Wo are prepared to do all kinds of SCROLL SAW ING and PI..\NF1.VG at short notice. Having a first | class Woodworth Flaneing >.lachine, we are prepared to | Plane. Toniuo and Groove all kinds of Flooring and Ceiling on reasonable terms. i Contracts taken tor the erection of Buildings, (ind i Jobbing of all kinds execn'ed with neatness and dis- patch. Sashes. D-iors and Blinds of all descriptions, ■■ manufactured equal to anything to be found in tlie Northern markets. Plans .and specifications furnished nudthe erection of ! buildings supeiintended wlien desired. WALTON & BARRY, Car Builders. (Carpenters ADraughtmen. | Fayettevillo. O.t 8. 185!* .54 tf : «TuDLE A\D IIARAESS I FACTOKV, IMIL subscriber begs leave tu return his thanks for the liberal patronage j heretofore extended to liiin, and in- j for'.iis till' public that he has now and i will continuo to have an increased , force of experienced Saddle and liar- ! ness Makor.', wiiosc work he will war- I r:int: .•ind ih-it he is j'repared to off"er | lo I ho I'liblic a la"gc and varied assort- j thing iiept in his lino. His assortment of | Thf fjnrstnt Carriasre V'artory in the Sonth! ment of eve A. A. >lcKKl^iiAA Respectfully informs his friends and the public’ that he has built up large substantial Brick Build ings at his Old Stand, expressly for manufacturing Car riages. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he has j received for the last 21 years, he hopes by strict atten- | tion to business, with a desire to .^i'^e satisfaction, to ! merit a continuance of the same, .le warrants his work 1 to be made of the best material and by experienced '■ worknion in each branch of the business. His work will j compare favorably with any made in the United States, j for neatness and durability. He is determined to sell j and do any work in his line on as good terms as any work done elsewhere that is as well done. He now has on hand, tinished, THE L.VRGEST STOCK OF Carriages, Barouches, Ko«kaway§ and Buggies, ever offered in this place, and a very large stock of work neiirly finished, which will be finished daily. All of which will be sold very low for cash, or on short time to punctual customers. ^^He has on hand more than ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY VEHICLES finished WM. CARTER & SONS- Have put up and permanently located the best BOO^ and SHOE MANUFACTORY in N. C., to which the attention of the whole South is earnestly invitel, particularly the citiiens and Planters of our State. We arc determined not to be put down by men who are daily bringing in Welted and Split Leather Shoes; it is I distinctly understood that our Shoes are made of Upper I Leather tanned by us, and that we do not put any welts 1 in any Peg Shoes we make. Now is the time to test the ; true feelings of N. C. men. 1 All orders from a distance shall have prompt atten tion. Address us at Goldston. WM. CARTER. D. A. CARTER. S. S CARTER. JOHN Q. CARTER. Goldston P. O., Chatham Co., N. C., ) 4,^ ■March 23, 18G0. j Boniiels! Bonnets!! I WILL open on Thursday next, April5th, the largest and most attractive stock of BOMETS A\0 MILLISERV .GOODS, ever offered in Fayetteville. My stock consists in part of Paris Made Hats of the latest styles and best ma terial. In Fancy Lace, Straw, Chip and Fanie- ! la Bonnets, I have an almost endless variety. i And for those who prefer home manufacture, I have a ! beautiful assortment of Superior styles of Lace, Crape and Silk Hats, Saddles, Hiirni.s>., Bi idle-. 'I'runks. Travelling Bags, j and in cours;e of construction. Vnliccs. ,vc.. is unsu: pa>-j'l for vvorkm;iiiship und nia- I teritil. .-ind will ooiiiii.Tre favor.ibly fir noatne.ss with I any other Maiiufjictory. oiilier North or South. Persons I wiiiitiiig :\ny thing in his line will do him a favor to cnll i rtuil ex uniiio lii.^ *toc'K b'>fi)re purchasing, as he is satis fied it will not liiil to pleaio them. His est.iblishment will be found live do irs East of Cape Fear Bank, on - l’ers‘-n S'reet. i Repairing done with neatness and despatch. W. OVERBY. , Fayetteville. N. C.. Jan'y ^>, 18G0. Sl-6m : P>!r.'0ns indebted are earnestly requested to call and settle, .lb I must have money. jJi^.Vll work made by him is warranted 12 months with fair usage, and should it fail by bad workmanship or ninteri.il, will be repaired free of charge. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and ex- .^minc for them.selves. Orders thankfully received and promptly attended to- Repairing executed at short notice and on very reason able terms. May 28, 1850. 89-tf A Migratory Government and a fighting Am- hntsftdor.—In the course of the discussion of the Diplomatic Appropriation Bill in the Senate, a few days ago, Mr. Critteuden introduced the fol lowing incident:— “While I was on one occasion temporarily act ing in the absence of the Secretary of State, per forming ad interim his duties for a week or two, there arrived here an old friend of luino, one whom I valued a great deal, too, and he told me he had been abroad. He was sent out as minister to some little Republic in the mountains of South America, Bolivia, or Ecuador, or some other. He gave me an account of his travels and of the country. He had traversed the Andes and scaled the Cordilleras, &c., and at last he reached the spot where he was told he .should find a Govern ment, and that very Government to which he had been sent. He got there. He said that, upon inquiry, he was told that the Government had left there a few days, or perhaps a few weeks before, and gone somewhere else further into the moun tains. There was, however, a fragment of the late Government—a man hovering about there who had been Secretary of War. He approached nearer the character of the Government than any- I thing else he saw or heard of, he addressed him self to that Secretary of War. He had had a gotten up by Madame Teller, expressly for our own sales^ very disagreeable travel through the mountains to Together with a handsome assortment of Missea and | , i, To the Iiitt‘re«>t oT Tiirpeiitine Di»lillerst. MA. B.\KER Mould respectfully inform Turpentine , Distillers r\nd otiicrs that he is now manufacturing The Improved Turpentine ^till. .\11 orders promply attended to. Copper work done on ! the mo-*t fivorable terms. Old Copper bought for cash or taken in exchange for nrw Work Call and se- for Vourselves at M A BAKERS Copt>er Shop. Fayetteville, N. C. Feb'v 1. 1800. b8if J. AA. BAKER Is now receiving from the North the largest, finest, and most carefully selected stock of FITR!\ITIJRR ever off^ered in this m.irket; which added to his own manufacture, makes his assortment complete;— all of which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash or on time to punctual customers. Fashionable painted cottage bed-room Furniture in setts; curled hair and sliuck. and cotton Mattresses; Looking Glasses; Willow Wagons and Cradles; Side! Receiving the largest and most desirable stock of Boot* Boards; ISureaus; Secretarie.s and Hook-l.'ases; What- i and Shoes ever offered by them, Nots: Tables, al! sorts: Wash Stands; Candle Stands; i coxstsTi.'tQ or Together Children's Goods, making my assortment far superior to any in market. Call and see for yourselves. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. April 2. 18C0 5-2w Ju!$t Received and for sale by D. AirUERSOlf, OA BBLS PURE WHITE WHISKEY; OU 5 Bbls. “ N. 0. Do. 5 “ Apple Brandy; 6 “ N. £. Rum. —ALSO— e KEGS EXTRA GOSHEN BUTTER; 4 Bbls. LARD; 500 Lbs. DRIED BEEF; 10 Bbls. MULLETS; 40 “ HERRING; 10 “ A. B. and C. COFFEE SUGAR; 15 Bags COFFEE; Which will be sold low for cash, or exchanged for country produce. April 2. -5-4t BOOTS AND~^OES! FOR Spring and Summer 1800. S. T. HAWLEY & SOI\ ARE get there, and was in a bad humor to find himself with no Government there. He fell foul of this Secretary of War with his diplomatic cotrespon- dence. He was not very well versed in diplo matics, and I suppose his letter was not very courteous. He received a reply in consonance with the letter, which he immediately followed by a peremptory challenge to fight a duel. [Laugh ter.] He thought that belonged to the depart ment to which he was addressing himself, and be challenged him immediately to mortal combat. Not being able to obtain a meeting with this Secretary of War, he abandoned the country as utterly unworthy of all further negotiation or any treaties of peace whatever, and came right home; and that was the end of his mission. [Laughter.”] (ieut’8 Dress BOOTS, all styles and qualities; “ GAITERS. bHOES, PUMPS, SLIPPERS. Turpentine Stills lor Sale. 10 barrel, one 15 l.'.irrel. one 20 baiTel, one 45 bar- rol; the sbr.ve Still? all in good order. Will be sold on tlie mo't favorable term.o. bv M. A. BAKER. Fnvetteville. N. ('., Feb'v 1. 88tf the C lunty and Supt i\. iUden. Hobe.son and SampS' M.irch 2-j, 1- V.J. C'lurr.a of Cumberland. 7‘.^tf I*. J. SIYCXAIR, Attorney and ConnseHor at Law, FAVriTEVILLE. N. C.. TT7II-L practice in the .'onris of Robeson. Cumberland, H.ii uott aiid Kiel; lond Prompt attention I'lven I" ail '.n.siner^s en T. fc. T. Pldd. ChftrlesKiii ? Wt»tt Al f'” JiHis Tirpip.. E-q. I! (' E!q. VV V I.KiTf II F.-q VViLi.i^M HrmoRiw. M I) Itpv. vv. H. (.arion. Ed So. Bap John VV. .SisiTrj M.nrch 9 Walker. Evivs & t.’o f.'hsrlcslon Ei.i.m k. Mitchell. VViiiiilnKion. .Surr. t-:«q Key J*Mts B. TiYLOR. nirhm'd. Rfv J. I.iwi, Surf K, 'ilir«irni. vv. htsfDii r. V. V -q.. I'liiln. IV JOII.N R. LO.NIJOX, of Wilmington, N. C to I, Feb y o. l^■■ 80- JljH.V H. CBY.W, JR. of Raleigh, N. C. A. .1. IIALK, ATTOll-NKY AT L.\W, A^!;choi*ou;;:h. A. C., OFFL i: IV Tin: ol,RT H')USi:.; ractioe lii-; ; rut'fss^'in in Randoljdi and the liiif' >' >uiiii- s. [it aitL-nti'iii >;ivcn tf. all business entrusted to -h ;.;. S5tf LOAOO.A A: ICKI AA. (Join m iss ion •llerrhants, No. 32 India Street, €)(iinsl 4)iiinwl! Ciins!!! M. A. BAKER, Gun k Rifle Manafacturer, i UN.S repaired nt the shortest notice and for a small Ij cii.irge. ttOU ilouhle and single barrel shot (Suns for sale low litOO Repealing Pistol? of all the ditferent makers now in the Unite 1 S’-:ii*'s, for sale low. • '■ill :it M. A. B.VKEiVS and see for yourselves. F.ivetteville, N. Teb'y 1. S8if Wardrobes; Picture Frames and Glass; Window Shades; Cornices: Curtain Bands: Sofas in .Mahogony and Wal nut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and .Stools; Chair* of every variety. Fine Kosewood Pianos, one with ^T^olian at tachment: Rosewood Melodians, from the best manufac tories in New York and Boston, warranled as good as i Copper TOC’d ShOes, for children and youths. I Servants’ Shoes, of all kinds. —ALSO— Bujs’ Si I'oatbs* Boots, Gaiters, Shoes and Pumps, in great variety. Ladles’, Misses’, & Children’s Heeled Shoes, Gaiters and Slippers, of all kinds. any made in the country, and will be sold at New York I prices—freight only added. September 2. 45tf I^larble Factory, CONSIGNMENTS ANIi OUt.EE.s H E r r U T O R. p. Bt XTOv. ]'>q.. H. C Lt rA ville; (iov Ei.t,i'. Raleigh. Di: it Wilmington: W.\tson .Meares. & GntsEt.i.v. Norfolk. ?darcli J7. 1S". j. nrsTft.^'. 51.11- TED. \s. Ca-h‘r, Faypttr- ,'SK.T P.I!m\V\ ’o.. N. Y.: .MrPiiEETEP.s w l-3mpd I\ O ,TI E Rl IE A \T ~ Visiting Baltiinoio, .slmuld fail to examine the exten sive stock of Fancy Cioods^ Hosiery, (iJloves, &e. offered for tale by FRED. FICKEY & SONS, 250 Baltimore St, It is one of the mo.st extensive in this country, and the proprietors are determined to compete with similar stocks in Northern Cities. Mavch 7. 98-3mos Floral Collejre. ensuinp Sos,i .n in this Institution will commence -inii-mau-jted lo lum will I'oceive prompt at-: I . „ , , • t„. • . ^ ! I on the 2d Wednesday inJnn y next. I The management and instrueiion of the Institution j will be under the Rev. D.iniel Joiinson and Mr. John i C. Sutherland, with an able (iorps of .Vssist.ants in all the i dej artments. The Principal ftn l liis lady will take en- i tire charge of the Boarding est.ablisliinenf. thus giving | I to the School nuire of the famii.t element. This ar- j rangeti.ent. it is believed, will greatly advance the use- I fulness of the Instiiiition. M. C. McNAIK, I Sec’y Board of Trustees. | Dec’r 20 "7- i A. D. i\, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Sr.MMHKVlLLi:, X. c., ILL attend the ’our:- of ruiubevl itid. Miiore. John- st in and Harnett (N)uiitie-‘. P(; ».\I1*'J' attention ^.ven 'o tlie colii ctiou of all claims entrusted to his carp. Dec'r 2't, 1 ‘ .'.‘i. 7b-ly RORV nc:\AIR, •Ittorney and Counsellor at KjUiv^ LU.MBr.P.TON, V. C. il.L >.:teiid and practice in the' "ounty an i Superior M ' .:Ls of 'on, Richmond iind Cumberland. A I. ' ten’i' n 1 c Hection- puncturilly remitted. Oa. I), iC5lf I .IOH\ P. FI LLER, -\ttorney and Couiifllor at I.aw, •' li t PH‘.‘ Tirr 1-: Tt! ' .rn r- or Uobeson, ( nmberlnnd, Columbus and Bl.'tden. Oflii--H at Lunibertoii, I'lobe.S'.n t'j., fj. July -S, Ibo.) ii'jtf K. :fl. ORRELL. ~ TUaPEWTI"JF. L^.^PECTOa. Those .M-ndlncr th 'ir Spirits Tiirpciitine to mo may r*ly i;t> it to li^'vc pi-o:ii|ii aii'l careful attention. My ware!io'i>e^ arc frontin;^ the wharxes and near the Constant 1} .'Uiiniifarturin;. pVldlY V.' h .‘^addles. at my Kstablishmont, and Trunk VAUiKTY OF harness, lie.-, (’..liars. Whips kinds of l eather. Skins and Oil: ' "iidiiioii powdf-rs, lor iii«eased Horses and Cattle: i’oach Tiin'.tnin^s. Carpet B;igs. Valises, Sad.llery. Hardware, ic. The lar;rest stock in the State, sold wholesale or ret.iil. at the lowest New York prices. Harness and Saddles repaired. JAMES WILSON. No. 5 Market st. Wilmington, N. C., neartiie Wharf. Oct. r.t. ISjO. 6'.»-lypd. A^RTil €A ROLIA A E7fADR V .\ \ D maciiIiM: works: EKERCKS cV RAEDER, SLCCKSSOHS TO N. BO Y I) !■: N ct S 0N, ILL rONTINUE to manufac'ure and keep JO.MiWlliL!' iillii! ^:^!OeLN. .71ale and Female. hand all .\filliClLTlli\L I1II’LF,1IE\TS V’t r 1!^, 1858. 45tf 11. OKAI1A31, WILMINGTOX, C. Al’^lLL give jjrompt and jiersonal attention to all con- M '.^^nnients of .-'pirits Turpentine, Rosin, Tar and I line, ind all country producc for sale. Oltice u[. st 'iirs. over the store of Mr. Vonglahn, > ' ii- Lutterloh's Wliarf, .North Water street. 1;;; 2’’)tf JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM, i o II :?i I K I o A .N D Forwarding Merchant^ li*iim i n^i^ton, C. I Miide heretofore. A full assorttnent of Rev. WM. L. VAN EATON, A. M., Principal. | [’’.r^lghellers, .^tmw nnrVeed-Cutter., DANir.L L. CL.V^, Assistant. j Hyise-l’owers, Seed-Sowers, Miss LUCY J. ARM FIELD, in charge of the Female ; Threshers, Cider and Sug.ir Mills, Department. j Thresher and Separators. They al>o manufacttire Miss ROCINDA J. DOUGIIEUTY, in charge of the j SHAFIIXG AXD xMACHIXERY Miss SARAH DOUGliERTY!7rchargeof the Painting ' for Grist Mills, Circular and Vertical Saw Mills, Gold I Copper and Silver Mines, Tobacco Presses and Fixtures v^C., &c., IROX AXD BHASS CASTINGS. all the departments of instruction filled with efficient and experienced teachers. (.)ur buildini;s are large, commodious and well fur- THE 31st Session of these prosperous and growing Schools opened the 1st W'ednesday in January, with nished with .\ppavatus. Globes, Maps, &c., situated in a beautiful grove, at a suitable distance apart. COST, PER SESSION OF TWENTT-ONK WKEK''.. Board, including every thing except candles, SOand S7 English branches, JIO and S12 Latin, Greek and advanced Mathematics, Slii I Music, 5^20 . , ■ . . „ . I Painting, in oil, ?10 k-iT} rompt por-on il attention given to all Con.sign- ; Contingent fee, $1 ■ iind Cash adv;incos made on Produce to be shipped i for further particulars address the Principal, (and ports or sold in this market. ; Catalogues will be sent,) at Joneaville, Yadkin Co., N. C. Jany 20, 1860, 86-8tn 12, 1855. 67tf FORGINGS and FINISHED WORK of every descrip tion maile to order, .and warranted in every respect Repairs of every description of .Machinery done at sliort notice. .Salisbury, N. C., Jan y 2, I860. 88-8m A €ARd7 A WORD TO MY OLD FRIENDS— 1'^HOSE persons for whom I have been attending to Banking business for years;—1 am still willing to serve you with the same promptness that I have always done; and to others that may want discounts. Pension business, &c., &c I oflFer my services, with a promise of strict attention. JAS, G. COOK. June 27, 186i}. 2Gtf By TWO DOIIRS \BOVK ('. T. inidll i SOXS’ STDRK F.iyeUevillr, V. 8- FAVETTEVILLK miiAL i.\si:iA\€t: company. AS3KTS $254,618.62. 'HIS Company h.as been in operation more than six 'years, and has paid its tire losse.®, amounting to i^23..521.S7 without any assessment; insurr.-'oe averag- ng its members about 4 perccnt. Amount of property now insured, SI,490.01 Amount premium notes now on hand, 247,7o8.08 DiB;:cTi)Us. Trunks; Oak & Hemlock Sole Leather; Calf, Goat, Lining & Binding Skins; Lasts; Spara bles; Shoe Findings and Tools of all kinds. ■ Our Stock being bought for cash at reduced prices, will be offered correspondingly low for cash, or to prompt customers. March 15, 1800. 900-0w Geo. McNeill, 1>. A. Rny, H. L. Myrover. .S. W. Tillinghast, Henry Lilly, N. A. Stedman, S. J. Hinsdale, T S. Lutterlob, Wm. McLauriti, S. T. Hawley, W. N. Tillinghast, A. A. McKethan, J. D. Williams, Jas. 0. Cook, A. W. Steel, Jas. Kyle, Hon. J. G. .Shepherd, R. F. Brown, Wilmington. A. E. Hall, Wilmington. Officers: GEO. McNElLL, President. D. A. R.\Y. Vice President. C. A. Mc.MILL.AN, Secretary John Collins and C. C. McCrummen. Travelling Agents. The Conip.iny invite applications. May 19, 1859. 10-Y Xew ^prin^ Goods. ALEX. J0e:¥S03f, Jr. H.AS received in part, and ii daily receiving, a large and desirable stock of SPRllVO GOODS, Lmbra.:ing ail the newe-t Miy;es of Ladies’ Uress Goods, Shawls, Lucc Pointb, Maiitillaa, Embroideries, 6lc. —ALSO— —A fine assortment of— Gcntlcnien’.s Slimmer Goods, and Ready-M'ide bonnets tind Miliinory Good- of all kinds. •Marcl' 15. I.MFORTATION FOR 18G0. W. inAC IXTVf .jii — HAS RECEIVED— Superfine Clotlis; Best Doe-skin Cassiniere. \black;) Fancy Cassimercs; 11 wool Tweeds; Sattinets; Kentucky Jeans: Plain and Corded Frendi Drap-d’efe; Si'k Velvets; black Satin Vesting: White and colored Linen Drilling; Gauze Flannels; Canton Flannels. Just to hand, An invoice of BONNETS, RIBBONS, RUCHES, FRENCH ARTIFICIALS, WRE.VlHS, HEAD-DRESSES, &c. Fayetteville, March 5, 1860. 97-6w Poisons in Liquors.—The extensive adultera tion of liquors otiered in the market as pure, and the introduction of poisonous ingredients into those which are pronounced healthful, may well excite alarm, and call for the attention of our Legislature. Why there should be so much brain fever, delirium tremens^ and so much sudden death among our young men who indulge at the bar, cannot be explained upon any common prin ciples. An expert chemist of this city bought of an importer a bottle of what was called genuine champagne. Analyzation proved it to contain one quarter of an ounce of sugar of lead I The same gentleman analyzed sixteen samples of wines—Port, Sherry and Madeira—in which not out d I op of the juice of the grape was found. The basis of the port wine was diluted sulphuric acid, colored with elderberry juice, with alum, sugar, and neutral spirits. The basis of the slier- ry wine was a pale malt, sulphuric acid from bit ter almonds, with a per centage of alcoholic spirits from brandy. The Madeira wine was a dccoction of hops, sulphuric acid, honey, Jamaica spirits, kc. In March, 1855, the Legislature of Ohio ap pointed Dr. Hiram Cox, of Cincinnati, chemical inspector of liquors for that State. Since that period he has examined 6U0 lots of ditferent va rieties, and found 9U per cent, of the whole com posed of base and poisonous ingredients. Sul phuric acid, nitric acid, caustic potassa, brucine and other deadly pVisons, he has found entering into them as component parts. Liquors he has analyzed in presence of Courts, and caused jurors on the spot to condemn the vendors. New York Commercial. GUAMO. “'A TONS No. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO, .iu.st received OU and for s.alo by JOS. UTLEY. Fayetteville, Jan'y 30, 1860. 88tf DENTISTRY. I^R. J. D.VVIS having decided on perma- THE :\ORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE IXSUIIANCE (OMPANl, "YyoW in tli» tenth year of successful operation, yith grooving capital and firmer hold upon public con fidence, continues to insure the lives of all healthy per sons from 14 to CO years of age. for one year, for seven years, and for life—all life members sharing in the profits. All slaves from to GO years of age are insured for i extensive experience, to which i« added a thorough Den- one year or for five ve.-irs for two-thirds their value. nently locating in the Town of Fayette ville, respectfully offers his services to the citizens of this place und surrounding country. In all the various branches of his Profession, including the manufacture of Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an All lossoff arc ’.nnctually paid within 90 days after satisfactovy j roof is presented. For furlherinformfltiontheptibiic is referred to Agents of the Company in all parts of the State, and to R. H. BATTLE. Secretary, Raleigh. E. J. H.ALE, Agent at .1 Town uii a Luke.— Rev. \V. C. Smith, pre siding eitler ol tiic Indiana coiilerciico, gives the lohowing atcoiiiii of Morg.uitown, in t.iat tslato, one oI the peculiuriucs of v.uieli *s liiat u is bunt on a hike; W’e le.ni of a -‘citv set upon a hill,’ but Mi>r- ' guiituwn, in my d i. Maims upon a L> id 'lliis was not knuu ii i'-i . .number ot yi-ai.s alter the I town was suttieu. 'J 1il di.scuv vy w i.s luade t>y di;^ging wells to procure a ftili MJj.j.ly «d' water 'Ihe huppiy ot water in the w ,i> A lnci* had Oecn , used, latiing in the dry season, a lew years fsince, ! one ot the citizens concluded to sink a well ; deeper, and see if lie could not st! ike a stronger : vein. When some ilurLy-live or forty leet below ! tlie surffice of the earth, the man at work in the ; well suddenly struck his pick through ,i .;rust; j the water gushed up with such rapidity that with ; ditfculty he was saved by the men at tlie wind- I lass, in a few momenta the water was some tif- i teen feet deep in the well. In two or three in- i stances afterward, men were near being lost by coming suddenly to this inexhaustible fountain of j water. Wells have been sunk in different parts I of the town, re jiote from each other, and 1 be- I lieve forty feet is the greatest depth to reach this lake. Lead lines have been dropped into 8everal of ! these wells, but no bottom has been found. In : digging down to this lake, they invariably pass I through strata of sand, leaves, and timber, re sembling drift wood. 'J his is some twenty feet below the surface of the earth. After passing through these strata, a stratum of hard clay is found, and when within some eighteen inches of the lake a hard crust is reached, which is a .>ure indi cation that they art near the water. When they reach this crustvthey couimcnce a wall thereon, ' carrying it to the top of the well, then put uown a large auger, and boro a hole to tho water, which Jan’y 18C-o. Fayettev'lle. N. C. Hardware, Cutlery, !>iA»»Lii:RY, A:c. JAMES M.ARTINE is now receiving a large and gene ral assortment of every thing in tlie above line. | —ALSO— ; A prime article of Rio, Laguira and J.ava COFFEE I Crushed and Brown SUG.^R; Sugar House SIRUP and ! MOLASSES. ! All of which is offered on as good terms as can be had j in this market. i Nov’r 24, 1858. 6Gtf j tal education, that he can give entire sa'.isfaction as far as is in the power of Dentistry. All irregularities of the ! Teeth treated in a proper and carcful manner, as well as ' diseases of tiie mouth. None but the prop**'- metals are . ^ I made use of in tlie vai-ious operations. Charges will be •rushes up with great force, filling the well Iroin j moderate, that the benefits of the Profession may be fifteen to twenty feet in a few niinutes. When j placed within the reach of all who may feel an interest . ^uger strike.s the lake, the atmosT'herr; Lursts i in the preservation of the Teeth. i s . , . • . Office over Houston’s Jewelry Store, where he may be found at all times. 9tf STOVES, SHEET IROIV, TI.\-WAKi:, &c- ON ILVND, a large as.sortment of Box and Cooking Stoves: Tin-ware; Sheet-Iron; Lead Pipe. Also The **Old Itotninion Voffti For sale by JAMES MARTINE. Not’f 24. 66tf May 10, 1858. B()()K^BlTDr>^ ' ’ IN all its kinds, executed with neatness and despatch Small jobs when done must be paid before delivered THOS. H. TILLINGHAST. Opposite the P'emale High School, Hay .Street May 14, 1869. 14-ly PAI!¥TS, OTLS, ~ SPERM, Refined, Lard, Linseed and Tanners’ OIL, White Lead; Burning Fluid; Putty; Window Glass and Sash of all sizes. —ALSO— A fresh supply of POND’S PAIN DESTROYER. For sale by JAMES MARTINR. .Nov-r 24, 1858. up for a few seconds, producing a .st uiid resemb* ling very much the blowing off of stcjm l*rom an engine. I have not given all the particulars of what has been discovered of this mysterious lake. I^nough is known to settle it beyond a doubt that the whole town stands upon a lake underground. 66tf Webster’s Elementary Spelling Book, for s*l* by E* J* HALE & SON. Andy Jokimon and Senator Clarke.—Senator Johnson, of Tennessee, the other day called Mr. Clarke.of New Hampshire, to accountlor a specch lately delivered by him, in which he disparaged the enterprise and Industry of Tenncs.see, and pa raded statistics to show the nuniher of liogs, cattle, horses, &c., his State produced over New Ilanip- shire. Mr. Clarke’s only reply was an ad- j mission that Tenr?es.see produced more horses, mules and assps than his own State. Mr. John son looked around inquiringly, while Swiatorn smiled. V ,;KI, f P- >;it

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