mum i. Auctioneer, i LAND FOB s»lE. kiiowii as, .1 ar.isare^Ithou.doMbt,!;® V lirp locAtftfi »»* the L*.st si.Ie of the Ca^ mdnv.rably adapted toT, Men of It . arerage 30 ^ ^ bout LOO acres are cleared of cottou, besides prolf. be surpassed any y,. !s of corn to the acre, and B countr;, ■ suuated wi.hij u ur ilmin-tou- with 1-never surpassed, niak^, ^mKapll Farm in,1;, i acrr, ,• • V »•'' ti:e “White ^ >^bove , w;lf v": ■ -v... ^ - -1. >■ ''.UCNA^ « MI.K. ' ^ ' ^ • - I'or-nl,. J. .‘inir l’i;:rie,fi.^(„’ er. . n' .;ir> i’>. . ^ •“■■■- ■ acr.,3 ' •• ! in . h^-nlthv r ' ’>»lf a ■ . i„ . ' ' • ' ' H.Jranttpp ' ' ■' -• '■••■ " nrrei- „f tii;; ^ ; .J - " ^ p-‘r:-..n of ic ■ S' I hi N- C- : ;;s-:-. Buyers. - ■ ' ‘ ■ g.; region, ■ ' the Fay 1 :i : . , Euv,.r. tUKs OF LIND, ‘ 'ate of (i,-..r!7» -■ - -U-h fnv: rp o..unty. : growth of o mi, . -n are .:•. t.:. ],' nd neces«- ■ ■■^ ‘ iCi’es- unUev a.. f iievei .£: . = p ; »l ;i« wi;’; ; ^ a; iiU'li-ti-jie'ilv i V !■> \:r M M. M R ,e, - ty, ir ad'j -:js .le at hA , i ■ i I.:•*. !cc' i ■ i i;} ’S KYK WHISKEY. .i- ;; :. w,. IJr r;! y --,ir >vith h.3 Oiu V l,:ii a* hii • or r .11 IT Kl?l»ORT*!), iU\ OF ITTLE’S EQIITI, le *2. ♦ • i > L'i r j;: ;on of !§?S 4:ie series,, 'iC' - 'ftses and I.. H Is-: -. ;d wjth ' 1- V i Bat'Ie's ’ 'ri«, haye ra- •1 ; 10 ■erei-5 5 l«i ■ >11 To ihv -t. are : » I.-ei.-i; -. : .:'s exmnt : '^'V can nv w • ,r De- i •u’ , V ! jcir Cl il VlE > iN d'OC K IAT!«)N£IIY. c&i^aneous Books; Book ; slope? &c. i 'LE .? ^'>N — III Almanac Ibr :: . - I ! : 1. .■ • - Hti'l Frcai-'h- - !.. . ’ - : ’i lie S.icift- : Irv ~ k; tch Books . K >...! !-! . ic. Ii»- •■.I*.-. f icer#Vir ■1. '. ■ ..r; Davies' li \ I.I-. ^ S'A. rne^'* lor ^ale. - lor six,, .1: :i dourile . ■•. i.. , ;y new. . fl kL:^. devs tla;^a:Kiiies rec d. iN. I 1 ^ t in it. ■ ;;i iti'i - A . ; ■ ‘ ry of I itlier iit 4 3t fraph} of Kev. Joseph LM'J' :it ot the L'liiver- .1 lIM.E & SON', ixine for April* * .1 liAl.E .V .SON. ^jlale*» Hislory, t: .1 11 \1,K .V .'-'ON. ;il C %ROlA.'% :!• ' •• r- ilii- >;nder'ipned 1. i - lid I'ounty, A. E. •, ! 1:. .if l.-iw, that he , II, - It l.y II. -McNeill, for U- 1 U... 'y days after date. >f. W ' ,1 wa(- a crpdit of F'ivr 1j ’'OS. February ill :i^_' iinsl trading of . >gi»inii paying it to A. E. -McLEAN- ifore me, W J Sn'ART, J. P. 6*2t B SEMI-WEEKLY. [VOL. IX.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. APRIL 12, I860. [NO. 908.] PRINTED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS EDWARD J. HALE & SON, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS Piicc for the Semi'Weekly Odseeveh S3 00 if pnid in advancc; S3 60 if paid during '.he year of subscrip- ;ion, or SI after the year has expired. For :ho Weekly Obsuevsb §2 00 per anaum, if paid in advancc; S2 50 if paid during the rear of subscrip tion; or S3 00 after the year expired. B®* ADVERTISLMENTS inserted fo’’ CO ccnts per jquare of I'i liues for the first, and 30 cents for each succeeding publicaiion. ^ eirly advertisements by spe cial contracts, at reasonable rr*tcs. Advertisers arc requested tc state the nUttber of insertions desired, or thev will be continued till forbid, and charged accord- Ingly. Advcriisements to be inserted tnn'sfe, charged 60 per cent extra. SPECIAL NOTICE. From and after this date, no n.'ime of a new subscriber wi'.l be entered without payment in advance, nor will the paper be sent to such subscrAers for a longer lime ihnn is paid for. Such of our old subscribers as desire to take the pa- j uer on this system will please notify us when making r''n:ittr.nces. Jan’y 1, 1858. Thousands are daily speaking in the praise of DR. EATON'S INFANTILE CORDIAL, and why? b'^cause it nmr faxU to afnrd initantanecxu rtlief when given in time. It acts as if by mngic, and one trial alone will convince you that what we say is true. It contains AO PAREGORIC OR OPIATE :f a'.y kind, and therefore relieves by rtm'^’>iny the sufj’tr- tn .'i 01 your child, instead of by doadfmng x'.s itnsxbtlitie*. F r this reason, it commend^ itself as the only reliable ^ra^araiion now known for Cblldreu Teething Diar rhoea, Dysentery, Grlpiug iu the Bowela, Acidity vf the stomach, >Viiiii, Culd in the Head, and Croup, also, for softemnj thf gunia, reducing inflammijtion, •■f? (fir BoueU, and relin t;iy pain, it has no equal —Leiug an anti-tpa»m:die it is ustil with unfniling tueceu • i; all cises of Courulsiou or other Fit*. At you i.i it :he lij- and health :>/ your children, and with to tave ’.Ktrri tcJ and bliyh'inj conseq^.-'nces which are —; ji I !'■ rault from ih - use ‘ nar^oti::, .f tcKich all other tor Infannie Complamtt are C'mpoted, take none tu; Dr. Katou’a Infautiie Cordial; thij you can rely uL ' It is perfectly harmleii, and cannot injure th«> z.zi: Jelicate infant P'*ice, 2o cents. Full directions w:;xsanv each bottle. Prcpjired oniv hv CHIKI II i DI PONT, No. 409 Bro.adway, New York SPRING STOCK FOR 1860. The subscribers faava in Store, and are now receiving a very large STOCK of etOODSi, in their line, direct fVom the Manufacturers in Europe and Tmporters and Ageuts in this Country. Among which may be found: 100 Tons of best Swedes Iron from li to 12 in. 800 Doj. Pocket Knives; 600 “ Table Knives and Forksj 300 “ Mill Saw and other Files; 60 “ Frying Pans; 30 Hand Saws; 25 Tons Hoop Iron; 10 “ Hollow-Waro; 600 Kegs of Xails, aisortad; 333 Bags of Coffee, “ 19 Hhds. and 68 bbla. Sugar; 30 J bbls. Eagle Mill Snuff; 125 Boxes Rose Hill “ 50 Ke*fs best Sup. Carb. Soda. Together with a complete aisortment of other articles sold in a Grocery and Hardware Store. All of which are ofifered to the Trade for Cash, or on the usual time to prompt dealers, at prices to compete with New York Jobbers GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. Fayetteville, Feb’y 22, 1860. 94tf Spring €roods. Sf~ARR & VVLLLIAMS, —Are now receiving their— SPRIi\G SUPPLY, embracing a very large stock of staple Sl Fine Dress Goods, Hats, Bonnets, Bloomers, Boots, Shoe% Ready-.Tlade Cloth ing, Umbrellas, Parasols, With a kirge variety of NOTIONS, to which the atten- tijn of wholesale buyers is respectfully solicited. SHEETINGS of various brands always on huud, and for sale at Factory prices. J. B. STARR J. M. WILLIAMS. March 6, 1860. 98tf D. & W. MeLAURIN» WOULD invite attention to their large and dttlr«blc Stock of GROCERIES, Consisting iu part of— 150 Bags Rio, Lap^ira and Java Coffee; 100 Bbls. and Hhds. Sugar (assorted;) 25 Hhds. Molasses; 30 “ Bacon—Sides and Shoulders; 500 Sacks Salt; 150 Boxes good Tobacco; 125 “ Sperm, Adamantine & Tallow Candles; 50 “ Soap (assorted;) 50 “ Candy “ 100 Bags Shot “ 1000 lbs. Bar Lead; SO Bbls. Snuff—Eaglo Mills; 25 Kegs Soda; 250 “ Nails. —ALSO— A largo and general assortment of Hardware and Cutlery; Farming Utensils, of all descriptions; American, English, Swedes and Peruvian Iron; Blister, German and Cast Steel; Blacksmiths’ Tools; Coopers’ Do.; Corn Shellers and Straw Cutters; Buckets, Brooms and Pails; Cotton, Manilla and Jute Rope, (all kinds and quality;) Plow Lines and Bed Cords; *Hc’low Ware; C )tton Yarns and Sheetings at factory prices. All of which will be sold low roa cash, or on uiual time to prompt paying customers. £^“Coc.vtht Meuchaxts are respectfully requested to call and examine our slock before purchasing else where. D, k W. McLAURlN. March 3, 1850 93tf H •Fames Kyle .\3just received hit .SPRING AND SUMMER SUP PLY of DRY GOODS, Healthy human Blood upon being ANALYZED | .■^.lys presents us wi:h the =ame e?=oniinl elements \ ”d eives of course tho rue .Staiidai'd. Analyze iiie B'li d of a person ^uffti inc: from ‘Jonsumpiion, Liver , C Tiplaint, Dyspepsia, .-crofui i. > c. and find in every i ince certain d'ficttnc-.iS in tlie red gl /bules of Blood. - tpply these deficicncie=. and you are mide well. The BSuod Foort is founded upun this Theory—hence its astonibhing success. There arc FIVE PREPAR/.TIOrV^S ad' ''ed to dc'liciviicics oi the Liood in diiicrcnt diseases. , For 4 old«, liroitrliiliv ■ any affec- tion whatever of the 'I’llfont or iiiduuing 4 Uli^i^lliptioil, useNo. 1, whicii ?ilso the No. for 3>«'|»rc-^iuii ut k.i«x u( %{*peii!e, and for all 4 liroilic Compl;iill S arising from Over-IIS , iicMi«‘r:ii l>el>i!ily. nn i '%«rvoii« 'y I for I ii i-V Coiupliiiiics. N 3. tor Dv«|>epkiil. B- ' j j,rep:rtd for '''■j;--yiion it is 'I'akO:! hy i'.n 1 c.'irried im- i, tttdy int.j tie .j n. u \i>ii (jmn '. U r •’) Tlie No 4 i~^ f.-.v I'* illJllc* 1 llyvlerini \Veakii'>«. A*’ See-pooal di- . u.s ;or ihib. Kor*:iit lCli(‘iiiii, Ki tip>i(>ii«, r rofiiloiiv KidiifV. '• c:.m- plaii:iks N > o. li! ill c •; - t!ic diiccr-on-mix ■ iirioily followed. Piico of tiic Ulou-.i Footl SI . per t j- 'le. Sold ’ y cntp.rii i ni POM. No. l5ro:i'Iwny. New York. A' .1 hv ."ill respesruViC Dru.g'. jts :i,i uu^iiout ihe country. ^ ‘ 1 ■, l^o’) ' My Cough,. 'jo'.D®, iloAnsKM ss and Is- FLvnNZ ' , IitEiTATio.v, ^our.XES,=, or any :ili'eoiion of tiie Throat C L'li Eb, the Hack ' iN'G .'ouGH in CoN.>;uMPn.>.N, Bbovchit;^, 1 "HoorixG C‘'CGH. .', Catarkh, i RKLILVKD \v BRO'VNI'RON'JIilAL TROiJiii S, or CoCQH Lozt.vGEs. "A simple and ri*nant combw^‘''>n fr^r Cororf'’, &c. D.-. G. F. J5iot;i.MW, Boston. "1 Tteommend their me to PfELiC SPKAKr.B.s.” Rev. E. II Chapix, New Y’ork. Men talutar*, rehef in Bboxchitis.” Rev. S. Seigfuied, Morristown, Ohio. "Bmef^ml uhen compelled to tpeak, suffering from Cold.’' Rev. i. J. P Asuerso.v, St. Louis. "Effectual in rerncving Hoarseness and Irritation of the Tr.roai, so common with Spkakciis and Sixgebs.” Prof. M. ST.\CV JOHNSON, LaGrange, Ga. , Teacher of Music, Southern Female Collogo. ’ "Great benefit vihen taken before and ofier vrtaching, a they prevent Iloarsmess From their pa^t t^'ect, 1 think they x:ill It of permanent adcantoge to me." Uev E. Rowley, A. M , President Athens College, Tenu. Sold by all Druggists, ai 545 cents p?r box. Also, Browx's Laxxtive TaociiES, or Cathartic Loz enges, for Dyspepsia. Indiges'.ion, C’-nstipution, Headache, Bilious Affections, ^c. Jan’v 26. 1800. 8b-3m —among which are— Summer and other Silks, Printed Lawns, Double Skirt Robes. Single ditto. Prints, real French. British and DomMtio, Irish Linens. Diapers, &o.. Bolting Cloths; With a very largo assortment of all kinds of Goods gen erally kept in wholesale and retail Stores; all of which are offered at wholesale and retail—CHE.-^P. March ii4, 1860. 3tf •Vo. 34 Hay Streets J. K. KYLE Is now receiving his Spring and Summer Stock of STIPLE .Wll DSV GOODS, .^mong which mt*y be found the following articles, at prices which will prove satisfactory to the purchaser: Dress Goods in pieces, consisting of Muslins, Lawns, Ginghams. Prints. Bereges, Black and White Challies, Silks. &c., &c. In ROBES the following line: Lawn Robes, Double and Sinple Skirts, Berege do, Gingham do.. Lace Points, Shawls and Mantillas in profusion. Ribbons, Hosiery and Gloves, Spool Cotton, Hats and Caps, Boots and .Shoes. .Ml of which will be offereJ very low Call and ex- a " no ''hirjr*" f>r looVirj J K. KYLF Jilarch 14. i860. 2if lliTS, t'lf'fi, BIIOTS un SIKIES. J. C. THO.nSOX AI'^OULD bee leave to inform his friends and ;us> W tomers that he is now prepared to offer them one of tho l.irgest and greatest variety of Spring and Summer Goods In Iiis line, th.if he ha's ever offered them. E.mbiacing :i great rnricty of Fasiiionable styles of Hats, laps. Boots and ^lioes, including tho Copper-Toed Siioe for chihlren and yoiitlie. ’ whicii he flatters himself tliey will find it to their advantage to examine before purcluising elsewhere, :is he is disposed to sell cheap for C.VSII J. C. THOMSON. .March 24, 1860. 3-4w H re:woval. E. €^L.01^ER^ VVATCU MAKER AND JEWELER. Has removed two Doors West of his cld stand, fo the store adjoining D. VV, McLaurin's, where lie has re ceived a huge addition to his former Stock, atid he in- liis old customers and the public to cal! and ex amine his .^EW ST(JRE and NEW GOODS, and assures them he will sell anything in his line as chcap as can be purchased at ar.y other Store Norili or South. —Among his Stock can be found— Gold and Silver Watches of all prices and quali ties; Gold and Silver Chains. Seals and Keys; Bracelets, Breast Pins and F2ar Rings; Gold Lockets, Gold Pens and Pencils, kc., &e.; Fine and Common Pistols, Silver and Plated Ware of all kinds; a handsome stock of Clocki; all kinds of Mili tary Goods, and every thing wanted in his line. SfriT' Particular attention paid to Watch Repairing. March 7. 1860. 98-3m LARGE $l$TOCK! NEW GOODS!! I H.WE just received my Winter Stock of Goods in my line. They were selected in tho Northern cities by myself, with great care, and bought on the most rea sonable terms, by which I am enabled to offer the larg est stock I ever b«.“toro offered to the public, and to offer them Ai Greativ Reduced Prices! FRUITS; Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Apples, Lemons, Oranges, Cher ries, Currants, Pie Fruits, .Stuff Dates, Citron, &c. PICKLES.JELLlESiJt PRESERVES; —A great variety.— Perfumeries and Extracts, Of various kinds; Fancv Soaps and Pomades. MUSIC A L IN ST RUM ENTS; Fiddies, Drums, Fifes, Flutes. Banjos, Guitars, &c. Walking canes, of every kind; Basket and Willow Wire, Hobby Horses, ic. FL\E AND COMMON CANDIES; Sardines; Fine Cigars; Smoking and Chewing Tobacco; Crackers; Fine Pocket Knives; a large assortment of Port-Monaies. some very nice; Fancy Envelopes and Fancy Goods; Toys and Yankee Notions; an assortment of India Rubber Goods, W'hips, Combs: Fishing Tackle; Cocoa and Other .\ut«. FANCV GOODS; Palerramer'. Reiicules, Cab?. Rubber Round Combs, Wfitch Guards—Mohair. Silk and Leather, Fancy B;xes. Pist■>!«, Powder Flasks, Sli«t Belts. Brandy Peaches—iiw gallon or half gallon jars, Mace, Cloves, ''inn inion. Large Lot of Fire Works, jcc., i:c., kc., , i;c , J£c , ic. Spiced and Norfolk Oysters constantly on hand. Country dealers and the public arc respectfully in vited to c.ill and exaniine iny stock, as it is impossible (0 eaaaiei.'iie bu a few ot liie leading articles. I have a groat many handsome things which cannot fail to pleajc. J. R. I.EE, Nj. VJ, Hotel B: iluixo. Dec 3. 1859 72- W. C. TROY .■V3 just rcccived liiis ino’ iiing, from Steamer North Trustees’ Sale* By virtue of a Deed of Trust executed to the under- I signed for the purposes therein specified, we will offer for s.ale, on TUESDAY* the 30th inst., the follow ing REAL AND PERSONAL ESTATE, vii: House and Lot near Cool Spring, at present occupied by Mrs. Hartman. Store House on South aide Hay street, occupied by ! Jas. W. Home. Store House on North side Ilay street, occupied by j “North Carolina Presbyterian.” i 873 acres of Land on Morganton Road, joins Charles ' Munrott’s land. j 136 acres of Land on Lumberton Road, about four i miles South of Fayetteville. | 300 acres in Moore county, formerly belonging to | Anderson Jones. 11J acres in Campbellton, corner of Russell St. Lots Nos. 16 and 17, t>n which there is a new Ware- House. Two-sevenths of 7 acres near mouth of the creek. 265 acres on the East side of Cape Fear River known as the Island place. 60 acres of improved land on the East side Cape Fear River. 1 unimproved Lot on Hay Street, joins C. T. Haigh | & Sons, on the East. 1 unimproved Lot, corner of Old and Burges Streets. 1 unimproved Lot on the West of Burges Street. 1 unimproved Lot on Hay Mount, near the U. S. Ar senal, known as the Grove. | 1 Store House, Person Street, South side 24 IVEGROES, Old and Young. Men, Women & Children. | Bank Stock. Plank Road Stock, Rail Road Stock, &c. ' Horses and Mules. Hogs, Cows and Calves, and other i articles. Terms at Sale. WM. McL McKAY, THOS, C. FULLER Fayetteville, April 9. 7-ts yWWiT^ix I OFFER for sale 640 Acres of LAND, lying on the West side of Cape Fear River, two miles below Fay etteville. and extending from the river into the sand hills. This tract is about equally divided into river- ridgi*, swamp and sand-hill Land. .■Vbout 80 acres, adjoining the river, are under cultivation and are well suited to the growth of Corn and Grass: none of the Swamp hag been cleared. There are several good sites for a dwelling house on the sand-hills. Any person wi.«hing to purchase will do well to make early appli cation, as I have determined to sell. Tlie above Land, if not previously sold, will be offer ed at AUCTION, at the Market House in Fayetteville, on the 8th day of May, 1860. If desired, it will be di- videil into Two Tracts, each containing the advantages of River, Swamp and Sand-hill. From the report of an Engineer, who wt- employed to find the difference of level of the Swamp, it is establisheQ that drainage may be effected at moderate expense. For additional in formation apply to Mr. Sami. W, Tillinghast, or to the subscriber. THOMAS J. ROBINSON. -April 4, 1860. 6-ts A GE.n! Tlie Xew Style. Small, COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS, AT Taiiomdvir* Gallery. Trustees. ^^Squlrc, wliat is the meaning ot such a crowd in front cf Woodward’s?” “fie bas Jast received bis SPRI.VG STOCK, and I suppose tbej are there making their selec* tlonsl” This season the style of Coats is Double and Single BREASTED, with Large Sleeves; PANTS, LARGE LEGS; Vest Double r.nd Single Breasted. > .\ My Stock is now complete and ready for inspection by nil those who mny wish well made and fitting garments. Call and make your selections before the Stock is picked over CATALOGUE OF DIFFERENT VA RIETIES. Black Cloth Coats, Single and Doablo Breasted. Silk Mixture Suits. Cassimere Suits. Frencil Hr. d’Ete, Imlfation Dr. d'Eto. Black Alpacca Frocks and Sacks. Tweeds in Saits. Cattonade in Suits, linen Frocks and Sacks. Linen Dusters, five different varieties. Black Doesliin Pants. Extra supply of Fancy Cassimeres. Drap d’Ete, French Ribbed. >Tbite Drilling. >avy Duck and Marseilles. A supply of Youth’s Cassimere Suits. Also, pants for Boys from 7 to 14 years old, VESTS of every style and varieties for the Season. Special attention is called to a NEW .STYLE SHIRT never introduced in this Market before this season. Extra supply of Gauze Flannel and Merino finish Under Shirts. A large supply of Fancy Neck Ties, Collars, Suspenders, Ho* slery. Gloves, Trunks, Valises & Car* pet Bags. A 1 tho above goods will be Sold low for Cash, or on j lime to all those who pay their Dills when presented. P. .S. Don't forget that my FRENCH TAILOR is ready fo make up at any time Clothing for any Gentle- ; men who wish to have them made to order. Call at any time at the ONE PRICE CLOTHING STORE and I leave your measure and your ordc-r.s will be filled and | satisfaction g.iaranfied. S&‘ Market Square, Two Doors below Hinsdale’s Drug Store. ! A. J. WOODWARD. April 9, I860. 7-2m A.\.\tAI^ :tieetii%g. The .Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Fay etteville and Western Plank Road Company will take place in Fayetteville, on THURSDAY’ the 26th D.\Y of .\PRIL, (in^'tant.) As many important c^estions will be brought before the meeting in relation to the Road, such as the sale of a part of the Company’s Road, the abandonment of another, &c., &c., it is urgently requested that all the Stock of the Company be represented either in person or by proxy. By order. JNO. M. ROSE, Clerk, F. & W. p. R. Co. April C, ISiiO. 7-tm Fish. 20 ART. Woodward’s Solar Camera. BBLS. No. 3 MACKEREL. 16 do. No. 1 MULLETS, in oak bbls. 25 do. HERRING. For sale by PEMBERTON & SLO.AN. April 6, 1860. G-lm 1)H0T0GRAPHS can be had at Vanorsdell’s Skylight , "I ~ 1 Gallery, Hay street, opposite Marble Y'ard, Fay- ; \.*J etteville, N. C.: plain, retouched, colored, in water colon, oil and pastile; from small to life size. Auibro- types. Melaneotypex. and all other styles of Pictures pertaining to the Art. Also, Gilt Frames, Gilt Mould ing, Glass for very large pictures—as large as 26 by 8t> inches. Cord and Tassels for hanging pictures; Instru- tueiits. Stock and Chemicals for sale low for c.ish. Life siie colored Photographs made from small pictures. I Having permanently located here I hope to merit I your paironage. I would also return my sincere thanks I for 'lie libernl patronage be«row?d on me licrctolbre by I the good t5eople of Favctieville and vicinitv. I ‘ ■ C. M. VWOKSDELL, ! Photographist and Proprietor. ; Dec’r 20, 1859 77- Molasses* ~ HHD.S. prime New Crop MOLASSES, for sale bv PEMBERTON & SLOAN ’ -April 5, 1860. 6-1 m Cigrars and Tobacco* CIGARS, various brands. o'J boxes Manufactured TOB.ACCO. For sale by PEMBERTON & .SLOAN. April 5, 1800. G-lm 25,000 ai Caroiim, 0 bb!s. No. 1 Mackcrcl, new, 10 •• 3 2'i \ and f >ibls. No. 1 do. 25 bo-\es Cheese. 5 keg'* selecicd Goslion Butter. 10 bbls. l.caf Lm I 15 “ New .M':'l'’t? in onk and pine bbls. He has on hand a gener.-il assortment of GROCERIES^ wiiich will be sold cheap tor Cash or exchanged foi Country Produce. Oct. (j. 1?*5 >. 55tf Glue and Spirits Barrels. CIONSl' vNTLV on hand by / E. F. .MOORE. Feb’y 20. i4t-98tf To Turpentine Distillers. The highost Casu price paid for Sl’lUlI'S TURPEN- TLV13 by K. F .MOORE. Feb’y 2 ). i4t-93tf Bacon and Corn. OAAA ot GOOD CURN; /C vUU 15,0U0 lbs. well-smoked BACON. For sale by E. F. MOORE. Feb’y 20. i4t-93if « Guano! Guano!! ^AA BAGS No. 1 GUANO For sile by OUV E. F. MOORE Feb y 20. i4t-03tf E. F. iilOORl^ I COMMISSIUX MERCHANT, ^ND will keep constantly on hand every article in the “A Place for Everything’* I.V THE way of i Buildingr Materials! Lime. Cement, Calcined and Land Plnsier, Lath and : Lath Nails, Plustering Hair, .Marble Dust. Fire j Brick, Kc. &c. ' Also. Launilry, F^ily, Chemical, Pale, No. 1, and | all kindi of Fancy SO.VPS. i Freights procurel at liie best rales, and every effort made to please all who msr favor ns wiili their patron• ' age. All orders thnnkfuHy received, and atten led to ' with care and despatch. LOVEL.AND & WELriT. 881 West street. New York. Jan'y 20, 1860. 85 3mpd ~C)APT. WILKES’S REPORT 0\ THE DEt’P RIVIiR .IIIVERIL lU-i.ilh. j I^IIE undersigned have caused to he published from I , the Congressional plates, an edition of the Repon ■ of Capt. Wilkes. U. S. Navy, and his A»si)ci:it:s on the ! Board appointed by the Secretary of the -N.ivy to ex amine the Deep River Region of North (.’arolina. Thi.-» ; is the most important «nd scientific statement of ihe great wealth o-f that section of the State, and the Maps ' the most perfect nnd valuable, of any yet published i The Map are worth the price of the work, which is 50 \ cents, neatly bound in cloth. Copies sent by mail, free | of postage, on the receipt of 50 cents. A liberal dis count to wholesale buyers. Orders soliciteil. ■ Jan’y 26. E. .1. HALE k SON. Page Suries —RECKIVED THIS WEEK,— QA BUI,S. HKAVY MKS-5 Pt)RK; 5 Hhds. BACON .'^llil-:.S; 4t00 Lbs. N C. B vrOV. hog round; SOO Bu.ihels LULNlUi COK.N. El'll. PAG!-:. S. R. SCRLES. Fayetteville. .April 4, 1830. U-2w 0 Fruits! Friiit§!! RANGES, NEW YO.HK APPLES at S3 a bushel. .1. R. LKE. No. 40, Hotel Buildings. -April 9 7tf Turpentine Distillers’ Line. Feb’y 20. i4t-93tf Further Supplies of Books. Eiquors! Liquors! Liquors! M.VCKErs .Masonic Jurisprudence; Twilight Musings | y huRNE being desirous to close out his stock by H. B. McKeever; The Fate of Sir John Frank- : -I of I Strayed or Stolen. Left my stable, on Thursday l:ist the 16th inst , a SORREL MARR, about six years oM, no mark? recollected. This Mare was bought by me from Elei- zer Cox, of Randolph County, I think, on the 31si ult. A liberal reward will be paid for her delivery to inc. Any information concerning her will be thankfully re ceived. ROBT- MITCHELL. Feb. 20. I860- 93-tf XEGROES WAATED. subscribers wi.-ili to purchase a number of young 1 NEGllOKS, for which they arc willing to p:iy the ■ ■z'-i- St cash prices. Persons liaving such property to a.ipose of would do well to call on tliemor address them at ked Springs, N. C H. & A. -McNEILL, Ked Springs, .March 20, I860. 3tf AOW l\ HARKET^ i 1.L persons having NEGROES for sale, will do well A to address the subscriber at Clinton, Sampson -itiiy, as he is determined to buy and pay as liberal ■ .s for them as the state of the market will permit. By addresiing liini he will call immediately, and Uj|*ke liberal ofters-, us all will find wiio will try him. CHARLES T. STEVENS. CiiQton, Sampson Co., Sept 10, 1859 48-lypd bn—McClintock’s Narrative; The West Coast of Africa, by Rev- C- W. Thomas; The Briti.h Expedition to the Crimea, by W. H. Pvussell; The Virginians, by Thacke ray; Downing’s Fruits and Fruit Trees of America— Revised Edition; Memoir of Sus^an Allibone; 'i'he His tory and Progress of Education; The Normal Methods of Teaching, by Alfred Holbrook; The .Magician’s Own Book; &c. Jewett’s Spiers’ French and Eng. Dictionary. Meadows’ “ “ “ Pinney and Badois’s French Grammar. Bolmar's Levizac's “ Ollendorff’s New Method of French by Jewett. Le Brun’s Telemaque- Whateley'B Elements of Logic- “ “ of Rhetoric. Worcester’s Quarto Dictionary, &c., &c. E. J. HALE & SON. March 28. w BLA.\K BOOKS. 4 fresh sapply just received. ^ E. J. HALE & SOK. Autobiography and Biography of Kev. Joseph Caldwell, D. D. LL. D.. First President of the Univer sity of N. Carolina. Price 25 cts. Maroh27. £. J. HALE k SON. itjuor-i. Will offer inducements in prices. As he intends to quit the trade, liis stock will be sold low. JBJar F or sale at cost and charges,"^® 100 BARH2LS, of various kinds and qualities. Persons indebted mUSt Call and settlC- Feb IG 92-tf TE refer our readers to the advertisement of Messrs. CHURCH & DUPONT, No. 409 Broad way, New Y’ork. The ‘Blood Food,' is one of the great est medicines of the age, and is rapidly driving out of the market all the quack nostrums of modern times. Its efficncy is so great, and its superiority so justly acknow- le>lgpd, that it is found difficult to supply the immense and increasing demand lor the article. Dr. Eatori'g celebrated ‘Inliintile Cordial,' is a medicine prepared by a reguliir physician of eminence in his protession, and one wlio lias devoted iiis life to the peculiar phases of Infantile diseases. It is uo humbug, but a medicine which commends itself to those only who can appreciate it.”—Apalachicola, Flor. Tints. Ste advertiitmtnt. March 24. g. I¥EW BOOKS. The RIVALS, by Jere. Clamens; Art Recrcation*; The Right Word in the right place; Fisher's River (N. C.) by ".Skitt;” Sword and Gown; Wild Sports in i the South; Leisure Moments of Miss M. A. Butt, A. M ; Footfalls on the Boundaries of another World, by Rob't i Dale Owen; the Man in Black, by .lames; Evelyn .Mar- i ston, &c., &.C. i .Also, further supplies of Webster’s Pictorial Un- : abridged; W'ood’s Practice; U. S. Dispenmtory; Pres- ! ton’s Interest Tables; Inquire Within; School Books, &c. I .March 5. E. J. HALE & SON. BOOK-BL\DIVG IN all its kindS; executed with neatness and despatch Small jobs when done must be paid before delivered, THOS. H. TILLINGHAST. Opposite the Female High School, Hay Street May 14, 1859. 14-ly PAIJITS, oils, &c. SPERM, Refined, Lard. Linseed and Tanners’ OIL White Lead; Burning Fluid; Putty; Window Glass and Sash of all sizes. —ALSO— A fresh supply of POND’S PAIN DESTROYER. For sale by J^.MES MARTINE. NeVr 24,18£8- eetf liCatherS Leather! Oak nn'l Hemioek .''nie liiMtiiL-r. Oak and Ilcuiloi k .Solo Lrathcr, O.ik all 1 iloinlock Soli; Lonther. I'rciieli, (ionnaii ami Aiuericati Calf Skins, French, G-t-niiaii and Atiieiican (’alf Skins, Ftencli, G-oriiian and American Calf .Skiiis, Mfiroocn, Kid :iiid P:itfiit Leather. Modcc.i, Kid and P.itent Leather. Mor Kid and Patent Leather. Bindin">j, !.,in!iii:', IjasriiiL:?, &c. liindiriiT', Linin_^■^, Lastinj:s, kc. Bindinirs, l.ininirs, La«tiiij;s, A’c. We invite Coiintr;,' .\lerchnnfs anil Mnnu^^ctr-'or.> to e.X'imine our stock of l.eaflier nnd Slice Fin-iin'I'rim- miiigs, lie., which we offer at wholesale o:- vetnil for ('asli. or good paper, at the lowest prices. .AU orders executed faithiully. MAYNARD. ELY & ROSE. No. 4G South Calvert St., Balio Md. -April 3. 6 2nipd. A.nEIlICAX UOTEL, OPPOSTTK— IN D E P E N D E N C E HALL, CHESTNUT STREET. BETWEEN FIFTH .t SIXTH, WYtlTTIdlEULIMGS, Proprietors. Terms 1^1.50 per duy. Feb’v 10. 92-2mpd BOOTS & shoes7 AT WHOLESALE. JNO. M. WALKER, of Kortli CaroUna, WITH W E O \ Ac V O X , 27 CHA-MBERS STREET, NEW YORK. YYrir''l-' be happy to sec his Southern friends at the TT above establishment, where, either per.«onally or by order, they may be supplieil from an extensive and well assorted Stock of Goods in that line, gotten up ex pressly for tho Southern trade Feb’y 10, 1860. '.*l-ly Dr. FR-IXK WILLIAMS’S UIE WUISXEY. R MITCHELL has made arrangements with Dr. I. Frank William.s. to be constantly supplied witli his celebrated IlY'E WHISKEY', which can be had at his Store at all times, hy whulesale or retail. Oct’r 11. IB.'ifl. 'C.-if w a:\ted. L LARGE quantity of COTTON and LINEN RAGS, for which fair prices will be paid. DAVID MURPHY. Anf. 17 *1- POLYGAMY IN UTAH. The House has been discussing a bill to pro hibit and punish k. la tbe course of the discos* sion, Mr. Etheridge of Tenncs&cc made a lung specch in fnvor of the bill, bat pointing out the troubles which the Democracy were bringing up on themselves by supporting it. Wo make a tew extracts:— Mr. Etheridge. Mr. Speaker, I recollect a short time ago seeing an account ot a colloquy be tween two Irienda, in regard to the certainty of the final coming of the millennium—when tho lion and lamb were to lie down together. Ooo was finally convinced by the other that the timo would eventualiy come, but he consoled himself in making the uduiission, by saying that he had the satisluction of believing that the lauib would be inside the lion. (^Laughter.] We have tho lion and the lamb now apparently lying down to gether in the House ot Hepresentatives, and it remains for tbe Listoriun to ascertain hereafter which is the lamb, and which is the lion. £Re- newed laughter.] For the first time since I bare been a member of Congress do I .see—though with some slight exhibitions of protest, it is true—my Democratic friends and the Republican party har monizing in relation to this controverted and vex ed question of tbe legislative power of Congress over the domestic institutions of the people of the Territories of the United States. “To that com plexion has it come at last.” * * * * * Jt might as well be stated now as hereafter, that tho Republicans will not only claim the chief merit of the passage of the bill, but they will point to it in after times as a direct legislative admission of the power of Congress over the domestic affairs of tho people of the organized Territories, including ne gro slavery. Even now we can observe then» ex hibiting every mark of satisfaction as they behold our extreme Democratic friends moving into this political snare, which is contrary to the former expositions of your platforms; and the kindness of my nature alone prompts me to warn gentleaien of the danger. 1 do not desire to have any one misled by carlessness or inadvertc-nce. This ques tion of the power of Congress to regulate the do mestic institutions and relations of the ichite peo ple of Utah is one which necessarily and unavoida bly brings up the whole question of the power of Congress to govern those Territories in ev'erything which relates to their domestic affairs—slavery included. Gentlemen feel it, and it is useless to attempt to avoid the force of what 1 have said by a denial only. ♦ * * Now, sir, what are Jometft’c institu- tionsf They consist simply of husband and wife, parent and child, guardian and ward, master ai/d servant, and master and slave. 1 believe this e- numeration embraces the entire list, as recognized in tbe law books. ]S'ow, when you have said to the people of those Territories, that they may form and regulate their own domestic institutions in their own way, subject only to tbe Constitution of the United States—which restriction Mr. Benton declared was a stump speech injected into tho body of the bill—you stipulated with them that they should exercise this power in all us,es. I have enumerated all tbe dotuestic relations known to the laws of this country; and I appeal to you whether I have not enumerated them correctly. And I ask, if Congress can take jurisdiction of the relation of husband and wife, may it not also exercise jurisdiction in regard to another domes tic rfclation? Now, “forewarned is forearmed.” I know that many gentlemen will believe that I am inviting attention to these things to produce ‘•difficulties in the family.” But 1 disclaim any such purpose There is domestic trouble enough in Utah without incrca^insr it here. I have but au- intuDCed uy dtdibtmte legal opinion, which I trust I shall always have the moral courage to avow whenever the occ;ision and uiy public duty call for it. Domestic institutions have I ecu ..b'Mit tlic same fruiu the be‘,;inning of time. Go back to the days of Abraham. A:^k my patri archal IViend Utali, the ,‘ide reprcs' iiative of the “donicbtic iiistifutinns’’ of the rising }0»iig State of—‘domestic,” I miirht s;ty, in an eminent degree, [lanijliter]—and he will tell you that his constituent.'^ arc attomptin}; ti> |u’rpiUu.ite the manners and customs of antiqiiity, and it is un- candid in ns to .=.iy th;it this bill l>>es not iiiterf*;rc wit!) one cf the “denustic ins imtioriK ’ of ^^dti- ety. Tho dele_"ife fViim Utah, who is the si!'* rejire.sont itiveof the penplo oftli itTerrito.y, I .nil sure will Ictd tlint tlie American C'iigre^s is dis posed to pnisenlie a portion of' Ins I'eliow citizens, by interfering with their most fdierished instiin- tiuii; and iiis sscns-iliilities innsf be t>ir,c:hed at tlie prospect of p,MS.s;ng a ine:i;iire. the etVcct of which A li be to drive nuny a wife and luatrou from lioi'.tes wiiicli aie eteh'ared by :m e.’siiberance ol eonjtiifal love, and rhiiH them to s.irrow aloi.c in llie face o,' ::•! un.ynipitliiz'i’g wuld. [Lauulitrr.] l)j yn:; suppose th‘ ) eop e o* i t.h w(.:il l have taken this lihi ifv oi rpwiodelitii: tiicir doineslic institutions, and falling back n|>on tiie customs ol the patriarchal nire, if you ha 1 not given them the power to ‘ form and regula-c their domestic institutions,” and tau«ht them that, in r.ll domestic afl'airs, 'the pi'iqylf 0/ a Torr 't .rijjiii*. '-f S/'i/f,” were sovereign and independent? And shoulil not some of our friends be lenient to these deluded .^Io^mons, who are «o ready, for their own justification, to appropriate to them selves the force of the example of the patriarchal aiii' And do not these friends of our—unne cessarily, 1 admit—also point to Abraham, with h;^ llocks and herds, his horses and his cattle, his mnn servants and his maid servant'*, as a conclu sive authority and vindication for our own pe culiar institdiion, when .nssr.ilcd ly fanaticism? I And ought we not to be somewhat kind and for- bearin^r. when we hear our patriarchal friend I from Utah exclaim: “We have Abraham to our I father.” [LauL'hter.] I feel the fwrce of these i thin«:K; but I shall not hesitate, because of these j consider.itions, to grapple with this monster, poly- I gamv, while it is in its infancy and may be oubducci. ; Wa.siji-\gton AND Jackso.n.—Some newspa* per writer says— I “I have read all the lives of Wa.shington, and ; the impression made upon me, by niy knowledge ' of .Jackson, is that he was more closely ruodeled upon the character of W'ashington—and without knowing it—than any living man.” There is some truth in this, that is to say, in the words “without knowing it.” We agree that neither Gen. Jackson nor anybody else ever ! knew of the resemblance. A Tennessee paper announces that “the in auguration ot the governor waa celebrated by firing minnti: gum every ?ial/ hour.

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