’^■•PRIETOB • 5 -9 Iloul lu NoMt, . , . f* '" on Haj ••>■ in thecenir^ofiu • surrounded by .11 V. .roh^t. »ud lotti a eon^^ part from thia Hot HOUSET' HE MABIEI HOUSE. «g the year, I hare ^ » the . iditioaofanuta ‘ V other impor; ' J ‘i^atenal'.y to -vonng ffl, tvi^nd. and ca, St sincere. , .;.■ -^ioj -ng a ©on ^ ^ tii« pau>oaag8o.^ 1 Os;u.p i -hemweli S. 'Jlli fCKST RAII.R0AJ>! 'BI \ SON’S ^TO ke.va.vsville, ■' f T -rarelers goine erery day at ‘ i N Horas u.d ;,K- their oou.fort ■i'* -^tage TO WELDON i^nv 5J8-1. 1’ '^ I I \K I every Mon at 1' luiiute-afterSun- !■' i i ,_v, it o'clock. ?•' ' '» ’fi a fiiil compleiaent i-' " ^eek, *' cLrcunj- U' ■" AN will be re h :r place ia > ULITKilLuH 61 -tf lOL UllORS. i & Bl'KR, Kl'. \:.\V VORK. lun. iia , . l»K h.. ot ^taudard ook«. tb* iMt e-’uCHtors la i ia! referenoo ici ^ ji jui laiiJ. V-*- -ui :onai or sec > : V - iei :is Inil/ * Trl.ich these rfi 01 iiie = niteU Stales, upotj taeir i^ends to ipriaing iliii series ?pro- ice i j, ,i.:h a view of Tsif B.: .KP- TLe fol- lihnietlCd and Mattae* A\iL- h., fjruieriy i . i.nd now of • w Vorit. lialti- ; i.. ■ aukefe, and fo^rupiil I. B^James 1. -indard of lo. ■- ‘ - '■ j, Newark, • k’hooi tlUtorles. By It, a. Uaiiiel Web- ■ L ;.'.!ed Stales: * reference, uc ■ '--‘jm ! - our muii >i hool Headers aod * - 1 .•mbs M r f kn^wn ai I •'■•'adei - and ( laiumar, H.us- * y ' >:k. sjiark» t .• : ject ttiakes it i; r ! le l.in^uage. r' ;MER & Mc- For Be- i i - k> 4 >’os Iiial Orator, and ^c> i. )c , 75c. and 75o. ii'.:: ^-iih Additions ( 0. i ij of the Southern jtk a . , I.utin Classics, r . Headers. S ^'n of Xal tral Philo- -■ -0. ok oi • ci iivc 81 00. lO'ji I H .. -r’a Regis- ir. la ‘ Devotion for h b. ■ Aatronomj r , Oc :!/, 0; jI' B .k-keeping & • Course of » laic'. ^3 ind Analyti- Slerucnta of Calculus illc't'e Trit^onometry. ii! ' Ements of schoul; ii 00. “tnruanship 9 Noi., . cl t: • rk' H: ng which might 1’ Library, in Ten l -'- i: ir ixi his Profeii- K. New York, for i - litir publicationSt *7-4m (jiutterintjry otictr, by R£\V^, ET ^SQUARE 66- m SEMI-WEEKLY. [VOL. IX.] FAYETTEVILLE, C., APRIL 16, 1860. [NO. 909.] PRINIEU MONDAYS AM» THURSDAYS EDUARD J. UALE & SOX, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS ; i.wc :--r ihe Semi-Weekly Observer S3 00 if paid in ...i'. iin;e S3 50 il ).'did duriiig '.he year of subecrip* ■ „n or after the year iins expired, t .r the Weekly Observeh sJ2 (X> per annuio, il paid in iJviince 50 if paid during the year of subscrip- uvU or iu t.HJ after the year Las expired ADVEUTlSbMENTS iiiseri.-d for 60 cents per jLjuare of 10 line? for the tir't. »nd 30 cents tor each tacceeditig publication. ^ oarly advertisements by spe- ,.il contracts, at rea«i>nable rales. Advertisers are roquested to state ifie nuin>'er of insertions desired, or iLev will be continued till forbid, and charged accord- Liigly. Adverti-ienients to be inserted \nnJf. charged 50 per ^ciit extra. SPECIAL NOTICE, t. Tu and after this date, no naino of a new subscriber w... ’ etucred without payiaent in ndvani-e, nor will i.e {.aper be sent to such subscr5iers for a longer time (Dan is paid for • in.'h of uur old subscribers as desire to take the pa- ler m thi* ystum will please notify us when making ,;..i;ii’ince'. SPRING STOCK FOR 1860. ^PHE subscribers have in Store, and ara now rec«inng I a very large STOCK or CtOODS, their line, direct from the .Manufacturers in Europe an i 'uiporters and .A.geutg in this Country Among which niay be found: 100 Tons ot best Swedtsj Iron from li to 12 iu 500 Doz Pocket Knives; 60O “ Table Knives and Forku; 800 ‘‘ Mill Saw and other File#; OO “ Frying P .ns; 30 “ Hand Saws; Tons Hoop Iron; 10 “ Hollow-Ware; COO Kegs of Nail?, assorted; 38.'i Bags of Coffee, “ 10 llhds. and 68 bbls. Sugar; 30 ^ bbls. Eagle Mill Snuff, 125 Boxes Rose Hill “ 50 Kegs best Sup. Carb. Soda. Together with a complete assortment of other articles sold in a Grocery and Hardware Sti>re .\11 of which are offered to the Trade for Cash, or on the usual time to prompt dealers, at prices to compete with New York Jobbers. GEO. W WILLIAMS S CO Fayetteville. Feb’y 22. 1860. 94tf Jany 1. 1J58. ibousaadi are daily speaking iu the praise of DR. EATON’S INFANTILE CORDIAL, and why? because ii »i«cer /cstU to afford tnstcnitLattoua lu/mhen given in time. It acts as if by magic, and •It trial altrnif will conTinoe \'ou that what we say is trae It contain^ \0 PAKECi^OKIC' OR OPIATIC * my kind, and therefore relieves by rem'-vmy the rufftr- I’, ui your child. in«ie^id of by dtad'mny i.'.t S'mibihtiti. t r liii: reason, it commends itself as the only reliable ,T«iiaraiion now known for Children Teething Diar rhoea, Dysentery, Griping in the Bowels, Acidity of the stomach, >Vind, Cold iit the Head, and Croup.also, for tj/'eninp (hr ffumt, redu'i ty tnjiammation, t/ ’/'inj trie Bourelt, and rrii'i'tny pain, it has no equal ' eing an sinti-tpatmo'hc it is used with unfaihny succets ail oases of Convulsion or other Fits. .4* you • -.uc ' \e 'ife iind health n/ yrur ehi’drm. and wish to tave ’^'mth- t' sad and bhjhtiny con- ^^wncet tchich ar' tT.'Jtn f Titult tron the use -'f narcotit't ■':' U'hii'h all other z'vdttt •••r Infantile Complaintt are cornpotfJ, take nout Dr. Katou's Infantile Cordial: thia you can rely -pn It is perfectly harmless, and cannot injure th» E.jsi delicate infant. Piice. lio cents. Full directions iKixpanv each bottle Prepared onlv by CHI RCH k DIPOXT, No. 40y Broadwav, New York. Spring €w00ds* I STARR & WILLIAMS, I —-\re now receiving their— SPKI.XG SL PPL.V, j embracing a very large stock of Staple &. Fine Dres«$ (noods, Hats, Bonnets, Bloomers, Boots, !$hoes, Keady-.Hade Cloth- in§^, Cmbrelias, Parasols, Wiih a large variety of NOTIONS, to which the att^n- tijn of whole.sale buyers is respectfully solicited, j SHEETINGS of various brands always on hand, and j for sale at Factory prices. I J B. STARR. J .M. WILLIAMS .March 6, 1860. 98tf H Jatnes Kyie .\S just received his SPRING AND SUMMER SUP PLY of DRY GOODS, —amons which are— Summer and other Silks, Printed Lawns, Double Skirt Robes, Single ditto. Print®, real French, British and Dom»*tic, Irish LinenS; Diapers, &c.. Bolting Clothi; With a very large assortment of all kinds of Good* gen erally kept in wholesale and retail Store*: all of which are offered at wholesale and retail—CHE.\P March 24, 1860. 3tf S-a HtaUhy hunian Blovd upon being ANALYZED 4.way« presents us with the same essential elements. tn J (fives of cour^e the , rue .StHlldartl. .\nalyze tl.e Blood of a person suH'ering fr>m Ciaisuniption. Liver 'nplaint. Dyspepsia, Scrofula. \c. and we tindin every •■r.-'jnct certain dtjict^ncix in the red globules of Blood. 5.yyl'j these deficiencies, and 3 ou are mad',- well. The Blood Food is founded upon this Tlieory—hence ;ts astonishing success. There a.-e FIVE PREPAHATIOWS adapted to deficiencies of the mo d fn different di*e«?e8. For Cold**. Itroi.t’llitiV nr any affec- lu whatever of the 'riiroaf or I..IIIIJf» inducing '0iis»uiupti0ll, u«eNt). 1. wlii.'h 1- the No. t.>r I>»*pre*»ion of ^pirlfs, of .Ippelile, and for all C'liroiiir Coiiipl:«illl« arisinp from CieiK^rul md .'%ervoii Fro«ilrati«>ii. No. 2, f Uv«*r CoiiiplaiiiK. J. ■■I, for l>y!»p‘p%i:t. Jifinq already prfpnred for ■I-,- it i* bv I>roi>^ and carried im- ^iiediately into the circulation, so that wliat you ffun ; ju retain. The No. 4 is for lrr?milari- tie«, Weakin***'. iVo- See special di- re^- i. ns forthi.s. For **alf liliciim, Eruptions, ^'rofutou«, I4idii«>y. and Kladdor Coiii- plaiiita, take No. S. In :itl c;i'e« tli» di»-eftion“ must ’jt! strictly followed. Price of tlie ISio»el Fooil Si per bottle. Sold by ( HI Kill A 1)11*0.\T. No. 4tiy Broadway, New York. And bv all respectable Druggists llirou)ihout the country Nov n, 1869 f.6-ly Ci>r;iis. Ho^rsexf.ss and s- FLi>..NZ.\, Iruit.a rio.N, SoHK.vtss, or any ntfecti' n ofthe Thro»t CCllED, ttie ll.\t k ' i.sii CoioH in Cos>i MfTiiiN, Bhum'hi ns. WHOOf't.sr, (V,l UH, .\STIIM.\. (’.^T-M^KIi. RELIEVED by BROWN ,S kRoNCHI \L TROCHES, or CoruH LozENtiKs. ■•.•1 timple and ehgant combination f>r Curuiis, .tc. Dr. G. F. PdfiF.LOw, Bosti.>n. '■/ vr^jTnnittid th*ir me to Pi blic Spkakkk'*." Rev. E. H. Ch.M'IS, Ni-w York. ' V.j/ s iiutary reh j in Bko.nchitis. ’ Rev, S. Seujfbied, Morristown, (,)hio. "B-n».firial when cump-lh-d to .yieak, siifferiny from ' li t*,” Rev. S, J, P, .\sDFRao.N’, St. Louis, "Eftctual in removing Hottrttxtm and Irritation of tht T ’iroat, to common with Si’E.\keks and SlNGER-S." 1 Frof. M. Sl'At'Y l,:iGrimge, G,i. Teacher of Music. Southern Female (College, j "frreal bevjit vhm taken hi’fiTi and m'hr I'rmrhiny. i* fV'y preVtnt Ho-irti-n-ff. f'r.jm thnr paM 'jfert, 1 think ' th*y will it (jf ptinnane^it uJciimnye "if." Hev, K. Ruwlev, a. M., Pre>ideiif Afiien^j (,'oHuge, Tenn. Sold by all Druggists, at i45 cents per box. -\lso. Brown s L.\.xativk Thoihes, or Cathartic Loz- 'lijt*, for Dysptpsia. Indigestion. Constipation, Headache, hu\ou» Affections, i'c. Jan'y 25, 1800. &G-3m .\f:wROE^ WA.\TED. ~ 'I’iiE subscribers wish to purchase a number of young 1 .NEGR(iF,S, for which tliey are willing to jiay the iiigbest cash prices. Per«ons having such properly to ■li'pote of would do well to call on them or adiress tliem *t Red Springs, N, f’. H, X \ McNEILL, Hed Springs, ,Miir(.-li 20, 18bi>, ->tf AOW IA HAICl4ft:T. \ LL persons having NEGROES for sale, will do well to address the subscrilter at (-'linton, Sampson 'inty, as he is determined to buy and pay a.s liberal prices for them as tl»e state of the niarket will permit. By addressing him he will call immediately, and “iakfc liberal offers, as all will find who will iry liim. CHARLES T. STEVENS. ‘ linton, Sampson Co., Sept 10, 185‘J 48-lypd •Vo. 34 Hay Street* ~j.“k.1cyle I* now receiving his Spring and Summer .Stock of ; STAPLE A.\l) FAM'V DRV (iOODS, Ac.ong which may be found the following articles, at j prices which will prove satLsfactory to the purchaser: I Dress Goods in pieces, consisting of Muslins, Lawn.s, Ginghams, iVints, Bereges, Black ; and White Challies, Silks, io., ic. In ROBES the following line: Lawn Robes, Double and Single Skiru«, Btrege do, Gingham do., hace Points, Shawls and Mantillas in profusion. Ribbons, Hosiery and ( rioves. Spool Cotton, Hats and Caps, f Boots and Shoes. ' .All of which will be offered very low, t.'all and ex- ■ auiine; no charire for looking. J. K. KYLE, j March 14. 18*50. ^ 2tf H ITS, I IPS, BOOTS-WD JillOlvS. J. i\ THO:?lNOA j Xy^OULD beg leave to inform his friends and jus- ; M tomers that he is now prepared to offer them one I of the large ' and greatest variety of I Spring and Summer imoodn In his line, tliat he has ever offered them. Embracing ' a great variety of ^'ashionable styles of HatM, Caps, Boots and ^lioes, including the Copp*r-Toed Shoe for children and yoiiihs.) whicli he tiatters himself they will find it to ' their advantage to examine before purchaning elsewhere. a« he is di.sposed to sell cheap for C.ASH. , J. C. THOMSON. I March 24, 180i. 3-4w UE310VAI.. LI. WATCH MAKER AND JEWELER. 11 BI^A.^K BOOKS. ff FR£SH sspply Just received. ^ K. J. HALE & SON. \S removed two Doors We^t of his old stand, to the store adjoining D. & W. .McLaurin s, where he lias re- I cfived a large addition to his former Stock, and he in- , vitps his old customers and the ]>ublic to cal! and ex- I amine his NEW STORE and NEW GOODS, and assures tlifin lie will sell anything iu his line as cheap as can : be purchased at any other Store North or South. ; —Among his Stock can be found— I Gold and Silver Watches ot all prices and quali- I tics; Gold and Silver Chains, Seals and Keys; ! Bracelets, Bre;ist Pins and Ear Kings; (iold Lockets, (iold Pens and Pencils, &c., &c.; Fine and Common Pistjls, Silver anH j Plated Ware of all kind.s; a hand.iome stock of Clocks, all kinds of Mili tary (ioods, and every thing wanted in his line, taf” Particular attention paid to Watch Repairing, Murch 7, I860. 98-3m Further Supplies yt* Books. ' ACKEV’S .Masonic Jurisprudence; Twilight Musings, by H. P., McKeever; The Fate of Sir John Frank- ! lin—Mctylintock's Narrative; The West ,’oast of .Africa, bj' Rev. C. V', Thomas; The British Expedition to the Crimea, by W. H. Russell; The Virginians, by Thacke- niy: Downing’.s Fruits and Fruit Trees of America— Revised Edition; Memoir of Susan Allibone; Ihe His tory and Progress of Education; The Normal .Methods of Teaching, by Alfred Holbrook; The .Matrician s Own Book; ic. Jewett’s Spiers' French and Eng. Dictionary. .Meadows' •* “ “ Pinney and Badois’s French Grammar. BolmHr's Levizac's “ " Ollendorff's New Method of French by Jeweti. LeBrtm’s Telemaque. Whateley's Elements of Logic. “ *‘ of Rhetoric. Worcester’s Quarto Dictionary, &c., &c. E. J. HALE & SON. March ‘28. .4utobiography and Biography of Ker. Joseph Caldirell, D. D. LL. D.. First Presideut of the Univer sity of N. Carolin*. Price 25 oti. I March 27. £. J. HALE k SON. D. & W. McLAlRIK, \irOULD invite atieution to their large and desirable Tf Stock of OKOCERIE^, Consisting in part of— 150 Bags Rio, Laguira and Java Coffoe; 100 Bbls. and Hhda. Sugar (Ported;) -5 Hhds Molasses; 30 “ Bacon—Sides and Shoulders; 500 Sacks Salt; 150 Boxes good Tobacco; 126 “ Sperm, i\damantine & Tallow Can^lle®: 50 “ Soap fassorted;) 50 “ Candy loo Bags Shot “ 1000 lbs. Bar l^ead; 30 i Bbls. Snuff—Eagle Mills; 25 Kees Soda; 250 Nails —A LSO— A large and general assortment of Uarduare and Cutlery; Farming Utensils, of all descriptions; American, English, Swedes and Peruvian Iron; Blister, German and Cast Steel; Blacksmiths’ Tools; Coopers’ Do.; Corn Shcllera and Straw Cutters; Buckets. Brooms and Pails; Cotton, Manilla and Jute Rope, (all kinds and iiuality;' Plow Lines and Bed Cords; Hollow Ware; Cotton Yarns and Sheetinsis at factory prices .^11 of which will be sold i.uw fok c,\»h, or on usual time to prompt paying customers. CorxTUT Meucii.^nis are respectfully re4ue^ted to call and examine our stock befure purchasing else where. D S: W. McLAURIN. •March 3, 18o' 93if LAKGEstock: NEW GOODS!! IH.AVE just received my Winter Stock of (joods in my line. They were selected in the Northern cities by myself, with great caie, and bought on the most reu- s.nable terms, by which 1 am en^ibled to offer the larg est stock 1 ever before offered to the public, and to offer them At Greatly Reduced Prices! FHIITS; Raisirs. Figx. Prunes. Apples, Lemons. Oranges, Cher ries, Currants, Pie Fruits. Stuff Dates, C*itxon, icc. PICKLES, JELLIES A: PUESEKVES; —-A great variety.— Perfumeries and Fitracls, Of various kinds; Fancv Soaps and Pomadei* MISH'AL IXSTHl MEXTS; Fiddles, Drunis, Fifes, Flutes. Banjos. Guitars, io WALKING C.ANES, of every kind; Ba-ket and Willow Ware, Hobbv Horses, tc. FLN'E AXl) (’OM.MO.V CA.VUII S; Sardines: Fine Cigars; Smoking and Chewing Tobacco: Crackers; Fine Pocket Knives; a Urge assortment of l^ort-Monaies, some very nice; Fancy Envelopes and Fancy Goods; Toys and Yankee Notions; an assortment of India Rubber Goo*l», Whips, Combs; Fishing Tackle: Cocoa and Other \ut». FAN(’V GI»OI)S; Falerramer-*. Reticules. Cabs, Rubber Round I'onibs, Watch (iunrds—.Mohair. Siik and Lesitiier. Fancy Boxes, I’istols. Powder Flasks. Sh^t Belts, Brandy I’eaches—in gallon or half gallon jars. Maoe, Clove-i. Cinnamon, Lar^te Lot of Fire Work«, iSlc., vVc., ..,1'.. icc., .\:c,, vVc , 4CC. spiced and .Vorfolk Ojsters cuiistanti} on haud. Country dealers and the public are respectfully in vited to call and examine my stock, as ii is impossible I to enumerate but a few of the leading articles. I have a great many handsome things which cannot ' fail to please J. K. LFF, No. 40. Hotet. Bi ii.dino. Dec ] 8-‘'>y 72- \V. C. TROl H.\S ju>it received this morning, from Steamer North Carolina, 6 bbls. No. 1 Mackerel, new 10 “ •• 3 20 ^ and J bbls. No. 1 do. 26 boxes Cli'^ese. i 5 kegs selected Goshen Butter. . 10 bbl«. Leaf Lard. 15 New Mullet® in onk and pine bbls. He has on hand a general assortment of aMtO€EHiES, I which will be sold cheap for Cash or exchanged fot (Country Produce, ,>ct, !.■.')!, 5;'>tf tiilne and Spirits Barrels. ! /'VJNSl'.VNTLV on nand bv L ' E. F, MOORE. Feby 20. iU-98tf I To Turpentine Distillers. ^pilE highest C.ish price paid for Si’lKH'S TURPEN- I 1 TiXK bv Trustees’ 8ale. j)Y virtue of a Deed of Trust executed to the under- jj signed for the purposes therein specified, we will ctl'er for sale, on TUESDAY the 30th inst., the follow ing REAL AND PERSONAL ESTATE, viz: House and Lot near Cool Spring, at present occupied I by Mrs. Hartman. I Store House on South side Hay street, occupied by j J.-iS, VV, Horne, Store House on North side Hay street, occupied by I ••North Carolina Prestiyterian ” J 373 acres of Land on Morganton Road, joins Charles ^ M unroe's land. 135 acres of Land on Lumberlon Road, about four ; miles South of Fayetteville, ;-!00 acres in .Moore count}’, formerly belonjjing to Ander-on Jones, 11^ acres iu Campbellton, corn.-r of Russell St Lots Nos, 10 and 17, on which there is a new Ware- House, Two-sevenihs of 7 acres near mouth of the creik. 265 acres on the East side of Cape Fear River known as the Island place, .50 acres of improved land on the East side Cape Fear River. 1 unimproved Lot on Hay Street, joins C. T, Haigh Sons, on the East. 1 unimproved Lot, corner of Old and Buries Streets. 1 unimproved Lot on tiio West of Curgc« Street, 1 unimproved Lot on Hay Mount, near the U, S. Ar- •cial, known as the Grove, 1 Store House, Person Street, South side 24 \EGROEN, (.•'J and Young, .Men, Women & Children. Bank Stock, Plank Road Stock, Rail lioad Stock, ic. Horses and Mules, Hogs, Cows and Calves, and other articles Terms at Sale, W.M. .McL .McKAY, ) . THOS. C FULLER, ; Fayetteville, .April 'J, 7-ts IJMllOirSM. I OFFER for pale ^i40 Ao'es of L.VND. lying on the West side of C'ape IVar River, two miles beJow Fay etteville. and extending from the river into the .sand hills, This tract is about equally divided into river- ridge. swamp and sand-hill Land. .About 8U acres, adjoining tlie river, are under cultivation and are well suited to the growth of Corn and Grass: none of the Swamp has been cleared. There are several good sites for 11 ilwelling house on the sand-hills. Any person wi hing to purchase will do well to make early appli cation, as I have determined to sell. The above Land, if not previously sold, will be offer ed at AUCTION, at the Market House in Fayetteville, on the 8th day of May. 18fiU. If desired, it will be di- videil into Two Tracts, each containing the advantages of River. Swamp and Sand-hill, From the report of an Engitieer, who was employed to find the difl'crence of level of the Swamp, it is establisheo that drainage may be effected at moderate expense. For additional in formation apply to Mr. Sami, W, Tillinghast, or to the subscriber THOMAS J ROBIN.SON, •\pril 4, 1800, I,-la ^'Squire, what is the meaning of such a crowd in front of Woodward’s?” “lie has Just recelTed his SPRIXG STOCK, and I suppose they are there making their selec tions!” This season the style of Coats is l>ouble and Single BREASTED, with Large Sleeves; PANTS, L.ARGE LEGS; Vest Double and Single Breasted. My Stock is now complete and ready .- \ for inspection by all those who may wish well made and neat fitting garments. Call and make your saltctions before the .^tock is picked over V-, V'. CATALOGUE OF DIFFERENT VA RIETIES. Black Cloth Coats, Single and Double Breasted. Siik Mixture Suits. Cassltnere Suits. French i)r. d’EtC, Imitation Dr. d Ete. Black .\lparca Frocks and Sacks. Tweeds in Suits. Cottonade in Suits. Linen Frocks and Sacks. Linen Dnsters, five different varieties. Buicii Uocskin Pants. Extra supply of Fancy Cassinieres. Drap d’Ete, French Ribbed. White Drilling. >avy Duck and Marseilles. A supply of Youth’s Cassimere Suits. •Also, ]>ants for Boys from 7 to 14 years old, VESTS of every style and varieties for the Season. Special attention is called to a NEW STYLE SHIRT never introduced iu this Market before this season. Extra supply of Hauze Fiannei and Merino finish I’nder Shirts. A large supply of Fancy Xeck Ties, Collars, Suspenders, Ho siery, Gloves, Trunks, Valises &, Car pet Bags. A I the above goods will be Sold low for Cash, or on ' time to all those wlio pay their Bills when presented. P. S. Don’t forget that my FRENCH TAILOR is rejidy to make up at any lime Clothing for any Gentle men who wish to have them made to order, (,’ail at any time at the ONE PRICE CLOTHING STORE and leave your measure and your orders uill be filled and satisfaction guarantied. Market Square, Two Doors below Hinsdale’s, Drug Store. A. J. WOODWARD. -April ft, 1860. 7-2m f i:. F, Feb’v 20, M(»tRE. i4t 'J3tf ISacon and C'orn. OnAA BUSllEl.Sof GOOD CORN; /CvU'/ 15,(AHJ tbs. well-smoked BA('ON. For Stic by E. F. MOORE, Feb'y 20. i4t-93tf A CrETl! The .New Style, Small, COLORED PHOfOGRAPUS, AT %'aiior«d‘irs (jiulier)'. ART. Woodward’s Solar Camera. IJ^IOTOGR.APHS can be had at Vanorsdell's Skylight Gallery. Hay street, opposite Maible Vard, Fay- feitcville. N, C.: plain, retouched, colored, in water col'TS. oil and pastile; from small to life size. .Ambro- typ-»s, Melaneoty!)0s, and all other styles of Picture j ei.aining to the .Art. Also. Gilt Fiames, Gilt Mould ing, Glass for very large pictures—as large as 20 by 30 inc:;es. Cord and Tassels for haniring pictures; Insiru- me- ts. .Stock and Chemicals f.>r sale low for cash. Life aizt colored PhotogrnpLs made from small yuctures, l aving permanently located here I hojje to merit your patronage I woiild also return my sincere thanks for the liberal piitron«ge bestowed on me heretofore by the good people of Fayetteville and vicinity. C. M. VANORSDELL, Photographist and Proprietor. l‘»*c’r 20, 18.0H 77- “A Place for Everylhiiig’’ IN THE WAY OF Kiiildin^ .llaterialsS Lime, ('emem, (.'alcined and Land Plaster, Lath and l-ath Nails, Plastering Hair, Marble Dust, Fire Bri.-k. &c. &c. •Also, Laundry, Family, Chemical, Pale, No. 1, and all kind» of Fancy .''(J \P.’>. Freiphts procured at the best rates, and every effort made ti> [.lease all who may favor us with their patron age, .Ml orders thankfully received, and atten'led to with care and despatch. LOVELAND & WELCH, 381 West street. New York. J:in’y 20, I8C1), .’-3mpd ~c;apt. w ilkks's rkport” fl\ THE IlKKP RIVBR >11\KRIL Rfn,l()\. ’^pilK undersigned havo caused to be publisiied from I the Congressional jilaies, an edition of the Report of (.’^tpt, Wilkes, U S. .Nnvy, an l his As-oci it*'* on the Hoiird .appointed Vy the Secretary of the N;ivy to ex- !imi;;e the Deep Hiver Region of North (..irolina. l;iis isiiie most important and scieii'ifio st;.teniei)t of the grc W( --;ltli o-f that .seciioii of the State, and the .Maps the mo:t perfect and valuable, of nny yet published. The .Maj'S are worth the price of the work, which is .SO CerstS, neatly bound in cloth. Copies sent by mail, free of postage, on the receipt of 50 cents. ,A liberal dis count to wholesale buvers. Order? solicited. Jan'v 26. ' E. J. HALE ^ SON. .4AAtAI^ HFFTIAG. The .Annual .Meeting of the Stockholders of the Fay etteville and Western Plank Road Company will take place in Fayetteville, on THURSDAY the 2t>ih D.AY of APRIL, (instant.) As many important ijuestions will be brought before the meeting in relation to the Road, such as the sale of H j)art of the Company's Road, the abandonment of another, otc., itc., it is urgently requested that all the Stock of the Company be represented either in person or by proxy. By order. JNO. M, ROSE. Clerk, F. k W, P, R, Co, ,Vpril 6, 1860. 7-tm BbL; Fish. No. S .M.A’KEREL. 20 16 do. No 1 MULLETS, in oak bbls. HERRI.NG, For sale by PE.MBEUTON i SLOAN. 6-lm 0 twii.ano! 4»uano!! B.AGS No. 1 GL’.ANO. For sale by E. F. .MOORE. Feb'y 20. i4t-'.)otf 500 E. F. itlOGKE, (’ O M .M 1SS IO \ .M E R C il A N T, 1 ND will keep consiantly 011 hand every article in the A. Turpentine Distillers' Line. feb'y 20. ' ih-l'gtf Liquors! I^iquors! Liquors! JW, Ht.>KNE being desirous to close out his stock , of Liquors, will otter inducements in jiricos, .As titt intends to quit the trade, his stock will be sold low. or sale at cost and charge,s. 100 BAHRyiiB, of various kinds and qualities, Person.s indebted must Call Ulld Settle Feb 10 i'2-tf ‘‘\1J'E refer our readers to the advertisement of VV Messrs. CHURCH ^ DUPoNT, No. ‘1(K Broad- ' way. New Vork. The -Blood Food,' is one of the great est medicines of tiic age, and is rapiilly driving out of the market all the quacK nostrum.-' of modern limes. Its eliicacy is so great, and its superiority so justly acknow- , ledged, that it is fouti I dilKcult to supply the itniueuse ' and increasing demand for the article. Dr. Eaton’s celebrated ‘Inlantile Cordial,' is a medicine prepared by a regular physician of eminence in hia prole.ssion, and one who has devoted his life to the peculiar phases of ; Infantile diseases. It is no iiumbug. but a medicine j which commends itself to those only who can appreciate it,"—Apalachicola, Flor. Timet. 'iS^ St* advtrtittmiut. M»r«h 24. g. Strayed or Stolen. 11.1 T my .Stiible, on Thursdaj- last the I'ith inst , a J SOilUEL M.ARE, about six y^ai's old, no m.arks ri C' r>oct*‘d. Tlii-i M^ire was bougiit by me from Llea- zer t'(>s. of Randolph bounty, 1 tiiink. on the .TNt uli. ,\ li;)cr:i! ro.vard will he paid for her delivery to me. Any i:iforniation concerning her will be thankfullv re- .■•iv,?d. ROUT, MITCHELL, Fjb. 20, ISGll, 93-tf AEW BOOKS. ^PlIE KIV.ALS, by J ere. Clemens; .Art Recieations; 1 The Right Word in the right place; Fisher's* Kiver (.N. C.) by “Skiit;'’ Sword and Gown; WiM .Sports in the .South; Leisure .Moments of .Miss M. A. Btitt, A. .M.; Foo’falls on the Boundaries of another World, by Rob’t Dale Owen; the .Man in Black, by James; Evelyn Mar- ston. v^;c., &c. Also, further supplies of Webster’s I’ictorial Un abridged; Wood’s I’ractice; U. S. Dispensatory; Pres ton's Interest Tables; Inquire Within: School Books, &c. March -S. E. J. H.VLE 4: SON. IK)()K-BIM)L\G N all its kinds, executed with neatness and despatch 1 Small jobs when done must be paid before delivered, THOS. H. TILLLNOHAST. Opposite the Female High School, Hay Street Mf.y 14, 1859. 14-1y PAIATS, OILS, &c. SPERM, Refined, Lard, Linseed and Tanners’ OIL White Lead; Burning Fluid; Putty; Window 01as>» and Sash of all sites. —ALSO— A fresh supply of POND’S PAIN DESTROYER. For sale by Ji.M£S HARTINB. 1 Nov’r 24,1869. 66tf 25 do -April 6, I860 31olasses* 1 *" HHDS. prime New Ciop .MOLASSLS, for sale bv L»J J'E-MBEP.TON A SLuAN ‘ .\pril 5, 1*(>0. (3-1 III Cigrars ant Tobaceo. 11A/l (JIG.VHS, various brands. --•OjvUU 00 boxes Manufactured TOB.ACCO, For sale >>v PEMBERTON .v SLOAN -\pril i>, lSi)0, 6-Im - Page SS‘ Suries —RECEIVED THIS WEEK,— on BBLS. HEAVY MESS PORK: •JU 0 Hhds. BACUN SIDES; 4'jno Lbs, C. B.ACON, hog round; 30ft Bushels COUNTRY CORN. EPH. PAGE. S. R. SURLE.S. Fayetteville. April 4, I860. )i-’^w Fruits! Fruits!! RANGES, NEW YORK APPLES at $2 a bushel. J. R. LEE. No. 4*), Hotel Buildings. April (C 7tf JLeatlier! Leather! Oak iiiid Hemlock Sole Leather. (Jak and Hemlock St-de Leather Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather. French. German and American Call'Skins, French, German and .\merican (’aU Skins, French, German and American Calf Skins, .'lorocco. Kid and Patent Leather .'lorocc.>. Kid and I’atent Leather Morocco, Kid and Patent Jjcather, Hindintrs, Liti;n«rs, Lastiiij:s, &c, liindiiius, Ijinin^s, Lastin;j;s, &c. Biiidiiirs, Liniiitrs, La,stin>;s, &c. Wp invi.e Co:inTv ,'\U*rrhants und Miinuractiirers fo ex:itniiie our --)Ck of Luatiier :ind .''hoe Findings, Trim- inin-s, iVc , whicii we offer at wholesale or retail for t'rish. or good paper, at the lowest prices. .All orders e*e(!uted laitiifullv. MAYNARD. ELY i ROSE, No. 46 South Calveri St., Balto, Md. .April 8. G 2mpd. A iii: R rcTS“ill> T eIl,^ O I* P O .s J T E -N 1) E f’ E N D E N C E H ALL, CHESTNLT STl’.LET. BETWI.r.N FIFTH i .SIXTH. WYATT & HEULIWGS, Proprietors. Tei'tm ^t .oO }*rr liitiy. F*>b v lo. '.-'2-2mpd BOOl S aTSHOES^ AT WHOLESALE. JWO. M. WALKER, of North Carolina, WITH w 1: O & C O X , 27 CHA.MBERS STREET, NEW YORK. be hapi>y to see his Southern friend.s at the VV above establishment, where, either personally or by order, they mny he supplied from an extensive and well assorted Stock of Goods in that line, gotten up ex pressly for the Southern trade Feb’y lO. 1800. 01-ly Dr. FRANK W1LL1A>IS*S KYK WKISKKY. R MITCHELL has made airangeinents with Dr. , Frank Williams, to be constantly .su;)p!i d with his celebrated RYE WHISKEY, which can be had at hi® Store at all times, by wholesale or retail. Oct’r 11. 185fl. 5fi-tf WAATED. k LARGE quantity of COTTON and LINLN RAGS, I. for which fair prices will be paid. DAVID MURPHY. Aug. 17 41- GOLD AND SILVER Iti a t'oriner article under the caption ot “lost treasure,” we showed that lor more than 2,000 years there has been, with but occasional slight interruptions, a steady current of silver to the East Indies. This drain excited apprehension eighteen hundred years ago; and in the first century of the the Christian era, in the Roman Senate, and in contemporaneous literature, many tears were expressed, lest the specie ia- Europe would be exhausted by this returnless flow to Eastern Asia We also showed, in the same ar ticle, that the volome of this current had been continually increasing, and that during the last five years lor which the returns are completed, the total shipments to India amounted to two hundred and fifteen million dollars, equal to forty- three millions annually, a sum of such magnitude as to excite the serious attention of the whole fi nancial world We accounted for the loss of a large portion of the specie which for so many years had flowed into that vast reservoir, by sup posing that much of it was buried in the earth lor securi^', and never recovered. The unset tled State of the country, the irregular habits of the people, and the devastating effects of sanguina ry wars and frequent fatal epidemics, would be sufficient to account for this method of concealing treasure, and for the impossibility of restoring the hidden deposits But since our last article was written, farther investigations in that direc tion have brought to light another reason for ac cepting this .solution of the mystery This ia found iu the superstitions which prevail to a great extent through all India. It is a common belief (much more extensive in Asia than we had supposed) that treasure which may have been buried and not discovered will be available to its owner in another world. As the aborigines of our own country laid upon the graves of their de parted friends the favorite weapons' and other personal possessions of the deceased, that they might resume their use in the new sphere to which their spirits had fled, so in the Indieg the idea is widely prevalent that buried treasures may bo made available to their former owners in the spirit-Iand. Especially is such a faith entertained in regard to hidden riches, whose place of de posit is known only to the departed. There is, therefore, a double motive for concealment; a de sire to retain possession of the precious deposit for ui»e in this life, and to secure it to the de positor in that life which is to come. The civilization of the East would, iu time, check this waste of the precious metals, by remov in; the credulity of the common people, and pro viding institutions for the safe keeping of the coin; but there are evidences of aspeedier solution of the difliculty. It is well known that the onh- ac cepted currency in English India or China is sil ver, and that it has been found difficult to pick up enough of this metal to meet the demand This country was drained until the coin was lightened, that it might be retained in circulation; England supplied all she could spare; and the present flow is provided for by an active demand iti Central and South America, and the continent of Europe, Cnless a fresh supply could be ob tained from some source, this metal must soon be come tor. scar.-e for common uso. That supply is now at hand, in the mountains east of Culifornia Few, who have not studieil the subject, have aiiv just idea of the iticreased {>roduction ol the precious metals since ls4j, when gold wa.s first discovered in California, The estimated availa ble annual production in l'^47, amounted toS2T,- 71 •»,100 of silver, and 815,1)75,OUO in gold, ma king a total yield of §48,390,000 jier annum to supply the use and loss of these precious metals. Alter 1S4S the jiroduction rapidly increased up to the beginning of this year, when the annual yield was e.stimated in the round numbers at S50,- D00,000in silver, and ?2.50,00u,000 in gold, making .H total product of three hundred millions dollars, against less than fifty millions only about teti yeitrs ago! But a new phase is about to appear in connection with this production. Heretolbrt;, it will be seen, the most important gain has been in gold; for while the annual production of silver has only increasi'd SO per cent., the production of gold ha,s increased 1,500 per cent,, a chan^ic so vast that its ultimate effect upon commerce is I'pyrnd .ill computation. .Ju.st as this startling trtith has become fixed in the minds of those who have studied the subject, all the theone.s they have evolved frcm it are again u]:set by an an nouncement of an equal probable increase in the vield of silver. We see no reason for duuhting the assertion that in two years the production of .silver in our Pacific po.ssessions will amount to fifty millions per annui;i, 'I'lie efTeft of such a production is not to be cotisidertMl solely as settling llie question of a supply for India, It has a much more important bearing upnn the commer cial prosperity of this cit}-. I’or many years the silver current in Eastern Asia consisted altogether of Spatii'i) piiicir dolliirs. .\fter these became scarce, Mexican dollars were admitted, and lately a few Atnerican dollars have brtn received, .\I1 that would be necessary to make the latter as current as the former, would be their shipmetit in larire fjuantities of uniform value. Tnis could readily be done the moment the supply of silver bullion was sufBcient for the purpose. Now, we p:iy tor our tea, spices, drugs, silk, and other Eastern products, ehitfly in draiis ;tii i..>ndoTi, We iiieet our ex' liaiiiie oti Londoti by shipping gold, and the English banker ]>a}s his correspondent in India by a remittance of silver. The moment we can coin our silver at Frat)ci,'co, and ship it to ludia direct, we shall turii the whole tide of exchanges, at least f>r our .iwii ptirehases, iti this ilin etii n Instead of u fiuw of iiold through New York to England to buy .'ilver for India, ('aliloinia will pay our debt to our antipodes bv a n.-inmittance of silver, and the overplus may be used to give the Loudon baiiker a ereilit on New York. The silver will be paiil for in San Francisco by a draft on the .\tiantie States, whence supplies wiil .still he need ed to feed and clothe the miners. The moment that a rate of exchange upon this city is once es- ■ fiblished in Europe and A.sia, that moment Lon don ceases to be our financial ecntre. Our buyers wiil no longer pay for their Manchester pur chases by a sterling draft under a letter of creiit which cost.s a commission, but by a bill pavable in this city, ;.nd New York will become the fi- tiancial centre of America, and to a certain extent of the world.—Jnvnial of Commnrre. \ runaway thiet having applied to a blacksmith j for work, the latter showed him .some handcuffs, I and asked him if he understood such kind of work. “Why, yes sir,” said the oth«r, “I guess I'vo I had a hand io 'eo afore.'*