SEMI-WBBKL Y. [VOL. IX.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., APRIL 26, 1860. [NO. 912.] PON- PUINJ'EU MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS EDWARD J. HALE & SON, EDITORS AVD PROPRIETORS Price for ihe Semi-Weekly Observeu S8 00 if paid iu sJvanee: $3 50 if paid during ‘.he year of subacrip- lioii; or ?4 after the jear has expired h i>r the Weekly Observer $2 00 per »nnuin, if paid in sdvanoe; iii 50 if paid during the >car of subscrip tion, or $o W after the year has expired. ADVERTISLMENTS inserted for 60 cents per square of DJ lines for the first, and 30 cents for each succeeding publicaiiou. Yearly advertisements by spe cial contracts, at reasonable rates. Advertisers are requested to state the number of insertions desired, or they will be continued till forbid, and charged .ccord- ingly. AdvertiiienientB to be inserted insidt, charged 50 per c*nt extra. SPECIAL NOTICE. From and after this date, no name of a new subscriber will bp entered without payment in advance, nor will I he pajH-r be sent to such subacrJ^ers for a longer time than is paid for. Such of our old subscribers as desire to take the pa per on thi!> system will please notify )ti$ when making remittance!). Jan'y 1, 1858. Thousands art daily speaking in the prais* of DR. EATON’S INFANTILE CORDIAL, and why? because it never fails to afford inttantaneoua rtiief ■mh^n given in time. It acts as if by magic, and ant trial alone will oouvinca you that what we say is true. It contains AO PARECiiORie OR OPIATE of any kind, and therefore relievei by removing the *uff»r- tH(/t ot your child, instead of by dtadtning it» tentibxlitiea. For this reason, it commends itself as the only reliable preparation now known for Children Teetbinc Diar rhoea, Dysentery, Gripiug In the Bowels, Acidity of the stomach, Cold In the Head, and Croup, also, for to/ltniny tkf gumt, rtdueing injlammation, -fjuLating the Bowelt, and relieving pUn. it has no *qual —leing an anti-tpatmodie it is used with unfatliny tuvceta iu all cases of Convulsion or other Fits. .-!« you ta,'ue the life and health of your ehildr»n, and vith to save them from those tad and blighting consequenctx which are itr:utn to result from the ute of nurcotict «/ which all oth*r -trtfdi'-t tor Infantile C'>mplaintt art compoted, take none tut Dr. Catott’s Infantile Cordial; this you can r*ly uyuQ. It is perfectly harmless, aud cannot injure the most delioate infant. Price, 25 cents. Full directions »cc«nipany «ach bottle. Prepared only by IHIRCH i DI POM, No. 40Vt Broadway, New York SPRING STOCK FOR 1860. The subscribers have in Store, and are now receiving a very large SI TO CMC or tiOODS, in their line, direct from the Manufacturers in Europe and Importers and Agents in this Country. Among which may be fountl: 100 Tons of best Swedes Iron from It to 12 in. SOO Doz. Pocket Knives; ♦500 “ Table Knives and Forks; 300 “ Mill Saw and other Files; 60 “ Frying Pans; 30 Hand Saws; 25 Tons Hoop Iron; 10 “ Hollow-Ware; 600 Kegs of NaiU, aisorted; 333 Bags of Coffee, “ 19 Hhds. and 68 bbls. Sugar; 30 J bbls. Eagle Mill Snuff; 125 Boxes Rose Hill 50 Kegs best Sup. Carb. Soda. Together with a complete assortment of other articles sold in a Grocery and Hardware Store. All of which are offered to the Trade for Cash, or on the usual time to prompt dealers, at prices to compete with New York Jobbers. GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. Fayetteville, Feb’y 22, 1860. 94tf •fames Kyle Has just received his SPRING AND SU.MMER SUP PLY of DRY GOODS, —,amon(( which are— Summer and other Silks, Printed Lawns, Double Skirt Robes, Single ditto. Prints, real French, British and Domestic, Irish Linens, Diapers. &.C., Bolting Cloths: With a very large assjrtment of all kinds of Goods gen erally kept in wholesale and retail Stores: all of which are offered at wholesale and retail—CHEAP. March 24, 18G0. .3tf 34 May Street. k. KI LE Is now receiving his Spring and Summer Stock of STAI'LE AMI F4\ey DRY GOODS, .Vmong which may be found the following articles, at prices which will prove satisfactory to the purchaser; Dress Goods in piece,s, consisting of Muslin*, Lawns, Ginghams, Prints, Bereges, Black and White Challies, Silks, &c., &c. In ROBES the following lino: Lawn Robes, Double and Single Skirts, Berege do.. Gingham do.. Lace Points, Shawls and .^lantillas in pn fusion. Ribbons, Hosiery and (floves. Spool Cotton, Hats and Caps, Boots aud Shoes. .\11 ot which will be offered very low. Call and ex amine; no charge for looking. J. K. IvYLE. .March 14, IbHO. 2tf REMOVAL. E. ^L.O\^JER^ WATCH MAKER .4ND JEWELER. I AS removed two Doors West of liis 'The f'a.rv'utge Factory in Mctv^n' RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public> that he has built up large substantial Brick Build ings at his Old Stand, expressly for manufacturing Car riages. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he has received for the last 21 years, he hopes by strict atten tion to business, with a desire to gi’^e satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants his work to be made of the best material and by experienced workmen in each branch of the business. His work will compare favorably with any made in the United States, for neatness^ and durability. He is determined to sell and do any work in bis line on as good terms as any work done elsewhere that is as well done. He now lias on hand, finished, THE LARGEST STOCK OF Carriages, Barouehfs Roekaways and Buggies, ever offered in this place, and a very large stock of work nearly finished, which will be finished daily. All of which will be sold very low for cash, or on short time to punctual customers. gj^T lIe has on hand more than ONE HUNDRED .\ND FIFTY VEHICLES finished and in course of construction. Bta^.'Vll work made by him is warranted 12 months with fair usage, and should it fail by bad workmanship or material, will be repaired free of eharge. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call am! ex amine for themselves. Orders thankfully received and promptly attended to* Repairing executed at short notice and on very reason able terms. May 28, 1859. 89-tf vrliat is the lueanin;^ ot such a crowd in front of Woodward’s?” “He bas Just received bU SPRlXtt STOCK, and I suppose they are there making their selec- tloua!” This season the style of (}oHts is Double ^ TV and Single BRE.\STED, with Large Sleeves: P.ANTS, L.ARGE LEGS; Vest Double and Single Breasted. i My Stock is now complete and ready ii for inspection by all those who may wish well made and neat fitting garments. Call and make your selections before the Stock is picked over VA- V- J. W. BAKER Is now receiving from the North the largest, finest, and most carefully selected stock of j fur'viti’rf: ! ever offered in this market; which added to ! his own manufacture, makes bis assortment complete;— I all of which be will sell on the lowest possible terms for { cash or on time to punctual customers , Fashionable painted cottage bed-room Furniture iu : setts: curled hair and shuck, and cotton Mattresses; j Looking Glasses; W illow Wagons and Cradles; Side i Boards: Bureaus: Secretaries and Book-Cases; What- j Nots; Tables, all sorts; Wash Stands; Candle Stands; j _ Wardrobes: Picture Frames and Glass; Window Shades: I Cornices; Curtain Bands; Sofas in Mahogony and Wal nut: Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools: Chairs of every variety. Fine Rosewood Pianos, one with ..•’Eolian at tachment; Rospwool Melodians, from the best manufac tories in New Vork aud Boston, warranted as guod as any made in the country, and will be sold at New York prices—freight only added. September 2. 45tf CATALOGUE OF DIFFERENT RIETIES Black Cloth Coats, Single and Double Breasted. Silk Mixture Suits, tassimere SuitH. French Dr. d’Ete, Imitation Dr. d'Ete. Black .\lpacca Frockn aud Sacks. Tweeds in Suits. Cottonade in Suits. Linen Frocks and Sacks. Linen Dusters, five different varieties. Black Doeskin Pants. Extra supply of Fancy Cassiraeres. Drap d’Ete. French Ribbed. White Drilling. Nary Duck and Marseilles. A supply of Youth’s C'assimere Suits. Also, pants for Boys from 7 to 14 years old, VESTS of every style and varieties for the Season. Special attention is called to a NEW STYLE SHIRT never introduced in this Market before this season. Extra supply of (jiauze Flannel and .Merino finish Under Shirts. A large supply of Fancy |.,a Xeck Ties, Collars, Suspenders, Ho- r H siery. Gloves, Trunks, Valises dt Car- ' ^ pet Bags. A.l the above goods will be Sold low for Ca-sh, or on time to all those who pay their Bills when presented. P. S. Don’t forget that my FRENCH T.\ILOR is ready to make up at any time Clothing for any Gentle men who wish to have them made to order. Call at any time at the ONE PRICE CLOTHING STORE and leave your measure and your orders will be filled and satisfaction gaarantied. Market Square, Two Doors below Hinsdale’s Drug Store. A. J. WOODWARD. .\pril 9, 18fi0. 7-2m SECOND SPRINT, STOCK. lUE have received onr second purclm!e. consisting f T a large and desirable slock of staple and Faiic%' Di*v liioods, HATS, BO\.\ETS, BOOTS, SHOES, 1MBREILAS, HEADY-MADK riOTHINfi, TRUNKS, &c. Which we offer exclusively to W'holesale Buj’ers, on terms as favorable as they can be bought North or South. .STARR & WILLT.AMS. -\pril 23. lltf 2^ Storing Stock. H.~& E. J. LILLY ' 4 RE now receiving IN PART, and during the week ' xV will have in Store, THE BALi\NCE of their Second Spring: Purchases embracing an excellent assoriment of G O O O I adapted to the Season, all of which were selected PER- j SONALLY with care, and will be sold at REASONABLE : prices. , April 2S, 1800. 11-4t FOR 8AL.E. 1 Second-hand SPTS. BARRELS. iUUU ITS Bags Yellow CORN. 400 “ W'hite Do. 2000 Bus. heavy Maryland 0.\TS. 10,000 Lbs. BACON SIDES. 100 Barrels CORN WHISKEY. 10 Tons HOOP IRON. 100 Sacks Liverpool SALT. 3MJ Casks Fresh LIME. 100 Bbls. HYDR.\ULIC CEMENT. T. S. LUTTERLOH. April 23. ll-8w FOR SAMjE. tIOUR LARGE MULES and HARNESS. WAGON in good order. April 23. One Strong T. S. LUTTERLOH. 11-3w Fish. BBLS. No. 8 M.\CKEREL. 16 do. No. 1 MULLETS, in oak bbU 25 do. HERRING. For sale by PEMBERTON & SLOAN. ■\pril 5, I860. 6-lni - I FOR SALE. iING HOUSE and LOT, on Rowan Street, )f .Mr. J. .\. Pemberton’s residence. A bar gain can ))« had. T. S. LUTTERLOH. .\pril 23. ll-3w 1 \W ELLIN 17 West of 20 ^olasseis. 1 ~ HHDS. prime New Crop MOL.\SSES, for sale by 1 •) PEMBERTON & SLOAN. ' .April 5, Ibfin. 6-lm Clgrars and Tobacco. X /lAA CIGARS, various brands. UUU 50 boxes .Manufactured TOB.\CCO. For sale by PEMBERTON & SLOAN. 1B6U. 6-lm Healthy human Blood upon being ANALYZED Always presents us with the same essential elements and gives of course the ?Trn«? .S’tHlldard. Analyze ihe Blood of a person suffering from Consumption. Liver (^umplaint. Dyspepsia, Scrofula, &c. and we find in every instance certain dejiaencitt in the red globules of Blood. Supply these deficiencies, and you are made well. The DIuod Food is founded upon this Theory—hence itK astonishing success. There are FIVE PREPARATIONS adapted to deficiencies of the Blood in different diseases. For 'old«, or any affec tion whatever of the Throat or inducing oilHUnipti»ll, use No. 1. which is also the No. for l>#*pre-f»ion of 'pirils, » of .Appelifc, atid for all 4 liroilie Complsiiil m arising from Ov^r-u^ , 4iieii«‘rsil l>ei>iiity. and >ervoii« Pru'^lration. No. 2, for i.iv«:r Coiiiplnnii«. N’o. 3, for Dyi|»«|»^iH. H'ing already prepared fnr nbsoTptton it is l»y l>rop«* and carried im mediately into the circulation, so that what you gain you retatn. The No. 4 is for (Viiiale I ri'C*;;ulari* lit*v Hysteria, Ac See special di rections torthis. For *alt Kiieuiii, F.riipiioiis, ^‘i'oftiioii«i, Kidney, and Bladder C«im- plaiafN, take No. 5. In all cise.'tlie directions must strictly followed. Price of the ISIooil Pool SI {■er bottle. Sold by CHIKCH A: Dll'OM. No. i>ni>idw.iv. Ntw Vork. .\nJ by all respectable Druggists tlininghout tiie country. Nov 11, ^‘'-ly m\ i\MCn Ti)iiPi.\\. 1I.4RTFOKD, COAli. Incorporated 1819. Charier Perpetual. H 31airble Factory, Authorized Capital, P»id up Capital, .Vs^pts, $i,r>oo,ooo 00 1,500,000 00 2,OaO,4*23 m DIRKCT0R8. T. K. BR.^CE. s. TUDOR. J. CHURCH. U. BUELL. K. FLOWER. K. .\. BULKELEY. K. M.VTHER. S. S. H. Z t. G. RIPLEY. W. F. G. Riplky, Pres’t. K. Bhace, Jr., Sec’y. WARD. PRATT. DUNHAM. F. DAVIS. HILLYER. A. ALEX.\NDER. KENEY. H. BRAINARD. A. G. D. ' ». 1 C. TUTTLE. T. A. -At.EXANbtH, V. Pres't. A. A. Williams, Adjuster. Rates as low as i*k;RrECT solvk.scv and fair profit will allow. ASSETS.—July 1859. Market value fiank Stocks in-New York, Hartford, Bos ton, St. Louis, &c., S91y,344 00 United States Stock and Treasury Notes, 215,126 60 .''tate Stocks: New York, Ohio, Kentucky. Tennessee, Missouri, IC.8,0.50 00 f'ity Stocks. Hartford, Rochester, Brook lyn. Jersey City, 11G,XM) 00 Kailro^d Stocks; Hartford and New Haven, r.oston and Worcester, Conn. River, H7,0.'>8 0) M'.iiiga^e Bonds, 83,089 60 H*-h1 K«tate, unincumbered, ((1,10.5 78 Mi'Cellaneous Items, 2i>,348 77 t'Hsh, on hand and deposited on aall, aud iu ajrents'hands, 350/303 lo ceived a large addition to his former Stock, and he in- • vites his old customers and the public to Cil! and ex amine his NEW STORE and NEW GOODS, and assures them he will sell anything in his line as cheap as can be purcha.-^ed at any other Store North or South. —Among his Stock can be found— Gold and Silver Watches of all price."* and quali ties; Gold and Silver Chains, Seals and Keys; Bracelets, Breast Pins and Kar Rin>rs; Gold Lockets, Gold Pens and Pencils, &c., &c.; Fine and Common Pistols, Silver anH Plated Ware of all kinds; a handsome stock of Clocks; all kinds ot Mili tary Goods, and every thing wanted in his Hue. Particular attention paid to Watch Repairing. .March 7, 1860. 9H-3m Leather! Leather! | Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather. j Ouk and Hemlock Sole Leather. i Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather. French, German and American Calf Skins, French, German and American Calf Skins, French, German and American Call Skins, Morocco, Kid and Patent Leather. Morocco, Kill and Patent Leather. Morocco, Kid and Patent Leather. Bindings, Lininjrs, Lastinj^s, &c. Bindings, Linings, Lastings, &c. Bindings, Linings, Lastings, &c. We invite Country Merchants and Manufacturers to examine our stock of Leather and Shoe Findings, Trim mings, &c., which we offer at wholesale or retail for Cash, or good paper, at the lowest price.s. -■Vll orders executed faithf^ully. M.\YNARD, ELY & ROSE, No. 4(i South Calvert St., Balto. Md. April 3. 6-2nipd. |ji|Uor«! Liquors! Liiquorw! JW. HORNE being desiroue to close out his stock , of Liquors, will offer inducements in prices. .\s he intends to quit the trade, his stock will ^ sold low. or sale at cost and charges, 100 BARRELS, of various kinds and qualities. Persons indebted must rail and settle. April CAPTrivTLKES^^ REPORT THE DEEP RIVER MI.^ER.U REGIO.W The undersigned have caused to be published from the'onal plates, au edition of the Report of Capt. Wilkes, U. S. Navy, and his .\ssociates on the Board appointed by the Secretary of the Navy to ex- at-iine the Deep River Region of North Carolina. This is (he most important and scientific statement of the great wealth of that section of the State, and the Maps the most perfect and valuable, of any yet published. The .Maps are worth the price of the work, which in 50 cents, neatly bound in cloth. Copies sent by mail, free of postage, on the receipt of 50 cents. A liberal dis count to wholesale buyers. Orders solicited. Jan’y 26. E, J. HALE & SON. NEW GOODS. The subscribers are receiving a large Stock of Goods in their line, consisting of GROCERIES, Hardware and Cutlery, Farming I'tensiis, Turpentine TooIn, SADDLERY, WHIPS, &c., Embracing almost every article kept in a Stock of this kind, and will make it to the interest of merchants and all others purchasing to give them a call. The above Goods will he ofTered low for Cash, exchanged for Country Produce, or sold on short time to prompt pay ing customers. PEMBERTON 4 SLOAN. Fayetteville, .Vpril 5. 180)0. *)-3mi3w COFFEE—COFFEE—COFFEE. • .VXOTHER “SOITHEKX BOTTOM.” About the 20th of May we expect the brig II. A. CAMPBELL, direct from Rio Janeiro with 2000 MMiigs Selected Grades CofiTee, which will be sold upon arrival on usual terms. The attention of the merchants of the State is res pectfully solicited. O. G. PARSLEY & CO. ' Wilmington, N. C., .\piil 19. 10-3t The We TWO DIMIKS \iiUV!* 1'. ilUfill V( !!*, V 1>KH, i S(I,\S’ STORl- . r. 8- f A C^E.H! The >ew Style, Small, COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS, AT Vaiior«d4^ll*it Gallery. favi:tte:vbi.i.e MITIAL I.XSIRA CE COMPANY. ASS^.TS 5254,618.62 This Company has bet-n iu op»ratiou more than six years, and has jtuid its lire los>*a, amounting to §23,524.87 without any assessment; insur“’M;e averag ing its members about percent. .\mount of property now insured, .563.4W.01 Amount premium notes now on hand, 247,78f*.08 Directors. XEW BO»K>^. M.\RBLE FAUN, by Hawthorne; Southern r'ealth and Northern Profits: A Life Struggle, by Miss Pardoe; Passing Thoughts, by Sewell; Night Les sons from Scripture, by Do. Women of Worth; .\rt Recreations. Men who have Risen; The Federalist: Scott's Poeti cal Works; Druitt's Modern Surgery; Field’s Pear Culture; School Books, &c. E. J. HALE & SON. April 18, 1860. Geo. McNeill, D. A. Ray, H. L. My rover, S. W. Tillinghast, Henry Lilly, N. A. Stediuan, S. J. Hinsdale, T. S. Lutterloh, Wm. MaLaurin, S. T. Hawley, W. N. Tillinghast, A. McKethan, .T. D. WilliHing, ■l:is. (i. Cook, A. W. Steel, .las. Kyle, Hon. .1. G. Shepherd, R. F. Brown. Wilmington. Keb 1() «2-tf $2,030,428 80 LIABILITIES, unadjusted aud not due. *88,242 08 Fruits! Fruittt!! ANGES, NEW YORK APPLES at $2 a busheL J. R. LEE, No. 40, Hotel Buildings. April 9. 7tf 0" :%e(i;roe« waited. The subscribeis wish to purchase a number of young NEGROES, for which they are willing to pay the iiighest casii prices. Persons having such property to dispose of would do well to call on tliemor address them at Red Springs, N. C. H. & A. McNEILL. Red Springs, March 20, 1880. 3tf Ti¥ A RKET. A LL persons having NEGROP^S for sale, will do well A. to address the subscriber at Clinton, Sampson county, as he is determined to buy and pay as liberal prices for them as the state of the market will permit. A. E. Hall. Wilmington. Offickbs: GEO. McNEILL, President. D. A. R.\Y, Vice President. C. A. Mc.VIILL.\N, Secretary John (’ollins and C. C. McCrunimen, Travelling Agents, gfcyr The Company invite applications. May 19, 1859. 16-Y THE IVORTH €AROEi:VA MITIAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, VTOW in the tenth year of successful operation, with 1^1 growing capital and firmer hold upon public con fidence, continues to insure the lives of all healthy per sons from 14 to 00 years of age, for one j’ear, for seven years, and for life—all life members sharing in the profits. .\ll slaves from 10 to t50 years of age are insured for one year or for five years for two-thirds their value. .\11 losses are punctually paid within 90 days after satisfactory proof is presented. For further information the public is referred to Agents of the Company in all parts of the State, and to R. H. B.\TTLE, Secretary, Raleigh. E. J. HALE, Agent at Jan’y 1869. Fayettev'lle, N. C. _ _ li. J. D.WIS having decidod on perma nently locating in the Town of Fayette ville, respectfully offers his services to the citizen# of this place and surrounding country. In all the various branches of his Profession, including the manufacture of Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an extensive experience, to which is added a thorough Den tal education, that he can give entire satisfaction as far as is in the power of Dentistry. All irregularities of the Teeth treated in a proper and careful manner, as well as I ART. Woodward’s ^iolar Camera. PHOTOGRAPHS can be had at Vanorsdell’s Skylight Gallery, Hay street, opposite .Marble Yard. Fay etteville. N. C.; plain, retouched, colored, in water colors, oil and pastile: from small to life size. Ambro- types, Melaneotypes, and all other styles of Pictures pertaining to the Art. .\lso. Gilt Frames. Gilt Mould ing. Glass for very large pictures—as large as 26 by 36 inches. Cord and Tassels for hanging pictures; Instru ments. Stock and Chemicals for sale low for cash. Life size colored Photographs made from small pictures. Having permanently located here I hope to merit your patronage. I would also return my sincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on me heretofore by the good people of Fayetteville and vicinity. C. M. VANORSDELL, Photographist and Proprietor. Dec’r 20, 1859 77- IVEW ROOKS. The rivals, by Jere. Clemens: Art Recreations: 1 The Right Word in the right place; Fisher’s River | (N. C.) by “Skitt;” Sword and Gown; Wild Sports in the South; Leisure Moments of Miss M. A. Butt, A. M.; Footfalls on the Boundaries of another World, by Rob’t Dale Owen; the Man in Black, by James; Evelyn Mar- ston, &c.. Ac. Also, further supplies of Webster’s Pictorial Un- I ^ Triislee’s Notice. 1>ERS0NS having claims against James Huske prior to the 27th Oct. 1857, who are provided for in Deed of Trust made bv saiil James Huskc to me of that date, are requested to present them duly authenticated within the next 10 days, as I desire to close up the Trust. SAM’L W. TILLINGHAST, Trustee. April 16, 1860. lOtt WA\TED, TWO voung men well acquainted with business. JAMES KYLE. -\pril 21. ll-ot The l^arj^est Stock of’ Tobacco II^VER ofl'ered in FayetteviUe, is now in store by J J. W. HORNE. April 23, 1860. ll-2w Hillsboro’ Tlilitary Aca«leiiiy. The second term of this Institution begins on the 1st of MAY. For a circular respecting terms, course of study, etc., address the Superintendent, COL. C. C. TEW. April 21. ll-3t-*2t THE PRYOR AND PUTTER AFFAIR In the matter of dueling, the short step be- tweed the sublime and the ridiculons has been reduced down to the vanishing point. \S’e would be ashamed to examine the arguments urged in defence of the practice, even when there wa.^ something brave and manly about the code, and when it contained provisions for killing. But in this age of the world, it is simply barbarous, un christian. and infinitely disgusting. The parade of chivalry and of lofty sentiment, and all the sham appliances with which the professional duel list surrounds his vocation, merit and receive the contempt and derision of every right-thinkiug man who has brains enough to reason, and cour age enough to express his true sentiments. We scorn to argue the question in its moral aspect, because it is denounced in all religions that re cognize the existence of a God, and is revolting to the instincts of every man whose expectation for the future is for a fate better than that of the brutes which perish. We have never studied the amended code, aud therefore cannot speak with certainty as to its provisions. But it contains enough evasions to suit Touchstone. In most modern duels, the ‘‘goers out” are like the King of France, who marched up the hill, and then marched down again; or like the army that swore so terribly in Flanders. In the olden time the challenger an nounced himself ready to encounter his enemy, on foot or on horseback, withs word, lance or bat tle-axe; and he would have been counted a cra ven if he had rejected any weapons that the other could propose. The choice of weapons has been with the challenged ever since the first pair of fools inaugurated the dueljo. Time, place and weapon were all beyond the control of him who invited the combat. How forlornly the safe amusement ot modern due lists compares with those old-fashioned reali ties! They are terrible in the exchange of notes, but harmless in the exchange of shots. Their pro fessed appetite for gore is insatiable, but their ca pacity for shedding it very much limited. A reputation for invincible pluck is cheaply earned by the gentleman of wounded honor without luui h risk of incurring any bodily damage. He A’ould be in greater danger if he undertook a steanitioat or railroad journey of a thousand miletj. 'i he whole thing is an atrocious humbug, if we must have these gladiatorial Buenes, let us huve real blood and not mere stage paint,—let us have fewer notes and messages and more shots and stabs. And especially ought the professed duelist to be held up to all the dangers of the code to which he appeals. If he choosca to scatter his challenges about upon any or no occasion, he should be bound- to accept whatever weapons or terms his adversary chooses. The whole affair is appropriate to the House of Representatives, and our ire is kindled when wo remember that men are injuring the good name of our country by their doings. The of fence given and taken was not one to be wipetl out in blood. Jlr. Pryor presumed upon his fighting reputation to send a challange, when no sane man would have dreamed of such a termi nation to so trifling a beginning. Mr. Potter ac cepts the challenge because he does not dare to be dared. One boy knocks a chip off the other boy’s head. What a shame and reproach upon us that both boys happen to be our National Leg islators. The cure for dueling can be found only in the free expression of public opinion through the press. The vast majority of respectable newspa pers in America (which dares to call itself a Christian land,) would express the sentiments of their conductors if they would fearlessly denounce this shameful practice. We respectfully call upon our brethren to aid us in this warfare. We address them as true men, as loyal citizens of our common country—as respecters of the majesty of the law—as con.servators of the true interests of society. It is a blot upon us so long as we toler ate these appeals to arms. If the contests are real, and murder is done under the algis of a code that defies God and injures humanity, we are bound by the highest considerations to scout it from the midst of us, as a thing belonging to the regions of the moles and the bats. And if they are sham-battles, surrounded with solemn pomp and circuinstance, we are less shocked, but more humiliated, because these representative men are earning for us unmeasured contempt. Let us not deserve it, by failing to testify against their deeds with all the power of public sentiment. Baltimore Ameriran. I — A.l^.\l AI^ HEETI.\«. Bank Cape Fear, ) April ISth, I860, j ^MIE .\NNU.\L meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank will be held at their Banking House in Wil- abridged; Wood’s Practice; U. S. Dispensatory; Pres- j mington. on Thursday, the 3d day of ^Iay next, ton's Interest Tables; Inquire Within; School Books, &c. ' ” ’■ March 5. E. J. HALE & SON. Bookie! Books! 1 FURTHER supplies of the Southern Harmony; N. C. ' Readers Nos. 1, 2, 3; Monteith’s Geography Nos. 1, 2, 8; Lincoln’s Botany; Kames Elements; Wobs’er's Pri mary Dictionary; Davies’ Arithmetic; Columbian Orator; Nonhend’s American Speaker; Little Speaker; Emer son’s Arithmetics, &c. &c. Just received by E. J. H.VLE & SON. March 26. By aUdresaing him he will call imm^iarely^ and I diseases of the mouth. None but the proper metals are fcstf* -\geut of the above Comjiany in Favetteville, E. J. 'HALE. March 21, 18t>*. 3tf Autobiography and Biography of Kev. Joseph ^aldHell, 1). D. LL. D., F irst President of the Univ«r- of N. CwoUna. Price 26 ct». 27. E, J. HALE k SON. make liberal offers, as all will find who will try him. CHARLES T. STEVENS. Clinton, Sampson Co., Sept 10,1859 48-lypd WAi^TED. A LARGE quantity of COTTON and LINEN RAGS, f»r wbioh fair priats will b* paid. DAVID MUBPHY. Aag. 17 41- made use of in the various operations. Charges will be moderate, that the benefits of the Profession may be placed within the reach of all who may feel an interest in the preservation of the Teeth. Office over Houston's Jewell^ Store, where he may be found at all times. May 10, 1858^ 9tf i Blank WarraniB for sale at thii Office itllTE refer our readers to the advertisement o. Messrs. CHURCH & DUPONT, No. 409 Broad way, New York. The ‘Blood Food,’ is one of the great est medicines of the age, and is rapidly driving out of the market all the quack nostrums of modern times. Its efficacy is so great, and its superiority so justly acknow ledged, that it is found difficult to supply the immense and increasing demand for the article. Dr. Eaton’s celebrated ‘Infantile Cordial,’ is a medicine prepared by a regular physiciau of eminence in his profession, and one who has devoted his life to the peculiar phases of Infantile diseases. It is no humbug, but a medicine which commends itself to those only who «an appreciate it.”—Apalachicola, Flo/r. Trmt*. See advtrti*»mtnt. March 24. 3- ~C’atechi»iii of U. States History, Bv B. R. CARROLL—a Southern School Book. March 28. J- HALE & SON. H. R. S.\V.\GE, Cash. April 19. H-f8M BA^K t^Al^E FEAR. April 18th, IHttO. IVIDEND 101. Semi-.\nnual Dividend of Five per cent, has been declared, payable at the Princi pal Bank and Branches on and after the 1st day of ■May next. H. R. SAVAGE, Cash’r. April 19. 11-lsiM. I) Harper**’ Magazine lor ^ay. April 2I E. J. HALE & SON. AV.\LlABLEVOl.\(i\EGROI{flyFOR S\LE By order of the Court of Equity of Cumberland County, in the case of Jackson Johnson, Sen., et al, vs. Jo.siah .Maultaby, e( al., 1 will sell at the next Superior Court for said county, on Tuesday the 15th day of .May. at the Court House in Fayetteville, a Valuable and Likely Young NEGRO boy, named Robert, aped eight or ten years. Sale will take place at 12 o’clock. Terms of sale Cash. W. A. HUSKE. C. & M. E. April 18. nta Carriage and Harness tor Sale. A SECOND-HAND large Carriage, (seats for six,) McKethan’s make, in goed condition. And a double set of Carriage Harness, Overby’s make, nearly new. For sale together or separately. Nov^lf). EDITH’S Ministry; Sunshine, or Kate Vinton: Th« Flounced Rob*, »nd Whal it Coft. Just r«c’d. Pee 8. fi- J. HAL£ 4 SON. *4 Capital Trick that JjmieJ Well.— Here is a 'ood story which we have just heard. A young man (a brother to “Sly IJoots,” perhaps, for, like her, he enjoyed a j»ood jote) was studying in col lege. One afternoon he walked out with one of his in.«tructors, and they chanced to see an old pair of shoes lying by the side of the path, which ap peared to belong to a poor man at work close by. “Let u? have a little amusement at his expense,” said the student. “Suppose we hide these shoes, and conceal ourselves in the bushes to watch his perplexity when he cannot find them " “I can think of a better trick than that," said the in- stuctor. “You are rich, and suppose you put a silver dollar in the toe of each shoe, and then we will hide.” The young man did so. Th® poor man finished his work soon, and went to put on his shoes. You can imagine his surpri.«e when he stooped down to take out a pebble, as he sup posed, from the toe, and found it to be a hard dollar, and then his absolute perj)lexity and as tonishment when he found still another in the other shoe. His feelings overcame him; he tell upon his knees, looked up to heaven, and uttered aloud a fervent thanksgiving, in which he thanked a kind Providence for sending some unknown hand to save from perishing his sick and helpless wife and his children without bread. Do you wonder that the young ina(i stood in his hiding place deeply nffecteii, and his eyes filled with tears? Young friends, and you, Miss “Sly Bf)Ot«,” when you want to enjoy real fun, real pleasure at witnessing the perplexity of others, see if yon cannot in some way imitate the student. Such tricks are worth performing. Southfrn Fif-hl and F’ircniJe.—The publisher of this Southern weekly antiounces, in the last number, that he has secured for the ensuing volume the services of John It. Thompson, Escj., the accomplished and talented editor of the South ern Literary Mt^ssenger. An exchange says that “seven hundred indus- triou/i individuals gain a respectable livelihood in the State of Ohio by manufacturing counterfeit money.”

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