SEMI-WEBKL,Y. i lie- N,- anjf [VOL. IX.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., APRIL 30, 1860. [NO. 913.] PRINTED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS EDWARD J. HAIG & SOB(, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS Price I'T liie Seuii-W*‘ekl_v $3 00 if paid in ailvauce: S8 50 if paid during iLe ye»r of subt#rip- ti-'ir. or J4 after the year hue ^xpirtjd i)io Weekly Ob^krvek DC' per aiinum, if p«id in aJvaiic-t;; tjO if paid during the year of sul^scrip- lioii: iir 5i5 arier the year has expired. ADVERTl?!tMENTS inserted fo> 60 cents per • quare of li'. lines f^-r the first, and SO cents for each • ucceediiig publioMiion \ early advertisements by spe cial contract-?, at reasonable rates. Advertisers are requested lo state the nutuber of insertions des'red. or they will continued till forbid, and charged accord- iiii[h ■ .Adverti>>enients to be inserted xntuU. charged &0 per c#nt extra. SPKt'l.M. NOTICK. From and nfter thisd.'ite, nonmneof a new sub.-^cribcr »ill be entered without payment in advance, nor will the paper be sent to «uch ;ub»ori+iors fur a longer tiiue liian is paid for. ^uch of our old subscribers an desire to take the pa- er on this system will please notify us when making •^miitances. Jan'y 1, 18•^^. SPRING STOCK FOR 1860. The subscribers hav« in Stors, and are now rtotiring a very large SITOCK or (^OOMtlS, in their line, direct from the Manufacturers in Europe and Importers and Agentt in ihiu (’ountry. Among which may be found: 100 Tons ot best Swedes Iron troui ^ to 12 in. SOO Doz. Pocket Knives; GOO “ Table KniTes and Forks; 800 “ Mill Saw and other File#; 00 “ Fryioj; Pans; yO “ Hand Saws; 25 Tons Hoop Iron; 10 “ Ilollow-War*; GOO Kegs of Nails, agsort«d; 333 Bags of Coffee, “ 19 Hhds. and 68 bbls. Sugar; 30 i bbls. Eagle Mill Snuff; 125 Boxes Rose Hill “ 50 Kegs best Sup. Carb. Soda. Together with a complete assortment of other articlea sold in a Grocery and Hardware Store. All of which are oftered to the Trade for Cash, or on the usual lime to prompt dealerti, at prices to compete with New York Jobbers. GEO. W. WILLl.^MS & CO. Fayetteville, Feb'y 2'2, 18G0. ‘J4tf 'ITir Cnrrin^e Fnrtory ih the South! •fames Kyle ceivedhis SPRING .\ND SU DRY GOODS, Has just received his SPRING .\ND SUMMER HL'P- PLY of Thousands art daily speaking in thu praise of DR. EATON’S INFANTILE CORDIAL, and why' because it never fiils to afford intlantaneout »•/:>/when j^iven in time. It acts as if by magic, and ont trial alone will oonvince you that what we say is true. It contains \0 PAREX.ORIi: OR OPIATE )!' any kind, and therefore relieves by . emovin^ the tuff*r- tnj! ot your child, instead of by deadeniny it* aemiOiiitiea. Kor this reason, it commends itself as the only rrlvMf '.■rep.Hration now known for Cblldreu Teething l>lar- rhoea, Uyaenterj, Griping in tbe Bowel*, .Acidity ut the stomach, >%ind. Cold in ttie Head, and f roup, also, for »ut't»ninj/ thegumt. rtducing xniiammatiun, t. ulatiny the liotctl*, and relteving pa%n. it has no equal -1 eing an anti-$pa*viodtc it is used with unfailmy luccett :Q all cases of Convulaion or other Fits. .4« y^/u ,.uue ih' life and health of your childrtn. and with to save •. '.■ •n ’rom those tad and blighting cnnteijuencet ichich are • 'I rftult from the ute of wircotict of vhtch aU other for Infantile Cymplnmtt are compoted, take none u: Dr. I^aton’s Infantile Cordial; this you can rtly ill. It is perfectly Lariuless, and cannot injure the lii delicate infant. Price, '2b cents. Full directions j ?nip*nv each bottle. Prepured onlv bv tHlU€H i lilPONT, No. 40'i* Broadway, New York. ■ Ucdlthy butaaxi B1o>a1 upon being ANALYZED always preserits us with the same essenli.,! elements. And (fives of course the ’ rue Vlaiiilsti’d. Analyze •.’le illood of a person sufferlni^ I’rom • on'iUUipiion, Liver iiiiplaint, I)ysiiepsiu, Scrotuhi, ^c. and we find in every iustunce certain dfncn-n'.its in the red globules o* Blood upj’ly the»e deticiencies, iind you tre made well. The Blood f'ood is founded upon this T(tei>ry—h«nce it a astonishins: success. Thei-e are Five preparations adapted to deticiencies of tlie Blood in ditferent diseases. For CoIcIh, ICr4»M‘lliti^, or .-iny aflec- tion whatever of the 'I'liroHt or inducing 4 oiloumplioil, use No. 1. which 1.“ the No. for D«‘pre'»ioii of spirit**, of iiid for all 4 lironir ComplaiiKH arising from Ov*r-n**f, l>*l>ility. and ^ervou** Prostration. No 2, for .i«er Compluiiii*). .N -i, for l>yM|M*psiU. already prfpartd for r - ir/iU'-n it is 'iuk«‘«i l>y l>ro|>*« .‘inl carrie«l im- I- liiitely into the circulation, ho that what you gain ;. .11 ret'im. The No 4 i- for |'«‘m:tle Irrotfillari- lii**, llysferisi, Ac See special di- fctions tor this. For ':ill lilieuiii, Kriipiioiis, ^«‘rofiiloii«(. I4i4lii«‘y. and itlall*^r Ciim> plainly, take Ni>. In u;! c;i«es the direct ions must ■ -’rictly f.iiiowed. Price of the l2loo(1 Fooi ?1 ;‘tr tiottle. Sold by H A DI PONT. No. J"'.' l!i oa lw.'iy. New York. ^ i:'l hv nil respectable l^ruegistii throughout the country. N.,v 11, lK-,'1 fi6-ly .ETM l.\SllllM'l-: l'OMP.l\V. II \ RTI O R D, C'O \ \. Incorporated 1819. Charter Perpetual. —among which are— Summer and ottier Silks, Printed Lawns, Double Skirt Robes, Single ditto. Prints, real French, British and Domastic, Irish Linens. Diapers, kc.. Bolting Cloths; With a very large assortment of all kinds of Goods gen erally kept in wholesale and retail Stores: all of which are offered at wholesale and retail—CIIE.^P. .March ’J4, 18fi0. ."^tf •V9« 514 May Street. J. K. kVLE Is now receiving his Spring and Summer Stock of STAPLE \\l) FWl'V imV (illOIIS, Among which may bp foutid the fallowing articles, at prices which will prove satisfactory to the purchaser: Dress Goods in pieces, con.qi.«ting of Muslins, Lawns, Ginghams, Prints, Bereges, Black and White Challies, Silks, «tc., &c. In ROBES the following line; Lawn Robes, I)ott}>le and Siiiijh^ .Skirts, Berege do . Gingham do., Lace Points, Shawls and Mantillas in profusion, Ribbono, Hosiery and Gloves, Spool Cotton, Hats and Caps, Hooti anil Shoe.s. Ail of which will be offered very low Call and ex amine; no charge for looking. .1. K KYLE. March 14, I860. 2lf REillOVAL. WITCH MAKER AND JEWELER. H McKiyrfiAN RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, that he has built up large substantial lirick Build ings at his Old Stand, expressly for manufacturing Car riages. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he has received for the last 21 yearx, he hopes by strict atten tion to business, with a desire to gi"e satisfaction, to nierit « continuance of the same. He warrants his work to be niiide of the best material and by experienced workmen in each branch of the business. His work will compare favorably wiili any made in the l.'nited States, for neatnes.s and durability. He is dateriuined lo sell anl do any work in his line on as good terms as any work done elsewhere that is as well done. He now has on hand, finished. THE L.\RGKST STOCK OF Carriages, Barouches, Roekaways and Buggies, ever offered in this jilace, and a very large stock of work nearly finished, which will be finished daily. .Ml of which will be sold very low for cash, or on short time to punctual customers. i3f“He has on hand more than ONE HI:NDKEU and FIFTY VEHICLES finished and in course of cotistructiou. work made by him is warrtntel 12 months with lair usage, and should it fail by bad workmanship or material, will be repaired free of charge. j Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and ex amine for themselves. j Orders thankfully received and promptly attended to- Repairing executed at short notice and on very reason- i abl« terms. j May 28, 1S.'>D. 89-tf ' ^^^quire, wliat is tlie meaning of such a crowd in front of Woodward’s?” “He has Just recelyed his SPRI.NO STOCK, and I suppose they are there makins their selec tiODS!” This season the style nf (’oats is Double i,.\ and Single BREASTED, with Large ^ Fv Sleeves; PANTS, LARGE LEGS; Vest Double and Single Kreasted. My Stock is now complete and ready j for inspection by all those who may wish well made and neat fitting garments. "Call and make ^'our selections before the Stock ^ is picked over ., of V.\- A \uthorized (apital. Paid up Capital, $l,r>4NMMK) 00 1,500,000 00 ‘i,0:i0,423 >0 DIKEI'TOB.S. T. K. BR.\('E. S. TUDt»R. J. rui RCH. H. lU'ELL. K. FLOWER. E. .V. 15LI.KELEY. K M\TIiKR. K. (j. RIPLEY. W. F. ^i. Rll'LKY, Pres t. K. llK.M't, Jr., .'^ei-'y. S. S. H. Z W.\RD. PRMT. DUNHAM. F. D.WIS. HILLYER. A. ALEXANDER. KENEY. n. HRAINARD. A. (i. I) T. w (' TUTTLE. T. ALEXA.NutR, V. Pres t. A. A. WiLi.i.\Mhi, Adju>iter. Rales asli will allow. Hs I'KKFEt T soLVKNCvand fair profit ASSKTS. July 1859. i’.ank Stocks in New York. Hartlurd, Bos ton. St. Louis, &c., United States Stock and Treasury Notes, ’^t'lie Stocks: New York. Ohio. Kentucky, Tenne«seo, Missouri, y .Stocks. Hartford, I’ochester. Hrook- lyn, .lersey ''ity, K • nsd .stocks: Hartford and New Haven. l''>ui()U anil Worcester, Conn. River, >I Rond.-i, K’ 1 L^tatf, unincumbered. M ■ ellHiieiiU" Items. ■ ’li. .11 hand and deposited on aall. and .n agents liands. Market value ?'J15,84 4 0() 215,126 50 .■\S removed two Poors West of his old stand, to the store adjoining D. .V W. .McLaurin s, where he has re ceived a large addition to his former Slock, and he iti- vites his old customers and the public lo call and ex amine his NEW ST(JRE and .NEW GOODS, and assuri.-b them he will sell anything in his line as cheap as can be purchn'ied al any other Store North or South. —Among hi.s Stock can be found— Gold and .'^ilver Watches of all prices and quali- ties; GoUl and Silver (’haiiis, Seals and K‘Vm; Jiraceletx. Breast Pins and Kar Kin^s; (jold J..ockets, (Jold Fens and Pencils, kc., &c.; Fine and Common Pistols, Silver and I’lated Ware of all kinds; a handsome stock of Clock.'; all kinds of Mili tary Goods, and every thing wanted in his line. VKir Particular attention paid to Watch Repairing. March 7. Ihfio. 9H-Xm I^eatlier! Leather! Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather. Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather. Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather. French, German and American ('alf Skins, French, (ierman and American (.’alf Skins, French, (jerman and American Call Skins, Morocco, Kid and Patent Leather. .^Iorocco, Kid and Patent. Leather. M orocco, Kid and Patent Leather, nindinj's, Lininrs, Lastinprs, &c. liindin"s, Linin^r.o, Lastings, &c. ]iindings, Lininj^s, La.stings, «Jcc. We invite Country Merchant.s and Manufacturers to examine our stock of Leather ami Shoe Findings, Trim mings, &c., which we offer at wholesale or retail for • 'ash, or good paper, at the lowest prices. All orders executed fc.ithfullv. MAYNARD. ELY x ROSE, No. 40 Soutli Calvert St., Balto .Md. April 3. 0-2mpd. I^iqiiorsi! I^iqiiors! LiquorH! JW. HORNE being desirous to close out his stock , of Liquors, will offer inducements in prices. As he intends to quit the trade, his stock will be sold low. »ar For sale at cost and charges, 100 BARR£3LS, of various kinds and qualities. Persons indebted must Call aud Kettle Keb K; ‘.'I’-il’ Fruits! Friiitv!! NEW YORK APPLES at $2 a bushel. .1. R. LEE, ■No. 40, Hotel Buildings. 7tf J. \\. RAKER Ts now receiving from the North the largest, tinesi, and most carefully «el«ci«d ■iiook of B r»'« r ever offered in this market: which added lo his own manufacture, makes his assortment complete:— all of which he will soli on the lowest possible terms for cash or on time to punctual customers Fashionable painted cottage bed-room Furniture in setts; curled hair an'l shuck, and cotton Mattresses; Looking Glar.-C"'; Willow Wagons and Cradles; Side Boards: Bureau:-, .'^e.^retnrie.-i and Book-Cases; W’hat- .N'ots: Table*, a" «orts: Wusii .'Stands, Can lie Stands; Wnrdrobe-: Picture Frame'- iiid Glass: Window Shades; 'ornices; ruri'iin Ban N: .S 'T'ts in Mahogony and Wal nut: 'I'ete a Tete“: Ottomans; Divans and Stools; Chairs of every v.%nety. Fine Uo.-icwood Pianos, one with ^tolian at- •achn;i nt; Roscwuod .McIoJiaas. f'lom the best laanufac- tories in New Yurk and Itoston, warranted as good as any made in the country, and will b? sold at New York prices—frei?i ■ oniy adde.l September 2. 45tf 3lai*l)ie Factory, CATALOGUE OF DIFFERENT RIETIES. Blark Cloth Cuats, Single and Double Breasted. Silk Mixture Suits. Casslmere Suits. French Dr. d'Ete, imitation Dr. d'Ele. Black Alpacca Frocks aud Sacks. Tweeds In Suits. Cottonade In Suits. Linen Frocks and Sacks. Linen Dusters, five different varieties. Black Doeskin Pants. Extra supply of Fancy Casslraere#. Drap d’Kte, French Ribbed. White DriliinK. Navy Duck and Marseilles. A supply of Youth’s Casslmere Suits. Also, pants for Boys from 7 to 14 years old, VESTS of every style and varieties for the Season. Special attention is called to a NEW STYLE SHIKT nev«r introduced in this -Market before this season. Extra supply ''f tiauze Flannel and Merino finish I'nder Shirts. A large supply of Fancy Xeck Ties, Collars, Suspenders, Ho siery, Gloves, Trunks, Valises «t Car pet Bags. A.l the above goods will be Sold low for Cash, or on time to all those who pay their Bills when j)resented. P. S. Don’t forget that my FREN(’H TAILOR is ready to make up at any time Clothing for any Gentle men who wish to have them made to order, ('all at any time at the ONE PRICE CLOTHING STORE and leave your measure aud your orders will be tilled and satisfaction gaarantied. We^ Market Square, Two Doors below Hinsdale's Drug Store. A. J. WOODWARD. April 9, 1860. 7-2m SECOND SPRIXfi STOfL \lJ E have received our second purchase, consisting a large atid desirable slock of l^taple and Fancy Dry Croods, II ITS, Bd.WETS, BOUTS, SHOES, niBRELlAS, I!K,\D1’-M.^DE ri/)rHINTi, TRUNKS. &o. Which we offer exclusively to Wholesale Buyers, on j Arrival Extraordinary.—Old Adams, the I great California hunter, with one hundred and fifty i living animals of his own capturing, including i seventeen dancing and performing bears, has ar- I rived from San Francisco on board the ship Gold- ' en Fleece. There are nineteen cages in all, vary- 1 iug in size, mostly ten feet long, four feet wide, I and four feet high—Sampson, Lady Washington, I and Fremont, being the largest of the Bruin terms as favorable as they can be bought North or j family, occupy separate cages; all the others, ex South. April 23 STARR WILLIAMS lltf A cept the buffalo and elk, having two and some three ot the large animals. Besides the seventeen performing bears, embracing ten different kinds, there are two California lions, two do. tigers, two do. cougars, two lynx, seven coyotes, one white wolf, one ant eater, one sea lion, one sea leopard, RE now receiving IN PART, and during the week ! two silver gray foxes, one full grown buffalo, two 2#f S^rinff Stock. H. & e,T. lIlly will have in Store, THE BALANCE of their ^lecond Purcha«e!ii, embracing an excellent assortment of GOOD ailapied to the S«ason, all of which were selected PER SONALLY with care, and will be sold at RE.\SONABLE prices. A].t il 2;], 1800. ll-4t FOR 8AL.E. 1 New and Second-hand SPTS. BAP^RELS. -LUUU 175 Bags Yellow (^)RN. 4U0 •* White Do. 20u0 Bus. heavy Maryland OATS. 10,000 Lbs. BACON SIDES. 100 Barrels CORN WHISKEY. 10 Tons HOOP IRON. 100 Sacks Liverpool SALT. 3*M) Casks Fresh LIME. KW Bbls. HYDRAULIC CEMENT. T. S. LUTTERLOH. .April 23. 11-3w FOK SAijE. POUR LARGE MULES and HARNESS. One Sfrong I WAGON in good order. T. S. LUTTERLOH. April 23. 11-8w elks, two wild mountain goats, seventeen snakes, : two large California condors, two do. vultures, five j California moon-faced owls, three double-eared do., i two Austrian ostriches, (7 feet high,) two white ' pelicans, two gray do., two large golden eagles, I (very rare and beautiful,) two hlack Lower Cali- , lornia eagles, two California American bald eagles, ; besides a great variety of other birds and animals. It is understood that F. T. Barnum has jiurcha.sed ' an undivided half of this novel exhibition at a large ! figure, and that after a short stay in New York they will visit other cities, and also be exhibited through the country.—New York ('om. Ado. Co7isumptwn of Foreign Spirits.—The impor tation of foreign distilled spirits into the United I States in the year 1859 was very large, amounting [ to 85,309,680, or nearly a million and a half more I than in 1858. Of this amount S;-5,262,058 was , brandy, the largest amount of this article ever re- I ceived in one year. The total consumption of I all imported beverages during last year was as i follows; : Distilled spirits $5,300,080 ! Wines 8,502,148 Beer, ale, and porter 771,i99 FOK SALE. Street, A bar- VELLING HOUSE and LOT, on Rowan Test of Mr. J. A. Pemberton’s residence, gain can be had. T. S. LUTTERLOH. April 23. 11 -3w Total $9,683 027 The amount of revenue collected from these liquors was 82,876,908. BBLS. No. ;U 16 do. No. Fiish. 26 do. -\pril 5, I860. S MACKEREL. 1 MULLETS, in oak bbl*. HERRING. For sale bv PEMBERTON & SLOAN. 6-1 m HHD.S. prime New Crop M(»L.\SSE.'>, for sale by •) PEMBERTON & SLOAN. April -5, l^tiO. tj-lm Cigrars and Tobacco* 25,000 CIGARS, various brands. 50 boxes Manufactured TOBACCO. For sale by PEMBERTON & SLOAN. April 5, 18G0. 6-lm CAPT. WlLKEfii*^ REPORT O.^i THE DEKP RIVER .>11\ER.U REGION. ^HE undersigned have caused to be publishel from the Congressional plates, an edition of the Report ot'C»pt. Wilken, V. S. Navy, and his Associates on the Board appointed by the Secretary of the Navy to ei- nmine the Deep River Region of North Carolina. This is I he most important and scientific statement of the | great wealth of that section of the State, and the .Mai>^; i the most perfect and valuable, of any yet published. ■ The Maps are worth the price of the work, which is 50 cents, neatly bound in cloth. Copies sent by mail, free , of postage, on the receipt of 50 cents. A liberal dis count to wholesale buyers. Orders solicited. ' Jan y 26. ' K. J. HALE & SON. j NEW GOODS. I^HE subscribers are receiving a large Stock of Goods in their line, consisting of GROCERIES, Hardware and Cutlery, Farniing Hensils, TurpenfiDe Tools, SADDLEKY', WJIII'S, &c., Kmbracing almost every article kept in a Stock of ihi.'^ , kind, iind will make it to the interest of merchants and I all others purchasing to gi'e them a call. Tlie above [ Goods will be offered low for (.'ash, exchanged for ! (Country Produce, or sold on short time to prompt pay- ! ing customers. PEMBERTON & SLO.\N. Fayetteville, April 5, 18*10. ri-3mi3w COFFEE—COFFEE—COFFEE. ANOTHER “SOITIIKRX BOTTOM.” BOUT the 20th of May we expect the brig H. A. I Juhuman Laic.—Soon after the conquest ot ; Constantinople by Mahomet II., a law was pro- I mulgated declaring that all male children born ; into any of the Imperial families should be put to i death immediately after birth, the object being to i secure the nation from trouble touching the suc- I cession to the throne. This law has lately been carried into effect in the case of a male child born : to the wife of Mahmond Baja, daughter of Abdul- j Mejid, the present Sultan of Turkey. The child was strangled a few hours after its birth, despite the tears and supplications of its mother, and the ’ protestations of its father. The inhumanity of the affair has been a good deal discussed in Tur key, and hopes are entertained that a repeal of the law will be the ultimate result. TWO iy ;; > L\i J)i:h, Diiims JBOii-: r. r. iiiiciu snw sroBh Fayetteville, C. •Tan’v 20. IPfiO 8«- FAI KTTEVII.LE . ~ i MUTUAL I\SIR4\CE COMPAVY. ASSETS $254,618.62. mlllS Company has been in opcratiou more than six 1 years, and has paid its fire losses, amounting to I S23.524.87 without any assessment; insura'^ce averag- ! ing its members about ^ percent. ; Amount of property now insured. Amount premium notes now on hand. f A The ?iew Style, Small, COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS, AT Vaiior»d*ll^s Gallery. ART. Woodif’ard’'« l^olar Camera. !],.5(53,190.01 217,7»H.08 itco. McNeill, I». Ray, H. L. Myrover, S. W. Tillinghast, Henry Lilly, N. .\. Steilinan. S. .1. Hin«dale, T. S. Lutterloh, \Vm. McLaurin, A. E. Hall DiiiKCTnns. S. T Hawley, y>. N. Tillinghast, A. A. McKethan, .1. I>. Williams, •las. G. ('ook, A. W. .^^teel, •las. Kyle, Hon. .f. G. Shepherd, R. F. Brown, Wilmingto*. Wilmington. 0 RANGE? Di8,0.'>0 (Mj 11 G.OOO (Xj LIABILITIES, u'ladjusted and ni)t due. .\gcni of the above Company in Fayeiieville, ■ E. .1. HALE. M^ii-.'h 21, ISC.O, 3tf Autoblograpli) and Biography of Kct. Joseph -UlUnell, D. D. LL. I).. First President of the Univer- •‘■7 of N. Carolina. Price 25 cts. 'I*rch27 E. J. HALE k SON. A])ril y. .l^ECiROE)«i WA^Ti^r The subscribers wish to purch.-ise a number of young NF’GROES, for which they are willing to pjiy the H7.0.'iy Oti I highest cash prices. Persons having such property to | dispose of would do well to call on theuior addre.-s them ’ lit Red Springs, N. C. H. .t A. McNEILL. Red Springs, M.irch 20. ,3if .\ow tiariii:t. 4 LL persons having NE(»ROES for sale, will do well il. to address the subscriber at (Ilinton, Samps >n county, as he is determined to buy aud pniy as lilieral juices for them an the state of the market will permit. By .addressing him he will call immediately, and make liberal offers, as all will find who will try him. CHARLES T. STEVENS. Clinton, Sampson Co., Sept 10, IS-'it* 48-lypl waiwtkdT A LARGE quantity of COTTON and LINEN RAGS, for whioh fair prio«i will ba paid. DAVID MURPHY. Aug. 17 41- 8:^,U89 60 70,103 7S 2.'’),348 77 ;{.jo,3o;; if, .'?2.o;50,42.1 WI $88,242 08 Offiokbs: GEO. McNEILL, President. D. R.W, Vice President. C. Mc.MILL.AN, Secretary John (\)llins and C. C. McCrummen, Travelling Agents. SSa^ The Company invite applications. May If, IS-SO. 16-Y THK IVORTn CAROLl.\A ~ MITIAL LIFE INSURANCE (OMPANY, AVOW in the tenth year of successful operation, with growing caj>ital and firmer hold upon public con- fidenee. continues to in-»ure the lives of all healthy per sons from 14 to (jO years of age, for one year, for seven years, and foi life—all life memberssharing in the profits. ■All slaves from 10 to 00 years of age are insured for one year or for five years for two-thirds their value. I All lossei are punctually paid within '.«) days after satisfactory proof is presented. For further information the public is refen ed lo Ageiits : of the tjompany in all jiarts of the State, and to R. H. BATTLE, Secretary, Raleigh. E. J. HALE, Agent at Jan’y FayettevMle, N. C. DKiVTINTRY. Dii. J. DA\'1S having decided on perma nently locating in the Town of Fayette ville. respectfully offers his services to the citizens of this ]ilace and siu-rounding country. In all tiic various branches of his Profession, including the manutacture of .Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an extensive experieiici-. to which is added a thorough Den- j tal education, that he can give entire satisfaction as far | as i; in the power of Dentistry. .Ml irregularities of the I Teetli treated in a proper and careful munner, as well as j diseases of the mouth. None but the proper- metals are . made use «f in the various operations. .’h..iges will be j moderate, that the benefits of the Profession may be I placed within Hia i-each of all who may feel an interest | in the ))re«erv,uion of the Teeth. Office over Houston's Jewelry Store, where he may be found at all times. .May 10, 185*«. Off Blank W'urranis for sale at this Office PHOTOGRAPHS can be had ai Vauorsdell's Skylight Gallery, Hay street, opposite Marble Yard, Fav- ; etteville. N. C.: plain, retouched, colored, in water I colors, oil and pastile; from small to life st/.e. Ambro- ' j types, Melaneotypes, and all other styles of Pictures j 1 pertaining to the .Art. Also. Gilt Frames, Gilt Mould ing, Glass for very large pictures—as large as 26 by inches. Cord and Tassels for hanging pictures: Instru ments. Stock and Chemicals for sale low for cash. Life j size colorei Photographs made from small pictures. ■ Having permanently located here I hope to merit ! your patronage. 1 would also return my sincere thanks i for the liberal patronage bestowed on me heretofore by j the good people of Fayetteville and vicinity. C. M. VANORiSDELL, Photographist and Proprietor. ' Dec'r 20. 18.5',) 77- i niEW BOOK!^. The RIVALS, by Jere. ('lemens; Art Recreations: The Right Word in the right place; Fisher’s River (N. C.) by ••.Skitt;" Sword and Gown; Wild Sports in the South; Leisure Moments of Miss .M. A. Butt, A. M.; Footfalls on the Boundaries of another Worlil. by Rob’t D.-ile Owen; the Muu in Black, by James; Evelyn Mar- ston, &c., kc. Also, further supplies of Webster's Pictorial Cn- abridged; Wood’s Practice; U. S. Dispensatory; Pres ton's Interest Tables; Inquire Within; School Books, &c. March ;'). E. J. H.\LK it SON. Booki§! Books! I'^l'RTHER supplies of the Soutiiern Harmony; N. C. Readers Nos. 1, 2, 3; Monteith's Geography Nos. 1, 2, 3; Lincoln's Botany; Kames Elements: Webs’er’t Pri mary Dictionary: Davies" .Arithmetic; Columbian Orator; Northend’s .Auierigau Speaker: Little Speaker; Emer son's .Arithmetics, &c. &»;. Just received by E. J. H.VLB & SON. March 2ti. 4\17E refer our readers to the advertisement o. >Y Messrs. CHURCH & DUPONT, No. 40J Broad- 4 BOL XI. CA\1PBELL, lirect from Rio Janeiro with 2000 Hags Selerted GratteH CoiTee, which will be sold upon arrival on usual terms. The attention of the merchants of the State is res pectfully solicited. O. G. PARSLEV & CO. Wiluiington, N. C., April 19. 10-3t yiEW BOOK^. ^pilE M.AJ5BLE F.\UN, by Hawthorne; Southern A Wealth aud Northern Profits; A Life Struggle, by Miss Pardoe; Passing Thoughts, by Sewell; Night Les sons from Scripture, by Do. Women of Worth; Art Recreations. Men who have Risen; The Federalist; Scott's Poeti cal Works; Druitt s Modern Surgery; Field's Pear Culture: School Books, &c. E. J. HALE & SON. April 18. 18t'.0. Trustee’s ^i^otice. 1)ERSONS having claims against James Huske prior to the 27th Oct. 1857, who are provided for in Deed of Trust tnade bv said James Huske to me of that date, are requested to present them duly authenticated within the next lOdavs, as I desire to close up the Trust. SAM’L W. TILLINGHAST, Trustee. April It), 1860. lOtt The Copper Mines of Tennessee.—Remarking upon the operations of several mining companies in Eastern Tennessee, one of which is reported to have produced copper to the value of 825,000 during the last seven months of 1859, the Nash ville Union and American says; “This ‘copper district’ lies in Polk county, in the southeastern part of this State, bordering upon the States of Georgia and North Carolina, and in the heart of the Cherokee Nation, and, from the facts brought to light during the past few years, there appears no reason why these mines should not equal the linrra Burra mines of Aus tralia, which have afforded such immense yields." Coasumplion of Ice in Xew York.—The quan tity of ice consumed in the cities of New Vork and Brooklyn, amounts to the enormous aggregate of 200,000 tons yearly. To insure this supply requires the bulk of nearly 300,000 tjn3, as in transportation and delivery one-third liquefies. To obtain this immense mass, nearly 300,000 men are employed during the greater part of the win ter months to cut and store ice. WAATKD, Two young men well acjuainted with business. JAMES KVLE. .April 21. 11-01 The f^arji'eMt Mtock of* Tobacco I^VER offered in FavetteviJe, is now in store by J ■ J. w. hkr'ne. April 23, 18C0. H-2w Hillsboro’ Tlilitary Academy. The second term of tiiis Institution begins on tiie 1st of M.AV. For a circular respecting terms, course of study, etc., address tiie Superintendent, COL. C. C. TEW. April 21. ll-3t-*2t AAAl'AL HKKTl^Ciil. Ba.nk Cape Fear, ) April ISth, ISOO. ) ^PllE ANNUAL meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank will be held at their Banking House in Wil mington, on Thursday, the 3d day of May next. H. R. SAVAGE, Cash. April 19. ll-t8.M 1) BAiVIt; CAPK FEAR. April 18ih. 18iO. IVIDEND 101. A Semi-Annual Dividentof Five way. New York. The ‘Blood Food,’ is one of the great est medicines of the age, and is rapidly driving out of the market all the quack nostrums of modern times. Its efficacy is so great, and its superiority so justly acknow ledged, that it is found difficult to supply the immense and increasing demand for the article. Dr. Eaton’s celebrated ‘Infantile Cordial.’ is a medicine prepared by a regular physician of eminence in his profession, and one who has devoted his life to the peculiar phases of Infantile diseases. It is no humbujt. but a modicine which commends itself to those only who can appreciate it. ’—Apalachicola, t’lor. Tim»t. USeg' See advtrtittment. .March 24. 3- C^atechisni of W l^tates History, By B. R. C.VRROLL—a Southern School Book. 'M.irch 28. K. J. HALE .S; SON. Harpers’ ITlaipazine tor ITIay. April 28. E. BAL£ & SO^. pal Bank and Branches on and after the 1st day of May next. H. R. SAVAGE, Cash’r. April 1'.'. 11-lstM. U.lLl ABLE VOl .\li \EI,¥kOV tllR S\IE. By onler of the Court of Equity of CumberlandCounty, in the case of Jackson Johnson, Sen., et al, vs. .losiah Maultsby, et al., I will sell al the next Superior Court for said county, on Tuesday the lOth day of May, al the Cotirt Houve in Fayetteville, a Valuable and The New York correspondence of the Scho harie Republican says: “1 am led to believe that the swindlers in jewelry are not confined to one .juarter of the city, but that even in the most fashionable Broadway shops “all is not gold that glitters.” The ]>ractice of adulterating the pre cious metiils is carried to such an extent that nine- tonths of all the so-called “gold ornaments,” bracelets, pins, rings, chains, tVc., worn by both j sexes, may be fairly estimated to contain, on an j average, not over 20 per cent ot real gold. In ! one Ciise a heavy gold fob-chaia, boujrht in ; way at a cost ol eighty doliarj, deposited at the j Assay Office for melting, was upon a.^say found to : contain jii."t eight dollars’ worth ot gold, the i balance of weight being ntade up of an alloy of i copper and zinc. Jjarge lots of gold ornainfnt,s, I estimated by their owners at a value of >ixt«'t!ii i dollars to the ounce, not untrequiritly rcttirn a I twentieth, and suldom over a tenth of th ir s'lp- I posed value. f'uJture of 'o''nn in L lah.—'1 he Mornions. it is said, are turnini; attention to the coitur'- ' of cotton, and in Washington county, three liun- ' dred miles south of Salt Lake City, about live tons , were raised the past year. One person raised two ; hundred pounds of ginned cotton on one-fourth I of an acre; and it is stated that enterprising citi- j zens are sending to the States for cotfon gins to j work up the cotton so as to bring it into market. .4 Mnd'l (’oni/ressnion.—.\ii Arkansas candi date for Congress sets forth his qualifications for office in the following manner: ‘(jrentleraen, if I um elected to this office I will represent my constitufiit.s as the sea represents the earth, or as the night contrasts with the day. 1 will unrivet human society, clean all the parts, and screw them together again. I will correct all abuse, purge out all corruption, and get through the enemies of our party like a rat through a new cheese.’ He was elected. W. \. HUSKE. C. There is living in Massachusetts a stout old ,, ... - J V J I, gentleman, one Capt. Solomon Hart, who is des- I Likely \ (fling NEGRO boy, named Robert, aged eight , ® , • u- i »r\n j * • * or teii years Sale will tike place ai 12 o’clock. bribed a. weighing nearly 200 pounds, a strict Terms of sale Cash. temperance man and a true Republican, who is the patriarchal head of a tribe of Harts, big and little, numbering 12 children, 49 grandchildren,75 jrreat-grandchildren, and one youngster of the fifth generation,—making a highly reputable to tal of 137 persons. The patriarch Solomon is still vigorous, and his age is 94. A M. E. llts .April IH. I’arria^e and Harness lor ^iale. 4 SECOND-HAND large Carriage, (seats for six,) i\- -McKethan's make, in good condition. And a double sei of Carriage Harness, ()''eibys make, nearly new. For sale together or separately. E. J. HALE. Edith s Ministry: Sunshine, or Kale Vinton; The Flounced Robe, and Whai it Cost. Just rec'd. 8. E. J. HALE & SON. Southern Ruilroads.—The total length of rail road lines, finished and unfinished at the South, amounts to 16,828 miles, of which 8,794 are in operation.

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