IPAlTIETOliTlIILlLIE. (DIBSIIIIBTMB. S B II I-W E E It L, Y. [VOL. IX.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., MAY 10, 1860. [NO. 916.] PHINTKD MONUAYS AND THURSDAYS i:UWARD J. HALE & SON, Kl'lTUKS AND PKOPIUKTOKS I’rite for the t^etui-Woekly OiiJiKKVKK $8 (K) if paid in ii.lvMioe: S8 W if paiil during llie yeiir of subucri]'- tion; or $1 aflsr the year has expired, f >r the Wotkly Obskrvku (.)(> per annum, if f>»id ''i sdTftuee: .'JJ o> if p»id during the yctir of subscrip tion: or f S () nfter the yonr hns expired. ADVEKTISl.Ml’NTS inserted f..t cents per ii^uftre of It) lines fi>r ilio first, und 'i*! cents for each lucoeeding publication, ^ early advertisements by sps- • ial contracts, at reasonable rates. Advertisers are requetiteJ to state the number of insertions desired, or thev will be continued till forbid, and charged accord- ingly. Adruriiseiuauts to be inserted tutiJe, charged 50 per o«ut extra. SPECIAL NOTICE. Froui and after this date, no name of a new subscriber will bt- entered without payment in advance, nor will the paper be sent to such subscrR>er# for a longer time than is paid for. Such of onr old subscribers as desire to take the pa- . per on this systwm will please notifT us when making • TMUiittances. Jan'y 1, 1858. ^'^quire, what ia the meaning ot suoh a orowd in front of Woodward’s?” **lle hM Juit receired bin SPUlMi 8T0CK, and I suppose tliej are ttaore making thuir selec- tlon*!** T^UIS seaHon the style of Coats is Double and Single BKE.\STED, with Large Sleeves; PANTS, LAUUE LEGS; Vest Double and Single Ur»asted. My Stook is now oomplete and ready fiT inipeotion by all those who may wish V well made and neat fitting garments. Call and make your ««l»ctiou8 before the Stook It picked over. ii- VA- ’ATALOQL'E OF DIFFERENT UIETIES. Black Cloth CuatM, Single and Double Breasted. Silk Mixture Suits. (as^lniere Suits. Frencll Dr. d'Ete. Imitation Dr. d’Ete. Black Alpacca Frockai and Sack». Tweeds in Suits. ; (ottonade in Suits. I.ineii Frocks and Sacks, Linen Dusters, five different varieties. Black Doeskin Pants. Mira supply of Faucj tassinieren. Drap d’Kte, French Ribbed. Uhite Drilling. >iuj Duck and Marseilles, .\ supply i.f Youth'8 tassiraere Suits. .Al= '. punts for Boys from 7 to 14 years M. VESTS of every •'tyle and varieties ‘ f the Season. .‘'pecial attention is called to a NE^^ 'TVLF; SHIRT never intro.hiced in this Mnrket before this «eason. Extra supply f (fauiie Flannel and Merino finish I nder Shirts. A large supply of Fancy Neck Ties, Collars, Suspenders, Ho siery, Kloves, Trunks, Valises Car- , pet Bass. -Ail the above gouds will be Sold low for Cash, or on time to all those who pay their Bill? when presented. P. S. Don't forget that my FRENCH TAILOR is ready to make uj) at any time Clothing for any Gentle men whu wish to have them made to order. Call at any time at the ONE PRU.’E CLOTHINtJ STORE and leave your measure and your orders will be filled and ''atisfaction guarantied. Market Square, Two Doors below Hinsdale’s l)rug Store. A. J. WOODWARD. April y. I860. 7-2m siai* Polish ol* I lie Soullil I TThe Vavritgge Fartor-yin the South! >!r!v r/ni RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, that he has built up large substantial Brick Build ings at his Old Stand, eipressly for manufacturing Car riages. Thankful for tae very liberal patronage he has received for the last til years, he hopes by strict atten tion to business, with a desire to gi»e satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants his work to be made of the best material and by experienced workmen in eacii br&noh of the business. His work will compare favorably with any made in the United States, for neatness and durability. He is determined to sell and do any work in his line on as good term.'' as any work done elsewhere that is at well done. He now ha.s on hand, finished, THE LARGEST STOCK OF Carriages, Barouches, Roekaways aud Buggies, ever offered in this place, and a very large stock of work nearly finished, which will be finished daily. .\11 of which will be sold very low for cash, or on short time to punctual oustomors. tfe^^He has on hand more than ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY VEHICLES finished and in course of construction. ®[^“A11 work made by him is warranted 12 months with fair usage, and should it fail by bad workmanship or material, will be repaired free of uharge. Persons wishing to buy would Jo well to call and ex amine for themselves. Ordert thankfully received and promptly attended to- Repairing executed at short notice and on very reason able terms. May 28, 1859. 8W-tf FAYKTTKVII.LE HOTKI^, T. \VAI>l)ILIi, Proprietor. IHIS, the most commodious Hotel in Noith Carolina, fronting 800 feet on Hay and Donaldson Streets, located in the centre of the business portion of the town, and surrounded by all the Hanking Houses, Wholesale Merchants and princi pal Produce Dealers. *ar-P* usiness men will find the Hotel a convenient and comfortjible house. -•Ml the Stages arrive atul dejiart from this Hotel. Faj'etteville, Oct. 1, 1858. 51- SHKilWKLL HOUSE, A FKW BOOKS NORTH OF THE MARKET HOUSE. VVlNfl to theextensive increase of patronage to this House, during the year, I have ex tended my facilities by the adlition of a num ber of comfortable sleeping rooms, with other import ant imnrovemet.ts, which will add materially to the comfort and convenience of those favoring me with iheir patronage. To those who have been iny kind friends and ous- tomars for the past six years, 1 tender my most sincere thanks, at the same time respectfully soliciting a oon- tinuance of their pat onage, anl also the patronage of a large number of new patrons. I have good Stables and a No. 1 Ostler. P. SHE.MWELI,. Jan'y Iti, 18tiO 84- NEARKST AND gUICKEST ROl'T£ TO THE RAILROAD! J. W. BAKER Is now receiving from the North the largest, finest, and most carefully selected stock of FI K>ITL'KK ever offered in this market; which added to his own manufacture, makes his assortment complete; — all of which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash or on time to punctual ciistoniers. Fashionable painted cottage bed-room Furniture in .“etts; curled hair and shuck, and ootton Maitres«e«; Looking Glasses; Willow Wagons and (,'rad'et: Side Boards; Bureaus: Secretaries and Hook-Cascs; What- Nots; Tables, al! sorts; Wasli Stands: Caniile Sfanili; Wardrobes; i’icture Fraiuo# and (tlass; Window .Shades; Cornices; Curtain Band»; Sofa« in .Mahogony and Wal nut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools; Chairs of every variety. Fine Rosewood l*iani>ei. one with .Koliftn .at tachment; Rosewood Melodians, from the best manufac tories in New York and Bo-jton, warranted as good at any made in the country, and will be sold at New Yoik prices—freight only added. September "J. 4otf illarble Factory* Uy r. vrDKH, TWO DOORS ,\BOVK (’. T. HAIIill k SONS’ STOKK Fayetteville, I\'. Jan’v 20, 186n 81- 'Phat Polish! How It Shines. .Many of you recol- 1 led nine years ajjotliat I iravpllcd through North •;'arolinii and a portion of South Carolina for the pur pose of introducing this Poli'^h. .As time elapsed I founil that it would mould. 1 have succeeded in making it perfect and will warrant it to give satisfaction. It can he had at retail for 10 cents per box or .it wholesale for ixi^'cents per dozen. Dealers will forward their or ders two weeks previous to the time they wish them filled. -Mayo, IhtiO. lii-ly A CJE'fl! The New Style, Small, COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS, AT Viiiiondiiirt Ci>2ill)ry. ART. WootlMard’ii Holar Camera. I)H0T!>(»RAPHS can bo had at Vanorsdell’s Skylight Gallery, Hay street, opposite Marble Yard, Fay etteville. N. plain, retouched, colored, in water colors, oil and pastile; from small to life size, .\mbro- ;ypes, Melaneotypes, and all otlier styles of Pictures jiortaining to the .Irt. Al.so, Oih Frames, Gilt Mould- (jlass for very large pictures—as large as 26 by 30 inches, t'ord and Tassul.s for hanging jiictures: I«stru- nents. Stock and (,'hetiiicals for sale low for cnsh. Life ' 7v colored Photographs made from small pictures. Ilsving permanently located here I hope to merit a- ]iuirunage. I would also return my sincere thanks ! ! the liberal patronage bestowed on me heretofore by i(ood people of Fayetteville and vicinity. C. ,\I. VANORSDELL, Photographist and Proprietor, bee r 1 H.'i* 77- Books! Kook^! t'i ivTIIEIt supplies of the Southern Hannony; N. I’lt'aders Nos. 1, o; .Monteith's Jeography Nos. 1, - Liticoln's liotaiiy; Katnes El>*tneiits; Webs’er's Pri- I’lry Dictionary: Davi*-.-;' .Arithmetic: Columbian (Jrator; ■''••rthend’e Ameri-aii Speaker: Little Speaker: Emer- • jti ■: -'Vrithuietii.s, ic. iSc. Just received by E. J. HALE & SON. March UG. Geo. McNeill, D. A. Kay, H. L. .Myrnver, S. W. Tillinghast, Henry Lilly, N. Stedman, S. J. Hinsdale, T. S. Lutterloh, Wm. MaLaurin, S. T. Hawley. W. N. Tillinghast, A. M-Kethan, .1. D. Wiilinius, .Jas. O. Jook, A. W. Steel, .las. Kyle. Hon. J. 0. Hheplierd, 11. F. Brown, Wilmington. HOLMEtS & ROBINSON’S OUR UORSE STAGK LIVE TO KEX.iXSVlLLK, VIA WARSAW, IS the shortest and most expeditious for travelers going North or South. Leaving Fayetteville every dav at •J o’clock P. M. THROUGH IN TEN HOURS. The traveling public who would study their comfort and convenience will tske the Warsaw Stage. ®arTHROUGll TICKETS TO WELDON may be had at the Stage Office, Fayetteville. Aug r>, 185'J. 38-1 y Thoutandt are daily speaking in the praise of DR. EATON’S INF ANT ILK CORDIAL, and why? because it ntvir finlt tu afford rtite/ wheu given in time. It acts as if by magio, and Irtal will convince you that what we say is true. It contains AO l>ARE4>iORI4; OR OPIATE of any kind, and therefore relieves by r^nt' vwtg the mfftr- ol your ohild. instead of by d$adminy us imufniitifi. For this reason, it commends itself as the rtlinblt preparation now known for Cblldrea Teethlug, Diar rhoea, Dysentery, Crlplng in the Uowela, Acidity of th« stomach. >Ylnd, Cold in the H«ad, and Croup, also, for softmtuig th'ywnt. ruiunng xnjiiimmation, i tht U' Wtlt, iind rtlttvmg p'trn, it has no *quil —I eing an it is used with un/-i*itng tucrtMi in all ca«es of Con?ulslou or other Fits. .■!( yu » tlu4 the iind htitll/i of thtlUrpri, and u>i«A to save fh»m fruiH tho$t tad tfrnl bUjhHny eoiuequtneu uiht«k art to Trtult frum the utt of ntrcoHct v/ u htch aU olhtr rrrtoitft ftr In fiinttit Cumvlamtt art eompottd, take nont int Dr. Katon’t liifautila Cordial; this you can r«^y upon. It is •i>erfectly harmlesH. ami cannot injure the most delicate infant. Price, -6 cents. Full directions aeoonipanv waoh bottle. Prepared only by lUlRtU A DIPOXT, No. 4oV !?roadwav. New York. FAYETTE VI LEE MITIAL INSIRAME COMPANY. ASSETS $254,618.62. ^pHIS Company has been in o]>eration more than sis X years, and has paid its t^re losses, amounting to $23,524.87 without any assessment; insur&uce averag ing its members about | per cent. .■\.inount of property now insured, 1,5f)3.4i^>.tl Amount premium notes now on hand, 247.7-i^.oH DIH Kl'TiiKS. E. Hall, Wilmington. OrrirgRs: GEO. McNEILL, Presiilent. D. A. R.\Y, Vice President. C. A. Mc.MLLL.AX, Secretary John Collins aud C. C. McCrummen, Travelling Agents. BiiJ- The Company invite applications. I May Ht, 1859. IC-Y | THE *1^0RTH «'AROEl.\A ^ Mill AL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, VTOW’ in the tenth year of successful operation, with ' i.1 growing caj)ital and firmer hold upon public con- j fidence, continues to insure the lives of all healthy per- | Sons from 14 to 60 years of ago, for one year, for seven ^ years, and for life—all life members sharing in the profits. | All slaves from 10 to t»0 years of age are insured for ; one year or for five years for two-thirds their value. | All losses are punctually paid within 00 days after j satisfactory proof is presented. ! For further information the public is referred to .\gents | of the Company in all parts of the State, and to R. H. B.VTTLE, Secretary, Raleigh. E. J. HALE, Agent at Jan’y 185y. Fayettev’lle, N. C. Hardware, Cutlery, !>«AD0EF.RY, &c. JAMES .M.MITINE is now receiving a large and gene ral assortment of every thing in n,e above line. —ALSO- \ prime article of Rio, Laguiia an.l .Java f’OFFEE Crushed and Hrowii SL'G.-VR; Sugar House SIRUP and MOLASSES. -\11 of which is offered on as good terms as can be had in this market. . Nov’r IM, 18',8. Ktiif NTOVES J^HKET IKOi\, TI.\-WARE, Ate. ON H.\ND, a large assortment of Box and Cooking Stoves; Tin-ware; Sheet-Iron; Lead Pipe. ,\lso Ihe **Old iMominion Coffee Pot.'"* , For sftle by JAMfiS MARTINJC. litiiUftf human Blood upon being ANALYZED always ]iretents us with the same essential elements, and givcM of course the 'fru*; .SlaiKlitrd. .Analyze the iilood of a person sutl'ering from Consum[ition, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, ,‘^crofula, \c. and we tind in every inttuHce certain dfjir^enctet in tlie red globule* of IJlood. S^tpply these dofieienctes. and you :iro made well. The I'ood i- founded upon this Theory—hence its astonishing success. There are FIVE PREPARATIONS adaptei^ to deficiencies of the Iilood in ditl'erent disease For ltroil«‘Uiti>s or any aile tion whatever of the 'I'liroHt or lxllllK inducing i»ll, use No. I. which is also the No. for iti of and for all 4 ||Coitl|»l:iiII arising from *, (ii4‘ii4‘ral l>ehility. and ^«>rvoii*i Pruslration. No. 2, for B.iver Coinplaiiiiii. No 8, for H'imj already prepared for ahtorption it is 'I'sikVil !>>’ l^ro|>t and carriel im mediately into the circulation, so that what you gain you relain. The N(i. 4 is for Ft>inal; Iri’CKUlari- tlev lfly*>terisi, Wcakii«*i*>, &•- See special di rections for this. For*)iit Klioiim, Brliplioiis, ^«*rofiiloii«, lildiK'y. and Itladdor C«»m« plaiiit!*, take No. 5. In all cases the directions must be strictly followed. Price of the Uloud Pood $1 per bottle. Sold by ( HI RCH & IllPOXT. No. 400 Broadway, New York. And by all respectable Druggists throughout the country Nov 11, 1859 66-Iy I..ARCSE 8TOCK! NEW GOODS!! 1 HAVE just received my Winter Stock of Goods in my line. They we^e selected in the Northern cities by mj'self, with great care, and bought on the most rea sonable terms, by which I am enabled to offer the larg est stock I ever before offered to the public, aud to offer them At Greatly Reduced Pricett! FRUITS; Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Apples, Lemons, Oranges, Cher- j [ i„ Fayetteville on'priday 1st June next .... o:- ^ tilLINOHA.ST, Pres’t At the request ot many friends, I again announce myself a candidate for the Office of Sheriff of Cumberland County. Thankful to my fellow-citizens for the very liberal support heretofore given me, should they again elect me to the office, I can only promise as before, to discharge its duties with what ability 1 maj’ possess. . HECTOR McNEILL. May 2. l4-te CAPE FEAR NAVIGATIOIV COMPA?iY. ^HE Annual Meeting of the Stockholders will be held Cur$e.—If there is young man should I NoT’r 34. C6tf .\OTlCE. ^p.VKE.N ufi ami committed to the .lail of Cumberland * County on the iJHth of .\pril 18r,(», .as a runaway, a ntgro, who says that he belongs to Lafayette Moore of Halifax county, N. C. Said negro is about thirty-five years old, five feet nine inches high; weighs about 165 lbs., dark copper color; says his name is TOM, says he formerly belon^cl to Dr. ,lames Fields and was sold by him to said ^loore. The owner will come forward, prove property, pay charges and take him away, or he will be dealt with as the law directs. !. L. .McK.VY, Jailer May ;i, 18t;o. 15tf ^^\ITE refer our rea'icrs to the advertisement VV Messrs. CHURtMI DL'PONT. No. 400 Broad way, New York. The ‘Blood Food,’ is one of the great est medicines of the age, and is raj)idly driving out of the market all the ipiack nostrums of modern times. Its efhcac}’ is so great, and its superiority so justly acknow ledged, that it is found diilicult io supply the immense and increasing demand for the article. Dr. Eaton's celebratel ‘Infantile Cordial,’ isameilicine prepared by a regular ph^’sician of eminence in his j)rofession, and one who has devoted his life to the peculiar phases of Infantile diseases. It is no humbug, but a medicine which tomioends itself to those only who can appreciate it.”—ApiiUttlticola, Fhor. Tinntt. Voif^ adverlutrnent. .March ‘24, 3- Ur. FRANK WliililAMS’S RYK WHISKEY. H MITCHELL h:is made aiTangements with Dr, , Frank Williams, to be constantly supplied with his celebrated RYE WHISKEY', which can be had at his Store at all times, by wholesale or retail. Oet’r 11, 18.59. 5G-tf The Eclectic ^Tlag:a%iiie tor April Maroh 31. £. J. HALK& aoN. rias, Currants, Pie Fruits, .Stutf Dates, Citron, &c PICKLES. JELLIE.S & PRESERVES; —A great variety.— Perfumeries and ExtractH, Of vario‘js kinds; Fancy Soaps and Pomades. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS; Fiddles, Drums, Fifes, Flutes, Banjos, Quitars, Ac. WALKING CANES, of every kind; Basket and Willow Ware, Hobby Horses, &c. FINE AND COMMON CANDIKS; Sardines; Fine Cigars; Smoking and Chewing Tobacco; Crackers; Fine Pocket Knives; a large assortment of Port-Monaies, some very nice: Fancy Envelopes and Fancy Uoods; Toys aud Yankee Notions; an assortment of India Rubber Goods, ' Whips, Combs; Fishing Tackle; Cocoa and Other IVuts. FANCY GOODS; PaleiTamers, Reticules, Cabs, Rubber Round Combs, Watch Guards—Mohair, Silk and Leather, Fancy Boxes, Pistols, Powder Flasks, Shet Belts, Brandy Peaches—in gallon or half gallon jars, Mace, Cloves, Cinnamon, Large Lot of Fire Works, &c., &c., &c., &c., &c., &c., &c. Spiced and Norfolk Oysters ronatantly on hand. Country dealers and the public are respectfully in vited to call and examine my stock, as it is impossible to enumerate but a few of the leading articles, 1 have a great many handsome things which cannot fail to please. J. R. EEE, No. 40, Hotel Building. Dec 3, 1869 72- D. & W. McLAVRIN, WOULD invite atteatioa to their large and desirable Stock of GROCERIES, >ontitiing in part of— 150 Bags Uio, Laguira and Java Coffes; 100 Bblu. and Hiids. Sugar (aaaortad;) 25 Ilhdn. Molaiides; iJO “ Bacon—Sid«« and Shoulders; 500 Sacks Salt; 150 Hoxes good Tobacco; May 2, 1800. 300 May L,i:?iE. CASKS UNSLAKED LIME for sale low, T. S. 7, 1860. 1-j-tm in prime order, LUTTERLOH. . I.j-3w STOCK or BOORS AND STATIONERY. We are just reoeiving onr new stook of Law, Medical and Misoellaneoas Books; Sohool Books; Blank Bonks; Writing Papers; Envelopes, &c. Oct. 6, 1859, E, J. HALE & SON FOR SALE. 1 AAA Se iUUU 175 Bags Y Second-hand SPTS. BARRELS, ellow CORN. 400 “ White Do. 2000 hut. heavy Maryland OATS. 10,0(*0 Lbs. E.\CON SIDES, lUO Barrels CORN WHISKEY. 10 Tons HOOP IRON. 100 Sacks Liverpool S.VLT. 300 Casks Fresh LIME, 100 Bbls. HYDRAULIC CEMENT. T. S, LUTTERLOH. April 28. ll-3w One Strong FOR SALE. 10UR L.\RGE MULES and HARNESS. WAGON in good order. T. S. LUTTERLOH. April 2.3. 11-8w u a:ited. L LARGE quantity of COTTON and LINEN RAOS, fer whioh fair prices will be paid. DAVID MURPHY. Auj, 17 41- Further S^upplieH ot* Books. M.\CKEY’S Masonic Jurisprudence; Twilight Musings, by H, B, McKeever; The Fate of Sir John Frank lin—McClintock's Narrative; The West t;oast of Africa. 125 “ Spenu, Adamantine & Tallow Candlea; J ^ ' Crimea, by W. H, Uussell: The \1rg1n1an9. by Thacke ray: Downing's Fruits and Fruit Trees of .America— Revised Edition: Memoir of Susan ,\llibone; The His tory and Progress of Education; The Normal Methods I of Teaching, by Alfred Holbrook; The .Magician's t.»wn I Book; &c. 50 “ Soap (asiiortod;) 50 “ Candy “ lUO Hags Siiot “ lOOO lbs, Har Lead; 80 i Bbl«, Snuff—Eagk* Mills; 25 Kegs Soda; 250 “ Nails. —ALSO— .\ large and general assortiiu^nt of Hardware and Cutlery; Farniing Utensila, of all descriptions; American, English, Sweduu and Peruvian Iron; Blister, German and Catit Steel; Blaciisuuths’ Tools; Coopers’ Uo,; Corn Shellers and Straw Cutters; Fiucket.s, Hruonia and I’ails; Cotton, Manilla .‘»nd Jut« Kope, (all kinds and quality;) Plow hines and Bed Cords; Hollow Wtre; Cotton Yarns and Sheetings at factory prices. All of which will be sold low tok c.^sh, or on usual time to promjit paving customers, isar Coi NTBT Mkrch.vnts are respectfully requested to call and examine our stock before purchasing else- “ ■ " McLAURIN, Poverty not so Great c anything in the world that be more thankful for than another, it is the pov erty which necessitates his starting in life under very great disadvantages. Poverty is one of the best tests of human quality in existence. At ri- um}>h over it is like graduating with honor frcm West Point. It demonstrates stuff and stamina. It is a certificate of worthy labor creditably per formed. A young man who cannot stand the test is not worth anything. He can never rise J above a drudge or a pauper. A young man who cannot feel his will narden as the yoke of poverty presses upon him, and his pluck rise with every difficulty poverty throws in his way, may as well retire into some corner and hide himself. Pov erty saves a thousand times more men than it ruins; for it only ruins tho-se who are not partic ularly worth saving, while it saves multitudes of those whom wealth would have ruined. If any ycung man who reads this is so unfortunate as to be rich, I give him pity, I pity you, my rich youg friend, because you are in danger. You lack one stimulus to effort and excelknce, whioh your poor companion pos.^esses. You will he very apt. if you have a soft spot in your head, to think yourself above him, and that sort of thing makes you mean, and injures you. With full pockets and full stomach, and tine linen and broad cloth on your back; your heart and soul plethoric, in the race cf life you will find yourself surpassed by all the poor boys around you before you know it. No, my boy, if you are poor, thank God and take courage; for He intends to give you a chance to make something of yourself. If you had plen ty of money, ten chances to one it would spoil you for all useful purposes. Do you lack educa- tiony Have you been cut short in the text V)ook‘:' Remember'that education, like some other things, does not consist in the multitude of things a man possesses. What can you do? That is the ques tion that settles the business. Do you know luen and how to deal with them? Has your mind, by any means whatsoever, recciv«d that discipline which gives to it action, power and facility? If so, then you are more of a man and a thousand times better educated than the fellow who gradu- tes from college with his brains full of stuff that he cannot apply to the practical business of life —stuff, the acquisition of which has been in no sense a disciplinary process as far as he he is con cerned. There are very few men in this world less than thirty years of age, and unmarried, who can afford to be rich. One of the greatest bene fits to be reaped from great financial disasters, is the saving a large crop of young men. Timothy Titcomh. where. March 3, I80W D, & W, 93tf Jewett's Spiers' French and Eng, Dictionary. Meadow.s’ •* “ »• Pinney and Badois’s French Grammar. Bolmar's Leviiac's “ “ Ollendorff’s New Method of French by Jewett. Le Brun s Telemaque. Whateley's Elements of Logic, “ “ of Rhetoric. Worcester's tjuarto Dictionary, &c,. ic, E, J. HALE & SON, March 28, CAPi\ WILKEJS’S report” ON THE DEEP RiVRR .MINERU REGION. ^piIE undersigned have caused to be publisheil from 1 the Congressional plates, an edition of Ihe Report of Capt, Wilkes, U, S, Navy, and his .Associates on the Board a{>pointed by the Secretary of the Navy to ex amine the Deep River Region of North Carolina. This is the most important and scientific statement of the great wealth of that section of the State, .and the Maps the most perfect and valuable, of any yet published. The -Maps are worth the price of the work, which is 50 cents, neatly bound in cloth. Copies sent by mail, free of postage, on the receipt of 50 cents, \ liberal dis count to wholesale buyers. Orders solicited. Jan y 26. E. J. H.\LE & SON. REinOVAL. E. €jIL,0\*ER^ \VAT H MAKER AXD JEWELER. rPHE 1 We 11 -\S removed two Doors West of his Id stand, to the store adjoining 1), .It W. McLaurin's. where he has re ceived a large addition to his former Stock, and he in vites his old customers an«l the public to call and ex amine his NEW STORE and NEW GOODS, and assures them hp will sell anything in his line as cheap as can 1)0 purchased at any other Store North or SoutJi. — .Among his Stock can be found— Gold and Silver Watches of all prices and qua! - ties; Gold and Silver Chains, Seals and Keys; Bracelets, Brejist Pins and Ear Rings; Gold Lockets, Gold Pens and Pencils. &c., tScc,; Fine and Common Pistjls, Silver and Plated Ware of all kinds; a handsome stock of Clocks; all kinds of Mili tary Goods, and every thing wanted in his line. Particular attention paid to Watch Repairing. March 7, 1860. OH-om l^eather! Leather! Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather. Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather. Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather. French, German and American Calf Skins, Frencli, German and American Calf Skins, French, (lerman and American Calf Skins, Morocco, Kid and Patent Ijcather. Morocco, Kid and Patent Leather, M orocco. Kid and Patent Leather, Bindings, Ijinings, La.«tings, &c. Bindings, Linings, Lustings, &c. Bindings, liinings, Lastings, &c. We invite Country Merchants and Manufacturers to examine our stock of Leather and Shoe Findings, Trim mings, &c., which we offer at wholesale or retail for Cash, or good pajier. at the lowest prices. All orders executed faithfully, MAYNARD, ELY & ROSE, No, 4G South Calvert St., IJalto. Md, .\])ril .3. t)-'Jmpd. W. €. TROY H.\S Just received this mcnning, from Steamer North Carolina, 6 bbls. No. 1 Mackerel, now. 10 “ “ 3 1!0 j and J bbls. No. 1 do. 26 boxes Cheese. 5 kegs selected Goshen Butter. 10 bbls. Leaf Lard. 16 “ New Mullets in oak and pine bbls. He has on hand a general assortment of GROCERIES^ which will be sold cheap for Cash or axehanged for Country Produce. I Oct. 6, 1859. 55tf I Blank Warrants for sale at this Office. .I^EIV BOOKM. M.ARBLE F.\UN. by Hawthorne; Southern r’ealth and Northern Profits: A Life Struggle, liv M iss Pardoe; Passing Thoughts, by Sewell; Night Lfs- sons from Scripture, by Do. Women of Worth: .\rt Recreations. Men who have Risen: The Federalist; Scott’s Poeti cal Works; Druitt's Modern Surgery; Field’s iVar Culture: School Books. &c. E, J. HALE .S; SON, .\pril IS. IHtlO, ^Irajed or SloJen. EFT my .SiabV, on Th;n>aar ls«t th*; lC(h inaf., a L i eoollected 1'ns Mtr? >rs bought by n.c fro:n i^lea- ler Cox. of Ran.lolph County I think. \ I’beral reward will l>e paid for her -\ny information concerning her will li ceived. ROBT, Feb, 20, 18G0. E COMIM.W, HARTFORU, CO:%A. Incorporated 1819. Charter Perpetual. Authorised ’apltal. Paid up (apital, Assets, KIRKCTOKS, K. DR ACE. TUDOK. CnrRCH BUELL, FLOWER. A. BULKELEY, R, MATHER. E, G, RIPLEY, W, F, S, 11, A, tl. J). T. W. c. E. (J. Ritlst, Pres't, T, K, Bkacb, Jr., Soc'y TUTTLE, T. Ale.x^nukk. V. Pros't, A, A, Williams, Adjuster, 8^3^ Rates as low as i'krkc(:t solvhnut and fair prof t will allow, ASSETS—July 1H5«. Market value Bank Stocks in V.ew York, Hanford, Bos ton, St. Louis, &c.. United States Stock and Treasury Notes, State Stocks: New York, Ohio. Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, City Stocks. Hartford, Rochester. Brook lyn, Jersey City, Railro^d Stocks: Hartford and New Haven, Boston and Worcester. Conn. Rivtr, Mortgage Bonds, Real Estate, unincumbered. Miscellaneous Items, Cash, on hand aud deposited on aall, and in af^ents’ hands, Chill]ren ]'''anhionahli/'’ Dresseil.—The absurd fashion of exposing children of tender years to the keen out-door air, with but half the necessary protection which their little arms and legs require, is still so prevalent as to re(uire a word of com ment. It is true, loud mother, that your chubby, three-year old boy isas finely modeled as the Cupid of Canova, is but the pleasure you derive in know ing that other people admire the graceful round ness of those limbs will never compensate you for the anguish and watchings which you will expe rience when he is attacked with croup or the ter rific scarlet fever. Strong men find it impossible to spend half their time in the heated houses ot civilized society, and then go out of doors with thinly clad extremities, without catching all the cramps that flesh is heir to. No one but a High lander, used to the sky fur a canopy and the heather for a bed, can go bare-legged with impu nity in Northern latitudes and changeful spring and fall seasons. Yet we daily see little boys and girls dressed in the shortest of clothes, with bare knees and arms reddened and chapped by the cold. Hundreds of innocents die yearly from this very cause alone. Will not all mothers who read this heed the warning? Ljtn vhhurtj Viryinian. Needle work is thus gracefully eulogized by Nathaniel Hawthorne, in the “Marble Faun:” “There is something extremely pleasant and touching—at least, of very sweet, soft and win ning effect—in this peculiarity of needle work, distinguishing men I'roni women. Our own sex is inctipablo of any siicii by-law a.*ide fr m the main business of life; but \\f;incn—be they of what eyrthly r:ink they may hi;wc\er {'iftod wich intellect or geni’H, or onuowi. J i(.h awiul bea ,ty —'.Mvo uhviys SOU'? iittl haridi'.vo'-k ready t.) till ’in the tiry i;ap f every vacant n rnunt, A ni'ville's fajuiliur to the Sn;. 2rs of tl;“U'. • 11, (l aeen, no (^ )uo'.., ’^lies ii .on occasiop«; the womi.n- poet c„n ti.sc >t as adroitlj’ as her pen; th 'v.- n^an’s o' e tliat has di«oove’-ed a new sta., tarns from its glory to seiid tlie yolished little instru ment gleaming along the hem of her kerchief, or , to darn a casu:*l fray in her dresa. \nd tiiey have the advantage of iis in this respect, Ihe slender thread of silk or cotton keeps them united witli the s.jiall, familiar, gentle interests of life, : the continniilly operat'nt^ infiutnces of which do much for t iie health of tlie character, and carry ' oH whnt would otherwise be i. dangerous av.cumu- latii/n of morbid aensibiiity, A vast deal of hu- ! man sympathy runs along this electric line, i stretching from the throne to the wicker chair of ■ the huml'lest seamstress, and keeping liigh and low in a *ij)ecies of communion with their kindred I beings, Mcthinks it is a token of Leaithy ai:d ! gentle characteristics, when women of accorapli? h- ! ments and high thoughts love to sew, especially i as they are never more at home with theif own I hearts than when so occupied,” i }Jr. IVw. J{. Astor’a J-Jsfafr.—Mr. William I li. Astor is worth at least ?iJo.u00,)00, and every ■ cent of the income, over and above expense and ; charities, is immediately re-invesied, Mr, A. is : still a hale and hearty looking man and will f915,.'?41 (M) probably live to he as old as his father. He has ’21f>,126 50 office where he works harder than a dry goods clerk, Si.t »r seven gentlemen act as book-keepers, but he holds the thread of the complicated skein iti his »wn hand. His room contains in bound volumes the records and maps of his vast e^tsite, and he can readily turn to any piece ot property and fil'd the rent and other ])articulars. . n tl;e 31st ult, delivery to me, e thunlifull V ro- MITCH ELL. 93-tf jii.oOU.iXK) 00 l,.>00,0uu (H) 2,030,SO S, WARD. Z, PR^Tl, DUMLVM. F DAV13. lilLl.VER. A, ALEXANDER, KENEY, H. BRVINARD, lf.H,t>.'iO 00 llfi.OOO 0{» oo 8;i,iiH9 »;o 70,U»;i 78 ■J5.34H 77 LIABILITIES. Claims: unadjusted and not due, $8S,242 08 IS* Affent of the above Company in Fayetteville, * E. J. HALE, March 21, I860, 8tf The Prince of Wales, v e learn, designs taking 350,3o:i 15 Wa,shington in the route of his intended Ameri can tour. Lord Lyons, her Majesty’s Minister there, is said to be fitting up his residence in the First Wanl, Wa.5hington, for the reception of the Prince aud bis suite. Between seventy and eighty newspapers are published in Texas. Two of them are devoted to religioCj one to temperanoe and one to education-