OL BOOKS. I birr, ST. NliW YORK, nETTBHUI!. J, t. >F IMli Dt ^tnndard DOLt. f tha be*t eduo»ior« in * 'it!, ip ci«‘. r«ftr%ac« ig e \ outh of our tclude s«c:iv>nal or regfcnj*d a* u-uIt f»Tor which the*t tLe United Stat«§ ng ipon iheir ft-i*nds to priiing thii ,pro- with a view uf Buuk* The fol- ttamrtlck aod Matbe. I-L. L> . •, r- ’-^i now ' \ ,rk. H, ,j. ■ *;,4 ographiefc. I ’ 1 lie '-an lai 1 o, Newavk. chool Hl»iorle». lu D*ni-1 Wab- - Cuii(»J ' r»ferHnee. ao- ^»s li *. -itj.il/ r«oom- •t- uur nivj* Ur « I’Bxr n\i at- Sc hool Keadera and ■R ai.d Jami« M y »'■■• kn )wn 14 I pra. ; ■■’. il«4ders nn,j glt^h (xranituar, l ,u« * ‘ i. •'•s. «Jark » ."T • .hjeoi makd* ii Monmmkk a M. - -luji.K ■!■ iie- li k» 4 N ,S * Nul. >n)tl iTiit 'T. and «• . aud -c tiiiii, w;th AdJit:orjfi liv ? the ?iuuth*n) 6t : La: ‘ .a*«ioi. i 'aroi. ia Ke;. i. rs ?, mil - ikttiurn. I’hilo- Qistry 81 0‘■^ ok >ci ■ SI UU i' O’- Tcji.:li«r’ii Kekjis- «iua> jf Dt*V-'ti'-*n fur h Schvo; Aitrundiny V 7 : ulw^-y Si UO. [» .f B ^k-keeping Jc ' 'Vjurac of C^ilwu.ui and Ana'-yti- E’.fLi. nuj ’»lculus Ti :^vinonietrj })ia : L!, :i:entt 'j! '.'L. SI ^ 1 ■ i^uian.'.'.iri W . rs’ Library, in Teu le . »» ‘=»r 11 Li» Pri'?>*t4 ' - W 1 'iK, f-iT .i«ir : uV'iC«ni‘11. It' .'7-401 DSON’S DAMASKS Y - ig ' t r \ ' L.NEN'?. i - NUiNh -.a^e ar- ^ OWDEN, Iv ;ty 'f vhe d . ■I,,,- -—oe-^sary, a» .«i, uer> irepr*- , ■ nn:. - ' 1 I t ^ K.’. ■- ;er?cvii Consumer • . 1- d-, vkil'; not w' ’ pur- .f , w rthle-s k . Y rk “»■ * V [STRONG k CO. iflerchiint »• b ^1., V. ' - - tc Wa«kl/. (.e T ■ £1^. A-. ^ . . ihe f. : M'i'i'i®* H 3-,. in m*rke!. Le -r V >r IIm‘ ^ale ol' ('[LtliK\TEII ,V:1.M N'iT IN. N. ' 1 .’1 ioi- n t, 1' fa I i.i l;: ' >s( ^nd n' i ri ^I'pctfully '^'5' , ; • i’ill Ot' 'I** I ;;. . j.ave se* - .^1 iiian:.^*' ”'''^- , II 'he niusicaJ V : , be- , ,i!. ; iStei:r* m - -rin van.liu* , I«W - W : ;!•. , , «■ ..lepp. i; . - -Her. T. C»®P- , _ • .. .lig neni!«“ie“ , and other* ,r ir..- publi^l^" in '.run^ni hd» „ They * .'i.ers! Hii i --n Wuj Knabe S ly uriK*^^ lor , , . - for SIX.) ' u And a Rouble • ■ ; , c.ike, nearly n*w. (DIB SEMI-WEEKL.Y. [VOL. IX.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., MAY 24, 1860. [NO. 920.] I'UINTI’.P M!;M>WS \N.» TtlURSUAYS EDWARD J. HALK & SON, KMTU'.IS AM) IMI '!>KU:TUKS r 'T till' Sci:ii-Wofkly Or.sKivVKU t ■ (K> if pnid in a.lvHiice; r:'' if I'uid lurinjr ihe your of sub-orij'- tivii. i>r :?! !\fter the yeur h:is expired. F -r the NVoekly ('BsruvkR S- •" per :\nniiin. if p;»>'l *t> adviiiiCf; ■>» if pttitl during the yivir of siibcrip- ti-‘n: ir .^ ■ Hi :if!er the year h;l^ espircd. 6^ Al'Vr.KTlSl.MENTS :n-^orted tnr tXl cents per s quare uf I'i lines for Piicoeediuir puMiorU i -r f%vi:ttkvii.i.k iiotei., 'r. WAl>l)lfilj, I’rhi'riktok. [IFII.'. the most eomtnodioiis Hotel in Noith . I’arolina. tVontiiiij :5iO f.-tt on Hay and I'Diiiiluson Streets, lucated in ihe centre of the bu>iaess portion of :he tmvn, and surrounded I>y all the H:iiiking Hou^^es. 'VholosaU- .Merchants a;id princi pal I’rodnce Donlers. I'lisiness men will find the Motel a conreniont aiul conifortahle hoii.se. All the StHg("i aiTive :»nd depart from this Hotel. Fayetteville. Oct. 1, 51- REillOVAL.. lirsi. and :>') cents for each V.virly T.dv'jrtisements by ■-■pe- cial c-tiiracts. at rcM-^ri.-^'o rates. Advertisers are r».iuo'ted to st!ii.‘ thi' number >f insertions desired, or thev will be t-.nuinued till f.ivbid, and char*; ii^ly. IvtTii'enients t.> ji-nt extra. H. ttl^OT'ER, \V.4TrU M.tkER INU JEWELER. H AS removed two l>oors West of his old stand, to the store adjoining I>. & W. McLauriu’.i). where he has re ceived a hirge addition to his former Stock, and he in vites his old cusfomera and the public to call and ex amine his NKW STORK and NEW GOODS, and assures them he will sell anything in his line as cheap as can be purchased at any other Store North or South. —Among his Stock can be found— SIIKMWKLL llOL’Si:. ,,,,, ,, , , „ . , , A FKW DOOUS NORTH OF THE MIKKET HOISE. and quah- ties; (rold and bilver Chains, beals and Keys; ■1 accord- be ins,.-rted chargivl oO per SrEt'lAl. Ntn'K’H. ! From and after this date, nr name of a new subscriber will be entered without payment in ;idvance, nor will the piper be sent to such subsori^iers for a longer time tb:in is paid for. .'siu'h of our idd subscribers as desire t -i take the pa- {,T *n this system will please notify us when niakinj: mnittances. •lan'y 1. 1 >'.>. “Squire, what i** the iiieaiiiiis: ol sucli a crowd ia front of Woodward’s?” **Ue has Just received his SPKlMi STOCK, and I suppose they are there malviii? their selec tions!” HIS season the style "f ('oats i> I'ouble \ and Single BUEASTED, with Large Sleeves: l’.\NTS. LAKtlE LEGS; \ est bouble and Sin;jle Brea>ted. ^ Mv Stock is uow 0 lUiplete and ready | ’\ for inspection by all those who may wi'h ' x ^ wc’.i made and neal filling garments. Call j and make your stile«tions before the Slock j ii> picked over. j I'VlNti to the exiensive increase of patron-ige to ilii>i House, dtirin'.: the year. I have ex- ■ tended my facilitiea by the addition of a num- | ber of Comfortable sleeping rooms, with other imj>ort- ' ant iniiirovenients, which will ad 1 materially to the' comfort and convenience of ihose favoring me with ; their patronage. ! To those who have been my kind friends and cus- : tomers for the past six years, I tender my most sincere ■ thanks, at the same time respectfully soliciting a con- ! tinuance of their patronage, and also the j'atronage of ; a large number of new patrons. j I have good Stables and a No. 1 ('>stUr. P. SHE.MWELI,. Jan'v 111. 84- j .NHAHKST AND Ql’K'KKST KOI TE TO the: RAILROAD! Bnieelft.s, Hrea.st Pins and Ear Rings; Gold Locketts, Gold I’eusaud Poncils, &c., «!cc.; Fino and Common Pistols, Silver and Plated Ware of all kinds; a handsome stock of Clocks; all kinds of Mili tary Goods, and every thing wanted in his line. Particular attention paid to Watch Repairing. March 7, 1800. 'J8-8m At the request of many j friends, I again announce myself a | candidate for the Office of Sheriff of Cumberland County. Thankful to my fellow-citizen^ for the very liberal support heretofore given me, should they again elect me to the office, 1 can only promise as before, to discharge its duties with what ability 1 may possess. HECTOU McNEILL. May 2. 14-te 'r HOLMK.'^ & l!OBI.\SOX'S OI K HOKSK STHiK M>E TO KEMVSVILIE, YIV WAItSAW, IS the shortesi and most expeditious for travelers going N'ath or Smith. Leaving F.’tvettcville every day a! •J o'clock P. M. TlUioLGH IN TEN HOI K.';. The traveling public who would siud.v their couifort and convenience will t ike the Warsaw Stage. afcrY*THKOLGH TU KETS To WELDON may be h.ad at the Stage Othce. Fayetteville. Aug 6, ISjy. .3^-ly CaTaLOGL'E of DIFFERENT VA RIETIES. Blacli ( loth Coatst, Single and Double Breasted. Silk Mixture Suits, l assimere Suits. French Ur. d’Ete, Imitation Dr. d'Ete. Black Aipacca Frocks and Sacks. Tweeds in Suits. I uttonade in Suits. Linen Frocks and Sachs. Linen Dusters, tive dilferem vari«tti«s. tilack Doeskin Pants, t.xira sufipiy of Faucy t asslnieres. Orap d’Ete. French Ribbed. White Driliins. >avy Duck and Marseilles. .A supply of Youth's ( assimere Suits. Al'o. pants fur Hoys from 7 to 14 years ’ 1. VEST.'' of every ■rtyle and varieties • r the Season. Special attention is called to a NE'N .'TYLE SHIRT never intr' luce 1 in iliis Market before this sea-on. Extra supply of liauie Flannel an*l Merino finish Under SliirtH. A large supply of Fancy f Neck Ties, (oiiars, Susponders. Ho- ' sierj. tiioves. Trunks. Valises i tar* pet Ba;?». A.l the al'ove goods will he S dd low for Cash, or on time to all r lose who pay their iWlls when presented. P. S. Don't forget that my FRENCH TAII.,'R is ready to m.ike up at any time C! )'hing for any Cffntle- Men wif; wisii to liMve them m i le to •'irder. ChII at anj' time at the ^NL I’KICE CL'^THINO STt^UL and leave vour measure and your orders will be filled and sa'isfaciion guarantied. Market Syuare, Two D., >rs below Hinsdale's t)rua: Store. A. J. AVOODAVARH. April 0. 7-Hm SUw Polish ot* the NoiiltiS ifn I Thousands are daily speaking in tll^ praise of j dr’ EATON‘3 ' INFANTILE CORDIAL, ; and why' because it 'lev^r j'ailx t-i ■ijf' d tn.itijnturi->ut j when given in lime, it act« as if bj magic, and j one lrxj.1 al' U-’ will convince you that what we say i« j true. It contains I \0 PARF(.iOKIC' OR OPIATK of d’i’/ kind, and therefore relieves by toriny the tu^er- I i.i^s f y-)ur child, instead of by d'iiih>ting it* - For this rettson. it commends itself as the on/v reVialtlt ! preparHtii.n r. w known for Clilldreu Teething, Diar» rhoea, Hysentery, Griping In the Bowels, Acidity of the stomach. Wind, Cold In the Head, and Croup, als.i, for red'icingi^ji'irtm i-i u. ' e'j'ilatntj the arid rfheviny yjin, it has no equal i —1 cing an it is used with unf-nlinj tucfe.'s \ in all casts of Convulsion or other Fits. .Ij ’ -u rc^ue t' - Uy and health youT rhvdr-'i, itnd vi.*h tr-.r :re i iKem frori thost .»'!/ and Mtjhnnj consequences ic'nc't ^ire j rtnatn to rfrulf from the me o/ narcntirr of tchich aU“ther ; rc^r^Jies ''jr In/au'iU Complaints are c "ipoied, tai. U 'ne | bui Dr. Katon’s Infauitile Cordial; this you can n!y , upon. It i^ perfectly harmless, and cannot injure the > ni ’?t delicate infant. Price, cents. Full direction# . acc^’iiipanv each b:>ttle. PrMiared otilv bv ( HIK( H A DUPONT, No. 40'.* Rvoadwav. New York. , LiAKOE 8TOCK! NEW GOODS!! I H.WE just received my Winter Stock of Goods in my line. They were selected in the Northern cities by myself, with great care, and bought on the mostrea- sonal)le terms, by which I am enabled to offer the larg est stock 1 ever before offered to the public, and to offer them At ii reatl% Redueeil Pricew! FKHTS: Kaisins. Figs, Prunes, .Apples, Lemons, Oranges, Cher ries, Currants, Pie Fruits, Stuff Dates, Citron. &c. PICKLES,JELLIES .St PRESERVES; — .V great variety.— PerluiiierieM and Ki.tractsi, of various kinds; Fancy Soaps and Pomades. Ml'SICAL INSTRLMENT8; Fiddles, Drums, Fifes. Flutes. Banjos, Guitars, &c. W.\LKING C.\NES, of every kind; Basket and Willow Ware, Hobbv Horses, &c. FINE AND t'OMMOX O.WDIKS; Sardines; Fine Cigars; Smoking and Chewing Tobacco; Crackers; Fine Pocket Knives; a large ass.irtment of Port-Monaies, some very nice; Fancy Envelopes and Fancy Goods; Toys and Yankee Notions; an assortment of India Rubber Goods, Whip', Combs; Fishing Tackle; C'oroa and Other i\’ut«. FANCY GOODS: Palerramers, Reticule,''. Cabs. Rubber Round Combs, Watch Guards—Mohair, Silk and Leather. Fancy Boxes. Pistols, Powder Flasks. Sh*t Belts, Brandy Peachei.—in gallon or half gallon jars. Mace, Cloves. Cinnamon. Large Lot of Fire Works, \c., \c., ic., A:c., Ac., kc., kc. Spiced and NorTolk Oysters constantly ou band. Country dealers and the public are respectfully in vited to call and examine my stock, as it is impossible to enumerate but a few of the leading articles. I have a great many handfiome things which cannot fail to please. J. R. I.EE, No. 40, Hotel Building. Dec .3. 18iiH 72- cape FEAR NAVIGATION COMPANl. The Anntial Meeting of the Stockholders will be held in Favetteville on Friday 1st .June next. S. W.'TILLINGHAST. Pres’t. May 2, 18G0. 15-tm Floral College. The ensuing Session in this Institution will commence on the 2d Wednesday in Jan’y next. The management and instruction of the Institution will be under the Rev. Daniel Johnson and Mr. John C. Sutherland, with an able Corps of Assistants in all the departments. The Principal and his lady will t.ake en tire charge of the Boarding establishment, thus giving to the School more of the fa.mily element. This ar rangement, ii is believed, will greatly advance the use fulness of the Institution. M. C. McNAIR, Sec’y Board of Trustees. Ueo’r 20 77- THE UKGIT SOI'THER?! WEEkLT, Puhiished at Augusta, (^a. On the 26th of i^iay WILL 15E ISSl'En TIIK FIRST NUMHKR OF THE SRfOND VOLIME OF THE SOI THERN FIELD AND FIRESIDE. The most distinguished Southern writers will ailorn its columns, constituting an unrivalled galaiv of talent. LONGSTREHT, SIMMS, KENNEDY', COOKE, TURNER, THOMPSON, INGRAHAM. HAY'NE— DTEr ET MON T>R01T. 1 here is nothing more ugre^aMe than being in no way responsiblti to anybody for anything you do. Xext to this in comfort is being responsible only to those who either do not care what you do, or, caring, cannot conveniently call you to ac count, or are not likely to do .so immediately. Any man who can treat himsell to either of these lux uries, has the world at his feet, and may turn life into a carnival. A thorough-going despot, after he has been doing something peculiarly out rageous, always calls attention to the 1‘act that he is responsible to nobody but God and his own conscience, and thus leaves his lellow mortals no sort of pretext for desiring an inspection of his accounts. He does not, of course, pietend to be cert;iin that there will not prove to be a balance again.st him at the final reckoning; but to a worthy man wliom he hua robbed or bastinadoed, or au ^JR. JOHN H. .\OTlCE. IIY’M.'VN of Scotland Neck, N. C., this day becomes a partner in our House, and for the future the style of the Firm will be da:acy, HY.nA.\ & to. On the 1st of September next, a branch house will be opened in Norfolk. Va., under the name of HYM.\N, DANCY & CO.. to be conducted bv JOHN H. HY.MAN and F. M. HYMAN. DANCY & HYMAN. New Y'ork, April 30, 1860. lotf innocent woman whom he li».s publicly flogged, Also, the most popular writers of the South, and es- j this affords only a moditied consolation. In fact, pecially many Lady writers of established literary re- | ^^^uld require human nature to be very much more maliirnant and fanatical than it is for it to putation, will contribute to the forthcoming volume. Judge LONGSTREET will furnish a series of GEORGIA SCENES, never before published. | JuJ,r„.ent Dav The Second Volume will open with a Tale by JOHN ; i ESTEN COOKE, author of “The Virginia ('omedians,” kc.. entitled “THE PRIDE OF FALLING W.VTER;” —a Tale of the Old French War of IToo. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTIOX: Sa a vear in A«lvance. I find comfort, under an odious tyranny, in looking i forward to the confusion of the tyrant at the -All papers are stopped at the expiration of the time paid for. No order for the paper attended to unless accom panied by the money. J.\MES GARDNER, Proprietor. May 19. l'.'-;it W ■p. A. J. WOODWARD, hat Polish! How it Shines. Many of 'I recol- iilue y ar.s ago that I trfivvl’nd liiio;,jrii .\,,rih Carolini uni a portion of South ,'tiroliiia for ihf pur pose of intru lucing this Polish. .\s time elap-ed I f-.uii l that it would mould. I have succeeded in n; ikii:g it perfect and will warrant it to give saii'taction. It can • f had at retail lor lo cents per box or at wliolebalc for -'xty cents per ilozcn. Dealers will 1 .iward iheir or ders two weeks previous to the time ttity wish them tilled. May 0, Ib'iu. lo-ly r A The New Style. Small, COLORED PHOTOliRAPUS, AT ART. Woodward's* ^olar Camera. IjHOTO(rH.\PHS can be had at VrttiorsdeH s Skylight J (Jallery. Hay street Hi:eville, N. jdain. oppn-iti> M; .1.. V .rd. Fay- rcNiirhcd, Co!,.red. in wa^C'T i-ol.)rs, oil and j'H'tile; froTii -inall to life ,\:ribro- •ypfs. .Melanrotypes. and all other iiyhs c.f Pictures ; j'.Ttaining to the .Art. Also, Gilt Frames, (iilt Mould- ■ iiig, Gla.ss for very large pictures—us lur-e as 2'1 by ;!C, iiches. ’ord and Tassels tor hanging pictures; Instru- :nents. Stock and Chemicalfi for sale low forcasli. Life -izt* colored Photographs made from small pictures. Having permanently located here 1 hope to merit y ur patroiiaee. 1 wouM also return my sincere thanks ■ T ’he liberal patronage bestowed on me hrretoforebv irood pi'ople of Fayetteville ami vicinity. C. M. VANmRSDELL. Photographist and Proi'rietor. Doe r 2U, 1 'o'* 77- PAIATS, OII.«, Ac. yii’EHM, Retim'd, L-.rd. Linseed and Tanners’ OIL » ’ V'liiie Lead; Burning Fluid; Putty; Window Glass ^ I Saih of all sires. —ALSO— Af!. -]: .apply of POND S PAIN DESTHOVER. F^r >ali- by JAMES .MAllTISE. • -N’ov'r 24, 1X58. CtJif 1>LANKS for sale at this Office. Ucalthy human Blood upm being ANALYZED a.ways ].resents u- with the >^31110 essential elements, and I'lVe- of c urse the TriK* \nalyze the li! ^d of a person sufferingf; im ('onsumntion. Liver C in;i.iaint. Dy pe,‘sia. Scrofula, .vc. and we find in every f.j- • rertain h/ri, nct^» in the red gl iV.ules of l>b od. >’!/, : ’>j there d.'ficii i '-ies. andyoi;are made well. The 8'ooI i' f'unded upon this Theory—hence its astonisiiine success. Thore are FIVE PREPARATIONS a’Inped to loSciencics of the Blo'^d in ditl'vrent iiseases. F r Kroii«‘llilio. or any affec tion whatever of ti;e Tliroat or l.iiHtfn inducing oii^Hiliptioii. use No. 1, which is als . the No. for of ^pirilo, oi and for ::! liroilM' C»iiiplailll*« in-ini; from «‘isoi’al l>ol>ilily. and \«‘rvoii« ration. N > 2. f r Coiii|»l:iiiir^. No. .,, for l>yo|M‘|»'>ia. 'il.--.adi/ j ■ijxirrd f-ir a’‘forptii>n it is 'l'ak«‘ii l»y Drop-* and c.arrie l im- mediately into the circulari in. 0 that what you gain you retfvi. The No. I i- f‘r I'l-iiialo Irr*sulari- HyHf«'i i;i, &•- See special di rections loi thi'. For ^all KiiOlllll, S‘rofiiloiis, Iii«lii‘y. and ISIaildcr Cttiii- piaiiit«>, take Ni''. 0. In all cases the directions must be strictly foll'.'wed. Price of the ISIo»(I i'ood ?1 . per bottle. I Sold by rilUR( H A DUi'ONT. No. 4'K* Broadway, New York. ! ,\nd by all respectabloDniggists throughout the country. Nov 11, l«-'>'.* tjt)-ly \0\\ IA H ARKET. \LL persons having NEGRf)KS for sale, will do well to ad Iress the subscriber at Clinton, Sampson county, as he is determined to buy and pay as liberal prices for them as the state of the market wil! permit. I'.y ad'lres'ing him lie will call immediately, and i make liberal otlers, as all will find who will trv him. I CHARLES T. STEVENS. I Clinton, Sainp.son Co., Sept lo, l^.■)'.t 4S-lypd 1^100 Kewarcl. 1>AN .\W.\Y from Messrs. J. X. N. A. Cameron, of I •'uo.berlaud County, first of last June, my negro man S U’T!?\VKI,L. or .''H''TnKY. (a.s usually called. 1 ."^ li i o'-^rri) is tliick set, about 5 feet 8 inches higli. of a diirk lirown color, has small eyes, and a downcast look. He ha- been hiroii for several years in t’uniberland t'ouiitv, as a Tur].eniiiie hand. I will give the above reward, if taken out of ilu' .sttale—for his imprison ment in any jail in this Si ate. or ^2-3 for information ihat m;iv lead to his recovery. J. B. LITTLEJOHN, Loui.=burg. N. C., Feb'j 4. )^(tf D. & W. McLAlRIN, OL'LD invite atteHtion to their large and disirabl« Stock of GROCERIES, ’ons’sfinz >n part of— 1.^0 Rags Rio, Laguira and Java Coffee; 100 Rbls. and Hhds. SuL'ar /'a.'^sorted;) 25 Ilhds. MoIa.-ses; 30 “ Racon—SidcF and Shoulders; .500 Sacks Salt; 1')!! Roxes good Tobacco; 1l'5 “ Sperm, Adamantine 1.% Tallow Cindies; 50 “ Soap (assorted;) 5U Candy “ lUU Rags Shot “ lUUiJ lbs. Rar Lead; 30 i Rbls. Snuff—Eagle Milli;; 25 Kegs Soda; 250 “ Nails. —ALSO— A large and general assortment of Hardware and Cutlery; Farming I 'tensils, of all descriptions; American. Ensli.sli, Swedes and Peruvian Iron; Rlistcr, lermaii and Cast Steel; Rlacksiuiths’ Tools; ('odpi r.s' Ih>.; ('orn Sheller.^ and Straw (^uttere; fJiicktfs. Rroonis and l’ai].s; Cotton, Manilla and Jute Rope, (all kinds and quality;) I'low Linos and Red Cords; ILnlow Ware; (^ottun Yarns and Sheetings at factory prices. ,\11 of which will be sohl i.ow for ca«h, or on usual time to promjit paying customers. (’ofSTHY MrncH.vvTs are respectfully requested to call and examine our stock before purchasing else where. D. & W. McLAL’KIN. March 3, I80O 93tf IITE beg to call the attention of our friends and the IT public to the above notice, particularly those tinbutary to Norfolk. By this aiTangement we shall be able to give our patrons the advantage of both markets, either for the sale of Produce or purchase of supplies, eharying but on“ Commission. All produce consigned to the Norfolk House, will be sold in this market, when ever we think it to the interest of the owner. D.\NCY, HYMAN S CO., 124 Pearl Street. JN). S. D.VNCY, late of Tarboro', N. C. JNO. H. HYMAN, of Scotlan.l Neck, N, C. F. M. HY'M.\N, late of Warrenton, N. C. New Y’ork, April 30, 1860, 13tf i\ew Sprln;; Oood$!>. ALEX. Jt>HA>»OA, Jr. H.\S received in part, and is daily receiving, a large and desirable stock of NPRi:\€iJ GOODS Embracing all the newest styles of Ladies’ l>re.ss Goods, Shawls, Lace Points, Mantillas, Embroideries, I'tc. —ALSO— —fine assortment of— (lentlemen’s Summer Goods, and Ready-Made Clothing, Ronnets and Millinery Goods of all kinds. March 15. 90tJtf Pieane Call ana See: V^'^E have been receiving by the latest arrivals a hand- * some assortment of STYE.es, consisting of French BtJNNETS of every material, a great variety of Miss’s Plats; Infants’ Caps; Large Ronnet,s suit able for old Ladies; French Flower Ruches and Ribbons; fi variety of new Dress Goods—Or gandies, Anglais Robes, Rlk Lace Points, Rerage Mantillas, Linen check Dusters. Para.sols, and a first rate article of Hoop Skirts, •\nd a great variety of articles too tedious to mention. We shall be glad to see our patrons, and those who will favor us with their orders shall have them promptly at tended to. We hope by strict attention to business to merit a share of public patronage. I. & H. DODD. April 11. 8-2m NORTH CAIIOLIXA WHITE .*rL,PUl K MPRIACwK. iL BE OPEN for visitors the 1st of U-IL >> Ji sent terminus of the Western N. C. Rail Road, not an hour's ride by superior (.)uinibuses and Stages. The Proprietor has procured the services of THO.nP^iiOA TVEER Mr. Ruchanan does not venture to draw so largc- ' ly on our putience as to deuy absolutely the right j of anybody in this world to inquire into his ad- I ministration of the Government. He would pr3- j ter a postponement of all investigation till the last I great day, but he knows perfectly well there would j be no use in claiming anything of the sort, as u I part of the presidential prerogative. He acknow- I ledges an earthly responsibility, because, though ! by no means u wise man, he is by no means a 1 complete fool; but then with a dexterity which his worst enemies must admire, he manatres to make : it the lighte.st yoke that ever .sat on official should- ! ers, by alleging it to be lesponsibility "to the whole people of the Cnited States.” In addre.ss- ing the band of editors who waited on him the other day at the White Hou.se, he said; “ T}i l^rtssideiit IS rltctxl hy the pf’uple 0/ the I'lititd Stales, the S>‘nators are chustn hy thr Ijfijidatunof (he State.-^ of this Union, a w/ the ini mbt rs nj the Iluutu. of fjresenfatii-es by the as Manager, whose experience at the various fashion- j pv,,plp of thos>- several .States. But the Fresidcnt able watering places of Virginia, added to his com-: ,/rcUd by the whole peoi>h of the United State. manding appearance and gentlemanly bearing, insures goo! oriler and gooil fare. The venj best BALL ROOM LEADER and BLACK B.VND of MUSICI.VNS ihat the city of Richmond. Virginia, affords, have been procured. Riding Vehicles and Horses, BlLLl.-VPwD SALOONS and BOWLING .\LLF.YS, are at the commiiud of visitorti The country is elevated and healthy; the scenery beautiful and roads most excellent, and the pleasure grounds extensive. and to them alone is he responsibh, under the Constihition. [Prolonged applause.] Any en croachment uj.on ni.'i just con.stitutionul rights, come from whatever tjuarter it may, is, therefore, an cncroachme: t upon the rights 01 the pt'ople themselves. [Reptated bursts of applause, j The insinuation which this assertion is iatend- ed t). cover is, that the recent appointment of a There i.> no water better than that afforde«l by the Oominittec by the House of Representatives, to North Carolina U IHTE SL LPHUh. inquire into his o^cial condflct, is unconstitution- The patronage ol the Carol'nas is confidently relied - * - . * _ _ . ou to repay the Proj'rietor for the expensive o'ltlay he has made to fit up a watering place suite I to their wants. And he promises that no pains shall be spare I by him self or his gentlemanly assistant, to render all who ;iiay visit him. pleasant i.nd coinfortab't. H. L. PiOBAKDS, PkoPKiKToR. Mav 14, 18t}0. ] }^-tf BACON! BACON!! OX extra N. C. bacon—HAMS. /vO.UUv SIDES and SHOULDERS, for sale by J. W. HORNE. -\pril 27, 1860. 13-lm FRBSH FRUITS! BOXES ORANGES. 25 W. C'. TROY H.\S just received this morning, from Stoamer North Carolina, t> bbls. No. 1 Mackerel, new. Hi “ “ 8 “ “ 20 J and J bbls. No, 1 do. 25 boxes Cheese. 5 kegs selected Goshen Butter. 10 bbls. Leaf Lard. 15 “ New Mullets in oak and pine bbls. He has on hand a general asscirtment of hoci:rm i:s, which will be sold cheap for Cash or exchanged for Country Produce. Oct. t), 55tf do LEMONS. 20(> do Fine FIGS. New York Apples. Cooking Prunes, and large Stock of Confectionaries, at Hotel Building, No. 40- J. R, LEE. April 30, 1800. l.-^-if Cwlue and .^piritM Rarrei^. CONSTANTLY on hand by E, F. MOORE. Feb’y 20. i4t-'.*3tf ai and unwarrantable. We are, we confess, how ever, astonished at his moderation in mu’cing hunsell responsible fciinply to ;he Dcople o’’ the I nited States. Res{>onsibility to the ‘‘whole iiutiKin .•rce,” ur to •‘maukind in general,” wouM sound fargrander, and enta'l just as liit'e inconvenience. Rut t r :ill jiractical purpose* it must be a«lmittcd *hat •mi offic‘?r might ju^t .is well account to the whole of the inhabitants ot this L iiion ;is to the human family in the aggr«gat.*. If you once ad’hit, as ^lr, Ruchanan maintains, that the II, use ofRep- reseiitativca—the “Grand Inque.si of the Nation,” chosen by the j»eople every second year, and thus ! the exponents o:'their latest whiahes and ripest opinions—have nothing to do with hi> conduct , in office, no right to in^juire into it, hi,'i account- ' ability is not a bit more burdensome than that of ^ the (,'z ir or the Kaiser. The only mode provided by the Constitution for the expression of the sentiments of “the whole people” during the President’s term of office, is the House of Repre- RANAWAY from the subscriber, ou the 1st of March sentatives. There is no other body which repre last, a negro man named J.^CK; and on the 12th of sonts them. Close the mouth ofthe House, and May inst. two negro men named JE.S.S and JOE. who speaks for them? Mr. Ruchanan will be the Jack is black, low built, hump shouldered, and full . 1 .i,.., I, 1 1 L.■ 14.' 4X' f !!• Ki^t to couicss tlidt tii6 ucWap«.lvc^^ rGDrcscut lucm, pop-eyea. He ha^ pas:ed himselt ott asj free, calhnff . . - ^ k . r . .. f himself Henry Hayes. I suppose some white person has assisted him. I Jess is light colored, rathf-r vtllow very well built. h:>w and chunky; when lie left had moustaL le. wore blue clothing, though he carried some dark ones with him. He is about 2»i or 28 years of age, and can read. I bought him in Richmond. Virginia, seven years ago. Joe is also light colored, rather yellow, very tall, straight, and slim: has a scar on one or both of his feet, occasioned by an axe; wore a brown yarn coat with black velvet collar. He is about 23 or 24 years of age. I will give the above reward for their delivery to me. or confinement in any jail so that I get them agfiin. or !?2') for either of them. L()TT HK''H. Near Clinton. SampsoH Co., N. C., May 15. lS-4w T«E S«»EA SIDE. The subscriber would res’ e'-tiully iuform iiis ' friends and the pubii^'. tbit lie has uga'.n opv.iied his House at Wrightsville, and in prepareil to aeeommo- dale all wi;o wish to enjoy th” benefits and pleasures of the Sea .'>hore. P H tJR.VNT. May 11. l?-lm Bank of Clarendon at Fayetteville, { i I May 17, IsOU. ) I '^rHE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stockholders of ihis 1 Rank will be held at 'heir Ranking IL use on Thurs- i day the 7th day of June next, at 11 o’elock M. J. W. SANDFORD, Cashier May 17. IS-tm 870 REWARD. i.\NAWAY from the subscriber, ou the 1st of March m\ \mm\'. toiipiw. HARTFORO, €’OAA. Incorporated 1819. Charter Perpetual. To Turpentine l>i»«tillerM. The highest Cash price paid for SPIRITS TURPEN TINE by Feb y 20. F. MOf»RE. i4t-9.‘?tf Raron and i^orn. aAAA BUSHELS of GOOD CORN; ^UUU 15,000 lbs. well-smoked B.VCON. For sale by E. F^ MOORB, Feb’y 2i'). i4t-93tf Aathorlzed Capital, Paid up Capital, .Issets, $i,.>m,0(K) 00 1..KNMNN) fMI so oOO Feb y 20 (liiiano! fWiiano!! BAC,S No. 1 GUANO. For sale by E. P.*MOORE, i4t-'.'3tf E. F. illOORE, COMMISSION MERCHANT, ^ND will keep constantly on hand every article in the Turpentine Distillers' Line. Feh'v 2*?. i4t-y-3tf niKF.CTOKS. T-. K. BRACE, ' t S. TUDOR. J. CHURCH. R. BUELL. E. FLOWER. E. A BULKELEY. R. M.YTHER. E. G. RIPLEY. W. F E. G. Riri-v.Y. Pres t. T. K. Br.vce. .Ir., Sec'y. Rates as low a pkrkk t will allow. ‘’’4^8 ASSETS.-.Iuly H. A. G. D. T. W. C. S. WARD. /.. PRATT. DUNHAM. F, DAVIS. HILLYER. A. ALEXANDER. KENEY. H. BRAINARD. TUTTLE. T, A. .\i,F.x\N'i>KU. V. Pres't. A. A. WiLi.i,\Ms, Adjuster. I.VLM'V and fair j>rofit Market value. or, if they do so really, that they do so legally and. constitutionally. To get the whole peojile of the Cnited States together in a ma,ss meeting, after the fashion of the Greek Republics, is clearly im possible. So that our Chief 3Iagistrate. accord ing to his theory of his position and duties, might just as well, for all practical purposes, be respon sible to -‘auld lang syne,” or the “‘innumerable ianghter of the waves.” or the ‘‘moonlight hour,” or any other impalpable abstriction, as to that gross, componnd, and thoroughly palpable body, “the whole people of the United States.” We may depend upon it that this novel doc trine of accountability will not be left “unex ploited” by that exceedingly large body of our fellow citizens to whom all accountability is naturally hateful. We shall, one ot these days, see a burglar stand up in court and put in a dil- atorv plea of the followinc: tenor: “May it please the (’ourt—My rights as a citi zen were conferred on me by the people of the State of New York, by means ot the Constitution. You now propose to institute an inquiry' into my , coniluct, with the view of depriving me of those ' rights. I deny your power tj do so. I am re- i sponsible for my acts to the whole people alone, i If thev are dissatisfied with those acts, let them a.ssenible themselves together and say so in unison j If they believe 1 have forfeited my claim to citi- zenship, by breaking into the prisecutor's liou.se and appropriating his spoons, let their unitol voice ]>roclaini my guilt. To that voic > J will iiow with all propi'r submission, but in the moan ‘iine. I : must reijticst tlie critr to adjourn the ('••iirt.” 1 A'. >’. Tinu s' ^‘W'E refer our readers to the advei tisement o Messrs. CHI, RCH \ DI'PONT, No. Broad way, New York. The -Blood Food.’ is one of the great- ! est medicines of the age. and is rapidly drivinnr out of , the market all the iuack nostrums ot nioderu times. Its efficacy is ho great, and its superiority so justly acknow- ledgeil. th.it it is found difliciilf to su]i]'ly the immense and increasing demand lor the article. Dr. Eaton's Celebrated ‘Intanlile t 'ordial,' is a medicine prepared by a regular jihysician of emineuce in his profession, and one who has devoted his life to the peculiar phases of Eeather! l^esitlier! Oak and Hcmlock Solo Leather. Oak atid Hemlock Sole Leather. Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather. French, German and American (’alf Skins, French. German and American (’alf Skins, French, (jlerman and .\merican (’alt Skins, Morocco, Kid and l*atent Leather. Morocco, Kid atul Patent Leather. M orocco, Kid and Patent Leather. Rindings, Linings, La.stings, &c. Bindings, I/inings, La.stings, kc. Rintlings, Linings, Lastings, &c. We invite Country Merchants and Manufacturers to examine mrr stock of Leather and Shoe Findings, Trim mings. whicii we offer af wholesale or retail for (’ash, or good paper, at the lowest priccs. All orders 0L A]\0! 0L AI\0:: \ FREsH SL'PPLY’ just received. A C. T. HAIGH S SONS. April D’>. 9-tf 3001 May El TIE. rASKS UNSLAKED LIME ■'or sale low. T. S. i8t;o. in prime order. LUTTEIiLOH. 15-3w IVink Stocks in New York. Harlfonl. Bo.s- ton. St. Louis. ,S:c.. Unitcil .''fates .'“^tock and Treasury N»fes. Slate Stocks: New York,(>hio, Kentucky, i Tennessee, Mis-ouri, (,'ity .''locks, Hartford. Rochesfer. Rrook- I lyn. Jersey ('ity. ^ RailroX'l Stock': Hartford and New Haven, i !?oston and Worcester, t’onn. River, ■ Mortgage Bonds. Real Estate, unincumliered. . Miscellaneous Items. ! Cash, on hand at 1 deposited on call, and in agents’hands. ?'.tl5,3i1 (HI 215,12'J 50 oo M> 8o,08-:i 70.10;! 25.3 ;s 7i 1' Infantile diseases. It is no humbug, but a medicine which commend* itself to those only who ean appreciate executed laithfuliy. it."—Ap'dachiceila, Fior. Timm. i M,\Y'N.VRD. ELY' & ROSE, ygf* {iet adxertHtment. No. 40 South Calvert St., Balto. Md. March 24. 3- I April 3. ^ 6-2mpd. AOTICE. ^p.\KEN up anil committed to the Jail of Cumberland 1. County on the 2siih of Ajiril IMKit. as a runaway, a ' negro, who says that he belongs to Latayeite Moore of Halifa.v cminiy, N. C. Said negro is about tliiity-five years old. five feet nine inches high; weighs about 105 lbs., dark copper color; says hi* name is TOM. says ho formerly belonged to Dr. .iames Fields and was sold by him to said .Moore. The owner will come forward, prove property, pay tharges and lake him away, or he will be dealt vsiih as the law directs. G. L. McKA’l. Jailer, j .May 3, 1800. lotf i Blanks I’or Sale at this Office. S2,oP’.'i. I.’.: S ' LlAP-ILniES. Claim.s: unalji'.sted and iK>t ilue. 242 ,\cent of the above Comp-it;v ii; I lyetmville, ■ F. J. H.VLE. March 21, ISOo C’arriaue and H:»riie^ji for f*^ale. A SE('OND-HAND large Cni. iage, (se(MS for sn. i j\_ McKeth.Ill's make, in good condition. And a double set of Carriage Hamels, Oveiby’s make, nearly ucw. For sale together or separately. Nov. 10, i** hale .1/1 /'.cfun^iAHimirr.—'i’ho cxpeiiditurc ol Kngland, in 1 S(IO, tor inilit.irv and naval dclVnccs, will amount to i?150.0Ufi,1 hi.s is in :i j.e- riod of peace with all the WMfld, excepting (''lin;!, and there are hopes that the mi.sunderstanding there is capable ol I>ciiig reiinived by a f're>h 11- plnniatic embassy. In 1''.’]0, the last year of the Duke of \\'eilitJ-;lon ' a lininistratiun, the charu'cs for the .irniy, nuvy, and or Inance uf England were Sii7.5O(j,(jn0. The diffi.r« nee is worth not- ' ini:, ii-'* bi'in», in tlu; main, the [irice tint Eng land pay.s to assure h-'psoll' >f the amity ,f her ::l!y acr'>s« the channel. /■> —Jnhti R. 15rii~nio\v, ns otir reaiu-r.- \vi;i rfnienib> r, was put upon triai f r liliing a fellow tu'lcnt, !iml fic(uittfd. A c-u- respondent of the Richmond Whiir. in reporting the trial and ac',jtiittal, .say.";, th.it "J;:dg-; Rrien, of Nashville, concluded the defcm in a witty, humorous, -omio and juthetic speech.” V-^ily, that .Tud.r*‘ Rrion mu't be s d'di^httul wag. 11.■ concluded the defcr.ee of a man on trial Tor mur der in a ‘“witty, humorous, and ooaiic .speech,” tapering off with the “pathetic.”