JOL BOORS. «i cV ltl K|{ I T, ,NK\rV0Kh, ■lUTTElltl.K, |. « : I'!j; ot ^faiKiani 1 educators in ' '>wr iHiui • ual or as tl -,Iy f'''jr whiih th.,'. '' I '‘it*..] ‘I- ‘ViiMi.i ill!. ei i,.- j, viow ... ■ '^ 'r,. ocrapliic,, f 1 . • \r ^ , r*.l > K..a,i,.rs aiK! ■ -'VMK^ \] ' *■ ':ii .vTii •• -'iUli t.ramniar. i.ui- ■ ^ ■ ■ a.'iv' ■ ir ‘ ' * . LT’r; M \ m.,mkk Ml ■ r - ■ w k -h^ i- r. .k. IX:., Naf' .i,:.! On.tor. and '■ ■' • ■ '■'■• -‘tl 1 7;,,. •‘>H . With A.IJiti.jiV ^ til ''uutherii ’ Nn^ur:,; I’hilu- .'■I Mi , ..k ■* M : IV.r 1. >-liutil Astronomy : !* \ k. oj.iii- A ' '.irso ot ■’i’ *i: 1 Analvti- K ■: i • i’ *';ilculus .’i Tr ti, = .try. 'in ■ . i ti' M ut 1. -.n-u;,. UN... s’ Library, ! il- ' licHi ■: ll;; ■ M i -u. tH • - n .V : i ^ ? V 'I . l/.. Ma" ; ■ T'.I 4* ., l'!f- i; -\c. : all V MiN. i' ! 'II i : N > ■ ■ .V N 1: U ' ^. « 1‘ri- . ! ’ sii s M .r 'P: • • Kiiii r- i.K V S"N ^ K\K WHlNkKV. : ■- with It. »i :■!: ll'l^ tf ;it his ook'*^. N '!.! Lc: . I'.K-tl- i . .1^. r>:ir i; SitS History. ! li LK vSi'N. hr ^*ii€‘ry ot I . jirii-f ■> 1 . iro ' - \!.K \ >oN. HOOKS. ■ Wj; ■: t^"N. II lliiiniiai' for .. . . K -1 "f aij'i I’reach- - I,. -.rV; Tlie Socia- !'v •■•j - S'*.i tch Hooks I Kii'.&c. jp~ ' :i.«ar. ii vrro, ^ i- :t. Graiuiuar; D»vi(»t K .i JlALK k SON : Kat'. Viaton; The ll ■ >it. Juit rtc’ti. E J HAL£ * SON. r SEMI-WEBKL, Y. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., MAY 28, 1860. [NO. 921.] riMMTl* MI)NI>AYS \Mi THUllSD.VYS i EUWARD J. II VLE X SON, ' KDITOI’.S VM) IM!! M'lUKTORS I’v ,. i'..r ilif .-'iMui \V • Kly «iii~i:iivKi! M.' if j.ciiil in ■i > 'i> it' liming '.In.* scar of subsoiii'- 'ii; ir J .-iHor tli*’ liHS fxpiicii, t’.ii- ' 'n* \V»*okl\ IvK'.i .S2 M" ]>vr iinninii, il‘}';ii'l >“ : , i:uo : ■’. ■ if jciiii ihnin^ llif vc -v i.f >'rii. , li.iii; . . Ht'ior tlie your lias (>x)'iri'«t. Vi»Vi;!i !’lSi.Mi;N i'S iH'.TfcJ '■** !">*■ ^ 1 uiirt" ot t'i Hiio ;.’i- the tii'i. ••iii'I •*" tor each ^ fu.-.-oo.lin:-r piiMiouinn. Vr-rh :..hortisomonH by spe- \ii >..oiuv;ii'ls. at ifU'.'i! i'>l' r'liO'. A.UvUi^cr'' are t.. state ih.- nuii.’^- r of insi'riioii.s .lesir»-il. or j they wi'l b.' t-oiithuu-l till f.n'iiil, hihI cluirgo'l acoonl- j iiii:ly. _ I Ailvt'riisfiiH'iUb ti- iinertf'1 «>//-. t-liMrgoil oO per , .■.‘Ut extra. j sri;M \!. voTh i:. ! From mill lifter tliisiliUo. no tinme of a now suh!>crkber . wHl l>e entereii without i>,iyuioiit in a.lvanoe. nor will : :ho paper l>o ^ont to sufh sub', i i*'or.s for a longer time j ::.:in is paiil for. i Sui'-i of our oU subsoribers .iosiro to take the pa- I (..r #11 this system will please notify us wiu.n making ■ !\.niitt:Uices. j .lany 1. 1j ‘*!«i4|iiii*t‘, %%liat E« file iiiraiiiiiii ol such a crowd ia front of Woodward’s?” **Ue has Just rotTivod his Sl’Rl>i ST)( K, and I suppose thej are there raakins: their selec tions.’” j 'I''Useason the style of (■ .-its is I'ouble ' j I ami t^iujrle Bl! I'Kl*. witli l.arjre Meeve!': PANTS, LAHtlh \ esl Double an'l Sin>;le lirea^teil. My Jjiock is now oomplcie and roady lor inspection by all tliose who iiiriy wish w«n niH.le and neat fitting- garuieuts. Call and make y.>ur e-^letitious b«fore the 5>iook in pioke'i over. CATALOGUE OF DIFFERENT VA- K1ETIK.>S. Blaek ( loth Coats, Single and Double Hreastoil. >llk Mixture Suits. (asslmere Suits. Kreneh Ur. d*tte. lL.;iatiou Dr. d'Ete. Mlack ilpaeca Frocks and Sacks. Tweeds in Suits. (ottonade in Sult>. Linen Kroeks and Sacks, l.lnen Dusters, tivo dittercut vari«itie». Black Uoeskin t*auts. V.x-' I ' ;pply "f Fanc) '(a'sinieres. Urap d'Ete, French iUhbed. While Drilling. Na\} Duck and Marseilles. A - pply ot Youth's tas>iniere Suits. Al.'o. pants I'ur Hoy - Iroiu 7 t.' 11 years ' I, VL:!;T> if evor\ itylo and varieties • .r the Seas.Mi. ■''pecial attention is called t' a NE\S .'TVLK SHIK f never in r.jdueed ia lh;s 'larkoi b.-i'.re iLi. -ca' ti. hitra tupjily t liauze Flannel and Merino tiniah Inder Shirts, A iui,_ -.i; r o: Fancy Neck Ties. (ollars. suspenders. Ho sier), lilo>es. Trunks, \albes Ai Car pet Ba^s. A!1 tiie above wiil be .Sold l.iw tor Cash, or on ime to all tJio-e who pay thuir Hills when presented. 1*. S. I>iin l forjiet iliat my FKENCH TA1L»K is I ^ iy M make iij. a: an;. :it;,e C. .rhitig f. r a:;y tJi.iiMe- wh'. wi-.h to have m^ !*■ t.. >rder. Call at itiy time a: the >NF. I’Kl-'hi L>lHlNi SloKK and ••: vu vour mea-nre :iiid your orders will be tilled and - i’acti"li ^.i.iranlii d. Market Square. T .^ - D. r> ■.. .w Hinsdale's Drus Store. A. J. WOODWARD. April 18^’.". 7-l!m J5>tar Folii^li ol‘ the Soiilli! V\\r:TTKVIl.l.K ISOTEI., T. \\’AlM>Ifi!i, 1’ri)|*ki!-'.tor. / —1. luust coiniiioi.liotis Hotel in Noith I Carolina, fronting feet on Hav and jyjlll, Di'tialdson Streets, located in the centre of tiie bu^iiii'ss ]'ortif>n of the town, and surrounded by all tiie liankinp Wholesale .Mercliants and princi pal I'roduce Dealers. Ibtsiness men will tin.I ibe Hotel a convenient and eoinfoi't;it'l» housu. All the Sfigf.. arrive and depart from this Hotel. Fayetteville, Oct. ], 1h.‘>S. 51- SHBlWl'Lli H()i:si; A FFW IMMIUS \ORTH OF THK MVUKET HOUSE. lN(i to till*extensive increase of patronage 'i'tring tli(> year, 1 liave ex- eisJfci tended my facilities l)v tJie uildition of a num ber of eouifortable sleeping *ooms. with other import- aM imiirovements, whicii will !»ld materially to the comfort and convenii‘tice of those favoring me with their patronage. To tliose wlio have tieen my kind friend.s and cus tomers tor the past six years, 1 tender niy most sincere thanks, at the s.iuie time respectfully soliciting a con tinuance of I heir patronage, and also tlie patronage of a large number of new patrons. 1 have good Stables and a .Vo. 1 Ostler. r. SHEMWELI.. Jan'y DJ, 84- NKAKKST AND (,)!M(’KKST K4H TK TO THE KAILKO AD! HOLMES & ROIUXSON’S 01 K HOKSK STAtiK LI>K TO KE\.i>SVlLLE, VIA W UtSAH, 1.“s the >l'ortest and most expeditions for travelers going North or South. Leavintr Favetteville everv day at •J o'clock P. M. TlIHOLdll IN TEX Hol’HS. The traveling jniblic who would .'tiidy their comfort nad eonvenienee will t ;ke the Warsaw Stage. SKg“ THR(»LGH TICKETS TO WELDUN m.ay be had at the Stage Ottice, Favetteville. Aug 5. ISoy. ■ :?8-ly U"' ( Thoujiands are dnily speaking in the praise of DR. EATON’S IXFAX TILE CORDIAL, and whyT bei atise it n'r, ,- t\nl.t i^'ord ui^fantaneuui when given in time. It acts as if by magic, and -ne tri i alon^ will convinue you that what we say is true. It contains \o rAKi:(;oKir ok »i*iati: of 'iny kind, and ther fore relieves by renf r'le injn ot your child, instea'l of by diwiiuinj Us F«ir this reason, it eommeii'i^ itself as the o/. v pvepuratiiiii ui;»■ known tor C'tiilUi eu Teethiu^. l>iar- rhoea. Dysentery, ;ripiiig in the llowels, .\clUity uf the .«toQiacb. Wind, Cold in the Head, and Croup, also, for > • .nrr; thfyumt, rcdii-'ing inHamniatt 'H. : . j'llatiuj the Uoxvfis. afi'l 'lifvin'j p'tm. it has no "pi'i! - t eing an nnii-sj'cifi inilf it is used with unuiiliw) tucist in ail ea^iO' of CoitvuUioii or other Fits. .1* i au'i '• yi ’tr '’rlilr-u, dwl iri.«A . r.'ifad ■imi cunset/ueneo irhic\ i ctrliim to r>.'ult fr'‘‘n !h- uf niircoUrs of u itu-K I’.V "'-^r retm'h’ ■',/• / • '1" ^n-• curnpoi:- d, ■ •;/* la! Dr. Katon's Infantile Cordial; this you can reli/ upon. It is perfectly harndess. and cannot injure the m.i't delicate infant. I’ri'.'e. ’J.'* cents. F'ull directions aec.jii'p itiv eaeh bottle. Prepared nnlv bv ( HlKt H i Dl PO>T, No. b'.i Hroadway. New York. REMOVAL. JC. ai.OT*jEn^ WATIH MAKER AND JEWELER. Has removed two Doors West of his old stand, to the store adjoining D. &. W. McLaurin’s, where he has re ceived a large addition to his former Stock, and he in vites his old customers and the public lo call and ex amine his NEW STORE and NEW GOODS, and assures j them he will sell anything in his line as cheap as can ' be j)urchased at any oilier Store North or South. —.‘\niong liis Stock can be found— (iriiM and Silver Watches ot all prices and quali ties; (lol'l ami Silver (Chains, SchIh and Keya; liracfU'ts, Pins and Ear Kings; Gold liockcts, l^old I’ens and I’eiicils, &c., &c.; Fine and C^tnmon Pistols, Silver and IMatod Ware of all kinds; a handsome stock of Clocks; all kinds of Mili tary (loods, and every thing wanted in his line. Particular attention paid to Watch Repairing. .March 7, 18()0. l»8-3m liAKOE j^TOCK! NKW GOODS!! IH.VVEjust received my Winter StoPk of Goods in my line. Tiiey were selected in the Northern cities by myself, with great care, and bought on the most rea- son:il)le terius. by wliich 1 am enabled to ott'er the larg- stock 1 ever bel'ore otTered to the public, and to offer tiieni Al iii’eatlv Kediiced Pricew! PHUITS; Raisins, Figs, Prunes, .\pples. Lemons, Oranges, Cher ries, Currants, Pie Fruit.s, Stuff Dates, Citron, &c. PICkLES, JELLIES & PRESERVES; —A great variety.— F4‘i*liiiiierit'w anil Eitractx, Of various kinds: Fancy Soaps and I’oniades. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS; Fiddles. Drums. Fifes. Flutes, Banjos, Guitars, &.C. walking C.VNES. of every kind; Rasket and W'illow Ware, Hobby Horses, &c. FIXE AND COMMON CANDIES; Sardines; Finet'igars; Smoking and Chewing Tobacco; Crackers: Fine Pocket Knives; a large assortment of Port-Monaies, uome very nice; Fancy Envelopes and Fancy Goods; Toys and Yankee Notions; an assortment of India Rubber Goods, Whips, Combs; Fishing Tackle; Cocoa and Other FANCY (iOODS; Palerraiiiers, H^-iicules. Cabs, liubber Round Combs, Watch (J'l.irds—.^^dlair, Silk and Leather. Fancy B.'XPs, Pi-itiil-i. Powder Flasks. Sh«t Belts, Brandy i’eaches — in gallon or half gallon jars, Mace, Cloves-, ('innam.'ti. Large Lot of Fire Works, A:c., -'tc., ic., &C.. \c., \c., &c. Spiced and Norfolk Oysters constantly on hand. • '.'untrv dt-alers and the puVjlic are respectfully in vited to call and examine my stock, as it is impossible to eimiui-raie but a fe'.v of tiie leading articles. 1 havtj ^ great many handsome things which cannot fail to please. .1. R. I.KE, No. 40, Hotel Bl’ildinu. Dec U. IH.',;) 7:’- At the request of iiiany friends, I again announce myself a candidate for the Office of Sheriff of Cumberland County. Thankful to my fellow-citizens for the very liberal suppor' heretofore given me, should they again elect me to the office, I can only promise as before, to discharge its duties witii what ability I may possess. HEt’TOR McNEILL. May 2. 7 4-te CAPE FEAR NAVMiATION COMPABif. rpHE .Vnnual Meeting of the Stockholders will be held i in Fayetteville on Friday 1st June next. S. W. TILLINGHAST, Pres’t. May '2, 18GU. 15-tm W A. J WOODWARD. 'phat PollshI Hoh It Shines. 'I>.ny .: y mi r. ol- 1 lei't nine y'=u- agu that I ii-.v.ll. -i thr..ii-.r!i N 'rth Carolina and a porii,,n of South CiroHua !. r th*. pur pose of introduciti” this Poli-h. .Vs t iiiio ela) so l 1 iV)U!,.l that it would mould. I h ivo 'Ucccided in makinff it i'prfect and will warrant it to givi saii-Jaetioa. It tan • !• had at retail ior 1>> ;eni- pei' box or at wholesale f,,r 'ixiy cents per do/en. Dealers will f/: ward their or- iers t wo weeks previous to the time tliev wi.sli them filled. May 5, IHbo. ' l.viy A liiETI! The New St vie. Small. COLOKED PHOTOGRAPHS, AT I ART. Woodward'** i^olar i'aiiiera. |>HoTOGl: \PIIS i-Mti be Inel V -loi-dell’- Sk\ligt t I (Jallei-y. llHy -troet. oj...-;r,. Vard.' Fay etteville. N. • .: J/lain. re!, iii- ifd, e..ln|ed. in w.iter eoloi s, oil and |*a,stile: froiii -in >11 to life sue. Xmliro- type.s. .Melaneoiypes, and ail .itiier v;yli‘' o: Pictures ; eriaiiiinif to the Vrt. .\i .. (ii;t I'rai: jh .Mould ing, >la" for very l.nge pictiii'i-- u- a> 'JO bv '!•> uielies. Cord and Tas-.el- for hanging pictures; hi'tru- .H.iits. Stock and '’lietiiieals lor sale low tor ea'ii. Lite :ze colored Photo-;^raj'hs m.ide from stnal! piciurev. Having permanently located here 1 hf)j,e to merit viiur patronage. 1 would al-o return my sincere thanks ! I tlie Jitieral patronage be.'towed fin me lieretofore bv ■ .e good ta'Ople of Fayetteville and vicinity. C. M. VANOP.SDEI.L, and Proprietor. Dec'r ‘_'o. 1 77- l»AI\T.^, OII..S Ac. Si'r.KM. Retine.j, Lar'L and Tanners' OIL Uhite Lea.]; I’oirning Fluid; Putty; Window Glass ‘lid Sa-'i ot all si/.e- .M,So— A sui.Div .! PkND S I.K." fito^ i:i;. IJfulthy human Blood upon being ANALYZED Alway.* jiresents us with the 'ame es-ential elements, an.l gives of course thi‘ Analyze the of a per^on sutl'ering ; roni Coiisuiuplion. Liver (.’onipl.vint, Dy']>ep-ia, Scrofula. &r. and we find in every ! certain /ftici nfit’n in the re.l globules of Blood, these detieii'ncie-. and you are made well. The i' founde.l upon this Theory—hence its asfonishirift success. The -e are .FIVE PREPARATIONS a.l ipr.'d .let'.Lioi.c.c- of the I’.iood i;i .i.tiertnl .li.-ea^e.-'. F.>r OlluilH. ( l{ro:c«'llitis. .)1 any affec tion wliati'ver of the 'rilor I.Utitfi* inducing '»li«uiiipl i4»li, u«eNo. whi'-h is also the for 'kioii of of Ap|M‘tii‘. tii'i lor all ItroiiU’ arising from 4ki'4‘i'«ii»r. i>‘bilily- and Pi'OHtratioii. N . -, f>r i.iv>r CuiiipliiiiiiH. .No for I>y»|M‘|>si:i. />’■", / ,ilre'td‘i j rfparrd u,t it is 'I'uktMi l»v I>i'«|»s and carried im- ni«*diiitely into the circ!;' .:: ii. ',i th^lt what you (^n>i you The .No. 4 i- l.,r l'4‘llial‘ I lal'i> 18 > sl*'l'ia, \%'«*akll-'«s, «Vf. Soe ^-peeial di rt ctions lorthi'. F. r '*all tCilOllill. F^rii|>fions, ^4Tofiiloiio, Kidney, and ISIai(l*r Cuiii- plaillfo, take No. •'). In all eases the directions must i)e -srictly followe l. Price of tiie ICIu»l f'ooil 61 per bottle. Sold by ( HFUf ll A Dl rOM. No. 4u'.t I'>roadway, New York. ■\nd by all respectable liruggisis throughout the country. Nov 11, Hti-Iy A O W IA Tl A R K KT. VLL persons having NEGROES for sale, will do well to aldre-.^ the subscriber at (’liiiton, Sampson countv. )■.' he is dei.-rinine.l to iiuy and pay as liberal prices for them :i- the '■t'lte of the niai ket wiil j.erniit. r.v adiLe-'ing liiin lie wiU call iiiiniodiately, and make liberal offer~, s all will find who will trv him. CHARLES r. STEVENS. Clinton, .Sampsiin Co., Sept 10, l.':'">‘.i 4y-lyjid $100 KcAvard. 1y.\N .\W.\Y froiii -Messrs. .j, vS: N. A. Cameron, of V >'u:al .-I 1 County, first of las' .lune, my negro liiaii s^til.'TIi WELL, orSOL'THliY, (as usually called.) S'.i'l in"^ri-,, j. tliiek set, abo .1 o teel S inches liigh. of y d.irk brown e i;or. Jim- «iaall eyes, anil .i downcast look. Ho ha- boca liiinl for several years in (,'umberland , t'.punty. a- a Tut (iodi ii;e hand. J will give the above ; reward, il tnk"n out of i he Stare—for his imprison- : laent in any jail in this Stiite, or for information that may leail to his recovery. , ' ' J. B. LITTLE.IOHN. Louisbiirg, .N. ('.. Feb'y 4. b'*.ttf refei- our rea'ters to the adver \y .Me-srs. CHl.RCII .V Dl'PoNT, .N,,. sup ^ ir - lie t.y Nov r -J}. 18r,K. JAMES .MAKTINE. ti'itf liLA.N’KS tor saJe at tfiis Ortice. i-rtisement o JU'.t Broad way, .New \ .)i k. 'I'he -Blood Food,' is one of tlie great est me.licines it the age. ati'l is r.ijiidly driving out of the market all tin' i|uaek nostrums of modern tiiiie^. its etlicacy is so great. :ind its -iiijwriorily so justly aekii.,w- iedjTed. thal il is lound 'iitiii-ult lo supply tlie itiiaieuse and iacri.a>ing dcnand tor the ;irlicle. Dr. Eaton's celebrated •Int.uiiile (.Cordial.' i> :i mi'dicine pre)iared by a regular physician of eaiiiieiice in iiis prolessioa, aiui one who ha* devoted iii.- life to the peculiar pliases of Infantiie difeuses. It is no humbug, but u uiedicin-- which comnieii(U itself to those only who can apnreeiate it. "—Apalachicola, Flor. Timu. tar See advertutment. March 24. 3- Floral Collegre* rpiIE ensuing Session in this Institution wiU commence . X on the 2d Wednesday in Jan’y next. j The management and instruction of the Institution , will be under the Rev. Daniel Johnson and Mr. John C. Sutherland, with an able Corps of Assistants in all the j departments. The Principal and his lady will take en- | tire charge of the Boarding establishment, thus giving to the School more of the family element. This ar rangement, it is believed, will greatly advance the use- ' fulness of th« Institution. M. C. McNAlll, I Sec’y Board of Trustees. Dec’r 20 77- AOTK E. Mr. JOHN H. HY.MAN of Scotland Neck, N. C., this | day becomes a partner in our House, and for the j future the style of the Firm will be DAA€A% HY.nAA & t'O. j On the 1st of September nexi, a branch house will be j opened in Norfolk, Va., under the name of HYMAN, . D.\NCY & CO.. to be conducted by JOHN H. HYMAN and F. M. HYMAN. DANCY & HYMAN. New York, April 30, 18t)0. 13tf THE ;REAT SOliTHER?f WEEKLY, Published at Augusta, (ia. On the 26th of May WILL BE I.SSrED THE FIRST NUMBER OF THE SECOxXD VOLUME OK THE SOUTHERN FIELD AND FIRESIDE. The most distinguished Southern writers will adorn it.s columns, constituting an unrivalled «alaxv of talent. LONGSTREET, SIMMS, KENNEDY, COOKE, TURNER. THOMPSON, INGRAHAM, jf/e 0!u barty—L,eUt>r From -l/r. FiH- inore..—The Boston Courier publi.slies the follow ing letter from Mr. t'iilmore, addressed t«i. the author of the HisU ry of th Whiy parti/:— BurrALo, April 30,1860. 11. McKiNLrET Ormsby, Esq: Sir: Many unforeseen occurrences delayed the perusal ot your work en|itled the ‘•‘Utntori/ of the Party” but 1 have now just iiuiihed it, and thauk you most sincerely for the pleasure and instruction wliich I derived from it. 1 profess to belong to uo party but my country, and I am taking no part in politics; but, though a silent, I aiu uo by meatii an indifferent specta tor ol passing eventjj. On tlie contrary, 1 look with the most intense anxiety, not to say alarm, upon tlie present state of things. It appears to me, that he must have read history to little protit who does not see, in the growing jealou&y aud H '^'^i hatred between the North and the South, tliU Also, the most pop.ilar writers of the South, and es- ; of discord and civil strife, which may end pecially many Lady writer.s of' es^iblished literary re- j destruction of this (iovcrn- WE beg to call the attention 4 our friends and the public to the above notice, particularly those tributary lo Norfolk. By this arrangement we shall be | able to give our patrons the advantage of both markets, j either for the sale of Produce or purchase of siijiplies, charginij but one Commission. .All produce consigned to I the Norfolk House, will be sold in this market, when- | ever we think it to the interest of the owner. DANCY, HYMAN & (’O., 124 Pearl Street. JNO. S. DANCY, late of Tarboro", N. C. JNO. H. HYM.\N. of Scotland Neck, N. C. F. M. HYM.\N, late of Warrenton, N. C. New York, April 30, 18»)0. 13tf putation. will contribute to the forthcoming volume. Judge LONGSTREET will furnish a series of gp:orgi-\ scenes, never before published. The Second Volume will open with a Tale by .lOHN ESTEN COOKE, .author of “The Virginia (3ompiiians,” i:c.. entitled ‘ THE PRIDE OF FALLING WATER:” —a Tale of the Old French War of 17’)5. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: a year in Advance. .\I1 papers are .stopped at tlie c.xpirafion of tiie time paiI for. No order for the p.aper attended to unless accom panied by the money. JAMES tiARDNER, i'rojiiietor. May 19. l'.t-:^t NORTH (JAKOLIXA WHITE f.PHI K ’’ILL BE OPE.V for visitors the 1st of D. A W. McLAURIN, foL'LD invite attewtion to their large and daiirable Stock of u Hov^:n I t’onsi'-ini: in part of— InD Ha-js Rio, Lairuira and Java Coffee; lot* libj- :nnl Hhils. Suirar (assorted;) 2.=> Hhds. .>,.s; '* liacon—Sides and Shoulders; 5fl0 Sacks Salt; loO lioxes trood Tobacco; 1*25 “ SpiTia,-Adamantine & Tallow Candles; oO ‘‘ Soap ■ a.s.sorted;) 50 ‘‘ Candy 11>0 Bag.s Shot “ lOOO lbs. Bar Lead; W * Bbls. Snuff—Eagle Mills; 25 Kcirs Soda; 250 Nails. —ALSO— .\ large an'l general assortment of Hardware and ('ntlery; Fariiiitiir I tcnsils, of all descriptions; ,\niorican, Eni'lish, Swedes and Peruvian Iron; Blister. (Jerman and Cast Steel; Bhickstniths’ Tools; ('oiijiers’ l)o.; Corn Slieller.« and Straw (’utters; riuckets, Brooms and Pails; Cotton, Manilla and .Jute Rope, (all kinds and (|uality:' Plow LiiH's and Bed Cords; Hollow Ware; Cotton Yarns and Sheetings at factory prices. AH of which will lie snM i.iiw for cash, or on usual time to prnirMit paying customers. (’ofNTi; V Mki!'iiants are respectfully requested to call and examine our stock before purchasing else where. D. A: W. McLAURIN. March 3, 18'‘,» J3tf I \\. V. TROY H .\S just received this morning, from Steamer North Carolina, '■> bbls. No. 1 Mackerel, new. 10 •• “ 3 20 J and J bbls. No. 1 do. i-') boxes Cheese. •5 k*.;;s selected Goshen Butter. 10 bb'.s. Leaf Lard. 1-5 “ New .Mullets in oak and pine bbls. He h:is on iiand u general assortment of anovERMKs^ which will be sold cl.eup for Cash or exchanged foT Country 1 roduce. Oct. tj, Ibo'.i. 65tf Leather! Leaither! Oak and {leml»ck Sule Leather. Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather. ();ik and Hemlock Sole Leather. French, (ierman and American Calf Skins, French, (Ierman and American Calt Skins, French, (Jerman and American Calf Skins, .^lorocco, Kid :ind Piitent Leather, .''lorocco, Kid and Patent Leather. 3Iorocco, Kid and Patent licather. Bindings, Linings, Lastinos, &c. BindinL's, liinings, Jjastings, etc. Bindinos,, La>ti;igs, &c. We invite Country Merchants and Manufacturers to e.^amine our stock of Leather and Shoe Findings, Trim mings, \c,, which we otler at wholesale or retail for (’ash, or good paper, al tlie lowest jirices. All orders executed faithfully. MAYNARD, ELY & ROSE, No. 46 South Calvert St., Balto. Md. April 3. 6-2mpd. i\ew Spriii$r Cjrood!$« ALE\. JOUA>»OaV Jr- H.AS received in part, and is daily receiving, a large and desirable stock of SPKIXG GOODIE, Embracing all the newest styles of Ladies’ l>ress (lood.s. Shawls, Lace Points, Mantillas, Embroideries, »5i.c. —ALSO— —A fine assortment of— (ientlemen’s Summer Goods, and Keady-Made Clothing, Bonnets and Millinery doods of all kinds. March 15. yOOtf Please Call ami See: i ment. 1 am sure that no one can aver that there was tuore hatred betw'een Great Britain and her i Colonies ten, or even five years, before our Revo- I lution, than now exists betw'een the North and i South; and the cause, if cause there be, seems i likely to endure. Demagogues, North and South, I fan this flame for selfish and ambitious objects: i and the great masses, which are usually inert and ! passive, are likely to be drawn into the contest I and sacrificed, nolens cokns. May Heaven save us. for I fear we are unable or unwilling to save ourselves. While I cannot subscribe to all the views you have advanced in your book, yet, iu the main, J think its statements true and its conclusions eou- rect, and 1 wish it niij'ht receive a dispassionate i perusal by every citizcn North and South. 1 am j sure it would do good. But the electioneering I campaign is approaching, which is not favorable ' for the inve.stigation of truth or the exercise of reason; aud we may soon expect to .see the country j flooded with partisan productions, calculated to I operate upon the prejudices aud passions of the : people regardless of the well'are and hoiiwr ot the i country. But, whether the people will read or , . . ,, , , I forbear, you have told them many wholesome able watenne places ot \ irixmia, added to his com-i . ■ i,- i t * • i ® il„ , , 1 1 1 • ' truths, tor which 1 return you my sincere thanks, manding appearance and gentlemanly bearing, insures : ’ - . j J good order and good fare. The ivrv BALL ROOM LEADER and BLACK BAND of MI’SICIANS that the city of Richmond, Virginia, affords, have been procured. Riding Vehicles and Horses, BILLIARD S.VLOONS and BOWLING .\LLEYS, area* : he command of visitors. The countrj’ is elevated and healthy; the scenerj- beautiful and roads most excellent, and the pleasure ground.s extensive. ii: ^V' sent terminus of the Western N. C. Rail Road, not an hour’s ride by superior (Jiunibuses and Stages. The Proprietor has prouureil the .services of THO.nPJliO-A TVL.ER as Manager, whose experience at tlie various fasiiion- 1 am truly yours, 311LLARD FILLMORE. .1 JhUrnte Operotion.—A short time since considerable excitement was manifested at the raising of an entire block of brick houses iu (^hi- eaou, I)}’ means of jack screws. The o]>eration was perform-d so completely and safely that, in Ther.'is no water better than that, ajibrued by the i that city, it attracted universal admiration. Work- W E have been receiving by the latest arrivals a hand some assortment of SPItM.VG consisting of French BONNETS of every material, a great variety of's Flats; Infants’ (,’aps; Large Bonnet.s suit able for old Ladie.s; French Flower Ruches and Ribbons; a variety of new l>re.-s Goods—Or gandies, Anglais Robes, Blk Lace Points, Berage Mantillas, Linen check Dusters, Parasols, and a first rate article of Hoop Skirts, .Vnd a great variety of articles too tedious to mention. We shall be glad to see our patrons, and those who will favor us with their orders shall have them promptly at tended to. We hope by strict attention to business to merit a share of public patronage. I. & H. DODD. -Vpril 11. 8-2m BACON! BACON!! AAA LBS EXTRA N. C. B.\CON—HAMS, /wCj, vUv SIDES and SHOULDERS, for sale by April 27, 186t). J. W. HORNE. 13-lm North Carolina WHITE SULPHUR. The patrouLige of the Carolinas is tonlidentl^’ relied on to repay the Proprietor for the esj>ensive outlay he has m.ide to fit up a watering place suited to their wants. And he proinists that no p.iins shall t>e spared by him self or his gentlemanly assistant, to render all who may visit him, pleasant and comfortable. H. L. ROBARDS, Propkiktok. May 14, 18ti(>. IH-tf THE J«*EA !^IDE. The SUBS('’RIBER would respectfully inform his friends and the public, that he has again o]iened his Hour.e at W rightsville, and i» prepared lo accommo date all who wish to enjoy the benefits and pleasures of the Sea Shore. R H. GR.\.NT. May 11. 18-1m Bank of Clarendou at Fayetteville,) Ma'V 17, I men are now engaged in this city performing an ; ejually delicate operation— that of lowering a large thirty inch Croton water pipe, running through Eighth avenne, to a depth of ten feet be low its present position. This is rendered neces sary in consequence of the regradiiig of the , avenue. When it is borne in mind that the pipe is ot'iron, the joints or connections made with i lead, and the pipe filled with water, the flow of which cannot be interrupted, it will be set^n how carefully the work must be performed to be suc cessful. An excavation is first made around and beneath the pipe, which is then propped up, and, after the excavation has been carried lo the distance , oi about half a luiie in length, the pipe is lowered a little, very gradually, great care being taken ^pilE ANNUAL -MEETING of the StockhoMers of this that the curve at any one pjrtion oi" the long are 1 Bunk will be held at their Banking House on Thurs- ,n,t sufficient to bn-ak the pipe. The pipe will day the 7th day of June nexj, at U o^clock A^ M.^^^ excavation hus been completed the whole length- May I'i SANDFORD, Ca-iiier. 1 '^-tin ^75 KEWAllD. about a mile and a half. During the progrc'S of this work, it i.-> ncccssary that the most w.ach- f'ui care shi-uld be exercised, that the process oi lowering .'hould be gradual and unaccumpauied by siuKlcn jar, which would ri.-^k the fracturing jilt, hump shouldered, and lull pipe, the sudden escape of Water, and con- pop-eyed He has passed himself off as free, ca’ling sequent inuildalion of that uorti...n of the city himself Henry H::vfcj. I supnose some white per,-.on , * , i*. > i i , rr- ' belore the flow of writer could be checked, lue water cannot be shut off this main, as a large 1_).VNAW'AY from the subscriber, on the l>f of ch IL last, a negro man named'K; a:;d ou ttie I2th of May inst. two negro men ...amed JE.SS and JOJ.'. Jack is black, low built. He h ' ■ .on has assisted him lees is light colored, rather yellow, very well built. low an.I chunky; when he left had moustache, wore section ot the 'vt.sieru part of ti.e city would thus fdue clothing, though he carried some dark ones with jjg deprived of iis supply. FRESH FRUITS! I^OXES ORANGES. 15 do LEMONS. 2tX) do Fine FIGS. New York .\pples. Cooking Prunes, and large Stock of Confectionaries, at Hotel Building, No. 40- J. R. LEE. •\pril 30, 18t)0. i:’.-tf c Ciliie and ^pirit^ Barrels. ONSTANTLY on hand bv E. F. MOORE. Feb’y 20. i4t-li3tf him. He is about 2t) or 28 years of ago, and can read. I bought him in Richmond, Virginia, ;evcn years ago. Joe is also light colored, rather y ilow, very tall, straight, ami slim; has a soar on one or both of his feet, occasioned i.>y an axe: wore a brown yarn coat with black velvet collar. He is about 23 or 2t years of age. 1 will give the aliove reward for their dciivery to me, or contiiienient in any jail so that 1 get them a,-rain, or for either of them. LOTT RU'H. Near Clinton. Sampson Co., N. C., May 13. ix-4w It\.i i.\si!inM'i-: I'OMi'iw. HARTFORD, C OAA. Incorporated 1819. Charter Perpetual. To Turpentine lliMtiller*^. The highest Cash price paid for SPIRITS TURPEN TINE by E. F. MOORE. Feh’y 20. i4t-93tf Bacon and Corn. ^AAA BUSHELS of GOOD CORN; /^UUU 15,000 !t)s. well-smoked B.\(^ON. For sale by E. F. MOORK. Feb’y 20. i4t-03ff .Authorized (apltal, Paid up Capital, .\ssets, $l,.i(K),(KK) (M) 1,.'»(MMHH) (HI ‘2.(>;i(),423 SO fiiiiano! >iiiano!! B.\(iS No. 1 GU.\NO. For sale bv E. f.'moore. Feb'y 2t. ilt-0:jif lUKKCTORs. s. s. WARD. H. Z. PRAT'F. A. DUNHAM. G. F. DAVIS. I 1). HILLYER. T. A. ALEXANDER. W'. KENEY. C. H. BRAINARI). oOO E. F. 1100KI], CO M M I sS ION .M v: RC Ii A NT, i N'D will koei> constantly c Turpentine Distillers' Li on hand every article in the no. i4t-93tf Feb'y 20. GL Ai\0! Gl Ai\o:: i FRE.'sH SUPPLY just received. A c. T. HAIGH & SONS. T. K. BR.VCE. S. TUDOR. J. CHURCH. R. I^UELL. E. FLOWER. E. A. BULKELEY. R. M.\THER. . E. G. RIPLEY. W. F. TUTTLE. E. G. Ru'Lky. Pres't. T. A. Ai.kxam>f.w, \ . Pres't. T. K. UiiACK, Jr., Sec y., Adjuster. Rates as low a.s pkrfki-t soi.vkncv and fail profit will allow. .\SSKTS. .Iiliy IS.-,9. Market value Hank Stocks in New ^ oik. Hartfor.l, Bos ton. .St. Louis, icc., .S'.tlo.^! 11 (Ii* United States Stock and Treasury Notes, :_’l•'>. 1'J.; 'lO April 1»;. 9-tf EI^IE. ('.\SKS UNSL.VKED LIME in prime order, T. S. LUTTERLoH. I .Mav 7. IHiit). l;'»-::w OAA C.\SKS UNi Ol/U for sale low. AOTIC'E. ^p.VKEN up and committed to tiie .lail of Cumberland X CtMinty on the 2Sth of .Vpril ISi'.il, us a runaway, a negro, who s.iys that he belongs to Lafayette .Moore of Halifa.v; oouiuy. N. ^ Said negro is about thirty-five years old. five feet nine inches high; weighs about 1»;'> lbs., dark copjior color: says liis name is TOM. says he formerly belonged to l»r. .lames Fields and was sold by him to .-a;.I .Moore. Tiie owner will come forward, prove properly. j)ay charge..; aii-i take him away, or he ivill be doalt with as the law directs. G. L. McivA\, Jailer. .May 3, 18D0. 1-jtf 1 Blanks tor Sale at tliia Office. .Stale Slocks: New York. Ohio. Kenlucky. Tennessee. Missouri. If.K. o.Mi 0(1 City Stocks. Hanford. Rochester. Brook lyn. Jersey City. IIG, lil no Railro-*d Stocks: llarlfor.i.ind Now Haven, Boston and Worees’er. Conn. River, ST. II'.» O I Mortgage Bonds, •«3. 1 i,'''.t vi Real Estate, unincumbered. 7't. 10.1 7s Miscellaneous Items. 2;'>, ,34S 77 Cash, on band and ilc))Osited on call, and in agents' hamls, 1", •>2 .030 .12^: V.l LlAHlldTIES. t'laims; U’l.'idjii.'ied aiiv.. not due. •«. I'S Agent of th»> above C.ini]iMny in F.i' •ott. \TvJ- , K. J. ilALE. March 21. IS'ii*. :’t f l'arrs;j;;e and f5aa*!it‘?>i>i tor Sa!e. 4 Sl;COND-H.\ND larpe C.uriage, s ar..' tor McKethun’s make, in good condition. And a double set of Carriage Harness. Overby’s make, nearly new. For sale together or sej arately. Nov. 10. J- hale Unlike the stupendous operation of raising the block of brick buildings in Chicago, this woik is td pt.Tiiups more importance, i’rom thu fact that a faihire would cauio almost iucalculable damage to the city at iar;.^e; whcretts a failure in the (,'hicago cast would only liavc iiivclvcd the destruction jf the buildings in process ot elevation. jV. V. ('v7nmt:r::a! Adefrtiser. Of all sanitary reformers, L>r. Winship, ol Bob- ten. will jirobably become the most popular. For he advocates uothing that goes against the grain of our humanity. In particular he takes .‘^tind against those two old dogmas which inculcate the hygienic necessity of rising from the table huii- ;ry, and from bed sleepy. He says, never from table unsatisfied, never get out ot bod so long as you have any inclination to lie there. And the Doctor’s pn-.scription is not only plea.'ant but sensible. Ifoneisto rise from eating hungry, what uac of sitting down at all!' And in relation to earl}' rising, our syiupathies have always been with the boy. who. when hi.^ father attempted to cut off hi? niorninir nap with that rusty old saw about the bird and the worm, replied that it serv ed the worm right—h*' hadn’t any business to get uji .su t r.riy. .\s roirard.s the distin^idL'hed author A' the .s.tyiiij- four h'jur.- oi sleep were euoitjih for .1 man, livi' for ;t wj’iian. .--ix tor a chiid. and seven for a tool, we h;;v»‘ always iiiclined t.i iliMik. thal 111, w:is cniitled to avail hiii'sell ol tlic latter flaiisi' and --leep a iroud seven, fur wliii ii rc-asi.u ht> f’.lt tia unction in 'irt;iili/i.i; tJie slfcj» ot uther-. Dr Win.ship’s teaching-'are iiitich more agreeabK-. 7’/(" f'rtip*. — A c“fiveiitiiin of vine or .wt'rs l.a.s beet! callcd by vitii-'-.i^rDwiiij: and aoriciill'iral ass,,. ' (*iati(*ns in tii-.? .''outli. (jieorjxm papt r. !ti tecuin- ' mcndino the pmject to Southern attention, retiiarks ' that iiiori- giK'd will come IV.iui it to the coiintry than ti'*’’'* ('onventimi rcceiitlv held inCharlt n- t(,ti. .\ssuciations ior the culture of the vine, and ;.!,'0 for making wine, are being fornn;d in iu.iii\ parts of the cv>untry. It i.' only neccssaiy to iu- rreaM' the knowledge of the siibiect to a de_r.- c'|nal to the zeal in which it is Uiken up to success. An old man in an I'niilish almshouse, who c*n- fe.ssed that lie had .sjicnt sixpence a day for btei luring a perioil of sixty years, was our, li.'cl hcu I'll'i that the ai;gre:rate at compound interest would have amounted to i.'o,225 IDs. Gd. lie at once said that if he could live his hie over again I he would’nt drink a drop.