HSC 1 _J»P II!. [{ItllkN. ‘V til KR, Ki, N H V rm UKi r la \ . 'K »l ^laiittaru i*ok>. lhi» itii Y » i-j Tho I-, -t -= =Tenoe ■ - Un.i ■ ■'■ >r -eo- ■’ !■ "llv no:, these ' ■'laten ■ •■ O' ' - hnu 11 .jnil Math**. '■i ■ - ' 1 " Hhu L . 1 ' ^ M - - . / ‘ ' tioul li-i b,M., a - .-i. tn_v r-5., •'rie>. . Wei’ - -e. a-. i-h»ul HfailfPs aud ' ■'TU IMi ;.j •iiiiar, n ,iV ‘ -M .>.N !IiJ’ ;.l II. ati.- Jc y >5 N ^I= . ^ T He- * ■ and ■ - i ' tiom* 'ithorn ) • ‘ ‘*03, atnl L-*.. rol^ii * : r? 1 oi - >i.urai t-’h;; trv of •> '*. .1 T S i UI! ial . ■ i(jr >uh'^ Aitr--: iUi bTV . ~i ■ A (’ icui-; ■m- , - > U. VM- >!U'US • ■trv hn-.A .. IIDJU: • - Lrr " , I *-■1 : IL ij. . *' T iO :> !>\ \^K ' e • . •p.' ' -y. I,: ,ri ^ / • r e urer •I (1 4 . - !- ROrVG & CO. k >1., N. V. ■ri .t: 1. ■ ■ 6 " •151 \ % t>l. 1 - ot I llWy Hr. ■ ( ' \ i; >r 'jve nv:'. ■ A — ■■■•. "uU'-b* , xi. > -Mj so i' h L- ■; 1 : -v.c bc ’i*' -ire fi-i.ii- - ■ .t-r. ■ 1 1 .at', in ca ip . jMt oi 11 .- E..^ . iaitsUA ■--amp »■ i"-e/i Ur ' t. -.. t : = li^jh ‘.Vp( . nt tiK« Jit rifc fi-. :‘ r;.ey ii.- . . MILM3; W . ’ !4 i . i-.‘ 1. -i« de * t ' Y ■ « ' '> ■ '* loi } . iFAiy ({)IB S B M I-w e: e: K L, Y. [VOL. IX.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., JUNE 14, 1860. [NO. 926.] IMITNTKD MONDAYS AXI> THURSDAYS EDWARD J. HALE & SO!^, KUITOKS AND V1U>PRIET0HS •'rice for the Seiiii-Weckly Obskrvkr ?3 00 if paid in :i'lviiricc: ?3 50 if paitl dui-iiig ihe year of suhscrip- t^n; or $4 after the yeiir has expired. F >r tlie Weekly Observek ?2 M> per Hniniin, if paid in advance; 50 if paid during the year of subscrip- tii-n; or IH> after the year has expired. ADVKRTlsK.>fK.VTS inserted for GO eonls per K.juare of IG lines for the first, and 80 cents for eacli i>ueceeding puMication. Yearly advertisements by spe cial confrncts. nt reasonable rates. Advertisers are rei^ueste.i ti‘ st-te the number of insertions desired, or (liey will he continued till forbid, and charged accord- iii, iy. Advertisements lo be inserted insitU', charged 50 per ■'em extra. SPF'TAL NOTICE. From and :ifter this date, no name of a new subscriber will be entered without payment in advance, nor will the paj>er be sent to such sub?cri+iers for a longer time than IS paid for. Such of our old subscribers as le^ire to take the pa- * por «n this system will please notify us when making rcinii;>»uces. Jany 1, 1S58. JAS. e. .^IcKAE, *Jtiorncy at OtL^t West end of the luauraucv Uuildiii^;, Hay St., Fayetteville, N. C. March ’2G, 1860. 3tf FRENCH STRANGE, Attorney at Law, IFayetteville, N. C. office that ref.cD'.ty occupied by C. G. Wright. K» j . >ver the one noi. occupied by him in Dr. liubimun's iiilding. Green Street. UtH.- r2. 11*.?f. ^ircJL. .ncK.iw Attorney at Law, Fayettkvii.i.e, N C. tl^lLL attend the County and Superior C'^urta of IT Cumberland. Harnett, Muore and Uobeion I'nun- ■■e:- I’rompt attention given to tho collecti'>n of all iiius entrusted to his hand^. Oct. 17. IHo'.t. .5S-tf I.AW i^OTICE. ^pHI:; Subscriber having reniovud from Summerville to 1 Fayetteville, will attend the County and Superior I lurts of (.'umberland, Harnett and Moore. Hi* i.tfice .vill be at his residence, on Green Street, opposite the tpiscopal Church. His «orrespoudentb will please address him h«reat\c.' It Fayetteville, instead of Summerville. NEILL McKAV Jan'y‘21, 1860. S5-tf H W. HORNE, .1 TTO jf.vj; !• .f T If, If .\Y be fixind at the Otfice of Wm. H. Wright. Eikj., • Tl near the Court House. June 30, 185!>. 28-1Y ~ J08KIMI TJAKER, Jr., .\TTO K V \T I. A W , H .\S taken an office next door to Wm. B. Wright s Law Office on Green Street. He will attend and practice i; the County and Superior Courte of t'umberland. I’la len. Robeson and Sampson. March 23, 1859. T'.'tf P. J. 5i\c:laik, Attorney and ronn«ellor at Law, FAYETTEVILLE. N. C., 1LL practice in the Courts of Robeson, ('umberland, Harnett and Richmonil Prompt attention . Vfti i" t)u«iness entrusted to hin. Feb y o, 1.''.''>'J H6- A.« D» ^1cIjEA.\^ Attorney and ('ounsellor at Law, SrMMKKVILLE, N. C., 11.1, attend the Court-: of ('umberland. Moore. J>iUn- st.'ti and Harnett Comuio*. IMIOMI'T atteiitiou ■ti ti! the collection of all claiiii.-i wntrui’.od to his oaro. ' I- 2;*. 78-ly ROKl ncAAIR, %tltorney and i'ounsellor at LU.MIiERTON, N. C. attend and practice in the County an.l Superii.’r W Court- of llv'besnu. Uichniond and Cumberland. .Ml >>usini '- intrusted to him will rsceive prompt at- t' li'ion and ‘■■illection^ puticlually remitted. •».-i r. 1H50. 5:',tf JOHA P. FI Attorney and Counsellor at Law, WILL PRACTICE IS THE COURTS OF Koheson, Cumberland, Columbus and Bladen. Office at Lumberton, Robeson Co., N. C. .r, ly 5, 18.')0 29tf l>Ei\TAl. .NOTICE. I \ll. R. SCOTT, having obtained assistance, can sup- I ' ply artificial snbsfitutes on short notice. Office ■iirs, from y to 1 I’. M., aud from 2 to 5 P. M. March 3. W . II. CARVEU, llealei* iii llry CiirocerieK, and Pi’o«ii«ioiiM, I [,L always keep a good Stock of Seasonable Goods on hand, to sell cheap for Cash, or exchange for I’l ciiluce at Cash prices. Hay Street, Fayetteville, N. C-, April 10. 9-tf T. C. X B. ii. WORTH, CommisNion and Forwarding Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C Jiin'y 28, 1859 84tf C. n. ROKINSON H. H UOIUNSON. i\ II. ROIIIA>iO.\ A: VO., Commission and Forwarding Merchants, WlLMlNfJTON, N C. Consignments and country orders will reccive prompt personal attention. .Marcli 17, IStit). 2tf OEO. II.\KRI«S. W. W H.VBRl.SS. A. J. HOWSLL. HARRISS 8c HOWELL, rommhsion and Forwardinc; Merchants, WIl.MINGTON, N 0. Oct. 17, 1850. .')8-lYpd R0KI:RT II. C'OAVAA. General Commission •JMerchant, wtl>m\(;tox, n. c Office South Corner Market and Water streei, uji-stair:' Oct. 13. 185'.». 57-lY U II.I.IA.Tl J. PRIC'i:, inapector of Turpentine^ WILMFXdTOX, N. V Will attend promptly to all business entrusted to bis care. March 2'J. 4-lypd i:i>%viA II. KA.v>i:v. tienera! f'ommission mfierrUant, jUoiitli Wliiirves, belwfPii ll irkrt ^ Ches'iiiil Sts. ('on«ignmonts of Cotton, N.ivul Stort^. F'lour, Kice. .'ic. will always roccive hi.^ j.ruiii)': p■■r^on.l! attention. .Vdv.inees will ‘le iii.ido c.ily oii actual Cimoigmetits. R K F F r. E .N I - K S . T. .'J. Ai'IV li. Bi i>D. l'l;«r ;n '.V\LKrn. Kv vt» & (\). t-lis. ifiti>n S VVvATI Ai. I ii M i r. HK!.l. Wiiiiuniiton Juti,. TLriTR K'4 II»:>kv .Ni r r l>'i K ’ EV f i; 1>»'V J H. TavI. 'K Ku hln d. \\' V i.EiT II K'H. I!i v. .1. I.KH >Hi 1 K. I'alilOriii ■ VViLi.iiM I'l; r rl'-Krw \! H ■ Jks^k W l!K-ti>i i. K i| .N Y l!, v \V H. (,'ARiii.> t' Juiid \V Suxro' !':'i » M.irchy. yy IV Wiu. iO. TI RLI^4;T01^. € o mill i!iis ion i^lercliaiit^ WlLMlNinON. N I’ A1’"1LL (TITO spii'i.il Ti : • 'lu- I'alo it (>tii]'[iicnj ! T "f :iii .Nav-i* ."■! 'rf ». i 't.iri, FI ." v. T;ui> ur, and other c.'untry j't i-hicj. Refers to: H. II .'^avai.'c. t.anliicr lUnk «f Cape Fear. W iluiingloti; Jno U.iw- ti, I’res't Wilmington I'-ranoh bank of North t'arnliua; W , H J .ue«. (.'dkhior Raleigh Hranch T'aiik of Ciipe Fear. Nov 1 65-tf LARGE STOCK! NEW GOODS!! IH.VV B just raocived my Summer Stock of Goods in my lino. They were selecte} in the Northern oiti«» by myself, with great care, and bought ou the most ro«- yonable terms, by which I am enabled to offer the larp;- ost stock I ever before oiTttred to the public, and to offer them At €i(rentl%' Rclucecl Pri>e4! FRUITS; Raising, Figs, Prunes, .Viiiden, Lemon*, OrangM, Chw- ries. Currants, Pie Fruits, ka. PICKLES, J ULLIES & PRESERVESi —A great variety.— PRESERVED GINGERS AND CITRONS. Scc, l^erluiucries and Extracts, Of ’'s.rioui kiuds; Fancy Soaps and Pomado* •fetrelry. Breast Pins, Finger Rings, Cameo Sots, &c. mmM INSTRUMENTS; Fiddles. Drum.^, Fifes, Flutes, Raujos, Guitars, Ac. WALKING C.VNES. of every kind: Basket and Willow Ware, Hobby Horse», &c PIPES —Meerschaum and German, Cherry St*m, Ci gar Holders. &c. FINE AND COMMON CANDIES; Sardines: Fine Cigars; Smoking anil Chewing Ti.bacco; Crackers; Fine Pocket Knivtw: a large a»Bortment of Port-Monaies, s'me very nice; Fancy Envelopes and Fancy Uood»: Toys and Yankee Notions; an assortment of India Rubber Good*. Whips. Combs; Fishing Tackle; Cocoa aud Other 2%tits. FANCY GOODS; Palerrnmerg. Tletioulc'i. Cabs, Rubbor Round Combs, Watch Guar l8—Mohair, Silk and Leather, Fancy 15..xes, I’istol.i. Powder Fla.sks. Sh,*t Uelts. Rrandy Poaches!—in gallon or half gallon jars. Mace, Cloves, Cinnamon. Large Lot i-f Fire Works. lVC., &c., &c.. &c., vVc., Sc. &c. WO.'iTKNHOLM’S ’UTLERY, KAZ(»RS, PoCKKT KNIVES, .'cc. Spired »nd \'orrolk Oystern cunstantly on hand. Liiiioji Syrup, iJinser vVinc. rurriiiii Wine, liingfr Branily. ’I'aniry lU'aler? and the public are respectfully in vited to call atid exatuine my stock, as it i-i impossible til enumiTate but . few of the leading article''. I liuvf a tiroat nirtny hand^ume things which cannot I fail to please. J. R. m:k, No. ill, HOTKL HtlLllINT.. .May 2'*. lfr'.0, 21tf XKW 0001)8. II 0\vt:.\ A: VARItROKai. .WE this duy entered into Cupannershij) for the purpiise of traU'aoting the (ommisvion and Fornarding; Business, in all it' tiram-hcj. in Wilmington, and will give pruinj't personal atio’.ition to all business entru.-ted tt^ their care, i.iberal c.v-;!! .»dvancfS will bo made on Consignments ‘‘f C'jUtitry P>- : luce. Office ou North Water St.. over H. Vonglahai;'s Store JOHN W OWEN. O S YARBROUGH Wilming'on. Oct ‘JU. '''4- j ^PHE sul'aicribers are receiving a largo Stook of Goodg 1 in their line, consisting of CilKOCEKlE^, Hardare and Cutlery, Fanning Utensils, Turpentine Tools, SADDLKllV, WHIPS, \c., I Embracin;; almost «very article kept iu a Stock of tliis ^ kind, and will make it to the interest of merchants hud * all iithjrs purchasing to give them a call. The above Goods will be .offered low for ('ash, e.itcbangeil for {’ountry Produce, or sold on bhort time to prompt pay ing cus'jmer#. PE.MBERTON & SLOAN Fayetteville, April 5, 18t50. 6-3uii3w The Ejorstnt Carriage t'^actorff in \ the Sofithl ' M( K Eyrif Ai\ Respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he has built up large substantial Rrick Build ings at his Old Stand, expressly for manufacturing Car riages. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he has receiveil for the lust 21 years, he hopes by strict atten tion to business, with a desire to give satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He wan-ants his work to be made of the best material and by experienced workmen in each br.tnch of the business. His work will compare fivorablj’ with any made in the United States, for neatness and durability. He is determined to sell and do atiy work in his line on as good terms as any work done elsewhere that is as well done. He now has on hand, finished, THE L VRGEST STOCK OF Carriages, Barouches, Rockaways aud Buggies, ever offered in this jilace, aud a very large stock of work nearly finished, which will be finished daily. .\11 of which will be .sold very low for cash, or on short time to punctual curtoiners. JBr^f“Ile lias on hand more than ONE HUNHRED AND FIFTY VEHICLES fmished and in course of construction. BfeY".Vll work made hy him i.-^ w'annnted 12 months with fair usage, and should it fail by bad workmanship or material, will he repaired free of charge. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and ex amine for themselves. Orders thankfully received nnd promptly .attended to- Repairing executed at short notice aud ou verj’reason able term,«. May 2S, iSo9. 8‘JAf Southern Plano Manufactory* RUN NO KISK! RUN NO RISK!! ^PHOSK who wish to purchase a good anl reliable I PIANO, would do well to get one of ROSWELL & CO’S Xew Cross-String Iron Frame (Jrand Patent ACTION PIANOS. They have given universal satisfaction wherever they have been sold, and are considered by judges to be one of the best SQUARE PIANOS that arg now made They combine all the late improvements, together with LARG ER SOUNDING HOARD, which makes their tone so full and melodious. All our Pianos are sold on a guar antee for five years, with the privilege to exchange within six months after the sale—should they not give satisfaction; and we guarantee to those who purchase from us, a safe delivery of our Pianos, we assuming all resjionsibilities. Therefore, those who purchase of us RUN NO RISK. Mr. lioswell is now in Fayetteville, and will remain a short time, to receive orders for these fine Pianos. Old Pianos will be taken in exchange, in part pay for new ones. He will, during his stay, attend fo (he Tuning of Pi anos. Any comuiunications left at the Fayetteville Hotel, will be promptly attended to. N. B. Mr. B. will in a few days, open in Fayette ville, one of his fine 7 OCTAVES, CROSS-STRING, IRON FR.VME PL\NOS, the most beautiful, and finest finished Piano, in the Cotmtry, in the Style of LOUIS XIV. Due notice will be giveu when this fine Piauo ar rives, that all may have a chance to see it. J. E. BOSWELL & CO., Piano Manufacturers: No. 5 & 7 S. Eutaw St., Baltimore. June 6. 24-tf JOHN It. nUVA.N, JU., of Riileiffh, N C w w JOIIS 11. of N. * I.O\DO\ A: IIRVA.W Co m m i a s i o n • V i' r c h a n t s. No. 32 India Street, nosTo^v. Ctv?* ‘;i'N“IiiNMKNT» ■ SI OB!.».K» • l.li l ffcli. ur. I I. II To R. P Pi.xriiN. Esn., H. C. Ltc.\s. Cash’r. Fayette ville: (l iV, Ei.LIS. Ivlllcigh. Dk Rii»iKT. Rkown ot Ch., Wilmington; WaT'^n \ .Mi:\UKi-. N. V . Mi'Piir.iiTKiLe vV 'IiitsKi.iN. Norfi'lk. .March 17, 1^‘;0. l-onijid BOOTS cV SIIOKS AT WHULK^ALE. JMO. M. WALKER, of Kortli Carolina, W I T H \V E S O \ X C^ , 27 CHAMBERS STREET, NLW Y O li K ll'lI.L be happy to '^cc hia Southeiii iV'cnds at liie IT above c'tnblisliTiienr where, cither per.-oi'.ally or by order, thfv may 1 .• supplit d ''rorii )in ex:eti--ive and M'oll assoi-ied .'^tock of d-^ in that line, "ottcu uj) ex pressly for til.’ Soutliern trade. Feb'y i‘). Oi-ly R. n. ORRi:iii., TURPEWTIWE INSPECTOR. THO.^E “ending their Spirits Turpentine to me may rely ui>nn it to have ptompt and rarofiil attention. My warehouse' are frontiug the wh-j,rTes and near th« river. Sept’r I.*?, iHoS. 45tf II. c;kaiia.^i, co.if. I WILMINGTON, N. ('. I ll/'lLL give pri.tnpt and personal attention to all con- j W signment.s of ."Spirits Turjientine. Rosin, Tr.r and I Turpentine, and all country produce for “lie. Office up stnii'>i. over the store of Mr Vonglahn, and joining Liitterloh's Wliarf, North W'ater street, June 28 2.')tf JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. i: o n mss i o AND Fonrarding Merchant, Vt*ilminston, *V. €. w k)| null i] '^’E have received our secoml purchase, conii.sting oi a large and dciirable slock of Ntaple and Fniicv Orv l!\TS,illl.\.\ETS,li(ll)TS,SIIOEMllilllELHS, RKADY-MADK ri.OTIIINfi, TKU.NKS, Sci-. W'hich we otfer exclusively to Wholesale Buyers, on terms as favoral.di' as they can he bought North or South STaRU 6; WILLIAMS. April 2-‘5 lltf II James Kfjie .\.S ;u«t received hiu SPRINtj .\ND Sl’MMl'.R SI P- PLY ..f DRV GOODS W. Bl I.I.ARJI, 4'ommiHSion *flerrhant, WILMINGTON, N. C. )l’>OMPT and PKR.SON.VL attention will he givyn to i'iii' .'.lie of Naval Stores, Cotton, Lumbar, timber, ■ 1 other country produce. REfKl. To '' i. I’.Misi.KV, Pre.s’t Com. Bank at VViln;ington. ' -iiN iMwsox, “ U. N. C., at do ' !■«. H. E. J. Lit.i.y, I ,, , I, 0 L. > f avettcville. ‘I -ir-;. Pkmiikrto.n & Si.OAX. > Paiikkk, Esij., Harnett I’ouiify, N. C. \ 7, l ir,tf JOH!\ ^1. I'LARK, ' uiitiission and Fonrarding lyferrhaut, — DEALKR IN — Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, he. ni;RLOH S WHARF, WILMINOTON, N. C. * HiK STK.\.MBRS k'ATK MCLAl lUN A>t) SrS. -i’, 1-00. lltf' lilaiiks for Sale at this Office. B^^Prompt iier.minal attention given to all Consign ments, and Cash advances made on Produce to be shippeil fo other ports or sold in this luarket. Feb. 12. 18C5. (;7tf HOOK-IUNDI VG I.N all its kinds, executed with neatiK'ss and despatch. Small joba when done nuist bepaiii before delivered, THOS. H TII.LINOHAST. Opposite the Female High Setiool, Hay Street M.ay 1-1. l«r.‘). il.iy A CARD. A WORD TO MY OLD FRIENDS— '^PHOSE per^on-i for whom I have been amending fo 1 I’.ankini; busine.-s for years:—I am >*till willing to serve you with the ^anie ]ii'oniptness that I have always done; and to others that ni;iy want discounts. Pension bu.siness, \c., ,\:c I ofl'er my services, with a promise of strict attention. ,I.AS. 0. COOK. June 27, lb.5".*. 20tf %VAATKII. A LARtJE quantity of COTTtJA and LINEN RAGS, iV for which fair prices will be paid. DAVID MURPHY. Aug. 17 41- —among wiiioh are— Summer .-»nd other Silki, Printed Lawns. L>')U*'ie Skirt Robes, Single ditto, I’ri’.ia. real French, Bi iti.ih and Domcstio, Irish Linens. Diapers, ^;c.. Bolting ("loths: With a very targe assortment of all kinds of (loods gen erally kept in wholesale and retail Stores; all of which are otfered at wholusa’e and retail—CHE.VP. .March -J, isi;o. ;uf •Vo. tit Hat/ street^ J. li. K\ liE li; niiw receiving liis Spriti;-- and Sumnier Stock of SHI’LE \.\ll Fi\('V IIHV (iOOIIS. .Vniong which may be found tlie following articles, at prices which will prove sati.-factory to the purchaser; l)rt‘ss (lood.sin pieces, consi.vting of Muslins, I.awns, Gingliains, Prints, licrcpjcs, Black and Wliite Challies, Silks, ^c., Ao. hi ROBES the following line: r..awn Kobcs, f.'ouhle and Sini^Ie Skirts, JJcrege do., Ginijliani do., Lace Points, Shawls and Mantillas in profusion, Ilibbons, Hosiery and Gloves, Spool Cotton, Ilftts and Caps, lJoot,s and Shoes. All of which will be offered very low. Call and ex amine; no charge for looking. J. K. KYLE. March 14, li00. 2tf J. U. RAKt:R Is now receivini' from the Nortli the largest, finest, and most carefully selected ^tock of ever offered in this market; which added fo his own mauufacti;ri-, makes his .assortment complete:— all of which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash or ou time to punctual cuitoiners. Fashionable painted cottage bed-room Furniture in setts; curled hair aud siiurk, and cotton Mattresses; Looking Ctlasses; Willow Wagon and Cradles; Side Boards: Bureaus; Secretaries and Bouk-Cases; What- Nots; Tallies, all sort>i; Wasli Stands; ('andle Stands; Wardrobes; Picture Frames and (Jlass; Window Shades; Cornices; ('urtain Bands; Sofa^ in Mahogotiy and Wal nut: Tete a Tetes: Ottomans; Divans and Stools; Chairs of every variety. Fine Ro.sowood Pianos, one with ^Kolian at tachment; Rosewooil Melo.lians, from the best manufac tories in New \ ork and Boston, warninted as good as any made iu the country, and will be sold at New York prices—freight only added. September 2. l.'itf iMarble ATTENTION FARMERS! ^piIE attention of farmers and others trailing at this 1 place is again solicited to that most e.vcellent ar ticle “THE XATIOXAL FERTILIZER,” The great advantages and intrinsic value of which is beginning to be apjireciated, and the demand for it is rapidly increasing,—to meet which a fresh and full sup- l>ly from the Factory is now on the way and daily ex- jiected to arrive. All who are iii want will find it to their interest to procure a supjiiv and give it a trial. Apply to BEVERLY RO^E, .-Vgent for this part of North (’arolina. Fayetteville, June H, 18(iO. 2o-:lt ."Votii:l. '^piIERE will be a meeting of the stockholders of the L ('arolina City Co. at Carolina ('ity on Friday the 2'.th day of June. Stockholders are particularly re- ipiested to attend the same. By order of the President. JNO. .M. ROSE. Sec y Car. City Co. June 7. It'tiO 25-tm BOOKS! BOORS!! rPHE MOULDER S & FOUNDER S Otiide, by Over- I man: Wood's (Mass Book of Botany; Lectures on Na tural History, by P. A. Chadbourne; Professor Em mons' Manual of (ieology, 2d Edition; Aboriginal .\meri- ca. by .Vbbott; Mary Bunyan, by Ford; Model Book of Drear.is and Parlor Entertainments; The (’orner ('tip- board. by the atiihor of ‘‘Innuire Within;” The Prairie Traveller: by Capt. K. B. Marcy; Dime Song Books, Nos. 1. 2. ;i, 4, 5. (j. Juue 11 E. J. HALE & SON. IVOTICE. If R. JOHN II. HYMAN of Scotland Nock, N. C., this iTl day becomes a partner in our House, and for tho future the style of the Firm will be OAIVCY, UY.^I AA & to. On the 1st of Sci)tembcr next, a branch house will b?> opened in Norfolk, Va., under the name of HYM.VN, D.VNCY CO., to be conduct*il by JOHN H. HYM.VN and F. M. HYMAN. DANCY & HYMAN. New York, April 30, 1860. 13tf 117E beg to call the attention of our friends and the VV public to the above notice, particul.-\rly those tributary to Norfolk. By this arr.'ingcment we shall be able to give our j)Otrwis the advantage of both marketo, either for the «ale of Produce or purchase of supplies, rk'tnjiug but one Commission. .\ll jiroduce consigned to tht; Norfolk House, will be sold in this market, when ever we think it to the interest of the owner. DANCY, HY.MAN & CO., 124 Pearl Street. JNO. S. D.4NCY. late of Tarboro’, N. C. JNO. 11. HYM.-VN, of Scotland Ncck, N. C. F. M. HYMAN, late of Warrenton, N. 0. New York, April 30, I8fi0. 13tf t5y L mil iiiiiiRs .tniiVB r. r. iiucii i soss- smRii rayettovillc, IV. C. .Tan’v -20. IPUii 81- Tias: AORTII C’AROI.I\A ~ >IlTrAL LIFE INSIRAME (OMPAM, V^OW in the teiitii year of successful operation, with growing capita! a>id firiiuT hoM i.pon public con fidence, continui'.-; to iiii-ure the lives of all healthy per sons from 11 to ''*• years of age. I'or one year, for seven years, and for life—all Uti' memberssliar'ng in the profits. .ill slave-' troTii li.> lo 1)0 year-; of a>re are insured for one year or for five years for iwo-thir ls their value. .\U losse:j are j'unctunliy paid '.vithiij days after satisfactory proof is presented. For flirtlier information tlie pu'i'iic is referred to Agents of the Company in all of tlie St.ato. and to R. 11. B.\TTiJ-^ Si'^retary. Raleigh. E. J. H.VLE. .\geiit at Jan’y 185'* Fayettev'lh', N. C. IIard\vare, Ciitler» .SAOOMvKV, Arc. I.VMES M.\RTI.\E is now receiving u large .ind gene ral assortment 'jf every thing in tlie above line. —.SLSO- .V prime article of Rio, Lap:uira and Java COFFEE Crushed and Brown SUGAR: Sugar House SIRUP and M(.>LAS.-^KS. .\ll of which is olfer^d on as good tenim «s can be had in this market. Nov'r24, 1858. 66tf STOVEJS, SbTeET IUOx\, Tli\-WARK, Xv. N H.\ND, a largo assortment of Box and Cooking Stoves; Tin-ware; .'>heet-Iron; Lead Pipe. Also The ^'01(1 itotniiiion Voff'ce Pot.'" For sale by JAME.S MARTINE. Nov’r 24. 6Gtf STOCK BOOKS AND STATIONERY. We are just receiving our new stock of LfiW, Pledical and Dliscellaneous Books/ School Books; Blank Books; Writing Papers; Envelopes, &c. \ew Hookf^. '■PHE MILL ON THE FLOSS, by (ieo. Elliot; I The Mother's Mission; Ministering Children: Edith's Ministry; Mackey's Masonic Jurisprudence; Flora's Lexicon: Downing’s Fruits and Fruit Trees of America; Father Tom and the Pope; Colton’s Pocket Map of Texa.; Mitchell's Traveller's Guide through the U. States; Wood’s Pr.actice of .Medicine: LEATHERMAN'S ELEMENTS OF MORAL SCI ENCE: Ebony Rulers. Blotting P;iper, &c. ivc. .lune 2. E. J. H.-\LE & SON. Fllil t’LElIK OF THE COI IITS, EXECUTION TRIAL, and APPEARANCE DOCK- Lj ETS, ruled and j.rinted from the most approved forms in use. Also, further supplies of other BL.VNK r>(«)KS, in great variety. May 31. ' E. J. HALE i: SON. Wanted, liiiiiieclialely. F''Rt>M 5 to lOjttiM) good wagon SPOKES, for which 1 .a liberal cash price will be given. J. W. WELSH. Fayetteville, June-j, IS'id. 24-tlJ Law A'olice The subiicri'tier having retired from the Bench, with purpose to devote himself lo the praotico of the Law, will attend hereafter the counties of Cu'i.f>erl.'\nd, Rob eson and BlaJen, at all the Courts, and (he Superior Courts of Richmond, Harnett and Sampson. J. G. SHEPHERD. June 4, 18t)0. 23tf Town pa JUTS co}iy four weeks. 0 Oct. f., isr.y. E. J. HALI: :SON i^EW ROOKS. ^ VAKIETY of School Books, &c., just received. £. J. HALE & SON. Dr. FR.WK KYE WHISKEY. R MITCHELL lias made aiTangemrnts with Dr. , Frank Williams, to l>f con.stantly supplied with his celebrated RYE WHISKl'.Y, which can bo hail ai his Store at all tim.-s, by wholesale or retail. Oct’r 11. lf^r)9. nti-tf Aiifiorii'aii Almanac tor 1800; Swords’ Pocket Almanac; Brooke's Fool of tjuali- fy; Preufice's Wit and Humor; Pre.achers and Pre.ach- ing, by the Author of “Kirwan’s Letters"; The Socia ble, or HmM Homo Amusements; Irving's Sketch Books Ada Leigh; Seven Years, by Julia Kavanagh; ■.'ic. In terlinear Tr.-inslations of Xenophon, Ciesar. Cicero, Vir gil, Sallust; Bullion's .\ualyiical Grammar; Davies’ Arithmetics and Keys, &c. iic. E. J. HALE & SON AOTIt'K ^p.VKEN up and committed to the Jail of Cumberland I ('ounty ou the 28th of April 18ti0, as a runaway, a negro, who says tliat he belongs to Lafayette .Moore of Halifax county. N. C. S.iid negro is about thirty-five years old. five feet niue inclies high; weighs about Ifi-j lbs., dark copper color; says his naiiie is T(.>M, says he formerly belonged to Dr. Janies Fields and was sold by him to said Moore. The owner will come forward, prove property, pay charges and take him away, or he will be dealt with as the law directs. G. L. McK.\Y, Jailer. I May 3, 18Gc. 15tf i»re:?ie coi rt reports, NEW EDITION OF DEVEREUX AND BATTLE’S EQIIT?, Volume a. The subscribers have just printed a 2d Edition of this volume, (one of the most valuable of the series,) with Notes and References to other adjudged Cases and to the Revised Code, by Hon. Wm. H. Battle: and with many corrections of typographical errors. Their 2d Editions of the Istvolumeof D«t. & Battle’s Equity, and 1st Dev. & Battle’s Law Reports, have r«- ceived the approbation of the Profession. They also republished a 2d Edition of D«vereux’s 1st Equity, (without Notes.) .Vnd in addition to these, are the proprietors of the entire editions of most of Iredell’s Law and Eiiuity. and can supply any volumes extant of the Reports, or complete sets, so far as they can now be had. Tliey propose to put to press a 2d Edition of Dev. & Battle’s 2d Law Reports. They deal largely in Law Books, and will at all time.- order works not on their shelves, to supjdy their cup- tomers. E. J HALE & SON. Fayetteville, Jan’y If., 186(t. AEW ROOKIN. n^HE .M.ARIiLE FAUN, by Hawthorne: .Southern I Wealth and Northern Profits; A Life Struggle, by i Miss Pardoe; Passing Thoughts, by Sewell; Night Les- j sons from Scripture, by Do. Women of W’orth; ,\rt Recreations. Men who have Ri.seu; The Federalist; Scott’s Poeti- ' cal "Works; Druitt’s Modern Surgery: Field's Pear Culture; School Books. Acc. E. J. HALE & SON April 18, 1S60. IVortli C'arolina Form Rook, i 4 FURTHER supply just received, i ii E J. HALE & SON. I May 23, JAPANESE IMPRESSIONS OF AMERICANS. ' Some one has x>ntributed to the New York Times some very good things as “intercepted lot- tera” from the Japanese Embassy to friends at home. We extract: JAPAN AND THE UNITKD STATES. It were not well, oh son of Frum, to institute u comparison between the institutions of this coun try and those of Niphon, for the reason that this country is yet young. Civilization, a.s thou can’st well divine, is not attained in a day. The march of refinement is like that of the sun. When the night ot Barbarism beginneth first to break, we see a faint glow upon the hill-tops; gradually the light increaseth until the earth is bathed in a glory, and we say, Behold! it is day. Thus, the sun is now high above Niphon, but with this people it is yet dawn. It is not probable that in another century the young men of this country will spit in the presence of a Prince, or seize upon the folds of bis toUki with unwtished hands. Nor is it probable that the maidens will wear garments which trail upon the ground in luxuriant length, and yet expose bosoms like full-orbed moons to the gaze oi Ambassadors who come from a strange land. They will cut tho superfluous silk from the bottom of their dresses and place it upon the ncck, where it cannot be trod upon. Nor will it be necessary, when the light of ci'/ilization is perfect, that they inclose theiasclves in those curiously wrought cages ol* steel, without which, iu this day, no woman has assurance of safety. CANDIDATES—POPULAR VOTE. But the Government ot this country, oh son of Frum, is that which has most tilled the soul of thy, cousin with wonder. The people choose a Tycoon trom among themselves once in four years. In making choice they do not say: Has this man wis dom? Have the Planets rained their treasures upon him? But they say: Can he ruui' Thus one party has chosen a man whose legs are longer than the mandates of the Mikadoj for they say; Beholdl he can run like the bird of the desert. And they say of him, He is used to the splitting of rails. In-the wonder of my soul 1 said to Gen. 8cott-Kami, Is rail-splitting one of the qualifica tions of thy Tycoons? And he made answer that this people designed to fence their country iu, and that Hon-est-Abe will do it! Oh son of Frum, lord of the moon and kissed of the stars, over the province which Nieu Rai has given to thy charge thou reignest well, and yet none of thy tervent admirers assert that thou excellest in rail-splittingl Xanioo Amadi. Another party desire to have a Tycoon whom they call Dug-a-las; but the people say he cannot run well; which must be true, as his legs are exceedingly short and his stomach is round. Another party says that tor Tycoon they wish a great scribe whose name is Ev-er-at-it. He delineates the sentiments of his soul upon a paper called the L*d-jer, and he signs himself Bon-ner. It was this great scribe who wrote that book called The Gun-ma-ker-uf-Mos-cuic, which, as thou wilt remember, is translated into the lan guage of Niphon, and which the Grand Lama reads with joy. Should Ev-er-at-it bo made Ty coon, his friend, whose surname is Cob, will sit at his right hand, and their united wisdom will bu published to the land in the Led-gt r. Truly, oh son of Frum, this is a singular people. Thej have here what they call the “popular vote.” We have nothing like it in Niphon. This •‘vote” is a thing which as yet the soul of Moora- gake does not understand. Many people get rich by it; and ships bring barbarians from a dis tant island^ called Ireland, to do nothing else. The man th.at gets the most ‘‘A'otes” is generally j made Tycoon, but he is an unhappy coon, for this singular people do not honor their rulers. THE LEGISL.VnVE DKPAKTMENT. The laws are made by mandarins, vhom they call Con-gress-men. But the Con-gres's-man is of very low caste; there is only one lower, and that is said to be the Com-mon-Coun-cil-mau of New York. (We have met the former, but not the latter, and ours(mls tremble to think this affliction must come upon us.) It is a sad disgrace to be mistaken fur a Con-gress-man. There is none greater, unless it be to be called an Alms-house-Gov-cr-nor. Gen- Scoft-Kami related me a story of a man of di.stinction, entitled to wear a red flannel shirt, and write hose-cart after his name, (which is a great honor,) who, happening to stand near the Sen-atc-hou.se, was pointed out by an ignorant I-rish-man—whom may Dzizo confound—as being a great Con-gress-man; thereupon the good Fire man knew that nothing in life could wipe the stain from his soul, and putting his trumpet to his mouth he comtnitted JIun i Karri by blowing out his bowels. Ilis wife said he bad done well; mothers called their children after him, and. his name is now honored in the land. If is good to be virtuous. PEOPLE Ql ARHEI.SOME—AGKEE ON ONE POINT. There is great strife atnong this people, and in only one thing do they agree; this is in despising their present Tycoon, whose name is Buch-an-an; and when a man plucks him by the beard all mouths are loud in his praise. The Dem-o-crat.'i and another body of Christian.^ called Ke-pub-li- cans, wage bitter war with each other. The Dem- o-crats come from that land of which thou ha.st read in that book of which mention has been made—(iun-mak-er of-Mos-cow—it is callcd Ire land; and the people are brought to this country chiefly to assist in the building of rail-roads, and to “vote.” This latter duty they do well. The native shores of the lle-pub-li-cans arc not certain ly known, but it is the opinion of an illustrious scribe, whose name is Ben-nett that they camc from a “happy land’’ called ( -tab, which is only inhabited by lle-pub-li-cans and Go-ril-las. The I>em-o-crats are that kind of people of whom I have made mention in a former letter, who bring the beautiful Nig-ger from Kfhi-o-pia, and teach him the art of cultivating cotton, which i« hon orable an emplovment that those engaged in it are allowed to carry a “hoe” upon their shoul ders, and sometimes two shov-els. While the ni>r-gors arc thus allowed to distitiguish them selves, tho natives of that part of the Kingdom known as “I)>wn-8outh” are obliged to :ih:n^e themselves b^* sitting ignobly upon the seat of ! their tois/cis, thus doing silent homage to thi- I c«tt-ton-pick-erH. The lie-pub-li fMn.^ wi«h fo a- bolish this present system, tor which they art* sometimes ctilled .\b-o-li-tion ist.s; but the crats will not bow, and threaten to go back to Ire land, in which event the'e will be no one left in the country to “vote,” to act iis Con-gres.'-men‘ or (!!oin-mon-Couneii-men, which would be a great pity. Gen. Scott-Kami says it is only a little dif ference aa to the comparative merits of wool and