LPAlrllTOIIlTlIiyb SEMI-WEEKIiY. [VOT. X.] FAYETTEVILT.E, N. C., JULY 5, I860. [NO. 932.] ^ IM.TMKD MOVDAVS \N0 THURSDAYS KDWIKI) J. HALE & SON, KhlTOUS AND I’KOl’KIKTOKS ' Trice fur the Semi-Weekly Oiiskrver SS 00 if paid in mlvHiice: .'ro 50 if psiJ during the year of subscrip- lion: or ?4 after tlie year has expired. For t)ie Weekly Observkr $2 00 per annum, if paid in adv.inco; $1’ 50 if piid during the year of subscrip tion: or f:; 00 •iftev the y?ar has expirel. A DVKllTlShMENTS inserted for ♦>(> conts per fijuare of D’> lines for the first, and cents for each Bucceedinp publici.tion. Yearly ndvertisements b}' spe cial c.intractp. at reasonable rates. Advertisers are reiiuesw>d to state the number of insertions desired, or thev will be continued till frrbid. and charged accord- ingly. Advertis-Muents to be insertdl inside, charged 50 per cent extra. SPKriAL N’OTirK. FrL>ni and af'er this ilat*. nonanicof a new subscriber ■will be entered -wirhoa* payii'ent in advance, uor will thi' ]>aper be sent to such subscribers for a longer time than is p.iid for, Such 'f otr old subscribers as desire to take the pa per «n tlii^ system will please noiLfy us when making remittances. Jau'y 1, l^^.'i8. riYi:TTKVII.IiE IIOTEI^, T. WADT)ILL, I^RopRiKTOR. ITTS. the most commodious Hotel in Noith Carolina, fronting 300 feet on Hay and Donaldson Streets, located in the centre of the portion of the town, and surrounded by all the liaiiking House.M, Wholesale .Merchants and princi pal 1‘roduce Uealer»i. •‘'■'infss men will find tbe Hotel a convenient ' and comfortable house. .\11 the Stages arrive and depart from thi* Hotel. ; F'lyfttpville. Oct. 1. 1858. 51- i siii:,\i\vi:i.L Housi-:. A FKW nooits >0RTII OF THE MAKKKT IIOISK. Star Polish ol* the South! PAt'TIJKEO B1 A. J. WOODWARD, FAl ETTEVII.LE, ]%. V. At the reqiicwt of many | tVienls, I again announce uiysolt'a : candidate for the Office of Sheriff of ! t'umberlanil County. Thankful to my fellow-oitizens lor the very liberal support heretofore given me, should they again elect me to the ofiicc, 1 can only pronuse as before, to discharge its luties with what ability I may possess. HECTOR McNEILL. May 2. l4-te That Polish! How it SliiiH's. M:iny of you recol lect nine years ago thill I travelled thr.mgli North j Carolina and a portion of lUth C iridin.i for the pur- I pose of introducing this Polish. ,\s time elapsed 1 found I that it would mould. I ha^e succeeded in making it I perfect and will warrant it to give satisfiiction. It can i be had at retail for ID cents i)er li-x or at wholesale for : silty cents per dozen. Dealers will forward their or- ■ ders two weeks previous to the time they wish them tilled. Maj- 5, l>tlO. lo-ly^ A uv.ni The X»‘w St\le. Smnll. (OLOllED PHOTON IIAPUS, AT Vuiior^tdoiPti txallory. the extensive increase of patrc ^ t'"' House, during tlie year, 1 hav tended mv facilities bv the addition of a her of CO patronage lave ex- num- iiiifyrtuMe ^leep’tig rooms, with other import ant improvemeius, will add materially to the comfort anvi cotivenietice of those favoring lue with their patronage. 1 o ili"se who have l.eeti my kind friends and eus- fomers ti^r thr past »ix years. I teii4ef n>y aiost sincere thank', at the .ame time respectfully solicitintr a con tinuance of their patroiui^re, and also the patronage of a large number ol new pairons. I have good Stable* and a No. 1 0tler. P. SHKMWELI.. •lati r 10. IStlO X/; vHKST .VNJ) C^l'TCKEST KOI TE TO THE KAIEKOAD! ART. \Vooluard% ^olar (\*iiiiera. 1)HOTOOR.VPHS can be had at Vanorsile'Ts Skylight (iallcry. Hay >treet, op]u..';iie .Marble Vard. Fay etteville, N. plain, retnuched. colored, in wt\ier colors, oil and pastile; from 'mall to life sue. Aiubro- types. Melaneoiypes, and all oilier styles of Picture® pertaining to tlie V.rt. .\lso, (iih Fr.intes. Gilt Moidd- ing, CiLiss for very large pictures—as large as l’O liy inches. Cord ami Tassels for hancrincr pictures; In«tru- ments. Stock and Chemicals for s.ile low for cash. Life (•ize colored Photograph-; made from small picture.s. Having jiermanently located here 1 hoj>e to merit your patronage. 1 would ;ilso return my sincere thank® tor the lUieral ]>atron!ige bestowed on me heretofi're by the good Jifoyile of Fnycttexille and vicinitv. C. M. NANOHSDKLL, Photographist and Proprietor. Dcc’r L’tl. KS.:>9 77- At the re|iiC‘Kt oriiiaiiy friends 1 announce myself a Candidate for the office of Sheriff of Bladen ('o. 1 can only promise >f elected, to discharge the duties of the office as I have heretofore done. B. FITZRANDOLPH. Hladen Co., Jiiue 4. l24-te ST,\TE (’All \\l) \l\l’lll\l'; \V0I1KS. KOWAA !«TKIvI':T. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. ^'^HK undersigned, having erected buildings suitable I for CAR and MACHINE WORK—al.so (ieneral HvM.'!^E C.\HPENTRY—would give notice that they are prepared to execute ail orders in their line with neat- nes.s and dispatch. e are prepared to do all kinds of SCROTjL S.\.W- ING and I LANElN'ti at short notice. Having a first class Woodworth Planeing Machine, we are prepared to 1‘laiie, Tongue and (Iroove all kinds of Flooring and CeiliiiK on reasonable terms. (,\in:racts taken for the erection of P.uildings, »nd .lobfiing of all kii'cls executed with neatness and dis- j patch. Sa.shes, Doors and lUinds of all descriptions, matutfactured equal to anything to be found in the Northern markets. Plans and specifications furnished and the erection of buildings superintended when desired. WALTON & BARRY, Car Builders, (’arpenters \Draughtmen. Fayetteville, Oct 8, 1S50 54-tf MAUDEE A.\0 HAKAE$«!!i FACTOKV. rpHE subscriber begs leave to reiiirn I his thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him. and in forms the public that lie has now and will continue to have an increased force of experienced Saddle and Har ness .Makers, whose wi>rk he will war rant; and that he is jirepared to offer to tiie public a large and varied assort- ; ment ol every thing k‘p? iti his lino. His assortment of Saddles, Harness. 15ridles. Trunks. Travelling Bags. : \ a’ices, &c., is tin'urpassed for workmansiiip and ni.-i- j terial. ;iiid will compare fav rably for Ileattle^‘S willi any other .Manufactory, either North or Sotith. Persons wanting any thing in "hit; line will do him a favor to call [ and examine his stock before purchasing, as be is s.atis- 1 fied it will not fail to please tfiein. His establishment wili be found five doors East of Cape Fear Bank, on I Per-on Street. Kepainng done with neatnes-i and de'palch. j W OVEHBY. I Fayettt ville, N. Jan'v IB'IO. 81-fiiii BEAMAN & ROBINSON’S FOl K HOKSK STAliK II\K TO KKXAVSVILLE, VU WAKSAW, fS the 'iiorte-!t and most erpeditious for travelers going North .-r .''outh. Leaving Favettev'lle everv day at •JoclookP. .M. THROL’tiH IN TEN HOCRS Our Coaches are large and comfortable, drivers sober un i nentlenianly, our teams good and sure of five miles an h.uir. The 'raveling public who would sttidy their comfort and convi*nience will t-ke the Warsaw Stage. TH Ki >r(iH TICKETS To WELDoN may be 'had at the Stage O'^'ce, F.ayetteville. j May ‘Jo. iSMi. i!.5-tf -VoliTII C.AROLIX.V WHITE Ml EPHI R MPR1A.iN. U ILL >> J.in 1’>K iUM^N for visitors the 1st of line. They are uiiu.itfil near the pre sent terminus of the Western .N. C. Rail Road, not an huur's ride by superior Omnibuses and S’-.ge. The Proprietor has procured the •'ervices of TH0.^IF»%0\ TVEER as Manager, who'^" experience at the various fashion- ■ able watering jilaces of \'irginia, added to hi.s com- j man lini: apj.earanee and gentlemanly bearing, insures goi •! order and gnu.l fare. Tlie B\LL ROOM LEADER and BLACK: B.\ND of .Ml'Sl»M.\N.'' that the city of Richmond, ! Vir>;Ii;ia. aHords. have been jirocured. Biding \'ehiide> ind Horses. BlLLl.vRD S.VL(>ONS I and 1^1 nVF.I.NG .Y LLF^Y.S, are at the command of visitors. | The eountr\- is elevated and healthy: the scenery | beautiful and roads most excellent, and the pleasure , groiiiiiJs exten-ive. There is no water better tiian that aftbrded by the Nr.rth Carolina WJ.^'TK SL Ll’Hl'K. Tiie j'atr'.nage o;' the Carolinas is confl'lently relied oti to repay the Proprietor for tlie expensive outlay he has made to fit up a watering place stiifed to their wants. ,\nil he promises that no p-iins shall be spared by him- “jelf ov (lis s'entlemanly assis'ant. to render all whomay visit him, pleasatit and comfortable. H. L ROB.VRDS, I’hopriktor. May 11. IK-0. I8_tf ■t-- EAYETTEVIEEE MITIAL IXSlRAXfE COMPANY. Capital in I’remium Notes amounts to S'J07,»;H8 Sh 5,077 35 Thoii»;ind' are d.aily s|>eaking in the praise ot DK. EATON’S I-VFA.XTILE OOI(D[.\l.. and wh\"? becau.se it a. r>r j'ulx njr.idiii-i iuUiii^uus r-.hi'f when given in time. It aets as if by magic, and unt trial alone will convince you that what we say is true. It contain' , \0 PAREI^ORIt' OR OPIATE of (iny kind, nnd therefor*' relieves hy rm (hr - ’if' r- tnyt of your child. in-te:id of l>y duKhutmj an r^isihiHtirf. For this reason, it ciuumends it«elf a.' the "nht nlmhlf preparation now known for Children Teethliig Diar rhoea. l»ysentery. Griping in tlie llowels, Aciditj' of the rtooiach, ^Viml, Cold in the Head, and C'roup, al.'O, for *■;'>» -'w.y '}• ;■. ■/.«, rrdc in;/ m -ualiun. reffuliitinj th> linvtlx. m, ! ri litrhv; p/nri. it lias «■ fqnal —I eing an anti-fpusrir"!ic it i' used with un nliui aucc’^f in all ( M'es of Cuiivulsion or other l''its. .-l. V"lU' t’l- itjf and ll'ilith nl'l,,,itr r‘,ildr, I, ./ft/ . .«// r-, Stiff tkti-fnnu th.,x. f,td and hh-jhtnni tu'X whi'h nrr rertinu to rexult the us ./u'lrcottcf e''i' .---. ■’ allolfur rein'di''^ fff [il l iU ('■tin/il:!iH ‘ • ,ir- .■, 7, tak‘ ’i-me bu: Dr. Ivatou's Infantile Cordial; thix you can r>.'y upon. It is perfectly harnib-ss. and cannot injure the most delicate iafaut. Price, '!■) cent«. Full lircctioiis accompany each bottle Prepared onlv by IIIIKIII A lUl’ONT, No. lo'.t Broadway. New Y ork. I NV .U. A 30IS3 n .VY E (Hit u{) and permanently located the bust BO»)T and SHOE MANI F.YCTORV in N. C., to which I the attention of the whole South is earnestly invited. I particularly the citizens and Planters of our Stale. We ] are determined not to be put down by men who are ' daily bringing in Welted and Sjdit Leather Shoes; it is I disrinefly understood that on. Shoes are made of Up]'er ; Leather tanne'i by us, and that we do not put any welts in any Peg Shoes we make. Now is the time to t«st the ' true feelings of N. C. men. - .Ml oniers from a distance shall have prompt atten- ■ *ion. \ldress us .at tioldston. I WM. C.\HTEK. D. A. C.VRTER. I S. S. fARTEIL JOHN U. CARTER. I Gobl«t')n P. C*.. Chatham Co., N. C.. i •Mtirch 1^:;, iHOo. , M. Crtfh 'in hand and other assets. ij, ( 01 Total, The Coi.ij-any have paid a'l lo'ses i»-omptly, auil have never tJiade an assessment on their premium notc'*. Totnl losses paid, (>KKICKKS: GEO. Mc.V'EILL, President. D. .'. R.'V, \ ice President. A. .Me MILL AN, Secy. Dirki'TORs: W. N. Tillinghaiit, Henry Lilly, H. L. .Myrover, T. H.iwley, Nathan .V. Stedraan. li. Mallett, Jaiiie-i Kyle, A. A. MeKeihan. •1. D, Williatiis. \V. 'I'illinghast. S. J. Hinsdale, Win. McLaurin, T. S. Lutterloh, \. W. Steel, .F. G. C«ok, Hon. J. (i. Shepheru, R. F. Brown, I . A. E. Hall, and C, C. McCrummen, Traveling Agents oii}panv invite applications. ‘ 2I-ly TE refer ..UP realtors fo the advertisement o .Me'-^i'. 11, |., || iH PdNT, No. 10'.) Broad- -■>ew \ ork. 1 to- 11101,(1 Food,’ is one of the great- and is rapiilly driving out of the inarket all the (piaeit inwtruins of modern times. Its ettieacy is SO great, and its superiority «o Jufi'ly acknow- ■I^rt'd. that it is found difhoub to supply the immense ing ilen.and for the article. Dr. Eaton’s rihll Bi-sr'Ti, .May W way e-t medii’ines and ce'ebi iiied ‘infantile (^rdial.' is a medicine prepared by are.ii|;iv phy.sician of eminence in his pr.dession, and oiie who has .fevoted his life to the pecnliar phases of Inlantile di-t-ujes. It is no humbug, but i medicine ^liieh eonii.iends iiselfto those only who can appreciate It. ■l/'iiliirfihiilii, Flor. Timtt. Keir^s.. odvfrtiiemenl. March 24. o Ilenllhi/ human Blood upon being ANALYZED always presents us with the same essential elements, ami gives of course the Triic* Miilldard. Analyze the l>looil of a person sulFering from Coiiiumptioi;, Liver Comjilaint, Dyspepsia. Scrofula, .S;c. and wc fin.I in every tnrlanrf certain dc/Irti nrii'^ in the red globtiles of Blood. Su/'fdii these deficiencies, atid you are made well. The i-i foundoil upon this Theory—hence its astonishing ,'Ucces'. I'here are FIVE PREPARATIONS adapted to deficiencies of the p,li,od in ilifl'urent iliseases. For f'oldv ISro.U'liiliv or .my affec- tiop whatever of the TIirOHl or I,ini:f. inducing 4'0II^HIIipli0ll« use No. 1. wiiicli is also the .\'o. for 4»f J o«.s »| and for all 4 liroilM* Complaiil:n iriMng from and No. 1, for t.iver Coiiipiaiiiis. No. ;i, for /, .' (//;/ -ilii'iidii /infared tor fiKtorj'tion it i l»v l>rop« and carried im mediately into flte circulation, so that what you '/nin you retain. The No. 4 is for Irr>i'iilari« II V'itOI-ia, WeaklK'oo. See .-pecial .li- iections for this. For ^all IClKMiiii, i^riiplifiiiK, liidiii-y, and ICia4ll«>i* Com- take No. o. In all cast*.'* the directions ii'Ust be strictly followed. Price of the fSl4>ol l-'ood $1 per bottle. i^old by (■lIl Kdl A 1)1 POM. No. 40!» Ib'oailway, New York. And b^’ all respectable Druggists throughout the country. Nov 11, 185!) ^100 Reward* I).\N AW.\Y from .Messrs. .1. k N. A. Cameron, of It Cumberland County, first of la“t .Inno, inv negro man SOUTHWELL, or SOL’THEY, (as usually called ) Said negro is thick ni't, .about 5 feet S inches iiigh, of a dark brown color, has small eyes, and a downcast look. He has been hired for sevei.nl years in Cumlierlanil (,’ounty, as a Turpentine hand. I will give the .above reward, if taken out of the State—.'')0 for his iniprison- ineut in any jail in ttiis State, or for information that may lead to his recovery. .r B. LITTLEJOHN. Louisburg. N. C., Feb’y 4. 8Wtf AOW l.\ IIARKET. iL persons having NKGROES for sale, will lo well to address the snbscril>er at (’linton, Stimpson county, as he is detei mined to buy and pay as liberal prices for them as the state of the market will permit. By addressing him iie will call immediately, and make liberal offer*, bs all will find wlio will try him. CHARLES T. STEVENS. Clinton, Sampgon Co., Sept 10,1869 48-lypd I’o the Iii1ere«*t of Tiirnoniiiie Distil' A. BAKER would respectfully inform Turpentine Distillers and others that he is now manufacturing The liii|»i*o%et Tiirpeiitiiie .^till. AH orders promply attended to. Copper work done on the most favorable terms. Old Copper bought for cash or taken in exchange for new Work. Call and see for yourselves at M A BAKER’S Copper Shop, Fayetteville. N C. Feb’y 1, 18G0. .-.'ngs HAftrNE-S^rr^ toiistaiiti} .Maiiuructuriiig at iiij EstabUshment. PVEltY VAHIETV OF HARNESS. ^1- Sadilles. Bridles, Collars, Whips ana I kinds of Calf Skins and Oil: condition Powders, for diseased Horses and Caitle: oach Trimmings. Carpet Bags, Valises, Saddlery, Hardware, &c. The Larges; stock in the State, sold wh.)le«ale or retail, .at the lowest New York prices. Harness niid Saddles repaired. JAMES WILSON, No. 5 Market st. Wilmitigfon, N. C., near the Wharf. Oct. 10, 1850. o9-lypd. SPEi Wl PAI.\TJ!», OIEN, Ac. \hife Lead; Burning Fluid; Putty; Window Glass and Saih of .all sizes. —ALSO— A fresh supply of POND'S PAIN DESTROYER. For sale by J iMES MARTINE. Nor - ‘>4, 1858. Cf.tf A t( HnrperN 1l;i;;^n%iiie lor .liilv. E.-’LECTIC MA(JAZINE for July. •>une 1«. E. ,1. H.VLE k HON. I«0 II. E.^VEEOPE.N, i Vl- varioiiij ijiialities, sizes ami colors. ' ^ E. J. HALE SON. June 2o. \ortli 'aroliiia Foi'iii Book, ^ FLRTHER supply just received. May 2.3. E. J. I LYLE j: SON. r'DITHi' Vj F1ouu( Dec S. S Ministry; Sunshine ticed Robe, and Wh.at it Cost E. J. Kate Vinton: Just rec d. hale & SON LARGE STOCK! NEW GOODS!! JHAY E just received my Summer Stock of Goods in my line. They were selected iu the Northern citios by myself, with gre^i care, and bought on the most rea sonable terms, by which I am enabled to offer the larg est stock I ever before ofTarad to the public, and to offer them At (lireatlv Reduccd Prices! FRUITS; Raisins, Figs, Prunes, .\iiplcs. Lemons, Oranges, Cher ries, Currants, Pie Fruits. &c. PICKLES. JELLIES* PRESERVES; —A great variety.— PRESERVED GINGERS AND CITRONS. &c. Perliiiiierieai and Extracts, Of various kinds; Fancy Soaps and Potnadei. Jeitelry. Breast Pins. Finger Rings, Cameo Sets &c. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS; Fiddles. Drums, Fifes, Flutes, Banjos, Guitars, &c. WALKING C.INES, of every kind; Basket and Willow Ware, Hobby Horses, &c. PIPES.—Meerschaum and German, Cherry Stem, Ci gar Holders, &c. FI.NE .i\i) COMMON CANDIKS; Sardines: Fine Cigars: Smoking and Chewing Tiibacco; Crackers; Fine Pocket Knivas; a large aswrtment of Port-.Moiiaies. some very nice; Fancy Envelopes and Fancy Goods; Toys .and Yankee Notions; an assortment of India Rubber Goods, Whips, Combs: Fishing Tackle; Cocoa aiifl Other i\iits. FANCY GOODS; Palerramers, Reticules, Cabs. Rubber Round Combs, Watch Guards—Mohair, Silk and Leather. Fancy Boxes, Pistols. Powder Flasks, Sh»t Belts, Brandy Peaches—in gallon or half gallon jars, Mace, Cloves, Cinnamon, Large Lot of Fire Works, he., lie., &c.. &c., I'cc., i.'ic., &c. WoSTENHOLM S CUTLERY, RAZORS, POCKET KNIVES, \c. Splcod and \orfolk Oysters constantly on hand, lemon Syrup, Cingir '.'.inc. Ciirraiit Wine, GiniL'er Briimly. Country dealers and the public are respectfully in vited to call and examine my stock, as it is impossible to enumerate but a few of the leailing articles. I have a gre.at many handsome things which cannot fail to please J. R. EEE, No. 4i. Hotci, Bt II,dint.. May 28. 18r,(l. 21 if I\ew fwootifii. AEE.\. JOII\M>A, Jr. n .\S u jeived in j>art, and is daily receivii;g, a large an] desirable stock of 0001>tS^ Embracing all the newest styles of Laditijj’ 1 )re.>s ioods, .Shawls, Lace Points, M aiitillas, Kinbruideries, tStc. —ALSO— —A fine .•usortmenf of— Geiitloiiien’s Suniiner (rooils, and Ready-Made (.'Uithing, Honnet .s and .Millincry (^rOtids of’ all kind.s. March L'». !»0()tf \\. V. TR4IV II AS just received this morning, from Steamer North 11 Carolina. 0 bfils. No. 1 Mackerel, new. 10 •• ;{ 20 A an { \ l.bls. No. 1 do. ‘J-3 boxes Cheese. 5 kegs seleeteil Goshen Butter. D) bbls. Leaf Lard. 1& “ New Mullets in oak .and pine bbls. He ha.s on hand a general assortment of KO(' §: it M KS, which will be ■^obJ cheap for Cash or exch.anged for Country Produce. Oct. t>. 18o'.«. 5.1)1 f Ei|iioi*M! Eiqiioi*!!>! Eiqiiorw! J^V. HORNE being desirou.- to close out his stock , of Li()Uors. will ofi'er inducements in priccs. As he intends to quit the trade, his stock will he sold low. toy* For sale at cost and charges,“^8 100 BARRELS, of various kinds and qualities. Persons indebted must call and settlC. Feb D; 92-tf l'ro»^* Creek Co** \'ariiH. The undei signed is .Agent for the sile of the above celebrated Yarns, which have given such general satisfaction for years past. Merchants and others wanting our Yarns will pjease send on their orders and have tfieni tilled on as favora ble ternTs as heretofore. JOHN SHAW, Ag't C. C. Man. Co. ] June 4, 18tj0. 28tf Gl Ai\0! GlAXOt: 4 FRESH SUPPLY just received. A C. T. HAIGH & SONS Apri^^l IG, ‘a-tf Di««oliitioii of Copartnership. rilHE firm of MYROVER, W'lGHT.MAN & ROBINSON J was dissolved on the 15th instant by consent of all the partners, and H. L. Myrover retires from business. The business of the late firm will be settled by the new one of WORTH, WIGHTMAN & CO. H. L. MYROVER. GEO. W. WIGHTMAN. JNO. H. ROBINSON. June 29, 1800. 30-4t ARCIIBOLD’S tRimvAL PIE.4DIXG AND EVIDKXCK. ‘i vols. Fl’ico $12. A CARU. ^IMIE UNDP'iRSlGNED in retiring from business eni- X braces the occasion to ofter to his friends, who have so liberally patronized him for the last 23 years, his most sincere thanks. He is succeeded by Messr.s. WORTH, WIGHTM.AN & CO., who will do business in his old st.and, and whom he can. he thinks, recommend confi- dentlj' to his friends as a house which will serve them as faithfully as he hopes he has done. H. L. MYROVER. June 28. 30-4t COPARTrVERSHIP. The undersigned, as successors to H. L. Myrover & Co., and Myrover & W'ightman, have this day form ed a business Copartnership, under the stjde ofWT)RTH, WIGHTMAN & CO., at the same place of business oc cupied by the late firms. They beg from the friends and customers of the old firm a continuation of their business, having every fa cility to compete favorably with .my North Carolina house in the Wholesale Trade. J. A. WORTH. G. W. WIGHT.MAN. JNO. H. ROBINSON. Fayetteville, June 27, 1860. 30-4t ^AOTICI^ '^0 ALLOW.VNCE is made for absent time to month- ly or ({uarterly boarders, for less than five consecu tive days; and that I may be able to keej) niy own ac counts, this class of my patrons, who ilesire fo avail i themselves of this deduction of board will register their departure and return. T. WADDILL, Prop. F. Hotel. June 27. ;J0-3t i\otice« \LL persons indebted to the estate of the late A. A. Brooksl'ank are hereby nritifie'I to come forward and pay their respective bills, or they will be placed in the han.ls of a collecting officer. A. M. ('AMPBELL. Adm r. ni»-8t June 27, ISiiO. »E.\TAE AOTICi rjR. R. sc 1 ' professto OTT would reijuest .ill those desiring his onal services this Summer lo .-all soon, a.s he will be absent from Fayetteville from the 3.5th .H'LY, I until SEPTEMBER. June 2'«. 80-tf AOTK'E. \N^ person wishing to make money and become use ful in a cnnnnunity can ilo so by enclosing one dol lar to the undersigned. J. DIMERY Bennettsville. S. C., June .SOth, 1 80*). .‘51-.‘5m A BA!OX. ! SrPERKtB I.ot of N. C. BACON HAMS, wh-.cn ' are oflered low for Cash. I —ALSO— i N. C. SIDES and SH(il LDERS. For sale by JAMES W. HORNE. Jiine 2S. :}(rjw JIST PIltEI^^HED: A C O M F L E T E PRACTICAL TREATISE ON CRIMINAL PROOI3DURE, PLEADING AND EVIDENCE, In Indiftable Cases . WITH MINUTE DIRECTIONS .VND FORMS, For every Criminal Case that can arise, either at Com- nion Law under the English Statutes, or under the statutes of the several states. COMTRISINO THE “NEW SYSTEM of CRIMINAL PROCEDURE,PLEAD ING AND EVIDENCE.” By Mr. Archbold. And also the fourteenth and last London Edition of .\rch- bold's Pleading and Evidence in Criminal Cases, by Messrs. Jarvis and Welsby. To which are added CO.MPREIIENSIVE NOTES, containing all the Amer ican and English Decisions to the date of Publication. BY THOS. W. WATERMAN, Coinsklloe-at-Law. Seventh Edition. *^^HE first part of this work is devoted to criminal L practice, .and the second part to the discussion of the several crimes, the indictment for each oU'ence, and the retiuisite evidence. It will be found to embrace the entire field of Criminal Law; every proceeding, from the arrest of the offender to his final j>unishment, being minutel3' detailed, with forms and directions for every Bupposable case. “Archbold has been a standard authority for the last half century. Fourteen successive English and half as many American editions show how it has been appre ciated. “A very considerable period of time and a great deal 1 of labor have been expended upon this edition. Most j of the notes h.ive been entirely re-wriiten; and all of j them have been re-mole!ed and re-arraiigeiL A tho- ; rough anal^-sis of each subject has been made, which, ' with a very full index to each vplunie. it is thought ' will furnish all needful facilities- for reference. The ; m.atter lias been a good deal cojiden.seii, by omitting I whatever seemed theoretic.ll rather tlian practical, hy dispensing with such of the English statutes as have no bearing upon .\iiierican law or practice. Tlic notes in their present form contain, however, a large amount of new matter, and several subjects are introduved which were not treated in the former edition. The authori ties have been carefully re-examined, and all of the re ported, and nuiiiei'Oiis lu.tniiscript cases in each of tJie ' several stales, down to the date of juiblication, atided. ! The criminal statutes of sixteen of the states have been I digesteil ami disfributeil unler the appropriate heads, j together with such English statutes, the construction of which from their simi'arity fo our owu, seemed likely . to aid the .\merican practitioner. A concise outline of ' all the more important cases cited by Mr. .\rchboldhas : also been given; thus presenting, in a convenient and i accessif)le form, all of the le.ading English criminal j ca.ses." ! Bi>KS d BKOTIIKKS. I U4 >assau S»rr«*t. >. V. am. t;.> ItoadMa}, .\lbany. -«i-»Uo by E. J. H\IJ: .t SON, Tavett March 28.— 1-iOt eville. lViliiiiii;;toii, .V. C., A: Aew I ork. The Steam.ship I^AKKERS- BUKG. Capt. William Powell, will leave Wilmington on Saturday. 28d inst.. for New York. Return ing, will leave New York on Saturday. :’.(lth Until the completion of the new Steamer now building for the Cape Fear and (cean Steam N.ivijiation Company, the Parkersburg will run regularly between the above named Ports, leaving each Port every alternate .Saturday. For rates of freight and other information, apply to EDWIN .\. KEITH. Wilmington, N. or to H B CROMWELL c: CO.. New Vork. Wilmington. June 16, 18ti0. 27-1 m C‘ FOR A EE. The HOLSE .md lot aajoiuiug Elizabethtown, lately occupied by .\lexander Carter. The Lot con tains Six .\cres of good ganlen soil, and some fruit, gooil water, &c. The improvements are a Two Story Dwelling House and necessary out-buildiugs. Mso, a vacant Lot near the Court House. Terms accommodating. If. H. ROBINSON. June 8. 27-tf 2000 n:coii and Corn. BUSHi'LS of GOOD CORN; lo,0(»0 lbs. well-smoked B.\CON. For sale by E. F. MOORK, Feb'y 20. i4t-'.t3tf 4>iliie and Npiriti^ Barrels. ^lONST.V.NTLV on hanil by Vj E. F. MOORE. Feb'y 20. i4t-y3tf To Tiirpentine Di!itillerN. ri^HE highest Cajh price paid for SPIRITS TITRPEN- i TINE by E. F. MOORE. Feb y 2t. i4t-93tf iiiianoI fiiiiauo!! B.'iGS No. 1 GUANO. For sole by E. F. MOORE. ^’eb■y 20. i4t-'jr^tf oOO E. F. inOOKK, .'I KRCH.\NT, CO.MMISSIO.N- Revised Edition; Memoir of Susan .Vlliboin'; The His- 1 ND will keep oon.^tantly on hand every article in the ^ Progress of Education; The Normal Methods J.A Turpentine Distillers' Line. i of Teaching, by .\lfVed Holbrook; The .M.agician s Own feb’y 20. i4t-9.1tf Eclectic :?ia|iira%ine tor June. ^Jay 2t;. E. J. HALE SON. RICHARDSON’S IRISH LINENS, DA.MASKS DIAPERS, ONSUMERS OF RICII.VRDSONS LINENS, and those lcsirous of obtaining the GENUI.N’E GOOF>S. I should see th.at the articles they purchase are sealed with the full name of the firm, J. >. KUIi.4lil)S0y, SOXS A OWDE.V, I As a gu.arant«e ol the soundness and durability of the I Goods. This c.'iution is rendered essentially necessary, as large ipiantities of inferior and defective Linens are pre pared, season after season, and sealed with th«* name of R1CH.\RDS(.>N, by Irish Houses, who, revr.ardless of tlie injury thus in^cted alike on the American consumer and the manufacturers of the genuine Goods, will not readily abandon a business so profitable, while pur chasers can be imposed on with Goods of a worthier character. J. BULLOCKE k J. B. LOCKE, Agents, 36 Church Sii'eet, New York. Dec. 16, ISoO. 7(iWy DE FOREST, ARMSTRO^^G & CO. Goods •llerchanis* so & fttl V. W’ould notify’ the Trade that they are ojiening Weekly, in new and beautiful patterns, the WAMWCTTA PRI.VT.'Si, .1 L .« O T H E AlIO^KEAt.;, A New Print, which excels every Print in the Country for perfection of execution and lesign in full Madder Colors. Our Prints are cheapor than any in market, and meeting with exfen>;ivc sale. Orders promptly attended to. Feb'y 2, 1800. 8;i»lY CAPT. REPORT ON THE DI-KI’ mVI-R >li\ER\L RK(;|(I\." ^PHE undersigned have caused to be published from 1 the Congressional plates, an edition of (he Rej.ort ofCapt. Wilkes, U. S. Navj’. and hi.s .V-isociatrs on the Board appointed by rhe Secretary of the Navy to ex amine the Deep River Region of North Carolina. Tiiis is the most import.uit and scientific statement of the great wealth of tluit srciion of the State, .md the .ALap-j the most perfect and v.aluable, of any yet jiublished. The ALaps are worth the price of the work, which is ."iO C6ntS. neatly fiound in cloth. Copies sent bv mail, free of postage, on the receipt of TjO cents. A liberal dis count to wholesale buyers. Orders soliciteil. ^ Jany 2C. E. J. HALE it SON. Kt’O.VOeTIIV/ ~ The subscriber keeps cou-taii'ly on hand a lai ge and varieil assortment of Cooils of every description IlliV (iOlllK, (illOl’ERIL'i, lllKinVlliE, (’n'Ll-iiV, (il.ASS AND PLATK-WAKE, Wood and Stone Ware, Drugs, Confec tioneries, and Toys, Crime, b, W. II. K„„ell: The Virgini.i,, by Tl'.Lle- | IKON all .size,;^CYT!IE lil.ABK.^, ray; Downing's Fruits and Fruit I'rees of America— ! 'I hiCiIANICS’ TOOJiS and all othtifH too tedious to uieiuion. • Also, 25,000 SHINGLES for sale. ^4000 l>iiMliel» Prime Corn, just re ceived. Joseph a. worth. June IG. 27-lm AEW~ IIOOK^. I^lVE YE.\RS in CHINA, by Ciiarles Taylor, M. I'*. Margaret Moncrieffe, 'he frst love of Aaron Burr, by ;has. Burdett. Rutledge. Smith’s Rejected .\ddresses. The Actress in Higii Life—an episode in ^\ inter Quart er.s. ,\lso. farther supplies of Wt)RCESTER'S and WEB STER'S Pictorial Q'lafio Dictionaries. School Books, Colton’s Pocket Maps. kc. June 20. K. J. HALE & SO.N. «e'^i«tr\\^ Dr. j. D.V\ is having decideil on jternia- nently locating in tlie Town of F.iyette- ville. re-ipectfully offers his services to the citiien? of this place atnl surrounding country. In all the various branches of his Profession, includin^ the manufacture of Mineral Tetth, he is satisfied, after an exiensivo experience, to which is added a thorough Den tal eiliication, that he can give entire satisfaction as far as is in the power of Dentistry. All irregularities of the Teeth treated in a proper and careful manner, as well as diseases of tiie mouth. None but the proper metals are iujj.de ute uf in the various ofierations. Charges will be moderate, that tfie benefits of the Profession may be placed within the reach of all who may feel an interest in the preservation of the Teeth. B.g="OfIice over Houston's Jewelry Store, where he may be found at all times. .May 10, iy58. 9if Further ^iipplicM of* Book^. MACKEY'S Masonic Jurisprudence; Tvsilight M usings by H. B. McKeever; The Fate of Sir John Frank- Ii*i—McClintock’s Narrative; The West (,’oast of .Africa. i)y Rev. C. Thomas; The Briti.sh Expedition to tlie FRESH FRUITS! 0,“i ^^*>XES ORANGES. ■CO ir> do LEMONS. 200 do Fine FIGS. i\ew \ ork .\pples. Cooking Prunes, and large Stock of Confectionaries, at Hotel Building, No. 40. J. R. LEE. .\pril 30, lf*f>0. r^-tf Af; «^00 .71. Envelopes, the ^ireatewt variety of sizes, colors and qualities, just received June 16, I860. E. J. HALE & SON, U % .\TEO. \RGE quantity of (’OTTt>N and LINFN RAGS, for which fair prices will be paid. DAVID MURPHY. Aug. 17 41- WebNtcr’s Elementary $pellius Book for kale by £. J, KALE A SON Goods in «ichang^j(fc- Barter or 'as.h. 46?“ Terms, six months credit. J. H. FARRAR. Haywt^l, N.X., May 4. I ')>^lyr A (iOOD mmi] TO >I4KK MO\KV, FOK K MiMOrTlUKU OU BISINKSS MAY. (’OTTON F.Xf'TOBY at Swift^lsland, ,\ C . on 1 the Pee l*ee River, a never failing stream, will lie sold or leased for a term of years on LIBlatAL .\l?o the Merchandizing Ibisiness will bt di.-posed of on good terms; 1 2 and •! years time will be given. There is a good Dwelling House, and suitable h’otiseij for the operative.s, and plenty of hands. The Fact4»rj(t w in good running oyicration. This is one of the feMfeMwdo in the country for a Siyre, there can be plenty of Cot- ruled and printed frrtm the most approved ' ton bought at f!ie p’ac“ to run the Pactorv all the year, forms in use. Also, further supplies of other BLANK i Apply to S. H. CHRISTIAN, at Swift Island, or REED BOOKS, in great variety. j & McRAE, at Montgomery Factory. May 31. E. J. HALE & SON. I Montgomery Co., N. C., June 18, 1860. Book; kc. ; Jewett’s Spiers’ French and Eng. Dictionary, j Meadows' “ j Pinney and Badois'^ French Graniniar. j Pxiiniar's Levi/ac's “ “ Ollendorff 's .Vew \Iethod of French by .Jewett. ! LeBrun'-' Telemaque. Whateley’s Elements of Logic. “ “ of Rhetoric. Worcester’s Quarto Diction iry, ic.. &c. E. J. HALE & S0.\. March 2H. Filll ('i.E!lkS IIF THE ('(li RTS. E.XECUTIoN. TRI.VL. and APPEAH.VNCE DOCK ETS