. i SEMI-WBBKL.Y. •[VOL. X ] FAYETTEVILI.E, N. C., JULY 9, 1860. [NO. 933.] illV. iool. I 1-*V. ’ - \V, r, AM 11'. 11.1. D ^ KMALE ii: \ Ml l;. V: \i .,’4 - X \i : 1- i II i'tisii', \. r. KOM\A. KOIJ\A. >y- PKINTKl) MONP.WS; AND THURSIXWS KDWIKI) J. HALE & SON, KPlTons AND I'UOl’HlKTORS Price i'or the (i;i-'Veekly Oh.-^kiu'er $o 'X) if paid in H'lvaiicL*; ;>(• if jmiiI 'liring Uie year of subscrip tion; I'r ?■ t af'tiT till* y ar hu^ •'xpired. tor the \\ ('bsirvkb ()i^ per annum, if pai^l in .'vlrani r: ^0 if paid durinj; the j'eiir of subscrip tion: or .'T' tti.i afi ?r tlie vi'sr iias «xpiroil. tHzT Al)\'Hi! I’ISI.MF.NTS inseri.Ml fo* t'.iJ cents per pqunre of l'> linf- l'.'>r ll’O t’rsi. iind -‘lO cents tor each Buccce.iing pu'>licatIntl. Vciirly :idveri isontiiits b_v f^j'e- cial cantrjicts. at re^json.ibU* rates. Advertisers are re'|ue''i'd in ^: ite the nuiiihor of insertions desired, or the;, "ill be Continued till forliid. and cluirged accord- in;,ly. Ad-eriisenients tu Ke inserp'd insi'li', charged 50 j>er cent extra S'.M’J lAL NuTirK. Front mil after tl;i-!:tte, r.iMi.iUio cf a tu w subscriber ■wil’ l e cntero I witl.ii.i; ii.’.ynuMit in advance, nor will the pi]' " be •■•ni to sudi subsjrHiers for a longer time than is piiid tor. Siu’h vfncr old subseriln-rs as desire to take the pa per »n ilii;-y>ieni will please notify us when niaking reniirt.ince'. .Ian y 1, 18.')8. FAV! TTi:\21 I.K IIOTt:i., T. WADDILL, I'KOiHiETUR. plliS, the most commodious Hotel in Noith (''.iroliiia, frnnthii: ;’.00 feet on May'and MonaMson Streets, located in the centre of the ^usines■^ f>ortion of the town, and surrounded by all tlie Bankinc Houses, Wholesale .Merchaiits and princi pal Vr.'ducv Dealers. I>ii~int--s men will lind the Hotel a convenient and fniiif irta^ile h'-use. AH .he Siflrres arrive and depart from this Hotel. i F-.yettcvilli,-, dct. 1. IboH. 51- ^^!li:.Vi\VELL liOl'SK, V FEW imOKS NOKTH OF THE MAllktT HOISE. j t i VWING to the extensive increase of patronage during the year, I have ex- ■tsil'i ten.!.! d my facilities by tho addition of a num ber of coniton.mle sleeping rooms, with other import ant iainrove.ments, whivii wiV\ av\\ uiateriaUv to ibe coniiort and convtnieace of those favot^ng me with th.*ir patronage. To those wlio have been my kind fiiend* and cus tomers for the past six years, I tender my most sincere thanks, at the same time refii)ectfully soliciting a con tinuance ot their jiatronage, and also the patronage of a lai^e nutuber ot new patron*. 1 hav** good J^tablwi an I a No. 1 ostler. p wiUK.'t r Jan'v l*i, NEAKKST AM> gl^K’KKST ROl TE TO Tllft: RAILROAD! ^tur of the South! >1A A I I'At TI R i: l» IIY A. J. WOODWARD, I' A Vj:tt i^ \ 11, f. i:, a . «. That rollsli! lioM it Sliinos. M ^ y of yon recol lect nine years u;n ihnt I travelled :hr>itigh N'orth ('’arolina and a jiortli.ii of South (!^irii!iii:* for the pur pose of introducincr tliis’'ili-li. A'time‘ l.in-ed I found that it would m.ttild. 1 linve >ik ■; eded in :ii:ikiiijr it perlect and will Mirint it to iiivf >.i'i'tiii iion. 1; c:in be had at retail f. r 1>) cent-: pet box or at \vlio’e-^:ile for sixty Cent- per dozen. 1), .dt :-s will fovw:trd thoir or ders two weeks previous to ttie linie ttiey wi'-h them tilled. M;.v l.'»-lv r A inr.m Tlio New .St\W*. Small, fOLOiici) Fi:0i0(;uArws, AT Vaiior^l4^liS U‘ry. ART. IVci>d%vanrs ^olai* ( niiiern. 1 ^FIOTuni^i.\!’HS can be 'i:;d-it Vrtnors lell's Skyli»rht riall'M-y, Hay street, opt. site M iihb> Vurd. Kay. etteville. S'. plain. ret-.Miched. colored, in water colors, oil and pastile: from small to lite -iize. Anil'ro- types. .Melaneotyiies, and u’l other stUes of I’iciute^ pertaining to the \rt. A!>^o, Cilt Frame>, tlilt Mould ing. Glass for very large piotiire-—us large as I'tl by MC. inches, ('ord and Tas-els for hanging jiictiire?: In^tni- ments. Stock anvl rheinieuls ffir sale low for cash. Lila size colored Photograph- made I'rotn small pictures. Having permanently located here I iiope to merit your ]iittronage. 1 woubl al'o return my sincere thank® for the liberal patroinge lie-. ;'vsecl mi me heretofore V>y the good people of Fayettevllli atid vi' initv. >!. VANuUl'DKLL. I’hotographist .lud I’ropiielor. Dec'r *0. ]8o'.') ' Af the rc'qiieNt ot many fVienils. I a^iiiii announce invseli'a’ candidate for the Office of .Sheriff ol'i Cumberland County. Tliankful to n:y fellow-citizens ^ for the very liberal support heretofore given n\e, should ; they again elect me to the ofice, 1 can only jirotnise as beiore, to discliarge its dntic'* wit.i what abilitv 1 may i possess. HECTOR McNKlI.L. ' i May L’. M-fe ; At tiie I’cqiirMt ot'iiiaiiy | fi icmls I nnnounce myself a Candidate ' lor the t.fiii e of Sheriff of Ubiden (’o, j 1 cm only proniise >f eicc:ed. to di^.charge the duties ' of the otfice »s 1 have heretofore d int. ^ l;. FITZHANHOLIMI. I'lladen (,'o.. .June ■). :24 te ST\TE ('\l! WII i\('lll\E WOllkS. | Kti\VA \ nti:i:kt. i FAVKTTKVILLK. N. j rPilK under'igned. havini; erected buildings suitable ^ I for C,\ll ami Wl-IIK—also (ieneral HOrsR C.\ 1;]'KNTI!Y—w.utld give notice thui ih(‘v are i prepared to ex‘'cute all onier'! in tiieir litte witii neat- i ne. and dispatch. j t are prepared to i.io all kindx of .X'ltOLL S.WV- . IN(J find I’l.ANF.l S'(i :'t sliori notice. Having a first ! .dsss \\oodworth I’laneing .Maeliine. we are j're(>:ireil to | Plane. Toii^t; • and (iroove all kitnls of Flooring and : Ceil'ng on veasoniil.b' terms. > C.'a:racts taken t«.r the erection of lUiildings, «nd I Jobbing of .ill Ainds CACCiited with neuttiess and dis- p'!t. L;. .''H'-hf“ Itoors and Klinds of all descriptions ni.uiut'actiued e jual lo anything to be found in the Noriliein n-.arkets. Plans and sp ■fjticntinn» i’nrnishe l and the erection of buildings superintended w lien drsire i. W Vl.To.V P.,\i{RV, t 'ar liuihlers, Cart'Onters A: Draughtmen. Fayetteville, (let :>. Ih;"/.* T)l-tf %l>Ul.fr A A i» I1AK A I:*.«!» fi AC Tt>HV. rpIlK subseriher beg.. le:iv*' to return I his t)iank" for the liberal put:.mage leretofore extendei to liim, and in- fo'ttis the jiublir that he lus now anl will coiiMi’iie to have an increased force of experienced Saddle ami Har tley'- M.ikei'^, who?e work he will v ar rant; and that lie is virejiiired to offer to the ]iublie a large an 1 %aried as>ort- meiit of every thitig kept in his line. His as-.irtment ot Saddles. Harness. Itridles. Trunks, Ttavelling IJags. \ alii es, \(‘.. is iinsnrp:is..'el for worknianshiji and ma terial. and will compare tavorahly for neatness witii any othtr .Manufactory, either North or South. l'erson« wanting .any tinng in his line wi'l do him a favor to call and examine l;i-i ftock before purchasing, he is satis- tie i it will not fail to please them. His establishment will >)C lOMiid tive doors Last of t'ape Fear ]>unk, on I’erson Street. Sksf^ Kepairiug done with neatness anil despatch. W. OVKI’.HY. LAKCiE STOCK! NEW GOODS!! IH.AA'E just received niy Summer Stock of Goodii in my line. They were selecteiJ in the Northern cities by myself, with great care, and bought on the most reti- Bonable term*, by which I am enabled to offer the larg est Slock I ever before offered to the pi’-blic, and to offer them At CJi*«*atl%' Reduced Prices! FRUITS; Kaisins. Figs, Prunes, Apples, Lemons, Ontngeti. Cher ries, Currants, Pie Fruits, kc. I ‘I'l i''; W.M. t'AltTEU & SOX.'! W BE.\MAN & ROBINSON’S FOIK IIORSP. STlfiE ItVE TO KEMXSHI.IK, VII n iKMW, the shortest and most ex’'*-'ditions for trav^-lers going -N'orth or South. Leaving Fayetteville every day at O’clock P. M. THHol f.H IN TFN HOCRS. Our l oaches are large und comfortaWe. drivers sober ami gentlemanly, our teams good and sure of tive iniies an h.iur. The traveling pnldi'' who would study their comfort iLii t cmi\er'ience wi'l t^.ke thi- U irsw ''tage. T H !■ ii'O H ■r’KKT.'' T( • 'VKiil>(>N ma^- be had at ihe Siag“ Office. Fayetteville. •day 'J;'). IM'C. « 2.5-tf ' x*»i:th cahoijxa . AVIIITK ^1 f.PUl R ^PRfAt.;^. ll.L HE ■■;!'!]%’ for vi.-itors the 1st of •Iiine. Thiy are .-ituated near the pre sent lertiiinus of the Western N. Rail Road. !it; hour's ride by superior Omnibuses and Fta'i'—. T!ie F'rup’i»rf.r ha« }ir'icnred the services of I THOfIP:SOA TVI.KR * H' Mar.aiev. whose experience at the various fashion- aloe '.v;iTi c-iii^ places of Virginia. adled to his coni- Diati ling a, i.earanct' and gentlemanly be.aring, insures go'.d Mi' li'r an 1 goo'i l ire. Tiip ,.r;, ...' P>.\1,L ROOM LF.AI»1:R and PLACK B.VNI* ot Ml IANS that the city of Richmond, Tir_. • ia, alb"ds, have Keen jirocured. Riding Vehicles .ind Horses. DILLI.XRD S.ALOONS •nd I« I, L\( ■ -A I.l I'A S, at e at I lie command ot visitors. 1 lie ’oiiiiH v i_- •'l*'v;ited a:io healthy: ihe scenery beantitul and r lads mu-'t excellent, and the pleasure gt M.r.'ls csti-nsive. Tht-re is no WMter better- than that afforded liy the Nort'i Carol-.na V> II1T1-: n.PIU R. The pn If. .r,>;e of the t'arolimi- i,- confidently relied on to i-ep.ay the Proprietor for the expensi\,. outlay he ha- mad'- to til iip.i waterinc jdace suited to their wants And iiK pron.i?,'., ihat no ]>aius shall be “pared by hint- -r M.J genti*‘inanly as'isiiant, to r'-nder all who may #sit 1, iin. [ le-i'ant jitid 'omf‘>rtable. H. L. IlOb.VRLS, PKOPBtKTOR. il 1 1. 1 J'll't. ]S tf rAvr/6Ti:viLLK Ml ll AL IXSlkAUi: (OMPAW. Capital in i’rciiiluin Notes anic.iints to 2h C»sh on hand itnd o'her assets, (1*7 til IThe Company lia.o paid all lo .os promptly, and ve never made an ijsesarnent on their prciuinni note'. l ot!-.! losses paid, fi'.* ' ’ OpKir'Fn.s: Oi G!X>. .\[cVKiLL, President. ^ I). .A,. K.\\. \'icc Pr-*sident. '■ f’. A .Mc.M ILL \N, Sec y. Dirkctops; Henry Lilly, W. X. Tilliiigliast, II. L .Myrovjr. S. .1. Hinsd.ile, T. Hawley, Win .McLaurin, N’aMian .A. Stedman. T. S. Lufterloh. Thousand* are daily speaking iti the praise cf i dr! EATON’S INFANTILE CO I! DIAL, and why'.' because it /!■ hu/s -j «/..*ra/i.'u;»«yy■ • r^hej when given in time It m-is if by ni igic. ati I ' ont trial al’n-- will convince you that what we =ay is j true. It contain*: j At> PARi:t;t>Kir ok tipiATt: of iin^ kind, and therefore relicNi . by nin •> >nj ■' ■ fv'T, r- \ ot'jf ot your eaild, iii'iea 1 of by 1' ..-.A -/;■/; r,'nxihiU:ifs. j For this reason, it commends itsoir.is tlip •»,/// r‘’i}hle prefiaration now known I'or Chlldi'en Teetliln? Diar- | rhoea. Dysentery, (iripin^ in the liowcls, .Aciuity ! of the >toiuach. Wiiiil. ( old in the ilead, and 1 Croup, also, for 7('_y-■ ' .1. Tf - . 1 'A Ji 'i tlf. rill ; j; huS ' i —1 ing at! anii-.^nr it n- -d '.'i'h • ; in ail '.M'es of Coniuisiun or other Kits. .1.-V'»/ valui ‘'nt-. 'tfr mid hcuith •;/ v > r ■: , 7. ni't (.,•'( to .nu; thc:n j'ri^in t.’ -i^i fthi aii'l l/liyf- in;j ium.s. -jii' 'i‘ •■n ti .'-ich urf j ri-rt'%111 i'- ri'S’i!:' I'r- in th- i/'» o' . of irim h all tli''r rem‘'ttfS fo>' luf'tti'i'i -i.Unuts •!■■■■ - ^ '/■ tion>’ but Or. Katun’s lul'antilv (Cordial; iiii« yo i car rfh/ U}ion. It is ]>erl'ecil> ha' iulesv, ai, [ (•.•uniot injure the j most delicate iiuant. I’li'-e, 'J.'igeti:-. Full dire liens accoui{iiiny t-acii li..;ile. Piep:;red un';y by rill Ki' ii A ni FO>T. No. I'''' ib-o.i'iway. New York. n .A\ I' put up and permanently located the best L500T an.l SHok M.\Nl'F.\rTORV in N. C.. to which tlie .ittetition of the whoie Sf)Uih is earnestly invite !, particularly the citizen* aad Planters of our State. We are deteiiinnel not to be put down by men who are daily bringing in Welted and Split Leather Shoc.s; it is distinctly understood that our Shoes are made of Upper l^eather tanned by us, and that we do not put any welts in any Peg*.''hoes we make. Now is the time to tost the true feeling- of N. C. men. -All orders from a dist.u-.ee shall have prompt atien- •ion. .A lllre^s u.- at Goldston. WM. VRTKR. 1). A. ( VRTLR. S. S ( \RTKR. JOHN y. CARTER. Guldsion P. O., Chatham Co., N. t , - M:uvh -3. ls.;o. , ■*” —-A great variety.— PRKSKRVKl* GINGKRS AND CITRONS, &c. Perliiiiierie^i and l]itrart;^ Of various kinds: Fancy Soaps and Pomadss. Jetreh'ff. Pireast Pins. Finger Piings, fanieo Sets. &c. MFSirAL 1\STHUMK\TS: Fiddles. Hiiims. Fifes, Flutes. Ranjos. (Juitars, ko.. W.ALKI.N'O (’.\N('S. ot every kind; l>ask«t and Willow Wsre, Hobliy Horses, kc. PIPK.'s.—Meerschaum and (lermnn. Cherry St«m. Ci- gi»r Holders. \c. FJXK AXI) COMMON CANDfFS: Sardines; l ine Cigars: Smoking and Chewing I'oliafco: O.ackers: Fine Pocket Knives: a large assortment of I’ort-Monaies. some very nice; Fancy F,nvelopes and Fancy Goods; Toys and Yankee Notions; an aasorinient of India Jtubi>er Gof’ds, W liips. (,’ombs: Fishing Tackle: Cocoa and tMher FAX( V GOODS; I’alerramers. Reticules. C'.alis. Ruliber Round ConiVis, Watch Guards—Mohair, Silk and Leat.her. Fancy I’oxes. Pistols. Powder Fla-ks, Sh«t lielts. Rrandy Peaches—in gallon or half gallon jar,-, Mace, Cloves, Cinnamon, Large Lot of Fire W orks, \c., &c.. .VC.. &c.. ,Vc., iVc., kc. WOSTKNHOLM .S CCTLKRV. RAZORS, POCKKT KMVKS. \c. SplrtMl niid Norfolk Ojslers conHtniitly on hand. IfinoR Syriip. (Jiiiser uiiip, (’iirrant Winp, liinser Braiitly. Country ilealers and the public are respectfully in vited to call and examine my stock, as it is impossible to ennmerate but :i few of the leading articles. I have a great many handsome thing.s which cannot fail to please. .1. R. i.i^:k, No. 40, Hotel iU ili>int.. May :J8, 18t>0. 21 tf \>w 8|iriui^r Oootl^i« Al.l^:\. J OH A MIA, Jr. 1 I ^r^’f^i^^T'a'^il'e ^ocic oP*^ dail.y receiving, ? large i^PKl.VO 00»1)N, I'nibracing all the newest styles of Ladies’ Dri-.ss (Jood.s, Shawls, Ijaee l^oints, Mantilla.«, Etnbroiderie.s, \c. -ALS(>— —.A. fine assortment of— (ientleiueu’s .'^umiiicr Goods, and Ready-Made Clothing, lionncts and Millinery Goods of all kinds. March l.'i. 900tf W. V. TROV ~ H.\S just received this morning, from Steamer North Carolina, 6 bbls. No. 1 Mackerel, new. 10 “ “ .•? •JO j and J bbls. Xo. 1 do. 2.J boxes ('hee.se. 5 kegs selected Goshen liufter. It) bbls. Leaf Lard. lo “ New .Mullets in oak and pine bbls. He has on hand a general i.-sortment of a Mtov It s ES, which will be sold cheap for Cash or cxch.anged foi Country Produce. Oct.'ti, IK.5!'. 55,f Dissolution ot Copartnership. Thi: firm of M f ROVKR, AVIGHTMAN & ROBINSON was lis.solved on the 15ih injtapt by consent of all the partners, and H. L. Myrovcr retires from bnsiness. The business of the late firm will be settled by the new oneofAVuRTH. WIGHTMAN & CO. n. L. MVROVER. GFO. W. WIGHTMAN. JNO. H. ROBINSON. June 2y, IHtJO. ;^0-4t A C ARU. '’PHK UNDERSKiNED in retiring from business em- 1 braces the occasion to offer to iiis friends, who have so liberally patronizedliim for tin last *23 years, his most sincere thanks. He >s succeeded Viy Messrs. A\ORTH, WIGHTNLVN ii ('O.. who will do business in his old stand, and whom he can. he thinks, recoiiiincnd confi dently to his friends as a house which will serve them as faithfully as he hopes he has done. II. L. MVROVER. June -!8. 30-4t COPAKTAEK8HIP. The undersigned, as successors to H. L. Myrover k Co., and Nlyrover & Wighitnan. have this day form ed a business ('opartnership. under the style of WORTH. WloHT.M.AN & Co., at the sanic place of business oc cupied bv the hite firms. They beg from (he friends and custoniers of the old linn a continuation of their biisin*»ss, having everj’ fa cility to compote favorably with any North Carolina house in the ^Miolesale Trade. J. A. AVOR'f'II. G. W. WIGHT.MAN. JNO. H. ROBINSON. Fayetteville. June 27, 180(.*. ;-iO-4t i ^AOTIC'K. i N'O .ALLOW.VNTE is made for aVisent time to mnntli- _ Iv or |i!artc’-ly boarders, for less than five consecu tive days; and that f may l>e able to keep my own ac counts, this cbi'S of T.iy jiatroiiS. who liesire to avail iheniselves of tiiis deduction of board will register their departure and rettirn. T. WADDILL, Prop. F. HoteL I June 27. Aotiee. VLL persons indebted to the estnte of the late .A. Rroiksl«ink are hereby noiif'.,’1 to come toiward and pay their respective bills, or tliey will be placed in the hands of a collecting oflicer. A. M. CAMPBELL. Adm'r. June 27, ISt'lO. :j(i-3t DEATAI. AOTK K. OR. R. SCOTT would refjnest all those lesiring his professional yervicss this Summer to call soon, as he will be absent from P'aveiteville from the loth .IL’LV. until SEPTEMBER. June 26. .‘>0-tf AtrricF. 4 NV person wishing to make money and become use- ful in a coinniunity can do so by enclosing one dol lar to the undersigned. J. Dl.MERV. s. C., June dOth, 1 M’>0. 31-3m B.\C0N. 4 SCPERIOR Lot of N. BACON HAMS, which are offered low for rash. —also— N. C. SIDES ami SHOULDERS. For e.ale by JAMES W. HORNE. June 2S, 302w Wiiniin;^(on, A'. I'., A: Aew York. The Steaiij.ship 1\\.KKEKS- Bl RG, Capt. William Powell, will leave Wilmington on Saturday, L’8d insl., for New York. Return ing. will leave New York on Satunlay, 30th. Until the completion of the new Steamer now building for the Cape Fear and (»cean Steam Navigation Company, tiie Parkersburg will run regularly l)«;t ween the above named Ports, leaving cach Port every alternate Saturday. For rates of freight and other information, apply to EDWIN .A. KKITII Wilmington, N. C.. or to II B. CROMWELL & t'O-. New York. Wilmington. Jun>ill*i, 1*^H0. 27-lm AKCHliOLD’S tUIMIMAL 1*1,P.ADIXG .i>D EVIDENCE. 2 vols. Price |>1“2. A. VV. Steel, J. G. C'^ok, Hon. J. G. Shepherd, K. F. Brown, '1 . A. E. Hail, ;"‘l'ngton. Mallett, .1 Kyle, ■A A Mi Keth.'tn, J. 1> WIMianj.J, ^ " Tiliinffhiist, John o'hTi .McCrumiuen. Traveling .\gont«. I he ( (iiiiparv invite applications, t M.iy-.s. reaiers to the adveitisement o_ n Mes.^rs. CHi ltcil ,v DLPoNT, No. 109 Broad- 11 . New York. 1 he d’dooil Food,’ is one of the great- t medicines of the age, and is rajiiilly driving out of p market all the juai k nostrums of molern time.s. Its .. V is great, and it« superiority so justly acknow- K'-d. that it is foiuid difficult to supply the immense increasing demand for the article. Dr. Eaton'.s ilebrate l Infantile (.'ordiaL’ is a meiiicinc prepared by re^!ubir physician of erninence in his profession, ami He who has devoted hi.s life to the peculiar phases of ilaii'il,. I, humbug, but a medicine I' > '' Mimomlg itself to those oiiiy who can appreciate ~ Fkr. Timet. March 24. F{en!fhij human IMood upon lieini: ANALYZED always presents us will; tiie same es«f*nii.il elements, and gives o*'c«!ir.e th- ' rao l'«i. .\n.ilyzj the Blood of H person -'ilT.‘rin_r from ’onsuii'ption. Liver Complaint. Dy^pep^ia. Sc;’otu!a. vc. and wo fin.l in every visiancf certain fifficim- ir.t ju th** red gloiiii’es 01 Blood. 'hese delii-ieticie'. and you ire iiKi ic weil. The ICl»orl i- f'uundf ! iijii 11 this Theoiy—hcnce its astonishing suecess. There are FIVE PRTIFARATIOWS adajtfed todeficiertc?es of iht* '.Vo#>d in ditVercnt di.seases. For SSii'o nr any aifec- tion whaifvor of itie I or i II»i{{s induci.ig Use No. 1, wliicii i.-' iiiso the No. for of «>!' and for all 4. It 3 i ii s arising from Ov?r«ii^ ■« an1 rati oil. No. 1:, for > ivM' No f.'r IJeini lur and cairiecl im- niedi itely in! > the cii culal i'»n. so ti::it v. Iiat vou yon ri-'uin. The .No. 4 is joi I'l in.tlf* i•'ri- v‘. Sei-speci.d di rections tor lliis. l.’oi. “;||| •kSl4^il4ll, M»||.>, ^41 •4>tiii4>iiv >ii(iii4>>. and iiSa(iii4;r C, 111- plHidls, t:ike No. 5. in all c;ises the direct ii/iis must be strictly followed. Pricc of the 2JJo4»il Food SI per bottle. Sold by rm Kctf A niPOM. No. iiroadwiiy, New York. And by all re.-pectable Druggi.sis tiuoughout tho country Nov li, iH.-.y To l»€‘ Infrrt'^f o* Tiarpenliue OiwtillerM. ■'f BAKER would respectfully inform Turjientine . Dis: tilers and oth'-rs that he now manufaetnring TIi€* liiiprovcil TfirpH'BBfine Still. .All orders promjdy att“nded to. Copjier work done on the most favornMs terms. Old Copper b,night for o.tsii or taken in exchange for new Work. Call and sec I'or yoiirseUes at M BAKERS Copper Shop, Favetieville, N, C. Feby 1. LS'IO. j,ytf I — ^100 Kewai*€l. I ) AN AW.AY fro.n ^Iessrs. J. «.'c N. .A. Ciimeron. of t Cuinberland County, dr.^i of last June, tiiy negro man SOUTH V> F, I,L, or .'sOCTHKY, (as usually called.) Said negro is thick set. aboiit 5 feet h inches high, of a dtirk brown color, lias small eyes, and a downcast look, j He h.is been hired for sever.il years in ('uniberland ' County, as a Turpentine hanl. 1 will give tiie above reward, if taken out of the State—?;>() for his imprison ment in any jail in this State, or $25 for information that may lead to his recovery. J. B LITTLEJOHN. ' Lonisbnrg. \. C., Feb’y 4. 8f)tf AOW IA TIAKKKT. All per.s'ins having NEGROES for sale, will do well to adilress the s'lbscril'cr at Clinton, Sampson county, as he is determined to buy and pay as liberal prices for them as ihe ?tate of tiie iiiarket will permit. ]{y aildressing him lie will call iiiiiiiediately, and | make liberal offers, as all will find who will try him, CHARLES T. STEVENS. Clinton, Sampaon Co., Sept 10,1859 48-lypd I Oi.istaiitlj -Manurjuturiiig at mj Establishment. nVEKY V.MMRTY f)F HARNESS. Ji Saildles. Rrilles. Collars. Whips', and l i links; .all kinls of Leather. Calf Skins and Oil; (.•mlition I’owders, for dise.iscd Hor'^es and Cattle; (_ >ach Trimmings, Carpet Bag". Valises, .‘saddlery. Hardware, kc. The larecst stock in the State, sold wi;oio:,a!e or retail, at the lowest New A’ork prices. tlarness »iiid Siddles rrpairt’d. JAMES WILSON, No. 5 Market ;;t. M'ilmingtim, N. nvur the W'harf. Oct. !D, I8.''i0. .'iO-lypd. PAIATN, OiliS Ac. SPERM. Refined, L ard, Linsei'ti and Tanners' OIL AMiite Lead; Burning Fluid; Putty; Window Glass and Sash of all sizes. -.^LSO— fresh supply of POND’S PAIN DESTROY ER. For sale by Ji.MES M.VRTfVE. Nor’--U. ]S58. mitf Harper'^ .t9a:^'axine lor .luH. ECLECTiO MAGAZINE for July. June 19. E. J. HALE k SON. |ji|iiorM! |ji«|iior«! |ji(|iior»t! fW. HtVRNK being desiriuis to clo:'i.' out his stock , of Li((iiors, will offer induceiiients in prices. As he intends to cjr.it the trade, his stock will b.? sold low. tcS" For sale at cost and cliarges. 100 BARRBI.S, of various kinds and (pialiHes. 8^ Persons in-lebted nmst rail iiiid SOttlO. Feb It) 92-tf 4'io»s Creek Co's Y'arn*. ^PilF- und.‘rsigned is .Agent for the sale of the above 1 celebraieil \ arns, which have given such general sati'faction for years past. -Merchants and others wanting our Yarns will please send on ih»'ir orders and nave them filled on as favora ble terms as heretofore. rmi j^Ai.E, rpHE HOUSE and !,() I’ a ljoining Eli/.abethtown, lately (.ci'upied by .Alerander Carter. The Lot con tains Six Acicsof^od garden soil, and some fruit, good water, kc. The improvements are » Two Story Dwelling House and necessary out-buibiings. Also, a vacant Lot near the ('"ourt House. Terms accominodatinp-. H. H. ROBINSON. June S. 27-tf June 4, 18D0. JOHN SHAW, Ag't C, C. Man. Co 23tf 01 «i a:\o!; V FRESH SUPPLY just received. C. T. HAIGH A SONS ■April It). 9-tf llacon a ltd ('orn. k')/Win BUSHELS of GOOD CORN; /vUvl/ l-'i,0(.)li lbs. well-smoked BACON. For sale by E. F. .MOORE. .Feb'y 20. i»t-93tf and K|»irit«i ISarrel. ^ONSi.\NTLY on hand by •2000 3»ii!>.lirl>» I*rinir ^.'orn, just re ceived. JOSKPH -A. Worth. June Iti, 27-im AKW 1;^1VE YEARS in CHIN.', by Charles Taylor. M. I). j Margaret Mtinciieffe, tiie first love of .Aaron Burr, by Chas. Burdeti R'uledge. Sniith’a Rejected .AdJ;-esses. The .Actress in High Life—an episode in Winter Quarters. Also, further aujiplies of WORCESTER’S and WEB STER'S Pictorial (Quarto Dictionaries School Hooks, Cohan's Pocket .Majis, i^c. June 20. E. J. HALE SON. JIST Pi:BMIl!»ni:D: .\ COMPLETE PRACTICAL TRE.VnSE ON CRIMINAL PROOEBURB, PLEADING AND EVIDENCE, 111 Indictable Caines, WITH MINUTE DIRECTIONS AND FOR.MS, For every Criminal Case that can arise, either af Com mon Law under the English Statutes, or under the statutes of the several states. • co.MPiiisiN'i the “NEW SYSTEM ofCRlMINAL PROCEDURE,PLEAL»* ING AND EVIDEN('E." By Mr. Archbolj^. And also the fourteenth and last London FMition of Arch bold’s Pleading and Evi(lence in Criminal Cases, by Messrs. Jarvis and Welsby. To which are added Ct •MPREHEN.'^I VE NOTES, containiugallthe .Amer ican and English Decisions to the date of I’ubiication. BY THOS. W. w aterman, Cdf.VSeli.gr AT-L.vw. Seventh Edition. *^^HE first part of this work is devoted to criminal 1 practice, and the second part to the discussion of the several crimes, the indictment for each otl'ence. and the requisite evidence. It will be found to embrace the entire field 01 Ctiminal Law; every proceeding, from the airest of the offender to bis final punishment, being minutely detailed, with forms and directions for every supposable case! “Archbold has been a standard authority for thel. st half century. F’ourteen successive English and hallos many .Vnierican editions show how it has been ajipre- ciated. “.A very considerable perio«l of time and a great deal of labor have been expended upon this edition. Most of the notes have been entirely re-written; and all of i them have been re-niodeled and re-arranged. A tho- I rough analysis of each subject has been made, which, I with a very full in*lex to each volume, it is, thought will furnish all needful faciliiies lor reference. The matter iias been a good deal condensed, by on#tting whatever seemed theoretical rather than practical, by dispensing with such of the English statutes as have no bearing upon American law or practice. The no'tes in their present form contain, however, a large ani(Cint of i new matter, and several subjects are introduced which were not treated in tiie former elition. The authori ties have been carefully re-exnmined, and all of the r»?- I ported, and numerous manuscript cases in each of the several states, down to the date of publication, adde«l. The criminal statutes of sixteen of the states have been digested and distributed under the approjiriate heads, • together with such English statutes, the construction of which from their similarity to our own, seemed likely : to aid the American practitioner. A concise outline of all the more important cases cited by Mr. Archbold 1i.h,« : also been given; thus jiresenting, in a convenient and accessible form, all of the leading English criminal cases.’’ KAVIiS 4 UKOTHEKS, 144 Nassau Street, Ji. Y. A\u Bontlw^y, \lbaiij. For sale also by E. J. HALE k SON. March 28.—4-i«t Fayetteville. Eclectic .Magazine for June. • May 2ti. E. J. HALE ^ SON. ! RICHARDSON’S IRISH LINENS, 1U31ASKS DIAPERS, etc. nONSUMERS OF RH^HARDSON'S LINENS, and I V' those desirous of obtaining the GENUINl^GOODS, should see that the articles they purchase are sealed with the full name of the firm, .1. >. KK'llAKD.SUy, SO.VS A OWI)E\, As a guarantee of the soundness and durability of the Goods. ‘ * This caution is rendered essentially necessary, as large quantities of inferioi- and defective Idnens are pre pared, season after season, and sealed with the name of RICH.ARDSON, by Irish Houses. who. rf;g;^ri]esH of the injury thus inflicted alike on the Amf^ric.in oonsiuucr and the niannfacturors of the genuine (Joods. will not readily abandon .a busine.^s go proritable, while imr- ' chasers «.an be impot-ed on with Goods of .1 worthless character. J. BULLOCKE J. B. LOCK:''. ■\geots, 36 Church Strevt, New A'ork. . Dec. 16, 1859. 70*1 v DE FOREST. ARWISTROWG & CO. ^ GfOOfis mUerchants. A, ^2 Cliuiitb i‘H ^|„ i. Would notify the Tratle that they are opening Weekly, in new and beantiful pattern^, tiic WAnwlJTTl PRM.\T«, .1 I, 1} T H F. * A New Print, which exccls every !'>int in the Country for perfection of execu.ion and'drsign in fuli .Maiid. r ( ilors. Our Prints are cheapcr than any in market, and meeting with e’cte.iisive sale. Orders promptly attended to. Feb'y 2. 1S*)0. 80*1 Y Feb’v 20. E. F. MOORE. i4;-!t;itf 0 »»« .n. K.\« Ki,«>s>|.:w, F various (jualities, sizes ami colors. li. J. hale & SON, June ‘2o. i\orlii Carolina Form Book, 4 FURTHER supply just received. A E. J. H.ALE & SON. May 23. EDITH'S .Mini.stry; Sunaiiine, or Kate Vinton: Flounced Robe, and What it Cost. Jn.st ree d. I’PC 3. E. J, hale & St>N ter90 If. i;n%elo|»e«, Ihe ^rc'aleMt variety of sizes, colors and qualities, just received June 16, I860. E. J. HALE & SON- To Tiirpenfine l^isifiiiei'M. ''HHE highest Cush jirice paid for SPiRl TS I'URPEN' 1 TLVE liy E. F. M()OilE. Feb’y 20. i4t -;*ot.f liiiiano! Iniiano!! ^01^ B.AtiS No. 1 GU.\NO. For sal.; by Feb’y 20. E. F. MOORE. i4t-‘j:ltf E. F. i^lOOKE, € ( .) -M -M r S M O .\- .M K U 011 N T, 4 ND will keep constantly on hand every article in the Turpentine Distillers’ Line. Feb’y 20. i4t-93tf 5IK\Ti^*JTRV. R. J. D.VVIS having deciiled on perma nently’ locating in tiie Town of Fayette ville, respecLliiUy oli'crs !iis services to the citizen? of thi.s pl.-ice aii.l siirr.yunding country, in all the vario is b-,inchcs of liis Pvi;:'; s ion including th;- manufacture of Alin'ral T‘tli. he is s.i:isf;rd, aft,-^ ;in extensive cxj'erience. to which is a hloa a thorough l*en- tal education, ttiai he eai- giveentir'j saii-^faction as far as is in the power of Dentiotry. .Vll ir;\.‘gul:aitics of the Teeth treatifd in a protier and careful matiiier. as well as diseases of the mouth. None but the jirope** mctifls are niale use of in the variotjs operations. 'in.iges will be moderate, that the benefits of the Profession may be placed within the reach ot all who niay feel an interest in the iireservaii tn of tlio Tei.-th. Office over Houston's Jewelry Store, where he may be fonmi at all times, .May 10. Otf I'urllier .Su|»|»lieM ol* Buok«>. M.ACKE 1 'S Masonic JurispriiiU’tice: Twilight Musing.-, by H. B. .MoKeever; The Fate of Si: .lu;in Fr.ink lin—McClinttick’s Narrative; Th.; West Coast of .Afi ii’''. t>y Kev. (J. Thom.IS; The British Expeditioo to i**e C'/APT. \%'Sl.lt llE:i»02tT ii.\ THE i)Ei:p nivi K iii\Einl kkoIiiv.^ ''pilE undersigned have caused to be i.ul.dishod from 1 the Congressional plates, an edition of the Ki'jiurt of Capt. Wilkes. I . S. Navy, and his .\ss(,ci,.|if s 011 the Board apnoiiited I'y the S,*cret iry of the Navy t.. ex amine the Deep itiver Regi.ni of Ni)rth t'«r,,lina. This i.s the most impiirt.mt and scientific stat.''t,ieti: >t 'he great wealth oftti.-ii seeti .1. uf r|,,. St.ite. :i:Hi t'o .Mjsj., the must pi.rfect an l valii iMe, .if anv vi-i p-i)-lishe'l. Tlie .Maps are w..ril. th“ price of the worK. w'lieh is ,'>0 cents, neatly boiiii't :n clot h. OfaVs u...). by mail, free oi postage, on the receipt of .'lO cents. \ liheral dis count to '.Nhoiesale buyei's. 0;-ders solicit»d. Jan’y 2t>. ' E. J. IIVLE & .SON. E€o^vo.n\*:: 'I'il!; suliscrihcr keeps con-tantly on hand a large and 1 vatie'l assorim.’nt of (ioods of every dt.v;ription, DiiV WKlIiS, GHOOERIES, ll\!!i)\V»!!F., I'lTLKKY, .^^D Fi,.\Tf;-\VARR, Wood and Stone Ware, Drags, Confec tioneries, and Toys, FRESH PRTTITS! a;*; BOXES ORANGES. tCO 15 do LEMONS. 200 do Fine FIGS. New \ork .\pples. Cooking Prunes, and largo Stock of Confectionaries, at Hotel Building. No. 40. J. R. LEE. ■April 30, ]:^tf WAAT|]|>. A LARGE fiuantity of COTTON and LINEN RAGS, for which fair priccs will be paid. DAVID MURPHY. Aug. 17 41. Webster’s Elementary impelling Book for sale by E. J, JIALE & SON ray; Downing’s P’ruits and Fruit Trees of .America Revised Edition; Memoir of Susan ,Mlit)one; The His tory and Progress of Eilncatirtn; The Normal Methods of Teaching, by Alfred Holbrook; The Magician’s Own Book; &c. Jewett's Spiers’ French and Eng. Dictionary. Meadows' ■' “ “ Pinney and Bailois’s French Grammar. Bolniar'-s Levizac e “ “ Ollendorff s New Method of French by Jewett. Le Brun s Telemaque. Whateley's Elemeiifs of Logic. “ “ of Rhetoric. W’orcesfer’s Quarto Dictionary, .^c.. iic. E. J. HALE & SON. March 28. FIIK (’LEKKS IIF Till' (’(H ilTS. I EXECUTION, TRIAL, and APPEAR.VNCE DOCR- j ETS, ruled and printed from the most, approved forms in use. Also, further supplies of other BLANK BOOKS, in great variety. May SI. £. J. HAL£ ^ SON, MECHANICS’ TOOIjS and all others tx> tedioii^^o mention. Also, 2.',,000 SHINGLES for sale. Good«iD exchange for Barter or Caah. Terms, six months credit. J. H, FARRAE. Haywood, N. 0., May 1 1.5*lyr A GOOD CHANCE TO MAKE >IO\eV, FOR .4 M.Ufl'F-iCTUUKK Oil BrSl\ESS MAN. ^PHE CoTTON FACTORY at. Swift Island, N. C.. on ' J the Pee Dec River, a never failing stre^, will be sold or leased for a term of years on LIBERaTi TERMS. I Also the Merchandizing Bu.siness will be dispoeid of i>u ; good terms: 1 2 and 3 years time vJI! be given. ,Jllil^ ; is a good Dwellit'g House, and suitable noti^jiMHpWlE' j operatives, and plenty of bands. The Facfiorr ia in ^ pood running operation. This is one of the best stands in the country for a Store, there can be plenty of Cot ton bought at the pl.ice to run the Factory all the year. Apply to S. H. ('HRL^TI.VN, at Swift Island, or KEED I & McRA'fc, at Montgomery Factory. 1 MoBtgomery Co., N. C., June 18, 38W. 27*Gw ■ )t^l- t*.

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