utit “ iol. . h:: ..1 . ''. ■ '‘ ■ I' d l.f ..»r, of V d, H ■ IBi, - 1. ■ >1 ' - ii ri!i\f Ki ;. \ . i . • Lie.! U »- . i' f; U ■ !. uei tl.Hi- T . lih d ht.-d . , siri-, 1 r. i.\ nil" • i4-:r " A so luc . V i,. - > u ter )WTt it I.. >es e do . r is i:.. -‘5 y the iM h;.-... • ). A I \' OHN . .. N. . .. ■ ‘ ' ‘i ■ • n' I K;:. ARTKH V I P!.' ;:il will OW - . ; ■ V:.„i« l,_, inili. . _ I jio«»d h Ac • :=A, . N. r. I, fjl ‘thk >*:.'til I* ;;rd »k%. hi ^ . I «: ■ ■. V..I. u u- is . r L uivti. raoli . M .. >Oi t: Hi; tiuoi kl I; li (.r II ' ■ >N M >rirt. V.T’ ■J :: { 1.7 iria ■ -N >C,' ■ en >A' . ...i .'^j f i a t- . •I'l , i Malb i f‘ .iio ar 7 iPAir TIIILIL SE:niI.WEEKLY. [VOL. X.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., JULY 26, I860. [NO. 938.] INTKD MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS EDWARD J. HALE A SON, EDITORS AND PROPRTETORS ‘»-tf for the Semi-Weekly Ouskkvir $3 00 if paid in ranoe; $8 50 if paid duving the year of tu^tcrip- i or f 4 afler the year has expired. I tt; , ' F*»'the Weekly Obsirtkr If2 00 per annum, if paii in | UlTance; f 2 50 if paid during the year of subiorip- I ^n; or fS 00 after the year hai expired. j . TYiTTiT>.TiTCTT-.. c ■ , , . i T)ROMPT uud PKRSON.VL attention will be jriTon (o AD\ BRTISEML.-.T.^ inserted for 60 cen ■ per , of Naval Store.s, Colton, Lumber, Tiniber. of 16 lines for the first, and SO cent* for each I other country produce. niAtacding publication. Yearly adrertisenients by spe- \V. H. CARVER, Dealer in Dry f-oods, fwroceriex, and Provixionsx, ITT ILL always keep a good Stock of Seasonable Good* VV on hand, to sell clieap for Cash, or exchange for Produce at Cash prices. Hay Street. Fayetteville, N. C.. April ttl ~ W. B1 iTi.IKD, iJomtH iss ion •JWerrhu ti t, WILMINGTON, N. C. The i'arritisi^e Fartory in thr Sourhl Oontracts, at reasonnble rate*. Adrertiseri are ted to Btttte the number of insertion* desired, or ill be contiauo l till forbid, and charged aocord- iTertidements to be inserted intidt, oharged 50 per extra. ^ SPECIAL NOTICE. Vrom and after this date, no name of a new subscriber be entered witLout payment in advance, nor will paper be sent to such subdcrtbers for a longer time ttM'is pai«1 for. - flMhof oer old subscribers as desire to take the pa- p«»9n this system will please notify u* when making ■niittances Jan’y 1, l!^58. JAS. C. MeRAE, •Iftot^ney at JLatr^ Ottee West end of the Insurance Building. Hay St,, Fayetteville, N. C. Sarch 26, I860. 3tf ^ PPiJNCH STRANGX3, Attorney at Law, tFayetteville, N. C. Office that recently occupied by C. 0. Wright, Esq., £er the one now occupied by him in Dr. Robinson's ilding. Green Street. Dec'r 2. 1869. 72- ^ W.W. JfgcK^tW Attorney at Law, Fayettevillk, N. C. ■ lITIt'L attend the County and Superior Courts of fT Cumberland, Harnett. Moore and Robeson Coun ties. Prompt attention given to the collection of all dftims entrusted to his hands. Oct. 17. 18.59. 58-tf LAW I^OTICE. rITi Subscriber having removed from Summerville to Fayetteville, will attend the County and Superior CMrts of Cumberland. Harnett :ind Moor*. Hix wBl be at hit) resilience, on Green Street, opposite the |^isoo}>Hl Church. His corretipondente will please adilress him hereafter •t Favetteville, instead of Summerville. NEILL McKAY. Jan'y‘21, 1860. 85-tf BKFER TO O. G. P,\rsh:y, Pres’t Com. Rank ai Wilmington. John D.\wson, • “ R. N. C., at do Messrs. H. & E. J. Lili.t, > „ ,, Messrs. Pkmpkrton & Sloan, I ■A. Parker, Esq., Harnett County, N. May 7, I860. l.'>if Law .\otice (IE sul)scriber having retired from tlie Bench, with purpose to devote himself to the iiraotice of the Law. ^ill attend hereafter the counties of Cumberland. Rob eson and Waden. at all the,Court«>, and the Superior .Courts of Richmond, Harnett aud S&mpson. J. G. SHEPHERD. . June 4, 1860. 23tf JOSEPH B.\KER, Jr., ATTOKI^EV AT LAW, gAS taken an office next door to Wm. B. Wright’s Law Office on Green Street. He will attend and practice the County and Superior Courts of Cumberland. Qlsden. Robeson and Sampson. March 23, 1859. 79tf JOH.^ C'LAKK, Commission and Forwarding •Merchant, —DEALER IN — Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, &c. LUTTERLOH S WHARF, WILMINGTON, N. C AOkSCY FOK STKA.MERJ KATK MOLAIFIN ANU SLK. April 20. IbCO. lltf KOBRKT U. 0\VA.\, General Contminsion •fferrhant^ ^VlhMlNoTON. N. (;. Office South Corner Market aud Water streei:^. up-stairs Oct. 13, l8o‘J. r,7-lV T. V. A: B. ii. \V»RTU, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, WILMINGTON, N C. Jan'y 28, 1859 84tf • * - - ^ C. U. ROBINSON II. 11. ROIUNSON. V. H. ROBI.\^O.X & CO., Commission and Forwarding Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. Consignments and country orders will receive prompt personal attention. March 17. 1800. 2tf KD\VI.\^ H. RA.\.\EV, General Commiftsion •fterrhant^ n South Wharm. brtwren .Markrt & Chestnnt Sts. Consignments of Cotton. Naval Stores, Flour. Rice, &c. will always receive his prompt personal attention. Advances will b«> made only on aotvml Con->igments. RKFEREVCES: T. S. k, T. 1. Rrnn. Charleston. \Val«k*. Kva\« & f'hHrJ**»ion S W’vAT-r *. *• KLM:I At 'flTCHH L. VVilininKlnn Jambs I'l'PPKR. K'q. “ Himry .Nitt. II ' Esq. K*‘v Jamkk B. Tatt.or . KirhniM, W V Liit« a. K«q Rev. J I.kwin Snr k. rnliforni v WiLLiAif PicTTiyKEw . M n •* Jki«k W. BKNri»u r JNtj .\ Y Krv. \V'. R CaR^om. Ed \V. Shthn, E^q.. Thi^n. March 9. y^-lY J\'0. 8. DAN’OY, JNO. n. HYMAN, t. M. HYMAN, IaU€ 0*' Tarhoro'. Of Scotland Late of H'arrfnton :Y, HV.TIAA A: 4 0., Commission .llerchants^ ltJ4 Pearl Street, t'OMtK. A. A. Mf KKTilAN I O Y informs hi'i fritndsanii the public. I 4.' that he has built Tip l.arge ^ubstantisl Hrick Huild- I ings at his Old Sinnd. expressly for innnufacturing Car- [ riages. Tliankt'ul I'or the very liberal iiatronage lie iias I recei'’ed for the last 21 year.«, he hoi>es by strict atien- I tion to hu.-ine^'S, with a desire to gi^e «atisfaction, to j merit a ooniinuancc of the He warrHi'.ts hi» work ' to bo made of the best iiiaterial and by experienced I worknikn in eaoh brain-h of the business Mis work will I compare favornbly with any uia'lc in the I uited Siate.s, ; for neatness aiid diiivibility. M.- is ileterniincd to sell I and 'lo any wmk in la-, line on us ^ood iw.-ms as any work done e'sewhtTo thnl is as w»ll ■I'^ne He now has 1.011 hind. fini:»li«;d. 'I’Hr bAUCKST .:r()(’K (_>K I Carriages, Baroiichps, llorkatraj^i and I Bug;fi:ies, ever ottiTed ;ii thi-J p.a’C. an 1 .i b.i jr(. sUick of work 1 marly finii!;e 1. wliicii wi'l i>e f.ni.sl:Ml Jai'.y. .\.ll of which will sold very lew for oarh, or on short time to ' }>unctuai '■tisrointTs. has oii V.and more than : ONK Hr\I)!{EIt AND FIFTY Vl^HlOl.KS ijni-iied j and ir. course of con .;r;ietiou I gsy* All w)vk tuado ny hirn i^ wa’T;.ntcd 1'J months I vifith lai.' usag>‘. aiul shoiild it fail by bad wcrkmau-jhij' ; or ma'erinl, will be r> ].>iired frvo of charge. I’erso'is wislmm to buy would do well to call and ex- I amine for iheinselve.«. I Orders thankfully received and promptly attended tO' Uejiairing eiecuted a; short noticf and on very reason- I able lernis. Mav 28, ISOO. H'».tf m P. J. .SIAXXAIK, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, FAVETTEVILLE. N. C., Tl'^ILL practice in the Courts of Robeson. Cumberland, ■ VV Harnett and Richmond Prompt attention , given to all business entrusted to hin. Feb’y 5, 1H59 8C- B. B. Bl LLA, Attorney at Law, Asheboro’, N. C. 11^ILL practice in the County and Superior Courts of It Randolph, aud adjoining Counties. June, IbtiO. 33-4m A. D. McLEAIV, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, SrMMERVILLP:, N. C., ViylLL attend the Courts of Cumberland. Moor®, John- fV swn and Harnett Counties. PROMl’T attention giv en to the collection of all claims entrusted to his care. Dec'r 20, 1859. 78-ly RORV .TIcI^AIR,^ •Attorney and t'ounnellor at Mjaw, LUMBER TON, N. C. Will open a Branch House in Norfolk, Va., on the 1st of September, 1860, under the name of hy.ha:%, da:%cy a; co. July 3, 1800. 32tf GKO. HARRIS.S. W W. HARRIS^ A. J. HOWFLL. HARRISS & HOWI3LL, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 17, 1859. 58-lYpd J. W. BAKKR Is now rei-eiviriir from the Ntirtli the largest, finest and mo«t carefully’ selected stock of n lo i Ti Kf: ever offered in this market: which added to his own nianiifacflire, makes his a-^sortment complete;— ! all of whicdi tie will sell on :1il- lowest possible terms for cash or on time to piiti.'tiial cusioiner--. ' F'aahionable paiiileil coUnge bi-d-rooni Fiirnitnre in ' seus: cui'ed hair and ahutk. and cotton ,VJ at tresses;, I I.o.ikiti); t;iu^xf,s; Willow \V:ijfims Hiid Cradles; .Side j Boards; !Uir**:ius: .^ecri'tarios anil Itmik Whnt N^its: Tables. ;il’ sorts; .Sttinds; t'andle Stands; I Wardrobes; i’icture Fi aiiies and (Jlass; Window .Shades; I t^ornices; t'uriain Hands; .s..f;i, ii, Mahogany and Wal- j nut; Tete a Tete.s; Oitomans; I»ivans and i*tools; Chairs of every variety. Fine Unsfwctud l^iariD.s, oin* with .Kolian at tachment; ll'i.sfwood .^lelodians. from the best manufac tories in New Vork i.tid 15oston. warranted as gooil av any niaile in the country, and will be sold at New York prices—freight only added. I September 2. 4r>tf illarble Factory, Floral College. fPHE Fall Session in this Institution will commence on 1. the 18th of JULY next. The management and instruction of the IiiBtitution v*ill be under the Kev. Daniel Jfdirison ami Mr. J(din Suthcrlanil, wilh an ."ible Corps of \ssistanls in all the departments. The I’rincipnl and hi.s lady will continue to take entire charge of the Boarding establishment, thus giving to tlie Scliocd more of the family eWment. This ai rangenient, it is believed, will greatly advance the usefulnetK of the Institution. M. C. McNAIR, Sec’y Board of Trustees. June 18, I8t)0, 28tf STATE I’IRImi llACIIIMi WORKS. " KO\V.«;\ MTKKKT. F.VYETTF.VILLE, N. C. underiiigned, having erected buildiiigs suitable I for evil and MVCIIINK W'OUK—also General HOUSE CAKl'ENTUY—would give notice that they are prepared to cxuKute all orderu in their line with n’eat- ■ ness and dispaich. I We are prepared to do al' kinds of St’HOLL .'5\W- i ING and l*LANKlN(i at short notice. Ha\ing a fir.'Jt I clusii Woodworth I’lantdng Machine, we are prcj'ared to j Plane, Tongue and Groove all kinds of Flooring and Ceiling on reasonable terms. i Con:ra;tu taken for the erection of Buildings, and 1 Jobbing of all kinds executed with nearness and dis- p.itch Sashes, Doors and I’dinds of all descriptions, | matiuf!icture(i oqnal to*anything to be found in the | Northern'niarkeis. | Plans and specifications furnished «m 1 the ei’ectit n of j biiildiiiffs si’.perintended wh«-n desvvcd. WALTON BARRY, Car P-uilders, Carpenters .t Draiightm**!! favetteville. Oct 3, 5}-tf j WM. CAKTBIl it SONS | H.WK put up and pennanenily located the Viest P.OOT j and SHOK MANUF.VCTORV in N. C.. to which j the attention of the whole South id earnestly invited, j ji.trticularly the citizens and Planters of our Stale. We j are determined not to be pi» ^down by men who are j daih' bringing in Widted and Split Leather Shoes; it is i distinctly understood that our Shoes are made of Upjier j Leather tanned by uk, anil that we do not put any welts in any P^g Shoes we make. Now i* the time to test the | true feelings of N. C. men. All orders from a distance shall have prompt atten- I 'ion. Address us at Goldston | WM. CARTER. D. A. CARTER. ! S. S CARTER .TOHN Q. CARTER. Goldston 1’. ()., Chatham Co., N. C., | fiiruf wi:^ti:r.^ rail road. further notice ^he Train will leave Fayette- on Monday.s, Wednet^d.iys and Fridays, at 8 o’clock, A. ’M.. ami return the same days; leaving Spout Spring l>epot about 4 o’clock, P. M. I! M.VLLETT, Preb't. July 17. 3f.tf . UNTIL ville y/i/’ United Sfafes Svnnte..—The Sunate of the liiiitecl States chatf^os one-thini of its body every t wo years. At present there are 8S Democratic and -7 Opposition members, (all the latter Uejnibii ean^, excopt Messrs.. (.'rlttendeii and Kennedy.) Ot the -'1 whose torm will expire on the 8d ul March, the places of some of them have been lilleii as follows: Mr. IJrecki'iridL'O, in place jOfMr. Crittenden, of Kentucky; Mr. I’earce, Maryland, has been re-clccted; Mr. v'lark. Reyiub- TIIP I New Hatiipshire, has been re-elected; so 1 ■' have Mr. l*'f*ster, Hepublican, of t’onnecticut, and 1 arl^CrSlHir^9 jMr. Uarlan, Ke|iubliean. ot Iowa; Mr. ] u|:h. Captain Powfli,, will leave New 1 )cmocrat, ofOhio, i.-« to be succeeded by M r. ('ha.se, York and Wilmington on the following days; i Kepublican. The followin- arc vet t-. undergo Sntuniay, Julj 14th, leaves New York for Wilmington. : the ordeal of their respective l.coislatures: Mr. Saturday. 21st, •* Wilininirton for New York. i.';,. , + i, „r » i u „ i i'........ »,.i o . 1 ' no u . V 1 r n- 1 ' i itzpatriL-k, of Alanama; Air. .Jutinson. Arkan- .Saturday, “ 28ih, ‘ New It ork for \\ ilniington. Saturday, Aug. 4th. “ Wilmington for New Vork. : -'Ir. (xwin, ot California; Mr \ iilee, of flori- Saturday,' • 11th, “ New York for Wilmington. Saturday, •* ISth, “ Wilmington for New York. Saturiiay, “ 2:'ith, “ N'“W York for Wilmington. Saturday, Sept. 1st, *• W ilinirigton for New York. Saturday. •• 8th, ‘ New York for Wihningfon. Saturday, “ l'>th, “ Wilmington for New York. Saturday, •• 221, “ New York for Wiliiiington, Saturday, *• 2'.tth, “ Wiliiiington for New York. For freight, or fjrther information, apply ti- K A. KF.ITH, -Agent. Wilmington. N I', ii. n. CK';MWELL & (’tj , 8o Weyt stieet. New York. July 19, 18C.0. -‘iO-liu PRIME t’ORN, » Iv/Uv 2->0 Spirit Barrels, 10 Barrels’nest (ilue, 13 Tons Mooj) Iron, For sale at WOKTM '.MGHT.MAN x fo s. July 19, IWCO. :>7 1 m si(i:Tiii;ii\ sciiooi; BuiiKS.^ March 23. IKf.O. m A. IIAKXES lirKK, ! 51 and 53 JOHN STREET, NEW KiHK, |a.ND E. j. hale 4 SO.N. FAVETTE'.lLLi^, \. ('. I PUBLISHERS OF Tiii: .National Series ot .standard .School BooIi«. ^PHESE works are prepared by the best educators in I the country, and designed with i«[iecia! reference to I the thoro’igh Education of the Youth of our land. 1 Great care has been taken to exclude sectional or si*c- I tarian matter, so that the series is regarded as truly I tho Natio.nal School Skkil3. The favor which these ! books have received from all parts of the United State*, ' warrants the Publishers in I'al’.ing upon their friends t da. (declined;^ Mr. lv^.^^on. of eor;;i:i; ,’'lr. Fitch of I iidianu; Mr. Slidell, oi‘ Louisiana; Mr. (’lingtiiaij, 'if North Carolina; Mr. Lane, olH)ry”(>n; Mr. lim- ■ ler, of I’ciinsvlvania; Mr. llamnnirid, of South I 'arolin:t; and Mr Green, ol‘.'lis«iniri, IN iimcrat.^. ! '!'he IK fiublican? whose terms e.\j>iro are: Mi ('ollamer,of N'ertnoiit; Mr 1 >urkcc, of Wisconsin; ^Ir. 'I’nimbull, of Illin'>i.-; and Mr. .''ewavd of New ’ Voik. 'I'here is a v;i-uncy I'rc.m Orojrun, and tiicre is jet some unct.rtainty about the result of ' the eb-c^ion in that .'^tate. The licjiubli^ans are I calculatin;; on a Tn:ijf>rity in the l^eiiate at no dis- ' tant day, but thi-. cannot be eflected, unless lu • di;aia, .^IitUiesota. and New .Icr.soy .«hou!d charge. I Mr. liright, of Indiana, Mr. Ilice, >1' Minnest»ta, i and .^lr. Tliom.'ion, of New Jcr#y.Jiold over until I I St;:} Kansas, when admitted, willuntjuestionably I send two Kepublican or J{>pOoItion Senators. ' ilapid chanj^es liave taken place in tlie ^Senate' I since 1^54; and the apprehen.‘-ions of Mr. .Millsnn, j of Vinrinia, in that year, when he depicted the ! impolicy of the South’s helping to build up free I States, have been more than realized, j \ntion(if InUltl'jOKfr I Contempt oj Court.—The distinguished jurist, ' Judjro G , of North Carolina, so justly es- I teemed for his abilities and estimable character- ' istics. displayed an amiable trait in tlie incidents ' and anecdotes which it was usual with him to re- j tail to his admiring associates. The point of their j wit was not unfrequently directed against liim- : self. Upon an occasioTi of this kind, he remark- I ed; I “When I was first admitted to the bar, I was wiLi.iA.n J. PRin% inspect or of Turpentine, WILMINGTON, N. C. W^ill attend promptly to all businebs entrusted to bis care. March 2f*. 4-1 ypd Win. H. TVRf.IAI-TO.ir, Commission .^lerchant* WILMINGTON, N. C. AVriLL give special attention to the sale or shinmeni VV of all Naval Stores. Cotton, Flour, Timber, ami other country produce. Refers to: H. Pv. Savage. Cashier Bank of Cape Fear, Wilmington; Jno. Daw«(m, Pres’t Wilmington Branch Bank of North Carolina; W. H, Jones, Cashier Raleigh Branch Bank of Cape Fear. Nov 9, 1859 66-tf To tlie lutt'rewt of Turpentine IliMtillerM. M .\. B.VKIMl would respectfully inform Turpentine . I)istillers and others that he is now manufacturing The Improved Turpentine Mtill. All orders promply attended to. Copper work done on the most favorable terms. Old Copper bought for cash or taken in exchange for ^ mended^ by Henry Clay, and many other of our most new Work. Call and 8«e for yourselves at . illustrious Statesmen and Educators.) AI A BAKER’S The NatlODal Scries of Scbool Readers and Feb’y 1, I860. Copper Shop, Fayetteville, N. C. 88tf By ;E0. L VIT5>KJi. TU'll lliloRS \!ll)\l! C. T. Illll^n ii SII\S' STOBK * Fayetteville, C. Jan’v 20. !>■>)" ^4- ^^nf?S^HARNESS^r^^ enamina each of the works compri.sing this series .'pro- one day riding the wearisome road through the piney woods; and as chance favored me, to break the monotony, I came upon an old field log school house. It was the hour of recreation, no doubt, for the children were scattered through the woods, frolicsome and merry, and the school-room was deserted, except in one instance where a lazy, lolling, tallow-faced cotton-headed, lack-lustre eyed boy hung half way out of the single window —the per.sonifieation of stupidity itself. Upon the spur of the moment, I determined to amuse myself at his expense, so, as I walked my honse past him. I, with the true school-boy whine, com menced spelling aloud: “H-a-k-e-r, baker.” “Cotton-head gazed at me full in the face an instant; without change of expression or fea ture, and then his mouth slowly opened, and with an undisguised snarl, he shouted aud returned: “F-o-o-1, fool.” “I left instantly,” said Judge G ,or rather as aoon as I eoald recover my sense.sl” I vided they have not already done so,) with a view of making them their Stam>ai;i> Text Book*. The ' lowing is a part of the series; The \ational Merles of Arithmetics and Math math's. By Prof Chari,Ks liAViE.i-, LL. D., formeri . of the United States Military .Academy, and now o Columbia College. The standard of New Y'urk. Balti- j more, N>w Orloiins, ButTalo, P.ochenter, .Milwaukee, and : other large cities.) The National Series of Ueographies. By Jamks Mostkuh and Fk\.n-i'is McNally. (The standard of New Orlean>, New York, Bnifalo, Milwaukee, Newark, Brooklyn, and other cities, i The National Series of School Histories. By Emma Willakh nncl Jamus .Monteith. (I)aniel Web ster-said of Mrs. Willard s History of the United States: “1 keep it near me as a valuable book of reference, ac curate in facts and dates." It was also highly recom- J Hardware, Cutlery, V, Ac. AME.i MAR'IINK !• nov,- recei'-ing a large r.nd gene ral assortmen' vf every tni/ig in the above line. —A LS(»— prime anicle of Rio. l.n»nii"i .m l Java COFFEE Crushed and B.'owt; Si 'i \R; S'lgiir Mo'i.“e SIHt'P and MOLASSES. -•Vll of which 1* olt'ered on as good terms can be had in thi#markt-t. Nov r fititf I - OWEIV A: VARBROK^II. HAV’E this day entered into Copartnership for the purposie of transacting the Commissioii and Forwarding BuKinef^M, in all its branches, in Wilmington, and will give prompt "IITILL attend and practice in the County and Superior i personal attention to all business entrusted to their care Tf ( ourts of Robeson. Richmond and t''iimbcrlM.nd , I.ihornl ndTRni'pn will h« on f!onaiirnin«nts o ( ourts of Robeson, Richmond and Cumberland. All business intrusted to him will receive prompt at tention and collections punctually remitted. Oct. 6, 18.'i9 55tf JOH\ P. FI LLER, Attorney and €oun^ellor at Law. WILL PRACTICK l!f THK COURTS OF Kobcson, Cumberland, Tolumbus and Bladen. Office at Lumberton, Robeson Co.. N. C. July 5, 1S')9 ^ 29tf .MEDICAL I\OTlC:£. DMcL. GR.\HAM, .M. 1>., offers his professional , services to the })ublic Office on Hay Sti-eet, four doom West of Post Office, where he may be found at all times, when not professionally engaged. July 13, 1800. ^ 35 ly oi^'r^~\bTi€E. Dr. R. SCOTT would request all those desiring his professional services this Summer to call soon, as he will be ab.sent from Fayetteville from AUGUST 2 until SKPTE.MBER. June 20. 30-tf D' DEIJTI^TRY. iR. J. D.AV'IS having decided on perma nently locating in the Town of Fayette- respectfully offers his services to the citizens of this place and surrounding country. In all the various branches of his Profession, including the manufacture of Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an extensive experience, to which i« added a thorough Den tal education, that he can give entire satisfaction as far as is in the power of Dentistry. All irregularities of the Teeth treated in a proper and careful manner, as well as diseases of the mouth. None but the proper metaW are made use of in the various operations. Charges will he moderate, that the benefits of the Profession may be place ] wi’thin the reach of all ^1)# feel an interest in the^pn-^crvation of the Teeth. Office over Houston’v Jewelry Store, where he may be found at all titaes. May 10, 18&8. gtf Liberal cash advances will be made on Consignments of Country Produce. S®"Office on North Water St., over H. Vonglahan’s Store. • JOHN W, OWEN. O. 8. YARBROUOH. Wilmington, Oct 20. . 64- R. TI. ORRELL. TURPENTINE INSPECTOR THOSE sending their Spirits Turpentine to me nay rely upon it to have prompt and careful altenti()U. My warehouses arc fronting the whif-ves aiid near the river. Sept’r 13, 1858. ^ 45tf JOSEPH r.~bl6ssom. V ill .n 1 K !§ I A N I» Forwarding I^Ierchant, Vi^ilminston^ *V. i:. 0 gQrPrompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and Cash advances made on Produce to be shipped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12. 1855. 67tf jsTovi:s, iko\, n:\-\VARr., N H V\l». rt largo ..ssorltiicut of I’.ox .md Cooking Stoves: Jin waiv; Slie-'t-lron; Lead Pip** Al.so 7/ir '•(tld Itomiiiion t'otfe^ For sale l.y J \ M E.' MA RTIN E. Nov’r 2i. tit'tf LA\B I'OR f«iAliE. THE s'lbst'riber having rcmoveil West, offerH for sale liis L.VNl'S in Harnett ('on;i(iP lying innncdiately on each side of Cup*' I'lvn River, containing 12(t(> acres in each tract. Tliesi- Lands are siiu:'ii*.d iti a hcaKliy country, pl‘asain n^ighi>oi iiood. and within a half a mile (>f the vilbt^re of >'iiinnnM ville, willi "oo.l I/W'dling.; on ea:h «-id all necc^'ai-y )nt-il«i;'C'>, and cloir- ed Land enongli to work 2.'» or h:in.ls to ndv.uitagc. Theri- ar; or. I (le.-r i:*;icb- siniic si.'t liiindri-'l affes ct tine I’ottoiM, iDo.st ot ^liich i>. iincb ared, itii''. •»'«11 v:th white o:ik and oiher line Tii.ibi-r. .A large po’-lion of the balance i.-* oak and liickory ilidge l.ands; tin bal ance is p’lie Land of a gool ipiality.' having been work ed in Turpentine tliree yei4*’s. Theee Lands will be sold low tor Cash or Young Negroes, or on time lo suit pni'cliasevs, wilh ayypvoved boud^i, .tan'y 1-^. N. G. J()NES. \OTieE. t.^XPECTINf} to be absent from the State iiPtil the J middle of ne.Ti Sutniner, say till July, Ibt'iO, ! have authorized Archibald ilcLean, of Flarnett count}-, to transact busines.s for me during my iibdi-nce, to ■?ell my Lands in Harnett county, and generally to alteinl to all my business. N. G. JONES. Harnett Coirnty, N. C., Jan'y 13, 180t*. 83- I HOOK-BI.\ni.VG N all its kinds, executed with neatness and despatch. Small jobs when done must be paid before delivered, THOS. H. TILLINGHAST. Opposite the Female High School, Hay Street. May 14, 1859. H A~€ARir A WORD TO MY OLD FRIENDS— Those persons for whom I have been attending to Banking business for years:—I am still willing to serve you with the same promptness that I have always done; and to others that may want discounts. Pension business, &c., &c I offer my gervices, with a promise of strict attention. JAS. 0. COOK. JuQe 27, 1859. ^efsvovnl Aey^roes!! Wniited. I 'lENTLEMEN. your old customers are yet in market. Ijf All who have negroes for sale, would do well to give us a call or address us. J. .V McAfthi ti. I POWELL & McARTHUR. L. A. PoWKLl,. ) Clinton, N. O., July I8t>0. 33-Gnipd Book^! Books! I^’RTHEK suT)plies of the Southern Harmony; N. C. r Readers Nos. 1, 2. X; Monteith’s Geography Nos. 1, 2, 3; Lincoln’s Bot-iny; Kames Elements; Wi^s'er’s Pri mary Dictionary; Davies' .Vrithmetic; Columbian I >rator; Northend’s .-Vmerican Speaker; Little Speaker; Emer son’s Arithmetics, &c. &c. Ju8t received by E. J, HALE k SON. Constantly Manufacturing at my Establlshment- /J|B^pVERY VARIETY OF HARNESS. Ij Saddles. Bridles, Collars. Whips ■ and Trujiis; ali kinds of Leather, Calf .Skins and Oil; I Condition Powilers, for diseased Horses and ('aitle; ; Coach Trimmings. Carpet P>ag*i, Valises, Sadiilery, I Hardw.ire, Ac. The largest «tock in the St.ate. sold wholes lie or retail, at tho lowest New York prioej. I Harncis ,\nd Snddies repaired. I JAMES WILSON, j No. 5 Al.irket st. Wilmington. N. n^ar tho Wharf ' Oct. 19, 1850. 51t-lypd. i To Land Biiycrw. 'pilE undersigned offers for sale, in the Coal region, j I at-il within eight miles of the terminus of the Fay- 1 eiteville Wostrrn Rail Hoad on Peep River, I EKiliT HlMtKKn Af RES »F LAM), nljoining the land belonging to the estate «'f (Jeorge Wilcox, dec'd, and lying three n.iles South from Car- ; b(Mit(>n, on Liitle Pocket Creek, .Moore county, j Ttiesc Lands are weli alapted to tho growth of corn, j cotton, wheat, aat.s. rye, kc. There are on the prvm- I ises a comfortable Dwelling, and all necessury Out- ' ' houses, wilh about one huudred and fifty acres under 1 fencc, incli’ding forty or f.fty acies of never-failing 1 l)oftom land. This is a rare cii.anre for persons wish- 1 ing to make investments, as iands are undoubtedly ad- ! vaneing >n price in this section j F(M further infV'riiiation apply to Mi. M. M. McR.ve, ‘ Crane's (^reek, P. O;, .\loore countv, or a'.ldress.me at ; |fc’e!teville, N. C. j DANTFL MrllAE, I For the Heirs of (filbert McHae. ‘lec'd. j Carbonton. Moore co.. N. C.. .-^ug. 24 43if ! BOOTS & I A1' \VH()lTf:S.VLK. Ll\0. i>I. \V.\LliEli, of \orth Carolina, ! "WIT TI ^UAW, DE CWRAW Ac MANI/FAC rt'RKRS OF AND WUOLESALK OK\L1!RS I."* nOOTS^ and No. 31 & DE.Y ST., NEW YOKK. TILL be liappy to see his Southern friends at the above estal>lishment, where, either personally or by order, they may be sup]>lied from an extensive and well assorted Stock of Goods. July 17, 1800. 3)tf ~ JVEW BOOK!^. 1^1 VE YE.VRS in CHINA, by Charles Taylor, M. D. f Margaret Moncrieffe. the first love of Aaron Burr, by Chas. Burdett. Rutledge. Smith’s Rejectad Addresse*. The Actress in High Life—an episode in W^inter Quarters. Also, further supplies of WORCESTER'S aud WEB STER’S Pictorial Quarto Dictionaries. School Books, Colton’s Pocket .^Iaps. &c. -June 20. E. J. HALE & SON. Spellert}. By Richard G. Parker and jAMSi M. Hatson. Recommended wherever they are known as the most beautiful and tho most practical R«aderii and Spellers ever published. The National 8erl» of English Grammar, Illus trated with Diagraui.s. By S. W. (’lark. Clark’s method of teaching this Litlieno dry subject makes it one of the most interesting studies in the language. High School Litcniture. By 31 on mom EU 3Ic- Jil.TON, of Baltimore. Brookfield’s First Book iu (,’ouipositioii. For Be ginners. 40c. W. W. Sniitirs Orthotrraphicjil Book-t. 4 Nos. Northciiil's Little Orator, National (,)rator. and Entertaining Dialogues. Prices, 3Uc., 7-’'0. and Too. Katne's Kleiriciit.s cl’ Criticism, with Additions By Boyh. 51 (Ml. Day's Art ot Klictoric. 75c. Boyd'.s Klcniciit.s of liOL'ic. 75c. Darby rt (ot Atabauia) Botany ot the boutharH States. SI .')0. ' Brooks' ;^ot Baltiuiorc) t^ireck ai.d Latiu .Cla.'-sics, S volumes. Wiley .S: Kubbfird’s Nor^h Carolina Header!:. 3 Nos. 1‘arkcr's School Compendium of N.itura! I’hilo- gophy. SI (h). l’orter'8 Principles of t’lu'iiiistry. 00. Norton it Porter's First Book of Sc;cnc». SI 00. .4 Legal Anecdote.—In an article in the Lon don Quarterly Review, for April, reviewing Hor ace Binney’s pamphlet relative to the old bar ot Philadelphia, we find an anecdote of an Ameri can lawyer, Jeremiah Mason, which we have never seen in print before. It was told by J.>anicl Webster: Mr. Mason wa.s engaged in dfd’enceof a Metho dist minister, by the name of Avery, on a charge of murder.' The professional chmacter ot the prisoner interested deeply his brotiier ministers, j who in numbers attended the trial. The case was j serii)U>, and the advocate was absorbed inienlly ' watching the progress of the evideiicf, carefully no- 1 tingit, and observingit.s effect upon thejury, when I one ot these mini.ster», who would now be called j a Spit itualist, was led to liis side, and in grea* ; agitation said. “.Mr. Ma.son, Mr. M;ison, i have '■ a most iinport^int matter to communicate. The .\rchaiigel (.labi iel came to my bed.^iue, thi.s luorn- ! ing. ami told me that Brotiier Avery wa.s in- j nocenti" Without lifting his ey(.sor pen tronrtlie paper, Mason replied, ' liCl him be subptena*d iui- Brook?’ (of JJahiniore) Schcol Teacher’s Kogi?- mediately,” and continutjd his work. ter. oOc. ■ ■ Brooks’(of Baltimore) Manual of D-.'votion for i Thet’ologneGazctte informs usthat thedaughter Schools. .:>^c. of the I >nchess of Montpensier, who was recent- j Mcliityres (^ot Balt High School) Astronomy ]y baptized in Spain, received the following names at the font; Maria de las Mercedes, Isabel, I'ran- j cisca de .Vsis, .\ntonio, liouisa, l''ernanda Feli- ' pa, Amalia, Christina, Francisca de Paula. Ha- w and Globes. loc. Page's Klfinents of Geology 7;>c. Chambers’ Kloineiits of Zoology. SI 00. Smith & Martin’s System of Book-koejiing & Blanks. loc. ea. Bartlett's {of West l’i>int i (\>ilege (bourse of Philosophy. (’iiurch’s (of West I’oint) (’alculus and Anaiyti- cal Geomeiiy. Courtenay’s (of Virj'inia) Klemonts of (.’alculus. ?- oO per copy. HackU'y's (of Columbia College) Trigononietiy. (M). W. (t. Peck’s (of Columbia Col.; Elements of Meclianics. $l 5f). Hanna s Bible History for Schools. SI OO. Beers’ (Jomplete System of Penmanship. 9 No«.. at lOc. each. Dwight’s Modern Philology. $1 75. And many (^ther valuable works, among which might be mentioned The School Teachers’ Library, in Ten Volumes. I'esigned to aid the Teacher in his Profess ional duticB. Forty Years’ Faii|iliar Ijellers of Jas. W. Alexander, D. l>.: Sermons, by J. Addison Alexander, D. D. Also, further supplies of Margaret Moncrieffe; Beulah; Adam Bede; Yusef; Shirley; School Books, &c. July 10. E. J. HALE & SON. Please send to S. P>\rnks S Bi’uk. New York, for their. l^r.scRii’TivE Catalo;uk of all their publications, which shall be sent free of Postage. March 18(30. 97- AfSEAT.'^ IVAITTED. 50 Dollars a Month, and all Expenses paid. VN ACTIVE AGENT is wanted in every County in the United States and Canaiias, to solicit orders anil introcKico our New National Double Thread SEWING M.\GI1I.NE. Warranted equal to any high priced machine. Practical for every family, which makes it the ciieapest and most >>opular nachine in ex istence. A limited number of ri-sponsible Agents are wanted, to travel and solicit orders by Sample, at a salarV of 5')') ]>er month an I nxpenses, Bii'iine-'s per manent. .\ddress. \\itli stamp, for conditions an I in structions, J. W. HARRIS k CO Shoe amu Leather ExcHA.NOii, Boston, Mass. , July 2U. 37-8w mona, Rita, (^agetana, .Manuela, Juana, Jost^ pha, Jitaf^uiHa, .\n:i, H tlacla, >>anti'sin(a Tritiidad. (iatij-ara, .Meichoia, l^iiitliasura, i'ilomiii:;. I'cresa, Todo^ i*'s Santos. \\’hcii that yiMiiig l.niy L'rows to womanhood .■'he will be an inv iliiaMe acnui.-.! tiofi to sbnio one. lie ca» woo !i.'r by .» ciff;rciit title every day during C'>nrt.>inp, and call her names all the vear iiomd alter marr age without creating family disturbance. J hrtiulinJ K.rfnirt.—Beautil'ul is old age, beaiUiflSl as the slow drooping mellow Autumn ot a ricli iriorious .Summer. In thtwW man, nature has fulfilled her work; she loa^Wilin with fruits of Hwell spent life; and surrounded by his children, she rocks him away softly to the grave, t(» which ho is followed by blessings, (jod forbid that we slionld not call it beautiful. There is another life hard, rough, and thorny, trodden with bleeding feet and aching brow; a battle which no peace fol lows this side of tho grave; which the grave gapes to finish.before the victory is won; and strange that tt should—this is the highest life of man. Look back along the great namea of his tory, there is none whose life is other than this. Hes/wii'w.s/f’r lievieic. j Marurnnth Grape vines.—A writer in the Cali- ! fornia Farmer, speaks as follows of a celebrated gr.Tpe-vinc much spoken of:— “The celebrated grape-vine of Montecito, near Santa Barbara, was assured by the owner to tho writer iu the Fall of l8.')'J that it yielded in 1>'57 or 1858 over five thousand bnncho of graphs, fact which has been much disputed, but fioui pcr- ,j sonal visit and inquiry we believe it correct and true. This grape vine covers an arbor of about thirty feet long by the same breadth, and ten feet i high) the trunk is twice thick as a man’s thigh.’' *