•jrnin Mn..ano« Ibf' tb« 'Hina /vf oi.*^ t fer tb« ikAil harei herei. - '« oie. .houij 1 -an only pronu.,^ w "bftt abilitT 1 HK. TOR MoNfiaf*' l4't« reque«t ofoii^ inour 7e » CtndiU te of 'aenff .f Blades Co t. diich»rf* Uioduu. ofor« ao*e B P“!T2RAND0LPh 34-10 kin^ ■ r praiae of k T 0 W’ 8 t R 1)1 \ L. /atit 1» no.- e you tiiAt wiiat w •'it-mtantou, »tu. •»y.. €' OK OriATC lieTp . h - rr=n. my fAf ,u/,r. by . •.(*; ».'* sntK lUtiu Us ii«i. V., the otUi, hildrrn Teethiug. D|*r. ( In tl.e Bonelo, Acidity Cold in the Head, *aj ^umt. ...■ trjy !r, rf,; injuSon, it hns •», e9ua! is U(> ; w;:! «uccm4 or other Kit*. ur c/»i. ' and uuh ti-jjn httnj ■■ -lirhcft U/hic\ -irt f n-i’-C' -j r ithi. *i .jii ■ *' / Sfd. C-ik* Cordial; tuis v.ni c«n r«*j lea-*, . i cu!iiiot injure th« 2.S - er - Ful ilirttiuoni vpai ■ ■ V HI U( H i 1)I P0>T, r ' .New York )n tw'ing TIED e ^»: ie elenients. ■« ^'liiiidard. Analyi« puon. Liter i I we find in fl^erj >? !:;es of Blood well. ^ Jheory—l,,nc. ing fn fula. V n fhr- id yo .. I upon lere a: ARATIONS Bl. iifferent diseaa** roiif-hitiv.^ r any affee- ‘Oiit indciciag 1, w the No. for %, 1.0%^ of App«til«, »iU|»lHiiiU >.i isin(( from el»ilil>. ] .\(‘rvoui r I.iv4>r CoiiiplHinit, H'ln, I .1 ;rfd f - |r ■ i •’arried im- >n. S' • y- ii jutr. F«‘iiial«> lrr«‘tfulari- Ai'. -p I'laldi- E:rii|»liuiiv . Kl:idd«‘r Com* kU c:v f - inn mu!i: of the Ulool Food $; II Kill A DIPOVT. iKJ Ui >a> , . -ew Vork. the country «6-ly u^ed an and .. ret.\r_, n of N scien’ of ih. )le, if je of 0 f 5" Orlv £ . KIPORT 'iU RKGia^. ' froB. ' Kepori ■ %les oa th« f . le Nary to ex- ar.'; :;a "rtiis 'later-uent of th« 'late, and ihe Maps »ny yei puMiitheti e ^ "k. which is j| Dt by maii, fre* A liberal di»- f.l. -t SON. IC*€*. to tb> [ay 1- lai hi* ' rom . . ie 1^ ai 10 lbs : of Cumberlan,. as a runaway, i >e 1 HKND£R " County, aca : years old,' when takee panti. an j black rouad (d to * le ^ -rward, pro»t ake h u^av, or he wii. ii». G L IcfT.VT, JaiUr 2:nf tE JO^IPIW, iO'V'V. Charter Perpetaal $1,500,000 0« l,54M,(IOe 00 tt.030,4is M) if i; . H Z i-K -T. A M b . KR I' \ ^XiNDBR w t V. c INARD. rTL£ Alex ■ R, V. Pret’: L W r S' : ! ai d fairpr?^ ly 1- w ■'for!' ' *ai itt v»!i;« 1 ury ' .^44 - lew ( a hr.*, 1 «».- ai d 3-30,3''^ 1 f-. 42S ^ Ert i, upaLy ay te»in*> f J HALE tit ♦ - ' ' l*'«>riu Book; • K A su>'- £. J lOKS!! ^KK »>..ur ition y i- ifUtO t V, •■y. by : ,.. on N*' • ■-.or Em* .-11 Ut cri^ i«l B'.ok of irui;r t/Up f, Pr*i*’‘‘^ ,jjr Uook»i IPAlrlEWlE S E 911-W E E K L Y. [VOT-. X.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., JULY1860. [NO. 938.] VTKM .MON’D.VYS AND THURSDAYS KDW4KI) J. HALE & SON, EI»lTi>KS AND l*R()l*RIKTORS tho Semi-Weekly ObsilKvkk $3 00 if paid in icc: Jo .'I'l if paid during the year of lubscrip- or .■* I after the year haiji expired, r^iiibc Weekly OBMKaviiK $2 00 per annum, if paid in ■#Nlni e; iji'i if paiil during the ye«r of subscrip- liii; or 00 after the year has aspired. ADVlillTlSKMKXTS insert*h1 for t>0 cent*per tqaiitof 10 linos for the first, ami cents for eJich ;mj otlier country produce. ■oeeeedtnc; publication. Yearly advsrlisenaents by spe cial Mntr^ict . at rea.soiiaViIe rates. Adyertiseri are number of in!»ertions desired, or be continued till forbid, and charg«d accord- trti««t‘menis to be inserted tntiile. charged 50 por fextra. VV. He CARVER, Healer in Dry €iJool«, ^iJroceriew, mill i*rovi?«iioii«, Xl'^'ILL always keep a Stock of Seasonable Goods y\ on hand, to sell cheap for Cash, or exchange for I’roduce at Cash prices.- Hay Street, Fayetteville, N. C., -April lt5. 9-tf W. ni I.I^ARD, # 'omm iss i on tlie rrh ai»l^ WILMlN(iTOX, N. C. |)Kt>>Il’T and PKKSON VL attention will V>e given to the sale of Naval Stores, Cotton, Lumber, Timber, .-^rKCIAL NuTICK. WjrOBi and after this date, no name of a new subscriber willte entered without payment in advance, nor will Uie pi^Mr be sent to sucli subscrrbers for a longer time than is pal 1 t or. Suck of oiiv .iM ^ubse^ibors .^9 desire to take the pa per •»tlii' ysiein will please notify us when making raiittti'ce-. Jwa’y 1. ’' RKFER TO O. G. P.M»«i.KY, Pres't Com. Hank at Wilmington. JoH.N D.vwson, “ K. N. C., at do. Messrs. H. K. J. Lilly, ) „ Messrs. Pkmi.krton Sloan. , A. P.vRKKR, Lstj., Harnett County, N. C. May 7, I860. 15tf The fjurg^si Carriage Fae.tory in the SouthI JAS. C. :fIcRAE, • ittorney at Etair^ Ofict' We-it en l of the Insurance Uuilding, Hay St., Fayetteville, N. C. H«reli 3tf “^FRENCH STRANG-E, | Afforney at Law, | ' Fayetteville, N. C. hat rocentlv occupied bv C. Ci. Wright. Cs-i., ; o^the .1 • Ti'iw ocftjpied by him iu Dr. hobinson's bidiiin.: (ill > ;•. Street. Bee r J. iN'iV. 72- n%?#. !•, ^ Attorney at Law, | F.\vi;iTv:viLLK, N. C. VTTTLL attend tiie County and Suycrior C.iurts of TT Cwrn)i'-rl-ind. H:trnett. Moore and llohe-ion (''.nin- ti«s. Pr.oiij't attention given to the collection of all clatms i iiiiiisi.-l to his hands. Oet 17. 1 f)8-tf I.AW \OTICE. The Si-’’"-ri’ier li.i.iiiiT removed from .''umiuerville to Fi^ei •. CoBrti "i ' it! sii J. H.irnetf and .Moore. His otfi fir .11 ri-'idericp. on tJreen Street, oppot^ite the l^piBCvi :ii 'hui--!i. Hie .■..rr.-[.:,nd ent? will please address him hereafter •t F»v. ■ .eville. instead of Sumnierville. NKILL McKAY. Jan'v'Jl, ! ‘ h-'.-tf will Mtteli l tho (,'oiintv and Superior : T. T. ;. Hrr>i>. fhiMir-if \Vv »TT •.) J4ME8 Ti PPICR. K-q. I! (’ I'RI^liiLEV. t’»i| V I.*. I ■ II K-«i WiLI tAX I'tTTKiRIt W 'I I' '■ Itev. W. 11. Car-o>. KiJ S.I SUrch y. l-.an \olice TB^ ib' ; ' ’ ‘ h.sviiit: retired from the liench. with pur[. • lev..--., tiiinself to the pr-^i-tice of the L.iw. ■Wtftuttfiid tu- .•it';er the counties if Cu’iiberl:inl. Hob- eaoii ill! 1 ;it all tlie S'ourr-i. and the .''uperior CtfSrt- ol Kit-i iiii-nd. llnrnett and Samj'son. J. 0. SllEPHKUD. ^fgr.v 1. l'-/i. :j:;tf .lOSKPl! liAKKR, .In.. ATTOK ^ K V AT L A \V , Has taken an ittiee next door to Wm. D. Wright’s Law OSce - n ire>-n Street. He will attend and practice in tke C'junty and .'-^iijierior Courts of Cumberland. BlsdcB, Ibil.f-f.n and .'ratiijison. Itoch I'.v.i. 7!*tf JOH.\ U. C LAUK, (oniniHsion and Forwardiug Merchant, —DK.VLEU IX — Lime, Cecaeiit, Plaster, Hair, &c. LUTTERLOH S WHARF, WILMINGTON, N. C. .AGENCY rOK STEAMERS KATK MfL/kl’RIN ANl> S\':«. April 20. 1800. ‘ 11 tf ROIIKKT II. C'OWAA, Oetiertti Cotmiiissiott •IMerchant^ wiL.Mixr.Tox, X. r. Otlice South Corner Market and Water streets, up-stairs Oct. 13, ISVJ. r>7-lY T. i\ X II. IVOUTII, roiiiniis>ion and Forwardiug Merrhauts, WII.MIXGTOX, X. C. Jan’v 2s. 1S.)9 8ltf C. H. KOIMNSO.V II. U. UOUINSON. V. II. ROIIIAM>\ \ 4 0., Commission and Forwarding Merchants, WIL.MINCTOX, X (’. Consignments and country orders will l eccive promj.t personal attention. March 17, 18*W). 2tf i:i>\VI.\ II. RAAAi:V, UenernI i'ommission •lierrhant^ 52 South Uharves. brtwreu Markft \ ('lifstniil Sis. i Consignments of Cotton. N ival St-.ire. Flour. Rice, Ac. I will always receive liis prompt p rs itial attention. .Vdvaii'-e-; will be made only on ai-tual ('on-iigment«. KICFIRCNrKr*: VV 4I.KKR. Kvav« k. C’o (‘hnrlMton I-'lms Bl Mit« iici.l. WiiininL'ton. Hunrt .Ni ti. frNtj. hrv J iMPf B. I'ayi OR. Kit hoiM. Ri V. J, I.KU'ts Slirt K. W nic'«Ei>n T, K’tij N, V Hap.JoHH \V. c^kvioN, h'Mj.. I’h»ln. i*‘j 1 \ A. A. McKKTIIAlX RESPKCTFULLY informs his friends and the public, that he has built up large substan'ial Brick Build ings at his Old Stand. exp:-essly for manufacturing Car riages. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he lias received for the last 21 years, he hopes by strict atten tion to liusiness, with a desire to gi»e satisfaction, to merit a continuance of tho same. He" w.arrants his work to he made of the best material aiul by experienced workifien in each branch of thw business. His work will compare favorably with any made in the United States, for neatness and durability. He is determined to sell and do any work in his line on as good terms as any Work done elsewhere that is as well dona. He now has on hand, finished, THE LARGEST STOCK, OF Carriages, Barouches, Rockaways and Buggies, ever offered in this place, and a very large stock of work nearly tinished, which will be finishe«l daily. All of which will be sold ver^' low for cash, or on short time to jiutu'tual customers. gtaJT'He has on hand more than ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY VEHICLES finished and iu course of con:>lruoiioii. ®ii^All work made by him is warrtnted 12 months witii fnir u-'age. and shotild it fail by bail workmanship or material, will be repaired free of charge. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and ex amine for themseives. tirilers thankfully received and promptly attended to- Repairing executed at short notice ami on very reason able terms. -May 28, IHt)'!. 89-tf Floral Collegrce The Fall Session in this Institution will commence on the 18th of JULY next. The management and instruction of the Institution will be under the Rev. Daniel Johnson and Mr. John C. Sutherland, with an able Corps of Assistants in all the departments. Th« Principal and his lady will continue to take entire charge of the Boarding establishment, thus giving to the School more of the family element. Tiiis arrangement, it is believtd, will greatly advance thtt usefulness of the Institution. M. C. McNAIR, Sec’y Board of Trustees. June 18, 1860. 28tf P. J. NIAt'LAIR, Ittorney and (ounsellor at Law, F.U ETTEVILLE. N. C., rl.L pr; . tioe in thet'ourts of Robcsun, Cumberlanl, llftriHit ,tid Richii'ond BQ>"Promjit attention (illM !■ :ill li : ine-' entrusted to hin. F^l'y o, ; 80- w LL i > R.nd. Jane, 1; II. It. III LLA, Attorney at Law, , AsiMF.IJORu’, X. ’ ftico in the '-'ounty Htid .'superior Courts of ij'li, and adj-'ining Counties. A. D. 3IeLEAA, ittorney and Counsellor at Law, .rM.>ll-:RVILLH. X. c., TJ^Ll. riitend the C.,nrt.s ; ('umbcrland. Moore. John- yy ,s| II and ilaiiii-!t Cuunties. PROMPT attention pven i I ! i:i collection of all cLiims entrusted to his care. Dee r 2" I -'/.*. 78-ly R4>RV ?I(-\AIR JNM. M. i»AXt II. HYV.\N. V. M. UY.M.i\N, I^utt >f 7’. • ‘i >f :t' .NVc^. /.aft ••r H {rrm’^n. I>A \’V, IIVIIAA X i'O., CoiiiiiiiMsi€>ii .Merchants l*.J I M*rarl Street, ►VJJIf IV//#a. Will open a Rrunch Iluuse in N-irfi Ik. Va., on the 1st if Septi-mber. I'-'KI. under the iiarne -f lIV^i VA, DA AC V A; C O. July •). ISot'. ;j2tf GEO. W. W. A. J. HOWELL. HARRISS & HOWELL, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, WILMIXtJTOX, X. V. Oct. 17. 1«.').». 58 lYpd WII.I.IAn J. PRIC K, inspect or of Turttent ine, WILMIXGTOX, X. C. ftoy* Will attend promptly to all business entrusted to his caie. .Alarch 2',*. 4-lypil Wnt. H. TI RLIAfiTO.lf, CoiiiiiiiNf^ion 31 ere ha lit 9 wij.mix(;tox, x. c. AX'^n^L give ppccial attention to the sale or shipmeni M of all Naval Stores, Cotton, Flour, Tiuiber, and J. W. R¥KKR Is now receiving I'roiii the X'^orth the largest, finest, and most carefully selected stock of ftkivititke: ever offered in this market; which added to his own i!iaiiul'acture, makes his assortment complete;— all of which he will sell on tlie lowest possible terms for casli or on time to punctual cuRtomers. Fashionable painted cottage bed-room Furniture in ortiM; curlfd liiiir Hiid wliiick, and oottun MattrcsHea; Looking (Jlasses; Willow Wagons ami Cradles; Side lliiard.-: Bureaus; .‘Secretaries and Book-Cases: What- Nots; Tables, all sorts; Wash Stands; t'andle Stands; Wardrol)es: Picture Frames and tilass; Window Shades; Cornices; Cun.iin Bands; Solas in .Muhogony and Wal nut; Tete a Tetes: >tt»imans; Divans and .''tools; Ch.airs of every variety. Fine llustWiMMl one witli vKolian at tachment; Rosewood Melodians. from tlie best manufac tories in New V>rk and Boston, warranted as good as any made in the country, and will be sold at New York prices—freight only added. September 2. 45tf.^ i^larble Faetory, STATE m m JIACIII.\E WORKS. KMWA.'V STREET. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. I^HE luidersigned,'having erected busings suitable for CAR and MACHINE WORK—also General HOUSE CARPENTRY—would give notice that they are prepared to execute all orders in their line with neat ness and dispatch. We are prepared to do all kinds of SCROLL SAW'- ING and PLANEING at short notice. Having a first class Woodworth Planeing Machine, we are prepared to Plane, Tongue and Groove all kinds of Flooring and Ceiling on reasonable terms. Contracts taken for the erectioii of Buildings, and Jobbing of all kinds executed neatness and dis patch. Sashes, Doors and Blinds of all descriptions, manufactured equal to anything to be found in t*-* Northern markets. Plans and specifications furnished and the erection of buildings superintended when desired. W ALTON & BARRY, Car Builders, Carpenters & Draughtmen. Fayetteville, Oct 8, 1859 54-tf WM. CARTERTiOXS H.^A’E put up and permanently located the best BOOT and SHOE MANUFACTORY in N. C.. to which the attention of the whole South is earnestly invitel, particularly the citixen** and Planters of our .State. We are determined not to be put down by men who are daily bringing in Welted and Split Leather Shoes; it is distinctly understood that our Shoes are made of Upper Leather tanned by us, .and that we do not put any welts in any Peg .Shoes we make. Now is the time to test the true feelings of N. C. men. .Ml orders from a distance shall have prompt atten- 'ion. Address us at Goldston. WM. CARTER. D. A. CARCER. S. S. CARTER. JOHN Q. CARTER. Goldston P. O., Chatham Co., N. C., \ ... March 23, 18fi0. ) U W£:!S^T£R.lf RAII^ ROAI>. TNTIL further notice the Train will leave Fayette ville on Mondays, W'edncsdays and Fridays, at 8 o’clock, A. M., and return the same days; leaving Spout Spring Depot about 4 o’clock, P. M. C. B. MALLETT, Pres’t. July 17. 36tf THE STEAMSHIP Parkersburg, Captain Pdwkll, will leave New York ar.d Wilmington on the following days: Saturday, July 14th, leaves New York for Wilmington. Saturday, “ 21st, Saturday, “ 28th, Saturday, Aug. 4th, Saturday, “ Saturday, “ .Saturday,_ “ Saturday, Sept. Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, 11th, 18th, 25th, 1st, 8th, loth, 22d, 2'.nh, Wilmington for New York. New York for Wilmington. W'ilmington for New York. New York for Wilmington. Wilmington for Now York. New York Tor Wilmington. Wilmington for New York. New York for Wilmington. Wilmington for New York. New York for Wilmington. W'ilmington for New York. For freight, or further information, apply to £. A. KEITH, Agent, W'ilming^n, N. C. H. B. CROMWELL A CO., No. 80 West street* New York. July 19, 1860. 36-lm 50.00 For sale at July 19, 18ti0. BUSHELS PRIME CORN, 250 Spirit Barrels. 10 Barrels best Glue, 13 Tons Hoop Iron. W'ORTH, WIGHTMAN & CO’S. #7^ m To tlie liilereKt ol* Turpenline UiwtillerM. MA. BAKER would re.spectfully inform Turpentine . Distillers ami others that he is now manufacturing The Improved Turpentine .Still. All orders promply attended to. Copper work done on the most favor ible terms. Old Copper oought for cash or taken in exchange for new Work. Call and see for yourselves at M. A. BAKER’S Copper Shop, Fayetteville. N. C. Feb’y 1, 1860. ggtf Jan’y 20. 1860 84- AS busiii ' tention un i Oct. iiitrusted to him will receive i>romi.t at- 'lleetiun-- punctually remitte'l. f JOIIA P. FI LI.KR, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Wil.I. PRACTICE I.V TItF. COUKTS iF lol)»".»n, (iimherland, Columbus and Bladen. H!' - at Luinticrton, Robeson Co., N. C. July-'i, I'*-'.'.* 29tf ^ fii:i»i'Ai. aotii’k:. T\ .McL. '• ll.\IIA.M, ,\I. D., offers his professional .^r. i-rvice'- to the public. Office on Hay Street, four deor \\! t of P= -I oriire. where he inuy be found at all *il. ‘ . wh.-n rivt profi-.--ionally engaged. J .ly l.J. 1" .0, 8o-ly l>ly\TAI. .\OTK'i:. ~ X\K. I; .'I i»['T v.ould jeipiest all th j^e desiring his 'II: 1 icrv-fcs this Suiiiiiier lo call soon, as , ■® '■ ■•ti' from F’ayettevillc from AU(JIU.ST2: iaii;l ^1 l’Ti:\ii;i;p,. Jiine2t;. 3o_,f jf wiv\rrvrRV. I ill. .i. 1* \Vl.SJiaving decided on jicrina- , neniloeaiing iti the Town of Fayette- ! vilii-. re']n i :fully ,tr:is iiis services lo tlie ! •this place and siirroundiag countiy. In all i rious branches of liis l'i„ter-,-ion, including ihe j f.-iuri- ■\Iiue;al leeth, in> ij saii.ufied, after an ! iv.- (•.X|ierienfc, to which i.- a'Mcd a thorough Den- j •-iMon. that he can giveentire satisfaction as far i 1 ill*- p.iwcr of Dentistry. All irregularities of tho i ' I'V'l I., li pi-.itier and careful manner, as well as ! • t the iiKiuih. None but the jiropHr rnfi;;ls nre i ■ >! in the vari'ius oftera!ions. Charges will be 1 ■ ii iln! benefits of the Profession m iy Ik* , " '' '• r-;i''li of all who may feel an inierest ■a of I tie Teeth. r Houston's Jewelry Store, where he"' •i-11 titiies, j 9tf other country province. Refers to: H. R. Savage, f’ashier Bank of Cape Fear, ilmington; Jno. Dawson. Pres't Wilmington Branch Bank of North Carolina; W. H. Jones, Cathier Raleigh Branch Bank of (,'apc Fear. Nov 9, 18G9 ■ 65-tf 01VI:A X 1 ARItR4»r;il. n.VVH this llay entered into Copartnership for the purpose of transacting the orneff ant! i'ounsetlor at JLatr, Commission au'^ Forwarding Business, I.t -MBFIKION, N. f . : jj, branches, in Wilmington, and will give prompt : ii;n 1 and practice in the County and Superior , personal attention to all business entrusteil to their care. ( ii»iri- lit l;..bv.~i»n. Richmond and Cumberland, i Liberal ca-^h advances will be made on Consignments of Country Produce. gS^^rOtSce on North AVater St., over H. Vonglahan’s .-^tore. JOHN W. OWEN. O. S. YARBROUGH. Wilmington, Oct 20, 18-Sr 04- R. TI. ORRKM.. TURPENTINE INSPECTOR. Those sending their .Spirits Ttirpentine to me mav rely upon it to have firomj)! ami careful atteniiou. My warehouses are fronting the wharves and near the river. Sepi'r 13, 1HT.8. 45tf JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. € O n TI I .S S I O !\ AND Forwarding Merchant, Mfi-loi#, .V. V. g^i^Proinpt ppr.^oii’il attention given to all Consign- meiKs. and Cash a Ivanei-s- lade on Produce lo1>e shipped to other ports or sold in th.j market. Feb. 12. 18.V'>. 07tf lU)OK-I{IM)l\G IN all its kinds, executed with neatness and despatch. Small jobs when done must be paid before delivered, THOS. H. TILLING HAST. Opposite the Female High School, Hay Street. May 14, iB.j'.t. 14 A C ARD. ~ A WORD TO MY OLD FRIENDS— rpilO.SE persons for whom 1 have been attending to i I’anking business for yc:irs;—I am still willing to sei ve you with (he same [iromptnesa that I have always done; and to otliers tiiat yiay want discounts, I’ension business^ inc., &c 1 oflerruy services, with a promise of strict attention. JAS. G. COOK. June 27, 1869. 26tf 0 i niuti- >t' • til' f'l.Ulld :i! ’ May l'», 1868 llarilware. Cutlery, sa»»i.i:ri% Xc. T.\MES MARTINE i« now receiving a large anI gene- •j ral assortment gf every thing in the above line. —ALSt)— prime article of Rio, Laguira and Java COFFEE Crushed and Brown SUG.VR; Sugar House .SIRUP and MOLASSES. All of which is offered on as good terms as can be had in this market. Nov'r2f, 1^.^8. 66tf STOVES, NIIEET IROS, TI.\-WARi:, Xc. N H AN1>, a large assortment of Box and Cooking Stoves; Tin-ware; Sheet-Iron; Lead Pipe. Also Jiie ttomlnton Vnfm For sale by JAME.^ M.\RT1NE. Nov’r 24. b6tf I.AAII FOR SAI.E. THF; subscriber having removed West, offers for sale his L.VNDS in Harnett County, lying immediately on each side of Cape Fear River, containing 1200 acres in each tract. These Lanils are situated in a healthy country, pleasant neighborhood, and within a half a mile of the village of .Summerville, with good Dwellings on each place and all necessary Out-IIouses, and clear ed Land enough to work 25 or 80 hands to advantage. There are on these lands some six hundred acres of fine Bottom, most of which is uncleared, and well set with white oak ami other fine Timber. A large portion of the balance :s oak and hickory Ridge T.ands; the bal ance is pine L.-uid of a good quality, having been work ed in Turpentine three yciirs. These Lands will be sold low for Cash or Young Negroes, or on time to suit purchasers, with approved bonds. Jan y 13. N. G. JONES. A4rriCK. l^XPlit'TlNG to be absent from the State until the Fj middle of next .Summer, say till July, 1800, 1 have autliorized Archibald McLean, of Harnett county, to transact business for me during my absence, to sell my Lands in Harnett county, and generally to attend to all my business. N. G. JONES. Harnetf County, N. C., Jan’y 13, I860. 83- i\e;;roeMl Aetfroe**!! Wanted. ^K.N’TLEMEN. your old customers are yet in market. Ij All who have negroes for sale, would do well to give us a call or adlress us. L A 'powELi,' } 1’'WELL & McARTHUR. Clinton, N. C., July 9, 1860. 33-6mpd Books! Books! 1 FURTHER supplies of the Southern Harmony; N. C. Rcalers Nos. 1, 2, 3; Monteith’s Geography Nos. 1, 2, 3; Lincoln’s Botany; Kames Elements; Webs'er’s Pri mary Dictionary; Davies’ Arithmetic; Columbian Orator; Northend’s .-VmcricaQ Speaker; Little Speaker; Emer son s Arithmetics, &c. &C. Jast received by £. J. HALE & SON. By LAUDER. TWO DOORS ABOVE C. T. HAlCn h SO.VS’ STORK i Manufacturing at my Establisbment Fayetteville, M. V. ^At^very variety of harness, ' Li Saddles. Bridles, Collars, Whips'_ ’Trunjtg; ^11 kinds of Leather, Calf Skins and Oil; Cendition Powders, for diieased Horses and Cattle; Coach Trimmings. Carpet Bags, Valises, Saddlery, Hardvare, &c. The largest ^tock in the State, sold wholesale or retail, at the lowest New York prices. Harness and Saddles repaired. JAMES WILSON, No. 5 Market st. Wilmington, N. C., near the Wharf. Oct. 19. 1859. 69-lypd. To Land Riiyeri$. The undersigned offers for sale, in the Coal region, and within eight miles of the terminus of the Fay etteville & Western Rail Road on Deep River, EIGHT HIXDKED .\CKES OF L\ND, i SOUTHERN MHOOL BOOKS. A. S. BARj\EN & BURR, I 51 and 53 JOHN STKEET, NEW YORK, I A.\U E. J. fl.UE & SON. FAYETTEVILLR. .N. 0. I PUBLISHERS OF TilK { Aational Series of standard I * School Rook'M. These works are prepared by the best educators in the country, and designed with special reference to the thorough Education of the Youth of our land. I Great care has been taken to exclude sectional or sec- j tarian matter, so that the scries is regarded as truiy 1 the National School ScKibs. The favor which these j books have received from all parts of the United States. ! warrants the Publishers in calling upon their friends to ! examine each of the works comprising this series (pro-, I vided they have not already done so,) with a view of ; making them their Sta.nu.abu Text Books. The i- I lowing is a part of the series: The National Series Of Arithmctirs and Math' I mattes. By Prof. Charlks Daviks, LL. D., formeri j ol the I niied Slates Military Academy, and now a Columbia College. (The standard of New York, Balti more, New Orleans, Buffalo, Rochester, Milwaukee, and other large cities.) The National Serlen of Geographies. Bv Jam es Montsith and Fkancis .McNallt. (The standivrd of New Orleans, New York, Buffalo, Milwaukee, Newark, Brooklyn, and other cities.) The National Serien of School Hhtories. By I Emma Willakh anl Jamus Montkith. (Daniel Web ster said of Mrs. Willard s History of the United States: 1 ‘‘I keep it near me as a valuable book of reference, ac- : curate iu facta auti dales.' It also recoui- mended by Henry Clay, and ►many other of our most ' illustrious Statesmen and Educators.) The National Series of School Readers and ' Spellers. By RicnARo G. Pakkkr and Jamks M. Watson. Recommended wherever they are known as I tho most beautiful and the most practical Readers and I Spellers ever published. The National Series of English Grammar, llius- I trated with Diagrams. By S. W. Clark. Clatk’s i method of teaching this hitherto dry subject makes it ; otie of the most interesting studies in the language. 1 High School Literature. By Monmoxier & Mc- I JiLTON, of Baltimore. j Brookfield’s First Book in Coniposition. For Be- ' ginners. 40c. j W. W. Smith’s Orthographical Books. 4 Nos. Northeiul’s Little Orator, National Orator, and Entertaining Dialogues. Prices, 30c., 7oc. and 75c. Kame’s Elements of Criticism, with Additions By Botd. ;fl 00. Pay’s Art of Rhetoric. 75c. Boyd’s Elements of Logic. 75e. Darby 8 (of Alabama) Botany of the Southern States, fl 50. Brooks’ (of Baltimore) Greek and Latin Classics, 8 volumes. Wiley & Hubbard’s North Carolina Readers. 3 Nos. Parker’s School Compendium of Natural Philo sophy. $1 00. Porter’s Principles of Chemi.otry. ?1 00. Norton & Porter’s First Book of Science. SI 00. Brooks’ (of Baltimore) School Teacher’s Rejris- ter. 50c. ' Becomes of the \eicspaj>f rs'!—The New- buryport Herald has the following in(}tiiry and calculation, which is (^uite as interesting to the genera! public as the inquiry, “What becomcsi of all the pins?” It says: “There are published in this country and Canada nearly three thousand newspapers. More tliuii one half are weekly; the remainder are divided into semi-weeklies, tri-weeklies, and dailies. '1 lu-se papers would more than reach around the g,ltbe. We have sometimes heard it asked, how high ; would all these journals reach, if jiiled on the top of each other, just the thickness of one sheet. Some have answered, a thousand feet; others two ' thousand; others a mile. But all are wide ot the mark. The newspapers published north of the southern line of the United State.s are nearlj' five times higher than the Mount, lilane in Kuropc— a mountain which overlooks a circle whose dia meter is four hundred miles. “Paper printed upon cannot be groun 1 over and made anew. Printer’s ink spoils paper tor re-manufacture, and the great an.ount of jiaper which enters into public journals after lieing perused is not bound up and laid aside, as it should be, for future reference, but goes to waste. A I portion is used for wrapping paper, but, sud as is I the retleetion, newspapers, containing to uiuch that has cost mind-labor, sleciiless nights and I weary days, goes to waste—‘hurries on to indis- j tinct decay.’ Let each one, after reading these ; figures, do his own moralizing.” j A Dark Country.—1 he London correspondent I of the National Intelligencer writes on the libth I ult:— 1 “If Richard Third’s question to his.oiiiccrs on i the day ot the battle of IJosworth, “ Who .smr th> suii to-dd^'/' had been asked generally the people oi England every day during the mon.hs of May and J une—when the sky is ^yc/7u u//y said to be lull of sunshine and the earth covered vilh flowers—the answer vvould generally have been, as it was to King Richard, “Not I.” About three inches more rain has already fallen during these two mouths than does iu the average ot sea.sons and the lonsetjuent want of sunshine atul general warmth has had a most unfavorable eifoct upon the crops of grass and grain.” ailjoining the land belonging to the estate of George I u . Wilcox, dec’d, and lying three miles South from Car- i Brooks (ol Baltimore) Manual of Devotion lor Schools. 38c. bonton, on Little Pocket Creek, Moore county. These Lands are well adapted to the growth of corn, i McIntyre’s (of Balt. High School) Astronomy tton, wheat, oats, rye, &c. There are on the prem- and Globes. 75c. cotton, wneat, oats, rye, sc. There are on ttie prem ises a comfortable Dwelling, and all necessary Out houses, with about one hundred and fifty acres under fence, including forty or fifty acres of never-failing bottom land. This is a rare chance for persons wish ing to make investments, as lands are undoubtedly ad vancing in price in this section. For further information apply to Mr. .M. M. McRae, Crane’s Creek, P. O., Moore county, or address me at Fayetteville, N. 0. DANIEL McRAE, For the Heirs of Gilbert McRae, dec’d. Carbonton, Moore co., N. C., Aug. 24 43ff BOOT8 & SHOES, AT WHOLESALE. JNO* M. WALKER, of North Carolina, WITH SHAW, »E c.;raw X Kl.'vc;, .M*NfFA;TI'RKRS Of AND WHOLESALE DKALKHS IN BOOTS ana SHOEfi, >l(l. ai & :3 Dlil 8T., NEW lUKK. \i7iI.L be happy to see his Southern friends at the TT above establishment, where, either personally or by order, iliey may be supplied from an extensive and well as.sorted .Stock of Goods. July 17, 1800. 3(;tf IVEW BOOKS. 17IVE E.ARS in CHINA, by Charles Taylor, M. 1). Margaret Moncrieffe, the first love of ,\.arou Burr, by Ch&s. Burdett. Rutledge. Smith’s Rejected Addresses. The Actress in High Life—an episode in Winter Quarters. Also, further supplies of WORCESTER’S and WEB STER’S Pictorial Quarto Dictionaries. School Books, Colton’s Pocket Maps, &c. June 20. E. J. HALE & SON. Page’s Elements of Geology. 75c. Chambers’ Elements of Zoology. SI 00. Smith & Martin’s System of Book-keeping & Blanks. 7oc. ea. Bartlett’s (of West Point) College Course of Philosophy. Church's (of West Point) (’alculus and Analyti cal Geometry. Courtenay’s (of Virginia) Elements of Calculus. ■?2 50 per copy. Hackley’s (of Columbia College) Trigonometry. $2 00. W. G. Peck’s (of Columbia Col.) Elements of swords. .Mr. Poree was slightly wounded in tin Beneilict Arnold and the Luu: of Ever* ett, in the thirty-ninth number of his *Mount V'ernon Letters, says of Arnold: “I cannot refrain from repeating another anec dote of him, recorded by Mr. Sabine, which throws a dismal light upon the repute in which it whs held where it might be kindly viewed. After th«.- revolutionary war, he established himself in .some sort of business at St. John, New Bnin.'wick, which was principally settled by American loyal- ist.-?. His workhouse and the merchatulise being fully insured, were destroyed by tire, and Arnold was charged in a news{»aper with having hiui&elf set fire to the building, in order to get the insur ance, which was largely beyond the value of the property. lie prosecuted the [lublisher ol the paper I'or libel, laid the damages at thousands, and re covered by the verdict of the jury two and six pence! Such was the estimate formed by a St. John jury of his probity.” The war of the Dictionaries has taken a new form. In view of the criticisms to the disparage ment of Webster, the publishers of that work have instituted a comparison, by actual count, between the number of words iu Worcester and Wthstt r, respectively. According to their showing, there are 140,Uoti words in Webster, and lL>2,40J in Worcester; being a difTerenco of 7,050 in favor of the former. Not content with this, the number of ems of printed matter iu both works have been measured, with the following result: UVA.s^t/-, 14,(4(,352^ ^\orcestcr lo,27o,5oli. Those who are partial to statistics will be edilied by this in formation, the publication of which does not in the least afiect the question of the comparative value of the two Dictionaries. A Western paper, chronicling the lamentable occurrence ot a staging attached to a church being blown down, very feelingly says: “We are happy to state that over twenty per sons were brought suudenly to the ground safe, and one man, 3Ir. Wilkins, got his neck broke. Mr. W . was an estimable young man, aiul the father of a goctd many children, besides a large farm well stocked. He w;is fatally injured.” A ludicrous story is told uf a New Vork post master. When the news of Douglas' nuniination reached his town, he and his friends brought out the big gun to fire a salute. 'J'hey had got about half through the allotted number of discharges, when a nassenger from the telegraph office infonn- ed theiu that the Seceders had noniinatfd Breok- itiridge. “Indeed have theyl” said the postniastef. .Standing a moment in a bn»wn study, he shouted. “Boys! there’s no knowing into whose hands we may fall. IjOnd Jor Hrevkinriihjr Cool.—Considering the heat of the weather the following lae.jnic announcement of a duel taken from a N. O. paper ot the llitli is decided ly refreshing: Duel.—A duel took jilaeo yostcniay morning under the “Oaks,” in the city I'ark, betwei-ii Messrs. (’anon and 1‘orei-. 'I licv fouirht witli Forty Years’ Familiar Eietters of Jas. W. Alexander, D. D.: Sermons, by J. Addison Alexander, D. D. Alsu, further supplies of Margaret Moncrieffe; Beulah; Adam Bede; Yusef; Shirley; School Books, &c. July 10. E. J. HAL^ 80N. Mechanics, fl 50. Hanna’s Bible History for Schools. SI 00. Beers’Complete .System of Penmanship. 9 Nos.. at li)c. each. Dwight’s Modern Philology. SI 75. And many other valuable works, among which might be mentioned The School Teachers’ Library, in Ten Volumes. Designed to aid the Teacher in his Profess ional tiuties. Please send to \. S. BAll^Ks Bt rr. New York, for their Descriptive Cataloolk of all iheir publications, which shall be sen}, free of Postage. March 18G0. 97- breast. Iiii/tnioiix ihd' r.—A volunteer rifle e:iptain, desiring to cross a field with his company, tame to an opening in the fence large enough lo admit two persons, but no more, to paiis abreast. I 11- fortuiiately he could not remember the wotds o!' command which would have ae oiii]»lislu J the diificult task ot tiling through, l>ut his in::et,uity did not desert him, and, tlieret’ore, he ord'^red a halt and then said, “(jentlemen, you are di-iiuissed for one minute, when you will lall in on t'otiier side of tJie fence.” *1 (’ilntlotis •Juiltjf .—An Irish judge tried two most notorious fellows for highway robherv. To the aston'shment of the court, as w«H as ot the prisoners themselves, they were found not guilty. As they were being removed from the bar the and introduce our New National Double Tlinad $2(1 judge, .'ildressing the jailor, said: “.Mr. Murphy, SEWING MACHINE. Warranted eipial to any high you would greatly ease my mind if you would priced niachine. Practical lor every family, which keep these two respectable ii» ntlemen until seven A«K.¥T.'Si %VAATE«. 50 Dollars a Month, and all Expenses paid. An .\CTIVE AGENT is wanteil in every County in the United States and Canadas, to solicit orders machine. Practical for makes it the cheapest and most popular macliine in ex istence. A limited number of responsible Agents are wanted, to travel and solicit orders by Sample, at a salary cff §.50 per month and exjtenses. Business per manent. Address, with stamp, for conditions and in structions, J. W. HARRIS & CO. Sboe and Lkathkr Excuanoe, Boston, Mass. July 20. 87-8w or half-past seven o’clock, for I mean to start for Dublin at five, and 1 should like to have at least two hours start of them.” I Pope says: “A man should never be ashamed ' that he has been in the wrong, which is but .say ing in other word.s he is wiser to-day than he was 1 yesterday.” I, f . . ,.g k

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