rvnuv%tiH Hurt for nVr. Iit.r •*i,inv iHU'c- Illv.H-h' ‘ V,‘ -'U-. -nly proinisy ,■ . K. iOti AJoNKit["V» U-te l « or,,,;, w.u.. e n,v.eir a l auJi,, > I!; U FITZK ANDOi -M-te SEMI-WBEKL. Y. ft' "IB [VOL. X.] FAYKTTEVILI.K, N. C., AUGUST 2, 18G0. [\0. 910.] TOlV’S \L t ^ . .' ■ Wo S1_\ V OK OIM H i; llC^ V ' ^ . -.i j„ ^■V . ' » 1 LilUl f!i Tfothiuj l>iar- '» *'“■ »5 '"eK. in tile lleatl, or >iher I- its. Pordial; 0.111^,’, ,j ‘ ' t-' ' iir»:i-ti,,!;. ’’V in K( (I A ill I’OM. 1; ■ . , \,.wY -rk Z^.D KTKU MONDAYS ANT) TIIURSPATS | :OWARi> J. HALE & SON, | ElMTORS AND VKOVUIKTOKS ihe i?inui-Wo»;kly ()usekvkk Si? (X> if pui«l in o; r>0 if paid during the ycfir of fiibsorij.- IHK^or ?♦ after tlti' year has expired. Weekly Obskrveu $2 00 per anmnn, if paid iu ; 4H|nDCu; S- 50 if paid during the year of subscrip- ttMtiov 00 after the year ha? expired. Mr ADVKRTTSKMENT8 in«=or(ed for rtO cents per I •quare pf Iti lines for the first, and 30 cents for each ■aoe««d^g publication. Yearly ailvcrti«enienf3 by -^pr- oial ooDiraots. at rea'^onable rate-s. Advertisers art' ; reqUQSt^d to state ttie number of in.sertions desireil, or be Continued till forhid, and charge^l accord- tisements to be inserted inniiit. charged SO per I •xtra. I J ♦ S?K('1AI. N»)TirF.. ! FrM^nnd after fhi« date, no name of a new subscriber , will b* •ntere«l witliout payment in advance, nor will j p*)|(ir be sent to such su>)serH)ei> tor a longer time ' thaa ijl4|«iil for. • Suchl^f oiLT (dd subscribers as desire to take tli« pa- p«r Ml i^^iis syvtem n'ill please tiotif3’ us wheu making . r*autt«ncei>. Jmify 1. 1868. A ;KTI! The \oW Shl‘. Small, OLOR KD PHOTO(i R A PHS, ,\r I i ; J ART. Woo€lwarir« ^Jolar C.*)iiiern. 1)Ht>Tt>0K.\l’ilS can be had at Vanorsdell's Sityliglil (.lallery, llay street, oppo.'iie .Marble Yard, Fay etteville, N. phiiu, retouched, coloreii, in water colors, oil anil jiasiile; from small to life size. And)ro- tyi>cs, Melan-'iityiK's, .lud all otlier siyles of Pictures pertaining to the \rt. .\lsi>. tJilt Fnimes. Oi!t Mould ing. ila.ss for very large picir.res—as hirge as "_'(i l>y :!(> inches. Cord and Tasselsi for huii-ing pictures; Instru ments. Stock and (Mieuiical'i for sa'o low for cash. Lift* •vize colored Phointrraiihs idc fnim snrill j>iclures. Having p>-'rniattently loc-atei.1 here 1 hope to merit your patronage. 1 would a'iso return niy sincere tiianks f'>r the libertil patronage tiesiowed on me heretofore by the 200d people ot FHycttevilie «uii vicuiily. C. M. VANi*Ut5l)KLL. riioioj'rapliist aud Proprietor. IK’c’r L’n. 18-Vi '77- Ntar l^olish ol‘ t!ie South! rA4 TI «tv A. J. WOODWARD, F\ ve:ttkvi!.li:, a. i . •an ■ r ■•u.cu;,, 1 J. \h.lvze w ■' If I • V >'V.>.-y I'he up .T. • ry—het:ce LHATIOIV'S "! '-i;: li i». I ■(•,v -lifi-.-- •Al luiing « ;.>e \ .. f,,'r ol r 1 ^ i\«T ( i:iiII|«, i-' l‘ I II 4>;;(| ^ tV• ■!, di- f th- tttoo 1 !',,,»*! ^ KI II A J»l PONT. t 1;,. . ■- \ -r k fs 1' ^ luiiirv ' ‘ ’ V KIJMMtT :a! irt.iii>. sed - - f- ■ Ti kli ' 1 . Tt Wld 1 ■i «-- ti 'be ■r If .V . I., ei- * Tiu^ ' :Le ' tin- . •. ..f of ti. W -V ' .»(l t'o; - ■ • . free r,t) . r.%; d;^- ird-- K, . V >o\- . I.L-.- - . • ..riT.au y : hi- i- iiLNDER- r.n I - •. and • is a >t u> >ld. 0 :b- . '• ■. t%ken I • ' •» ' K ruund ' -i: i. pr.jve (0 il i /, or be »i!i I. L J ■ : .-r. 1 _ :f bar ‘er Perpetual. PAYKTI'RVII.I.K HOTKI, ' T. W\M>DTLTi, I’uorRiKTOR. IHTS. the most commodious llot*l in Noitb Carolina, fronting 800 fe«t on Flay an'l fcp T^onaldson .'Streets, located in the centre of th«- buifeHV portion of the town, anil nurmunded t>y all tiiAlifkiug Mouses. Wlioleaale .Merchant* and princi- |i;uce Dealer* Bu.siness men will find the llot«l * conv«ni«nt 1 iforrable house. | the SiagpM arrire and depart from thiii Ilot«l. j FsjretteTille, Oct. 1. ls,')S. ;'>1- , iiousR' 4IfW DOOKS XOKTH «F TUE MAKKKT HOISK. VWTNG to theextensiTO increase of patronage j L* to thin House, during the year. 1 hare es- tended my facilitisii by the addition of a num ber of ooniforiab'e sleeping rooms, witli other import ant improvements, which will add maturially to the •omfort atul coiiTMuitnett of ihose fa?oring me with thair patrouMge. To tlio»«'wIio Ii«v9 be«n my kind friundj and cus- tonwra for the past six yeart. I tgtider my most sincere thanks, at ihe oatne tini* r«e|je«tfui1y soliaiting a eon- tiBuaaat of thair patronage, and alao th«t patronage of j^umber ot naw patrona. I baya good Stabl«« and a No. 1 Ostler. P. SJIEMWKLf.. JaiB’y 1C, I860 84- XBAKKST AND yri’JvK.«T AOiTC TO THE R.lir.ROAD! 1‘olish! Iltnv it Sllint"*. M:my of you recol- I led nine your^ ago ih ir I iravdk-d lhroi^^;h Nonli t’arulina and a p itinu of lutli Carolin.i for the pur- p.).se of inti‘.diu-iir.r ;h!.-l’,.li~h. \s time »!!;ipse i I tVuind iliaf it w.'iild ;:i‘>t!ld. I hr.vi- ^urci’i'ded in making it jierfect nn l will warrani it to giv.' >:at!'faotio:i. It can be had at retail !')r In C' nti ]>er hox or at »iiolesale for ^ixIy cents per dozen. I)caler will iniKard their or ders two weeks previous to the time tlie^ wish them tilled. May o. ISOO. ]'tly !»0 II / I,. 1' I, T vv ' i: LI. ,\l.K V.li, I'l.lSJ. t. I, II I live: ' \N!>KH. \!U), V . I I I. ■- ’T''"' = t v.ilnc '■ 'i. "fy- : u.',~ D" t- ' 1-j BEAMAN & ROBINSON'S | ItiK liURSE bTAUK LL\E TO KENAXSVII.LE, ; VIA WARSAW, ; 18 tke shortest and most expeditious for travelers going | , M|th or South. Leaving Fayetteville every day at 2 o’elSck P. M. TnnoUOH IN TKN UOniS. Oi^Coaches are large and comfortable, drivers «ober •aoa fjptatleinanly, our teams good and sure of fivemilo' aa hoiiv | •Tb#ltFaveUng public who woulvl sittdy their comfort j awl oqovenience will iske the \Viu-»aw Stage. | • Jlj^tllROUGII TICKETS TO WKLlX'N m.ay bo! had atOe Stage Office. Fayetteville. Ma^^. 1800. 25-tf 'rrH (^\R0L1XA IWlTi: NLI.PHl R MI*RIA€i;m. II^ILL BE OPEN for visitors the 1st of TT June. Tliey are situated near the pre sent terminus of the Western N. C. Uaillload. not an hour's ride by si:{>erior Omnibuses atid 'roprietor ha“ procured the services of TIIOMP'iOA* TVLr.R aal^ tiger, whose exfierience at the various fashion abilt’Watering places of Virginia, added to his com manding appearance and gentlemanly bearing, insures good flWer and good fare. Tli*^r7 BALL llOOM LEADER and BLAf'K BAMftijof MCSICIANS that the city of liichmontl. Virj^ai^ affords, have been procured. Ri(^ Vehicles and FIor,se«, BILLIARD SALOONS and LING .\LLEYS, are at the command of visitors. Tha 'country is elevated and healthy; the scenery baaatifbl and roads most excellent, and the pleasure grmulti exlen.sive. Tkwe is no wat«r Viclter than that atiorded \>y the NorthtJaroIina WHITE SULPHUR. Tha^atronage of the Carolinas is confidently ic-lied on toj^pay the Proprietor for the expensive outlay he ha^Mlde to fit up a watering j>lace ■‘uited to their wHni-* And hA.promise« that no pains shall be spared by liim- •elf or .Iiis gentleuianly assistant, to render all who may Ti«it kim, pleasant im 1 comfortable. H. L. KI’Koi'Pii'TOK. May 14, IS'io. FA virrTKvii.i.i: MUtrAL INSVRA^fE (O.MPAsV, Capital in Premium N’otcs amounts to $Jt;7.tiSs i;ti Caiih an hand and other assste, 0,077 H': Thousands *ro daily hpcaking in the praine of DR, EATON’S INFANTILE CORDIAL. and wliy? because it nfcer J'iiU to nJTord imlitu'-i’ui/ut relief wlien given in liTtie. It acts as if by tnfigio, and • nf trial nlr.rtf will convince you that wliat we «>{y is true. It contains .\o OK ori.%Ti^: i«f a>v! kind, an ! therefore relieve.- by rfninvinij the tnftr- \ngt of your child, instead of by dmiL-nin't i t trnriltilitifs. For tliis reason, it commends itself as th.* o/i/w rWi-jWf , ♦Juntlt'iiieD’n Summer (iooJs. and Ready-Made j>re^arati,.nnow known for Chll.in-ii Teething Iliar- Clothing. Bonnet« and Miliinsry (Jood« Fajetteiille Female High School. 1MHS school will commence its Eleventh session on the . 1st .MONDAY IN Ot’TOBEK, uud*r the joint stipor- intendenoe of .1. DeB. Hooper, (for many years Profes sor of Languages in the Univtirstiy of N. C.,) ami T. C. Hooper, (the present Principal,) assisted by a full corpp of experiencad and carefully select«d injitructors. TERMS: Board per Session of 20 w«eks. $*iO (K) Tuition iii Collegiate Depart insnt. JU l.>U “ in .Academic “ 1,") >0 “ in Primary “ 12 00 “ in Music on Piano, L’O 00 Harp, 2r> 00 “ Melodeoii, IS fK) ^ “ Guitar, 18 t)0 in Painting in Oil Colorn, 20 00 “ in Wal*r Color*. 12 1*0 Grecian Painting. IT) Drawing. 10 00 Use of Piano 1 00. Harp 5 tx), Melodaoti 3 00, Gui tar 2 -io. One-half of Board and Tuition payablw in advance. July 10. :?-)-t01 MEDICAL COLLEGE OF VIRGINIA, ~ AT RICHMOND. ^ewtiioii of ^nllF. .Aniiual Cour.«e of Lectures will commence on the I F’irst Monday in (ictobwr. and continue luuil the 1st of March. CH. RET.L GIBSON. M. 1) , Prof. of Surgery. DAVID H. TUCKER. M. D. Prof. of Theory and practice of .Medicine. BEVERLY R. WELLFORD, M. D., l*rof. of Materia Medica and Therapeuiics. •\. E. PETlt'OL.^S. M. D , Prof. of .\natomy. L. S. .lOYNES, M. 1)., Prof. of Institutes of Medicine. J.AS. H. Cf)NW.AY. M. D , Prof. of >bstetrics. Ac. J.VS, B. Mct’.AW. M. l>.. Prof of ('hemiRtry. .M.VRlt>.S' HOWAilD, .M. ]»., Demonstrator of .Ana tomy. Tbis instiliition o*f«rs to the Student avery facility for the actpiisiti -n of a thorough medical education. Through the liberaliiy of tlie Legislature, at its fast session, in sppropria in,? the uuui of Tliirty Thous.ind l>o!l:irs in aici of ttie College, these facilities will be greatly extended. A new llospiial is now in course of erectii.n, in immediate proximity to the I’ollege. which will much enlarge tlie field for (,'linical instruction. All noeilfiil repairs and alterations of the C.illege bttihling will tie duly ac^oniplislied. anl large and important ad ditions lire being niailc to the apparatus and illustra tion.- for the Lectures in every department. ■\mple facilities will be atiorded for the prosecution of Practical .\natoniy. Instead of the “Warren Prize.” of One Hundred Dol lars. hereto*'orc ottered to the graduatinsr cl.as-^. Two Prizes, of I ‘'ty djllar.s e.oidi, are uow otiered—one fiir the best Es -»y 0.1 any surgical subject, and the other f'>r the best Es\ay on any subject pertaining to the Theory or Pi .dice of Medicine. FEES: Tii-ket of Each Pri>fess.jr SI,') Matr.ci’'ation f> Gra iui.tion 2.') l>craoti'^fmtor’B Tickot Kt For further information, or for copy of Catalogue con taining full pai^iciilars. address L. S. .lUYNES, M. D., Dean of the Faculty. July 13. 35-1 It !\ew 8|iriiigr Ooodfi. ALK\. JOHAMO.A, Jr. S r*ceivei in part, and is daily raceiving. a large and desirable stock of SPRING GOODS^ Embracing all the neweil siyles of LadiM' I>rc8k Guodd, Shawig, Lauw Mantillan, Embrulderitia, Jia —ALSO— —.A fine assortment of— ■iAKGE 8TOCK! NEW GOODS!!. Ili.AVE just reoeiveil my Hummer Stock of Good# in my line. They were sulectei iu the Northern uiiius by myself, with great care, and bought on the iiiostrea- I souable terms, by which I am enabled to otfer thelar*- I cst stock 1 ever before otfersd to the public, and to offer I them I At Cirentlv R(‘(liiced Priceii! I . FRUITS; i Raisins. Figs, Prunes, .Apples, Lemoni. Oranges, (/her- j lies, ( uirants, I ie Fruits, &c. ; Boaril, including wa.shing. fuel and light PH’KI,E.S,JELMKS4:Pi!ESEi{VI-: i Tuition in higher branches English I I • . . I “ IfiwAr “ i .Avreat varieiy.-*- ! PRESERVED GINGERS AND CITRONS, &c. IVi’fiiiiieries E:\ti*a€t«, Of various kinds: Fancy Soaps and Poniadei. Jrtvetrtf. Breast Pins. Finger Rings, rameo Set*. &c. MUSICAL INSTIIUMEXTS; Fid.lli-s. Drum'!, Fifes, Flutes, 15anjos, Guitars. Ac. W.ALKING t\\NES. >f every kind; Basket .and Willow Ware. Hobby Horses, &c. 1 1 Faiailies, Schools and Colleges, may engage expe- PIl’KS. — Mcerschauin and" Gcrm.an, Cherry Stem, Ci- I rienced and accomplished Teachers and Professors. mmn fujhiji sfiiooii at GL,EJV^*OOn. The 18th Session of the School at my bou8« will com mence the 1st. day of September next, under the carc of Mis.s L. 0. Jerome, a lady who taught for us Huccessfully and satisfactorily eight years ago, and who has been regularly engaged in teaching, since that time, in the South. Therefore, from a previous aciiuaintance, and her ample experience, I feel confident in recom- , _ _ _ mending her as a coiupetunt and faithful teacher of the 1 three huiidred and fifty-two va>:r:tnts I’.avin^ m> Crime m Enjlantl.—The judicial .sttitistics ol England and Wales for the year 1S50 have just been published, and they afford the London jour nals a fruitful subject of remark . Tt anj)t::irs that there are in the kingdom no less than thirty-nine thou.sand five hundred and thirty profcHftional thievesj thirty-seven thousand i«ix hundred and ei;;hty-eight su.spectod persoas con.^tantly under the e}’e of the police, and twenty-three thoiisaud various branches usually taught in the best schools. Our terms per session of 5 months are as follows: S-jO 00 1.5 00 lower .Music on Piano, with use of Instrument, French and Latin, each. Address GEO. FIELD, M, Warreiiton, N. C. .Tuly 2'i. 39-e2wtl8tS 12 oO 22 ijO 10 00 D., EDLCATIOIVAI^. THF. A5IERICAW SCHOOL INSTITUTE Is a reliatile and practical medium, through which Fai rhuea. I>ysenterj-, (iripini; iu the ItoweU, .\cidity of the stomach. Wind, Cold In the Head, and C'roup, al«o. for snfffntn;; tht-yinn. re lucin;} iriHiimmntiori, rt'jHhitinj and reli-'vin'i j' 'in. it has no equal —1 ting an and-ftiaxmodir it is us**d with utu'ailtng lueceti in all ca- « of Convulsion or other Fits. At t/ou value tfit life aud h al>h ,/y .ur children, I’ud leit/i lo ■■"ive (■'lem from md 'tnd hlijhtin'! ri.uffjuencft uhirh are certain (0 rt^ult frt-ni the ut' •■/’ Ji'ircdicf of which fill olhet remedies ^'r fnf'iu'ii- f^onit>lair%t* art voiflynffd, none hit Dr. baton’s Infantile Cordial; thi-i you can rtly upon. It is perfectly liarniless. and cannot, injure tie nioht delicate iiifniii. Price, '-■> cius I'ull directions accompany eacli bj:tle. Prep ircil 'iniy bv nn urn .v du’O.m, No. 40'.* Broadwav. New York. of all kinds. 9H»tf , NKfOM) XPIUMi STOCK. XI’^E have received our second purchase, consisting 01 M a large and d>;sirable stock of .staple aiifl Fancv Drv «oo(ls^ |llUS,ll(l.\.\ETS,li(HITS,SIIIIES,HII{|{F,LL\S, I KK.\I)V-.M.\DE i:|.OrHIX(i, TKl NKS. to. I Which we cilTer exclusively to Wholesale Buyers, on I terms as favorable as they can be bouglit North or I J^outh. * STARR A: WILLIAMS. .April 2:5. 11 tf gar Holders, .'ic. PI\K AND CdMMON CANDifS: Sardines; Fine t 'igars: Smoking and Chewing Tob.acco; Crackers; Fine Pocket Knives: a large ass;rtment of Port-Monaies, some very nice; Fancy E.uvelojias and Fancy Goods; Toj's aud Yankee Notions; an assortment of India Rubber GooiU, W'hijis, Combs; Fishing Tackle; (*oco:) and Other FANCY GOODS: Paierrai.'»“r«, Relicules, t'abs. Rubber Hound Combs, Wutch Guar-ls—Mohair, Silk and Leather. Fancy B'lxcs. Pistols. Powder Flasks, Sli»t Belts, Brandy Peaches—in gallon or half gallon jars. Mace, (’loves. Cinnamon. Large Tot of Fire Works. &c.. i^c.. ^tc.. hv., itc.. %c.. Ac. WOSTENHOI-M’S rPTLERY, RAZORS. POCKET KNIVES, \c. S|»Ut(I and Norfolk (Oslortt coiistantly on hand. I.i’iii'iii Syriiji. liiiiser 'Aiiie. rnrrant Wine, Ginstr Braiiily. Country ilealers ancl the public are res|)^crfully in vited to call aud exaniine my stock, as it is impossible til enumerate but a few of the leailing articles. I have a great many handsome things which cannot fail to please, J. R. No. 40, HoTF.t. Bi’ILUINU. May 2S. 18t;0. 21 tf D. & VV. m7lu ui.\, lirOULD invite atieution to their large and desirable 11 Slock of OKOCKUIES, t'onsisiintr in part of— 1.50 l>airs Kio, hatriiira and Java ('offee; 1(*0 Hhls. and lihils. Su^r (JiM.sorted;) Ilhds. .Molasses; JiO “ liacon—Sidcii and Shoulders; yl.MI Sacks Salt; 15U Hoxes L'of'd Tobacco; ll>;*) oO *• Soap (a».sorted;) “ (’andy “ lotj Hatr^« Sliot “ lOoo 1!»h. Har Ije:id; viO i HbI.s. Snutf—Ka^le Mills; Keirs Soda: 250 “ .Nails. —ALSO— A large and general assortment of llai*«lwai*4‘ anil 4'nilery: hanninir lUensils, of all dtwcriptions; .\nierioaii. English, Swedes and l^erurian Iron; Hlisti'r. iernit*n and ('ast Steel; Hlaeksniiths’ 'I’ools; ('(Hipcrs’ J>o.; (lorn Sliellers and Straw (’utter*; Kucket.s, }>r>oiu. and I’jiils; Teachers of ability’ are aided iu securing engagements School properties are bought and sold on conituis;sion. (Circulars explaininji plan, and containing: first cla.ss i educational and busiu*;s3 references, in every part of the country, sent to every friend of education, who may favor us with his address. SMITH, WOOD.MAN & CO., 009 Chesnut St., Philad’a. .Tuly 2ti. 39-6t TRl>>TEK’S ON Thursday the 2:'>d da\’ of August next the subscri ber will sell at public auction in the town of Fay- , etteville, the Stock, Lots of Land, Eagrines. Boilers, i Shop Tools, Fixtures, Lumber, W'agons, Carts, and all I the materials used by Walton & Barry at their Foundry i One tract of land is situated on the Western Railroad, near John .McPherson’s. The other is a small lot on I the railroad in the suburbs of town—where their Found- ' ry and car shop is established. The terms of sale will be liberal. WILLIAM MURDOCH, Trustee. July 20. 38ts TO the: rREE.\i>!§ of HO.ME MANI F.VCTLRES. THE KINSTON SHOE FclCTOnir -i- IS NOW ORDERS •stdicited. IXSltCKSSFlL OPEK.iTIOX. for negro BROG.ANS and BOOTS arc J. C. CARPENTER, Agent. Kinston N. C., June 21; 1800. 39-tf I 1 ti ' Total. !f272,T(j.'> t;i The Company have paid all losses [irompily, nnd •ever made an asKvssmeiit on ilioir ]>renii\nn ii-.tc®. Total losses paid. fjy.csj t/i OfFtc'KKs; ; (lEO. McNEILL. President. D. li.W. \'ice President. C. A. .McMILLAN, Sec y. Dirkotoks: Henry Lilly, W\ Tillinehast, H L. My rover, S. J. Hinsdale, B T Hawley, Win McLaurin, Katluiii Stedman, T. S. Lutierloli, A. W. Stcftl, • J. G. Ceok, Hon. J. (i. .Shepherd, C. I'.. Mnllett, James Kyle, A. .A. Mi'K*Mhan, „J. D. Hilliania. W. Tillin;iha.t. Jolta t'ollin* and (’ K. F. Brown, ) ..... , A. E. Hall, my LK. ol'tii iSook, Ted. •I il ’ I h . .S' >N , V iTi-r- .n Na- -- ,r Kiii- i;.,.,k :>f :i-r »'u|'- pi aint! ks. •McCrumuicn, Traveling .Vdcnts. J*' Ihe Cmnjiany invite applicafions. y 2H, 18tit). 21-ly i KOOKN. E VEARS in CHIN.A, by Charles T.aylor, M. D. 1 irgiiret Moncrietfe, the first love of Aaron Burr, Ihirdeit. Jlliilel)fe. Smith's Rejected .Addresses. Acire-s in High Life—an episode in Winter supplies of WORCESTER S and WEB- TV IvMiario bictionarie.s. f’olton’s Pocket .Maps, Ac. E. J. HALE & SON. the ^reatext , ^ “tid qualities, just received. «le, ib60. g J £j^j £ jj. I Healthy human Blood upon tiein'.r I ANALYZED ! always presents us with the «a;ne p«-eniinl elrments. anil cives of course tlie rrit«‘ Analyze I tlie Bloo*i of a person “lutferiiig iroin (.’on'^uinption. Liver 'oiiipiaint. Dyspeji^ia. Sci ofula. «c. and we find in every ceriain '/ >/•/-. i..« ii, the red globules of Blood. S'ipplti tlic^c defi'-ieiR'ie.s. nn.lyoii are m.idc well. The ISIood i-^ fouiulfd I'.piiii thi« Theory-.-Ji‘uce its astoiiishincr «'icci'S-i. Tti. re are FIVZ: PREPARATIONS j ri'iaptud lodeficienitit's of tlie Blood in different diseases. I For ( iifs:lia. C'oil«. ISroiM'licf«•.. or any aflec- i ticn wh.iiever of the S-’iui'!* inducing ^ use No. 1. VMI;.-:: is also the So. for ?>•!>of '■pirit-.. «>f and for .1 il Iir«»iii4- arising from I ?>4‘i>i{j|y. and \*?rvoii« I*r4»»ti':ilif»(i. N). j. tor l.ii >i’ Coiiipl;!in No ■>, lor lifinj ulrcadii /jref/nrcd for 'iUoriti> n if is ‘ra;.e;i l»y aud carried irn- ii.rdiat.-ly in!., il,,. I'ivculat;..n, so (!i:u wlia! >..ii r/.;in : you*-./,(!>). The \o 1 i^ f,,r K■(> I I tiA o. See spena'di- reclions toi liis. Eor n;iJ| I^ril|»(i«»lis ; S4*rolilll4»l|-., .and lsisti«i(i«;r t;ikc ., |,j iill cases tile directioiif Mu.st be strictly f.illowed. Price of the ISIooit Food ?1 per bottle. Sold by ( !ll iM H At DUFONT. No. 4u‘.* Broailway, New Vork. .Atid by all roapectable Drug^iMs througli'oui the country. Nov 11, 1H5(» i\otirc. j H'^.VKEN u]i and committed to the tail of Cumberland I County, on the 1st of .May i.SflO, ns a runawav, a I negro who s iys he is free, that hi= name is HENDER- SO.V SEARS, and that he is frotn Davidson County, and I was )>ound lo David Hunt. He is about 20 yeara old, 6 I ft. high, and weiglis about ISO lbs.; h.ad ou when taken j up a hickory shirt, black (.’as. pMui.s, mid black round. I coat. The owner is reijue«led to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take him away, or he ■will ije ilealt with as the law directs. G. L. McKAV, Jailor. .Tune 4, IbiJO. 2itf FOR ('LEIIK OF TilE COI lilS. i;.\ECUT10N, TRIAL, tmd APPEARANCE, DOCK- Ij ET.S, ruled and printed from the most aj>proved fnrnis in nse. Also, further gupj.iies of other BLANK Books, in srreat variety. "1- Ii. HALE & SON. Vol. Mill llanerolt’^ Uiiift'fi litatf'K. July 10. E. J. HALE & so:s. •fames Kfple :eived hia DRY (, U.AS just ruceivedhi* SPRING .AND SC.M.MER SUP PLY of ■S. —among which are— Summer and oth«r Silks, Printed Lawns. Double Skirt Robes, Single ditto. Prints, real French, I’ritish and Domestic, Irish Lincus. Diapcs, he,., Bolling Cloths; With a very larpre assortment of all kinds of Goods gen erally kept in wholesale and retail Stores; all of which are ottered at wholesale and retail—CHE.AP. March 24, 18(»0. Slf •Vo. 31 Hntf Streets .1. K. KVLe Is now receiving his Spring aud Sunuuer Stock of STAPLE \.\i) F.\.\('V IIHV llOOiKi, .Vmong wliich may be found the following ariiclcs, at prices which will prove satisfactory- to the pur^.diaser; I)rt‘s.s (loud.s ki piiicos, cousi.stinf^ of* .'Muslins, Lawns, (Hinghanis, Prints, ]?erej;es, IJlack and White ChallicH, Silk.s, kc., Ac. In Rt)BES the following line: Lawn llobes. Double and Single Skirts, Herege do., (iins>liam do., J^ace Points, ShawLs and Mantillas iu profusion, liibboiis, Hosiery and Gloves, Spool CotU>n, Ilata and Caps, Boots and Shoes. All of which will be offered very low. Call and ex amine; no charge for looking. J. K. KA’LE. .March 14, 180W. 2lf he Counties of .Moore and Montgomery, the best Timbered Lund in the Stale, :ind lying generally with in 20 miles of the Rutherfordton Rail Road, and imme diately upon the route surveyed for the Rail Road from t'heraw to the Coal Fields, on Deep River. The out- Sporni. Ad:iiiiantine A Tallow Candles; , crop of coal has been discovered by actnal experiment in boring all around these Lauda, and the purchaser will get a bargain, as 1 .shall remove from the dtate, and am determined to sell. I also offer :hH) .Acres of Land lying on Deep River, I on the Plank Road leading from the Gulf to Fayette- I ville, and within .') miles of the Fayetteville and Coal Fields Rail Road, supposed t^ be underlaid with Coal and Iron. i Also, t.)no-(iftli of one of the most valuable Coal Plan- ' tations on Deep River, to-wit; the Bingham place, 1 spok.'Ti of in Dr. Emmons’ report. The Coal on this j projieriy has been dug from a well on the promisea. and I found in numerous places where pits have been sunk, so I as to justify the opinion expressetl by Dr. Emmons, that ! almost ihe entire plantation is underlaid with Coal. I 1 also offer t'>nc-third of the Mclnto.sh place, lying : immediately iipon the Fayetteville and Coal Fields Hail Roqd. six miles from the River, the best Timbered I Tract of Land in this region, aud having all the indi- ! cations of the presence of Coal. The Rail Road cuts .. M n 1 , .. ! this land on one side of it, passing through it for a con ( (itton. .'lainila and .futo i{ope, (all kinds an«l i sidwrable distance. (ju;ility:) . I I also otfer One-third of three places on McLendon’s I’low Lines and Hed Cord«;» - I Creek, in Moore (’ounty, containing Coal and Iron. Iloilow \Varc’ access and must become as valuable as any /I \- ’ 1 ^'i -• . . • I property in the coal rearion. ( ottiui i anis and MieetiUKS at factory prices. , Also, a HOUSE and LOT in the suburbs of Pittsboro’, .All of whicli will be sold low kok c.\sii, or on usual containing about 1 acres of ground, a two story build ing thereon containing 7 bed-rooras, a parlor and'dining- room, with a wide pas«a*e through the house, pantry and store-room, and a cellar of considerable size: there are also on the premises a double otJice, in the yard near the street, to be used either as law olliccs or for ntiy other purpose. .Vlso, smoke-house and kitchen, a house for servants, stable and aheds for cattle; an ele gant garden sjiot and spring near the premises, and the VrRI.SH SI PPL\ just received. whole are» around the buildings covered with beautiful G. T. H AIGH k SONS oaks of native growth. .Mso, a tract of L.AND in the vicinity of Pittsboro’, which is well wooded. time to iiriuipt payiug customers. fisic"'^ otr.NTUv .MiiiicnA.N'r.s are respectfully rc(uested to call and wjaminc our stock before purch.ising else- D. W. McL.\URIN. •March IH-M* 98tf «l A1\M A.\0! I’RESH Sl'PPLV just received. r T. HAIGH k SONS .April 10. BCat‘011 and Corii. ,)na/i Bl SlIELS of C.OOD CORN; M M * Ihs. well-smok!‘d B.\CON. .^00 •aiiares of «fock in Gold Hill Mining Company. visible means of support—nr, in sjl, 10l,0S5 criminals at large. Tlie.se figures make little iniprc.ssion on the mind, as they are written on paj»er; but if the reader will imagine the whole of them brou^dit together, a.s one of the London journals sugije.^ta, he will get an idea of the number of depredators at whose mercy the subjects of her i>rlt:innic Majesty hold their property and live.s. Orgts* nized in military fashion they would make more than seventy regirfienls ot the line; jdjiced togeth er in a row they would extend over twenty, milos i of ground, and a good w’alker would require four or five h(jurs of steady walking to inspect the troop. Their direct cost to sotnety, supposing each man to consume two hundred dollars’ worth of value a year, is over ten millions of dol’.:\rs. But this is only a part of the expen.-;e to which .society is put on their account. The police and constabulary forces are supported mainly to watch over their delinquencies, and the greater part of the priaon and judicial expenditures havt; the same origin. Putting these together, it is estimated that the rogues cost the TTnited Kingilom jibout S150,000,000, or about double the sum spent ajioii the royal navy. Word Sltuli/.—The office of coroner is an cient as that of sheriff. The name oritrinated in the fact that this officer has principally to do with pleas of the Crown. It was the custom of the Anglo-Saxons to have several men of distinction chosen by the freeholders of each county, w hose duty it should be to bring criminals of all kinds to trial, and also determine the value of fini s, forfeit ures, and escheats accruing to the King. To do this he wm empowered to summon an imjuest or jury. After the Norman conquest the coroner’s province was restricted to certifying to the “Aula Regis” his inquisitions concerning the offences falling under his jurisdiction. So, afterwards, upon the establishment of King’s Bench and Com- mis.sioners of Oyer and Terminer, the coroner became the certifier ot offences to these courts. It was found, however, that as the prerogatives of these tribunals were extended, le.«s and less reliance was to be placed on the reports of an officer elected by the people, whose interest and sympathies led him to omit minor offonees' and confine his inquisitions to crimes which called forth general reprobation. Thus the functions of the coroner were turned over to a jwv, called by the sheriff upon the meeting of a'tsourt of criminal jurisdiction, by whose inquisition judges were empowered to proceed to the trial of offenders. This was the origin of the grand jury. Thus the office of coroner, originally one of the most re spectable and important, to hold which it was necessary to be of knightly degree, degener ated into one of very limited power and jurisdic tion. Thesubstitute furnished is a most excellent one, and, being free from all the objections apply ing to the originnl, is likely to extend wherever the common law of England goes, and to last as long as that epitome of the judicial wisdom of the freest race upon earth shall endure as the surest safeguard of human rights. An Admirable Arrnngvnunt.—We have at last found a poUtical paper that gives both sides a hearing. The two wings of the Democratic party are ably represented in the same sheet. On one side of “77i« Quid Nuur^' publishel at Grand Junction, Tenn., we find the names of Douirhts ;ind Johnson, flying boldly from the mast head, D. B. Gaily, E«j.,Kditor. .Mr. Gaily is out strong ly for “the true national Democratic ticket,” as he styles it, and seems to think that its succos,s is beyond peradventure. Upon looking on the other side of the Quid Aunc, the names of Breckin ridge and Lane, in flatuing capitals, stare us in the face, and Robert G. Ad»ms, Esq., the Editor, informs us that this is “'/(« t»n/y (rite Xatinnal Democratic tirkef.” Now, who is tha one to believe, Mr. Gaily or Mr. Adam.s? Without stopping to argue the point, however, we mu.st say that the arrangement is something entirely now, and the Quid Nunc must prosper, inasmuch as it rides both side.s of the sapling at one and the same time, and will prove alike accept;ible to the Breckinridge and the Doujrlas win". Wtf would For sale by Feb’y 20. F. MOORE iJt-9Hif c aiifi Npii'ijK 10\ST \XTLT on hiind l>y J E F. MOORE. Feb’y 20. i4t-9;^tf To Tiirpoiifine l^iMtillerM. rPilE higiiest Cusli price i.aid for SPllilTS TCliPEN- J TINE by F'cb’y 20. l-iiaaio! iiiiaito!! ')00 ^ GU.ANO. F'or sale by Fcb'v 20. •Inly 21, 1860. M. Q. AV AD DELL. 39- l.\ niRKFT. F. .MOORE. i4t-0:]|f E. F. .MOORE. ilt-9:?tf €'reek C-o’« lTarn!«. ^piIE undersigned is .Agent for the sale of the above I celebrated V'arns, which have given such general satisfuction for years past. Merciiants aud others wanting our Yarns will please send on their orders aud have them tilled on as favora ble terms as heretofore. JOHN SHAW, Ag’t C. C. Man. Co. June 4, 1860. 23tf T FOR HE HOUSE and LOT adjoining Elizabethtown, lately occupied by Alexander Carter. The Lot con tains Six -Acre.s of good garden soil, and some fruit, good water, ke. The iniprovementii are a Two Story Dwelling House and necest'ary out-buildings. .Also, a vaaant Lot near the Court House. Terms accommodating. H. n. ROBINSON. Junes,' 27-tf 1C. F. i>i»oiii:, CO.^I .M tSK [ONT M KUC II N’T, \ND will keep constantly on Ji ind every ariicle in the Turpentine l>i.sti!lers’ f.ine. ^’ch'y 2(1. i4t-9,Stf ' lii|iiorw! l>i4|iior!»! Liqiiorw! (W. HORNE being desirous to close out his slock . of Lic|uors, will offer inducements in prices. .As ho intends to quit the trade, his stock will be sold low. For sale at cost and charges, 100 BARRSRS, of various kindH and qualitiea. Persons indebted must Call and settle Feb 10 ^ 90.,f , PRBSH~FRUITS! RO.XES ORANGES. CO l-'i do LRM0N8. 200 do Fine FIGS. New Vork-.Apple3, Cooking Prunes, and large Stock of Confectionaries, at Hotel Railding, No. 40- J. II. LEE. April .30, IROO. IS-tf _( -‘hares ot Stock in the Cum Fear and Deep River ! j..: „ r,, . . ^ . i Improvement. ,ar|\]sc our 4cnnfssce contemporaries to keep a I * Unless previou.sly disposed of, I shall .sell Ihe above ; ^harp look out, for if their foreman should por- property at .August County Court of Cliathani, and on j cliance get a Dougl.ts .squib over on the Brockin- subsequent occjisious by public out-cry, till all U sold, j ridge side of the sheet, there would be trouble in j the camp.—PKtershunj K.rpre.ix. ^4 Sr&.ne ia thf nf — Wiiat a pa geant jjf splendor and of grandeur w.is here prc- sentodl The fl lor of the House wa.s packed with wives, daughtcr.s, and sisters of tlie poors in full dress, leaving only a narrow space in the centre, which was occupied by peers and bishofi.s in their scarlet robes. 'I'he entire gallery which sur rounds the House was filled with a n»w of ele gantly-dressed ladies, only liroken by a line of re porters; the benches, one rising ai)nvi‘ the other, were filled with ladies. I’resentiy the trnm]H-t sotinds, the sij^nal that the Queen is approachinir. Slwe leaves the palace in her magnificent State carriage dr.iwn by eight cream-colored honic.', at- VLL persons having NEGROES for sale, will do well lo address the subscriber at Clinton. Sampson county, as he is determined lo buy and pay as liberal prices for them as tlie state of the market will permit. lly addressirtg him he will call imniwliately, and mike liberal ofTprs. as all will find who will try him. CHARLES T. STEVENS. Clinton, Sampson Co., Sept 10. IS59 48-lypd refer our reaiters 'o the advertisement 0. .Messrs. CHURCH & DUPONT, No. 400 Broad way. .New York. The -Rlooil Food,’ is one of the great- e.st medicines of the age, and is rapidfy drivin*j out of Ihe markt't all the quack nostrums of modern limes. Its etficacy is .so great, aud its superiority so justly acknow- ; carriage dr.iwn ledgcd, that it is found iliflicult to supply the imuieii.se ’ tended by Iier .Ministers and household oflicers in and increasing demand for the article. T>r. Eaton’s j carria-;es'little les.s sumptuous than her own .js- celebrated ‘Infantile Coi-dial.’ isamedicln^ prepared by hy the l.ife Guards, all mounU‘d on noble !v regular physician ol eminence in his profession, an'l ,111' 1. 1 n ■ • • - , of ^ horses, the whole cortege' forming a mag nificent spectacle. In alighting from the carriare her Jfajesty’s foot presses an electric wire, which fires a cannon in the park. The usher of tiie golden rod gives a signal, and suddenly every la dy in the hou.se rises and throws off her mantle, and a more beautiful revelation can hardly ho imagined, surely not described. one who has devoted his life to the peculiar phases Infantile diseases. It is no humbug, but a medicine which commends itself to those only who can appreciate it.”—Apalachicohi, Flor. Titnet. See advertifement. March 24. 3- WAiVTKI>. A LARGE quantify of^pOTTON and LINEN RAGS, for which fair priceswill be paid. DAVID MURPHY. Aug. 1" 41- BOOKS! BOOKS!! THR >I0L'I.I>KR’S & FOUSUKR’S Guide, by O.er- man: W ood's C^la*s Rook of Botany; Lectures on Na- God Counts.—A brother and sister were play ing in the dining room, where their mother set a basket of cakes on the tea-table and went out. “How nice they look!” said the boy, reaching to take one. His sister earnestly objected, and BLA.^K BOOK^. FRESH supply just received. R. J. HALR A SON. tural History, by P. A. Chadbourne; Professor Em- drew back his hand, repeating that it was j mons’Manual of Geology, 2d Edition; Aboriginal Ameri- against their mother’s direction. I ca, by Abbott; Mary Bunyan. by Ford; Model Book of “She did not Count them,” said he. j Dreams and Parlor Entertainment: The C^raer Cup- “But perhaps God did,’ ’ answered the sister. ~ ' board, by the author ofvlnquire nithin: The Prairie , o l j ..l » i *• 1 •. - ’ he withdrew from the temptation, and sit- tinffdown, seemed to meditate “You arc ria’it,” Harper’s i?lng:azine lor Au^ii»t I860. E. J. HALE & SON. JUI7 21. Traveller; by Capt Non. 1. 2. 3, 4, 5, fi June 11 The Prairie R. B. Marcy; Dime Song Rookj, E. J. HALE * SON BLANKS for sale at thia Office, ' replied he, looking at her with a cheeriul. yet se rious air, “God counted them. For the Bible says I that the baira of oar bead are all numbered.”