i ih w rti U 4 i 1 n w iTi lo.'Wi' p.. , Hll.l F-i.l • K. F M •^Tf TllK ST1:aMSIiYp ' ai-kei-sbu,. . I nil 1' W I I.L, will thr •' Mo'wing flag's- * l»es \ » York forWiI*.- ' • I- f-'vn",'"- ' -'’-• ’n for New r" •'■ ' ' : ‘ * U . . _ ur - - -.ew " ■ '•' New ^ . ^ • 'v t.^ ' A»;on;^ "I. N. r • ‘ I- * ro ^ k rt ''', 1 ill m B roiiotre, " w I Crtmi»^nrp oi, • In- u. irn iLe ,n. LIUI ■' ■’'•■ IllSTit!; : ^ 'i .ui t Mr .1 ■ , \ ‘ ' "n, ‘ '■'•« W^)l f»on iv!, K- «• ’Hbii.' ■;;,.. . "■, ‘ ••! ■ • ■ if 'P t'.y %J\ ,r- M.\-.i;; 'i'''ii\f: wiiiikC 5FI T. :\T iir M €*■ U!.' i nt jH'. ■- » fn'^' it ’■ i"V ,r» '■ TU .= - ' =>L1. SAW- ■> • tr-’ -■ I JUV.l- i 't-'. tUv ■ 'lU. ' -i- -r •' ili ilie - f E>> wV ■ f.x-.T f'Tt - «'!=.ch ^ : •! 1 \\. pm F '* h in. V w N ft I , IX ' ' .■ R 111. 1 »* f>(-n(iiic ; >Lir .a ' '->r -- r ^ " 7'VrNj at H; fSfalWi'hment ■" - ier . - I »»:!; •V. yjj. > \ ^or ii taroliDa. S^iOiJS, VirKK. - a: ’. e - ■ r 'K' IJ- ■' - 7. ifclj'i fin A I ! I>. il r-li'es paid. m TOlETli ise9ii.we)e:ki.y. X.] FAYETTEVIIJ.E, N. C., AUGUST 6, 18G0 f\0. 941.] PIO#l’Kl' MONUAVS AND TUUHSDAYR I )W\nu J. n\LE & SON, ; :1)1T()JIS .\\1) I’KOPRIETOHS PrSce Hjithe Spmi-Weekly Ohskrvkb SO 00 if paid in ■ ad|^o«; if paid din-iiig the your of subscrij)- j iioiil Cfr 5^1 lifter the year lias expired. j For th« Weekly OnsKRVF.n $‘2 (10 per nnrmm, if paid in ’ 50 if p»id duriucr the yeur of 8\il>scrip- tion; or $3 00 after the year lias expired. j lar ADVKllTISKMKNTS itwcrted for f.O cents per : square of KJ lines for the first, and SO cents for each : Rueceeding publication. Yearly advBrtisements by sp'- | •i»l OOfUxlU^ts. at reasonable rates. .Advertisers are j requestaCfb state the nuiiibor of insertions desired, «r ' they continued till forbid, and cliar^od aeconl- \ ^ I AdrertlBi'nionts to be inserted risiJt'. charged oO per ' oept ez^a. I Sl’F.rTAL N*TI«'E. i From «nd after this date, no name of a new subscriber 1 will b« entered without p>iynient in advance, nor will i lh« P*P*T' be sent lo such su’)scrHiers for n longer time | than ia pud tor. { Such of our old subscribers as desire to take the ]ia- per «a tlu^ t‘y>(eni will plea.se notify us when niakinp ; remittaoees. ! Jaa’jyl, I The New 8(3 le. Small. (OLOUED piioto;rapiis, AT I art. W€)oluai*«l'K Vol.'ll* 4'aiiK‘ra. F^Y i/r i'R w I HOTf^:i.. T. WAr>l)llili. Propriktor. fWHIS.'the most commodious Hot*l in Noith Cirolinn,. frontinj; S'lO feet on Hav and >ualdson Streets, located in the centre of the busineas^ rtion of the town, »nd surrounded bv all th« BadHn? H ouses, Wholeuale Mevchantii aud princi pal Pvaliice Dealera. (j^ftusiness men will find the Hotttl a conrsniunt aadeqjRiforuible house. Stages arrire and depart from tbit Hotel. Fajffieville, Oct. 1, ISoS. ol- ^^HI-MWELL llOr^E. ifiw DUUBS XURTll OF THK MiEI^ET HOISK. kWlNU to the ei'engive increase of patronajre to this Uojse, during the T«ar, I Late ex- 'tended mv facilitie* bv the addition of a num ber of «®mfortabl« slaeping rooms, with other import ant isw’oTements. which will add materially to the comfort aud conv«ui«nce of thoae faToring we with their'i^tronage. To who liave been my kiud friends and cus- Smera for tho pant six years, I t«»uder my most sincere anks, at the tame time retpeetfullj soli«iting a eon- tinusMe of th«ir patronage, and also the patronage of a large.ikumber ot n«w patrons. I have good Stabla* aud a No. 1 Osiler. r. SI1E.\IV\KLI,. Jan’y'16, ISrt'V si- XEAIIJ->T AND ynCKKST SOITE TO TUL KAII.KOAD! BEAMAN & ROBINSOVS rOVK IIOKSK STVtiK LI.VE TO KKNAXSVII.l.K. VIA WAKStW. IS tfce shortest and most ex]>editious for travelers eoin^ Kpr li or South. Le.iving Fayetteville every day at ‘io^tK'kP. .M. TIIUOUGI! IN TKN llorilS. Onr Coaches are large and comforlable, drivers «ob» r and ipiitlemanly, our teams gool and sure of five mi’e"^ an h«or. The traveling p\iblic who would study their com fori and c^Bveiiience will t".ke the Warsaw Stage. mrtllllOUGIl T1CKP:TS to WELDON may be had at flbe Stace Office, Favetterille. MayJ.*). ISfiK. ■ 2'. tf ^'OiiTH CAUOLIXA MI I.FHl R Ol’KN for visitors the 1st of Tf June. They are situated near t)ia pre- I seni terminTisof the We.stern N. C. Kail lload. i not nn hour's ride by superior Omnibut*e» and 8ta(|w. Zkt Proprietor has procured the services of TII 0.11 1*^0 A T V r 1: K as Manager, whose experience at the various fashion able “watering place* of Virginia, added to his com- mandiiie appearance and gentlemanly bearing, insures good order ai^d good fare. The f«ry 15ALL KOOM LF.ADKR anl 1?LA('K BAND of MUSICIANS that tlie city of Richmond, Vlridaia, affords, iiave betn procured. Riding Vehicles and Hor.ses, BILLI.\KD S.\LOONS andBO^'LlNO ALLKVS.areat the command of visitors. The country- is elevated and healthy; the scenery beautiful and roads most excellent, and the pleasure grmA^ extensive. Tl|#re is no water better than that afforde'i bv the North C.-»rolina WHITE SULPHL'H. The patron-ige of the Carolinas is confidently relied on prepay the Proprietor for the exjien.sive outlay he to fit up a watering place suiteil to their wants. And fi« promises that no pains shall be spared by hini- »elf>r his gentlemanly assistant, to render all who may Tiritkini. pleasant and comfortable. H. L. ROB.\HDS, Ps*iprif.tok. May l4. iB'iO. i^.tf !• avi:ttkvh.i.i:~ MrHAL IXSI RA\(E (OMPAW. Capita! in Preiniurj Notes amouir^ to f "’tiT i:b GMh on hand and other ss^icts, o,077 ;i'> Iffi Total, ?27-J,70.'. C.l The ( '(»iip“nT liave paid all lo«i‘es i>rom)>tiy, at'd iMve never made an as.^essment on their prcniiuni notes. Tot.il loeses paid. OFfrrERs: (iEO. McXEILL, President. 1>. A. 1!AY, Vice President. C. A. Mc.MILLAN, Secy. Directors: J Henry Lilly, W. N. Tillinghast, H, .Myrover, S. .1. Hinsdale, S T. Hawley, Win. McLaurin, Nathan ytedinan, T. S. Lutterloh, n. Mallett, A. W. Steel, .Janies Kyle, J. O. C«ok, A. McKethan, Hon. J. (i. Shepherd, J. 1>. Williams, K. F. Brown, | , S. W. Tillinghast. A. K. Hall, , John Collins and C. McOrnmmen, Travaling Agent*. gejty- The f’onipany invite applications. .Nlay tiH, 18f>0, lil-]y AEW KOOK5l». ~ niVK VE.VIIS in CHINA, by ('harles Taylor, M. U. 1 -Margaret .Monorietfe, the first, love of Aaron Burr, «y tJlias. Burdett. liiitledge. Smith’s Kejecled .\ddresses. The A;tress in High Life—an ef.isode in Wint.er UuHrt>*r«. 'I'o, further .supjdies of WOilGESTEH’S and WEB- Sj>'1 Ki'v S I’iciorial t^uarto Dictionaries. ol Books, Colton’s Pocket .Maps. &c. K. J. hale & SON. Eiivelope», llie ^reateKt ^ari«ty ot sizes, e>>lurs aud (qualities, just recei»ed. June 16, 1860. jg. J. HALE & SON. f)ll()Ti>OHAPHS can be had at Vanorsdell's Skylight (!allery. Hay street, opjio.site .Maible Yard, Fay etteville, N. plain, retouched, colored, in water colors, oil and pastile; from small to life size. Ambro- types, Melaneotypes, and all other styles of Pictures {lertaining to the Art. Also, (lilt Fr:mes. 5ilt Mould ing. Glass for very large pictures—as large as 2ti by :5f) inches. Cord and Tassels for lianging pictures; Instrti- ments. .Stock and ('hemicftls for sale low for cash. Lif« size colored Photographs made from siaall pictures. Having permanently located here I liope to me;it your patronac'*. 1 would al.so retui n r.iy sincere thanks ter the liberal patronage bestow-d on me heretofore by the gooil people of Favetteville and vicinitv. C. M. VANOUSUELL, Photograjihist and Proprietor. Dec’r20, 18o'J 77- Slai* l*oli$i»li ol* flic* ^»»eilhS ?I A.\I r.iC'TI Ri:W HV A. J. WOODWARD, I A VKTTKVII.I.i:, A. I . I’^hnt Polish! IlOH It Shines. Many of you recol lect nine years ago that 1 travelletl Itirough North t'arolina and a portion of .South Carolina for the pur- jios'e ot introducing this IVdisli. As time wlapsed I found ‘hat it would mould. I have succeeded in making it jierfect and will warrant it to give satiyfaction. It can be had at retail for U* cent-i per box or at wholesale for sixty cents per doecn. Dealers will forward their or ders two weeks previous to the time tliey wisli them tilled. May 5, IHOO. 15-ly FayetteFille Female High School. This school will commence its Eleventli session on t!i« 1st MONDAY IN OCTOBER, under the joint super- iutendeiice of J. DeB. Hooper, (for many yeari Profes sor of Languages in the University of N. C.,) and T. C. Hooper, (the present Pi incipal,) assisted by a full corps of experienced aud carefully selected instruetore. TERMS. Board per Session of 20 weeks, JOG 00 Tuition in Collegiate Department, lIO 00 “ in Academie “ 15 00 “ in Primary “ l:i 00 “ in Music ou Piano, 20 00 “ Harp, 25 00 “ Melodeou, 18 00 “ Guitar, 18 00 “ in Painting in Oil Colors, 20 00 “ iu Water Coloi^. 12 00 Grecian Painting, 16 00 Drawing, 10 00 Use of Piano 4 K>, Harp 5 00. Melodeon 3 00, Gui tar 2 ftO. ».)ne-half of Board and Tuition payable in advance. July IG. ;i-5-t01 MEDICAL COLLEGE OF VIRGIWIA, ~ AT RICHMOND. j i^essioii or 18$0’-0I. ^pHK Annual Course of Lectures will commence on the i 1 First Monday in October, and continue until the 1st i of March. | CH. BELL (JIBSON, .M. D, Prof. of .Surgery. DAVID H. TUCKER, M. D. Prof. of Theory anl ' practice of .Medicine. | BEVERLY R. WELLF'ORD, M. D.. Prof. of Materia j Medica and Therapeutics. j A. E. PETIC0L.\S, M. D., Prof. of Anatomy. , L. S. JOYNES, M. D., Prof. of Institutes of Medicine. J JAS. H. ('ONW'AY, Si. D., Prof. of Obstetrics, .'tc. ' J.\S. B. McCAW, M. D., Prof. of Chemistry. ' M.VIUON HOWARD, .M. D., Demonstrator of Ana-' touiy. I This institution offers lo the Student every facility | for the acquisition of a thorough medical education. I Through the liberality of the Lejjielature, at its last j session, in appropriating the sum of Thirty Thousand I Dollars in aid of the (College, these facilities will be | greatly extended. A new Hospital is now in course of j erection, in immediate proximity to the ColleRe. which j will much cjilarge the field for Clinical instruction. All 1 needful repairs and alterations of the College building 1 will be duly accomplished, and large and irap'>rtaut ad- ! ditions are being made to the apparatus and illustra- i tion.s for the Lectures in every department. j Ample facilities will be afforded for tlie prosecution of Practical Anatomy. Instead of the “W arren Prize,” of One Hundred Dol lars. heretofore otFered to the graduating class. Two Prizes, of Fifty dollars each, are now offered—>ue for the best Essay on any surgical subject, and the other lor the best Essay on any subject pertaining to the Theory or Practice of Medicine. FEE.S: Ticket of Each Professor M atrioulation Graduation Demonstrator's Ticket For Airthor iaforDiation. or for copy of Catalogue con taining full particulars, address L. S. JOYNES, M. D.. Dean of the Faculty. JulvlS. 35-llt I.AltOE l^iTOCK! NEW GOODS!! IHAV'E just received my Summer Stock of Goods in my line. They were selecteI in the Northern eitiefc by niyiclf, with great care, anl boiiglit on the most rea sonable terms, by which 1 am enabled to offer the larg est stock I ever before offered to the public, and to offer them At Ciireatlv Retliiccd Price«! PHI1TS; Raisins. Figs, Prunes. Applee, Lemons, Oranges, Cher ries, ('urrants. Pie Fruits, 6oc. PICKLESJELLIES& PRESERVES; —A great rariet}’.— PRESERVED GINGERS AND CITRONS, &c. Periiiiiierie! and K\fract«, Of variotis kinds; Fancy Soaps and Pomades. Jf'ivelry. Breast Pins, Finger Rings, Cauieo Sets, A.c. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS: Fiddles, Drums, Fifes. Flutes. Banjos, (iuitars. kc. W.ALKING CANES, of every kiud; Basket and Willow Ware, Hobby Horses, &c. PIPES.—Meerschaum and German, Cherry Stem, Ci gar Holders, kc. FINE AM) COMMON C.WDII'S; Sardines; Fine Cigars; Smoking and Chewing Tobacco; Crackers; Fine Pocket Knives; a largp assortment of Port-Monaies, some very nice: Fancy Envelopes and Fancy Goods; Toys and Yankee Notions; an assorlmenl of India Rubber Goo'ls, Whips. Combs; Fishing Tackle; Cocoa and Other Aiits. FANCY GOODS; Palerramers, Retictiles. Cabs. Rubber Round Combs, Watch Guards—Mohair, Silk and Leather, Fancy Boxes, Pistols. Powder Flasks. Shet Belts. Bpandy Peaclies—in gallon or lialf gallon jars, .Mace, Cloves, Cinnamon, Large Lot of Fire Works, &c., .^c., &c., he., &c., &c., &c. WOSTENHOLM S f'UTLKRY, RAZORS, POCKET KNIVES, Ac. Spired and Xorfolk Oysters ronstantly on hand. Lemon Syrup, Ginser Wine, I’urrant Wine, Cin'5:er Brandy. Country dealers anil the public are respectfully in vited to call and examine iny stock, as it is impossible to enumerate but a few of the leading articles. I have a great many hanilsome things which cannot fail to please. J. R. i.Ri:, No. 40, Hotel Brri.Di.vo. .Mav 28. I860. 21 tf mnn fphle sciiooii it ttLiEjrwoon. The 18th Session of the School at my house will com mence the 1st day of September next, under the care of Miss L. G. Jerome, a lady who taught for us successfully and satisfactorily eight years ago, and who has lieen regularly engaged in teaching, since that time, in the South. Therefore, from a previous acquaintance, and her ample experience, I leel confident in recom mending her as a competent and faithful teacher of the various branches usually tmight in the best schools. Our terms per session of 5 months are as follows: Board, including w.ashing, fuel and lights. ?50 00 Tuition in higher branches English, 15 00 *• lower €.4* 12 60 ■Music on Piano, with ttse of Instrument, 22 50 French and Latin, each, 10 00 Address GP.O. FIELD, M. D., W'arrenton, N. C. July 2n. 39-e2wtlBtS EDUCATIOI^AIi. THE AMERICAN SCHOOL INSTITUTE Is a reliable and practical medium, through which Families, Schools and Colleges, may engage expe rienced anl accomplished Teachers and Professors. Teachers of ability are aided in securing engagements. School properties are hnuglit and sold on commission. Circulars esplaitiing plan, and containing first class educational and business references, in every part of the country, sent to every friend of education, who may favor us with his address. SMITH, W'OODMAN k CO., 609 Chesnut St., Philad’a. July 2(3. 39-6t ~trYstee?s sajlje. ON Tliursday the 23d day of August next the subscri ber will sell at public auction in the town of Fay etteville, the Stock, Lots of Land. Engines, Boilers, Shop Tools. Fixtures, Lumber. Wagons. Carls, and all the materials used by Walton & Barry at their Fmindry One tract of land is situated on the Western Railroad, near John McPherson’s. The other is a small lot on the railroad in the suburbs of town—where their Found ry and car shop is established. The terms of sale will be liberal. WILLIAM MURDOCH, Trustee. July 2(>. 38t9 THE FRIEAD8 OF ■mm MANUFACTURES. THE KINSTON SHOE F^lCTORir S15 6 25 10 Thouvftii'Is are daily speaking in the praise of DR. EATON’S IXFAXTILE CORDIAL. and why* because it ritttr fniU to a^orJ injitaiitiiue.-ut rfluf when given in time It acts as if by magic, and out truil done will conviucu you that what we say is true. It cintnins AO PARi:;OKir OR OPIATE »'f any kind, and therefore relieves by rennrttit/ the tufftr- of your clii’d. instead of by lit teutibiUiies. For this rc.isun. il conitncnds itself as ihe onlu reliable preparation now known for Children Tocthins, Diar rhoea. Dysentery, C^ripln^ in the K'.wels, Acidity of the Momach, Wind, Cold in the Head, aud Croup, also, fur t i fieninj thetjuiu*, redaciny injinmrnalion, rtjaJatinj the U and rdifviug j uin, it h.is no equal —I eing an (rn‘i-.y‘iit7}i lie it is us> d with vn/nili>iy turcett in all caFn« of Convulsion or other Fits, A* you value th' U/e and h>alth >f yi,\ir chddr^n, and irish to .^itve them from thoi> t,ul a-i'l hlvjhliny cowqutncci ichich are C'Ttain to ruult from the vne of narcntirt of iv/tirh all other rumedtes hir /'I’-inlile C'jriip>tjints are composed, take none l>itl Dr. Katun’s infantile Cordial; this you can rtiy upon. 1? i.« perfectly hatmless, and cannot injure the most dolicnte infant. Piice. 2-"> cents. Full ilirections accompanv each bottle. Prfp.irod onlv bv ( HI R(il A- 1)1 POXT, No. 40'.) Broadway. New York. H *\ew Ooods. A|7ex. JOHA^OA, Jr. AS received in part, and is daily receiving, a large aud desirable stock of SPRING OOOD8, Embracing all the newest styles of LaJiwa' Dreas Guuda, Shawls, Laoa Points, Mantil)a«, Eiubroideriea, 4*. —ALSO— —\ fine assortment of— (.Twntiemen'u Sumuicr Goods, aud Ready-Made Cloihitijf, BuuneU and Millin«ry Good* of all kindtf. March It). 90'»tf SEC()i\D XPIllMi STOCK. l>ave received our second purchase, consisting ot M a livge and desirable stock of Ntaple and Fancv Drv l>if»ods, ll\TS, ilil\\ETS, IMKITS, SHOES,'IIIBRELLAS, KEADY-MADE CI,OTHIN’r,, TRUNKS, &C. Which we offer exclusively to Wholesale Buyers, on terms as favorable as they can be bought North or South. April 23 STARR Si WILLIAMS. lltf II TJ'alfhy human Blood upon lieinp ANALYZED .ilways presents us with the saiiif? essential elrments. and gives of course the Trill! .Sf.i iidurd. .\nalyze the l.lood of .1 jKTson suffering from ConMimpt ion. Liver Complaint, Dy.-^j>ep«ia, Scrofula, 4S:c. .and we find in eery intfoure certain dnici>nrie.r in the red elobulcs of Blood. Supply thcb-e defioioncies. mid you are made w'ell. The lii4»od I'ofid is founded upon this Theory—hence its nstonishinji success. There are FIVE PREPARATIONS adapted to deficiencies of the Blood in different di«ea«es. For ISroiicliitis or any affec- ti.in whatevt rof tho 'J’liroal or l.njiy;* inducing ioii, use No. 1, which is also the No. for ol >|»irils, of ytpposii*', and for all 'iirotiio CoiiipiitiIIarising from l>4'l>i!ity. and ^‘i'vou« No. 2. for Coiiipl:iiiii. No 3, for lUiny already preynrrd for uh.if rpiron i’ i-j l*y ll^ro|>i ami carriel im mediately ir.io the circ'ila'ion. so that what you yain you r-'tnin. The No. 4 i.., for Ei*r«>y;iil3t.i-» II yst(‘i'iit, «V‘. .See special di rections for tiiin. Formal! I? Iioiiiii, Ei'ii|»lioiis ^4 rofiil«Mis ami liladdor Coni- pliliiitM, lake No. 5. In all cases the directions mtist be strictly followed. Price of the 3il«>ol l-'ood SI per bottle. S -llby riU K( H Jt DUPONT. No. 401» Broadway, New York. And by all respectable Druggists throughout the country. Nov 11, Ife5y ' 06-1 y I\otic*% fp.\KEN up anil committed to tlie Jail of Cumberland J County, on the 1st of May I8i'.it, as a runaway, a negro who says ho is free, that his name is HENDER- S(>N SE.AI’.S. and that he is from Davidson County, and j was bound 10 David Hunt. He is (ftiotit 2fi years old, 6 ft. high, and weighs about IHO lbs.; had on when taken up a hickory shirt, black (.'as. pants, and black round coat. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and fake him away, or he will be dealt with as the law directs. G. L. McKAY, Jailer. June 4, IH(ji). 2;ltf James Kffie AS just received his SPRING AND SUMMER SUP PLY of DRY GOODS, —among which are— Summer and other Silks, Printed Lawns, Double Skirt Robes, Single ditto. Prints, real French, British and Domestic, Irish Linens. Diapers, &c.. Bolting Cloths; With a very large assortment of all kinds of Goods gen erally kept in wholesale and retail Stores; all of which are offered at wholesale and retail—CHEAP. March 24. 18»;0. 3tf •Vo. lit Hay Street. j. K. KYI^E~ Is now receiving his Spring and Summer Stock of STAI'LE .\.\ll FWCV DRV WKIiiS, ■\mong which may be found the following an ides, a: prices which will prove satisfactory to the piircha.«er; DroHS Goods in pieces, consisting of Muslins, • Ijaw'.is, Ginghams, rdnts, Bcregos, lilack and White Challies, Silky, i*fcc., kc. In ROBES the following line: Lawn Robes, J)ouble and Single Skirts, Berege do., (ringham do., l^ace Points, Sliawl.^* and Mantillas in profusion, Ribbons, Hosiery and Gloves, Spool Cotton, llat^and Caps, Boots and Shoes, All of which will be offered very low. Call and ex- auiine; no charge for looking. J. K. KYLE. ■March 14, 18H0. • 2tf FIIR CLERkS OF THE COI RTS. IWECUTION, TRIAL, and Al'PEAKANCE'DOCK- li ETS, ruled and jirinted from tiie most approved forms in use. Also, further supplies of other BLANK ISOOK.S, in great variety. May 31. ' E. J. HALE k SON. t'rows tJreek Yarns. rpiIE undersigned is Agent for the sale of the above A celebrated Yarns, which have given such general satisfaction for year« past. Merchants and others w^anting our Yarns will please send" on their orders and have them filled on as favora ble terms as heretofore. JOHN SHAW', Ag’t C. C. Man. Co. June 4, I860. ogjf irj ^ix'iling Vol. Hill UancroltV IJnited f^tates. July 10. E. J. HALE & SON. ^ FOR fliAEE, The HOCTSE ami LOT ai^joining Elizabethtown, lately occupied by Alexander Carter. The Lot con tains Six Acres of good garden soil, and gome fruit, good water, kc. The improvements are a Two Story Dwelling.House and necessary out-buildings. .\l80, a vaeant Lot near the Cotirt House. Terms accommodating. ^ « H. H. ROBINSON. June 8. 27-tf D. & W. MfLAlRIX, II7OULD invite attention to their large and desirable Tf .Stock of GKO€EK I ('onsjo'ing in part of— ir*v/ Bags Ilio, l^aguica and Java Coffee; 100 Hbls. and Ilhds. Sugar Ca*!Sorted;) 25 IJhds. Molassee; .30 “ Bacon—Siden and Shoulders; 500 Sacks Salt; 150 Boxes got>d Tobacco; 125 “ Sperm, Adamantine & Tallow Candles; 50 “ Soap (aa.sorted;) 50 “ Candy “ 100 Bags Shot “ 1000 lbs. Bar Lead; 30 i Bbl.s. Snuff—Eagle Mills; Kegs Soda; 250 “ Nails. —ALSO— K large and general assortment of , Hardware and C'litlcry: Fanning Utensils, of all descriptions; American, Knglish, .Swedes and Peruvian Iron; Blister, (Jerinan atid Ca.st Steel; Blacksmiths’ Tools; Coopers’ ])o.; (’orn Sheller.^ and Straw (’uttersi; Ruckets, Brooms and Pails; Cott4>n, Manilla and .lute Hope, (all kinds and |Uality;) Plow Lines and Bed Cords; Hollow Ware; Cotton \ arns and Sheetings at factory prices. All of which will be sold low for c.^sn, or on usual time to prompt paying customers. (NiirNTUT MERcnASTs are respectfully reiiuested to call and examiue our stock before purchasin? else- wliore. D. & W. McLAURIN. March 3, 1859 ostf Wl'AlXO! GlAXOi: i FRESH.SLPPLY just received. A C. T. HAIGH & SONS April IG. -i- -i- IS NOW I\ Slt'CESSFl’L OPEU-iTIOX. ORDEB.S for negro BROGANS and BOOTS are solicited. J. C. CARPENTER, Agent. Kinston N. C., June 24; ISGO. 39-tf f«-tf Bacon and Corn. anaA BUSHELS of GOOD CORN; ^ vUU lo.'HtO lbs. well-smoked B.\.(’,ON. For sale by E. F. MOORE Fel'’y -0. i4t-'.WtV wliic‘ anti !!»|>irifw Rarrelw. lONST.ANTIA on hand l>y E. F. MOORE. Feb’y 20. i4t-Vi.3tf c To Turpentine Ui!itiller«. ^pilE liigheet Cash price paid for SPIRITS TURPKN- 1 TINE by “ - Feb’v 20. E. F. MOORE. i4t-0ntf Hiiano! Iiiiiano!! B.\GS No. 1 (iU.ANO. For sale by E. F. MOORE. Feb’y 20. i4t-!t3tf 500 ■•'OR NAI.E. I OFFER FOR SALE :i000 ACR^ OF LAND in the Counties of Moore and Montgomery, the best j Timbered Land in the Stale, and lying generally with- , in 20 miles of the Rutherfordton Rail Road, and imme- ] diately tipon the route surveyed for the Rail Road from i Cheraw to the Coal Fields, on Deep River. The out crop of coal has been discovered by actual experiment in i boring all around these Lands, and the purchaser will I get a bargain, as I shall remove from the State, and am ; determined to sell. j I also offer ;5(>0 Acres of Land lying on Deep River, . on the Plank Road leading from the Gulf to Fayette ville, and within 5 miles of the Fayetteville and Coal ' Fields Rail Road, supposed to be underlaid with Coal ' and Iron. Also. t)ne-fifth of one of the most valuable Coal Plan- I t.itions on Deep River, to-wit; the Bingham place, I spoken of in Dr. Emmons’ report. The Coal on this ! i>roperty has been dug from a well on the premises, and found in numerous places where pits have been sunk, so i as to justify the opinion expressed by Dr. Emmons, that almost the entire plantation is underlaid with Coal. I also offer One-third of the McIntosh place, lying immediately upon the Fayetteville and Coal Fields Rail Road, six miles from the River, the best Timbered Tract of Land in this region, and having all the indi c.ations of the presence of Coal. The Rail Road cuts this land on one side of it, passing through it for a con siderable distance. I also offer One-third of three places on McLendon’s Creek, in Moore County, containing Coal and Iron, easy of access and must become as valuable as any property in tiie coal region. Also, a HOU.SE and LOT in the suburbs of Pittsboro’, containing about 4 acres of ground, a two story build ing thereon containing 7 bcd-rooms, a parlor and dining room. with a wide passage through the house, pantry and store-room, and a cellar of considerable size; there are also on the premises a double office, in the yard near the street, to be used either as law offices or for any other purpose. Also, smoke-house and kitchen, a house for servants, iitable and sheds for cattle; an ele gant g.arden spot and spring near the premises, and the whole area hround the buildings covered with beautiful oaks of native growth. Also, a tract of L.\ND in the vicinity of Pittsboro’, which is well wooded. ■)00 shares of stock in Gold Kill Mining Company. 27 shares of Stock in the Cape Fear and Peep River Improvement. Unless previously disposed of, I shall sell the above property at August County Court of Chatham, and on subsequent occasions by public out-cry, till all is soM •M. Q. W’ADDELL. July 21. 1860. 39- AOW lA :riAltKET\ VLL persons having NEGROES for sale, will do well to address the subscriber at Clinton, Sampson county, as he is determined to buy and pay as liberal prices for them as the state of the market will permit. ]5y addressing him he will call immediately, and make liberal offors. as all will find wlio will try him. CHARLES T. STEVENS. Clinton, Sampson Co.. Sept 10, 1859 48-lypd Physicians in China.—In China there is free- trade in physic—a principle which has not yet led to all the desirable reforms in that art. A dose of Chinese medicine is quite a curiosity. It is about the sixe of half a pound of moist tugar, and consists of twenty separate packages, four or live kinds of bark, a little orange peel, some walnuts, some gentian, and half a dosen other surts, not unlike a small cake ot blacking. Tlu;»e are all boiled together, and a good half-pint of tlie de- ooction is to be taken quite hot as a dose. The lowest fee for a visit is about two pence, and the coolies of the sedan have also to be paid. 'J he fee advances by two pence at a time, so that 4d, tul., 8d., lOd., &c. are the rates, according to celebrity Very seldom, however, i.s a single visit chargt d more than six pence. When you consult a physician his mode of proceeding is this: lie lavs your hands on a soft cushion; feels your pul.se at the wrists, asks yonr age and the symptoms of your indisposition, looks you attentively in the face, sapiently strokes his moustache, and fcheti ■ writes his pre.seription—perhaps “one bundled ’ and fift}’ pills twice a day.”—ExfJiangt j)up r. Milking hy Mnrhinery.—Not exactly t)}’ a j Steam engine, nor by water-power, though that is in favor with milkmen, but by a machine driven by hand-power. In short a hand-puuip, moved by two handles, like the hand-bellows, and jer- forming the operation by the principle if an air- pump suction. The machine is attached to a pail, and set on a stool under the udder, the four teat.s inserted in four tubes, and the puni]) operated, and the milk drawn and conve^’ed by a conductor into the p.iil, the inventor says, in a luurvellou^ly short time, say three minutes lor an ordinary cow; milking entirely clean, and without injury to the cow; in fact, he says, to her advantage, as it is beneficial to have the work done (juickly; and the machine is intended to do it quicker than it is possible by hand. It is said also that cows stand this machine milking more gently than by Land. At any rate the contrivance is an ingenious one, and we have no doubt will work. Its practical utility we cannot vouch for. We only chronicle the fact of the recent invention of a Milking Macliine. The manner of its conf-truction is simple enough. It consists of two diaphragm pumps made of tin and India rubber, so arranged a.s lo be easily ta ken apart for w^ashing. The teat cups are made tapering to fit any size, and attached by flexible joints, so as to be spread .apart to suit wide-spread ing teats, or those more contracted. It is pu.ssi- ble that it will prove a very useful invention. If so, we presume that farmers will hear more of it 7 he Meteor of Friilny.—Scientific observers at Yale, Union and Troy Universities variously compute the height of the meteor above the eartli at from 50 to 80 miles. Its .speed, relative tnthe earth, is computed to have been from five to eleven miles per second. Its course was in the same direction as that of the Kartb, which, so to speak, it overtook and passed. Tliis would make its absolute velocity in space somewhere between 90,000 and 180,000 miles an hour. It wa.s seen, as far as we can yet learn, throughout the whole of Lower Canada. Volcanic Entption in Iceland.—Capt. Niel son, of the Kron Princess ('arolino, from Cienfn- gos arrived in Liverpool, reports as f’ollows: volcanic eruption of the mountain Myrdis Gokel, in Iceland, took place on the 11th ot May last, continuing with uninterrupted violence for nearly a month, and could be seen at a di.stanee of one hundred and tw'enty miles at night; and, what is most remarkable, an eruption occurred one hun dred and five years ago on precisely the same date, destroying every thing for miles round.” Curiouji Fads.—It was stated in the recent debates in the French Corps Legislative, that out of the 36,000,000 souls in France, 20,ODO,OOD never saw woolen goods of any sort. It has also been recently asserted that 25,000,000 of people there never eat meat oftener tban once a week. Paris annually consumes 2G8,OO(-i,0OO pounds of vegetable.s; the market gardens near Paris cover more than 27G0 acres, use 2,160,000 glass “bells,’’ 360,000 panes of glass (over hot beds,; occujiv 9000 people, 1700 horses, consume ?3G8,000 of manures, return $2,700,000 by sales of vegetables. Grieving over the. Split.—The Pine Bluff, Ar kansas, Independent thus holds forth:— “Like a meteor cleaving through the elements of space, like a gleam of the descending guillotine, as it severs from its trunk the head of some de serted Girondist, the red bolt of disunion has rent in twain a once happy and united fatnily; whilst its presaging wrath has startlisd the mo.st apathetic into tlie wildest consternation and drc.id. Fearfully has it performed the mission on which an avenging spirit sent it; deep and gha.«tly is the chrism which now separates a brotherhood wbosi:' time-honored principles were consecrated by tl,c blood of our forefathers, but despite tho ^‘sl,in/;i,'- victims of this tuodorn .Inpitcr, wo. range ourselves on the side of the I'nion, and invoke the friends of liberty to re unite on that old nnd tinie-honored platform. To con.aunimate this glori ous object, we have selected the name of .Stephen A. Douglas for our next I'resident.” K. F. 9IOORE, CO M M 188 [ o -V .M 15It C II T, 4 ND will keep constantly on hand every article in the iV Tiirpeiitiiie Distiller.s’ Line. Feb’y 20. i4t-9?.tf Eiqut»rw! Liquorw! LiqnorM! T W. HOHNE being desirous to close out his stock . of Liquors, will offer inihicemeuts in prices. As he intends to ipiit the trade, hia stock will be sold low. fl.'a?*' For sale at cost and charges,"^® 100 BAHRISLS, of various kinds and qualities. Persons indebted must fall and SfttlC Feb Ui 92-tf PRBSH FRUITS! BOXES ORANGES. O 15 do LEMONS. ‘ 200^ do Pine FIGS. i>few York .Vpples, Cooking PruncB, and large Stock of Confectionaries, at Hotel Buihling. No. 40. ' J. R. LEE. April 30, l?r»0. BI.IAAK BOOK^i. Afresh snppiyjnst received. E. J. HALE k SON. ilarper’N !TI.'ig:a2rine for Aug^iitst I860. E. J. HALE & SON. July 21. W Messrs. CHURCH k DUPONT, No. 409 Broad way. New York. The ‘Blood Food,’ is one of the great est medicines of the age. and is rapidly driving out of the market all the quack nostrums of modern times. Its efficacy is so great, aud its superiority so justly acknow ledged, that it is found difficult to supply the immense and increasing demand for the article. Dr. Eaton’s celebrated ‘Intantile (’oitlial,’ is a medicine prepared hy a regular physician of eminence in his profe.ssion, and one wlio has devoted his life to the peculiar phases of Infantile diseases. It is no humbug, but a medicine which commends itself to those only who can appreciate it.”—Apalachicola, Flor. Timex. S('« advertixement. March 24. ’ 3- | WAATKO. A LARGE quantity of COTTON and LINEN RAGS, ' for which fair prices will be paid. DAVID MURPHY. Aue. 17 41- ' BOOKS! BOOKSn The MOULDER'S & FOUNDER’S Guide, by Over- ! man; Wood's Class Rook of Botany; Lectures on Na- j tiiral History, by P. A. Chadbourne; Professor Em- ; mons’ Manna! of Geology, 2d Edition; Aboriginal Ameri- ' ca. by Abbott; Mary Buny.an, by Ford; Model Book of Dreams and Parlor Entertainments; The Corner Cup- board, by the author of “Inquire Within;” The Prairie Traveller; by Capt. R. B. Marcy; Dime Song Books, 1 Nos. 1. 2. S. 4. 5, G. f June 11 E. J. HALE & SON. A Wiirnitig.—A tew days since, the keeper ol a bar room in Baltimore accidentally dropped a burning match into tlie bung hole of a barrel ol ; brandv. An explosion ensued, tearing awav n ! portioii of the ceiling and injuring two men, on.- ' seriously. The staves flew itt all dirccfitins. l»j- i niolishing the fixtures, witidows, &e. If that’s so—and we presume it is—we would advise some tnen, under certain eircnnistance.!, tn be careful and not get the wrong end of a lighted cigar between their lips! “Accidents will happen, (fee.”— Milmington Ue.rahl. BLANKS for sale at this Oifice. ‘‘WHiy,” said Prince John Van Bnren tiie other day to a correspondent who reports tlie conver.-a- tion to the Tribune. “Why i.s President Buchanan like a tallow-chandler?” Of course our corres pondent could not tell, and then with a more .serious face, the Prince said, “Because all his works are wirketl, and all his wicked works are brought to light!” It is singular that party journals should be so careless and unthinking in drawing their parallels and hammering out their similics. Thus, a paper before us says, speaking of 1 )ougIas: “There he stands, firm and unshakable, the rock of the Demt>cratic Party.” We wonder how many people have said t^) themselves: ‘ Precisely so; the rock upoo which the party has split.”

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