Spring UooiU . JOII\MI\, j^* yiut. ti!i-l K .Uilv reoei.j, ‘ moi k ..t\ ■ '’">8,1 l\C« "OOD^ n(T »11 tlie newest style* of' (:>KkU, !^h.,u La^ laa. hmoroiilenes, \o ■* A LSt» i fine >4sa..rtiuem of-_ ' muHT iioixU, aud KeadvV ouiu t. :ina Millinery rr.J)' of all kinds ' !«k. d our s«'i .It »"irH' -■- •d^puroha^e. oor,,;'. d raiM-y l>i V , III H (IN, Miofs. mwity i\i:. Tiir\K' "hoK'Mie Ii ‘ ' -■ ni l-e \ r VUil \ Wii.L; •• riiff .v Muffle hi- Sl’tUNi, am* SI’Mm I,-1 iV WOODS. llU 'l: « W !l, '.I Jjr.' oth»r Si ■•'. H', i:,. ‘hf {■’n'tl , ll: -lUil Dm; ■T', ■:>' . bsi; ; ,1 . ! ill kiuii- or' li' i I,, i;'. St.irf'. ul' u; fSnle riud ;v[;iil—« ilKAl’. i ilttff Sti'eet, K. kVt.K his Jij.vnn: ;ii '^uimu^r >JI(k'4 II FWn lilIV lillll|l\, V'C f ;n l ’I't' fn’liiwiu^ row try t ■ tlie piiro' . pitM-es. of Mu.' iKTeQt-s. Ulan rhalli SiIk', i\, , Af. BES tiie f. ’l. wiiicr fuble anJ Siuirk' Skirt.s, ]i. j‘o;pt. Sha\vl prot’u'ii n. Kil'hons.' Ilosie- lpu.'l I'uff .ri, llaLsanJ (ap> ali'i J'ilOfS. le OuVr* i very loMT. ('al] n; • rlooKin.^ ' .1. K, KVU 2ir isK stock: tiooDS!! e'l l;iy S i;,r St ick of (i. : »ere >« ’. \ ii. ;h» NortLern Lt Crtro. ■ : iTti- iin the inri> nich I 1 tr> offer the |re ortere 1 lin* t'ublic. un i > ly Pvife*>! F[tnT>: ^ ‘■'I'l*'- l.eiii.jiis, Uraitge:> prust'. ■ r ILLIESAPKKSKKVI A prtat v-iri-'Tv.— SlNtlF.KS \N1. .'ItRoNS. i :nil ICitra€t«>. F - S .r- .:rl P.,uihJ.- .tnrvh'ff. ■intr.-. u, St*!-, ic. I.VSTIirMEXTS; t't'. - |.i’, Guiiar-t. of cvt-;_, ', 1’ ;-ket and W Hoh'.;- 1! .r.,,.. V ,. lu ai.'l 11 Tina!!, i'lierrv istea rA.VDIF' 'iiTur-; Siii u:.'l rhewio^ cer-i; Fi' 1' tit-( Knives: a trit ‘-'I- ’i I."-, Hoire ancy K , r- - Fancy s ari'i \ . V ati of I; ! . =; OUib- ' r I. nd Olli4‘i* a‘V Q)OI)S: ii umr. S. Ut-r .-1 n or I • ». I--. 1. kc„ r I’.'iilll'i • l>-.ther. i;.' --. IJrs'. 'HT'. %!*( Fire Wort' .. x\ L'TI.: V. RAZ *RS, I”' i. MVIS i t Oj'!iT' coii'tantlj on Sa'- I Wiiir. iiirr:inl Uiijf, liir; Bra Mtiv. I irie ine ' IT o;' ■ r h.lJ; .. L :r i- which ‘ .1. It. I.KE. . ii i L Ul'TLi ; IK (a AAo:: iiAlt.F! X S'-N- ■ ;iiid orii. tf (it , ■ . \ rdl--. u;.\i ' »N. 1.. F. i4i- ■ llarrel** D'J fi_. h. F. i4t' A £n- llUtillt'r** , l-a, . , fll-.IT.' TU“^ K F. iJ:-'-’- lu! fiiiiaiio!! iL A? ' ; ■: - lie bv ,, j. j,- )S M KH’H AN'J’> wly on .,,1 every article ■»’ Lii. , , i jt'W.tf i«|iior%! UiiHO*”*’ Ue.Tii ■/; i oul ra-Je. . will be * L co>t tm] lARRCLS, Linds an'! 'jUHlilie". Ki iiiu^t tall ek o'«. 1 arii’^- f'.r 'Li- ‘'I , ^oef*- Inch liuve giveu nucu ft wttiiiiiig i/Lir Vi*ruB liavf iLfUi filled on »** “ bil.WV, Ag’t C. C. 1^ mu Wtk SEMI-WEEKI. Y. rvoT.. x.l FAYKTTEVILLE, N. C., AUGUST IG, I860. [NO. 914.] Piy_OTK!> MONDAYS AM) THUHSDAYS. WARD J. HILE & 6m, Ieuitors and proprietors • ' Fayetteville Female High School. rpmS school will coiuuience it* Eleventh sesuion ou tlie , 1 1st MONDAY IN OCTOBER, under the joint su^ar- I int«ndence of J. DeB. Iloopcr, (for nmuy years Profes- ' 9or of Languages in the Uni>«rsity of NT. C.,) and T. C. ; Hooper, (the present Principal,) •ssisted by a full corps ' i>f experienced and carefully selected instructurs. TERMS: I Boat-d per Session of 1*0 weeks, IX' Tuition in Collegiate Department, 20 00 I *• in Academic 16 00 i “ in Primary “ 12 00 •• in Music cn Piano, 20 00 “ Harp, 26 0t» “ Melodeon, 18 00 “ Guitar, 18 00 “ ill Painting in Oil Color*, 20 (X) *• in Water Colors. 12 00 Grecian Painting, 15 00 Drawing, 10 00 Use of Piano 4 00, Harp 6 00, Melodeon * 00, Gui tar 2 50. One-balf of Board and Tuition payabla in advance. July 16. ' 35-tOl PRIV nF7FP LB laoTl if ~ GL,E»TJfOOn. THB fc8th Session of the School at my house will cora- iiMnoe »he 1st day of September nest, under the care of Miss L. G. Jerome, a lady who taught for us successfully and satisfactorily eight years ago, and who has been regularly engaged in teaching, since that time, in the South. Therefore, from a previous acquaintance, and her ample experience, I teel confident in recoiu- uiending her as a competent and faithful teacher of the ; various branches usually taught in the best schools, i Our terms per session of o months are as follows: j Board, including washing, fuel and lights, $50 00 Tuition in higher branches English, 15 00 ^ Carolina, fronting 30tt feet on Hay and ! ** lower n i. ]» 50 Benaldson Streets, located in the centre of the j Music on Piano, with use of Instn.nient, 22 W iMiaiiiMitwrtiou of the town, and surrouoded by all I French and Latin, each. ^ Ul* BwiMiig Houses, Uhoissale Merchants aud priuci- Address OtO. FILLD, M. D-. pal.PmSm Dealers. W arreutou N C. J5^*^fcsinpss men will find the Hotel a convenisut July -i. 3'.*-e_wtlstS sod odMlrtable house. Stages arrive and depart from this Hotel. F*yilleville. Oct. 1, 1SA8. 51- Ihe Setni-Weelcly t>n8«RVKR $3 00 if paid in $3 50 if paid during the year of siihscrip- tioa; or $4 after the year has expired. For *«%eekl y Obsihvkr S'2 00 per annum, if paid in iiffnuijl, $2 50 if paid during the year of subserip- tio>$ 0J after the year has expired. J®* «isDVERTISEMENTS insert(»d for (JO cents per i •}iuur« «r 1« lines for the first, and 30 cents for each | •ao«e«dl«gpublicafion. Venrly advertisements by spe- | •i»l cOBtl%cts, at reasonatile rates. Advertisers are I re{UMted to state the number of insertions desired, or | the^ will continued till forbid, and charged aecord- iBgljf. ! he inserteil inside, charged 50 ]>er ' cast «zlr». I SPKl I.'iL NtmOE. From after this date. nonan\eof a new subscriber will b* ^tcrod without payment in advance, nor will ti»e pftp«r4ke Kent to such subscribers for a longer time thaa M f«id fur. 8uoh ofovr )ld subscriber.-' :is desire to take the pa- piBr *B this sy?te‘!i will please uoiity us when making remitt6ny»«. Jan’j I, I8j8 I.TTE VI I. L.E HOTEL, T. WADblliL, Proprietor. IS. the most commodious Hotel in Noith A «E!VI! The New Style. Small, ^ COLORED photo;raphs, AT ¥aiior«d4%IIS Gallerv. ART. Woodward’^ ^oiar Camera. PHOTOGRAPHS can be had at Vanorsdell’s Skylight Gallery, Hay street, opposite Marble Yard,' Fay etteville, N. C.: plain, retouched, colored, iu water colors, oil and pastile; from small to life size. Ambro- types, Melaneotypes, and all’other styles of Pictures pertaining to the Art. Also, Gilt Frames, Gilt Mould ing. Glass for very large pictures—as large as 26 by 86 inches. Cord and Tassels for hanging pictures; Instru ments. Stock and Chemicals for sale low for cash. Life size colored Photographs made from small pictures. Having permanently located here I hope to merit your patronage. 1 would also return my sincere thanks for the liberal patrunagu bestowed on me heretofore by the good people of Fayetteville and vicinity. C. M. VANOIISDELL, Photographist and Proprietor. Dec’r 20, l«r,9 77- StHV Polij^h of the ^oulh! TIAIHFACTURED BY A. J. WOODWARD, FAYETTEVILLE, I¥. c:. SHEMWELL HOUSE, illW^OOKS XOKTH UF THK MARKET HOlSls:. kWiyo to the extensive increase of patronage to this Hou“e. during the year, 1 have ex- landed my facilities by the addition of a num- bar of ooiafortablu sleeping ruuius. with other import ant iniWOTttmeuts, which will add materially to the •ODpfort and conv^ienoe of those favoring me with thtit ]Mfr(.nage. To tliaa« who have been my kind friends and cus- tOMra Ibr the past six years, I tender my most sincere thaok% at tho same time respectfully soliciting a con- tiaoaaocj^f their patronage, and also the patronage of a larga MUuber of new patrous. I lia’H^llfbod Stables and a No. 1 Ostler. P. SHEMWELI,. Jan’j 16, li'-.(t 84- , ^’EAKEST AXr> QUlCKEisT ■Ifl^TE TO THE RAILROAD! BEAMAN & ROBINSON'S HORSE STA(JP. LINE TO KEytVSVlLlE, VI\ WARSAW, IS Ac 8liorte-;t and most expeditious for travelers going tHrtk or South. Leavine Favetteville everv dav at 2«taii»kP. M TllR{»U(iH IN TEN HOURS. Ow Coaciies are birge anl coutforiable, drivers sober Mid gaafillemanly. uur teams gucxl and sure of live miles an 'hour. The trareling public who wonld study their comfoi-t and eoiiTCmieiiee will t“ke the Warsaw Stage. larrniriil’ Ml tickets T> WELDON may be had at tbe Si.i};e Otfice, Fayetteville. May 28. If'ii'. 2-5-tf KDl CATIOl^AL. !THE AMERICAN SCHOOL INSTITUTE Is a reliable and practical medium, through which Families, Schools and Colleges, may engage expe rienced and accompli.ahed Teachers and Professors. Teachers of ability are aided in securing engagements School properties aro bought and sold on commission. Cii'culars explaining plan, and containing tirst class educational and business references, iu every part of the country, sent to every friend of education, who may favor us with his address. S.MITH, WOODMAN & CO., •k*y I'hesnut St., Philad’a. July 26. 30-Ct WmCAL COLLEGE OF VIRGINIA, AT KICll5lONr>. ^MKIOIl ori!»60’>6l. The Aniiual Course of Lectures will commence oa the First Monday iu (Jctober, and continue until th« 1st of March. CM. BELL GIBSON, M. D , Prof. of Surgery. DAVID II. TUCKER, M. D Prof. of Thei^iy and practice of Medicine. BEVERLY R. WELLFORD, M. D , Prof. of Materia 1 Medica and Therapeutics A. E. PETICOLAS. M. D.. Prof. of Anatomy. L. .S. JOYNES, M. D.. Prof. of Institutes of Medicine. J.AS. II. CONWAY. .M. !>., Prof. of Obstetrics, i.c. J.\S. B. McC.VW, M. D.. Prof. of Chemistry. MARION HOWARD, M. D., Demonstrator of Ana tomy. This institutiiiu ofl'ers to the Student every facility | for the acquisiti.>n of a thorough medical educatiou. Tlirough the lilierality of the Legislature, at its last | sessioti. in appropriating the sum of Thirty Tbous.ind | Dollars in aid of the (’ollege, tliese facilities will be | greatly extended. A new Hospital-is now in course of | erection, in immediate proximity to the College, which ‘ will much enlarge the field for Clinical instruction. All needful repairs and alterations of the College buildiug i will be duly accompli«»hel, and large and iuiportiuit ad Polisb! How it Shines. .Many of you recol- 1, lect nine year- agv> that I travelled through Norfli Carolina and a portion of South Carolina for the pur pose of introducing this Polish. As time elapsed I found that it would mould. 1 have succeeded in making it perfect and *7ill warrant it to give satisfaction. It can be had at retail for 10 cents per box or at wltolesale for sixty cents per dozen. Dealers will forward tlieir or ders two weeks previous to the time tliey wish them tilled. Mayo, 1800. 15-ly ^ORTfl ('.\R0L1NA WH^TE ^I LFIIl R \\''ILL r>E fJl’EN for visitors the 1st of TT June. TheV are situated near the nre- iiiA sent ieritiin.'.« of the Western N. C. Rail Road, not an liour's ride by superior Omnibuses and SW^. Tba Propriftor ha.- procured the services of TIIO.UPNOIV TVLER as MaMifrer. who.ae experience at the various fashion- abla mtering places of Virginia, added to his com- maadiBg appearanc*: and gentlemanly bearing, insures good order and good fare. Tlialkr.'/ BALL ROOM LEADER and BL.\CK B.lKD-*f MUSICIANS that the city of Richmond, VirgiDia, afl'ords, have been procured. Riding Vehicles and Horses, BILLIARD SALOONS and BOWLING ALLEYS, are at the command of visitors. Tb« country is elevated and healthy; the scenery beautiful and roads most excellent, and the pleasure ffounds extensive. Ther»-i« no water better than that afforded by the Nat*h Carolina WHITE SULPHUR. ’EkailpAtronage of the Carolinas is confidently relied oa t« rapay the Proprietor for the expensive outlay lie haa ma« to fit up a watering pluce.suited to their wants. And ha promises that no pains shall be spared by him- Mlf iMn gentlemanly assistant, to render all who may TiaiC~l|^g|^ pleasant and comfortable. H. L. ROBARDS, Pkopriktob. Mayl4, 18>;0. ]8-tf Tiiounands arc daily speaking in the praise of DR. EATON’S INFANTILE CORDIAL, and why' because it never faiU to afford tuitunturuous relief when given in tiiue. It acts as if by magic, and one trial alunr will convince you that what wo say is, true. It contains .\0 PARECiORlC' OR OPIATE of any kind, and therefore relieves by removiny the JtuJer- inys of j'our child, instead of by deadening its sensitiHties. For this reason, it commends itself as the on/v relithle preparation now known for Childreu TeetliiBs, Diar rhoea, Dysentery, Griping in the Bowels. Acidity of the stomach. Wind, Cold in the Head, aud •liVions aVe'beTtig“Iuad7'lo’ tT.7 Tpnar^t^s‘rn7\Mlu3trii- i sopmxn;; the ,u,ns, reducing ii^Hammation tioiis for the Lectures in everv department. | rtUevxng pain, it has no etyua/ Ample facilities will be atlorde-l for the prosecution ! n7,t,.,p,is,uod,c it is nsed with uureets of Practical .Vnatoiny. Instead of the “Warren Prize,” of One Hundred Dol Isrs. heretofore offered to the graduating class. Two Prizes, of Fifty dollars each, are now otferel—oue for the best Essay on any surgical subject, and the other for the best Essay on any subject pertaining to the Theory or Practice of .Medicine. FEES: Ticket of Each Professor $15 .Matriculation 5 Graduation 25 Demonstrator’s Ticket 10 For further information, or for copy of Catalogue con taining full particulars, address L. S. JOYNES, .M. D., Dean of the Faculty. July 13. 35-llt mu wm\m mwm, HARTFORD, €0.^x^. Incorporated 1819. Charter Perpetnal. Authorized Capital, Paid up Capital, .\H«ets, $I,.i00,000 00 t,.^,000 00 2,030,423 SO FAYETTEVILLE MCflAL I\SIRA\€E €0MPA\¥. Capitaf in Premium .Notes auioiints to Caah «j»4iand and other assets. ?267,688 ‘zb 5,077 35 Total, $272,765 01 Tlia Cottipany have jiaid all losses promptly, and •Tur made an asses.siuent on ikeir premium notes. Total losses paid, $20,082 09 Ot'FIUKKM: (iK'>. McNEILL, President, b. RAY, Vice+'resiilent. A. McMILLAN, Sec y. DlEECTORS: T. K. BRACE. S. TUDOR. J. CHURCH. R. BUELL. E. FLOWER. E. A. BULKELEY R. MATHER. E. G. RIPLEY. DIEECTOES. j S. S. W ARD. I H. Z. PR^TT. I A. DUNHAM. I G. f-. DAVIS. 1 D. HILLYER. T. A. ALEXANDER W. KENEY. C. H. iJRAINARD. in all cases of Convulsion or other l^'its. As yuu value the i^'t and health o f your children, and wish to save them front t/iv.*e sad and hlightiny coJuequences te'uch are certaiti to rtsull from the use of narcotic* of irhich all other rtmedies fftr Infantile Complaints are composed, t/tke none but Dr. Raton's Infantile Cordial; tliis you can rely upou. It is perfectly harmless, and cannot injure the most delicate infant. Price, 25 cents. Full directions accompany each t>ottle. Prepared only by CHI RCU A ni POXT, No. 405t liroadwav. New York. $915,344 00 Henry Lilly, L. Myrover, I.T. Hawley, ►than A. St«dman iB. Mallett, aies Kyle, , A. A. McKethan, J, D. Williams, S. W. Tillinghast. Jolia Collins and ( W. N. Tillinghast, S. J. Hinsdale, Wm. McLaurin, T. S. Lntterloh, A. W. Steel, J. G. Cook, Hon. J. G. Shepherd, K. F. Brown, ) A. E. Hall, , McCrummen, Traveling Agents. ^The Company invite applications. y2H, 1860. 21-ly W. F. TUTTLE. E. G. Ripley, Pres’t. T. .A. Alexander, V. Pres’t. T. K. Brate, Jr., Sec’y. A. A. Williams, Adjuster. Rates as low as perfbct solvkncy and fair profit will allow. ASSBTS.-Jnly 1H5». V£ilt24«' Bank Stocks in New York, Hartford, Bos ton, St. Louis, &c., Lnited States Stock and Treasury Notes, State Stocks: New York, Ohio, Kentucky. Tennessee, Missouri, City Stocks, Hartford, Rochester, Brook lyn, Jersey City, Railro'id Stocks: Hartford and New Haven, • Boston and Worcester, Conn. River, Mortgage Bonds, Real Estate, unincumbered. Miscellaneous Items, Cash, on hand and deposited ou call, and in age its' hands, 215,126 50 j pgp bottle 168,050 00 Healthy human Blood upon being ANALYZED always presents us with the same essential elemenlB, and givts of course the True Sljllldard. Analyxe the Blood of a person suffering from Consumption, Liver Complaint, Dyspep>ia, Scrofula, &c. and we find in every tntlnnce certain deficienHes in the red globules of Blood. Supply these deficiencies, and you are made well. The Bluod l-^ood is fouude'l upon tliis Theory—lienee its astonishing success. There arc FIVE PREPARATIONS adapted to deficiencies of the Blood in different diseases. For Coiltfhs Broiirllitis, or any affec tion whatever of the Tliroaf or inducing f'oiiMnmptioii, use No. 1, which is also the No. for Dt‘protion of Spirits I..4i«n of Appetite, aud for all Cliroilir CoiiipluiHis ai-ising from OvT-Hsfs C»4!iieral Debility, and !V«;rvouH Proxtmtioii. No. 2, for Uvor CoinplaiiKs. No. 3, for Tly«|M*pHiil. Being already prepared for absorption it is Xakeil by l>ro|H« and carried im mediately into the circulation, so that what you gain you retain. The No. 4 is for F(‘iiialc lrr«;g[lllari- ties Ily^iteria, Weakiie>»*«, &c. See special di rections for this. For Salt Rlieiim, Eruptions ^erofnloiis Kidney, and Bladder C»in- plaiiitM, take No. 5. In all cases the direction.^i must be strictly foUovted. Price of the Blood Foott !P1 116,000 00 87,058 00 83,089 60 70,103 78 26,348 77 350 303 15 Sold by CHURCH & DUPONT. No. 409 Broadway, New York. And by all respectable I'raggiBls throughout the country. Nov 11. 1859 66-1 y E refer our readers to the advertirtement o. Messrs. CHURCH & DUPONT, No. 409 Broad* New York. The ‘Blood Food,’ is one of the great- ledicines of the age, and is rapidly driving out of i.'irket all the quack nostrums of mwlcm times. ItH »cy is so great, and its superiority so justly acknow- j tiiut it is found difficult to supply the immense I iuriea'ing demand for the article. Dr. Eaton’s I ^^aiel ‘Infiuitile Cordial,’ is a medicine prepared by • a^Hiilur phy^ioian of eminence in his prohission, and oaawho ha- devoted iiis life to the peculiar phase« of * ‘^‘^tases. It is no humbug, but a medicine | vUeh rorniticiids it«e1f lo those only who can appreciate Apalachicola, tVor. Times. \ See advertisement. jfaruh 24. d- j LIABILITIES. Claims: unadjusted and not due. $2,030,423 80 $88,242 08 -\gent of tho above Company in Fayetteville, E. J. HALE. March 21, IStiO. Btf i\0\v WX iYIARKET. All persons having NEGROES for sale, will do well to address the subscriber at Clinton, Sampson county, as he is determined to buy and pay as liberal prices for them as the state of the market will permit. By addressing him he will call immediately, and make liberal offers, as all will find who will try him. CHARLES T. STEVENS. GUaton, Ssuupgon Co., Sept 10,186it 48-l7pd IVew Sprliis' Croodi§i. ALEX. JOHill«OI¥, Jr. Has received in part, and id daily receiving, a large and desirable stock of I 8PRI]^G GOOD8, Embracing all the n«west stylos of ! Ladies’ Dress Goods, Shawls, Lace Points, ! Mantillas, Embroideries, Sic. « ' —ALSO— I —.K fine assortment of— j Gentleuieu’s Summer Goods, and Ready Made | Clothing, Bonnets and Millinery Goods of all kinds. j March 15. OOOtf The Irit'iidM ot‘Janie)« W. Horne annouuee him as a candid.vte for the otKce of Major of the 33d Regi ment of N. (]. Militia. Election Saturday Sept 1st, 18j0. August 13, 1860. 43-te W’ .lu.in. nO(]R. JE have received our second purchase, consisting oi a large and desirable stock of )$taple aud Fancv Di*%' (woods, ll.\TS, BONXETS, BOOTS, SHOES, IHBREILAS, READY-MADE (’iOTHING, TRUNKS, &c. Which we offer exclusively to Wholesale Buyers, on terms as favorable as they can be bought North or South. STARR & WILLIAMS. April 23. lltf Aiiiiiial Heeling. , The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Fay etteville and Albemarle Phink Road Co. will take place at the Town Hall, on the la^t Thursday iu August, viz: the 3i)th day. JNO. M. ROSE, Sec’y F. & A. P. R. Co. August 10. 1860. 43-tm _ Jl'OTH'E. All those liaving accounts at V'anorsdell’s Plioto»ra- phic Gallery will please call and settle them between this and the firstof September as I must havethe money. By that time those having Pictures at the Gallery will please call and pay for tiiem and take them away, and oblige, C. M. VANORSDELL. Photographist. Fayetteville. N. (3. August 13. 43-tf H James Kyle AS just received his SPRING AND SUMMER SUP PLY of DRY GOODS, —among which are— Summer and other Silks, Printed Lawns, Double Skirt Robes, Single ditto, . Prints, real French, British and Domestic, Irish Linens, Diapers, &c.. Bolting Cloths; With a very large assortment of all kinds of Gooils gen erally kept in wholesale and retail Stores; all of which are offered at wholesale and retail—CHEAP. March 24, 1800. 3tf •Vo. 34 Hay Street. J. K. K\ LE“ Is now receiving his Spring and Summer Stock of mPLE .IM) F.\.\CV DRV GOODS, •\mong wliich may be found the following articles, at prices which will prove .satisfactory to the purchaser: Dress Goods in pieces, consisting of Muslins, Lawns, Ginghams, Prints, Berege.s, Black and White Challies, Silks, Sic., Sic. In ROBES the following line: Lawn Robes, Double and Single Skirts, Berege do., G'.tighaui do.. Lace Points, Shawl: and Mantillas in profusion, Ribbons, Hosiery and Gloves, Spool Cotton, Hats and Caps, Boot's and Shoes. All of which will be offered very low. Call and ex amine; no charge for looking. J. K. KYLE. March 14, 18t)0. 2tf TO thF frie:%d« of IIO.ME MANUF.VCTUKES. THE KINSTON SjUok r.icT€Pn\* -It -t- i\otice. T.\KEN up and committed to the Jail of t'umberland County, on the 1st of May 1860, as a runaway, a negro who gays he is free, that his name is HENDER SON SEARS, and that he is from Davidson County, and I was bound to David Hunt. He is about 26 years old. 6 I ft. high, and weighs about 180 ibs.; had on when taken ^ up a hickory shirty black Cas. paAts, and blaok round j coat. The owner is requested to c^nie forward, prove property, pay charges, and take lum away, or he will I be dealt with as the law directs, t G. L. MoKAY, Jailer, j June 4, 1860. 23tf Books! Books! Ill^RTHER supplies of the Southern Harmony; N. C. Readers Nos. 1, 2, 3; Monfeifh’s Geography Moh. 1, 2, 3; Lincoln's Botany; Kames Elements; Webster’s Pri mary Dictionary; Davies’ Arithmetic; Colnirfbian Orator; Northend’s American Speaker; Little Speaker; Emer son’s Arithmetics, &c. &c. Just received by E. J. HALE & SON. Webster’s Elementary Spellings IS ,\0W IN SUCCESSFUL OPERATIOX. ORDERS tor negro BROGANS and BOOTS are solicited. J. C. CARPENTER. Agent. Kinston N. C., June 24; I8i»0. 39-tf GlfANOfGUA^OH 4 FRESH SUPPLY just received. A ' C. T. HAIGH & SONS .■\pril 16. 9-tf Itacoii and C'orn. n/\A/k BUSHELS of GOOD CORN; /.w'UUU 15,000 fbs. well-smoked B.\CON. For sale bv E. F. MOORE. Feb’y 20. i4t-93tf Iwliie and Spirits Oarrels. nONSTANTLY ou hand by V E. F. MOORE. B'eb’y 20. i4t-93tf .4 Atftt- Studg/or (jirls.—Archbishop llughvs said a very ^sen.sible thing in Lis address, a few days since to the young ladies of the Mount Saint Viuceut Academy, a Catholic school for girls in New York. After couiplimenting the young girls as angels, iu a style rather exuberant tor a man who, ex-ojficiu, has no right to kno'w much about the angels of this world, the good Jiishop said he intended before another year to arrange with the sisters teaching the school for the intro duction of a new branch of study into the acade my; he was going to have the young ladies taught the science of cuisine. He said every young lady though she be a queen’s daughter, ou^-ht to know the art of housekeeping; even if she does not need to j)ractice it she should understand it, lor it may happen some day that her cook will dismiss her, and what a predicament she would be in then. At the end of another year, if his purse was long enough, he would give a gold modal ot tiity dol lars in value to the young lady who should write tlie best essay upon this new branch of academic study. The Bishop said he did not mean that tho girls should study the theory merely of fui- siiie, but each scholar should have the opportunity to learn it practically in the kitchen. We supj^e the Bishop iuttMided something more than a good joke, and that he would be glad to see the girls in the schools under his supervis ion trained to some proper knowledge of house keeping. Protestant girls need instruction in this science quite as much as Catholic girls. It used once to be considered essential that a young woman should be indoctrinated in all the myste ries of the kitchen before coming to marriageable age. Now the daughters of people in nmderate circumstances grow up and assume the responsi bilities of a family without the slighest idea how to make.good bread or even a decent cup of coffee. Every thing has to be trusted to an ignorant and indifferent servant girl, and, with an expenditure sufficient to secure luxurious living, every thing comes to the table stale, insipid, and indigestible. Many a man of means fares harder than his neigh bor who lives by day’s works, but who has a wile who knowa how to cook. The perversion of the good things of Provi dence in this country by bad cookery is mon strous. It is one of the great sins ol the day, calling for reform. There are hundreds of fami lies spending freely for table supplies who i:ave not the least idea what a good, palatable nieal is. All the West abounds in the most tender and delicious bei f, and yet there is not oue W est-erii man in ten who knows the flavor of beet. He has always eaten it fried up to the consistency of sole leather in salt pork fat. If he should eat a steak properly cooked he would be overwhelmed by a new sensation. In coffee the sin against nature is still worse. There are not probably twenty pub lic houses in the Union where real coffee has ever been made. Even if the pea.s, the chicory, and other vile mixtures are avoided, the coffee is so concoctcd as to be oi the color aud consistence of thin mud, and all the cream in the world will not bring it to the lively golden hue and delicious ! flavor that distinguish genuine coffee. We should j like to send a woman we know on a mission to I instruct all the cooks in America in the sublime art of making coffee. She might do more for j human progress in that way than by teaching the ; A.«senibly’s catechism to the Ilotteutots; or by I going round the country in bloomers to lecture ou 1 women’s rights. The woman who can make goi'd ! coffee and bread, and cook a steak right, has got I the essentials of the art cuisine in her, and may j be trusted to perfect herself in all the minor de- ( tails. The puddings, the pastiy and the fancy NOTICE. I will sell for cash at the ('ourt House door in the Town of Fayetteville on the 3d day of September next, (being Monday of September Cotirt,) the follow ing Lots or parcels of Land or so much thereof as will pay the taxes and costs due for the years 1857-’58. One Lot on Ramsey St., listed by .Jos. Baker, Jr., for Sopliia W illiams. Taxes and cd%ts due $4 47. One lot of Land near Wilmington Road known as the Brickyartl listed by J. E. Bryan. Taxes and costs due #14 il. One Lot on Mumford St., listed by Jas. Banks for ■Martha Sftmpson. Tax and costs due §4 57. Otie lot listed by Jas. Banks for Lucy Deal, tax and costs due $3 17. One lot corner of Hillsboro’ and Cumberland St. and one other lot joining the above listed by G. Deming for Sarah .\«he, tax and costs due ?3 26. One lot on North St. listed byG W'. I. Goldston, Trus tee of Jas. McPherson, tax and cost* due f3 78. One lot on Mumford St. listed by J. S. Raboteau, fax and costs due $10 10. One lot ou Old St. known as the Brumwell lot. listed by O. P. Stark, tax and costs due So 36. Oue lot on Arch St. joins J. A. Pemberton, unlisted, supposed to belong to the Estate of O. Gwiun, double tax due for 1807 and 1858, 5^11 U>. Price of this advertisement to be added to the above amounts. llECTtJR McNEILL. Shff. By R. W. HARDIE, Dep. Shff. August 11, IBtiO. 43-ts FOR SALE T OFFER FOR SALE 3000 ACHES OF LAND in 1. the Counties of Moore and Montgomery, the best Timbered Land in the Stale, aud lying generally with in 20 miles of the Rutherfordtou Rail iioad, and immc- diatel.v upou the route surveyel for thefttail Road from Cheraw to the C'oal Fields, on Deep River. The out crop of coal has been di.scovered by actual experiment in boring all around these Lands, and the purchaser will get a bargain, as 1 shall remove from the State, and am determiued to sell. 1 also offer 300 Acres of Land lying on Deep River, on the 1‘Lank Road leading from liie Gulf to Fayette ville. and within 5 miles of the Fayetieville and Coal Fields Rail Road, supposed to be underlaid with Coal and Iron. .•Vlso, One-fifth of one of the most valuable Coal Plan tations ou Deep River, to-wit: the Bingham place, spoken ot iu Dr. Emmons’ report. The Coal on this property has beeu dug from a well on the premises, and found iu uumerous places where pits have been suuk. so as to justify the opinion expressed by Dr. Euimons. that almost I he entire pluntation is underlail with Coal. I also offer One-third of the McIntosh place, lying immediately upon the Fayetteville aud tkal Fields liail Road, six miles from the River, the best Timbered Tract of Land in this region, aud having all the indi cations of ihe presence of Coal. The Rail Road cuts this land ou oue side of it, passing through it for a con- sidarable di.^tauce. I also offer One-thinl of three places on .McLeiulon's Creek, iu Moore County, containing Coal aud Iron, ea.sy of access and must become as valuable as any property iu the coal region. Also, a HOUSE and L_)T in the sufhirbsof Pittsboro’, containing abcmt 4 acres of grotind, a two story build iug thereon contaiuiug 7 bed-rooms, a parlor and dining- | work are all easy alter the great' first principles room, with a wide passage througli the iiouse, paiitry | magtered and store-room, and a cellar of considerable size; there i rpi - ' x x- i „ are also on the jiremises a double office, in the yard j may seem a waste of WOrds OVCr a small near the direct, to be used either as law offices or for i matter to those who affect to despise the vanities ain- other purpose. .\l»o, smoke-house and kitoheu, a | of this lifo, but we believe no greater beuetit could honse for servants, stable and sheds for cattle; an ele- j be conferred upon American women and tjirls To Turpentine Distillers. The highest Cash price paid for SPIRITS TURPEN TINE by E. F. MOORE, feu y 20. i4t-93tf Cfuano! tniianol! BAGS No. I GUANO. For sale by E. F. .MOORE. Feb’y 20. i4t-93tf gaut garden sjtot and sfiring near the premises, and the whole area around the buildings covered with beautiful oaks of native growth. •\lso, a tract of L.\ND in the vicinity of Pittsboro’, which is well wooded. 5K) sliares of stock in Gold Hill Mining Company'. 27 shares of Stock in the Cape Fear aud Deep River Improvement' Unless previously disposed of, I shall sell the above property at August County Court of Chatham, and on subsequent occasions by public out-cry, till all is sold. M. y. WADDELL. July 21, 1860. 39- E. F. MOOKE, COMMISSION MERCHANT, And will keep constantly on hand every article in the Turpentine Distillers’ Line. Feb’y 20. i4t-93tf Liquors! Liquors! Liquors! JW. HORNE being desirous to close out his stock . of Liquors, will otter inducements in prices. As he jntends to quit the trade, his stock will sold low. For sale a1 cost and charges,“'^^8 100 BARRSI.S, of various kinds and qualities. 8^ Persons indebted must call aud settle. Feb 16 92-tf t'ross Creek Co’s Yarns. The undersigned is Agent for the sale of the above celebrated Yarns, which have given such general satisfaction for years past. Merchants and others wanting our Yarns will please send on their orders and have them tilled on as favora ble terms as heretofore. JOHN SHAW, Ag’t C. C.'Man. Co. June 4, 1860. 23tf WAHTEII. A LARGE quantity of COTTON and LINEN RAGS, for which fair prices will be paid. DAVID MURPHY, i Aug. 17 41- ' trijstIee’s s^ai/e.~ . ON Tlw^rsday the 23d day of August next the subscri- .bor will sell at public auction in the town of Fay etteville, tbe Stock, Lots of Land, Engines, Boilers, Shop Tools, Fixtures, Lumber, Wagons, Carts, and all tbe mat«rial3 used by Walton & Barry at their Foundry. One tract of land is situated on the Western Railroad, near John McPherson’s. The other is » small lot on the railroad in the suburbs of town—where their Found ry and oar shop is established. The terms of sale will be liberal. I WILLI.IM MURDOCH, Trustee. I July 26. >: 38ts Book for salt by K. J. HALS 4 SON A BLA.^K BOOKS. FRBSIi sapply just reoeiyed. fi, J. HALE & SON. than to instruct them in the culinary art. 'Phe comfort and he.ilth of every family is greatly de pendent upon the wisdom and skill exercised in the kitchen. Hence we go in, with l»ishop llughe.s, lor the introduction of the theory and practice of cuisine into the schools for girls, unless their mothers will drop all false notions on the subject, and teach them themselres at home. But either at home or at school, let the girls be taught how to cook.—Sprinyjield (Mass.) RepublicaH. Childhood's Prayer.—Very singular and very pleasing to me is the remembrance of that simple piety of childhood, of that prayer which was said so punctually, night and morning, kneeling by the bedside. What did 1 think oi, guiltless then of metaphysics, what image did 1 bring before my mind a.s 1 repeated my learned petition with such scrupulous fidelity? Did 1 see some venerable form bonding down to listen? Did lie cease to look and listen when I had said it all' Half prayer, half lesson, how diflicult it is now to sum mon it back again? But this 1 know, that the bedside where I knelt to this morning and even ing devotion became sacred to me as an alt;ir. 1 smile as I recall the innocent auperhtition that grew up in me, that the prayer must be said L nerl- iH'j /nut there. If some cold winter's night 1 had crept into bed, thinking to repeat the petition from the warm nest itself, it would not dol it was I felt in this court of conscience to be “an insuf- I ficjent performance;’’ there was no sleep to b^! had I till 1 had risen, and bed-gowned as I was, knelt I at the accustomed place, and .said it all over again j from the beginning to the end. To this daj' i I never see the little clean white bed in which u I child is to sleep but I see also the figure of a child I kneeling in prayer at its side. Aud I, for the moment, am that child. No high altar in the most sumptuous church in Christendom could prompt my knee to bend like that snow-white coverlet, tucked for a child’s slumber. 'Ihorndalr. A Lnmj Sermon.—A contemporary, speaking of the old meeting-house—a very elegant one, by the way—lately burnt at Saco, says: “The church was erected during the ministry of the Rev. Elihu W hitecomb, and the dedication sermon was preached by him February 12th, ISOfj. It was ninety feet in length by fifty tour iu breadth,” &c. I ncle Toby remarked, as he rend this, that he had heard and .“^een some long sermons but X man; Wood's Class Book of Botany; Lectures on Na- j didn’t remember any one SO long a.s ninety feet; tur.il History, by P. A. Chadbourne; Professor Em-j and that the breadth was quite uncommon—long b^g -ItaT.kH.de;;. Dreams .and Parlor Entertainments; The Corner Cup- 1 mt i. j r, xi-- i • x board, by the author of “Inquire Within;” The PrairL i ^hat modern Samson insh.p, of Bo.^ton, Traveller; by Capt. R. B. Marcy; Dime Song Books, j recently astonished his friends and admirers Nos. 1, 2, 8, 4, 5, 6. by lifting a dead-weight of eleven hundred and June 11 E. J. HALE & SON. | sixty pounds. D. & W. McLAl RIX, . ■II70HLD invite attention to their large and desirable VV Slock of GKOCEKIES, t'onsisting in part of— 150 Bags Rio, Kaguira and Java Coffee; 100 Bbls. and Hhds. Snr!ir (assorted;) 2.5 Ilhds. M olassos; 30 “ Bacon—Sides and Shoulders; 500 Sacks Salt; 1.50 Boxes good Tobacco; 125 “ Sperm, Adamantine lt Tallow Cftndlesj 50 “ Soap (a.ssorted;') 50 “ Candy ‘* 100 Bags Shot “ 1000 lbs. Bar Lead; m h BWs. Snnff-5-Eagle Mills; 25 Kegs Soda; 250 “ Nails. —ALSO— A large and general assortment of Hardware and Cnflerv: Farming I tensils, of all descriptions; American, Euglish, Swedes and l*eruvian Iron; Blister, German and Cast Steel; Blacksmiths’ Tools; (’copers’ Do.; Com Sheller.s and Straw Cutters; Buckets, Brooms and Pails; Cotton, Manilla and Jute Rope, (all kinds and quality;) ^ Plow Lines and Bed Cords; Hollow AV are; Cotton Yarns and Sheetings at factory prices. All of which will be sold row for c.^sh, or on usual time to prompt paying customers. CoiTNTBT .\1 kisc'H.^nts are respectfully re(]uested to call and examine our ?tock before purchasing else where. D. & W\ McLAURIN. March 3. 1859 98tf B00KsT B00K¥\] fiHHE MOULDER’S & FOUNDER’S Guide, by Over-