9 ■* iM^ion •?f#.rrA iwrrit ll>? I **H t. ,Nt. I" I' (»i •;te- u'"'- * ^ n . ■-, ’• ^ I' '• t \ A ro. [II U# / svrr, ,, 1*^ 'fT. i r & howjjll lorHanliiig; Merehjun^ i». I' \ , IS .1. Pitli I , ]/ T.^frtjriitine |;t. n . . % £11 If OS «;n. I'urw. rdiuij l:nu Vi • E irv^PECTO^ pif . . r>-.. • Iff BLOfSCT.T !•*•*-=! r ' itun, - n.Ti rial. g^^ I ": . VH,j ' or • «*' '*i' a^ook' idH If i')i III':, -'N IPA1TIEWIET1HL1LIE DIB $bmi-we:eikl.y. .'[VOL. X.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., AUGUST 20, I860. [NO. f)45.] ;d Mi-SDAVS AN1> THURSDAYS IWAKD J. HALE & S01\, )irt'KS and rilOPRIKTORS Price .iMe \Vi>.;kl\- (Jdservkk $3 OU if paij in ■d!|i||ipf^ >''’0 if paid during the y«ar of subscrip- at'ter the year lia^ expired. Ftf-t|j^*WeekIy Obskrvkk $'J X> per annum, if paiil in adrl^ ? J •*>" if paid during the year of subscrip- alter ilie year has expired. ADVFin'tSEMENTS inserted for *‘>0 cents per •quar* of 16 line-* for the first, and 30 cents for each •ucceeding publication. Yearly aJvortisements by spe- ; •i»l coDtr»ets. at reasonalile rates. Advertisers are j requeat«d to state the uuuil>er of iusertions desired, or th«y will k* continued till t'.irbid. and charged accord j ingly. ! AdwtiMnieut'i ti' l>c inserted luiiJt. charged 5() per e«Dt Fayetteville Female High SchooK ^PHIS school will coiunisnce itt Eleventh sesiion on thd 1 1st MONDAY IN OCTOBER, under the joint super- iut«ndence of J. DeB. Hooper, (for many years Prole» sor of Languages in the L'niv«rnity of N. C.,) and T. L. Hooper, (the present Principal,' assisted by a full oorp* of experienced and carefully' selecttid insti uctorii TERMS Board per Session of 20 weeks, Tuition in Collegiate Departmsnt, •• in Academic “ in Primary *• iu Music on Piauo, Harp. “ Melodeou, “ Guitar. “ in Painting in Oil Color*. in Water Colors. Grecian Painting Drawing, Use of Piano 4 'lO, Harp o 0J, Melodeon tar *J 50. One-balf of Board and Tuition payabU in advance. Julv It). ;i5-t01 $60 00 •-’0 00 16 0( .' 12 00 20 00 25 00 18 00 18 0(' 2) 00 12 00 15 00 10 0C> S 00. Gui- SPEfl.vL NOTK.'K. From and Kf!>'r tins date, tn-name of a new subscriber will b« entered without pAviut-nt in a Ivatii'e, nor will the papter be j'ent to --uch xut.^. ribers for a longer time thanjl^paid Imv SimH ofwtr .Id subsoiihers as desire to lake the pa per ea tkiM system will please notiiy us when uiakiug Jan’y 1, loo'- FAYi/rTEYlLLE HOTi:i., T WADl'lliL, Proprietor. fllHl.^. the most commodious Hotel in Noith (■■MB r'arolina, fronting 3tH> feet on Hay and Donaldson Streets, located in the centre of the portion of the town, and surrounded hy all the BM*fag H.'uses. Wholesale Merchants and princi- pal Peijll re De.-ilers. J^Nsusiness men will find the Hotel a conveniant aadfl^^ortable house. St age'» arrive and depart from this Hotel. J^yilteville. >'’t. 1, lJ5!r*. 51- ^SllKMWKLL llorSE, DOUUS NORTH OF THE MIEKKT UOlSi:. Mi v\VIN:'= To thewxtensire increase of patronage lo this Hou»e, during the year, I have ex- ten led uiy facilities by the addition of a num ber of eooil'iv able sioeping r'lMius. with other import ant ioHlrtivement^. which will adJ materially to the •omfort and Cunveuiwuoe i>f those favoring rue with their patronage. To those wi;o have been my kind Iriends and cus- tOiO#B for the pasi six years, I tender my most sincere thaidES, at *he sniuv tinie respectfully soliciting a con- tio^Biee of ihi;!:- patronage, and also the patronage of a lar^ number ot new patrons I hare g jd Siables and a No ' Ostler. P SHEMWELI. Jiafy lb. lf6" S4- ^NEAREST AND QL ICKEST ITC TO THE RAILROAD! PRIVATE m\M SfaOOL IT GL,E»Vn*OOD. THB i*»th Session of the School at my house will com- | m«ioe I lie 1st day of Septotnber next, under the ' care of Miss L. G. Jerome, a lady who taught for us successfully and satisfactorily eight years ago, and who has been regularly engaged in teaching, since that time, in the South. Therefore, from a previous acquaintance, and her ample experience. I teel confident in reconi- niending her as a oompet.*nt and faithful teacher of the various branches usually taught in the best schools Our terms per session of 5 mouths are as follows: Board, including washing. Aiel and light*. ioO 00 Tuition in higher branches English, 15 lower “ •• I'J 50 Music on Fiauo. with use of In-jtrument. 22 5H French and Latin, e.ach. 10 00 -Address GEO. FIELD, M. D., Warronton. N. C. July 2'>. 3'.*-e2wtlstS EI>1 CA TIOIVAI.. THE AMERICAN SCHOOL INSTITUTE Is a reliable and practical medium, through which Families. Schools and Colleges, may engage expe rienced and accomplished Teachers and Profes.sors. Teachers of ability are aided iu ^ecurirg enpageineiits School properties are bought and .'old oti commission. Circulars exToaining plan, and C'^ntaining first class educational ar 1 business references, iu every part of the country, s'Ut to every friend of education, who may 1 I'avor us with hi.s address SMITH. WOODMAN i CO., I tiU'^ Chesnut St., l‘hilad'a. I July 20. I MEmCAL COLLEGE OF VIRGINIA, ; AT UICHMONl) i or l960*-tfl. HE Annual Course of Leotures will commence on the A OEH! The Xew Style. 8mail, tOLORED PHOTOGRAPHS, AT Vaiior^doirK Ciiallery. I ART. Woodvi'ard'M ^olar Camera. I)H()T0QRAPHS can be liad at VanorBdell's Skylight Gallery, Hay street, opposite Marble Yard, Fay etteville, N. C.; plain, retouched, colored, in water colors, oil and pastile: from small to life size. Ambro- types, Melaneotypes, and all other styles of Pictures pertaining to the Art. Also, Gilt Frames, Gilt Mould ing. Glass for very large pictures—as large as 20 hf SO inches. Cord and Tassels for hanging pictures: Instru ments, Stock and Chemicals for sale low for cash. Life size colored Photographs made from small pictures. Having permanently located here I hope to merit your patronage 1 would also return my sincere thanks tor the liberal patronage bestowed on me heretofore by the good people of Fayetteville and vicinitv. C. M. VANt)RSD10LL, Photographist and Proprietor. Dee'r 20, 1859 77- Stav Polish of the Noulh! nA.\rFA€Tl'RED BY A. J. WOODWARD, r% VETTEVILLE, C. I%ew 8priiig' Goodie. ALM. JOH^»bir,~Jr. Has received in part, and is daily receiving, a large ' and desirable stock of SPKli\G GOODS, I Embracing all the newest stylus of Ladies’ Dress Goods, Shawls, Lace Points, Mantillas, Embroideries, 6iu. —ALSO— —A. fine assortment of— G«ntlemen’s Suuiuier Goods, and Ready Made i (?lotbing. Bonnets and Millinery Goods j of all kinds. March 15. 900tf Tlie iril'ltclM ot**lailiew ■ Coljjuitixy^ m ^orth ('aroltiKi.—Mr. \\ . *) \\ - W. Horne announce him as a candidate j Crowder gives a cheering account ot the work ol or the ofEcp of .Major of the iJSd Regi- the Aluericun Tract Society in sixt)' counties ol mcnt ofN. (’. >Hlitia. ! Xorth Carolina. In three months he had visited Election Saturday Sept 1st, 1800. | 0^3 families in sixteen counties, 2U8 of whom _ I Iiad never before receiwd a religious visit. >r had Allllliul ^ prayer oflered in tlieir houses. pHE Annual .Meeting of the Stockholders of the Fay-I Among many incidents related, he says, -A elteville and Albemarle Plank Ro.ad Co. will take ^ colporteur found seventy lauiilies in one iieigh- j borhood who had never received a relit'iuus \isit, ■\ugu'^t 13, 18t;o. T 1 elteville and Albemarle Plank Ro.ad Co place lit the Town Hall, on the last Thunduy in August, VIZ. the ioth^ay. KOSE Sec’y F & \ P R Co. I and persuaded them to unite in a Subbath-sohool August 10, 1800. 43-tm liOTirE. \LL those iiaving accotints at Vanorsdell's Photogra phic Gallery will please call and settle them between this and the first of September as 1 must have the money. and prayer-meeting. In another similar neigh borhood, a Sabbath-school was formed under a board shelter in the wouds, where paretif- and children are taught the alphabet and to .sjiell and read. He visited families who had nut heard I I’ TI'^E have received our second purchase, consisting ot T T a large and desirable stock of staple and Eanc%’ Dry Oood^, il\TS, BOWETS, BOOTS, SHOES, IHBRELLAS, RKADY-MADt: I’IXtTIlINfi, TRUNKS,Sic. I Which we offer exclusively to Wholesale Buyers, on terms as favorable as they can be bought North or ' South. STARR & WILLIAMS. ! April 23. lltf James Kyle H.\S just ruceived his SPKING AND SUMMER SUP- ' PLV of 1 DKY GOODS, ! I>3’ that time those having Pictures at the Gallery will ' preaching in two years, and sonie not in ten ^ears. plea'ie call and pay for them and take them away, and In one county, some two years ago, a colporteur oblice. C .M. VANORSDELL, Photographist, accompanied by a minister for a week in ‘visiting a very poor neighborhood, and supplying ugiist ... , books and tracts. Since then ; four Sabbath-schools have been formed in that T will sell for ca'sh at the Court^*louse door in the neighborhood, and the minister has jiist sent J Town of Fayetteville on the "d day of September thirty dollars tor books to replenish their libraries next, (being Monday of September Court,) the follow ing Lots or parcels of Land or so much thereof as will pay the taxes and cost.s due for the years 1857-’58. One Lot on Ramsey St., listed by Jos. Baker, Jr., for Sophia Williams. Taxes and costs due $4 47. One lot of Land near Wilmington Road known as the Brickyard listed by J. E. Bryan. Taxes and costs due ;?14 11. —among whioh are— Summer and oth«r Silks, Printed Lawns, Double Skirt Robes, Single ditto, Print.s, real French, British and Domestic, Iri.sh Linens, Diapers, &c.. Bolting Cloths; With a very large assortment of all kinds of Goods gen erally kej't in wholesale and retail Stores; all of which are ottered at wholesale and retail—CHE.\P. March 24. 18f,n. .-^tf Many have been converted in the.se schools, and three men, who were formerly intemperate, are now superintendents of Sabbath-schools, holding prayer-meetings, and visiting and praying with their neighbors.” Mr. Crowder says, ‘‘During the quarter 1 have visited or been informed of seventy-eight Sabbath- One Lot on Mumford St listed bj^JaB._ Banks for . ^re believed to have resulted, more MAFiha baiiinson. Tax and costa (iue $4 ot. , \ i i i_ i* >.i o • .. * Jiic lot listed bv Jas. Banks for Lucy Deal, tax and or lt;3S, from the labors ol the feocietj s colporteurs in the famihes. One Sabbath 1 walked eight miles to visit one ot these schools, now number ing ninety scholars. Good order was observed, and I never saw happier faces than when I scat tered The Child’s Paper among them, through •Vo. «4 Street* Hay J. K. KVLE Is now receiving his Spring and Summer Stock of AMI FWCV IIBV (iOOIIS. costs due ?3 17. One lot corner of Hillsboro’ and Cumberland St. and one other lot joining the above listed by G. Deming for Sarah .\she, tax and costs ilue 20. One lot on Xorth St. listed by G W. 1. Goldstou, Trus tee of Jas. McPherson, tax and costs due 78. . i i i i • One lot on-Mumford St. listed by J. S. Raboteau, lax the benevolence oi a pious lady, who has since and cost.s due Slo l(t. more than doubled her donation to make other One lot on Old St. known as the Brumwell lot, listed ^unc hearts glad. T have also heard of 142 per- uau,,=d. hoMallj coaver^J to God W l.i. ble»,i„K supposed to belong lo the Estate of O. Gwinn, double . on printed truth and personal religious conversa- tax due for 1S57 and 1S5H, Sll oo. tion.” Prico of this advertisement to be added to the above Such is the work which the American Tract amount.-. HlA'T oR McNElLL, Society is seeking to carry forward in all parts of By R. W. HARDIE, Dep. shff. -.1 i. . August 11, 18*;0. 43-ts Polish: HoH It Shines. Many of you reool- 1 led nine vears ago that I travelled through North M’arolina and' a portion of Sou’Ji t'arolina for the pur- Among which maybe found the following articles, at ■ ■ " prices which will prove satisfactory to the purchaser: Dress Ioods in pieces, consisting of Muslins, Lawns, (jinghams. Prints, Bereges, Black FOR KALE FOR SALE 3000 ACRES the land. Everywhere it commends itself to the ' sympathy and support of intelligtMit, active Chris- i tians. OF LAND in pose of inir-iducing this Polish. As lime «laj>9ed I found that it would niould. I have succeeded in making it perfect and will warrant it to give satisfaction. It can be had at retail for lo cents per box or at wholesale for sixty cents per dozetj. Dealers will forward their or ders two wt-eks jirevious to the time they wish them filled. Mav 5, l.stlu. 15-1 V T'V & ROBl.NSON'S PIVK U0P.>E ST\GK LIVE TO KEWVSVILLK, >I\ W.\KSV>\. 18 the :hu. ifv: a,nd most ex{>ediiiiius for travelers going Mon I o’ S iuth Leaving Fayetteville everv day at 2o’clov:kP M THR>UGH l.V TEN HOURS. fcr Coaoh'-'- aie birge and comfortable, drivers solier I teams goo'l and sure of five miles Mkour T6e triivelin;; piil.iic whi: would -jtudy iheir comtort uid con\fiiii i" ” v,;';l tike th(» Wai>aw Siage. i^THRt'lGH TICKETS TO WELDON may be h»d at the .''lasre Office, Fayetteville. M*y 2'). 1 s»;n. 25-tf NORTH ( AROLINA WHITE 5^11.1*111 R «PR1.\(;S. \Y'LL P. >> June. Pil^ OPEN for visitor the 1st of They are situated near the pre- 'irst Monday iu UctolM.‘r. audcuutinue until the Ikt ! I'f .March. i CH. BELL ;1BS0N, .M D. Prof of Surgerv j DAVID H. TUCKER, M D. Prof of Theory and ! practice of Medicine. i BEVERLY R. WELLFORD, M. D , Prof. of Mato, ia ! .Medica and Therapeutics. \. E. PETIC^>L.\S, M. D., Prof. of .\natumy. L. S. JOVNES. M. D., Prot. of Iii'-titutes of Me Heine : JA.'^. H CONW .W. M. D., Prof. of Obstetrl, Sc. : J.VS. B McCAW. .M. D , Prof. of Chemistry. i -M.VRION HO'V.\HD, M D . Demonstrator of .-\na- j tomy. This instiiu;iiin otters to the Student every facility fur the acquijiti .n of a thorough medical education. Thiuugh the liberality of the Le^islaiure, at its Issl | session, in H} prupriating the sum of Thirty Thous.iud Dollar- iu aid of the ('olleg.*, these facilities will be greatly extended. .\ new Hoai>ital is now in course of erection, in immediate proximity to the 'ollege, wiiich will much enlarge the field for Clinical instruction. All needful repairs and alteratiuus of the allege building ! will be duly accomplislied. and large and important ad- ' ijitions are being made to the ajiparatus and illus'.ra- j titns for the Lectures iu every departiuen;.. ' -\nip'.e facilities will be atfijrdcl for the pr isecu'ion ' Thousands are daily speaking in the praise of DR. EATON’S INFANTILE CORUl AL, and why? because it never fullt tu afurd instaitctyi-nui relie: when given in time. It acts as if hy magic, and uutt ial jiurir will convince you that what we tay is true. It c ntains ' MO PARKGORir OR OriATK of tinp kind, and therefore relieves by removiny the tujfrr- \ng» ol Vwur child, instead of by deadening it* tettthilitiet. For this rea.ion, it cotnmonds itself as i nly reli Me preparation now known for Ctilldreu Teething, Diar rhoea, Dyaentery, Griping la the Uowels, .4cidity of the ^tuuiach, Wind, Cold in the Head, and Croup, also, for i'^ftenitig the 'junu, reducing inllanmni'tn, regulating thf Hmrels. nud rHierinj pain, it has no espial —1 eing an anti-sf."t.im' dic it is used with unf'iili.ig success in all casi's of ConvulHlon or other Fita. ,4« yu and White Challies, Silks, Acc.. .ice. In ROBES the following line: Lawn Kobes, Double and Single Skirts, Herege do , jingham do., T>ace Points, Shawls and Mantillas in profusion. Ribbons, Hosiery and Gloves, Spool Cotton, Hats and Caps, JiooLs and Shoes All of which will be offered very low. Call and ex amine; no charge for looking. J. K KVLE. March 14, 18'jiJ. _ lltf TO THE FRIK.\H5«> OF llO.Mi: .MAXUFACTrRi:;^. THE KINSTON SHOr. r.1€TOR\^ 4r IS \o\v ORDERS solicited -t- I\ SKCESSFI L OPEIIATION. for negro BROG.VN.' and BOOTS are of Practical .\nntomv. ■ , ,• ... i i . i,, ■ i , , . 1 r > I, ■ t II I 1 lA 1 tuiue ttie Itie unJ hralth -/ y(jur c/iudrtu, ana nnn tu tave Instead of the “Warren trize, of One Hundred Dol- ' ' lars. heretofore offered to the graduating class. Two ‘ ' - ’ Pri/e*, of Fifty dollars each, are now the best Essay on any surgical subjecl s ride by superior Omnibuses and ! ♦or'he best l^ssay on any subject pertaining to the Theory or Practice of Medicine. F K E S ; Ticket of Each Professor Matriculation 5 Graduation -o Demonstrator's Ticket 10 For further information, or for copy of ('atalogue con taining full particulars, address L. S. JOYNES. M. D.. Dean of the Faculty. 35-1 It t t.-riiiin.;' of the Western N. I'. Rail Roa I, an h “sr. Pr.'P'ie-or ha‘^ procured the services of TI34rnP!^0\ TVI.KR ag Mana ^-T. wh' -e experience at the various fa'ihion- ftble w .'•■rip;; {)'; ilo« >,{ \'irginia, added to his com manding a] j.earance and gentlemanly bearing, insures good ui ; -iid gi oil fare. The ^ ' BALL ROOM LEADER and BLACK BAI'iD if MUSK l.\NS tliat the city of Riciimond, Virginia, alb'rd:;. have liet-n procured. Riding Velilc^-. and H.-r-^fs. BILLIARD SALOONS and Bowling .alleys, are at the comtnand of visitors. The country is elevated ati'l healthy; the «cenery b«autifii' and ri ads most excellent, and the pleasure ground- fii'-ive. There ; ri ■ water better than that afforded by the North I'arolina WHITE i'ULPHUK. Th‘ ]iatronage c;f the Carolinas is confidently relied on to vep iy the Proprietor for the expensive outlay he Iu mad*' to fit up a watering place suited to their wants. Ad h« proniix-x that no pains shall be spared by him- 1 MVor hi« et^iiflnnianly nssistant, to render all who may | Hiit hiui. plfa'Hui and comfortable. II. L. ROB.VRDS, Propriktor. j Mav 11. 18'ifi. Irt-if 1 ^ ^ *' t i'ah:tti:%'ili.e ! MITIAL INSIRA.ME tOMPAM. July 13. UI HARTff'ORO, €'0:\\\. Incorporated 1819. Charter Perpetual. Authorised Capital, Paid up Capital, Assets, $1,500,000 00 1,.>00.(HN) (N) ‘2,0:i0,4‘2:t SO Capital in Premium Notes amount* to Caah on hand and other assets. 5,077 Total. $272,70.5 0] Tha Oonipany have paid all losses promptly, and have never made an assessment on their premium notes. Total losses paid, $29.t)82 69 ' Ofuckbs: (iEO. McNElLL, Presiilent. D. A. RAV , \’icf President, t'. .A. McMILLAN, Secy. DlBKiToiis: T. K. BRACE. S. TUDOR. J. CHURCH. R. BUELL. E. FLOWER. E. A. BULKELEY. R. MATHER. E. G. RIPLEY. W. O. IliPt.KV, Pres’t. DtKF.rroRs. I S. S. WARD. 1 H. Z. PRATT. I A. DUNHAM, i (i. F. DAVIS. D. HILLYER. T. A. ALEXANDER ; W. KENEY. ‘ C. H. BRAINARD. F. TUTTLE. T. A. Ai.kx.\si>er. V. Pres’t. J. CARPENTER, Agent. Kinston N. C., June 21; IS'iO. S'.*-tf i'Auj? sad and Lltghung const'^Ufuces xchich are i.|.n ‘ I firtuiu ' ■ Tnjult from >Ke use of uarcotiis of u Aic/i all other otiered—one lor ; j - / - ^ , ] . ,, rtmeairs tor Injanti'e Complaints are composed, take nnnt , an 10 o ler i Katon’s Infantile Cordial; this vou can r‘ly ‘rtrtiniru» to the , . « , . » • t upon. It is perfectly harmless, and cannot injure tlie most delicate infant. Price. '!■> cents. Full directions accompany each bottle. Prepared only by CHI K( II k UI POXT, No. 401* Broadway, New York A Henry Lilly, H. L. Myrover, S. T. Hawley, •Valhan A. Stedman, 1 , B. .Mallett. James Kyle, •A. .A. McKethan, J. 1'. Williams, •S. W. Tillinghaet. W. N. Tillinghast, S. J. Hinsdale, Wm. McLaurin, T. S. Lutlerloh, A. W. Steel, J. G. C®ok, Hon. J. 0. Shepherd, R. F. Brown. | . . A. E. Hall, John I'ollins and C. C. McCrummen, Traveling .Agents. Ji!>ii;" The (’> ;iipany invite applications. May 28, 21-ly Brai k. Jr., Sec y. A. .A. WtLLiAMs, Adjuster. Kales as low as perfhct soi.venct and fair profit will allow, ASSKT8.—July Market value- Bank Stocks in New York, Hartford, Bos ton. St. Louis, &c., 10 United Stales Stock and Treasury .Notes, 2I5,12ti AO State Stocks; New York, Ohio, Iventucky, Tennessee, Missouri. 108,050 CMJ City Stocks, Hartford. Rochester. Brook lyn, Jersey City, 116,0(Xt 00 Railro-id Stocks: Hanford and New Haven. Boston and Worcester, ('onn River. 87,0.'i8 00 Mortgage Bonds, b;^,0H9 00 Real Estate, unincumbered. 7o.lo;{ 78 Miscellaneous Items, 2o,H48 77 Cash, on hand and deposited on call, and in age its' hands, ;150,303 I ”) $2,080,423 80 ‘•\v^ LIABILITIES. Claims: u.’iadjaited and not due, ?8S,242 08 Agent of the above Compa’hy in Fayetteville, E J. HALK. March 21, 1800. 3tf refer our readers to the advertisement o. .Messrs. ('IILRCH & DUPONT, No. 109 Broad way, New York. The ‘Blood Food,’ is one of the great est medicines of the age. and is rapidly driving out of the market all the quack nostrums of modern times. Its eflicacy is so great, and its superiority s« justly acknow ledged. that it is found difficult to supply the immense j ■ — and increasing demand for the article. Dr. Eaton’s ACIAV Ii^ ifMARKET. ci-lcl,rated -Infantile Cordial,’ is a meilicine jirepared by ^ i LL persons having NEGROES for sale, will do well H n-giiiur physi>;ian of eminence iu his profession, and to address the subscriber at Clinton, .Samp.son ijiif who iiax ilevoted his life lo the peculiar phases of . county, as he is determined to buy and pay as liberal liifs;i:'.l.; diseases. It is no humbug, but a medicine i prices for them as the stale of the market will permit. w*i.i'Ti coniiuend'^ it-'elf to those only who can appreciate j By addressing him he will call immediately, and make liberal offers, as all will find who will try him. ; CHARLES T. STEVENS. Healthy human Blood upon being ANALYZED always presents us with the same essential elements, anil gives of course the 'fi'lie Staiilai’«l. .Analyze the Blood of a person suffering from Consumption. Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, Scrofula, &c. and we find in every inslaurr certain drjicienrirs in the red globules of Blood. Supply these deficiencies, and you arc mude well. The Food is founded upon this Theory—hence its astonishing success. There are FIVE PREPARATIONS adapted to deficiencies of the Blood in ditTcrent diseases. For 4'onsli**'. ^old«i, Broiirliitis or any atfec- tion whatever of the 'riiroal or I..|||IK« inducing foil^iumplifill, use No. 1, which is also the No. for i Of^pi't^'^ioii of ^ipiril^, of .ipp«‘litc, {and for all Cli roil io Coiiipliiilli« arising from , Ov«‘r-ii**«*, iit‘ii‘r:il Debility, and I%er«»u ; Prostration. No. 2, for l.,iv;r Coiiiplaiiiisi. I No. o, for I>yi|N‘p«iil. Being already preparrd for absorption it is 'rtik‘il by Orop*i and carried im mediately into the circulation, so that what you gain j you retain. The No. 4 is for Femalo Irrcg^iilari- ! ti«», llystc^ria, WeakiieHn. &c. See special di rections for this. For ^ult Klioiiiii, Brtiplioiis S«>rofiiioii«>, Kiiii‘y, and llladdvr C«:in- plaiiif«, take No. 5. In nil cases the directions must 1 be strictly followed. Price of the Blood Food fl I per bottle. I Sold by ClilRCIi & DI POM. 1 No. 40y Broadway, New York. And by all respectable Druggists throughout the country. Nov 11. 1859 66-1 y l^otlee. Taken up and committed to the Jail of Cumberland ('ounty, on [he 1st of May 1800. as a runaway, a negro who says he is free, that his name is HENDER SON .'^E.ARS. and that he is from Davidson County, and was bound to David Hunt. He is about 20 years old, tj ft. high, and weighs about 180 lbs.; had on when taken up a hickory shirt, black Cas. pants, and black round coat. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take him away, or he will be dealt with as the law directs. G. L. McKAY, Jailer. June 4, 1800. 23lf «l ANiO: GL AXO!! FRESH SUPPLY just received. C. T. HAIGH 4 SONS April 10. 9-tf Bacon and Torn. BUSHEL.'i of GOOD CORN; VwU 15,MtO ft>s. well-smoked B.ACt^N. For sale by E. F. MOORE. Feb y 20. i4t-93tf fialiie and NpiritM Barrel«>i. ^lONST.ANTLY on hand bv V ' E. F. MOORE. Feb’y 20. i4l-98tf To Tiirpentine The highest Cash price paid for SPIRITS TURPEN TINE by E. F. MOORE. Feb’y 20. i4l-9olf , Ciuano! (liuano!! AA BAGS No. 1 GUANO. For sale by E. F. MOORE. Feb'y 20. i4t-9oif E. F. MOORE, C () M M IS S10 N M E K C il A N T, VND will keep constantly on hand every article iu th« Turpentine Distillers' Line. Feb y 20. I OFFER - - . 1 the Counties of Moore and Montgomery, the best , J^oliticcil A.Tiihitioii oiui its jL^icurd..—i'ht Timbered Land in the State, and lying generally with- : eloquent testimony of Guizot, which we copy be- in 20 miles of the Rutherfordton Rail Bi^d, and jmine- | emptiness of political distinction, oucLt (Jiatolv upon tlio route surveyea for ihe Kail Roaa from i u f i ! • rheraV tS the Coal Fields, on Deep River. The out- to reconcile those who have never suoceeaed in crop of coal ha-been discovered by actual experiment in attainingsuchdistinction to the more ob.scuie walk- boring all around these Lands, and the purchaser will , ol life, in which the multitude of men must alway- get a bargain, as I shall remove from the State, and am remain. We find it quoted by a contenif«orar\ determined to sell. ■ rw d- from the third volume ol the recently published I also offer Acres of Lami lying on Deep River, . . ,, , . » * i i • » • Favette- memoirs ot the great statesman and historian: “1 have no desire to intrude my private lii and teelings on public attention. The more they are profound and tender, the les.s are they dispos ed to exhibit themselves, for I cannot show them in their intense reality. Kings exhibit their crown jewels to the inspection ol the curious; but we do not parade our private treasures, the value of which is only to known to the uwner.. Vet. I when the fatal day arrives in which these invalua ble possessions are wrested Irom us, it would b'- Road, 'i.x miles from the River, the best Timbered evincing toward them a proper want of respect Tract of Land in this region, and having all ihe indi - - - - ... cation-> of the }iri'-icnce of Coal. The Rail Road cuts this land on one side of it. passing through it for a con- sidsrable distance. I also offer Une-thirtl of thfee places on McLendon's Creek, iu Moore County, containing Coal and Iron, easy of access and must become as valuable as any property in the coal region. Also, a HOUSE and LOT in the suburbs of Pittsboro’, containing about 4 acres of ground, a two story build ing therei n containing 7 bed-rooms, a parlor and dining room. with a wiile p>a?ssge through the house, pantry and store-room, ami a cellar of considerable size; there on tlie Plank Road leading from the Gulf to ville, and within 5 miles of the Fayetteville and Coal Fields Rnil Uoad, •‘upfiosed to be underlaid with Coal and Iron. •Also, (»ne-fiflh of oiie of the most valuable Coal Plan tations on Deep River, to-wil; the Bingham place, spoken of in Dr. Emmons' report. The Coal on this property Iris been dug from a well on the premises, and found in numerous places where pits have been sunk, so as to justify the of>inion expressed by Dr. Emmons, that almost the eiitire jdantation is underlaid with Coal. 1 al>*o offer Oue-third of the McIntosh place, lying iiumediatcly upon the Fayetteville and Coal Fields Rail and faith not to declare the esteem iu which tho\ were held and the void they have ielt. I have been strongly attached to political lite, and ha\e applied myselt to it with urdur. i have devoted to public duties, without hesitation the sacritiic and efforts they demanded irom me; but these pursuits have ever been far indeed iVom satisfy ing my desires. It is not that 1 cotnpiain of the incidental trials. Many public servants have spoken with bitterness of the disappointments , 1 a; • .u t the\’ have experienced, the reverses they have are also on the premises a double orhce, in the yard : f ^ i4t-93lf l>ii|uors! l^iqiiorv! Liquors! JVi. HORNE being desirous to j;lose out his slock , of Liijuors, will otter inducements in prices .As he intends to quit the trade, his stock will bt; sold low. For sale at cost and charges, 100 BARRELS, of various kinds and qualities. 8^, Persons indebted inust Call and settle ■ Feb 18 92-If l/ros!^ Creek Co's Ifarns. THK undersigned is Agent for the sale of the above celebrated Yarns, which have given such general satisfaction for years past. Merchants and others wanting our Yarns will please send on thoir orders and have them filled on as favora ble terms as heretofore. JOHN SHAW, Ag’t C. C. Man. Co. June 4, 18G0. 28tf WA^TKD. A LARGE quantity of COTTON and LINEN RAGS, for which fair prices will be paid. DAVID MURPHY. Aug. 17 41- near the street, to be used either as law offices or for ; any other purpose. .Also, smoke-house and kitchc% a , house for servants, stalde and sheds for cattle; an ele- i g'ltit garden spot and spring near the premises, and the ! whole area around the buildings covered with beautiful i oaks of native growth. i Also, a tract of LAND in the vicinity of Pittsboro’, | which is well wooded. i oOO shares of stock in (!old Hill Mining Company. j 27 shares of Stock in the Cape Fear ami Deep River Improvement. Unless previously disposed of, I shall sell the above properly at .August County (’ourt of Chatham, and on sub-equent occasiuiis liy ptiMio out-,?rv, till all is sold. M. Q. WADDELL. July 21, l.'t;(\ sy- D. & W. McLAl RL\, AT'^OULD invite attention to their large »nd desirabl* VV Stock of GKOCEKIE!!^, (Consisting in pa 1 of— l.'iO Kags Bio, Laguira and Java Coflfae; lOU Hbls. and Hhds. Sngjir (assorted;) 2^ Hhds. Molasses; .‘)0 “ l?acon—Sides and Shoulders; 5U0 Sacks Salt; 150 Boxes good Tobacco; 12.^ “ Sperm, Adamantine it Tallow (Jen dies; .50 “ Soap (a.ssorted;) 50 “ Tandy “ 100 H:igs Shot “ lOOO lbs. Bar Lead; 80 J IJbls. Snuft'—Eagle Mills; 25 Kecrs Soda; 250 Nails. —ALSO— large and general assortment of Hardware and Cntlery: Farming tonsils, of all descriptions; American, Knglish, Swedes and Peruvian Iron; IJlister, German and Cast Steel; Jilacksmiths’ Tools; Coopers’ I>o.; Corn Sheller.s and Straw Cutters; Cuckets. Brooms and Pails; TRVSTEE’S ON Thursday the 23d day of August next the subscri ber will sell at public auction in Ihe town of Fay etteville, the Stock, Lots of Land, Engines. Boilers, Shop Tools, Fixtures, Lumber. Wagons, Carts, and all the materials used by Walton & Barry at their Foundry. One tract of land is situated on the Western Railroad, near John McPherson’s. The other is a small lot on the railroad in the suburbs of town—where their Found- undergone, the severities of fortune, and the in gratitude of men. I have nothing of the kind to say, for 1 have never acknowledged such senti ments. However violently I may have }>een stricken, 1 have never found men more blind or ungrateful, or n.y political destiny more harsh than I e.xpected. It has had alternately, an^ in great abundance, its joys and sorrows; such is the law of humanity. But it has been in the hajipiost ! days, and in the midst ol the most brilliant snc- ! ce.sses t>f my career, that I have found the insuf- I ficiency of public life. The political world is cold ; and calculating; th« affaira of government are j lofty, and powerfully impress tlie thought; but i they cannot fill the soul, which has often mort* ^ varied and more pressing aspirations than those ®f I the most ambitious politician. It longs lor a h.ip- ! piness more intimate, more complete, and more j tender than that which all the labors and trininphs i of active e.xertion and public iinportai ce can be- ' stow. What I know to-day, at the end of my I race, I have lelt when it began, and durin- its continuance; even in the midst of great under takings, domestic affections form the basis of lil'e; and the most brilliant career has only superficial and incomplete enjoyments, il a stranger to tlie happy ties ol family and friendship.'’ -I Deer Run Doirn hy a Railrmd 'Tno'n.— About four miles from Lake City, a icw days ago, j as the train on the Florida Central itailroad was I passing down, a deer was discovered at some dis tance to the right hand about on a parallel with the locomotive, under full, speed making lor a bay-head on the opposite side of the track a con siderable distiince ahead. 'I'he fleet animal put •forth all its energies to gain the desired point and we suspect (though without warrant) that tin* engineer may have pokul up the fire a little, ior it was about so good and so good with the in;n horse and his nimble-footed competitor. The rat e bec.sme exciting and all on board looked on with ! much interest. Finally, the point of crossinu I sought by the animal was about to be reai h ,>d, and it made one desperate leap to cross the truck in It —Ap’ilaihiriilu, AVer. Times. Oar •See advrriisement. March 24. 8- CUatoQ, Sampson Co., Sept 10,1869 48-lypd Books! Bookis! Ij^URTHER supplies of the Southern Harmony; N. C. ' Readers Nos. 1, 2, 3; Monteith’s Geography Nos. 1, , , , . 2, 3; Lincolns Botany; Kames Elements; Webs'era Pri- i mary Dictionary; Davies’ Arithmetic; Columbian Orator; 1 Northend’s American Speaker; Little Speaker: Emer son's Arithmetics, &c. !iLC. 1 Just received by E. J. HALE k SON. Web«tcr’» Eleiueiilary i^pelliui: | Book for «a.l« by K. J. HALS 4 SON . j The terms of sale will be liberal. WILLIAM MURDOCH, Trustee. July 26. ^ 3Sts Alik BOOKS. AFRHSii SHpplj just received. E. J. HALE & SON. Cotton, Manilla and Jute Rope, (all kinds and ‘ advance of the locomotive, and might have sue ceeded had it not been encumbered by a ditch, but the locomotive struck it, breaking three le-s and thus rendering it an easy prize. .\t another time the locomotive caught and disabled a wild turkey attempting to cross the track and rendered it a prize to the operatives. Since catching u deer a.nd wild turkey, our folks along the line think ti:eir cattle stand a slim chance. St. John's (^Fhjrhhi) Mirror. ..1 Civil ^V^ord.—“If a civil word or two wili render a man happy,” said a French King, ‘-hi- must be a wretc.^ indeed who will nut ”ive u. it ia like lightening another man’s cantlle by your own, which loses ni'ue of its brilliancy by what the other gains.” all men acted up'in this principle, the world wt'uld be much happier thnn it ia. rjuality;") Plow Lines and lied (’ords; Flo How W are; Cotton Yarns and Sheetings at factory prices. All of which will be sold low for cash, or on usual time to prompt paving cn.stomers. flSr Co i sTRT MBucn.^Ni s are respectfully requested to call and examine our stock before purchasing else where. !>• & W. McLAURIN. March 3, 93tf BOOKS! BOOKS!! The MOrLDER’S founder’s Guide, by Over man; Wooil’s (’lass P»ook of Botany; Lectui-es'on Na tural History, by P. A. Chadbourne; Professor Em mons Manual of Geology, ‘Jd Edition; Aboriginal .Ameri- i ca, by Abbott; Mary Bunyan, by Ford; .Model Book of I Dreams and Parlor Entertainments; The Corner ’up- i board, by the author of “Inquire Within;” The Prairie- ! Traveller: by Capt. R. B. Marcy; Dime Song Books, j Nos. 1, 2. 3. 4, 5. C. June 11 E. J. HAL£ 4 SON. BLANKS for sale *'it this Office.

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