HWW.W MHivn chant fD rhiMnut su ' I'.i.i'iii -■ ^ ■ K .. u,. . ■*' ‘*1 ' ‘-nMgn,,,,,, mil ii!v .1. N • !>., * R.. h..-. ■' . '' Kv, \ v '■ •* ' p., ■; ' W )Y I >' ■ '■ O'*' ' ■ _ A C O.. II .>lert*liaiit$. r / i r f t I. * tY > * fi I cV 4 0. & HOWSLL, ►rw^iiiina >IprohanK. n j. PKiM^.. /■ tn rpt nt tne, V\'r\ s . 1.- i ' : - r - . ; 1 ' . I KIJ\€.TO^. II llriM'liaiit, .T- - ■ SEMI-WEEKLY. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C.. AUGUST 23, 18G0. [NO. 94i. 1 >M> VVS AN1> iHri{:?UAYS UID J. HAI.K Jt aOX, . :>r,' \M> I HOIMUETOKS .. W -tKl;. iu-,.iiviia S3 00 It p«iJ in ■ i; l aut Juiiii^ ihu year o1' subscrij.- ' 1 T til. \t‘!ir liH-. expivc.l ' 'i.K\ KH ^■L’I'cr niimiui, it’jmiil in • Mti'l tluriiit ihtf vear u!' sutjioripi - ;• i i:"ior Till' vc!H- !m« exjiireil. ;-V l.lii'lSt MtN TS mserteJ for »>0 cenm per ■ I:’.’ ' r'>r tlio rtrst. KiiJ SO c«?iits for eM'li J. i.'H. Yearly Hilveriisoinent-^ by -iiie- ii:>. a! vi-i ilia’ll" VHte-'. Aiivortisers are . slut.* lie lumiber .•! insertions desired, or •ntiiiii. ,1 till f.ivl'i.j, Hiid •'h'irged aco«rd- t .ii«*ned ‘rif.'if. oharged .')(• per SI K; I \L N'lllCr.. ■.•■f M it“w 's’.ibscrlbe!' n advance, nor will rs t'lir » longer li-.ue U. II. IKVER, Oealei* in Di*j Cfoodat, Ciroteries, and 2^1*0vision**, \l' ILL ahv-iys ke-ji h SiolIc ot' Seasouttble Good* M 'in tiHitd, lo s,‘ll rlieujj fur t uili, or exchange tor I’rodiice at (.'asli j.i iics Hay Streei. FuyiMievilie, N. ' , April Irt. y-if U. W. Kin.AKU, CommissioH .7ierrhant^ WIl.MlNii ro.N. N. (’. 'ind 1’1.1‘SONAl :iiieiitioU will be givau lo J tlie iHle lit N'lvul Cotioti, Luuil er, Timber, an>l all other L'oiiiitrv ]'ri>*l!i''c. !u;kki( id SOITIIHi!\ !il!ilOOh BOORS. A. BAl{i\'E!l$ & Bl'ltK, 51 itnil 53 JilH.N S'I KKET, NEW YORK, A\U E. J. llll.K ,V Sll\, FIYETTRHILK. I'. I'L BLISHEKS UF THK i\atioiial of !«»laiidard School UookM. JOHl^ II. COOK, %ui‘tioiieci*. Trustee'^s Suie* ON TL'ESDAV of Sfpteiiiber ijmiri iiexi, m the Mui k«t House, in Fayetteville, iu pursuani'e if :i Trust to me executed by Jaiiieti Suiidy. deo'd., I siiall sell fit Auction Likely I'oiiiig liegroev, * (.'oDsijtiiig of one Woman, aud tlie remainder lloys and Oirls. These are remarkably likely, and of excellent cbaiacter. At the same lime will I>e sold an improved I The .^la^iNtrate^ of Cumberland County are required to meet at the ('ouri House iu Fay etteville. on Wednesday' of Sep tember Term of the County Court From the N»slivill« National Union JOHN" BEL L’.S RECUUD THE SL.WERY QUESTION IN I860. In the Senate uf the I’nited States on the 3d. (tlie ;')ih day of the mouth.) for 4tli, Jth and 6th dajs of .July, 1850, Mr. Bell I he purpose ol iakiiif^ the Bonds of the OBicers ot the j^ave his views on the slavery cjucstion in all iti varied aspects. His opinions on all the material jKjinta involved in the subject will he ibund in the in. Mild tlie trHiisaction of i'ounty husiue.»s generally. I). .i. Mai'KAE, Chm n. .Viiir. ir>, Ihtin. 44-tc I , , , , , . ' t Kuier. Liic same time wiii ne »om an iiiipio>ei.i work, are prepared by the be«t e.lucator. m i„ Lower Favetto- I the cmtu ry and de.s.gned with special reference to , vVilmingtun Koad: and the he thorou);h hduoation ot the \outh of our land. , 1’ri‘S'l (’ (). Cl. I’auvi John li.wv'ji.'N. Messrs. H. i: K I. I.illv. * l- . . Messrs. PtMur.KioN \ Si.oan, i .\. 1’akkkk, Ksij . Hhviiimi t’ountv. N. Mav 7, 1 Still, l’.:iiik it Wilminjfton C . Hi do. teville. C 1')tf will ,'Ut !.■ ji.syiiiont 'h -iubsi'vil) e, ' )n, r \V i F.- 1 a r' .■ r 1 s,i>wcribtTs a«'le-ire to take the pa- 'V-ieni wU! please notify iis when making i \ RKKOI ;ll. Forrtardiiiff niiNiiiess, ilmi:. . j : • ^n-ii. • ill b , • OKisrbi.. VE IN3PECT0H BLOrsCM I i I N ■ ■ IS .^lercbaiii. gtotl^ I . itlrir . i i n.’it i> - r-u Mil"-’''! I W;: . - 11. 1 tr-- : i ^1''- . . . t A Kit. y OLD FPIENDS »m : - i;v ■ • VM ■- ■ m ■ 1. >A. • tr i:: 'I j-r. y; II . itOI.I^ A IfNrniNiK iOMPA.Vb ■li - .IAS. C. 3IcKAE, %ittori9ey at Mjaitj • West end of the Insurance Building, Hay St., Fayetteville, N. C. " h 1 Mil). .-jtf FRENCH STRANGE, .Utorney at Law, Fayetteville, N. C. .‘upied by i’. Wright, Eiq., JOIl\ n. 4'LAItK, i oniniissiou aud Forvvardhii^ Merchaut, -hK.M.KU IN — Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, &c. LUTlKKI.Olt S WIIAKF. WILMINGTON, N. AlJV.Vl'V KOU srK.KMfcl!' K\TK Ml i.M IU.V ANDhl N. \pril J'l, 1^^||. • ] lit kiki:kt II. c'o\V A.\, General Commission •flerchant, Wll.MlNCTOX. N. Otlice South (''‘ruei- Market un>l Water si reel s. up-stairs Oct. 1:;. .',7-1Y T. V. X R. U. \% »UTII, CoDiniissioii and Foruardiiig Merchauts, wiL.MiN ;Tfr>. X. r. . utlv •lie r. ’’ -. I'"' • i« I bv l.im in l>r R .Mn*oti'i .fan'v ■J‘. r H Kiiii> IB. CommissioL n\fi. .JirM.. Attorney at Law, l'.\YtTTK\ Il.LK. N ( . attend the I'aunly and .Superior Courts of ;i:;berland. Harueti. Mjoie and Rubeson C.>un- 'Uipt stten’i.'n Kiven to the collwctiou of all ■U!rU'>tod to his h:iUds. r. 1"'.'' ‘tH-lf I.AW :\OTlCE. S.:''Si7vii3er hHvini; reuioved froni Sumniarville to eville, will att«iid ihe C'^unty and .Suj'erii.r Cuniberland, Harnett and .Moor«. His office ; f'e at his residence, ou (.rraou .Street, opposite ihe scojial Cliurch. 1.- rrespDndent' will please adJre-^s hiui heri»atler ; t. eville. insteB'l t' Suiuuierville NFILI. M. KW • 1s:...,- Law \olice ' er ra- M,: ri-tire l from he Bench, with dev. 'e :i'!n>elf t j the pra.'tice of the Law. etif-- the cmintie* of Cii'uberland. Rob - a’ a:i ilie Courts, and the .Superiu! . ... 1. ilaiiier: and Sampson. J i. SllLl’HERD J5i^ Cons' prompt p.'rs March 17. 81tf >'«V. 11 11. ROBI.NSON. S(0»IA>i0A A: 4 0., :.i\d Forwarding Merchants, : t mi\(.T(l\, N (' luutrv orders will receive •id ■Jif 'pHK : 1 ' jurt- i:il\VI\ if. ItA.WKV, 4jienerui ('omhiiusion »fierchant, iiSoulh Wli;ir\i'.>. iiriw.'ni >l;irkrl \ rhe.Uniil St*. '.'onsi^nuieuts ..f C. N^y.,’ .'ii..res, Fi>ur, Ric*3, will always reco. ,■ h - j.rotiipt personal attentiun .\ilvani'*» wiL be I’uiae 'u'y on actual i'onsigm*nts KtKliRlLNl k': T. A. r. >. Honii. -1 « .s VV tatt 1. Jamk l irriK K .) It I Putt.LKV W V' l.»n H K-»4. \VlLl !*>• HITTIuREVV M fc..l : Kfv \V. ». ( Mtn h M. \\ A 1.1.1 IU. K.-\ Jk., J..H LKKR. Lv A. I 'o. i.'h:irleBi.ai I.' & Mir HKi.L. VViiiiiiii||ii>n li\ -N'nT. K'n Jamo M Tatlor. Kirhin'J . J l.»*n» .'SHfi K. •'nlifurn'.a \V ItkSKDU r. K.q .N' V 1 W . S*n ..s, K»q . rij|l« M n' II .lOSKlMl iiAKF.R, Ju.. I T O K \ K V A T I. A \V , .■t. !i. rt .l .iirW II., B. Wright's Law ■ .-iii-.-ri He V ” bitten ! .nnd practice nnd Superi r C.i-irtf if Cumberland, ■ - 'lii'i Ill ^ r^t! I* n .1. Mi.\('I.AIR, \ltoriify and (ounsellor at Law, ; AVLi'i r.vii.i K. N c , ! •.1 R..Si-~ rn, Cuinberlan i, jpggf Prompt attention ••• .'-A i*u ;r.*» Hl.-I:;i «n 1 1 ontrw'‘t'»d hin. LIT. L i ; . lU. !* » O t* IIooUh. rii! T': Tr,. lit T loib; k an It/d r,i if Lo,. t kh- ti'iiiii \1 - ■‘in F'-i ■■ W 11... II. It. Ill LL A. Attorney at Law, N. (' prrii Mci.' in the 'iinty arri .''up»ri >r Courts ; 1 h. and a'ijoininK unties. M u.;-4ii; A. D. aMc-LEAX, .Ittoriifv and Coun^elior at Law, .'^r.>LMKIiVIiJ.K. X. (’ W"': JNv». S. IMS. T. II in.M\N, V. M. HTM.\N, Jl.utt a! ■)' .\'r«s !.at§ ur DA.AM. Ill flAA A: t'O., CoiiiiiiiK^ioii Merchants, 1*2 1 Pearl Street. W;l. ..[...L a Br .iicij II ii.'.* iii Wiif.ilk, Va.. .n the 1st of September. 1aider the name of HV^\A, DWC'V A: €'0. * .July •■. • 32tf GSi>. HAKRIns W ll\KKIs« J. HOWCI.L. HARRISS & HOWELL, Commission and Forwardinje: Merrhautn, WIL.MI.NCK »X, X (' Oc! 17. .'■|H-lYpd wii.i.iAn J. I* It hi:. inspector of Turpentine^ \V If-TON, V Will Ktlciid proiiipt’y tv u!l business entrusted to hi* care. Niarch 'J'.* 4-]ypd Will. II. Tl KLI\4;T0'«. Coiiiiiiis^ioii AMercliatiiU Wll-MINCTO.V, .\ (' :• ,1, 10 the «ale or Hhipiueni I'.itton. Fl.iur. nuiber. and w ’ I LL vrive spf*ci:il at of all N.ival other country prmliwo. Refers t'.: II II. S ivm” Wilminiiion: ,Ino. I):iwsi Bank of North C.nolin.i; Ijreat c.ire has been taken to exclude sectional or see lariun matter, so that the seriis is regarded a.s truly the Natiunai. Scihjui. Seuies. The favor which these books liave received from all purts of the United States, warr.'ints the Publishers in calling ujioii thoir friends to examine each of the wo"ks nonijirising this series (pro- videil they have not already done so,) with a view of nmkinjr them their Stam)aiu> Tk.xf ISooks. The lowing is a jiart of tlie series: The National Series oT Vrithnieties aud Matb niatiCS. By Prof. Chaki.us 1»aviks, L1-. 1>., formeri 1)1 the Lnited Stiite.s Militaiy AcatU-my, and now it t.’olumbia (College. (The standard of New York, Balti- niore. New Orleans, Buffalo, Rochester, Milwaukee, and other large cities.) The National SerieK of Geographies. By James Montkith and Fkam i.s .MoNai.ly. (Tlie standard of New Orleiius, New York, Buflalo, .Milwaukee, Newark, Brooklyn, and other cities.) The National Series of Sehool ilUtarles. By E.mma WiLi.ARii and Momlith. (Daniel Web ster said of .Mis. Willard s History of the United States: “I keep it near me as a valuable book of reference, ac curate iu fuots and d.stes." It was also highly reconi- mended by Henry Clay, and many other of our most illusfi-ioti.s Statesmen and Kdiicators.) The National Series of School Headers and Spellers. By Riiumiu i;. Pakkkk and Ja.mks M. \VArsii.\. Reeommended wherever they are known as the most beautiful and tfie most practical Readers and Sjiellers ever published. The National Series of English (iranininr, lUus- trated with l>ingrams. By S. W. Ci.\iiK. Clark's method 111 leaciiittg this hitherto dry subject makes it one of the most interestini? niudies in the language. lli:h .'^(■houl liitiTHtuiv. liy .^l)NMl•.^'IKR iV Mc- .liLTON. of lUUimore. 15r>K)kfifMV First Bo«>lc in (’oiiiposition. For Be gin UM"'. Ilc. \V \V. Siulth’s ()rthoj;raphifal Books. 4 Nos. j NiirtluMiii’s liittlf ( hator. National Orator, and : Kntortaiiiing dialogues. Prices, ;{0c., 75c. and 7.5c. ’ Kaine'.s KUuifiits ut‘ ('ritifisui, with Additions By l$i^i). $1 (Mj. hay's Art ut UhetoriL-. 7.*)c. i Boyd's KKiiifiit.s uf Ldlmo. T’ic. I l>urhy’s of .\lal>amu; Botany ot the Southern' St.lies. .■?! 'lO. ^ Brooks’ 1 of Uallitnore i (Ireck and i^atiii I’lasMios, i h voluiiii s, \Vilev iV lliihhttrd's North (’arolirn* Uoadors. 3 Nos. I’arker's .school (’oinptniiiuiu of Natural I'hilo- • ophy tMt I’ortfir's 1’riiu'iple.s of ('hfuiistry .s] 0(i Norto.i iV I’orter's Fir?t liook of Soiencf. $1 UO. Brooks' of Bultiiuorc I School ’I'eacher'.s Regis ter. ."lOc. Brook>" of Biiltiiiioro I Manual of I>fVi.itiou for Schi^i'ls. uS^■. Mclntyre’.s .of Balt. 11 Il'Ii Sthool ‘ Astronomy and (il.ilies. 7'"' ‘ I’aire’.s Kltiiiftits of I »“olooy. t’hainl>t r>’ Klonu-nt.s of Zooloiry SI (Hi Smith vV Martin’s .''’ysteni of Bcok-keeping ..V i lilanks. 7.'c. ea ; Bartlett’s ot West Point ; (’olletre Course ot , Philosciphy. (’hurch’s ! of We.'t l*oint ‘ Calculus and Analyti cal lieonietry. (’ourti-nay’s . of N’ir^inia) Klenients of (’akulus .'lO per C"]iy. llackley's of (’oluiubia (’olle^'O j Trigono'iiotry.' on*. ' I W Cr i'eck’s I of Columbia Col.) Kloments ot , Mechanics. $1 .50 Hanna’s Bihle Hi.'tory for .‘^chods. ?1 (•((. Beers’('uinplote System of I'onmansliip. 1* No.s., Rt Itic. each j l>wi',:ht’s Modern I’hiloloL''y. 81 .\nd many other valua>>le works, among which might ’ be mentioned The School Teachers’ Library, in Ten Volunie.s. designed to aid the Teacher in his I’rofess- ional duties. Please send to A. Bahnks iV Bt RR, New York, for their Dk.'CIiii‘ti\k Cwai.oi;! k of all their publications, wliich shall lie sent free of Postage. March 1^'.o, 97- LA.\U FOR )ALi:. WILLIAM CADK, Trustee. 41-ts Aug. FOR The House and lot adjoining Elizabethtown, lately occupied by .-Mexander Carter. The Lot con- taina Six Acres of good garden soil, aud some fruit, good water, &c. The improvements are a Two Story iJwslling House and necessary out-buildings. ,Mso, a vaeant Lot near the ('ourt House. T«nns accouimodatin^. H. H. KOiilNSON. June 8. 27-tf -ft *'li, .'i'i \VE$^TKR\ KAIL ROAO. I'^NTIL further notice the Train will leave Fayette-j L villc on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at ! S o’olock, A. .Nl., and return the same days: leaving ■ Spout Spring Depot about 4 o'clock, P. .M. C. P.. .MALLETT. Pies t. I JuW 17. :;'i'.f I STATE l'.\R Wl) }I\('I1I\E WOKhS, KOW.\.\' K'rKr:KT. FAYETTEVILLE, N. ('. f^pHE undersigned, having erected building-. suitat>le 1 for CAR and M.Vi'HI.VE WdRK—also Ueiiural HOl'.SE C.^RPENTRY—woulil give n.itice that they are jirepared to execute all orders in their line wii’.i neat ness and dispatch. ^\ e are prepared to do all kinils of .SCR'iLL S.\W- INtJ and PL.\NE1NG at ■*hnri notice. Having a first 1 class Woodworth I’lancing Machine, we are j repured lo | Plane, Tongue aud Groove all kinds of Fluoring and i Ceiling on reasonable terms. Contracts taken for the erection of Buil iings. and . Jobbing of all kinds exocuted with neatness and di'- pdtch. Sashes, l>oors and Blind.' of all descrijitioiis, j manufactured e^ual to anylhiug t> be found in the | Northern markets. | Plans and specifications furaished and the erection of buildings superintended when dei-ired. WALTON X BAKRV. | Car Builders. Cari'enters ..vlirai.jfhlmeii. Fayetteville. Oct .'1 1S-'*U .j4 if j \VM. CAUTKH & S()\S HWr. put up and perinanentlv located the best B lO T aud SHOE M.\NUF.VCT(»’kv in N t' . i.. w,l.iel. , tlie attention of tfio whole South is earnestly iiivite-l. ' particularly the citiien* and Planters nf our St.^te. Wi- are determined not to be put down by men who are daily bringing in W elted aud Split Leatlier Shoes: it i.- distinctly understood that our .''hoes aiemadc of Upjier Leather tanned fiv us, and that we donut put any welt- in any Peg .''hoes we make. Now is tlie tiuie t" test the true feelings of N. C. men .Ml orders from a distance siiall have ].rumpt aiten ‘.ion. .\ddress us ai Goldstna. WM. CARTER L>. A. CARTER. S. S. CARTER. .inllN g CARTER. Goldsion P. O., Chatham Co., N. C.. i ■March iHiio. 4if passages from his speech which we proceed to give: TKRRITORIAL RIGHTS OF THE SOUTH “In th* opinioD of hj far the graater number of iLe moat euiineul jurists of ih« United States, the laws of Mexico prohibiting alavery at th« time of the cession I are still in forc«. and trust remain ao until they are ex pressly repealed, either by Congress or the local legia- ’ iature. This is the opiniou of the distinguished Sena i lor from Kentucky [Mr. Clay] Liiuself. Such is the ojiinion of the scarcely less distinguished Senator Irom Michigan, [Mr. Cass;'] and such is the opinion of the able and eminent statesman, tlie Senator from -Mas«a chusetts, [Mr. Webster:] three leading champions of . tliis bill. I do not forget another Senator trom the South, of high rank in his profession, [Mr. Badger,] who is al.«o a supporter of this bill. Thus, sir, slavery. , if it goes into New Mexico at all, must force it.s way j there, in despite of all the obstructions of local laws, i and of the interdict imposed by this bill on the terri torial legislature. Still it is contended that the South is secured in the full benefit of the doctrine held by some of the most distinguished champions of its rights, who maintain that the Constitutionproprio vigore, that the flag of the Union protects the citizen in the enjoyment of his rights of property of every description recognized as such in any of the States, on every' sea, and in every territory of the Union, And this doctrine, it is said, is ■well founded, and if it shall be so declared by tlie Su preme Court, will authorize the introduction ol slavery into New Mexico. The soundness of the general doc trine held upon this point, I think, cannot wijjl be iiuestioned or disproved; and if the question related to a territory situated as Oregon was, when the United States came into possession of it, property’ in slaves would be entitled to the protection of the law.s and Con stitution of the United States; but the qiiestion is more doubtful and formidable to the interests of the South, where it is raised iu reference to New Mexico, where there had been an organized society and government for two centuries, and where slavery was prohibited by the local sovereignty before and at the date of the ces sion to the L'liited States; and where under that pro hibition slavery had ceased to exist. The Constitution, iu its application to this Territory, is expected not mere ly to protect property in slaves, as in case of Oregon, l)efore there was any exercise of sovereignty upon the subject one way or the other, but to supercede the lo cal laws in force prohibiting slavery, when the United States came into possession of it. If the obstructions Interposed by these laws were removed, then the prin ciples of the Constitution would be left to their full and fair operation and the South might luiJf, with some con fidence, to the protection of slave property in this terri tory, through the courts of the United States.’’ . i Mr. liell was in favor of removing tliese “ob- ! structions,” in order that the “principlea of the j Constitution” might be left “to their full and fair I operation,” and that “the South miyht look, with I rtome confidence, to the prctection ol slave pro- ri-^iiF. Kail Session in this Institution vTill commence on j perty in this teritory,” as will appear by hia vote 1 the 1 ' Til will be C. .Suilierland. with an able Corps of .Assistants iu all the departnieiits. The Principal and his lady will continue t" take entire cliarjre of tlie Boarding establishment. tliUs giving lu the School more of the family element. Tfiis arrangement, it is believed, will greatly advance the usefulness of the Institution. M. C. McNAIR. !'ec’y Board of Trustees. .1 une 1 1 ■''•jO. :i8tf REMOVAL. ^PHE undei-signed have removed to their new Brick I Store and Warehouses West of the Fayt.#ieville Hotal oil Hay Street, between the new store-house of Starr .Sc Williams aud the Bank of Clarendon, aud midway op posite ('harles T. Haigh & Sons’ and the Bank of Fay etteville, where tfiey respectfully invite their old cus tomers and the trade generally to call and see them. They are now opening a large stock of Knslish Hard ware and VuUery, of iheir own importation, together with a great variety of .\merican Goods in the s-ime line, composing one of the largest stocks of H.\IinW'.\RE and CUTLERY ever offered in this market. In addition to the above, the undersigned are pre pared to 9fl'er to the Jobbing Trade on their asual terms: l:iO Bajfs of Coffee. - 2U Hlids. Sugar. SO Bbls. do. 1M» Tons of Iron. 7*(l Kegs of Nails. 100 Boxes Window (ilass. oO Jioxes Family Soap. •>0 i Bbls. Snuft. 1KI lioxes Kose Hill do. 1(10 “ Adamantine Candles. 25 Bags I'cpper, Spico and Ciinger. loo Boxes (’aiidy. r>0 “ (’otton Cards. .'*(1 “ (,'offee Mills. iUil Sides Sole Leather, Hemlock A Oak. 100 Doz. Painted Buckets. l(M) “ Axes. *■)!• (Jros.« Matches. liO Boxes Concentrated IjYC. Si>0 Sacks T.iverpool Salt. 80 Hhds. ot Molassea. 'iOO liags Shot. pHMt Lbs. Lead. Harness and .^k!rtinr Leather, Hog Skins. Saddles; Shoe Thread and Shoe Finding’s, ilifle and Blasting Powder. Tape and ('ommon S.ifety Fuse. S|iiare and Octagon ('ast Steel. Blistered and (rermtm Steel. F.s.seiioes and Patent Medicines in variety, (’otton Vanis and Sheetings at Manufacturer’s prices. Favettevillf. N. C. GEO. W'. WILLIAMS & CO. -\ug. 1 ti. 1860. 44tf Floral Collegre )f n*ixt. I. ! r'oiirt' ol Ciiniberland, .^I lore. John- ■ 1 H ■.’•nett (.unities. PltO.MP'r ai'ention ■•iliei ' I.HI of all cl'iinia enirusit d to lii- care. 1 7>»-lv Branch I>a> Nov .. 1' ,k of C ipe Fear. I 'ii-hier Bank of Capo Fear. Pres't Wilmington Branch . II. Ill's. Casfiier Raleigh Oo-tf w ifrovHlI Wanted* s f.- ' ■ ■ RORV Vl \AIR, ittorney anti t'ounseitor at Lair^ LL MBERTON, N. ( . ! L m:it|i1 HTid [iraoti'-e in the (bounty and .Superior ot Robeson. Richmond and Cuuiberlan l. intrusted to him will receive prompt at- . ! d ■' I'l ns punctually remitted. ■ • * .5-'jtf JOII.A i^FtLLKR, Utorufy and Counsellor at Law, "■■'.I. I'rtACTlCE IN TIIECOLKTS OF >l>i‘ till, 4 iimherland, (olumbus and Bladen. at Luni'oerton, Robeson Co.. N. C. •JOtf 11 0\Vi:.\ A; V ARRROl 4>;il. WE this dny entered into I'l.pattnership for the purp.'So lit tr;ii'actiiig the Commission and Forwarding Business, in all its bran-!i‘‘'. in W'ili;iiu;it iii. and will givf prompt ]iersonal at tent in n in all Ic.wi lies'* en trust e«l to their care. Liberal ca-ih advance-, will be made on Consignments of Country Produce. gr^^ilffice on .North Water .St., over H. Vonglahan's Store. 18;', JiilIN W. (IWEN. O. S. YARBROUGH. r,4- T c \ tiT i'' *• I). ROOK^. .\, • , .= Ta> >r, M the .I- of' Afirot iiect4-! \ I-'. Lif ■■ ^p!- ie iu "^ of \S h - ; .-.1; S at.d Dl, . Poi. . n. w}.. M \LE V i)F Til?; niiHTs. ari l \; i , \|! VNCK >■ ' nte : v u thei .: 'li-i'*’ H ‘ I.E ^ I'aiiiiliar Letl^'', ». li -.V J tlI.Oil AL .\€>TICE. '•it\H\M, M. D.. offer.s his professional 'ho public. (Jflice on 11.ly .Street, four ' ’ •iflife, « hcre he may be fouri'i at all | i o!'p'Si nally engaged. _ Ho !y OLVT AL AOTICE. I', ."('ol' i' would request all those desiring his ' - iii.il services this Summer to call iooa, as .ii -ent fiom FaycttevilU from AUGL'.ST 2 •■'Li'TKMPKil -■ ;{0-tf »I^:\TI«TRY. h*'- •! li.WLs having decided on perma- ii II ' W'ihnington, Oot R. Tl. ORRLI.L, TURPENTIKE INSPECTOR. lHO.SE sendine tln-ir S| iriis Turpentine to me may relv uj'i'ii it t" iia.i* iiroiii)ii and cnrefiil Hitenliou. My warehoil'it'-!iTc fnmtinif the wliarves and near tiie river. Sept’r I':. I«.> 4.'>(f JOi^T3?H H. BLOSSOM . :? Ti g ^4 I o i\ 1) Fot'fVnrding Merchant, W V. THE subseriber having removed West, offers for sale ' his L.K.Nl'.'^ in Harnett County, lyin^ immediately ] on each side of (,'ape Fear River, containing 12iMi acres I in each tract. Tliese Lands are situated in a healthy Country, pleasant neighborhoid. and within a half a ! mile of the villaRi* of Summerville, with good Dwellings ' on each place and all necessary Oul-Houses, and (dear- | ed Land enough to work 2;"> or 30 hands to advantage. , There are on tliese lands some six hundred acres of fine j Bottom, most of which is iincleaied. and well set with i entire field of Criminal Law white oak and other fine Timber. .A large portion of ^ the balance is oak anil hickory Ridge Lands; the bal- , ance is pine Land of a gooil iualify. having been work- I ed in Turjieniiue three years. Tliese Land..; will be sold low for Cafh or Young Negroes, or on time to suit . purchasers, with approved bonds. Jar.’y l;^ N. G. JONES. aAOTH'K. .^XPECTlNtr to I'e absent from the State until the middle of next Summer, say till .luly. 18(i0, I hnve authorised .Xrchibald ilcLean, of Harnett county, to transact business for me during my absence, to sell my Lands in Harnett county, and generally to attend to all my busiiu'..*'. N. G. JONES. Harnei ('•: iniv, N. (’., Jan’y lS(iO. H^i- Vom]i! I menis, and 'i.5l to other j.orts oi Fab. IJ. 18.V pr-,i- I'll atteiilion given lo all ('onsign- . iv.t'ices made on Pixtduce to tie shipped ■"lid ill Oiis market. 67tf , t; ,. I' in the Ill B iMLK ■ .Marg- ;.y. uiibI, . i,- Vinti'i' Wh„ -• .It rec ' . sBO.1 locating in the Town of F'lyette- ‘ ri fully offers his services to the " piii' c :ii' I -iirroundii^ country. In all I'liiclie- oi liin Profession, including the ; .\Iiii.-i;(l 'l eeth. he is satisfied, after an which is added a thorough Den- he cun give entire satisfaction as far >t Deiiti'iry. All irregularities of the '^Htvil , 'I pr..per and careful manner, as well as tl iiitli. None 'out the ]irnper meial.s are '* *' ' viirioii' operations, '.'badges will be '• 'h‘. benefit-ol' the Proli ssion may be «,tli;n M.e reii.’h III nil who may feel an interest ** 1*"•'“rvuiimi ijt the leeih. Othce over Houston's Jewelry Store, whare he ‘■y be found at all tita«i May 10, 1868. 9tf N Tin: .\OKTII «'.tKOIil.\A ■MCTIiiL LIFE l.\Sl lt.l.\fE ( 0MP4S1, ^OW in the teiilli yea; i i fuccessl'ul ojieratiou, with growing capital and tinner hoM upon public con fidence, continues to insure the lives of all healthy per sons from 14 to t'lO yc ii s ,[ age, for one year, for seven years, and for life- -all '.if-, members sharing in the profits. All shi\es from ]0 to tiO years of age are insured for one year oj’ foi five ye.'irs for two-thirds their value. .All losses are punciually ]>aid within 90 days after satisfactory proof i.s presented. For fui tliei iuforiiialion the public is referred to Agents of the (.’ontpany in all parts of the .State, and to R II B.\TTLE, Secretary, Ral«igh. E. J. HALE, Ag«nt at Jan’y 186i#. Fsy«tt«ville, N. C. To Land IIiiyei’M. fpHE uniersigiied offers for sale, in the Coal region, 1 and within eight miles of the terniiiius nf the Fay- ettevilU Ot Western Rail Road ou Deep River, EMiHT HINDKKU ACRES OF LANII, adjoining ihe lend belonging to the estate of George Wilcox, dec’d, and lying tkree miles South from Car- bonton, on Little Pocket Creek, Moore county. These Lauds are well adapted to the growth of corn, cotton, wheat, oats, rye, F;c. There are on the prem ise X cc.mf'ortable Dwelling, and all necessary Out- hot.^es, with about one hundred and fifty acres under feiic*' including forty or f.fty .acres of never-failing boti'.m land. This is a rare chance for persons wish ing to make inve«tment.s, aa lands are undoubtedly ad vancing in price in this section. F r further information apply to Mr. M. M. McRae, Cnt. i’s Creek, P. (>., Moore county, or address me at Fayetteville, N. C. DANIEL McKAE, For the Heirs of Gilbert McRae, dec’d. Carbonton, Moore co., N. C., Aug. 21 43tf ABC H BO L D’S IBIMINAL PLEAUINli AM) EVniKNt'E. 2 \ols. Price Sil*2. Jl>iT IM RLI!!»III:0: A ('OMPi. ETi: PKACTIi’AL TKK.VTI.nE (IN CRIMINAL PROCEDURE. PLEADING AND EVIDENCE, In Indictable Cases, w I rti MINUTE DIRECTIONS AND FORMS, For every ('riniinal (,'ase that can arise, either at Com mon Law under the English Statutes, or under the statutes of the several states. COMrKlslSii TII K “NEW SYSTEM ofCRIMINAL PROCEDI RI’.,PLEAD- ING AND EVIDENCE " By Mr. Arohbold. And also the fourteenth and last London F.ditioii uf Arch- bold’s Pleading and Evidence iu Criminal (.'ases, l>y Me.ssrs. .Farvf^ and Welsby. To wliich are added COMPREHENSl\’E N(.)TE.S, conlainingalltlie Aiuer- ican and I’nglish Decisions to the date of Publication. BY THOS. W. WATERMAN, Coi nseli.iik-at Law. Seventh Edition. ^‘^PHE first part of this work is devoted to criminal X practice, and the secoud part lo the discu.'.-'ioii of the several crimes, tlie indiciuieut for eacii otteuce, and the reijuisiie evidence. It will be I'oiind to cmbrice liie every proceeding, t’roin the arrest of the otVender to his final puiiisiimcnt, being minutely detailed, with forms and directions for every supposafde case. ••Archbold has been a standard authority for the List half century. Fourteen successive Eiigli&h aud half as many .\merican editions sho*- how it h;i> been appre ciated. ‘•A very considerable period of time and .i great deal of labor have been expended upon this edition. .Most ot the notes have be* n entirely re-writiun; .in.l all ot them have been re iiiodelad and re-ar’!tn;.;e.|. A tho rough analysis of each siibjecl has been ma‘le. wliicii. with a very full index to each vohfiie. it i' thougi;t will furnisii all nee'lful facilities for reference. '1 ho n-alter iias been a goo I deal coiideii'ed, oy oiiiittin^' whatever secnied theoretical r.ttlier iliaii pr.ictiial. liv liispeiisiiig with such of the Kiiglisli staunes i.s iiave no bearing upon .\merii'an law or |iractice. Tlie noU-s i:i tlieir present form contain. lio«evcr. a larire amount of new i!;aller. and several subjects are introduced which were not treated in the former edition. Tlie authori ties have been carefully re-examined, .ind all of ihe re ported, and numerous manuscript cases in eacif of il:e S‘'vei'al stales, down to tlie date of publication, aiided. The criminal statutes of sixteen ot' the states have been digested aud distributed under the appropriate head.s. together with such Engli.sh si.uutes, tiie construction ot which from their similarity to our own, seenieil likuly to aid the American pracliii.uier. .-S. c'u.ci'e oiilline ot all the more ii'aporiant cases ciie»l by .Mr. .\rchbold has also been given; thus presenting, iu a convenient mid accessible form, all of the leading English criminal cases.’’ KANKS A: BiiOTIlEKS, 144 Nassnu Street, >. V. AM) 4io Boadway, Albany. For sale also hy E. J. H.ILE iS: SON. March 'J8.—4-itit Favettcvilie. .^lEDIt’AL COLLEGE STiTK OF soirn'rcIROIilXl. nr'IE ANNUAL COURSE OF LECTURES in (his In- 1 siitutiiiu will cominrnce on the first day of Novem ber. on the following branches; JOHN E. HOLBROOK, M. D., -\natomy. .\natotnv, bv Professor FRANCIS T. MILES, M in favor of the following amendment to the Com- e Ti.an .^emeni and instruction of the Instiiution \ promise hill ofTerpd by Mr. Davis, of Mis.sissipci: lie under the Rev. Daniel Johnson and Mr. John 1 , , , ; ••And that all laws or pans of laws, usages or customs, j pre-existing in the territories acquired by the United I Stales froiu Mexico, aud Miiicii in said te.riiories re- I strict, abridge or obstruct the full enjoyment f any I right of person or property of a ciiizen of the United j Slates, as tecognized or guaranteed by the Cousiituiion I or laws of the United States, are hereby declared and shall ^e held as repealed.'’ The yeas on the adoption of this proposition to repeal or abolish the Mexican laws prohibitory of slavery were a.s follows: Yeas—Messrs. Atchison, BELL, Berrien, Clemens, Davis of Mississippi. Dawson, Foote, Houston, Hunter, Ring. .Mason, .Morton, Pearce, Rusk. Sebastian, Soule and Yulee.—1« [See Congressional Globe, vol. -1, part -—page 12.')4.j Mr. Bell aLso voted against an amendment of- Emeritus Professor of to the bill by Mr. Baldwin, declaring that I ‘‘the Mexican laws prohibiting slavery should be j and remain in force in said territory until they I should be altered or repealed by Congress.” [See ' page 1146 ot same volume.] I lie voted, also, against the following amend- ! ment offered by Mr. Seward: I “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, other- i wise than by conviction for a crime, shall ever be al- 1 lowed in either of said territories of Utah and New I .Mexico.'’ [See page 1134, same volume.] He voted also in tavor of an amendment offered , by Mr. Berrien, of (.reorgia, providing against the ’i'hrAnatoniical Rooms will be opened in Octoijer, | pa.ssage ofany territyriallaw “establishing or pro- JAMES MOULTRIE. M. J. J. CHLSOLM, M. P. E. ('.EDDINGS, M. D. HENRY R FROST, M. T. G. PRIOLEAU, M. D. C. U. SHEPARD, M. D. D. D. D. Phv'inlogy •* Surgery “ Institutes and Prac tice of Medicine Materia Medica Obstetrics “ Chemistry “ Demonstrator of Ana tomy •* S.AMUEL LOOAN, M. D. | CLINIC.\L lectures at the Rof^r aud Marine | Hos)iiial.s twice a week by the Physicians of the In st it utioiis. aud dissection conducted daily bv tlie Demonstrator. HENRY R. FROST. M. D.. Dean. Ana. II 44-law4w Coffee^ Coffee. Direct Importation. E BE(i to announce to the buyers of this State, that wo sh.ill have about the first of .September, a car-r 1 of -J.OOO B\GS COFFEE, direct from Rio .la- neiro. which we shall s»ll at public .Auction, ten days after arrival of vessel, of which due notice will be givf>n. O. PARSLEY & CO. Wilmington. .Vus. 7. 4.5-4t HTTNT’S HOTEL,” Hisit Poitil, .V. C. ^pillS new and commoliou.s house is now open for the 1 reception of Traveli'rs and Boarders, whore every attention wi'l bo given for the comfort of guests. .\tig. 14. lSi'i(> HUNT. Jr. 4.T-4W l^ii;;a;;e your Winter Wood. J'^'iK s;ile all I delivery as wantcl during the F.ill and 1 Winter months. i;>6 COKUS of seasoned Pine W oi>il. •\lso. I'lii C'lrds Ilf evcolleiit round Woo'I, mostly of Gum (black and sweet. ) Doawood. si>mo Mapl". but all of fiesl i|iiali;v. for siovo. arale or tire-place purposes. Ti' be h id at uiarkei ]>rice by the load cord. Full me.isure ^riven in eai:h and everv case. Apply to J W.’ LETT. Auz '-I'. I'^f'iO. 4.t-:^i iU)()K-r.i\'i)!N; N all it.s kinds, executed with neatness and desjiatch .Small jobs when done must be paid before delivered. THOS. H. TILLINGHAST. Opposite the Fciualc' High School. Hay Street May 14, 18.'''. ‘ ’ 1^ xAejfroe**! Aes'i’oew!! Wanted. nENTLEMEN. your old customers are yet in market. * J .Vll who have negroes for sale, would do well to give us a call ir .address us. J. A McAiiTinB.-t POWELL vt McARTHUR. L. .A. PowKi.ii. !¥ortli C'arolina Form Book, 1 FURTHER supply just received. A E. J. HALE & SON. .May 23. k^90 Jl. En%elopeM, the greatei^t variety of Bizea, colors and ijualities, just received. Juae IG, I860. £, J. UALB & SON. A CARO. A WORD TO MY OLD FRIENDS— Those peiL.ivis for whom I have been .attending to Banking business for years;—1 am still willing to serve you with the same promptness that I have always done; and to others that may want discounts. Pension business. Ac., &c I offer my services, with a promise of strict attention. J.AS. G. COOK. June 27, 185W. _ _^*>tf Blanks for Sale at this Office. C!linton. N. (’-. -I"!}’ Fllli l1i.llkS IIF TIIE I’llim I^XECUTION. TRIAL, and APPEARANCE DOCK- ET.''. ruled and printeii from the mo«t approved forms in use. .Also, further supplies of other BL.AN'K BOOKS, ill great variety. May ni ■ E .>. HALE SON. Forty Vearix" Familiar Letters of .las. W. .Alexander, D. D.; .'•lerinons, by .1. .Vdiiison Alexander, D. D. Al:^, further supplies of Margaret Moncrieffe; Beulah; Adam Bede; Yusef; Shirley; School 1 Books, &c. i Julj 10. HALE & 80N hibiting slavery.” [Sec same volume and page.] THK CAfSE OF FRF.F.DOM WRAPl'BU fP I.N TIlE OOXSTITf- TIO.N .ASI) THK USION “A WRETCH WUO UOES NOT IlK- SF.RVE TO LtVF..” “The gentlemen from Ohio, [Mr. Cha.ie,] New York, [.Mr. Seward,] and New Hampshire, [Mr. Hale,] talk about the cause of freedom. 1 wi.sb. sir, 1 Lad the strength to speak about the cause of freedom. Para-i doxical as it may appear, this question is one that con cerns the Cause of freedom in the South as well as in the North. It is not a question whether you will per mit a few slaves of the South to go and toil in California iind New .Mexico, but it is a question of fieedom every where. The cause of freedom is wrapped up in the Constitution and the Union. These are the great bul warks—the Cliinese wall of freedom. These once brok en down, anarchy and military despotism become our inheritance. Tiiis is the stake to some extent at issue now. If we allow faction—fanatical or political—jire- conceived opinions—prejudice or partiality for particu- l.ir plans or modes of adjustment to sway our course, we strike a blow at the common liberty. No man can be justified before the country, under such ciroum»tanccs, in taking the position that he will accede to nothing but what his own judgment prescribes. > ••.So, sir, if I could dictate the cour-.- if Coneress in the pending difficulties, I would s.-iy l/i( a ijuxluuiil !jf i:inh III the real sfiril ol' cowrision, cntuprom'se and couciliiiiioii. i.ct us liiive soiiic assurance tlial t!ie pro mise i li.irutony shall lie per::i:uient. Slay tliis n}{itf.- lion; allay this burning lever ihit threuiens lo con sume me syslciii. Termiuaie this suspense, which is more iiiioleratile than open rupture. It we o*' the Soutl. liave 111 ide up our minds lo yield noihiug; endure liO- , thing: or il a belter sjiirit Hctia:es us, and we are pre- pjirt-ii both to yield soiiietliing and to endure sometl.ing, .iiid yet cannot bring our Northern bre'hren to auy lerms of just and equitable arrangement, and they will continue lo vex and harrass us, now and forever, let iis resolve, and lei them siifler us, lo manage our own af fairs in our way. I trust it will never come to iliis i'Sue. Sir, lo suppose that there is one member of this body who is not ready to'sacrifice, to concede 'omething ot his individual sentiments to socuru an adjustment of these questions—were he unlranime’.eLl by pledges, to which he may owe his position hero, and whtcli he m:iy not violaia without dishonor—to suppose there is one man here trom the North or the Soitili, who, upon a cold and selfish calculation of personal adv.mcement, woubl insist upon extreme issues, is to suppose him a wretch wlio does not deserve to Iiyc.’’ Iir.MANITY ANI> .IlSTirn OI THV. 1.1 KH ’II );J AMI K.STF.S- Siov OF 81, WKHV. “The fanatics and sentinieutalisis of ihe North, with all the countenance they re. eiv.- froi.i the luoie jusi and sober-minded oppon' uts oi the in'^titiition of slavery, would not have been able tn c.injure up tliir storm, but for tlieir alliance with >iiiier aii.^ili’iry -uid i-xciiiiig ele- iHents of aritation—sectional jealousies, the interests of party and person'll ambiti in. * I ,nn not to be deluded, Mr. President, by the appeals from the North, upon the subject of human wrongs imd the violation of 1 Uum&Q right *• I am not to bd minl«d at to th« re*l »od