c«-o aiiti ('j„ 5" >00|)s K-' i - . > K- 'I V. ►'"•■■•'•line .^,. '■' i-.n‘;V'*--''v ‘'Bflrn «»d Stapi,. J 1 - riuor unj r:;: ■. i > ip s / - ,, 4iJi. is;o. M I'.S KVI.i: k iWOOD'S^ l"N V, nu a VHK ' ’ »ch ich a' • ; i ’ cUsh: ■ ;• G„.,u. ' '.'1 ."I.OVcs; iWls; unil Cotion: ■ Anker: ’!’• !*• \ K Win:I in >l.i-H.'i s;iuan>. ’ FUKTTKVILI.K. \. ■i i \V •. m,ae rtothi,,^ ' '■ ' '-i'^ ^Il.l I'lul hi-.-. « r,v.f. Tiv>, W:. b.s. K '■ V. H n;,\, k. ; ! in S tK K OF BA!ade Clothing rrn: t Iv cX .:; ■- .. ^,. , h -V. fr r ^'.- ^ ‘ -‘V- r Matches, JewelrT. 4(. ?T i-Vi;:' \ Bon iiTi #f/;v, ^#;if»#:fcfj,. Ill \\W\l nw. (TTl[«l 11*1 I'aiic y i^oo(K. li;' eii; a, wcl m i 0iif/ rates. of nti # ooA#w«- Stoin. »le VR! «on||i. l*roi: III ’ : • H;, • le. - .. K: \ - V Mi.-j, \L \OTI t. M bis pf 'e-iioiiv ' n H.'ijr Srre-'. P*' ■■' : .IV b; rvnri ! a i. BOC-: V ^r, ■ . \ II, VdTici:;. Beu I-, .. , . ► 'I " - ' J: :r... iu = 1'. M . - r. M ; I i:ii. • •' ' '' .*n-i LINEN |{Ati. » w^,, • = • i, i . \V!u MCRPliV n- i of llie-Noiilh! I'l I Ki:i» KV CD WARD, ivii.M:. \. i. J. HALE A 1 \ri-i;Ai{\N K IV.-i; W>>i apF"‘'^ r Huj i !;••- of other BLA- r ‘ H\LE ‘I ItooUlx. V f . , (;:.n. :-8 r wk ; \ ■ .safi'lpri ,.n,- an-1 S-iitt. * lb-, - I. Ml ho ’ L i u u.t; .V \iA:. ari'i t 1 *:! Il'-I -K :ui« it » '' ill in po.’• I V litie Ki. ,uaii m Tt -ona"> ble Lill 1' . p, about four MUi.i. THORNTON. 0., t\; ■ j, IbSy. 61*« IPA'iriETOWlIIlalUE (DMlElBTm S K M I-W E: IB K L, Y. VOL. X.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., NOVEMBER 1, I860. NO. 966.] VlUN'TED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. KDWARD J. HALE & SON, I'DlTOliS AND IMJOrUIETOUS ,■,■ for tlic Seini-W eokly Ouskrvku (X> if paid in , ? ' ‘>0 if paid during the year of subscrip- , . :i. or .^4 afUM- the year has expired. 11' till- "eekly Ohskrver (K) per numiin, if paid in :t h ir.i't': >- ■'>0 if paid during the year of subscrip- iH'ii; ■’. S ’ OO after the j'ear has expired. Al>\ ERTISLMENTS inserted for (>0 cents per . u.iro oi' It'i lines for the first, and 30 rents for each fai'vi'O.liiiir publication. Yearly advertisements by spe- , I'.'iiiracis, at reasonable rates. Advertisers are re r;- - ''i to state the number of insertions desired, or ,1- v will be continued till forbid, and charged accord- AI'cfiisenients to be inserted inside, charged 60 per •ei;: extra. SPECIAL NOTICE.: Ff'^ni and after this date, no name of a new subscriber will 1h‘ entered without payment in advance, nor will ilie piper be sent to such subscribers for a longer time tlian is paid for. Such of oi'.r old subscribers as desire to take the pa per on this system will please notify us when making remittances. Jan’y 1, 1S58. i^tate ot Carolina, i l MKERLAM* COl’NTY Cdurt »■ PleAs Hnii Uunrter Strssinn-i, tViiitmbtT Tcriii, lr*M. Marcus B;iker vs. Jnha Winilnw . Atlnchiiieiit and Levy on Real 1-MHie. IT rtppcnriiic tn the ^listUciinn of the Court, ih^t the IVleiulHnt in thi.« c.ise. John Winslow, resides beyond th> limits of the St:itei !o that the orUtDsry iirocess of the law'cannot tie s»'rveil on h iri, 1 therelore ordered thut (lulilicatinn be made in lh«‘ Kavetievillc • il!»Tver for six weeks, for the stid John Winslow to t>e and n|i ,, ir .It our next regular Court uf I’leas and Ciiiarter Se>‘»ions to l»e , I for thf County if ("ainlierlKnd, at the C’oiiri H>use in Kayetli- , on the tirsi, .Miinday 111 IKieiiiber next, thru anu lh*-re tn . ,,i. an'W er nr Jciiior to ».»id .Vilachiiien'. or jmlciiieni linnl » ill , :: ,!i and the ^l^ll)Ierty levied i>n condemned u> xati.ify the I’lain . um . Jeoe T. Warden. Clerk of our said Court, at Ollii e in ville. the tirst .Monday of Sepieintier A. I*. IMid. i ; J T. W.Ai:i»i;.\,i’lerk ^itate ol .\orlli Carolina, Cl'MltKKL^.M) Col nTV. ( u/i .'f ri' i.' :ind Unarter Sessions. t»*-ptenil>er 'I’erni. tJfonre llrandt vh. John Wnml.iw. \lt:u hiiu nt iiiil Levy >n Keai K'l;itc I r I ,- .r.n" I. ihe >al.'tnrlKin ot thr Cmirt. that the IVlVndrint in thi'. .M J.ihn Winsiort, results lieyond the limits ol tin- >iatk. '■ III ii ihf urdin.irj [Tih e>-> of ihe L:iv\ lannnt bf serveil on li i,i It 1' ihi rrtiire order»-d that puhlicaiion lit- made m the t' *. v » *.»*\. ie iiii^^rve: tnr 'i\ wi-rks. tnr ihe said John \\ iii'luvv tt* tw ; , ir »t ‘Hr nevt rt iiul.ir t lurtnfl’li and Cluarter S'>^oln^ ■ held tor Ihe County i>f Cuiiilierlaiid, nt the Court llou*e in K .llt\.;lr on ttie tirst -'lontlay of Ikreinljer ne\t. then and ihiTi- ) ' '.d iiiswer or demur ti'>;ud Attachiiii iii. or judgment tin.ii « had, and the pro|»erty l« v icd on condemned t«> >alisly thi i' ..iititrs l iaim. VVitni 'i. Jfise '1'. Wardf n. Clerk of our 5aid Court, at »ltice in t i-iileville, the tirsl .Moiuln^ of Sei>teml'er .\. 1>. l-iO m»r.w J. T. W AKKK.N, fUrk. ^tate ol* .\ortli Caloliiia, t (coL.vr\ I iMiri of Pleiis nntl 4ii.*rier Sesgions, S»*pU‘inl»er 'IVriii. I ■^•4). Kwbi'rt V\ «ti>ien vs. John . \tla‘ hinnit ;tnd l^\y mo Rt*al 1> i;>)ie:inne U> the tion >t‘ the ('«Mirt. thnt the Deft'fiil«iii u thi» J«»ha iViaslow, resides beyomi the liifiiL« ot th> «•: • -»*» that Ihe ordinary pfv>ce»3 of ihe l#iiw cnnnMi t*i- aervetl .-i li in ihert*li>re oniere«1 ihal pnt>!ication Ih* niHtlt* in ihe F.iy M»»ervcr for six weekn. lor the '*hhJ John \Vin*'lo\v to |m ..•{K Mf nl our next rtpeulHr Court ut t*leu» ;in«i liuurter SxMiin^. lor the Cuiiniy «>t I'uiubcrlaDd. al the l our: Hou»* in t viMe. '»n the first Monday «*r l>ecen»ber nrxu then and there .. :tns%%er or demur to ^^tld Attarhinrnt. or ju«lsii»eut Iin ii hitd. HDd the profterty levied on iondt n>neU lo >;iti''t'y the I miiu. . Jes-e T Wnrtlpn. rierK *»!' our viid l'«»uri. at »rtice in r'\ iie. the tir>l Wi*n«lAy ul CH'j>ieiiilK?r U J^4*. i A J. r WAkUEN. rit rK >late ol A^orlli Carolina, Cl MBt.H Ui.S'O COL.VTi. . : t Plea* and Uuarter fesstons. Sc(Uemli€r Term. I-t.it H. '. Jones vs. John Winslow. .Mtachnient and Levy on Keal Lstate. i.f ir.nK to the sntisfacuoB ol the (.'uurt. mat the lH.-lend.int ■ !->e. John W'inshiw. resides beyond the liiinls of the ;> ' thit the ordlaary i>roress of the l.*w c.»nnoi Ik* 'erveO tin . - Ui* re lore oritered th^t pubtiealiou be luade in the Fa^ I M.>rrver tor six weeks, tor the siud Juhu Winslow i» be i . .r at i)ur next regular Colut of Pleas and iiuarter St s'l.ii'. >i or ttie County of 1,'uiiilierlaiid, at the Court House in i - .ci.i \ • on the first .Monday of lleceinlier next, then and ihi’n- ; ■ jns»er or demur lu said Altachiiient, or judgment tin'' ■' • 1.1, and the projierty levied on condemned to satisfy the y. ' ^ i:’- I ..iiiii. >\ : . T. W.iiden. t'lerW of our *:ud Court, at Uthte in ■ the tirsl Monday of Seiiteiiiber A. II. l-»»>li. ■ w J. T. W.\Kllt.\. Clerk. ^tate ol .\ortli Carolina, ' VMHy.HI. i.Vl) COL\>fTr I ir; .1 Pleas and Hua/ter sessions. Septemlier Term, M'lO. it Ml.'in. .-\.liiiini-traur of .Mary HolliD(js»orltJ. rarih ' : L >'. ird .N.ilurKis and wife Kelieeca. Ldward J td ' if i. ; ■! Hir iin Ldwards, Minors, r.y their tiuardian ISIacktiian ■ •,:i J.toe Nye. v». Uaniel Butler and wile Ann. and •I.; 1 t^w.irds. Petition for iJivision of !«laves. 1M'to the sati'fiictioii of ine t iiurt, that Joshua K(hv anh, 1' l>e!epdants in this ca>e, is a non-resident of Ihe Suu- ■ ri-ordered ihit ('Ulilieation ne made for six weeks in e I iliserver. tor the »aid Joshua Lowards to t>e and :i .^ ir l ourt of phasand tiuarier .S.'ssions. to l> ■ • • ' of I iimiR-rUnd, at the • ourt Hoii'e in Kaj etie \i .nilH> ol l>eceitilier .A.l». Mill then and there to i • . .. „,iir III the Petition, or il will l>e heard ex i«rte ■ ■ M order uranUKi lor the division of the slaves in : Uiirein. X Warden. Clerk of our said Court, at iJltice in t ' • V .1. :be first Monday of iSeptemlK-r -A. 1). i”«i(i j r. WAKIiK.V Clerk dilate ot j^ortli Carolina, Cl MHF.RL.I.Vn CUl .VTY. Court of Pleas and tiuarter Sessions, Septeinl>er Term, IHCO. tlwen Houston vs. John P. FuMer. .\tliirhment and Levy nride. IT apiK'arinii I" the satisfaction of the Court, ihat the Defendant in this case. John P. Fuller, resides lieyond the limits of the JStale, or so conceals hiiiiM’lf that Ihe ordinary process of the I,aw cannot lie served on him It is therefore ordered, that publication lie made in the Fayetteville Observer for six weeks, for the said John P. Fuller to l>e and apjiear at'our reuiilar Court of Pleas and tiuarter .Sessions to he held for the County of Cumlierland. at the Court House in Fiiyetlevilte, on the first Monday of l»eceml>er I). It^iO, and then and there plead, answer or demur to said .Attachment, or Jud^'iiient filial w ill lie had and the property levied on condemned to saiisfy the PlaintiH's claim. Witness. Jesse T Warden, ('lerk of our said Court, at Office in Fayetteville, the tirsl .Monday of September .A. I>. If'60. lW»liw J. T. WAKIIF.N, C/crt. Ntate ol .\orlli Carolina, ( l MHKKJ..1.\'n COl'.VTY • Court of Pleas and Uuari«r Sessions, SeptemlM-r Term, I860. Joseph t’lley vs. John P. Fuller. .Mtachnient and I.evy made IT ap|tearine to the satisl'action of the Court, that the Defendant in this case, Johii P. Fuller, resides iH'yond the limits wf the State, or so conceals himself that the ordinary pri>cess of the I,,a\v cannot lie served on him. It is therefore ordered, that publication Ih- made in tin-Fayetteville Observer for six weeks, for the said •lohn P, Fuller lo lie and apiH-ar at our retrular 'our: of Pleas and Uuarter Sessions, to l>e held for the (.'ounty of Cumberland, at the Court Hou-e in Fayetteville, on the first .Monday of IVcenilier A. D. Ir'tit). and then and there plead, answer or dejnar to said .Attach ment. or ludgment final will lie had, and the property levied on con demned to satisfy the Plalntif’s claim. Witness. Jesse T. Warden. Clerk of our said Court, at Office in Favelteville, the first .Monday of s^eptember .A. D. Iisitl. tM*6w J. T WARDKN, Clerk !>!itate of* i\'orlli Carolina, cr.vBF.Rr..i.vi> cor.vTr Court of Pleas and (luarter Sessions, Septeinlier Term. I860. A J Woodward vs. John P. Fuller. Attachment and l^vy made. IT ap|)earinc to the satisfaction of the Court, that the IVfendantin this case. John P. Fuller, resides lieyond the limits of the State, or so conceals himself that the ordinary process of ihe Ijiw cannot lie served on him It is tbcrefore ordered, il'at publication he made n the Favelteville Observer for six weeks, for the said John P. Fuller lo l>e and apiiear at our regular Omrt of Pleas and (Quarter Sessiiins lo lie h*'Id for the t ounty of Cumlierland, at the Cmrt House in Fayetteville, on the first Slonday of llecenilier A. D, l-fitl, and then and there plead, answer or demur to said Attnchment, or Judgment final will be had, and the pnijierty levied on condemned to satisfy the Plaintiti's claim. Witness, Jesse T. Wnrdi n, Clerk of our said Court, at Office in Fayetteville, the first Monday of SeptemlaT D. l^ill. C,5*tivv J T. WAUDKN. Cirrk. A. WORTH. f)t‘.-tlJ 100,000 FRUIT TREES, A T Luxemburg, one mile south-west of (treeusboro’, A. N. C-, consi-ting of .\pples. Tears, Peaches, Plums. Apricots, Nectarines, i^c. The above number of Trees and Plants are now ready for sale by the subscriber. From eighteen year* of practical experience, and know ledge in the nursery business he tiatters himself that he now hai the most select collection in the South«ru States. All orders promptly aftende 1 to, and CataUigues sent free on ajiplicalion. Persons ordering Cataluguea by fiiail will please inclose a stump to prepay. AUTHtiRIZED AGENTS. John M. ('lark, Wilmington; Kufus Scott, Fayetfe- ville; J. X F. tJarrett. tireefi!«boro. THOMAS H FENTRESS. -\ue. 21. 47-:im FISH! FISIIl! "EW M.\C'KEUEL, Nos, 1, J and :5. WHITE FISH. HERHlNt;, ,Vc. .VC. Call at A. N. McDONALD'S. South-side Hay Street. Oct 1. 57-tf Siereosfopes and Slereosoopio Views. N :V NEW and beautiful ar-sorttiient, just received. E. .1. HALE X SON. Oct. 1«. IM V KT Tl; VI E .fllTlAL i.\$rK.t\(K CO,\IPi.\V. Capital in Premium Notes amounts to Cash on hand and other assets. J267.'jss -,^ti Total, $27-!.7tio Ol The Company have paid all losses promptly, and have never tnaile an assessment ou their premium notes. Tot.al losses paid, S-J't.f.s-.! 0'.* Ofiiceks; C.EO. McNEILL, President I). A. R.VV. Vice President. C. A. McMlLLAN, Secy. Dirkctok.«; Henry Lilly, H. L. Myrover, S. T. H.iwley. Nathan .\. Ste lman, f'. P,. Mallett, .lames Kyle, A. A. McKeihan, J. D. Williams, S. W. Tillinghast. W. N. Tillingitast, S. J. Hinsdale, Wm. McLaurin, T. S. Lutterloh, W. Steel, .1. G. C«ok, Hon. J. G. Shepherd, R. F. Brown, 1 . , ,, „ ,, ’ '.Wilmgton. A. L. Hall, ) John Collins and C. C. McCrunuuen, Traveling Agents. flUp“'The Companv invite applications. May -28, 1800. ' , 21-ly "ET.\A \m\\m COMPliW, IIAKTFOKD, Incorporated 1819. Charter Perpetual. AiitlinrPml (apitai, Paid up apitai, .Assets, $I,54M).04N» )() 1..)NMNN) (>0 •2.»:MK423 no ^tate ot Xortli Carolina, ' l.VBF.HJ~/tA'l> COLXTY. ' ' ..rt of Pleas and ia irter Sessions, >cpieiiiber Term, Idtio. V. b. \V, .Mci^urin vs. James \\. Horne. .Attachment and Levy matle on l.and. IT appearini: lo the satisfaction of the Court, that the Defend mt in this case, James W. Horne, resides beyond the limits of th ■■-laie. iir so conceals himself that the ordinary process of thi I.:i\ c.innot l>eserved on him: It is iberefore ordered that public ilion he made in the Fayetteville Observer for six weeks, for the s,iid J.unr \V Horne lo lie and appear at the ret.'ular Court of Pie is and tiu ir '•r-lions, to be held for the County of l^umlierlaiid, al the oiirt 11 iisi- III Fayetteville, im llie first Monday of' liete iiber A. i». l-*i^i 'I'111 then and there plead, answer or demur to said Attachment, or .• :.;ii(ent tigal will Ih> had, and the land levied on condeiiiiied lo ai-fy the PUintitf'' laiiii. V\'ilne-is, Jesse J'. Warden. Clerk of our said Coart. at Office i- ’ lyeiteville, Ihe first Monday of ^epteml>er .A. I>. 1-hji. ;,f*iiw J T WAKDKN ierk. .^tafe ol A'ortli Carolina, i CU C.YT Y. I iiiirt of Pleas and Uuarier riesslons. J-eptemlier Term, lf«t;o. lieorge W. Hullard vs. John P. fuller. .Attachment and Levy made. Iil. « irinu to the satisfaction of the Court, thwl the DelemlHnl :i.s r i,e. John P. Fuller, resides lieyond the liiii.ls of ihr nr ninceals himself that the ordinary process of the Ltw ' i l -i rved on him: It is therelore ordert d. t>iat publication • 111 .Ip in the Fayetteville (Jh.scrver for six vseeks, lor the said : 1 I’ Kiiller to be and apl>ear al our renular Court of Pleas Hnd '* ■ ■ .'I' onu, ti> be held for Ihe County of Cuniberlaiid. at Ihe ' House in Fayetteville, on the first .Mmdav of Decemlier A. mil th.ii and I her.- plead, answer or demur ti. said .\l- • ir Judsment final w ill be had and the jiroiierty levied on , • 1 lo'atisfy the Plaintitrs claim. " - J. ,se T. Warilen Clerk of our said Court, at Office in * • ' lie, Ihe first Monday of Septeinlier A, I). IMiO. M*ij» J. T. WAKDK.V, Cli rk. >itate ol Aorlli Carolln.'i, ( LMHF.KI. I.Vh ( UL.Vn. ^t if Pleas and Hu;trler .'essions, S«'pieiiit»er Term, |f('i0. C. W. Andrews vs. Ju'm P. Fuller. .Attachliienl and l.evy made, n 1, r'ii|! to the satisfuetion of Ihe Ciiiirt, IhM the Defi'ndant ih. . -1- John P. Fuller, resides iK-yond the limits of the Stiile, ' lnuiself that the ordinary priM'ess of the ..aw cannot i|It is therefore onlered, that piihlication lie ni.ide ■II ’111 •^it>i.iti \ die Observer lor six we»>k», tor the said John P ’ I lie rtiij ap^iear at our reiiular (Toiirt of Pleas and (4iMrter 111 !«■ heMiiir the (,'onnty of Cumlierland, at the t.'ourl Vi. " ‘V ‘te'ille. on the first Monday of l>eceml>*'r .A, D, ^ 'I ''i n inii thi-re plead, answer or demur to said .AlUchiiient. or !i‘ liiiiil will Im! had, and the pro|ierty levied on condemned ' , ' ' >tie PlainiilPs claim. • 'ill.. Jesse T. Warden. I lerk of our said 'oiirt. nt OfTico in »emie, the first Monday ot St plenila-r .A. I>. Irttio. " J.T WAIIDE.N, Clerk. \otic‘c‘ to ('ontraetorN. j >li* •l‘0,'!|'i'i(»\-^ (|,g building of a Wooden Court 111 UM- HI Lillitigfon, Harnett County, will be re- ■■111 uufil ii,(. second Motiday in Decetnber IHiKl. ^ III- iiiiil w),ecificatiofis may be seen by ajiplying to "Hi 'iiiiii K ,Shi4W, al Summerville, Harnett County. 'I >'*loriiiation address the underMtetied at .Johnson- R. (' 15ELDEN, , i. For building Committee, i i, ISOO. &3-110D DIKF.I TORS. S. S. WARD. H. Z. PRATT. A. DUNHAM. F. DAVL^. HILLVER. A. ALEXANDER. KENEY. H. BRAINARD. T. K. P.RACE. S. TCDOR. J. CIU RCH. R. I5UELL. E. FLOWER. E. A. lU LKELEV. R. .MATHER. E. 0. RIPLEV. W. F. TUTTLE. E. G. Riim.kv, T'res t. T. A. Ai,kxani>kf, V. Pres’t. T. K. 1$R.\('K, .Jr., Sec’y. A. .\. Willi.a.ms, Adjuster. giaiy” Rates as low as pkrfect holvkvcy and fair jiront will allow. ASSKTS—July 1H.W. Bank Stocks in New Y’ork, Hartford, Bos ton, St. Louis, \c.. Tetinessee, Missouri, City Stock.s, Hartford, Rocliester, I’ron lyn, .Jersey City. Ilailrosd Sfiicks; Hartford and Ni ■. Havt Boston and W'orcester, Conn. River, Mortgage Ronds, Real Esf.ate, unincunibered, Miscellaneous Items, Cash, on hand and deposited on call, a in a'C its’ hands. Market value- - $.mi.,344 00 , 215,12tj 50 ’08,005 00 llfi,(Ml0 00 i, 87,0,58 00 K;?.0K9 (10 70.103 78 25,348 77 350,303 15 ■ii!’2,030,423 SO LIABILITIES. Claims: tifiairjustcd and not due. if88,242 08 Agent of the above Company in Fayetteville, E. J. HALE. March 21, 18W. 3t,f _ TUi; .\ORTH 4;akom.\a MUTUAL LIFE ISSUR.liVCE CO.flPANT, NOW in the tenth year of successful operation, with growing capital and firmer hold upon public con fidence, continues to inst re the lives of all healthy per sons from 14 to 00 years of age, for one year, for seven years, and forlife—all lifememberHsharingintln- jirofits. All slaves from 10 to GO years of age are iusiiri»d for one year or for five years for two-thirds their value. All looses arc piinclually paid within 90 days after satisfactory proof is presented. For further informat ion the public is referred to Agents of the Company in all parts of the State, and to R. H. BATTLE, Secretary, Raleigh. E. J. HALE, Agent at Jan’y 1869. Fayettev?Ile, N. C. Coal! Coal!! Coal!!! TONS PRIME CO.\L, for sale by Sept. 25. €'arp«‘lin;(! Carpetin;;^! Carpeting! yds. CARPETING at No. 34, Hay St. All styles, all prices, .all qualitios. All will be otlered low either by wholesale or retail. Also, 5-4 and 12-4 Crnmb Cloths and Druggets. J, K. KYLE, i Payetteville, N. C., Sept. 13, 1800. 52tf Cross Creek Co% Yarni^. The undersigned is Agent for the sale of the above celebrated Yarns, which have given such general satisfaction for years past. Merchants and others wanting our Yarns will please send on their orders and have them tilled on as favora ble terms as heretofore. JOHN SHAW, Ag’tC. C. Man. Co. June 4, ISOt). 23tf & W. MeLAl UlSi WOULD invite attention to their large and desirable Stock of OKOCEKIE!!!^, Consisting in part of— 150 liafTS Uio, La^uira and Java Coffee; 100 libls. and Ilhds. Sugar (a4>sortcd;) 25 Illids. Molas.ses; 30 “ Haeon—Sidc.s and Shoulders; 500 Sacks Salt; 150 Boxe.s pood Tobacco; 125 “ Sj)erm, Adamantine & Tallow Candles; 50 “ Soap (a.ssorted;) 50 ‘‘ Candy “ 1(*0 liairs Shut “ lOOO lbs. Har Lead; 30 i libLs. Snuff—Eagle Mills; 25 Kegs Soda; 250 “ Nails. —ALSO— A large and general Assort tnent of llar(l%vnr‘ and C'litlrry; Farming I tonsils, of’all de.scriptions; Anierican, Knglish, SwimU-s nnd iVruvian Iron; lili.ster, (Jernian and Cast Steel; Hlacksiniths’ Tools; (’oi)pt*rs’ I*i>.; C’lirn Sheller.« and Straw (’utters; Rucki‘t,s, IJroouis and Pails; Cotton, Manilla and .Jute Kope, (all kinds and fjuality;) Plow Linens and IJcd Cords; Hollow Wart-; (’otton \ arn.s and Sliei tings at factory jirices. .Ml of whieh will be sold i.iiw for c.\sn, or on UMial time to jiriitnpi paying customers. Colntrt Mkrch.wts are respectfully rf*ijuested to call and dxamine our stock before purcha-ing else where. D. & W McLAl'RlN. March lKT)!t '.t:?tf Removal and liiood^. \ IE }-avo removed to the store formerly occupied by II Mes.srs. Peiiilierton Sloan, between Wm. II. Car ver and .1. M. Beasley, where we are flow receivitig a : large stock of all kinds of G( K 'DS intended for the town and country trade, consisting in part of; Dry Goods, Bouts .*iiid Shoes, Hats and Caps, Hardware and ('Cutle ry, Hollow-ware, Iron. Nails, Spikes. Bagging and Rope, Siiildleb. Briilles, Ciillain, Hames, Whi{i», Negro Blankets. Kerseys, (’urn Shel’ers, ('uttitig Knives. Plows. ‘‘ Rakes, Pruning Shears, Groceries of all kinds. Brandy, Rum. Clin. Port, Malaga, Madeira and Sherry Wine, 'N hiskey of all grades—some very fine. .Also a thousand . other articles not here enumerated, all of which will be ; sold low for Cask, vr f'^r Country I'r-.-luct. \ ,J. H.'ROBERTS X CO., South side Hay st. October 15. fiO-lni iHAlU)\VARi; GHOl’KRIK. IIKOTIIi:itK Have now in store and are daily receiving their stock of I Hardware, Saddlery, Groceries, j Which they will sell a,^ low as the same goods can be j sold in this market. We ask all in want of goods in our line to give us a call. Country produce of all kinds taken in exchange for goods. i C. C. GOLDSTO.N. Ci. W. I. GOLDSTON. I Oct. in. f.i-f.t !~ PAGi: & Sl UiA^S i HAVE .irsT RECEIVED— 1 t) - TONS OF GUANO; I Sacks S.\LT; t'. Tons Hoop IRON; 18 Mhds. B.VCON SIDES; 7 “ “ SHOULDERS: C5 Bbls. MESS PORK; “ No. 3 M.VCKEREL. PAGE & SURLES. Fayettevilie, N. ('., Oct. 10. Ihtio. ^G0-4w EDW1\ Cil.OVKll, n*alchmnh'er and •Meivvler^ H.\S returned from the North with a much l.irger stock of Goods in his line, than he lias ever offered before. ■\mong hilt aKsoftmcnl may be found— Watches of :tll ijualities from 87 to 81(’i0; ('hains, Seals and Keys of all kinds; Hracelots, Ear- Rings, Krcast I’ins and Lockets; (lold, Silver, Steel and (’oninion Speotacles; !old and Sil ver I'cncils and I’ens; Silver Spotm.s, Silver {’ups and (Joblets; Silver Plated Tea Sets, Cake 15askets,(’astors, ('andle Sticks and liutter IMshes;Coral Necklace.^, Bracc- letjs ami Armlets, kc., &.C., ,Vc. Clocks of all L'indM and qualities; A fine lot of Pistols; a good a.ssortiuent of Military (Joods and Accordeons, and every thing else kept in a Jewelry Store. E. 1. is .Agent for tlie sale of the Celebrated .Viiieri can Watch. .Any person in want of a Good Waich is invited to call and examine them. P. S. Particular attention paid to the Repairing of WAT(MIES, CLOCKS ami JEWELRY. Fayetteville. N. Oct. ‘.t, ISOO. 00-8m W. H. & T. B. XEWBKURY, ~ \orth East Jam, .Harket Square, No. 12, (White Hiillding,) FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Hare just received their Fall isnd Winter Stock of Readu^Hade €Jlothinff^ Hoots and Shoe.s, Hats, Caps and Umbrellas, Neck Handkerchiefs, Cravats, Ties, Pocket Hd’k’f’s, Combs, Knives, I’orte Monnaies, Hair lirushes, Gloves, Hosiery, Suspend ers, Trunks, Vali.ses, Carpet lia^ s, and every thing usually kept in a Ciofliing Store. OUR STOCK OF Ready-Made Clothing is made of the best material and well sewed. It wouhl be to the advantage of all those who wish to buy any thing in the above line to call and examine our Stock; and those gentlemen favoring us with their patronage may rely on getting Goods at the very L(>WEST PRI CES, as we are determined to sell cheap, in order io build up a good trade for our house. Sept. 10, 1860. 51tf J NEW GOODS. I WE are now receiving our Fall purchases of (JOODS, comprising a general stock of llou»f‘ Fiirni»liinj^ Articlei!*. ALSO, ALL KINDS OF | llarduare, Cutlery and Staple Goods. | GOOO Yards Brussels, TSice I’ly afid Superfine ' Carpeting; 20 piece.a Door and Table Oil I Cloths; Staple Dry Goods; Paper Hang- I ings; Brass Goods; (’astings, kc. I Many of our Goods were bought at Auction, al prices which enable us to give good bargains to our customers. 25 Boxes old E. Dairy and Sap Sago Cheese. S. W. TILLINGHAST & CO. Sejit. 20. 5ti-2ni FALL, I860. JAMKS KYLE Is now receiving his F.VLL and WINTER supply of mi\ CiOODN, •AMONG WHICH ARE; Black and Colored Silks; Merinoes, French atul English; Delaines, French and others; Parisian Cloths, and other Dress Goods; Ladies’ Emb’d Collars and Sleeves; Long and Square Shawls; Chenille Shawls, Silk and Cotton; Bolting Cloths, assorted Nos.—Anker; Boots and .'^hoos; with a l:irge assortment of Hats and Caps, with many otiier Goods. .All of which were bought cheap by the Package, and will be offered by Wholesale or Retail—CHEAP. Sept. 12. IbtjO. 52tf Gold aud Silver Watches, Jewelry, &c. UST RECEIVED A LARGE ADDI- tiou to iny stock of n\iTVMrt:s, j§:i', SILVEB \ I'LUEll WARE, F1\E CI TLEKV. .Hllilary and Fancy kOhIm, which makes my slock gool. Those who are about to make their purchases would do well to call and take a look. I think 1 can suit them as to firices *nd ijuality. Mtsir- Particular attention j>aid to Watch and Clock repairing and .Jobbitig. W. PRIOR. Sept. 17, ISt'iO. o-'i-:Jm si;(i)\ii na xtoii for \m\ NT.4KK & WILLI AMS, VO. 50, HAY STREET, FAYETTEVILLE, N.C., are now receiving their SE(?(^ND SUPPLY of si:a80N.\1!l1': uooi*^, E.MBR.VCINC A LAIUiE STOi'K oF FANCY A STAPLE URV (iOODS, Boots, Shoe.s, Hats, Caps, ltO.\.\KTS 1.1IIIKi:i.LA^i, Keaihf-tfiffth’ *%V. Xr. ■All of wiiich will be oflered to WhulT'sale buyers exclu sively, either for Cash or on the usual lime, to prompt paying customers. J. B. STARR. Sept. 27, 1^'t'iO. L\1K;K si-COM) STOCK. WE ARE Now RECEIVING AND OPENING TIIK LARGEST SECOND STOCK OF GOODS We have ever olfered to our customers, comprising ALL THE .\RTICLES usually kepi b^’ us. all of which we are disposed to offer on accommodating terms to our customers .and all whole.salo purchasers. Please call and examine our Stock. H. \ E. J. LILLY. Oct. 1. o7-tf \E\V GOOUS. The subscriber is now receiving a large and well se lected stock of GOODS. I’onsi-^iing of GKUCEIllES, HARDWARE AM> CTTLE- Rv, 1}a(;gin; and rope, sad dlery, \c., EOREKjN AND DOMESTIC LlgCORS, and many other articles, which he offers low for Cash, or on SHORT timk to ]>romjit jaying customers. M. WILLIAMS. "ititf .All kinds of Coutitry Produce taken in exchange for Goods. ■PHRE!\OI^OCiY. Dr. BARKER will commence a C(»URSE of 8 LEC TURES at FAYETTEVILLE HALL, on Monday, Oct. 29th. The Lectures will be illu.strated with a va riety of specimetis, consisting of pictures and hutnan skulls. Those desiring charts of character showing what trade or calling they are best qualitied to follow, cannot do better than call on Dr. B. at the Fayetteville HoteL Oct. 2‘J. G5-3tpd (^OCERIES. B.AGS prime RIO COFFEE. /vO Bbls. Extra C. SUGAR. 5 “ good Brown “ 10 Hhds. Sweet MOL.ASSE.S. 150 Seamless Sacks SALT. 30 Boxes TOB.ACCO. 50 “ CHEESE, lom) Lbs. gool RICE .Adamantine Candles; Pepper; Spice; Ginger; Mustard; Brooms, &c., all of which I will sell Cheap for C.vsii. W. C. TROA'. Oct. 20. ti5-lm 25 FISH. ^ BBLS. NEW MULLETS. 25 Bbls. “ No. 3 M.VCKEREL. —ALSO— 800 Lbs. Prime N. C. LARD. 1000 “ “ Leaf Just received aud for sale by Oct. 29. W. C. TROY. 65-1 m Cooi^ers \WnutedS iwo NO. 1 SPIRIT BBL. COOPERS will find em- L ployment by applying to D. & W. McLAURIN. Oct. 18. G5-2t SOUTHERNERS Lioou to y*o9€r InteresU "IITE are the only SHOE .M.ANUFACTURERS in the \\ State, that make a No. 1 article of KIP SHOES and Negro BROGAN.^, without Welts. We intend to make lo the fullest extetif, if we have the patronage, which we truly and earnestly solicit. All orders shall have prompt attentioti. Now is the time for the South to encourage all such. W.M. (\ARTER .V SONS. W.M. ('aktkr. D.wiu -A. Carter. S. S. CARTK.n. JOII.N (J. OVRTIOK. Cartersville, Chatham Co., N. C., Oct. 25. tio-tf \o. Bank of Caiw Kear, \ OCTOUER 20, 18tX). J \SEMI-.ANNU.\L DlVIDE.NDof Five per cent, has been declared, payable at the principal Bank and Branches on and after the 1st of Novetiiber next. H. R. SAVAGE, Cashier. ()ct. 25. *i5-lNl .ill pc'rMonw are lirreliy XL~ forbidden to pay anj' money to my wife, Harriet Dodd, as I am determined not to recoj'nize any paytoeiit made to any person other than myself. IS.A.At] DODD. Oct. 25, IHtiO. ti5tf yOO SACKS SALT Just received by E. F. MOORE. CMIEESE. ^ BOXES GOOD t.'HEESE. For.sale by i 0 E. F. MOORE. TIackerel and llerriiii;. BBLS. MACKEREL; i O Bbls. HERRING. For sale by E. F. MOORE. 1000 Sheetings and Cotton Yarns on hand at all times, at .Manufacturers jirices. -All persons are resjicctfully invited to give tne a call, at the old stand of J. X T. Wa.ldill, South ide Hav st. A. N. .MCDONALD. Favelteville, N. C., Sept. 24, lttiO. 55tf KKIIOVAL. 1MIE undersigtied have removed to their new Brick Store and Wurelioiises Wost of iho Fayetteville Hotel on Hay Street, lu'iween the new store-house of Starr \ Williams and the liank of Clarendon, and midway op posite Charles T. llaigh Son' and the Bank of Fay etteville, where they respectfully invite their old cus tomers and the trade gi'nerally to call and see them. They are now opening a large stock of Hartlirare ('utlery^ of their own importation, together with a great variety of American (Joods iti the same line, composinsr one of the largest slocks of II.VRDW.ARE and ("’UTLERY’ ever offered in this market. In addition to the above, the undersigned are pre pared to offer to the Jobbing Trade oti their usual terms; 12D Bairs of (’offee. 2D llhds. Sugar. SO Bbls. do. 00 Tons fif Iron. 7DU Kogs of Nalls. lOO Boxes Window Glass. f)U Bdxes Family Soap, oil \ Bbls. Snuff. IDO Boxes Rose Hill do. luO “ Adamantine Candles. 2:’) Bags Pepper, Spice and Ginger. 100 Bo.xes Candy. ;')D “ ('otton ('ards. f)0 “ (%>ffee Mills. KMKI Sides Sole Jioathor, Hemlock (.)ak. IDO l>oz. Paitited Buckets. 100 ‘ Axes. (id Gro.ss .Matches. 20 Boxes (’oneontrated Tiye. 8D0 Sacks Liverpool Salt. ;?0 Hhds. of Molasses. 200 Jiags Shot. 1000 Lbs. Lead. Harness and Skirting Leather, Hog Skins. Saddles; Shoe Thread and Shoe Findinjs. llifie and JJlasting l*owder. Tape and Common Safety Fuse. Square and f)ctagon Cast Steel. Blistered and German Steel. Kssenccs and Patent Medicines in variety. Cotton Yarns and Sheetings at Manufacturer’s priccs. GEO. w. WILLIAMS & CO. Fayetteville, N. C., Aug. 16, 1860. 44tf IVhiMkev, llrandv and Kuni. BBLS. WHISKEY; i 0 -5 Bbls. BRANDY: 15 ‘ N. E. RUM. For sale by E. F. MOORE. Oct. 2'J. C5-4w CORN! CORN!! B.VGS CORN, For sale bv E. F. MOORE. Mionsc HU (I EiOt for Sale. 1 OFFER for sale the HOUSE and Lt)T at present oc cupied bj’ Mrs. M. D. Evans, situated on Mumtord Street, near the Rail Road, adjoining Mrs. M. Banks and others. The Dwelling contains foui large aud well ventilated rooms, a passage up stairs and down, two closets and a double portico in front, and is in good repair. The kitchen is nearly new, having been built within the last three years, and contains two large rooms. The smoke-house and store-room are good; the stables need some repairs, also the woinl-house. The garden cannot be beaten in point of jiroductiveness in the county. Tlie above lot will suit a person doing business in Fayetteville, aud to all such, or any one else, wishing to purchase a TOWN RESIDENCE, it is respectfully recommended. If not previously disposed of, the above property will be Sold a' .Auction, at the Market House, on Tues day Dec. 4, beiufT the week of Cumberland County Court. Call and esaaiue tiie premises. ER.\S.Mt'S 11. EVANS, Attorney. Fayetteville, Oct. ;J5. ti4tf ST€>LE.\7 ^OME PERSt'N OR PERSONS broke into Meekins io .Mitchell’s House, last night, and stole therefrom my FREE P.APERS. I will be nuich obliged to any one to return them to me, and 1 will pay a liberal reward. CHARLES MASS. Oct. 25. (‘i4-3tpd V. W. A.\DKE\i^ HAS ON HAND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Tin 1‘iate, Slioet Iron, Iron Wiro, Sheet Lead, Lead ripo, ZliK’, Iroii-Hire floth of as sorted iiuinbers, I'l.tiPS, Ac., Arc. —ALSO— -A general assortment of ".MT'm ■■ m.m.' ■«. 9 of his own manufacture, at wholesale and retail. Maiket Square, Fayetteville, Sept. 11. r>2-4m A Bvsy EJitor.—.J. K. Johnson, editor and proprietor of “The Huntsman’s Echo,” a spright ly little hebdomadal sheet published in Nebraska Territory, in the la.st issue of that paper thus enumerates his occupations: “Besides editing the Echo, tilling our little farm, grinding grists for the neighbors, selling sugar, tape, and pills, we are also prepared to en tertain those who may wish to call upon us, in the best manner in our power. ‘Our cabin’ is quite comfortable, and our table spread W'ith as many comforts as a limited market will ofter. Our stables are warm and safe, our hay fine, and good corn in plenty. Like clocks— “One wheel another wheel must drive. Affairs by diligent labor only thrive.” The sanctum of the editor, it appears from the following paragraph, is sometimes intruded upon by an unpleasant class of visiters; “ Varmints.”—Liist week upon two occasions, from our office, we witnessed the playful pranks of several antelopes, and again a sprightly red fox came up near the enclosure, but‘cut and run when Towser came in sight; a nice race they had, and both made time, but reynard the best. A week ago; two grizzly bears and three large wolves hove in sight and played around on the prairie at a safe distance; the same chaps, probably, that made a tender meal from a good-sized calf of ours that had been running out. The buffalo have taken our caution, and for two weeks have not troubled us. A Self Made Man.—Mr. Wm. S. Lindsay, M. P., now in the United States aa a volunteer diplo matist, was born at Ayr, in Scotland, and was left an orphan at six years of age; left home at the age of fifteen and worked his passage to Liverpool on a steamer; slept for seven long weeks in the streets and sheds of that city, and at length start ed on three years’ sailor’s life a.s the cabin boy of a West Indiaman. His trials were not over. He wa.s shipwrecked and had both legs and one arm broken. At the age of nineteen he was in command of the Olive Branch, when, in ISoO in the I'ersian Gulf, he was assailed and cut down by a saber, and, to save himself, killed his assail ant with a pistol shot. He left the sea the next year, and in 1841 became agent for a coal com pany. ■ Mr. Lind.say, in 184.5, moved to London, and commenced the business which made liim one of the merchant princes of that great city. In lH,"j2, he owned twenty fir.«st-clas8 ships, insured risks to the amount ot 814,000,000, while the house of which he was the head chartered seven hundred ships, chiefly to India and the Mediterranean. Thus had the immigrant from Ayr become one of the largest ship owners and brokers of the kingdom. ^ Mr. Lindsay tried to get into parliament in 1S52, but corruption and aristocratic influence defeated him. In 1854 he was elected for Tyne mouth by the meager majority ot seventeen, and in 1857 was electeti without opposition. He is now 44 years of age.—St. John Xcws. Go-aheadisjn.—Sir Charles Lyell, when in the United States, received the following advice from a friend: “When you are racing with an opposite steamboat, or chasing her, and the other passengers are cheering the Captain, who is sit ting on the safcty-valvo to keep it down with his weight, go as far as you can from the engine, aod lose no time, especially if you hear the Captain^ exclaim, ^‘Fire up, boys; put on the rosinl” Should a servant call out, “Those gentlemen who have not paid their passage will please go to the ladies’ cabin?” obey the summons without a mo ment’s delay, for then an explosion may be appre hended.” “Why to the ladies’ cabin?” said I. “Because it is the end ot the boat, and they are, getting anxious for the personal security of those who have not yet paid their dollars, being of couise indifferent about the rest. Therefore, never pay in advancel for should you fall overboard during the race, and the watch cries out to the Captain. “A pa.ssenger overboard!” he will ask, “Has he paid his passage?” and, if he receives an answer in the affirmative, he will call out, “Go aheadi’' “Heroine” is perhaps as peculiar a word as any in our language; the two first letters of it are male, the three first female, the four first a brave man, and the whole word a brave woman. WKKTf:K.\ K.1IL ROAD. ITN TIL further notice the Train will leave Fayette- j ville on Mondays, AVednesdays and Friday’s, at S o’clock, A. M., and return the same days; leaving Spout Sjiring Depot .about 4 o’clock, 1’. -M- (!. B. MALLETT, Pres’t. July 17. 36tf ~ I'Olt BA’ virtue of a decree of the Court of Eijutty of this County, will be sold, if not sobi at private sale be fore the Tue.sday of the Superior Court, the HOUSE and LOT ott Ramsay street, formerly occupied as the Rectory of the Episcopal Church. The Lot contains 1 and li-lO acres, is a very good Lot, and ilie House is goml also, and may be occupied at once. Applications before the day of sale, may be made to Charles T. Haigh, E. J. Hale or E. L. Winslow, who are the Trustees for the sale of the said property. * If sold at .Auction, the sale will take place at the Market House, on the Tuesday of the ne.xt Superior Court. Terms of sale then made known. Fayetteville, Oct. 15. Clta iVorth Carolina Form Book, FURTHER supply just received. E. J.. HALE & SON. iA Mrt. Squibuh on Whist.—Mrs. Squibob, of Arkansas, is a most inveterate whist player. Her pastor, on a late occasion, undertook to convey to Mrs. S. the idea that possibly the practice of whist playing wa.s not altogether in the strictest accordance with the professions of a (Christian,— and, to say the least, its indulgence caused a great loss of time. “Y*es,” responded the old lady, “I have noticed that very often much more time than is actually necessary is taken up in shujjliuj and dcaliny.” Thorntis Muore.—He was a very well-drest^ed, j bright sparkling looking.little man. It is a dison- ! chanting phrase to apply to a setitimental poet, ^ but 1 must t'ay, in hi.s general appoarance there was something that very nearly approximated to what is now denoniinated as “jolly.” He had dark and most vivacious eyes, hair of the same color, and in sufficient abundance, glo.s.sy, and nicely arranged; a broad, commanding forehead; j a complexion fresh, clear, and ruddy; small, but j well-defined features; a mouth that seemed made j alone for mirth and brimming smiles; an ex- ! traordinary play and expression of countenance, I whose changeful variety yet ever betrayed the I genius within; a quick, brisk, active gait; a merry, ! joyous laugh; and the generally diffused impress of , a happy, e:usy, healthy man—one contented quite 1 with the lot he h:id in lile, and in perfect amity and peace with those alxiut him. Such was the aspect Moore presented when 1 first saw him. From Traits of Character. Three of the choir of young girls, who, dressed in white, greeted Washington as he entered Tren- ; ton in 1780, on his way to assume the Presidency, i and strewed his path-way with flowers, still sur- ! vive. One yet lives in Trenton, one is ti I ther of Senator Chesnut, of South Carolini^ ; one, 3Irs. Sarah Hand, resides in Capo ! County, New Jersey. Receipt in Full.—A Teutonic individual, at work for a certain business firm out AVest, had occasion to leave town. Accordingly he \yas paid ! off and requested to give a receipt in full. He took the pen in hand, and after hard scratching, I priMluced the receipt which reads as tollows: I “1 is full. I wants no more money. John Swackhammeb.’^