\M) ficmxiiY p., -‘1 ■; h* 7U., »n h 11.=. 'i vf,! rj"’ '« ; ■>" mmm ‘VOTlr»> lhe,mh ;c. Offie"* f;* P^>W >»t ^. where he m :\T\r p ’■ H‘t. I t fl notice. ••>1» ^1 •U r.^ularlv J' Ts v: A M hi, ‘he m‘:> '0 1 p 'P. » l.anrt lluytiV ‘‘-1 ■ ’ ' f^r ,ale,'in th ' . . I ph n.,!o. ..ftho f«>rminuV V'f'r-I >n. K„ , of I f v RKs «F ?:, ’ »*M ■ . *0 the est.^tj I 1*.' ' . ■: vvk ,; ^are on V an-1 all nece,^»«>. i‘u«-lrt*a un,l fif,v •''•y acres of n„ 'W a rare cha.ice for p "’ ■• »> ••i.-n. ■ m-y to Mr. M. M or a.lJr.^1 V|] I'ANIKI, Ni.'R If ' 't ;. ■ ' V A «i;ti: re w «s. r le 1 lit o; tui T\ r. r:- [’. nr ' lore k ■ « \»*w Stylo. Small ;KI> PH«JiH,KVPHS. isor^(lcirs fialivry. ART. m-«l% .^oiar Camera, c\n I at Vanor?,lel!-j -treet. ..n,-sife Marhle pUiti. ro!.>ti,-he^l. colored in » - 1! Mr ai toUfesui.. r “tjrlo ,!■ p;«_ >u: Fr IPs. (, ■• y ' ’ ’ ^'•'■2'e »> ri *>tj| ' pii':;ir>'«- ||,,' ' ' low T irfti.i, :•• !r ,i\ 1 :• -re I h.>T>« ' ret\irn niy • W'vl on n>e .’ri'- ■». ’(• :i-l vi '’Tl!’v M. V ANOKSLELL ;rai'iii'i aiui Proi^eU' r--*. n \ri ▼ 1: • T - Oh,- »»ri - ■ «iul. :i.l all iron 1 j' l>e,- F.i V, .-V I'h A\ll 1I\CIII\E Wlt\ wvy '^tki:i:t. 1^ K 11i,\ 1 LLK. N. r. ^ h.\''ii: f’efeil tiiiilijjii;;^- , M \t iliNK UoiiK ;i:^ I. - ITi:^ '1 _'-ve Iiotic;' ■■ it ” He ■ ^ T- Hue vv. ■■, kill.I »>f .St 'Hi 'I.L • ^ '-^v. lie, we i. !• j 'vj.-\r* •’l U >it' Fl'Xirin? hi I 1N». - \ kd : ... •vr»Ti' n f-.r tl.e er.-. .;..« H.H, 1I.« . e.J wi:j. ?K‘!i;iu-« i' l)o..r- : ii I IV^i Js of all .le..-■• lal fi hp fiiunJi:! I. icii K-! n=^- riii', ’-i aii'l the cr' •M,). -ir. i " A!.Ti»v n\i;p,T J - ■ ’ T' \ I>raii?ht’* •I ■■ .\of Ice. ' • ■ the J .i! .f I'uraWrk > !'■ '• '1 .;■ a.'a niDiwjT »j is ff' • . •’• lii«- mnie is HEN'IF' ' lha" * . ;- 'V '■ I) ivi Ison f^oiin’' ‘‘'i J flatr H,> in about 2*i Te*r»!: ' k3 n' U '.; bail on when !»i- , bin t ;nt-». anil l)lMk tm: I i« re .--N.U cime forward, jr” i ; ; ; • hita awaj, or ht»-j e law i: i. L. .McKAV. J^ii'.r •aI College. in ? ,V I. an'J *v. I» iarj ;i' P:i,r »e (j! 5ch. • it i.' In- li-m willcomiDfnotXJ ~Tr ; ii.,n --f the Iti-? ■ ^•1 J, III aii'l Mr. ' -| I \,n'- in il unil hi« laily will cod:.; • !>■ =4. 'iin^ e-ta(-'i'-'!^‘-- ; e if the i AMli.Y eles.'-- ■v.,= 1, will grearlv | M. r. Mc.N'Alli. - -c'j L' ri of TrU'iW- KYKER , , , I ' i. inL' from the Xortb tn , , fiii'l iii -r carefaUf self j II Hlf ITI’KK rel in: ■ ,«11 Inci I ftl . •■ Kl ill.iw sere! ; tn; \V 'r;irri‘ H'Ih: loin (II mi rkei: whi^li ■1 ,i=-tn..'nf comp-?'*' ’ mvpki j.o-iMetenn=.« •• '■ .l-r'»»ni _ . un'i cotton Mf'f*-',; •i.:.’!!; aii'l ,n.l \r\ii « . K rr.;:,d^ ‘'an.He Iliviinr^ :inl ■ , one with A/l. li^.n-.. fn.m the hc^t I> J|'-n, writTinff'l ^'1 n. 't-n, virritT.infe'l ^ry, m l will 1>e '^■'1*1 at . * j 45tf fUffi ha- Dll h!!n«l a larg^ ^ It of OK WRATKS m*t iiU* iti hi- usual lihef^^ yettA:; 1. Sept. 11- rea'lfi-- to the X J^M-ONT, No-^ L-‘P,'. J Koo.l,’ iHoneoftne^ ,?«, an.l i- rai.i-lly lU !ii;k II I run « of infxlcm il- .iiH-riori.y juH. y . lilliriilt to KUjifily t”*^ 4id for the arficl«*- jj-elW .orlnl. in a ine'iicine »n'^ eiiiiiieiice in his P’’. ii» lif. to the Le^lifi®* no humbug, • .fee'**® th e only who Cft*> T-.- .«.T u if to lor IPAiriBWWIIIMLIB SEmi.WEKKL Y. VOL. X.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., NOVEMBER I860. NO. 96^.] l'UlNIl'’r> MONIUYS .AND TUliRSDAYS. mw\m J. RILE & m, El>TTOKS AM) PROPRIETORS piifo lor lUe Semi-Weekly Ouskkvkr $3 00 if paitl in a,lvance; 50 if paid during the year of 3ubscrip- ti.in: or ? t after the year has expired. Far the Weekly Observkr ?2 00 per annum, if paid in s lv;>ncp; ?- 50 if paid during the y6nr of subscrip- iH'n; or after the year has expired. .Vl>\ ERTISEMENTS inserted for 60 cents per ji|ii:iro ol 10 lines for the first, and 30 cents for each naecoedini! publication. Yearly advertisements by spe cial contracts, at reasonable rates. Advertisers are r^'iue^iod to state the number of iusertious desired, or [hoy will be continued till forbid, and charged accord- .Vilveriisements to be inserted inaidf, charged 50 per i-ftii o.\tra. SPECIAL NOTICE. From and after this date, no name of a new subscriber will be entered without payment in advance, nor will (lie paper be sent to such subscribers for a longer time than is paid for. * Siich of our old subscribers as desire to take the pa per »n this system will please notify us when malting remittances. Jan’y 1, 1858. .^tate ot IVortli Carolina, Cl .MKKRLA.NI) COI NTY. I'liurt Ilf Pleas anii (inarter t?e»»ions, Sfptemtier Term, JtW. Marcus A. Baker vs. John Winsliiw. Attachment and Levy on Real fcsutte. IT Hpiicarine lo the satisfHction of ihe Court, that the l)cfenilsBt in thi5 cHse. Jiihn Winslow, resiitei tieyond the limits of the Statei so that the ordinary iiroresa of Ihe law rannol l>e st-rved iin hmi. I Is ihtreloro ordered that publication be made in thr Kavetieville ('hs«?rver for six weeks, for the said John Winslow to l>e and a|>- l>e >r at our next regular Ciurt of Pleas and (tuarier Oessinns to bo held for the I'imnty of Cumberland, at the C.mrt House in Fayette ville, on the tirsi, Monday of |tecenit>er next, then anu Ihere to plt'iul, anwer or demnr u> said .Attarhiiien', or jadfment tinal will Of h.'jil. and the propi-rty levied on condemoed to satisfy the I’lain- ■„lT' cliiiin. W-.tne'S. Jesse T. Warden. Clerk of our said Court, at Oflire in f ville. the tirst .Mondav of September A. I). Ip«i0. ^M.t J T. WAR1>K.\. Clerk. Mtate ot .\orlli Carolina, Cr.MBKHLAM) COUNTV. t.'oiirl of I’iea^ and Uuarter Sessions, Sepieiutier Term, IWlO. iieoree itrandt vs. John Winslou. Attachment and l.«vy nn Real Kstatc. IT a|i|iearinK to the sati.facliun ot the Court, that the I>efendat>t .u iliis cast'. John WidsIuw. resides beyond Ihe limils of the r"Uile. so that the ordin.iry process t)f the L;i» cannot tie served on b.iii U IS theretore ordered that publication l>e made m the Kay elteville Oh-wrver for >ix weeks, for the said John Winilow to be Htiii .ipi.ear at our ne.vt regular Court of Pleas and Uuarter Sessions t" lie held tor the County of Cumlierland, at the t.'ouri UoU'«e in Kiyetleville. on the tir(t .Monday ol December next, then and there I'l plead, answer or demur tii s:iid .Attachment, or jud|:iiient tinal u/il Ik' had, and the pro|n;rty levied on condeuiaed u> satisfy the Klaintill's claim. Witness, Jesse T. Warden, Clerk of our said Court, at titfice in h\iyeiteville, the tirst Monday of Septeml>er A. 11. I"'ii0 M*tiw J. T. WARDK.N. Cler» ^tate of* l^orth Caioiina, ( I COV.VTl. Court of I'ieos and Uuarter Seiuioos, Hfpieailier Term, Robert Wouten vt. John Wioslow. .Attachment and Levy on Real Kst^ite. IT appearini! to the satisfaction of the Court, that the l*efend«nt n this case. John Wiaslow, resides beyond the limits of the s«i that the ordinary process of the Law cannot be served on b II. It is therefore ordered that pablication be nmde in the Fay etieville Ultserver for six weeks, tor the said John Winslow to be iDil :i)i|>ear at our next regular Court of Pleas and Uuarter Sessions, • iK> held lor the County of CuDiberland. at the Court House in : ...«;teville, 'Ml the tirst .Monday of iJeceoiber next, then and there . >il. answer or demur to said .Altachiiieot, or juilgment tinal » had. and the property levied on condemned to satisfy the ; . ;:..f's claim. it ;ne'5. Jesse T. Warden, Clerk of our said Court, at dlfice in citrviile, the first .Monday of September .A. I>. '4"''W J. T. WARDK.V, Clerk. >tate ot ^ortli Carolina, CU.VBERjUI.VV cov.vty. I luri Ilf Pteas and Qoaner dess ions, Se)itember Term, le^iU. H. C. Jones vs. John Winsluw. •Attachment anti Levy on Real E-state. IT a)ipe;irin( to the satisfacuon ot the Coart. that the Defendant n :Hi> r:ise. John Winslow, resides beyond the ILniita ol the .'Ute Ki ihHt the ordinary process of the Law cannot be served >a liiai It IS ihereliire ordered that publication l>e made in the Fay- e;’,ev.iie (itiserver lor six weeks, tor the said John Winslow to Had aii|ear at our next regular Court of Pleau and Uuarter Sessions. I. tx* tidd for the Coaaty of Cumlieriand, at the Court House in Ksyetteville. on the first Monday of December next, then and there : jiieiui. answer or demur to said .Attachment, ur judgment tinsi h.id. aod the property levied on condemned to satisty the l’.A.nliti'’s claim. \V;!ne5». Jesse T. Warden, Clerk of onr said Court, at Ollice in K . .-lu-viile, the tirst Monday of September A. t>. Ifftl. 'X'Ow J. T. WAKUE.N, Clerk. ^late ot .\ortli Carolina, CL.VBEHK.1.VJJ CUVMTY. ■ urtof Pleas and Uuarter Sessions. Septemlier Term, 18CU. I«»»c H. .Melvin, Administrator of .Mary Holling«wortb, Sarah Ciit.er* t^lward liurKes and wife Reliecca, lidward J Ed- » ird', and Himni Edwards, Minors, by their Guardian Blackman '-Ul'Fftli. Jane Nye, vs. Daniel Butler and wife Ann, and Joshua t^lwards. Petition for Division of Slaves. IT H[i;»- ifing Ui the satisfaction of the (.'ourt, that Joshua Etlwards, 'nc III the DetendaoU in this case, is a non-resident of the State U .» thtrei.Te ordered that publication be made for six weeks in ■tir Ftj«iiev,lie (.ibserver. tor the said Jo«hna Etlwards lo be and rti ..ur regular -'ourt of Pleas and Uoarter Sessitjns, lo be h*-»l ii.t itic I'.iunty of Cuniberland, at the Court House in Fayette ' i!le. .in the tirsi Monday of December A. D. IHtiO, then and there to p.fiul. nr dmiur lo the Petition, or it will be heard ex parte Hi ti: nun mil an i irder gran led lor the division of the slaves in *e\«T i:ty n.imed tlierein. W iin.-v J. ,^e T. U ;irden. Clerk of our said Court, at Office in Fajeiieniie. tbe tirst .Monday of September A. D. lrXJ J. T. WAHDE.N. Clerk. ^tate ot .\ortli Carolina, CCMHEHL-i.yi) VOUJfTY. Court of Pleas and Uuarter Sessions, September Tenn, 1H6U. X). & W. McLiaurin vs. James W. Ilorne. Attai hmtnt and Levy made on l>and. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the Defendant * in this case, James W. Horne, resides bey«ind the limits of the Mate, or so conceals himself that the ordinary process of the 1.hw cannot be served on him . It is therefore ordered that publication im' made m the Fayetteville Observer for six weeks, for the said Jamen VV. Horne (o be and apfiear at the regular Court of Pie i» and (iuar ler Sesfinns. Ui be held for the County of Cnuilierland, at the Court ll'iuse in Fayetteville, on the first Monday of December .A. D. tfMitl. and then and there plead, answer or demur to said Attachment, or juiigiiient tinal wilt tie had, and the land levied on condemned lo •atisfy the Piaintitls’ claim. Witness. Jesse T. Warden, Clerk of our said Court, at Otiice i** K lyetteville, the hrst .Monday of Septeml>er A. I). li^Hl. *»4*»>w J. T. WAKIIEN, Clerk. Ktate ot rVortli Carolina, VV.VHF.RI..1.VO CUV.VTY. Court of Pleas and Uuarter Sessions, September Term, 18C0. Owen Housum vs. John P. Fuller. Attachment and I.«vy m-ide. IT afipearing to the satlsfactioh of the Court, that the Defendant in this cast-. John P. Fuller, resides lieyond the limits of the State, or so conceals himself that the ordinary process of the I.aw cannot l>e served on him: It is therefore ordered, that publication he made in the Fayetteville t)bserver for six weeks, for the said John P. Fuller to t>o and ap|iear at our regular Court of Pleas and Uuarter Sessions to l>e held for the County of Cumlieriand, at the Court House in Fayetteville, on the tirst Monday of December I). IHftl, and then and there plead, answer or demur to said .\ttachment, or Judgmrnt tinal will be had and the property levied on condemned to satisfy the Plaintiti's claim. Witness. Jesse T Warden, ’Ierk of our said Court, at Office in Fayetteville, the tirst Monday of Septemlier A. D. 1H60. J. T. WARDEN. Cierk. Mtale ot iVorlli Carolina, CC.VHKK/..1.VO COV.VTY Court of Pleas and Uuarter Sessions, Septemlier Term, 18G0. Joseph Utley vs. John P. Fuller. ■Attachnient and Lrf-vy made. JT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the DefeniHnt In this rase, John P. Fuller, resides beyond the limits ol he State, or so conceals himself that the ordinary process of the Iaw cannot tie served on him; It is therefore ordered, that pabllcatiun lie made in the Fayetteville observer for six we-ks, for the said John P. Fuller to be and ap|>ear at our regular four; of Pleas and Uuarier Sessions, to be held for the County of Cumberland, at the Court House in Fayetteville, on the first Monday of Decemtier A. D. IHtiO. and then and there plead, answer or demur to said .Attach ment. or Judgment tinal will be had, and the pro|ierty levied on con demned to satisfy the Plaintiti'’s claim. Witness, Jetse T. Warden. Clerk of onr said Court, at Olfice in Fayetteville, the tirst Monday of September A. I). IHtitt. f»t*t)w J T WARDEN. Cio-i. J. A. WORTH. 56-tlJ $$tate ot* iKorlli Carolina, CVMBF.RI.jiXl) COV.VTY Court of Pleas and t^uarter Sessions, Septemlier Term, I860. A J. Wtmdward vs. John P. Fuller. .\ttachnient and lA'vy made. IT appearing*! the satisfaction of the fVinrt, that the Itefendantin this case. John P. Fuller, resides lieyonil ihe limits of the State, or so conceals himself that the ordinary process of the Ijiw cannot be ser\ed on hinr U is therefore ordered, that publication lie made n the Fayetteville Observer for six weeks, for the said John P. Fuller to l>e and appear at our regular Onurt of Pleas and Uuarter ."^•ssions to lie held fijr the County of Cumberland, at the fVinrt lloifie in Fayetteville, on the first Monday of Decemlier D. IH*i(>, and then and there plead, answer or demur to said .Attachment, or Judgment hnal will lie had, and tbe prn|>erty levied on condemned to satisfy the Plaintiff’s claim. Witness, Jesse T. Warden, Clerk of onr said Conrt, at OfBce in Fayetteville, the tirst .Monday of Septemlier A. 1). ISiiO. 65»6w '. T. WARDE.N, Cierk. 100,000 FRUIT TREES, At Luxemburg, one mile south-west of Greensboro’, N". C.. consisting of Apples, Pears, Peaches, Plums. .\pricois. Nectarines, &c. The above number of Trees and Plants are now ready for sale by the subscriber. From eighteen years of practical experience, and know ledge in the nursery business he flatters himself that he now has the most select collection in the Southern States. All orders promptly attended to, and Catalogues sent free on application. Persons ordering Catalogues by mail will please inclose a stamp to prepay. AUTHORIZED AGENTS. John M. Clark, Wilmington; Rufus Scott, Fayette ville; J. & F. Garrett, Greeniboro. THO.MAS. H. FENTRESS. Aug. 24. 47-3m FISH! FISH!! N EW MACKEREL, Nos. 1, 2 and 3. “ WHITE FISH. “ HIlUUING, ic. Ac. Call at A. N. MCDONALD’S, South-sidtt Hay Street. Oct 1. 57-tf Stereosoopes and Stereosfoplf Views, A NEW and beautiful assortment, just received. E. J. HALE & SON. Oct. 18. FAYETTEVILI.E ~ Mimi IXSIRIXCE COMPAXf. Capital in Premium Notes amounts to Cash on hand and other assets, $267,088 Zh 5,077 35 Total, $272,7(i5 r,l The Company have paid all los»es promptly, and have never made an assessment on their premium notes. Total losses paid, §29,082 69 Officfrs: GEO. McNEILL, President. D. A. R.VY. Vice President. C. A. .McMILLAN, Sec’j. Directors: Henry Lilly, W. N. Tillinghast, H. L. Myrover, S. J. Hinsdale, S. T. Hawley, Wm. McLaurin, Nathan A. Stedman, T. S. Lutterloh, C. B. Malleit, James Kyle, A. A. McKethan, J. D. Williams, S. W'. Tillinghast. A. W. Steel, J. G. C*ok, Hon. J. G. Shepherd, R. F. Brown, A. E. Hall, Wilm’gton. John Collins and C. C. McCrummen, Traveling .A.gents. Jfcl^The Company invite applications. May 28, 1860. 21-ly H HARTFORD, CO.\W Incorporated 1819. Charter Perpetual. Authorized Capital, Paid up Capital, Assets, $l,.mOOO 00 i,.m(N)o 00 2,030,423 80 T. K. BRACE. S. TUDOR. J. CHURCH. R. BUELL. E. FLOWER. E. A. BULKELEY R. M.AT HER. E. G. RIPLEY. DIRECTORS. S. s. WARD. II. Z. PRATT. A. DUNH.VM. G. F. DAVIS. D. HILLYER. T. A. ALEXANDER. W. KENEY. C. H. BRAINARD. H Sltrnientary E. J. HALS i ^tafe ot Iforth Carolina, CVMHt-H CO V.VrY. • 'iinrt of Pleas anil Uuarier Sessions. Septemlier Term, lH»iO. tJeorge W. Kullard vs. John P. t'uller. .'Mtarhiiient and l>-vy made. I T ni.jiearing to the satisfaction of the Conrt, that the Defendant .11 tills case, John P. Fuller, resides beyond the limits of the si;,u.- nr so conceals himself that the ordinary process of the Law “ inni.t lie -erved on him: It is therefore ordered, that publication W iiiKile in the Fayetteville Ob»er»-er for six weeks, tor the said Ji'iin r Fuller to be and appear at onr regular Conrt of Pleas and U'l '.ricr Sensions, t«i be held for the County of C unilM;rland, at the ‘ 'irt Ifiiuse in Fayetteville, on the first Monday of l»eceml>er A. '■*», and then and there plead, answer or demur to said .M tariuiifni, or Judgment final will be hail and the projierty levieil on ■ inil-tiin,.,l to satisfy the PlaintHrs claim. '\iiiiM,, Jesse T. Warden Clerk of our laid Court, at *^>ffice in r>«)elievilje, the firitt .Monday of Septemlier A. D. «*«» J. T. WARDEN, Clerk. ^tafe ot I\orth Carolina, CVMBF.HJ^IJtrn (OOWTY. ''iiiit Ilf Pleat and Uuarier Sessions, September Term, ISfiO. C. W. Aodiews vs. Jo’in P. Fuller. 1_, Attachment and Levy m^id«. * •'■.'liearing to the Mtisfuction rt the Court, thit the Defendant fl thiirase, John P. Fuller, resides beyond the limits of the State, I'f wi ciini eal, himself that the ordinary process of the >aw cannot “ ■'•■rM-il c,n him; It Is therefore ordereil, that publication be matle |n Uic I ;iyf.tteville Observer for six weeks, for the said John P '1 t r 1(11,). ;,„4 ap(,ear at our regular Court of Pleas and Uuarter Ill lie held for the (/'ounty of Cumlieriand, at the Court ''Ji'i- in Kajette.vilk!, on the first Monday of Decemlier A. I). Wi((, Jnl ifiere plead, answer or demur to said Attachment, or 'fluent final will tie had, and the property levied on condemned Ui^HiiMy the Plalntiirs claim. i ■I'iS'ie T. Warden, ;ierk of iur said Court, at Office in ■jHtteviiie, the first Monday of Septemlier A. D. IrtCO. ^ J.T VVAKDEN, Clerk. ^\'otice to €3ontractorM. I>K01’()H1TK)N8 for the building of a Wooden Court • House at Lrllington, Harnett County, will be re- 1f.‘'*|* utitil the second Monday in December 1860. 4'|s and specifications may be seen by applying tv 'eiijainin F. Shaw, at Summerville, Harnett County. « n '***^™alion address the undersigned at Johnson- R. C BELDEN, Q , ,. For Building Committee. Sept 14, IbOO. * 63-tlOD W. F. TUTTLE. E. G. Riplet, Pres’t. T. .\lkx.\sder, V. Pres’t. T. K. Brace, Jr., Sec’y. A. A. Willia.ms, Adjuster. Rates as low as pf.rfp:ct solvenct and fair profit will allow. ASSETS.—July 18.i9. Market value* Bank Stocks in New York, Hartfoi J, Bos ton, St. Louis, i^c., 5915,344 00 United States Stock and Treasury Notes, 215,126 50 Stafe Stoclcs: New York, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, 168,005 00 City Stocks, Hartford, Rochester, Brook lyn, Jersey City. 116,000 00 Railroad Stocks: Hartford and New Haven, Boston and Worcester, (’onn. River, 87,058 00 Mortgage Bonds, 83,089 fiO Real Estate, unincumbered, 70.103 78 Miscellaneous Items, 25,348 77 Cash, on hand and deposited on call, and in age its’hand*, 8.50,303 15 Coal! Coal!! Coal!!! TONS PRIME COAL, for sale by Sept. 25. Carpeting;! Carpeting;:! Carpel in^! 0;r/\A YDS. CARPETING at No. 34, Hay SL All /wCJvU styles, all prices, all qualities. -All will be offered low either by wholesale oj retail. Also, 5-4 and 12-4 Crnmb Cloths and Druggets. J, K. KYLE. Fayetteville, N. C., Sept. 13, 1860. 62tf OoMs Creek' Co’s Yarns. The undersigned is Agent for the sale of the above celebrated Yarns, which have given such general satisfaction for years past. Merchants and others wanting,our Yarns will please send on their orders and have them filled on as favora ble terms as heretofore. JOHN SHAW, Ag'tC. C. Man. Co. June 4, 1860. 23tf D. & W. McLAllRm, \170ULD invite attention to their large and desirable TT Stock of / GKOCEKIES, Consisting in part of— 150 Batis Rio, Lai'uira and Java Coffee; 100 libls. and Ilhds. Su {j^ar (assorted:) 25 Ilhds. Molasses; 30 “ Bacon—Sides and Shoulders; 500 Sacks Salt; 150 Boxes j'ood Tobacco; 125 “ Sperm, Adamantine & Tallow Caudles; 50 “ Soap (a.stfortod;) 50 “ Candy “ 100 Bags Shot “ 1000 lbs. liar Lead; 30 } Bbls. Snuff—Eagle .Mills; 25 Keirs Soda; 250 Nails. —ALSO— A large and general assortment of Hari%%are and Cntlery; tarmin;; I tensil.'«, of’all descriptions; American, Kntrlish, Swedes and Peruvian Iron; Blister, German and (’ast Steel; Blacksmiths’ Tools; Cooperti’ Po.; Corn Sluillers and Straw (’utters; Buckets, Brooms and I'ails; Cotton, Manilla and Jute Hope, (all kinds and qualit}-;) Plow Ijincs and Bed Cords; Hollow Ware; Cotton \ arns and Sheetings at factory prices. All of which will be sold low roR UAsa, or on usual time to prompt paying customers. CoiiSTRT Msrch.\xta are respectfully requested to call and examine our stock before purcha-^ing else where. D. & W. MCLAURIN. March .3. 1859 93tf Removal and rVe%v l*oods. V\^E have removed to the store formerly occupied by TT Messrs. Pemberton & itsloan, between Wni. H. Car ver ay J J. .M. Beasley, where we are now receiving a large stock of all kinds of GOODS intended for the town and country trade, consisting in part of: Dry Gfoods, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Hardware and Cutle ry, Hollow-w.ire, Iron, Nails, Spikes, Bagging and Rope, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Hames, Whips, Negro Blankets, Kerseys, Corn Shellers, Cutting Knives, Plows, Hakes, Pruning Shears, Groceries of all kinds. Brandy, Rum, Gin, Port, Malaga. M.adeira and Sherry Wine, ^ hiskey of all grades—some very fine. Also a thousand other articles not here enumerated, all of which will be sold low for Ciuh, or »£*hanyctlfor Country Product. J. H. ROBERTS & CO., South side Hay st. October 15, 1860. 60-1 m riAFunVARi; GROC^ f>OI.I>«»TO.\ BROTUER.S AVE now in store and are daily receiving their stock of » Hardware, Saddlery, Groceries, Cutterffn 4Vr., Which they will sell^s low as the same goods can be sold in this market. We ask all in want of goods in our line to give us a call. Country produce of all kinds taken in exchange for goods. C. C. GOLDSTON. G. W. I. GOLDSTON. Oct. 13. 61-6t PAGE & 8t RLES HAVE JUST HECEIVED-- TONS OF GUANO; 5lH> Sacks S.\LT; 6 Tons HOOP IRON; 18 Hhds. B.VCON SIDES; 7 “ “ SHOULDERS, 65 Bbls. MESS PORK; VO “ No. 3 M.4CKEREL. PAGE & SURLES. Fayetteville, N. C., Oct. 10, 1860. 60-4w Ebwii\ 01.01 er7 l%^alchmaker and Setceler^ AS returned from the North with a much larger stock of Goods in his line, than he has ever offered before. Among his assortment may be found—■ Watches of all qualities from ?7 to SlfiO; C’hains, Seals and Keys of all kinds; Bracelets, Kar- Rings, Breast Pins and Lockets; (}old, Silver, Stee! and Common Speotacles; Gold and Sil ver Pencils and Pens; Silver Spoons, Silver Cups and Goblets; Silver Plated Tea Sets, Cake Basket^Castors, Candle Sticks and Butter Pishes; Coral Necklaces, Brace lets and Arnileti), Ac., &c., A:c. Clocks ot all kinds and qualities; A fine lot of Pistols; a good assortment of Milit.jiry Goods and Aecordeons, and every thing eke kept in a .Jewelry Store. E. G. is Agent for the sale of the Celebrated Ameri can Wafch. Any person in want of a Good Watch is invited to call and examine them. P. S. Particular attention paid to the Repairing of WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWE^^RY. Fayetteville, N. C., Oct. 9, 1860. 60-3m $2,030,423 80 J88,242 08 LIABILITIES. Claims; unadjusted and not due, Agent of the above Company in Fayetteville, E. J. HALE. March 21, I860. 3tf the ivortIi caWoli;* A MUTIIIL LIFE INSIJRANCE COHPA.VT, NOW in the tenth year of successful operation, with growing capital and firmer hold upon public con fidence, continues to insure the lives of all healthy per sons from 14 to 60 years of age, for one year, for seven years, and for life—all life members sharing in the profits. All slaves from 10 to 60 years of age are iiLsitri'J for one year or for five years for two-thirds their ralne. All losses are punctually paid within 90 days afler satisfactory proof is present^. For further information the public is referred to Agents of the Company in all part s of the Stat«, and to R. II. BATTLE, Secretary, Raleigh, £. J. HALE, Agent at Jan’y 1869. Fayett«^Ue, N. C. W W. H. & T. B. NEVVBEURV, North Kant Jam, Market Square, \o. 12, (Wliitc Building,) FAYETTKVILLK, N. C. Have just received their Fall and Winter Stock of Ready••Iflaile Clothing. Boots and Shoes, Hata, Caps and Umbrellas, Neck Handkerchiefs, Cravats, Ties, Pocket lld’kTs, Combs, Knives, Porte Monnaiws, Hair Brushes, Gloves, Hosiery, Suspend ers, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, and tvery thing usually kept in a Clothing Store. OUR STOCK OF Ready-Made Clothing is made of the best material and well sewed. It would be to the advantage of all those who wish to buy any thing in the above line to call and examine our Stock; and those gentlemen favoring us with their patronage may rely on getting Goods at the very LOWEST PRI CES, as we are determined to sell cheap, in order to build up a good trade for our house. Sept. 10,1860, 61tf IMEW GOODS. E arc now receiving our Fall purchases of GOODS, comp.'ising a general stock of House Furnisliins;^ Articles. ALSO, ALL KINDS OF Hardware, Cutlery and Staple Goods. 6000 Yards Brussels, Three Ply and Superfine Carpeting; 20 pieces Floor and^ablc Oil Cloths; Staple Dry Goods; Paper Hang ings; Brass Goods; (’astings, &c. Many of our Goods were bought at Auction, at prices which enable us to give good bargains to our customers. 25 Boxes old E. Dairy and Sap Sago Cheese. S. W. TILLINGHAST & CO. Sept. 26. 56-2m FAIiL, 1800. JAMES KYLE Is now receiv^g his F.ALL and WINTER supply of UllY Ci^OOI>N, AMONG WHICH ARE: Black and Colored Silks: Merinoes, French and English; Delaines, French and others; Parisian Cloths, and other Dress Goods; Ladies’ Emb’d Collars and Sleeves; Long and Square Shawls; Chenille Shawls, Silk and Cotton; Bolting Cloths, assorfel Nos.—Anker; Boots and Shoes; with a large assortment of Hats and Caps, with many other Goods. All of which were bought «heap by the Package, and will be offered by Wholesale or Retail—CHEAP. Sept. 12, 1860. 52tf iold and Silver Watches, Jewelry, &c. JUST RECEIVED A LARGE ADDI- tion to my stock of SILVER & I'LATEl) WIRE, FINE I'lTLERV, .Ylilitary and Faifcy Cjoods, which makes my stock good. Those who are about to make their purchases would do well to call and take a look. I think I can suit them as (o prices and quality. S)eif“ Particular attention paid to Watch and Clock repairing and Jobbing. W'. PRIOR. Sept. 17, I860. 53-3m SKl'O.M) FlLli STOll FOR 1 STAKK & Wll.lil AUS V^O. 50, HAY STREET, FAYETTEVILLE. N.C., are i. 1 now receiving their SECOND SUPPLY of SEAS0NAI5LE GOODS, E.MBRACING A LARGE STOCK OF FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps. Keinfy-*yMadr t'iothin^^ ^Tr. ikV. All of which will be offered to Wholes.ile buyers exclu sively, either for Cash or on the usual time, to prompt paying customers. J. B. STARR. J M. WILLIAMS. Sept. 27, 1860. 56tf lIrG 1^ SECON >) stock! WE ARE NOW RECEIVING AND OPENING THE L.\KGEST SECOND STOCK OF GOODS W'e have ever offered to our customers, comprising .■VLL THE .\RTICLES usually kept by us, all of which we are disposed to offer on accommodating terms to our customers and all wholesale purchasers. Please call and examine our Slock. H. E. J. LILLY. Oct. 1. 57-tf IVEW GOODS. The subscriber is now receiving a large and well se lected stock of GOODS, consisting of GROCERIKS, HARDWARK AND CI’TLE- RY, B.\(iGIN(J AND ROPE, SAD DLERY, Ac., FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LigUORS, and many other articles, which he offers low for Cash, or on 8U0KT ti.me to prompt }>aying customers. .\11 kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. Sheetings and Cotton Yarns on hand at all times, at Manufacturers’ prices. All persons are respectfully invited to give me a call, at the old stand of J. & T. Waddill. South side Hay st. A. N. MCDONALD. Fayetteville, N. C., Sept. 24, 1860. 55tf RE.IIOVAL. The undersigned have removed to their new Brick Store and Warehouses West of (he Fayetteville Hotel on Hay Street, between the new store-house of Starr & Williams and the Bank of Clarendon, and midway op posite Charles T. Haigh & Sons' and the Bank of Fay etteville, where they respectfully invite their old cus tomers and the trade generally to call and see them. They are now opening a large stock of English iiartUrare and ('itfieri/, of their own importation, together with a great variety of American (lootls in the satue line, composing one of the largest stocks of HARDWARE and CUTLERY ever offered in this market. !n addition to the above, the uVidersigned are pre pared to otfer to the Jobbing Trade on their usual terms: 120 Bags of (’offee. 20 Hhds. Sugar. MO Bbls. do. 90 Tons of Iron. TOO Kegs of NaiIs. 100 Hoxes Window Glass. 50 Boxes Family Soap. ;>0 i Bbls. Snufl. 100 Boxes Rose Hill do. iOO “ Adamantine Candles, lio Bags Pepper, Spice and Ginger. 100 Boxes Candy. 50 “ Cotton ('ards. 50 “ Coffee Mills. 1000 Sides Sole Leather, Hemlock I't Oak. 100 Doz. Painted Buckets. 100 “ Axes. •50 Gross Matches. 20 Boxes Concentrated Lye. 800 Sacks Liverpool Salt. 30 Hhds. of Molasses. 200 Bags Shot. 1000 Lbs. Lead. Harness and Skirting Leather, Hog Skins. Saddles; Shoe Thread and Shoe Findings. Rifle and Blasting Powder. Tape and Common Safety Fuse. Square and Octagon Cast Steel. Blistered and German Steel. Essences and Patent Medicines in variety. Cotton Yarns and Sheetings at Manufacturer’s prices. GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. r»y«tt*Tille, N. C., Aug. 16,18G0. 44tf PHRETVOLiOtiiV. Dr. BARKER will commence a Ct)URSE of 8 LEC TURES at FAYETTEVILLE HALL, on Monday, Oct. 29th. The Lectures will be illustrated with a va riety of specimens, consisting of pictures and human skulls. Those desiring charts of character showing what trade or calling they arts best qualified to follow, cannot do better than call on Dr. B. at the Fayetteville Hotel. Oct. 29. 65-3tpd GROCERIES. BAGS prime RIO COFFEE, fj 25 Bbls. Extra C. SUGAR. 5 “ good Brown “ 10 Hhds. Sweet MOLASSES. 150 Seamless Sacks SALT. 30 Boxes TOBACCO. 50 “ CHEESE. 1(K)0 Lbs. good RICE Adamantine Candles; Pepper; Spice; Ginger; Mustard; Brooms, &c., all of which 1 will sell Cheap for Cash. W. C. TROY. Oct. 29. 65-1 m nsH. I5BLS. NEW MULLETS /Co 25 Bbls. “ No. 3 M.VCKEREL. —ALSO— 800 Lbs. Prime N. C. LARD. 1000 “ “ Leaf Just received and for sale by Oct. 29. W'. C. TROY. 6-3-1 m Cootwrs \W\tnted: ) NO. 1 SPIRIT BBL. ployment by applying to Y'W NO. 1 SPIRIT BBL. COOPERS will find em- Oct. IS. D. & W. McLAURIN. 65-2t SOUTHERNERS IjOoIc to \*our Interest. YY^E are the only SHOE MANUFACTURERS in the tT State, that make a No. 1 article of KIP SHOES and Negro BROG.VNS, without Welts. We intend to make to the fullest extent, if we have the patronage, which we truly and earnestly solicit. All orders shall have prompt attention. Now is the time for the South to encourage all such. W.M. CARTEK & SONS. Wm. Carter. David A. Carter. S. S. Carter. John Q. Carter. Carfersville. Chatham Co., N. C., Oct. 25. 65-tf UIVmE.\D \0. 10*2. Bank of tape Fear, \ Of'TouER 25, 18C0. J 4 SEMI-.\NNUAL DIVIDEND of Five per cent has j\ been declared, payable at the principal Bank and Branches on and after the 1st of Nover»ber next. H. R. SAVAGE, Cashier. Oct. 25. 65-tNl .411 persons are hereby forbidden to pay any money to my wife, Harriet Dodd, as I am determined not to recognize any payment made to any person other than myself. ISAAC DODD. Oct. 25, I860. 65tf S.1LT. ~~ S.VCKS S.\LT. Just received bv E. F. MOORE. 500 CHEESE. BOXES GOOD CHEESE. For sale by 0 E. F. MOORE. Mackerel and Herrinj;. BBLS. M.\CKEREL; i fj 25 Bbls. HERRING. For sale by *E. F. MOORE. 1% hiskey, Brandy and Ktini. - BBLS. WHISKEY; I 0 25 Bbls. BRANDY; 15 N. E. RUM. For sale by E. F. MOORE. Oct. 29. 65-4w CORN! CORN!! " BAGS CORN, For sale by E. F. MOORE. 1000 MMonsc find Mjot for Hale, 1 OFFER for sale the HOUSE and LOT at present oc cupied by Mrs. M. D. Evans, situated on Mumford Street, near the Rail Road, adjoining Mrs. M. Banks aud others. The Dwelling contains four large and well ventilated rooms, a passage up stairs and down, two closets and a double portico in front, and is in good repair. The kitchen is nearly new, having been built within the last three years, and contains two large rooms. The smoke-house and store-room are good: the stables need some rejiairs, also the wood-house.^ The garden cannot be beaten in point of productiveness in the county. The above lot will sniit a person doing business in Fayetteville, and to all such, or any one else, wishing to purchase a TOWN RESIDENCE, it is respectfully recommended. J8s^i“lf not previously disposed of, the above property will be sold af Auction, at the Market House, on Tues day Dec. 4, being the week of Cumberland County Court. Call and examine the premises. ERASMUS II. EVANS, Attorney. Fayetteville, Oct. 25. 64tf ^OME PERSf>N OR PERSONS broke info Meekins O .Mitchell’s House, last night, and stole therefrom my FREE PAPERS. I will be much obliged to any one to return them to me, and I will pay a liberal reward. CHARLES MASS. Oct. 25. 64-3fpd C. W. ANDREWS n.VS ON HAND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Tin 1‘late, Sheet Iron, Iron Mire, Sheet Lead, Lead Zinc, Iron-wlre Cloth of as sorted numbers. I'U.MPS, ^e., Lc. —ALSO— A general assortment of of hi.i own manufacture, at wholesale and retail. Market Sqii.are, F.iyetteville, Sept. 11. 52-4m u WE^iiTER^ RAIL ROAD. NTIL further notice the Train will leave Fayette ville on Mondays, W'ednesd.ays and Fridays, at 8 o’clock, A. M., and return the same ilays; leaving Spout Spring Depot about 4 o’clock, P. .M. C. B. MALLETT, Pres't. July 17. 36tf Rexpect for Royalty—A practicalJoke.—In a certain city of Canada West resides a colored man by name “Frank,” a functionary who indulges in hair-dressing, saloon keeping, and the mysteries of cot>king and general waiting. This colored individual is a man of rare wit, unbounded humor, quick at repartee, and fond of a practical joke. He has moreover a certain pinguitude of system, so that when he indulges in a laugh, external, or shrouded beneath the black veil of his shining outside, he may be said to shake like a jelly, after the fashion of Santa Claus, in the “Night before Christmas.” Now it happened, so the story goes, when the Prince of Wales visited the city where “Frank” resides, that a ball was given in his honor, and that “Frank” was an essential acces.sory thereto. Without “Frank,” the ball was no ball. During the evening, after supper, and while “Frank” was among the dishes in the culinary room, his privacy was intruded upon by certain young women, who addressed him insinuatingly, about as follows:— ‘•Oh! Frank, have you the glass out of which HisRoyaliHighness drank?” To this Frank bland ly responded “Yes.” “Will you let us drink out of it?” “Certainly.” “Now Frank, which side of the glass did his Royal Highness’s lips touch.” “Frank” indicated the identical spot. Then the young women each and all reverently and jubilantly touched their lips to the glass. They then said, “are you sure, Frank, that we touched the place touched by His Royal Highness’s lips?” To which Frank answered “certainly, for 1 want ed to drink after the Prince, and 1 had my lips on the very spot touched by his, just before you came in. 1 know it is the place.” Fancy the result. Young ladies exeunt, dis gusted; aud the facetious Frank relapsing into one of his most violent cacchinations, and jellifying for a full half hour.—N. J^. Com. Something of a Change.—At the late ball given to Lord Renfrew at the New lork Acade my of music, the Prince opened the dance with the lady of Gov. Morgan. She was the exemplar of American life, progress and industry. In her youth she was a poor girl, earning her livelihood as a milliner’s apprentice. Her upward growth is but a common specimen of the strange but goodly incidents of a republican life. Man Worship.—The accession of fortune makes a vast difference in the interest which mankind feel in one of their fellows. Thomas Snooks, with a limited income and a large family, may ^e al-. lowed to pass through the world amidst the most sublime indifference ot society. But Thomas Snooks, if an old uncle should die and leave him a large fortune, would at once become a personage who cannot sneeze without awakening reverbe rating echoes through the temple of lashiou, and the slightest movements of whose fingers or feet are chronicled by an obsequious press among the “Personal Doings” of illustrious men. As it is in the world of fashion, so is it in the world of politics. To-day a private gentleman, who pos sesses neither power nor patronage, may go and come when and where he pleases without excit ing the slightest curiosity in a living soul. He may travel on foot or on horseback; he may wor ship in the Gothic Cathedral or the wooden chapel; he may eat venison or sole leather, drink champagne or water, and the community remain in blissful ignorance of his tastes and habits. But prodigious is the change should fortune chance to place our private gentlemaikupon one of the pinnacles of official power. All at once he becomes, not only officially, but personally, an object of the most intense conseijuence. The cut of his coat and the precise-degree of polish upon his boots are chronicled with the most in sane avidity. A twinge of gout in his extremi ties causes a sympathetic agony in the big toes of the nation, and his faintest smile flashes ^ong the electric telegraph like a gleam of auroral light. It would not be strange if the fortunate gentleman begins at first to doubt his own identity, and at last to believe that he has hitherto vastly under rated his own excellence. A glowing sense of supereminent greatness gradually pervades his whole system from the crown of his head to the soles of his feet. He is no longer the same man. The magical wand of official elevation has exer cised a power of transformation as remarkable as any recorded in the Arabian Nights, where humble quadrupeds are converted, in a twinkling, into sovereign princes and beautiful queens. Baltimore American. FOR WALE. By virtue of a decree of the Court of Equity of Ibis County, will be sold, if not sold at private sale be- 1 fore the Tu*'sday of the S'tperior Court, the HOUSE j and LOT on Ramsay street, formerly occupied as the j Rectory of the Episcopal Church. The Lot contains 2 1 and fi-10 acres, is a very good Lot, and the House is good also, and may be occupied at once. Applications before the day of sale, may be ntade to Charles T.- Haigh, E. J. Hale or E. L. Winslow, who are the Trustees for the sale of the said property. If sold at Auction, the. sale will take place at the Market Hou.se, on the Ttiesday of the next Superior Court. Terms of sale thediaade known. Fayetteville, Oct. 15. 61ta IVorth Carolina Eorm Book, FURTHER supply just received. E. J. HALE & BON, A A Duel in Jest proves a Painjiil Tragedy.—A Southern gentleman, in an article in the Boston Evening Express, regarding noted affrays and duels ill the South, gives the following which oc curred upward of thirty years ago, atPetersburg, Virginia: A shocking affair took place some thirty or more years siuce, at Petersburg, Va. Some young men, doubting the courage ot a friend and companion, arranged a plan to draw him into a duel with one of the number—the seconds to be in the plot, and the pistols to be loaded without balls. The duel was arranged, but during the preliminaries, the intended victim waa led to sus pect the truth, but kept silent. On repairing to the field, the father of the principal in the plot hid himself in the bushes near by to witness the anticipated sport. A shot was exchanged—without effect of course. The supposed coward demanded a second fire, and the same result followed. He then stated that, anticipating the possibility of this, he had pro vided a c luple of pistols, which he produced aud which he pledged his honor were carefully loaded and tendered them for the choice ot his opponent. The farce was ended, and the intended joke be came a fearful reality as the result proved The distance being but five paces, both fell at the first fire—one killed outright, and the other mortally wounded. What were the feelings of the father, as he bore his dead son from the field of sport. The above statement evidently has reference to an affair of honor which took place in this city about Si^j’cars ago. It is needless now to state the ori^n and particulars of the daei in which both the principals were killed. Suffice'it to say that the correspondent of the Boston Ev-‘ ening Express was in error in supposing that there was any jesting whatever in the matter. The quarrel, the challenge, and the combat were all stem realities, and the tragical result was deeply deplored in the community. Petersburg Express. Pray, madam, why did you name your old hen Macdu^ Because, sir, I waot to lay on.

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