iPAiriBwwiiiMyE tn:, ^ ^ M: |[F'- 1) \ ' Ht.- Wi. r# T". j 7 M V, KK lll«^ L 8E)SII.WEEKLY. MP \ ‘^T,. \.l FAYETTEVILLE, N. C.. NOVEMBER 19, I860. [NO. 971.] 1-1, ntii* Fi .'U'M Ini'. ■\i.. i « • U!. u w. M*i’- ;*|*f ftt'rrbA f-» - >0-1 It .\'i i i». ’3T . . ■li il on' ' 1 5'«,. jRr. V ! j \ V ! ^ ; ■ wr_,, . ;o & r- •?// ■ lb . ' 't ' • ir * S r ! H- t*- - H ■ li;.-,- m td tii!h. ;i\l!iiW\iit; WU are, Drugs, aiid Toys, . lert; >' '.■'! it'. * )!,- .;:l : 5 1: ' for • ftrt^ I'll 11. r»*' ri 1.. ' r ij.- ■ I',.--.- ' 1 r. ; 1 ,, H' ■ . . 1;., 1: ->■ of ' liiu 1 at; '' !eon ' ! ■: .. v.:.r !'' liatc . \1 ' . - s; litti* ; r ,.r; '• 1' t.N KINO ic, ■ li ' i ;» Mondays and Thursdays. K V. »:M) J. HAli: & SO!«S, ■ . i:s \Ni' im;oi>uikt(MIS •' W.-rkly t'DSEKVKR S3 00 if paid in ' ■ p^i l .luring the year of suhscrip- i-r -i \ our ha esjiireil. ^ i';;si.uvKR J‘2 0• per anuiim, if paid in "if paiii ilurinjr the year of subscrip 's. ■ iifti'r the year has expired. \V KuTISKNi KNTS inserted for fiO cents per li'it--; t.ir the lirst. and 30 cents for each 1 -' 'i'.'Yearly advertisements by spe- :ii'. at re:isnn:ible rates. Advertisers are the number of insertions desired, or .'•'niintied till forbid, and charged accord- • - ’Ki-'ni't be inserted insiiif, charged 60 per ’ I. i\i, N(»TirK. • i*‘’i-r thi-; il ue. no name of a new subscriber ■d without p.iyment in advance, nor will -,•• • t.' s\K‘h -Jubscribers for a longer time old s'll -cril.eri' as desire to take the pa- • ni pl-'.'i-e notify us when making ■ ' Jiin'y 1, 18r)S. F\LL WII \VI\TF.Ii STVLES, ISliO! .1. A. im:.\ibekton IS Now Kr.CKlVlNG HIS STOCK OF Fali ^ titer fwootfsm mi'ii«intr itiu greatest variety of NEW STYLES ever ■■••i by him. » II rei i'ive in a few J.iys, one of the most niag- • ' seleoiiotis of l/uli****' fVlvel llnt«( aii«l Bonnet**, and llonnetM, trimmed, : i ::i ihi m ifkci. They were put up by one j ..'T - ylish Hoiist'-in the ('ity of New York, and i/ W'A FArA'A'SSLV TO ORDER. i ■ invited to jiive them an inspection, as he * ■: :it J1 time* lo show them. ■' f u after fifieen years experience >• ’y hrv t;, l i- lr:ide. his selections and ad- ' V .. .• w.M ' l.v ,'t‘ a call friMu those in want of ■ . t; ■ .ds at LOW 1-KU'ES. '• ' ''i' O'^L'ariion to say to his friond- V.-I ■rouiz'^’dliim from his commence . )h- duly appreciates their many !■ I, . I- t ' compHity wiih any of jj~ • uj ' ri , ilio N>''v >ivles. J. ,\. PEMHEUTON. Mrs. IIAKT Is now receiving a Handsome Assortment of WIIVTEK illlIiLli^IEKV, Including a variety ot Fancy Articles, Head Urewves, Are. REMOVAL. Nov. 10. O'J-om TO THK 1.ADIE8! \fUS. (^IISSON respectfully informs her friends and ^*1 the piihlic generally, that she is prepared to make 1>RKSSES in the most fashionable style, she will also eiu and lit for any ladies wishing to make their own I>resses; rillLUREN’S CLOTHING cut or made to order. Mrs. fiibson has taken the Agency for the sal« of a new and excellent CHART, for cutting Ladies' Dresses. .\l«o, one fiir Hoy’s ('lothing. They are very simple in construction, ami therefore easy to under.*tand. The ladies are requested to call and see them at her house, on Maxwell Street, between the Female High School and the Fayetteville Hotel. Oct. J. ■ o8tf i\EW GOOI^S. YY'^E «re now receiving our Fall purchases of G001>S. Tf comprising a general stock of House Fiirnisliinc^ Article*. ALSO, ALL KINDS OF Hardware, Cutlery aud Staple Good^. 01*00 Vards Bmsstils, Three I’ly and SuperQue ('arpeting; 20 pieces Floor and Table Oil (Moths; Staple Dry (.loods; Paper Ilang- iuir^; Brass Goods; Castings, \'c. Many of our Goods were bought at Auction, at price* which enable us to give good bargains to our customera. 25 Boxes old E. Dairv and Sap Sago Cheeue s'. W. TILLING HAST i CO. Sapt. ll(». 5i)-2iu W. W. & T. B. XEWBELRV, Norlh East Jam, Market Square, Xo. 1*2, iWhite Building,! F.IYKTTEVILLE, X. t. Hare jus' received their Fall aud Winter Stock of R€€i€^ff%lia€ie t'iothinfji^ I>oot‘ uiid J'hoes, Uat., Caps and l iuhrellaa. Neck Handkerchiel’s, Cravats, Tios, Pucket Hd'k'fs, (,'ombs. Knives, Porte Munnaies, Hair Brushes, iluves. Hosiery, J?uspond- ors, Trunks, Vali-os, Car{)Ct Bags, auJ every thing usually kept in a Clothing Store. OUR STOCK OF rpHE undersigned have removed to their new Brick I Store and Warehouses West of the Fayetteville Hotel on Hay Street, between the new store house of Starr & Williams and the Bank of Claren«lon, and midway op posite (,'harles T. Haigh & Sons’ and the Bank of Fay etteville, where they respectfully iuTite their old cus tomers anl the trade generally to call and se* them. They are now opening a large stock of Ettfflish Hartlicttre «nd Cutlery^ of their own importation, together with a great variety of American Goo in the same line, composing one of the largest slock;- of HARDWARE and CUTLERY ever offered in this market. In addition to the above, the undersigned are pre pared to oft'er to the Jobbing Trade on their usual terms: 120 Bags of Coffee. 20 Hhds. Sugar. HO Bbls. do. 1*0 Tons of Iron. TOO Kegs of'Xail.>j. 100 Boxes Window Glass. 50 lioxes Family Soap. 30 i Bbls. Snuff. 100 l}o.\es Rose Hill do. 1*0 “ Adamantine Candles. 25 Bags Pepper, Spice and Ginger. 1*>0 Boxes Candy. 50 " Cotton Cards. 50 “ Coffee .Mills. 10->0 Sides Sole Leather, Hemlock & Oak. loo Duz. Painted Buckets. 1(M» “ Axes. OO dross .Matches. 20 Boxes Concentrated Lye. 8u0 Sacks Liverpool Salt. oO llhds. of Molasses. 200 Bags Shot. 1000 Lbs. Lead. Harness and Skirting Leather, Hog Skins. Saddles; Shoe Thread and Shoe Findings. Kifle and Blasting Powder. T:ipe and Common Safety Fuse. Stjuare and Octagcm ('ast Steel. Biisti-rcd and German Steel. EssL-nces and Patent Medicines in variety. Cotton Yarns and Sheetings at Manufacturer’s prices. GEO W. WILLIAMS 4 CO. Faytttcville, .S'. C., Aug. 10, 1860. 44tf ■Li-lw-tf 18«4). K Y I. E ■ ij‘W ! .-J, ' t.W.L uod WINTER »upply of DKl ;>> AMONG WHICH ARE 1 ■ir4d folored Silks; \leriii.—-. Frencii and English; I ■le'J French and .'ihers: . i I 'lh'j. and other Dres* Goods: ::v'' ; ,;N d C"l'.;»rs and Sleeves; >ind .''.juare ■ ’.'.e Shaw;-. S; nn l Cotton; • s." ' l irli-. a>r' ri.-d Noi.—.\nker; - ^ni hoes; wiih a large assortineut of Hat» ■ ' ■ witii muny other Goods. . > . were !■ nigh' cheap by the Package, and yWhi.b -.ile >r Retail—(*HE.\I'. ' ' .VJtt lidl riLLVl'lKRFOin M AUK & WII.I.I.4M.S, I .! 1 .^i.Kl', FAVEITbVILLK, ,N are ^ >i; oND SL'l'l’LV of ^l:.\S()^■ABL^: GOtJDS, . A LAHtiE STiii K ijF FWl V .V nTAPLF: dhv goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, K» \\f. I>». I n KICKLI.AM, iltXc. Xe. • i to VVJii.iesale buyers exclu itii .ii i.ii the uaual time, to prompt Heady-Made Clothing made of th« best material and well -ewed. be to the advantage of all th-^e who wi-h t'> buy any thing in the above line t>- call un I ex iinitie our Sl'iek; Slid those g. ullemt-n tiiVi.rinf; Ua witli thoir j.airoiin;ri‘ may rely on getting Goo'l.s at the Tei\ LOW t-^T I’Kl t'E.'^, we are deterniitie I to si-ll cheap, in ordt-r to build up a gM.i 1 trade tor our hou.'«. Sej’t !'•. l'jU. -Sltf \i:\V OOOD8. '^PME subscriber i now receiving a large and well ie- 1 lectod stock of consisting of It W.ull j (aiocKKIKS. hakuwaki: and CUTLE- in . BAGGlNt; AND KOPK, SAD- DLKKY. KOHKlGN AND IKJMLSTIC LlQl’OKS, i;id mauy other articles, which he offers low for Cash, or on sHi'RT TiMk to prompt j>aying cuatomera. J .M. WFLLIAMS. 6t;tf lAllCE JSCCUM) STOCK. -■'A RLi living AND OPENING STOCK OF GOODS - : tiered to oui ujiomers. comprising -\LL Lh.S usu;illy kept by us, all of which we ..-I .sij.j (jtler on accimmylating terms to our •Tf- atid ,*1. wholesale purchasers, i’lease call ---jiiife our .'Jtock. H. OL E. J. LILLY. ' ! 57-tf Gold and Silver Watrhes, Jewelry, !Lr. I 1ST KK(’EIVKl» A LAR(iE ADL'I- i rj tiiin to my st.ick ot II\iTCu§:s, jt: II*§:lh i\ SILVEK S i’LATtI) WAIIE, FUE I'lTLERV. .Ililitary an«l I'niicy «ooci!^, which makes my stock good. Thu.-ie who are about i make their purchases would 'lo well to call an ( take a look. I think 1 can suit them as to prices and {ualiiy , ttaer i ’articular attention paid t Watch and ( I'lon , repairing and .lobbing. W. Pllltsit Sept. 17, iHtiO, ■> '-.ini EI>\VI\ GLOVKK, l%\tt€h iHiikcr and Jfeiceler, n.\S returned tV'jm the North with a iiiuch larf^er siock '.f G.,.ids iu hi> line, than he han ever otJered b'd'ore. I .Vuiong ilia assortment may be found — I Watchts of all tjnalitics fri'iii i~ t i (.'luiins, ' ^ Seals and Key.s of all kinds; liracelrts, Kar- ■ Kings, Breast Pins and liucketf; lold, Silver, Steel and ('omniuii Spectacles; (lold and Sil ver Pencils an i Pen-; Silver Sjiuuns, S h er Cu{)s and jioblet.^; Silver 1‘lated Tea .''ets, i (,’ake Bx«kets, Ca>tors, (’andle Sticks and Butter Dishes;Coral Necklaces, Brace lets and .Vrmlets, \c., \e., iVc. ' Clockx of all kiii(l« :iiid qiialilie«; A fine lot of Pistols; a good a,sortincnt of Military Goods and Accurdeuns, and every thing else kept in a Jewelry Store. E. G. is Agent for the sale of the Celebrated .\meii- can Watch. -\ny person in want of a Good Watch ih invited to call aud examine them. P. S. Particular attention paid to the Repairing of VATCIliJS, CLOCKS and JEWELRY. Fayetteville, N. C., Oct. 9, IhOU. Gi-;}m €. \V. AXDKEWJS HAS ON HAND A GENER.VL ASSORTMENT OF Tin Plate, Hhcet Iron, Iron Wire, Sheet Lead, Lead Pipe, Zinr, Iron-wire ('loth or as sorted numbers, PI Mi’S, tc., ke. —ALSO— A general assortment of .All kind* of Country Produce takan iu exehaoge for Gools. Sheetings ht'1 t'otmn Varna on hand at all timaa, M:inutactur«rs pricos .\11 perx'ins are respectfully invited to giva me a call, the old » an 1 of J i T, WaJdill, South aide Hay it. A. N. MCDONALD. Fayetteville, N. C., Sept. 21, 1800. &6tf ;koci:r!Es. ^ prime RIO COFFEE. 0 Bbls. EitiaC. SCG.\R 5 good Brown •• l'» Hhds. Sweet MoL.\,**SES. l-')i> S.-iiinle-'s Saok'i .S.ALT. :;i) 11.Its ToBACfO. •SO HEr.,E. l uKi I,b.s. good RICE \ luiisn’im- ^.’andles; Pepper: Spice: Ginger; Muatard; !;r.*oiij», A.C , a'., o!' which I will sail Cheap for Cash. W C. TROY. (I.- sj. 65-1131 FiSH. Hni.-^. NEW MCLLET.^ .„•) -S> Hbla •• N . i5 .MACKEREL. — ALS(J — Lb*. Priiiio N. C. L.ARD. iKHi •• •• leaf “ Juot received and for sale by Oct. -I'J. iVewKpaper for iSale. IN pursuance of a Deed of Trust executed to me by T. Banks, for certain purposes therein mentioned, I will sell at public .\uction on ihe 29th November, if not previously disposed of, the entire establishment known as the Courier Printing: Office. The Office is complete, with both a Newspaper and Job Press and Type for all kind of job work. The presses, type and fixtures are all nearly new, and to any person wishing to go into the business this is a rare opportu nity to do so. Any person wishing to purchase might make very satisfactory arrangements by calling on me before sale, as terms will be made satisfactory. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr., Trustee. Nov. 7, 1860. 68-2w mmum HOME WSTRV! A (woocl Bar§^ain Offered. Q A A ACRES of LAND, well watered, has a fine Mea- OUU dow; a neat Painted House, and all other neces sary out-houses; iu a neighborhood of the best society in Chatham county. Reference, Mr. G. W. Goldston, Chatham; Mr. Geo. Davis, Fayetteville. W’e will sell a bargain in the above, simply because we do not need it. WM. CARTER & SONS. Goldston P. 0., Chatham Co., N. C., Nov. 7. 68-4t MMause anti MjoI for Sale. I OFFER for sale the HOUSE and LOT at present oc cupied by .Mrs. M. D. Evans, situated on Mumtord Street, near the Rail Road, adjoining Mrs. M. Banks and others. The Dwelling contains four large and well ventilated rooms, a passage up stairs and down, two closets and a ; double portico in front, and is in good repair. The { kitchen is nearly new, having been built within the I last three years, and contains two large rooms. The | smoke-house and store-room are good; the stables need j some repairs, also the wood-house. The garden cannot | be beaten in point of productiveness in the county. | The above lot will suit a person doing business in j FayeUeville, and to all such, or any one else, wishing to purchase a TOWN RESIDENCE, it is respectfully j recotcniended. j •1^ If not previously disposed of, the above property | will be sold at Auction, at the Market House, on Tues day Dec. 4. being the week of Cumberland County j Court. Call and examine the premises. ERASMUS H. EVANS, Attorney. : Fayetteville, Oct. 'lb. 04tf i Keep your ^Tloney iNouth! And build up your own Country and Town, by calling on M. A. BAKER, .Tlanul'acturer of double and sin gle barrel ^iliot 4)iun«, Rifles and Pistols, Of all the different patterns now used in the United States or Great Britain. Call and see, at M. K. B.\KER’S. Fa etteville, N. C., Nov. 12. 1800. oatf TO THE i''RIE.\D»« OF HOME MANUFACTDRES. THE KINSTON SHOE F^ICTORU* -1- iHotice. I ON Thursday the 22d of November. I will sell at Pub- j lie Auction, at the Market House, the ' HOrs^E A.\0 1.0T, in town, lately conveyed to me in mortgage by John P. j Fulle*', being the same which be purchased from Davis, and was occupying at the time of his removal from tlfe State. The property is well situatel, and is in good condition. 1 will receive bills privately until the dny of sale. The terms will be made favorable to the pur chaser. HENRY LILLY. October 22, 18'iO. • Odts ~ FOR !§ALE. The house and LOT adjoining Elizabethtown, lately occupied by .\lexander Carter. The Lot con tains Six .\croH of good garden soil, and some fruit, good water, ic. The improvements are a Two Story Dwelling House and necessary out-buildings. .‘Vlso, a vacant Lot near the Court House. Terms accommodating. H. H. ROBINSON. June 8. 27-tf Cape Fear Klver Land FOR SALE. ^ i II .\CRES OF L.\ND lyiug on the West side of 0‘TV/ Cape Fear River, two miles below Fayetteville, and extending from the River into the Sand-hills. This tract is about eijually divided into River-ri Ige, Swaiuji and Sand-hill Land. About 80 acres adjoining the River are cleared and produce well. There are good sites for building. The Report of an Engineer establishes that drainage of the Swamp Land may be effected at a moderate ex pense. Terms to suit; and a bargain offered, .\pply to li R. hL'ske. Fayetteville, Oct. y, 1860. t>Uif A PRAIRIE. Mr. Woods, the correspondent of the London ' Times, thus describes the prairie: “It is easy for any of your readers to imagine a prairie; it is next to impossible to describe one. ' Leave Dwight behind you, and walk out to the east till all sight and sound of the little village is lost in the distance, and then look round you. There is a huge, undulating ocean of long, rich arass and flowers, which the warm, soft wind keeps in a gentle Tipple. There is not a sound but the shrill chirping of millions of cricketsj not a shrub or bush to break the dead level of the distant horizon; nothing to vary the widespreap .sea of verdure but its own masses of bright wild flowers, over which gorgeous butterflies keep always i skimming on noiseless wings. This is the prairie. “About a mile or so ahead is a slight but very perceptible rise in the ground, and you push on : for this to get a good look about you. There is, . of course, no track, and j’our way lies through the prairie grass, now little more than breast high, but in the spring almost over your head. You Stride through eluiupsof resin and compass weeds; through patches of blue,yellow, and purpleflowere; through thyme and long rich grass with tall, tufted, reedy plants in the midst, which attract your notice at once. It is the rattlesnake weed, always most plentiful where this deadly reptile abounds, and the root of which, with immense doses of corn whiskey, is said, under certain favorable contingencies, to have averted fatal re sults from the bites of very small reptiles of this class. Where the snake weed is plentiful, be ware and look out well for the snakes too. You cannot walk far through the prairie on a hot morning without hearing the dry, sharp, hissing rattle of one of these deadly serpent?, as with his tail so quickly vibrating that you can scarcely ’ distinguish its end, and with the lean, hungry- looking head erect, it moves sluggishly away in We intend to search of a place where it may repose and bask undisturbed. Such dangerous occupants of the grass are common in the prairies, and may, with prairie wolves, and sometimes deer, be seen within a stone’s throw of the houses of Dwight itself But all this while you are plod ding through the grass, turning aside for one ntimite to look at the little prairie crabs which burrow down their holes some fifteen feet to the level of the water below the gravel, and into which they drop at once on the slightest sound of tilarm; or else you watch the coveys of prairie hens, as they rise with a whirr right and left, and go skimming along like grouse a little ahead of vou. At last you gain the summit ol a getitle rise, and can look around you for miles on miles in all directions, yet you are almost disappointed to find that you have gained nothing by your walk; that the same tremendous extent of meadow land, clothed with a rank luxuriance of grass and flowers, stretches away on every side till deep green fades into brown in the distance, and a line oi blackish- blue on the ocean, far, far out, marks where the horizon meets the sky. Yet the land is not all I Northern markets. level. It has a series of gentle undulations, of Plans and spccificatiotis furnished and the erectiou of long, sloping ridges, as if an inland sea, when buildings superintended when de.sired. slowly moving with a quiet, regular swell, had on IS NOW IX SUCCESSFUL OPEBATIOX. ORDERS for negro BROGANS and BOOTS are solicited. J. C. CARPENTER, Agent. Kinston N. C., June 24; 18>)0. ?.9-tf SOUTHERNERS lioou to \^our Interest. IITE are the only SHOE M.A.NUF.VCTUREHS in the tV State, that make a No. 1 article of KIP SHOES and Negro BROG.ANS, without Welts, make to the fullest extent, if we have the patronage, which we truly and earnestly solicit. All orders shall have prompt attention. Now is the time for the South to encourage all such. WM. CARTER & .'«ONS. W.M. Carter. D.^vid Cartkr. S. S. C'RTKR. JoH.S Q. CaKTKR. ('arter.sville. Chatham Co., N. ('., Oct. 2-5. Ho 3m ST.ITE CAR A.\D llAl’lll.M WOKKS. ItOWA.'V I^TKBKT. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. ^PHE uiidersigned, having erected buiMiuga suitable X for C.VR :md ,\1 At'HINE WORK—also General HOC.SE t.'.VRPENTRY—would give notice that they are prepared to execute all orders in their line with neat- ue^s and dispHtcli. We are inepured to do all kinds of SCROLL S.\W- ING and PLA.NEI.N'G at short notice. Having a first class Woodworth Pbineing -Machine, we are prepared to Plane, Tongue and Groove all kinds of Flooring and • Veiling on reasonable terms. Contracts taken for the erection «f Buildings, and Jobbing o( all kinds executed with neatness and dis patch. Sashes. Doors and Blinds of all descriptions, manufactured equal lo anything to be found iu the WALTON & BARRY, Car Builders, Carpenters & Draughtmen Fayetteville, Oct 3, 1859 54-tf W. C. TROY 65-1 m •it Hafjf St. ^ D.S. PRI.NT.S, unusually low, either by wlii>l‘.-aU* or retail, o'l l)oz W(»OL and other H.\TS. 111,000 C li O T II I i> ii - riy reduced prices; together with a large and F.l\Cl DHV GOODS, ii will be offered on as favoraV)le terms as any *• State. J. K. KYLE. ■ .--n, ibtf of his own manufacture, at wholesale and retail. .Market Square, Fayetteville,-Sept. 11. 5: ■Im W «/. tl, Pemberton =.L f'eive iu a few days a large lot of those . iful I'aasimereH and 'Mhceeds. THEY ARE ill Aorfli Carolina, ."-t DLi;.\BLE than any other Goods for the Koc|» —ALi)t> — A LARGE LOT OF l!tlaiid Ker«ey«, THced« and CaM«iiiiereM, IT '^uulity. J. A. PE.MBERTON, •- 0 52i4w-tf The l^au ■>i i; :dei Qp'/Uk YDS. CARPETING at No. 84, Hay St. Ajt/UU styles, all prices, all (qualities. .\11 will alt‘« || ■IIK of Malew ot Perivonai is Hilliard, Jd Edition, Enlarged b:h Edition, with Notes by ' kst me: Byles’ on Bills, Notes b^ : l'r.;oiu s Leg.il Maxims. - E. J. HALE & SONS. Ill or I . Mtat€‘» lliMtory, 'LL -a Souihern School Book. E. J. HAL£ Si BONS. Stoves aufl iwrates. Cl W. .\.\DREW.S has on hand a large and well se- /, lected assortment of PARI.OR C>iKATKS, Cort/, Rox €tnd €'ool,:hiff Stoves, 1 Which he offers for sale on his usual liberal terms. ^ .Market Square, F.iyetteville, Sept. 11. 5l!-4m ('arpefin;?! C'arpeliii;;^! C'arpctiii^! All be offered low either by wholesale or retail. .-Vlso, 5-1 and lli-4 Crnmb Cloths and Druggets. J. K. KYLE. Fayetteville, N. C., Sept. 13, 1860. 62tf Cro«s Creeii Co’s Yarns. ^MIE undersigned is Agent for the sale of the above X celebrated Yarns, which have given such general satisfaction for years past. •Merchant* and others wanting our Yarns will please send on their orders and have them filled on as favora ble terms as heretofore. JOHN SHAW, Ag’t C. C. Man. Co. June 4, 1800. 23tf l^cliool Booi^s. Natural philosophy from GanoCs popular Physics by Wm. G. Peck, M. A.; Sandersi’ New Speller and Definer Analyser; Bullions’ and Smith’s Grammars; Monteith’s, Smith’s and Mitchell’s Geogra phies: Goodrich’s and Andrews’ Latin and Greek Les sons, &c. E. J. HALE & SO.N.'j. Aug. 31. Tiie Kiinny Month, by Prof*. In graham; Say and Seal, by the Author of “Wide Wide World,” fic.; The Household of Bouverie, or the Elixir of Gold, by a Southern Lady; Evenings at the Micro scope, &c., Slc. E. j. HALE & SONS. Oct. 18. D. & W. .McLArRIN, IITOULD invite attention to their large and desirabl* Stock of U KOC EKIE8, Consisting in part of— loO Bags liio, Latruira and Java Coffee; 1I0 li})ls. and Ilhd.'S. Sugar (assorted;) 2.T Hhds. Molasses; 30 “ Bacon—Sides and Shoulders; 600 Sacks Salt; 150 lio.xes rottd Tobacco; 12.5 “ Sperm, Vdamantine vt Tallow Candles; r>0 “ Soap (assorted;) 50 “ Cat)dy “ 100 liag* Shut “ lOdO lbs. I?.ir Lead; 30 * Bbls. Snuff—Eagle Mills; 25 Kegs S(»da; 250 “ Nails. —ALSO— large and general assortment of llardunre and Cntlery; Farming Ftcnsils, of all descriptions; American, Hnglish, Swedes and Peruvian Iron; Blister, (forman and ('ast Steel; lilacksmiths’ Tools; Coopers’ Do.; Corn Sliellcr.* and Straw Cutters; buckets. Brooms and l*ails; Cotton, Manilla and Jute Rope, (all kinds and (jtiality;) TMow Lines and Bed Cords; Hollow Ware; Cotton Yarns and Sheetings at factory prices. .\11 of which will be sold low for cash, or on usual time to prompt paying customers. Cot'XTRY Merchants are respectfully requested to call and examine our stock before purchasing else where. ^ D. & W. McLADRIN. March .3, 1859 93tf To Land Buyers. The undersigned offers for sale, iu the Coal region, and withia eight miles of the termintis of the Fay etteville & Western Rail Road on Deep River, EIGHT HUNDRED ACRES UF adjoining the land belonging to the estate of George Wilcox, dec’d, and lying three miles South from Car- bonton, on Little Pocket Creek, Moore county. These Lands are well adapted to the growth of corn, cotton, wheat, oats, rye, &c. There are on the prem ises a comfortable Dwelling, and all necessary Out houses, with about one hundred and fifty acres under fence, including forty or fifty acres of never-failing bottom land. This is a rare chance for persons wish ing to make investments, as lands are undoubtedly ad vancing in price in this section. For further information apply to Mr. M. M. McRae. Crane’s Creek, P. 0., Moore county, or address me at Fayettaville, N. C. DANIEL McRAE, For the Heirs of Gilbert McRae, dec’d. Carbonton, Moor* co., N. C., Aug. 24 43tf A «l::.?l! The -New Style, Small. fOLOKED PUOTOGKAPHS, AT VaHorsdcllS Gallery'. ART. Woodv^ard's ^olar Camera. PHOTOGR.\PH.S can be had at Vanorsdell’s Skylight ttallery, Huy street, opposite .Marble Yard, Fay- ettevilb., N. C.; plain, retouched, colored, in water colors, oil and pa.-itile: from small to life size, -\uibro- types, Melaneotypes, and all other styles of Pictures the instant been changed to rich and fertile lands. “The prairie on which I write this is known as the Grand Prairie from the extraordinary fertili ty of its land, for its length is only sixty miles by thirty But in a southeasterly direction from this spot one may journey for nearly three hun dred miles and never once quit their long shallow ridges—never .‘;ee any thing but the eternal ex- pan.se of deep green grass, perfumed with the gum droppings ot the resin weed. The southern prairies are broken here and there by water courses, by clutups of cotton wood and groves of locust trees. Occasionally, though at rare inter vals, a little line of locust trees, looking like rocks in the great ocean of grass—occur in the vast prairie lands of Illinois—and mark where pools i»f water may be found. These variations, are but fV’w, and after a journey in the green wilderness a tree almost startles you as something out of size colored Piiotogr.iph;- made from small jiictures. ii breath of wind ripples its whole surface into Having permanently located here I hope to merit breakers of verdure, which even in the calmest your patronage. 1 would also return my sincere thanks .j-ivs 'ives such an aspect of life and animation for the lil)eral patronage bestowed on me heretofore by i -i . i i the good people of FafetteviDe and vicinity. deserted lands. C. M. V.A.NORSDELL, “One might write for days and days on prairie Photographist and Proprietor. land and prairie life, and yet give no idea of either FOR SALE. The subscriber having removed West, offers for sa^e his LANDS in Harnett C*unty, lying immediately on each side of Cape Fear River, containing 12t»0 acres in each tract. These Lands are situated in a healthy country, pleasant neighborhood, and within a half.a mile of the village of Sum'merrille, with good Dwelling,; on each place and all necessary Out-Houses, and clear ed Land enough to work 25 or 30 hands to advantage. There are on these lands some six hundred acres of fine Bottom, most of which is uncleared, and well set with white oak and other fine Timber. A large portion of the balance is oak and hickory Ridge Lands; the bal ance is pine Land of a good quality, having been work ed in Turpentine three years. 'These Lands will be sold low for Cash or Young Negroes, or on time to suit purchasers, with approved bonds. Jan’y 13. N. G. JONES. MOTICE. Expecting to be absent from the State until the middle of next Summer, say till July, 18G0,1 have authorized Archibald McLean, of Harnett county, to transact business for me during my absence, to sell my Lands in Harnett county, and generally to attend to all my business. N. G. JONES. Harnett County, N. C., Jan’y 13, 1860. 83- Dec'r 20, 1859 NEW EDITION OF DEVERKl'X AXli BITTL-/S .V. LAW Voliiiiie 2. REPOR'S. .li EW BOOK§. Nemesis, by marion harland. Author of “.\lone” &c. THE queens of SOCIETY, illustrated; J.\CK HOPKTON. or the Adventures of a Georgian; C.ASTLE RICHMOND, by Anthony Trollope; Further supplies of Rutledge, Adam Bede; Beulah, the Mill on the Floss; Vestiges of Creation, Ac. Aug. 31. E. J. HALE 4 SONS. FOR I'LEKKS OF THE COl’RTS. ETS, ruled and printed from the most approved forms in use. Also, further supplies of otbar BLANK BOOKS, in great varietj. May 81. E. J. HALS h 8QN8. to those who have not seen them. It is the wild, the overflowitig abundance ot animal and vege table life which fills these great reservoirs of na ture, the knowledge that the thou.>>ands of square tniles of soil over which we travel is the richest and most luxuriant in the world, and yet, in spite of this, the utter desolation and absence of the adjudged Cases and to the Revised Code, by Hon. Wm. I trace of any human being which surprises you, H. Battle: and with m iny corrections of typographical gratitude that there is such land ^■^ireir 2d Editions of Dev. X Battle's Equity, complete, ! to spare, and the next moment with regret that and 1st Dev. X Battle's Law Reports, have received the ^ its great riches should be .so neglected and forlorn ^piIE subscribers have Just printed a 2d Edition of X this Volume, with Notes arfU References to other approbation of the Profession. They also republished a 2d Edition of Devereux’a 2d Equity, (without Notes.) .And in addition to these, are the proprietors of the entire editions of most ot Iredell's Law and Equity, and can supply any volumes extant of the Reports, or complete sets, so far as they can now be had. They propose to put to press a 2d Edition of Dev. & Battle's Law Reports, vols. 3-4 (in one.) They deal largely in Law Books, aud will at all times order works not on their shelves, to supply their cus tomers, E. J. HALE & SON. t.)ct. 15, 1800. 100,000 FRUIT TREES, At Luxemburg, one mile south-west of Greensboro’, N. C., consisting of .\pples. Pears, Peaches, Plums, Apricots, Nectarines, &c. The above number of Trees and Plants are now ready for sale by the subscriber. From eighteen years of practical experience, and know ledge in the nursery business he flatters himself that he now has the most select collection in the Southern States. All orders promptly attended to, and Catalogue* sent free on application. Persons ordering Catalogues by mail will please inclose a stamp to prepay. AUTHORIZED AGENTS. John M. Clark, Wilmington; Rufus Scott, Fayetta- Tille; J. & F. Garrett, Greensboro. THOM.AS. H. FENTRESS. Aug. 24. 47-3m ' Harness Horsse for i^ale. I WISH to sell a first-rate medium size HARNESS HORSE. QEOiiGE B. BAKER. Oct. 16. 61tf The Eclectic magazine for iVoT. flVf, e. s. J. HALB li SONS, €APT. WILKE^’IS REPORT (I.N THE DEKP RIVEK MINERAL REIilO.\, The undersigned have caused to be published from the Congressional plates, an edition of the Report ofCapt. Wilkes, U. S. Navy, and his Associates on the Board appointed by the Secretary of the Navy to ex amine the Deep River Region of North Carolina. This is the most important and scientific statement of the great wealth »f that section of the State, and the Maps the most perfect and valuable, of any yet published. The Maps arc worth the price of the work, which is 50 cents, neatly bound in cloth. Copies sent by mail, free of postage, on the recefpt of 60 cents. A liberal dis count to wholesale buyers. Orders solicited. Jan'y 26. E. J. H.\Lbl & SONS. Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views. Anew and beautiful assortment, just received. E. J. HALE & SONS. ^farkic on Evidence, Vol. 1 .\ew Edition, with Notes and References, by Sharswood. July 10. E. J. Hale a SO.NS. Web«!iter’s Elementary Book for sale by E. .1. H.Vl.E A SiVS. Tiie Southern Harmony, !§cliaol Books, &o., furtii«r lupplies just received. Aug. i, 1860 £. J. HALE k SONS. Travel on for miles and miles, for days and nights; pass from Illinois, across the broad turbid waters of the Mississippi, into the slave State of .Missouri ^journey tor hundreds and hundreds of leagues, as you may do here, yet not quit for a single ^ay these monstrous grassy wastes, these perpetual land claims, in which a silence as great as that upon the sea seems always to remain unbroken. ‘‘The inexperienced person, however, must be careful how he ventures on these luxuriant steppes alone. Let him but lose sight of his faint land marks, and make one or two incautious turns, and he will instantly find himself engaged in a game of blindman’s buflF on a most unpleasant scale, and must catch what way he can back again. In vain you search for the track you have made through the long grass. A breath of wind is sufficient to conceal it from your inexperienced eyes, though a week afterwards an Indian runner could follow it up with as much ease as if it were a paved road. Vou push forward in what you think a straight course, but it is ten to one that you only make huge circles round the place from which you sUirted, and it is then that the etenuil solemn silence of these great plains becom^'al onjy impressive but almost alaming, when ev^Ffresh effort to strike a track only increases your weari- ne.ss, and you feel yourself a helpless prisoner in these huge, bright smiling solitudes. Fortunate ly, none go on the prairie for the first time with out bring shown in case of such mishaps the ijroups of compass weed which abound all over the plains, and the broad flat leaves of which piint due north and south witli an accuracy as un varying as that of the magnetic needle itself. And thus with the aid of the.se useful little weeds aud the sun's,course, you may make tracks across the broadest prairie with the moat unerring ceruintj.’

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