IFAiriBTOWlIMitB SEMI-WEEIKL Y. IWW» %> * ■ *' R' 1?. T. Pr~vfJ, a 1 a :,iy ;i w| K„„, pain ^ oal.'! ;ri- r- r, B • ~ 1^3%'^ & 7 III- « I., '• ♦ T ' M ’ NJv* %€ . / RT ' r 5‘ I, -^1 T - > 't * [\>L. X.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., NOVEMBER 22, I860. [NO. 972.] SiKl* MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. KUUARD J. hale & SONS, kiutous a?u phovuiktors S; ui-WookIv (>B.«KKVKR !?3 00 if paid in ■:« ; '0 if I'Hi l ilurinji the vear of siHiscrip- ■ ' 1 ;itU‘r the year Las expiroil. w i kly ' (TiSERVKR !?‘J 00 per annum, if paid in .’i!* if paid .luring the year of subscrip- ; 1^; after the yetir has expired. ■ l‘V KKTISK M KNTS inserted for 00 cents per ^ . I'l linos fi'r the tir!t, and 30 cents tor each i:' |nilili'’;»ii>n. Yearly advertisements by spe- .1* ■ at reiison:vhle rates. .Advertisers are . .i, -iiiiie the number of insertions desired, or « ; .nilTmed till forbid, and oharired acoord- I • i-i Mients to be inserted intiJf, charged 50 per \ ru SlM.riAL NOTU’E. r. ' 1 -ifier thi? date, no name of a new subscriber . f!'i'rol without jMyment in advance, nor will : ht‘ sent to such subscribers for a longer time 1 ii'l t^r. ' i f. ■'*' 'v.r .tld subscribers as desire to take the pa- ' »•: -his system will please notify us when tnaking • i’ 'S. Jan’y 1, 18'>8. JAS. C. McKAE, *§ttoruey at Offic* Wwt end of the Inturftn«e Building, Hay St., Fayetteville, N. C. M»r*h 2C. 1860. 3if rRENCH STRANax:, ittornej at Law, Fayetteville, N. C. ^;e that recenilj occupied bj C. 0. Wright. Eitq., one now ocoapied bj him in Dr. Rubinttoa’t B. F. PEARCE, WITH %. 1%. Commiiiion Merchant and Produce l>calor, AND DEALER IN Groceriei. Provisions, Hardware. Cutlery, Boots, Shoes and Leather. Bagging, Rope. Saddlery. Ac., Foreign and Domeklic Liquora, 4heetinge and Yarng at Manufacturers’ prio«s. fl^litriot attention paid to orders. SOUTH SIDE HAY STREET, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. «ept. 24, 1800. 55tf 'The Vurriasr Fnrtovy in. the South* M. A. BAKER, COPPKK S.fliTli. RPENTINE STILLS manufactured on the m favorablu terms. .\11 work warranted. Call and a>ee for yourstilvds, at Fayetteville, N. C. Oct. 2-2. 68tf ALFRED ALDERMAN, Innpector of .\a>al iStores, WILMINGTON, N. C. YY^H-L attend promptly to the transaetiou of all basi- TT uess consigned to bia care. Not. 9. (5y-6ra pd »jreen Street. Iv'.y, 7U- IIW. ^JTcJL. Attorney at Law, Faykttkvill*. N. C. KILL arttnd the County and Superior C«urta of :‘ inibtTian 1. Harnett, Moore and Robeson Coun ts Prompt attention given to the eoUection of all ; j. :.' entrusted to hit hands. 17. 1 .58-tf LAW I^OTICE. ?tit>«criber having removes! from Summerville to Fayetteville, will attend the County and Superior ;ru of vumberlaud, Harnett and Moore. His office : be at hi.4 residence, on Green Street, opposite the i^copal t'hurch. ;lis oorrespondeufs will please address him hereafter ivetteville, instead of Summerville. NEILL McKAY. j i860. b5-tf l^aw .\'otire - ' ^criber having retired from the Bench, with - se te devote him.self to the practice of the Law. t »d hereafter the counties of Cuniberlaml. Rob- - i bladen, at all the Courts, and the Suf»erior ■ ' Kicbuond, Harnett and Sampson. J. G. SHEPHERD. •r4. -23tf W. p. KENDALL. J. S. KENDALL. W. p. HK.\DAI.L A: iieneral t'ommissittn •fterchants, !»orTII WATKK !^Trti:KT. y. c. ORDERS from the Country respectfully solicited. On consignments of Cotten and other Produce, liberal cash advances will be made when desired. Oct. 17, 18';0. t).3tf T. V. A: B. U. WORTH, Cenimii^ajion aud Forwarding Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan'y 1859 84tf JOH.\ Jl. CLARK, ('•mmisisiiou and Forwarding Merchant, — blALBK IN — Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, &c. LUTTERLOH S WHARF, WILMINGTON, N. C. AUKNCT rOB STBAMHRS KATI MCL.lUKia A5D SCD. April l!i». 1860. lltf A. W. Fri.LER, n*itoi.Es,ti^E onovER A N I) Commission .llercliaiit^ NORTH WATER ST., wiLMiy G Toy, y c. Ooi. b, HtjO 6y-6m W. BIXLARD, t'ommission *lMerrhnnt, WILMLVGTON, N. C. I)ROMPT and PERS>NAL attention will be given to the sale of Naval Stores. C'oilou, Lumber, Timber, and all other country produce. RarKR Tu O. G. P.4BPLST, Pres't Com. Bank at Wiluiingioa JoH.H Diws:»s, K. N. C., ai do. .Messrs. H. >.1 H. J. Lii.lv, ) „ . n '■ Favettevill# 1 > ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, It that he has })uilt up l:u-ge substantial Brick Build ings Ht his Old Stand, expressly for manufrtCturing Car riages. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he has received for the last L’I years, he hopes by strict atten tion to business, with a desire to gi"e satisfaction, to merit a coiitiuuance of the same. He warrants his work to be made of the best material and by experienced worknion in each branch of tlie business. His work will compare favorably with any made in the United States, for ncatnessi and durability. He is determined te sell and do any work in his line on as good terms as any work done elsewliere that is as well done. He now has on hand, finished, THE LAH(JEST STlX’K OF Carriages, Barouches, Rockaways and I Buggies, I ever offered in this j.lace, and a verylarge stock of work j nearly tinished, which will be finished daily. All of I which will Ive s«>ld very low for cash, or on short time to I punctual cusiotiiers. »aJ“He has on hand more than ONE HCNDKED AND FIFTY VEHICLES finished and in course of construction. awTAii Work made by him is warranted 12 months with fair usage, and should it fail by bad workmanship or material, will be repaired free of charge. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and ex amine for themselves. Orders thankfully received and promptly attended to- Repairing executed at short notice and on very reason able terms. .May 2)>, 89-f J. \v. kaki:r Is now receiviii'^ from the North the largest, finest, and most carefully selected stock of ri K^ITI'KK ever offered in this market; which added to his own manufacture, makes his assortment compl»*te:— all i f which he will sell on the li>wt-»t possible terms for ca^h or on time to iMincHial cusiomers. Ftishiyiiiible I’ainvl cottage >«eJ-ri>oni Furniture in •>ett-; cark'd hair and slnn-k, and cotton Mattresses; Looking (ila-ses; '\ illow Wagons aud Cradles; Side Boards: P.ureaus; Secretaries and Book-Cases; What- Nots; Tables, aP sorts; Wash Stan«i'; Candle Stands; Wardrol vs: Picture Frames anil (ilass; Window .Shades: Cornices; t'urlain ISands; .''■■fas in Mahoguny a!id Wal nut; Tete a Teles; Ottomans; Divans and Stools: Chairs of every variety. Fine llwowoofl [‘iatios, one with .Kolian at tachment; Pioscwuod Metodians, fmm the best manufac tories in New Vork and Boston, warranted as good as any made in the country, and will be sold at New York priccs—freight -.nlv added. 4&tf w baker, Jr., %T r O R \ K V A T L A W , [i' " &».'n an office next door to Wm. B. Wright's Law 1 \ ii Green Street. He will attend and practice ' ^iiiiy and .Superior Courts of Cumberland, ■ -L. i; bes-pn and Sampson. ■Mv.;. . 79tf A. D. llcLEAX, Atioruey and Counsellor at Law, srMMKRVILLK. N C., itr«n 11}),. Courts of Cumberland. Moore, John- ;i an 1 llarneit Counties. PROMPT attention . f:.' . ,.^-ciion of all claims entrusted lohis care. 78-ly RORV ncAAIR, Attorney ami i'ounnellor at havc^ LL’MBERTON. N. C. U ''L - :eii'l »>id practice in the County ami Superior ' ’ - i! k ■■eson, Riflimond and Cuml>erland. Minisiel to him will receive prompt al- ■ ••.:! ins punctually remitted. SStf JOH'V P. FII.I..ER, iHorney and Counsellor at Law, Wlt.t. I‘BAi:T1C1 m THtCOl'BTS Of •fobeion, ( umberland, Columbus and Bladen. office ai Lumberton, Robeson Co., N. C. '.'■•=,.18.09 2'itf Dr. Til KO. nA RTI \K, I !*■' K. H AY STREET, opposite the Post Uffiee. '■I 'lit- d Electrifity applied. .■• tfville. Oct 17. l>*itl. ^)2tf Messrs. Pimkiktu:« X Sloa.s, ) PAKKktt, Es‘^ . Harnett County, N. C May 7, 1 '''to. September 2. y\arble Factory, i&if %VILI.IATI J. PRIC E, intpvctor of TnrpeHtinty WILMLVGTON, N. C. ter Will attend prumptly to all business ektrusied to his eare. March 2V. 4-lypd C. H ROBI.NMO.M. H. H HOBlNsiOX €. H. R0BI.\«0> A: CO., CommissioQ aad Forwarding Merchants, WILMLXr.TON, N. C. Consignments and eountry orders will receive prompt personal attention. 1 HilO. 2tf Jan’v ‘2ft, ' -C'! 8»- III^IOIC AL AOTICE. j .MoL. GR.VH.AM. M. D.. offers his professional . services to the public. Office m Hay Street, four - \Vr;»t of Post Utfice. where he may be found at all - when not professionally cnzsired. l.i. 1H»;0. 35 ly DENTAL NOTICE. I) 'I T may be teeu regularly at his Office on It. -Street, two doors East of the Mirket, dur- » ;. jurs of from 8 A. M. to 1 P. M.; 2 P. M. to -If Uf:ATI«TRY. hR. J. DAVl.S having decidcd on perma nently loc.Ming in the Town of Fayette ville. respectfully offers his services to the tins place and surrounding country. In all ■ ■* branches of his Profession, including the ‘f*-' 'f Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an ■j ■" /^P'^rience, to which is added a thorough Den- ciln give entire satisfaction as far i- wtr of Dentistry. All irregularities of the '"*'^‘•1 ill a proper and careful manner, as well as mouth. None but the proper uietals are L- 'various operations. Charges will be , the benefits of the Profession may be "•diiu the reach of all who may feel an interest of the Teeth. Houston’s Jewelry Store, where he V’ found at all times. March 1 Wiu. H. TlRI.I AI-TOir, Coiiiiuii»f«ioii ^lerchuiit^ wil.mln;t()N, n. ’ 11'^ILL give special attention to the sale or shijmieni tV of all Naval Stores, Colton. Flour, Timber, and other country produce. Refers to: H. R. Savage, Cashier Bank of Cape Fear, Wilmington; Jno. Daw-on. Pres't Wilmington Branch Bank of North Carolina; W. H. Jones. Cashier Raleigh Branch Bank of Cape Fear. Nov !t, l».jiJ t)"')-tf JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM i: o II ^ I !( H 1 o A AND Forwarding Merchant, lon^ .V. C. ; |i^f”Prompv personal attention given to all Consign- ments, and Cash advances made on Produce to be shippei to other ports or sold in this market. , Feb. 12, 18.'>6. 67tf j i J50. S. DANCY, JNO. H. HTMA5, f. .M. IIY.MAK, 1 J.ate of Tarhoro'. Lat of Scotland JSTeck. Lat$ of H'arr$nton DAACV, HVMAA A: CO., G110CEK8 & COM tllSSlON MEKCHANTS, 1^4 Pearl Street^ ' j .rJL’ If' \UtKMi.. \ HVHA A, DA ACV A: Co., Commission i^lercliaiits, .^OICFOI.K., V4. The New York House will be conducted by Jno. S Danct, aided by R. W. Hvman. I The Norfolk House will be conducted by Jmo. H. Hyman and F. M. IIy.man. Uajf i’articular attention given to the sale of COT- I TON, CORN, WHEAT, NAVAL STORES, &c. Sept, II. IWGO. FAYKTTEVILIiK HOTEL, T. WADDILL, Proprietor. HIS, the most commodious Hotel in Noith _ . Carolina, fronting 3(K) feet mi Hay and ■ *IPj Donaldson Streets, located in the centre of the buBiness portion of the town, and surrounded by all the Banking Houses, Wholesale .Merchants and princi pal Produce Dealers. Business men will find the Hotel a oonveuient and comfortable house. All the Stages arrive and depart from this Hotel. Fayetteville, Oct. 1. 1858. 51- SHEMWELL HOUSE, i FBW D00B8 NOKTH OF TUK MABKKT U0U8K. ^WING to the extensive increase of patronage ^•*■1 to this House, during the year, I have ex- tendel my facilities by tlie addition of a num ber of comfortable sleeping rooms, with other import ant imnrovements, whioh will add materially to the comfort and oonveuienee of those favoring me with their patronage. To those who have been my kind friends and cus tomers for the past six years. I tender my most sincere thanks, at the same lime respectfully soliciting a con tinuance of their patronage, and also the patronage of a large number of new patrons. I hftT* good Stables and a No. 1 Ostler. P. SHEMWELL. Jan’y 16, I86O5 84- EAGLE HOTEL, AISHEVIM.E, C., J. i?l. BLAIR, Proprietor. ^PHE Proprietor knows that his location gives him un- 1 rivalled facilities for procuring articles conducive to good living, and he will dispense them to his guests in the best style. Every comfort usually to be had in a first elass Hotel, will be furnished to his guests. Stage office for Morganton, at this House. “ “ “ Charlotte. “ “ “ “ “ “ Spartanburg. S. C., “ “ “ “ “ “ Greenville, “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Greenville, Tenn.. Daily, “ Besides which, good hacks and careful and attentive Drivers can at all times be had to convey parties to any part of the splendid .Mountain scenery of this region, such as the Black. Mountain, the Swann.inoA Gaj>. the Hickory Nut Gap and Falls, the Warm Springs, &c , any of which are within a short day's ride of .Vshevillc. Sept. 24, 18*jO. 5H-ly NKAHKST and UI’K’KH.ST ROtTE TO THE RAILROAD! Bv ^ v I TWO DtluRS \I10VK (’. T. HAllill & SONS’ STORt I'ayelleville, i\'. i . Henry Lilly, H. L. Myrover, S. T. Hawley, Nathan A. .Stedman, C. B. Mallott, James Kj'le, A. A. McKethan, J. D. Williams, S. W. Tillingh,'\st. S. J. Hinsdale. Win. McLaurin, T. S. I.utterloh, A. W. Steel, J. G. Ceok. Hon. J. G. Shepherd. R. F. P>rown, ) I' II . 11 k “ il A. E. HhII, m gton. John Collins and C. C. McCrummen, Traveling Agents, he (’ompany invite applications. May 28, IS'JO. 21-ly I'o the liitore-it ol' Tiirpeiitiiie ili^f illeroi. M A. B.\KEP. would rosi ectt'ully inform Turpentine , Distillers and oilier^ that he i“ now manutacturing The Improved Turpentine ^till. ^0t^ARNES£c5^ WEj^TERiV RAIL ROAD. f^pHE following rates will now be charged for Passen- 1 gers on this Road, viz: To Little River, 5ft cts. To Spout Spring, 75 “ To Jonesboro’, 1 ftO To .Mclver’s. 1 25 Train leaves the Depot Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 8i o’clock A. M. Returning, leaves Mclver’s at 1 o’clock P. M. C. B. MALLETT, Pres’t. Nov. la, 1860. 71tf 8I1AD 8E11\E TWIi^E. W. Tlacl.lfTl RE HAS RECEIVED 1 AA BUNDLES COTTON SEINE TWINE. LUU 25 bundles Ilemp Seine Twine. Fayetteville, Nov. 19, 18G0, 71-3w FOR l$ALE. CASKS UNSLAKED LIM*. 50 BBLS ROSENDALE CEMENT. 10 Tons. Land PLASTER. 50 Bus. Plasterers’ HAIR, White LIME, Calcined PLASTER. Sugar, Coffee. Butter, in 100 lb packages; Spts. Turpentine Barrels; Sole Leather; Bagging; Rope, &e. &e. T. S. LUTTERLOH. Nov. 5. 67-3w FOR ^$ALE. -I iA BARRELS COMMON WHISKKT. L4:v “0 do Rye Whiskey. 20 Half Barrels Rye Whiskey. 10 Bbls. .Malaga Wine. 2ft Bhls. N. E. Rum. 12 Half barrels French Brandy. 10 Barrels Apple Brandy. 2 Barrels Peach Brandy. T. S. 5. Nov. LUTTERLOH. 67-3w 500 /H.lLfT. S.ACKS SALT. Tust received by B. F. MOORE. CHEESE. BOXES GOOD CHEESE. For sale by E. F. MOORK. !Ylackerel and Herrin)?. BBLS. MACKEREL; i*f 25 Bbls. HERRING. For sale by E. F. MOORE. BEAMAN' & HOBINSOVS rOlK UOKSK STiUE LI>K TO KEXANSVII.LE. VH WAliSAW, IS the shortest aud most expeditious for travelers going North or South. Leaving Favetteville every day at 2 o’clock P. .M. THRtU GH IN TEN HOURS. Our Coaches are large and comfortalilo, drivers sober and genilemaaly, our teams good and ^ure of five miles an hour. The traveling public who wouM study their oomfori and convenience will t*ke the Warsaw Stage. »tg~THROUOH TICKETS TO WELDON may be had at the Stage Office, Fayetteville. May 25, 1860. 25-tf FAYETTEVILLE MITIAL IXSIRIXCE COMPANY. Capital in Premium Notes amounts to $207, (jask ou hand aud other assets, 5,077 Jo 1000 CORN! BAGS CORN, CORN!! For sale by E. F. %%hi«l4cv, Branilv and 'v - BBLS. WlIlSKEY; i 0 -•"> l^bls. P.RANDY; IS “ N. E RUM. For salo by K Oct. 2'J, MOORE. Rum. F. MOORK. 05-4w VKW M .1 •• Wl FISH! FISH!! 1, 2 and S. MACKEREL. Nos 'HITE FISH. HERRING, &e. iic. Call at A. N. McDONALD S, South-side Hay Street. Oct I, 67-tf 'oal! C'oal!! Coal!!! 1 TONS PRIME COAL, for sale by Total, $272,705 *>1 The Company have paid all losses promptly, aud have lever made an assessment ou their premium notes. TomI losses paid. $2W,6b2 K‘> OrriccKs: OEO. MoNElLL. President. D. A. R.\Y, Vico President. C. A. McMILLAN, Seoy Diuh'Toks; W. N. Tillintrhast, 51 J A. .^ept. 2-';. WORTH 56-tIJ \otice. COTTON PRODUCTION ABROAD. From the Correspondence of the Intelligencer. London, October 25, IHOO. All the evidence that has lately reached this country tends to confirm the idea that the W est Indies alone can and, with encourageuieiit aud at tention, will produce much more ot the raw ma terial than England can at present use. It is confidently a8.serted that it the West Indies are not rapidly made a cotton growing country it will not be because they lack the capacity to become such. Letters have been lately received at Man chester describing the ease and certainty with which cotton can be grown, and attributitig the small supply hitherto raised to the neglect^ ot the mother country. The West India cultiva tors need instruction in dressing the cotton, a steady market, and a way of getting at it. Efiorts are now making to form a company for growing cotton in Jamaica, and we are told thjit the whole group of West India Colonies qualified tor the object will be included in the scheme. The new company formed at Manchester tor the purpose of providing a supply ot cotton tor the English market are at present, however, con centrating their activity upon India and Austra lia. In India labor is cheap; in Australia, we are told, the best cotton in the world is produced. In both these countries Government is ready to make erants of land and to give aid in obtaining labor, ^nd in both countries also there is an al most positive certaintj' that a vast commerce would be developed as an immediate result ot an effective and steady demand by England tor cotton. The new company proposes to devote nine- tenths of its capital to India and one-tenth to Aus tralia. India attbrds cotton fit for many but not all purposes at Id. per lb. on the spot, and sus ceptible of improvement up to a selling price in Manchester of lid. per lb. In Australia there are vast areas (one of which is larger than trance) I which can produce the finest sorts, in which in- I dia is deficient. These are sufficient grounds for the choice of afield of action, but there are other j motives which wiil be powerful with the leaders I of the movement. We have seen what an exten- i sive trade has been created by the Australian ex- I port of wool, and we are told that a tuuch larger j trade would accrue from an export ot cotton, j One letter says that, “with moderate skill aud en- j terprise, India and Australia would not only take j a vast amount of manufactures from us, but would I so reduce the price ot cotton as to enable us to get j cotton and ‘breadstuffs together from America j fur the same that we now pay for the cotton alone, i This statement supposes sucb an extension of the I demand tor cotton as would make ue> still custo mers of the United States, however much we may get from our own territories. In such a case tlicrecan bo no fear tor the VV'est Indies.” Ihe proposal ot the new company is that the cap ital shall bo £lOO,OUU, and that the work stiall begin when halt that amoutit is subscribed. l.iast year it is stated that only eight per cent of the cotton supply to this country came from the Queeti’s dominions, while lour-filtUs ot tlie whole (juantity came trom the United States, li the new company realizes only a portion of its calculations these proportions will be in a very few years very diti'erent. • This new company make their expected returns of profit very large, and propose “to form out ot these profits a reserve fund ot a million, after pay- in" a ten per cent dividend.” Such is the pros- __ ; pect held out; and it is for our manufacturers, be fore anv' other men, to see to their duty in regard to it. The speakers at the meeting expressed abling him to do in like manner with others. THOS. J. JOHNSON. Oct. 8, lb60. 59 tf Ail pemoniiare hereby forbidden to pay any money to my wift-, Harriet Dodd, as I am determined not to recogniie any payment made to any pei'son other j ihku myself. ISA.\C DODD, j Oct. 25, 18*;0, t)5tf WAlfTED. A LARGE quantity of COTTON aud LINEN R.VOS, for which fair prices will be paid. D.WID MURPHY. ! A..a. 17 41- 1'^HOSE indebted to the undersigned will confer a fa- 1 , , * ^ _ 1 . . ,1 vor bv settling their respective obligations, thus en- themselves very strong y in e„‘ 1 ■ 4- They think that men who have made their lor- tunes (and such fortunesi) by the cotton manu facture can never be justified in leaving another generation to the chances of a failure of supply, which woujd destroy a third of our commerce. They have called up around them an industrial population cijual in numbers to.the whole popu lation of Belgium; and having grown rich by that luatiufacture, they are bound to lay out a fraction al part of their wealth in rendering the basis of the manufacture secure. As it happens, the in vestment will be a profitabie one; but, if it were not sure to bo so there could be no escape trom the obligation of the case. Such is the openly expressed opinion ot the leading manufacturers; and its soundness will luirdly be disputed. These views and calculations are entertained HOOK-BINDING 'N .all its kinls, executed with neatness and despatch. I timall jobs wuon done must be paid before delivered, I and have been made by a body of men very like- THOS. H. TILLINGHAST. Opposite the Female High School, Hay Street May 1 i. I85y. 14 tonstantl) Manuractiirin^ at my KstaUlishmont. I^^VERY VARIKTY OF HARNE.'^,', J Saddles, Bridles, ('olbirs. Whips nnd Trunks; all kinds of Leatb^r. (';>lf Skins and t)il; ly to be correct in what they think and what they propose to do; but they may not be without that exaj:geration which is almost in.'Cparable from a Aof ice to f'ontmctorM. j new and important measure, which, il successlul, l)R0POSIT10NS for the building of a Wooden Court 1 would rescue England from one of the greatest 1 House at Lilliiigtou, llHrneti County, will be re- j dangers which impends over hui'Juitiunal coiiuner- Ctfived ui»iil the fctecond Monday in December 1800. I |»ros[>erity—a I’uilure in the supply ot* the raw Plans and speci'.ications may be seen by applying to j necessary for her cotion manutactureis. .Vll orders promply attended to. 'opj»er work done on I Condition Powders, for diseased Horses and ( attle; Coach Trimmings. Carpel Bngs. Valises, .'saddlery. ; the most favoraKle term I fd'l Copper bought f'«;r ea^'h or taken in exchange for new Work. Call :md see tor yourselves at M A BAKERS , Copper Shop, Fayetteville, N. C. I Feb’y 1. 18*iO. 88tf Stnr PoIinIi ot* tlie ^oiiiii! n A A ri'AC Tl RED III A. J. WOOD WARD, favettevii.ee, yi. L. 53tf $*tf w w* II. CAKVEK, Croods, €frocerie«, ainl l*roviMiouM. ILL al« i*rovi»io'uM, keep k gooi Slock of Seasonable Goods '■ , to •• asii -'■■fcxt, Fayetteville, N. C., April I«. for sale at this Office. *' J cheap for Cash, ur exehange for ‘M'ash pnces. i*-tf EDlVlxir H. RAITAEV, General Commissiou ^llerchant, II South VVtiarvet, between Market & Chestnut Sti. PHILADELPHIA. Con»i)^nmentg of Cotton, Naval Stores, Flour, Rice, kc. will always receive his prompt ptrsoual attention. Advances will be made only on actual Consigmonts. RariRBNCBi; T. ?. t T. G. Hcdp. ‘•harlMton. Walker, Kvavi *.Co ChurlMlon S VVtatt t Til. •• Elus fc Mitchill, VViliiimKtoB. Jamu Tkppir, E*q. “ Hsuav Nctt, K»q. “ » C. Prssilky. i!>q. “ Kev Jamss B. Tatlo«, Kicnni d. W. V I.EiTCH. K»(T- •• Rev. J. 1-iwis Shuck, ('ali'orniii- WiLi.iAM I’sTTiuKi w, M. [) “ Jkiic VV'. Kkskuict, N. T. Rev. VV. II. Caiioh Kd So. Bap.Joiis W. SsXTOH, Esq.. ITilla. Mnrch y. !W-iy rniiat Polish! How it Hhiiies. Many of you reool- £ led nine years ago that I travelled through North Carolina and a portion of South Cai olina f»r the pur pose of introducing this Polish. As time elapsed i found that it would mould. I have succeeJed in making it perfect and will warrant it to give satisfaction. It can be hati at retail for 10 cents per box or at wholesale for sixty cents per do*en. Uoaleru will forward their or ders two weeks previous to the time tUey wish them filled. May 6, 1800. 16-ly Hardware. &c. The largest stock in the State, sold wholesale or retail, at the very lowest jirioi*-'. Kvery description of Harness and Saddles manufacturetl to oriler and repaired. JAMES WILSON. No. 5 Market st. Wilmington, N. C., near th ■ Wharf, Nov. 3, ISr.O. t.T-ly Aes^roes! A'eftroew!! WaeittMl. riENTLEMKN, your old customers are yet in market. VJ .\11 who have negroes for sale, would do well to give us a call or address us. J. A MoArthvr, ) L. A. PowiLL. ) Clinton, N. C., July 9, I860. .T^-Oinpd lieujamin F. Sii iw, at Summerville, Harnett County. For information address the undersigued at Johusou- villu, N. C. R. C. BELUhN, For Buildiiig (’ommittee. Sept 14, IStiO. 5o-tl>I) Al.nAAACS FOR 1861. ARMER S AND PLANTER S. TURNERS NORTH CAROLINA. October HI. E. J. II.VLE it SONS. F POWELL k Mo ARTHUR. AOW EV nARKET. 4 LL persons having NEGROES for sale, will do well ix to address the subscriber at Clinton, Sampson county, as he is determined tc buy and p.ay as libenil prices for them as the stale of the market will permit By addressing him he will call immediately, and mske liberal offers, as all will find who will try him. CHARLES T. STEVENS. Clinton, SampsonT'o.. Sept. 10, 18tiO. 52-lypd rVotice. T.\KEN up and committed to the Tail of Cumberland County, on the 1st of .May 1S(»0, as a runaw.T.v, a negro who says he is free, that his name is HENDER SON SEARS, and that he is from Davidson County, and was bound to David Hunt. He is about 20 years old, 6 ft. high, and weighs about 180 lbs.; had on when taken up a hickory shirt, black Cas. pants, and black round coat. The owner is requested to come forward. j>rove property, pay charges, and take him away, or he will be dealt with as the law directs. G. L. McKAY, Jailer. June 4, 1860. 23tf N Welmter’s Elemeiitarj^ Book for sale hv E .). HALE S SONS. I^cliool Books. \TU11AL PHILOSOPHV from Ganot's Popular Physics by Wm. G. Peck, M. A.; Sanders’ New Speller and Definer .\nalyser; Bullions’ anvl Smith's Grammars; Monteith’s, Smith's and Mitcliell's Geogra phies; Goodrich’s and Andrews’ Latin and Greek Les sons. v-ic. E. J. HALE & SONS. Aug. 31. The Niiiiiiy .Souths by Prot. lii- pr.itiam; ."^ay and Seal, by the .\uthor of “Wide WiiK- Worlil.” vVc.; Tlie Household of Bouverie. or the Elixir of Gold, by a Southern Lady; Evenings at the .Micro scope. iSic., &c, E. J. HALE & SONS, Oct. 18. The of ^^ales ol Personal Property, by Francis Hilliard, lid Edition, Enlarged and improved. Starkie on Evidence, 8th Edition, with Notes by 5harswool. Wendell's Blackstone; Byles’ on Bills. Notes by Sharswood. Adams’ Equity; Broom’s Legal Maxims. Smith on Contracts, &c. E. J. HALE & SONS. €ale€h'«>m of L'. states History, By B. R. C.VRROLL—a Southern School Book. March 28. E. J. HALE .Si SONS. The Eclectic .Tlai^azine I'or ilfov. Vol. 8th Baiicroit’» United states Nov. ti. E. J. HALE & SONS. | July 10. K. J. HAI*E & SON. The l§outhern Harmony, 9»chool Books, &c., further supplies just received. Aaf. 4, 1800 £. J. HALE & SONS. i§tari£ie on Evidence, Vol. 1 Aew Edition, with Notes and References, by Sharswood. July 10. E. J. HALE A SONS j\ew Yori«: Ledv^er I'or i¥ov. 17. HARPER’S WEEKLY for Nov. 10, to-morrow. E. J. HALE & SONS. NoT’r 8. A good Recommt iii/utiun.—please, litin’t you want a cabiti boy ''” "I do want a cabin boy, my lad; but what’s that to you? A little chap like you ain’t tit for the berth.” ‘Oh, sir, I am real strong. I can do a great deal of work, it 1 ain't so very old.” “But "what are you here lor.'' \ ou don’t look like a city boy. Kun away trom home, liey'^ ’ “Oh, no, indeed, sir; my I'atliur died and my mother is very poor, and I want to do something to help her. !;he let uie come. ‘‘Well, sonny, where are your letters of recom- mendation. Can’t take any boy without those. ’ Here was a damper. N\ illie had never thought of its being necessary to have letters trom nis minister, or hi^ teaciier, or from sou.e other person, t«t prove to strangers that lie was an lioni-st good boy. Now, what should lie do' He ^tood iu deep thought, the captain meanwhile curiously watching the vnorkings ot his expreiisive.i'aue. At length ho put his hand into his bipoui, aud ^ew out his little Bible, and without one word pat it into the captain’s hand. The capBiin opened to the title page and read; “Willie (jtraham, presented as a T1j*ard for regular and punctual aitoiulaiice at School, and for liis blameless conduct elsewhere. From his k?unday School Teach5f.**-r Capt. McLeod was not a pious man, but he could not con'iider the cas« before him with a heart unmoved. The little fatherless eiiild, stand ing humbly before him, referring him to the tes timony of his Sunday iSchoo! teacher, as it wu.s given in his little Bible, touched a t iider spot in the breast of the noble seaman, and ciuiJping Willie heartily on the shoulder, he ^;uid: are the boy tor me; you shall sail with me; aud it you are as good a lad as 1 thiiik you are, your pocket shan’t be empty when you go back to your mother.”

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