mmmm m r>ri li t iiroliiia H i 13 4 AHOJJ\%. ill tirirk ^iori a«a*iiie lorJ«f v^v lor ^alt- . IPAH (DiBsimTim S E! M I. W E E K li Y. [VOL. X.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., DECEMBER 3, I860. [NO. 975.] -KlNTKD MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS KDWARI) J. hale & S0!\8, K1)1TM;S AVD PROrRlETORS . . ' S. uli U eckly Ob^krvkr $3 00 if paid in . if paid Jurinf; the year of aubacrip- ■ :?I ;ifii>r the yoar has expired. , U klv ttB-^KRvikK $2 00 per annum, if paid in j • c^'J 'lO if paid during the year of subscrip- • - ; :mi after the year has expired. \PVKHTISV.MF.NTS inserted for GO cents per ' ;■ lit iini- for the first, and 30 cents for each | jiuMicatidn. Yearly advertisements by-jte- • at reasonable rates. Advertisers are ! • ; St !te the number of insertions desired, or ' = i-ominued till forbid, and charged accord- to be inserted imidt, charged 60 per SrK.riAL NOTICE, iii l nfter this date, no name of a new subscriber without payment in advance, nor will I, 'iH -out to su‘-h subscribers for a longer time !'■■ 1 *-r. ■ ;'.>ur old subscribers as desire to take the pa- :\\\ system will please notify us when making ..' ■s. Jan'v 1. ISoS. F\IL \\U \VI\TER STYLES, IStifl! .). A. PEMBERTON IS NOW RKCEIVING HIS STOCK OF ^all 3* lf*inter Goods^ prising th« graatest variety of NEW STYLES ev»r ■e l hy him. le will receive in a few daya. one of th» luoit mag- ■: selections of die«’ Velvf*! Hats and Boiinetn. iMui ^traw BoiiuetM, triiiiiiied, -, red in this market. They were pul up by one stylish Houaes in the City of New York, and SlAbh EXPRESSLY TO ORDER. I'uMic are invited to give them an inspection, as he ■I he I If'i.-e l at all times to show them. He ti-jttrrs himself that after fifteen years experience J fftni’v Dry Goods trads, his selections and a l- ts will be worthy of a call from thoke in want of ’e li jw titvle Goods at LOW PRICES. w >uM take this occasion to say to his friends I i,r,ler. IfOld and Slker Watchesy Jewelry, &€• JUST RECEIVED A LAROK ADDl- tion to my stock of n\ircHEs, JK n'^Ei.n \\ & I'UTEI) WARE, F1.\E CLTLERV, .Tlilitary ami Fancy (lioodsi, which maker my stock good. Those who are about to make their purchases would do well to call and take a look. I think I can suit them as to prices and quality. ttir 1* articular attention paid to Watch and Clock repairing and Jobbing. W. PRIOR. Sept. 17, I860. 6S-8m EDWIIV GLOYEK, rhmaker and Jfevteler^ H.\S returned from the North with a much larger stock of Goods in his line, than he has ever offered before. Among his assortment may be found— Watches of all qualities from $7 to 5160; Chains, Seals and Keys of all kinds; Braceleta, Kar- Rin^, Breast Pins and Lockets; Gold, Silver, Steel and Comiuon Speotaoles; Gold and Sil ver Pencils and Pens; Silver Spoons, Silver Cups and Goblets; Silver Plated Tea Sets, Cake Baskets, C’astors, Candle Sticks and Tiutter Dishes; Coral Necklaces, Brace lets and Armlets, &c., t&c., &c. Clocks ot 2aII kinds and qualities; A fine lot 0^ Pistols; a good assortment of Military Goods and Accordeons, and every thing else kept in a Jewelry Store. E. G. i.s Agent for the sale of the Celebrated Ameri can Waich. -Any person in want of a Good Watch is invited to call and examine them. P. S. Particular attention paid to t.i« Repairing of WATCHES. CLOCKS and JEWELRY. Fayetteville, N. C.. Oct. 9, 18G0. 60-3m Mrs. liAKT now receiving a Handsome Assortment of WI>TKK Incliidin$7 a variety of Fancy Articles, Head Dresses, A:c. Nov. ]H. »iy-3m TO THE EAD1E!«^! (ilRSON respectfully informs her friends and puMic generally, that she is prepared to make itRESSKS in the most fashionable style, she will also eut and fit for any ladies wishing to make their owr- Dresses; ('HILDREN'S CLOTHING cut or made to Keep your iTIoney Nouth! And build up your own Country and Town, by calling on M. A. BAKER, .Tlanuraclurer or double and sin- g^le barrel Ntiot Guns, Killcs and Pistols, Of all the different patterns now used in the United States or Great Britain. Call and see. at M. A. B.\KER’S. Fayetteville. N. C., Nov. 12, 1860. tiWtf TO THE FRlFiliU)^ OF HOME MANUFACTURES. THE KINSTON SHOE F.iCTOR\* -t IS NOW IX SlC'l'ICSSrUL OPBUATIOX. ORDERS for negro BROGANS and BOOTS ar solicited. J. C. CARPKNTBR, Agent. Kinston N. (’., June 24; 18f‘>0. 39-tf Jl the SOUTHERNERS IjOoI^ to \*our Interest. only SHOE MANUP.ACTl'RERS in the M Suvte, that make a No. 1 article of KIP SHOES and Negro HRO(«.\NS, without Welts. We intend to make to the fullest extent, if we have the patronage, which we truly and «arne«tly solicit. All orders shall have prompt attentijn. Now is the time for the South to encourage all suoh. WM. CARTER 4 SONS. Wm. Caktsb. Daviu a. Cakt«r. S. S. .’*KTBR. John (4- Cartib, Cartersville. I’hatham Co., N. C., Oct. '2b. Bo 3m REMOVAL.. The undersigned have removed to their new Brick Store and Warehouses West of the Fayetteville Hotel on Hay Street, between the new store house of Starr i Williams and the Bank of Clarendon, and midway op posite Charles T. Haigh & Sons’ and the Bank of Fay etteville, where they respectfully invite their old cus tomers and the trade generally to call and see them. They are now opening a large stock of Unglish Hardwcare und Outlerp, of their own importation, together with a great variety of American Goods in the same line, composing one of the largest stocks of HARDWARB and CUTLERY eT»r offered in this market. In addition to the above, the undersigned are pre pared to offer to the Jobbing Trade on their usual terms: 120 Bags of Coffee. 20 Hhds. Sugar. 80 Bbls. do. 90 Tons of Iron. 700 Kegs of Nails. 100 Boxoh Window GlaiM. 50 BoxCvS Family Soap. 30 i Bbla. Snuff. 100 Boxes Rose Hill do. lOO “ Adamantine Candlea. 25 Bag* Pepper, Spioo and Uingtr. 100 Boxes Candy. 50 “ Cotton Cards. 50 “ Coffee Mills. 1000 Side3 Sole Leather, Hemlock Oak. 100 Doi. Painted Buckets. 100 “ Axes. 60 Gross Matche."!. 20 Boxes Concentrated Lye. 800 Sacks Liverpool Salt. 30 Hhds. of Molasse«. 200 Bags Shot. 1000 Lbs. Lead. Harness and Skirting Leather, Hog Skins. Saddles; Shoe Thread and Shoe Findings. Rifle and Blasting Powder. Tape and Common Safety Fuse. Square and Octtgon Cast Steel. Blistered and German Steel. Essences and Patent Medicines in variety. Cotton Yarns and Sheetings at Manufacturer’s prices. Fayetteville, S. C. GEO. W. WILLIAMS A CO. Aug. 16, 1800. 44tf ^ have patronixed him from his commence in bu«ine•.•^.^ that he duly appreciates their many ■« at.d hopes never to part company with any of Call and see the New Siyle.s. J. A. PEMBERTON. j ‘)i;i4w-lf I 18«0. K h E [iept. 12. i FAI.L, I JAMES III i-jw receiving his F.\LL and H INTER supply of DRY OOODS, AMON’O WHICH ARE. i B; .ck and Colored Silks; I ‘ -rinoe«, French and English; I tines, French and others; I rtri-ian t'loths, and other Dress Goods; ' Lt Emb'd Collars and Sleeves; £ and Square Shawls; lucuille Shawls, Silk and Cotton; Balling 'lotfas, assorted Nos.—Anker; E: and Shoes: with a large assortment of Hats ind CapM. with many other Goods. .K.: • which were bought cheap by the Package, and ... .11 TT^rel by Wholesal* or Retail—CHEAP, l:, 5Utf ^E(0.\D F.1LL STOCK FOR 1 !!iTARK & WILLIAMS, . HAY STREET, FAYETTEVILLE, N.C., are M lit receiving their SECOND SUPPLY of SEASONABLE GOODS, EMBRACING A LARGE STOCK OF FANCY ii STAPLE DRY GOODS, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, BO.\.\ETS, VnHnE.L.L,\S, Heady-^fMade Clothing, A*c. JfTc. ' » I! will be offered to Wholesale buyers eiclu- • : tor Caah or on the usual time, to prompt Mrs. Qibson has taken the .Agency for the sale of a nf“w and excellent CH.\RT. for cutting Ladien’ Dresses. -Also, one for Boy’s Cluthine. They are very simple in consiruciion. and therefore easy to und“rsiand. The ladies are requested to call and see them at her hou*e, on Maxwell Street, between the Female High School and the Fayetteville Hotel. Oct. -2. ' 58if C. W. A\DKE\V^S HAS ON HAND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Tin Plate, Sheei Iron, Iron Wire, Sheet Lead, Lead Pipe, Zlnr, Iron-wlre C'lotb of as- Rorted numbers, PIMPS, ^c.,«)iC. —ALSO— A general assortment of M .w ■■ 9 of his own manufacture, at wholesale and retail. Market Square, Fayetteville, Sept. 11. 52-4m Stoves and Grates. CW. ANDREWS has on hand a large and well so- . lected assortment of PARLOR CiRATES Coal, Mtox and Cooking Stov€9^ Which he offers for sale on his usual liberal terms. Market Square. Fayetteville, Sept. 11. t'2-4iu 4'arpeting^! I'arpetiii^r! Carpet in§r- : CARPETING at No. 34, Hay St. All i A»OUU styles, all prices, all qualities. All will be | offered low either by whole.-iale or retail. Also, 5-4 and j 1:2-4 Crnmb ('loths and Druggets. | J, K. KY'LB. Fayatt^vlUe, N. C,, Sept. 13, 18ffO. 5‘Jtf STATE l\ll AMI MU'I1I\E l(OWA.\ vnCKKT. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. ^PHE undersigned, having erected buildings suitable 1 for C.\R and M.\CHINE WORK—also General HOr.''K tRPENTKY—would give notice tliat they are prepared to execute all oriJers in their line with neat ness and dispatch. We are prepared to do all kinds of SCROLL S.\W- ING and I’LANFIING at short notice. Having a first cla'S Woodworth Planeing .Machine, we are prepared to Plane, Tongue and Groove all kinds of Flooring and Ceiling on reasonable term». Contracts taken for the erection ef Huildings, and Jobbing of all kinds executed with neatness and dis patch. S.H.shes. Doors anil lilinds of all descriptions, manufactured equal to anything to be found in the Northern markets. Plans and specitications furnished and the erection of buildings superintended when desired. WALTON & BARRY, Car Builders, Carpenters A Draughtmen. Fayetteville, Oct 3, 64-tf ]\EW GOODS. ^pHE subscriber is now receiving a large and well se- I lected stock of GOO^)S, consisting of •ftOCERtES, HARDWARE AND CUTLE RY, BAGGLNG ANI» ROPE, SAD DLERY, &c„ FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIgl’ORS, and many other articles, which he otTers low for Cash. or on SBuBT timi to prompt paying custooiers. I A Card. A' LEATl “W. S. I). Clinton, N. C.” took a wrong direction , from the Fayetteville Hotel during the late Fair. Any 1 stage, or railroad agent, landlord, or individual having such a trunk will please return it to the Fayetteville Hotel or give the proprietor notice of its whereabouts. T. WADDILL. I Nov. -22, 1860. 78-3t Wilmington Daily Journal 2 times; bill to T. W. j\otice! j\otice!! Having made up my mind to close out my preient stock of Goods, I shall otfer great inducements to those who wish to buy anything in my line. Being connected with a manufacturing Firm at the beginning fcf last Fall, I had the advantage of getting my Goods at manufacturing prices, and at such I will now offer the remainder of my Stock, which consists of Fine and Common Overcoats, Cloth, Caas. and Tweeds Coats; Pants and Vests of every de scription; S^^irts, Linen and Marseilles; Un der Garments of all kinds; Suspenders; Carpet Sacks; Pocket Books, &c., &c. The above Goods are well-made, and will certainly be sold at cost. Therefore those who wish to select a good Coat must come immediately. Those who are indebted toGreentree & Co., or to my self, must settle up immediately, as I cannot give any further indulgence. My books shall be closed to all. S. BARNUM, No. 13, North-east of the Market. Nov. 24. 73-tlJ SPECIAL. TERH. Sate of aiortli G^raiiai, CJi nbBrliad C o. Superior Court of Law, Fall Term, 1860. ' His Honor Robert S. Fkench, Judge Presiding. IT is ordered that a Special Term of the Superior Court of Law and Equity for Cumberland County, be held on the First Monday in February A. D. 1861, and that publication thereof be made in the several newspapers publi.^hed in the Town of Fayetteville Jurors, Suitors and Witnesses in civil cases are hereby notified to bo in attendance. From the Minutes. J. W. BAKER, Clerk. Nov. 24. 63-to Presbyterian copy. Particular ]\otiee. 1 LL persons indebted to A. HOLMES, Jr., are re- J.1 quested to come immediately and settle, or they will tind their acoounts in the hands of an officer. A. HOLMES, Jr. Nov. i2. 73-2t Pretident Buchanan’s View*.—In hia Inaugu ral Address he held the following language: “It is an evil omen of the times that men have under taken to calculate the material value of the Union. Rea soned estimates have been presented of the pecuniary profits and local advantages which would resulf to dif ferent States and sections ft-om its dissolution, and of the comparative injuries which such an event would in flict on other States and sections. Even descending to this low and narrow view of the mighty questiou, all such calculations are at fault. The bare reference to a single consideration will be conclusive on this point. We at present enjoy a free trade throughout our ex tensive and expanding country such as the world never witnessed. This trade is conducted on railroads ;\nd canals, on noble rivers and arms of the sea, which bind together the North and the South, the East and the West of our Confederacy. Annihilate this trade, arrtti its fret progress bg the geographical lines of Jealous and hostile Stales, and you destroy the prosperity and fmtcard march of the whole and every part, and involve all in one common ruin. But such considerations, important as they are in themselves, sink into insignificance when we reflect on the terrific evils which would result from dis union to every portion of the Confederacy—to the North not more than to the South; to the East not more than to the West. These I shall not attempt to portray, because I feel an humble confidence that the kind Pro vidence which inspired our fathers with wisdom to frame the most perfeet form of government and union ever devised by man will not suffer it to perish until it shall have been peacefully instrumental, by its example, in the extension of civil and religious liberty throughout the land.” All kinds of Country Produce taken in exehange for Goode. Sheetings and Cotton Tarns oa hand at all times, at Manufacturers' prices. All persons are respectfully invited to give me a eall, at the old stand of J. T. WaJdill, South side Har st. A. N. MoDONALD Fayetteville, N. C., Sept. 24, 1860. S6tf A CiEm The Xew Style, Small, (OLOKCD photo;kapus, .KT VaHor«l«‘ll*s Gallery. imers. A HR. J. M. WILLIAMS. 56tf LAUijE SECOND STOCK. Wf AI:K NuW receiving AND OPENING 'HE L.^ivGEST SECOND STOCK OF GOODS ■ - : tvei offered to our customers, comprising ALL ■ ' AKilcLES usually kept by us, all of which we ■■ i'^d to offer on accommodating terms to our • ■ Ts *and all wholesale purchasers. Please call ' • ixamine our Stock. H. & E. J. LILLY ■■-t. 1 67-tf •Jf #Vo. Hay St. Ill (WUl I’UINTS, unusually low, either by ^ JjUl/U wholesale or retail. 60 Doi. WOOL and other HATS. CJL0THI]^3J f ■ i:r«!iiiy reduced prices; together with a large ami inil'Uri.\D nm DRV COI)D!{, II 7 ill b. offered en as favorable terms as any ' 'ate. J. K. K^ LE. 1. . Oij. 58tf NEW EDITION OF DEVEREUX B\TTLF,’S .N. f. LAW REPORTS, Volume The subscribers have just printed a 2d Edition of I this Volume, with Notes and References to other ; adjudged Cases and to the Revised Code, by Hon, Wm. H. Battle: and with many corrections of typographical ; errors. j Their 2d Editions of Dev. k Battle's Equity, complete, and 1st Dev. & Battle's Law Reports, have received the I approbation of the Profetsion. They al.^io republished a 2d F'dition of Devereux’s 2d Equity, (without Notes.) .And in addition to these, are the proprietors of the entire editions of most of Iredell’s Law and Equity, and can supply any volumes extant of ; the Reports, or complete sets, so far as they can now } be had. i They propose to put to press a 2d Edition of Dev. & ; Battle s Law Reports, vols. 3-4 (in one.) I They deal largely in Law Books, and will at all times i order works not on their shelves, to supply their cus tomers. K. J- HALE & SON. i Oct. l.i, I860. J. School Bookf«. \TATURAL PHILOSOPHY from Ganot’s Popular ...i Physics by Wm. G. Peck, M. A.\ Sander*’ New Speller and Definer .Analyser: Bullions’ and Smith’s Grimniar : Mnnteifh'^, an I Mitchell’s Geogra phies; Goodrich’s and Andrews’ Latin and Greek Les- .-ions, &.C. E. J. H.ALE & SONS. Aug. 31. Till* ^illllliy Noilth, by Prol. In graham; Say and Seal, by the Author of “Wide Wile World." .%c.; The Household of Bouverie. or the Elixir of Gold, by a Southern Lady; Evenings at the .Micro scope. &c.. &c. E. J. H.ALE & SONS. Oct. 18. ^, •!. M^emberton ^ ' ' ' .^ive in a few dayi a large lot of those CuHuimereu and Twe^du. THEY ARE ^ Made ill Iforth Carolina, _ - : > )r« UL R.ABLE than any other Good* for the Uumy —ALSO— U A LARGE LOT OF «otii Inland KerseyH, Tweed* and €a«f!iiiiiereif, ; «'Jjjerior quality. Vi . J. A. PEMBERTON. IBOO. 62i4w-tf l:'.. '•*«u oi .^aleiii ol Personal trancia' Hilliard, 2d Edition, Enlarged ith Notes by Notes by I'-viilence, 8th Edition, i’lackalone; Byles’ on Bills, ' Broom’s Legal Maxims. ‘ mtracts, &c. E. J. HALE & SONS. t ***’*«» or U. states History, Mir«t 0 —» Southern School Book. *. HALJ8 * 0ON0. iVoliee. T.AKEN up and committed to the Jail of Cumberland County, on the 1st of May 1800, as a runaway, a negro who says he is free, that hi? name is HENDER SON SE.ARS, and that he is from Davidson County, and was bound to David Hunt. He is about 20 years old, 6 ft. high, and weighs about 180 lbs.; had on when taken up a hickory shirt, black Cas. pants, and black round coat. Th» owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges, Rnd take him away, or he will be dealt with as the law directs. G. L. McK.W, Jailer. June 4, 1860. 23tf WebMter’n Elementary i^pelliiifi^ Book for sale by E. J. HALE & SONS. The iSouihern Harmony, a^cliool Books, Ac., further supplies just receiTcd. Aug. 4, 1880 E. J. HALE & SONS. —_ A CARD. A WORD TO MY OLD FRIENDS— Those persons for whom I have been attending to Banking business for years:—I am still willing to serve you with the same promptness that I have always done; and to others that may want discounts, Pension business, kc., &o I offer my services, with a promise of strict attention. JAS. Q. COOK. Jun* 27,1859. ART. Woodwarfl'M ^olar I'ainera. i)HOT»GR.\PHS can be had at Vanorsdell’s Skylight Gallery. Hay street, opposite .Marble Yard. Fay etteville. N. plain, retouched, colored, in water colors, oil and pantile; from small to life size, .\rabro- types. Melaneotypes, and all other styles of Pictures pertaining to the Art. Al.^o, Gilt Frames, Gilt Mould ing, Glass for verj- large pictures—as large as 26 by 36 inches. Cord and Tasoels for hanging pictures; Instru ments, Stock and Chemicals for sale low for cash. Life size colored Photographs made from small pictures. Having permanently located here I hope to merit your patronage. I would also return my sincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on me heretofore by the good people of !■ ayetteville and vicinity. C. M. VANORSDELL, Photographist and Proprietor. Dec’r 20, 1H59 ' 77- C APT. REPORT II.N THE DEEP RIVER MINER.U REfilOX. THK under-igned have caused to be published from the (’ongresvional plates, an edition of the Report of (’apt. Wilkes, U. S. Navy, and his .Associates on the Board appointed by the Secretary of the Navy to ex amine (he Deep River Region of North Carolina. This is the most important and scientific statement of the great wealth of that section of the State, and the Maps the most perfect and valuable, of any yet published. The .Maps are worth the price of the work, which is ,)0 cents, neatly bound in cloth. Copies sent by mail, free of postage, on the receipt of 60 cents. .A liberal dis count to wholesale buyers. Orders solicited. Jan’y 26. E. J. HALE & SONS. ]%EW ROOKN. NEMKSIS, by MARION HARL.VND, Author of “Alone” &c. THE QUK1';NS of SOCIF.TV, illustrated; J A('K HOPETON, or the .Adventures of a Georgian; C.\STLE RICHMOND, by .Anthony Trollope; Further supplies of Rutledge, .Adam Bede; Beulah, the Mill on the Floss; Vestiges of Creation, &c. Aug. 31. E. J. HALE k SONS. FOR I’LEIIkS (IF THE COrilTSr I^IXECUTION. TRIAL, and APPEARANCE DOCK- J ETS, ruled and printed from the most approved forms in use. Also, further supplies of other BLANK BOOKS, in great variety. May 31. E. J. UALE SONS. BOOTS & SHOES, AT WHOLESALE. JNO. M. WALKER, of North Carolina, SHAW, DE GRAW & KllXii, MANCrACTURKR* OF AND WHOLKSALH DBALFRS IS BOOTS and SHOES\ No. >1 i » SET BT., NEW lORK. WILL be happy to lee his Southern friends at the above cstabliihment, where, either personally or by order, they may be supplied firotn an extenaive and well assorted Stock of Goods. July 17, 18G0. JWew ITork Ledger tor l¥ov. 17. HARPER’S WEEKLY for Nov. 10, to-morrow. E. h HALE 41 80N8( 1 NoVr I. D. & Vi. McLilRIN, IT7OULD invite attention to their large and desirable fV Stock of GROCERIES, Consisting in part of— 1.50 Batrs Rio, Latruira and Java Coffee; 100 libis. and Hhds. Sugar (a.ssorted;) 25 Hhds. Mola^ises; 30 “ Bacon—Sides and Shoulders; 500 Sacks Salt; 150 Boxes pood Tobacco; 1‘25 “ Sperm, Adainantint A Tallow Candles; 50 “ Soap (a.ssorted;) 50 “ Candy “ 100 Baps Shot “ lOOO lbs. Bar Lead; 30 i Bbls. Snuff—Eagle Mills; 25 Kegs Soda; 250 “ Nails. —ALSO— A large and general assortment of Hardware and Cntlery; Farming Utensils, of all descriptions; American, English, Swedes and Peruvian Iron; Blister, German and Cast Steel; Blacksmiths’ Tools; Coopere’ Do.; Corn Sheller.s and Straw Cutters; Buckets, Brooms and Pails; Cotton, Manilla and Jute Rope, (all kinds and quality;) Plow Lines and Bed Cords; Hollow Ware; Cotton Yarns and Sheetinps at factory prices. .All of which will be sold low for cash, or or usual time to prompt paying customers. BJj^ConsTRT Mbrohants are respectfully requested to call and examine our stock before purchasing else where. D. & W. McLAURIN. March S, 1«50 93tf Floral Colleg-e. THR Fall Session in this Institution will commence on the 18th of JULY next. The management and instruction of the Institution w.ll ba under the Rev. Daniel Johnson and Mr. Joha C. Sutherland, with an able Corps of Assistants in all the departments. The Principal and hig lady will continue to take entire chargc of the Boarding establishment, thus giving to the School more of the familt element. This arrangement, it is believed, will greatly advance the Msefulness of the lastitution. -M. C. McNAIR, Seo’y Board of Trustees. June 18, 1800. 28tf FOR SALE, The house and L(.)T adjoining Blisabethtown, lately occupied by Alexander Carter. The Lot con tains Six Acres of good garden soil, and some fruit, good water, ke. The improvements are a Two Story Dwelling House and necessary out-buildingi. Also, a vacant Lot near the Court House. Terms accommodating. H. H. ROBINSON. June 8. 27-tf Cape Fear River Land FOll SALE. A 10 L.\ND lying on the West side of U'TV Cape Fear River, two miles below Fayetteville, and extending from the River into the Sand-hills. This tract is about equally divided into River-ridge, Swamp and Sand-hill Land. About 80 acres adjoining the River are cleared and produce well. There are good sites for building. The Report of an Engineer establishes that drainage of the Swamp Land may be effected at a moderate ex pense. Terms to suit; and a bargain offered. Apply to B. R. HUSKB. Fayetteville, Oct. li, 1860. 60tf Curious Revolutionary Verses.—The following ingenious composition appeared in a Philadelphia I newspaper many years ago Its author is un- i known Its peculiarity consists in the manner in I which it may be read, via., in three different j ways: 1. Let the whole be read in the order in j which it is written; 2. Then the lines downward 1 on the left of each comma in every line^ and 8. 1 In the same manner on the right of each comma, j By the first reading it will be observed that the j revolutionary cause is deprecated, and lauded by I the others: Hark: hark! the trumpet sounds, the din of war’s alarms I O’er seas and solid grounds, doth call us all to arms, i Who for King ueorge doth stand, their honors soon will shine. Their ruin is at hand, who with the Congress join. The act" of Parliament, in them I much delight; I hate their cursed intent, who for Congress tight. The Tories of the day, they are my deadly toast; They soon will sneak away, who Independence boast. Who non-resistance hold, they have my hand and heart; May they for slaves be sold, who act a Whiggish part. On Mansfield, North, and Bute, may daily blessings pour. Confusion and dispute, on Congress evermore; To North, that British lord, may honors still be done I wish a bloek er cord, to General Washington. Historical Magazine. Unitarians.—The Christian Freeman, of Lon don, contains the following statement, under the head of religious statistics: “One hundred years ago there were somewhere about 100 Unitarian ministers in the world; now there are nearly 3,000 distinctly so. There was then a population of about 5U,O00 Unitarians, principally in Transylvania; uow there are about 5i,000,000 Christian Unitarians. One hundred years ago there were about 120 Unitarian church- ee; now there are no less than 3,500.” Extensive Voting.—In looking over returns of the election in Iowa we notice that three counties gave twelve votes each. Sioui county recorded nine votes for Douglas, two for Lincoln and one for Bell. Cherokee county gave Lincoln nine and Douglas three. Buena Vista gave Douglas six and Lincoln six. In eight counties, the whole vote amounted to 203. FISH! FISH!! New M.ACKEREL, Nos. 1, 2 and 8. “ WH WHITE FISH. “ HERRING, &e. Call at Oct 1. &o. A. N. MCDONALD’S, South-side Hay Street. 57-tf Coal! Coal!! Coal!!! r 1 TONS PRIME COAL, for sale by 01 J. A. WORTH. Sept. 25. 56-tlJ I^otlce. Those indebted to the undersigned will confer a fa vor by settling their respective obligations, thus en abling him to do in like manner with others. THOS. J. JOHNSON. Oct. 8, 1860. 59 tf All persons are hereby forbidden to pay any money to my wife, Harriet Dodd, as I am determined not to recognize any payment made to any person other than myself. IS.AAC DODD. Oct. 26, 1860. 66tf To Land Ruyers. The undersigned offers for sale, in the Coal region, and within eight miles of the terminus of the Fay etteville & Western Rail Road on Deep River, EIGHT HIXDRKD .\CRES OF lAXD, adjoining the land belonging to the estate of George Wilcox, dec’d, and lying three miles South from Car- bonton, on Little Pocket Creek, Moore county. These Lands are well adapted to the growth of corn, cotton, wheat, oats, rye, &c. There are on the prem ises a comforuible Dwelling, and all necessary Out houses, with about one hundred and fifty acres under fence, including forty or fifty acres of never-failing bottom land. This is a rare chance for persons wish ing to make investments, as lands are undoubtedly ad vancing in price in this section. For further inforrjatiou apply to Mr. M. M. McRae, Crane's Creek, P. O., Moore county, or address me at Fayetteville, N. C. D.\NIEL McRAE, For the Heirs of Gilbert McRae, dec'd. Carbonton, Moore co., N. C., Aug. 24 43tf EAAU FOR ^^AliE. The subscriber having removed West, offers for sale his LANDS in Harnett County, lying immediately on each side of (’ape Fear River, containing 1200 acres in each tract. Tliese Lands are situated in a healthy country, pleasant neigiiborhood, and within a half a mile of the villaee of Summerville, with good Dwellings oa each place and all necessary Out-Houses, and clear ed Land enough to work 25 or 30 hands to ai',vantage. There are on these lands some six hundred acres of line Bottom, most of which is uncleared, and well set with while oak aud other tine Timber. A large portion of the balance is oak and hickory Ridge Lands; the bal ance is pine Land of a good quality, having been work ed in Turpentine three years. These Lands will be sold low for Cash or Young Negroes, or on time to suit purchasers, with approved bonds. Jan’y N. G. JONES. A oticE XPECTING to be absent from the State until the middle of next Sumiiier, say till July, 1860, 1 have I authorized Archibald McLean, of Harnett county, to I transact business for me during my absence, to sell my Lands in Harnett county, and generally to attend to all my business. N. G, JONES. Harnett County, N. G., Jan’y 18, 1860. 83- The Tallest Man in Kentucki/.—The Hopkins ville Press says that John M. Baker, of Burns ville, Caldwell country, is the tallest man in Ken tucky. He stands seven feet eight inches in his boots, weighs two hundred and forty pounds, and is twenty-three years old. He was born and raised in Caldwell county. Hurrah.—The origin of this exultant interjec tion, the electioneering echoes of which are still ringing in our ears, is probably unknown to nine- tenths of those who use it. It is as old as the Sclavonic race, for aught we know, and is as com monly heard on the banks of the Vistula as on those of the Hudson. From the coast of Dalma tia to Behring’s Straits it is the cry of warlike as sault and the shout of victory. In this country we put it to all sorts of congratulatory and defiant uses, and its most tremendous “vocal effects’’ are comprehended in “three times three and a tiger.” The source of the word is in the primitive*orien tal idea that every man who dies for his country goes to Heaven—Hu-raj, the Sclavonian deriva tive, meaning literally “to Paradise.” Hurrah! is not unfrequently used in America, however, in quite a different sense. The taunting counter- hurrahs of two political factions, for example, very often mean, (it is to be feared) “go to—the other place.”—X. 1'. Ledger. Hoic the Prince Bore It.—The following note^ says the New York Evening Post, is said to have been picked up on the City Hall steps: To the Hon. Fernando Wood, Mot/or Of Xew Yvrh: Sir—In answer to your kind inquiry if the Prince enjoyed his visit to your city, I have the pleasure to inform you that his Royal Highness bore it exceedingly well. I have the honor to be, &.C., &c., j NEWCASiLE. i fashionable Amusemrntatx^aplcs.—The Times correspondent says: “There is a lot of young men of fortune at Na ples at the present moment, mostly Englishmen and Ameiicans, who amuse themselves by going out by rail every morning, to Garibaldi’s quarters I before Capua, and with valuable guns of long range, which they have purchased for the pur- ; pose, pick off the men at the outposts of the roy- I al army all day, and return to the city in the even-^ I ing to boast of the number of game they have‘b; i ged’ daring the day.” IN all its kinds, executed with neatness and despatch. Small jobs when done must be paid before delivered, THOS. II. TILLINGHAST. Opposite the Female High School, Hay Street. May 14, 1859. 14 IMPORTANT TO TIMBER I True Trust.—One evening, we are told, aflCT CUTTERS ^ weary march through the desert, Mohammed Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views* Anew and beautiful aseortment, just received. B. J. HALB k SONS. Oct. 18. .\CRES OF PINE LAND FOR SALE, lying in one body on the Ohoopie River, in Tatt- i nail County, Ga., price moderate, terms easy Titles I perfect and undisputed. For further particulars, address j A. P. McRAE or M. M. MATTOX, Reidsville, Tatt- I nail Co. Ga. I Reidsville, June 8. 25-lam 6nr* Tol. 8th Bancroft’s United Sitatei Jvij 10. S. J. BAL6 ^ SON. WAITED. was camping with his lollowers, and overheard one of tlieiu saying, “I will loose my camel and commit it to (iod;” on which Mohumined took it up “Friend, tie thy camel, and commit it to God’'—that is, do whatever is thine to do, and then leave the issue with God. Great excitement was created among the colored people of Harrisburgh, Pa., on Saturday, by tlie ALARQB quantity of COTTON and LINEN RAQS, j jigcoverv that a fu^'itive slave had been arrested _-ill noirl 1. .. .. for which fair pri««t will be paid. DAVID MUEPHY. Ang. 17 il* there and quietly taken back Marylaoiji, to his master in

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