i] f. I>#c « t ICH. f.lic "* I r )i to, vift' I-WEEK L Y. T v-- ^ ? V' : ^ » J-h'.. Lieh:. „ ion. ; " ” . *•* na 1 (. . *1^ ^ I tn i *. , 1>M tan m lit.I W^. i\R V. , ■' ;« A' ' u- 7\T‘ ^ . a 7.0. , - . ..) II' i irti )] . X.] FAYE^rTEVILLE, N. C.. DECEMBER 10, I860. [NO. 977.] HAMAKs » OHi;; HD sS. EIIS HAi ntiij. ,11 :: « i . aii'i I4tl'i i '•II ■ til.-' K V I rti ; - LMS i 0 xG 6t CO, •lif rriittntft, M M.. \. V. pit if.- - - FKl\:v LO T * r iKi:\u, H eT«"'V f'r;- ft au i ” ' V ch«ftp^^r : . . - ^ srIo pd fo n: I- M >M»AVS and rilUK8UAYS * UWAill) J. HALE & SONS, ^ >M' 1‘K0VK1ET0H8 I- >■ ! .. \\i, ly UU!?ERvi;k •Hj if paid in : ' il p'l; 1 duritiii the 3'ear of subijcrip- ; i" 1 tiio > jar httb oxjiired. = >ii3i.ixVtK per aunuui, if paid in J if jijiid duiiiis the year of subscrip t'.- year has expired. \ I- Tls; >iKNTS in'^ortc'd foT 60 cents per ’ f j;' t'io and W cents for each ; ' m. Year!;, .idvertistments by spe- . . at ritijs. Advertisers are ■ -t '!•' thf nnnVier >f iiisei'tions desired, or • ■ >n*-mie'l ’;11 forbid, and charged accord- . iiu-uti t ■ he iiisi-rted ’i3iJc. charged 50 per NOTICE. ‘ ' ' ■ : . r tiii^ d »:t’. n - iiHinc of a new subscriber ■ V, 1 wi'h ui f _ i-ni iu advance, nor will ; r ■ : ,;u L-n: :l;-> tor a longer liiue ; 1 , ; ' .■v.r old >ub' ribers =.s desire t.) take the pa- ’'li'--y'tiMn will ple>ise notify us when making J:in'y 1, 1 ^'>8. r r' vii.s.K iioTEi., r. WAD1>1LL. I’roi'RIKTOr. ihe uios^t comuioilious Hotel in Noith urolina. fr int'iicr feet on May and Donald-ion Stvt>('t. ioi M'.rd in the centre of the ; - --5 I’ l'IIlf till- town, and surrounded by all ' H uses. Wholesale .Merchants itnd princi- l‘r-dill ■. l>cHlerv. ; ^ Bu,-»ine>s iiu'ti will find the Hotel a oonveniant . ■'iiifortable liouso. hi- arnvt- and depart from thia Hotel. 7. tieviile. Oct. I, 51- | sllKMWELL HOl'SE, “ iftw mmis .\ouTii OF tiie mauket uoisk. r’ 11 ‘ ^ Donali JAS. C. illcKAE, .tttorney at Liiiic, Ofhctf West end of the Insurance Building, Hay St., Fayetteville, N. C. \iaroh *26, ISOO. ~ PREINCH STRANGB, Attorney at Law, Fayetteville, N. C. Office that recently occupied by C. G. Wright, Esq., over the one now occupied by him iu Dr. RubiusoD’s buildinjr. Green Street. Dec'r li, Ibij'J. 72- .UcJ.. ^fIcK^§V, Attorney at Law, Faykttevillk, N. C. \1TILI, attend the County and Superior Courts of M Cumberland, narneti. Moore and Robeson Coun ties. Prompt attention given to the collection of all claims entriixfed to his hands. Oct. 17. 18.V. 58-tf li iW NOTICE. The .Suitscriber having removed from SummerTille to Fayetteville, will attend the County and Superior Courts of Cuiuberland, Harnett and Moore. His office will be at his residence, on Gre^n Struet, oppoiiit* the Kpiscopal Church. His corre--)'on'lents will plea.se aJlre^s hiui h«r«at'ler at Fayet:eville, instead of Summerville. NEILL McK.VY. Jaa'y’Jl. IHtU). 85-tf l.ia%v .\otice THK subscriber having retired from the Bench, with puii.o5c to devote himbelf to the practice of the Law. will attend hereafter the counties of Cumberland, Kob- eson and liladen. at all the Touris. und the Superior Courts of Richmond, Harnett and Sampson. J. G. SHEPHKRD. j June 1, 18(j0. lJ3tf ALFRED ALDERMAN, luwpector ot* i\aval stores, WILMIXGTOX, X C II7ILL atteuJ promptly to the traiiaaciion of all busi W ness couiigued i' hi-: care 't'hf' i^/rrlori/ iu {he Nov. y. 6'J Om p'l W. P. KKM).\LL. J S. KENDALL. \V. p. KK:\ift VLL Ac SOX, fnettcrai f'omtntssiott *fierchuntu^ !, .L'Tsa \v i'5*r:sc W'lL.'ilLMrToX, .V. C. ORDERS fioiii tiie 1' .;!i,try rosp>‘Ctrully solicited. On C'.)usi;^nTiieiits '>f Cott.ii :iud other Produce, liberal cash ndvances will be tiiade v»hen desired. Oct. 17, lk!.i(t f>3if HUSKE & ANDERSON, j Oriyinof Consumption.—The Amercan Medi- i^e^leus in 1 Monthly for September contains some novel i I 111 , and interesting views relative to the nature and s^taple and IbaofJ Dry Uoodn, ' treatmet.t of consumption. The seat of this ter ri- Headlf/^m/flaiie ClotUtng^ j ble malady is affirmed to be the lymphathic system Aud tie’utlemeii'S Furiiishiug Goods i tubes form a dose H'. JOSEPH r.AKER, Jk., lT'iT(>R\KV VT LAW, .vs taken an office ue\i door to Wni. B. Wright s Law E.A I l\ w; ; in I ^ :ar. - .prw JOH ith LK. C.>. ,T jUiV't to the extensive increase of patronage ' ■ ;i: s HoUft''. durine the year, I have ex- . 1. : !;'v fciiities by the addition of a num- , • ■ ' ';e 'dc'M roiii'.i''. with other ituport- .. ■ :>. w;.ioii will a;.il materijilly to the ' 'uvemence of those favuring mo with iiiiTe been my kin J friends and cus- si.t ye-ivs. I tender my must sincere - 1;, •• time ri.spectfully s )liciting a con- , ■ ,> ir patj-'inago, and also the patronage of | lu: T .: uew parron.s. - A : ■. No. 1 Ostler. P. .SHEMWELI.. ?4- KAGLE HOTEL, AJSHK VI >. J. :»l. BL VIR, rroprietoi*. propr- H-ir ku'^'.v th !> his li'(.ati..n srives him un- )tlicp on t.Jreen Street. Me will attend and practice it\ the Ciiunty and Supi-rior Courts of Cumberland. IMaden. Kobc'^n and Sampson. March 17'.*tf A. D. .ncLEAX, Attorney aud ( oiiusellor at Law, .r.M.Mi:HVlLLE, N. C.. 11’'ILL ut'end the C’^'uris of ('umberland. Moore, John- W ston and Harnett t'ounties. PRtjMPT attention (jiven to the collection of all claim* euirusted to his care. Dec'r 20. iS-')!.'. 7^-ly RORV 111.\AIR, ^ittorneff and t'ounsetlor at M^au'^ LrMBERTdN, N. C. ■'ILL a'.ten'l aud practice in the County and Superior 'irt-> of Rubcson, Richmond and Cumberland. All business iiitru'fed to hiai will receive prompt at- tenti'in and c.ill»ciions punctuallv remitted. 0, 1 JOil\ n. C LARK, rommissiou and KorHardiiig Merchant, — bK.M.i:U IN - Lime, Cementj Plaster, H^ir, &c. LUTTERLOll S Wli.VUl'. WILMINGTON, N. C. ‘ll>ENCY r« SIEK..\1L NCI..^L■K1^■ ANUSL’.N. Ayjril 'JO. ISCt'. 1 Itf A. \v. ri i.m:r, okoveu .K N D I Commi^>sioll ^lercliaiit, WORTH WATHa ST., WI L MIS U T OS, X. c. Oct. b, 18’;:I 5y-Gm ii. W. Kl I.I.ARI>, f'o»n*Hfssiot9 *fif reliant, ' wiLMiN'trro.v, X. c. PRO.MPT an ] 1*1'iS A L ut tcntioii will be giv«a to j the sale of N:ival Si,.i-'s, !'• loii, Lumber. Timber, | and all other oouutiy proJui o. RF.KEK TO O. G. Pah.sley, Pr-b t ('oiTi. I’.ank at Wilmington. Joiis D.\w.'I)N. •• H. .N. C.. *t do. Messrs. H. K. J. I.u.i.v. 1 „ -u 1, . Fayetteviils. Messrs. PiM k!ir.*N \ .'jl. vn. i •' 1’vKKk.H, Lt 1 . 11 VMifil (.i.UIlty. N. C. May 7. 15tf C. 11. RciUNS iv. H. 11. H'lHlN.SuN. V. II. ROf{|\SOA ,V VO., Commissioa aud Farwardicg Merchaats, WII,.^II\..To^. N. 0. onsigntiieiits an 1 couiify or'len> will rscttive prompt pei'Sou-’ iwtc.^ ■ ' interlacement throughout the whole body, being also endowed with much activity, diseased fluids transmitted through them are liable, under certain conditions, to be deposited any where, and to be spread or accumulated with prodigious rapidity. The nature ot consuuiption is stated to conaist in a deprivation of the fluids which are propelled through these tiny lymphathic conduits. Two theories are proposed to account for the presence of the pernicious elements which here taint and I poison the springs of life at their source. One - ! party affirms that the process of nutrition is at 4^all at .tl, A. BAKl'jR’H and ^ct i fault, and that part of the food eaten is lazily and your I' ire Arms! | Injperlectly assimilated, offering itself in a crude, made of the best material and by experienced ! ^lUNS, RIFLES and PISTOLS of all the best patterns [ half prepared state, to the action of vessels not en in each branch of the l)usiness. His work will ! \J uow in use, and at us low prices as they can be had j ^d ipted to deal with such material but onlv with re favorably with any m.de in the United States, in any city or town in the United Stages or | that which has been submitted to a completer pre- Fayetteville, Dec’r 3. 7'>vf I) ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, iL that he has built up large substantial Brick Build ings at his Old Stand, eitpreasly for manufacturing Car riages. Thankful for the very libci il patronage ha has received for the last ’J! years, he hoj'es by strict atten tion to business, with a desire to gi'^e satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants his W'ork ; to be ! workmen I compar ' for neatness and dural)ility, lie is determined to sell and do any work iu his line on as good terms as any work done elspwliere th;it is as well done. He now has I on hand, finished. THE L.VRGEST STOCK OF ' Carriages, Barouches, Rockaways and Bii^^ies, ' ever offered in this place, .ind a verylarge stock of work I nearly finished, which will be finished daily. All of wuich will be sold very low for cash, or on short time to ; punctual customers. Jjh^He has on hand more than ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY VEHICLES finishel and iu course of ccnsirtictiou. ®aJ“All work made by him is warranted 12 months ; with fair usage, .ind should it fail by bad workmanship . or m.sterial. will be repaired free of charge. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call aud ex- I amine tor themselves. I Orders ili'inkfully received ami promjitly attended to- i Repairing executed at short notice aud on very reason- ! able terms. May *J8, 18iO. 89-tf of every description. BALLOU’S FKENCH YOKE .SHIRTS, Boots and Shoes, Hat^ and Caps, &c. &c. B-jy" Five per cent, off for all CusIj Bills of i25 and upwards. Nos. 4«i juul Hay St., (Hotel Building,) .V. C. WRIGHT HUSKE, JOHN H. ANDERSON. Formerly B’k ('ape Fear. For’lj" with J. A. Pemberton. Nov. lib, 18S0. 74tf TSie I'liciersig^iicd Is prepared : at slmri notice,) to supply families anJ olhe.rs, with Oak rmd Pine Wood of the best quality, and at the lowest market prices. B ROSE. Dec. 3. i-3t I J M( c:atti.e waateu. r'ANT to purchase 100 head of Cattle, Heifers, 'leers, and every other descriptiou. I will winter cattle for Five Dollars e.'ich, or if they die before March no charge. Persons wisliing MILK or CRE.VM, can be furnished on application to .Mrs. Ida E. Breece, on Dick Street, at the former .McLeran residence. Joseph urkece. 75-3t Dec’r 3. 36,000 l'i^ai*s»! C’lsars!! CIG.VRS, CH)ICE brands, just received per Str Flora aud for sale low, by MRS. M. BANKS. 74-2w Nov. 29. Tohacco. Q A R.VLES of Vivgiiii:i Powhatan Tobacco, a fir.st-rate OU ar anicle, for sale by Nov. 29. MRS. M. RANKS. 74-2w I — % March i‘ .•if W Wm. H. T1 RIJ\rrO'V, Coiiiiiiissioii 31 (^reliant, WIl.MINOToN, \ ( m . (ho sale or shipmenj ifon, Fmur. Tiuiber. aud w Oc ootf ■ir ItU' ;le.l la lilies inz ‘Ud lie i fi.r pi . unng articles conducive to dispense them to his guests in , W iJ-- I lA.. rv .1 .'.IS gc-.'i E * , - good • 11,, . „ 1 i:e» L'f gi. !. - Ki.: e \M! Co.. It i:. iver- ence. , Sh- : M : H - crop i ; J'T. K T ted. res- ma • ■ usually to !iad iu i first class Hotel, I nisbeJ t i his i^uests. ‘ > -_'-e otSce . M'"*:rin'on, at '-his House •• Chat' .. ir'a:;'- -irg. S. C ' .. «,■ ^v:; % il..-. •• •• *• " G; f>'tn iilr, i'eri'i.. Daily. •• ' - .• I. u'‘ 1 hacVs ;,t:d C'lreful and attentive . ■ h i'1 c.,jiv.-y parties to any •i ' - \! I,; iin '■■■(•nery ot this re/ion. ' : M -liui till, t , wann inoa Gap. the t .! 1 Fil'. the arm Strings, Ac. ; w •' L’.i a s’,..rt lav's ri'le of .\shevill,’. \M STh:H\ RAIL ROAD. , JOIIA P. i ri.I.KR, Attornej aud Counsellor at l^aw, WILL PR.vcrtCfc IS TutcuCRis ur Rubekuu, Cumberland, loluaibtis and Bladen. OtBce at Lumberten, P.obeson Co., N. C. July5, 185V Vjytf ILL give •:pecial n':eii. of all Nava! .Sr.’r^T. •' other country pri» l ice Refers to: H. II Wilmingtou: Jn D w-. .11. ISauk of North *.'urolin " Branch Hank of ape I'e.ir Not W, 18.'.9 Hank '>f «?spe Fear, I'if'i Wilaiiiigtim Branch Jon ;-. Cashier R»leigh tJo-tf JOSEPH r ft .. BLOSSOM. I M ^ I O J. W. n.VKKR Is now receiving from the North the largest, finest, and most carefully selected stock of iTiiitft'. ever offered in this market: which added to his own manufacture, makes his assortment complete:— } all of which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for | cash or on time to punctual cu.stomers. I Fashionabh. j ainted cottage Ije>i-room Furniture in ■ setts; curled hair and shuck, au‘1 j;oltou .\l.-»ilresse.s; j jiooking Gla-ses; Willow V.'ag'Hir and Cradles: .Side Hoards; Hureaus; Stvieiariex and Hook-Cases: What- Nots; Table?, ail sorts: Wash .StanJs: t'andle Stands: ■ Wardrobes; Picture Frames and Glass; Window .Shades- Coriiices; Curtain Rands; Sofas in .Mahogony and Wal- 1 nut; Tete a Tetes; Uttomaus; Divaus .and Stools; ("hairs ■ of every v.iriety. Fine Rosf-wood Pianos, one with ..Kolian at tachment; Rosewood Melo.iidus. from the best manufac tories in New Yvrk and Boston, warranted as good as any made in the ooun’ry, aud will be sold at New York prices—freigiit only added. September!!. 4-5tf rolifiih ol* the {South! .fIA.\tFA€'ri RI^:U BY A. J. WOODWARD, FA VKTTICVII.I.t:. .V. C. u I>r. Til 1:0. nARTlAi:, FFirH. HAY STREET, opposite the Post Otiioe. ^tedic il EIecfri' i:y ur p’it; i. Faveti.-"ii;p, Oct 17. I''’ '. ti-tf Forwarding .Merchant, , .V. f 'fIFDH'AL A'OTICK. .McL. GR.VH.\.M, M. D.. otler* his urofesiional services to the j ublio. Othco >u H ly Street, four loors West of Post Othoc, where he may b* found at al. times, wiien n-it professionally en^ieel. Julv l:. l"'.i flt«^Pronnil i.i ments. an 1 ■ .i to otlicr p«ji ir .ir Feb. 1-. Ih-j'j. dv.'ii 1 iTiveii to all t'onsigu- 1’ 'id'-iOe to be siilppci -ei. «7tf 1). JNO. J*. U- Latt of 7a-6 »r UA\C f. M. HYM\N, /,iite i/*' Hiirr^nt^n A C O., H.')-1 V DFA’TAL NOTICE. i; .,vL V i::v..r. Sprin;;. c;iiai,:ed f ir Passen- cts. P 11. 1' ing P (Jet. 1. SCoTT may be SL-en regularly at his Offict* on ersou .Street, two doors East of the .VI trket, dur- tho hours of from 8 A. M to I P. M.‘ 2 P. M. to M. o7-tf 1 IKJ i . V . 1 20 •.V - the Depot Mon layWednesdays ami ' •■'ick A. M. R -turning, leaves Mclver s • M. C. B. MALLETT, Pres’t. : • 71 tf N :kst am> gricKKST KOI I S TO TilK RAII.KOAD! Iliii forSsile! c>r ii. NK. c-i • LM" in#‘ • can \ i fr \t •- r- >. I H- b^r • III! 1' BKAMAN k K()B!\S()X’S f'HK HOUSK STU.K LIVE TO KENWSVILLE, VH WAIISWV, 1' r’ - . n . t i-xpi'ilitiouv for travelers going . .. I. iv ’ •/ r.ivettcville every day at M'f;n IN TEN HOURS. '• Mill! C'lrnftjrtHble. diivers soV>er i I 11.-- . Oil ari'l sure of five miles M. •Ml lem.in! v. „ *\ i!H'* •' ■,reli’.g T liblic w'. \v . 1 t idy thf'ir comforj : V. rui-nii. win t- ■ i I ■’ Wui-'jrtw Staffe. !‘n(tr(,H Tl Ki:r.- Tt; WELDuN may be ■ . ,i;hce, F.-ivettevijie. _ . I'- i I. '.'.'j-tf FA VKTTi:VILM] ~ Mi U AL L\SIRA\€E i’O^IPASY. luium -Notes aiuounts to in'i uiiier iissefs. j7,0H8 -j.h r).077 3') iti ffcl # I i.tc [rs. JLO ’Hli.G aup, e kti ' ’ the > e wti Kill \tl- Usrril l>r^. n of ;«• ,ir» I )R )KE!V HING. tore*' I .f . rill r u»e ' • tr- aik, U II th« i D(1 STB ■ , n-’ I’ ■ . -r'u' ■er • * iir-■ • '*•' *77' - y i* ... : l -,r* ■ - - "n/ iff Ml, .S272.7b.j *;i ny have pai'f all los'-es promptly, and i H!i a. cssment on their premium notes. 1 ’ .s pii.i, 32y.t}8-2 69 f)i TioKns: '..' •I. McNEILL, President. :i A. R.W, Vice Pr'-ident. A. McMILLAN, Sec’y DlBKrTOKM; W'. N. Tillinghast. ■' ■.v»r, S. .F. Hinsd.ile, ' ’ ^.'v. Wm McLaurin, ■ V '•edinatj, T. S. Lutterloh, •, ‘ t. A. W. Steel, J. O. C«ok, J ■ T), H'jn. J. G. Shepherd. ' * '■'» L. I". Lrown, 1 , r, : t j-V^ilra gton. '■ ‘ ' •' ’ M •f'riimmen. Traveling .\gents. ' ' !' rjv invit.' >ip]ilications, ' ’ 2I-ly t alt Siork of i’""KSAXi;>TrAT10NKRY. , i( Very full supply of ati'l Mis(-i>|lati(‘uiis Bouks; School u'j iu-,; ijiaiiii wriiiiit; I’apern; EiiU‘lopt‘s, Ac. E. J. HALE & SON. i> i:\TivrRV. vR. J. D.WIS having decided on perma- _ / nenily locating in the Town of Fayette ville. respectfully oilers his services to the .•itizens of this place and suriouinliug country. In all the various Viranches of his Profe.-rsion. including the manufacture of .Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an extensive experience, to which is added a thorough Den tal education, that he can give entire satisfaction as far ■is is in the y>ower of Dentistry. -\11 irregularities of the Teeth treated in a prof'Cr and careful manner, as well as d.seajes of the mouth. None but the proper metals are made use ot in the various oi>-rations. ’h>-rges will be ■ iioderate. that the benefits of the Profer'sion may be placed within the reach of all who may feel an interest in the preservation of the Teeth. Office over H iuston s Jewelry Store, where he iiiav be found at all times. May HI. 18.'.>. «tf \V. li. CARVKK, Healer in Dry CJoods, CiJroceric«, and l*ro>iMon«, IITILL always keep a good Stock of Seasonable Goods iV on han 1, to «e]l chpsp for or exchange for iVuduce at ijash pri 'es. Hay Street, Fayett‘*ville, N. .\pril 16. ^-tf B. F. PEARCE, I .WITH I A. TIcO«\AI^O, I CoDimUslon Merchant and Produce Dealer, A.M) DF.ALEH IN j Groceries. Provisions. Hardware. Cutlery, Bools. Shoes and Leather, l’>agging, Ro;je, Saddl^-ry, &c.. Foreign and Domestic Liipiors, Sheetings and Yarns at Manufacturers’ prices. j^ji“Stricl attention paid to orders.“lait SOUTH SIDE HAY STREET, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. 55tf L u, N ..i- fu . \\ IIVnAA tiROli:ilSMOM?iISSiO.\ MEKCHAMS, ItJI Street., Ill'll A A, l> % \C'V A; I’o., Comml^isoOil .^Ic^'chaiits, .'iO*iF«'‘S.K, V \ The New V.uk Hoi!?.' will be conducted by Jno. S D.\ncv, aided tjy R. W. H i.ma.n. The Norfolk IL ;i' - wil', bu conducted by J.no, H. Htmas and F .M. H. 1 n. fldT' Particiii ‘r :;’'iTi!i n given to the sale of COT TON, Ct)RN, WHEAT. NAVAL Sl'^RES. i:c. Sept 11, IS. . u.'ltf I'unstantI} Manufacturing at my Establishment. I7VERV VAUli'TV OF H\RNESS, Ij Sad'iles. liridles. Collars. Whips and Trunks: all kinds of Leather, ('alf .''kins and Oil; Condition Powders, lor diseased Horses and Cattle; ' ('oacli Trimmiugs. Carpet i’>igs. Valises, Saddlery, j Hardware, Jic. The largest stock iu the State, soM wliolesale or retail, at the very lowest prices. Every description of Harness aud Saddles manufactured to order and repaired. JAMES WILSON, No. 5 Market st. Wilmington, N. C., near tin Wharf. 07-lv '■Phat Pollsb! How it Shines. -Many of you recol- 1 led nine years tigo that I travelled through North Carolina aii't u portion ot South C.iroiiua for the pur pose of intr"'iuc.iig tins Polish. .\s time elapsed 1 found that it would mouid. 1 have succtcdcu iu making it perfect and will warr.iLr it to give satit!action. It cat; be ha«i at retail for I'.i cents j>er box or at wholesale for sixty ceat^ per dozen. Dealers will forward their or ders two weeks previous to tiie time tkcy wish them filled. •May •’>, l-'''i'i. lo-ly ^m\ iisimiNHi m\n\i IIARTFORO, lOAA. Incorporattjd 1819. Charter Perpetual. Nov. 8. iS'iO. lYlarhle Factory, 5 FOWIA II. RAA.\FV General 0’ottimission •fiereliant, JISoulli Wliarvis. bi twc. n 'l.irkct \ t iieslnulSU. pailI. Consigntuents of (JotUMi, N - - il .Stori-s, Flour, Rice. sc. will always recoiv.- ’ ' [ : Uip: peisoiiiil attention. Advances will be made oidy on actual (Jonsignients. R K r T. S. & T. Hvi'D. ('h»r'.. n S Wyatt St ’i> jA.fK8 Tl'Pl'lCR. K 'l. It t: I’rksklky. Km). VV’. Y 1/KiTtH, K M WjLl.tiM I’t I-l lo HI W. M t) Itev. \V. B. L'arh March 9. K t: N V K s: . Wai.kvK. r.viv« 4i.(;o. CharlMliin I'.i.i.i- n itiri iiidLL. Wlliiiinjlon. tr ►. MU I i f. I.'q. I>t V .liMii.s II. I avlor. I;i‘ liiii’d. li> . J I .w\Ms .-sm K, ’Klitiirnu' Jic .ni V» . litNKUlf T. K'q .N. V. .\utiiorixed (a;>ital. Paid up Capital, •Assets, SI..>00,000 00 00 ♦2,0;W,423 SO S. s. WARD. II. Z. PRATT. A. DUNHAM. G. F. DAVIS. D. HILLYER. T. A. ALEXANDER. W. KENEY. C. U. BRAINARD. By r.?To LAJIHKR. TWO D(I(IBS IIWVR T. II11C II i SONS’ STOBE Fav€‘tlt*vill‘, I'. Jan’v20. 1P60 84- Ud t-ii. Hui John W. 'KXTo's, K-q.. I'hits. 1*9-IV bept. 24, IKijO m7a. BAKER, €ORM»KR rilURPENTINK STILLS manufactured on the most 1 favorable terms. All work warranted. Call and see for yourselves, at Fayetteville, N. C. Oct. 22. __ _ 63tf T. €7A: B. WORTH, €omniis!4ion and Forwarding Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan’y 28, 84tf _ WILI.IA^I J. PRICI3, Mngpcctor of Turpentine^ WILMINGTON, N. C. 9e^ Will attend promptly to all business •ntrusted to his car*. Mjurch 29. i-lypd SHAD fSEl\E TWIAE. \\\ .llaclATYRE HAS REt^EIVED 1 /\A BUNDLES cotton SEI^■E TWINE. J Vjij 2-3 bundles Hi.-inp Seine Twine. Fayetteville, Nov. m, l''‘.>tt. 71-3w A'otife to 'ontrai*tors. 1JR0P(JS1TI(JNS for liu- building of a Wooden Court House at Lilllngtou, Uurneti (.'ounty, will l>e re ceived until the second .Mou'l/y in December 1800. Plans and specifications may be seen by applying to Benjamin F. Shaw, at .Siiminervil'.e. Harnett Couuty. For information address the uudersigtied at Johnson- ville, N. C. R. C. RELDEN, Fi.r BuiiiJiiig Committee. Sept 14, 18H0. .>;l-tl()D iVeffroes! AcsroesH Wanted. GENTLE.MEN, your old cu.^rotriers are yet in market. All who have negroes for sale, would do well to give ua a call or address us. J. A McAuTitt R. ) POWELL & McARTHUR. L. a. Powell. j Clinton, N. C., July 18(>0. 33-6mpd AOW IA HARK EX. All persons having NEGROES for sale, will do well to address the sub,=criber .at Clinton, Sampson county, as he is determined tc buy an 1 p.iy as liberal prices for them as the state of the market will permit Bv addressing him he will call immediately, and make liberal offers, as all will find who will try him. CHARLES T. STEVENS. Clinton, Sampson Co., Sept. 10, 1860. 52-lypd AL.nAA ACis FOR 1861.~ Farmer s and planters. TURNER’S NORXa C IROLINA. Ootober 16. £• J- HALE & SONS. DIRECTOR T. K. BRACE. I S. TUDOR. J. CHURCH. R. BUELL. i E. FLOWER. j F. A. BULKELEY. I R. MATHER. E. G. RIPLEV. ' I W. F. TUTTLE. I E. G. Riplkv, Pres’t. T. .V. .Vlexa.nder. V. Pres’t. I T. K. Br.\ce, Jr., Scc y. A. A. Williams. .Adjuster, j Rates as low Us terfect solvency and fair profit will allow. ASSETS.—July IS59. j Market value- j Bank Stocks in New York, Hartford, Bos ton. St. Louis, .kc., 1 United States Stock ati'l Treasury Notes, I State Stocks; New Vork. t)hio, Kentucky, I Tennessee, Missouri, I City Stocks, Hartford, Rochester, Brook- I lyn, Jersey City, I Railro“\d Stocks: Hartford and New Haven, Boston and Worcester, Coun. River, Mortgage Bonds, Real Estate, unincumbered, Miscellaneous Items, Cash, on hand and deposited on call, and in ge its’ hands. S91.J.844 00 1.^.120 60 108,00.5 00 116,000 00 87,058 00 83,089 60 70,103 78 25,348 77 3-50 303 15 S2,0.‘30,42.^ 80 LIABILITIES. ! Claims; unadjusted and not due. Uuiinary elaboration. Ilcnce cellular develop ment, the first step in organization, is impossible. The fluid cannot be taken up. It never becomes vitalized or forms a union with any living tissues. On the contrary, it is a burden, and soon causes uiischief. Another party thinks that the materi al thus existing in the far-rcaching network of lymphatic vessels is due to decay, and contains the products of organic dissolution. Both opinions are well supported, and perhaps both may prove to be true. That some noxious materials, wheth er the debris ot used-up tissues, or withered dead elements refusing to become new tissues, are thrown copiously near the lympathics, is agreed; and also that the (juantity of such products is so great that this active sewerage-apparatus cannot carry it away. It accumulates and hardens into tubercles. The cause ot this dreadful malady ia stated by our author to be primarily the want of oxygen, whose presence in sufficient quantity would either prevent the formation of the tuber culous material, or would give power to cast it out as soon as formed. A cure in the early stages of the disease is said to have sometimes been se cured by the use of chlorate of potass, and other remedies which supply oxygen to the blood. Pre vention, however, here as every where, is easier than cure, and is seldom impossible, whatever be the hereditary tendency to the malady. Muscu lar exercise, regular habits, fresh air, suitable food, ample rest, active occupation, well ventilated apartmetits, proper clothing, and exemption from corroding anxiety, are among the indispensible aud most ordinary precautions. What Causes the Hair to turn Grey.—An i'tiL'lish writer has recently asserted that an un due proportion ol lime in the system is the cau.se of premature grey hair, and advises to avoid hard I water, either for drinking pure or when convert ed into te I, or cotfee, or soup, because hard water I is always impregnated with lime. Hard water may be softened by boiling it; let it become cold, then use it as a beverage. It is also stated that ;i liquid that will color the human hair black, and not stain the skin, may be made by taking one part of bay rum, three parts of olive oil, and one part of good brandy, by measure. The hi-ir must be wa.shed with the mixture every morning, and in a short time the use ot it will make the hair a beautiful black, without injuring it in the least. The articles must bo of the best quality, mixed in a bottle, and always shaken before applied. Bishop aiil X^tc^pnpers.—The Pacific Advocate says:—“In his address to the confer ence, just betore reading out the appointments. Bishop Ames alluded to various methods by which an itinerant preacher might render himself useful, and among others he spoke of circulating new.spapers as an important means of good-doing. In his first circuit, some thirty years ago, he had been very active in this direction, and he said he used to say to his members, as a reason that they .should take newspapers, that he had had experi ence as a school-teacher, and that it was his de liberate opinion that two dollars spent for a good newspaper was of more value as an educator in the family than ten dollars paid to a school-mas ter for tuition. And, remarked the bishop, “thir ty years’ observation has but confirmed that opin ion.” AStiiiffless Bees.—Mr. A. 0. Moore, of New York, who went to Central America, last year, has just returned from Guatemala, and has brought with him two swarms of the stingier bees com mon to that country, which he has given in charge to Mr. Parsons, ot Flushing, who will propagate tliem for the agriculture department of the Patent office, which will, in due time, distribute them, if it is found that they can be kept iu any part of the I’nited States. The.^e bees are of two va rieties—one large and one small—and both quite different in all of their habits from the honey bees common with us. 'For one thing there ap pears to be but two classes—workers and queens. The largest class are about the size of our com mon bees, the queen being much larger; and while laying eggs appears very clumsy and unable to fly. The honey is deposited in egg-shaped capsules, more than half the size of hen’s eggs, fastened to a plate or wax only upon one side, and sometimes arranged horizontally in tiers one above another. ?88,242 08 .\gent of the above Company in Fayetteville, ■ E. J.'haLE. March 21, 18G0. ;^tf To the InfercMt ot* Turpentine OiKtiller!^. a. baker woiihl respectfully inform Turpentine iTJ . Distillers and others that ho is now manufacturing The Improved Turpentine Mtili. •All orders promply attended to. Copper work done on the most favorable terms. M. THE A ORTH C AROLIAA MITIIAL LIFE L\Sl RAXCE ( 0)IPAX¥, >^0W in the tenth year of successful operation, with growing caj.ital aud firmer hold upoii public con fidence, continues to insure the lives of all healthy per sons from 14 to GO years of ige. for one year, for seven years, and for life—all life members sharing iu the profits. All slaves from 10 to 00 years of age are insured for Old Copper bought for cash or taken iu exchange for i on© year or for five years for two-thirds their value, iw W'ork. Call and see for yourselves at All losses are nunctual’y paid within 90 days a Feb’y 1. 1800. your; M A BAKER’S Copper Shop, Fayetteville, N. C. 88tf CiJodey’s f..adv’s Book for Dec. Nov. 13. ‘ E. j. hale & SONS. Forty Veariii’ Familiar Letterj^ of Jas. W. Alexander, D. D.: Sernions. by J. .\ddison Alexander, D. D. .\lso, further supplies of .Margaret Moncrieffe; Beulah; .\dam Bede; Yusef; Shirley; School Books. &c. July 10. E. J. HALE A SON. rVorth Carolina Foran Book, A FURTHER supply just received. E. J. HALR & SON. All losses are punctual’y paid within 90 daye afler satisfactory u^of is presented. For furtherWformation the public is referred to Agents of the Company in all jiart.s of the State, and to R. H. B.\TTXE, Secret.T,ry, Raleigh. E. J. H.VLE, Agent at Jan’y 1859. Fayettevdle, N. C. $$tarkie on Evidence, Vol. I Aew Edition, with Notes and References, by Sharswood. July 10. E. J. HALE & SONS Harness Horse for Kale. I WISH to sell % first-rate medium si*e H.VRNESS HORSE. GEORGE B. BAKER. Oct. 15. Oltf BLANKS for sale at this Office. Vol. 8th BancrottN United !§tates July 10. K- J. hale & 80N. I A IWffy E.i']>eriment.—An exchange says: I “Take a sheet of foolscap or letter paper, roll it I up so that the opening at one end shall be large j enough to take in the full size of the eye, and at ! the other end let the opening he not half as large. 1 Take it in the right bund, holding it between the , thumb and forefinger; place the large end to the i right eye, and look through it, with both eyes j open to the liirht. You vuU see a hole through j your hand! If you take it in your left hand it will be the same. You will in both cases be as tonished to see that you have a hole in your hand Edward Ecerett and Benjamin Franklin.— lion. Edward Everett has undertaken to prepare for Sheldon k Co., New York, a Life of Benjamin Franklin, destined to “embrace the whole of his career in one continuous narrative, ot moderate compass, and carefully-adjusted proportions, ad- i hering, as far as the plan of the work admits, to : the autobiography already in existence, and aiming I to present to the American peMfjIe, and especially to the rising generation, a faithful portraiture of one ot the purest ot patriots and wisest of men.” “Life is short,” were the last words of Mr. Ball as he stepped on the train, with a friend, at Fran- i cisville, Iowa, last week. His foot slipped, and I the train being in motion, the next moment he I 'WM a mangled corpse.