■ , troiu •1:. V > injV ’• ‘"'•- if i ANh -..r .. j " ’ • pan ‘ ! % 2r , ‘“con-ic '■* *' Jihm iV I from * ' UK.: !, * e.„ '•»* of I h’,''.'"; • “ Ft»* Vf,' •i.Cl UVfUfI I*., p. .-OK .:. ^ •• of .-. , illOiuiifx. I!\|t!iw''* ,SS ^\n p : ■ .„ ' ,e W«r« Drn^ ' - d Tovs, ' • -YT.ilp, Us ■ . ; ;;.„ ILK- 7 \.‘“‘ l''r 1 . , ir I . ARDSON’S S'"- l>-\MAs^s A I I' , iv !U» tU: =N -. . .V . , >Vltai : riicl-* tn» « ‘ V.N, DSU'. >0\> i OWDKV l>v>U r. Ur«; fiior . i>on. \»\\ H ,lik.‘ • o; i.iiii ;d . a jCKi; \; ler' ' '' K .. t. Ner ar:^ir {Qm k co liM •yferehanti!^ i and >■». Huuue St.. \. \, Je '•: ■ V u.: . . :..■_= W,. bcii.. ] . ■- :: :. • iTTA rm\l>, A L ‘ K XJ**!s ' - ■ V I'i ti' itJ t‘ ■• '. uti'.ii _ _•■ in . .- J in u-e c) tnsivp i Stndf t y Iii£i . et, p.. OTiCE. In* i . . - ’ .: ML . , \; i irh ;ii • iicr\ "'1 .. N K ^\Lf: itill.-. . I 1 r'i Tulli. .. 'L.': l:.; uL K irov- O'JICI^. •c au' - : y ’ le - • ’ esidv:,je, ■ '-I . , ' : ■: • - ills og,, H - ,ri(J cr- ■ ■'' I ’ : n, ^ > aihi^ i tuu ' - .' . : bout . - . . i' li / ?'■■ i ■ K. Ml r .111II forSialf.' r Her* prov‘ le oi [»f Pio »hT utaD ; > c:; y p*-' I du ) >»crt i • • ii ir»-j ; I nil; ip )^»rs, and ’.ii" .Iv (i- H U.M la.t '- . - - p; • WJ SVKl*’’ ti: \ pr^»cei’- ' ’ 4(l-^ -;■ r- ' '"a •■'- , an«l rt . > ' ■ ■ h- ■ •" ^ ‘ ■■ " - irutli.^ ; Hlrs. ^HSLOW’S lOTHING , . BYRUP, ' Ui>d vkOt-n : ml w >n for Rliifl' k let VI liini ih*' t r* irVr ten ■-■t .,uurt in Mie*" V t.ng.. ">■ »“•' “ »4 in nU^ vf Ca»«^- vrt-Kaiid FOR iLL=HEN , ETHiwG. . .ht'M. sLiO , ,tei» . # . -rr- ve*. ’** .;;, ^ ‘ru- I- i-jsjt fh»- i lilire- itiHl w imelj Moiie iw Y>» i4(lai>ui ». 13 JJt:. SEMI.WEEKLY. FAYKTTEVILLE, N. C.. DECEMBER 13, I860. [NO. 978.] ,i i\ VVS VNP TlirUSDAYS • II iu: X SONS, . - \M> i iUtri; Ki'OKS '■ ',= ' ^ :;vKR 00 if ]mid in )>■ 'i liio _\e.ir of siib«crip- ■V V. >• >;■:-■ fxi'irfd '' ‘ i '• :•" ■ ' P'T aiin'im, if unid in ; i ‘ ' ■ 11' yoHr t' -^ubscrip- r i - vl‘!u- !-”v cxpiri'J. I \1S ntvi'r’.',) f,n liO cent« p»>r ■ !• *'r *. niid :'it coiit-j for ench '/ "ly ii'lvoi tis'nu‘Ti; liy s]>e- .. J.’o v.i:,.;. .\dv(M-tiser« iire ’. ’ '!■ . t' ' ;ii..!is flc'irel. or ‘ ■ '■ ' I ’.l. Mini fhar^i-d acconl- Hl'SKE & ANDERSON. i>KALKR3 IN ^ilaple and I'aiicy Dry (mOoiIm, ilefuUf^^Jtade Ciotk;^ ing^ Aiid KeiitlemeiiN Furnishing Goods of every ilescrij)tion. BM.LOr’S FKEXni YOKE SHIRTS, Boots and SiioRs, Hats and Caps, &c. &c. ive per cent, otf for «11 Cn'ili Hills of S-0 aud i I'W'ird'j >0S. Hi .mil ts H:jv St., Ilotol Biilldln?.) r.a\'r.TTf:%nt.f.r., .v. v. wiiiGHT ur'^’Ki:. .iohn h axdkhson. I orinerly 1> k 'n]>e Feiir. For ly witli J. A. I’enibertou. Ni'v. '.^S. l">i’,u. 74if E^'fOURUiE HOME IMllISTRV! i Iim'r ^ . 0‘l artreJ 'iO per || . ^ , V 'TK K. ! • '. r !!'i! II*' :i now ulifi-iber /i I'V' n in n'lv.iiiiM'. nor will ';■•'■ '• ' -1 '.M a 'unjrir liin>' •i •ril'.-r-' ;i-i H-'Mc Is; lake the jm- . , u'ic i: I'v u when iiiiikin«r .liny 1. IS.-,s. ■-: w:* \\l\T['l STVIES, ISIill! •i. A. PI'MnrHTOX 'W U:- i.lVlN ; Ills S'lM^lv OF 7/7 4V 000(9s* i, ■ •' '• ■ .• -t v-iii::. (iTNKW S lA LLS ever !• in a •'■» I'lV'. >nf >f rlie most iimg- •11- .f ' ! y\\c*' 1 mill Roiiiirt«, ^,\\\'- ^traiv Roiiis^'f^. Iriiiiiii(‘(l. ' 1 k. . Jh’-y V, re ) ut up hy on.- ' - H i' in ’li!' t'ity Now >rk. and ■.// \rrFs-LY T‘ (RhKR 1 :■ ^ive iii*’ni !in inspectimi. h- he ■' • !,. el. ,w I'-oin. ■ It afier fi*' ‘en yenrs c'xperience ■ " . >d- trade, hi' e!ecii'ins and nd- w ri’ v of rt cnll f'"Tn tlio^e in want uf u. ;..'.:ds a- LOW PRICES. . . ’his occs!>ion to say to his friends ve p ,tri)niied lii n fruni his coMiineni’e : -it he duly ii’ preciHies their tn:iny - Tir v.-r to p>»rt comp>iny witli any of ' 'i ? the New .Styles. J A. PF.MP.F.KTDN, ■')’_’i4w-tf KAlili. ISCO. •JAMK.^ KVLl^ rt .,-.ivti_' hi^ F Vi*i. 'in i " iVTKK supplv of • ?)2?V AM'iNC WHini AHF. . ■ ; ' ..1 .■••d S '. F:‘i !](>!i ;ind Enirli'h: ■ I )■• ’I. :i Mii'i i he •: ■ Kid oti. ■■> i're?» Goods; ■' i I arid S'eeves; ' I ire .■':i>twl-; ■ ' . • ■nl-. Silk -.nd ' ''ten; ■ ■'. I'-'iritvl N s.—.\nkfr: 1 - •■': with a ’ it jf a-,vjrtiu«iit .if Hats ■.di ■ , i;/y ..t:., , f. • U, ..'' ' ' . ''V il l- T’a('k.'»pe. an'l ■ le or i:. ■,ii--^( iIKAP -■)-Jtl’ \«tu*e! Yotice!! W lNt ni.-ide lip iiiy ttiiiil to oluse out my present stock of 0 .0 Ij. 1 irreat indiiciMiients to t'liisewlin wish to hi;y atiytlnii'r in my line. Hein^ ciuinecti .l wiili a maim'acturine Firm at the beginning i-t l.a-f fall. I liad tlie advantaj;> of •{•■tiinc mvdoodsat t’laniifactr.riii;: i rice'. and a' such I will now offer the remainder of my .'^tnok, wliieh consists of V'itie and ('oiniiixti ()vorotats. (’luth, (';iss. and rwoL-ds rit.its; I’ants and \\st> of every lc- 1; Shirt'. IJtii'ii and Marseille'-; I*n- iMiii-iits ,1' all kiticis; .''usjioiidera; t Sai k^; 1*1 I 'ki-t Knnks, iVc., i^‘. ' ire w.-ll-ni:i.le. and will certainly be \ iho.'C who w:sh to select a g )od nine imm ’;iia'i ly. • -?»•' iii'l. b't'.) t riri-entree .S; ro.. or tc)niy- -.'!-]e np imt'ie iiat--ly. as 1 cannot jiive any i'_-euoe Mv b lok- shall be closed to all. S. P.AP.NI >i. N'l I . North-east of the Market. TU-tlJ fS'- Keop your Tloiioy Koiitli! \iid build up vour own t'ountrv and Town, by calling on M. A. P.AKi:i{, '?flaiiiifac*f iiror ol'doiihlc and ««in- ^lo harrrl .Shot Kiiiev and l*istolj, Of all the difl'erent jiatterns now iiseil in the Tnited States or Ireat P>ritain. Tall anl -e*\ at M. A. BAKER S, Fayetteville, N. Nov. 1‘J. IStlii. 0‘Jtf d'alf a( H. A. and your I'ire AriiiM! RIFId'.S and Pl.s'foL.S of alltiie best patterns o\v prices as tliey can be had i Floral Colleg'e. I^HK Fall SesHion in Lliiv Inatitution willcomineuoe on the 18th of JULV next. The luanagement and instruction of the InstitiUiou ' will be under the Rev. Daniel Johnson and Mr. .lohn ! C. Sutherland, with an able Corps of Assistants in all the I departujcnts. The Principal and his lady will continue j to take entire charge of the Boarding esiablishmt*nt. I thus giving lo the School more of the family element. This arrangement, it is believed, will jrreaily advance I the nsefulaeun of lb« lustitulion. I M. C. McXAIR. Sec’y Board of Trustees. June 18, 1860. ' I'Stf . ^ TKitn. Sate of AJjrti Jj nbarUad 0 o. I Superior Court of Law, Fall 'I'erm, l.stiU, His Honor Robkht S. Fuknuh, .liidge I’residiiig. IT is ordered that a Special Term of the Superior Court of Law and Ejuity fur Cumberland County, be held j on the First Monday in Febnt.iry A. D. IHGl, and tliat j publication thereof be made in tlie several newspapers published iu the Town of Fayetlcville. .lurors. Suitors and 'A'itnessos ia civil ca-iesare hereby I u.ititied to be in attendance. Frorii the Minutes. FAYETTEVILLE Female lll$rh School. TKKMS. rtoard per Se=ision of liO weeks, Tuition ia 'olle?iate Classes ‘JO weeks, -0 00 “ Academic “ “ " “ Primary “ .i 1- 00 DLSUNION AND ITS EFFECTS. The subjoined instructive historical parallel is from the the Richmond Va. Central Pre.«bjterian: ‘‘In such a period as that on which we have lallen we naturally look back for historic parallels to aid us in our efiForta to forecast the future. Incid.*ntal expenses, ^ ^ One of these that will suggest itself to every Bible Tuition in Music, Painting, Drawing, Modern und reader is the union of the Hebrew tribes, and the subsequent di.ssolution of that union under Reho- boaui. Two facts are apparent; one, that this dis solution was not a sudden rupture, but only the consummation of a slow loo.sening of ties for many years; the other, /Aa/ it teas the beginning of dis- asttr to both parties, endiitg in their political ru»n. •*It is curious and interestins: to trace the indi cations of loosening ties between the northern and southern tribes of the Hebrew union. The Em pire tribe of the North was Ephraim, around ” bicli a number of minute historical facts show the other g,.^au«*l!j rall»«'^ ns a leader. The "reat Southern tribe was Judan, uV.i national metrojiolis, civil and religious, was on Ancifiit Languagi F, &o. at the usual rates ieiyi^One-half of Board anil Tuition required in aJ- I'au.L: the other half at the close of tlie Si's^ion. SCIKJLASTIC YEAR. 1st .Session,—Is! t^uviter corumeucea 1st October. •J i “ •• lOtli December, lid Session. — I't Quarter “ l!Oth February. :;d •• •' 1st May. Vacanon “ 30th July. J. DeB. a: T. C. hooper, A.sbociate Principals. Dec'r 8, iSf.i"). ~''f Fre^ii Good^i. r have ju-t received my FALL .Si I’PLV of OOODS, J consisting in part of— L.iyor Rai-iin-. in whole, h ill and quarter boxes; Citron. ; tlie line between Judah and Benjamin. The Currants. Dates Piunes, Figs, Pre-^erved Canton Gin- I li>riou9 capital of the tribes had for three hunc scriptiK ilor I The a)>o\ S >M at C iat mu-^t ' Thr^.. « ' -ii''f. mu-it further iii.l /1UN. \ I n. v in any . I'l use. i' y or I and at wii in til I iiitt F.iyeiti vil'e, !'.'f'r d Slates or England. M A. BAKER. Totf J \V. BAKER, Clerk. Ci!-tc TO Tin: rItn:\o.s of lIO.Mi: .M A Ml-A (TURKS. THE KliVSTOW Sit or. i.iCToni* T N •Jl. ^irs. IIAKT is II,nv rec'-ivintr » H'in,N,ime \'Sortmf>nt of Inrludin:;: •* variety of Taney .%rli‘lf*.. il‘al Or‘»«>«‘«i. Ar. -1- -t- 0 IS \(>\V RDLRS sohcit»*d I > f,ir srtCKSSFlL OPKUATIOX. negro BROti \NS and BiJOTS are Kin-ton t' J. .I line lM; C. carpenter. Agent. Ih'.o. ;}'»-tf *-3m T4» Tin; ;ir.Si',N r.'!''i-’fury in; r ’:c ir.'ii-Tall\. tii u sip i'RES.sr.S in the m, -r la>Iii.in :b out an ! f ^ ativ ' w’-'miu >rin' her fri>n,ls ami • pre],are,l t,i make e style, she will also to iimke their own soiTiii:itxi:i{s tjook lo \*onr tnijresfm U K «r M St a CI.*TII1\C, cut mi le to silii of a Dresses. il I l!,L aTIKK Fiti! 18iiO! 1VIAI4H& WIIil.lAMS, : .TEr. FAVI I T^ \ ILI.E. N C.. ar- ■:\Mi\ABLt GOODS. • iN. A L\1:*;K .‘^T >1 K of I * V u T\PLE DKV (iOOUS, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, ft»\ \i:ts, inBKi:i.i.AM. Ctothuiff, Xc. Xc. I, ‘ "tFered to Wliolesale buyers exclu- ' ,'h or on the usual time, to prompt .T. M. AVILLLAMS. OOtf >i;{'()XI» STOCir '!■ I IVIN ; \ND opening .. STiM’K OF (iOODS ■ ■■iir ;- -mv'com],rising .\LL -■ ." . ri pt ,y ii«. i'll of which We 'Ci ■. ;; Co: tn>: 1 li itlff t'Tin- t-i our ■ 1 wh'de-tle purci. i-ers. Please call •ur S;.„;k, 11. 6: E. J. LILLY. •■,7-tf •Vo. iiffif Si* 1 ,i -. liiiu ; !iiy low, either by ■V l>i / U w.f, o„,i hats. € I. O T II I \ i • ;.-d price-, ti -cthei- with a l irge and I. l\l) I’lM'V IlilV (lilOII.S, o. olfcr«d on av favorabb- terms a« any J. K. KYLE. •>st f ^/. PemberiMn ill , V. iliiy. a 1. lot of those fissimcrfs tut ft Tu'eeds, 111 V A RE i-nii \ortli 4 arolina, than itiv ,i!i. r Goodii for the —ALSO— i» . !.\KGE Loi .)F 0(1, lierM'V)*, TueedK aiifl 4 a^HnimereM, }■- J. A. PEMBERTON. o2i4w-tf • \W AXDUEU S T, ' '■iA:,»;AL ASSORTMENT OF Ji-oi’ li 'VIre, Slio*t Lead, '-IH', Zinc, lroii-H ir(* (iolli of a»- '"••iHl mimbcrs, PI .MI’S, At., Ac. T ALS(»_ \ i i.d ;i--:irtmeut of .-m. ■«. .m-:: 9 1 . at wholi-ale and retail. 1 :;t‘ville, Sfpt. 11. G‘J-4m *' "iks {,,r Office. Dresso.-: CHII.DRKN' or-ier. Mr-'. !i (s : tken the Airenev for the new and excill-'it ' HART, for cuitine Ladies .\!so. one f r (‘K tiiii':.. They are very simple in coiivtriieMfin, and ihi-refirt* ea-y to under-tand. The la iie'i are re,pK>--tp l t.. ei’l and see them at her home, ■n Maxwell .Sirii-'. b,'!w,-,ni the Female High School an'l the Favi-tteville Hotel Oct. 1. ■ .',8tf (iold aud Silver Walclies, Jewelry, Ac# irST RECEIVED A LARGE ADDl- • J :i- n t,! my >it.>ek of U'.tTi'iiKS, JKJl'Ki.H 1*. S1I.\F.II I'LIT[II WIIIE. 11\E (TTLEIIV. liilifary and I'ancy Ciood«>, which makes my ''".k g 1. Tie-e wiio are about to make their purchases wouM ,1 , well to call and take a 1 ,k 1 ihink I '■■ui -iii: ihem a- t,i p^i^•f'^ aiiJ quality. iriT' PaiticuUr att. nti >n paid to Watch and (’lock repairin^i an 1 .1 -bing W PRIOR. Sep- 17, l'’-'>. ::t;; Fl>\Vi\ Cii.OVFK, M*atfhmtihrt' aud ^etrrler, I J AS ri-Mirtic 1 t‘ are thi'only SIL'E M\NrF.VCTL'REPiS in the ale. that make a No, I a tide of KIP SHOES nd Ni-gro 15ROG\N.s. without Welis. We intend to it ?.i* have the patronage, !y solii'it. All orders shall w is ni:ike to I 111' fullest ex: which we truly and e.ir iiave prompt attenti,,n. to enc'-'iiraee sn.;li. Wm Ca£!TKI{. S. S. C*KTKH CariersvilU*. t'liatliaiu C the time for tlie South WM CARTER .S: SONS. D.tviu A. Cartcu. .liHlN (J. ’.\KTEK. I.. N. Oi't. ti.j-.'^m STATE ('\li WII l!\l'lil.\E WORKS. ICm %> STKKKT. FAYKTTEVILLE. N. (\ 1 bull,lings ^piIF' under«igned, having erect 1 for CAR an,I MACHINE WdRK — Viii'in W;;tch >tn'j rtiiionf may ' 1 ijtrililics fr, .''ilvi r .'^ponn,'. Silver 'ilvt-r I’iuted Tea .''ets, the North with a , ■ r 'T - k • f (I-'ids in his • '■ I - cvi-r offere'’ before, f .tin-l — im -^7 to SItii>; (’hains, Kf’,-: (d’ all kind'; Hmcelets. Ear- I'l't I’ins and L >ckets; (iold. Silver, 'i>nininii rt.iclfs; ii)ld and .Sil ver I’t'iicil-- and I'f'ti Cu]-' and I; :iblift,s; ('akt' Basket', (’tistur', 'andle .''ticks and | Butter I>ishe.'; nral Necklace', Brace lets and Armlets. \-c., iS:c., \c. I'lot'k^ol all kind« and qualities; A tine I'd of Pistil'; a trood a-:siirtment of Military ),"jd-; and A'’'‘'irdeons. and every thin;.' el'e k- jit in a Jewelry Store. E. G, i Agt-nt f.ir tlie -ale ,if the Celebrated .Ameri can Watch. \ny j„-r®on in w iiit of a Good Watch is inviteil to call and >x (odni- them. P. .s. Particular attention p .i,i to the Rejiairing of watches. CLOCKS an! JEWELRY. F.iyettevillc. N. Oct. I'-^' -i r,i'i-.‘^m ' Stores an ft imtuUes. (1 W. ANI'Rl-W’.s h:i ,,ii h:;nd a large and well se- , lected - ,rtnn-nt ,f PAitLoii iaiATi:s f'oalj tto.f and f'oohiiiff Stoveft, Which he o!Tci for d( on his usual liberal terms. Market Square. P’.iyettevillf, Sept. 11. •5'J-4m arpelin^^! 4'ar|M*linis:.' f'arpcHnj?! O I W k ^ C \l!PFrriNi at No. oL Hay St. All styles, all prices, all ijualities. .All will be ' ticreil I'lW fdther by wholesale or retail. Also, -j-4 and 12 1 ''riimii Ct. tlis iin 1 Dru,i^t-is. ' J. K. KYLE. Fayetteville, N. C.. .‘'epf. 1-5, IfS'iO. .5-tf suitable General Hol'.SK C.VRPENTRY—wouhl zive notice that they are pre|>ared to t-xecuie all orders in their Hue with neat ness and dis),at(‘h. We are pr'p;ir«-,! to do all kin,Is of St’RoLL S.\W- ING anil PL.ANEINti at 'hort noiice. Having a first class Woodw,,rth Plan, in-; ifhine. we are ],repared to ! Plane, Tongue an i fir. .vi> all kinds of FUioring and j ( eiling ,>n r-:,-^oii i!,!i' tfrm-;, | Contract-- taken tor the ert'. ’jon ,,f Buildings, and i Jobbing of all Kin Is executed with neatness and dis- i patch. Sa-hc-i. I'.or- rill.I Bliii'is of all ,lescriplions, j m.anufactui fil c jual to anvihing t,) >>«> found in the ( Northern market--, i Plati' an,l sj .-ciiii-jiti.ui- fornisln-l and the erection of ■ biiildirig- .siif'-'niiiend*'1 w)i»*n ic-^ircl. W.VLTtjN .% BU5RY, c .r !^uiV!c!‘-;. Carj cn; L-rs A: Draiightmen. Favettevin,-. i ),-t I*'",'.* •'>4-tf j A ! The St)lo. Small. UOLOIIKD PHOTO(iU\PHS, i ! \T ! I ^ ART. Woodward** ^olar t'ainera. 1)HoToGR.\PILS i-!in be ha,I at Vanorsdell's .Skylight Gallery. Hay >;trcct. opp "iie M irble Yard. Fay- I etteville. S'. plain. r«-iou«'hed. colored, in water ! colors, oil an,I pastile; from small to life size. .Ambro- t ypes. Melaneotypes, and all ,it her styles of Pictures pertaining to tlie Art. .\lso, (lilt Frames, Gilt Mould- 1 itig. Glass for very laig‘ pii tiires—as large as lid by .'16 ' inche.s. Cord aii'l T.is--1-^ *',r hanging jnctiiree; Instni- : nients, .Stock an-l (’iiemicals t', v “.xle low f.ircash. Life ^ size colore,i Pliotogr-i])h- m-nb' from small pictures, i Having ]ierinanently 1: i-.ited here I hope to merit i your patronage. I w,>ul«l aN,i return my sincere thanks I t’or the liberal patroimge best,,weil on me heretofore by I the goo'l i)eo]ile of Favetieville and vicinity. I ' ■ C. M, VANORSDELL, I Phot,>graj>hist and Proprietor, ' Dec’r 120, 18'j't 77- No v. 24. Presbyterian copy. | l OR J«iAl.E, THE HOUSE and LOT adjoining Elizabethtown, 1 lately occupied by .Alexander Carter. The Lot con tains Six Acres of good gar,len (joii, and some fruit. ^ good w.ater, &c. | 'J'he improvements are a I’wo .Story Dwelling ILtus,- i and necessary out-buildings. Also, a vacant Lot near | the Court House. Terms accommodating. H. H. ROBINSON. June 8. 27-tf Cape Fear Kiver Laud FOR SAlJv /• I A -ACHES OK L.VND lying on the West side of vJ'x*' (-'ape Fear River, two miles below Fayetteville, and extending from the River into tfie .Sand-hills. Tliis tnict is about equally Jivi,le,| into River-ri'lge. .Swamp and Sand-hill Land. About SO acres adjoining the River are cleared and j.roduce well, 'i'lieie are good sites for building. The Report of an Engineer establishes that dr iinage of the .Swamp Land may be elfei-te,] at a moderate ex pen,se. Terms to suit; aud a bargain offered. Applv to B. R. hIsKE. Fayetteville, Oct. !*, IhOO. OOtf To i.an«l Uiiyer«. I^HE undersigned otters for sale, in tiie t^oal region. ' . and within eight miles ol the terminus ot the Eay- eiteville Ji Western liail Road on Deefi liiver, KKiHT Hl.XUKLI) AtKES OF Li.VU, adjoiuiug the laud belonging to the estate of (ieorge i Wilcox, dec’d, and lying three miles .South from (,’ar- i botuon, on Little I’ocket Creek, Moore county. | These Lands are well ad.ipted to the growth of com, 1 cotton, wheat, oats, rye, &c. There are on the i>rcm- ises a comfortable Dwelling, an,l all necessary Out- i nouses, with about one hundred aud tifty acres uiiiier fence, including forty or hlty .acres ol never-lailing bottom land. 'Ihis is a rare chance lor per.sons wish- ! ing to make investment.s, as lands are undoubtedly aii- i vaucing Lu price iu this section. I For lurther information apply to Mr. .\1. M. McRae. ! t.'rane's Creek, P. O., Moore county, or address me at ; F-iyettwville, N. (J. DANIEL McRAE, . For the Heirs of (Tiibert .MeRae. dee d. ! Carbonton, Mouru co.. N. -Aug. 24 4.'^tt ' L.IAII FOR N.lLi:. ^pHE subscriber haring removed Wert, otl'ers for sale JL his L.\ND^ in Harnett County, lying imme-lt.it-. iy ,jU each side of Cape Fear River, contaitnng 12ou acres in eacli tract. Tliese Lands are situated in a iiealthy country, pleasant neighborhoci. aii,l within a iialt a mile of the village of .Summerville, with good Dwelling-; on each pla'.'e and all necessary Out-Hoases. and clear ed Laud enough to work 2-5 or 80 hands to advantage. There are on the.se Ian,is some six tii.iidred .icres of tine Bottom, most ot which is uncleared, and well set with white oak and other tine Timber. \ large portion ol tlie balance is oak and hickory Ridge Lands; the nal- ance is pine Land of a good iiuality. having been work ed iu 'I'urj)entine three years. 'I’hese Lands will be I sold low for Ca.sh or Young Negroes, or on time to suit purchasers, with approved bonls. Jan’y 13. N. G. JONES. .\OTICE. XPECTING to be absent from the State iiiiiil the middle of next Summer, say till .Inly, iS'Ht, 1 have authorized Archibald -McLean, of Harnett county, to transact business for me during my absence, to sell my Lands in Harnett county, and generally to attend to ali my business. N. G. JONES. Harnett County, N. C., Jan'y 13, 18tj0. 83- A CARD. A WORD TO MY OLD FRIENDS— '’piIOSE persons for whom I have been attending to J. Banking business for year~; — 1 am still willing to serve you with the same promptness that I have always done; and to others that may want discounts, Pension business, &c., icc I oiler my service^, with a promise of strict attention. JAS. G. (JOOK. June 27, 1859. 20tf ger. Dried (iingcr, Cocoa and other Nut-J, Sardines Guava Jelly, Pickles aud Preserves of all kinds, Catsi![is. Spiee-l Oysters. Lea Perrin's W or- i-r-tei'Iiire .S.iiice. French Mustard. -A con.'tant supply of Plain, Fancy «.V' Frcncli (.'andies. •Also, a liirgc .‘iii l well s,.dl sel*'cted stock of Toyx and Fancy ArticIc^, -iiitable for liie (diiistuias Holiday'. With a great ma- :iy articles n,)t enumerated, wdiicli I will sell low for t.'ash. Mrs. >L B.VNKS. l*ec'r D.t, 18'iO. 77-! m ' For Kent. 'pilE pleasant an>l desirable Re.'idence on Ilayinount, |_ beloiigiiiir to .Mr-;. Sophia 11. McLean, is now offered ;or rent. I’o-^s' -^-^ioti given the Nt ot Janii.ivy IS'll. For terms apply to I lDJ.S. Jl. .McLE.AN. l>ec'r 7. 77-4t .31 4 oaf! Foal!! C'oai!!! TONS PRIME !’OAL, for sale bv J.' A. ■pt. 2.7. WORTH. .5»i-tl.l .\otic*e* re- pital of the tribes had for three hundred years been in Shiloh, in Ephraim, and their politi- I cal capital in Shechem, in the same tribe. And I diiring the Judges Ephraim had manifestly ob- : tained an ascendancy that could not brook even the appearance of neglect, as we learn from their j harsh chiding of Iidcon and Jepthah. This ! fact created jealou.sy when David translerred the I capital to Jerusalem, that was continually break- i ing out in fierce words between Ephraim, or j Israel, and Judah. Ephraim could not see with- I out angry emotions the transfer of the glory of i Israel to the Southern tribes. This feeling was i aggravated by the large levy of Ephraimites that ; was compelled to labor under Solomon in beauti fying .Jeru.salem, placed under the command of I Jeroboam, an Ej)hraimite, who was capable of any thing that would aggrandize himself; and thus the ties were gradually loo.sening for twenty years. number of minute facts show that the Northern and Southern tribe.^i were gradually alienated, that one tie was loosened after another, and that at last the dissolution came; not as a sudden and abrupt frfhism, but as the inevitable result of these chafing and loosening causes that had been acting for years. Those who wish to see the indi cations of this gradual process will find them stated with much ingenuity by Professor Blunt in his Coincidences of the Old Testament Scrip- ture.s, part 2, sec. 15, in which he traces the gradual separation of the two sections and their (■everal consolidations around Judah and Ephraim as their respective nuclei. “The same ingenious writer, in the subsequent sections of this work, traces the effect of the dis solution of the Tnion on the two sections. The firKt fjffct was the mutual armament and t~peedy K'nrf.ire of (he divided people^ at a heavy cost to b'tth (f blood and treasure. “Thus the hi.story of the Hebrew people pre- (jrKuCEiilES. ll.\ UDWAilE AND (,'L TLE- j bents us with several epochs that stand out with a KV, i>A».i(ilN(j AND ll(U*E, SAD- -startling prominence. They had their colonial l*LKKV, iVe., I-UKEOjN AN1> j history to the time of Samuel; the reign of Saul, DOMESTIC LIol OKS, ! which was only a monarchical confederation; the and many other articles, which he offers low for C'.\i>h, j nuion under David and Solomon, which lasted or on aHoKT TiMt to prumj-t paying uiiaiouier*. j eighty years; the dissolution ot the union, brought “ I about by sectional jealousies and chafings; and All kind, of Country Produce taken in .xchaug- lor | subse^iuent histoVy, of mingled civil war, mili tary despotism, and anarchy, alternating with prosperity and growth, as religion flourished, but ] fiidihij in both' sections at last in national ruin.” I^llO.SK indebted to tiie unJeisigned will confer a fa vor by set iblinj by settling their respeciive otilig.-itions, thus en- him to do in like manner with oiliers. THOS. J. JOHNSON. (Jet. 8, 1800. ;V. tf V EW .M.VCKEltEL. Nos. •• WHITE FISH. •• HERRINC.. ,5cc FISH! FISH!! 2 aud J. Cal Oct 1. A. N. .MCDONALD'S, south-side Hay Street. 57-tf T MIE lee AEW UOOUS. subscriber i-: now receiving .i l«rg« aud well s«- e-l stock of (lOOD.S. cousiating of Goods. Sheetings and Cotiou Vurus on hau-J at nil timex, at .\l.-iiiul«cturei's pi H e;. -Vil persons .-ire respectlwLy invited t,, give me a oall, at tlie old stand of J. 1. Waidill, Soutii ^ide Hay st. A, N. McDONALD. Faveiteville, N. ('., Se),l. 24, IboO. .j.jtf N I), i W. «rMriil\, -ntioTi to their large and desirable E NEW KDITION OF uii\rR!;r\ and inni.K’s r. law reports. Volume *2. 'pIlE siib-cribers h:ive .just piinte,! a 2'1 Edition of 1 this Voiiiiiie. witii Notes and References toother H Ijiiilgei c-i^e, i,,l 10 the l{evi-i"l ('ode. by Hon. Wm. IL Rattle; tin-1 with iirmy correctioiis-of typographical errors. Their 2d E'litioiii of Iji-v, ,v li-[tilo's l’,iiiity, complete, and 1st Dev, \ R ttile s L iw Reports, have received the approbation of the i’rote-sioii. They also repuhli.slie.l a 2,1 F. litioii of Devereux’s 2d E'piity, (Without Not*"-; : ,\|,'l in .-uMition to those, are the projirietors of the entire e'iition« of most of Iredell’s Law and Equity, and ean siijijily any volumes extant of the Rf^ports. or com{>lete set,-, so far as they can now ( be had. They propose to put to press a 2d Eilition of Dev, & P.attle's Law Reports, vol--. 5 ;iu one,) They deal largely in Law Ro,pV«, and will at all times order works not on their shelves, to supply their cus tomers, K- J- »ALE & SON. Oct. lo, 1800. HEW BOOK«. YK'H-'SIS. by MARION HARLAND, Author of il “Alone" kc. THE (QUEENS of SOCIETY, illustrated; JACK IU)PETON, or the Adventures of a Georgian; CASTLE RICHMOND. l#y Anthony Trollope; Further sujiplies of Rutledge, Adam Bede; * Beulah, the .Mill on the Floss; Vestiges of Oeation, &c. Aug, 31. E. J. HALE & SONS. The Presbyterian Pwainiodi^t Character notes', A further supply just received. July 20. E. J. HALE & SONS. IITOI’LD invite att \\ .Stock of GU Ol FKIE8, Consisting in part of— 15D Batrs Kio, Ltiguira and Java Coffee; 100 Bbls. :md II lids. Sugar (assorted;) 25 Hhds. Molasses: .30 “ Bacon—,'^ides and Shoulders; .500 Sacks .“^alt; 150 Boxes good Tobacco; 125 “ Sperm. Ad;iniantine’c Tallow Candles; .50 “ Soap ^ assorted;) 50 “ (’andy “ 100 Bags Siiot “ 1000 lbs. liar Letid; :J0 A Bbls. Snufl—Eagle Mills; 25 Keys Soda; 250 “ Nails, —ALSO— A large and general a*(sortinent of Hardware and C'utlery; Farming Utenoils, of all descriptions; American, English, Swedes and Peruvian Iron; Blister, German and Cast Steel; Blacksmiths’ T»ols; Coopers’ Do,; Corn Shellers and Straw Cutters; Buckets, Brooms and I^iils; Cotton, Manilla and Jute Rope, (all kinds and quality;) Plow Lines and Bed Cords; Hollow Ware; Cotton Yarns and Sheetings at factory prices. All of which will be sold tow for cash, or on usual time to prompt paying customer,s. CoTtNTHT Mkrchants are respectfully requested to call and oxamine our stock before purchasing else where. D. & W. MoLAURIN. Maroh 3, 1859 eStf CAPT. RFPORT ().\ THE DEKP RIVKR lllMilllL KEGlllN. ^pHE undersigned h.ave caused to be jiublished fii).m L the Congressional pl.itcs, an edition of the Report of Capt. Wilkes, U. S. Navy, and his .Associates on the Board appointed by the Secretary of the Navy to ex amine the Deep River Region of North Carolina. This i.s the most important and scientific statement of the great wealth of that section of the State, and the Maps the most perfect and valuable, of any yet piiblislied. The .Maps are worth the price of the work, which is .>0 CCIltS, neatly bound in cloth, (.'ojiies sent by mail, free of postage, on the receipt of -iiO cents. A liberal dis count to wholesale buyers. Orders solicited. Jan'y 26. E. J. HALE & SONS. BOOK-BI.NI)l\G [N all its kinds, executed with neatness aud despatch. Small jobs when done must be paid before ilelivered, THOS, H, TILLINGHAST. Opposite the Female High School, Hay Street. May 14. 1859. ‘ 14 WAIVTKI). A LARGE quantity of COTTON and LINEN RAGS, for which fair prices will be paid. DAVID MURPHY. Aug. 17 41- ^ FOR CLERKS OF TIIE COlitTS, Execution, trial, and appearance dock ets, ruled and printed from the most approved forms in use. .\lso, further supplies of other BLANK books, in gre.at variety. May .SL E, J HALE & SONS. The !§nnny Kouth, hy Prof. In-1 graham; Say and Seal, by the Author of “Wide Wide | World,” Ac.; The Household of Bouverie, or the Elixir of Gold, by a Southern Lady; Evenings at the Micro scope, &c., &c. E. J. H.ALE & SONS. Oct, 18. Webster’s Elementary j^pelling^ Book for sale by E. J. HALE & SONS. i^cliool ltook«. ATl'R.VL I’ll I I.O.si li'll Y trom (janot's Popular Phv'ics by »m. G. Peck, .M, .A.; .S.mders’ New .''peller .iiid Detiner .\nalyser; liullions' and .Smith's tir.unmars; ,\|onteith's, .Snath and Mitcheir« (Jeogra- phies; (joodrich an'l .Andrew-^’ Latin and Greek Les sons, a:c, E, .), H.ALE & SONS. Aug. 31. m\nw, HARTFORD, C'OAA. Incorporated 1819. Charter Perpetual, 00 1,.>(NK0»0 00 •i,0:{0,423 M) Authoruod (apltul, Paid up Capital. Assets, T. l)tBK('T,)Ks. S. S. WARD, II, Z. PRXTT, A, DUNHAM. G, F. DAVIS. D. HILLYER. T. A. ALEXANDER. W. KENEY. C. If. BRAINARD '1 Cl f ! .i', T. .V, .\i.KXAXDKn. V. Pres t. .A. A. Wii,i,t.\3is, .Vdjuster, Rates a? low as pkhfect solvexcv and fair protil will allow. ASSKTS. July K. BRA('E. TCDOR, ClilRCH, lUEbl, FLOWER. A, DCI.'-il'.LEY. MATHER. G. RIPLEY. W'. F. E, G. Ripi.f.y. Pres't. T. K Bu,\('k, Jr., Sco'y. .1. K. E. E. R. E. Market value Rank Stock-^ in New York, Hartford. Bos ton. St. Liuiis. \c.. United .States .Stock and Treasury Notes, .State Stocks: New York, (,)hio, Kentucky, Tennessee, ^lissouri. Citv Stocks, Hartford, Rochester, P.rook- lyn, .lersey City, Railro-rd Stocks; Hartford and New Haven, P.oston atid Worcester, (,'onn. River, Mortgage Kond-;, Real INtate, unincumbered. Miscellaneous Items, Cash, on hand and d-.‘posiied on call, and in g-' ,ts' hands. c'.'l-'.,344 00 2h'^12tj 50 108,(K).j 00 11G,000 00 The Tcaihings of llistnri/.—The distinguished I (ierman historian, Niebuhr, ha,s said that, what- I ever “people may think of the practical utility of , history, ” it cannot be denied that “an intimate , acijuaintance with it is a sure preservative from , being deluded by many an ignis fatuus." The i intelligent student of our own annals can recall : the frequent periods at which it has been comuion I to despair of the Republic; and such a retrospect I can hardly fail to prove instructive in every sea- : son of public apprehension, as serving to show ! that the “evils” believed from time to time to be I inevitable, have existed rather in fancy than fact. j Iktivy Fall of Rock at Niagara Falls.—The following is communicated to the Toronto Globe bv Mr. S. D.ivis, of Table Rock hotel, Niagara Falls: On Saturday, the 24th inst., at half past 1 o’clock, there was a tremendous fall of rock a lit tle south of the old stair-case, completely filling up the pathway leading to the new stair-case. But ;. fcv.- minutes before the fall, a party was being c^^iiducted from the museum to the sheet of wa ter. Had it happened at the time they were ]iassing, all must have got crushed to pieces. I suppose some thousands of tons fell. The S'arc-'J'rade.—Among the extracts from foreign journals, published in yesterday’s Times, was one from the West Africa Herald, in which it is clearly shown that the Slave-trade was never more pro.sperous than it is in the year 1860. When the traffic was legal, and was carried on between many countries and the Coast of Africa, the traders wore not so numerous as they are now, when the Island of Cuba is the only market open to them, and large fleets keep vigilant watch both in African and American waters. 87.058 00 83,089 00 70.103 78 25,;i4.« 77 350,3(».'5 15 S2.O30.42.1 80 ?88.242 O.H LIABILITIES, Claims: unadjusted and not due, 8^* .Agent of the above Companv in Fayetteville, ' E. J. ‘hale. March 21, 18H0. 3tf Cotton Miniiijartvre lu England.—The Eng lish cotton spinners are said to have made an im mense amount of money durinc the past year, and at the latest date* from the manufacturing dis tricts, at the beginning of November, were still working on orders, at high prices, which calleti f jr the utmost capacity of their machinery; aud were -Jemanding for new contracts id, to Jd. a pound advance on yarns und cloths, to cover the rise in cotton. The late purchases of cotton at ijiverpool had been made by speculators, and the — manufacturers held a much larger stock than usual at this season, having taken advantage of the depressed state of the cotton market for some - months previous, while the price in England was THE liORTH FAROI.IAA below that ruling in our cotton ports, and at the MITIIAL LIFE L\Sl llAXfE fO>IPAN¥, same time the spinners were full of money, from \TOW'in the tenth year of successful operation, with great profitableness of their trade. The growing capital and firmer hold upon public con- Livernool Times says: Tne o.ton imnuiacture la fidence, continues to insure the lives of all healthy per- becoming the greatest power in Cjngland—per-. Bons from 14 to f>0 years of age, for one year, for seven haps in the world. The meu engaged in it ai'e years, and for life—alllifememberssharingintheprotits. : fortunes almost by a leap. In wealth All slaves from 10 to 00 years of age are insured fori g the old feudal aristocracy, and one year or for five years tor two-thirds their value. . , 1,1. i. c j All losses are punctually paid within 90 days after ' every estate now-a-days that finds Its way into the satisfactory proof is presented. market is snatched up eagerly by some parvenu For further information the paVdic is referred to.Agents .cotton spinner, the length of whose purse goes a .f the Company in all parts of the State, and to ■ * .1 . it; j:—- R, n. BATTLE, Secretary, Raleigh. E. J. HALE, Agent at Jan’y 1859. Fayettevdle, N. C Vol. 8th Bancroft’s United i$tates July 10. E. J. HALE & SON. great way to atone for the brevity of his pedigree.” The Hartford Courant, which is a great stick ler for “human freedom,” says:—“We want no more negroes in this State, and should shed no tears if they all chose to emigrate to Hayti.”