ft” I- w.. »• !l.- W«n. SHTo L’ol. ■ : • h« . ind M IPAlMWWlllLiyE DlBSasiBTIilB SEMI-WBEKL. Y. - in (VDI.. X.] PAYKTTEVILI.E, N. C.. DECEMBER 17, IP60. [NO. 979.] of I har . j, 'IU‘1 to 5 I i!';', of I. Fi:. ti w leir- Mc e L» Ji-. r I \V:r : n . K A lift- '•;iN •in-. ti'. ■ . fii, J.*: aii- •1 >• FAl; 4'i: ■rti- :»♦. u- he'-; >p O! T>J: - iilj.i.- »«rv> ie k N. f I r 1' : F) :\rn» MONDAYS AM> TUrUSDAYS KDUtUn J. HALE & SONS, n-iToits \M» riioruiKTOKs >,Mni W.M'klv OiisKKVKii $:! (*0 if '((aitl in if jiaiil during the ycnr of subscrip- - I the year lias fspireil. Wi-oUlv KiKKRVER CM) per annum, if paid in ; .'J if paiil durinj; the year of subscrip- . t il sfter the year has expired. \l:V r.KTlSKM r.NTS ni'jerted foi iO cents per ■■ liiu": l'i>r the first, and .'^O cents for each ■ulilii-rtiioii. Yearly ailvertisenients by spe- ; , at reasonable rates. .\dvertisers are; 'tHte the ni!nil>er of in"ertioj»s desired, or ; iMiitinued till forbivl. ami charged accord- | to be inserted itnide. cliarged /iO per .'^rKCI\L XOTK'K. 1 id after this date, no name of a new subscriber ^ ■n-d without jiaynient in adraiice, nor will , !io si'nt to such subscribers for a longer time , ,:df.M-. : r old subscribers as de-ire to take the pa- I > systeiu will please notify us when making ! Jan'y 1. 18')8. f\LL WII W1\TEB STYLES, 18011! ; .1. A. I’KMBERTON : IS NOW REt’ElVlNO Ills STO('K OF . Fail A' Goods^ I uprising the greateiti variety of NEW STVLKS ever ; » ved liy him. !.• will receive in a few days, one of the most mag- -olectiiins of i.Ailio^* Velvc'l nal« aii«l lloiiiiet«, 111(1 lloiiiK'lw, •red in this market. They were put up by one . lust ytvlish Houses in the (’ity of New York, and MMh. EXriiES^LY T(f UliDKR ire invited to give them an insucctiou. as he ' 1 It;iseJ at all times to show them. Hi ( i . hin(self thit after fifeeii years ex[>erience f K:uu‘v l>ry Goods tradu, his selections and ad- . _• ' will lie worthy of a call from those in want of ■le new Style Goods at LOW I’RK'ES. w 'u^l lake this occasion to say to his friends '■ wh.'iin have patronize^! him from his commence m 'iii.'ss. ^ that he duly appreciates their many TI 1 h.ipes never lo part company with any of fyn*' I'all and s«e the New 8tvle. J. A. PEMHKKTON. ,1. 1‘J A2i4w-tf FAIili, l!««0. ,I.\.MES KVLE •i iw receiving his FALL and 'N INTER supply of DKV .^0»D>S, AMONG WHiril ARE. ■ k and '.'olored Silk»; '^'inoes. French and English; :iin«j. French and others; . i'ian Clotha. and other Uress (?ood«; Emb'd t'ollars and Sleeven: : .r \nd S^juare Shawls: '1 . ■ Shawls, Silk and Cotton: -r '1 ithb. assorved Nos.—Anker; .n i .■'ht>e.s,- with a large asaortni*nt of Hats '-ips, with many other (1')ols. ..'■'’■•ti were b iught cheap by the I’ackage, and •ii-re i by Wholesale or Retail—('HEAl*. ... I'C-J. 52tf FILL STOIK FlIR 18G0! M AKK& . 11 VY .-'TREET. FAYETTEVILLE. N.(’., are • iving their SECOND SL'l’l’LY i.T >i:aso.nable goods, I Ml'UAflNG A LARGE STO’K OF FANCY A STAPLE DUY (iOODS, Boots, Shoes, BEats, Caps, IUI\ \KTS, t.nBKKM.AS Kfiuhf~,fMinl€ Clothing^, ^V. ^V. : will be offered to Wholesale buyers exclu- ■r for Cash or on tjbe usual time, to prompt J. M. WILLL\MS. 5f.tf t imSKE & ANDERSON, t>R.\I.KUS IN — staple aii«l Fancy Dry 4ioo«In, €^loth And Geutleiiieirs Furiiishing Goods of every description. BALLOU'S FREN(’1I YOKE SHIRTS. Boots aid Shoes, Hats and Caps, &c. he. JBii?*' Five per cent, off for all Cash Hills of S‘25 and upward?. Mos. 10 and tS Hay St., Hulldln«:,) .V. V. WIUGHT HUSKE. JOHN H .VNDERSON. Formerly l\'k Cape Fear. For'lv with J. A. I’emlverion. Nov. 28, lSf,0. ' 74tf i\otic*e! ]\otic*e!! HaVINO made up my mind to close out my present atock of Goods, 1 shall offer great inducements to those who wish to buy anything in my line. ISeing connected with a manufacturing Firm at the beginning of last Fall, 1 had the advantage of getting niy Goods at n^anufacturing j'rices. and at such 1 wi’l now offer the remainder of nij’ Stock, which consists of Fine ami (^oimnon Overcoats, Cloth, Cass, and Twoeds (\»:its; I’ants and VcsL- of every de scription; Shirts, Linen and Mar.seilles; I'n- der (taruients ot‘ all kinds; Suspenders; (’arpet Sacks; Pocket Hooks, I'cc., I'tc. The above Goods are well-maile, and will cert.ainly be sold at cost. Thcrel'ore those who wish to select r» good Coat nuist come immediately. Those who are indebted toGreentree Js: Co.. or to my self. must «ettle up immedi itely. as I cannot give an_v further iudulirenctt. Mv Itooks shall be closed to all. S. nARNl'M. No. 13, North-easi of the Market. N .v. Ti-tlJ Hrs. IIAKT Is now receiving a Handsome .Vssortmont of \vi\ viAi nIiAA\i:hv, Inc* I lid in;: a variedly ol Fancy •trlic lf**, llcaii Arc.' iw\roiiRKii^ mm l\distrv! K«‘e|> your .Honey ^oiitli! •\nd build up your own t’ountry and Town, by calling on M. A. BAKKR, • .Haniifacliirer ol'doiilile and sin- ;;:le barrel Kliot liiini»^ Itilles and PistolK, t*f all the ditl'erent patterns now used in the United States or Great Britain. Call and see, at M. A. B.VKKR’S. Fayetteville, N. C., Nov. 12, IStiO. tiyif t all at TI. A. RIKFK'K and get your Fire ArniM! i 1UNS. RIFLES and PISTOLS of all the best patterns ' I now in use, and at as low prices as they can be had in any city or town in the United States or England. M. A. BAKER. Fayetteville, Dec’r 7-3tf Ttl TIIF FKIFi\l>5 OF llO.Ml' .MANUFACTURES. THE KINSTON SHOE F.iCTORV -It IS NOW IjRDEUS I > for s liciifd. Kin.'lon N. (' srcCESSFlL Ol'KUATIOX. negro BR'JG.VNS and BOOTS are .1. CARl’ENTEK. Agent, .lune 2J: IhiiO. 3y-tf Nov. In wt T4» Till) iiAI>ll>! GlBSt>N re-pectfully inform-) her frien.ls and lie public penerMlIy. that she i> prejiareil to make l»RESSES in the most fa>hionalile Myle. she will also ' cut and fii for any lady's wishing to make their own Dresses: CHILDREN'S CLt^TlUNG cut or made to ^ onler. Mrs. Tiib-ion has taken the .\^ency for the '*ale of ft , n»-w and excellent ('H.MIT. fi>r cutting Ladies' Dresses, j ■\lso. one for IU>y'-i Clothing. They are very simple in i consiruciion. and therefore easy to under«iand. The | ladies are r«|uested to call an 1 ‘^ee them at her house. I ■>n Maxwell Street, between the Female High School , and the Fayetteville Hotel. j Oct. 2. GStf i Jewelrv, Ac. (lOld and Silver Watches, 1ST REt'EIVED A LARGE ADDl on to my stock of &■ l'L\TEII \W11E, H\E I'lTLERV, .TIilitary and Fancy ljiood% which make? my stock gooti. Those who are ahotii to make their purchases would do well to call and lake .a l.M.k. 1 ihink 1 can suit them as it., prices and cpiality I'articular attention paid to Watch and Clock repairing and Jobbing. W’. I’RDMl. Sept. 17, l^'*»o. 53-;>m En\vi\ ciiiOVKit, H*ntchmaker atnl Jeiveler^ returned from the N>>rth with a much larger slock 'I II ■l.y i ; .f C^. >in.. ING !£i ful> rhert' MCf.p l«W i- »li l a* aiitl W ill** « £N NG. (-...lit; t>e ' •d. • enuin it (»n ] %m wori> SECOND stock. ' ' U RECEIVING AND OI’ENING HiK LA/i',KST SErOND STOCK OF GOODS V: . tfend to our customers, comprising .-VLL . ' J'l i - LES usually kept by us, all of which we , ■ i-ed t., offer ou accommodating termn to our ••rs and all wholesale purchaseri. Please call • i uiue our Stock. H. & E. J. LILLY. 57-tf .11 .Vo. Man/ St. Ill YDS. I’lUNT.S, unusually low, either by l'',V/VV whole.-sale or retail. 50 Do7.. Wool and other HATS. C I. O T II I x\ O ly reduced price*; together with a large and iHl'LHAD F.1MV DKV (JOOliS, •h will be offered «n aw favoraV>le terms as any ; lie State. J. K. KYLE, i. .'>btf •/. ml. JRemberion ive in ft few days a large lot of those '-il ^ffUnt Vasnhneres ami Viveeiln. THEY ARE in A'ortii Carolina, IH'RABliE than any other Goods for the —ALSO— .J A LARGE LOT OF inland KerreyM, T»veed» and t'a«4Mimere:%, ^■rior ijuaiity. J. A. PEMBERTON. 162i4w-tf . \\. A\l>KEU>i ^ 'N HAND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF " i'l«‘l* ^\rv, Sheet Lead, I ijM*, zinc, iroii-Hire ( loth of as- "TU‘(I iiumliers, PI.MP8, Ac., Ac. —ALSO— .\ general assortment of ’ ■' ■ ■ m.w ■«. jfcc: 9 ■11 !" inufaMiire, at wholesale and retail. ' I'iare, Fayetteville, Sept. 11. 52-4m ^^Iniiks for Snle at this Office. )f tioods in his : line, than he has ever offered before. .Vmong his assi'rtment may !’c found— I Watches ot all qualities from •*“ to 81*')0; Chains, Seals and Keys of all kinds; Hracelets, Kar- Rin^rs, lireast Pin.s and Lockets; (lold, Silver, Steel and (^onmion Spectacles; (lold and Sil ver Pencils and I'ens; Silver Spoons, Silver (’ups and (loblets; Silver Plated Tea Sets, Cake Hu-'kets,(’astor,>, Candle Sticks and liutter Dislies; Coral Necklaces, Brace lets and Ariulets, \c., \;c., \c. €'lock>> ot all kiniN and |iialitieH; A tine lot of Pistols; a "ood assortment of Military f(X)ds and Aeconleons, and every- thintr else kept in a .Jewelry Store. E. G. is Agent for the sale of the Celebrated Anieri- cati W’o.tch. .\ny person in want of a Good Watch is invited to call and exainire them. P. S. Particular attention paid to the Repairing of WATCHES, CLOrKS and .JEWELRY. Fayetteville, N. C., Oct. 0, 1>^00. 00-3m Stores ftitfi Grates. .\NUREWS has on hand a large and well se lected assortment of riRLOR t^RATFM, SOUTHERN Elis B^uok lo lV#ifr inieresi* \\M: areil.cnly SHOE M ANCFACTCRERS in th« If Siai«*. tli.'ii iimke a No. 1 article of KIP SHOE8 and Negro BRoG.VNS. without Welts. We intend to make to ihe tiillcsl e^tfnl. if we have the patronage, which we truly and e.irnestly sdicit. All orders shall have jirompt attention. Now is the time for the South to encmirace all such. WM. (’ARTER SONS. Wm. CaiukU. DaV11» a. t;.\KTKR. s. s. ('^ItfKlt. ,Ii)UN (J. C.\RTKK. *' 'rtersville. ’U:if..ani Co.. N. >ct. 25. t>.5-8m STITE CIK WII 1I\('III\E WOllkS, KItWA'V .'iTKKKT. FAYETTEVn.LE. N. ^HE undersigned, having erected buildings suitable for C.\R ;in>l M.\('HINE WORK ^also General HOUSE CAllPENTRY—would give notic** that they are prepared to execute all orders in their line wiih neat- ne-is and di‘>patcli. W'c are prepared to do all kinds of St'ROLL S.\W- ING and PL.VNEl.NG at short notice. Having a tirst cla.ss Woodworth Planeing Machine, we are preparcl to Plane, Tongue and Groove all kindii of Flooring and Ceiling on roa- ;!U;ible terms. Contract taken for the erocjioH *f Buildings, *nd Jobbing of all kinds executed with neatness and dis patch. S.i-hes, Doors and Blinds of all descriptions, nianut'actuicd e.itial to anything tu be found in the Northern market s. Plans and ^pecihcations furnished and the erection of buildings superintended when de-ired. WALTON .t BARRY, Car Builders, t'arpenters & Draugi;’men. Favetteville. Oct li'Oli f>-t-lf A uv.ni Tho >»“w Stjio. Small. (OLOKEU PliOTO;UAPHS, AT Vuiior«»d*ll*% CSullrry. (i W L . le i'oal, tto.r ntifl Cooking' Stores, Which he offers for sale on his usual liberal terms. Market Sijuare, Fayetteville. Sept. 11. 52-4in t'arpef in;;! t'arpelin;^! t'arpefing! YDS. CARPETING at No. 31, Hay St. All styles, all prices, all qualities. .\11 will be offered low either by wholesale or retail. Also, 5-4 and 12-4 Crumb Cloths and Druggets, J. K. KYLE. Fayetteville. N. C., Sept. 13, 1860. 52tf NEW EDITION OF HEVERErX 1\D iniTLE’S T, LAW REPORTS, Voliiiiie *2. ^HE subscribers have just jirinted a 2d Edition of this Volume, with Notes and R-feiences to other ndjiidgp 1 Cases .and to the Revised Code, by Hon. Wm. H. ll.iiiie: and with many corrections of typographical error.s. Their 2d Editions of Dev. iV P>atile's E'piity, complete, and 1st Dev. X Battle's Law Rept)rts, have received the approbation of the Profebsion. They also reiiublisiied a 2d Edition of Devereux's 2d Eijiiity, (without .Notes, j Aii'l in aildition to these, are the proj)rietors bf the entiro editions of most of IreleH’s Law and ll'iuity, and can supply aTiy volumes extant of the Reports, or complete sets, so far as they can now be had. Thny propose to put to press a 2d Edition of Dev. & Battle’s liaw Reports, vols. 3 -I (in one.) Tliey deal largely in Law Books, and will at alltimcH order works not on their shelves, to supply their cus tomers. •!. H.\LE & SON. (►ct. 15, 1800. I Floral College. THR Fall Session in this Institution will commence on the 18th of JULY next. The managemeut and instruction of the Institution will be under the R^iv. Daniel Johnson and Mr. Juhn C. Sutherland, with an able Corps of .\ssistants in all the departments. The Principal and his lady will continue to take entire charge of the Boarding establishment, thus giving to the School more of the rAMiLY element. This arrangement, it is believed, will greatly advance the Msefulness of the Invtitution. M. C. McNAIR, Sec’y Board of Trustees. June 18, 18^50. 28tf : : KPFC'iAi. TFK.n. Sate of Mortli CaraUu i, GaoibarUud C o. Superior Court of Law, Fall Term, 1800. His Honor Robeut S. Fkknch, Judge Presiding. IT is ordered that a Special Term of the Superior Court of Law and Etpiity for Cuiuberland County, be held on the First Monday in February A. D. 1861, and that l)ublication thereof be made in the several newspapers published in the Town of Fayetteville. Jurors, Suitors and Witnesses in civil cases are hereby notified to be in attendance. From the Minutes. J. W. BAKER, Clerk. Nov. 24. 6o ic Presbyterian copy. Ftm MAI.F. The IK)USE ard LOT adjoining Elixabethtown, lately occupied by Alexander Carter. The Lot con tains Six Acres of good garden soil, and some fruit, good water, &c. The improvements are a Two Story Dwelling House and necessary out-buildings. Also, a vacant Lot near the Court House. Terms accommodating. H. H. ROBINSON. June 8. 27-tf FAYETTEVILLE Female Hi^h School. TERMS. Board per Session of 20 weeks. J*»0 00 Tuition in Collegiate Classes 20 weeks, ‘-0 CM) ‘ “ Academic “ “ “ “ “ Primary “ “ “ ^ Incidental expenses, ’ ^ ^ Tuition in .Music, Painting, Drawing, Modern and Ancient Languages, &c. at the usual rates. |@rOne-balf of Board anil Tuition retjuired in ad- vanct; the other half at the close of the Session. SCHOLASTIC YEAR. 1st Session.—1st Quarter commences 1st October. 2d “ “ 10th December. 2d Session.—1st Quarter “ 20th February. 2d Vacation Dec’r 8, 18G0. “ 1st May. “ 10th July. J. DkB. & T. C. HOOPER, Associate Principals. 77tf Cape Fesir Foil Kiver Laud SALE. /* -VCRE.S OF L.VND lying on the West side of O'tv Cape Fear River, two miles below Fiiyettcville, and extending from the River into the Sand-hills. This tract is about equally divided into River-ridge, Swamp and i^and-hill Laud. About W acres adjoining the River are ck-ared and produce well. There are good sites fur building. The Rej>ort of an Engineer establishes that drainage of the Swamp Land may be effected at a moderate ex pense Terms to suit; and a bargain offered. .Applv to B. R. HL\sKE. Fayetteville, t>ct. IJSiiO. OUtf To Land Buyers. fpilE undersigned offers for sale, in the Coal region, 1 and within eight miles of the terminus of the Fay etteville & Western Rail Road on Deep River, EH;iiT lilMmEU AIKKS UF LAM), alJoining the land belonging to the estate of George Wilcox, dec’d, and l^'ing three miles South from Car- bonton, on Little Pocket Creek, Moore county. These Lands are well adit]>ted to the growtli of corn, cotton, wheat, oats, rye. Sc. There are on the prem ise* a comfortable Dwelling, and all necessary t)ut- houses. with about one hundred anil tifty acres under fi'iice, including forty or fifty acres of never-failing bottom land. This is a rare chance for persons wish ing to make investments, as lands are undoubtedly ad vancing in pr^ce in this section. For turiher information apply to .\Ir. .M. .Nl. McRae. I’rane's Creek, P. O., Moore county, or address me at Fayetteville, N. C. DANIEL .McRAE, For the Heirs of Gilbert McRae, dec'd. Carbonton, Moore co., N. C., Aug. 24 43tf LA.\D FtIK ^ ^pHE sub.^criber having removed West, ofl'ers for sale 1 his L.XNl*?* in Harnett County, lying immediately ou each side of Cape Fear River, containiug 12(X» acres in each tract. These Lands are situated in a healthy couniry, pleasant neighborhood, and within a half a mile of the village of Summerville, with good Dwellings on each place and all necessary Out-Houses, and clear ed Land enough to work 2-5 or 30 hands to advantage. There are on these lands some six hundred acres of tine Bottom, most of which is uncleared, and well r^et with white oak and other fine Timber. A large portion of the balance is ouk and hickory Ridge Lands: the bal ance is pine Land of a good ijuality, having been work ed in Turpentine three years. These Lands will be sold low for Cash or Voung Negroes, or on time to suit purchasers, with approved bonds. Jan’y 13. N. G. JONES. Freish Goods. 1I1.WE just received my FALL SlIPPLV of GOODS, consisting in part of— Layer Raisins, in whole, half and '.luarter boxes; Citron, Currants, Dates, Prunes, Figs, Preserved Canton Gin ger, Dried Ginger, Cocoa and other Nuts, Sardines, Guava Jelly, Pickles and Preserves of all kinds, Catsups, Spiced Oysters, Lea & Perrin’s Wor cestershire Sauce, French Mustard. A constant supply of Plain, Fancy 4c French Candies. Also, a large and well sell selected stock of Toy!$ and Fancy Articless, suitable for the Christmas Holidays. W'ith a great ma ny articles not enumerated, which 1 will sell low for Cash. Mrs. M. B.YNKS.' Dec’r 10, 1800. 77-1 m For Rent. HE pleasant and desirable Residence on Haymount, belonging to Mrs. Sophia II. McLean, is now offered lor rent. Possession given the 1st of January 18til. For terms apply to THOS. U. McLEAN. Dec’r 7. 77-4t T ROOKN. Nemesis, by .MARION HARLAND, Author of “.Alone” kc. THE QUEEN.S of SOCIETY, illustrated; J.\('K HOPETON, or the Adventures of a Georgian; CASTLE RICH.MOND. by Anthony Trollope: Further supplies of Rutledge, Adam Bede; Beulah, the Mill on the Floss; Vestiges of Creation, &c. Aug. 31. E. J. HALE & SONS. The Premhyterian P>taliiiodi§t Character notes. A further supply just reoeivcd. July 20. E. J. HALE & SONS. ART. \Vood%vai*fr!« Solar €\*iniera. . I)H(>TOGR.\PHS can be had at Vanorsdell's Skylight ■ ! (Jallery, Hay street, opposite Marble Yanl, Fay- eiteville, N. C.; plain, retouidiod. colored, in water colors, oil and p.isiile; from small to life size. Ambro- types, Mel.'incotyi>es, and all other styles of Pictures pertaining to the Vrt. ,\lso. Gilt I’rames. Gilt Mould ing. Glass for ver}’ large pictures—as large as 26 by 36 inches. Cord and Tassels for hanging pictures: Instru ments. Stock and Chemicals for sale low for cash. Life size colored Photogr;iphs made from small pictures. Having pertnancntly located here 1 hope to merit your patronage. I would also return my sincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on me heretofore by the good people of FavetteviEe and vicinity. C. M. VANORSDELL, Photographist and Proprietor. Dec’r 20, 18o!t 77- D. & W. VcLAlRIi\, IIJ'OULD invite attention to their large and desirable W Stock of OK OCEKIEN, t'onsisting in part of— 150 liaijd Kio, Laruira and Java Coffee; 100 Hhls. and Hhds. Siiirar (as.sorted;) 25 Hhds. Molasses; 30 “ Bacon—Sides and Shoulders; 500 Sacks Salt; 150 Boxes o;ood Tobacco; 125 “ Sperm,.\damantinetC Tallow Candles; 50 “ Soap (assorted;) 50 “ (’andy “ 100 Bajrs Shot “ lOOH lbs. Bar liOad; 30 i Bbls. Snuff—Eaple Mills; 25 Kegs Soda; 250 “ Nails. —ALSO— A large and general assortment of Hardware and Cntiery; Farmin': Utensils, of all descriptions; American, Enirlish, Swedes and Peruvian Iron; Blister, (lerman and Cast Steel; Blacksmiths’ Tools; Coopers’ Po.; (\)rn Sheller? and Straw Cutters; TJuckets, Brooms and f’ails; Cotton, Manilla and Jute Rope, (all kinds and quality;) Plow Lines and Bed Cords; Hollow Ware; Cotton Yarns and ST;eetin"s at factory prices. All of which will be sold i.ow for cash, or on usual time to prompt paying customers. j|6^ CouNVRT Mkkchants are respectfully requested to call and e :amiue our stock before purchasing else where. D. & W. MoLAUaiN. March 8, 1869 98tf t'oal! Coal!! Coal!!! ■“ 1 Tons PRl.ME COAL, for sale by 01 J. A. WORTH. Sept. 2-'». 56-tlJ ]\'otlce. ^nilOSE indebted, to the undersigned will confer a fa- I vor by settling their respective obligations, thus en- ;ibling him to do in like manner with others. THOS. J. JOHNSON. Oct. 8, 18tiO. oO tf FISH! FiSll!! EW MACKEREL, Nos. 1, 2 and 3. WHITE FISH. •• HERRING, &c. Call at A. N. McDONALD’S, South-uide Hay IStreet. Oct 1. 57-tf i\EW OOODS. ^pHE subscriber is now receiving a large aud well s«- I lected stock of GOODS, consisting of GKOCKKIES, HARDWARE AND CLTLE- RV, 13A(JGIN(f AND RUPE, SAD DLERY, kc., FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LlyUORS, and many other articles, which he offers low for Cash, or On :>uuRT TIMK to prompt paying eustomeri. All kindk of Ci;uDtry Produoa taken in axohauga for Goods. Sheetings and Cotton Yarns on hand «t all timeu, at .NL-inut'acturen«’ prices. STRUGGLES OF THE POOR. Poverty falls most heavily on those who have enjoyed a competence, and by some revulsion of fortune or the death of those on whom they were dependent are reduced to penury. A true Chris tian benerolenoe loves to seek out and aid such sufferers. Here is an illustration from the New York Tribune, [which one would think might devote itself to the relief of home sufferers, and let what it considers the troubles of others alone];— “What! make fine shirts for nine shillings a dozenl” “Yes, sir; indeed I can get nothing else to do!" “Nine shillings a dozen! nine cents apiece. But how many can you make in a day?” “One, sir, if I have my time; but I have my little boy, two years old, and he’s quit# fretful this warm weather, so that I do not always finish it, unlestf I ean work at night.” “And do you work at night sewing on these?” “I would, sir, and do, so long a# I can afford to; but indeed, sir, what with feeding my four little ones I cannot afford to buy caudles!” “Four children! Poor woman! 1 fear you have a hard task to pay the landlord! What rent do you pay?” “Four dollars a month, sir.” “Ar d you earn fifty-four cents a week. How long have you lived here?” “3Iy husband died in March last. He was a maoutaoturer of daguerreotype colors. We lived up town then. But his long sickness consumed what little money we had; and when he died I was obliged to sell most that we had in the house and come down here w^ith my four little ones.” “Your oldest boy is nine years; you can scarcely earn more than will pay your rent. How do you furnish food for yourselves?” “This young woman pays three shillings a week for part ot the room. We had a silver-plated tea pot, sugar-bowl, and such like, and some spoons. For these I got nearly their value. I have sold every thing 1 had besides. 1 have no more to sell.” The tears came into her eyes. Poor thing, she could not help it. “Indeed, sir, I would not have sent for you if the sight of mj children in rags and hunger did not compel me to do so.” “ Your rent is paid for this month.” I knew it was, or ^he would not be a tenant of that land lord. “Your children began to come to the school at the house of Indubtry last Monday, I believe, did they?” “Yes, sir; and I am very thankful for your kindness to them.” “Send them every day. They shall be fed and clothed, and when rent-day comes near let us know.” “God bless you, sir!” A heavy load of care withdrew from the mind, and a cloud trom her face. A»tie shillinys ptr dozen for making shirts, with plaited bosoms, linen wristbands, aud to be well made; for if a tiaw can be picked in the workman ship all the seJimstresa’s work goes for nothing. Do you believe it? It is a I'aot! We saw the shirts to-day. We saw the care-worn aud work- worn mother and her children. We have heard that such facts were plenty. We know they ^re! Would some charitable ladies like to see the same? Let them go to the House of Industry any day for one hour, and if they do not return to their homes with the heartache we are no true prophet. All persons are respectfully invited to give me a oall, at the old stand of J. Ai T. WaJdill, South side Hav st. A. N. MeDONALD. Fayetteville, X. C., Sept. 24, 1800. 55tf N .\OTICE. XPECTING to be absent from the State until the middle of next Summer, say till July, 1800, 1 have authorized .Archibald .McLean, o“ Harnett county, to transact business for me during my absence, to sell my Lands in Harnett county, and generally to attend to all my business. N. G. JONES. Harnett County, N. C., Jan’y 18, 18G0. 83- A CARD. A WORD TO MY OLD FRIENDS— ''FHOSE persons for whom I have been attending to JL Banking business for years:—I am still willing to serve you with the same promptness that I have always done; and to others that may want discounts. Pension business, Acc., &c 1 offer my services, with a promise of strict attention. J.\S. G. COOK. June 27, 1859. 26tf CAPT. REPORT (l\ THE DEEP RIVER .IIINERU REGION. ^PHE undersigned have caused to be published from JL the Congressional plates, an edition of the Report of Capt. Wilkes, U. S. Navy, and his .Vssociates on the Board appointed by the Secretary of the Navy to ex amine the Deep River Region of North Carolina. This is the most important and scientific statement of the great wealth of that section of the State, and the Maps the most j)erfect and valuable, of any yet I'uVdished. The Maps are worth the price of the work, which is .lO OCntS, neatly bound in cloth. Copies sent by mail, free of postage, on the receipt of 50 cents. \ liberal dis count to wholesale buyers. Orders solicited. Jan y 20. E. J. HALE & SONS. BOOK-BINDING IN all its kinds, executed with neatness and despatch. Small jobs when done must be paid before delivered, THOS. H. TILLINGH.^ST. Opposite the Female High School, Hay Street. May 14, 1859. 14 {School Books. ATURAL PHILOSOPHY from Ganot's Popular Physics by Wm. G. Peck, M. A.; Sanders’ New J'peller and Definer Analyser; Bullions’ aud SmiiL's Grammars: Monteith's, Smith’s and Mitchell's Geogra phies; Goodrich's and Andrews’ Latin and Greek Les sons, He. '' E. J. HALE &i SONS. Aug. 31. ii.i i.iDlill.liltli HARTFORO, Incorporated 1819. Charter Perpetual, Authorized ('apitnl, Paid up Capital, -isseis. $i,.i;oo,ooo 00 1,500,000 00 2,030,423 80 DIRKCTOBS. WAIWTKI). A LARGE quantity of COTTON and LINEN RAGS, for which fair prices will be paid. DAVID MURPHY. Aug. 17 41- FOR CLERKS OF THE COl RTSr " Execution, trial, and appearance dock ets, ruled and printed from the most approved forms in use. Also, further supplies of other BLANK BOOKS, in great variety. May Sl. E. J. HALE A SONS. THE RENOVATION OF PARIS. The reign of Louis Napoleon will mark an era in the history of Paris. The Emperor is deter mined that it shall be without a peer among the capitals of Europe, for its magniticent avenues, splendid buildings, and general ornamentation, and the treasure of France is lavished to accom- ' plish this design. Besides completing the Louvre and removing the buildings which obscured its beauties, the Emperor has restored or erected up wards of fifty public buildings, including churches, court-houses, iiospiUils, school edifices, byracks, &c., some of them very fine specimens ot archi tecture; while various theatres and public buildings connected with the police or trade are either in course of construction or are receiving important additions and repairs; and a grand new opera house is designed. There have also been vast additions to the water-works of the city, including numer ous fountains. But besides public edifices there is a vast growth of new street architecture. During the lust eight years four thousand three hundred and forty-nine houses have been demol ished, and nine thousand six hundred and seven teen have been built, and six new squares, besides a grand continuation of the Hue de Kivoli and the whole new street plan in that quarter, now adorn Paris. The new squares are planted with trees and shrubbery, because the Emperor par ticularly wishes that other parts of Paris, besides that around the Tuilleries, should have their gar dens. Nor does the workot improvement confine itself to Paris. The places in the envifons, by a new plan, are to be architecturally incorporated in the city itself, and the whole is to form one grand deaign of a capital such as the world has never seen. The appearance of the city is already greatly changed by the new views which have been created, 168.005 00 ! by the vast york of reconstruction and restora- i tion. Labyrinthine alleys, narrow streets, and 116,000 00 I pestilential holes have been superseded by wide, 87,058 00 . paved, and clean streets, bordered by neat, 88,089 60 handsome buildings, and an air of elegance and 70,103 78 ' comfort reigns where squalid misery once had its 25,348 77 : acknowledged home. This magnificent work of renovation and improvement, however, has brought a very serious evil upo^the Parisians. The jpst ot living has been greatly enhanced, and Paris, Qf being as formerly the cheapest city in Europe to live in, has become the dearest. To S88.242 08 meet the expenses of reconstruction and renova tion, and the increase of taxation, landlords have been compelled to increase their rents to such an extent that families with limited incomes have - had to retire to Jess desirable and comfortable THE UfORTH C’AROIiliVA : domicils than they have been accustomed to, MITIIAL LIFE INSURANCE tOMPAM, . while all classes find their necessary expenses vrow in the tenth year of successful operation, with , considerably augmented, growing capital and firmer hold upon public con- T. K. BRACE. S. TUDOR. J. CHURCH. R. BUELL. E. FLOWER. E. A. BULKELEY R. MATHER. E. G. RIPLEY. W E. G. Ripi>ey, Pres’t. ; S. S. WARD. ! H. Z. PTiATT. ; A. DUNHAM. I G. F. DAVIS. I D. HILLYER. ! T. A. ALEX.\NDER. ! W. KENEY. j C. H. BRAINARD. F. TUTTLE. T. A. .\LF.XANnicB, V. Pres’t $915,344 00 215,126 50 T. K. Brace, Jr., Sec’y. A. A. Williams, Adiuster. JSkiT' Riites as low as perfect solvency and fair profit will allow. •\SSETS.—July 1S59. Market value- Bank Stocks in New York, Hartford, Bos ton, St. Louis, &c., United States Stock and Treasury Notes, Htate Stocks: New York, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri. City Stocks, Hartford, Rochester, Brook lyn, Jersey City, Railro\ii Stocks: Hartford and New Haven, Boston and Worcester, Conn. River, Mortgage Bonds, Real Estate, unincumbered. Miscellaneous Items, Cash, on hand and deposited on oall, and in 21’ its’ hands. 350,303 15 52,030,423 80 LIABILITIES. Claims; unadjusted and not due, yjp* Agent of the above Company in Fayetteville, E. J. HALE. March 21, 1860. 3tf The $$oiitli„ by Prof. In graham: Say and Seal, by the Author of “Wide Wide W'orld,” &c.; The Household of Bouverie, or the Elixir of Gold, by a Southern Lady; Evening's at the Micro scope, &c., &c. E. J. HALE & SONS. Oct. 18. Webster’s Elementary Spelling Book for sale bj HALS 4 SOIISi fidence, continues to insure the lives of all healthy per sons from 14 to CO years of nge, for one year, for seven years, and for life—all life members sharing in the profits. All slaves from 10 to 00 years of age are insured for one year or for five years for two-thirds their value. ;\ll losses are punctually paid within 90 days after satisfactory proof is presented. For further information the public is referred to Agents .f the Company in all parts of the State, and to « R. H. BATTLE, Secretary, Raleigh. E. J. HALE, Agent at Jan’y 1869. Fayettev’lle, N. 0. Vol. 8th Bancrolt’s United States Jolj 10, S. J. hale a son. >. Marine Disasters for Xovembtr.—The number ot American sea-going vessels reported as toi lost and niis«iing during the past month amouu I to thirty-seven, vii: 1 steamer, G ships, 4 barq j 1 brig, and 25 schooners. Of these 2 are missing, ' 23 wrecked, 4 burnt, 5 foundered, 2 sunk by collisions, and 1 capsized. Their totel value (ex clusive of cargoes) is estimated at 8560,000. I Fall of a Great Tree.—During a late storm 1 in California one of the big trees of Calaveras, measuring thirty-six feet in diameter, was blown down. todw St., ' g pkr Tor»