•1 : ten 7 *** *«ii. SB1II-WEEKI.Y. vol.. X-1 FAYETTEVILLE, N. C.. DECEMBER 20, I860. [XO. 980.] s 0| Til, MH 1. F . K. I’ll i:. ill ^ \h;- ilrts. tiu> '«> . ■ f : rt.-. Kit. W 'i». iiivii . iiiii. .IlM - 1 li J. >1 111 iibM If'jJ :\lt Ul\ •' te fit I (in I hi >U-f i*r oil J or 3, rulii t'r* TKK iotit** aiiU ^alc, ept«: > - •t 1 - •cV.v J U.,I ' ‘r \otin. U\ irr^ ^ .I'i rii liiV". leu . i, ' Ct' : twd: re- fc\ I i\ fii.f! ‘ wh. •nd ar, - Ul 11- ■ nTKU .M(»Nl*AV;S VND TIIURSUAYS. pmARD J. HALE & SONS, K!*1T0KS and PHOPRIKTORS S('ini-\\ I'eklv (.^bskrvrk $3 K) it' paid in • ;'t it' paid during the year of subscrip- . :^1 -iiUT the year has expired. Ui .■:.>nsi:RVER tH.' per aunum. if paid in ■ 5- '* paid during the year of subscrip- , i tlie year hs expired. \;!VKHTlSK'ir.NTS ni«eried for HO cents per : '1 ' tor the fir«t. and 30 cents for each I Vi-arly advertisements I'y spe- • l;-. at reasonable rates. Advertisers are ,•1 : -:ut’ the number of insertions desired, or ’! iitinued till forbid, and charged aecord- >, -='ius t“ b:- insi'rt.-d itiside. charged 50 per SPF.t I M. NMCrii E. ■, i itti'r this date, no name of a new subscribsr . ■ .‘ I wirh'>iH payuieiil in advance, uor will ;■ • .'ont to -^ufh ■iu>i'-cribers fi>r a longer time pi I t..r, •' IT old subicribtTs a'^ desire to take the pa- :-V'tein will please notify us when making • ■.‘j. Jan'y 1, 18-j8. AVKTTEVII-LK ll»TRI., T. WADDILL, Proprietor. 'plUS^. the most commodious Hotel in Noith I Carolina, fronting 3K) feet on Hay and Donaldson Streets, located in the centre of the portion of the town, and surrounded hy all ■tnking Houses, AVholasale Merchants and princi- I'duce Dealers. “Businessmen will find the Hotel a oonveniant •ufortable house. . .'Stages arriTe and depart from this Hotel. :, ',i-viile. Oct. 1. 18.')8. 51- 'Hl-MWKLL HOUSE. BOOKS NORTH OF THE MARKET HOUSE. iWlN'i !. th« extensive increase of patronage ' •. : House, during the year. I have ex- ^ led my facilities by the addition of a num- .T-'rtabie sleeping rooms, with other import- r-vtfjuents, which will add materially to the • -.1 conTenienc* of tho*e faToring me with - j‘r 'I.age. •' who hare been my kind friends and cus- - ■ the |at six years. I tender my most sincere - - 'h« same time respectfully soliciting a con- s • their patronage, and also the patronage of .. uuinber of new patrons. ave good Stables and % No. 1 Ostler. P. SHEMWELL. - • l'^60« 84- l>. Jt \\. .WrLll'KISf, \T^0ULD invite atteuiion to their large and M Stock of KOCEK 1 E?«, •'onsisting in part of— 150 T^asrs Rio, Laijuira .and .Fuva Cutfee; Siiirar (assorted;) EAGLE HOTEL, n!llE VIL,L.E, .\. C., J. VI. BLAIR, Proprietor. I?r fT’ctor knows that his location gives him un- •i facilities for procuring articles conducive to I..:, and he will dispense tham to his guests in • vie. •nfort usually to be had in a first class Hotel, :*i;:sheJ to^is guests. .. ,:xice f‘>r Morganton, at this Housa. ‘‘ Charlotte. “ •• Spartanburg, 3. C., “ “ “ •' Greenville, “ “ *• “ .. Greenville. Tenn., Daily, ' ^ ;ch. good hacks and careful and attentive .n T.i timc-^ be had to convey parties to any :. -p! ‘n Jid Mountain scenery of this region. “ Black Mountain, the Swannano* Gap. th# S'i liap and Falls, the Warm Springs. Ac., ■ . sre wiinin a short day's ride of Asheville. -4. - 58-ly Wi:>TER.\ RAIL ROAD. >ro 1 (H) 1 23 N \UK.>T ANp QUICKKST |ROt Tt TO THE RAILRO AD! iesirable and Shoulders; 100 Hl.U. and Ilhds. Si -5 Ilhds. Molasse.s; 30 •* Haonti—Sido 500 Safks Salt; 150 Huxes good Tobaccu; 125 •• Sperm, Aduniantiiit,* Tallow (’andles; 50 “ Soap ; s.ssorted; ? 50 " (’andy 100 l?ai;« Shot “ 1000 lbs. l>ar Lead; 30 A Bbls. Snuff—Kauie -5 Koi>> Soda; 250 “ Nails —ALSO— .\ large and general assortmtnt of ilar«l\«are uikI i'^.itlery: Farmintr I'tensiU, oi'all descriptions; American, Knulish. Swedes and Peruvian Iron; Blister, (Jerman and 'ast Stt-el; Blacksmiths’ Tools; Toopers’ Do.; Corn Shellcr. and Straw (^utters; buckets, Hroitms and Tails; Cotton, Manilla and ,Jute Hopf. ^aIl kiiid.-i and 4ualit} ; ■ Plow Linos and lied (^ords; Hollow Ware; Cotton Yarns and Sheetiiiirs at factory prices. All of which will be sold i.ow kdr c.\'H, of on usual time to prompt paying customers. CofNTKT M KRcii AXTs are ri’-ppctfully reijuested to call and exattiine our stock before purchasing else where. 1>. i: W. McLAUKlN. March 3. iHo'* (tStf JAS. C’. iUcRAE, Mtvtuey at E,au>, Office West end of the Insuranoe Building. Hay St., Fayetteville, W. C. March 20, IbOO. 3tf FRENCH STRANGE, Attorney at Law, Fayetteville, N. C. Office th«kt re«t)ntly oaoupied bv C. U. Wriglil, Esq., over the one now occupied by him iu Dr. Robinson’s buiKling. Green Strgel. Dec’r'2. 185y. 72- IfVW. .T5rrJ^. .ITr jr.fr. Attorney at Law, Fayettevillk, N. C. II^ILL attend the County and Superior Courts of M Cumberland. Harnett. Mooru and llobuson Coun ties. Prompt attention given to the oollsction of all claims entrusted to his hands. «»ct. 17. 1S.')9. r>8-tf IMK Sirtiscriber having removed from Summarville to Fayetteville, will attend the Coutity and Superior I.AW i^OTICE. T", Courts ot Cumbcrlnnd, Harnett and Moore. His office will be at his residence, on Graou Streut, opposite the Episcopal Church. His corre.sponddnts will please address him h«trsafl»r at Fayattaville, iusisad of SuiumM*ville. NEILL McKAY. Jan’y’il, ISfiO. • 85-tf Law A'otice The subscriber having retired from the Bench, with purpose to devote himself to the practice of the Law, will attend hereafter tlie counties of Cumberland, Rob eson and Bladen, at all the Courts, and the Superior Courts of Richmond, Harnett and Sampson. J. G. SHEPHERD. June 4, 18t’>0. 2Stf A. n. CA.nPBELL, Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, —Will attend to the sale of— Goods, Vt*ares anti •Jierchnndize, Real Estate, A^groes, /Tc. Dec. 17, 18fiO. 7W-6mos Carolinian 6 months. .foseiih W. Barbour, INSPECTOR OF SPIRITS TIKPENTINE. Having been appointed by last County Court, IN SPECTOR OK SPIRITS TURPENTINE, I am now ready to give the business my personal attention. All who may favor me with their business will find it prompt ly attended to at my Warehouse in Campbellton. oppo site John A. McLauchlin. Dec. nth, IHftO. 78-fimpd (JLAHK & TURL1NGT0N\ COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ^\ ^LM[N^^TO^^ N. C. Y\7ILL "ive 8)>eoial attention to the sale or shipment i TT of all Naval Stores. Cotton, Flour. Timber, and I other country produce. Dealers in Lime, Plaster, Ce- I ment. Hair, &c.; and ‘ AIJENTS FOR STKDIKRS KATR Sl'\. Refer to: H. R. Savage, Ca«hier Bank of Cape Fear, Wilmington; Jno. Dawson. Pres't Wilmington Branch Bank of North Carolina; W. H. Jonee, Caphier Raleigh Branch Bank of Cape Fear. Dec. 11, 18G0. 79-tf OXFORD FE.M1LE COLLEGE. LITERARY ISCHOOL. fpHIS school comprises eight permanently organiied 1 A classes, whose studies commence with the alphabet ! and are continued in the Elementary Branches, Mathe- malics. Languages, English Literature. Natural Sciences, and Moral Philosophy, until the minds of the students 1 are properly trained for the duties of life. The inves tigations and discussions are thorough and comprehen- I sive. Necessary apparatus is freely supplied. The Libraries and Cabinets embrace rare and extensive col- levtious. I FINE-ARTS SCHOOL. I Special attention is devoted to Drawing, Oil Painting, ' and Embroidery, The various styles of “falfcy paint ing” and “ornamental wor's” are also taught. MUSIC SCHOOL, Music is taught as a soienoe and as an art. Instruc tion is given on the Piano, Guitar and Harmonium. Uousual attention is devoted to Vocal and Sacred Music. 1 EXPENSES. I Tuition in Elementary Branches, $15 I “ “ College Classes, 20 “ “ Drawing, (materials included,) 12 “ “ Painting in Water Colors, 15 I “ •* Oil Painting, (materials included,) 20 “ “ Wax Work, (materials included.) 10 I “ “ Embroidery, (materials included.) 10 ! “ “ Music, (instrument furnished,) *21 “ “ Board, (washing included.) 50 REM.\RKS. \v. iiai4i:k «w reieiviiiir tVi.m the North the , tiiifs:. and un'st carefully selected .JOSEPH BAKER, Jr., ATTO r:\kv at law, Has taken an office next iloorto Wm, B. Wright's Law OflRcp on Green Street. He will attend ami practice in the County and Superior Courts of ’umberland. Bladen. Rii>)e*'in and Sampson. March 28. 185'.*. 79tf RORV TIcAAIR, ^tttorney ami i'onnseUor at Mjatr, lUMBERTON. n. c. J. Is n^ l.trgest stock of ri'K^iTi itr ever offered iti thi- !;i irket; which added to 'Il'^lLL attend and practice in the Countv and Superior I his own manufacture, makes his i~sortnu‘Ut complete;— \\ Courts of Kobesoa. Richmond and Cumberland. | all of which he will eeii on tht,- lowe-i possible terms for All busines') intrusted to him will receive prompt at- ' cash or on time tn punctual cu-itoin.-ii. Fashionable painted onti ipe l>. d-rnuni Furniture in setts; curled hair and shuck, ai'.d cotton Mattresses; Looking (ila-ises; Willow Wairnus and Cradles; Side Boards; Bureau:^: Secretarie-' ainl ri00k-('a«e?; What- Nots; Ta>iles. all sorl; Wa->h Si.inis; Candle .Stands; Wardrobt'! Picture Frames and G' i.- :; Windnw Shades; I'ornices; i'uriain IJand^; .Sofa' in Mahogony and Wal- tiut; Tete a Teles; (Jttomans; Divans and Stools; ('hairs of every varii>ty. Fine Uos> %vood l‘i;in )', one with .Kulian .it- tachinent; Rt>ci«Kfood Meloli.ins. fruui the best manufac tories in New York and Bjstou. warranted as good as sny made in the country, and will be sold at New York prices—freight only added. September 2. 4-5tf tention and collections punctually remitted. Oct. ti. 18oy. 6otf JOIIA .\tterneT and l». FI LLER. Counsellor at Law, Bladen. c. 2«tf WILL l’R\CTICK IS TH« COrETS OF Bobeton, Cumberland. Colambus and Office at Luiuberton, Robeson Co.. July 5, lhC>'J «r. THEO. :?IARTI-\E, QFFICE. H.VY STREET, opposite the Post Office. Meilical Electricity applied. Fayetteville, Oct. 17, 1800. ti2tf HARNESS ni’ rates will now be charged for Passen- - 1‘u ad, vix: !e R' . er, 50 cts. - spring, rs, . ' the Depot .Mondays. VWdnesdays and • • clock A. M. Returning, leaves .Mclver's M. C. B. MALLETT, Pres t. • 71tf CuQstantI} Manuractorin^ at my E>tablishment, In ERV VARIETY (»F HARNESS, J Sa.ldles, Bri l!f«. ('oilarr-. V\hips and Trunks; all kind- "f I • HiJiPr, (' 'f Skin« and (>il; '"cindition Pfiwier>^, f'r diseas'd Hor'es and Cattle: C.iach Trimmings. Carpet \ aliscs, .''addlery, Maniware, &c. The I’-rsrest ntock in the State, sold wholesale or ro'ftil. at th*- very '’iwes' prices. Every descriptiiin of Harnc'8 tnd .''■‘d.,’es mnnufacttired to order and rej aired. J\MKS WILSON. No. 6 Mark-t st. Wilmington, N. C.. near th’ Wharf. Nov. 3, 18*’0. t)7-ly iMarble Factory, 7ILDK AL AOTICE. McL. (iRAH.WI. M. D., offers his professional services tu tlie public. Offise on Hay Streat. four doors West of Post (ffice. where he may be found at all times, when not professionally engaged. July I'j, l5'*io. 3.5-ly DENTAL NOTICE. SCOTT may be seen rezularly at his -Offiee on Person .‘'treet. two doors East of the M»rk«t. dur ing the hours of from S A. M to 1 P. M.; 2 P. M. to 0 P M Oct. 1. 57-tf [) " I *• R. **1); oh: j - ♦ v'. i.-’. lit! LE. \v. ; Ki ':, . B1:aM.\N & ROBINSON’S IIOR.se STIUE LI\E TO KEXIXSYILLE, * Vli WARSAW, ' ' '-t and most expeditious for travelers going Leading Fayetteville everv day at ip M. THRorOlI IN' TEN HOURS. iL-hes ara larjce and comfortable, drivers sober smanly, our teauis g jod and sure of five miles viOing public who wonld study their oomfori ] -i;''nfeWill take the Warsaw Stage. " HiNjUGH TICKETS TO WELDON may be Office. Fayetteville. l - 25 tf l’AVKTTI-:Vllil>E "TUI, IXSl'RMCe COMPANY. ' lium Notes amounts to $207,GH8 ’.:b ■ ' - ^ud other assets, 5,077 3.') By a lAl UKH, TWO DOORS IBOVR T. & SO.\S’ STORH Favelteville, V. Jan’y 20, IP60 84- Krs. 'SLOWS fRUP. we »■> -' , I,, tor liif t ■■ O'-* " . I- wil! ■ ' ' inUir' b« i>; ■ ’ ’ , lu .N. • a ia *f a ‘ _ KIV"-' ■' ' ‘ ' rel>»ii«l Wi»«* 7 1.!: Mvr 'var. ■•V, :dtnan. to 'OR iOR£I« rmr^o. eli u one n' '■ ^ Vorh - ' to*'*' IgMri i'ER V • f272,765 61 iiave paid all losses promptly, and in assessment on thair premium notes. ;sses paid, $2^,682 tjy » Ofprees; 'jIA McNEILL, President. .^. R.\Y, Vice President. ' A. McMILLAN, Sec’j, DiBr.(^ORw: n. N. Tillinghast, S. J. Hinsdale, Wm. McLaurin, T. S. Lutterloh, A. W. Steel, J. O. Caok, Hon. J. G. Shepherd, R. F. Brown, 1 , . .A. E. Hall, [W.lm’gton. McOrummen, Traveling Agents. ■'I'lny invite applications, 21-ly *• tV'^ ' \ A€« FOR IH«I. 1I-,PLANTER'S. ■ TifCAROLINA. E. J. HALE & SONS. ^’^•'•‘Oscopes and Stereoscopic Views. ^♦’‘'iiiful assortment, just received. £. J. UALK & SONS. “ithan, ' • M .* ,ha-ii . ‘H'l f r;e'n.( c 'tvi To tlie of Tur pen line Di^tillerw. M A. B.\KER would respccitully inform Turpentine , Distillers and others that he is now manufacturing The Improved Turpentine ^till. All orders promply attended to. ('opper work done on the most favorable terms. Old Copper bought for cash nr taki n in exchange for new Work. Call and see for your.selves at .M, A. BAKER’S Copper Shop, Fayetteville, N. C. Feb’y 1, 1860. 88tf A CARD. A WORD TO MY OLD FRIENDS— Those persons for whom I have been attending to Banking business for years;—I arn still willing to serve you with the same promptness tliat I have always done; and to others that may want discounts, Pension business, &c., &c I offer my services, with a promise of strict attention. JAS. G. COOK. June 27, 1859. 2t>tf IVorth Carolina Form Rook, A FURTHER supply just received. £. J. HALE Sl son. ni:\TiJiTRi. V J DAVIS having decided on psrma- uently luratiTig in the Town of Fayetta- ille. respect fully offt-rs his services to the ! citixen* of this tilace and surrounding country. In all . the various brauc-hes of his Profession, includincr the I manufac’ure of Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an extensive experience, to which is added a thorough Den- i tal education, thit h> can give entire satisfaction as far j as is in the pnwer of Dentistry. .Ml irregularitias of the i Teeth treattfii in a proper and careful manner, as well as . diseases of the moiitJi. None buttlia prop^'r metals are j ma'le use of iu the various operations. Charges will he , moderate, that the benefits of the Profession may be I placed within the reach of all who may feal an interest in the preservation of the Teeth. gts^" C)ffice over Houston's Jewelry Store, where he may be found at all times. May 10. 18.58. 9tf W. II. CAKVER, Dealer in Dry ImoocIm, Ciiroceries, and i*rovi«ioni«, \ 17ILL always keep a good Stock of Seasonable Goods If on hand, to sell cheap for Cash, or exchange for Produce at Cash prices. Hay Street. Fayetteville. N, C., .April Ifi. 9-tf B. F. PKARCE, ~ ^WITH — A. lIcDOA ALD, Commission Merchant and Prodnfe Dealer, A.M» KKALER IN Groceries, Provisions. Hardware, Cutlery. Boots, Shoes and Leather, Bagping, Rope, Saddlery. &c.. Foreign and Domestic Liquors, iiheetings and Yarns at Manufacturers' prices. glSil^Strict attention paid to orders. SOUTH SIDE HAY STREET, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Sept. 24. ISf.O. 55tf M. a7 baker, COPRKtt s.ntTH. TrilPp]NT[NE STILLS manufactured on tlie most favorable terms. All work warranted. Call and see for yourselves, at Fayetteville, N. C. Oct. 22. f,3tf T. C. Al n/ii. WORTH, Bommission and Forwarding Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan’y 28, 1859 84tf Cnion of the States.—On this, our great jja- tiooal character depends. It is this which gives us importance abroad and security at home It is through this only that we are, or can be, na tionally known in the world. It is the flag of the United States which renders our ships and com- meree safe on the seas, or in a foreign port. All our treaties, whether of alliauce, peace, or com merce, are formed under the sovereignty of the United States; and Europe knows us by no other name or title. The division of the empire into States is for our own convenience; but abroad this distinction ceases. The affairs of each State are local; and were the whole worth of any one of them expend ed in revenue, it would not be sufficient to sup port sovereignty against a powerful foreign foe. In short, we have no otlier national sovereignty than as United States. It would be fatal for ua if we had;—too expensive to be maintained, and impossible to be supported. Individuals, or indi vidual State.s, may call themselves what ^ey please; but the world, and especially the worm ot enemies, is not to be held in awe by the whistling of a name. Sovereignty must have power to protect all the parts that compose and constitute it. As the United States we are e^ual to the im portance of the title; but otherwise we are not. W. p. KEND.M.L. J. S. KENDALL. W. p. KLADALL SO.IT, General Commission •lierrhants, tiOl Til WATKK S'FttKirr. wiLMisarox, x. c. ORDERS from the ('ountry respectfully solicited. On consignments of Cotton and other Produce, liberal cash advances will be made when desired, Oct. 17, lttj'), «3tf A. \V. I'lLI.ER, GROCER A N D Comiiiis^ioii Merchant, NORTH WATER ST., w I L M I y G Toy, X. c. Oot. 8, IHtio 6W-6m «. U. KI LLARD, ~ Commission •lierrhant, WILMINm)5. N. C. PROMPT and PEKSON.AL attentioa will b« givea to the sale of Naval Stores, (Cotton. Luiubsr, Timber, and all othur oouutry produce. REFKR TU 0. G. P.^RSLKT, Pres t ('om. Bank at Wilmingtoa. JiiHN Dawsun. “ K. N. C.. at do. Messi's. H. & E. J. Lillt, 1 ... Messrs. Pbmbehtos & Sloa.n, j *' Parker, Esq., Haruett County, N. C. May 7. 18*j0. lotf C. n. KUUINSO.N. U. H. HOBIXSOX. €. H. RORlA>>OA Sc CO., Commission and Forwarding IVIercliants, WILMINGTON, N. C Consigntiients and sonntry orJars will resaive prompt personal att«ntion. March 17. 18«0. Jif JOSEPH R. BLOSSOm7~ C « Tl I ! I €» > A N D Fortvarding Merchant, wfi'/ofi, *V. C. lompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and Cash advances made on I’roduce to be shipped to other ports or sold iu this market. Feb. 12. 18-55. 67tf JSO. s. KAKCY. H HVMW, W. M. HYMAN, J.att of Tirbnro'. Lat uf Scotland .Veek. I.att of H'arrentOH. DAAC'V, IIV.^IAA A: C O., (iRO( ERS & C0M>1ISSI0> MERCHANTS, 1^81 Pearl Street, h'onK. HVHA A, DAACY A Co., Comiiitsiiion 3Ierehants, ^OIIFOI.K, VA. The New York House will be conduetsd by Jso. S. Danct, aided by R. W. Hyman. The Norfolk House will be conducteii hy Jno H. Htmas and F. .M. Hvman. gsgjr Particuliir attention given to the sale of C(^T- I TON, CORN, WHEAT, NAVAL STORES, &o. Sept. 11. 1860. ^3tf l)D%VI.\ H. RAAAEY, ! General Commission •IMcrchant, I }! South Wharves, between ^lurket k Chistinit St&. Piiii.Ai>Kr.Piii.\. Consignments of ('otton. Naval Stores. Flour. Rice, &c. will .always receive his prompt personal attention. Advances will be tnaile only on actual Consigments. R K F F K F. \ C K S : T. P. fc T. (J. Bcdo, Churle^tiin. Walkir, F".vavh & (’o. (’h»rle»ton 8 Wyatt & ('i>. “ Elli i. MiTCHrtL, Wilmington. Jamis Ti'ppiR, K^q. •* Henry .N'i tt, I'.'ic). It (' I’risii.cy, K«(i. “ hp» K.'I'atldr, Rirhm’d. W. V l.iiTf H. K*q '■ Rev. J. I.itwiH Shitk. Klifornm- their entire time to their respective departments. Extra charges and needless expenses are strictly pro hibited—necessary purchases are made by the teachers. Picayune pedlars are not allowed to enter the premises, and no pocket money is required. Oxford is situated on the healthy hills of Granville, 12 miles from the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad, and is connected with Henderson Station by a line of daily stages. The scholastic year is divided into two sessions. The first opens on the first Monday in July and closeB on the last Thursday in November. The second opens on the first Monday in January and closes with the annual commencement on the last Thursday in May. Students are received for one or more sessions. Cor respondents will direct their favors to MILLS & CO.. Oxford, N. C. RKrEHKNCK:—Rev. J. McDaniel, Mr, J, M. Beasley, Mr. J. Hollingsworth. Dec'r 12. 7?*-6t I\ew Goods! THE LARGEST STOCK and best ASSORTMENT of F.f.VCV GOOnS, »c., ever oflFered in this market, at greatly reduced prices. Fruits, Confectionaries, Perfumeries and Extracts, Jewelry, Musical Instruments, Candies,Nuts, Wo“t«nholme8’ Cutlery, Pistols, Spiced Wines, Bay Rum, Ginger Brandy, Walking Canes, and a great as sortment ot Fancy Goods. Country Dealers and the public are respectfully in vited to call and examine my stock. I have a great many haodsome thinga that cannot fail to please. JAS. R. LEE, No. 40, Hotel Balding, Hay St. Dec. 12. 78tf c Experienced and thoroughly qualified teachers give . Our Union, well and wisely regulated and ce mented, is the cheapest way of being great, the easiest way of being powerful, and the hapj iest invention in government; because it collects fjrom each State that which, by being inadequate, can be of no use to it, but forms an aggregate that serves for all. It is with confederated States as with individ uals in society; something must be yielded, to make the whole secure. In this view of things, we gain by what we give; and draw an annual in terest greater than the capital. Our citizenship in the United States is our national character, our citiaenship in any particular State is only our lo cal distinction. By the latter we are known at home; by the former, to the world. Our great title is Americans; our inferior one varies with the place.—Jour, of Commerce. Amending the Constitution.—The President in his Message recommends an Amendment of the Constitution. The modes of doing this, aa prescribed by the Constitution ’tself, are two:— I St. Congress, by a t wo-th irda vote, may propose an Amendment. It must then be ratified by three-fourths of the States, either through their Legislatures or State Conventions, as Congress may prescribe. 2d. Two-thirds of the Legislatures of the States may require Congress to call a National Conven tion to propose Amendments. The Amendments proposed by the Convention must then jje ratified by three-fourths of the States, as in the other case. To initiate an Amendment, therefore, it is vir tually necessary to have the assent of twenty-two States, and to perfect it, requires the assent of twenty-five. Mr. Calhoun.—A subscriber has cut the follow ing from an ancient copy of the Baltimore Ameri can, and forwarded it with a request for its repub- lication; Mr. Calhoun.—The following toast was given by the Vice President of the United States, at a public dinner on the 4th of July, in his own dis trict of Pendleton, S. C.: By John C. Calhoun.—“The State and Gene ral Governments—each imperfect when viewed as separate and distinct governments, but, taken as a whole, forming one system, with each check ing and controlling the other, unsurpassed by any work of man, in wisdom and sublimity.” Mississippi.—The Natchez (Miss.) Free Trader proposes the suspension of the payment of North ern debts as one of the remedies for the times. It proposes that each debtor shall pay into the State Treasury the amount of tht debt due his North ern creditor; the State of Mississippi to issue her bond tor it, payable when hostilities are over. The Natchez (Mies.) Courier retorts;— “The idea of more Mis-sissippi Bonds is rather peculiar. She issued two sets and repudiated them both; she was sued in her own courts upon them, after she had invited suit, and judgment rendered against her, and she has repudiated pay ment of the judgment: and to crown the whole, we understand, after she employed counsel to de- Cliristmas A'iceties. presents from the most extensive assortment ever ifiFered you heretofore. J.\S. R. LEE. Dec'r 12. 78tf Freiiili I^orfolk Oysters, RECEIVED several times a week, and kept constantly on hand and supplied to customers by the Gallon, Plate or Supper. Families and others in want of Oysters will please send and be supplied. J.AS. R. LEE, No. 40, Hotel Building. Dec’r 12. 78tf NEGROES FOR HIRE. The UNDERSIGNED has a number of negroes to hire for the ensuing year; among them are men, women, boys and girls, also one good Carpenter. Also several small boys and girls to hire for board and cloth ing. E. J. LILLT Dec. 15. 78-2w 3000 Coffte! Coffee! B.\GS, good quality, now being landed ex brig Union State, direct from Rio Janeiro, for sale in lots of ten bags and upwards, for cash, or its equivalent. 0. G. PARSLEY & CO. Wilmington, N. C., Dec. 10, I860. 78-2w Aeg;roes Wanted! LIBER.AL priees will be paid for Boys and Girls, bv M. A, BAKER,' Fayetteville, N. C., Dec'r 17, 1860, 79-3t ,h!R1XU HARTFORD, CO.AA. Incorporated 1819. Charter Perpetual, j ^end these suits, she repudiated their counsel fees was sued upon that claim—^judgment obtained Aathorized Capital, Paid ap Capital, Assets, $l..i00.000 00 1.500,000 00 2,030,423 HO —and those judgments hour.” remain unpaid to this WILLIA.n J. PRICE, Inspertor of Turpentine, WILMINGTON, N. C. Will attend promptly to all bnsiness entrusted to his care. March 29. 4-lypd ALFRED ALDERMAN, Inspector of !¥a¥al l^ltores, WILMINGTON, N. C. WILL attend promptly to the transaction of all busi. ness consigned to his care. VVlLI.IAM t’lTTIUHI W, M. i) ” Jes»K \V. Kev. \\. B. Carsom Kd Sd. Brp.John \V. : .March U. Hkmpk T, l.«q. N. ■ElTnN. F.»q., Phila. •KMV B001>^ &L .\T WHOI.KSALK. jm. M. WALKER, of IVortb (arolina, jURAW, DE liiRAW^ Ac KI AG, MANrrACTl'Ur.RS OF .‘tND WHOLESAl.K DKALKRS IN BOOTS ana SHOESj :o. 31 »i a iir.Y xt., xkw iokk, \IT1LL be happy to see his Southern friends at the IT above establishment, where, either personally or liy order, they may be supplied from au extensive and 36tf well assorted Stock of Goods July 17, I860 Not. 9. IVotice. T.\KEN up ami committed to the Jail of Cumberland County, on the 1st of May I860, as a runaway, t negro who says he is free, that his name is RENDER SON SE.\Ri^. and that he is from Davidson County, and was bound to David Hunt. He is about 26 years old, 6 ft. high, and weighs about 180 lbs.; had on when taken up a hickory shirt, black Cas, pants, and black round coat. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take him away, or he will be dealt with as the law directs. G. L. McKAY, Jailer. Jnne 4, 1860. 23tf !§tarkie on Evidence, Vol. I T¥ew Edition, with Notes and References, by Sharswood. July 10. E. J. HALE & SONS. Gmdey’s Lady’s Rook for Dec. Not 13. £• J HALE & SONS. E. G T. K. BRACE. S. TUDOR. J. CIU RCH. R. BUELL. E FLDWER. E. A. BULKELEY R. M.\THER. E. G. RIPLEY. W. Ripi.et, Pres’t. PIEECTORS. I S. S. WARD. I H. Z. PRATT, i A. DUNHAM. ! G. F. DAVIS. D. HILLYER. T. A. ALEXANDER. W. KENEY. C. H. BRAINARD. F. TUTTLE. T. A. -Alexan'kek, V. Pres't. T. K. Brace, Jr., Sec’y. A. \. Williams, .Adjuster. Rates as low as pkrkect solvbsct and fair profit will allow. ASSETS.—Jnl) 18.19. Market value' Bank Stocks in New York, Hartford. Bos ton. St. Louis, &c.. United States Stock and Treasury Notes, State Stocks; New York, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, City Stocks, Hartford, Rochester, Brook lyn, Jersey City, Railroad Stocks: Hartford and New Haven. Boston and Worcester, Co»n. River, Mortgage Bonds, Real iistate, unincumbered, Miscellaneous Items, Cash, on hand and deposited on oall. and in ge Its’ hands, $015,344 00 215,126 50 168,005 00 116,000 00 I The Arctic Expedition.—A letter received from ! Capt. Hall, csmmander of the new expedition to ; the Arctic regions, announces the loss of the j schooner Rescue, in the terrible gale of last Au- ! gust, which did so much damage to shipping on the northeast coast. It was the seventh voyage 1 of the Rescue to the Arctic seas. The gale com- . menced on the 26th, and continued forty-eight hours with the greatest violence, and caused the loss, besides the Rescue, of the brig Georgiana and Capt. Hall’s expedition boat. Capt. Ilall, ' however, writes in the best of spirits, and an- I nounces that he has already perfecteil arrange ments for continuing his researches when naviga tion opens in the Spring. The results already accomplished by the expedition are important. Hoth t^obisber’s and Cumberland Straits Capt. Hall asserts to be merely inlets or bays, he having seen them in their entire extent. 87,0.58 00 83,089 60 70,103 78 25,348 77 LIABILITIES. Claims: unadjusted and not due. The National Volunteers, a Baltimore light- horse regiment, 1,300 strong, have tendered their services to Gov. Gist, if the Federal Government should attempt coercion.—Charltston Mercury. Will our Charleston contemporary take our 850,.303 15 word for it that this offer is either a hoax on Gov. Gist or a piece of idle gasconade? There is no such regiment here, and the party making the offer holds no military commission. Baltimore American. $2,030,428 80 $88,242 08 Agent of the above Company in Fayetteville, E. J. HALE. 3tf March 21, I860. §ichool Rooks. N.ATUR.AL PHILOSOPHY from Ganot’s Popular Physics hy Wm. G. Peck, M. A.; Sanders’ New Speller and Definer Analyser; Bullions’ and Smith’s Grammars; Monteith’s, Smith’s and Mitchell’s Geogr#- phies; Goodrich’s and Andrews’ Latin and Greek Les sons, &c. E. J. HALE & SONS. Aug. 31. The Presbyterian Psalmodist Charftcter not«i. A further supply just received. July 20. £. J. HALE k SONS. *^Th0t Setting Sun.”—The Tarboro’ SoHthQrn*^ er, a North Carolina Democratic paper, kicka tl dead lion thus:— ‘ "i. ^ “The President’s Message is an appropriate conclusion ot one of the moat unfortunate and dis astrous National Administrations that ever was called upon by the American people to preside over their destinies. Timid and inconsistent in its policy, wavering and unfaithful to its friends, and crouching and suppliant to its enemies, &c. &c. Born a Federalist, James Buchanan has, in this document, abandoned the party that elevated him to his present position, and returned to hia first lovej let him go."

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