ITICE. f of . irrii^f:. f,”'' ■ ' ARTER , m , ,T..en* ihi, , 1 : n»*- Ute j.',r.„ V m tif- Ute “'Vft ii:r aotu ’'1">»E S’’'' "MiNfi' B.m- l^ch ol'J ^t«ni ; “"■ ■ “ • \RTKt..'' -V/,vf/» of' iisTAT|!iSE|,y E“"’ssf- ' "■'‘■lili.s I ^al‘N ot pi.„ - ' r,.iai,.n, F-' ' ' '■ ' '■ .'U n.'\ V, V. V..:, ^ = r --.iM.Vnw i ^ •'• ” 4 ^Olltll, |,y Prof .' . ^’V t!;p A'ul,,,r of ^o!,...ia .>t H.uverie. or.htr^J Ik ii L . 1 v^n-.n^s at th* u- i; s -!-i' iimii ^iiiKiiir L\i» Fi:n ii,K N'''1'T’! ' AHf'Tiy^ •>'' A .M , Priucii -il. ■■ V I’nn Deo. 'iience the 11 ih .^f II )t iwenir-jTi. weeks fn "' iTV I--..1 UN . j.i 1 .T [ 1.-' f • ' t.ri- 1 in I vrr.-'riAv- w;-.b .i, ■ in the ma!» an i hV’-j “M in n Wane*. •'" : ■'!- High Poiof ijy u^*r- wri'.e t ir a cnuU^rn,' lAKDSON’S 7 EXS, DAiIA?jKS,, kc. HI » AIU)'5'A'’S LINENr; ■ .■ -' e OEvriNE UWDS, - !'.•.■» jrjrciiase *’ seii* the *ir':> 60VS i 0»V«E\. -■- jii i Juriioiluj jfiil I'lere i p«'»“Ti’isl'.y ni ■e#''!7, » iriur n i 'Ipf.-ofive Liaen iron i;. und ieH’o J wiih ihe r.TTtil ” .. who, re^rir'iiei-i ;;4| j ,. .,u tiie American oor.f.-al 1 t .■■' Ci-aaiue Goo'^s. w; U'ii;ei» *.. pr.'>fi;ab!e, 1 t‘i on "...Mi .-JS ut § T,.;XiJ6SI orvj-, LfXKF. S'reet, Xe» Fort" :v*;j \-^:;:trong & 00 u-s •flercfi^nu^ ;ni! *'». Iluane ^t., -V. T. ■rM :■ •>n;rg' ^icsj ■ -•tf-’-’ , the I TA PrtlATS. • Prriat iti 'heCot;jit" I d‘-‘ ’ti in fjll Midi: • ip»:t 'b iD anj iii ain't IV/ i i .-ir a.- ;r;i tiii'FiilEN. lURinViiL (S \ND I’l.ATK-'VAKt. I Ware, Drags. Ccnfec- £3, and Toys, lN!/‘ -;>'CYTF!K T?LAPL'. r >' 'i.S and all othor; too 1.' r., mentior;. I.L.'v *'- r -ale.^ >r i'. .rter or *' ' =:'• Ihrf crp'iit. J n. f.^rrar \1I\TI:R liOOil^. COLLBOB.N.C Dri ri iTe l FALL WVY UKl (f**®’ pri. r-5 that defv comp*'-'* ,ro lir....ans. La-ii^ f V.;lvet Bonnets. :id(. riothin-. ,e w. •.e« i .--•e ih.-m. M hf 5i*tf It- IPATOTOWHILIIjIE SEMI-WEEKL. Y. [VOL. X.] FAYETTEVILLE. N. C.. DECEMBER 27, I860. [NO. 982.] pBlxrtD MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. EDWARD J. HALE & SONS, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS „ftfcT ilio Semi-^’eeklj Observkr $3 00 if paid in linnce; S3 50 if paid during ttie year of aubscrip- | non; or S4 after the year has expired. j ^jrthf 'Weekly OBSEgVKr $2 00 per atinum, if paid in iJrance; S'- if paiiV^during the year of subscrip- ■ tion; or $3 00 after the year has ex-pired. ( ADVERTISENIEXTS inserted for 60 cents per j of Ifi lines for the first," an3 30 cents for each ' L-cwJing publication. Yearly advertiseinenia by spe- 1 contracts, at reasonable rates. Advertisers are ' eijHesieJ to state the number of insertions desired, or , will be continued till forbid, #nd charged accord- i ilr. A'iTertisements to be inserted ifinJe, charged T>0 per extra. HUSKE & AXDERSOV, —deai.Ilks IX— Staple and Fancy Dry «oods, Ready^mUfteie Clothing^ And GeotlemeD’s Fiirnishiug Goods of every description. B.\LLOU’S FRENCH YOKE SHIRTS, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, &c. &o. Five per cent, otf for all Cath Bills of $25 and upwards. Xos. 40 and 48 Hay St.« (Hotel Bulldtns,) F^IYETTEI^UjMjM:, .%•. V. WRIGHT HUSKK. JOHN H. A’NDEKSON. Formerly B’k Cape J^'ear. For’ly with J. A. Pemberton. 28, 18ti0. E.\COrRI(iR HOME l.\niSTRV! Nov. r4tf SPECIAL NOTICE. I From and after this date, no name of a new subscriber S:” be entered without payment in advance, nor will t" paper be sent to such subscribers for a longer lime Ian is*paid for. * ! ji.ich ofoi'.r old subscribers as desire to take the pa- Lron thissy^em will please notify us wheir making ^HE subscriber is now receiving a larie and well femittaii^es. Jan’y 1, 1858, Fall Stock of BOOKS AND STATIONERY. W o are now receiving a very full supply of Law, Medical and MisreUaiieoiis Books; Seboul Books; Blank Books; Writing Papers; Envelopes. Jic. E. J. HALE & SON. Octobcr 8, 18G0. Keep yotii* .tloney Soatli! | And build up vour own Country and Town, by calling on ; M. A. BAKER, I .'?Ianiir;i€tiii*er oT double and «in- I g'le barrel Shot iiiin!!i, Slitles I and PiMtolM, Of all the diffeiTjnt patterns now used in the Cnjted i Statc.s or Great Britain. j I Call lui I see. at M. A. BAKER’S. ' ► Fayetteville, N. C.', Nov. 12, 1800. 69tf | FAYETTEVILLE Female lllsrli School. TERMS. Ronnl p«»r SoRsion of 20 week^. S^>0 00 Tuition in (..'oDe^iate Cl.asaes 20 weeks. 20 00 •' “ Academic “ “ 15 00 “ “ Primary “ “ “ 12 00 Incidental expenses, 1 00 Tuition in Music, Painting, Drawing, Modem and Ancient Languages, &c. at the usual rates. 9^^0ne-half of Board and Tuition rsquired in ad- vanct; the other half at the close of the Ssssion. SCHOLASTIC YEAR. 1st Session.—1st Quarter commences 1st October. 2d “ “ 10th December. 2d Session.—1st Quarter “ 20th February. 2d “ “ 1st May. Vacation 10th July. J; DkB. & T. C. HOOPER, Associate Principals. Dec’r 8, 1860. 77tf \EW GOODS. TO tsse: of HOME MANUFACTURES. THE KINSTON SHOE r.iCTORV llerv 'la'l ^*^*i« a ^ (,HH 11 »L'SK. the iiiii!*t of large 1. lUilrw.i ..:ison*f'-» ' rfeUi^^r on the ^uui 1®“' *,n Kill V. svfamp. ton Co., riept- rrrcrJ. te tni'lc to tbo P*'*® g bill'® pf North Carolina. * . 9 of a Scientific jjjoii bent of Mech-inic Aj;'*-wb* ure. and .Military County. N. ^ppoR^IA^ m I IC-®"''* ihscril’*'^' Ha .-ertiued by *(jj, 'tb id. nee. on .-heop, l,„lcropofCor»,FoiiJ‘' tiiiii?: . All^*** too t«di .us bout reset ve, if ” Att of ioB« made FILL -Wl) Wl.VTER STYLES, I860! ; J. A. PE.MBERTON i IS NOW RECEIVING HIS STOCK OF ^/rll A* If^inter Goods* kmprising the great At variety of NEW STYLES ever fered by him. i I He will receive in a few days, one of the most mag- i ^icent sel^'ions of j ^ndie«»’ Velvet HatM and Bonnets, i\ad $itraw Bonnetw, trimmed, L offered in this market. They were put up by one , hiie most stylish Houses in the City of New York, and MADK EXPRESSLY TO ORDER. , he public are invited to give them an inspection, as he | ^ill be pleased at all times to show them. He tiattera himself that after fifteen years experience i I the Fancy Dry Goods trade, his selections and ad- ; sntsges will be worthy of a call from those in want of ' esirable new Style Goods at LOW PRICES. He would take this occasion to say to his friends sany of whom have patronized him from his commence- I kent in business.) that he duly appreciates their many krors and hopes never to part compan;^ with any of Cally&nd see the New Styles. ^ J. A. PEMBERTON. ] Sept. 12. o2i4w-tf FALL, 1860^ : JAMES KYLE I [Is now receivingliis FALL and WINTER supply of DKV OOOD8, I AMONG WHICH ARE: | Bliftk and Colored Silks: Merinoes, French and English; lieUines, French and others; ftrisian Cloths, and other Dress Goods; Lidies’ Erab'd Collars and Sleeves; Long and Square Shawls; Chenille Shawls, Silk and Cotton; Bolting Cloths, assorted Nofi.—Anker: Boots and Shoes; with a large assortment of Hats taJ Caps, with many other Goods. ■Q of whicli were bought cheap by the Package, and lil. be ntfereJ by Wholesale or Retail—CHEAP. Sept. 12. 1800. 62tf 1 lecteil stock of GOODS, consisting of GROCEIUETS, H.ARDWARl-; AXD CUTLK- RY, BAGGING AND R01‘E, SAD DLERY, &c., FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC IJQl'ORS, and.many other articles, which he offers low for Cash, or on sruoBT to prompt i’»ying customers. -t- 0 IS >0\V IN SUCCESS Fl'L OPERATIOX. RDl’IlS for uegro BKOG.\.N3 and BOOTS are Floral €olle$re. ! The Fall Se.ssion in this Institution will oommence on j the 18th of JULY next. ; ; The mariageraent and instruction of the Institution i ; will be under the Rev. Daniel Johnson and Mr. John 1 • C. Sutherland, with an able Corps of Assistants in all the i departments. The Principal an«l his lady will continue i to take entire charge of the Boarding establishment, I thus giving to the School more of the family element, t This arrangement, it is believed, will greatly advanse the usefulneus of the Institution. I M, C. McNAIR, ' Seo’y Board of Trustees, i June 18,1860. 28tf solicited. Kin'stoti C. J. C. CARPENTER, Agent, .(unc 2«; 18('.0. .^U-tf All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. Sheetings and Cotton Yarns on hand at all times, at Manufacturers’ prices. All p-?rsons are respectfully inviteil to give me a call, at the old stand of J. & T. Wa.ldill, South side Hay st. A. N. .MCDONALD. Fayetteville, N. C., Sept. 24, IStlO. 55tf Mrs. IIAKT Is now receiving a Ilamhoine Assortment of wr:vTER illII.LI\EU\% Incliidinjf a variety ot Fancy Articles, Head DreKwes, Arc. Nov. 10. t;y-3in “ TO THE ladies: MR.'^. GIBSON respectfully informs her friends and the public geDcrilly. thjit “he is prejnred to make UKESSES in the nio^t f:ishion:ibie style, she will also cut and fit for any ladies wi-hiiijr to make their own Dresses: CHILDREN'S CLOTtlING cut or made to '.>rdei. Mrs. Gibson has taken the .Vgency for 'he sal« of a new and excellent CHART, for cuiiiii;r L-idie.s' bre-scs. .Also, one for Boy’s ('lothing They ure very simple in construction, and theretore easy to iin'l»*rst'iiid. The ladies are requested to call and see them a» h»*T house, on Maxwell Street, between the Female High School and the Fayetteville Hotel. Oct. 2. G8t t SOl'THERNERS IjOoU to \^*our Enterest. are the only SHOE M.\NUFACTURKRS in the TT .''tale, th;»t make a No. 1 article of KIP SHOES and Negro I5KOGANS. without Welts. We intend to tuake to the fullest extent, if we have the patronage, which we truly and earnestly solicit. All onlers shall have pnimpt attention. Now is the time for Ihe Sou'.b to encourage all such. W M. C\RTER & SONS. W.M. D.wid a. Cabtbr. s. s. C MITER. John Q. Carter. (?artcrsville. Chnthan. Co., N. C., Oct. 25. 6.3-3m STATE CM! IMI llll'lll\E WORKS. FAYETTEVILLE. N. C. ^PHE tin'ler.'iipiicd. having erected buildings suitable I tor car and MACHINE WORK—also General HOL'.'iK (' \ UlM-’.NTItY—wotiM give notice that they are {■rt pared to execute nil orilers in their line with neat ness and di«ii;itch. We are prepared to do all kinds of SCR>LL SAW- IN'tJ and PL.VNElN«'t at short nmioe. Having a first cH-^s Wmiilwiirth rianeing M ichine. we are prepared to Plane. Ton;rue au l (iroove all kinds of Flooring and (’eiling on r'*asonible terms 1NPECI4L ter:?i. state of North Caralia^, Ci’nb9rland C o. Superior Court of Law, Fall Term, 18G0. His Honor Robert S. Fbrnch, Judge Presiding. TT is ordered that a Special Term of the Superior Court 1 of Law and Equity for Cumberland County, be held on the First .Monday in February A. D. 1861, and that publication thereof be made in the several newspapers published in the Town cf Fayetteville. Jurors. Suitors and Witnesses in civil eases are hereby notified to be in attendance. From the Minutes. J. W. BAKER, Clerk. Nov. 24. 63-to Presbyterian copy. FOR The house and LOT adjoining Elizabethtown, lately occupied by Alexander Carter. The Lot con tains Six .Acres of good garden soil, and some fruit, good water, &c. ’ The improvements are a Two Story Dwelling House and necessary out-buildings. Also, a vacant Lot near the Court House. Terms accommodating. H. H. ROBINSON. June 8. 27-tf Cape Fear RiAer Land FOR SALE. ^.\CRE.^ OF LAND lyinsc on the W'est side of *l'rW Cane Fear River, two miles below Fayetteville, and extending from the River into the Sand-liiils. This tract is about equally divided into River-ridge, Swamp I D. Si W. McLlURiN, WOULD invite attention to their large and desirable Stock of i GROCERIES, I Consisting in part of— I 150 Bags Rio, Laguira and Java Coffee; i 100 Bbls. and Hhds. Sugar (assorted;) I 25 Hhds. Molasses; ! 30 “ Bacon—Sides and Shoulders; ^ 500 Sacks Salt; I 150 Boxes good Tobacco; I 125 “ Sperm, Adamantine & Tallow Candle#; 50 “ Soap (assorted;) 50 “ Candy “ 100 Bags* Shot “ 1000 lbs. Bar Lead; 30 J Bbls. Snuff—Eagle Mills; 25 Kegs Soda; 250 “ Nails. • —also— A large and general assortment of Hardware and Cntlery; Farming Utensils, of all descriptions; American, English, Swedes and Peruvian Iron; Blister, German and Cast Steel; Blacksmiths’ Tools; Coopers’ Do.; Corn Shellers and Straw Cutters; Ruckets, Brooms and Pails; Cotton, Manilla and Jute Rope, (all kinds and quality;) Plow Lines and Bed Cords; Hollow Ware; Cotton Yarns and Sheetings at factory prices. .All of which will be sold low troR cash, or on usual time to prompt paying customers. CnrxTRY Merchants are respectfully requested to call and examine our stock before purchasing else where. D. & W. MoLAURIN. March 3. 18.5A 93tf H ^l(ll,\U FILL STOIR Full 1 SiTARR &. WILLIAMS, '0. Oo, llAV STULET, FAYETTEVILLE. N.C., now receiving iheir SECOND SUPPLY of SEASONABLE GOODS, tMliKACING A Large,STOCK OF F.\M'V.(fc STAPLE DRY GOODS, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, BO.V\FT«, OinHELLA*i, Reaily-^Waiie Clot inn A*c, 4V. of which will be offered to Wholesale buyers exclu '•y. either for Cash or on the usual time, to prompt jriDg customers. J b. STAKR. j. M. WILLIAMS. ]\otice! \otiee!S .WINO made up my mind to close out my present stock of Goods. I shall offi'r great if.ducemeiits to I tiiose who wish to bi;y anythiug in iny line. Being I connected with a manut'actiiriiig Firm at rliu bogirtniii;^ j (.f last Fall, [ had the advantage of eetiing uiy Goods at ! manufacturing prices, and n' such 1 will now offer tiie remainder of my Stock, which consists of Firie and Common Ovcrcoat«, Cloth, Cass, and Tweeds Coat.«:; Pants nnd Vosts of every do- . 1 scription; Shirts, Linen ami 3]:irsi ines; Un- I der Garuienta of nil kirid-s; 3u>pct]dcrs; Carpet Sacks; Pocket Books, A:c., &c. ' The ^bove Goods arc wdl-iii.i.It:, im 1 will i,cit.»ju’y be I sold at cost. Theretore those wiio iviah to select a "good Coat must come immediately. I Those who are indebted to Grcentree & Co.. or to my- 1 self, mu«t settle up iiiimediui-ly. as I cannot t;iv«; any ; further indulgence. Mv bouks shall be cl'j-j» d lo all. S. BV!!NU\|. 1 No. 13, NortL cnsi of the Maik*’!. Nov. 2*. T.'^-tlJ ('otitracts takeu for the erection «f Buildings, and { and Sand-hill Land. About 80 acres adjoining the Hiver arc cleared and produce well. There are good sites for building. The Report of an Engineer establishes that drainage of the Swamp Land may be effected at a moderat* ex pense Terms to suit; and a bargain offerei. Apply to B. R. HUSKE. Fayetteville, Oct. 9, 1860. 60if Jobbing of all kindn execute I with neatness and dis patch. Sashes. Poors and Blinds of all descriptions. i manufietun-d equal to anythiug to be found in the Non hern m"r!;crs. I Plans uud sp.*cifications furnishel nnd the erection of buildings superintended when desired. , WAI.TON & BARRY, C'lr Builder^. Carpenters & Draughtmeo. Fayetteville. Oct 3, 18C!) • 51-tf J. AV. BAKER Is now receiving from the North the largest, finest, and most carefully selected stock of FritniTiJKv: ever offered in this market; which added to his own manufacture, makes his assortment complete;— all of which he will sell on the lowest possible tcr*ns for cash or on time to punctual customers. Fashionable painted cottage bed-room Furniture in setts; curled hair and shuck, and cotton .Mattresses; Looking Glasses; Willow Wagons and Cradles; Side Boards: Bureaus; Secretaries and Book-Cases; What- Nots; Tables, all sorts; Wash Stands: Candle Stands: Wardrobes; Picture Frames and Glass; Window Shades’ Cornices; Curtain Bands; Sofas in Mahogony and Wal nut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools; 'Chairs of every variety. Fine Rosewood Pianos, one with j£olian at tachment: Rosewood Melodians, from the best manufac tories in New York and Boston, warranted as good as any made in the country, and will be sold at New Yprk prices—freight only added. September 2. 4.5tf ..'ri'rfe HAPi\£SS A GE.n: Tl;o \cw Style. Smnll, COLO?iEU PHOTOliJlAPflS. AT Vaxor^dclP!! Gallery. ART. Woodwards ^olar Camera. 11, 1H60. 56tf SECOND STOCK. Wii AKE .VOW receiving AND OPENING [THE UJiGEST SECOxND .STOCK OF GOODS |!?.® offered to our customers, comprising ALL ITrffc .iRXICLES usually kept by us, all of which we »re disposed to offer on accommodating terms to our cajiooiers and all wholesale purchasers. Please call |uJ exiynine our Stock. H. A E. J. LILLY. Oct. 1. 57,tf M ^Vo. 34, Haf/ Si. llll lilFO prints, unusually low, either by wholesale or retail. 60 Doi. WOOL and other HATS. C L. O T H I ]\ O I'-rewly reduced prices; together with a large and Slock of Rifle ,i\« nm m goods, of which will t>e offered on as favorable terms as any Ihe State. * J. K. KYLE. '«• i, IbOO. 68tf l^’^»‘P«‘ting! t'arpetf ngr! Carpefing! r}s(U\YD8. CAHPETINO at No, 34, Hay St. All I "ylfs, all prices, all qualities. All will be I w* eiiher by wholesale or retail. Also, 5-4 and Frefill Ciioo(l««». fH.WE just received my F.ALL SUl'l’LV of GOOD.S, consisting in part of— Layer Raisins, in wliole, hnl;' ami jnriricr boxes; Citron, Currants, Dates, Prunes, I'ig'. I’restrvod (’anton Klin ger, Dried Ginger, ('ocoti and other Nuts. Sardints, Guava Jelly, Pickles nnJ I’rcscrves of all kinds. Catsups, Spiced Oysters. Lea ic rerrin’s Wor cestershire S.iuce, French Mustard. A constant supply of Plain, Fancy A. French Canlie«. Also, a large and well sell selected slock of Toys and Fancy Articles, suitable for the Christmas Holidays. With a great ma ny articles not enumerated, which I will sell low for Cash. Mrs. .M. B.\NKS. Dec’r 10, 1860. 77-1 m I^flOTOfiRAPIT!^ can be had at Vanorsdell’s Skylight Gallery. If ly «'rrci, ojipositc 'l iiblc Yard, Fay etteville. N. pl i.n, rotouohr'd, colored, in wafer colors, oil an i pa'itile; fro:n small to life size. Atnbro- typcs. MelanM>ty^'t.'s, and all other styles of Pictures pertaining to liie .\rt. A’'0. Gilt Frames, (iilt Mould ing. ilas.s fur very lar^c pictures—as large as 20 by .3G inches. Cord ari'i T is«;’!s for iianging pictures; Instru ments. .Stock and (’hemic ils for sale low for cash. Life size colored l’ii>toj;r::plis made from small pictures. Having penaaniniiy lo-atod here I hope to merit your patronaz'!. 1 would al-o return my sincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on me heretofore by the good poople of K.iyettev ille and vicinitv. C. M. VANORSDELL, Photographist and Proprietor. I Dec’r 20, 1H50 77- Star I’olish otf the Soiilh! .U A A i: I A i: 1' I R E DBA' A. J. WOODWARD, FA VETTEVILI.E, I¥. f. To I..and Buyers. TSK un'iPT^ifrne*! offers for sale, in the Coal region. a^^^ within eight miles of the terminus of the Fay etteville fc We«tern Rail Road on Deep River. Efcni nrxDRKn acres of nvn, adjoining the lantl belonging to the estate cf George Wilcox, dec’ll, nnd lying three miles Sotuh from Car- bonton. on Little Pocket Creek, Moore county. These Lands are well ad.ipted to tho growth of om. cotton, wheat, oats. rye. 4tc. There are on the prem ises a comfortable Dwelling, and .all necessary Out houses. with about one hundred and fifty acres under fence, including forty or fifty acres of never-failing botfom land. This is a rare chance for persons wish ing to make investments, as lands are undoubtedly ad vancing in price in this section. For further information apply to Mr. .M. M. McRae. E’ Crme's (!roek. P. 0., Mooro couutj, or ixdJres^ tiie at j of IlaiDCSs anJ SuJJies luanufaclured to H t'nai Cloths and Druggets. N. C., Sept. 13. 1860. y. ILL J. K. KYLE. 52t,r Pemberton fuceive in a few days a larg« lot of those ^HUtiful Cassimeret and Tweedu. THEY ARE in iVorth Carolina, IJURABLE tfaaa any other Goods for tb« ■ money. Rocii of Ur, ***** CassimeVe*, ^‘fjsuperi '• ’ —ALSO— A* LARGE LOT OF Inland Kerseys, Tweeds lor quality. 13, 1800. A. PEMBERTON. 62i4w-tf •^0”th, by Prof. In- "'jrld " * Author of “Wide Wide gf (jgiij . Household of Bouverie, or the Elixir 4o A Lady;_Evenings at the Micro- *■ £. i. HALE ft 80N8. EDWIiV GLOVER, ll'^atchmaker and Jetcelet'^ A.S returned from the North with a much larger stock of Goods in liii line, than he has ever offered btfore. .\ruong hi!t assurtiuent may he fjund— Watches of all tjualities from 37 to 81(30; Chains, Seals and Keys of all kinds; Bracelets, Ear- Riugs, Breast Pin.s and Lockctji; Gold, Silver, Steel and Common Spectacles; (roid and Sil ver Pencils and Pens; Silver Spoons, Silver Cups and Goblets; Silver IMuted Tea Sets, .Cake Baskets, Castors, (!andle Sticks and Butter Dishe.s; Coral Necklaces, Brace lets and Armlets, &c., &c., &c. Clocks ot all kinds and qualities; A fine lot of Pistols; a good a.ssortme«t of Military Goods and Accordeons, and every thing else kept in a Jewelry Store. E. G. is Agent for the sale of the Celebrated Ameri can Watch. .4ny person in want of a Good Watch is invited to call and examine them. P. S. Particular attention paid to the Repairing of WATCHES. CLOCKS and JEWELRY. Fayetteville, N. C., Oct. 9, 1860. 60-8m REPO THE DKCP RIVER MSEUh REIilON. The undersigned have caused to be published from the Congressional plates, an edition of the Report of Capt. Wilkes, U. 8. Navy, and his Associates on the Board appointed by the Secretary of the Navy ta ex amine the Deep River Region of North Carolina. This is the most important and scientific statement of the great wealth of that section of the State, and the Maps the most perfect and valuable, of any yet published. The Maps are worth the price of the work, which is ,50 ceots, neatly bound in cloth. Copies sent by mail, free of postage, on the receipt iif 50 cents. A liberal dis count to wholesale buyers. Orders solicited. Jan’y 26. K. J. HALE & SONS. BLAiNK^ for sale at this OHice. Fayetteville, N. C. DANIEL McRAE, For the Heirs of Gilbert .McRae, deo’d. Carbonton, Moore co.. N. C.. Aug. 24 43tf L A A O FoiTs A LE. The subscriber having removed West, offers for sale his LANDS in. Harnett County, lying immediately on each side of Cape Fear River, containing 1200 acres in each tract. These Lands are situated in a healthy country, pleasant neighborhood, and within a half a mile of the villaee of Summerville, with good Dwellings on each place and all necessary Out-Houses. and clear ed Land enough lo work 25 or 30 hands to advantage. There are on these lands some six hundred acres of fine Bottom, most of which is uncleared, and well set with whitb cak and other fine Timber. A large portion of the balance is oak and hickory Ridge Lands; the bal ance is pine Land of a good quality, having been work ed in Turpentine three years. These Lands will be sold low for Cash or Young Negroes, or on time to suit purchasers, with approved bonds. Jan’y 13, N. G. JONES. order and repaired. JAMES WILSON, No. 5 Market st. Wilmington, N. C., near th'! Wharf. Nov. 3, 1800. ( 67-ly • That Polish! How it Shines. Many of you recol lect nine years ago that I travelled through North Carolina and a portion of South Carolina for the pur pose of introducing this Polish. ,\s time elapsed I found that it would mould. I have succeeded in making it perfect and will warrant it to give satisfaction. It can be had at retail for 10 cents per box or at wholesale for sixty cents per dozen. Dealers will forward their or ders two weeks previous to the time tMej wish them filled, j May 6, 18*>0. 16-ly I WEW books7~] NEMESIS, by MARION HARLAND, *Author of “Alone” &c. THE QUEENS of SOCIETY, illustrated; JACK HOPETON, or the Adventures of aOeorgiao; CASTLE RICHMOND, by Anthony Trollope; Further supplies of Rutledge, Adam Bede; * Beulah, the Mill on the Floss; Vestiges of Creation, &o. Aug. 31. E. J. HALE & SONS. Forty A>ars’ Familiar lietters of Jas. W. Alexander, D. D.r Sermons, by J. Addison Alexander, D. I). Also, further supplies of Margaret MoncrieiTe; Beulah; Adam Bade; Yusef; Shirley; School Books, Ae. July 10. S. J. HALB I SON. iVOTICE. ■pXPECTlNG to be absent from the State until the IJ middle of next Summer, say till July, I860, I have authorized Archibald McLean, of Harnett county, to transact business for me during my absence, to sell my Lands in Harnett county, and generally to attend to all my business. N. G. JONES. Harnett County, N. C., Jan’y 13, 1860. 83- NEW EDITION OF DEVEREUX JND BATTLF/S .N. C. LAW REPORTS, A’^olunie !2. The subscribers have just printed a 2d Edition of this Volume, with Notes nnd References to other adjudged Case^ and to the Revised Code, by Hon. W'm. H. Battle: and with many corrections of typographical errors. Their 2d Editions of Dev. & Battle’s Equity, complete, and 1st Dev. & Battle's Law Reports, have received the approbation of the Profession. They also republished a 2d Edition of Devereux’s 2d Equity, (without Notes.) And in addition to these, are the proprietors of the entire editions of most of Iredell's Law and Equity, and can supply any volumes extant of the Reports, or complete sets, so far as they can now be had. They propose to put to press a 2d Edition of Dev. A Battle’s Law Reports, vols. 3-4 (in one.) They deal largely in Law Books, and will at all times order works not on shelves, to supply their ciu- tomers. 5. J. HALB ft SON. Oct. 16, ISftO. illarble Factory, ST. JftARY^S SCHOOL. Raleigh, N. C. RIGHT REV. THOS. ATKINSON, D. D. Visitor, REV. ALDERT SMEDES; D. D. Rector. REV. FRED. FITZGERALD, A. M., Assist’t The thirty-eighth term of this School will commence January 6th, 1861. For a circular, containing full particulars, apply to • the Rector. Dec. 17, 1800. 80-3t ^ JOH.\ H. COOK, Auctioneer. FARM AT AUCfION. At the Market House, on Tuesday the 1st day of Jan uary 1861, I shall sell at Auction that Farm South of Fayetteville, commencing opposite the Fair Grounds and lying between the public and Southern Plank Road, containing 30 acres of Land, with all the improvements thereon. The greater part is now ready for cultiva tion, and at small expense the whole may be brought into cultivation. Upon the tract is a valuable Meadow, and the remainder is good for Corn and Potatoes; and being just beyond the Town limits, is not subject to Town tax, and readily rents for $86 per annum. THO. J. JOHNSON. Dec’r 19, 1861. 80ts JOHH H. COOK, Auctioneer. Valuable Farming Land at iuctioiit ON Tuesday the 1st day of January 1861, at the Mar ket House in Fayetteville, I shall sell at Auction that V^aluable Farm on the East side of the Cape Fear River, known as the McMillan land, and adjoining Messrs. McDaniel and Williamson. The above proper ty is well known as a valuable Farm, and will be sold or rented for one year. The tract contains 166 acres. E A. McMILLAN, By W. McL. McKAY, Attorney. Dec’r 19, 1860. 80ts TOKAY WINE FOR SALE. O/iAA BOTTLES Scujpcrnong. Catawba and Forest -gUUU Wine, for sale by STEDMAN & HORNE, Vintage 1859. Grapes rai.sed and U'ine maJj^ at Tokay Wiae Cellar, Fayetteville, N. C., by wT T. Horne, the purity of %hich is guaranteed, and may be sub jected to a chemical analysis. A fair opportunity for all lovers of good W’ine to supply themselves, and at the same time encourage the pioneers of this branch of business of their own State and country, and get a pure article. In a country like ours, blessed with every thing to make life pleasant, and possessing a propy soil and climate for every plant,—why, otherwise so favored^ should man be deprive*! of the real es'ence of life. Wine? True, this incomparable nectar is not altogether un known here, for many tliousand .■Vmerican Eagles of gold cross the Atlantic annually to bring it to us; but this privilege is attainable only by a few; while the mass of the people may not receive this best gift of na ture. Substitutes have been invented, by drugs nnd poisonous substitutes; but they are poor indeed, com pared to genuine Wine, wliicli makes a man social, con tented and happy; while those mixtures and drugs, at once exciting and stupefying, demoralize liim. As Wine is a pure beverage which nature furnishes, its use should be attainable to everyone. While it inspirits the youth to all that is fair, gool, moral, and grand, it stimulates him in his labor and occupation; makes him .a brave hus band, father and citizen: ar.d brightens the evening of old age. As Wine has so beneficial an influence on the nature and character of the individual, it will likewise exalt the condition of a whole people. Consequ;iiiiy there is reason why we should exert ourselves to in troduce the general culture of the Grape in our own country, as it has been done for centuries in other lands. December, I860. 81-4t Constantly Mannfartiirlng at my-Kstahllshment, VERY VARIETY OF HARNESS, Q Saddles, Biidles, Collars, Whips and Trunks; all kinds of Leather, Calf Skins and Oil; Condition Powders, for diseased Ilor«es and Cattle ('oach Trimmings.■ Carpet Bigs. Valises, Saddler}’, Hardware, &c. The largest stock in the State, sold wholesale or retail, at the very lowest prices. Every ijv LAI nijR. TWO DOORS tBOTE C. T. nAIGII t SONS' 8T0RR Fa%'etteville, IV. Jan’v20. If=60 84- IVotice. Those indebted to the undersigned will canfer a fa vor by settling their respective obligations, thus en abling him to do in like manner with others. THOS. J. JOHNSON. Oct. 8, I860. 59 ff CoairCMi!! CoalTn cri TONS PRIME COAL, for aal. by 01 J. A. WORTH. 8«pt, SS. (MIJ Fo the Interest or Turpentine Distillers. MA. BAKER would respectfully inform Turpentine , Distillers and others that he is now manufacturing The Improved Turpentine Still. All orders promply attended to. Copper work done on the most favorable terms. Old Copper bought for cash or taken in exchange for new Work. Call and see for yourselves at M A BAKER’S Copper Shop, Fayetteville, N. C. F.b’y 1. I860. 88tf A. A. x>Iel£ETHAi\ II70ULD inform liis friendj in North Carolina, and ff throughout Che South, who W'sii to cncotiraga Southern Industry that he keeps constintly on hand, and is dailv finishing, a large assortment of of cver-y description, mostly light work, which are faith- lully made by experienced workmen in each branch. His work will con-.pare favorably with any for neatness and durability. B> is determined to sell and do all w«rk in his line on .as good terms as any that is as well made He !i.os now finisliod a very large quantify of work which he will sell low for Cash dr on short time to punctual customers. ®f^All work warranted 12 months with fair usage, or should it fail by bad workmanship or material, will be repaired free of charge. Orders from the South will receive prompt attention. He has within the last few years sold work in South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mist>issippi, Florida, Ar kansas and Texas. • Repairing done at short notice and on reasonable terms. Dec’r 17,1860. 80tf A'otice. The subscriber having, at the last Term of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for the county of Cum berland, obtained Letters of Administration on the es tate of Allan D. Cameron, dec’d, hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate to come forward and pay up; .also to persons having claims against said ^- tate to present them in the time prescribed by law, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recoverv. ALLEN RAY. Dec’r 24, 1860. .81-8t , School Books, &c. COLBURN’S, Stoddard’s, Ray’s, and Emerson’s Arith metics; McGuffey’s Readers^ and Spellers; Scott’s Infantry 'Tactics; Mason’s Farrier; Headley's Sacrad Mountains; Union Bible Dictionary, &c. E. J. HALE & SONS. Dec’r 20. CALL AxND SETTLE. My bills are all being made out. and will be ready for settlement on the 1st January. I hope my cus tomers will avail themselves of the notice, and call as early as possible and settle, and save me further trouble. ALEX’R. JOHNSON. Jr. Fayetteville, N. C., Dec. 24. 81-3t Presbyterivn It. A CARD. A WORD TO M7 OLD FRIENDS— Those persons for whom I have been attending to Banking business for years;—I am still willing to serve you with the ^ame promptness that I have always done; and to others that may want discounts. Pension J)usiness, &c., &c I offer my services, with a promise of strict attention. JAS. G. COOK. June 27. 18i>9. 20tf 1000 bbls. Common Rosin wanted. I WISH to purchase 1000 bbls. common ROSIN, and pay for it in Spirits Barrels and FIoop Iron. Dec’r 24, 186D. JOHN H. COOK. 81-8t iVorth Carolina Form Book, 80jN. AFUKTHEK aapplt just received. S. J. HALE ft For Sale. A LARGE quantity of O.AK and PINE WOOD; which will be brought to market on the Railroad, as re quired, and delivered to parties who apply for it at tbe lowest market prices. ’ ' • BEVERLY ROSE. Dec. 24. 8t-3t For Hire the en^uing^ Year. A number of Negroes; aniontr them are sevei^l^ house servants, ntld hoys bofwern the ajr'^ of 10 and 15. Also, one gcod Turpcnn'nc hand Appir f® ,■ Mrs. J. W. EVANS. , Dec’r 22. 81-21 Blank Warrants for sale.