w wmimm *• ANDREW8 P. *®0J or th,„ »t St,,e.L^^CTiQ. •'> "ED,^yj4 ,^^^r‘SEand classes"** ... ^ Unv y lo.-- C ■-;:i.. If* 1 ^UV t r Tonrs • ‘‘•'SSPc '•■'■P^rea f„r COT IT. lb. fa„i one k S Lfl Xi \» th» )ln ti! kth . U'IOfW^ ■or.vrv. N- p '■^'l.-n ti,t> i„ . men Will ,,g^: ^ ■ *^ir4 = 1 'Iiliir 12 5v per R*r \ 7 j. SIT in. - I c w ' I -ti-Uti.iQ ;, ■ ' i" .i -nuv v. ISk ^ •> '. in Mo^i-e v ■» li !>r. ■ orties .f ih.. » “'*'?• Cti*. •' • ■ \- ’^a > L', J ri I r>.- '"■ 10 - and Sl.i ; ■ \- ’>11 ^ !> J ■'l.Ork.'';, ^1??^ .. . Rl'ClPu “iin f.l;inu‘“ru“xr“ !•-•■:- 1 .ny time m t i! 1 t he cl (} •n.rr’^v" n. >>or*-. .o l nr ».. per '« 'he K- I>. DirK.ON-, s„’ -1-!'; iiifiii xfiii'ilr K\« »KnAI.K N'TV. NCRTII rAIU.Us-i N .V M . ■WNiia.N. Priu. F-anle Hc.n,r, ;.,cc • he 1 hh of J,n>•,,, tw-jntj-one weeks froi jJ hjirJ in rlic Seininarv « ■ ► tuiuon in the amle snd i,, 'JJ e .* -TTiicnt in aJvanoe X' i. |.f t ;e se.i.n, H>jrh U P«rricu.*r« write for » c.-u»W AHBISTaOMS & cT~ f* •fterehann, and H.i. Duane St., X. T. ? that they ar# ipen^ng Weikh, beftiiiifui pattern^, the TTA PRI.\TS, A L 5 > T H K O^KEAG, ;eis CTery Print ic ibe Comu; >on %n'l design in full M^die \ ch'*aper iLan any in auru^ ' «tle. cni-i to eo«iT K' bt ire sn IV/ I’on^fantly on hand & Urg!t&] GcKid:i of eterv >i?scripri,}ii. iRlKERlES. mm AND P(.\TK.lf\l!E; Ware Drugs CoIlfc^ ties, and Toys, I sjze>; iCTTilE BLAPaS 0( jL.- and ail otiena# Diention. * : Jf S'lie. -r Cash of .ss le for »v n. F.\nn.\R. 15‘lrr R ^ALE. Mil’ rf an l Fis'uraa .ii. :a gcot T- ;E H'SUSE. Tnis is a gooi ttie nii'Kt of l:irpe qn»n'iii«sf It- K.i;l- ...J t.> make liodi ‘ n:r .1 the TDOst re;iS" on -'mI E’ ab 'it t!r .. Nil niiSV'S ■•-i. M':f OTici:. ?e al»t:ii»eJ Hj the siibscrlbjr, €-iuejjce. on >l3nJ.iv iiicTtl»»' 1,11 >’heep, Mines, Horses, iiiJ ■' iTi of ('urn, Fodder, OilII^ T ijN. to • i ■lU'. fo nicnt' i'H. a!''in hou ^e^t■rTe, if not s jU b-.:'?* ni:* I known on d^v of J K. MKLHN . N. C., Xor 5. [ble property in row FOR SALE. *r»?rnoving to an the fv'Uuwing proper > i® I now re»ide. coutaitii: g ramp, and *11 very producnrfc lliv:ttion. surrounded by »pl*® Dweiliiig 1)OU40 is in new. wiiti all nece'«»rj od very conreniently >11 of excol'ent \Nater. aD'i''* _ Bany dift‘-rent sort? of c Hie and flower G irdew wUliy situation on the b 'j with a fine grove of » ^ belie^rcd to be the O'**' »rner of the [„.ng.hePresbyter.-n urth of un Acre on wine contiiining Two roc.u»i toi^Main Street. Jl Lot*, on the corn*r 'P^^ nee. on which there i» * bU in town. »l on of the cotmfry menta to • situated on , ,,, «ad Wilmington. which the triana nu*"^ iwt iaprove. of I b« ■oll either tog priMS, »nd 0° B. E. TKOT- G7*t^ riLLESf . bn illerchanv urON, N. c. giten to r other Country P^oo itiao DM, (I IIA1^ U /> A»t/kPffiPV N. C . lid. We ■iuD ill ^tioa g buti&eii Attorney »nd Oo :b-ter Co., Mo- ^ ,bo all the Court* o' IPAII (DIBSmTm SEMI-WEEKIi.Y. [VOL. X.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C.. DECEMBER 31, 1860. [NO. 983.] pRiyTEH M0XP.\Y8 AND THURSDAYS CDWAKO j. hale & SONS, KDirORS AND PROPRIETORS ,-rthe Semi-Weekly Odskrver $3 00 if paid in Bv't 5^ P*''^ during the year of aubtorip- jr : after the year baa expired. Itae 'V»ekly OeiSRVER $2 00 per annum, ff paid in IviUw’f « - during the year of subaorip- or (X» after the year has expired. » APVERTISKMENT^ inaerted for 60 cents per ,gf lii lilies for the first, and 30 cents for each e*lini: publication. Yearly advestisements by #pe- Ef^.ntrACtH, at reasonable rates. Adrertiser* are |.e^l to number of insertiona desired, or rill b>‘ continue*! till forbid, and charged accord- HUSKE & ANDERSON, —UKALEKS IS— ENCOIi'RlGE HO^E IPVSTRV! !$taple aud Fancy Dry jUooda, Re^dy^mlfMaile Clothing^ And irentlemeu’s Fornishiog^ Goods of eTery description. BALLOU’S FRENCH YOKE SHIRTS, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, &o. &o. FiTe per cent, off for all Cash Bills of S26 and upwards. Xos. 46 and 48 Hay St^ (Hotel Batldlng,) F^^VETTEI*ME,MjE, .V. V. WRIGHT HUSKE. JOHN H. ANDERSON. Formerly B’k Tape Fear. For’ly with J Nov. 28. I860. Pemberton. 74tf Fali fUtock of prer'.i-^t'nitnts to bo inserted in$idf, charged 50 per j BOOKS AND STATIONERY. We are now receiving a very full supply of Law, Modical and Miscellaneous Books; School Books; Blank Books; Writing Papers; EnTelopes. Ic. E. J. HALE & SON. October », SPEt'lAL NOTICE, hni 3!ul after thi» date, no name of a new subscriber Ibeeiuerod without payment in advance, nor will i be Eent lo ■‘uch subscribers for a longer time 11? paid for. ach of oc.r old subscribers as desire to take the pa- | ilii-i sy-iteni will please notify us when making Itiaiioes. Jan'y 1, 1858. Ill WII \\'1\TER STYLES. \m\ .1. A. PEMBERTON I IS NOW RECEIVING HIS STOCK OF 'Utl ^ Goods. prising the greatest variety of NEW STYLES ever bed by him. |e will receive in a few days, one of the most mag- jDt selections of I Velvet Hat« and Bonnet»iJ ^%(1 .Straw Bonnets, trininiecL ' fered in this market. They were pul up by one lie most stylish Houses in the City of New York, and EXPRESSLY TO ORDER. I public are invited to*give them an inspection, as he Ibe J leased at all times to show them, pe Walters himself that aAer fifteen years experience Fiuey Dry Goods trade, his selections and aJ- will he worthy of a call from those in want of Irjble now Style Goods at LOW PRICES, e W'luld take this occasion to say to his friends av of whom have patroniied him from his commence- in business.) that he duly appreciates their many ^rs and hopes never to part company with any of Call and see the New Styles. J. A. PEMBERTON «pt. 12. .‘>2i4w-tf F A1.I., I860. JAMES KYLE mow receiving his FALL and WINTER supply of DRV OOODiii, AMONG WHICH ARE: B'.ack and Colored Silks: ^Merinoes, French and English; [ V.aines, Fnnch and other*; .Fijian Cloths, and other Dress Good*; adies’ Emb'd Collars and Sleeves; Lcoj; and Square Shawls: '.'henille Shawls, Silk and Cotton: Belting Cloths, assorted Nos.—Anker: Boot? aud Shoes: with a large assortment of Hats aDi Caps, with many other Goods. [.tl! of wiiich were bought cheap by the Package, and . l.€ offered by Wholesale or Retail—CHEAP, iept. 12. 18»)0. G2tf ®I).\D FILL STOli FOR 1 STARR & WIL.L.IAM8, :0 A', HAY STREET, FAYETTEVJLLE, N.C., are aow receiving their SECOND SUPPLY of SEASONABLE GO.ODS, EMUUACiNQ A LARGE STOCK OF FAM'Y k STAPLE DRY GOODS, Boots, SHoes, Hats, Caps, BOWETH, UHBKEL.LA)!>, Ready-^lMade Cloihing, /Tr. Sc. ■ of which will be offered to Wholesale buyers exclu- either for Cash or on the usual time, to prompt ■ ag customers. U B ST.VKR. J. M. WILLIA.MS. 56tf .^EW GOOD!!^. The subscriber is now receiving a large and well se lected stock of GOODS, consisting of GKOCKRIKS, HAllDWAliE AND CUTLK- HV, BAGGIXr, AND KOPK, SAD- l>LEltY, kc., FoKEKiN AND DOMESTIC LIQl’OllS, and many other articles, which he offers low for Cash. or on SHORT time to prompt paying customers. Keep your ^oney Mouth! .)nd build up yoar own Country and Town, by calling on M. A. BAKER, IVlanufticturer of double and sin* ^le barrel Shot €*uns, Rifle« and Piiitolfit, Of all the different patterns now used in the United States or Great Britain. Call and see. at M. A. B.\KER’S. Fayotteville, N. C., Nov. 12, 18f>0. tjytf TO THE rRlEi\DS OF HOME MANUFACTURES. THE KINSTON SHOE r^CTORV FAYETTEVILLE Female Hi^h School* TERMS. Board per Session of 20 weeks, $60 00 Tuition in Collegiate Classes 20 week*, 20 00 “ Academio “ “ “ 16 00 “ Primarj* • « •• % 12 00 Incidental expenses. 1 00 Tuition in Music, Painting, Drawing, Modern and Anoient Languages, &o. at the usual rates. S^^One-half of Board and Tuition required m ad- ptmci; the other half at the olose of the Session. SCHOLASTIC YEAR. 1st Session.—1st Quarter oommenoes 1st October. 2d “ " 10th December, 2d Session.—1st Quarter “ 20th February. 2d •• “ 1st May. Vacation •* 10th July. J. DbB. & T. C. HOOPER. Associate Prinoipals. Dec’r 8, 1860. . 77tf I 1 io -t- I.N SUCCBSSFUL OPBUATION. for negro BROGANS and BOOTS ar IS NOW RDERS solicited J. C. CARPENTER, Agent. Kinston N. C., June 24; 1860. 39-tf .\11 kinds of Coutitry Produce taken in exchange for Good.s. Sheetings and Cotton Yarns on hand at all times, at Manufacturers' prices. LAlWt SECOND STOCK. Ht ARt \0W RECEIVING AND OPENING fHi; UKUEST SECOND STOCK OF GOODS e hare erer offered lo our cuatomers, comprising ALL IHE^.ARTICLES usually kep*t by us, all of which we 'Jisposed to offer on accommodating terms to our x'tomers aud all wholesale purchasers. Ple'ase call Ma eiatuine our Stockr. U. & E. J. LILLY. ■'ctl. • 57-tf .11 .Vo. 84, flaiTw. IlllillKi ^DS. PRINTS, unusually low, eilh*»’4>y |i wholesale or retail. 60 Doz. W(X)L and other HATS. CLOTHIWG (trsatly reduced prices; together with a large and r^-e'l Block uf , l\D FUCV Ilia liOOIIS, f *hi;h wfl] be offered on as favorable terms as any in iiTe State. J. K. KYLE. '■ 58tf • ‘ Ai ling! i'arpetin?! Carpeling! CARPETING at No. 34, Hay St. ^11 ^ej>i ’ **^1 prices, all qualities. All will be L'-4 I ^ ''‘’her bv*wrholeiale or retail. Also, 6-4 and fniiiU.'loths and Druggets. J. K. KYLE. C.. Sept. 1,8, 1860. 62tf . Fiyei IV •!. Petnberton receive in a few days a large lot of those ILL ''«»utiful CaHsimeres and, Tu/eedu, THEY ARE •*> -\orth C'arolina, ►Mr* ^ I^L'K.^bLE than any other Goods for the money, , —ALSO— 1,^ , A LARGE LOT Of’ Iwland Kertieyti, .T and €'a»MiineVef(, "uperior quality. J. A. PEMBERTON. . ■ 13, 1800. ^ 62i4w-tf >»0Mth7l».v rrol. in ‘ “y “w*! Seal, by the Author of ic., to .\ll persons are respectfully invited to give me a call, at the old stand of J. i T. WaJdill, South side Hav st. A. N. MCDONALD. Fayetteville, N. C., Sept. 24, 1800. 5otf . Mrs. HART Is now receiving a Handsome .Assortment of | \VI\TEK ilIlLLl\EK\% Including^ a variety ot Fancy Articles, llead Dresses, &c/ Nov. 10. tty-3m TO THE LAD1E8! Mrs. GIBSON respectfully informs her friends aud the public generally, that she is prepared to make DRESSES in the most frtshioni ole style, she will also ; cut and fit for any ladies wishi-.,g to make their own Dresses: CHILDREN'S CLOTHING cut or made to i order. Mrs. Gibson has taken the .\gency for the sal# of a new and excellent CH.\RT, for cutting Ladies’ Dresses. Also, one for Boy's Clothing. They are very simple in construction, and therefore easy to understand. The ladies are requested to call and see them ai her house, ! on Maxwell Street, between the Female High School i and the Fayetteville Hotel. Oct. 2. 68if , iVotice! \otice!! H.WINO made up my mind to clone out my present , stock of Goods. 1 shall offer great inducements to ‘ those w^o wish to buy anything in my I ne. Being connected with a manufacturing Firm at the beginning of last Fall, I had the advantage of getting my Gou^ls at manufacturing prices, and at such 1 will now offer the remainder of iny Stock, which consists of Fine anJ Coramon Overcoats, Cloth, Cass, and Tweeds Coats; Pant.s and Vests of every de scription; Shirts, Linen and 3Iarseilles; Un der Garments of all kind^; Suspenders; Carpet Saclts; Pocitet Books, &c., ic. The above Goods are well-made, and will certainly be sold at cosi. Therefore those who wish to select a good Coat must come immediately. Those who are indebted toGreentree & Co., or to my self, must settle up immediately, as I cannot give any further indulgence. My books shall be closed to all. S. BARNUM, No. 13, North-east of the Market. Nov. 2. 73-tlJ Fresh Goods. I HAVE just received my FALI. SUPPLY.of GOODS, consisting in part of— Layer Raisins, in whole, half and ‘jtiarier boxes; Citron, Currants, 1 ""S, Prunes, Fig?, Prcservec^Canton Gia- ger, Dried Qinger, Cocoa and othier Nuts, Sardines, Ouava Jelly, Pickles and Preserves of all kinds, Catsups, Spiced Oysters, Lea & Perrin’s "Wor- cesteV^hire Sauce. French Mustard. A constant supply of Plain, Fancy & French Candien. Also, a large and well sell selected slock of . Toys and Fancy Articles, suitable for the Christinas Holidays. W’ith a great ma ny artjcres not. enumerated, which I will sell low for Cash. ■ . . Mrs. M. BANKS. Dec'r 10, 18(30. ' 77-! ip EDWI^' GLOVER, lH'*atchmak«!ir rtwrf •fetceler^ Has Jreturned from the. North wwh a much larger stock of Goods in‘his liiip, than Jie has ever offi^red before. Aiuon^ i»ia*a.'jaoi'tiueut may be fuund— . ' . WatclftS jof all qlialitfes frotu“S7 tp-SKJO; Chains, *SeaJs and . Keys ot-air __kinds;^- Brijcelet^, Ear- Rings* ljrea.st lMn. aiidjliock^ts;^ Gold^^ilver, . Stc«l and^ Cdnnuon Spectacjes; Gold and Sil- . ver Pencils-and pen^ Silver Spoons, SiJvei’ Cup.'j'and'Goijletsfbilvtr Plated Tea-Sets, . . Cake Baskets^Castoj^.’Candie’Sticks and Buttef lAishes; Corai’Necklaces,” 13race-„ o ■*“ letd and Armlets','’ &c., &c.. ' , Clocks^f °all kinds and quali^es; A fine®lot of. Pistils; a pooU assortment of ’ Military (jHoods and Aecoi'deons, and every thing else° keptgin* °a. Jpwelry ^tor.e. E. 0. is A^ent for the sale„of the^Otiysrated^ Ameri can Watch.* Any person “in waJVl of a Good^-W^tclf is invited to call and examine 111601-°'' •>- ' . P. S. Partictilar attention paid to the Repairing of WATCHES, GLOCK««nil JEWELRY. „ , • Fayetleville, X. C., Oct. 9, IWiO.- ^ 60-»m__ ’■>“ SOUTHERNERS Etook to \*our Inleresi. ll^E are the only SHOE -MANUF.\CTURERS in the Tt State, that make a No. 1 article of KIP SHOES and Negro BKOG.\NS, without Welts. We intend to make to the fullfst extent, if we have the patronage, which we truly auil earnestly solicit. .Ml orders shall have prompt attention. Now is the time for the South to encourage all sueh. W.M. CARTER & SONS. Wm, Carter David Carter. S. S. Carter. Joh.v Q. Cartbr. Cartersville, Chatham Co., N. C., Oct. 25. tio-3m st.iteIar A\D «\Cili\E kowm:\ !«tkee:t. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C The undersigned, having erected buildings suitable for CAR and MACHINE WORK—also General HOUSE CWRPENTRY—would give notice that they are prepared to execute all orders in their line with neat ness and dispatch. W'e are prepared to do all kinds of SCROLL SAW ING and PLANEING at short notice. Having a first class Woodworth Planeing Machine, we are prepared to Plane. Tongue and Groove* all kinds of Flooring and Ceiling on reasonable terms. Contracts taken for the erection ef Buildings, and Jobbing of all kinds executed with neatness and dis patch. Sashes. Doors and Blinds of all descriptions, manufactured equal to anything to be found in the Northern markets. Plaas and specifications furnished and the erection of buildings superintended when desired. WALTON & BARRY, Car Builders. Carpenters & Draughtmen. Fayetteville. Oct 3, 1869 54-tf Floral Collesre. The Fall Session in this Institution will commence on the 18th of JULY next. I The management and instruction of the Institution i i will be under the Rev. Daniel Johnson and Mr. John ; ; C. Sutherland, with an able Corps of Assistants in all the j i departments. The Principal and his lady will continue j I to Lake entire charge of the Boarding estaljlishment, j 1 thus giving to the School more of the fam'ilt element, j I This arrangement, it is believed, will greatly advance the usefulness of tlia Institution. M. C. McNAIR. Sec’y Board of Trustees. June 18, 1860. 28tf SPECIAL TERTl. State of North Caroliaa, Caaibarland C o. Superior Court of Law, Fall Term, 1800. His Honor Robert S. French, Judge Presiding. IT is ordered that a Special Term of the Superior Court of Law and Equity for Cumberland County, be held on the First Monday in February A. D. 1861, and th*t publication thereof be made in the several newspapers published in the Town of Fayettsville. Jurors, Suitors and Witnesses in civil oases are hereby notified to be in attendance. From th« Minutes. J. W. BAKER. Clerk. Nov. 24. • 63-to Presbyterian copy. FOR sale/ The HOUSE and LOT adjoining Elixabethtown, lately occupied by .Alexander Carter. The Lot con tains Six Acres of good garden soil, and some fruit, good water, &c. The improvements are a Two Story Dwelling House and necessary out-buildings. .Also, a vacant Lot near the Court House. Terms accommodating. H. H. ROBINSON. June 8. 27-tf Cape Fear River Land FOR SALE. 4 A ACRES OK LAND lying on the West side of 0~rv Cape Fear River, two miles below Fayetteville, and extending from the River into the Sand-hills. This tract is about equally divided into River-ridge, Swamp and Sand-hill Land. About 80 acres adjoining the River are cleared and produce well. There are good sites for building. The Report of an Engineer establishes that drainage of the Swamp Land may be effected at a moderate,ex pense Terms to suit; and a bargain offered. Apply to B. R. HUSKE. Fayetteville, Oct. 9, 1860. 60tf * D. & W. McLAlJRIN, WOULD invite attention to their large and desirable Stock of GROCERIES, - Consisting in part of— 150 Bags Rio, Laguira and Java Coffee; 100 Bbla. and Hhds. Sugar (aaiorted;) 25 Hhds. Molasses; 80 “ Bacon—Sid«s and Shouldera; 500 Sacks Salt; 150 Boxes good Tobacco; 125 “ Sperm, Adamantina & Tallow Candles; 50 “ Soap (assorted;) 50 “ Candy “ 100 Bags Shot “ 1000 lbs. Bar Lead; 30 i Bbls. Snuff—Eagle Mills; 25 Kegs Soda; 250 “ Nails. —ALSO— A large and general assortment of Hardivare and Cutlery; Farming Utensils, of all descriptions; American, English, Swedes and Peruvian Iron; Blister, German and Cast Steel; Bliicksmiths’ Tools; Coopers’ Do.; Corn Shellers and Straw Cutters; Ruckets, Brooms and Pails; Cotton, Manilla and Jute Rope, (all kinds and quality;) Plow Lines and Bed Cords; Hollow Ware; Cotton Yarns and Sheetings at factory prices. ,\11 of which will be sold low fob cash, or on usual time to prompt paying customers. jgi^* Col'ntry Merchants are respectfully requested to call and examine our stock before purchasing else where. D. & W. McL.AURIN. March 3, 1859 93tf ST. 'flARY’S SCHOOL Raieieh, N. C. RIGHT REV THOS. ATKINSON, D. D. Visitor. REV. ALDERT SMEDES. D. D. Rector. REV FRED. FITZGERALD, A. M.. Assist’t. The thirty-eighth term of this School will eommence January 5th, 1861. For a circular, oontaining full particulars, apply to the Rector. Dec. 17, 18G0. 80-^ H. COOK, Anclioneer. FA RM AT AUCTfdN. • At the -Market House, on Tuesday the 1st day of Jan uary 1861, I shall sell at Auction that Farm South of Fayetteville, commencing opposite the Fair Grounds and lying between the public and Southern Plank Road, ® containing 30 acres of Land, with all the improvements thereon. The greater part is now ready for cultiva tion, and at small expense the whole may be brought into cultivation. Upon the tract is a valuable Meadow, and the remainder is good for Corn and Potatoes; and being just beyond the Town limits, is not subject to Town tax, and readily rents for 58G per annum. THO. J. JOHNSON. Dec’r 19, 18G1. • 80ts • JOH.lf 11. COOK, Auctioneer. Valuable Farming Laud at Auction. ON Tuesday the 1st day of January 1861, at the Mar ket House in Faj’etteville, I shall sell at Auction that Valuable Farm on the East side of the Cape Fear River, known as the McMillan land, and adjoining Messrs. McDaniel and Williamson. The above proper ty is well known as a valuable Farm, and will be sold or rented for one year. The tract contains 166 acres. • E A. McMILLAN, By W'. McL. McKAY, Attorney. Dec’r 19, 1860. SOtB A (;ET1! The 5cw Stjie. Small, COLORED PH0T0;RAPHS, AT VaHorndclPt Gallery. ART. Woodward^s Solar Camera. PHOTOGRAPHS can be had at Vanorsdell’s Skylight Gallery, Hay street, opposite Marble Yard, Fay etteville, N. C.: plain, retouched, colored, in water colors, oil and pastile; from small to life site. .Ambro- types, Melaneotypes, and all Other styles of Pictures pertaining to the .Art. Also, Gilt Frames, Gilt Mould ing. Glass for very large pictures—tw large as 2ft by 36 inches. Conl and Tassels for" hanging pictures; Instru ments. Stock and Chemicals for ?ale low for cash. Life «i*e colored Photographs made froin small pictures. Having permanently located here I hop* to merit your patronage. I would also return my sincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on me heretofore by the good people of Fayetteville and vicinity. o ■ C. M. VANORSDELL, Photographist and Proprietor. Dec’r 20, 1669 c 7T- Star Polish of the i^oiilh! TIA.^UFACTFRED BY A. J. WOODWARD, F.Al ETTEVILLE, If. C. To Land Buyers. The undersigned offers for sale, in the Coal region, and within eighf miles of the terminus of the F \y- etteville & We-tern Rail Road on Deep River, « EIGHT UIXDKEI) .4CKGS OF LiXD, adjoining the land belonging to the estate of George .Wilcox, dec’d, and lying three miles South from Car- bonton, on Little Pocket Creek, Moore county. These Lands are well adaptei to the growth of corn, cotton, wheat, oats, rye, &c. There are on the prom ises a comfortable Dwelling, and all necessary Out houses, with about one hundred and fifty acres under fence, including forty or fifty acres of never-failing bottom land. This is a rare chance for persons wish ing to make investments, as lands are undoubtedly ad- vanciag Lu price in this section. For further information apply to Mr. .M. M. McRae, Crane’s Creek, P. O., Moore county, or address me at Fayetteville, N. C. DANIEL McRAE, For (he Heirs of Gilbert McRae, dee’d. Carbonton, Moore co., N. C., Aug. 24 43tf .Tweed* •Wide Wide iif Household of Bouverie, or the Elixir. Hop, * Southern Lady;_Evenings at the Micro £. J. HALE ft SONS. LAAD FOR SALE. The subscriber having removed W’est, offers for sale his L.ANDS in Harnett County, lying immediately on each side of Cape Fear^River. cotitaining 1200 acres in, eac.h tr.ict. These Land^ are situated in a healthy country, jileaRant neighborhood, and within a half a mile of the village of Summerville, with good Dwellings on each place and all necessary Out-Houses, and clear ed Land enough to work 25 or 30 hands to advantage.' There are on these lands some six hundred acres of Bottom, most of which is uncleared, and well set with white oak and othir fine Timber. -A large portion of the balance is oak and hickory Ridge Lands; the bal ance is pine Land of a good quality, harving been work ed in Tittpentine three years. These bands will be sold low for Cush or Young Negtoes, or on time to suit purchasers, with approved bonds. Jan'y 13. *» * N. G. JONES. * CAPT. WI|.*KES’S REPORT OX THE DEEP RIVER mUUl REUIOJI. • ' The undersigned have caused to be* pul^lished from the Congressional plates, an edition of the Report of Capt. Wilkes, U. S. NaVy, and his Associates on the Board appointed by the Secretary of the Navy to ex amine the Deep River Region of North Carolina. This is the most important and scientific statement of the great wealth of that section of the SUte, and the Maps the most perfect and valuable, of any yet published. The Maps are worth the price of the work, which is iiO CentSy neatly bound in cloth. Copies sent by mail, free of postage, on the receipt of 60 cents. A liberal dis count to wholesale buyers. Orders solicited. Jan’y 26. E. J. HALE & SONS. BLANKS for sale at this Office. That Polish! .How It .Shines. Many of you recol ]ect nine years ago that I ttavelled thfough North Carolina-and-a-portion of .South Carolina for the pufr pose of'’introducing cfais Poligh. As time elapsedj found, that it would ^mould. o ■ I have" succeeded in j_makjhg.-it' perfect^ ar^d will ;fl^ar'rant it to give sati8factioy..'_^|(eean be ha^at retail for IQ cents per box or at wKoJesaltf f^V sixtf cents per d9£«n. 'Dealers will,fqr^rd their.or- d#rs fcw> weeks previous to,the time they wish them'filled" • May 5, 1860.O I- o ■'' ' / -ME t¥- BOOKS. ■ • * N'EMtSIS, b/ M^ION HARLAiS’D, Author of “Alone” &o. ° * »• THE QUEENS'of SOCIETY, illustrated; JACK HOPETON, or the Adventures of a Peorgian; CASTLE RICHMOND, by Anthony Trollope; ^ Further'supplies of Rutledge, Adam Bede; Beulah, the Mill on the Floss; 'Vestiges of Creation, &o. Aug. 31. ■ E. J. HALE & SONS. Forty Years’ Familiar Letters of Jas. W. Alexander, D. D.: Sermons, by J. Addison Alexander, D. D. Also, further supplies of Margaret Monorieffe; Btulah; Adam Bade; Tuaef; Shirley rSohool Booka, &e. Jalj 10. 1. J. HALB ft BON. J. W. B.4KER Is now receiving from the North the largest, finest, and most carefully selected stock of F|TR.\ITL'KC ever offered iu this market; which added to his own manufacture, makes his assortment complete;— all of which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash or on lime to punctual customers. Fashionable paint«d cottage bed-room Furniture in setts; curled hair and shuck, and cotton Mattresses; Looking Glasses; Willow Wagons and Cradles; Side Boards; Bureaus; Secretaries and Book-Cases; What- Nots: Tables, all sons; Wash Stands; Candle Stands; Wardrobes: Picture Frames and Glass; Window Shades: Cornices; Curtain Bands: Sofas in Mahogony and Wal nut; Tele a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools; Cttairs of every variety. Fine Rosewood Pianos, one with .^olian at tachment; Rosewood Melodians, from the best manufac tories in New York and Boston,-warranted as good as any made in the country, and will be sold at New York prices—freight only added. * September 2. 45tf HARNESS TOKAY WINE FOR SALE. • BOTTLES Scuppernong, Catawba and Forest /wUUU Wine, for sale by STEDMAN & HORNE, Vin'age 1859. Grapes raised and Wine made at Tokay Wins Cellar, near Fayetteville, N. C., by W. T. Horne, the purity of which is guaranteed, and may be sub jected to a chemical analysis. A fair opportunity for all lovers of good Wine to supply themselves, aud at the same tioft encourage the pioneers of this branch of business of iReir own State and country, and get a pure article. In a country like ours, blessed with every thing to make life pleasant, and possessing a proper soil and climate for every plant,—why, otherwise so favored, should man be deprived of the real essence of life, Wine? True, this incomparable nectar is not altogether un known here, for many thousand American Eagles of gold cross the Atlantic annually to bring it to us; but this privilege is attainable only by a few; while the i mass of the people may not receive this best gift of na ture. Substitutes have been invented, by drugs and poisonous substitutes; but they are poor indeed, com pared to genuine Wine, which makes a man social, con tented and happy; while those mixtures and drugs, at once exciting and stupefying, demoralize him. As Wine is a pure beverage which nature furnishes, its use should be attainable to every one. W'hile it inspirits the youth to all that is fair, good, moral, and grand, it stimulates him in his labor and occupation; makes him a brave hus band, father and citizen; and brightens the evening of old age. As Wine has so beneficial an influence on the nature and character of the individual, it will likewise exalt the condition of a whole people. Consequently there is reason why we should exert ourselves to in troduce the general culture of the Grape in our own country, as it has been done for centuries in other lands. December. I860. 81-4t Constantly Manafacturing at my Establishment, Every variety of harness. Saddles, Bridles. Collars, Whips and Tcunks; all kinds of Leather, Calf Skins aud Oil; Condition Powders, for diseased Horses and Cattle; Coach Trimmings. Carpet BagSi Valises, Saddlery, Hardware, &c. The largest slock in the State, sold wholesale or retail, at the' very lowest prices. Every descriptfon of Harness and Saddles manufactured to order and repaired. JAMES WllSON, No. 5 Market st. Wilmington, N. C., near thi Wharf. Nov. 3, 1860. 67-ly illarble Factory, .liOTICE. ^XPECTlNG to be absent from the State until the _j.middle of ne?t Sumnjer^ s*ay rill July, I860, 1 have authorized .Arcljibald >fcLean» of Hr.rbett countjj, lo transact business for me during my absence, to sell my Liinds in Harnett county, and'gemeEftlly io”attend to all my business, o CO .N. G. JONES.” Harnett County, N. C., Jan.’y 13.’ iSiBO. 83- Bv ^1^0. I.AUDF.R, TWO DOORS ABOVE C. T. n.4lGfl & SONS’ STORE Fayetteville, !V. C. JiiB’v 20 1P60> " 84- N(EW .EDITION OF.^ DEVERECX A\D-'BATTLV^.N. I).. LVW».’REPORTS, Volume ai. ■ • ■ .®'. ° HE subSmbers hwve'just printed a" 2d” Edition of this .Voigiine, with Notes and. References to other adjudged Gases apd ^,0 the^ R-evised Code,. by„Hon.oWm. II. UattWl an.d witii jnairiy coVreclionS'df. typograp'hical errors;. o •? ® Their 2d Editions of Dev. & Battle's Equity, complete, and 1st Dev. ^&,'Battle’>i,L^ Re.ports, "have .received th? ap°prob»fion of‘thc pr.ofet.8ion.‘ ; . . °"°s " •. . . ' ° Th^ also repubtishfed a 2dot|,diti6n of Deverepx> 2d Equity, (witliout JJptta.) And i:^ addition toUheseVare tne proprietors of Ihe^entire editions of most of Iredell’s °Lajr“and Equity, and. can supply any volumes extant of tlie RclportB,“jo?' complete sets, so far as they can now be had.” ^ o ' They'propose to put to press a 2d Edition of D'ev.’ft, Battle’s Law Reports, vols. 3-4 (in one.) ® They deal largely in Law Books, and will at all times order works not on their shelves, to supply their cus tomers.* • • E. J. HALE & SON. Oct. 15, 1860. IVotlce* Those indebted lo the undersigned will confer a fa vor by settling their respective obligations, thus en abling him to do iii Hke manner with others. THOS. J. JOHNSON. Oct. 8, 1860. ^ cyoal! Coal!! CoailH C: 1 TONS PRIME 'COAL, for sale by 01 J. A. WORTH. 8*pt. 2«, A. A. i^IcKETHAJ^ IITOULD inform his friends in North Carolina, and TT throughout the South, who wish to encourage Southern Industry, that he keeps constantly on hand, and is daily finishing, a large assortment of of every description, mostly light work, which are faith fully made by experienced workmen in each branch. His work will compare favorably with any for neatness apd durability. He is determined to sell and do all work in his line on as good terms as any that is as well made. He has now finished a very large quantity of work which he will sell low for Cash or on short time to punctual customers. jgngf .All work warranted 12 months with fair usage, . or should it fail by bad workmanship or material, will be repaired free of charge. ■ Orders from the South will receive prompt attenfion. He has within the last few years sold work in South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, Ar kansas and Texas. 9^‘Repairing done at short notice and on reasonable terms. Dec’r 17, I860. 80tf . iVotice. The subscriber having, at the last Term of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for the county of Cum berland, obtained Letters of .Administration on the es tate of .Allan D. Cameron, dec’d, hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate to come forward and pay up: also to persons having claims against said es- ttite to present them in the lime prescribed by law, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. ALLEN RAY. Dec'r ^?4, 186!I. 81-3t • School Books, &c. COLBURN’S, Stoddard’s. Ray’s, and Emerson s .Arith metics: McGuffoy’s Headers and Spellers: Scott’s Infantry Tactics; Mason’s Farrier; Headley’s Sacred Mountains; Union Bible Dictionary, &c. E. J. flALE & SONS. Dec’r 20. To the IntefCiSt of Tiiffientine 'o ' Bistillers. Mt)'A. BAKER wo'uld^respectfully inform Turpentine , Distillers andQthers that he is now manufacttiting. The ImproTed Turpentine ■^till. AilobVders prom'plyyattended to. .Cjopp>er work done on the mp’st.fayorable terms. *° = bid-Copper bought for'cash or taken in exchange for new WSrk. Call and see for yqursetves at * = “ ‘ 0. ^ ^ • V ® A BAKER’S ■=c • '* ® • Copper Shop,'’Fayetteville, N. C. Feb’y 1.1860. » 88tf A CARD. — A WORD TO M7 OLD FRIENDS— Those persons for whom I have been attending to Banking business for years:—I am still willing to serve you with the same promptness that I have always done; and to others that may want discounts. Pension business, &c., Ac I offer my services, with a promise of strict attention. JAS. 0. COOK. June 27. 1859., 26tf CALL AND SETTLE. My BI-LLS are all being mad« out, and will be ready for settlement on the 1st January. I hope, my cus tomers will avail themselves of the notice, and (^11 as early as possible and settle, and save me farther trouble. ■ c- ALEX’R. JOHNSON. Jr. FayetteyiVle. Nv C.°, Dec. 24.. 81-3t • •° Presbyteri\.n°lf.. „ • ^ . bblsUCommon Rosin wanted. I a W IS to purchase woo ^bbls. conirnon ROSIN, and pay for it in Bpmts Barrels and Hoop Iron. • 0- 9 1* ■■ .• ; • JOHN H. COOK. Dec’r 24,-1860. _ 81-St For Sale. A LARGE quantity ofOAK and PINE WOOD; which will be brought to market on the Railroad, as re quired, and delivered to parties who apply for it at the lowest market prices. BEVERLY ROSE. Dec. 24. 81.8t A rVorth Carolina Form Book, FURTHER lupplTjust received. S. J. HALE ft SON. For Hire the ensuing Ir'ear. A NUMBER of Negroes; among ilieni are several house servants, and boys between the ages of 10 and 15. Also, one good Turpentine hand. Apply to Mrs. J. W. EVANS. Dec’r 22. • 81-2t Blank Warrants for sale.