01. ine.r-fi* iNs-.,- V • • :i» Cl.Avv.. ^KINu t' B«»ai>a,,, ul "• 'he |e« iv. .\ u l«?v ' It.. bu iiinii. 1"' M ►u .,, »1. -n:' SI iil! i!, IM^:. M',. • in.;- . , mi ^ tl» of J ;. . ami fcle .,11 \i. ig!. V for a G & CO. 7/iaiir«, hi.. \. \. 1%'TV ID tlie : «j ' in I'::" M J,'“ Any '■■. iv • • kn'i & lar - .:' fiwii, .ATr-WARE. igs, Confec- 3, IE Bi.,-.:v II or" -- • - Bre8 •■»-- Tai^ is s mske ■.: i-» ,oi-t 'e-' - ' »!’. ‘b ’ - . 1'-^ the ^ i - ^ Bil ^y ales, Ilo'-t’s, p, tudilf >■ entiou. ' . ' n-'t i '' B oil ’ ■:•■ ■ . ' K. '■! »T. ■- ■ IRTY IN LE. ■ery I’-' ,, Ir’" * ‘ ki'- iii fcecr-- .• '‘. rater. * ri' ■ ' . i*' - ie- n tb> ■• rove >f >e iIj - ‘ ■ >lic S-.are..;'* 0. eucb , on wbich ro roc;ii?. iJjoininp >fr Coli‘^= -r* jj there '» * ' jtry P‘ * . _ Riter- 1^3 now niD ^\uo8t .ccom- I. £• TJi:?- c c. ha»t* on: ^ ouu^y ll-ll iec'9 ToJ ^ *tf IPA'TIITO SEMI-WEEKI. Y. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., JANUARY 3. lesi. [NO. 984.] coirt. » topi «•* to kIMEP MOXDAVS! and THURSDAYS LDWiPil) J. HALE & SOXS, KL'Il'OHS AM) PKOPRIKTORS MT-tlu* Semi-W.'ckly Obskrvsk S3 00 if paid in , , .iiL-e f ' jo if paid duriug the year of subscrip ■ r " ♦ arter tlie year has expirevl. ;. Weekly >b?krver $2 Of) per annum, if paid in ■ ; i"- if paid dunug the year of subacrip- _ I.. afier the year has expired. Al‘Vi'IlTISKMENTS luserted for 60 cents per 1') linvs tor the tir-ii.- and 80 conts for each u ]‘ii!''l.‘a!ion. Yearly advertisements by ppe- at reasonable rates. .\dvertisers are -'.ate the number of insertions desired, or r. i'. be L'jutiiiued till forbid, and charged accord- \ : -'r'. ■ “ to be in.^ertPu iftsiiif, charged 50 per X'rr W. XOTIPE. I 1 this du'e. no name of a new subscriber iUi'Tfd withoir.' j'.iyinent in advance, nor will b*’ > ?nt to such xu'i^cribers for a longer time ’(•aid lor. 'forr old subscribers as desire to lake the pa- .11 ■iy>teni will pleasv notify us when making .: P'. .lan’y 1. 18'>S. JA8. C . HeKAE, mMitorney at Mjatr^ ifiije West cud of the Insurance I’uilding, Hay St., Fayetteville, N. C. M irch 26, 186U. 3tf FRENCH STRANGE, Attorney at Law, Fayetteville, N. C. ihat recently occupied by C. O. Wright. Esq., j > iTio n 'W occupied by him in Dr. Robinson’s I. Green Street. 2. I'*-. 72- HW. .TfrZ>. .JtcK.iir, Attorney at Law, Fayetteville, X. C. ’ itrend the County and Superior Courts of I'm 1 v.erknd. Ilarnetl. Moore and Robeson Coun- Pr I'Tipt attention given to the collection of all B. F. PEARCE, WITH A. I'ommtssion Merchant and Produce Dealer, ANI> DEALER IN Groceries, ProTisions, Hardware. (^utler\’. Boots. Shoe^j nn 1 l.c-ither, Ra^o;in£r. Rope. Saddlery, tc . Foreiirn and I'ojoestio Liquors, Sheetings and Yarns at .M mufacturers’ prices. SQrStrict attention paid to order!."'SJj SOUTH SIDK HAY STRKET, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Sept. 24, 1^60. 55tf m A. RAKEK, r o f* #» m: g{ s.fi MTa, Turpentine stills; niauufi cMirod on the mos fav .'orable terms. .Ml wor Call and see fir vonrs.'lv Oct. 22. w-uT:inted. it Fivottoville, N. C. C3tf n. rmpRi:Li., and Coniniission Merohant. > ei'Tu^ted to his hands. 17. A. Auctioneer —Will attend to t'le sale of— €ioo(fs^ Jl\tres tiiiff •JlfrrhfrMtfizr, Keal Kstate, ,y*€ii'ro€s^ Xr. Pec. 17, 70-t>mos C'lroliniin 6 months. T. C. Xi «. a. WOBtTII, Commission and Forwardlns: Merchants, WTLMIXGTOX, N. C. Jan’y 28, lSr,9 84tf WILLIA^I J. PKK E, Inspector of Titrpentine^ WTLMTXGTOX. X. C. 8^ Wi 11 attend promptly to all business entrusted to his care. \r,‘irch 20. 1 1 vpd ~ ALFRED ALDEinriN, In«(pe€tor of \avnl stores, WTLMIXGTOX, X. C. VT^ILIi attend promptly to the transaction of all busi yy ness consigned to his care. Nov. 9. FAYETTEVILLE Female lltffh School. TEP.MS, Honnl per Session of 2» weeks. W 1 uition in Collegiate Classes 20 weeks. 20 00 ‘ " .Acaleniic “ •• “ 15 00 “ “ Primary •' “ “ 12 W Incidental expenses, 1 00 Tuition in Music, Painting, Drawing, Modern and Ancient Languages, &.v at tlie usual rates. B^'^One-hfilf of Bnsrd and Tuition required m ud- caricf; the other half at tlie close of the Session SCHOLASTIC YEAR. 1st S-,*sdion.—1st Qtiarler cotnmences 1st October. 2d " “■ 10th l>ecember 2d Session.—1st Quarter “ 2Uth February. 2d “ “ 1st May. Vacation “ 10th .Tiily J DeB. & T. C HOOPER. Associate Principals. Dcc'r 8, 186). 77tf llill^boro^ .^lilitary Academy. r’PHIS i I tary FAY^TTKVII.I.E HOTEK, T WADDILL, Proprietor ^HIS, the most commodious Hotel in Noith Carolina, fronting 3(’K) feet on Hay and Donaldson Streets, located in the centre of the bii.siuess portiun of the town, and surrounded by all the Banking Houses, Wholesale Merchants and princi pal Produce Dealers. Ru'^iness men will findi the Hotel a coavenient and comfortable hou«e. .\ll the Stages arrive and depart from thia Hotel. Fayetteville, Oct. 1, 1868. 51- A IVew Eaw Book. CanticelVs Practice at ha\c, JUST published, a treaiise upon the Practicc at Law in North Carolina, by Edward Cantwell, LL. B., author of the N C. Justice, etc. SHEMWFJl HOUSE, A FEW DOORS XORTH OF THE MARKET HOUSK. ' THE MORAVIANS IN NORTH CAROLINA. In 1749 the British Parliament passed an act by which the Unitas Fratrum, or Moravians, WM acknowledged as a Protestant Episcopal Church About that time Lord Granville, President ot the CONTEXTS Privy Council, who was the owner of a Of Legislative Power in General; Legislative Power tract of country in North Carolina, offered 100,- in North Carolina; Legislative Powers of Justices of the QOO acres to Count Zinzendort, upon very reaspn- Peace; County Boundaries—Deeds, etc.; County Reve- terms. At a Conference of the Brethren, nue and Charges; Court Houses Prisons &c.; County London, Nov. 29, 17^1, it was resolved to Trustee; Jury Trials; Fairs and Public hales; (jeneral » .i, a: * • • Assembly; Inspections, Public Landings, &c.; Poor , accept the offer. A commission with authority Houses and Hospitals: Registers and Clerks; Rivers aud to select the location ot the land, consisting 01 Creeks; Gates, Ferries and Bridges; Weights and Mea- | Bishop Spangenburg, and five Others, left Bethle- sures; Idiots and Lunatics; Retailers; Neuse River: Pub- ^ the wilds of Xorth Carolina, on WIN(t to the extensive increase of patronage to this House, during the year. 1 have ex tended uiy ficilities by the addition of a num ber of coinf >rt!ible sleeping rooms, with otlier import ant improvements, which will add materially to the comfort .and convenience of those favoring me with their patroiiuge. To thoic wlio have been my kiml friends and cus tomers for the past six years, 1 tender my most sincere tlnnks. at the same time respectfully soliciting a con- tiniiiincf; of their patron.ige, and also the patronage of a larrc number ot new patrons 1 l;ave good .Stables and a No. 1 Ostler. P. SHEMWELI.. J.-n'v 10. 1860 84- lic Roads and Cartways; Public Landings and Inspec tions; Mills and Millers; Ordinaries and Constables; Patrol; Wardens of the Poor; Prison Bounds; Roads, Ferries and Bridges; Poll Tax Exemptions; Executive Power in General; Executive Power in North Carolina; institution, of a thoroughly scientific and Mili- chnriictor. is under the comluct of Col. C. C. Ti:\V. f, irnifi’lv superintendent of the State Military Vc vlemv at f'oluintii;i, S (’ The third .A'’ailemic ye ir )if«>-'ns F'**b‘y r>, ISt’il. Tlie charge i-^ S'’l-’> per aniuun, iticln ling clothing. For a circular address the super- inteii] nr. Ui 20. 8:^-lawr.t*6t iionv'siMUxr; academy^ mHE si.xti, ves “ion "I this iiiuiiiinion will open on tlie I l^fh of .Jtiumi'v. Ihil. mil continue 1''r twen’v w.‘ek- Tlie .\cadetny is situ.itel 10 milfs southwe^it of Hillst'oro . and 12 inile-i wost of f liiijiel Hill, in :i very ^pF!E Prorriet'ir knows that his location gives him un moral and healthy co-nmunity. and apart from all vices ^ { rirnlled facilities for procuring articles com thnt tend to dt*moralizp and corrupt the youth, and j where every necessary requisite for securing an educa tion is (“Xtended. Our discipline and instruction claim j til be etpiJilled by few and excelled by none. We pre- ; pare students for college, or for the onlinary business EAGLE HOTEL, A?iiii:viiii.K, c„ J. ill. KIj AIR., Proprietor. 58-tf LAW rVOTICE. ’Hi; Subscriber having removei from Summerville to F- yetteville. will attend the County and Superior :rt? of Cumberland, Harnett and Moore. His ofScc at his re.'idence, on Green Street, opposite the •copal Church. r. i correspondents will please address him hereafter . Fivett*ville. instead of Summerville. NEILL McKAY .m v 21. 1860. 86-tf Law .\otice E -ubscriber having retired from the Bench, wHh [ v-e to devote himself to the practice of the Law. H'.t 6m pd I'LARK A TrRMXtiTOV. COniMlSSION KTEROHANTS, W II.MIXiiTOX, N - W"; other country produce. c. L trive -pecial attention to the sale or shipment of all Naval Stores. Colton, Flour. Timber, and Dealers in Lime. Plaster, ( ment. Hair, ic.; and AGENTS PnR STEAMERS K\TF ,^fL\rKr .nU SI N. Refer to; H. R. Savnge, Cashier I'ank ct Cape I'eir. Wilmington Pres't H. Jones. Cashier Branch Raleigh '.♦-If end hereafter the counties of Ciimberland, Rob- . .;al Hladen. at all the Courts, and the Superior . i of Richmond, Harnett and Sampson. J G. SHEPHERD. -1. t. l-^OO. 23tf JOSEPH RAKER, Jr., \TTIR\KV AT I. AW, H-.' taken an iffice next door to Wm. B. Wright's Law Son Green Street. He will attend and practice »■ iiify and Superior Courts of Cumberland, r., R. > »nd .Sampson. I'.jO. 79tf RORA^ TIcliAIR, lUovHeif and CounneUor at 1/air, LT'MBERTON, N. C. • I.!. H'tend and practice in the County ami Superior I" ' ff R..boson, Richmond and Cumberland. ■ intrusted to him will receive prompt at- ■ 111 ."olleni,.n« punctually remitted. . 1’'^'*. 55tf iff ,IOiI\ p. Fl'I.LER, Utorney and Connsellor at Law, WILL PRACTU'E IN THK COURT.S OF HobH>on, Cumberland, Columbus and Bladen. 'Iff! ,'it Lumberton, Robeson Co., N. C. 20tf 0 1^* TIIKO. .^ARTIlfK, H.\V .STREET, opposite the Post Offiee. r tricity applied, t 17, 1860. 62tf ♦IKIMCAL :\oti«:e. || 'IcL. tJR.-MIAM. M. D.. offers his professional • ’ .j to the public. Office on Hay Street, four ' of Post Office, where he may be found at all ‘II nor professionally engiged. 35 ly Wilmineton: Jno. Dawson. Bank of North Carolina: W. Branch Bank of Cape Fear, Dec. 14, I860.' W. p. KENDALL. J. S. KFND.ALL. W. p. KF.ADAf.I. A: MIX, iieneral €omtnission •ftrrchants^ soi’Tii WATKic s'r»ci:r/r. \VILML\f';To.W X. r. ORDERS from the Country respectfully solicited On consignments of Ci '" >n and other Produce, liberal cash advances will be ni.ide when d>*sired. ■ Oct. 17, I860. 6.-^tf A. w. 11 i.m:r. u*g»oWjEf^.nr.i: tueof ER AND Comiiii^$ioii .llerchaiit^ NORTH WATER ST., WI L J/7*V a T A’, .V. r. Oct. 8, 186> 5'.)-6m U, \\. BI I.LARD. Com in iss i on • fir r rh an WILMLXGTOX. X. C. l^ROMPT and PERS*)N.\L attention will V)c given to 1 the sale of Naval Stor*-s, (^•.tf«>u. Louiber. Timber, and all other country protlucc. HF.VKR Ti> O. G. P.^R.SLEY, Pres’t 'om. I'atik at Wilmington. JOHX D.\W^si)N. “ 1^. N. (’., Messrs. H. E. J. Lilly. > Messrs. Pembertox it Si.oan. i A. P.-vRKKR, Esq., Harnett ('ounty, N. May 7, ' 15tf c. H. rokinson. n. h. robinson. €. II. ROBI\M>.\ Ac €'0., Commission and Forwarding Mercliants, WILMIXGTOX, X. C. Consignments and country orders will receive | prompt personal atfention. do. Fivetteville. March 17. 1 86fi. 2tf 1 "10. iP hi -T DENTAL \OTICE. >TT may b** seen rcenlarly at his Office on rson Street, two doors East of the Mirket, dur- hours of from 8 A. M. to 1 P. M.; 2 P. M. to -tf OEATISTRY. R. J. DAVIS having dccidcd on perma nently locating in the Town of Fayette ville. respectfully offers his services to the tSis place and surrounding country. In all - branches of his Profession, including the •’o if Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an • X - ■■ri**nce, to which is added a thorough Den- 'I, that he can givet'ntire satisfaction as far • I' l wer of Dentistry. All ifgegiilarities of the '■'1 in a proper and careful ^(lanner, as well as ■ I." mouth. None but the prop**** metal* aro !i th(‘various operations. Obarges will be ' tfie benefits of the Profession may be •‘•■ n the reach of all who may feel an interest “i vation of the Teeth. over Houaton’s Jewelry Store, where he !it all times. '■ 1 '-M. 9tf EI.OSSOM. if . , li. carver, ***»' ill Dry irOOfl!», CwrocerieM, I,. and Pro«’i*4ioii!«(, JOSEPH R. V O 11 I N 1) Forwarding Merchant. ff'^Hntii^si ton ^ /*’. f ’. JS^j^Prompt person.il Mtti'rition '/iv'-n to all Consign ments, and Cfish aclv.'inces made on I’l oduce tobeshippec' to other ports or sold in thi.s market. Feb. 12, 1855. 67tf JXO. s. D.\.Nt!Y, J.S'I. II HYMAN, F. M. HYMAX, /^ate of 'Farborit*. of ^rot^an l A\ck. /^ate of fVarrtmton, WAA:%% IIV?IA\ A: CO., ;uo(Eiis& co:»r;issio\ mercha\ts, liJl Pearl Street^ \'vnik. of life The terms are as follows: { (''lissicul or Scientific course, ?20 j Higher Enarlish “ 15 j Elementary •• It.t B^ard c^n be h.id at S ’7 per session, including all ex- ! penses. T D. 01 Ihnm. Jns. F Min*’r and oth'-rs will t-i^'f* bonr lers. They nre living verv convenient. For ' further jiarticiilars addrf^s WM, p. )LDH.\M, Principal. j Oaks P. O , Oraii.'eCo , N.C .lh'C. 12 83 tlSJ ^ 0\F(1R!1 IT'AULK COUI'faL 1 LITER IRV «rnOOL. j THIS school com]Tisos eight permanently organized classes, whose studies commence with the alphabet and are continued in the Elementary Branches, Mathe- maticD, Languages, English Literature. Natural Sciences, and Moral Philosophy, until the minds of the students are properly trained for the duties of life. The inves tigations and discussions ore thorough and comprehen- 'ive. Necessiry apparatus is freely supplied The Libraries and Cabinets embrace rare and extensive col lections. FINE-ARTd SCHOOL. Speciiil attention is devoted to Drawing. Oil Painting, and Embroidery. The various styles of “fancy paint ing" and “ornamental work” are also taught. Mr.>«IC SCHOOL. Music is tiught as a sciencf* and as an art. Instruc tion is given on the Piano, Guitar and Harmonium. Unusual attention is devoted to Vocal and Sacred Musio. EXPENSES. Tuition in Elementary Branches, 515 College Classes, 20 “ “ Di.i^'liig. ■ maif-rlals included,) 12 •• “ Painting in Water Colors. 15 “ •* Oil t'aintine. . materials included,) 20 •• ^\a.x Work, tuateriuls included, i 10 “ Emb^oiilery. iiuiterials included,) 10 Music, (instrument furnished,) 23 “ “ Board, 'washing included,) 60 REMARKS. Experienced and thorougldy qualified teachers give ■ tiieir entire time to their respective departments. E.\tr.i cliarg»:s ai. ! needless expenses arc strictly pro- : hibited—necessary purchases .-ire tuad** by the teachers. Picayune pedlar* are not nll iwed to enter the premises, I and no pocket nionov is required. Oxford is situated on the hordthy hills of Granville, 12 tiiiles from the Riilcigli and (iaston Railroad, and is i connected With Henderson Station by a line of daily . stages. I The «cholatic year is divided into tw^o sessions. The fi!-t op* H' on the fir^t Monday in July and closes on the last Thurs biy in November. The seconiJ opens on I the ftrst Mond.iy in .January and doses with the annual ^ C0mm‘*nCfinent on the l.ist Tliursday in May. Student are received for one or more sessions. Cor- I respondeut. will direi’t tlirir favors to MILLS & CO., Oxford. N. C. Dec’r 12. 7‘.*-6t ~ BeiOTJS & JSI10E8, AT WIIOLHSALK. JXO. M. WALREIl, of Xorth Carolina, JillAW, DE ;RA\V X KIAC^, M VXfFACTl’RKKS OF AND WHOLESALE HEALERS IN BOOTS SHOES, .No. :ll A :t;t IIKV ST.. XKW VOKK. 117ILL be hajqiy to see liis .Southern friends at the IT above est iblishmeiit. where, either persotiilly or by order, they may Vie supplied from an extensive and ’ ’ Goods. :'.6tf procuring articles conducive to good living, and lie will dispense them to his guests in the best style. Every comfort usually to be had in a first class Hotel, will be furnished to his guests. Stage office ff’r Morganton, at this House. “ “ •* Ch.irlottp, “ *• •• “ " “ Spartanburg. S. C., “ “ “ “ •• '• treenville, “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Greenville, Tenn., Daily, “ I’csidcs which, good hacks and careful and attentive Drivers can at all times be had to convey parties to any part of tlie splendid .Mountain scenery of this region, siicii a“^ the l>1ack Mountain, the Swannnnoa Gap, the Hickory Nut Gap and Falls, the Warm Springs. ic.. Aug. 25, 1752; aud after wandering about on horseback, amid hardships, tor several weeks, they selected certain tracts of land, in what was then , known as Rowan county. By dividing and sub- Executive Power of the Courts; Chief Justice and Clerk; | the large county of Rowan, this tract has Attorneys at Law.^Attorney Getieral; Reporter and | successively in Rowan, 1770 in Surry, 1789 snal; Clerk.s and Solicitor; Counsel for Paupers; uuar- i . / loio • dians; County Attorney; Auctioneers; County Court j btokes, and Since 184o ID rorsyth COUii y. Clerks; Coroners; Boundary Commissioners: (.’ommittees | J he first settlement on these lands was effected of Finance; County Trustee; County Treasurer: Special : 1753, by a compa.iy of twelve emigrants from Court; Commissioners of Fairs; Inspectors; Supenn- , UetJ^elem, Pa. In 175G the number of settlers tendents of Schools; Commissioners of ^ umounted' to sixty-five persons. The Indian war, dens of the Poor; Hegistors; (^mmtssioners ot Kivers J , ^ >> u and Creeks; Sheriffs; Constables; Rangers; Standard generally known as the “Old 1 rench W ar, sub- Keepers: Retailers; Administrators; Chairman of Special ! jectfd the infant settlement to severe trials m Court: Commissioners of Deeds and Conveyances; Com- ' 1758 and 1750; but the colonists were prudent, aud Bethabara became a noted place among the Indians, as the “Dutch Fort, where there are good people and much bread.” In 1759 the C'reek and Cherokee Indians made war upon the whites; and, as the Moravians declined military service, the provincial government placed upon them* the responsibility of self-defence. They maintained their ground, in that war, by policy. missioners of Low Lands; Entry Takers and Surveyors; Sujierintendents of Eleciion.*; Guardians and Receivers; Inspectors; Commissioners of Internal Improvements; Partition: Patrol Committees: Processioners; Tax Listers and Boards of Valuation: t)vt rseers of Roads and Rivers; Commissioners of Wrecks; Tobacco Pickers and Coopers. 'I’he Appendix coniains forms of Deeds aud Convey ances, as follows: Agreements, Assignments, Awards, Bills of Sale, Bills of Exchange and Lading, Bonds, Miscellaneous Bonds. Contracts, Deeds, Marriage Settlements, Mortgages, Copartnership Articles, Notes, Releases, &c., &c. This Book contains 556 pages, is gotten up in supe rior style, and bound in Law Calf. Price, single copy, $5. For sale by E. J. HALE & SONS. Dec’r 26, 1860. nither than by arms. In 17G5, the Moravians founded Salem. In 1772 the population of Salem was one hundred and twenty persons. In 1803, fifty years having passed since the first settlement of the Moravians in North Carolina, \Y^ A ^P/11JT'’Q T^V VtC the anniversary was celebrated with solemn reli- I* A tlljlV ijL;' j gious ceremonies at Salem. Within that time iHAVI^ f>N HAND a superior stock of VER and PL.^TED WARE. PIS- any of whicli are within a short day's ride of Asheville. | TOLS. F.\NC\ GO0D.S. &c , wiiich I am selling at re- Sep.. 24, ISOti. UEJ!»TERA ob-ly RAIL ROAD. The following rates will now be charged for Possen- geis on this i{oad, viz; To Litt’e River, 50 cts. To Spout Spring, 75 “ To Jonesboro’, 1 00 To Mclver s, 1 25 Train leaves the Depot Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 8^ o|clock A. M. Returuing, leaves Mclver’s at 1 odock P. >1. C. B. MALLETT, Pres i. Nov. 19. I860. 71 tf NEak1:sT axU QUICKESf UOITE TO THE RAILROAD! duced prices. Now is the time to purchase. All goods warranted as repre.sented. My Bills are all ready. Interest will be charged on all accounts after the 1st of January of each and every year. EDWIN GLOVER Dec. 26. 82-1 m Notice. A fully requested to call at ttie Photographic Gallery and settle their accounts by the 1st of January, as longer indulgence cannot be given. C. M. VANORSDELL. Dec’r 27, 1860. 82-4t Bank of Clarendon at Fayetteville, > Dec. 29, 1860. | A T a meeting of the Directors of this Bank, a semi- annual Dividend of 4 per cent, was declared (out of the profits for last 6 months,) payable to the stockholders on 1st Jan’y 1861. 83-2t] J. W. SANDFORD, Cash’r i^EAMAX & IJOBfNSOX’S FOIR HOUSE STAUE LIXE TO KE.VAXSVILLE, VIA WARSAW, IS the shortest and most expeditious for travelers going North or South. Leaving Fayetteville every day at 2 o'clock P. M. THROUGH IN TEN HOURS. Our Conches are large and comfortable, drivers sober and gentletuanly. our teams good and sure of five miles an hour. The traveling public who would study their comforj and convenience will t"ke the Warsaw Stage. 8wg“THR0UGH TICKETS TO WELDON may be had at the .'^tngc Office, I'ayefteville. May 25. 1S60. 2o-tf I' A Y ir 1'T E in ■. L E MUTLAL l\SrUA\CE COMPANY. Capital in Premium Notes amounts to ('ash on hand and other assets, A 5267,688 ’^b 5,077 35 dl assorted Stock of Goods. July 17. I860. A’ejsroes!! IVaiited. Cl ENTU'. M f'N, your old customers are yet in market. T .Vll who have iu'>;roes for sale, would do well to give us a call or address us. .L A MnAnTitrn. 1 poWELL & McARTHUR. L. A. Powell. j Clintim. N. July !•, 1860. 33-6mpd Total. J272,7t>5 61 The Company have paid all losses promptly, and have never made an assessment on their premium notes. Total losses paid, §29,682 G‘J Offioeus: GEO. McNEILL, President. D. A. R.VY, Vice President. C. A. McMILLAN, Sec y. DiBEcmR.s: He iry Lilly, W. N. Tillinghast, H. L. Myrover,- S. J. Hinsdale, S. T. Hawley, Wm. McLaurin, Nathan .Stedman, T. S. Lutterloh, C. B. Mallctt. .Tames Kyle. A. McKethan, J. I). Williams. S. W. Tillinghast. A. AV. Steel, J. G. C«ok, Hon. J. G. Shepherd, li. F. Brown, ) * * Ailmgton. AOTICE. LL my accounts are made out and ready for settle ment. Interest will be charged on all accounts after the 1st of Jan y 1861. I will sell the balance of my stock at reduced prices for cash, or to those who pay their bills promptly. J WOODWARD. Dec’r 31. 83-2t spi:i M.ir. .VO tmcf.. ~ 4 LL those indebtud to me. are requested to come for- xA ward and settle with me immediately, as the year is out and I must settle iny debts. R. D. DAVIS. Dec. 29. 83-3t ~^OTI€E. 4 S I expect to be nbsent from home a few months in the West, Archibald McLean is my authorized Agent to transact my business until 1 return. N. G. JONES. Dec’r 28. 83tf m REWARO R.ANAWAY from tlie subscrilter last April, my Negro Man CHARLES: he is full blooiled negro, rounl features, 5 feet 8 or 10 inches high, well set and in telligent for a negro; would weigh when he left, from 155 to 160, age about 28 years. He has a scar under one of his ears caused by a cut, the scar has protruded out, and very much resembles a wen. I will pay the above reward to any person delivering him to me at Springfield, Richmonil County, N. C.^ or for his con finement in any Jail so that I can get him. SHOCKLEY L. GIBSON, for JANE McNAlR. Springfield, Dec. 26, 1860. 82-tf A. E. Hall. ( John Collins ami C. C. .McCrummen. Traveling Agents. fita^Tlie Coni}>any invite applications. May 28, lS*io. 21-ly IT\1 l\SI!!l CO^IP^ IIARTI ORD, C 03JA. Incorporatei 1819. Charter FerpetuaL FISH! FISH!! \TEW MACKEREL. Nos. 1. 2 and 3. WHIT HTE FISH. HERRING. &c. Call at Oct 1. &c. A. N. McD )N ALD S, South-side Hay Street. 57-tf AOW IA .^l ARKET. i LL persons having NEGROES for sale, will do well xA to address the subscriber .at Clinton, S.iinpson county, as he is deteriiiined to buy and pay as liberal prices for them as the stale of the market will permit By addressing him he will call immediately, and make liberal ofl'ers, as all will find wlio will try him. CHARLES T. STEVENS. Cliuton, Sampson Co., Sept. 10. 1860. 62-lypd Aiithoriml Capital, Paid up Capital, Assets, $l..i(M),000 00 !,.>H).000 00 ‘2,0^0,423 80 JIST IIEl’ElVEI) 1\ TIME FUR t'iilllSTllAS, r" BBLS. of old Nick Williams’celebrnted RYE V HIS- 0 KEY, at R. MITCHELL’S. Dec. 20. 80-3w DIRECTORS. U1’,™.4.\, WA.M V A: ;o., iVotlce. wwB iSite■ BM ^^T^.\KEN up and committed to the Jail of Cumberland ^'OllMlll 1 via I ^ (;oun'y, on the 1st of .May I860, as a runaway, a negro who says fie is free, that his name is HENDER- 11 xusroj K, V i The New York Ho'iso will be conductel by Jno. S. Dasct, aided by R. W. Hvman. The Norfolk Hotise will be conductcl by Jno H. Hyman and F. M. Hy.'ian. Particular attention given (o the sale of COT TON, CORN, WHEAT, NAVAL STORES, &.c. Sept. 11, 18Gf>. 53tf EDWIA II. RAxAAEV, Oeneral Commission JfMerchant^ 12 South Wharves, between .)larket k Chestnut Sts. PIIII.ADi:i.Plli A. Consignments of Cotton, Naval Stores, Flour, Ric“. &c. will always receive his prompt personal attention. Advances will be made only on actual Consigments. RKFERENCES; , T. S. k. T. G. i’voD. Charleston. \V'ai.kkr. BvaVii JtCo. Clmrlestfin A Wy*tt & f'o. “ Ei,t.i.s &. .Mitchici.l. Wiliainpton. .V • *'■ » I- ' Jam«» TuppiR, Eq. “ Henry Kmi|. ’ ' f-'lM with th«u- business will find it prompt- i u i'rebslkv, Esq. “ Kev Jamics fl. Taylor. Rirhin|d. J i.n A t^y Warehouse in CamnbelUoa, oppo-1 VV'. V I..bitch. K-q “ Rfv j l.uvis Sm cK, 'aliforni i- Li.,. '^-’bauoiilin • WiLi.iAM I’ETTioRtw, M. D. “ Jessil \V. Kknkdict, Esq N..Y. ' *ltb, ^ , Uev. W. ». Cariok Ed.iSo. Bap.Joun \V. Skxton, Esq.. Phila, y St ''*ys keep a good Stock of Seasonable Goods ^^’*'1. to sell cheap for Cash, or exchange for *' '-a>h ■ ^ ffPt prices. I lyetteville, N. C., April 10. 9-tf W. Barbour, „ Ktll OF SPIRITS TUUPEJiTlNE. U IN,, i i'ti p '‘I'pointed by last County Court, IN- 0 «IMRIT3 TURPENTINE. I am now the bugiitess my personal attention. All T. p. J. R. E. E. R. E. K. BRACE. TUD )R. CIIUIK'H. BUELL. FLOWER. A. BULKELEY. MAT HE II. G. RIPLEY. W. F. G. Ripley, Pres’t. K. Brace, Jr., Sec'y. SON SEARS, and that he is from Davidson County, and was bound to David Hunt. He is about 26 years old, 6 ft. high, and weighs about 180 lbs.; had on when taken up a hickory shirt, black Cas. pants, and black round coat. The ownor is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and t;ike him away, or he will be dealt with as the law directs. G. L. McKAY, J.ailer. June 4, 1860. 23tf AEW nOOK)!^. by MARION HARLAND, Author of VTKMESIS, "Alone” &c. THE QUEENS of SOCIETY, illustrated; JACK HOPETON, or the Adventures of a Georgian; CASTLE RICHMOND, by Anthony Trollope; Further supplies of Rutledge, Adam Bede; Beulah, the Mill on the Floss; Vestiges of Creation, &c. Aug. 31. E. J. HALE & SONS. 78-6mpd March 8. w-iy Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views* A NEW and baautiful assortment, iust received. £. J. HALE & SONS. S. S. WARD. II. Z. PRATT. A. DUNHAM. G. F. DAVIS. D. HILLYER. T. A. ALEXANDER. W. KENEY. C. H. BRAINARD. TUTTLE. T. A. .Alexander, V. Pres’t. A. A. W'lLLiAMS, Adjuster. Rate«! as low as perfect solvency and fair profit will allow, ASSETS.—July 1859. Market value- Bank Stocks in New York. Hartford, Bos ton, St. Louis, kc.. United States Stock and Treasury Notes, State Stocks: New York, Ohio. Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, City Stocks, Hartford, Rochester, Brook lyn, Jersey City, Railroad Stocks: Ilartford and New Haven, Boston and Worcester, Conn. River, Mortgage Bonds, Real Estate, unincumbered. Miscellaneous Items, Ck'ih, on hand and deposited on call, and in ge Its’ handtt. ]\otice. Those imlebted to the undersigned will confer a fa vor by settling their resppctive obligations, thus en abling him to do in like mitnner with >thor'-'. THOS. J. JOHN.^OX. Oct. 8, I860. 5'J tf llope;^ and Feai'is, By the Author of “Heartsease, ’ &c. LAVINI.A. by the .-^utiior of ‘ Dr. Antonio,’' ic. Pocket Diaries for lfe61. Dec’i 20. E. J. HALE ic SONS. 5915.344 00 215,126 50 168,005 00 116,000 00 87,058 00 83,089 60 70,1 as 78 25,348 77 350.803 15 BOOK-BlNDfXG IN all its kinds, executed with neatness and d'spatch Small jobs when done must be paid before delivoivd, THOS. H. TILLINGHA.ST. Oppo.site the Female High School, Hay Street May 14.1850. 14 WAATED. ^ LARGE quantity of COTTON and LINEN Tl.\GS, for which fair prices will be paid. DAVID Aug. 17 MUR PHY. 41- $2,030,428 80 LIABILITIES. Claims: unadjusted and not due,- i i^chool Rook^i, &c. C‘ OLBURN’S, Stoddard’s, Ray’s, and Emerson’s .Arith metics; McGuflFey’s Readers and Spellers; Scott'p ! Infantry Tactics; Mason’s Farrier: Headley’s Sacred* Mountains; Union Bible Dictionary, &c. E. J. HALE & SONS. Dec’r 20. there had been baptized in the six congregations, 4o adulLs, and about 1,300 children; 666 persons were buried in the different burial grounds. The number of communicants was 420; non-com- mnnicants, 385; children, 500; total population 1,305. » Salem Female Academy was founded in 1804. The Academy was solemnly consecrated, July 16, 1805. From small beginnings, the Academy, by judicious management, has become one of the first institutions of female education in the whole coun try, and has sent forth hundreds of accomplished ladies to dis.seminate the graces of female refine ment in tbe domestic circle. At the close of the year 1856, there were nine Moravian congregations in North Carolina; of which in the aggregate, the following are the statistics: Communicants,902; non-communicant3, 345, children, 616; total 1863. The Moravians have ever been good citizens. By obedience to the laws of the State, good order an i good morals, the patient industry and skill which mark the G-erman character, they have contributed much to the advancement of the State of their adoption.—N. C. Christian Advocate. Talcimj the Veil.—The Journal du Loiret relates the following: ‘‘.Mm’dlle Blanche de Beauval, a wealthy heiress of Orleans, was about eight months ago to have been married to the Viscount de (^hamoy, but as the bridegroom elect was in delicate health he was recomtnended to go for a short time to Italy, and the ceremony was post poned to October last. The viscount, however, never reached his destination, having died on his way thither, and the lady, overwhelmed with grief, determined to take the veil. Her resolu tion was carried into cffect three days ago, at the Carmelite convent in the Faubourg du Roule, at Orleans. At the hour fixed for the ceremony the chapel was filled with persons who had been in vited to be present, and soon after a door leading from the interior of the convent opened, and Mademoiselle de Beauval. in the prime of youth and beauty, entered, leaning on the arm of her un cle. She was dressed in a bridal costume of white satin trimmed with ricli lace; a wreath of orange blossoms encircled her hair, and a large white veil was over her head. She took the seat prepared for her, and the officiating priest delivered a short address. She then quitted the chapel, which is divided into two parts by an iron railing, clo.sed by a curtain. In a moment after the curtain was drawn, aud she was seen on the other side of the grating on her knees. The priest approached and asked whether she still persisted in her resolution to quit the world, to which she replied in a firm voice, ‘Yes.’ On this, one of the nuns who were standing by removed the bridal wreath and veil from her head, let her beautiful hair fall on her shoulders, and then with a scissors severed the tresses close to her head. A murmur of regret was heard among all the persons present when this sacrifice was commenced. Mademoiselle de Beauval then left the chapel, but reappeared in a few minutes after, dressed in the garb of a Car melite nun. She lay down on the steps of the chapel, a funeral cloth was thrown over her, the priest recited the prayers for the dead, and the ‘De Profundis’ was snng while the persons in the chapel were retiring.” ! .4 Gooi Rrproof.—A writer illustrating the fact that some errors are lifted into importance by ef i forts to refute them, when they need to be treated i with ecmteiiipt and ridicule, observes that all the ' blows inflicted by »he Herculean club of ccrtain i lo^ricians are not half so effectual as a box on the t ear of celebrated Atheist by the hand of some j charming beauty. After having in vain preached to a circle of I ladies, he attempted to avenge himself by saying; I “Pardon my error, ladies. I did not imagine i that in a house where W'it lives with grace, I alone j have the honor of not believing in God.” “You are not alone, sir,” answered the mistress of the house, "my horse, my dog, my cat, share the honor with you; only these poor brutes hare the good sense not to boast of it.” The. Coming Y^nr,—The year 1S61 will be the first of the 600th Olympiad There will be an annular eclipse of the sun on the 11th of Jan uary, another on the 7th of July, and a total eclipse on the 31st of December. There will al so be a partial eclipse of the moon on the 17th of December. $88,242 08 Agent of the above Company in Fayetteville, K. J. HAUB, The PresbTteriaii Pfialniodist Character notes. July 20. A further supply just received. S. J. HALE & SONS. The Washington Constitution newspaper pub lishes an article in which it repudiates the idea cl its being an organ of the Administration. It I is known that the President himself dictated > the article and Insisted upon its publication.