SEMI-WEEKL. Y. vol.. X.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., JANUARY 7, 1861. [NO. 985.] rniN'TEP >tON*DAYS AND THURSDATa. HDWARn J. HALE & SONS, VDIT- 'R' AXD rROPRIETORS V tl’.p .?0ri^'VoGi:lv Odskrvfr S3 00 if paid in I 1- n". o: S3 O' * if paid daring the y«ar of jubMrlp- ! ' r S-1 after the year has expired. . i^ceklj Obssrveii S"2 00 pe» annuia. If paid in .jranoe: S2 50 if paid d’.tring the yenr of subscrhp- ,, r *•-’ af^er the year has expired. ,\P\ F.riTI.^EMEXTS inserted for 60 cents p«r j .1-0 . t i" lines foT* the first, and 30 cents for each , ... i :iT I'ubUcaliou. \ early adrertisements by ape- n.:it rcnsonable rates. Advertisers are ; , ■ .1 state tho number of insortions desired, or ; '^>e continued till forbid, and charged accord- ' ; !v.".-l«enic>nts tc be inserted inside, charged 50 per ' B. F. PEARCE, WITH \. IT. TIcDO'V /IV.n, Commission Merchant and Prodoce Dealer, AND DEALER IN Groceries. Prorisions, Hardw.-ir?, Cutlery, Boots, Siioes and Leather, Bafrsfing, Rope, Saddlery, &o., Forc'iin and Domo'itic Liquors. Sheetings and Ya-ng at M.mnfictiirers’ prices. fiS^Strict attention paid to orders. SOUTH SIDE II.-VY STREET. FAYETTEVILLE, W. C. 6opt. 24, 1830, 55tf I FAYKTTEYILLE I Female Hisrh iSchool. TERMS. I Board per Session of 29 weeks. SW 00 I Tuition In (^’ollegiate Classes 20 Tveeks, 20 00 I •' *' Academic “ “ “ 15 00 1 “ “ Primary mum 12 00 I Incidental expenses, 1 00 j Tuition in Music, Painting, Drawing, Modem and : Ancient Languages, &c. at tlie usual rales, j J^S“0ne-ha1f of Board and Tuiticyi re^juired t» ad vance; the other half at tho close of the Session. ! ‘^nHOLASTTP YEAR. 1st Session.—1st Quarter commences 1st October. n. A. RAKER, VOPi'F.U S.ntTH. Turpentine stills manufactured on tlie most f.-ivorable terms. All worlt'od. Call and see for yourselves, nt F ivettoville, N. C. Oct 22. ■ G3tf 2d Session.—lot Quarter 2d Vnoation Dec'r 8, 1S80. Srili lAL NOTICE. I ■; an ’ aT'or thi-i Inte, n- name f'f a now subscriber I red w‘rbr,”» p,4ymont in advance, nor will . >e £?nt to such subscribers for a longer time ■ Is for. ■! ■■.T ■M subscriVerf as desire to take the pa- ! syjtem will pie I'-e notify us when making , - .Tan’y 1. lS.jS. I JAS. C. ^loKAI% ^Ittorney at Ijatr^ ■'tfioe We«t end of the Insumncc P>uilding, Hay St., Fayetteville, W. C. 3tf FRENCH STRANGE, ittornej at Law, Fayetteville, W. C. i-fice that recently occupied by C. G. Wright. Esq.. - ’ le ■!!€ now occupied by him in Dr. Robin.son’* j iir.j. ireen Street. , 2. 172- lIVTf. nllcL,. Attorney at Law, Fayettfvii.le, X. C. ill. Mfnd the County and Superior Court.s of ■ r'and. Tlarnett. ^^oo^e an I Robesr'n Conn- ; • .mnf attention eiven to the collection of all r- .'ted to his baud'*. ■ l>:^ ^ o8-tf LAW \OTICE. ~ T 'linving removed from Summerrille to F .‘i'ovir.e. niP v tend the C.iunry and Superior >f ruTTioprlan 1, Harnett and Moore. Ilis ofRce ■r ■ ’ at his resiil ':ice. on Greou Street, opposite the "ri-i.’.'-.i-nl !^hurc;; Hi' correspondf*nts tv!’! rlea=' address him hereafter •.•. Favett^ville, instead of Summerville. NEILL McKAY. ^n’v 21, 18G0. , 85-tf A. n. Auctioneer and fonimission .llerehant, —Will attend to the snle of — Goodft, IIV#rr.v find •Jlerfltftmfize, Kfaf Kstafc^ *Vr. Dee 17. ISfiO. 70 i’)mos C irolini in 6 rnon h«. T. C. A IS. c;. WORTH. Commis«iion and Forwardiu" ’^lerohants* n. c. Jan y 2'^. 1S50 8-ltf Wll.I.lin J. PRIC'F, inspect or of Tn rprntine^ WTT.MLVr,Tf)X, X. r. Willattead promptly to allbusiness entrustedto his Cfire. March 20. 4-1 ypd ALFRED ALDEU>IA\, In«*l»ectnr of ITaval ?tores, WIT,MTXiTON, X C. ILL attend promiitly to t'-a of all bu«i neso consigned to his care. Nov. 0. fim pd w w I'LAliK .t TI l!M\fiTO\. COMIfflSSIOlV MKRCHAWTS, UTLMINGToX, X. r. Tl'^lLL eive =peci-il att'-'irion r;. tl'P *-i’e or sJiipment »T of ill N ivnl Stoi -s. F’riii’’. Timber, and o'her country produf'e. Doak'is in Lirce, Plaster. Ce ment. Hair, &c.: and 5GENT.S FUR STEAMFRS K^Ti; MflUTJ'’ ^’D SU\. Refer to; H. R. Savage, Ca hirr Rank "t Capo Fear. Wilminnlon: .Tnf^ Dtw-iu. Fres't Wiln-np'on P>ranch Bank of North Caroiim: W. H. Jones. Cashier Raleigh Branch Bank of ('ape Fear. Dec. 14. ISCO. 79-tf Law .\otice 'IE =uhscriber h.aving retired from the Bench, with > to devote himself to the pr.actice of the Law, ;; n”pid hereafter the counties of Cumberland, Rnb- lud Mladen, at all the Courts, and the Superior ;.r'= 'f Richmond, Harnett and Sampson. J. G. SHEPHERD. : n.: 4. 1?60. 28tf H JOSEPH BAKER. Jr., tTTOR-VKY AT LAW, • ’-ien an office next door to Wm. B. Wrieht’s Law • r. Gr*^n Street. He will attend .and practice ‘ i" i i'v and Superior Courts of Cumberlanl, ■!i and Sampson. W. P. KENDALL J. b KENDALL. W. p. KEADALL A: SOA, €ieneral €ommistiion •lierrhants^ SOITII WATKK *iT«5Kr/r. WlLML\GTOX. y. C. ORDERS from the Country respectfully solicited. On consienments of Cotton and other Produce, liberal cisli advances will be m.ide when desired. Oc». 17. I860. 63tf 1 T9tf RORV ncAAIR, •Ittomey and f 'onnseitor at Ijatr, T-MnEPT-tN. N. C. \y ' r.l 'y .:;.e in the ^ ounty an 1 Superior " v' P 'H. R: hmon 1 and Cumberland. d to l.i.n ".'11 r'^ceive prompt at- 'cti 'ii- punctual!/ remitted. ■S5tf JOIIV p. FI r.LER, lltornry and Counsellor at Law, rnACTiCE IN xnr. coruTS or Ur:;i-»oti, riimberland, Colnmbiis and Bladen. ■ mborton, Robeson Co., N. C. 20tf A. \V. FFI^I.FR. WHOLES.ItjE OKOf ER A N D .^lerehant, NORTH WATER ST., W1 L M1 y G T o A', .V. C. Oct. R, 18‘’.0 r>9-Pm a. W. K1 LI.ARII, Comtnisstion • ftrrrhnnt, \\'I1..M1NG'1()X, X. r. PROMPT and PKRS(»N.\L .itrentlon will be given to the sale of Naval Store.-*. Cotton, Lumber, Timber, and all other country produf'e. RKFEK TO O. G., Pfcs t Cdin. Bank at Wilmington. John D.awsox. •• •>. N. C.. at do. Me?'»rs. H. E. J. Lir.t.v, - Favatteville. Messrs. pKMnr.RTO.v Sloax. ) A. Parkfr, Esq., Harnett ('ounty, .S'. C. May 7, IHtlO. ITjif !>»•. Tlli:0. IIARTIAE, ■ ''TREET, opposite the Post Office, ■ctri.’itv rif'tdied. ' . '»t K.'-lSfii). 02tf M,.T ♦ai:DI€AI. AOTICE. ''R\H\M. M. D.. offers his professional ' * > the public. Offic" >n Hiy Street, four ' if Post >tfic*». wliere Ik- mny be fotind at all ^ nnt professionally engaged, l -' O. 35 ly Dlv\T.\L NOTK'K. fl ' ')TT nriy bo seen reg'ilarly at his OfBce on I, I’crson Street, two d'lOrs Ivist of the AI irket, dur- tiip ii iurs of from 8 A. M. to 1 P. .M.; 2 P. M. to ■ M. • 1. * 57-tf OEATISTRV. « jR. J. DAVIS having decided on perma nently locating iifthcTown of Fayette- ^•ville, respectfully offeri? hi:- services to the : this place and -iurrounditiir CDuni ry. In all biancftes of hie Profession, including tho lire of .Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an ^ •■xperienee, to whicli is added .a thorough Den- i"n. tlitt he can give entire satisfaction as far i.o [ iiwer of Dentistry. .■\H irregularities of the itvil in a'proper and careful manner, as well as ‘ the mouth. None but the proper metals are * in tile various operations. Ciiurges will be ‘«t the benefits of the Profession may 1x2 -1 til- reach of all who may feel an interest 'M vatioti of the Teeth. ■'i’ice over Houston’s Jewelry Store, where be '' II1 at all times. Off »v. II. CARVER, ill i>ry liroceries, and Pi*ovifi«ioiiN, X ■' - ’' ways keep a good Stock of Seasonabl# Goods ■ ii'j. to -ioll cheap for Cash, or exchange for F, ' I'ii pricof-. • " ■" 1 yeti.-ville, N. C., April 16. 9-tf w H l»M‘|kii w. Rarbonr, M 'KMt OF SPIICITS TIMPESTINE. '■j! ppi.h npp..inted by laaf County Court, I.N- ftPIKITS TURPENTINE, I am now - ■ Mie my personal •-ittentioii. All ir • V itli tlu-a' business will SikI it prompt- I'l M my W.;i!»;liouse in C.impbellton, oppo- ■b'l, lUi !ii.n. 78-8mpd C. II. UOniNSON il. H. Ror.IN.'^ON. €. II. ROIIIA>iO\ A: CO., Commission and Forwarding IVIerchants, WTLMIXGTUX, N. C. Consignments and country orders will receive prompt per>onal .attention. March 17. 18;i). 2if JOBEPH R. BLOSSOm7 T| n I ^ ^ E O A A N D Forwardins: Merchant, in;i'fon, .V. a^^Prompt jiorsona! uttcntion ;rivpn to all Consign ments, nnd Cash advances maile on Protiuoe to bo sliippet' to other pons or sold in tliis market. ' Feb. 12, 1855. G7tf JNO. S. DAXCT, JVri. II. HY:i\.V, F. M. flYMAX. J.ate of Tarboro'. nf .'irolhinil .V'rk. I.atr. of IVarrenton. DA \(1% IIV^IAA A: €0., GROfKRSA COMMISSION JIEIUHAXTS, 12 1 W^cart Street, HI M A A, l>A \ V i Jo., 'Commission Merchants, ‘%OKFOMw, VA. The New York House will be conducted by Jno. S. Dasct, aided by II. W. Hyma.*. The Norfolk House will be conducted by Jso. H. Hyman and F. M. Hyman. 86^ Particular attention given to the sole of COT TON, CORN. WHEAT, NAVAL STORES, &c. Sept. 11, I860. 53tf EIIU lA H. RAAAEl', Oeneral Commission ^IMerchant, tl South Wharves. bclweiMi Miirket St Thfistnut Ms. Plllf.ADi:i>PH i. ConsignmenfB of Cotton, Naval Stores. Flour, Ric«, &c. will always rcceive his prompt personal attention. Advances will be made only on actual Consigments. KE7F, RKNCES; T. s. Sl T. G. Pudd. Charle«tin. Walkkr, Rvavs&Co Chnrleston R W'tatt & *’>. “ Kllis & \liTrniLL, Wlliiiliii'um. JaMK* TrpPER, E*q. “ Hkvrv Nctt. K(i. li >’RBfitLicv, K^q. “ Kfv JAMicii U.'I’avlor, nirlmi’d. VV. Y I.EITCH. E q “ Hpv J. StircK. f'^Itforni r VViM.iAi* r«TrloRKW, M. D Jksbr IV. ItKscnicT. E«i. N. Y. Ktv. VV. II. Carion Cd.lio. Bap,John \V. :iSkiton, I’lilln, March 0. 90 )Y “ 10th December “ 2tJth February, ‘ " Isf May. 10th July. J. DiR & T. C. HOOPER. Associate Principals. 77tf nillshoro’ .^lilitnry Acnl€iiiy. This institution, of a thoroughly .scientific and Mili tary cl)r\r;ioter. is under the conduct of Coi,. P. C. TEW. formerly -Joi^er'iitcndent of the St-\te Military 'cademv at Coluniliia. S C. The third \cadptnic year begins Feb'y C, 1801. Tho charcre is S*’.!-') prr annum, inclu ling clothing. For a circular ad-lress the super- int'ulent D.>c'r20. S3 lawCt*Ot ROCK‘SPRTN(^Mi™\ The si.^th >;es«ion of thi-i in'titution will open on the ISth of .I-muary, 1>^‘.1. an 1 continue fnr fwi-n’y ^■I'ok-; Tlie .\cadei:iv is situato 1 10 mil- ® soulhwes' of Hillsbyv'’. and 12 n)iles we*-! of ('Impel Hill, in a very moral and lu-althy c-inmunity. and apart from all vices that tend to demoralize and corrupt the youtii, and where every ncee.s-':»rj requisite for s(*curing an educa tion is extf'iided. Our disoipllnf* and instructi''n clai-n to be eju'illed hy few and cxctdled by non*’. We pre pare students fir coHege. or for tlie ordinary business of life Tlie terms nre ns I'ullows: Cla.seical or Scientific course, S20 Higher English “ l '> Elementary “ 10 Board cm be had at 5 '7 per session, including all ex- pensps. T. D. ,'>Idhnm, .Ta». F ^Iiner and others w!ll take boa^' iors. They are living very convetiient. For further particulars ad-lresx WM. P. OLDHAM. Prircina’. Oaks P. O., OraneeCo . N c . Dec. 12 81? tl8J “OXFORII FE^nuri'OlMriiE." LITERARY M UOOL. '^PHIS sciiool comprises eight perm:inently organized 1 c'.H'es. wfiose '^tu-lies oommonce with the alphabet : and arc contiriued in the I-'lemeniary Branches. .NIathe- ' matic', Lin2naccs. English Li'»*rature. Natur.-il Sciences, and Moral Piiilosopliv. until the minds of the studeiits arc properly trained for the durlt-s of life The inves tigations and discu .sions are thorough and conr.prehen ' sive. Necessary Hppnratu-; is freely “upplie l. The Libraries and Cabinets embrace rare and extensive col lections. , FINE-ARTS SCHOOL. Specisl aMention is devoted to Drawine, Oil Painting, and Embroidery. The various styles of “fancy paint ing” and ••'ornamental worii ’ are also taught. | ML'.^ir SCHOOL. Music is taught as a '•cu-nce and as an art Instruc- ^ tion is given on the Pi-ano. Guitar -iiid Harmoniuui. ' Uausuil attention is devoted to Vocal and Saorcd Music. - EXPENSES. Tuition in Elementary Branches, $15 “ “ College Clashes, 20 •• “ Drawing, materia’s included,) 12 •' “ Painting in Water Colors. 15 “ •* Oil j’tiintiiig, m iterials inc'uded,) 20 “ * WaK Work, , m iterials included,'■ 10 “ “ Embroidery. > materials included,) 10 * “ “ Mu'ic, (instrument furnished,) 2-3 •• •• Board, (washing included,) 60 REMARKS. Experienced an i thoroughly qualified teachers give their enijre time to their respective def artments. Extra charge-' and needless expenses are strictly pro hibited—nece«s:iry purchases are made by the teachers. | Picayune pedlars are not a!lnwel to enter the premises, and no pocket money is required. Oxford is situate-l on the he-ilthy hill-^ of Granville. ' 12 miles from the ll>»leigh and tiaston Railroad, and io connected with Henderson Station by a line of daily : vtaires The scholastic year is d’vidod into two sessions. The I flr«t opens on the firs! Monday in July and closes on ! the la-it Thursd ly in November. Tho secoml opens on the first Monday in January an 1 clones with the annual c-jmmencement on the 1 ist Thursday in May. Students nre received for onn or more sessions. Cor respondent,' will vlircct their favor' to MILLS i CO . Oxford, N. C. Dec'rl2. 71'-Ct KOOTS & SHOES AT WIIOLKSALK. J\0. M. WALKER, of x\orth Carolina, W I T II J«i|IAlV, «E ;RAW & UMHU, .MAXL l ArTl RKtlS OF A.ND WIIOLK.»ALE DEALKUS l.\ BOOTS a»a SilOF.S, .\o. 31 A 33 DKl ST.. SKW VOKK. \iriLL be iiappy to sec his Southern friends at the above establishnietit, where, either personally or by order, tiiey in ly tie supplied from an extensive and well assorted Stock of Goods. July 17, 1H(’.0. ."Htf Arffroe-^! Afsrot*!^!! %Vaiil‘l. ('^E.N’TI.EME.N'. your old cu«ioiners are yet in market, ,)T All who have negroes lor sale, would do well to give us a call or adilress us. j J. \ Mc.VttTUun. j L. A. PdWKLi,. Clinton, N. l!..July'.t, IS^iO. A IVew Law Book. CaniweWs Practice at Ltaus. JUST published, a treatise upon the Practice at Law in North Carolina, by Edwaed Castwsli., LL. B., i author of the N C. Justice, etc. C0NTENT6. Of Legislative Power in General; Legislative Power , in North Carolina; Legislative Powers of Justices of the Peace; County Boundaries—Deeds, etc.; County Reve- j nue and Charges; Court Houses, Prisons, &c.; County Trustee; Jury Trials; Fairs and Public Sales; General I Assembly; Inspections, Public Landings, &c.; Poor Houses and Hospitals; Registers and Clerks; Rivers and Creeks; Gates, Ferries and Bridges; Weights and Mea- A FEW DOOBS .NORTn OF IHE MAUKKT HOrSK. . 'c.nwTjIirPuS^ tions; Mills and Millers; Ordinaries and Constables; FAYICTTEVir.LE HOTEL, T WABDILL, Ftioprietor. niS, the most commodious Hotel in North Carolina, fronting 800 feet on Hay and Donaldson Streets, located In the centre of the business portion of the town, and surrounded by all the Banking Houses, Wholesale Merchants and princi pal Produce Dealers. Business men will find the Hotel a convenient and comfortable house. All the Stages* arrive and depart from this Hotel Fayetteville, Oct. 1, 1858. 61- “ SHEMWELL HOUSE, WING to the extensive increase of patronoge to tliis House, during the year, I have ex tended my facilities by the addition of a num ber of comfortable sleeping rooms, with other import ant imDrovernents, which will add niaterially to the comfort and convenience of those favoring me with their jiatronnge. To tliose who have been my kind friends and cus tomers for the past six years. I tender my most sincere thanks. >it the saine time respectfully soliciting a con- tininncc of their p itronasro. and also tho patronage of a large number of new patrons 1 liave good Staliles and a No. 1 Ostler. P. SHEMAVELL. Jan’y 1C. 1^00 81- ”^.iMle hotel. Asm: VI liLE, x. c., J. :TI. Ilf.air, Pro|»rii>tor. '^PHE Proprietor knows that his location gives him un- 1 riviil'e i facilities for procuring articles conducive to good living, and he will dispense them to his guests in theTic>t siyle. Every comfort usually to be had in a first class Hotel, will be furnished to his guests. Stage office fi>r Morgnnton, at this House. “ •* •' Charlotte, “ *• “ “ “ “ Spiirianburg, S. C., “ “ “ •• “ •• (ireenville, “ “ “ “ “ “ •• Greenville, Tenn., Daily, “ Besidas which, good hacks uud careful and attentive Driver.s can at all times be had to convey parties to any p.irt ot tho splendid .MountHin scenery of this region, such as the lilaek Mountniii, the .'^wunnnnoa Gap, the Hickory Nut Gap and Fall , the Warm Springs, &c., any ct which are within h short dav’s ride of Asheville. Sept. 24, Ib'iU. ' 68-ly ^ \VE>»TERA RAIL ROAdT Patrol; Wardens of the Poor; Prison Bounds: Roads, Ferries and Bi-idges: Poll Tax Exemptions; Executive Power in General; Executive Power in North Carolina; E.recutive Power of the Courts; Cliief Justice and Clerk; orneys at Law; Attorney General; Reporter and Mar- slial; Clerks and Solicitor; Counsel for Paupers; Guar- Court Slava Trader*—Who are Thtyl—In tha course of the debate in the House of Representa tives, Wednesday, on the bill appropriating $900,- 000 to execute existing laws, in reference to th* African Slave Trade, some of the Southern mem bers charged that the people who were most ac tively engaged in that abominable traffic, just now were “Yankees,” and nobody but “Yankees.” The ships engaged in it were not owned by “the South,’' nor sailed by “Southern" men. Nay more, the ‘-trade” was not carried on with the Southern States at all, but with the Spanish West Indies. And even Mr. Boyce, of South Carolina, went so far as to express a desire for a law to prevent those “Yankees” building ships for such piratical purposes,—^hile a member from Georgia expressed the belief that in all that State a hundred men could not be found in favor of re opening the “trade." Notwithstanding all that had been said on the subject, there was no proof that any slave cargoes had ever been landed dians; County Attorney; Auctioneers; County , _ ^ Clerks; Coroners; Bound'ary Comraissioners; Committees j in the Southern States, with the solitary excep- of Finaiice; County Trustee; County Treasurer; Special | yf ^},e Yacht Wanderer. Court; Commissioners of Fairs; InsjHiotors; Superin tendents of Scliools; Commissioners of Navigation; War dens of the Poor; Regi.sters; Commissioners of Rivers anil Creeks; SherifTs; Constables; Rangers; Standard Keepers; Reiailer.s; .Administrators; ('hairinan of Specinl Court; Commissioners of Deeds and Conveyance®; Com- missioner.s of Low Lands; Entry Takers and Surveyors; Superintendents of Elections; Guardians and Receivers; Inspeclors; Commissioner.s of Improvements; Partition; Patrol Committees; Processioners; Tax Listers and Boards of Valuation; Overseers of Roads and Rivers; Commissioners of Wrecks: Tobacco Pickers and Coopers. The Appendix contains forms of Deeds and Convey ances, as follows: Ajtreements, A.ssignments, Awards. Bills of Sale. Bills of Exchange and Lading, Bonds, Miscellaneous Bonds. Contracts, Deeds, NLirriago Settlements, Mortgages, Copartnership Articles. Notes, Releases, &c.. &c. This Book contains 56G page?, is gotten up in supe rior style, and bound in Law Calf. Price, single copy, $5. For sale by E. J. H.\LE & SONS. Dec’r 20, 18G0. WATCHES, jewelry, IH.W L ON H.AND a superior stock of ^ rfar-n- I^HE follnwing rates will uow be charged for Passen- gei-' on this Road, viz; To Litt!e River, 60 ct*. To .''■pout Spring, 76 “ To Jonesboro’, 1 00 To Mclver 8, 1 25 Train leaves the Depot Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. «t 6^ o’clook A. M. Ri.-turaing, leaves Mclver’s at 1 o'clock P. M. C. B. MALLETT. Pres’t. Nov. 10. 18W. 71tf VER and PLATED WARE. PIS- T(,)L.''. FANCY GOODS. &c., which lam selling nt re duced prices. Now is the time to purchase. All goods warranted as represented. My Bills are all ready. Interest will be charged on all accounts after the 1st of January of each and every year. EDWIN GLOVER. Dec. 26. 82-1 m r^oticc. LL those indabtod to C. M. Vanorsdell are respect fully requested to call at the Photographic Gallery and settle their accounts by the 1st of January, as longer indulgence cannot be given. C. M. VANORSDELL. Deo’r 27, I860. 82-4t There are a good many Republican members of the House of Representatives, who, during the recent campaign, electioneered for themselves, and for “Lincoln,” pretty extensively and suc cessfully, on the strength of the alleged com plicity of the South, with this (Yankee) re-open ing ol the African Slave Trade; but on this occa sion we do not see that any of these gentlemen ventured to reply. It will do to represent that “the South” is re-opening the slave trade down in New England, or up among the rustics of St. Lawrence (’ounty, N. ¥., or out among the fana tics of the Western Reserves,—but it will not do, we can see, on the floor of the Capitol, face to face, with the parlies accused.—N. Y. Express. A Tlip African ISlnve Tnnh.—The Charleston Mercury, in its review of “new publications,” has the following notice, which is political rather than literary: * TAf Lake Regions of Central Africa.—We have read some fifty pages of the work with interest, and so far with profit. But our interest in .Africa is exceedingly small—almost wholly limited to our recognition of it as a grand mart whence we should draw fifty thousand barbarians annually, who, with good muscles and limbs, have never yet properly learned how to use them; and who, in their pre.sent condition, are quite useless to themselves and to the rest of the world. We should like to divide some half a million of these poor monkey people among the rice and long cotton planters between the Ashley and Savannah rivers, half a million more 1 among tfie rice planters between Cooper River and I Cape Fear, and a million more among the cotton plan- I ters along the Pee Dee, the Santee, the Edisto, and Sa- ! vannah rivers, where the poor negroes, rescued from I cannibalism, might be taught to earn iheir bread by honest labor, become decent Christians, forget canni balism, and appreciate the beauties of the cotton field.” NEAREST AND QUICKEST ROUTE TO THE RAILROAD! BEAMAX & I{0B1\S0N’S FOIB HORSE STAGE lIXE TO KEMXSTIILE, ?IA WARSAW, IS tho shortest and most expeditious for travelers going North f>r Soutli. Leaving Favetteville every day at j 2 o’clock P. M. THROL’GII IN TEN HOURS. i Our Coaches are large n-.d comfortable, drivers soher j .and gentlemanly, our teams good and sure of five miles I an hour. ! The traveling public who would study their comforj i and convenience will t"ke tho Warsaw Stage. e^THUOrOn TICFCETS to WELDON may bo had at tlie Si.-ige Ufucc, Favetteville. .May 2'>. !'(•,O. ' 25-tf 1 .ivi:TTi;vi!.iVi; Ml'TI AI, IXSIUANCE C0.^P.4\F, Capital in Premium Notes amounts to $267,688 2b Cash ou hand and other assets, 5.077 35 Bank of Clarendon at Fayetteville,) Dec. 29, 1860. j i T a meeting of the Directors of this Bank, a semi- .Tl. annual Dividend of 4 per cent, was declared (out of the profits for last 6 months,) payable to the stockholders on 1st Jan’y 186L Sa-2i] J. W. SANDFORD, Cash’r AOTICEi All my accounts are made out and ready for settle ment. Interest will be charged on all accounts after the 1st of Jan’y 1861. I will sell the balance of my stock at reduced prices for cash, or to those who pay iheir bills promptly. A. J. Dec'r 31. WOODWARD. 83-2t St»El .VOTMCE. All those in:cbtcd to me, are requested to come for ward and settle with me immediately, as the year is out and I must settle my debts. R. D. Dec. 29. DAVIS. 83-3t AOTI€E. Total. $272,765 G1 The Compriny have paid all los«es promptly, and li.avc never made an assessment on their premium notes. Total losses paid. $29,682 OS Orrirrus: (lEO. McNElLIi. l*rosident. D A. H.W, Vico President. C. A. McM I LL.AN, Sec’y. Directors: W. N. Tillinirhast, VS I expect to be .absent from home a few months in the West. Archibald McLean is my authorized .Agent to transact mv business until 1 return. N. G. JONES. Dec’r 28. 83tf R §20 l!EW.\lin. The Japaneit Bill.—The items ot the cele brated Japanese bill have at last been presented to the New York Common Council, the aggregate amount having first been brought down to 982,- 000, a reduction of 842,000 from the sum claim ed. The Tribune says:— “The Committee carefully abstain from stating the amount of these bills, as originally presented; perhaps ; it was not convenient for them to do so. The Messrs. j Leland take the largest slice, claiming $09,094 06. From their bill we select a few choice particulars. For ! the board of seveniy-six rice eating Japanese, for thir- I teen days, they ask the modest sum of $17,910 61, or ! about $18 a head per day, for princes and menlala j alike. What a complication of gout, liver complaint, j and dyspepsia, these simple people must have brought ; (Tn themselves by consuming Si 8 worth ofluxuries every j twenty-four hours. But if the Jnpnnese were lavish, j what must we say of three Naval Commi.ssioners'who I had them in charge? Their bill for thirteen days is . S2,120, or over $54 a day for each mani which, to say j the least, is rather a modest style of living. For ball , and supper, $38,863 is charged, and the further sum of { S7,172 31 for decorations for the same, We suppose i these latter items are put upon the same liberal basis as ! the bills for board, referred to above. In the bill of the Committee, we find that the Japanese had $300 worth of secretaries. S3.654 75 in music, $500 worth of steam boat, and $723 75 in printing and stationery—almost enough to set up n newspaper. On carriages they were particularly hard, no less than $7,854 50 having been ridden away Henry Lilly, H. L. Myrover, S. T. Hawley, Nathan \. Stcdman, C. B. Mallott, James Kyle. A. .\. McKethan, .1. D. Williants, S. W. I’illiiiihasf, Tohn Collins an«l C. C S. J. Hinsilale, Wm. McLaurin, T. Lutterloh, W. Steel, J. G. Ci*ok, Hon. J. G. Shepherd, H. F. Brown, > , . A.E Hall. McCrummen. Traveling Agents. ■AN.AWAV from the subscriber last April, my Negro Man CH.ARLES: he is full blooded negro, round teatures, 5 feet 8 or 10 inchcs high, well set and in telligent for a negro: would weigh when he left, from 155 to 160, age about 28 j-ears. He has a scar under one of his cars caused by a cut, the scar has protruded out, and very much resomb’es a wen. I will pay the above reward to any person delivering him to me at Springfield, Richmond County. N. C., or for his con finement in any Jail so that I can get him. SHOCKLEY L. GIBSON, for JANE MoNAIR. Springfield, Dec. 26, 1860. 82-tf N FISH! FISH!! 1, 2 and 3. ftg^The Company invite applications. May 28, 18i;i>. 21-lv POWELL & Mc.\RTHUR. 33-f’unpd m\ l\Slllil\IIH COIIIM.W. HART! OR». 4 0A A. lacorporated 1819. Charter Perpetual. EW MACKEREL. Nos. •‘ WHITE FISH. “ HERRING, &c. &c. Call at A. N. McDONALD'S. South-side Hav Street. Oct 1. ‘ 57-tf What (he Government has done.—We make the following extract from an able and patriotic speech recently delivered in the Legislature of Georgia by Mr. Hines Holt, a State Senator from the county of Muscogee: “I do not see how secession will end acts of aggres sion—how separate Slate action will cure the evils of which we complain. At whose door do you lay the complaint? At the door of your Government? At the door of your Constitution? At the door of your Union? Who has made the charge that the General Government has failed to protect your rights under the ConRtitution and irvthe L'uion whenever called upon to do so? Who, I ask Senators, lias ever made the charge, in all the discussion.s on this question, (hat the Government of the I UnitedjStnte^, in iff fjovemmental capacity, haa brought i ang oppression upon you. cummitted ang aggration on I your rtghti/ I ;-ta:id ready to answer the charge should : it be made. True, .Ma.^sachusetts violated thecom- ! pact; true. Connecticut has violated it; true, other Le- I gi.slatures of other Mates havH pas-ted measures obnox- II’OT lirj’Pll'Pn ITIIIP PAIl fUiniO'TII 10 ! Somh; and it is C'tiually true tiiat tiie Con- JlSl riLlLntl) L\ TniL HJIt tiie frouth. has passed thff fugitive slave law, and ii is AOW IA .^lARKET. A LL persons having NEGROES for sale, will do well ^ to address the subscriber at Clinton, Sampson courty, as he is determined tc buy an i pay as liberal prices for them as the state of the market will [(criuii By addrcssinj; him he will call immediately, and make liberal otfcrs, as all will find who will try him. CHARLES T. STEVENS. Clinton, Sampson Co., Sept. 10. 1860. 52-lypd ]\otice. T.AKEN up and committed t» the Jail of Cumberland County, on the 1st of May 1860, as a runaway, a negro who says he is free, tliat his name is HENDER SON SE.ARS, and that he is from Davidson County, and was bound to David Hunt. He ii> about 20 years old, C ft. high, and weighs atiout 180 lbs.; had on when taken up a hickory shirt, black Cas. pants, and blaci: round coat. The owner is ropiested to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take him away, or he will be dealt with as the law directs. G. L. McKAV, Jailer. June 4. 1860. 23tf Anthorlxed ('uplt:ii. Paid up Capital, Assets, 00 1..>00,000 00 2,0:t0,l23 80 ~ P.BLS. of old Nick Williams’celd'rated RYE WHIS- 0 key, at R. MITCHELL’S. Dcc. -20. 80-3w DIRKCT'IRx T. S. J. R. E. E. R. AEIV ROOK§. NEMESIS, by MARION HARLAND, Author of “Alone” &c. THE QUEENS of SOCIETY, illustrated; JACK HOPETON, or the Adventures of a Georgian; CASTLE RICHMOND, by Anthony Trollope; Further supplies of Rutledge, Adam Bede; Beulah, the Mill on the Floss; Vestiges of Creation, &c. Aug. 31. E. nALE & SONS. Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views* A NEW au'i btaollful asiormej.t, just rpcaived. \ E. J. liALi A SO1N8. E. G. RIPLEY. W E. G. Ript.ey, Pres’t. T. K. Bi{.\ce. Jr., Scc’y. K. BRVCE. I S. S. WARD. TUDOR. H. Z. PRATT. CllCRClI. A. DUNHAM. liUELL. 0. F. DAVIS. FLOWER, D. HILLYER. A. BULKELEY'. T. A. ALEXANDER. •MATHER. W. KENEY. C. H. BRAINARD- F. TUTTLE. T. A. .Alkxander, V. Pres’t. A. A. Williams. Adjuster. Rate® as low as pkrfect solvenct and fair profit will allow. ASSETS.—July 1859. Market value* Bank Stocks in New York, Hartford, Bos- t >n, St. Louis, iic., $915,344 00 United States Stock and Treasury Notes, 216,120 50 State Stocks: New York, Ohio. Kentucky, Tennessee. Missouri, 168,005 00 City Stocks, Hartford, Rochester, Brook lyn, Jersey City, 116,000 00 RailroTrd Stock*: Hartford and New Haven, Boston and Worcester, Conn. River, 87.058 00 Mortgage Bonds, 83,089 60 Real Estate, unincumbered, 70,103 78 Miscellaneous Items, 25,348 77 Cash, on hand aud deposited on call, and in g" its’ hands, 850^308 15 i\"ofice. Those indebted to the under=igned will confer a fa vor by senling their respective obligations, thus en abling him to do in like manner with others. THOS. J. JOHNSON. Oct. 8. 1860. 59 tf equally true that when application has been made'io the President of the United States for the enforcement, of the rights of the South, under this law, he has poured forth the Federal Treasury and made use of the Fed eral J^ayonet. It is true, sir, that when your rights have been questioned its Supreme Court has maintained them. It is true, sir. that for the eighty years of the exisience i of this Government it has never trampled upon your j sovt reignty, aud never refused you redreiiM for any ! wronz.” llope«« and Fears, By the Author of “Heartsease,’’ kc. L.AVINIA. by the Author of ‘ Dr. Antonio,” &c. Pocket Diaries for 1861. Dec’r 20. E. J. HALE & SONS. BOOK-BL\DLNG IN all its kinds, executed with neatness and despatch. Small jobs when done must be paid before delivered, THOS. H. TILLING HAST. Opposite the Female High School, Hay Street May 14, 1859. 14 LIABILITIES. Claims: unadjusted and nol due. $2.030,42S 80 S88.242 08 gST" Agent of the above Company in Fayetteville, £. J. HALS. WAiATED. A LARGE qu.intity of COTTON and LINEN RAGS, for which fair prices will be paid, DAVID >1URPHY. Au(c. IT 41 - i^chool Rooks, &c. COLBURN’S. Stoddard’s, Jlay’s, and Emerson’s Arith metics; McGufiFey’a Readers and Spellers; Scott’s Infantry Tactics; Mason’s Farrier; Headley’s Sacred Mountains; Union Bible Dictionary, &c. E. J. HALE & SONS. Dcc’r 20. The Presbyterian Psalniodist Clmracler notes. A further snpply just reeeived. July 2u, & J. UALU k tiONS. While Guvpoxcder.—A letter from London says;—-“I have heard in the city of a curious in vention, which concerns alike sportsmen, riflemen, and the scientific. It is the manufacture of •‘white” gunpowder. It is made no mystery of, being composed of yellow potassa, chloride of potassium, loaf sugar, crystalized snirarand brim stone. It possesses superior qualities over the black powder, being quicker and more powerful in its action, and not fouling the gun. For the delicate ii> the olfactory nerves, it rnav be aJded ; that it is Avithout smell. It has just i been patented.” I Rrmarkable Ljnijeviiy.—An old lady^ living ‘ in Putnam county, Ind., by the name of Patav Allen, died tlie other day, being 116 years old, I having been born in 1744-. She has a daughter ! living in the same county who is 98 years old. A gentleman named Dunlop, being present at a party where one of the company had made sev* crul puns on the names of the persons pnjsent, re- m irkeil that he had never heard bis name pun ned upon, and didn’t believe it could be done. ••There is nothing in the world more easy, sir,” replied the punster. “Just lop off half the name ftnd it is Dun**

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