I**! A.S I ?> ‘5f 1 ’■• tt. T._ ,» - , ire II HS ta .. im SEMI-WEEKIiY. FAYETTKVILLE, N. C.. JANUARY 10, 1861. [NO. 986.] r\\ A. ■ id, 13 & V,.-. 3T w_" ' . 1 . ' 'a 14* s,I \ . E n .i j ,!NTK1> Mi^ND.VVS AND TIIUHSDAYS. kdwaud j. hale & soxs, M*i!>RS A\I> rR()P!Ui:T()RS! : "■ .^.klv OnsKKVKV. So 00 if pnid in ; p tiil (luriiijT flip year of suh'crip- ■ - ' ‘”. r tlio yoHV lins cxpirod. W ., V (>: -ir.rvuK ?2 00 per annum, if pan! in i ; C"- it p:ii'l lUiriuiT thp year of subscrip- ! :U'ier the year has expircil. \'J\ h. t\ Pis I'M KN IS insert ed for 60 cents per : i nos ttir tlie first, ami 30 cents for oach l.nj; I'liiiliir.ition. \ early ailvertisements bv spe- i.ts. at reasonable rates.' Advertisers are i io >iaie the number of insertions desired, or •’ ' continueil till forbid, and charged accord- '1 M.v'Uts 10 be inserted tnside, charged 00 per ^ I. SirKriAL NOTICK. HI- 1 af'v'r thi>dfite. no name of a new siibscril'er Tort'd w.thout jiayinent in advance, nor will • sent to such subscribers for a lontrer time ■ ..id t*r. irt : ' 1 subsoribers as de.«ire to take tlie pa- ■ •fvstem will please notify us when making Jan'v 1, 18.')8. Ri: r i i 'iC ii’. . F>r rn.i ■ 5 t.. i; lil- n? LI. er. y ililW;!' T -1V\ p. FILL \\1) \V1\TE1! STYLES, lS(iO! .1. A. PE.\IBERTON IS NOW KErEIVlNG IIlS STOCK OF Fali 4V GoofJs* prising the greatest variety of NEW STYLES ever .■d by him. will receive in a few daj-s, one of the most niag- . .-elt'dions of % rlvf‘l Hat« anil RoiinefN, md ^Iraw IriiiiiiKMl, .1 this m:»rkot. Tliey were ynit up by one 'lylisli H in 1 he I'ity 01 New York, and KxruKssLY ro order. . invitt'd to give them an inspection, as lie : '1 a: all times to show them. hnti'olf t hut after fifteen ye.ars experience • l»rv lioinl> tr.-ide, his selectiiin.-i and iid- _ - u;’ ; ,• wtirihv >f iv fall from those in w:int of « Siyle r.'^ds a: LOW IMUt'ES. d I ,ke tliis occa-ion to say to his friends ’• 111 hnve }>ai ronized him from his cotnmenoe- ’ ■■ -;iU‘js, that ;ic duly appreci;ites their many 1 I ‘ : ^ lu'ver t. ]>.iri company with any of r:iii and i.- iho New Styles. J. A. 'I’EMr.KRToN. ’ 1-- 5l’ilw-tf HUSKE & ANDERSON. UKALKRS IX ^ilaple and Fancy l>ry Rea€9ffm^Jiafie And ireiifleuieiiN Fiiriiishin^ (ilood*^ of every description. BALI,nirS FRKXCH YOKF, SHIKTS. Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, &c. &c. 81^ Five per cent. oflF for jill Cash Bills of 52o ami upwards. >os. 46 and 4S Hay St., (Hotel Bnlldliig,) r^iVETTEl^fE,E,E, .V. C. WRIOHT HUSKK, JOHN H, ANDKKSON. Formerly B’k Cape Fear. For’ly with J. A. Pemberton. Nov. 28, 18W. 74tf Stock of BOOKS AND STATIONERY. VN e are now receiving a very full supply of Law, Medical and ^llsrellaneous Books: Sehool Books; Blank Bofoks; Writing Papers; Envelupesi, E. J. IIALK & SON. Ootobar JS, 18t50. A. A. »IcKETIIAl\ KAiili, is;o. •lA.MES KYLE . w r»'ceiviiij/ his FALIj an^l WINTER supply of B>KV >;ooi>s, AMONG WHICH ARE; ■V k nnd (’olored Silks; M >n‘ French and English: '.nes, French and •>ther«>: ■ ;ii • loth.s. and other Dress floodg; . Knib'd ’'>!lars ."»nd Sleeve.^; _ II 1 .■^.juare Shawls: : 'i; iwls. Silk and (,’otton; i_'t liiths, as.-ioried Nds.—.\nker; ■' nd .''iioes: with a large a-isortment of Hats I" i ( i|i-. with many other (iool.s. • were b( light clieap by the Package, niiil “ i l>y U ii.dec ile or Ketail—(’HK.AP. • i»2if lilD'.ll FILL Smi FOR 1800! VI'AKK Si WII.I.IA.MK, MAV STKKET, FAYKTTEVILLE. N C., are • viug iheir SEf'OND SUPPLY of si;.\sOXABLE GOODS, t ■' i^i'-Ai iN'i A LARGE STOCK OF F\N( V vt STAPLE UIIV GOODS, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps. BO\\i:TJ^,OIBREri.A?*», Cfotlitttff, A'e. Xc. ffered to Wholesale buyers exclu I !i or on the usual time, to prompt : J. M. WILLIAMS. * - . G'jtf Mrs. HART In now receiving a Handsome Assortment of WIXTEK MILLIjVEKY, I lie I mi a variety ol Fancy Articles, Head DreM«e»«, A:e.* Nov. 10. f,9-3ni TO THK LADIES! Mrs. GlIiSON respectfully informs her friends and the public generally, that she i« prepared to mnke DRESSES in the most fashionable style, she will also cut and fit fi>r anv ladies wishing to make their own Dresses: CHILDRKN S CLOTHING cut or made to order. Mrs. rjibson h»s taken the Agency for the s.ale of a new and excellent CH.VIIT, for cutting Liidies’Dresses. .\l«o, one f >r Hoy’s nothing. They are verv simple in construction, and therefore ea»y to ’.:nder';tand. The ladies are requested to call and see them at her luaise. on Maxwell Street, between the Female High Srhod and the Fayetteville Hotel. -■ oStf '■PHK sub-icriber is now receiving a large and well *e- 1 lecit'il stock of (i()(tD.S. consisting of ; ;1I(M’K1{IKS, HAUDVWKK AXD rrTI.K- RV, IJAtJdlXd AN'I> ItOI’K, SAI>- DI.KKV, Ac, FOIIKICN AM* hO.NIKSTK’ l.l(jr(»KS, and many other articles, whioli he offers low for Casw. or on SHOUT timk to prompt j>aying custoiners. .\11 kinds ot (’ountry Produce taken in exchanfre for . (iOhIs. I LD inform his friends in North (’arolimi, and It throughout the South, wiio wish to encourage Southern Industry, that he keeps constaiiily on hand. ^ and in daily finishing, a large a'isortnieut of CIjF^S of every description, mostly light work, which are f iilh- fully made by experienced workmen in oach branch. His work will compare tavorably with any for neatn(v« and durability. Ho is determined to sr’ll and do all work in his line on as good terms as any that is as well mada. He has now finished a very large iuanti(y j of work which he will sell low for Cash or 011 short time j to punctual customers. I {ir^All work warrantel 12 montlis with fitir usage. , or >houIil it fail by bad workmaiisihip or material, will ! be rei'aired free of charge. I t'rdere from the South will receive ]>ronipt attention. He h.iS within the last few y«ar« sold work in South I ( arolina, (Jeorgia, .Alabama, MisKissi]>pi, Florida, Ar- i kansas and Texas. I Repairing d>tie at short notice and oti reasonable terms. j Dee r 17, i0|f ' IL\l'0[l!H(i!': IIOMF I.MIIISTRV! I). & W. McLAURIN, LD invite attoution to thoir large and (Usirable Tf Stock of OROCERIES, -oil: isting in p.ii t of— I 50 Hatrs Kio, Lii>ruira :iud Java (yofl'oej l')0 Hills, and flhds. Suirar (assorted;) Hhtls. Mol.xsst's: '^0 l>acoii—SidoB and Shoulders; 500 Sacks Salt; 150 lidxes good Tobiic-co; 125 “ Sperm, Adiiiiiantintj & Tallow CandleHj 50 “ Soup (nssorted;) 50 “ Candy “ loo Hags Shot “ lOOO lbs. l>ar Lead; I Hbls. SnutF—Kagle Mills; 25 Kegs Soda; 250 “ Nails. —ALSO— .V large and general assortment of Ilar«lware and Ciitlery; Farming I tensils, of all descriptions; American, J'jiigli.sh, Swedes and Pwruvian Iroa; Jilister, (Jerman and Cast Steel; Black.smiths’ Tools; Coopers’ J)o.; Corn Shellers and Straw Cutteri; Rucket^i, l»ri>oms and I’ails; Cotton, Manilla and Jute Rope, (all kioda and quality;) I’low liines and Bed Cords; Hollow Ware; (’')tton \ arns and Sheetintrs at factory pricen. All ot which will be sold low kor ca^^h, or on usual time 10 prompt paying customers. Coi'NTUv Mkuchants are re6j)cctfully reijuested to call and examine our stock bef)re purchasing else- D. & W. McLAURIN. ■March lsr»'J 93(f Sheeiing« and Cotton Yai'iis on hand at all time*, at MHiiufacttirers prices. -Ml persons are re«j>ecifully invited to crive me a c.all. at the old stand of J. \ T. W.-i Mill. South ^ide Hav st. \ N. McD(».\.\l/l>. Favetteville, N. Sept. I’t, l.s'Wt. ,V>if Kee|» your ^ontli! .\nd build up vuur own Counii-v ari'i Town, bvivillin"’ uii .M. A. HAKEK. TIaiiiilaeliirer oi‘4ioiil>l‘ aii«l «iii ' ;:le r>arr«*l .siiot Kifie!*. anti Pi>fol^. ()f all the dlfl'erent p;iii\Tns i'."W iisctl in ihe I'liiti'd S'.-itfs or tJreat Kri'iiiri. ’ill and s«.>, at M A I'VKKli .-; FMyftti'ville. N. C . N. V. 1’, (I'Jif Ti» Tin: r»iio\!»^ or IIO.ME .M.WrrACTl HES. THE KtWSTOW shom: r,if'TOK I* -Sr -1- \ 1-aim: second stock. ' ‘ "W receiving and opening SKCOXD STOCK OF GOODS •iffiTi il to our customers, comprising ALL ' usuiilly kept by us, all of which we utfer on accommodating terms to our - i!i 1 lill wholesale purchasers. Please call ' a- lur Stock. H. & E. j. LILLY. o7-tf MMaj!/ Si. iVA/i ^ DS. PRINTS, unusually low, either by %’wiiidc'ale sir retail. n't ilii7 WtMiJj %nd other H.VTS. C Ii 0 T II I \ li ■ reduced prices; together with a large and i!l’l!fl\D FIM’V m\ i;OOI)N, will be olTcred on ax favorable terms as any ;tte. J. K. KYLK. ■) I o8tf M'ix tiiiu:! C'ar|>etiii;ir! 4'ar|ief iii$?! ‘’ARPKTING at No. S4, Hay St. All ’’ 'f ..it s, all prices, all qualities. -Ml will be • ’liiT by wholesale or retail. Also, 5-4 and ■ iihs and Druggets. J. K. KYLE. •. N. C., Sept. 13, 1800. 62tf •/. M^embevton v(i in !i few days a large lot of those .\ew C«ooel!§»! THE LARGEST STtK’K and best ASSORTMENT of F.f.vrv uoons, ^v., ever offered^in this market, at greatly reduced prices. Fruits, (^onfectionarios, IVrfunieries anl Kxtracts, Jewelry, .^Iusical Instruments,Candies.Nut,'«, H )(>tenholtne.s’ (’nflery, i’istols, Spiced Wines, l>av Hum, (iinirer Brandy, Walk ing (’anes, and a great as- nortment of Fancy Goods. Country Dealers and the public are re«peclfully in- viteil to call anil examine my stock. 1 have a great many handsome things that cannot fail to please. ■IAS. R, LEE. No. 40, Hotel Rulding, Hay St. Dec. 12. TStf Fre«h Norfolk Oysters, I)ECEIVED several times a week, and kept constantly lion hand aul supplied to customers by the Gallon, Plate or Supper. Families and others in want of flysters will please Send and be supplied. J.VS. R. LEE. No. 40, Hotel Building. ; Dec'r 12. 78tf ! I'liristiiias i\icetieiN. | /'IOME and select your nick-nacks and Christmas | \ presents from the most extensive assortment ever i offered you heretofore. J.VS. R. LEK. I Dec'r 12. 7Stf I IS NOW IN SKTKSSFl I, «P K Ii VII \ . / vRDFRS fi.r n«j;ro liUtMJAN.'; «nd linoT.S iwv V* solicitud .1. C. CARPr.NTKR, A(r‘ni Kinston N. C., .Tunc 24; if SOI'TIIEIIXEKS ijook 9o l*onr Mafrresf. n the .1. %V. RtKER rt oi iving from the North the l u'ircsi. tinost, and most carefully selected siiick of ri fcviTi itr eviT iifr-rfd ill i)iin markoi; wliich adde{ to ii'.' .svij iiKinul,i«.iur.>. m:ikos hi>'assortment complete;— • fcli nt ho Will .'^♦.dl iin tin? Itivsv."! possible terms for I--. !i i.r (ill lime lu [' .nclMal cusloiiiers. I :(• hiii:iMi';e p:iiiitod i l.od-r'om Furniture iu '■ 'ciir.cd h'lii' !i;i 1 siiiuk. .inti c'flon .Vlattresses; ‘t \\. ,(.w U:iL'‘'ns and Cradles; Side I' SriTetarifs and l>ook-(’a.ses; Wliat- N ^. all s. Is. \Va-,ti .''i.an^.s: Candle Stands: W ii drt.bw",; Pictuv ' Frames and Glass; Window Sha.ic.s; » \irni i";; Ciirv iin I’.and ; Sof.is in Mahogony and Wal- nul; Ti ’e ,i Teles; On*.11.ms; Divans and Stools; Oiaira ■ ■ t VI I y \ vi i«, :y. l ine K.tstwoixi j’ianos. one with /Kolian at- tucliiiiPiii. ikiisewiiml .Melo'lians, fruni the best manufac- t -ne' in w ^ .^rk ami 1‘osion. w trranted as good as any made it! ilie -•oiintry, and will be sold at New York price-, —freiirht .mly added. S.'pienii.er 2. 45tf w l"i; are the only SH'>i; M A N C F AC 1’11'. K iiS in the T Stale, trial make a N". 1 article of KIP SHOKS id .\egro i’>liO(l A NS. without Welts. We int>-iiil i«i make to the fullest extent, if we have th« patronage, which we truly and eaiiwsily solicii. .\11 order-f sh ili have prompt atiention. !t*w is ilie time for the S »u!li to encourage all kiu-h W.M. Cartkr. S. S. C«KTKlf. Cartersville. Chatham t'o.. N WM. CARTHit \ SONS l» vvii> \. C vK Ti i: .Ihiin i^) Cm; I t:n. C., *(,•’. t>*> -{la -r? HARNESS €. W. A\l>KE\VJ?i HAS ON HAND A GHNERAL ASSORTMENT OF Tin Plate, Sheot Iron, Iron Win*, Shn*t Lead, Lead Pipe, Zinc, Iron-wirc ( loth of as sorted nanibers, PIMPS, Ac., Ac. —ALSO— A general assortment of c (; ^Uh ^'assiiueres and Ttreeds, TIIKY ARK ill \ortli C.'aroliiia, ' id'lLMiLL than any other Goods for the U.HU —ALSO— A LARGH LOT OF l^lami lter«‘y!«, TweeiN aiifl 4'a«>!«iiiiere!H, of his own mannfacture, at wholesale and retail. Market Square, Fayetteville, Sept. 11. 52-4m Siotes anfi iwrfites. 1 W. ANDREWS has on hand a large and well se- lected assortment of PARI.OR >iKATi:s, €'oal, Kox and €'ookinsf Stores, Which he offers for sale on his usual liberal terms. .Market S(|iiare, Fayetteville, Sept. 11. 52-4rn € APT. U Kf:P4»RT ON THE DEEP RIVER MINERAL REGION. ^piIK undersigned have caused to be published from I the Congressional plates, an edition of the Report of (.'apt. Wilkes, U. S. Navy, and his .\ssocijitrs on the Hoard af»i»ointel by the Secretary of the Navy to ex amine the Deep River Region of North Carolina. This 18 the most important and scientific statement of the great wealth of that section of the State, and the Maps the most perfect and valuable, of any yet published. The Maps are w'orth the price of the work, which is cents, neatly bound in clotli. (Copies sent by mail, free of postage, on the receipt of 50 cents. liberal dis count to wholesale buyers. Orders soliciteil. Jan y 2;. E. J. HALE & SONS. The l^aw ol .^al«‘M ol Personal Property, by Francis Hilliard, 2d Edition, Enlarged anil improved. Starkie on Eviilonce, Hth Edition, with Notes by Sharswood. WendeH’a Blackstone; Byles’ on Bills, Notes by Sharswood. Adams’ Equjty; Broom’s Legal Maxims. Smith on Contracts, &c. E. J. HALE A SONS STATE ('Alt A\l) il\rill\E MM, K»\V.\.\ «TKKKT. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. The undersigned, having erecteil buildings suitable for CAR and M.VCHINK WORK—al-o Genuril HOUSE CARPENTRY—would give.notice that they are prepared to execute all orilers in their line with neat ness and dispatch. We are prepared to do all kinds of S»''Hi»LL S.VW- ING and 1’L.\NF.1NG at short notice. Having a fir.-it class Woodworth Plaiiein'; Machine, we are preparod to Plane, Tongue and (jroove all kinds of Flooring and Ceiling on reasonable terms. Contracts taken for the erection of MuiMing-^. atid Jobbing of ail kimls executed with in ainess and dis patch. Sashes, Doors and lllinds of all descripHons, manufactured ejuai to anything to be found in the Northern markets. Plans and sjiecifications furnished and the erection ot buildings superintended when desired. W.\I,T(»N .V r. \R!{V, (^ar P»ui1ders. Carpenters \ Draught men. Favetteville, Oct 1S.')H .'>4-11 Coiisiuiitly UaiMifaciurin:; at iny Establishment, i;VKi:V VAKIKTV OF HARNESS, A ’ .S.i'Mil-.'. r>: idles, Collars. Whips and hunks; all kind;-of Leather, C.alf Skins and Oil; l^ondiiidii Powders, for diseased Horses and ('attle; *. oach Irimiaings. Carpet R igs, Valises, Saddlery. Hardware. .Xc. The l.argest slock iu the Slate, sold wholesale or retail, at the veiy lowest j>rices. Every de'^rrijition of ILirne'S and Saldles manufactured to older an 1 repaired. JAMES WILSON, No. •) .NIarket st. Wilmingion, N. C., near th • W'harf. Nov. 3, IfMio. t)7-ly iMarble Factory, ^ ■’) IU' ! ■/ A. - s I A ^I:TI! The \(‘w Stvlc. Small. COLORED PIIOTO;«AI»HS, -AT Bv ' ’ !.\IJ!)KI{. IrtO Bliinis 'HOVK I'. T. IHMMI k Sd.VS' STnRH l^'ayetleville, iV. C. Jan’v 20, ' 81- Mie su J. A. PKMRKRTON. 52itw-tf miy South, hy Prol. in- ; ' ij. by the .Aiilhor of “Wide Wide '' 11 .iisehold of liouverie, or the Klixir •;rn Lady; Kvenings at the Micro- E. J. HALE & SONS. FOR OLEItKS OF THE COIBTS. II^XECUTION, TRIAL, and APPEARANCE DOCK- J ETS, ruled and printed fror* the most approved forms in use. Also, further supplies of other BLANK ROOKS, in great variety. May -M. E. J. HALE A SONS. Blanks for Sale at this Office. ART. \Voo(iuar«IN Solar >('aiiiera. I)IIOTOGRAPIIS can be had at Vanors loll s Skyii-lit Gallery, Hay street, opposite Marble Vnrd. Fay etteville, N. jilain, retouched, colored, in watof colors, oil and pastile; from small to life size. .\ml>n) types, Melaneotypes, and all other styles of Piciurr-; jieriaining to the .Vrt. .\lso, (tilt Frames, (Jill .NlmiM ing. Glass for very I.-irge pictures—as largt' a.^ Jii :>s- .‘ii'i inches. Cord and 'I'assols for hanging fiicimes; Insiru ments. Slock and Chemicals for sale low forc.ash. iJfe t>i7.e colored Photographs made tVoin small pietures. Having permanently located here 1 ho{ie lo merit your paironage. I wonM also return my sincere llianks for the liberal patronage bestowed on me lu'rctofore b^- the good peojtle of Fayetteville ;Mid vicinity. C. \1. \ ANOjJSDKLL, Phologi a[ihisi and Proiii'ietor. Dec’r 20, IHoU 77- spi:ciAii ti:r:?i. state of North Caroliaa, Cainborland G o. Superior Court of Law, Fall Term. His Honor .Robkkt S. Fkkncu, Judge Presiding. IT is ordered that a Sj>ecial Term of the Superior Court of Law and Equity fur (’umbei land County, he heW on the First Monday in February A. D. ISGl, and that publication thereof be made in the several ucws]).iiiera published in the Town cf Fayetteville. Jurors, Suitors and Witnesses in civil caseb are hereby notified to be in attendance. From tiie Minuter. J. W. RAKER, Clerk. Nov. 24. 6;J-ic Uai*|>er^« Jla^aziiie lor Jsiiiii- ary b. J. HALK & Si A TEACHER WANTED. A SOUTHERN Lady, who is undoubtedly an ex perienced and a well qualified Music Teacher, anil capable of giving instruction in English branches also, can obtain a liberal salary and a desirable situation in a flourishing Female Seminary, by immediate applica tion through a note addressed t) A. B., care of the Editors of the Fayetteville Observer. A lady of the Methodist denomination preferred. Jan’y 1, IStil. 84-2w I J. A. PKTIBERTOxl^ S very desirous of closing up his old accounts, &c. He has indulged his customers .always as far as he could. He noit^ needs Jflonef^ and hopes that those whom he has always been so in dulgent to, will do all they can for him in the way of making prompt payments. Those who cannot pay money, will very much oblige by calling and gi'^ing their notes. Those who refuse to do either will of course not think hard if they are asked to do so in some other way. J. A. PEMBERTON. Jan’y 5, 1801. 85tf DI!§^OLtTIOA\ The copartnerstiip heretofore existing between I. Hol lingsworth and D. T. HoUiugsworth, under the style and title of 1. & D. T. Hollingsworth, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. Persons indebted to the firm will please settle up iimnediately. L HOLLINGSWORTH. D. T. HOLLINGSWORTH. Fiirth’'r .\'ofiee, Having purchased the entire Interest of D. T. Hol lingsworth. 1 am now doing business in the General Oroeery anti Hardware, at the Old Stand on Person street, near the Cape Fear Bank. I trust the past will justify me in saying, that those who fiivor me with their patronage will be satisfied that they are justly dealt with, and always receive the full value of their money. 1. HOLLINGSWORTH. Jan’y 2, 1801. So-lLt- A NEGRO MAN. Jan'y o. TO HIRE, W. N. TILLINGHAST. 85-2t TO HIRE. 4 SERVANT GIRL, good for house work, m.ay be ^ had low. Apply to A. M. CAMPBELL. Auct’r. Jan'y 18G1. 85-2t. FAMILY OF NEUKOKS FOR S\LK. ON Tuesilay, Jan'y 15, IStil, NEGRO WOMAN .and THUKE CHILDREN, will be ofTered for sale at the Market House, on a credit of si.K months. The woman is a good Cook. Notes with app'Ovel sureties will be retpiired. Jan v 7. 85-3t. Eor Rent. 4 DESIRABLE two story DWELLING HOUSE with jIV good garden and .all necessary oiu-buildings, plea- fiaiilly located and convenient to business For terms apply to S. T. HAWLEY ^ SON. .Jan'y 1, 18G1. 84tf Oiir AceoiintMare made out lo 1st Jan’y. Persons indebted will please settle. All amounts due us by Note or .Account previous to July last, if not promptly settleii. will be placed in the hands of an officer for col lodion. S. T. H.VWLEY & SON. Jan’y o, istil. , 84-lm FOR «AEE. The house and LOT adjoining Elizabethtown, lately occupied by .\lexander Carter. The Lot con tains Six Acres of good garden soil, and some fruit, good water, xc. The imi>rovements are a Two Story Dwelling House and necess.iry out-buildinga. Also, a vacant Lot near the Court Hou«e. Terms accommodating. H. H. ROBINSON. June 8. 27-tf NEW EDITION OF UEVKREUX m nmm n. r. law reports, Voliiiiic a, ^■'HE subscribers have just printed a 2d Edition of J. this Volume, with Notes and References to other adjudged Cases and to the Revised Code, by Hon. Wm. H. Battle: and with many corrections of typographical errors. Their 2d Editions of Dev. & Battle’s Equity, complete, and 1st Dev. & Battle’s Law Reports, have received the approbation of the Profefcsion. They also republished a 2d Edition of Devereux’s 2d Equity, (without Notes.) And in addition to these, are the proprietors of the entire editions of most of Iredell’s Law and Equity, and can supply any volumes extant of the Reports, or complete sets, so far as they can now be had. They propose to put to press a 2d Edition of Dev. & Battle's Law Reports, vols. 3-4 (in one.) They deal largely in Law Books, and will at all times order works not on their shelves, to supply fheir cus tomers. E. J. HALE & SON. Oct. 15, 18G0. 8tai* Polish of the ^oiith! r.tt'TI RED BV A. J. ■WOODWARD, I-’A VETTEVII.l,K, X. ro tlie liBt4‘re^t of Tiirpeiitiiie Oixf iller^. MA. I’. \KFR would rcsjioctfully inform Turpentine , DistiiU-rs and oiiiers rhat he i*; now manufacturing 'riie liiii>roved I'lirpentine .Still. ,\11 ordors piomply attended lo. Copper work done on tl^ t most. t'avorabU" terms. Old Copper bought for cash or taken in exchange for new Work. Call and sec for yourselve.s at M A UAKF.R’S Cojiper Shop, Fayetteville, N. C. Feb'y 1, IKtiO. js8tf A c:ari>. I A WORD TO MY OLD FRIENDS— | fl’IHOSE persons for whom I have been attending to I JL Banking business for years:—I am still willing to | serve you wit.h the same promptness that I have always done; and to others that may want discounts. Pension business, &c.. Sic I offer my services, with a promise of .“tfict attention. JAS. G. COOK. June 27. 18o9. 26tf rphat Polish! Hoh it ShineH. Many of you recol- J. lect nine years ago that I travelled liirough North Carolina and ;i portion of Soutii Carolina for the pur pose of introducing this Polish. time elapsed I found that it would mould. I have ?ucceedetl in making it [>erfect and will warrant it to give satisfaction. It cna be hud at retail for l(t cents per box or at wholesale for sixty cents per dozen. Dealers will forward their or ders two weeks previous to the time they wish them filled. May 5, 18t)t). 15-ly The i§outherii Harmony, School Bookd, &c., further supplies just received. Aug. 4, 18(i0 E. J. HALE & SONS. ^orth Carolina Form Book, A FURTHER supply just received. E. J. HALE & SON. The Pacijtc liailroad Bill.—The Pacific Rail road Bill passed by the House of Represeiitativea week before last, and now pending before the Senate, provides for two roads—a Northern Road startin" from two points, one ou the Iowa IJordcr, the other on the Missouri IJorder, the two branches converging at a point within 200 milea West of the Missouri river, and running thence in a single trunk line by the nearest and most direct route, and by the vicinity of Great Salt Lake, to the city of San Francisco. The South ern Road, starting, likewise, from two points, Fort Smith in Arkansas, and a point on the Western Border of Louisiana, with the branches meeting at some point West of the 97th meridian of longitude, runs thence by a single trunk line by the nearest and best route, crossing the Rocky Mountains South of the 24th parellel of latitude, and terminating at the Pacific coast at or near San Francisco. The company is to carry the mails, troops and public stores of the United States, to erect a tele graph line along the road, and to complete miles ot the road, within six years after the pass age of the bill. It grants a roadway 400 feet wide, and a row of alternate sections of land to the Northern Road; and to the Southern Road ten alternate sections through New Mexico, and six in California. The Southern Road is to receive 830,000,OOO of Government Bonds, the Northern Railroad 560,000,000; the principal and interest to be paid in transporting mails, stores, troops, ammunition, &c., &c. Both roads are required to be finished within fifteen years. The Government Bonds are to be paid to the Northern Company as fol lows: From the places of starting to the 97th meridian of longitude, 812,000 per mile; thence to the 98th meridian §15,000 per mile; and for every additional meridian an increase of 83,000 per mile, until the 109th meridian is reached. From the Pacific terminus the rate is tw be $12,- 000 per mile, increasing 88,000 every mile lor meridians, until the base of the Sierra Nevada is reached, from whence it is to be increa.sed 82,000 per mile for every degree to the top of the Rocky Mountain. The provisions for the Southern Road are similar. Both roads are to be con structed in the best style, and none but Ameri can iron u.sed in them. ^4 (jreat March.—Another unprecedented mili tary march has been made by a regiment of the U. S. army. A large portion of the Seventh re giment marched from Camp Floyd, U. T. to Fort liuehanan, New Mexico, traveled 1,000 miles, and spent 140 days on the road. This is one of the most lengthy military journeys recorded. It is not generally known that the longest march of in fantry ever attempted, was successfully completod. about a year ago, by an American regiment—the gallant old Sixth—which left Fort Ijcavenworth, Kansas, ni route to Calilornia, a distance of 2,SOO miles, and was 190 days on the road, of wliich lt)2 irere actually passed marching. This march was nearly twice as long as that of “Xenophon’s Ten Thousand," and much longer than Napoleon’s perilous journey to Moscow. The Sixth suffer ed severely all the way; at Carson Valley the snow fell for three days, and at the end of that time lay on the ground eighteen inches deep. More recently several companies of a fine regi- meut passed over seventeen days without meeting water, being thus thrown on the scanty supply of their wallets. Starkie on lividei»€e, Vol. 1 I¥cw Edition, with Notes and lieferoncea, by Sharswood, Julf 10. a. J. HALJB & SOKS. 1*^. I¥ew A^ork Ledg^er lor Jan. HARPER’S WEEKLV for Jan’y iith. Jan’y 3. E. J. HALE & SONS. Yol. 8th Bancroft’s United l^tates Julj 10. S. J. HALE & SON. The Pnsident's New Year's Rece^Hion.—The Star of the 1st inst. says: The reception at the Executive mansion to-day was a rather meagre one, compared with some former ones. At eleven o’clock the representa tives of the principal foreign Governments attend ed in full official costumes as also the Army and Navy officers resident and temporarily here, and the J udges of the Supreme Court and Court of Claims, paying their respects to the President ot the United States. At twelve o’clock M. the doors were thrown open to the public, but, as already stated, the rush was not so great as on some previous Now Year’s receptions, a fact due not a little, we pre sume, to the awful condition of the “slush-cover ed” streets. The only noticeable feature of the occasion was the fact that both secession and Union cockades were visible upon the persons of not a tew present, females as well as males, and that in more than one instance the wearers of such badges evinced the tact that they were en dowed with more partisan bitterness than good manners,-the latter being what they should have manifested, rather than the former, on such an occasion at least. They, however, refused to manifest the latter, to the extent of declining the President’s hand, and sweeping by him with au effort at a display of lofty disdain which caused a suppressed titter ou the part of all well-bred per sons who witnessed the ill-bred airs they thus manifested. We regret to have to add that some women, as well as men, were guilty of participation in this breach of the privileges of the Executive :Ma*n- sioti on New Year’s tlay, accorded to all on the theory that on this day at least all who go *there will at least respect themselves, if not the authori ties of their country at other times. ^ Horrible Suerifire of T/if:.—At Lagos, west coast of Africa, Nov. Sth, it was stat^ul that the King of I>ahotney was continuing his wliolesaie sacrifices of human life. The number aFready murdered at this one ceremony is 1,700, and many more await a similar fate, the king consider ing that sufficient honor is not done to the me mory of his late lather until he has sacrificed 2,- oUO. He Kad detained ten Knropean traders at Abomey to witness these shocking cereniMnies. five llu wired Slanea Tjnnded at ('uh'i.—The I steamer Kamack from Na.s.sau reports t!;ut the j ship America, Capt. Brown, was wiockeil on Key liobos on the 8th in.st., witli live luuidred slaves. The schooner Lilly landed tlie slave.-> on the Key. Capt. Brown, finally po .SSl'SSf 1 himself of the Lil ly, compelling her captain to carry himself and three of the crew to Xuevitas, where a Spani.sh brig was procured, and took all the slaves to Cu ba. A light house schooner with troops wa.s sent to the wreck after the slaves had been remov'cd. Commodore !^kahricU’$ Visit to Ctuirlestim.— j The \V ashington Star says that Commodore Shu- I brick’s current visit to Charleston is doubtless to ' reclaim, in the name of the Government, the reve nue cutter brig recently stolen by Coste, late her I commander, and delivered over to the Chiefs of the secession movement. The Commodore is a I native of South Carolina, but true to hLa allegi- anoe to bis country. ft